Dear Editor-in-Chief: {IF_CO_AUTHORS}I would like to bring to your consideration the manuscript entitled {MANUSCRIPT_TITLE} in order to be appreciated by the Editorial Board of {JOURNAL_NAME}. This manuscript presents a methodology based on {METHOD} to {PURPOSE}. The current approach distinguishes from others in the following innovative points: - {POINT_1} - {POINT_2} - {POINT_3} - {POINT_4} We find that the subject is suitable to {JOURNAL_NAME} since it shows a modern and state-of-the-art application of {SUBJECT}. {IF_CONTINUED} The manuscript is valuable for people working at the {RESEARCH_LINE} as well as for scholars who apply {SUBJECT} to {RESEARCH_AREA}. Once published in your journal, it will bring attention to the expert community. Please, do not hesitate in contacting me if you need any further information. Yours faithfully, {CORRESPONDING_AUTHOR_NAME} ---- Variables ---- IF_CO_AUTHORS: On behalf of the co-authors, IF_CONTINUED: Moreover, we stress that the underlying background of this manuscript comes from recent papers published in renowned journals, such as doi:{DOI_1} at {JOURNAL_NAME_1}; doi:{DOI_2} at {JOURNAL_NAME_2}, and {DOI_3} at {JOURNAL_NAME_3}. # Template by Dr. Gustavo Oliveira