#! /usr/bin/python3 from __future__ import print_function __copyright__ = "(C) 2016-2018 Guido U. Draheim, licensed under the EUPL" __version__ = "1.4.2372" import logging logg = logging.getLogger("systemctl") import re import fnmatch import shlex import collections import errno import os import sys import subprocess import signal import time import socket import tempfile import datetime import fcntl if sys.version[0] == '2': string_types = basestring BlockingIOError = IOError else: string_types = str xrange = range COVERAGE = os.environ.get("SYSTEMCTL_COVERAGE", "") DEBUG_AFTER = os.environ.get("SYSTEMCTL_DEBUG_AFTER", "") or False EXIT_WHEN_NO_MORE_PROCS = os.environ.get("SYSTEMCTL_EXIT_WHEN_NO_MORE_PROCS", "") or False EXIT_WHEN_NO_MORE_SERVICES = os.environ.get("SYSTEMCTL_EXIT_WHEN_NO_MORE_SERVICES", "") or False # defaults for options _extra_vars = [] _force = False _full = False _now = False _no_legend = False _no_ask_password = False _preset_mode = "all" _quiet = False _root = "" _unit_type = None _unit_property = None _show_all = False _user_mode = False # common default paths _default_target = "multi-user.target" _system_folder1 = "/etc/systemd/system" _system_folder2 = "/var/run/systemd/system" _system_folder3 = "/usr/lib/systemd/system" _system_folder4 = "/lib/systemd/system" _system_folder9 = None _user_folder1 = "~/.config/systemd/user" _user_folder2 = "/etc/systemd/user" _user_folder3 = "~.local/share/systemd/user" _user_folder4 = "/usr/lib/systemd/user" _user_folder9 = None _init_folder1 = "/etc/init.d" _init_folder2 = "/var/run/init.d" _init_folder9 = None _preset_folder1 = "/etc/systemd/system-preset" _preset_folder2 = "/var/run/systemd/system-preset" _preset_folder3 = "/usr/lib/systemd/system-preset" _preset_folder4 = "/lib/systemd/system-preset" _preset_folder9 = None MinimumYield = 0.5 MinimumTimeoutStartSec = 4 MinimumTimeoutStopSec = 4 DefaultTimeoutStartSec = int(os.environ.get("SYSTEMCTL_TIMEOUT_START_SEC", 90)) # official value DefaultTimeoutStopSec = int(os.environ.get("SYSTEMCTL_TIMEOUT_STOP_SEC", 90)) # official value DefaultMaximumTimeout = int(os.environ.get("SYSTEMCTL_MAXIMUM_TIMEOUT", 200)) # overrides all other InitLoopSleep = int(os.environ.get("SYSTEMCTL_INITLOOP", 5)) ProcMaxDepth = 100 MaxLockWait = None # equals DefaultMaximumTimeout # The systemd default is NOTIFY_SOCKET="/var/run/systemd/notify" _notify_socket_folder = "/var/run/systemd" # alias /run/systemd _pid_file_folder = "/var/run" _journal_log_folder = "/var/log/journal" _systemctl_debug_log = "/var/log/systemctl.debug.log" _systemctl_extra_log = "/var/log/systemctl.log" _default_targets = [ "poweroff.target", "rescue.target", "sysinit.target", "basic.target", "multi-user.target", "graphical.target", "reboot.target" ] _feature_targets = [ "network.target", "remote-fs.target", "local-fs.target", "timers.target", "nfs-client.target" ] _all_common_targets = [ "default.target" ] + _default_targets + _feature_targets # inside a docker we pretend the following _all_common_enabled = [ "default.target", "multi-user.target", "remote-fs.target" ] _all_common_disabled = [ "graphical.target", "resue.target", "nfs-client.target" ] _runlevel_mappings = {} # the official list _runlevel_mappings["0"] = "poweroff.target" _runlevel_mappings["1"] = "rescue.target" _runlevel_mappings["2"] = "multi-user.target" _runlevel_mappings["3"] = "multi-user.target" _runlevel_mappings["4"] = "multi-user.target" _runlevel_mappings["5"] = "graphical.target" _runlevel_mappings["6"] = "reboot.target" _sysv_mappings = {} # by rule of thumb _sysv_mappings["$network"] = "network.target" _sysv_mappings["$remote_fs"] = "remote-fs.target" _sysv_mappings["$local_fs"] = "local-fs.target" _sysv_mappings["$timer"] = "timers.target" def shell_cmd(cmd): return " ".join(["'%s'" % part for part in cmd]) def to_int(value, default = 0): try: return int(value) except: return default def to_list(value): if isinstance(value, string_types): return [ value ] return value def to_bool(value): if isinstance(value, string_types): if value.strip().lower() in [ "true", "yes", "y"]: return True return False return value def unit_of(module): if "." not in module: return module + ".service" return module def os_path(root, path): if not root: return path if not path: return path while path.startswith(os.path.sep): path = path[1:] return os.path.join(root, path) def os_getlogin(): """ NOT using os.getlogin() """ import pwd return pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid()).pw_name def get_runtime_dir(): explicit = os.environ.get("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR", "") if explicit: return explicit user = os_getlogin() return "/tmp/run-"+user def get_home(): explicit = os.environ.get("HOME", "") if explicit: return explicit return os.path.expanduser("~") def _var(path): """ assumes that the path starts with /var - and when in --user mode it is moved to /run/user/1001/run/ or as a fallback path to /tmp/run-{user}/ so that you may find /var/log in /tmp/run-{user}/log ..""" if not _user_mode: return path if path.startswith("/var"): runtime = get_runtime_dir() # $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR if not os.path.isdir(runtime): os.makedirs(runtime) os.chmod(runtime, 0o700) return re.sub("^(/var)?", get_runtime_dir(), path) return path def shutil_setuid(user = None, group = None): """ set fork-child uid/gid """ if group: import grp gid = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid os.setgid(gid) logg.debug("setgid %s '%s'", gid, group) if user: import pwd if not group: gid = pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_gid os.setgid(gid) logg.debug("setgid %s", gid) uid = pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_uid os.setuid(uid) logg.debug("setuid %s '%s'", uid, user) def shutil_truncate(filename): """ truncates the file (or creates a new empty file)""" filedir = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.isdir(filedir): os.makedirs(filedir) f = open(filename, "w") f.write("") f.close() # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/568271/how-to-check-if-there-exists-a-process-with-a-given-pid def pid_exists(pid): """Check whether pid exists in the current process table.""" if pid is None: return False return _pid_exists(int(pid)) def _pid_exists(pid): """Check whether pid exists in the current process table. UNIX only. """ if pid < 0: return False if pid == 0: # According to "man 2 kill" PID 0 refers to every process # in the process group of the calling process. # On certain systems 0 is a valid PID but we have no way # to know that in a portable fashion. raise ValueError('invalid PID 0') try: os.kill(pid, 0) except OSError as err: if err.errno == errno.ESRCH: # ESRCH == No such process return False elif err.errno == errno.EPERM: # EPERM clearly means there's a process to deny access to return True else: # According to "man 2 kill" possible error values are # (EINVAL, EPERM, ESRCH) raise else: return True def pid_zombie(pid): """ may be a pid exists but it is only a zombie """ if pid is None: return False return _pid_zombie(int(pid)) def _pid_zombie(pid): """ may be a pid exists but it is only a zombie """ if pid < 0: return False if pid == 0: # According to "man 2 kill" PID 0 refers to every process # in the process group of the calling process. # On certain systems 0 is a valid PID but we have no way # to know that in a portable fashion. raise ValueError('invalid PID 0') check = "/proc/%s/status" % pid try: for line in open(check): if line.startswith("State:"): return "Z" in line except IOError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: logg.error("%s (%s): %s", check, e.errno, e) return False return False def checkstatus(cmd): if cmd.startswith("-"): return False, cmd[1:] else: return True, cmd # https://github.com/phusion/baseimage-docker/blob/rel-0.9.16/image/bin/my_init def ignore_signals_and_raise_keyboard_interrupt(signame): signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) raise KeyboardInterrupt(signame) class UnitConfigParser: """ A *.service files has a structure similar to an *.ini file but it is actually not like it. Settings may occur multiple times in each section and they create an implicit list. In reality all the settings are globally uniqute, so that an 'environment' can be printed without adding prefixes. Settings are continued with a backslash at the end of the line. """ def __init__(self, defaults=None, dict_type=None, allow_no_value=False): self._defaults = defaults or {} self._dict_type = dict_type or collections.OrderedDict self._allow_no_value = allow_no_value self._dict = self._dict_type() self._files = [] def defaults(self): return self._defaults def sections(self): return list(self._dict.keys()) def add_section(self, section): if section not in self._dict: self._dict[section] = self._dict_type() def has_section(self, section): return section in self._dict def has_option(self, section, option): if section not in self._dict: return False return option in self._dict[section] def set(self, section, option, value): if section not in self._dict: self._dict[section] = self._dict_type() if option not in self._dict[section]: self._dict[section][option] = [ value ] else: self._dict[section][option].append(value) if value is None: self._dict[section][option] = [] def get(self, section, option, default = None, allow_no_value = False): allow_no_value = allow_no_value or self._allow_no_value if section not in self._dict: if default is not None: return default if allow_no_value: return None logg.warning("section {} does not exist".format(section)) logg.warning(" have {}".format(self.sections())) raise AttributeError("section {} does not exist".format(section)) if option not in self._dict[section]: if default is not None: return default if allow_no_value: return None raise AttributeError("option {} in {} does not exist".format(option, section)) if not self._dict[section][option]: # i.e. an empty list if default is not None: return default if allow_no_value: return None raise AttributeError("option {} in {} is None".format(option, section)) return self._dict[section][option][0] # the first line in the list of configs def getlist(self, section, option, default = None, allow_no_value = False): allow_no_value = allow_no_value or self._allow_no_value if section not in self._dict: if default is not None: return default if allow_no_value: return [] logg.warning("section {} does not exist".format(section)) logg.warning(" have {}".format(self.sections())) raise AttributeError("section {} does not exist".format(section)) if option not in self._dict[section]: if default is not None: return default if allow_no_value: return [] raise AttributeError("option {} in {} does not exist".format(option, section)) return self._dict[section][option] # returns a list, possibly empty def read(self, filename): return self.read_sysd(filename) def read_sysd(self, filename): initscript = False initinfo = False section = None nextline = False name, text = "", "" if os.path.isfile(filename): self._files.append(filename) for orig_line in open(filename): if nextline: text += orig_line if text.rstrip().endswith("\\") or text.rstrip().endswith("\\\n"): text = text.rstrip() + "\n" else: self.set(section, name, text) nextline = False continue line = orig_line.strip() if not line: continue if line.startswith("#"): continue if line.startswith(";"): continue if line.startswith("["): x = line.find("]") if x > 0: section = line[1:x] self.add_section(section) continue m = re.match(r"(\w+) *=(.*)", line) if not m: logg.warning("bad ini line: %s", line) raise Exception("bad ini line") name, text = m.group(1), m.group(2).strip() if text.endswith("\\") or text.endswith("\\\n"): nextline = True text = text + "\n" else: self.set(section, name, text) def read_sysv(self, filename): """ an LSB header is scanned and converted to (almost) equivalent settings of a SystemD ini-style input """ initscript = False initinfo = False section = None if os.path.isfile(filename): self._files.append(filename) for orig_line in open(filename): line = orig_line.strip() if line.startswith("#"): if " BEGIN INIT INFO" in line: initinfo = True section = "init.d" if " END INIT INFO" in line: initinfo = False if initinfo: m = re.match(r"^\S+\s*(\w[\w_-]*):(.*)", line) if m: self.set(section, m.group(1), m.group(2).strip()) continue description = self.get("init.d", "Description", "") self.set("Unit", "Description", description) check = self.get("init.d", "Required-Start","") for item in check.split(" "): if item.strip() in _sysv_mappings: self.set("Unit", "Requires", _sysv_mappings[item.strip()]) provides = self.get("init.d", "Provides", "") if provides: self.set("Install", "Alias", provides) # if already in multi-user.target then start it there. runlevels = self.get("init.d", "Default-Start","") for item in runlevels.split(" "): if item.strip() in _runlevel_mappings: self.set("Install", "WantedBy", _runlevel_mappings[item.strip()]) self.set("Service", "Type", "sysv") def filenames(self): return self._files # UnitParser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser UnitParser = UnitConfigParser class UnitConf: def __init__(self, data, module = None): self.data = data # UnitParser self.env = {} self.status = None self.masked = None self.module = module def loaded(self): files = self.data.filenames() if self.masked: return "masked" if len(files): return "loaded" return "" def filename(self): """ returns the last filename that was parsed """ files = self.data.filenames() if files: return files[0] return None def name(self): """ the unit id or defaults to the file name """ name = self.module or "" filename = self.filename() if filename: name = os.path.basename(filename) return self.data.get("Unit", "Id", name) class PresetFile: def __init__(self): self._files = [] self._lines = [] def filename(self): """ returns the last filename that was parsed """ if self._files: return self._files[-1] return None def read(self, filename): self._files.append(filename) for line in open(filename): self._lines.append(line.strip()) return self def get_preset(self, unit): for line in self._lines: m = re.match(r"(enable|disable)\s+(\S+)", line) if m: status, pattern = m.group(1), m.group(2) if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(unit, pattern): logg.debug("%s %s => %s [%s]", status, pattern, unit, self.filename()) return status return None ## with waitlock(unit): self.start() class waitlock: def __init__(self, unit): self.unit = unit # currently unused self.opened = None self.lockfolder = os_path(_root, _var(_notify_socket_folder)) try: folder = self.lockfolder if not os.path.isdir(folder): os.makedirs(folder) except Exception as e: logg.warning("oops, %s", e) def __enter__(self): try: lockfile = os.path.join(self.lockfolder, str(self.unit or "global") + ".lock") lockname = os.path.basename(lockfile) self.opened = os.open(lockfile, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT, 0o600) for attempt in xrange(int(MaxLockWait or DefaultMaximumTimeout)): try: logg.debug("[%s] %s. trying %s _______ ", os.getpid(), attempt, lockname) fcntl.flock(self.opened, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) st = os.fstat(self.opened) if not st.st_nlink: logg.debug("[%s] %s. %s got deleted, trying again", os.getpid(), attempt, lockname) os.close(self.opened) self.opened = os.open(lockfile, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT, 0o600) continue content = "{ 'systemctl': %s, 'unit': '%s' }\n" % (os.getpid(), self.unit) os.write(self.opened, content.encode("utf-8")) logg.debug("[%s] %s. holding lock on %s", os.getpid(), attempt, lockname) return True except BlockingIOError as e: whom = os.read(self.opened, 4096) os.lseek(self.opened, 0, os.SEEK_SET) logg.info("[%s] %s. systemctl locked by %s", os.getpid(), attempt, whom.rstrip()) time.sleep(1) # until MaxLockWait continue logg.error("[%s] not able to get the lock to %s", os.getpid(), lockname) except Exception as e: logg.warning("[%s] oops %s, %s", os.getpid(), str(type(e)), e) #TODO# raise Exception("no lock for %s", self.unit or "global") return False def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): try: os.lseek(self.opened, 0, os.SEEK_SET) os.ftruncate(self.opened, 0) if "removelockfile" in COVERAGE: # actually an optional implementation lockfile = os.path.join(self.lockfolder, str(self.unit or "global") + ".lock") lockname = os.path.basename(lockfile) os.unlink(lockfile) # ino is kept allocated because opened by this process logg.debug("[%s] lockfile removed for %s", os.getpid(), lockname) fcntl.flock(self.opened, fcntl.LOCK_UN) os.close(self.opened) # implies an unlock but that has happend like 6 seconds later self.opened = None except Exception as e: logg.warning("oops, %s", e) def must_have_failed(waitpid, cmd): # found to be needed on ubuntu:16.04 to match test result from ubuntu:18.04 and other distros # .... I have tracked it down that python's os.waitpid() returns an exitcode==0 even when the # .... underlying process has actually failed with an exitcode<>0. It is unknown where that # .... bug comes from but it seems a bit serious to trash some very basic unix functionality. # .... Essentially a parent process does not get the correct exitcode from its own children. if cmd and cmd[0] == "/bin/kill": pid = None for arg in cmd[1:]: if not arg.startswith("-"): pid = arg if pid is None: # unknown $MAINPID if not waitpid.returncode: logg.error("waitpid %s did return %s => correcting as 11", cmd, waitpid.returncode) waitpidNEW = collections.namedtuple("waitpidNEW", ["pid", "returncode", "signal" ]) waitpid = waitpidNEW(waitpid.pid, 11, waitpid.signal) return waitpid def subprocess_waitpid(pid): waitpid = collections.namedtuple("waitpid", ["pid", "returncode", "signal" ]) run_pid, run_stat = os.waitpid(pid, 0) return waitpid(run_pid, os.WEXITSTATUS(run_stat), os.WTERMSIG(run_stat)) def subprocess_testpid(pid): testpid = collections.namedtuple("testpid", ["pid", "returncode", "signal" ]) run_pid, run_stat = os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG) if run_pid: return testpid(run_pid, os.WEXITSTATUS(run_stat), os.WTERMSIG(run_stat)) else: return testpid(pid, None, 0) def parse_unit(name): # -> object(prefix, instance, suffix, ...., name, component) unit_name, suffix = name, "" has_suffix = name.rfind(".") if has_suffix > 0: unit_name = name[:has_suffix] suffix = name[has_suffix+1:] prefix, instance = unit_name, "" has_instance = unit_name.find("@") if has_instance > 0: prefix = unit_name[:has_instance] instance = unit_name[has_instance+1:] component = "" has_component = prefix.rfind("-") if has_component > 0: component = prefix[has_component+1:] UnitName = collections.namedtuple("UnitName", ["name", "prefix", "instance", "suffix", "component" ]) return UnitName(name, prefix, instance, suffix, component) def time_to_seconds(text, maximum = None): if maximum is None: maximum = DefaultMaximumTimeout value = 0 for part in str(text).split(" "): item = part.strip() if item == "infinity": return maximum if item.endswith("m"): try: value += 60 * int(item[:-1]) except: pass # pragma: no cover if item.endswith("min"): try: value += 60 * int(item[:-3]) except: pass # pragma: no cover elif item.endswith("ms"): try: value += int(item[:-2]) / 1000. except: pass # pragma: no cover elif item.endswith("s"): try: value += int(item[:-1]) except: pass # pragma: no cover elif item: try: value += int(item) except: pass # pragma: no cover if value > maximum: return maximum if not value: return 1 return value def seconds_to_time(seconds): seconds = float(seconds) mins = int(int(seconds) / 60) secs = int(int(seconds) - (mins * 60)) msecs = int(int(seconds * 1000) - (secs * 1000 + mins * 60000)) if mins and secs and msecs: return "%smin %ss %sms" % (mins, secs, msecs) elif mins and secs: return "%smin %ss" % (mins, secs) elif secs and msecs: return "%ss %sms" % (secs, msecs) elif mins and msecs: return "%smin %sms" % (mins, msecs) elif mins: return "%smin" % (mins) else: return "%ss" % (secs) def getBefore(conf): result = [] beforelist = conf.data.getlist("Unit", "Before", []) for befores in beforelist: for before in befores.split(" "): name = before.strip() if name and name not in result: result.append(name) return result def getAfter(conf): result = [] afterlist = conf.data.getlist("Unit", "After", []) for afters in afterlist: for after in afters.split(" "): name = after.strip() if name and name not in result: result.append(name) return result def compareAfter(confA, confB): idA = confA.name() idB = confB.name() for after in getAfter(confA): if after == idB: logg.debug("%s After %s", idA, idB) return -1 for after in getAfter(confB): if after == idA: logg.debug("%s After %s", idB, idA) return 1 for before in getBefore(confA): if before == idB: logg.debug("%s Before %s", idA, idB) return 1 for before in getBefore(confB): if before == idA: logg.debug("%s Before %s", idB, idA) return -1 return 0 def sortedAfter(conflist, cmp = compareAfter): # the normal sorted() does only look at two items # so if "A after C" and a list [A, B, C] then # it will see "A = B" and "B = C" assuming that # "A = C" and the list is already sorted. # # To make a totalsorted we have to create a marker # that informs sorted() that also B has a relation. # It only works when 'after' has a direction, so # anything without 'before' is a 'after'. In that # case we find that "B after C". class SortTuple: def __init__(self, rank, conf): self.rank = rank self.conf = conf sortlist = [ SortTuple(0, conf) for conf in conflist] for check in xrange(len(sortlist)): # maxrank = len(sortlist) changed = 0 for A in xrange(len(sortlist)): for B in xrange(len(sortlist)): if A != B: itemA = sortlist[A] itemB = sortlist[B] before = compareAfter(itemA.conf, itemB.conf) if before > 0 and itemA.rank <= itemB.rank: if DEBUG_AFTER: # pragma: no cover logg.info(" %-30s before %s", itemA.conf.name(), itemB.conf.name()) itemA.rank = itemB.rank + 1 changed += 1 if before < 0 and itemB.rank <= itemA.rank: if DEBUG_AFTER: # pragma: no cover logg.info(" %-30s before %s", itemB.conf.name(), itemA.conf.name()) itemB.rank = itemA.rank + 1 changed += 1 if not changed: if DEBUG_AFTER: # pragma: no cover logg.info("done in check %s of %s", check, len(sortlist)) break # because Requires is almost always the same as the After clauses # we are mostly done in round 1 as the list is in required order for conf in conflist: if DEBUG_AFTER: # pragma: no cover logg.debug(".. %s", conf.name()) for item in sortlist: if DEBUG_AFTER: # pragma: no cover logg.info("(%s) %s", item.rank, item.conf.name()) sortedlist = sorted(sortlist, key = lambda item: -item.rank) for item in sortedlist: if DEBUG_AFTER: # pragma: no cover logg.info("[%s] %s", item.rank, item.conf.name()) return [ item.conf for item in sortedlist ] class Systemctl: def __init__(self): # from command line options or the defaults self._extra_vars = _extra_vars self._force = _force self._full = _full self._init = _init self._no_ask_password = _no_ask_password self._no_legend = _no_legend self._now = _now self._preset_mode = _preset_mode self._quiet = _quiet self._root = _root self._show_all = _show_all self._unit_property = _unit_property self._unit_type = _unit_type # some common constants that may be changed self._pid_file_folder = _pid_file_folder self._journal_log_folder = _journal_log_folder # and the actual internal runtime state self._loaded_file_sysv = {} # /etc/init.d/name => config data self._loaded_file_sysd = {} # /etc/systemd/system/name.service => config data self._file_for_unit_sysv = None # name.service => /etc/init.d/name self._file_for_unit_sysd = None # name.service => /etc/systemd/system/name.service self._preset_file_list = None # /etc/systemd/system-preset/* => file content self._default_target = _default_target self.exit_when_no_more_procs = EXIT_WHEN_NO_MORE_PROCS or False self.exit_when_no_more_services = EXIT_WHEN_NO_MORE_SERVICES or False self._user_mode = _user_mode self._user_getlogin = os_getlogin() self._log_file = {} # init-loop self._log_hold = {} # init-loop def user_folder(self): for folder in self.user_folders(): if folder: return folder raise Exception("did not find any systemd/user folder") def system_folder(self): for folder in self.system_folders(): if folder: return folder raise Exception("did not find any systemd/system folder") def sysd_folders(self): """ if --user then these folders are preferred """ if self.user_mode(): for folder in self.user_folders(): yield folder if True: for folder in self.system_folders(): yield folder def user_folders(self): if _user_folder1: yield os.path.expanduser(_user_folder1) if _user_folder2: yield os.path.expanduser(_user_folder2) if _user_folder3: yield os.path.expanduser(_user_folder3) if _user_folder4: yield os.path.expanduser(_user_folder4) if _user_folder9: yield os.path.expanduser(_user_folder9) def system_folders(self): if _system_folder1: yield _system_folder1 if _system_folder2: yield _system_folder2 if _system_folder3: yield _system_folder3 if _system_folder4: yield _system_folder4 if _system_folder9: yield _system_folder9 def init_folders(self): if _init_folder1: yield _init_folder1 if _init_folder2: yield _init_folder2 if _init_folder9: yield _init_folder9 def preset_folders(self): if _preset_folder1: yield _preset_folder1 if _preset_folder2: yield _preset_folder2 if _preset_folder3: yield _preset_folder3 if _preset_folder4: yield _preset_folder4 if _preset_folder9: yield _preset_folder9 def unit_file(self, module = None): # -> filename? """ file path for the given module (sysv or systemd) """ path = self.unit_sysd_file(module) if path is not None: return path path = self.unit_sysv_file(module) if path is not None: return path return None def scan_unit_sysd_files(self, module = None): # -> [ unit-names,... ] """ reads all unit files, returns the first filename for the unit given """ if self._file_for_unit_sysd is None: self._file_for_unit_sysd = {} for folder in self.sysd_folders(): if not folder: continue if self._root: folder = os_path(self._root, folder) if not os.path.isdir(folder): continue for name in os.listdir(folder): path = os.path.join(folder, name) if os.path.isdir(path): continue service_name = name if service_name not in self._file_for_unit_sysd: self._file_for_unit_sysd[service_name] = path logg.debug("found %s sysd files", len(self._file_for_unit_sysd)) return list(self._file_for_unit_sysd.keys()) def unit_sysd_file(self, module = None): # -> filename? """ file path for the given module (systemd) """ self.scan_unit_sysd_files() if module and module in self._file_for_unit_sysd: return self._file_for_unit_sysd[module] if module and unit_of(module) in self._file_for_unit_sysd: return self._file_for_unit_sysd[unit_of(module)] return None def scan_unit_sysv_files(self, module = None): # -> [ unit-names,... ] """ reads all init.d files, returns the first filename when unit is a '.service' """ if self._file_for_unit_sysv is None: self._file_for_unit_sysv = {} for folder in self.init_folders(): if not folder: continue if self._root: folder = os_path(self._root, folder) if not os.path.isdir(folder): continue for name in os.listdir(folder): path = os.path.join(folder, name) if os.path.isdir(path): continue service_name = name + ".service" # simulate systemd if service_name not in self._file_for_unit_sysv: self._file_for_unit_sysv[service_name] = path logg.debug("found %s sysv files", len(self._file_for_unit_sysv)) return list(self._file_for_unit_sysv.keys()) def unit_sysv_file(self, module = None): # -> filename? """ file path for the given module (sysv) """ self.scan_unit_sysv_files() if module and module in self._file_for_unit_sysv: return self._file_for_unit_sysv[module] if module and unit_of(module) in self._file_for_unit_sysv: return self._file_for_unit_sysv[unit_of(module)] return None def is_sysv_file(self, filename): """ for routines that have a special treatment for init.d services """ self.unit_file() # scan all if not filename: return None if filename in self._file_for_unit_sysd.values(): return False if filename in self._file_for_unit_sysv.values(): return True return None # not True def user(self): return self._user_getlogin def user_mode(self): return self._user_mode def is_user_conf(self, conf): if not conf: return False # no such conf >> ignored filename = conf.filename() if filename and "/user/" in filename: return True return False def not_user_conf(self, conf): """ conf can not be started as user service (when --user)""" if not conf: return True # no such conf >> ignored if not self.user_mode(): logg.debug("%s no --user mode >> accept", conf.filename()) return False if self.is_user_conf(conf): logg.debug("%s is /user/ conf >> accept", conf.filename()) return False # to allow for 'docker run -u user' with system services user = conf.data.get("Service", "User", "") if user and user == self.user(): logg.debug("%s with User=%s >> accept", conf.filename(), user) return False return True def load_unit_conf(self, module): # -> conf | None(not-found) """ read the unit file with a UnitParser (sysv or systemd) """ try: data = self.load_sysd_unit_conf(module) if data is not None: return data data = self.load_sysv_unit_conf(module) if data is not None: return data except Exception as e: logg.warning("%s not loaded: %s", module, e) return None def load_sysd_unit_conf(self, module): # -> conf? """ read the unit file with a UnitParser (systemd) """ path = self.unit_sysd_file(module) if not path: return None if path in self._loaded_file_sysd: return self._loaded_file_sysd[path] masked = None if os.path.islink(path) and os.readlink(path).startswith("/dev"): masked = os.readlink(path) unit = UnitParser() if not masked: unit.read_sysd(path) override_d = path + ".d" if os.path.isdir(override_d): for name in os.listdir(override_d): path = os.path.join(override_d, name) if os.path.isdir(path): continue if name.endswith(".conf"): unit.read_sysd(path) conf = UnitConf(unit, module) conf.masked = masked self._loaded_file_sysd[path] = conf return conf def load_sysv_unit_conf(self, module): # -> conf? """ read the unit file with a UnitParser (sysv) """ path = self.unit_sysv_file(module) if not path: return None if path in self._loaded_file_sysv: return self._loaded_file_sysv[path] unit = UnitParser() unit.read_sysv(path) conf = UnitConf(unit, module) self._loaded_file_sysv[path] = conf return conf def default_unit_conf(self, module): # -> conf """ a unit conf that can be printed to the user where attributes are empty and loaded() is False """ data = UnitParser() data.set("Unit","Id", module) data.set("Unit", "Names", module) data.set("Unit", "Description", "NOT-FOUND "+module) # assert(not data.loaded()) return UnitConf(data, module) def get_unit_conf(self, module): # -> conf (conf | default-conf) """ accept that a unit does not exist and return a unit conf that says 'not-loaded' """ conf = self.load_unit_conf(module) if conf is not None: return conf return self.default_unit_conf(module) def match_units(self, modules = None, suffix=".service"): # -> [ units,.. ] """ Helper for about any command with multiple units which can actually be glob patterns on their respective unit name. It returns all modules if no modules pattern were given. Also a single string as one module pattern may be given. """ found = [] for unit in self.match_sysd_units(modules, suffix): if unit not in found: found.append(unit) for unit in self.match_sysv_units(modules, suffix): if unit not in found: found.append(unit) return found def match_sysd_units(self, modules = None, suffix=".service"): # -> generate[ unit ] """ make a file glob on all known units (systemd areas). It returns all modules if no modules pattern were given. Also a single string as one module pattern may be given. """ modules = to_list(modules) self.scan_unit_sysd_files() for item in sorted(self._file_for_unit_sysd.keys()): if not modules: yield item elif [ module for module in modules if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(item, module) ]: yield item elif [ module for module in modules if module+suffix == item ]: yield item def match_sysv_units(self, modules = None, suffix=".service"): # -> generate[ unit ] """ make a file glob on all known units (sysv areas). It returns all modules if no modules pattern were given. Also a single string as one module pattern may be given. """ modules = to_list(modules) self.scan_unit_sysv_files() for item in sorted(self._file_for_unit_sysv.keys()): if not modules: yield item elif [ module for module in modules if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(item, module) ]: yield item elif [ module for module in modules if module+suffix == item ]: yield item def list_service_unit_basics(self): """ show all the basic loading state of services """ filename = self.unit_file() # scan all result = [] for name, value in self._file_for_unit_sysd.items(): result += [ (name, "SysD", value) ] for name, value in self._file_for_unit_sysv.items(): result += [ (name, "SysV", value) ] return result def list_service_units(self, *modules): # -> [ (unit,loaded+active+substate,description) ] """ show all the service units """ result = {} active = {} substate = {} description = {} for unit in self.match_units(modules): result[unit] = "not-found" active[unit] = "inactive" substate[unit] = "dead" description[unit] = "" try: conf = self.get_unit_conf(unit) result[unit] = "loaded" description[unit] = self.get_description_from(conf) active[unit] = self.get_active_from(conf) substate[unit] = self.get_substate_from(conf) except Exception as e: logg.warning("list-units: %s", e) return [ (unit, result[unit] + " " + active[unit] + " " + substate[unit], description[unit]) for unit in sorted(result) ] def show_list_units(self, *modules): # -> [ (unit,loaded,description) ] """ [PATTERN]... -- List loaded units. If one or more PATTERNs are specified, only units matching one of them are shown. NOTE: This is the default command.""" hint = "To show all installed unit files use 'systemctl list-unit-files'." result = self.list_service_units(*modules) if self._no_legend: return result found = "%s loaded units listed." % len(result) return result + [ "", found, hint ] def list_service_unit_files(self, *modules): # -> [ (unit,enabled) ] """ show all the service units and the enabled status""" logg.debug("list service unit files for %s", modules) result = {} enabled = {} for unit in self.match_units(modules): result[unit] = None enabled[unit] = "" try: conf = self.get_unit_conf(unit) if self.not_user_conf(conf): result[unit] = None continue result[unit] = conf enabled[unit] = self.enabled_from(conf) except Exception as e: logg.warning("list-units: %s", e) return [ (unit, enabled[unit]) for unit in sorted(result) if result[unit] ] def each_target_file(self): folders = self.system_folders() if self.user_mode(): folders = self.user_folders() for folder in folders: if not os.path.isdir(folder): continue for filename in os.listdir(folder): if filename.endswith(".target"): yield (filename, os.path.join(folder, filename)) def list_target_unit_files(self, *modules): # -> [ (unit,enabled) ] """ show all the target units and the enabled status""" enabled = {} targets = {} for target, filepath in self.each_target_file(): logg.info("target %s", filepath) targets[target] = filepath enabled[target] = "static" for unit in _all_common_targets: targets[unit] = None enabled[unit] = "static" if unit in _all_common_enabled: enabled[unit] = "enabled" if unit in _all_common_disabled: enabled[unit] = "disabled" return [ (unit, enabled[unit]) for unit in sorted(targets) ] def show_list_unit_files(self, *modules): # -> [ (unit,enabled) ] """[PATTERN]... -- List installed unit files List installed unit files and their enablement state (as reported by is-enabled). If one or more PATTERNs are specified, only units whose filename (just the last component of the path) matches one of them are shown. This command reacts to limitations of --type being --type=service or --type=target (and --now for some basics).""" if self._now: result = self.list_service_unit_basics() elif self._unit_type == "target": result = self.list_target_unit_files() elif self._unit_type == "service": result = self.list_service_unit_files() elif self._unit_type: logg.warning("unsupported unit --type=%s", self._unit_type) result = [] else: result = self.list_target_unit_files() result += self.list_service_unit_files(*modules) if self._no_legend: return result found = "%s unit files listed." % len(result) return [ ("UNIT FILE", "STATE") ] + result + [ "", found ] ## ## def get_description(self, unit, default = None): return self.get_description_from(self.load_unit_conf(unit)) def get_description_from(self, conf, default = None): # -> text """ Unit.Description could be empty sometimes """ if not conf: return default or "" return conf.data.get("Unit", "Description", default or "") def read_pid_file(self, pid_file, default = None): pid = default if not pid_file: return default if not os.path.isfile(pid_file): return default if self.truncate_old(pid_file): return default try: # some pid-files from applications contain multiple lines for line in open(pid_file): if line.strip(): pid = to_int(line.strip()) break except Exception as e: logg.warning("bad read of pid file '%s': %s", pid_file, e) return pid def wait_pid_file(self, pid_file, timeout = None): # -> pid? """ wait some seconds for the pid file to appear and return the pid """ timeout = int(timeout or (DefaultTimeoutStartSec/2)) timeout = max(timeout, (MinimumTimeoutStartSec)) dirpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(pid_file)) for x in xrange(timeout): if not os.path.isdir(dirpath): time.sleep(1) # until TimeoutStartSec/2 continue pid = self.read_pid_file(pid_file) if not pid: time.sleep(1) # until TimeoutStartSec/2 continue if not pid_exists(pid): time.sleep(1) # until TimeoutStartSec/2 continue return pid return None def test_pid_file(self, unit): # -> text """ support for the testsuite.py """ conf = self.get_unit_conf(unit) return self.pid_file_from(conf) or self.status_file_from(conf) def pid_file_from(self, conf, default = ""): """ get the specified pid file path (not a computed default) """ return conf.data.get("Service", "PIDFile", default) def read_mainpid_from(self, conf, default): """ MAINPID is either the PIDFile content written from the application or it is the value in the status file written by this systemctl.py code """ pid_file = self.pid_file_from(conf) if pid_file: return self.read_pid_file(pid_file, default) status = self.read_status_from(conf) return status.get("MainPID", default) def clean_pid_file_from(self, conf): pid_file = self.pid_file_from(conf) if pid_file and os.path.isfile(pid_file): try: os.remove(pid_file) except OSError as e: logg.warning("while rm %s: %s", pid_file, e) self.write_status_from(conf, MainPID=None) def get_status_file(self, unit): # for testing conf = self.get_unit_conf(unit) return self.status_file_from(conf) def status_file_from(self, conf, default = None): if default is None: default = self.default_status_file(conf) if conf is None: return default return conf.data.get("Service", "StatusFile", default) # this not a real setting. def default_status_file(self, conf): # -> text """ default file pattern where to store a status mark """ folder = _var(self._pid_file_folder) if self._root: folder = os_path(self._root, folder) name = "%s.status" % conf.name() return os.path.join(folder, name) def clean_status_from(self, conf): status_file = self.status_file_from(conf) if os.path.exists(status_file): os.remove(status_file) conf.status = {} def write_status_from(self, conf, **status): # -> bool(written) """ if a status_file is known then path is created and the give status is written as the only content. """ status_file = self.status_file_from(conf) if not status_file: logg.debug("status %s but no status_file", conf.name()) return False dirpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(status_file)) if not os.path.isdir(dirpath): os.makedirs(dirpath) if conf.status is None: conf.status = self.read_status_from(conf) if True: for key in sorted(status.keys()): value = status[key] if key.upper() == "AS": key = "ActiveState" if key.upper() == "EXIT": key = "ExecMainCode" if value is None: try: del conf.status[key] except KeyError: pass else: conf.status[key] = value try: with open(status_file, "w") as f: for key in sorted(conf.status): if key == "MainPID" and str(value) == "0": logg.warning("ignore writing MainPID=0") continue value = conf.status[key] content = "{}={}\n".format(key, str(value)) logg.debug("writing to %s\n\t%s", status_file, content.strip()) f.write(content) except IOError as e: logg.error("writing STATUS %s: %s\n\t to status file %s", status, e, status_file) return True def read_status_from(self, conf, defaults = None): status_file = self.status_file_from(conf) status = {} if hasattr(defaults, "keys"): for key in defaults.keys(): status[key] = defaults[key] elif isinstance(defaults, string_types): status["ActiveState"] = defaults if not status_file: logg.debug("no status file. returning %s", status) return status if not os.path.isfile(status_file): logg.debug("no status file: %s\n returning %s", status_file, status) return status if self.truncate_old(status_file): logg.debug("old status file: %s\n returning %s", status_file, status) return status try: logg.debug("reading %s", status_file) for line in open(status_file): if line.strip(): m = re.match(r"^(\w+)[:=](.*)", line) if m: key, value = m.group(1), m.group(2) if key.strip(): status[key.strip()] = value.strip() elif line in [ "active", "inactive", "failed"]: status["ActiveState"] = line else: logg.warning("ignored %s", line.strip()) except: logg.warning("bad read of status file '%s'", status_file) return status def get_status_from(self, conf, name, default = None): if conf.status is None: conf.status = self.read_status_from(conf) return conf.status.get(name, default) def set_status_from(self, conf, name, value): if conf.status is None: conf.status = self.read_status_from(conf) if value is None: try: del conf.status[name] except KeyError: pass else: conf.status[name] = value # def get_boottime(self): if "oldest" in COVERAGE: self.get_boottime_oldest() for pid in xrange(10): proc = "/proc/%s/status" % pid try: if os.path.exists(proc): return os.path.getmtime(proc) except Exception as e: # pragma: nocover logg.warning("could not access %s: %s", proc, e) return self.get_boottime_oldest() def get_boottime_oldest(self): # otherwise get the oldest entry in /proc booted = time.time() for name in os.listdir("/proc"): proc = "/proc/%s/status" % name try: if os.path.exists(proc): ctime = os.path.getmtime(proc) if ctime < booted: booted = ctime except Exception as e: # pragma: nocover logg.warning("could not access %s: %s", proc, e) return booted def get_filetime(self, filename): return os.path.getmtime(filename) def truncate_old(self, filename): filetime = self.get_filetime(filename) boottime = self.get_boottime() if filetime > boottime : return False # OK logg.info("truncate old %s", filename) logg.info(" file time: %s", datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(filetime)) logg.info(" boot time: %s", datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(boottime)) try: shutil_truncate(filename) except Exception as e: logg.warning("while truncating: %s", e) return True # truncated def getsize(self, filename): if not filename: return 0 if not os.path.isfile(filename): return 0 if self.truncate_old(filename): return 0 try: return os.path.getsize(filename) except Exception as e: logg.warning("while reading file size: %s\n of %s", e, filename) return 0 # def read_env_file(self, env_file): # -> generate[ (name,value) ] """ EnvironmentFile= is being scanned """ if env_file.startswith("-"): env_file = env_file[1:] if not os.path.isfile(os_path(self._root, env_file)): return try: for real_line in open(os_path(self._root, env_file)): line = real_line.strip() if not line or line.startswith("#"): continue m = re.match(r"(?:export +)?([\w_]+)[=]'([^']*)'", line) if m: yield m.group(1), m.group(2) continue m = re.match(r'(?:export +)?([\w_]+)[=]"([^"]*)"', line) if m: yield m.group(1), m.group(2) continue m = re.match(r'(?:export +)?([\w_]+)[=](.*)', line) if m: yield m.group(1), m.group(2) continue except Exception as e: logg.info("while reading %s: %s", env_file, e) def read_env_part(self, env_part): # -> generate[ (name, value) ] """ Environment== is being scanned """ ## systemd Environment= spec says it is a space-seperated list of ## assignments. In order to use a space or an equals sign in a value ## one should enclose the whole assignment with double quotes: ## Environment="VAR1=word word" VAR2=word3 "VAR3=$word 5 6" ## and the $word is not expanded by other environment variables. try: for real_line in env_part.split("\n"): line = real_line.strip() for found in re.finditer(r'\s*("[\w_]+=[^"]*"|[\w_]+=\S*)', line): part = found.group(1) if part.startswith('"'): part = part[1:-1] name, value = part.split("=", 1) yield name, value except Exception as e: logg.info("while reading %s: %s", env_part, e) def show_environment(self, unit): """ [UNIT]. -- show environment parts """ conf = self.load_unit_conf(unit) if conf is None: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit) return False return self.get_env(conf) def extra_vars(self): return self._extra_vars # from command line def get_env(self, conf): env = os.environ.copy() for env_part in conf.data.getlist("Service", "Environment", []): for name, value in self.read_env_part(env_part): env[name] = value # a '$word' is not special here for env_file in conf.data.getlist("Service", "EnvironmentFile", []): for name, value in self.read_env_file(env_file): env[name] = self.expand_env(value, env) logg.debug("extra-vars %s", self.extra_vars()) for extra in self.extra_vars(): if extra.startswith("@"): for name, value in self.read_env_file(extra[1:]): logg.info("override %s=%s", name, value) env[name] = self.expand_env(value, env) else: for name, value in self.read_env_part(extra): logg.info("override %s=%s", name, value) env[name] = value # a '$word' is not special here return env def expand_env(self, cmd, env): def get_env1(m): if m.group(1) in env: return env[m.group(1)] logg.debug("can not expand $%s", m.group(1)) return "" # empty string def get_env2(m): if m.group(1) in env: return env[m.group(1)] logg.debug("can not expand ${%s}", m.group(1)) return "" # empty string # maxdepth = 20 expanded = re.sub("[$](\w+)", lambda m: get_env1(m), cmd.replace("\\\n","")) for depth in xrange(maxdepth): new_text = re.sub("[$][{](\w+)[}]", lambda m: get_env2(m), expanded) if new_text == expanded: return expanded expanded = new_text logg.error("shell variable expansion exceeded maxdepth %s", maxdepth) return expanded def exec_cmd(self, cmd, env, conf = None): cmd1 = cmd.replace("\\\n","") # according to documentation the %n / %% need to be expanded where in # most cases they are shell-escaped values. So we do it before shlex. def sh_escape(value): return "'" + value.replace("'","\\'") + "'" def get_confs(conf): confs={ "%": "%" } if not conf: return confs unit = parse_unit(conf.name()) confs["N"] = unit.name confs["n"] = sh_escape(unit.name) confs["P"] = unit.prefix confs["p"] = sh_escape(unit.prefix) confs["I"] = unit.instance confs["i"] = sh_escape(unit.instance) confs["J"] = unit.component confs["j"] = sh_escape(unit.component) confs["f"] = sh_escape(conf.filename()) VARTMP = "/var/tmp" TMP = "/tmp" RUN = "/run" DAT = "/var/lib" LOG = "/var/log" CACHE = "/var/cache" CONFIG = "/etc" HOME = "/root" USER = "root" UID = 0 SHELL = "/bin/sh" if self.is_user_conf(conf): USER = os_getlogin() HOME = get_home() RUN = os.environ.get("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR", get_runtime_dir()) CONFIG = os.environ.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", HOME + "/.config") CACHE = os.environ.get("XDG_CACHE_HOME", HOME + "/.cache") SHARE = os.environ.get("XDG_DATA_HOME", HOME + "/.local/share") DAT = CONFIG LOG = os.path.join(CONFIG, "log") SHELL = os.environ.get("SHELL", SHELL) VARTMP = os.environ.get("TMPDIR", os.environ.get("TEMP", os.environ.get("TMP", VARTMP))) TMP = os.environ.get("TMPDIR", os.environ.get("TEMP", os.environ.get("TMP", TMP))) confs["V"] = os_path(self._root, VARTMP) confs["T"] = os_path(self._root, TMP) confs["t"] = os_path(self._root, RUN) confs["S"] = os_path(self._root, DAT) confs["s"] = SHELL confs["h"] = HOME confs["u"] = USER confs["C"] = os_path(self._root, CACHE) confs["E"] = os_path(self._root, CONFIG) return confs def get_conf1(m): confs = get_confs(conf) if m.group(1) in confs: return confs[m.group(1)] logg.warning("can not expand %%%s", m.group(1)) return "''" # empty escaped string cmd2 = re.sub("[%](.)", lambda m: get_conf1(m), cmd1) # according to documentation, when bar="one two" then the expansion # of '$bar' is ["one","two"] and '${bar}' becomes ["one two"]. We # tackle that by expand $bar before shlex, and the rest thereafter. def get_env1(m): if m.group(1) in env: return env[m.group(1)] logg.debug("can not expand $%s", m.group(1)) return "" # empty string def get_env2(m): if m.group(1) in env: return env[m.group(1)] logg.debug("can not expand ${%s}", m.group(1)) return "" # empty string cmd3 = re.sub("[$](\w+)", lambda m: get_env1(m), cmd2) import shlex newcmd = [] for part in shlex.split(cmd3): newcmd += [ re.sub("[$][{](\w+)[}]", lambda m: get_env2(m), part) ] return newcmd def path_journal_log(self, conf): # never None """ /var/log/zzz.service.log or /var/log/default.unit.log """ filename = os.path.basename(conf.filename() or "") unitname = (conf.name() or "default")+".unit" name = filename or unitname log_folder = _var(self._journal_log_folder) if self._root: log_folder = os_path(self._root, log_folder) log_file = name.replace(os.path.sep,".") + ".log" if log_file.startswith("."): log_file = "dot."+log_file return os.path.join(log_folder, log_file) def open_journal_log(self, conf): log_file = self.path_journal_log(conf) log_folder = os.path.dirname(log_file) if not os.path.isdir(log_folder): os.makedirs(log_folder) return open(os.path.join(log_file), "a") def chdir_workingdir(self, conf, check = True): """ if specified then change the working directory """ # the original systemd will start in '/' even if User= is given if self._root: os.chdir(self._root) workingdir = conf.data.get("Service", "WorkingDirectory", "") if workingdir: ignore = False if workingdir.startswith("-"): workingdir = workingdir[1:] ignore = True into = os_path(self._root, workingdir) try: return os.chdir(into) except Exception as e: if not ignore: logg.error("chdir workingdir '%s': %s", into, e) if check: raise return None def notify_socket_from(self, conf, socketfile = None): """ creates a notify-socket for the (non-privileged) user """ NotifySocket = collections.namedtuple("NotifySocket", ["socket", "socketfile" ]) notify_socket_folder = _var(_notify_socket_folder) if self._root: notify_socket_folder = os_path(self._root, notify_socket_folder) notify_name = "notify." + str(conf.name() or "systemctl") notify_socket = os.path.join(notify_socket_folder, notify_name) socketfile = socketfile or notify_socket if len(socketfile) > 100: logg.debug("https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/367008/%s", "why-is-socket-path-length-limited-to-a-hundred-chars") logg.debug("old notify socketfile (%s) = %s", len(socketfile), socketfile) notify_socket_folder = re.sub("^(/var)?", get_runtime_dir(), _notify_socket_folder) notify_name = notify_name[0:min(100-len(notify_socket_folder),len(notify_name))] socketfile = os.path.join(notify_socket_folder, notify_name) # occurs during testsuite.py for ~user/test.tmp/root path logg.info("new notify socketfile (%s) = %s", len(socketfile), socketfile) try: if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(socketfile)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(socketfile)) if os.path.exists(socketfile): os.unlink(socketfile) except Exception as e: logg.warning("error %s: %s", socketfile, e) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.bind(socketfile) os.chmod(socketfile, 0o777) # the service my run under some User=setting return NotifySocket(sock, socketfile) def read_notify_socket(self, notify, timeout): notify.socket.settimeout(timeout or DefaultMaximumTimeout) result = "" try: result, client_address = notify.socket.recvfrom(4096) if result: result = result.decode("utf-8") result_txt = result.replace("\n","|") result_len = len(result) logg.debug("read_notify_socket(%s):%s", result_len, result_txt) except socket.timeout as e: if timeout > 2: logg.debug("socket.timeout %s", e) return result def wait_notify_socket(self, notify, timeout, pid = None): if not os.path.exists(notify.socketfile): logg.info("no $NOTIFY_SOCKET exists") return {} # logg.info("wait $NOTIFY_SOCKET, timeout %s", timeout) results = {} seenREADY = None for attempt in xrange(timeout+1): if pid and not self.is_active_pid(pid): logg.info("dead PID %s", pid) return results if not attempt: # first one time.sleep(1) # until TimeoutStartSec continue result = self.read_notify_socket(notify, 1) # sleep max 1 second if not result: # timeout time.sleep(1) # until TimeoutStartSec continue for name, value in self.read_env_part(result): results[name] = value if name == "READY": seenREADY = value if name in ["STATUS", "ACTIVESTATE"]: logg.debug("%s: %s", name, value) # TODO: update STATUS -> SubState if seenREADY: break if not seenREADY: logg.info(".... timeout while waiting for 'READY=1' status on $NOTIFY_SOCKET") logg.debug("notify = %s", results) try: notify.socket.close() except Exception as e: logg.debug("socket.close %s", e) return results def start_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT]... -- start these units /// SPECIAL: with --now or --init it will run the init-loop and stop the units afterwards """ found_all = True units = [] for module in modules: matched = self.match_units([ module ]) if not matched: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) found_all = False continue for unit in matched: if unit not in units: units += [ unit ] init = self._now or self._init return self.start_units(units, init) and found_all def start_units(self, units, init = None): """ fails if any unit does not start /// SPECIAL: may run the init-loop and stop the named units afterwards """ done = True started_units = [] for unit in self.sortedAfter(units): started_units.append(unit) if not self.start_unit(unit): done = False if init: logg.info("init-loop start") sig = self.init_loop_until_stop(started_units) logg.info("init-loop %s", sig) for unit in reversed(started_units): self.stop_unit(unit) return done def start_unit(self, unit): conf = self.load_unit_conf(unit) if conf is None: logg.debug("unit could not be loaded (%s)", unit) logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit) return False if self.not_user_conf(conf): logg.error("Unit %s not for --user mode", unit) return False with waitlock(unit): logg.debug(" start unit %s => %s", unit, conf.filename()) return self.start_unit_from(conf) def get_TimeoutStartSec(self, conf): timeout = conf.data.get("Service", "TimeoutSec", DefaultTimeoutStartSec) timeout = conf.data.get("Service", "TimeoutStartSec", timeout) return time_to_seconds(timeout, DefaultMaximumTimeout) def start_unit_from(self, conf): if not conf: return if self.syntax_check(conf) > 100: return False timeout = self.get_TimeoutStartSec(conf) doRemainAfterExit = to_bool(conf.data.get("Service", "RemainAfterExit", "no")) runs = conf.data.get("Service", "Type", "simple").lower() env = self.get_env(conf) self.exec_check_service(conf, env, "Exec") # all... # for StopPost on failure: returncode = 0 service_result = "success" if True: if runs in [ "simple", "forking", "notify" ]: env["MAINPID"] = str(self.read_mainpid_from(conf, "")) for cmd in conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecStartPre", []): check, cmd = checkstatus(cmd) newcmd = self.exec_cmd(cmd, env, conf) logg.info(" pre-start %s", shell_cmd(newcmd)) forkpid = os.fork() if not forkpid: self.execve_from(conf, newcmd, env) # pragma: nocover run = subprocess_waitpid(forkpid) logg.debug(" pre-start done (%s) <-%s>", run.returncode or "OK", run.signal or "") if runs in [ "sysv" ]: status_file = self.status_file_from(conf) if True: exe = conf.filename() cmd = "'%s' start" % exe env["SYSTEMCTL_SKIP_REDIRECT"] = "yes" newcmd = self.exec_cmd(cmd, env, conf) logg.info("%s start %s", runs, shell_cmd(newcmd)) forkpid = os.fork() if not forkpid: # pragma: no cover os.setsid() # detach child process from parent self.execve_from(conf, newcmd, env) run = subprocess_waitpid(forkpid) self.set_status_from(conf, "ExecMainCode", run.returncode) logg.info("%s start done (%s) <-%s>", runs, run.returncode or "OK", run.signal or "") active = run.returncode and "failed" or "active" self.write_status_from(conf, AS=active ) return True elif runs in [ "oneshot" ]: status_file = self.status_file_from(conf) if self.get_status_from(conf, "ActiveState", "unknown") == "active": logg.warning("the service was already up once") return True for cmd in conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecStart", []): check, cmd = checkstatus(cmd) newcmd = self.exec_cmd(cmd, env, conf) logg.info("%s start %s", runs, shell_cmd(newcmd)) forkpid = os.fork() if not forkpid: # pragma: no cover os.setsid() # detach child process from parent self.execve_from(conf, newcmd, env) run = subprocess_waitpid(forkpid) if run.returncode and check: returncode = run.returncode service_result = "failed" logg.error("%s start %s (%s) <-%s>", runs, service_result, run.returncode or "OK", run.signal or "") break logg.info("%s start done (%s) <-%s>", runs, run.returncode or "OK", run.signal or "") if True: self.set_status_from(conf, "ExecMainCode", returncode) active = returncode and "failed" or "active" self.write_status_from(conf, AS=active) elif runs in [ "simple" ]: status_file = self.status_file_from(conf) pid = self.read_mainpid_from(conf, "") if self.is_active_pid(pid): logg.warning("the service is already running on PID %s", pid) return True if doRemainAfterExit: logg.debug("%s RemainAfterExit -> AS=active", runs) self.write_status_from(conf, AS="active") cmdlist = conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecStart", []) for idx, cmd in enumerate(cmdlist): logg.debug("ExecStart[%s]: %s", idx, cmd) for cmd in cmdlist: pid = self.read_mainpid_from(conf, "") env["MAINPID"] = str(pid) newcmd = self.exec_cmd(cmd, env, conf) logg.info("%s start %s", runs, shell_cmd(newcmd)) forkpid = os.fork() if not forkpid: # pragma: no cover os.setsid() # detach child process from parent self.execve_from(conf, newcmd, env) self.write_status_from(conf, MainPID=forkpid) logg.info("%s started PID %s", runs, forkpid) env["MAINPID"] = str(forkpid) time.sleep(MinimumYield) run = subprocess_testpid(forkpid) if run.returncode is not None: logg.info("%s stopped PID %s (%s) <-%s>", runs, run.pid, run.returncode or "OK", run.signal or "") if doRemainAfterExit: self.set_status_from(conf, "ExecMainCode", run.returncode) active = run.returncode and "failed" or "active" self.write_status_from(conf, AS=active) if run.returncode: service_result = "failed" break elif runs in [ "notify" ]: # "notify" is the same as "simple" but we create a $NOTIFY_SOCKET # and wait for startup completion by checking the socket messages pid = self.read_mainpid_from(conf, "") if self.is_active_pid(pid): logg.error("the service is already running on PID %s", pid) return False notify = self.notify_socket_from(conf) if notify: env["NOTIFY_SOCKET"] = notify.socketfile logg.debug("use NOTIFY_SOCKET=%s", notify.socketfile) if doRemainAfterExit: logg.debug("%s RemainAfterExit -> AS=active", runs) self.write_status_from(conf, AS="active") cmdlist = conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecStart", []) for idx, cmd in enumerate(cmdlist): logg.debug("ExecStart[%s]: %s", idx, cmd) mainpid = None for cmd in cmdlist: mainpid = self.read_mainpid_from(conf, "") env["MAINPID"] = str(mainpid) newcmd = self.exec_cmd(cmd, env, conf) logg.info("%s start %s", runs, shell_cmd(newcmd)) forkpid = os.fork() if not forkpid: # pragma: no cover os.setsid() # detach child process from parent self.execve_from(conf, newcmd, env) # via NOTIFY # self.write_status_from(conf, MainPID=forkpid) logg.info("%s started PID %s", runs, forkpid) mainpid = forkpid self.write_status_from(conf, MainPID=mainpid) env["MAINPID"] = str(mainpid) time.sleep(MinimumYield) run = subprocess_testpid(forkpid) if run.returncode is not None: logg.info("%s stopped PID %s (%s) <-%s>", runs, run.pid, run.returncode or "OK", run.signal or "") if doRemainAfterExit: self.set_status_from(conf, "ExecMainCode", run.returncode or 0) active = run.returncode and "failed" or "active" self.write_status_from(conf, AS=active) if run.returncode: service_result = "failed" break if service_result in [ "success" ] and mainpid: logg.debug("okay, wating on socket for %ss", timeout) results = self.wait_notify_socket(notify, timeout, mainpid) if "MAINPID" in results: new_pid = results["MAINPID"] if new_pid and to_int(new_pid) != mainpid: logg.info("NEW PID %s from sd_notify (was PID %s)", new_pid, mainpid) self.write_status_from(conf, MainPID=new_pid) mainpid = new_pid logg.info("%s start done %s", runs, mainpid) pid = self.read_mainpid_from(conf, "") if pid: env["MAINPID"] = str(pid) else: service_result = "timeout" # "could not start service" elif runs in [ "forking" ]: pid_file = self.pid_file_from(conf) for cmd in conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecStart", []): check, cmd = checkstatus(cmd) newcmd = self.exec_cmd(cmd, env, conf) if not newcmd: continue logg.info("%s start %s", runs, shell_cmd(newcmd)) forkpid = os.fork() if not forkpid: # pragma: no cover os.setsid() # detach child process from parent self.execve_from(conf, newcmd, env) logg.info("%s started PID %s", runs, forkpid) run = subprocess_waitpid(forkpid) if run.returncode and check: returncode = run.returncode service_result = "failed" logg.info("%s stopped PID %s (%s) <-%s>", runs, run.pid, run.returncode or "OK", run.signal or "") if pid_file and service_result in [ "success" ]: pid = self.wait_pid_file(pid_file) # application PIDFile logg.info("%s start done PID %s [%s]", runs, pid, pid_file) if pid: env["MAINPID"] = str(pid) if not pid_file: time.sleep(MinimumTimeoutStartSec) logg.warning("No PIDFile for forking %s", conf.filename()) status_file = self.status_file_from(conf) self.set_status_from(conf, "ExecMainCode", returncode) active = returncode and "failed" or "active" self.write_status_from(conf, AS=active) else: logg.error("unsupported run type '%s'", runs) return False # POST sequence active = self.is_active_from(conf) if not active: logg.warning("%s start not active", runs) # according to the systemd documentation, a failed start-sequence # should execute the ExecStopPost sequence allowing some cleanup. env["SERVICE_RESULT"] = service_result for cmd in conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecStopPost", []): check, cmd = checkstatus(cmd) newcmd = self.exec_cmd(cmd, env, conf) logg.info("post-fail %s", shell_cmd(newcmd)) forkpid = os.fork() if not forkpid: self.execve_from(conf, newcmd, env) # pragma: nocover run = subprocess_waitpid(forkpid) logg.debug("post-fail done (%s) <-%s>", run.returncode or "OK", run.signal or "") return False else: for cmd in conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecStartPost", []): check, cmd = checkstatus(cmd) newcmd = self.exec_cmd(cmd, env, conf) logg.info("post-start %s", shell_cmd(newcmd)) forkpid = os.fork() if not forkpid: self.execve_from(conf, newcmd, env) # pragma: nocover run = subprocess_waitpid(forkpid) logg.debug("post-start done (%s) <-%s>", run.returncode or "OK", run.signal or "") return True def execve_from(self, conf, cmd, env): """ this code is commonly run in a child process // returns exit-code""" runs = conf.data.get("Service", "Type", "simple").lower() logg.debug("%s process for %s", runs, conf.filename()) inp = open("/dev/zero") out = self.open_journal_log(conf) os.dup2(inp.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno()) os.dup2(out.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()) os.dup2(out.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno()) runuser = conf.data.get("Service", "User", "") rungroup = conf.data.get("Service", "Group", "") shutil_setuid(runuser, rungroup) self.chdir_workingdir(conf, check = False) try: if "spawn" in COVERAGE: os.spawnvpe(os.P_WAIT, cmd[0], cmd, env) sys.exit(0) else: # pragma: nocover os.execve(cmd[0], cmd, env) except Exception as e: logg.error("(%s): %s", shell_cmd(cmd), e) sys.exit(1) def test_start_unit(self, unit): """ helper function to test the code that is normally forked off """ conf = self.load_unit_conf(unit) env = self.get_env(conf) for cmd in conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecStart", []): newcmd = self.exec_cmd(cmd, env, conf) return self.execve_from(conf, newcmd, env) return None def stop_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT]... -- stop these units """ found_all = True units = [] for module in modules: matched = self.match_units([ module ]) if not matched: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) found_all = False continue for unit in matched: if unit not in units: units += [ unit ] return self.stop_units(units) and found_all def stop_units(self, units): """ fails if any unit fails to stop """ done = True for unit in self.sortedBefore(units): if not self.stop_unit(unit): done = False return done def stop_unit(self, unit): conf = self.load_unit_conf(unit) if conf is None: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit) return False if self.not_user_conf(conf): logg.error("Unit %s not for --user mode", unit) return False with waitlock(unit): logg.info(" stop unit %s => %s", unit, conf.filename()) return self.stop_unit_from(conf) def get_TimeoutStopSec(self, conf): timeout = conf.data.get("Service", "TimeoutSec", DefaultTimeoutStartSec) timeout = conf.data.get("Service", "TimeoutStopSec", timeout) return time_to_seconds(timeout, DefaultMaximumTimeout) def stop_unit_from(self, conf): if not conf: return if self.syntax_check(conf) > 100: return False timeout = self.get_TimeoutStopSec(conf) runs = conf.data.get("Service", "Type", "simple").lower() env = self.get_env(conf) self.exec_check_service(conf, env, "ExecStop") returncode = 0 service_result = "success" if runs in [ "sysv" ]: status_file = self.status_file_from(conf) if True: exe = conf.filename() cmd = "'%s' stop" % exe env["SYSTEMCTL_SKIP_REDIRECT"] = "yes" newcmd = self.exec_cmd(cmd, env, conf) logg.info("%s stop %s", runs, shell_cmd(newcmd)) forkpid = os.fork() if not forkpid: self.execve_from(conf, newcmd, env) # pragma: nocover run = subprocess_waitpid(forkpid) if run.returncode: self.set_status_from(conf, "ExecStopCode", run.returncode) self.write_status_from(conf, AS="failed") else: self.clean_status_from(conf) # "inactive" return True elif runs in [ "oneshot" ]: status_file = self.status_file_from(conf) if self.get_status_from(conf, "ActiveState", "unknown") == "inactive": logg.warning("the service is already down once") return True for cmd in conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecStop", []): check, cmd = checkstatus(cmd) logg.debug("{env} %s", env) newcmd = self.exec_cmd(cmd, env, conf) logg.info("%s stop %s", runs, shell_cmd(newcmd)) forkpid = os.fork() if not forkpid: self.execve_from(conf, newcmd, env) # pragma: nocover run = subprocess_waitpid(forkpid) if run.returncode and check: returncode = run.returncode service_result = "failed" break if True: if returncode: self.set_status_from(conf, "ExecStopCode", returncode) self.write_status_from(conf, AS="failed") else: self.clean_status_from(conf) # "inactive" ### fallback Stop => Kill for ["simple","notify","forking"] elif not conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecStop", []): logg.info("no ExecStop => systemctl kill") if True: self.kill_unit_from(conf) self.clean_pid_file_from(conf) self.clean_status_from(conf) # "inactive" elif runs in [ "simple", "notify" ]: status_file = self.status_file_from(conf) size = os.path.exists(status_file) and os.path.getsize(status_file) logg.info("STATUS %s %s", status_file, size) pid = 0 for cmd in conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecStop", []): check, cmd = checkstatus(cmd) env["MAINPID"] = str(self.read_mainpid_from(conf, "")) newcmd = self.exec_cmd(cmd, env, conf) logg.info("%s stop %s", runs, shell_cmd(newcmd)) forkpid = os.fork() if not forkpid: self.execve_from(conf, newcmd, env) # pragma: nocover run = subprocess_waitpid(forkpid) run = must_have_failed(run, newcmd) # TODO: a workaround # self.write_status_from(conf, MainPID=run.pid) # no ExecStop if run.returncode and check: returncode = run.returncode service_result = "failed" break pid = env.get("MAINPID",0) if pid: if self.wait_vanished_pid(pid, timeout): self.clean_pid_file_from(conf) self.clean_status_from(conf) # "inactive" else: logg.info("%s sleep as no PID was found on Stop", runs) time.sleep(MinimumTimeoutStopSec) pid = self.read_mainpid_from(conf, "") if not pid or not pid_exists(pid) or pid_zombie(pid): self.clean_pid_file_from(conf) self.clean_status_from(conf) # "inactive" elif runs in [ "forking" ]: status_file = self.status_file_from(conf) pid_file = self.pid_file_from(conf) for cmd in conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecStop", []): active = self.is_active_from(conf) if pid_file: new_pid = self.read_mainpid_from(conf, "") if new_pid: env["MAINPID"] = str(new_pid) check, cmd = checkstatus(cmd) logg.debug("{env} %s", env) newcmd = self.exec_cmd(cmd, env, conf) logg.info("fork stop %s", shell_cmd(newcmd)) forkpid = os.fork() if not forkpid: self.execve_from(conf, newcmd, env) # pragma: nocover run = subprocess_waitpid(forkpid) if run.returncode and check: returncode = run.returncode service_result = "failed" break pid = env.get("MAINPID",0) if pid: if self.wait_vanished_pid(pid, timeout): self.clean_pid_file_from(conf) else: logg.info("%s sleep as no PID was found on Stop", runs) time.sleep(MinimumTimeoutStopSec) pid = self.read_mainpid_from(conf, "") if not pid or not pid_exists(pid) or pid_zombie(pid): self.clean_pid_file_from(conf) if returncode: if os.path.isfile(status_file): self.set_status_from(conf, "ExecStopCode", returncode) self.write_status_from(conf, AS="failed") else: self.clean_status_from(conf) # "inactive" else: logg.error("unsupported run type '%s'", runs) return False # POST sequence active = self.is_active_from(conf) if not active: env["SERVICE_RESULT"] = service_result for cmd in conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecStopPost", []): check, cmd = checkstatus(cmd) newcmd = self.exec_cmd(cmd, env, conf) logg.info("post-stop %s", shell_cmd(newcmd)) forkpid = os.fork() if not forkpid: self.execve_from(conf, newcmd, env) # pragma: nocover run = subprocess_waitpid(forkpid) logg.debug("post-stop done (%s) <-%s>", run.returncode or "OK", run.signal or "") return service_result == "success" def wait_vanished_pid(self, pid, timeout): if not pid: return True logg.info("wait for PID %s to vanish (%ss)", pid, timeout) for x in xrange(int(timeout)): if not self.is_active_pid(pid): logg.info("wait for PID %s is done (%s.)", pid, x) return True time.sleep(1) # until TimeoutStopSec logg.info("wait for PID %s failed (%s.)", pid, x) return False def reload_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT]... -- reload these units """ found_all = True units = [] for module in modules: matched = self.match_units([ module ]) if not matched: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) found_all = False continue for unit in matched: if unit not in units: units += [ unit ] return self.reload_units(units) and found_all def reload_units(self, units): """ fails if any unit fails to reload """ done = True for unit in self.sortedAfter(units): if not self.reload_unit(unit): done = False return done def reload_unit(self, unit): conf = self.load_unit_conf(unit) if conf is None: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit) return False if self.not_user_conf(conf): logg.error("Unit %s not for --user mode", unit) return False with waitlock(unit): logg.info(" reload unit %s => %s", unit, conf.filename()) return self.reload_unit_from(conf) def reload_unit_from(self, conf): if not conf: return if self.syntax_check(conf) > 100: return False runs = conf.data.get("Service", "Type", "simple").lower() env = self.get_env(conf) self.exec_check_service(conf, env, "ExecReload") if runs in [ "sysv" ]: status_file = self.status_file_from(conf) if True: exe = conf.filename() cmd = "'%s' reload" % exe env["SYSTEMCTL_SKIP_REDIRECT"] = "yes" newcmd = self.exec_cmd(cmd, env, conf) logg.info("%s reload %s", runs, shell_cmd(newcmd)) forkpid = os.fork() if not forkpid: self.execve_from(conf, newcmd, env) # pragma: nocover run = subprocess_waitpid(forkpid) self.set_status_from(conf, "ExecReloadCode", run.returncode) if run.returncode: self.write_status_from(conf, AS="failed") return False else: self.write_status_from(conf, AS="active") return True elif runs in [ "simple", "notify", "forking" ]: if not self.is_active_from(conf): logg.info("no reload on inactive service %s", conf.name()) return True for cmd in conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecReload", []): env["MAINPID"] = str(self.read_mainpid_from(conf, "")) check, cmd = checkstatus(cmd) newcmd = self.exec_cmd(cmd, env, conf) logg.info("%s reload %s", runs, shell_cmd(newcmd)) forkpid = os.fork() if not forkpid: self.execve_from(conf, newcmd, env) # pragma: nocover run = subprocess_waitpid(forkpid) if check and run.returncode: logg.error("Job for %s failed because the control process exited with error code. (%s)", conf.name(), run.returncode) return False time.sleep(MinimumYield) return True elif runs in [ "oneshot" ]: logg.debug("ignored run type '%s' for reload", runs) return True else: logg.error("unsupported run type '%s'", runs) return False def restart_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT]... -- restart these units """ found_all = True units = [] for module in modules: matched = self.match_units([ module ]) if not matched: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) found_all = False continue for unit in matched: if unit not in units: units += [ unit ] return self.restart_units(units) and found_all def restart_units(self, units): """ fails if any unit fails to restart """ done = True for unit in self.sortedAfter(units): if not self.restart_unit(unit): done = False return done def restart_unit(self, unit): conf = self.load_unit_conf(unit) if conf is None: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit) return False if self.not_user_conf(conf): logg.error("Unit %s not for --user mode", unit) return False with waitlock(unit): logg.info(" restart unit %s => %s", unit, conf.filename()) if not self.is_active_from(conf): return self.start_unit_from(conf) else: return self.restart_unit_from(conf) def restart_unit_from(self, conf): if not conf: return if self.syntax_check(conf) > 100: return False logg.info("(restart) => stop/start") self.stop_unit_from(conf) return self.start_unit_from(conf) def try_restart_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT]... -- try-restart these units """ found_all = True units = [] for module in modules: matched = self.match_units([ module ]) if not matched: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) found_all = False continue for unit in matched: if unit not in units: units += [ unit ] return self.try_restart_units(units) and found_all def try_restart_units(self, units): """ fails if any module fails to try-restart """ done = True for unit in self.sortedAfter(units): if not self.try_restart_unit(unit): done = False return done def try_restart_unit(self, unit): conf = self.load_unit_conf(unit) if conf is None: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit) return False if self.not_user_conf(conf): logg.error("Unit %s not for --user mode", unit) return False with waitlock(unit): logg.info(" try-restart unit %s => %s", unit, conf.filename()) if self.is_active_from(conf): return self.restart_unit_from(conf) return True def reload_or_restart_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT]... -- reload-or-restart these units """ found_all = True units = [] for module in modules: matched = self.match_units([ module ]) if not matched: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) found_all = False continue for unit in matched: if unit not in units: units += [ unit ] return self.reload_or_restart_units(units) and found_all def reload_or_restart_units(self, units): """ fails if any unit does not reload-or-restart """ done = True for unit in self.sortedAfter(units): if not self.reload_or_restart_unit(unit): done = False return done def reload_or_restart_unit(self, unit): conf = self.load_unit_conf(unit) if conf is None: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit) return False if self.not_user_conf(conf): logg.error("Unit %s not for --user mode", unit) return False with waitlock(unit): logg.info(" reload-or-restart unit %s => %s", unit, conf.filename()) return self.reload_or_restart_unit_from(conf) def reload_or_restart_unit_from(self, conf): if not self.is_active_from(conf): # try: self.stop_unit_from(conf) # except Exception as e: pass return self.start_unit_from(conf) elif conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecReload", []): logg.info("found service to have ExecReload -> 'reload'") return self.reload_unit_from(conf) else: logg.info("found service without ExecReload -> 'restart'") return self.restart_unit_from(conf) def reload_or_try_restart_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT]... -- reload-or-try-restart these units """ found_all = True units = [] for module in modules: matched = self.match_units([ module ]) if not matched: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) found_all = False continue for unit in matched: if unit not in units: units += [ unit ] return self.reload_or_try_restart_units(units) and found_all def reload_or_try_restart_units(self, units): """ fails if any unit fails to reload-or-try-restart """ done = True for unit in self.sortedAfter(units): if not self.reload_or_try_restart_unit(unit): done = False return done def reload_or_try_restart_unit(self, unit): conf = self.load_unit_conf(unit) if conf is None: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit) return False if self.not_user_conf(conf): logg.error("Unit %s not for --user mode", unit) return False with waitlock(unit): logg.info(" reload-or-try-restart unit %s => %s", unit, conf.filename()) return self.reload_or_try_restart_unit_from(conf) def reload_or_try_restart_unit_from(self, conf): if conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecReload", []): return self.reload_unit_from(conf) elif not self.is_active_from(conf): return True else: return self.restart_unit_from(conf) def kill_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT]... -- kill these units """ found_all = True units = [] for module in modules: matched = self.match_units([ module ]) if not matched: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) found_all = False continue for unit in matched: if unit not in units: units += [ unit ] return self.kill_units(units) and found_all def kill_units(self, units): """ fails if any unit could not be killed """ done = True for unit in self.sortedBefore(units): if not self.kill_unit(unit): done = False return done def kill_unit(self, unit): conf = self.load_unit_conf(unit) if conf is None: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit) return False if self.not_user_conf(conf): logg.error("Unit %s not for --user mode", unit) return False with waitlock(unit): logg.info(" kill unit %s => %s", unit, conf.filename()) return self.kill_unit_from(conf) def kill_unit_from(self, conf, mainpid = None): if not conf: return None started = time.time() doSendSIGKILL = to_bool(conf.data.get("Service", "SendSIGKILL", "yes")) doSendSIGHUP = to_bool(conf.data.get("Service", "SendSIGHUP", "no")) useKillMode = conf.data.get("Service", "KillMode", "control-group") useKillSignal = conf.data.get("Service", "KillSignal", "SIGTERM") kill_signal = getattr(signal, useKillSignal) timeout = self.get_TimeoutStopSec(conf) status_file = self.status_file_from(conf) size = os.path.exists(status_file) and os.path.getsize(status_file) logg.info("STATUS %s %s", status_file, size) mainpid = to_int(self.read_mainpid_from(conf, mainpid or "")) self.clean_status_from(conf) # clear RemainAfterExit and TimeoutStartSec if not mainpid: if useKillMode in ["control-group"]: logg.warning("no main PID [%s]", conf.filename()) logg.warning("and there is no control-group here") else: logg.info("no main PID [%s]", conf.filename()) return False if not pid_exists(mainpid) or pid_zombie(mainpid): logg.debug("ignoring children when mainpid is already dead") # because we list child processes, not processes in control-group return True pidlist = self.pidlist_of(mainpid) # here if pid_exists(mainpid): logg.info("stop kill PID %s", mainpid) self._kill_pid(mainpid, kill_signal) if useKillMode in ["control-group"]: if len(pidlist) > 1: logg.info("stop control-group PIDs %s", pidlist) for pid in pidlist: if pid != mainpid: self._kill_pid(pid, kill_signal) if doSendSIGHUP: logg.info("stop SendSIGHUP to PIDs %s", pidlist) for pid in pidlist: self._kill_pid(pid, signal.SIGHUP) # wait for the processes to have exited while True: dead = True for pid in pidlist: if pid_exists(pid) and not pid_zombie(pid): dead = False break if dead: break if time.time() > started + timeout: logg.info("service PIDs not stopped after %s", timeout) break time.sleep(1) # until TimeoutStopSec if dead or not doSendSIGKILL: logg.info("done kill PID %s %s", mainpid, dead and "OK") return dead if useKillMode in [ "control-group", "mixed" ]: logg.info("hard kill PIDs %s", pidlist) for pid in pidlist: if pid != mainpid: self._kill_pid(pid, signal.SIGKILL) time.sleep(MinimumYield) # useKillMode in [ "control-group", "mixed", "process" ] if pid_exists(mainpid): logg.info("hard kill PID %s", mainpid) self._kill_pid(mainpid, signal.SIGKILL) time.sleep(MinimumYield) dead = not pid_exists(mainpid) or pid_zombie(mainpid) logg.info("done hard kill PID %s %s", mainpid, dead and "OK") return dead def _kill_pid(self, pid, kill_signal = None): try: sig = kill_signal or signal.SIGTERM os.kill(pid, sig) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ESRCH or e.errno == errno.ENOENT: logg.debug("kill PID %s => No such process", pid) return True else: logg.error("kill PID %s => %s", pid, str(e)) return False return not pid_exists(pid) or pid_zombie(pid) def is_active_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT].. -- check if these units are in active state implements True if all is-active = True """ # systemctl returns multiple lines, one for each argument # "active" when is_active # "inactive" when not is_active # "unknown" when not enabled # The return code is set to # 0 when "active" # 1 when unit is not found # 3 when any "inactive" or "unknown" # However: # TODO!!!!! BUG in original systemctl!! # documentation says " exit code 0 if at least one is active" # and "Unless --quiet is specified, print the unit state" units = [] results = [] for module in modules: units = self.match_units([ module ]) if not units: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) results += [ "unknown" ] continue for unit in units: active = self.get_active_unit(unit) enabled = self.enabled_unit(unit) if enabled != "enabled": active = "unknown" results += [ active ] break ## how it should work: status = "active" in results ## how 'systemctl' works: non_active = [ result for result in results if result != "active" ] status = not non_active if not status: status = 3 if not _quiet: return status, results else: return status def is_active_from(self, conf): """ used in try-restart/other commands to check if needed. """ if not conf: return False return self.get_active_from(conf) == "active" def active_pid_from(self, conf): if not conf: return False pid = self.read_mainpid_from(conf, "") return self.is_active_pid(pid) def is_active_pid(self, pid): """ returns pid if the pid is still an active process """ if pid and pid_exists(pid) and not pid_zombie(pid): return pid # usually a string (not null) return None def get_active_unit(self, unit): """ returns 'active' 'inactive' 'failed' 'unknown' """ conf = self.get_unit_conf(unit) if not conf.loaded(): logg.warning("Unit %s could not be found.", unit) return "unknown" return self.get_active_from(conf) def get_active_from(self, conf): """ returns 'active' 'inactive' 'failed' 'unknown' """ # used in try-restart/other commands to check if needed. if not conf: return "unknown" pid_file = self.pid_file_from(conf) if pid_file: # application PIDFile if not os.path.exists(pid_file): return "inactive" status_file = self.status_file_from(conf) if self.getsize(status_file): state = self.get_status_from(conf, "ActiveState", "") if state: logg.info("get_status_from %s => %s", conf.name(), state) return state pid = self.read_mainpid_from(conf, "") logg.debug("pid_file '%s' => PID %s", pid_file or status_file, pid) if pid: if not pid_exists(pid) or pid_zombie(pid): return "failed" return "active" else: return "inactive" def get_substate_from(self, conf): """ returns 'running' 'exited' 'dead' 'failed' 'plugged' 'mounted' """ if not conf: return False pid_file = self.pid_file_from(conf) if pid_file: if not os.path.exists(pid_file): return "dead" status_file = self.status_file_from(conf) if self.getsize(status_file): state = self.get_status_from(conf, "ActiveState", "") if state: if state in [ "active" ]: return self.get_status_from(conf, "SubState", "running") else: return self.get_status_from(conf, "SubState", "dead") pid = self.read_mainpid_from(conf, "") logg.debug("pid_file '%s' => PID %s", pid_file or status_file, pid) if pid: if not pid_exists(pid) or pid_zombie(pid): return "failed" return "running" else: return "dead" def is_failed_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT]... -- check if these units are in failes state implements True if any is-active = True """ units = [] results = [] for module in modules: units = self.match_units([ module ]) if not units: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) results += [ "unknown" ] continue for unit in units: active = self.get_active_unit(unit) enabled = self.enabled_unit(unit) if enabled != "enabled": active = "unknown" results += [ active ] break status = "failed" in results if not _quiet: return status, results else: return status def is_failed_from(self, conf): if conf is None: return True return self.get_active_from(conf) == "failed" def reset_failed_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT]... -- Reset failed state for all, one, or more units """ units = [] status = True for module in modules: units = self.match_units([ module ]) if not units: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) return 1 for unit in units: if not self.reset_failed_unit(unit): logg.error("Unit %s could not be reset.", unit_of(module)) status = False break return status def reset_failed_unit(self, unit): conf = self.get_unit_conf(unit) if not conf.loaded(): logg.warning("Unit %s could not be found.", unit) return False if self.not_user_conf(conf): logg.error("Unit %s not for --user mode", unit) return False return self.reset_failed_from(conf) def reset_failed_from(self, conf): if conf is None: return True if not self.is_failed_from(conf): return False done = False status_file = self.status_file_from(conf) if status_file and os.path.exists(status_file): try: os.remove(status_file) done = True logg.debug("done rm %s", status_file) except Exception as e: logg.error("while rm %s: %s", status_file, e) pid_file = self.pid_file_from(conf) if pid_file and os.path.exists(pid_file): try: os.remove(pid_file) done = True logg.debug("done rm %s", pid_file) except Exception as e: logg.error("while rm %s: %s", pid_file, e) return done def status_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT]... check the status of these units. """ found_all = True units = [] for module in modules: matched = self.match_units([ module ]) if not matched: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) found_all = False continue for unit in matched: if unit not in units: units += [ unit ] status, result = self.status_units(units) if not found_all: status = 3 # same as (dead) # original behaviour return (status, result) def status_units(self, units): """ concatenates the status output of all units and the last non-successful statuscode """ status, result = 0, "" for unit in units: status1, result1 = self.status_unit(unit) if status1: status = status1 if result: result += "\n\n" result += result1 return status, result def status_unit(self, unit): conf = self.get_unit_conf(unit) result = "%s - %s" % (unit, self.get_description_from(conf)) loaded = conf.loaded() if loaded: filename = conf.filename() enabled = self.enabled_from(conf) result += "\n Loaded: {loaded} ({filename}, {enabled})".format(**locals()) else: result += "\n Loaded: failed" return 3, result active = self.get_active_from(conf) substate = self.get_substate_from(conf) result += "\n Active: {} ({})".format(active, substate) if active == "active": return 0, result else: return 3, result def cat_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT]... show the *.system file for these" """ found_all = True units = [] for module in modules: matched = self.match_units([ module ]) if not matched: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) found_all = False continue for unit in matched: if unit not in units: units += [ unit ] done, result = self.cat_units(units) return (done and found_all, result) def cat_units(self, units): done = True result = "" for unit in units: text = self.cat_unit(unit) if not text: done = False else: if result: result += "\n\n" result += text return done, result def cat_unit(self, unit): try: unit_file = self.unit_file(unit) if unit_file: return open(unit_file).read() logg.error("no file for unit '%s'", unit) except Exception as e: print("Unit {} is not-loaded: {}".format(unit, e)) return False ## ## def load_preset_files(self, module = None): # -> [ preset-file-names,... ] """ reads all preset files, returns the scanned files """ if self._preset_file_list is None: self._preset_file_list = {} for folder in self.preset_folders(): if not folder: continue if self._root: folder = os_path(self._root, folder) if not os.path.isdir(folder): continue for name in os.listdir(folder): if not name.endswith(".preset"): continue if name not in self._preset_file_list: path = os.path.join(folder, name) if os.path.isdir(path): continue preset = PresetFile().read(path) self._preset_file_list[name] = preset logg.debug("found %s preset files", len(self._preset_file_list)) return sorted(self._preset_file_list.keys()) def get_preset_of_unit(self, unit): """ [UNIT] check the *.preset of this unit """ self.load_preset_files() for filename in sorted(self._preset_file_list.keys()): preset = self._preset_file_list[filename] status = preset.get_preset(unit) if status: return status return None def preset_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT]... -- set 'enabled' when in *.preset """ if self.user_mode(): logg.warning("preset makes no sense in --user mode") return True found_all = True units = [] for module in modules: matched = self.match_units([ module ]) if not matched: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) found_all = False continue for unit in matched: if unit not in units: units += [ unit ] return self.preset_units(units) and found_all def preset_units(self, units): """ fails if any unit could not be changed """ fails = 0 found = 0 for unit in units: status = self.get_preset_of_unit(unit) if not status: continue found += 1 if status.startswith("enable"): if self._preset_mode == "disable": continue logg.info("preset enable %s", unit) if not self.enable_unit(unit): logg.warning("failed to enable %s", unit) fails += 1 if status.startswith("disable"): if self._preset_mode == "enable": continue logg.info("preset disable %s", unit) if not self.disable_unit(unit): logg.warning("failed to disable %s", unit) fails += 1 return not fails and not not found def system_preset_all(self, *modules): """ 'preset' all services enable or disable services according to *.preset files """ if self.user_mode(): logg.warning("preset-all makes no sense in --user mode") return True found_all = True units = self.match_units() # TODO: how to handle module arguments return self.preset_units(units) and found_all def wanted_from(self, conf, default = None): if not conf: return default return conf.data.get("Install", "WantedBy", default, True) def enablefolders(self, wanted): if self.user_mode(): for folder in self.user_folders(): yield self.default_enablefolder(wanted, folder) if True: for folder in self.system_folders(): yield self.default_enablefolder(wanted, folder) def enablefolder(self, wanted = None): if self.user_mode(): user_folder = self.user_folder() return self.default_enablefolder(wanted, user_folder) else: return self.default_enablefolder(wanted) def default_enablefolder(self, wanted = None, basefolder = None): basefolder = basefolder or self.system_folder() if not wanted: return wanted if not wanted.endswith(".wants"): wanted = wanted + ".wants" return os.path.join(basefolder, wanted) def enable_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT]... -- enable these units """ found_all = True units = [] for module in modules: matched = self.match_units([ module ]) if not matched: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) found_all = False continue for unit in matched: logg.info("matched %s", unit) #++ if unit not in units: units += [ unit ] return self.enable_units(units) and found_all def enable_units(self, units): done = True for unit in units: if not self.enable_unit(unit): done = False elif self._now: self.start_unit(unit) return done def enable_unit(self, unit): unit_file = self.unit_file(unit) if not unit_file: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit) return False if self.is_sysv_file(unit_file): if self.user_mode(): logg.error("Initscript %s not for --user mode", unit) return False return self.enable_unit_sysv(unit_file) conf = self.get_unit_conf(unit) if self.not_user_conf(conf): logg.error("Unit %s not for --user mode", unit) return False wanted = self.wanted_from(self.get_unit_conf(unit)) if not wanted: return False # "static" is-enabled folder = self.enablefolder(wanted) if self._root: folder = os_path(self._root, folder) if not os.path.isdir(folder): os.makedirs(folder) target = os.path.join(folder, os.path.basename(unit_file)) if True: _f = self._force and "-f" or "" logg.info("ln -s {_f} '{unit_file}' '{target}'".format(**locals())) if self._force and os.path.islink(target): os.remove(target) if not os.path.islink(target): os.symlink(unit_file, target) return True def rc3_root_folder(self): old_folder = "/etc/rc3.d" new_folder = "/etc/init.d/rc3.d" if self._root: old_folder = os_path(self._root, old_folder) new_folder = os_path(self._root, new_folder) if os.path.isdir(old_folder): return old_folder return new_folder def rc5_root_folder(self): old_folder = "/etc/rc5.d" new_folder = "/etc/init.d/rc5.d" if self._root: old_folder = os_path(self._root, old_folder) new_folder = os_path(self._root, new_folder) if os.path.isdir(old_folder): return old_folder return new_folder def enable_unit_sysv(self, unit_file): # a "multi-user.target"/rc3 is also started in /rc5 rc3 = self._enable_unit_sysv(unit_file, self.rc3_root_folder()) rc5 = self._enable_unit_sysv(unit_file, self.rc5_root_folder()) return rc3 and rc5 def _enable_unit_sysv(self, unit_file, rc_folder): name = os.path.basename(unit_file) nameS = "S50"+name nameK = "K50"+name if not os.path.isdir(rc_folder): os.makedirs(rc_folder) # do not double existing entries for found in os.listdir(rc_folder): m = re.match("S\d\d(.*)", found) if m and m.group(1) == name: nameS = found m = re.match("K\d\d(.*)", found) if m and m.group(1) == name: nameK = found target = os.path.join(rc_folder, nameS) if not os.path.exists(target): os.symlink(unit_file, target) target = os.path.join(rc_folder, nameK) if not os.path.exists(target): os.symlink(unit_file, target) return True def disable_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT]... -- disable these units """ found_all = True units = [] for module in modules: matched = self.match_units([ module ]) if not matched: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) found_all = False continue for unit in matched: if unit not in units: units += [ unit ] return self.disable_units(units) and found_all def disable_units(self, units): done = True for unit in units: if not self.disable_unit(unit): done = False return done def disable_unit(self, unit): unit_file = self.unit_file(unit) if not unit_file: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit) return False if self.is_sysv_file(unit_file): if self.user_mode(): logg.error("Initscript %s not for --user mode", unit) return False return self.disable_unit_sysv(unit_file) conf = self.get_unit_conf(unit) if self.not_user_conf(conf): logg.error("Unit %s not for --user mode", unit) return False wanted = self.wanted_from(self.get_unit_conf(unit)) if not wanted: return False # "static" is-enabled for folder in self.enablefolders(wanted): if self._root: folder = os_path(self._root, folder) target = os.path.join(folder, os.path.basename(unit_file)) if os.path.isfile(target): try: _f = self._force and "-f" or "" logg.info("rm {_f} '{target}'".format(**locals())) os.remove(target) except IOError as e: logg.error("disable %s: %s", target, e) except OSError as e: logg.error("disable %s: %s", target, e) return True def disable_unit_sysv(self, unit_file): rc3 = self._disable_unit_sysv(unit_file, self.rc3_root_folder()) rc5 = self._disable_unit_sysv(unit_file, self.rc5_root_folder()) return rc3 and rc5 def _disable_unit_sysv(self, unit_file, rc_folder): # a "multi-user.target"/rc3 is also started in /rc5 name = os.path.basename(unit_file) nameS = "S50"+name nameK = "K50"+name # do not forget the existing entries for found in os.listdir(rc_folder): m = re.match("S\d\d(.*)", found) if m and m.group(1) == name: nameS = found m = re.match("K\d\d(.*)", found) if m and m.group(1) == name: nameK = found target = os.path.join(rc_folder, nameS) if os.path.exists(target): os.unlink(target) target = os.path.join(rc_folder, nameK) if os.path.exists(target): os.unlink(target) return True def is_enabled_sysv(self, unit_file): name = os.path.basename(unit_file) target = os.path.join(self.rc3_root_folder(), "S50%s" % name) if os.path.exists(target): return True return False def is_enabled_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT]... -- check if these units are enabled returns True if any of them is enabled.""" found_all = True units = [] for module in modules: matched = self.match_units([ module ]) if not matched: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) found_all = False continue for unit in matched: if unit not in units: units += [ unit ] return self.is_enabled_units(units) # and found_all def is_enabled_units(self, units): """ true if any is enabled, and a list of infos """ result = False infos = [] for unit in units: infos += [ self.enabled_unit(unit) ] if self.is_enabled(unit): result = True return result, infos def is_enabled(self, unit): unit_file = self.unit_file(unit) if not unit_file: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit) return False if self.is_sysv_file(unit_file): return self.is_enabled_sysv(unit_file) wanted = self.wanted_from(self.get_unit_conf(unit)) if not wanted: return True # "static" for folder in self.enablefolders(wanted): if self._root: folder = os_path(self._root, folder) target = os.path.join(folder, os.path.basename(unit_file)) if os.path.isfile(target): return True return False def enabled_unit(self, unit): conf = self.get_unit_conf(unit) return self.enabled_from(conf) def enabled_from(self, conf): unit_file = conf.filename() if self.is_sysv_file(unit_file): state = self.is_enabled_sysv(unit_file) if state: return "enabled" return "disabled" if conf.masked: return "masked" wanted = self.wanted_from(conf) if not wanted: return "static" for folder in self.enablefolders(wanted): if self._root: folder = os_path(self._root, folder) target = os.path.join(folder, os.path.basename(unit_file)) if os.path.isfile(target): return "enabled" return "disabled" def mask_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT]... -- mask non-startable units """ found_all = True units = [] for module in modules: matched = self.match_units([ module ]) if not matched: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) found_all = False continue for unit in matched: if unit not in units: units += [ unit ] return self.mask_units(units) and found_all def mask_units(self, units): done = True for unit in units: if not self.mask_unit(unit): done = False return done def mask_unit(self, unit): unit_file = self.unit_file(unit) if not unit_file: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit) return False if self.is_sysv_file(unit_file): logg.error("Initscript %s can not be masked", unit) return False conf = self.get_unit_conf(unit) if self.not_user_conf(conf): logg.error("Unit %s not for --user mode", unit) return False folder = self.mask_folder() if self._root: folder = os_path(self._root, folder) if not os.path.isdir(folder): os.makedirs(folder) target = os.path.join(folder, os.path.basename(unit_file)) if True: _f = self._force and "-f" or "" logg.info("ln -s {_f} /dev/null '{target}'".format(**locals())) if self._force and os.path.islink(target): os.remove(target) if not os.path.exists(target): os.symlink("/dev/null", target) return True else: logg.error("mask target does already exist: %s", target) return False def mask_folder(self): for folder in self.mask_folders(): if folder: return folder raise Exception("did not find any systemd/system folder") def mask_folders(self): if self.user_mode(): for folder in self.user_folders(): yield folder if True: for folder in self.system_folders(): yield folder def unmask_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT]... -- unmask non-startable units """ found_all = True units = [] for module in modules: matched = self.match_units([ module ]) if not matched: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) found_all = False continue for unit in matched: if unit not in units: units += [ unit ] return self.unmask_units(units) and found_all def unmask_units(self, units): done = True for unit in units: if not self.unmask_unit(unit): done = False return done def unmask_unit(self, unit): unit_file = self.unit_file(unit) if not unit_file: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit) return False if self.is_sysv_file(unit_file): logg.error("Initscript %s can not be un/masked", unit) return False conf = self.get_unit_conf(unit) if self.not_user_conf(conf): logg.error("Unit %s not for --user mode", unit) return False folder = self.mask_folder() if self._root: folder = os_path(self._root, folder) target = os.path.join(folder, os.path.basename(unit_file)) if True: _f = self._force and "-f" or "" logg.info("rm {_f} '{target}'".format(**locals())) if os.path.islink(target): os.remove(target) return True else: logg.error("target is not a symlink: %s", target) return False def list_dependencies_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT]... show the dependency tree" """ found_all = True units = [] for module in modules: matched = self.match_units([ module ]) if not matched: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) found_all = False continue for unit in matched: if unit not in units: units += [ unit ] return self.list_dependencies_units(units) # and found_all def list_dependencies_units(self, units): if self._now: return self.list_start_dependencies_units(units) result = [] for unit in units: if result: result += [ "", "" ] result += self.list_dependencies_unit(unit) return result def list_dependencies_unit(self, unit): result = [] for line in self.list_dependencies(unit, ""): result += [ line ] return result def list_dependencies(self, unit, indent = None, mark = None, loop = []): mapping = {} mapping["Requires"] = "required to start" mapping["Wants"] = "wanted to start" mapping["Requisite"] = "required started" mapping["Bindsto"] = "binds to start" mapping["PartOf"] = "part of started" mapping[".requires"] = ".required to start" mapping[".wants"] = ".wanted to start" mapping["PropagateReloadTo"] = "(to be reloaded as well)" mapping["Conflicts"] = "(to be stopped on conflict)" restrict = ["Requires", "Requisite", "ConsistsOf", "Wants", "BindsTo", ".requires", ".wants"] indent = indent or "" mark = mark or "" deps = self.get_dependencies_unit(unit) conf = self.get_unit_conf(unit) if not conf.loaded(): if not self._show_all: return yield "%s(%s): %s" % (indent, unit, mark) else: yield "%s%s: %s" % (indent, unit, mark) for stop_recursion in [ "Conflict", "conflict", "reloaded", "Propagate" ]: if stop_recursion in mark: return for dep in deps: if dep in loop: logg.debug("detected loop at %s", dep) continue new_loop = loop + list(deps.keys()) new_indent = indent + "| " new_mark = deps[dep] if not self._show_all: if new_mark not in restrict: continue if new_mark in mapping: new_mark = mapping[new_mark] restrict = ["Requires", "Requisite", "ConsistsOf", "Wants", "BindsTo", ".requires", ".wants"] for line in self.list_dependencies(dep, new_indent, new_mark, new_loop): yield line def get_dependencies_unit(self, unit): conf = self.get_unit_conf(unit) deps = {} for style in [ "Requires", "Wants", "Requisite", "BindsTo", "PartOf", ".requires", ".wants", "PropagateReloadTo", "Conflicts", ]: if style.startswith("."): for folder in self.sysd_folders(): if not folder: continue require_path = os.path.join(folder, unit + style) if self._root: require_path = os_path(self._root, require_path) if os.path.isdir(require_path): for required in os.listdir(require_path): if required not in deps: deps[required] = style else: for requirelist in conf.data.getlist("Unit", style, []): for required in requirelist.strip().split(" "): deps[required.strip()] = style return deps def get_start_dependencies(self, unit): # pragma: no cover """ the list of services to be started as well / TODO: unused """ deps = {} unit_deps = self.get_dependencies_unit(unit) for dep_unit, dep_style in unit_deps.items(): restrict = ["Requires", "Requisite", "ConsistsOf", "Wants", "BindsTo", ".requires", ".wants"] if dep_style in restrict: if dep_unit in deps: if dep_style not in deps[dep_unit]: deps[dep_unit].append( dep_style) else: deps[dep_unit] = [ dep_style ] next_deps = self.get_start_dependencies(dep_unit) for dep, styles in next_deps.items(): for style in styles: if dep in deps: if style not in deps[dep]: deps[dep].append(style) else: deps[dep] = [ style ] return deps def list_start_dependencies_units(self, units): unit_order = [] deps = {} for unit in units: unit_order.append(unit) # unit_deps = self.get_start_dependencies(unit) # TODO unit_deps = self.get_dependencies_unit(unit) for dep_unit, styles in unit_deps.items(): styles = to_list(styles) for dep_style in styles: if dep_unit in deps: if dep_style not in deps[dep_unit]: deps[dep_unit].append( dep_style) else: deps[dep_unit] = [ dep_style ] deps_conf = [] for dep in deps: if dep in unit_order: continue conf = self.get_unit_conf(dep) if conf.loaded(): deps_conf.append(conf) for unit in unit_order: deps[unit] = [ "Requested" ] conf = self.get_unit_conf(unit) if conf.loaded(): deps_conf.append(conf) result = [] for dep in sortedAfter(deps_conf, cmp=compareAfter): line = (dep.name(), "(%s)" % (" ".join(deps[dep.name()]))) result.append(line) return result def sortedAfter(self, unitlist): """ get correct start order for the unit list (ignoring masked units) """ conflist = [ self.get_unit_conf(unit) for unit in unitlist ] if True: conflist = [] for unit in unitlist: conf = self.get_unit_conf(unit) if conf.masked: logg.debug("ignoring masked unit %s", unit) continue conflist.append(conf) sortlist = sortedAfter(conflist) return [ item.name() for item in sortlist ] def sortedBefore(self, unitlist): """ get correct start order for the unit list (ignoring masked units) """ conflist = [ self.get_unit_conf(unit) for unit in unitlist ] if True: conflist = [] for unit in unitlist: conf = self.get_unit_conf(unit) if conf.masked: logg.debug("ignoring masked unit %s", unit) continue conflist.append(conf) sortlist = sortedAfter(reversed(conflist)) return [ item.name() for item in reversed(sortlist) ] def system_daemon_reload(self): """ reload does will only check the service files here. The returncode will tell the number of warnings, and it is over 100 if it can not continue even for the relaxed systemctl.py style of execution. """ errors = 0 for unit in self.match_units(): try: conf = self.get_unit_conf(unit) except Exception as e: logg.error("%s: can not read unit file %s\n\t%s", unit, conf.filename(), e) continue errors += self.syntax_check(conf) if errors: logg.warning(" (%s) found %s problems", errors, errors % 100) return True # errors def syntax_check(self, conf): if conf.filename() and conf.filename().endswith(".service"): return self.syntax_check_service(conf) return 0 def syntax_check_service(self, conf): unit = conf.name() if not conf.data.has_section("Service"): logg.error(" %s: a .service file without [Service] section", unit) return 101 errors = 0 haveType = conf.data.get("Service", "Type", "simple") haveExecStart = conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecStart", []) haveExecStop = conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecStop", []) haveExecReload = conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecReload", []) usedExecStart = [] usedExecStop = [] usedExecReload = [] if haveType not in [ "simple", "forking", "notify", "oneshot", "dbus", "idle", "sysv"]: logg.error(" %s: Failed to parse service type, ignoring: %s", unit, haveType) errors += 100 for line in haveExecStart: if not line.startswith("/") and not line.startswith("-/"): logg.error(" %s: Executable path is not absolute, ignoring: %s", unit, line.strip()) errors += 1 usedExecStart.append(line) for line in haveExecStop: if not line.startswith("/") and not line.startswith("-/"): logg.error(" %s: Executable path is not absolute, ignoring: %s", unit, line.strip()) errors += 1 usedExecStop.append(line) for line in haveExecReload: if not line.startswith("/") and not line.startswith("-/"): logg.error(" %s: Executable path is not absolute, ignoring: %s", unit, line.strip()) errors += 1 usedExecReload.append(line) if haveType in ["simple", "notify", "forking"]: if not usedExecStart and not usedExecStop: logg.error(" %s: Service lacks both ExecStart and ExecStop= setting. Refusing.", unit) errors += 101 elif not usedExecStart and haveType != "oneshot": logg.error(" %s: Service has no ExecStart= setting, which is only allowed for Type=oneshot services. Refusing.", unit) errors += 101 if len(usedExecStart) > 1 and haveType != "oneshot": logg.error(" %s: there may be only one ExecStart statement (unless for 'oneshot' services)." + "\n\t\t\tUse ' ; ' for multiple commands or better use ExecStartPre / ExecStartPost", unit) errors += 1 if len(usedExecStop) > 1 and haveType != "oneshot": logg.error(" %s: there may be only one ExecStop statement (unless for 'oneshot' services)." + "\n\t\t\tUse ' ; ' for multiple commands or better use ExecStopPost", unit) errors += 1 if len(usedExecReload) > 1: logg.info(" %s: there should be only one ExecReload statement." + "\n\t\t\tUse ' ; ' for multiple commands (ExecReloadPost or ExedReloadPre do not exist)", unit) if len(usedExecReload) > 0 and "/bin/kill " in usedExecReload[0]: logg.warning(" %s: the use of /bin/kill is not recommended for ExecReload as it is asychronous." + "\n\t\t\tThat means all the dependencies will perform the reload simultanously / out of order.", unit) if conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecRestart", []): #pragma: no cover logg.error(" %s: there no such thing as an ExecRestart (ignored)", unit) if conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecRestartPre", []): #pragma: no cover logg.error(" %s: there no such thing as an ExecRestartPre (ignored)", unit) if conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecRestartPost", []): #pragma: no cover logg.error(" %s: there no such thing as an ExecRestartPost (ignored)", unit) if conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecReloadPre", []): #pragma: no cover logg.error(" %s: there no such thing as an ExecReloadPre (ignored)", unit) if conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecReloadPost", []): #pragma: no cover logg.error(" %s: there no such thing as an ExecReloadPost (ignored)", unit) if conf.data.getlist("Service", "ExecStopPre", []): #pragma: no cover logg.error(" %s: there no such thing as an ExecStopPre (ignored)", unit) for env_file in conf.data.getlist("Service", "EnvironmentFile", []): if env_file.startswith("-"): continue if not os.path.isfile(os_path(self._root, env_file)): logg.error(" %s: Failed to load environment files: %s", unit, env_file) errors += 101 return errors def exec_check_service(self, conf, env, exectype = ""): if not conf: return True if not conf.data.has_section("Service"): return True #pragma: no cover haveType = conf.data.get("Service", "Type", "simple") if haveType in [ "sysv" ]: return True # we don't care about that abspath = 0 notexists = 0 for execs in [ "ExecStartPre", "ExecStart", "ExecStartPost", "ExecStop", "ExecStopPost", "ExecReload" ]: if not execs.startswith(exectype): continue for cmd in conf.data.getlist("Service", execs, []): check, cmd = checkstatus(cmd) newcmd = self.exec_cmd(cmd, env, conf) if not newcmd: continue exe = newcmd[0] if not exe: continue if exe[0] != "/": logg.error(" Exec is not an absolute path: %s=%s", execs, cmd) abspath += 1 if not os.path.isfile(exe): logg.error(" Exec command does not exist: (%s) %s", execs, exe) notexists += 1 newexe1 = os.path.join("/usr/bin", exe) newexe2 = os.path.join("/bin", exe) if os.path.exists(newexe1): logg.error(" but this does exist: %s %s", " " * len(execs), newexe1) elif os.path.exists(newexe2): logg.error(" but this does exist: %s %s", " " * len(execs), newexe2) if not abspath and not notexists: return True if True: filename = conf.filename() if len(filename) > 45: filename = "..." + filename[-42:] logg.error(" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") logg.error(" Found %s problems in %s", abspath + notexists, filename) time.sleep(1) if abspath: logg.error(" The SystemD commands must always be absolute paths by definition.") time.sleep(1) logg.error(" Earlier versions of systemctl.py did use a subshell thus using $PATH") time.sleep(1) logg.error(" however newer versions use execve just like the real SystemD daemon") time.sleep(1) logg.error(" so that your docker-only service scripts may start to fail suddenly.") time.sleep(1) if notexists: logg.error(" Now %s executable paths were not found in the current environment.", notexists) time.sleep(1) logg.error(" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") return False def show_modules(self, *modules): """ [PATTERN]... -- Show properties of one or more units Show properties of one or more units (or the manager itself). If no argument is specified, properties of the manager will be shown. If a unit name is specified, properties of the unit is shown. By default, empty properties are suppressed. Use --all to show those too. To select specific properties to show, use --property=. This command is intended to be used whenever computer-parsable output is required. Use status if you are looking for formatted human-readable output. NOTE: only a subset of properties is implemented """ notfound = [] found_all = True units = [] for module in modules: matched = self.match_units([ module ]) if not matched: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) units += [ module ] found_all = False continue for unit in matched: if unit not in units: units += [ unit ] return self.show_units(units) + notfound # and found_all def show_units(self, units): logg.debug("show --property=%s", self._unit_property) result = [] for unit in units: if result: result += [ "" ] for var, value in self.show_unit_items(unit): if self._unit_property: if self._unit_property != var: continue else: if not value and not self._show_all: continue result += [ "%s=%s" % (var, value) ] return result def show_unit_items(self, unit): """ [UNIT]... -- show properties of a unit. """ logg.info("try read unit %s", unit) conf = self.get_unit_conf(unit) for entry in self.each_unit_items(unit, conf): yield entry def each_unit_items(self, unit, conf): loaded = conf.loaded() if not loaded: loaded = "not-loaded" if "NOT-FOUND" in self.get_description_from(conf): loaded = "not-found" yield "Id", unit yield "Names", unit yield "Description", self.get_description_from(conf) # conf.data.get("Unit", "Description") yield "PIDFile", self.pid_file_from(conf) # not self.pid_file_from w/o default location yield "MainPID", self.active_pid_from(conf) or "0" # status["MainPID"] or PIDFile-read yield "SubState", self.get_substate_from(conf) # status["SubState"] or notify-result yield "ActiveState", self.get_active_from(conf) # status["ActiveState"] yield "LoadState", loaded yield "UnitFileState", self.enabled_from(conf) yield "TimeoutStartUSec", seconds_to_time(self.get_TimeoutStartSec(conf)) yield "TimeoutStopUSec", seconds_to_time(self.get_TimeoutStopSec(conf)) env_parts = [] for env_part in conf.data.getlist("Service", "Environment", []): env_parts.append(env_part) if env_parts: yield "Environment", " ".join(env_parts) env_files = [] for env_file in conf.data.getlist("Service", "EnvironmentFile", []): env_files.append(env_file) if env_files: yield "EnvironmentFile", " ".join(env_files) # igno_centos = [ "netconsole", "network" ] igno_opensuse = [ "raw", "pppoe", "*.local", "boot.*", "rpmconf*", "purge-kernels.service", "after-local.service", "postfix*" ] igno_ubuntu = [ "mount*", "umount*", "ondemand", "*.local" ] igno_always = [ "network*", "dbus", "systemd-*" ] def _ignored_unit(self, unit, ignore_list): for ignore in ignore_list: if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(unit, ignore): return True # ignore if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(unit, ignore+".service"): return True # ignore return False def system_default_services(self, sysv = "S", default_target = None): """ show the default services This is used internally to know the list of service to be started in 'default' runlevel when the container is started through default initialisation. It will ignore a number of services - use '--all' to show a longer list of services and use '--all --force' if not even a minimal filter shall be used. """ igno = self.igno_centos + self.igno_opensuse + self.igno_ubuntu + self.igno_always if self._show_all: igno = self.igno_always if self._force: igno = [] logg.debug("ignored services filter for default.target:\n\t%s", igno) return self.enabled_default_services(sysv, default_target, igno) def enabled_default_services(self, sysv = "S", default_target = None, igno = []): if self.user_mode(): return self.enabled_default_user_services(sysv, default_target, igno) else: return self.enabled_default_system_services(sysv, default_target, igno) def enabled_default_user_services(self, sysv = "S", default_target = None, igno = []): logg.debug("check for default user services") default_target = default_target or self._default_target default_services = [] for basefolder in self.user_folders(): if not basefolder: continue folder = self.default_enablefolder(default_target, basefolder) if self._root: folder = os_path(self._root, folder) if os.path.isdir(folder): for unit in sorted(os.listdir(folder)): path = os.path.join(folder, unit) if os.path.isdir(path): continue if self._ignored_unit(unit, igno): continue # ignore if unit.endswith(".service"): default_services.append(unit) for basefolder in self.system_folders(): if not basefolder: continue folder = self.default_enablefolder(default_target, basefolder) if self._root: folder = os_path(self._root, folder) if os.path.isdir(folder): for unit in sorted(os.listdir(folder)): path = os.path.join(folder, unit) if os.path.isdir(path): continue if self._ignored_unit(unit, igno): continue # ignore if unit.endswith(".service"): conf = self.load_unit_conf(unit) if self.not_user_conf(conf): pass else: default_services.append(unit) return default_services def enabled_default_system_services(self, sysv = "S", default_target = None, igno = []): logg.debug("check for default system services") default_target = default_target or self._default_target default_services = [] for basefolder in self.system_folders(): if not basefolder: continue folder = self.default_enablefolder(default_target, basefolder) if self._root: folder = os_path(self._root, folder) if os.path.isdir(folder): for unit in sorted(os.listdir(folder)): path = os.path.join(folder, unit) if os.path.isdir(path): continue if self._ignored_unit(unit, igno): continue # ignore if unit.endswith(".service"): default_services.append(unit) for folder in [ self.rc3_root_folder() ]: if not os.path.isdir(folder): logg.warning("non-existant %s", folder) continue for unit in sorted(os.listdir(folder)): path = os.path.join(folder, unit) if os.path.isdir(path): continue m = re.match(sysv+r"\d\d(.*)", unit) if m: service = m.group(1) unit = service + ".service" if self._ignored_unit(unit, igno): continue # ignore default_services.append(unit) return default_services def system_default(self, arg = True): """ start units for default system level This will go through the enabled services in the default 'multi-user.target'. However some services are ignored as being known to be installation garbage from unintended services. Use '--all' so start all of the installed services and with '--all --force' even those services that are otherwise wrong. /// SPECIAL: with --now or --init the init-loop is run and afterwards a system_halt is performed with the enabled services to be stopped.""" logg.info("system default requested - %s", arg) init = self._now or self._init self.start_system_default(init = init) def start_system_default(self, init = False): """ detect the default.target services and start them. When --init is given then the init-loop is run and the services are stopped again by 'systemctl halt'.""" default_target = self._default_target default_services = self.system_default_services("S", default_target) self.start_units(default_services) logg.info(" -- system is up") if init: logg.info("init-loop start") sig = self.init_loop_until_stop(default_services) logg.info("init-loop %s", sig) self.stop_system_default() def stop_system_default(self): """ detect the default.target services and stop them. This is commonly run through 'systemctl halt' or at the end of a 'systemctl --init default' loop.""" default_target = self._default_target default_services = self.system_default_services("K", default_target) self.stop_units(default_services) logg.info(" -- system is down") def system_halt(self, arg = True): """ stop units from default system level """ logg.info("system halt requested - %s", arg) self.stop_system_default() try: os.kill(1, signal.SIGQUIT) # exit init-loop on no_more_procs except Exception as e: logg.warning("SIGQUIT to init-loop on PID-1: %s", e) def system_get_default(self): """ get current default run-level""" current = self._default_target folder = os_path(self._root, self.mask_folder()) target = os.path.join(folder, "default.target") if os.path.islink(target): current = os.path.basename(os.readlink(target)) return current def set_default_modules(self, *modules): """ set current default run-level""" if not modules: logg.debug(".. no runlevel given") return (1, "Too few arguments") current = self._default_target folder = os_path(self._root, self.mask_folder()) target = os.path.join(folder, "default.target") if os.path.islink(target): current = os.path.basename(os.readlink(target)) err, msg = 0, "" for module in modules: if module == current: continue targetfile = None for targetname, targetpath in self.each_target_file(): if targetname == module: targetfile = targetpath if not targetfile: err, msg = 3, "No such runlevel %s" % (module) continue # if os.path.islink(target): os.unlink(target) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(target)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(target)) os.symlink(targetfile, target) msg = "Created symlink from %s -> %s" % (target, targetfile) logg.debug("%s", msg) return (err, msg) def init_modules(self, *modules): """ [UNIT*] -- init loop: '--init default' or '--init start UNIT*' The systemctl init service will start the enabled 'default' services, and then wait for any zombies to be reaped. When a SIGINT is received then a clean shutdown of the enabled services is ensured. A Control-C in in interactive mode will also run 'stop' on all the enabled services. // When a UNIT name is given then only that one is started instead of the services in the 'default.target'. Using 'init UNIT' is better than '--init start UNIT' because the UNIT is also stopped cleanly even when it was never enabled in the system. /// SPECIAL: when using --now then only the init-loop is started, with the reap-zombies function and waiting for an interrupt. (and no unit is started/stoppped wether given or not). """ if self._now: return self.init_loop_until_stop([]) if not modules: # like 'systemctl --init default' if self._now or self._show_all: logg.debug("init default --now --all => no_more_procs") self.exit_when_no_more_procs = True return self.start_system_default(init = True) # # otherwise quit when all the init-services have died self.exit_when_no_more_services = True if self._now or self._show_all: logg.debug("init services --now --all => no_more_procs") self.exit_when_no_more_procs = True found_all = True units = [] for module in modules: matched = self.match_units([ module ]) if not matched: logg.error("Unit %s could not be found.", unit_of(module)) found_all = False continue for unit in matched: if unit not in units: units += [ unit ] logg.info("init %s -> start %s", ",".join(modules), ",".join(units)) done = self.start_units(units, init = True) logg.info("-- init is done") return done # and found_all def start_log_files(self, units): self._log_file = {} self._log_hold = {} for unit in units: conf = self.load_unit_conf(unit) if not conf: continue log_path = self.path_journal_log(conf) try: opened = open(log_path) fd = opened.fileno() fl = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK) self._log_file[unit] = opened self._log_hold[unit] = "" except Exception as e: logg.error("can not open %s log: %s\n\t%s", unit, log_path, e) def read_log_files(self, units): for unit in units: if unit in self._log_file: new_text = self._log_file[unit].read() text = self._log_hold[unit] + new_text if not text: continue lines = text.split("\n") if not text.endswith("\n"): self._log_hold[unit] = lines[-1] lines = lines[:-1] for line in lines: content = unit+": "+line+"\n" os.write(1, content.encode("utf-8")) try: os.fsync(1) except: pass def stop_log_files(self, units): for unit in units: try: if unit in self._log_file: if self._log_file[unit]: self._log_file[unit].close() except Exception as e: logg.error("can not close log: %s\n\t%s", unit, e) self._log_file = {} self._log_hold = {} def init_loop_until_stop(self, units): """ this is the init-loop - it checks for any zombies to be reaped and waits for an interrupt. When a SIGTERM /SIGINT /Control-C signal is received then the signal name is returned. Any other signal will just raise an Exception like one would normally expect. As a special the 'systemctl halt' emits SIGQUIT which puts it into no_more_procs mode.""" signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, lambda signum, frame: ignore_signals_and_raise_keyboard_interrupt("SIGQUIT")) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda signum, frame: ignore_signals_and_raise_keyboard_interrupt("SIGINT")) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda signum, frame: ignore_signals_and_raise_keyboard_interrupt("SIGTERM")) self.start_log_files(units) result = None while True: try: time.sleep(InitLoopSleep) self.read_log_files(units) ##### the reaper goes round running = self.system_reap_zombies() # logg.debug("reap zombies - init-loop found %s running procs", running) if self.exit_when_no_more_services: active = False for unit in units: conf = self.load_unit_conf(unit) if not conf: continue if self.is_active_from(conf): active = True if not active: logg.info("no more services - exit init-loop") break if self.exit_when_no_more_procs: if not running: logg.info("no more procs - exit init-loop") break except KeyboardInterrupt as e: if e.args and e.args[0] == "SIGQUIT": # the original systemd puts a coredump on that signal. logg.info("SIGQUIT - switch to no more procs check") self.exit_when_no_more_procs = True continue signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_DFL) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) logg.info("interrupted - exit init-loop") result = e.message or "STOPPED" self.read_log_files(units) self.read_log_files(units) self.stop_log_files(units) logg.debug("done - init loop") return result def system_reap_zombies(self): """ check to reap children """ selfpid = os.getpid() running = 0 for pid in os.listdir("/proc"): try: pid = int(pid) except: continue if pid == selfpid: continue proc_status = "/proc/%s/status" % pid if os.path.isfile(proc_status): zombie = False ppid = -1 try: for line in open(proc_status): m = re.match(r"State:\s*Z.*", line) if m: zombie = True m = re.match(r"PPid:\s*(\d+)", line) if m: ppid = int(m.group(1)) except IOError as e: logg.warning("%s : %s", proc_status, e) continue if zombie and ppid == os.getpid(): logg.info("reap zombie %s", pid) try: os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG) except OSError as e: logg.warning("reap zombie %s: %s", e.strerror) if os.path.isfile(proc_status): if pid > 1: running += 1 return running # except PID 0 and PID 1 def pidlist_of(self, pid): try: pid = int(pid) except: return [] pidlist = [ pid ] pids = [ pid ] for depth in xrange(ProcMaxDepth): for pid in os.listdir("/proc"): try: pid = int(pid) except: continue proc_status = "/proc/%s/status" % pid if os.path.isfile(proc_status): try: for line in open(proc_status): if line.startswith("PPid:"): ppid = line[len("PPid:"):].strip() try: ppid = int(ppid) except: continue if ppid in pidlist and pid not in pids: pids += [ pid ] except IOError as e: logg.warning("%s : %s", proc_status, e) continue if len(pids) != len(pidlist): pidlist = pids[:] continue return pids def etc_hosts(self): path = "/etc/hosts" if self._root: return os_path(self._root, path) return path def force_ipv4(self, *args): """ only ipv4 localhost in /etc/hosts """ logg.debug("checking /etc/hosts for '::1 localhost'") lines = [] for line in open(self.etc_hosts()): if "::1" in line: newline = re.sub("\\slocalhost\\s", " ", line) if line != newline: logg.info("/etc/hosts: '%s' => '%s'", line.rstrip(), newline.rstrip()) line = newline lines.append(line) f = open(self.etc_hosts(), "w") for line in lines: f.write(line) f.close() def force_ipv6(self, *args): """ only ipv4 localhost in /etc/hosts """ logg.debug("checking /etc/hosts for ' localhost'") lines = [] for line in open(self.etc_hosts()): if "" in line: newline = re.sub("\\slocalhost\\s", " ", line) if line != newline: logg.info("/etc/hosts: '%s' => '%s'", line.rstrip(), newline.rstrip()) line = newline lines.append(line) f = open(self.etc_hosts(), "w") for line in lines: f.write(line) f.close() def show_help(self, *args): """[command] -- show this help """ lines = [] okay = True prog = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if not args: argz = {} for name in dir(self): arg = None if name.startswith("system_"): arg = name[len("system_"):].replace("_","-") if name.startswith("show_"): arg = name[len("show_"):].replace("_","-") if name.endswith("_of_unit"): arg = name[:-len("_of_unit")].replace("_","-") if name.endswith("_modules"): arg = name[:-len("_modules")].replace("_","-") if arg: argz[arg] = name lines.append("%s command [options]..." % prog) lines.append("") lines.append("Commands:") for arg in sorted(argz): name = argz[arg] method = getattr(self, name) doc = "..." doctext = getattr(method, "__doc__") if doctext: doc = doctext elif not self._show_all: continue # pragma: nocover firstline = doc.split("\n")[0] doc_text = firstline.strip() if "--" not in firstline: doc_text = "-- " + doc_text lines.append(" %s %s" % (arg, firstline.strip())) return lines for arg in args: arg = arg.replace("-","_") func1 = getattr(self.__class__, arg+"_modules", None) func2 = getattr(self.__class__, arg+"_of_unit", None) func3 = getattr(self.__class__, "show_"+arg, None) func4 = getattr(self.__class__, "system_"+arg, None) func = func1 or func2 or func3 or func4 if func is None: print("error: no such command '%s'" % arg) okay = False else: doc_text = "..." doc = getattr(func, "__doc__", None) if doc: doc_text = doc.replace("\n","\n\n", 1).strip() if "--" not in doc_text: doc_text = "-- " + doc_text else: logg.debug("__doc__ of %s is none", func_name) if not self._show_all: continue lines.append("%s %s %s" % (prog, arg, doc_text)) if not okay: self.show_help() return False return lines def systemd_version(self): """ the the version line for systemd compatibility """ return "systemd 219\n - via systemctl.py %s" % __version__ def systemd_features(self): """ the the info line for systemd features """ features1 = "-PAM -AUDIT -SELINUX -IMA -APPARMOR -SMACK" features2 = " +SYSVINIT -UTMP -LIBCRYPTSETUP -GCRYPT -GNUTLS" features3 = " -ACL -XZ -LZ4 -SECCOMP -BLKID -ELFUTILS -KMOD -IDN" return features1+features2+features3 def systems_version(self): return [ self.systemd_version(), self.systemd_features() ] def print_result(result): # logg_info = logg.info # logg_debug = logg.debug def logg_info(*msg): pass def logg_debug(*msg): pass exitcode = 0 if result is None: logg_info("EXEC END None") elif result is True: logg_info("EXEC END True") result = None exitcode = 0 elif result is False: logg_info("EXEC END False") result = None exitcode = 1 elif isinstance(result, tuple) and len(result) == 2: exitcode, status = result logg_info("EXEC END %s '%s'", exitcode, status) if exitcode is True: exitcode = 0 if exitcode is False: exitcode = 1 result = status elif isinstance(result, int): logg_info("EXEC END %s", result) exitcode = result result = None # if result is None: pass elif isinstance(result, string_types): print(result) result1 = result.split("\n")[0][:-20] if result == result1: logg_info("EXEC END '%s'", result) else: logg_info("EXEC END '%s...'", result1) logg_debug(" END '%s'", result) elif isinstance(result, list) or hasattr(result, "next") or hasattr(result, "__next__"): shown = 0 for element in result: if isinstance(element, tuple): print("\t".join([ str(elem) for elem in element] )) else: print(element) shown += 1 logg_info("EXEC END %s items", shown) logg_debug(" END %s", result) elif hasattr(result, "keys"): shown = 0 for key in sorted(result.keys()): element = result[key] if isinstance(element, tuple): print(key,"=","\t".join([ str(elem) for elem in element])) else: print("%s=%s" % (key,element)) shown += 1 logg_info("EXEC END %s items", shown) logg_debug(" END %s", result) else: logg.warning("EXEC END Unknown result type %s", str(type(result))) return exitcode if __name__ == "__main__": import optparse _o = optparse.OptionParser("%prog [options] command [name...]", epilog="use 'help' command for more information") _o.add_option("--version", action="store_true", help="Show package version") _o.add_option("--system", action="store_true", default=False, help="Connect to system manager (default)") # overrides --user _o.add_option("--user", action="store_true", default=_user_mode, help="Connect to user service manager") # _o.add_option("-H", "--host", metavar="[USER@]HOST", # help="Operate on remote host*") # _o.add_option("-M", "--machine", metavar="CONTAINER", # help="Operate on local container*") _o.add_option("-t","--type", metavar="TYPE", dest="unit_type", default=_unit_type, help="List units of a particual type") _o.add_option("--state", metavar="STATE", help="List units with particular LOAD or SUB or ACTIVE state") _o.add_option("-p", "--property", metavar="NAME", dest="unit_property", default=_unit_property, help="Show only properties by this name") _o.add_option("-a", "--all", action="store_true", dest="show_all", default=_show_all, help="Show all loaded units/properties, including dead empty ones. To list all units installed on the system, use the 'list-unit-files' command instead") _o.add_option("-l","--full", action="store_true", default=_full, help="Don't ellipsize unit names on output (never ellipsized)") _o.add_option("--reverse", action="store_true", help="Show reverse dependencies with 'list-dependencies' (ignored)") _o.add_option("--job-mode", metavar="MODE", help="Specifiy how to deal with already queued jobs, when queuing a new job (ignored)") _o.add_option("--show-types", action="store_true", help="When showing sockets, explicitly show their type (ignored)") _o.add_option("-i","--ignore-inhibitors", action="store_true", help="When shutting down or sleeping, ignore inhibitors (ignored)") _o.add_option("--kill-who", metavar="WHO", help="Who to send signal to (ignored)") _o.add_option("-s", "--signal", metavar="SIG", help="Which signal to send (ignored)") _o.add_option("--now", action="store_true", default=_now, help="Start or stop unit in addition to enabling or disabling it") _o.add_option("-q","--quiet", action="store_true", default=_quiet, help="Suppress output") _o.add_option("--no-block", action="store_true", default=False, help="Do not wait until operation finished (ignored)") _o.add_option("--no-legend", action="store_true", default=_no_legend, help="Do not print a legend (column headers and hints)") _o.add_option("--no-wall", action="store_true", default=False, help="Don't send wall message before halt/power-off/reboot (ignored)") _o.add_option("--no-reload", action="store_true", help="Don't reload daemon after en-/dis-abling unit files (ignored)") _o.add_option("--no-ask-password", action="store_true", default=_no_ask_password, help="Do not ask for system passwords") # _o.add_option("--global", action="store_true", dest="globally", default=_globally, # help="Enable/disable unit files globally") # for all user logins # _o.add_option("--runtime", action="store_true", # help="Enable unit files only temporarily until next reboot") _o.add_option("--force", action="store_true", default=_force, help="When enabling unit files, override existing symblinks / When shutting down, execute action immediately") _o.add_option("--preset-mode", metavar="TYPE", default=_preset_mode, help="Apply only enable, only disable, or all presets [%default]") _o.add_option("--root", metavar="PATH", default=_root, help="Enable unit files in the specified root directory (used for alternative root prefix)") _o.add_option("-n","--lines", metavar="NUM", help="Number of journal entries to show (ignored)") _o.add_option("-o","--output", metavar="CAT", help="change journal output mode [short, ..., cat] (ignored)") _o.add_option("--plain", action="store_true", help="Print unit dependencies as a list instead of a tree (ignored)") _o.add_option("--no-pager", action="store_true", help="Do not pipe output into pager (ignored)") # _o.add_option("--coverage", metavar="OPTIONLIST", default=COVERAGE, help="..support for coverage (e.g. spawn,oldest,sleep) [%default]") _o.add_option("-e","--extra-vars", "--environment", metavar="NAME=VAL", action="append", default=[], help="..override settings in the syntax of 'Environment='") _o.add_option("-v","--verbose", action="count", default=0, help="..increase debugging information level") _o.add_option("-4","--ipv4", action="store_true", default=False, help="..only keep ipv4 localhost in /etc/hosts") _o.add_option("-6","--ipv6", action="store_true", default=False, help="..only keep ipv6 localhost in /etc/hosts") _o.add_option("-1","--init", action="store_true", default=False, help="..keep running as init-process (default if PID 1)") opt, args = _o.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(level = max(0, logging.FATAL - 10 * opt.verbose)) logg.setLevel(max(0, logging.ERROR - 10 * opt.verbose)) # COVERAGE = opt.coverage if "sleep" in COVERAGE: MinimumTimeoutStartSec = 7 MinimumTimeoutStopSec = 7 if "quick" in COVERAGE: MinimumTimeoutStartSec = 4 MinimumTimeoutStopSec = 4 DefaultTimeoutStartSec = 9 DefaultTimeoutStopSec = 9 _extra_vars = opt.extra_vars _force = opt.force _full = opt.full _no_legend = opt.no_legend _no_ask_password = opt.no_ask_password _now = opt.now _preset_mode = opt.preset_mode _quiet = opt.quiet _root = opt.root _show_all = opt.show_all _unit_type = opt.unit_type _unit_property = opt.unit_property # being PID 1 (or 0) in a container will imply --init _pid = os.getpid() _init = opt.init or _pid in [ 1, 0 ] _user_mode = opt.user if os.geteuid() and _pid in [ 1, 0 ]: _user_mode = True if opt.system: _user_mode = False # override --user # if _root: _systemctl_debug_log = os_path(_root, _var(_systemctl_debug_log)) _systemctl_extra_log = os_path(_root, _var(_systemctl_extra_log)) elif _user_mode: _systemctl_debug_log = _var(_systemctl_debug_log) _systemctl_extra_log = _var(_systemctl_extra_log) if os.access(_systemctl_extra_log, os.W_OK): loggfile = logging.FileHandler(_systemctl_extra_log) loggfile.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s")) logg.addHandler(loggfile) logg.setLevel(max(0, logging.INFO - 10 * opt.verbose)) if os.access(_systemctl_debug_log, os.W_OK): loggfile = logging.FileHandler(_systemctl_debug_log) loggfile.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s")) logg.addHandler(loggfile) logg.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logg.info("EXEC BEGIN %s %s%s%s", os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]), " ".join(args), _user_mode and " --user" or " --system", _init and " --init" or "", ) # # systemctl = Systemctl() if opt.version: args = [ "version" ] if not args: if _init: args = [ "init" ] # alias "--init default" else: args = [ "list-units" ] logg.debug("======= systemctl.py " + " ".join(args)) command = args[0] modules = args[1:] if opt.ipv4: systemctl.force_ipv4() elif opt.ipv6: systemctl.force_ipv6() found = False # command NAME if command.startswith("__"): command_name = command[2:] command_func = getattr(systemctl, command_name, None) if callable(command_func) and not found: found = True result = command_func(*modules) command_name = command.replace("-","_").replace(".","_")+"_modules" command_func = getattr(systemctl, command_name, None) if callable(command_func) and not found: found = True result = command_func(*modules) command_name = "show_"+command.replace("-","_").replace(".","_") command_func = getattr(systemctl, command_name, None) if callable(command_func) and not found: found = True result = command_func(*modules) command_name = "system_"+command.replace("-","_").replace(".","_") command_func = getattr(systemctl, command_name, None) if callable(command_func) and not found: found = True result = command_func() command_name = "systems_"+command.replace("-","_").replace(".","_") command_func = getattr(systemctl, command_name, None) if callable(command_func) and not found: found = True result = command_func() if not found: logg.error("Unknown operation %s.", command) sys.exit(1) # sys.exit(print_result(result))