--- authors: bio: My research interests include environmental epidemiology, particularly on health impacts related to climate-related disasters, and R programming. education: courses: - course: PostDoc in Biostatistics institution: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health year: 2011--2014 - course: PhD in Environmental Engineering institution: Yale University year: 2010 - course: BSc in Chemical Engineering institution: North Carolina State University year: 2004 - course: BA in French Language and Literature institution: North Carolina State University year: 2002 email: "brooke.anderson@colostate.edu" interests: - Environmental Epidemiology - Climate-related Disasters - R Programming name: Brooke Anderson organizations: - name: Colorado State University url: "" role: Assistant Professor of Epidemiology social: - icon: envelope icon_pack: fas link: mailto:brooke.anderson@colostate.edu - icon: twitter icon_pack: fab link: https://twitter.com/gbwanderson - icon: google-scholar icon_pack: ai link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=CWSlbfsAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao - icon: github icon_pack: fab link: https://github.com/geanders superuser: true user_groups: - Faculty --- Brooke Anderson is an assistant professor of environmental epidemiology at Colorado State University. Her research focuses on the health risks associated with climate-related exposures, including heat waves and air pollution, for which she has conducted several national-level studies. As part of her research, she has also published a number of open source R software packages to facilitate environmental epidemiologic research.