##Sublime Text Django Starter This is a Sublime Text 2/3 Plugin to generate a Django Project Template which can be then used for creating Django based websites. ###Installation ####By Package Control Open Package Control from Sublime Text via the Command Pallete and search for Django Starter and then Install it. ####Manually First, `git clone` this repository and then copy it's contents into any subfolder of your choice in the Packages Directory of Sublime Text (Click Preferences -> Browse Packages) ###Usage There are many ways to use this Plugin. If you have a project open in Sublime Text, right click over the folder where you want to create the Django project and enter the Project Name and a single App Name. The Project will be created in that directory You can also right click in any open file (in the editor region) and follow the above steps. The Django Project will be generated in the directory of that file. The same can be achieved by using the Command Pallete and searching for Django or by clicking Tools -> New Django Project ###About This plugin is created by Pradipta (geekpradd) using the Sublime Plugins API and Python for Sublime Text 2 and 3.