openapi: 3.0.3 info: title: Policy Information Point und Policy Administration Point API description: This service is part of the gematik Zero Trust Telematikinfrastruktur and implements download endpoints for OPA compatible PIP and PAP bundles. Open Policy Agents of the Telematikinfrastruktur can retrieve bundles (with policies and/or data) for their application. The bundles are signed by the central administrative OPA instance. version: 1.0.0 tags: - name: PIP_and_PAP description: Policy Information Point and Policy Administration Point servers: - url: http://localhost:8080 description: Local development server - url: description: Reference server - url: description: Reference server - url: description: Production server paths: /policies/{application}/{label}: parameters: - name: application in: path description: Application name required: true schema: type: string - name: label in: path description: label of the policy and/or data bundle.tar.gz required: true example: latest schema: type: string - in: header name: If-None-Match description: The revision of the last retrieved bundle (ETag header) schema: type: string description: The revision of the last retrieved bundle options: summary: Get allowed HTTP methods for this resource responses: '200': description: OK headers: Allow: schema: type: string example: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS get: summary: Retrieve a signed OPA bundle description: Retrieve a signed OPA bundle for the given application and label. The service compares the value of the If-None-Match header with the current revision of the bundle. If the bundle has not changed since the last update the server replys with HTTP 304 Not Modified. responses: '200': description: OK headers: ETag: schema: type: string description: The revision of the policy bundle. Content-Disposition: schema: type: string example: attachment; filename=bundle.tar.gz content: application/gzip: schema: type: string format: binary description: The signed OPA bundle '304': description: Not Modified '400': description: Invalid bundle type content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: type: string description: The error message example: error: Invalid bundle type. '404': description: Not Found content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: type: string description: The error message example: error: The requested bundle does not exist.