--- layout: rule id: GORULE:0000007 title: "IPI should not be used with GO:0003824 catalytic activity or descendents" type: report contact: "go-quality@lists.stanford.edu" status: implemented fail_mode: soft implementations: - language: sparql code: |- PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX owl: PREFIX RO: PREFIX hasEvidence: PREFIX ECO: PREFIX GO: PREFIX catalytic_activity: PREFIX IPI: PREFIX metago: SELECT ?subj ?relation ?object ?s ?evidence WHERE { GRAPH ?g { ?g metago:graphType metago:gafCam . ?s hasEvidence: ?evidence . ?evidence a IPI: . ?s owl:annotatedSource ?subj . ?s owl:annotatedProperty ?relation . ?s owl:annotatedTarget ?object . ?subj ?relation ?object . ?subj a ?iclass . ?object a catalytic_activity: . FILTER (?iclass != owl:NamedIndividual) # There should be no results where instances of # 'catalytic_activity molecular function' ; GO:0003824 also have evidences of IPI } } LIMIT 100 --- Evidence from a binary interaction ([IPI - Inferred from Physical Interaction evidence code](http://www.geneontology.org/GO.evidence.shtml#ipi)) is considered too weak to support an annotation to catalytic activity ; GO:0003824 or children. These annotations are flagged and should be reviewed.