21:07:2015 00:00 unipathway_ontology 1.2 anne.morgat@isb-sib.ch UniPathway Release 2015_03 definition definition If R <- P o Q is a defining property chain axiom, then it also holds that R -> P o Q. Note that this cannot be expressed directly in OWL is a defining property chain axiom If R <- P o Q is a defining property chain axiom, then (1) R -> P o Q holds and (2) Q is either reflexive or locally reflexive. A corollary of this is that P SubPropertyOf R. is a defining property chain axiom where second argument is reflexive FORMULA InChI unipathway_ontology uniprot_super_pathway true true UniProt super-pathway synonym_type_property database_cross_reference has_exact_synonym has_obo_format_version has_obo_namespace has_related_synonym has_synonym_type id shorthand is part of my brain is part of my body (continuant parthood, two material entities) my stomach cavity is part of my stomach (continuant parthood, immaterial entity is part of material entity) this day is part of this year (occurrent parthood) a core relation that holds between a part and its whole Everything is part of itself. Any part of any part of a thing is itself part of that thing. Two distinct things cannot be part of each other. Occurrents are not subject to change and so parthood between occurrents holds for all the times that the part exists. Many continuants are subject to change, so parthood between continuants will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See https://code.google.com/p/obo-relations/wiki/ROAndTime Parthood requires the part and the whole to have compatible classes: only an occurrent can be part of an occurrent; only a process can be part of a process; only a continuant can be part of a continuant; only an independent continuant can be part of an independent continuant; only an immaterial entity can be part of an immaterial entity; only a specifically dependent continuant can be part of a specifically dependent continuant; only a generically dependent continuant can be part of a generically dependent continuant. (This list is not exhaustive.) A continuant cannot be part of an occurrent: use 'participates in'. An occurrent cannot be part of a continuant: use 'has participant'. A material entity cannot be part of an immaterial entity: use 'has location'. A specifically dependent continuant cannot be part of an independent continuant: use 'inheres in'. An independent continuant cannot be part of a specifically dependent continuant: use 'bearer of'. part_of BFO:0000050 unipathway_ontology part_of part_of part of part of http://www.obofoundry.org/ro/#OBO_REL:part_of has part my body has part my brain (continuant parthood, two material entities) my stomach has part my stomach cavity (continuant parthood, material entity has part immaterial entity) this year has part this day (occurrent parthood) a core relation that holds between a whole and its part Everything has itself as a part. Any part of any part of a thing is itself part of that thing. Two distinct things cannot have each other as a part. Occurrents are not subject to change and so parthood between occurrents holds for all the times that the part exists. Many continuants are subject to change, so parthood between continuants will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See https://code.google.com/p/obo-relations/wiki/ROAndTime Parthood requires the part and the whole to have compatible classes: only an occurrent have an occurrent as part; only a process can have a process as part; only a continuant can have a continuant as part; only an independent continuant can have an independent continuant as part; only a specifically dependent continuant can have a specifically dependent continuant as part; only a generically dependent continuant can have a generically dependent continuant as part. (This list is not exhaustive.) A continuant cannot have an occurrent as part: use 'participates in'. An occurrent cannot have a continuant as part: use 'has participant'. An immaterial entity cannot have a material entity as part: use 'location of'. An independent continuant cannot have a specifically dependent continuant as part: use 'bearer of'. A specifically dependent continuant cannot have an independent continuant as part: use 'inheres in'. has_part has part preceded by x is preceded by y if and only if the time point at which y ends is before or equivalent to the time point at which x starts. Formally: x preceded by y iff ω(y) <= α(x), where α is a function that maps a process to a start point, and ω is a function that maps a process to an end point. An example is: translation preceded_by transcription; aging preceded_by development (not however death preceded_by aging). Where derives_from links classes of continuants, preceded_by links classes of processes. Clearly, however, these two relations are not independent of each other. Thus if cells of type C1 derive_from cells of type C, then any cell division involving an instance of C1 in a given lineage is preceded_by cellular processes involving an instance of C. The assertion P preceded_by P1 tells us something about Ps in general: that is, it tells us something about what happened earlier, given what we know about what happened later. Thus it does not provide information pointing in the opposite direction, concerning instances of P1 in general; that is, that each is such as to be succeeded by some instance of P. Note that an assertion to the effect that P preceded_by P1 is rather weak; it tells us little about the relations between the underlying instances in virtue of which the preceded_by relation obtains. Typically we will be interested in stronger relations, for example in the relation immediately_preceded_by, or in relations which combine preceded_by with a condition to the effect that the corresponding instances of P and P1 share participants, or that their participants are connected by relations of derivation, or (as a first step along the road to a treatment of causality) that the one process in some way affects (for example, initiates or regulates) the other. is preceded by preceded_by http://www.obofoundry.org/ro/#OBO_REL:preceded_by BFO:0000062 unipathway_ontology preceded_by preceded_by preceded by preceded by precedes x precedes y if and only if the time point at which x ends is before or equivalent to the time point at which y starts. Formally: x precedes y iff ω(x) <= α(y), where α is a function that maps a process to a start point, and ω is a function that maps a process to an end point. precedes occurs in b occurs_in c =def b is a process and c is a material entity or immaterial entity& there exists a spatiotemporal region r and b occupies_spatiotemporal_region r.& forall(t) if b exists_at t then c exists_at t & there exist spatial regions s and s’ where & b spatially_projects_onto s at t& c is occupies_spatial_region s’ at t& s is a proper_continuant_part_of s’ at t occurs_in unfolds in unfolds_in Paraphrase of definition: a relation between a process and an independent continuant, in which the process takes place entirely within the independent continuant occurs in site of [copied from inverse property 'occurs in'] b occurs_in c =def b is a process and c is a material entity or immaterial entity& there exists a spatiotemporal region r and b occupies_spatiotemporal_region r.& forall(t) if b exists_at t then c exists_at t & there exist spatial regions s and s’ where & b spatially_projects_onto s at t& c is occupies_spatial_region s’ at t& s is a proper_continuant_part_of s’ at t Paraphrase of definition: a relation between an independent continuant and a process, in which the process takes place entirely within the independent continuant contains process participates in this blood clot participates in this blood coagulation this input material (or this output material) participates in this process this investigator participates in this investigation a relation between a continuant and a process, in which the continuant is somehow involved in the process participates_in participates in has participant this blood coagulation has participant this blood clot this investigation has participant this investigator this process has participant this input material (or this output material) a relation between a process and a continuant, in which the continuant is somehow involved in the process Has_participant is a primitive instance-level relation between a process, a continuant, and a time at which the continuant participates in some way in the process. The relation obtains, for example, when this particular process of oxygen exchange across this particular alveolar membrane has_participant this particular sample of hemoglobin at this particular time. has_participant http://www.obofoundry.org/ro/#OBO_REL:has_participant has participant A 'has regulatory component activity' B if A and B are GO molecular functions (GO_0003674), A has_component B and A is regulated by B. dos 2017-05-24T09:30:46Z has regulatory component activity A relationship that holds between a GO molecular function and a component of that molecular function that negatively regulates the activity of the whole. More formally, A 'has regulatory component activity' B iff :A and B are GO molecular functions (GO_0003674), A has_component B and A is negatively regulated by B. dos 2017-05-24T09:31:01Z By convention GO molecular functions are classified by their effector function. Internal regulatory functions are treated as components. For example, NMDA glutmate receptor activity is a cation channel activity with positive regulatory component 'glutamate binding' and negative regulatory components including 'zinc binding' and 'magnesium binding'. has negative regulatory component activity A relationship that holds between a GO molecular function and a component of that molecular function that positively regulates the activity of the whole. More formally, A 'has regulatory component activity' B iff :A and B are GO molecular functions (GO_0003674), A has_component B and A is positively regulated by B. dos 2017-05-24T09:31:17Z By convention GO molecular functions are classified by their effector function and internal regulatory functions are treated as components. So, for example calmodulin has a protein binding activity that has positive regulatory component activity calcium binding activity. Receptor tyrosine kinase activity is a tyrosine kinase activity that has positive regulatory component 'ligand binding'. has positive regulatory component activity dos 2017-05-24T09:44:33Z A 'has component activity' B if A is A and B are molecular functions (GO_0003674) and A has_component B. has component activity w 'has process component' p if p and w are processes, w 'has part' p and w is such that it can be directly disassembled into into n parts p, p2, p3, ..., pn, where these parts are of similar type. dos 2017-05-24T09:49:21Z has component process A relationship that holds between between a receptor and an chemical entity, typically a small molecule or peptide, that carries information between cells or compartments of a cell and which binds the receptor and regulates its effector function. dos 2017-07-19T17:30:36Z has ligand dos 2017-09-17T13:52:24Z Process(P2) is directly regulated by process(P1) iff: P1 regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2). For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P1 directly regulates P2. directly regulated by Process(P2) is directly regulated by process(P1) iff: P1 regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2). For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P1 directly regulates P2. GOC:dos Process(P2) is directly negatively regulated by process(P1) iff: P1 negatively regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2). For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding negatively regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P2 directly negatively regulated by P1. dos 2017-09-17T13:52:38Z directly negatively regulated by Process(P2) is directly negatively regulated by process(P1) iff: P1 negatively regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2). For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding negatively regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P2 directly negatively regulated by P1. GOC:dos Process(P2) is directly postively regulated by process(P1) iff: P1 positively regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2). For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding positively regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P2 is directly postively regulated by P1. dos 2017-09-17T13:52:47Z directly positively regulated by Process(P2) is directly postively regulated by process(P1) iff: P1 positively regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2). For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding positively regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P2 is directly postively regulated by P1. GOC:dos A 'has effector activity' B if A and B are GO molecular functions (GO_0003674), A 'has component activity' B and B is the effector (output function) of B. Each compound function has only one effector activity. dos 2017-09-22T14:14:36Z This relation is designed for constructing compound molecular functions, typically in combination with one or more regulatory component activity relations. has effector activity A 'has effector activity' B if A and B are GO molecular functions (GO_0003674), A 'has component activity' B and B is the effector (output function) of B. Each compound function has only one effector activity. GOC:dos David Osumi-Sutherland X ends_after Y iff: end(Y) before_or_simultaneous_with end(X) ends after David Osumi-Sutherland starts_at_end_of X immediately_preceded_by Y iff: end(X) simultaneous_with start(Y) immediately preceded by David Osumi-Sutherland ends_at_start_of meets X immediately_precedes_Y iff: end(X) simultaneous_with start(Y) immediately precedes x overlaps y if and only if there exists some z such that x has part z and z part of y http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BFO_0000051 some (http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BFO_0000050 some ?Y) overlaps true w 'has component' p if w 'has part' p and w is such that it can be directly disassembled into into n parts p, p2, p3, ..., pn, where these parts are of similar type. The definition of 'has component' is still under discussion. The challenge is in providing a definition that does not imply transitivity. For use in recording has_part with a cardinality constraint, because OWL does not permit cardinality constraints to be used in combination with transitive object properties. In situations where you would want to say something like 'has part exactly 5 digit, you would instead use has_component exactly 5 digit. has component process(P1) regulates process(P2) iff: P1 results in the initiation or termination of P2 OR affects the frequency of its initiation or termination OR affects the magnitude or rate of output of P2. We use 'regulates' here to specifically imply control. However, many colloquial usages of the term correctly correspond to the weaker relation of 'causally upstream of or within' (aka influences). Consider relabeling to make things more explicit Chris Mungall David Hill Tanya Berardini GO Regulation precludes parthood; the regulatory process may not be within the regulated process. regulates (processual) false regulates Process(P1) negatively regulates process(P2) iff: P1 terminates P2, or P1 descreases the the frequency of initiation of P2 or the magnitude or rate of output of P2. Chris Mungall negatively regulates (process to process) negatively regulates Process(P1) postively regulates process(P2) iff: P1 initiates P2, or P1 increases the the frequency of initiation of P2 or the magnitude or rate of output of P2. Chris Mungall positively regulates (process to process) positively regulates mechanosensory neuron capable of detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception (GO:0050974) osteoclast SubClassOf 'capable of' some 'bone resorption' A relation between a material entity (such as a cell) and a process, in which the material entity has the ability to carry out the process. Chris Mungall has function realized in For compatibility with BFO, this relation has a shortcut definition in which the expression "capable of some P" expands to "bearer_of (some realized_by only P)". RO_0000053 some (RO_0000054 only ?Y) capable of c stands in this relationship to p if and only if there exists some p' such that c is capable_of p', and p' is part_of p. Chris Mungall has function in RO_0000053 some (RO_0000054 only (BFO_0000050 some ?Y)) capable of part of true x actively participates in y if and only if x participates in y and x realizes some active role Chris Mungall agent in actively participates in 'heart development' has active participant some Shh protein x has participant y if and only if x realizes some active role that inheres in y This may be obsoleted and replaced by the original 'has agent' relation Chris Mungall has agent has active participant Chris Mungall Do not use this relation directly. It is ended as a grouping for relations between occurrents involving the relative timing of their starts and ends. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kBv1ep_9g3sTR-SD3jqzFqhuwo9TPNF-l-9fUDbO6rM/edit?pli=1 A relation that holds between two occurrents. This is a grouping relation that collects together all the Allen relations. temporally related to p has input c iff: p is a process, c is a material entity, c is a participant in p, c is present at the start of p, and the state of c is modified during p. Chris Mungall consumes RO:0002233 unipathway_ontology has_input_compound has_input_compound has input has input p has output c iff c is a participant in p, c is present at the end of p, and c is not present at the beginning of p. Chris Mungall produces RO:0002234 unipathway_ontology has_output_compound has_output_compound has output has output A faulty traffic light (material entity) whose malfunctioning (a process) is causally upstream of a traffic collision (a process): the traffic light acts upstream of the collision. c acts upstream of p if and only if c enables some f that is involved in p' and p' occurs chronologically before p, is not part of p, and affects the execution of p. c is a material entity and f, p, p' are processes. acts upstream of A gene product that has some activity, where that activity may be a part of a pathway or upstream of the pathway. c acts upstream of or within p if c is enables f, and f is causally upstream of or within p. c is a material entity and p is an process. affects acts upstream of or within cjm holds between x and y if and only if x is causally upstream of y and the progression of x increases the frequency, rate or extent of y causally upstream of, positive effect cjm holds between x and y if and only if x is causally upstream of y and the progression of x decreases the frequency, rate or extent of y causally upstream of, negative effect A mereological relationship or a topological relationship Chris Mungall Do not use this relation directly. It is ended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving parthood or connectivity relationships mereotopologically related to a particular instances of akt-2 enables some instance of protein kinase activity Chris Mungall catalyzes executes has is catalyzing is executing This relation differs from the parent relation 'capable of' in that the parent is weaker and only expresses a capability that may not be actually realized, whereas this relation is always realized. This relation is currently used experimentally by the Gene Ontology Consortium. It may not be stable and may be obsoleted at some future time. enables A grouping relationship for any relationship directly involving a function, or that holds because of a function of one of the related entities. Chris Mungall This is a grouping relation that collects relations used for the purpose of connecting structure and function functionally related to this relation holds between c and p when c is part of some c', and c' is capable of p. Chris Mungall false part of structure that is capable of true c involved_in p if and only if c enables some process p', and p' is part of p Chris Mungall actively involved in enables part of involved in inverse of enables Chris Mungall enabled by inverse of regulates Chris Mungall regulated by (processual) regulated by inverse of negatively regulates Chris Mungall negatively regulated by inverse of positively regulates Chris Mungall positively regulated by inverse of has input Chris Mungall input of inverse of has output Chris Mungall output of inverse of upstream of Chris Mungall causally downstream of Chris Mungall immediately causally downstream of This relation groups causal relations between material entities and causal relations between processes This branch of the ontology deals with causal relations between entities. It is divided into two branches: causal relations between occurrents/processes, and causal relations between material entities. We take an 'activity flow-centric approach', with the former as primary, and define causal relations between material entities in terms of causal relations between occurrents. To define causal relations in an activity-flow type network, we make use of 3 primitives: * Temporal: how do the intervals of the two occurrents relate? * Is the causal relation regulatory? * Is the influence positive or negative The first of these can be formalized in terms of the Allen Interval Algebra. Informally, the 3 bins we care about are 'direct', 'indirect' or overlapping. Note that all causal relations should be classified under a RO temporal relation (see the branch under 'temporally related to'). Note that all causal relations are temporal, but not all temporal relations are causal. Two occurrents can be related in time without being causally connected. We take causal influence to be primitive, elucidated as being such that has the upstream changed, some qualities of the donwstream would necessarily be modified. For the second, we consider a relationship to be regulatory if the system in which the activities occur is capable of altering the relationship to achieve some objective. This could include changing the rate of production of a molecule. For the third, we consider the effect of the upstream process on the output(s) of the downstream process. If the level of output is increased, or the rate of production of the output is increased, then the direction is increased. Direction can be positive, negative or neutral or capable of either direction. Two positives in succession yield a positive, two negatives in succession yield a positive, otherwise the default assumption is that the net effect is canceled and the influence is neutral. Each of these 3 primitives can be composed to yield a cross-product of different relation types. Chris Mungall Do not use this relation directly. It is intended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving cause and effect. causally related to p is causally upstream of q if and only if p precedes q and p and q are linked in a causal chain Chris Mungall causally upstream of p is immediately causally upstream of q iff both (a) p immediately precedes q and (b) p is causally upstream of q. In addition, the output of p must be an input of q. Chris Mungall immediately causally upstream of p 'causally upstream or within' q iff (1) the end of p is before the end of q and (2) the execution of p exerts some causal influence over the outputs of q; i.e. if p was abolished or the outputs of p were to be modified, this would necessarily affect q. We would like to make this disjoint with 'preceded by', but this is prohibited in OWL2 Chris Mungall influences (processual) affects causally upstream of or within inverse of causally upstream of or within Chris Mungall causally downstream of or within c involved in regulation of p if c is involved in some p' and p' regulates some p Chris Mungall involved in regulation of c involved in regulation of p if c is involved in some p' and p' positively regulates some p Chris Mungall involved in positive regulation of c involved in regulation of p if c is involved in some p' and p' negatively regulates some p Chris Mungall involved in negative regulation of c involved in or regulates p if and only if either (i) c is involved in p or (ii) c is involved in regulation of p OWL does not allow defining object properties via a Union Chris Mungall involved in or reguates involved in or involved in regulation of A protein that enables activity in a cytosol. c executes activity in d if and only if c enables p and p occurs_in d. Assuming no action at a distance by gene products, if a gene product enables (is capable of) a process that occurs in some structure, it must have at least some part in that structure. Chris Mungall executes activity in enables activity in is active in true c executes activity in d if and only if c enables p and p occurs_in d. Assuming no action at a distance by gene products, if a gene product enables (is capable of) a process that occurs in some structure, it must have at least some part in that structure. GOC:cjm GOC:dos A relationship that holds between two entities in which the processes executed by the two entities are causally connected. This relation and all sub-relations can be applied to either (1) pairs of entities that are interacting at any moment of time (2) populations or species of entity whose members have the disposition to interact (3) classes whose members have the disposition to interact. Considering relabeling as 'pairwise interacts with' Chris Mungall Note that this relationship type, and sub-relationship types may be redundant with process terms from other ontologies. For example, the symbiotic relationship hierarchy parallels GO. The relations are provided as a convenient shortcut. Consider using the more expressive processual form to capture your data. In the future, these relations will be linked to their cognate processes through rules. in pairwise interaction with interacts with http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MI_0914 https://github.com/oborel/obo-relations/wiki/InteractionRelations An interaction relationship in which the two partners are molecular entities that directly physically interact with each other for example via a stable binding interaction or a brief interaction during which one modifies the other. Chris Mungall binds molecularly binds with molecularly interacts with http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MI_0915 Axiomatization to GO to be added later Chris Mungall An interaction relation between x and y in which x catalyzes a reaction in which a phosphate group is added to y. phosphorylates Holds between molecular entities A and B where A can physically interact with B and in doing so regulates a process that B is capable of. For example, A and B may be gene products and binding of B by A regulates the kinase activity of B. Chris Mungall molecularly controls activity directly regulates activity of Holds between molecular entities A and B where A can physically interact with B and in doing so negatively regulates a process that B is capable of. For example, A and B may be gene products and binding of B by A negatively regulates the kinase activity of B. Chris Mungall inhibits molecularly decreases activity of activity directly negatively regulates activity of Holds between molecular entities A and B where A can physically interact with B and in doing so positively regulates a process that B is capable of. For example, A and B may be gene products and binding of B by A positively regulates the kinase activity of B. Chris Mungall activates molecularly increases activity of activity directly positively regulates activity of Chris Mungall This property or its subproperties is not to be used directly. These properties exist as helper properties that are used to support OWL reasoning. helper property (not for use in curation) p has part that occurs in c if and only if there exists some p1, such that p has_part p1, and p1 occurs in c. Chris Mungall has part that occurs in true Chris Mungall is kinase activity A relationship between a material entity and a process where the material entity has some causal role that influences the process causal agent in process p is causally related to q if and only if p or any part of p and q or any part of q are linked by a chain of events where each event pair is one of direct activation or direct inhibition. p may be upstream, downstream, part of or a container of q. Chris Mungall Do not use this relation directly. It is intended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving cause and effect. causal relation between processes The intent is that the process branch of the causal property hierarchy is primary (causal relations hold between occurrents/processes), and that the material branch is defined in terms of the process branch Chris Mungall Do not use this relation directly. It is intended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving cause and effect. causal relation between material entities Chris Mungall causally influenced by (material entity to material entity) causally influenced by Chris Mungall interaction relation helper property https://github.com/oborel/obo-relations/wiki/InteractionRelations Chris Mungall molecular interaction relation helper property Holds between materal entities a and b if the activity of a is causally upstream of the activity of b, or causally upstream of a an activity that modifies b Chris Mungall causally influences (material entity to material entity) causally influences Process(P1) directly regulates process(P2) iff: P1 regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2). For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P1 directly regulates P2. Chris Mungall directly regulates (processual) directly regulates gland SubClassOf 'has part structure that is capable of' some 'secretion by cell' s 'has part structure that is capable of' p if and only if there exists some part x such that s 'has part' x and x 'capable of' p Chris Mungall has part structure that is capable of A relationship that holds between a material entity and a process in which causality is involved, with either the material entity or some part of the material entity exerting some influence over the process, or the process influencing some aspect of the material entity. Do not use this relation directly. It is intended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving cause and effect. Chris Mungall causal relation between material entity and a process pyrethroid -> growth Holds between c and p if and only if c is capable of some activity a, and a regulates p. capable of regulating Holds between c and p if and only if c is capable of some activity a, and a negatively regulates p. capable of negatively regulating renin -> arteriolar smooth muscle contraction Holds between c and p if and only if c is capable of some activity a, and a positively regulates p. capable of positively regulating Inverse of 'causal agent in process' process has causal agent Process(P1) directly postively regulates process(P2) iff: P1 positively regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2). For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding positively regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P1 directly positively regulates P2. directly positively regulates (process to process) directly positively regulates Process(P1) directly negatively regulates process(P2) iff: P1 negatively regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2). For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding negatively regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P1 directly negatively regulates P2. directly negatively regulates (process to process) directly negatively regulates a produces b if some process that occurs_in a has_output b, where a and b are material entities. Examples: hybridoma cell line produces monoclonal antibody reagent; chondroblast produces avascular GAG-rich matrix. Melissa Haendel Note that this definition doesn't quite distinguish the output of a transformation process from a production process, which is related to the identity/granularity issue. produces a produced_by b iff some process that occurs_in b has_output a. Melissa Haendel produced by Holds between an entity and an process P where the entity enables some larger compound process, and that larger process has-part P. cjm 2018-01-25T23:20:13Z enables subfunction cjm 2018-01-26T23:49:30Z acts upstream of or within, positive effect cjm 2018-01-26T23:49:51Z acts upstream of or within, negative effect c 'acts upstream of, positive effect' p if c is enables f, and f is causally upstream of p, and the direction of f is positive cjm 2018-01-26T23:53:14Z acts upstream of, positive effect c 'acts upstream of, negative effect' p if c is enables f, and f is causally upstream of p, and the direction of f is negative cjm 2018-01-26T23:53:22Z acts upstream of, negative effect cjm 2018-03-13T23:55:05Z causally upstream of or within, negative effect cjm 2018-03-13T23:55:19Z causally upstream of or within, positive effect unipathway_ontology has_connecting_compound has connecting compound An entity that exists in full at any time in which it exists at all, persists through time while maintaining its identity and has no temporal parts. continuant An entity that has temporal parts and that happens, unfolds or develops through time. occurrent A continuant that is a bearer of quality and realizable entity entities, in which other entities inhere and which itself cannot inhere in anything. independent continuant An occurrent that has temporal proper parts and for some time t, p s-depends_on some material entity at t. process An independent continuant that is spatially extended whose identity is independent of that of other entities and can be maintained through time. material entity molecular process molecular_function catalytic activity biological_process true kinase activity transferase activity transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups A chemical reaction involved in a UniPathway pathway. GO:0003824 reaction UPa:UCR00000 reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00005 METACYC:ALLOPHANATE-HYDROLASE-RXN RHEA:19032 reaction UPa:UCR00005 H(2)O + urea-1-carboxylate = 2 CO(2) + 2 NH(3) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00005 KEGG reaction METACYC:ALLOPHANATE-HYDROLASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19032 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00010 METACYC:TREHALA-RXN RHEA:20871 RHEA:32678 reaction UPa:UCR00010 H(2)O + alpha,alpha-trehalose = 2 D-glucose 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00010 KEGG reaction METACYC:TREHALA-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20871 Rhea reaction RHEA:32678 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00013 METACYC:GLYOCARBOLIG-RXN RHEA:10139 reaction UPa:UCR00013 2 glyoxylate = 2-hydroxy-3-oxopropanoate + CO(2) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00013 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLYOCARBOLIG-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10139 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00014 METACYC:RXN-12583 reaction UPa:UCR00014 pyruvate + thiamine diphosphate = 2-hydroxyethyl-ThPP + CO(2) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00014 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-12583 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00021 METACYC:GLUTAMATE-SYNTHASE-FERREDOXIN-RXN RHEA:12131 reaction UPa:UCR00021 2 L-glutamate + 2 oxidized ferredoxin = 2-oxoglutarate + 2 H(+) + L-glutamine + 2 reduced ferredoxin 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00021 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUTAMATE-SYNTHASE-FERREDOXIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12131 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00036 METACYC:PORPHOBILSYNTH-RXN RHEA:24067 reaction UPa:UCR00036 2 5-aminolevulinate = 2 H(2)O + porphobilinogen 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00036 KEGG reaction METACYC:PORPHOBILSYNTH-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24067 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00066 METACYC:RIBOFLAVIN-SYN-RXN RHEA:20775 reaction UPa:UCR00066 2 6,7-dimethyl-8-(1-D-ribityl)lumazine = 5-amino-6-(D-ribitylamino)uracil + riboflavin 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00066 KEGG reaction METACYC:RIBOFLAVIN-SYN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20775 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00084 METACYC:OHMETHYLBILANESYN-RXN RHEA:13188 reaction UPa:UCR00084 H(2)O + 4 porphobilinogen = 4 NH(3) + hydroxymethylbilane 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00084 KEGG reaction METACYC:OHMETHYLBILANESYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13188 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00093 METACYC:GLUTAMATE-SYNTHASE-NADH-RXN RHEA:13756 reaction UPa:UCR00093 2 L-glutamate + NAD(+) = 2-oxoglutarate + H(+) + L-glutamine + NADH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00093 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUTAMATE-SYNTHASE-NADH-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13756 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00114 METACYC:GLUTAMATESYN-RXN RHEA:15504 reaction UPa:UCR00114 2 L-glutamate + NADP(+) = 2-oxoglutarate + H(+) + L-glutamine + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00114 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUTAMATESYN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15504 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00127 METACYC:ADENYL-KIN-RXN RHEA:12976 reaction UPa:UCR00127 AMP + ATP = 2 ADP 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00127 KEGG reaction METACYC:ADENYL-KIN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12976 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00130 METACYC:DEPHOSPHOCOAKIN-RXN RHEA:18248 reaction UPa:UCR00130 3'-dephospho-CoA + ATP = ADP + CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00130 KEGG reaction METACYC:DEPHOSPHOCOAKIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18248 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00131 METACYC:UREASE-RXN RHEA:20560 reaction UPa:UCR00131 H(2)O + urea = CO(2) + 2 NH(3) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00131 KEGG reaction METACYC:UREASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20560 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00137 METACYC: RHEA:21363 reaction UPa:UCR00137 ATP + nicotinamide D-ribonucleotide = NAD(+) + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00137 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21363 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00150 METACYC:CARBAMATE-KINASE-RXN RHEA:10155 reaction UPa:UCR00150 ATP + CO(2) + NH(3) = ADP + carbamoyl phosphate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00150 KEGG reaction METACYC:CARBAMATE-KINASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10155 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00156 METACYC:UDPKIN-RXN RHEA:25101 reaction UPa:UCR00156 ATP + UDP = ADP + UTP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00156 KEGG reaction METACYC:UDPKIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25101 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00158 METACYC:RXN-12002 RHEA:24403 reaction UPa:UCR00158 ATP + UMP = ADP + UDP 1 1 LR 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00158 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-12002 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24403 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00161 METACYC:FADSYN-RXN RHEA:17240 reaction UPa:UCR00161 ATP + FMN = FAD + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00161 KEGG reaction METACYC:FADSYN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17240 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00173 METACYC: RHEA:20536 reaction UPa:UCR00173 H(2)O + pyridoxal 5'-phosphate = phosphate + pyridoxal 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00173 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20536 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00174 METACYC:PYRIDOXKIN-RXN RHEA:10227 reaction UPa:UCR00174 ATP + pyridoxal = ADP + pyridoxal 5'-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00174 KEGG reaction METACYC:PYRIDOXKIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10227 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00177 METACYC:S-ADENMETSYN-RXN RHEA:21083 reaction UPa:UCR00177 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + diphosphate + phosphate = ATP + H(2)O + L-methionine 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00177 KEGG reaction METACYC:S-ADENMETSYN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21083 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00178 METACYC:SAMDECARB-RXN RHEA:15984 reaction UPa:UCR00178 H(+) + S-adenosyl-L-methionine = CO(2) + S-adenosylmethioninamine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00178 KEGG reaction METACYC:SAMDECARB-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15984 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00179 METACYC: RHEA:21747 reaction UPa:UCR00179 S-adenosyl-L-methionine = 1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylate + S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00179 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21747 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00181 METACYC:AMP-DEAMINASE-RXN RHEA:14780 reaction UPa:UCR00181 AMP + H(2)O = IMP + NH(3) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00181 KEGG reaction METACYC:AMP-DEAMINASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14780 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00185 METACYC:ADENOSINE-KINASE-RXN RHEA:20827 reaction UPa:UCR00185 ATP + adenosine = ADP + AMP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00185 KEGG reaction METACYC:ADENOSINE-KINASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20827 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00189 METACYC:NAD-SYNTH-NH3-RXN RHEA:21191 reaction UPa:UCR00189 ATP + NH(3) + deamido-NAD(+) = AMP + NAD(+) + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00189 KEGG reaction METACYC:NAD-SYNTH-NH3-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21191 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00190 METACYC:ADENPRIBOSYLTRAN-RXN RHEA:16612 reaction UPa:UCR00190 AMP + diphosphate = 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + adenine 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00190 KEGG reaction METACYC:ADENPRIBOSYLTRAN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16612 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00191 METACYC:RXN0-5038 RHEA:25280 reaction UPa:UCR00191 3',5'-cyclic AMP + H(2)O = AMP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00191 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-5038 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25280 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00192 METACYC:ADENOSYLHOMOCYSTEINASE-RXN RHEA:21711 reaction UPa:UCR00192 H(2)O + S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine = L-homocysteine + adenosine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00192 KEGG reaction METACYC:ADENOSYLHOMOCYSTEINASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21711 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00200 METACYC:PEPDEPHOS-RXN RHEA:18160 reaction UPa:UCR00200 ATP + pyruvate = ADP + phosphoenolpyruvate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00200 KEGG reaction METACYC:PEPDEPHOS-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18160 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00212 METACYC:PYRUVFORMLY-RXN RHEA:11847 reaction UPa:UCR00212 acetyl-CoA + formate = CoA + pyruvate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00212 KEGG reaction METACYC:PYRUVFORMLY-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11847 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00226 METACYC:ACETOLACTSYN-RXN RHEA:25252 reaction UPa:UCR00226 (S)-2-acetolactate + CO(2) = 2 pyruvate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00226 KEGG reaction METACYC:ACETOLACTSYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25252 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00228 METACYC:ACETALD-DEHYDROG-RXN RHEA:23291 reaction UPa:UCR00228 CoA + NAD(+) + acetaldehyde = H(+) + NADH + acetyl-CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00228 KEGG reaction METACYC:ACETALD-DEHYDROG-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23291 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00230 METACYC:PHOSACETYLTRANS-RXN RHEA:19524 reaction UPa:UCR00230 acetyl-CoA + phosphate = CoA + acetyl phosphate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00230 KEGG reaction METACYC:PHOSACETYLTRANS-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19524 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00233 METACYC:MALONYL-COA-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN RHEA:18784 reaction UPa:UCR00233 malonyl-CoA = CO(2) + acetyl-CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00233 KEGG reaction METACYC:MALONYL-COA-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18784 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00238 METACYC:ACETYL-COA-ACETYLTRANSFER-RXN RHEA:21039 reaction UPa:UCR00238 2 acetyl-CoA = CoA + acetoacetyl-CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00238 KEGG reaction METACYC:ACETYL-COA-ACETYLTRANSFER-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21039 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00239 METACYC:GLUTKIN-RXN RHEA:14880 reaction UPa:UCR00239 ATP + L-glutamate = ADP + L-glutamyl 5-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00239 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUTKIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14880 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00243 METACYC:GLUTAMATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:15136 reaction UPa:UCR00243 H(2)O + L-glutamate + NAD(+) = 2-oxoglutarate + H(+) + NADH + NH(3) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00243 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUTAMATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15136 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00253 METACYC:GLUTAMINESYN-RXN RHEA:16172 reaction UPa:UCR00253 ATP + L-glutamate + NH(3) = ADP + L-glutamine + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00253 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUTAMINESYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16172 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00256 METACYC:GLUTAMIN-RXN RHEA:15892 reaction UPa:UCR00256 H(2)O + L-glutamine = L-glutamate + NH(3) 1 1 LR 2 LR 2 KEGG:R00256 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUTAMIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15892 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00257 METACYC:NAD-SYNTH-GLN-RXN RHEA:24387 reaction UPa:UCR00257 ATP + H(2)O + L-glutamine + deamido-NAD(+) = AMP + L-glutamate + NAD(+) + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00257 KEGG reaction METACYC:NAD-SYNTH-GLN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24387 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00258 METACYC:ALANINE-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN RHEA:19456 reaction UPa:UCR00258 2-oxoglutarate + L-alanine = L-glutamate + pyruvate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00258 KEGG reaction METACYC:ALANINE-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19456 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00259 METACYC:N-ACETYLTRANSFER-RXN RHEA:24295 reaction UPa:UCR00259 L-glutamate + acetyl-CoA = CoA + N-acetyl-L-glutamate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00259 KEGG reaction METACYC:N-ACETYLTRANSFER-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24295 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R00262 METACYC:METHYLASPARTATE-MUTASE-RXN RHEA:12860 reaction UPa:UCR00262 (2S,3S)-3-methyl-L-aspartate = L-glutamate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00262 KEGG reaction METACYC:METHYLASPARTATE-MUTASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12860 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00264 METACYC:25-DIOXOVALERATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:11299 reaction UPa:UCR00264 2,5-dioxopentanoate + H(2)O + NADP(+) = 2-oxoglutarate + H(+) + NADPH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00264 KEGG reaction METACYC:25-DIOXOVALERATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11299 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00267 METACYC:ISOCITDEH-RXN METACYC:RXN-8642 RHEA:19632 reaction UPa:UCR00267 NADP(+) + isocitrate = 2-oxoglutarate + CO(2) + H(+) + NADPH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00267 KEGG reaction METACYC:ISOCITDEH-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION METACYC:RXN-8642 MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19632 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00271 METACYC:HOMOCITRATE-SYNTHASE-RXN RHEA:12932 reaction UPa:UCR00271 2-oxoglutarate + H(2)O + acetyl-CoA = (R)-homocitrate + CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00271 KEGG reaction METACYC:HOMOCITRATE-SYNTHASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12932 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00272 METACYC:RXN-7774 RHEA:10527 reaction UPa:UCR00272 2-oxoglutarate = CO(2) + succinate semialdehyde 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00272 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-7774 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10527 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00277 METACYC:PMPOXI-RXN RHEA:15820 reaction UPa:UCR00277 H(2)O + O(2) + pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate = H(2)O(2) + NH(3) + pyridoxal 5'-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00277 KEGG reaction METACYC:PMPOXI-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15820 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00278 METACYC:PNPOXI-RXN RHEA:15152 reaction UPa:UCR00278 O(2) + pyridoxine 5'-phosphate = H(2)O(2) + pyridoxal 5'-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00278 KEGG reaction METACYC:PNPOXI-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15152 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00286 METACYC:UGD-RXN RHEA:23599 reaction UPa:UCR00286 H(2)O + 2 NAD(+) + UDP-alpha-D-glucose = 2 H(+) + 2 NADH + UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00286 KEGG reaction METACYC:UGD-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23599 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00294 METACYC:NITRIC-OXIDE-REDUCTASE-RXN RHEA:10991 RHEA:30214 reaction UPa:UCR00294 2 H(+) + 2 ferrocytochrome c + 2 nitric oxide = H(2)O + 2 ferricytochrome c + nitrous oxide 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00294 KEGG reaction METACYC:NITRIC-OXIDE-REDUCTASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10991 Rhea reaction RHEA:30214 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00299 METACYC:GLUCOKIN-RXN RHEA:17828 reaction UPa:UCR00299 ATP + D-glucose = ADP + D-glucose 6-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00299 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUCOKIN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17828 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00310 METACYC:PROTOHEMEFERROCHELAT-RXN RHEA:22587 reaction UPa:UCR00310 Fe2+ + protoporphyrin-IX = 2 H(+) + protoheme 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00310 KEGG reaction METACYC:PROTOHEMEFERROCHELAT-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22587 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00315 METACYC:ACETATEKIN-RXN RHEA:11355 reaction UPa:UCR00315 ATP + acetate = ADP + acetyl phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00315 KEGG reaction METACYC:ACETATEKIN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11355 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00325 METACYC:CITRAMALATE-LYASE-RXN RHEA:15548 reaction UPa:UCR00325 L-citramalate = acetate + pyruvate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00325 KEGG reaction METACYC:CITRAMALATE-LYASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15548 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00336 METACYC:PPGPPSYN-RXN RHEA:14256 reaction UPa:UCR00336 H(2)O + ppGpp = GDP + diphosphate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00336 KEGG reaction METACYC:PPGPPSYN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14256 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00342 METACYC:MALATE-DEH-RXN RHEA:21435 reaction UPa:UCR00342 (S)-malate + NAD(+) = H(+) + NADH + oxaloacetate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00342 KEGG reaction METACYC:MALATE-DEH-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21435 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00351 METACYC:CITSYN-RXN RHEA:16848 reaction UPa:UCR00351 CoA + citrate = H(2)O + acetyl-CoA + oxaloacetate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00351 KEGG reaction METACYC:CITSYN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16848 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00355 METACYC:ASPAMINOTRANS-RXN RHEA:21827 reaction UPa:UCR00355 2-oxoglutarate + L-aspartate = L-glutamate + oxaloacetate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00355 KEGG reaction METACYC:ASPAMINOTRANS-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21827 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00361 METACYC:MALATE-DEHYDROGENASE-ACCEPTOR-RXN RHEA:22559 reaction UPa:UCR00361 (S)-malate + Quinone = Hydroquinone + oxaloacetate 1 KEGG:R00361 KEGG reaction METACYC:MALATE-DEHYDROGENASE-ACCEPTOR-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22559 Rhea reaction LR 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00367 METACYC:GLYCINE-N-METHYLTRANSFERASE-RXN RHEA:19940 reaction UPa:UCR00367 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + glycine = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + sarcosine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00367 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLYCINE-N-METHYLTRANSFERASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19940 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00369 METACYC:ALANINE--GLYOXYLATE-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN RHEA:24251 reaction UPa:UCR00369 L-alanine + glyoxylate = glycine + pyruvate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00369 KEGG reaction METACYC:ALANINE--GLYOXYLATE-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24251 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00371 METACYC:AKBLIG-RXN RHEA:20739 reaction UPa:UCR00371 acetyl-CoA + glycine = CoA + L-2-amino-3-oxobutanoic acid 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00371 KEGG reaction METACYC:AKBLIG-RXN MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20739 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00372 METACYC:GLYCINE-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN RHEA:14092 reaction UPa:UCR00372 2-oxoglutarate + glycine = L-glutamate + glyoxylate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00372 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLYCINE-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14092 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00396 METACYC:ALANINE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:18408 reaction UPa:UCR00396 H(2)O + L-alanine + NAD(+) = H(+) + NADH + NH(3) + pyruvate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00396 KEGG reaction METACYC:ALANINE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18408 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R00401 METACYC:ALARACECAT-RXN RHEA:20252 reaction UPa:UCR00401 L-alanine = D-alanine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00401 KEGG reaction METACYC:ALARACECAT-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20252 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00405 METACYC:SUCCCOASYN-RXN RHEA:17664 reaction UPa:UCR00405 ATP + CoA + succinate = ADP + phosphate + succinyl-CoA 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00405 KEGG reaction METACYC:SUCCCOASYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17664 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00410 METACYC:RXNI-2 RHEA:25483 reaction UPa:UCR00410 acetoacetate + succinyl-CoA = acetoacetyl-CoA + succinate 1 1 LR 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00410 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXNI-2 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25483 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00411 METACYC:SUCCGLUDESUCC-RXN RHEA:15172 reaction UPa:UCR00411 H(2)O + N(2)-succinyl-L-glutamic acid = L-glutamate + succinate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00411 KEGG reaction METACYC:SUCCGLUDESUCC-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15172 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00412 RHEA:16360 reaction UPa:UCR00412 acceptor + succinate = fumarate + reduced acceptor 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00412 KEGG reaction RHEA:16360 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00416 METACYC:NAG1P-URIDYLTRANS-RXN RHEA:13512 reaction UPa:UCR00416 N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate + UTP = UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00416 KEGG reaction METACYC:NAG1P-URIDYLTRANS-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13512 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00425 METACYC:GTP-CYCLOHYDRO-II-RXN RHEA:23707 reaction UPa:UCR00425 GTP + 3 H(2)O = 2,5-diamino-4-hydroxy-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)pyrimidine + diphosphate + formate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00425 KEGG reaction METACYC:GTP-CYCLOHYDRO-II-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23707 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00428 reaction UPa:UCR00428 GTP + H(2)O = formamidopyrimidine nucleoside triphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00428 KEGG reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00429 METACYC:GTPPYPHOSKIN-RXN RHEA:22091 reaction UPa:UCR00429 ATP + GTP = AMP + guanosine 3'-diphosphate 5'-triphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00429 KEGG reaction METACYC:GTPPYPHOSKIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22091 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00451 METACYC:DIAMINOPIMDECARB-RXN RHEA:15104 reaction UPa:UCR00451 DL-2,6-diaminopimelate = CO(2) + L-lysine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00451 KEGG reaction METACYC:DIAMINOPIMDECARB-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15104 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00469 METACYC:UREIDOGLYCOLATE-HYDROLASE-RXN RHEA:19812 reaction UPa:UCR00469 (S)-ureidoglycolate + H(2)O = CO(2) + 2 NH(3) + glyoxylate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00469 KEGG reaction METACYC:UREIDOGLYCOLATE-HYDROLASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19812 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00472 METACYC:MALSYN-RXN RHEA:18184 reaction UPa:UCR00472 (S)-malate + CoA = H(2)O + acetyl-CoA + glyoxylate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00472 KEGG reaction METACYC:MALSYN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18184 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00475 METACYC:RXN-969 RHEA:25314 reaction UPa:UCR00475 O(2) + glycolate = H(2)O(2) + glyoxylate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00475 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-969 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25314 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00476 METACYC:GLYCOLATEDEHYDRO-RXN RHEA:21267 reaction UPa:UCR00476 acceptor + glycolate = glyoxylate + reduced acceptor 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00476 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLYCOLATEDEHYDRO-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21267 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00479 METACYC:ISOCIT-CLEAV-RXN RHEA:13248 reaction UPa:UCR00479 isocitrate = glyoxylate + succinate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00479 KEGG reaction METACYC:ISOCIT-CLEAV-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13248 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00480 METACYC:ASPARTATEKIN-RXN RHEA:23779 reaction UPa:UCR00480 ATP + L-aspartate = 4-phospho-L-aspartate + ADP 1 1 1 LR 1 LR 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00480 KEGG reaction METACYC:ASPARTATEKIN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23779 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00481 RHEA:25879 reaction UPa:UCR00481 L-aspartate + O(2) = H(2)O(2) + iminoaspartate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00481 KEGG reaction RHEA:25879 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00483 METACYC:ASNSYNA-RXN RHEA:11375 reaction UPa:UCR00483 ATP + L-aspartate + NH(3) = AMP + L-asparagine + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00483 KEGG reaction METACYC:ASNSYNA-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11375 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00489 METACYC:ASPDECARBOX-RXN RHEA:19500 reaction UPa:UCR00489 L-aspartate = CO(2) + beta-alanine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00489 KEGG reaction METACYC:ASPDECARBOX-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19500 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00497 METACYC:GLUTATHIONE-SYN-RXN RHEA:13560 reaction UPa:UCR00497 ATP + L-gamma-glutamyl-L-cysteine + glycine = ADP + glutathione + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00497 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUTATHIONE-SYN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13560 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00509 METACYC:ADENYLYLSULFKIN-RXN RHEA:24155 reaction UPa:UCR00509 5'-adenylyl sulfate + ATP = 3'-phospho-5'-adenylyl sulfate + ADP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00509 KEGG reaction METACYC:ADENYLYLSULFKIN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24155 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00512 METACYC:RXN-11832 RHEA:11603 reaction UPa:UCR00512 ATP + CMP = ADP + CDP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00512 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-11832 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11603 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00513 METACYC:CYTIKIN-RXN RHEA:24677 reaction UPa:UCR00513 ATP + cytidine = ADP + CMP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00513 KEGG reaction METACYC:CYTIKIN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24677 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00525 METACYC:N-FORMYLGLUTAMATE-DEFORMYLASE-RXN RHEA:12479 reaction UPa:UCR00525 H(2)O + N-formyl-L-glutamate = L-glutamate + formate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00525 KEGG reaction METACYC:N-FORMYLGLUTAMATE-DEFORMYLASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12479 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00527 METACYC:S-FORMYLGLUTATHIONE-HYDROLASE-RXN RHEA:14964 reaction UPa:UCR00527 H(2)O + S-formylglutathione = formate + glutathione 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00527 KEGG reaction METACYC:S-FORMYLGLUTATHIONE-HYDROLASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14964 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00529 METACYC:SULFATE-ADENYLYLTRANS-RXN RHEA:18136 reaction UPa:UCR00529 ATP + sulfate = 5'-adenylyl sulfate + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00529 KEGG reaction METACYC:SULFATE-ADENYLYLTRANS-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18136 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00549 METACYC:RIBOFLAVINKIN-RXN RHEA:14360 reaction UPa:UCR00549 ATP + riboflavin = ADP + FMN 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00549 KEGG reaction METACYC:RIBOFLAVINKIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14360 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00551 METACYC:ARGINASE-RXN RHEA:20572 reaction UPa:UCR00551 H(2)O + L-arginine = L-ornithine + urea 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00551 KEGG reaction METACYC:ARGINASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20572 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00552 METACYC:ARGININE-DEIMINASE-RXN RHEA:19600 reaction UPa:UCR00552 H(2)O + L-arginine = L-citrulline + NH(3) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00552 KEGG reaction METACYC:ARGININE-DEIMINASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19600 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00565 METACYC:GLYCINE-AMIDINOTRANSFERASE-RXN RHEA:13204 reaction UPa:UCR00565 L-arginine + glycine = L-ornithine + guanidinoacetate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00565 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLYCINE-AMIDINOTRANSFERASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13204 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00566 METACYC:ARGDECARBOX-RXN RHEA:17644 reaction UPa:UCR00566 L-arginine = CO(2) + agmatine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00566 KEGG reaction METACYC:ARGDECARBOX-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17644 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00570 METACYC:CDPKIN-RXN RHEA:25240 reaction UPa:UCR00570 ATP + CDP = ADP + CTP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00570 KEGG reaction METACYC:CDPKIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25240 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00571 RHEA:16600 reaction UPa:UCR00571 ATP + NH(3) + UTP = ADP + CTP + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00571 KEGG reaction RHEA:16600 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00575 METACYC:CARBPSYN-RXN RHEA:18636 reaction UPa:UCR00575 2 ATP + H(2)O + L-glutamine + bicarbonate = 2 ADP + L-glutamate + carbamoyl phosphate + phosphate 1 1 LR 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00575 KEGG reaction METACYC:CARBPSYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18636 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00578 METACYC:ASNSYNB-RXN RHEA:12231 reaction UPa:UCR00578 ATP + H(2)O + L-aspartate + L-glutamine = AMP + L-asparagine + L-glutamate + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00578 KEGG reaction METACYC:ASNSYNB-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12231 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00582 METACYC:RXN0-5114 RHEA:21211 reaction UPa:UCR00582 H(2)O + O-phospho-L-serine = L-serine + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00582 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-5114 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21211 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00585 METACYC:SERINE--PYRUVATE-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN RHEA:22855 reaction UPa:UCR00585 L-serine + pyruvate = 3-hydroxypyruvate + L-alanine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00585 KEGG reaction METACYC:SERINE--PYRUVATE-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22855 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00586 METACYC:SERINE-O-ACETTRAN-RXN RHEA:24563 reaction UPa:UCR00586 L-serine + acetyl-CoA = CoA + O-acetyl-L-serine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00586 KEGG reaction METACYC:SERINE-O-ACETTRAN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24563 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00605 METACYC:METHANOL-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:19404 reaction UPa:UCR00605 NAD(+) + methanol = H(+) + NADH + formaldehyde 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00605 KEGG reaction METACYC:METHANOL-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19404 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00606 METACYC:RXN-2841 RHEA:30210 reaction UPa:UCR00606 H(2)O + amicyanin + methylamine = 2 H(+) + NH(3) + formaldehyde + reduced amicyanin 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00606 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-2841 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:30210 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00611 METACYC:SARCOSINE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:19796 reaction UPa:UCR00611 H(2)O + electron-transferring flavoprotein + sarcosine = formaldehyde + glycine + reduced electron-transferring flavoprotein 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00611 KEGG reaction METACYC:SARCOSINE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19796 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00617 METACYC:THI-P-KIN-RXN RHEA:15916 reaction UPa:UCR00617 ATP + thiamine phosphate = ADP + thiamine diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00617 KEGG reaction METACYC:THI-P-KIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15916 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00619 METACYC:THIAMIN-PYROPHOSPHOKINASE-RXN RHEA:11579 reaction UPa:UCR00619 ATP + thiamine = AMP + thiamine diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00619 KEGG reaction METACYC:THIAMIN-PYROPHOSPHOKINASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11579 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00640 METACYC:GALACTONOLACTONE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:14760 reaction UPa:UCR00640 L-Galactono-1,4-lactone + 2 ferricytochrome c = 2 H(+) + L-ascorbate + 2 ferrocytochrome c 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00640 KEGG reaction METACYC:GALACTONOLACTONE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14760 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R00647 METACYC:RXN-8784 RHEA:15272 reaction UPa:UCR00647 L-ascorbate = L-xylo-hexulonolactone 1 RL 2 KEGG:R00647 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8784 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15272 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00658 METACYC:2PGADEHYDRAT-RXN RHEA:10167 reaction UPa:UCR00658 2-phospho-D-glycerate = H(2)O + phosphoenolpyruvate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00658 KEGG reaction METACYC:2PGADEHYDRAT-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10167 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00667 METACYC:ORNITHINE-GLU-AMINOTRANSFORASE-RXN RHEA:25163 reaction UPa:UCR00667 2-oxoglutarate + L-ornithine = L-glutamate + L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00667 KEGG reaction METACYC:ORNITHINE-GLU-AMINOTRANSFORASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25163 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00669 METACYC:ACETYLORNDEACET-RXN RHEA:15944 reaction UPa:UCR00669 H(2)O + N(2)-acetyl-L-ornithine = L-ornithine + acetate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00669 KEGG reaction METACYC:ACETYLORNDEACET-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15944 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00670 METACYC:ORNDECARBOX-RXN RHEA:22967 reaction UPa:UCR00670 L-ornithine = CO(2) + putrescine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00670 KEGG reaction METACYC:ORNDECARBOX-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22967 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00671 METACYC:ORNITHINE-CYCLODEAMINASE-RXN RHEA:24371 reaction UPa:UCR00671 L-ornithine = L-proline + NH(3) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00671 KEGG reaction METACYC:ORNITHINE-CYCLODEAMINASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24371 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00673 METACYC:TRYPTOPHAN-RXN RHEA:19556 reaction UPa:UCR00673 H(2)O + L-tryptophan = NH(3) + indole + pyruvate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00673 KEGG reaction METACYC:TRYPTOPHAN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19556 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00674 METACYC:RXN0-2382 RHEA:26437 reaction UPa:UCR00674 L-serine + indole = H(2)O + L-tryptophan 1 LR 2 KEGG:R00674 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-2382 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:26437 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00678 METACYC:RXN-8665 RHEA:24539 reaction UPa:UCR00678 L-tryptophan + O(2) = N-formyl-N-kynurenine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00678 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8665 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24539 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00688 METACYC:PHENYLALANINE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:21411 reaction UPa:UCR00688 H(2)O + L-phenylalanine + NAD(+) = H(+) + NADH + NH(3) + phenylpyruvate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00688 KEGG reaction METACYC:PHENYLALANINE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21411 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00691 METACYC:CARBOXYCYCLOHEXADIENYL-DEHYDRATASE-RXN RHEA:12539 reaction UPa:UCR00691 L-arogenate = CO(2) + H(2)O + L-phenylalanine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00691 KEGG reaction METACYC:CARBOXYCYCLOHEXADIENYL-DEHYDRATASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12539 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00694 METACYC:PHEAMINOTRANS-RXN RHEA:25155 reaction UPa:UCR00694 2-oxoglutarate + L-phenylalanine = L-glutamate + phenylpyruvate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00694 KEGG reaction METACYC:PHEAMINOTRANS-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25155 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00697 METACYC:PHENYLALANINE-AMMONIA-LYASE-RXN RHEA:21387 reaction UPa:UCR00697 L-phenylalanine = NH(3) + trans-cinnamate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00697 KEGG reaction METACYC:PHENYLALANINE-AMMONIA-LYASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21387 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00699 METACYC:PHENYLALANINE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN RHEA:19720 reaction UPa:UCR00699 L-phenylalanine = 2-phenylethylamine + CO(2) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00699 KEGG reaction METACYC:PHENYLALANINE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19720 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00703 METACYC:L-LACTATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:23447 reaction UPa:UCR00703 (S)-lactate + NAD(+) = H(+) + NADH + pyruvate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00703 KEGG reaction METACYC:L-LACTATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23447 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00705 METACYC:RXN-2902 RHEA:22995 reaction UPa:UCR00705 3-oxopropanoate + CoA + NAD(+) = CO(2) + H(+) + NADH + acetyl-CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00705 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-2902 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22995 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00706 METACYC: RHEA:22991 reaction UPa:UCR00706 3-oxopropanoate + CoA + NADP(+) = CO(2) + H(+) + NADPH + acetyl-CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00706 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22991 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00707 METACYC:PYRROLINECARBDEHYDROG-RXN METACYC:RXN-11632 RHEA:16420 RHEA:24893 reaction UPa:UCR00707 (S)-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid + 2 H(2)O + NAD(+) = H(+) + L-glutamate + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00707 KEGG reaction METACYC:PYRROLINECARBDEHYDROG-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION METACYC:RXN-11632 MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16420 Rhea reaction RHEA:24893 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00709 METACYC:ISOCITRATE-DEHYDROGENASE-NAD+-RXN METACYC:RXN-7969 RHEA:23635 reaction UPa:UCR00709 NAD(+) + isocitrate = 2-oxoglutarate + CO(2) + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00709 KEGG reaction METACYC:ISOCITRATE-DEHYDROGENASE-NAD+-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION METACYC:RXN-7969 MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23635 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00710 METACYC:RXN66-3 RHEA:25297 reaction UPa:UCR00710 H(2)O + NAD(+) + acetaldehyde = H(+) + NADH + acetate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00710 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN66-3 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25297 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00713 METACYC:SUCCINATE-SEMIALDEHYDE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:13220 reaction UPa:UCR00713 H(2)O + NAD(+) + succinate semialdehyde = H(+) + NADH + succinate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00713 KEGG reaction METACYC:SUCCINATE-SEMIALDEHYDE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13220 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00714 METACYC:SUCCSEMIALDDEHYDROG-RXN RHEA:13216 reaction UPa:UCR00714 H(2)O + NADP(+) + succinate semialdehyde = H(+) + NADPH + succinate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00714 KEGG reaction METACYC:SUCCSEMIALDDEHYDROG-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13216 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00715 METACYC: RHEA:12443 reaction UPa:UCR00715 H(2)O + NAD(+) + saccharopine = 2-oxoglutarate + H(+) + L-lysine + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00715 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12443 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00716 METACYC: RHEA:19376 reaction UPa:UCR00716 H(2)O + NADP(+) + saccharopine = 2-oxoglutarate + H(+) + L-lysine + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00716 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19376 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00731 RHEA:34286 reaction UPa:UCR00731 L-tyrosine + O(2) = H(2)O + L-dopa 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00731 KEGG reaction RHEA:34286 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00732 METACYC:CYCLOHEXADIENYL-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:12259 reaction UPa:UCR00732 L-arogenate + NAD(+) = CO(2) + H(+) + L-tyrosine + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00732 KEGG reaction METACYC:CYCLOHEXADIENYL-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12259 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00733 METACYC:RXN-5682 RHEA:15420 reaction UPa:UCR00733 L-arogenate + NADP(+) = CO(2) + H(+) + L-tyrosine + NADPH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00733 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-5682 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15420 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00734 METACYC:TYROSINE-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN RHEA:15096 reaction UPa:UCR00734 2-oxoglutarate + L-tyrosine = (4-hydroxyphenyl)pyruvate + L-glutamate 1 1 LR 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00734 KEGG reaction METACYC:TYROSINE-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15096 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00742 METACYC:ACETYL-COA-CARBOXYLTRANSFER-RXN RHEA:11311 reaction UPa:UCR00742 ATP + acetyl-CoA + bicarbonate = ADP + malonyl-CoA + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00742 KEGG reaction METACYC:ACETYL-COA-CARBOXYLTRANSFER-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11311 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00750 METACYC:MHPELY-RXN RHEA:22627 reaction UPa:UCR00750 acetaldehyde + pyruvate = 4-hydroxy-2-oxopentanoate 1 1 RL 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00750 KEGG reaction METACYC:MHPELY-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22627 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00751 METACYC:THREONINE-ALDOLASE-RXN RHEA:19628 reaction UPa:UCR00751 L-threonine = acetaldehyde + glycine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00751 KEGG reaction METACYC:THREONINE-ALDOLASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19628 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00754 METACYC:ALCOHOL-DEHYDROG-RXN RHEA:25293 reaction UPa:UCR00754 NAD(+) + ethanol = H(+) + NADH + acetaldehyde 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00754 KEGG reaction METACYC:ALCOHOL-DEHYDROG-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25293 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00756 METACYC:6PFRUCTPHOS-RXN RHEA:16112 reaction UPa:UCR00756 ATP + D-fructose 6-phosphate = ADP + D-fructose 1,6-bisphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00756 KEGG reaction METACYC:6PFRUCTPHOS-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16112 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00765 METACYC:GLUCOSAMINE-6-P-DEAMIN-RXN RHEA:12175 reaction UPa:UCR00765 H(2)O + alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate = D-fructose 6-phosphate + NH(3) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00765 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUCOSAMINE-6-P-DEAMIN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12175 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00766 METACYC:SUCROSE-PHOSPHATE-SYNTHASE-RXN RHEA:22175 reaction UPa:UCR00766 D-fructose 6-phosphate + UDP-alpha-D-glucose = UDP + sucrose 6-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00766 KEGG reaction METACYC:SUCROSE-PHOSPHATE-SYNTHASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22175 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00768 METACYC:L-GLN-FRUCT-6-P-AMINOTRANS-RXN RHEA:13240 reaction UPa:UCR00768 D-fructose 6-phosphate + L-glutamine = L-glutamate + alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00768 KEGG reaction METACYC:L-GLN-FRUCT-6-P-AMINOTRANS-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13240 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R00771 METACYC:PGLUCISOM-RXN METACYC:RXN-6182 RHEA:11819 reaction UPa:UCR00771 D-glucose 6-phosphate = D-fructose 6-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00771 KEGG reaction METACYC:PGLUCISOM-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION METACYC:RXN-6182 MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11819 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R00772 METACYC:MANNPISOM-RXN RHEA:12359 reaction UPa:UCR00772 D-mannose 6-phosphate = D-fructose 6-phosphate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00772 KEGG reaction METACYC:MANNPISOM-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12359 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00774 METACYC:UREA-CARBOXYLASE-RXN RHEA:20899 reaction UPa:UCR00774 ATP + bicarbonate + urea = ADP + phosphate + urea-1-carboxylate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00774 KEGG reaction METACYC:UREA-CARBOXYLASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20899 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00783 METACYC:NITRITE-REDUCTASE-CYTOCHROME-RXN RHEA:15236 reaction UPa:UCR00783 H(2)O + ferricytochrome c + nitric oxide = H(+) + ferrocytochrome c + nitrite 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00783 KEGG reaction METACYC:NITRITE-REDUCTASE-CYTOCHROME-RXN MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15236 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00798 METACYC:NITRATREDUCT-RXN RHEA:21071 reaction UPa:UCR00798 H(2)O + acceptor + nitrite = nitrate + reduced acceptor 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00798 KEGG reaction METACYC:NITRATREDUCT-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21071 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00805 METACYC:SUCROSE-PHOSPHATASE-RXN RHEA:19292 reaction UPa:UCR00805 H(2)O + sucrose 6-phosphate = phosphate + sucrose 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00805 KEGG reaction METACYC:SUCROSE-PHOSPHATASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19292 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00812 METACYC: RHEA:15460 reaction UPa:UCR00812 NAD(+) + cis-1,2-dihydrobenzene-1,2-diol = H(+) + NADH + catechol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00812 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15460 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00813 METACYC: RHEA:11563 reaction UPa:UCR00813 (1R,6S)-1,6-dihydroxycyclohexa-2,4-dienecarboxylic acid + NAD(+) = CO(2) + H(+) + NADH + catechol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00813 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11563 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00817 METACYC:CATECHOL-12-DIOXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:23855 reaction UPa:UCR00817 O(2) + catechol = cis,cis-muconate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00817 KEGG reaction METACYC:CATECHOL-12-DIOXYGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23855 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00823 RHEA:11079 reaction UPa:UCR00823 H(+) + NADH + O(2) + anthranilate = CO(2) + NAD(+) + NH(3) + catechol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00823 KEGG reaction RHEA:11079 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00829 METACYC:RXN-3641 RHEA:19484 reaction UPa:UCR00829 acetyl-CoA + succinyl-CoA = 3-oxoadipyl-CoA + CoA 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00829 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-3641 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19484 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00830 METACYC:5-AMINOLEVULINIC-ACID-SYNTHASE-RXN RHEA:12924 reaction UPa:UCR00830 glycine + succinyl-CoA = 5-aminolevulinate + CO(2) + CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00830 KEGG reaction METACYC:5-AMINOLEVULINIC-ACID-SYNTHASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12924 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00832 METACYC:ARGININE-N-SUCCINYLTRANSFERASE-RXN RHEA:15188 reaction UPa:UCR00832 L-arginine + succinyl-CoA = CoA + N(2)-succinyl-L-arginine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00832 KEGG reaction METACYC:ARGININE-N-SUCCINYLTRANSFERASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15188 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R00833 METACYC:METHYLMALONYL-COA-MUT-RXN RHEA:22891 reaction UPa:UCR00833 (R)-methylmalonyl-CoA = succinyl-CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00833 KEGG reaction METACYC:METHYLMALONYL-COA-MUT-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22891 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00835 METACYC:RXN-14819 RHEA:15844 reaction UPa:UCR00835 D-glucose 6-phosphate + NADP(+) = D-glucono-1,5-lactone 6-phosphate + H(+) + NADPH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00835 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-14819 MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15844 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00847 METACYC:GLYCEROL-KIN-RXN RHEA:21647 reaction UPa:UCR00847 ATP + glycerol = ADP + sn-glycerol 3-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00847 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLYCEROL-KIN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21647 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00849 RHEA:18980 reaction UPa:UCR00849 Quinone + sn-glycerol 3-phosphate = Hydroquinone + glycerone phosphate 1 1 LR 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00849 KEGG reaction RHEA:18980 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00851 METACYC:RXN-1381 RHEA:15328 reaction UPa:UCR00851 acyl-CoA + sn-glycerol 3-phosphate = 1-acyl-sn-glycerol 3-phosphate + CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00851 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-1381 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15328 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00858 METACYC:SULFITE-REDUCT-RXN RHEA:13804 reaction UPa:UCR00858 3 H(2)O + 3 NADP(+) + hydrogen sulfide = 3 H(+) + 3 NADPH + sulfite 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00858 KEGG reaction METACYC:SULFITE-REDUCT-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13804 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00859 METACYC:SULFITE-REDUCTASE-FERREDOXIN-RXN RHEA:23135 reaction UPa:UCR00859 3 H(2)O + hydrogen sulfide + 6 oxidized ferredoxin = 6 H(+) + 6 reduced ferredoxin + sulfite 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00859 KEGG reaction METACYC:SULFITE-REDUCTASE-FERREDOXIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23135 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00874 METACYC: RHEA:20640 reaction UPa:UCR00874 D-fructose + D-glucose = D-glucono-1,5-lactone + D-sorbitol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00874 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20640 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00883 METACYC:MANNPGUANYLTRANGDP-RXN RHEA:12908 reaction UPa:UCR00883 GDP + alpha-D-mannose 1-phosphate = GDP-alpha-D-mannose + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00883 KEGG reaction METACYC:MANNPGUANYLTRANGDP-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12908 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00885 METACYC: RHEA:15232 reaction UPa:UCR00885 GTP + alpha-D-mannose 1-phosphate = GDP-alpha-D-mannose + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00885 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15232 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00888 METACYC:GDPMANDEHYDRA-RXN RHEA:23823 reaction UPa:UCR00888 GDP-alpha-D-mannose = GDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxy-D-mannose + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00888 KEGG reaction METACYC:GDPMANDEHYDRA-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23823 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00893 METACYC:CYSTEINE-DIOXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:20444 reaction UPa:UCR00893 L-cysteine + O(2) = 3-sulfino-L-alanine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00893 KEGG reaction METACYC:CYSTEINE-DIOXYGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20444 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00894 METACYC:GLUTCYSLIG-RXN RHEA:13288 reaction UPa:UCR00894 ATP + L-cysteine + L-glutamate = ADP + L-gamma-glutamyl-L-cysteine + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00894 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUTCYSLIG-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13288 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00897 METACYC:ACSERLY-RXN RHEA:14832 reaction UPa:UCR00897 O-acetyl-L-serine + hydrogen sulfide = L-cysteine + acetate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00897 KEGG reaction METACYC:ACSERLY-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14832 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00901 METACYC:CYSTEINE-LYASE-RXN RHEA:20919 reaction UPa:UCR00901 L-cysteine + sulfite = L-cysteate + hydrogen sulfide 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00901 KEGG reaction METACYC:CYSTEINE-LYASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20919 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00921 METACYC:PTAALT-RXN RHEA:28049 reaction UPa:UCR00921 phosphate + propanoyl-CoA = CoA + propanoyl phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00921 KEGG reaction METACYC:PTAALT-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:28049 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00939 METACYC:DIHYDROFOLATEREDUCT-RXN RHEA:15012 reaction UPa:UCR00939 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + NADP(+) = 7,8-dihydrofolate + H(+) + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00939 KEGG reaction METACYC:DIHYDROFOLATEREDUCT-RXN MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15012 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00944 METACYC:FORMYLTHFDEFORMYL-RXN RHEA:19836 reaction UPa:UCR00944 10-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + H(2)O = 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + formate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00944 KEGG reaction METACYC:FORMYLTHFDEFORMYL-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19836 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00945 METACYC:GLYOHMETRANS-RXN RHEA:15484 reaction UPa:UCR00945 5,10-methylene-THF + H(2)O + glycine = 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + L-serine 1 1 LR 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00945 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLYOHMETRANS-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15484 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00946 METACYC:HOMOCYSMETB12-RXN RHEA:11175 reaction UPa:UCR00946 5-methyl-THF + L-homocysteine = 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + L-methionine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00946 KEGG reaction METACYC:HOMOCYSMETB12-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11175 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00956 METACYC: RHEA:18216 reaction UPa:UCR00956 CTP + alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate = CDP-glucose + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00956 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18216 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00964 METACYC:URIDINEKIN-RXN RHEA:16828 reaction UPa:UCR00964 ATP + uridine = ADP + UMP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00964 KEGG reaction METACYC:URIDINEKIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16828 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00965 METACYC:OROTPDECARB-RXN RHEA:11599 reaction UPa:UCR00965 orotidine 5'-phosphate = CO(2) + UMP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00965 KEGG reaction METACYC:OROTPDECARB-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11599 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00966 METACYC:URACIL-PRIBOSYLTRANS-RXN RHEA:13020 reaction UPa:UCR00966 UMP + diphosphate = 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + uracil 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00966 KEGG reaction METACYC:URACIL-PRIBOSYLTRANS-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13020 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00974 METACYC:CYTDEAM-RXN RHEA:20608 reaction UPa:UCR00974 H(2)O + cytosine = NH(3) + uracil 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00974 KEGG reaction METACYC:CYTDEAM-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20608 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00976 METACYC:URACIL-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:22755 reaction UPa:UCR00976 H(2)O + acceptor + uracil = barbiturate + reduced acceptor 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00976 KEGG reaction METACYC:URACIL-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22755 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00985 reaction UPa:UCR00985 NH(3) + chorismate = H(2)O + anthranilate + pyruvate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00985 KEGG reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00987 METACYC:KYNURENINASE-RXN RHEA:16816 reaction UPa:UCR00987 H(2)O + L-kynurenine = L-alanine + anthranilate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00987 KEGG reaction METACYC:KYNURENINASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16816 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R00994 RHEA:32718 reaction UPa:UCR00994 2-oxobutanoate + CO(2) + H(+) + NADH = D-erythro-3-methylmalic acid + NAD(+) 1 RL 1 KEGG:R00994 KEGG reaction RHEA:32718 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R00996 METACYC:THREDEHYD-RXN RHEA:22111 reaction UPa:UCR00996 L-threonine = 2-oxobutanoate + NH(3) 1 1 LR 1 LR 1 KEGG:R00996 KEGG reaction METACYC:THREDEHYD-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22111 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01001 METACYC:RXN-15130 RHEA:14008 reaction UPa:UCR01001 H(2)O + L-cystathionine = 2-oxobutanoate + L-cysteine + NH(3) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01001 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-15130 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14008 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01011 METACYC:GLYCERONE-KINASE-RXN RHEA:15776 reaction UPa:UCR01011 ATP + glycerone = ADP + glycerone phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01011 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLYCERONE-KINASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15776 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R01015 METACYC:TRIOSEPISOMERIZATION-RXN RHEA:18588 reaction UPa:UCR01015 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate = glycerone phosphate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01015 KEGG reaction METACYC:TRIOSEPISOMERIZATION-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18588 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01021 METACYC:CHOLINE-KINASE-RXN RHEA:12840 reaction UPa:UCR01021 ATP + choline = ADP + phosphocholine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01021 KEGG reaction METACYC:CHOLINE-KINASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12840 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01022 METACYC:CHOLINE-OXIDASE-RXN RHEA:13508 reaction UPa:UCR01022 O(2) + choline = H(2)O(2) + betaine aldehyde 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01022 KEGG reaction METACYC:CHOLINE-OXIDASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13508 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01025 METACYC:CHD-RXN RHEA:17436 reaction UPa:UCR01025 acceptor + choline = betaine aldehyde + reduced acceptor 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01025 KEGG reaction METACYC:CHD-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17436 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01028 METACYC:CHOLINE-SULFATASE-RXN RHEA:20823 reaction UPa:UCR01028 H(2)O + choline sulfate = choline + sulfate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01028 KEGG reaction METACYC:CHOLINE-SULFATASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20823 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01034 METACYC:GLYCDEH-RXN RHEA:13772 reaction UPa:UCR01034 NAD(+) + glycerol = H(+) + NADH + glycerone 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01034 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLYCDEH-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13772 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01047 METACYC:GLYCEROL-DEHYDRATASE-RXN RHEA:19768 reaction UPa:UCR01047 glycerol = 3-hydroxypropanal + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01047 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLYCEROL-DEHYDRATASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19768 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01049 METACYC:PRPPSYN-RXN RHEA:15612 reaction UPa:UCR01049 ATP + D-ribose 5-phosphate = 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + AMP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01049 KEGG reaction METACYC:PRPPSYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15612 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01051 METACYC:RIBOKIN-RXN RHEA:13700 reaction UPa:UCR01051 ATP + D-ribose = ADP + D-ribose 5-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01051 KEGG reaction METACYC:RIBOKIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13700 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R01056 METACYC:RIB5PISOM-RXN RHEA:14660 reaction UPa:UCR01056 D-ribose 5-phosphate = D-ribulose 5-phosphate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01056 KEGG reaction METACYC:RIB5PISOM-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14660 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R01057 METACYC:PPENTOMUT-RXN RHEA:18796 reaction UPa:UCR01057 alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate = D-ribose 5-phosphate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01057 KEGG reaction METACYC:PPENTOMUT-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18796 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01061 METACYC:GAPOXNPHOSPHN-RXN RHEA:10303 reaction UPa:UCR01061 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + NAD(+) + phosphate = 3-phospho-D-glyceroyl phosphate + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01061 KEGG reaction METACYC:GAPOXNPHOSPHN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10303 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01064 METACYC:DEHYDDEOXPHOSGALACT-ALDOL-RXN RHEA:24467 reaction UPa:UCR01064 6-phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-galactonic acid = D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + pyruvate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01064 KEGG reaction METACYC:DEHYDDEOXPHOSGALACT-ALDOL-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24467 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01066 METACYC:DEOXYRIBOSE-P-ALD-RXN RHEA:12824 reaction UPa:UCR01066 2-deoxy-D-ribose 5-phosphate = D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + acetaldehyde 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01066 KEGG reaction METACYC:DEOXYRIBOSE-P-ALD-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12824 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01068 METACYC:F16ALDOLASE-RXN RHEA:14732 reaction UPa:UCR01068 D-fructose 1,6-bisphosphate = D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + glycerone phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01068 KEGG reaction METACYC:F16ALDOLASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14732 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01069 METACYC:TAGAALDOL-RXN RHEA:22951 reaction UPa:UCR01069 D-tagatose 1,6-bisphosphate = D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + glycerone phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01069 KEGG reaction METACYC:TAGAALDOL-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22951 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01071 METACYC:ATPPHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANS-RXN RHEA:18476 reaction UPa:UCR01071 1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)-ATP + diphosphate = 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + ATP 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01071 KEGG reaction METACYC:ATPPHOSPHORIBOSYLTRANS-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18476 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01072 METACYC:PRPPAMIDOTRANS-RXN RHEA:14908 reaction UPa:UCR01072 5-phospho-beta-D-ribosylamine + L-glutamate + diphosphate = 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + H(2)O + L-glutamine 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01072 KEGG reaction METACYC:PRPPAMIDOTRANS-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14908 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01073 METACYC:PRTRANS-RXN RHEA:11771 reaction UPa:UCR01073 N-(5-phospho-beta-D-ribosyl)anthranilic acid + diphosphate = 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + anthranilate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01073 KEGG reaction METACYC:PRTRANS-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11771 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01078 METACYC: RHEA:22063 reaction UPa:UCR01078 2 H(+) + 2 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + dethiobiotin + 2 e- + sulfur donor = 2 5'-deoxyadenosine + 2 L-methionine + biotin 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01078 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22063 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01080 METACYC:URIDINE-NUCLEOSIDASE-RXN RHEA:15580 reaction UPa:UCR01080 H(2)O + uridine = D-ribose + uracil 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01080 KEGG reaction METACYC:URIDINE-NUCLEOSIDASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15580 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01082 METACYC:FUMHYDR-RXN RHEA:12463 reaction UPa:UCR01082 (S)-malate = H(2)O + fumarate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01082 KEGG reaction METACYC:FUMHYDR-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12463 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01083 METACYC:AMPSYN-RXN RHEA:16856 reaction UPa:UCR01083 N(6)-(1,2-dicarboxyethyl)-AMP = AMP + fumarate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01083 KEGG reaction METACYC:AMPSYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16856 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01086 METACYC:ARGSUCCINLYA-RXN RHEA:24023 reaction UPa:UCR01086 (N(omega)-L-arginino)succinate = L-arginine + fumarate 1 1 LR 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01086 KEGG reaction METACYC:ARGSUCCINLYA-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24023 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01088 METACYC:LEUCINE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:12223 reaction UPa:UCR01088 H(2)O + L-leucine + NAD(+) = 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate + H(+) + NADH + NH(3) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01088 KEGG reaction METACYC:LEUCINE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12223 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01090 METACYC:BRANCHED-CHAINAMINOTRANSFERLEU-RXN RHEA:18324 reaction UPa:UCR01090 2-oxoglutarate + L-leucine = 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate + L-glutamate 1 1 RL 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01090 KEGG reaction METACYC:BRANCHED-CHAINAMINOTRANSFERLEU-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18324 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01121 METACYC:DIPHOSPHOMEVALONTE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN RHEA:23735 reaction UPa:UCR01121 (R)-5-diphosphomevalonate + ATP = ADP + CO(2) + isopentenyl diphosphate + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01121 KEGG reaction METACYC:DIPHOSPHOMEVALONTE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23735 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R01123 METACYC:IPPISOM-RXN RHEA:23287 reaction UPa:UCR01123 isopentenyl diphosphate = dimethylallyl diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01123 KEGG reaction METACYC:IPPISOM-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23287 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01127 METACYC:IMPCYCLOHYDROLASE-RXN RHEA:18448 reaction UPa:UCR01127 H(2)O + IMP = 5-formamido-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01127 KEGG reaction METACYC:IMPCYCLOHYDROLASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18448 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01130 METACYC:IMP-DEHYDROG-RXN RHEA:11711 reaction UPa:UCR01130 H(2)O + IMP + NAD(+) = H(+) + NADH + XMP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01130 KEGG reaction METACYC:IMP-DEHYDROG-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11711 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01131 METACYC:INOSINEKIN-RXN RHEA:21143 reaction UPa:UCR01131 ATP + inosine = ADP + IMP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01131 KEGG reaction METACYC:INOSINEKIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21143 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01132 METACYC:HYPOXANPRIBOSYLTRAN-RXN RHEA:17976 reaction UPa:UCR01132 IMP + diphosphate = 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + hypoxanthine 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01132 KEGG reaction METACYC:HYPOXANPRIBOSYLTRAN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17976 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01135 METACYC:ADENYLOSUCCINATE-SYNTHASE-RXN RHEA:15756 reaction UPa:UCR01135 GTP + IMP + L-aspartate = GDP + N(6)-(1,2-dicarboxyethyl)-AMP + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01135 KEGG reaction METACYC:ADENYLOSUCCINATE-SYNTHASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15756 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01151 METACYC:PUTRESCINE-OXIDASE-RXN RHEA:18276 reaction UPa:UCR01151 H(2)O + O(2) + putrescine = 4-aminobutanal + H(2)O(2) + NH(3) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01151 KEGG reaction METACYC:PUTRESCINE-OXIDASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18276 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01152 METACYC:N-CARBAMOYLPUTRESCINE-AMIDASE-RXN RHEA:22287 reaction UPa:UCR01152 H(2)O + N-carbamoylputrescine = CO(2) + NH(3) + putrescine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01152 KEGG reaction METACYC:N-CARBAMOYLPUTRESCINE-AMIDASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22287 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01154 METACYC:RXN-0 RHEA:25184 reaction UPa:UCR01154 acetyl-CoA + putrescine = CoA + N-acetylputrescine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01154 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-0 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25184 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01155 METACYC:PUTTRANSAM-RXN RHEA:23819 reaction UPa:UCR01155 2-oxoglutarate + putrescine = 4-aminobutanal + L-glutamate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01155 KEGG reaction METACYC:PUTTRANSAM-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23819 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01157 METACYC:AGMATIN-RXN RHEA:13932 reaction UPa:UCR01157 H(2)O + agmatine = putrescine + urea 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01157 KEGG reaction METACYC:AGMATIN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13932 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01158 METACYC:RXN-8001 RHEA:20644 reaction UPa:UCR01158 H(2)O + L-histidinol + 2 NAD(+) = 2 H(+) + L-histidine + 2 NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01158 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8001 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20644 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01167 METACYC:HISTIDINE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN RHEA:20843 reaction UPa:UCR01167 L-histidine = CO(2) + histamine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01167 KEGG reaction METACYC:HISTIDINE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20843 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01168 METACYC:HISTIDINE-AMMONIA-LYASE-RXN RHEA:21235 reaction UPa:UCR01168 L-histidine = NH(3) + trans-urocanate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01168 KEGG reaction METACYC:HISTIDINE-AMMONIA-LYASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21235 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01183 METACYC:MYO-INOSITOL-2-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:16952 reaction UPa:UCR01183 NAD(+) + myo-inositol = H(+) + NADH + scyllo-inosose 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01183 KEGG reaction METACYC:MYO-INOSITOL-2-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16952 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01184 METACYC:MYO-INOSITOL-OXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:23699 reaction UPa:UCR01184 O(2) + myo-inositol = D-glucuronate + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01184 KEGG reaction METACYC:MYO-INOSITOL-OXYGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23699 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01187 METACYC:MYO-INOSITOL-1OR-4-MONOPHOSPHATASE-RXN RHEA:30742 reaction UPa:UCR01187 1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate + H(2)O = myo-inositol + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01187 KEGG reaction METACYC:MYO-INOSITOL-1OR-4-MONOPHOSPHATASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:30742 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01197 METACYC:2-OXOGLUTARATE-SYNTHASE-RXN RHEA:17300 reaction UPa:UCR01197 CO(2) + 2 H(+) + 2 reduced ferredoxin + succinyl-CoA = 2-oxoglutarate + CoA + 2 oxidized ferredoxin 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01197 KEGG reaction METACYC:2-OXOGLUTARATE-SYNTHASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17300 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01213 METACYC:2-ISOPROPYLMALATESYN-RXN RHEA:21527 reaction UPa:UCR01213 (2S)-2-isopropylmalate + CoA = 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate + H(2)O + acetyl-CoA 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01213 KEGG reaction METACYC:2-ISOPROPYLMALATESYN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21527 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01214 METACYC:BRANCHED-CHAINAMINOTRANSFERVAL-RXN RHEA:24816 reaction UPa:UCR01214 2-oxoglutarate + L-valine = 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate + L-glutamate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01214 KEGG reaction METACYC:BRANCHED-CHAINAMINOTRANSFERVAL-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24816 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01226 METACYC:3-CH3-2-OXOBUTANOATE-OH-CH3-XFER-RXN RHEA:11827 reaction UPa:UCR01226 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate + 5,10-methylene-THF + H(2)O = 2-dehydropantoate + 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01226 KEGG reaction METACYC:3-CH3-2-OXOBUTANOATE-OH-CH3-XFER-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11827 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01229 METACYC:GUANPRIBOSYLTRAN-RXN RHEA:25427 reaction UPa:UCR01229 GMP + diphosphate = 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + guanine 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01229 KEGG reaction METACYC:GUANPRIBOSYLTRAN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25427 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01230 METACYC:GMP-SYN-NH3-RXN RHEA:18304 reaction UPa:UCR01230 ATP + NH(3) + XMP = AMP + GMP + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01230 KEGG reaction METACYC:GMP-SYN-NH3-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18304 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01231 METACYC:GMP-SYN-GLUT-RXN RHEA:11683 reaction UPa:UCR01231 ATP + H(2)O + L-glutamine + XMP = AMP + GMP + L-glutamate + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01231 KEGG reaction METACYC:GMP-SYN-GLUT-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11683 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01234 METACYC:35-CYCLIC-GMP-PHOSPHODIESTERASE-RXN RHEA:16960 reaction UPa:UCR01234 3',5'-cyclic GMP + H(2)O = GMP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01234 KEGG reaction METACYC:35-CYCLIC-GMP-PHOSPHODIESTERASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16960 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01248 RHEA:14108 reaction UPa:UCR01248 L-proline + NAD(+) = (S)-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid + H(+) + NADH 1 RL 2 KEGG:R01248 KEGG reaction RHEA:14108 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01253 METACYC:RXN-14903 RHEA:23787 reaction UPa:UCR01253 L-proline + Quinone = (S)-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid + Hydroquinone 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01253 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-14903 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23787 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01268 METACYC:NICOTINAMID-RXN RHEA:14548 reaction UPa:UCR01268 H(2)O + nicotinamide = NH(3) + nicotinate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01268 KEGG reaction METACYC:NICOTINAMID-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14548 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01271 METACYC: RHEA:16152 reaction UPa:UCR01271 diphosphate + nicotinamide D-ribonucleotide = 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + nicotinamide 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01271 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16152 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01286 METACYC:CYSTATHIONINE-BETA-LYASE-RXN RHEA:13968 reaction UPa:UCR01286 H(2)O + L-cystathionine = L-homocysteine + NH(3) + pyruvate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01286 KEGG reaction METACYC:CYSTATHIONINE-BETA-LYASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13968 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01287 METACYC:ACETYLHOMOSER-CYS-RXN RHEA:27825 reaction UPa:UCR01287 O-acetyl-L-homoserine + hydrogen sulfide = L-homocysteine + acetate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01287 KEGG reaction METACYC:ACETYLHOMOSER-CYS-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:27825 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01288 METACYC:RXN-9384 RHEA:27829 reaction UPa:UCR01288 O-succinyl-L-homoserine + hydrogen sulfide = L-homocysteine + succinate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01288 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-9384 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:27829 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01290 METACYC:CYSTATHIONINE-BETA-SYNTHASE-RXN RHEA:10115 reaction UPa:UCR01290 L-homocysteine + L-serine = H(2)O + L-cystathionine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01290 KEGG reaction METACYC:CYSTATHIONINE-BETA-SYNTHASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10115 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01295 METACYC:BENZOATE-4-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:18036 reaction UPa:UCR01295 H(+) + NADPH + O(2) + benzoate = 4-hydroxybenzoate + H(2)O + NADP(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01295 KEGG reaction METACYC:BENZOATE-4-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18036 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01298 METACYC: METACYC:4-HYDROXYBENZOATE-3-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:19480 reaction UPa:UCR01298 4-hydroxybenzoate + H(+) + NADPH + O(2) = 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate + H(2)O + NADP(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01298 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION METACYC:4-HYDROXYBENZOATE-3-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19480 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01301 METACYC: RHEA:11951 reaction UPa:UCR01301 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA + H(2)O = 4-hydroxybenzoate + CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01301 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11951 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01321 METACYC:RXN-5781 RHEA:10311 RHEA:32942 reaction UPa:UCR01321 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol + CDP-choline = CMP + phosphatidylcholine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01321 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-5781 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10311 Rhea reaction RHEA:32942 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01325 METACYC:ACONITATEDEHYDR-RXN RHEA:10231 reaction UPa:UCR01325 citrate = H(2)O + cis-aconitate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01325 KEGG reaction METACYC:ACONITATEDEHYDR-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10231 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01334 METACYC:GPH-RXN RHEA:14372 reaction UPa:UCR01334 2-phosphoglycolate + H(2)O = glycolate + phosphate 1 1 LR 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01334 KEGG reaction METACYC:GPH-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14372 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01353 METACYC:PROPKIN-RXN RHEA:23151 reaction UPa:UCR01353 ATP + propanoate = ADP + propanoyl phosphate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01353 KEGG reaction METACYC:PROPKIN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23151 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01355 METACYC:23-DIMETHYLMALATE-LYASE-RXN RHEA:10475 reaction UPa:UCR01355 (2R,3S)-2,3-dimethylmalate = propanoate + pyruvate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01355 KEGG reaction METACYC:23-DIMETHYLMALATE-LYASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10475 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01360 METACYC:HYDROXYMETHYLGLUTARYL-COA-LYASE-RXN RHEA:24407 reaction UPa:UCR01360 (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA = acetoacetate + acetyl-CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01360 KEGG reaction METACYC:HYDROXYMETHYLGLUTARYL-COA-LYASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24407 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01364 METACYC:FUMARYLACETOACETASE-RXN RHEA:10247 reaction UPa:UCR01364 acetoacetate + fumarate = 4-fumarylacetoacetate + H(2)O 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01364 KEGG reaction METACYC:FUMARYLACETOACETASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10247 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01373 METACYC:PREPHENATEDEHYDRAT-RXN RHEA:21651 reaction UPa:UCR01373 prephenate = CO(2) + H(2)O + phenylpyruvate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01373 KEGG reaction METACYC:PREPHENATEDEHYDRAT-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21651 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01384 METACYC:UDP-GLUCURONATE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN RHEA:23919 reaction UPa:UCR01384 UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate = CO(2) + UDP-alpha-D-xylose 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01384 KEGG reaction METACYC:UDP-GLUCURONATE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23919 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01388 METACYC:GLYCERATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:17908 reaction UPa:UCR01388 D-glycerate + NAD(+) = 3-hydroxypyruvate + H(+) + NADH 1 1 RL 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01388 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLYCERATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17908 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01392 METACYC:RXN0-300 RHEA:18660 reaction UPa:UCR01392 D-glycerate + NADP(+) = 3-hydroxypyruvate + H(+) + NADPH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01392 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-300 MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18660 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01397 METACYC:ASPCARBTRANS-RXN RHEA:20016 reaction UPa:UCR01397 L-aspartate + carbamoyl phosphate = N-carbamoyl-L-aspartate + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01397 KEGG reaction METACYC:ASPCARBTRANS-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20016 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01398 METACYC:ORNCARBAMTRANSFER-RXN RHEA:19516 reaction UPa:UCR01398 L-ornithine + carbamoyl phosphate = L-citrulline + phosphate 1 1 1 LR 1 LR 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01398 KEGG reaction METACYC:ORNCARBAMTRANSFER-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19516 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01399 METACYC:PUTRESCINE-CARBAMOYLTRANSFERASE-RXN RHEA:21939 reaction UPa:UCR01399 carbamoyl phosphate + putrescine = N-carbamoylputrescine + phosphate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01399 KEGG reaction METACYC:PUTRESCINE-CARBAMOYLTRANSFERASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21939 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01401 METACYC:METHYLTHIOADENOSINE-NUCLEOSIDASE-RXN RHEA:13620 reaction UPa:UCR01401 H(2)O + S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine = 5-methylthio-alpha-D-ribose + adenine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01401 KEGG reaction METACYC:METHYLTHIOADENOSINE-NUCLEOSIDASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13620 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01402 METACYC:5-METHYLTHIOADENOSINE-PHOSPHORYLASE-RXN RHEA:11855 reaction UPa:UCR01402 S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine + phosphate = S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate + adenine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01402 KEGG reaction METACYC:5-METHYLTHIOADENOSINE-PHOSPHORYLASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11855 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01416 METACYC:AGMATINE-DEIMINASE-RXN RHEA:18040 reaction UPa:UCR01416 H(2)O + agmatine = N-carbamoylputrescine + NH(3) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01416 KEGG reaction METACYC:AGMATINE-DEIMINASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18040 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01419 METACYC:BENZALDEHYDE-DEHYDROGENASE-NAD+-RXN RHEA:11843 reaction UPa:UCR01419 H(2)O + NAD(+) + benzaldehyde = H(+) + NADH + benzoate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01419 KEGG reaction METACYC:BENZALDEHYDE-DEHYDROGENASE-NAD+-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11843 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01420 METACYC:BENZALDEHYDE-DEHYDROGENASE-NADP+-RXN RHEA:21663 reaction UPa:UCR01420 H(2)O + NADP(+) + benzaldehyde = H(+) + NADPH + benzoate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01420 KEGG reaction METACYC:BENZALDEHYDE-DEHYDROGENASE-NADP+-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21663 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01465 METACYC:THREODEHYD-RXN RHEA:13164 reaction UPa:UCR01465 L-threonine + NAD(+) = H(+) + L-2-amino-3-oxobutanoic acid + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01465 KEGG reaction METACYC:THREODEHYD-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13164 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01466 METACYC:THRESYN-RXN RHEA:10843 reaction UPa:UCR01466 H(2)O + O-phospho-L-homoserine = L-threonine + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01466 KEGG reaction METACYC:THRESYN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10843 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01468 METACYC:ETHANOLAMINE-KINASE-RXN RHEA:13072 reaction UPa:UCR01468 ATP + ethanolamine = ADP + phosphoethanolamine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01468 KEGG reaction METACYC:ETHANOLAMINE-KINASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13072 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R01473 METACYC:UDP-ARABINOSE-4-EPIMERASE-RXN RHEA:11323 reaction UPa:UCR01473 UDP-L-arabinose = UDP-alpha-D-xylose 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01473 KEGG reaction METACYC:UDP-ARABINOSE-4-EPIMERASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11323 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01481 METACYC:GLUCURONATE-REDUCTASE-RXN RHEA:14912 reaction UPa:UCR01481 L-gulonate + NADP(+) = D-glucuronate + H(+) + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01481 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUCURONATE-REDUCTASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14912 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01512 METACYC:PHOSGLYPHOS-RXN RHEA:14804 reaction UPa:UCR01512 3-phospho-D-glycerate + ATP = 3-phospho-D-glyceroyl phosphate + ADP 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01512 KEGG reaction METACYC:PHOSGLYPHOS-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14804 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01513 METACYC:PGLYCDEHYDROG-RXN RHEA:12644 reaction UPa:UCR01513 3-phospho-D-glycerate + NAD(+) = 3-phosphohydroxypyruvate + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01513 KEGG reaction METACYC:PGLYCDEHYDROG-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12644 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01514 METACYC:GLY3KIN-RXN RHEA:23519 reaction UPa:UCR01514 ATP + D-glycerate = 3-phospho-D-glycerate + ADP 1 1 LR 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01514 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLY3KIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23519 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R01518 METACYC:3PGAREARR-RXN RHEA:15904 reaction UPa:UCR01518 2-phospho-D-glycerate = 3-phospho-D-glycerate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01518 KEGG reaction METACYC:3PGAREARR-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15904 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01519 METACYC:GLUCONOLACT-RXN RHEA:10443 reaction UPa:UCR01519 D-glucono-1,5-lactone + H(2)O = D-gluconate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01519 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUCONOLACT-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10443 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01528 METACYC:RXN-9952 RHEA:10119 reaction UPa:UCR01528 6-phospho-D-gluconate + NADP(+) = CO(2) + D-ribulose 5-phosphate + H(+) + NADPH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01528 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-9952 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10119 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R01529 METACYC:RIBULP3EPIM-RXN RHEA:13680 reaction UPa:UCR01529 D-ribulose 5-phosphate = D-xylulose 5-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01529 KEGG reaction METACYC:RIBULP3EPIM-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13680 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R01530 METACYC:DARAB5PISOM-RXN RHEA:23107 reaction UPa:UCR01530 D-arabinose 5-phosphate = D-ribulose 5-phosphate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01530 KEGG reaction METACYC:DARAB5PISOM-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23107 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01541 METACYC:DEOXYGLUCONOKIN-RXN RHEA:14800 reaction UPa:UCR01541 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate + ATP = 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-6-phospho-D-gluconic acid + ADP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01541 KEGG reaction METACYC:DEOXYGLUCONOKIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14800 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01542 METACYC: RHEA:24235 reaction UPa:UCR01542 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate + NAD(+) = 3-deoxy-D-glycero-hexo-2,5-diulosonate + H(+) + NADH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01542 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24235 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01563 METACYC:N-CARBAMOYLSARCOSINE-AMIDASE-RXN RHEA:20060 reaction UPa:UCR01563 H(2)O + N-carbamoylsarcosine = CO(2) + NH(3) + sarcosine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01563 KEGG reaction METACYC:N-CARBAMOYLSARCOSINE-AMIDASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20060 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01565 METACYC:DIMETHYLGLYCINE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:22499 reaction UPa:UCR01565 H(2)O + N,N-dimethylglycine + electron-transferring flavoprotein = formaldehyde + reduced electron-transferring flavoprotein + sarcosine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01565 KEGG reaction METACYC:DIMETHYLGLYCINE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22499 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01567 METACYC:THYKI-RXN RHEA:19132 reaction UPa:UCR01567 ATP + thymidine = ADP + dTMP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01567 KEGG reaction METACYC:THYKI-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19132 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01570 METACYC:THYM-PHOSPH-RXN RHEA:16040 reaction UPa:UCR01570 phosphate + thymidine = 2-deoxy-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate + thymine 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01570 KEGG reaction METACYC:THYM-PHOSPH-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16040 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01574 METACYC:D-ARABINOSE-1-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:20460 reaction UPa:UCR01574 D-arabinose + NAD(+) = D-arabinono-1,4-lactone + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01574 KEGG reaction METACYC:D-ARABINOSE-1-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20460 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01575 METACYC:RXN-8776 RHEA:21895 reaction UPa:UCR01575 D-arabinose + NADP(+) = D-arabinono-1,4-lactone + H(+) + NADPH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01575 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8776 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21895 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01614 METACYC:RXN-87 RHEA:11939 reaction UPa:UCR01614 4-coumaroyl-CoA + 3 malonyl-CoA = 3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene + 4 CO(2) + 4 CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01614 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-87 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11939 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01616 METACYC:4-COUMARATE--COA-LIGASE-RXN RHEA:19644 reaction UPa:UCR01616 ATP + CoA + trans-4-coumarate = 4-coumaroyl-CoA + AMP + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01616 KEGG reaction METACYC:4-COUMARATE--COA-LIGASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19644 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01620 METACYC:LYSINE-N-ACETYLTRANSFERASE-RXN RHEA:14420 reaction UPa:UCR01620 L-lysine + acetyl phosphate = N(6)-acetyl-L-lysine + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01620 KEGG reaction METACYC:LYSINE-N-ACETYLTRANSFERASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14420 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01627 METACYC:DHSHIKIMATE-DEHYDRO-RXN RHEA:24851 reaction UPa:UCR01627 3-dehydroshikimate = 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01627 KEGG reaction METACYC:DHSHIKIMATE-DEHYDRO-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24851 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01629 RHEA:30038 reaction UPa:UCR01629 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate + H(+) + NADH + O(2) = CO(2) + H(2)O + NAD(+) + benzene-1,2,4-triol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01629 KEGG reaction RHEA:30038 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01630 RHEA:30042 reaction UPa:UCR01630 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate + H(+) + NADPH + O(2) = CO(2) + H(2)O + NADP(+) + benzene-1,2,4-triol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01630 KEGG reaction RHEA:30042 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01631 METACYC:PROTOCATECHUATE-34-DIOXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:10087 reaction UPa:UCR01631 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate + O(2) = 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01631 KEGG reaction METACYC:PROTOCATECHUATE-34-DIOXYGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10087 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01635 METACYC:45-DIHYDROXYPHTHALATE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN RHEA:24187 reaction UPa:UCR01635 4,5-dihydroxyphthalate = 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate + CO(2) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01635 KEGG reaction METACYC:45-DIHYDROXYPHTHALATE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24187 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01639 METACYC:XYLULOKIN-RXN RHEA:10967 reaction UPa:UCR01639 ATP + D-xylulose = ADP + D-xylulose 5-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01639 KEGG reaction METACYC:XYLULOKIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10967 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01641 METACYC:1TRANSKETO-RXN RHEA:10511 reaction UPa:UCR01641 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + sedoheptulose 7-phosphate = D-ribose 5-phosphate + D-xylulose 5-phosphate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01641 KEGG reaction METACYC:1TRANSKETO-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10511 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01647 RHEA:25791 reaction UPa:UCR01647 pyruvate + succinate semialdehyde = 2,4-dihydroxyhept-2-enedioic acid 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01647 KEGG reaction RHEA:25791 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01648 METACYC:GABATRANSAM-RXN RHEA:23355 reaction UPa:UCR01648 2-oxoglutarate + 4-aminobutanoate = L-glutamate + succinate semialdehyde 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01648 KEGG reaction METACYC:GABATRANSAM-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23355 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01651 METACYC:2KETO-4METHYL-PENTANOATE-DEHYDROG-RXN RHEA:25180 reaction UPa:UCR01651 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate + CoA + NAD(+) = 3-isovaleryl-CoA + CO(2) + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01651 KEGG reaction METACYC:2KETO-4METHYL-PENTANOATE-DEHYDROG-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25180 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01652 METACYC:RXN-7800 RHEA:25081 reaction UPa:UCR01652 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate + CO(2) = 3-carboxy-4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate 1 RL 2 KEGG:R01652 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-7800 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25081 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01658 METACYC:GPPSYN-RXN RHEA:22411 reaction UPa:UCR01658 dimethylallyl diphosphate + isopentenyl diphosphate = diphosphate + geranyl diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01658 KEGG reaction METACYC:GPPSYN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22411 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01676 METACYC:GUANINE-DEAMINASE-RXN RHEA:14668 reaction UPa:UCR01676 H(2)O + guanine = NH(3) + xanthine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01676 KEGG reaction METACYC:GUANINE-DEAMINASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14668 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01681 METACYC:HYPOTAURINE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:17388 reaction UPa:UCR01681 H(2)O + NAD(+) + hypotaurine = H(+) + NADH + taurine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01681 KEGG reaction METACYC:HYPOTAURINE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17388 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01682 METACYC:CYSTAUR-RXN RHEA:25224 reaction UPa:UCR01682 L-cysteate = CO(2) + taurine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01682 KEGG reaction METACYC:CYSTAUR-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25224 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01707 METACYC:PYRIDOXAL-4-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:21339 reaction UPa:UCR01707 NAD(+) + pyridoxal = 4-pyridoxolactone + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01707 KEGG reaction METACYC:PYRIDOXAL-4-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21339 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01708 METACYC:PYRIDOXINE-4-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:16132 reaction UPa:UCR01708 NADP(+) + pyridoxine = H(+) + NADPH + pyridoxal 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01708 KEGG reaction METACYC:PYRIDOXINE-4-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16132 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01711 METACYC:PYRIDOXINE-4-OXIDASE-RXN RHEA:15036 reaction UPa:UCR01711 O(2) + pyridoxine = H(2)O(2) + pyridoxal 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01711 KEGG reaction METACYC:PYRIDOXINE-4-OXIDASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15036 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01712 METACYC: RHEA:12844 reaction UPa:UCR01712 pyridoxamine + pyruvate = L-alanine + pyridoxal 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01712 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12844 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01714 METACYC:CHORISMATE-SYNTHASE-RXN RHEA:21023 reaction UPa:UCR01714 5-O-(1-carboxyvinyl)-3-phosphoshikimate = chorismate + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01714 KEGG reaction METACYC:CHORISMATE-SYNTHASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21023 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R01715 METACYC:CHORISMATEMUT-RXN RHEA:13900 reaction UPa:UCR01715 chorismate = prephenate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01715 KEGG reaction METACYC:CHORISMATEMUT-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13900 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R01717 METACYC:ISOCHORSYN-RXN RHEA:18988 reaction UPa:UCR01717 chorismate = isochorismate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01717 KEGG reaction METACYC:ISOCHORSYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18988 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01720 METACYC:RXN-7637 RHEA:12239 reaction UPa:UCR01720 H(2)O + NADP(+) + nicotinate = 6-hydroxynicotinate + H(+) + NADPH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01720 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-7637 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12239 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01724 METACYC:NICOTINATEPRIBOSYLTRANS-RXN RHEA:13396 RHEA:36166 reaction UPa:UCR01724 ADP + diphosphate + nicotinate D-ribonucleotide + phosphate = 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + ATP + H(+) + H(2)O + nicotinate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01724 KEGG reaction METACYC:NICOTINATEPRIBOSYLTRANS-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13396 Rhea reaction RHEA:36166 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01728 METACYC:PREPHENATEDEHYDROG-RXN RHEA:13872 reaction UPa:UCR01728 NAD(+) + prephenate = (4-hydroxyphenyl)pyruvate + CO(2) + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01728 KEGG reaction METACYC:PREPHENATEDEHYDROG-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13872 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01730 METACYC:PREPHENATE-DEHYDROGENASE-NADP+-RXN RHEA:21643 reaction UPa:UCR01730 NADP(+) + prephenate = (4-hydroxyphenyl)pyruvate + CO(2) + H(+) + NADPH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01730 KEGG reaction METACYC:PREPHENATE-DEHYDROGENASE-NADP+-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21643 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01731 METACYC:PREPHENATE-ASP-TRANSAMINE-RXN RHEA:20448 reaction UPa:UCR01731 L-arogenate + oxaloacetate = L-aspartate + prephenate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01731 KEGG reaction METACYC:PREPHENATE-ASP-TRANSAMINE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20448 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01736 METACYC:GLYOXII-RXN RHEA:25248 reaction UPa:UCR01736 (R)-S-lactoylglutathione + H(2)O = (R)-lactate + glutathione 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01736 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLYOXII-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25248 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01745 METACYC:RXN0-5289 RHEA:18848 reaction UPa:UCR01745 D-glycerate + NAD(+) = 2-hydroxy-3-oxopropanoate + H(+) + NADH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01745 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-5289 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18848 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01747 METACYC:RXN0-5289 METACYC:TSA-REDUCT-RXN RHEA:18844 reaction UPa:UCR01747 D-glycerate + NADP(+) = 2-hydroxy-3-oxopropanoate + H(+) + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01747 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-5289 MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION METACYC:TSA-REDUCT-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18844 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01749 METACYC: RHEA:13156 reaction UPa:UCR01749 CO(2) + D-glycerate + NAD(+) = 2-hydroxy-3-oxosuccinate + H(+) + NADH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01749 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13156 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01750 METACYC: RHEA:13160 reaction UPa:UCR01750 CO(2) + D-glycerate + NADP(+) = 2-hydroxy-3-oxosuccinate + H(+) + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01750 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13160 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01751 METACYC:TARTRATE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN RHEA:13320 reaction UPa:UCR01751 L-tartrate = CO(2) + D-glycerate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01751 KEGG reaction METACYC:TARTRATE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13320 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01757 METACYC:L-ARABINOSE-1-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:17928 reaction UPa:UCR01757 L-arabinose + NAD(+) = H(+) + L-arabinono-1,4-lactone + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01757 KEGG reaction METACYC:L-ARABINOSE-1-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17928 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01758 METACYC:RXN-14102 RHEA:25228 reaction UPa:UCR01758 L-arabinitol + NAD(+) = H(+) + L-arabinose + NADH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01758 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-14102 MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25228 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01759 METACYC:RXN-8772 RHEA:25232 reaction UPa:UCR01759 L-arabinitol + NADP(+) = H(+) + L-arabinose + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01759 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8772 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25232 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R01761 METACYC:ARABISOM-RXN RHEA:14824 reaction UPa:UCR01761 L-arabinose = L-ribulose 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01761 KEGG reaction METACYC:ARABISOM-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14824 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01764 METACYC:BENZOYLFORMATE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN RHEA:23371 reaction UPa:UCR01764 phenylglyoxylate = CO(2) + benzaldehyde 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01764 KEGG reaction METACYC:BENZOYLFORMATE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23371 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01768 METACYC:RXN-7682 RHEA:24673 reaction UPa:UCR01768 H(2)O + NAD(+) + hypoxanthine = H(+) + NADH + xanthine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01768 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-7682 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24673 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01771 METACYC:HOMOSERKIN-RXN RHEA:13988 reaction UPa:UCR01771 ATP + L-homoserine = ADP + O-phospho-L-homoserine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01771 KEGG reaction METACYC:HOMOSERKIN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13988 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01773 RHEA:15760 reaction UPa:UCR01773 L-homoserine + NAD(+) = H(+) + L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde + NADH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01773 KEGG reaction RHEA:15760 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01775 METACYC:HOMOSERDEHYDROG-RXN RHEA:15764 reaction UPa:UCR01775 L-homoserine + NADP(+) = H(+) + L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01775 KEGG reaction METACYC:HOMOSERDEHYDROG-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15764 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01776 METACYC:HOMOSERINE-O-ACETYLTRANSFERASE-RXN RHEA:13704 reaction UPa:UCR01776 L-homoserine + acetyl-CoA = CoA + O-acetyl-L-homoserine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01776 KEGG reaction METACYC:HOMOSERINE-O-ACETYLTRANSFERASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13704 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01777 METACYC:HOMSUCTRAN-RXN RHEA:22011 reaction UPa:UCR01777 L-homoserine + succinyl-CoA = CoA + O-succinyl-L-homoserine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01777 KEGG reaction METACYC:HOMSUCTRAN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22011 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01784 METACYC: RHEA:18548 reaction UPa:UCR01784 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate = glycolaldehyde + pyruvate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01784 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18548 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01793 METACYC: METACYC:RXN-7909 RHEA:17872 RHEA:32254 reaction UPa:UCR01793 H(+) + NADH + dihydrobiopterin = NAD(+) + tetrahydrobiopterin 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01793 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION METACYC:RXN-7909 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17872 Rhea reaction RHEA:32254 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01794 RHEA:32250 reaction UPa:UCR01794 H(+) + NADPH + dihydrobiopterin = NADP(+) + tetrahydrobiopterin 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01794 KEGG reaction RHEA:32250 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01797 METACYC:CDPDIGLYPYPHOSPHA-RXN RHEA:15224 reaction UPa:UCR01797 CDP-diacylglycerol + H(2)O = CMP + phosphatidate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01797 KEGG reaction METACYC:CDPDIGLYPYPHOSPHA-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15224 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01799 METACYC:CDPDIGLYSYN-RXN RHEA:16232 reaction UPa:UCR01799 CTP + phosphatidate = CDP-diacylglycerol + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01799 KEGG reaction METACYC:CDPDIGLYSYN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16232 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01800 METACYC:PHOSPHASERSYN-RXN RHEA:16916 reaction UPa:UCR01800 CDP-diacylglycerol + L-serine = CMP + phosphatidylserine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01800 KEGG reaction METACYC:PHOSPHASERSYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16916 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01801 METACYC:PHOSPHAGLYPSYN-RXN RHEA:12596 reaction UPa:UCR01801 CDP-diacylglycerol + sn-glycerol 3-phosphate = CMP + phosphatidylglycerophosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01801 KEGG reaction METACYC:PHOSPHAGLYPSYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12596 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01811 METACYC:ACNEULY-RXN RHEA:23299 reaction UPa:UCR01811 N-acetylneuraminate = N-acetyl-D-mannosamine + pyruvate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01811 KEGG reaction METACYC:ACNEULY-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23299 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01812 METACYC: RHEA:19512 reaction UPa:UCR01812 2 NADP(+) + tetrahydrobiopterin = 2 H(+) + 2 NADPH + biopterin 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01812 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19512 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01813 METACYC:RXN-8854 RHEA:42503 reaction UPa:UCR01813 NADP(+) + tetrahydrobiopterin = 6-lactoyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterin + H(+) + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01813 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8854 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42503 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R01818 METACYC:PHOSMANMUT-RXN RHEA:11143 reaction UPa:UCR01818 D-mannose 6-phosphate = alpha-D-mannose 1-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01818 KEGG reaction METACYC:PHOSMANMUT-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11143 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01825 METACYC:ERYTH4PDEHYDROG-RXN RHEA:12059 reaction UPa:UCR01825 D-erythrose 4-phosphate + H(2)O + NAD(+) = 4-phospho-D-erythronate + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01825 KEGG reaction METACYC:ERYTH4PDEHYDROG-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12059 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01826 METACYC:DAHPSYN-RXN RHEA:14720 reaction UPa:UCR01826 D-erythrose 4-phosphate + H(2)O + phosphoenolpyruvate = 7-phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptonate + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01826 KEGG reaction METACYC:DAHPSYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14720 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01827 METACYC:TRANSALDOL-RXN RHEA:17056 reaction UPa:UCR01827 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + sedoheptulose 7-phosphate = D-erythrose 4-phosphate + beta-D-fructose 6-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01827 KEGG reaction METACYC:TRANSALDOL-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17056 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01830 METACYC:2TRANSKETO-RXN RHEA:27629 reaction UPa:UCR01830 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + beta-D-fructose 6-phosphate = D-erythrose 4-phosphate + D-xylulose 5-phosphate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01830 KEGG reaction METACYC:2TRANSKETO-RXN MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:27629 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01859 METACYC:PROPIONYL-COA-CARBOXY-RXN RHEA:23723 reaction UPa:UCR01859 ATP + bicarbonate + propanoyl-CoA = (S)-methylmalonyl-CoA + ADP + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01859 KEGG reaction METACYC:PROPIONYL-COA-CARBOXY-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23723 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01867 METACYC:RXN-9929 RHEA:15444 reaction UPa:UCR01867 (S)-dihydroorotate + fumarate = orotate + succinate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01867 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-9929 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15444 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01868 METACYC:DIHYDROOROTATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:18076 RHEA:30190 reaction UPa:UCR01868 (S)-dihydroorotate + Quinone = Hydroquinone + orotate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01868 KEGG reaction METACYC:DIHYDROOROTATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18076 Rhea reaction RHEA:30190 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01869 METACYC:OROTATE-REDUCTASE-NADH-RXN RHEA:13516 reaction UPa:UCR01869 (S)-dihydroorotate + NAD(+) = H(+) + NADH + orotate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01869 KEGG reaction METACYC:OROTATE-REDUCTASE-NADH-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13516 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01870 METACYC:OROPRIBTRANS-RXN RHEA:10383 reaction UPa:UCR01870 diphosphate + orotidine 5'-phosphate = 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + orotate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01870 KEGG reaction METACYC:OROPRIBTRANS-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10383 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01872 METACYC:QUINATE-5-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN METACYC:RXN-7967 RHEA:22367 reaction UPa:UCR01872 D-quinate + NAD(+) = 3-dehydroquinate + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01872 KEGG reaction METACYC:QUINATE-5-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION METACYC:RXN-7967 MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22367 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01873 METACYC: RHEA:23675 reaction UPa:UCR01873 D-quinate + pyrroloquinoline quinone = 3-dehydroquinate + pyrroloquinoline quinol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01873 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23675 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01876 METACYC:URPHOS-RXN RHEA:24391 reaction UPa:UCR01876 phosphate + uridine = alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate + uracil 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01876 KEGG reaction METACYC:URPHOS-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24391 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01878 METACYC:CYTIDEAM2-RXN RHEA:16072 reaction UPa:UCR01878 H(2)O + cytidine = NH(3) + uridine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01878 KEGG reaction METACYC:CYTIDEAM2-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16072 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01883 METACYC:GUANIDINOACETATE-N-METHYLTRANSFERASE-RXN RHEA:10659 reaction UPa:UCR01883 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + guanidinoacetate = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + creatine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01883 KEGG reaction METACYC:GUANIDINOACETATE-N-METHYLTRANSFERASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10659 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01890 METACYC: RHEA:19000 reaction UPa:UCR01890 CTP + phosphocholine = CDP-choline + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01890 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19000 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01896 METACYC:D-XYLULOSE-REDUCTASE-RXN RHEA:20436 reaction UPa:UCR01896 NAD(+) + xylitol = D-xylulose + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01896 KEGG reaction METACYC:D-XYLULOSE-REDUCTASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20436 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01900 METACYC:ACONITATEHYDR-RXN RHEA:22147 reaction UPa:UCR01900 isocitrate = H(2)O + cis-aconitate 1 RL 2 KEGG:R01900 KEGG reaction METACYC:ACONITATEHYDR-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22147 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01903 METACYC:L-ARABINITOL-4-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:16384 reaction UPa:UCR01903 L-arabinitol + NAD(+) = H(+) + L-xylulose + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01903 KEGG reaction METACYC:L-ARABINITOL-4-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16384 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01904 METACYC:L-XYLULOSE-REDUCTASE-RXN RHEA:17028 reaction UPa:UCR01904 NADP(+) + xylitol = H(+) + L-xylulose + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01904 KEGG reaction METACYC:L-XYLULOSE-REDUCTASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17028 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01908 METACYC:OXALYL-COA-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN RHEA:19336 reaction UPa:UCR01908 oxalyl-CoA = CO(2) + formyl-CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01908 KEGG reaction METACYC:OXALYL-COA-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19336 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01909 METACYC:PNKIN-RXN RHEA:25111 reaction UPa:UCR01909 ATP + pyridoxine = ADP + pyridoxine 5'-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01909 KEGG reaction METACYC:PNKIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25111 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01911 RHEA:25115 reaction UPa:UCR01911 phosphate + pyridoxine = H(2)O + pyridoxine 5'-phosphate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01911 KEGG reaction RHEA:25115 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01915 METACYC:SPERMIDINE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:14276 reaction UPa:UCR01915 H(2)O + acceptor + spermidine = 1,3-diaminopropane + 4-aminobutanal + reduced acceptor 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01915 KEGG reaction METACYC:SPERMIDINE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14276 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01920 METACYC:SPERMIDINESYN-RXN RHEA:12724 reaction UPa:UCR01920 S-adenosylmethioninamine + putrescine = S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine + spermidine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01920 KEGG reaction METACYC:SPERMIDINESYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12724 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01936 reaction UPa:UCR01936 2-oxaloglutaric acid = 2-oxoadipate + CO(2) 1 LR 2 KEGG:R01936 KEGG reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01939 METACYC:2-AMINOADIPATE-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN RHEA:12604 reaction UPa:UCR01939 2-oxoglutarate + L-alpha-aminoadipate = 2-oxoadipate + L-glutamate 1 1 RL 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01939 KEGG reaction METACYC:2-AMINOADIPATE-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12604 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01940 RHEA:12191 RHEA:15216 reaction UPa:UCR01940 2-oxoadipate + Enzyme N6-(lipoyl)lysine = CO(2) + S(8)-glutaryldihydrolipoamide 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01940 KEGG reaction RHEA:12191 Rhea reaction RHEA:15216 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01954 METACYC:ARGSUCCINSYN-RXN RHEA:10935 reaction UPa:UCR01954 ATP + L-aspartate + L-citrulline = (N(omega)-L-arginino)succinate + AMP + diphosphate 1 1 LR 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01954 KEGG reaction METACYC:ARGSUCCINSYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10935 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01956 METACYC: RHEA:20967 reaction UPa:UCR01956 2-oxoglutarate + L-kynurenine = 4-(2-aminophenyl)-2,4-dioxobutanoate + L-glutamate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01956 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20967 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01959 METACYC:ARYLFORMAMIDASE-RXN RHEA:13012 reaction UPa:UCR01959 H(2)O + N-formyl-N-kynurenine = L-kynurenine + formate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01959 KEGG reaction METACYC:ARYLFORMAMIDASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13012 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01960 METACYC:KYNURENINE-3-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:20548 reaction UPa:UCR01960 H(+) + L-kynurenine + NADPH + O(2) = 3-hydroxy-L-kynurenine + H(2)O + NADP(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R01960 KEGG reaction METACYC:KYNURENINE-3-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20548 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R01978 METACYC:HYDROXYMETHYLGLUTARYL-COA-SYNTHASE-RXN RHEA:10191 reaction UPa:UCR01978 (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA + CoA = H(2)O + acetoacetyl-CoA + acetyl-CoA 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01978 KEGG reaction METACYC:HYDROXYMETHYLGLUTARYL-COA-SYNTHASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10191 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R01993 METACYC:DIHYDROOROT-RXN RHEA:24299 reaction UPa:UCR01993 (S)-dihydroorotate + H(2)O = N-carbamoyl-L-aspartate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R01993 KEGG reaction METACYC:DIHYDROOROT-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24299 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02003 METACYC:FPPSYN-RXN RHEA:19364 reaction UPa:UCR02003 geranyl diphosphate + isopentenyl diphosphate = diphosphate + farnesyl diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02003 KEGG reaction METACYC:FPPSYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19364 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02013 METACYC: RHEA:12872 reaction UPa:UCR02013 geranyl diphosphate = (4S)-limonene + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02013 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12872 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02021 METACYC: RHEA:11727 reaction UPa:UCR02021 3'-phospho-5'-adenylyl sulfate + thioredoxin = adenosine 3',5'-bisphosphate + sulfite + thioredoxin disulfide 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02021 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11727 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02029 METACYC:PGPPHOSPHA-RXN RHEA:33754 reaction UPa:UCR02029 H(2)O + phosphatidylglycerophosphate = phosphate + phosphatidylglycerol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02029 KEGG reaction METACYC:PGPPHOSPHA-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:33754 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02035 METACYC:6PGLUCONOLACT-RXN RHEA:12559 reaction UPa:UCR02035 D-glucono-1,5-lactone 6-phosphate + H(2)O = 6-phospho-D-gluconate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02035 KEGG reaction METACYC:6PGLUCONOLACT-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12559 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02037 METACYC: RHEA:20368 reaction UPa:UCR02037 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + phosphoethanolamine = N-methylethanolamine phosphate + S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02037 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20368 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02038 METACYC: RHEA:24595 reaction UPa:UCR02038 CTP + phosphoethanolamine = CDP-ethanolamine + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02038 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24595 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02055 METACYC:PHOSPHASERDECARB-RXN RHEA:20831 reaction UPa:UCR02055 phosphatidylserine = CO(2) + phosphatidylethanolamine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02055 KEGG reaction METACYC:PHOSPHASERDECARB-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20831 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02057 METACYC:ETHANOLAMINEPHOSPHOTRANSFERASE-RXN RHEA:32946 reaction UPa:UCR02057 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol + CDP-ethanolamine = CMP + phosphatidylethanolamine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02057 KEGG reaction METACYC:ETHANOLAMINEPHOSPHOTRANSFERASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:32946 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02058 METACYC:GLUCOSAMINEPNACETYLTRANS-RXN RHEA:10295 reaction UPa:UCR02058 acetyl-CoA + alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate = CoA + N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02058 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUCOSAMINEPNACETYLTRANS-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10295 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02059 METACYC:NAG6PDEACET-RXN RHEA:22939 reaction UPa:UCR02059 H(2)O + N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate = acetate + alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02059 KEGG reaction METACYC:NAG6PDEACET-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22939 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R02060 METACYC: RHEA:23427 reaction UPa:UCR02060 alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate = alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02060 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23427 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02061 METACYC:FARNESYLTRANSTRANSFERASE-RXN RHEA:17656 reaction UPa:UCR02061 farnesyl diphosphate + isopentenyl diphosphate = diphosphate + geranylgeranyl diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02061 KEGG reaction METACYC:FARNESYLTRANSTRANSFERASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17656 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02065 METACYC: RHEA:22299 reaction UPa:UCR02065 2 geranylgeranyl diphosphate = diphosphate + prephytoene diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02065 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22299 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02080 METACYC:RXN66-221 RHEA:12275 reaction UPa:UCR02080 L-dopa = CO(2) + dopamine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02080 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN66-221 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12275 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02081 METACYC:HYDROXYMETHYLGLUTARYL-COA-REDUCTASE-RXN RHEA:14836 reaction UPa:UCR02081 (R)-mevalonate + CoA + 2 NAD(+) = (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA + 2 H(+) + 2 NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02081 KEGG reaction METACYC:HYDROXYMETHYLGLUTARYL-COA-REDUCTASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14836 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02082 METACYC: RHEA:15992 reaction UPa:UCR02082 (R)-mevalonate + CoA + 2 NADP(+) = (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA + 2 H(+) + 2 NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02082 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15992 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02085 METACYC:METHYLGLUTACONYL-COA-HYDRATASE-RXN RHEA:21539 reaction UPa:UCR02085 (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA = 3-methylglutaconyl-CoA + H(2)O 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02085 KEGG reaction METACYC:METHYLGLUTACONYL-COA-HYDRATASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21539 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R02087 METACYC:NANE-RXN RHEA:25260 reaction UPa:UCR02087 N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate = N-acetyl-D-mannosamine 6-phosphate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02087 KEGG reaction METACYC:NANE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25260 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02100 METACYC:DUTP-PYROP-RXN RHEA:10251 reaction UPa:UCR02100 H(2)O + dUTP = dUMP + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02100 KEGG reaction METACYC:DUTP-PYROP-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10251 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02103 METACYC:RXN0-901 RHEA:16672 reaction UPa:UCR02103 H(2)O + NAD(+) + xanthine = H(+) + NADH + urate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02103 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-901 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16672 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02106 METACYC:URATE-OXIDASE-RXN RHEA:21371 reaction UPa:UCR02106 H(2)O + O(2) + urate = 5-hydroxyisouric acid + H(2)O(2) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02106 KEGG reaction METACYC:URATE-OXIDASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21371 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02133 METACYC:THIAMINASE-RXN RHEA:17512 reaction UPa:UCR02133 H(2)O + thiamine = 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine + 5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazole + H(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02133 KEGG reaction METACYC:THIAMINASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17512 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02134 METACYC:THIKIN-RXN RHEA:12015 reaction UPa:UCR02134 ATP + thiamine = ADP + thiamine phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02134 KEGG reaction METACYC:THIKIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12015 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02139 METACYC:BARBITURASE-RXN RHEA:18656 reaction UPa:UCR02139 H(2)O + barbiturate = 3-oxo-3-ureidopropanoic acid 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02139 KEGG reaction METACYC:BARBITURASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18656 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02142 METACYC:XANPRIBOSYLTRAN-RXN RHEA:10803 reaction UPa:UCR02142 XMP + diphosphate = 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + xanthine 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02142 KEGG reaction METACYC:XANPRIBOSYLTRAN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10803 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02164 METACYC:SUCCINATE-DEHYDROGENASE-UBIQUINONE-RXN RHEA:13716 RHEA:40526 reaction UPa:UCR02164 Quinone + succinate = Hydroquinone + fumarate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02164 KEGG reaction METACYC:SUCCINATE-DEHYDROGENASE-UBIQUINONE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13716 Rhea reaction RHEA:40526 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02199 METACYC:BRANCHED-CHAINAMINOTRANSFERILEU-RXN RHEA:24804 reaction UPa:UCR02199 2-oxoglutarate + L-isoleucine = (S)-3-methyl-2-oxopentanoate + L-glutamate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02199 KEGG reaction METACYC:BRANCHED-CHAINAMINOTRANSFERILEU-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24804 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02236 RHEA:31106 reaction UPa:UCR02236 7,8-dihydrofolate + NADP(+) = H(+) + NADPH + folate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02236 KEGG reaction RHEA:31106 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02237 METACYC:DIHYDROFOLATESYNTH-RXN RHEA:23587 reaction UPa:UCR02237 7,8-dihydropteroate + ATP + L-glutamate = 7,8-dihydrofolate + ADP + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02237 KEGG reaction METACYC:DIHYDROFOLATESYNTH-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23587 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02241 METACYC:RXN-1623 RHEA:19712 reaction UPa:UCR02241 CoA + phosphatidate = 1-acyl-sn-glycerol 3-phosphate + acyl-CoA 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02241 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-1623 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19712 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02245 METACYC:MEVALONATE-KINASE-RXN RHEA:17068 reaction UPa:UCR02245 (R)-mevalonate + ATP = (R)-5-phosphomevalonate + ADP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02245 KEGG reaction METACYC:MEVALONATE-KINASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17068 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02253 METACYC:TRANS-CINNAMATE-4-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:10611 reaction UPa:UCR02253 H(+) + NADPH + O(2) + trans-cinnamate = H(2)O + NADP(+) + trans-4-coumarate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02253 KEGG reaction METACYC:TRANS-CINNAMATE-4-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10611 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02262 METACYC:FUCPALDOL-RXN RHEA:12936 reaction UPa:UCR02262 L-fuculose 1-phosphate = L-lactaldehyde + glycerone phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02262 KEGG reaction METACYC:FUCPALDOL-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12936 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02263 METACYC:RHAMNULPALDOL-RXN RHEA:19692 reaction UPa:UCR02263 L-rhamnulose 1-phosphate = L-lactaldehyde + glycerone phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02263 KEGG reaction METACYC:RHAMNULPALDOL-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19692 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R02272 METACYC:GSAAMINOTRANS-RXN RHEA:14268 reaction UPa:UCR02272 5-aminolevulinate = (S)-4-amino-5-oxopentanoic acid 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02272 KEGG reaction METACYC:GSAAMINOTRANS-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14268 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02274 METACYC:VAGL-RXN RHEA:10215 reaction UPa:UCR02274 2-oxoglutarate + 5-aminopentanoate = 5-oxopentanoate + L-glutamate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02274 KEGG reaction METACYC:VAGL-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10215 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02276 METACYC:AMVAL-RXN RHEA:42515 reaction UPa:UCR02276 5-acetamidopentanoate + H(2)O = 5-aminopentanoate + acetate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02276 KEGG reaction METACYC:AMVAL-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42515 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02278 METACYC: RHEA:17204 reaction UPa:UCR02278 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate = 2,5-dioxopentanoate + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02278 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17204 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02279 METACYC: RHEA:24611 reaction UPa:UCR02279 5-dehydro-4-deoxy-D-glucarate = 2,5-dioxopentanoate + CO(2) + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02279 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24611 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02282 METACYC:GLUTAMATE-N-ACETYLTRANSFERASE-RXN RHEA:15352 reaction UPa:UCR02282 L-glutamate + N(2)-acetyl-L-ornithine = L-ornithine + N-acetyl-L-glutamate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02282 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUTAMATE-N-ACETYLTRANSFERASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15352 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02283 METACYC:ACETYLORNTRANSAM-RXN RHEA:18052 reaction UPa:UCR02283 2-oxoglutarate + N(2)-acetyl-L-ornithine = L-glutamate + N-acetyl-L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02283 KEGG reaction METACYC:ACETYLORNTRANSAM-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18052 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02285 METACYC:FORMIMINOGLUTAMASE-RXN RHEA:22495 reaction UPa:UCR02285 H(2)O + N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate = L-glutamate + formamide 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02285 KEGG reaction METACYC:FORMIMINOGLUTAMASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22495 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02286 METACYC:FORMIMINOGLUTAMATE-DEIMINASE-RXN RHEA:22835 reaction UPa:UCR02286 H(2)O + N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate = N-formyl-L-glutamate + NH(3) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02286 KEGG reaction METACYC:FORMIMINOGLUTAMATE-DEIMINASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22835 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02287 METACYC:GLUTAMATE-FORMIMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN RHEA:15100 reaction UPa:UCR02287 5-formiminotetrahydrofolate + L-glutamate = 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02287 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUTAMATE-FORMIMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15100 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02288 METACYC:IMIDAZOLONEPROPIONASE-RXN RHEA:23663 reaction UPa:UCR02288 4-imidazolone-5-propanoate + H(2)O = N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02288 KEGG reaction METACYC:IMIDAZOLONEPROPIONASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23663 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02291 METACYC:ASPARTATE-SEMIALDEHYDE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:24287 reaction UPa:UCR02291 L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde + NADP(+) + phosphate = 4-phospho-L-aspartate + H(+) + NADPH 1 1 1 RL 1 RL 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02291 KEGG reaction METACYC:ASPARTATE-SEMIALDEHYDE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24287 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02305 METACYC:PENTALENENE-SYNTHASE-RXN RHEA:18084 reaction UPa:UCR02305 farnesyl diphosphate = diphosphate + pentalenene 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02305 KEGG reaction METACYC:PENTALENENE-SYNTHASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18084 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02307 METACYC:ARISTOLOCHENE-SYNTHASE-RXN RHEA:19828 reaction UPa:UCR02307 farnesyl diphosphate = aristolochene + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02307 KEGG reaction METACYC:ARISTOLOCHENE-SYNTHASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19828 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02313 METACYC: RHEA:24523 reaction UPa:UCR02313 H(2)O + NAD(+) + saccharopine = H(+) + L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde + L-glutamate + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02313 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24523 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02315 METACYC:RXN3O-127 RHEA:10023 reaction UPa:UCR02315 H(2)O + NADP(+) + saccharopine = H(+) + L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde + L-glutamate + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02315 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN3O-127 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10023 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02325 METACYC:DCTP-DEAM-RXN RHEA:22683 reaction UPa:UCR02325 H(2)O + dCTP = NH(3) + dUTP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02325 KEGG reaction METACYC:DCTP-DEAM-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22683 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02340 METACYC:RXN0-2381 RHEA:14084 reaction UPa:UCR02340 indoleglycerol phosphate = D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + indole 1 1 LR 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02340 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-2381 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14084 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02362 METACYC:PECTINESTERASE-RXN reaction UPa:UCR02362 n H(2)O + pectin = n methanol + pectate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02362 KEGG reaction METACYC:PECTINESTERASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02401 METACYC:GLUTARATE-SEMIALDEHYDE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:12067 reaction UPa:UCR02401 5-oxopentanoate + H(2)O + NAD(+) = H(+) + NADH + glutarate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02401 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUTARATE-SEMIALDEHYDE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12067 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02412 METACYC:SHIKIMATE-KINASE-RXN RHEA:13124 reaction UPa:UCR02412 ATP + shikimate = 3-phosphoshikimate + ADP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02412 KEGG reaction METACYC:SHIKIMATE-KINASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13124 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02413 METACYC:SHIKIMATE-5-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:17740 reaction UPa:UCR02413 NADP(+) + shikimate = 3-dehydroshikimate + H(+) + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02413 KEGG reaction METACYC:SHIKIMATE-5-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17740 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02422 METACYC:ALLANTOICASE-RXN RHEA:11019 reaction UPa:UCR02422 H(2)O + allantoate = (S)-ureidoglycolate + urea 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02422 KEGG reaction METACYC:ALLANTOICASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11019 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02423 METACYC:ALLANTOATE-DEIMINASE-RXN RHEA:13596 RHEA:27488 reaction UPa:UCR02423 H(2)O + allantoate = 2-ureidoglycine + CO(2) + NH(3) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02423 KEGG reaction METACYC:ALLANTOATE-DEIMINASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13596 Rhea reaction RHEA:27488 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02425 METACYC:ALLANTOINASE-RXN RHEA:17032 reaction UPa:UCR02425 (S)-allantoin + H(2)O = allantoate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02425 KEGG reaction METACYC:ALLANTOINASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17032 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02426 METACYC:CDP-GLUCOSE-46-DEHYDRATASE-RXN RHEA:17156 reaction UPa:UCR02426 CDP-glucose = CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxy-D-glucose + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02426 KEGG reaction METACYC:CDP-GLUCOSE-46-DEHYDRATASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17156 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R02437 METACYC:RHAMNISOM-RXN RHEA:23163 reaction UPa:UCR02437 L-rhamnose = L-rhamnulose 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02437 KEGG reaction METACYC:RHAMNISOM-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23163 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02439 METACYC:RXN0-5116 RHEA:22075 reaction UPa:UCR02439 ATP + L-ribulose = ADP + L-ribulose 5-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02439 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-5116 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22075 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02466 METACYC:SULFINOALANINE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN RHEA:16880 reaction UPa:UCR02466 3-sulfino-L-alanine = CO(2) + hypotaurine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02466 KEGG reaction METACYC:SULFINOALANINE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16880 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02467 METACYC:CYSTEAMINE-DIOXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:14412 reaction UPa:UCR02467 2-aminoethanethiol + O(2) = hypotaurine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02467 KEGG reaction METACYC:CYSTEAMINE-DIOXYGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14412 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02472 METACYC:2-DEHYDROPANTOATE-REDUCT-RXN RHEA:16236 reaction UPa:UCR02472 (R)-pantoate + NADP(+) = 2-dehydropantoate + H(+) + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02472 KEGG reaction METACYC:2-DEHYDROPANTOATE-REDUCT-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16236 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02473 METACYC:PANTOATE-BETA-ALANINE-LIG-RXN RHEA:10915 reaction UPa:UCR02473 (R)-pantoate + ATP + beta-alanine = (R)-pantothenate + AMP + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02473 KEGG reaction METACYC:PANTOATE-BETA-ALANINE-LIG-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10915 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02493 METACYC:PYRAMKIN-RXN RHEA:25107 reaction UPa:UCR02493 ATP + pyridoxamine = ADP + pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02493 KEGG reaction METACYC:PYRAMKIN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25107 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02494 RHEA:25138 reaction UPa:UCR02494 phosphate + pyridoxamine = H(2)O + pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02494 KEGG reaction RHEA:25138 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02519 METACYC:HOMOGENTISATE-12-DIOXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:15452 reaction UPa:UCR02519 O(2) + homogentisate = 4-maleylacetoacetate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02519 KEGG reaction METACYC:HOMOGENTISATE-12-DIOXYGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15452 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02521 METACYC:4-HYDROXYPHENYLPYRUVATE-DIOXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:16192 reaction UPa:UCR02521 (4-hydroxyphenyl)pyruvate + O(2) = CO(2) + homogentisate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02521 KEGG reaction METACYC:4-HYDROXYPHENYLPYRUVATE-DIOXYGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16192 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02522 METACYC:L-ARABINONATE-DEHYDRATASE-RXN RHEA:20971 reaction UPa:UCR02522 L-arabinonate = 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02522 KEGG reaction METACYC:L-ARABINONATE-DEHYDRATASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20971 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02526 METACYC:L-ARABINONOLACTONASE-RXN RHEA:16220 reaction UPa:UCR02526 H(2)O + L-arabinono-1,4-lactone = L-arabinonate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02526 KEGG reaction METACYC:L-ARABINONOLACTONASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16220 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02530 METACYC:GLYOXI-RXN RHEA:19072 reaction UPa:UCR02530 (R)-S-lactoylglutathione = glutathione + methylglyoxal 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02530 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLYOXI-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19072 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02533 METACYC:RXN66-241 RHEA:25272 reaction UPa:UCR02533 (R)-noradrenaline + S-adenosyl-L-methionine = (R)-adrenaline + S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02533 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN66-241 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25272 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02535 METACYC:DOPAMINE-BETA-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:19120 reaction UPa:UCR02535 L-ascorbate + O(2) + dopamine = (R)-noradrenaline + H(2)O + L-dehydroascorbate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02535 KEGG reaction METACYC:DOPAMINE-BETA-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19120 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02536 METACYC:PHENDEHYD-RXN RHEA:21395 reaction UPa:UCR02536 H(2)O + NAD(+) + phenylacetaldehyde = H(+) + NADH + phenylacetate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02536 KEGG reaction METACYC:PHENDEHYD-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21395 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02545 METACYC:RXN-8643 RHEA:16460 reaction UPa:UCR02545 NAD(+) + meso-tartrate = 2-hydroxy-3-oxosuccinate + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02545 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8643 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16460 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02549 METACYC:AMINOBUTDEHYDROG-RXN RHEA:19108 reaction UPa:UCR02549 4-aminobutanal + H(2)O + NAD(+) = 4-aminobutanoate + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02549 KEGG reaction METACYC:AMINOBUTDEHYDROG-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19108 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02553 METACYC:CYCLOPENTANOL-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:11731 reaction UPa:UCR02553 NAD(+) + cyclopentanol = H(+) + NADH + cyclopentanone 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02553 KEGG reaction METACYC:CYCLOPENTANOL-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11731 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02554 METACYC:CYCLOPENTANONE-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:15740 reaction UPa:UCR02554 H(+) + NADPH + O(2) + cyclopentanone = 5-valerolactone + H(2)O + NADP(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02554 KEGG reaction METACYC:CYCLOPENTANONE-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15740 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02565 METACYC:BADH-RXN RHEA:15308 reaction UPa:UCR02565 H(2)O + NAD(+) + betaine aldehyde = 2 H(+) + NADH + betaine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02565 KEGG reaction METACYC:BADH-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15308 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02571 reaction UPa:UCR02571 Enzyme N6-(dihydrolipoyl)lysine + glutaryl-CoA = CoA + S(8)-glutaryldihydrolipoamide 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02571 KEGG reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02601 METACYC:2-OXOPENT-4-ENOATE-HYDRATASE-RXN RHEA:22583 reaction UPa:UCR02601 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate + H(2)O = 4-hydroxy-2-oxopentanoate 1 1 LR 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02601 KEGG reaction METACYC:2-OXOPENT-4-ENOATE-HYDRATASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22583 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02603 METACYC:MHPCHYDROL-RXN RHEA:24792 reaction UPa:UCR02603 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate + succinate = 2-hydroxy-6-oxonona-2,4-diene-1,9-dioate + H(2)O 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02603 KEGG reaction METACYC:MHPCHYDROL-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24792 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02606 METACYC: RHEA:17164 reaction UPa:UCR02606 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-phenylhexa-2,4-dienoate + H(2)O = 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate + benzoate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02606 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17164 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02613 METACYC:AMINEPHEN-RXN RHEA:25268 reaction UPa:UCR02613 2-phenylethylamine + H(2)O + O(2) = H(2)O(2) + NH(3) + phenylacetaldehyde 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02613 KEGG reaction METACYC:AMINEPHEN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25268 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02649 METACYC:ACETYLGLUTKIN-RXN RHEA:14632 reaction UPa:UCR02649 ATP + N-acetyl-L-glutamate = ADP + N-acetyl-L-glutamyl 5-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02649 KEGG reaction METACYC:ACETYLGLUTKIN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14632 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02664 RHEA:42411 reaction UPa:UCR02664 2-phospho-D-glycerate + ATP = 2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate + ADP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02664 KEGG reaction RHEA:42411 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02665 METACYC: RHEA:17956 reaction UPa:UCR02665 3-hydroxyanthranilate + O(2) = 2-amino-3-carboxymuconate semialdehyde 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02665 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17956 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02668 METACYC:3-HYDROXY-KYNURENINASE-RXN RHEA:25146 reaction UPa:UCR02668 3-hydroxy-L-kynurenine + H(2)O = 3-hydroxyanthranilate + L-alanine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02668 KEGG reaction METACYC:3-HYDROXY-KYNURENINASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25146 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02698 RHEA:16684 reaction UPa:UCR02698 4-hydroxyphenylacetate + H(+) + NADH + O(2) = (3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)acetate + H(2)O + NAD(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02698 KEGG reaction RHEA:16684 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02701 METACYC:RXN3DJ-170 RHEA:18536 reaction UPa:UCR02701 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan = CO(2) + serotonin 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02701 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN3DJ-170 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18536 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02705 METACYC:NANK-RXN RHEA:25256 reaction UPa:UCR02705 ATP + N-acetyl-D-mannosamine = ADP + N-acetyl-D-mannosamine 6-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02705 KEGG reaction METACYC:NANK-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25256 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02715 METACYC: RHEA:23759 reaction UPa:UCR02715 D-arabinono-1,4-lactone + O(2) = H(2)O(2) + dehydro-D-arabinono-1,4-lactone 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02715 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23759 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02733 METACYC:N-ACETYLDIAMINOPIMELATE-DEACETYLASE-RXN RHEA:20408 reaction UPa:UCR02733 H(2)O + N-acetyl-LL-2,6-diaminopimelate = LL-2,6-diaminopimelate + acetate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02733 KEGG reaction METACYC:N-ACETYLDIAMINOPIMELATE-DEACETYLASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20408 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02734 METACYC:SUCCDIAMINOPIMDESUCC-RXN RHEA:22611 reaction UPa:UCR02734 H(2)O + N-succinyl-LL-2,6-diaminopimelate = LL-2,6-diaminopimelate + succinate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02734 KEGG reaction METACYC:SUCCDIAMINOPIMDESUCC-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22611 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R02735 METACYC:DIAMINOPIMEPIM-RXN RHEA:15396 reaction UPa:UCR02735 LL-2,6-diaminopimelate = DL-2,6-diaminopimelate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02735 KEGG reaction METACYC:DIAMINOPIMEPIM-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15396 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R02749 METACYC:D-PPENTOMUT-RXN RHEA:25208 RHEA:27661 reaction UPa:UCR02749 2-deoxy-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate = 2-deoxy-D-ribose 5-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02749 KEGG reaction METACYC:D-PPENTOMUT-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25208 Rhea reaction RHEA:27661 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02752 METACYC:GLUCARDEHYDRA-RXN RHEA:14576 reaction UPa:UCR02752 D-glucarate = 5-dehydro-4-deoxy-D-glucarate + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02752 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUCARDEHYDRA-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14576 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02754 METACYC:KDGALDOL-RXN RHEA:27729 reaction UPa:UCR02754 5-dehydro-4-deoxy-D-glucarate = 2-hydroxy-3-oxopropanoate + pyruvate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02754 KEGG reaction METACYC:KDGALDOL-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:27729 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02755 METACYC:DIAMINOPIMELATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:13564 reaction UPa:UCR02755 DL-2,6-diaminopimelate + H(2)O + NADP(+) = (S)-2-amino-6-oxopimelate + H(+) + NADPH + NH(3) 1 RL 2 KEGG:R02755 KEGG reaction METACYC:DIAMINOPIMELATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13564 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R02765 METACYC:METHYLMALONYL-COA-EPIM-RXN RHEA:20556 reaction UPa:UCR02765 (R)-methylmalonyl-CoA = (S)-methylmalonyl-CoA 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02765 KEGG reaction METACYC:METHYLMALONYL-COA-EPIM-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20556 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02782 METACYC:MYO-INOSOSE-2-DEHYDRATASE-RXN RHEA:14068 reaction UPa:UCR02782 scyllo-inosose = 3D-3,5/4-trihydroxycyclohexane-1,2-dione + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02782 KEGG reaction METACYC:MYO-INOSOSE-2-DEHYDRATASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14068 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02804 METACYC:RXN-12130 RHEA:15496 RHEA:43111 reaction UPa:UCR02804 H(2)O + dinitrogen + 2 ferricytochrome c = 2 H(+) + 2 ferrocytochrome c + nitrous oxide 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02804 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-12130 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15496 Rhea reaction RHEA:43111 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02821 METACYC: RHEA:22339 reaction UPa:UCR02821 L-homocysteine + betaine = L-methionine + N,N-dimethylglycine 1 1 LR 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02821 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22339 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02860 METACYC:NICOTINE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:14772 reaction UPa:UCR02860 H(2)O + acceptor + nicotine = (S)-6-hydroxynicotine + reduced acceptor 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02860 KEGG reaction METACYC:NICOTINE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14772 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02864 METACYC:SIROHEME-FERROCHELAT-RXN RHEA:24363 reaction UPa:UCR02864 2 H(+) + siroheme = Fe2+ + sirohydrochlorin 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02864 KEGG reaction METACYC:SIROHEME-FERROCHELAT-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24363 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02869 METACYC:SPERMINE-SYNTHASE-RXN RHEA:19976 reaction UPa:UCR02869 S-adenosylmethioninamine + spermidine = S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine + spermine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02869 KEGG reaction METACYC:SPERMINE-SYNTHASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19976 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02874 METACYC:SQUALENE-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:25285 reaction UPa:UCR02874 H(+) + NADPH + O(2) + squalene = (S)-2,3-epoxysqualene + H(2)O + NADP(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02874 KEGG reaction METACYC:SQUALENE-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25285 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02911 METACYC:RXN3DJ-35528 RHEA:25220 reaction UPa:UCR02911 acetyl-CoA + serotonin = CoA + N-acetylserotonin 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02911 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN3DJ-35528 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25220 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02914 METACYC:UROCANATE-HYDRATASE-RXN RHEA:13104 reaction UPa:UCR02914 4-imidazolone-5-propanoate = H(2)O + trans-urocanate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02914 KEGG reaction METACYC:UROCANATE-HYDRATASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13104 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02922 METACYC:CREATININE-DEAMINASE-RXN RHEA:12684 reaction UPa:UCR02922 H(2)O + creatinine = N-methylhydantoin + NH(3) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02922 KEGG reaction METACYC:CREATININE-DEAMINASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12684 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02933 METACYC:RXN-8783 RHEA:42519 reaction UPa:UCR02933 H(2)O + L-gulono-1,4-lactone = L-gulonate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02933 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8783 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42519 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02935 RHEA:15332 reaction UPa:UCR02935 (S)-ureidoglycolate + NAD(+) = H(+) + NADH + oxalurate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02935 KEGG reaction RHEA:15332 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02936 METACYC:R165-RXN RHEA:15336 reaction UPa:UCR02936 (S)-ureidoglycolate + NADP(+) = H(+) + NADPH + oxalurate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02936 KEGG reaction METACYC:R165-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15336 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02946 METACYC:RR-BUTANEDIOL-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:24343 reaction UPa:UCR02946 (R,R)-butane-2,3-diol + NAD(+) = (R)-acetoin + H(+) + NADH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02946 KEGG reaction METACYC:RR-BUTANEDIOL-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24343 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02948 METACYC:ACETOLACTATE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN RHEA:21583 reaction UPa:UCR02948 (S)-2-acetolactate = (R)-acetoin + CO(2) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02948 KEGG reaction METACYC:ACETOLACTATE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21583 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02988 RHEA:16984 reaction UPa:UCR02988 3-oxoadipate + NAD(+) = H(+) + NADH + maleylacetate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02988 KEGG reaction RHEA:16984 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02989 METACYC:MALEYLACETATE-REDUCTASE-RXN RHEA:16988 reaction UPa:UCR02989 3-oxoadipate + NADP(+) = H(+) + NADPH + maleylacetate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R02989 KEGG reaction METACYC:MALEYLACETATE-REDUCTASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16988 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R02990 METACYC:3-OXOADIPATE-COA-TRANSFERASE-RXN RHEA:12051 reaction UPa:UCR02990 3-oxoadipate + succinyl-CoA = 3-oxoadipyl-CoA + succinate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02990 KEGG reaction METACYC:3-OXOADIPATE-COA-TRANSFERASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12051 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02991 METACYC:3-OXOADIPATE-ENOL-LACTONASE-RXN RHEA:10187 reaction UPa:UCR02991 5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-2-furylacetate + H(2)O = 3-oxoadipate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02991 KEGG reaction METACYC:3-OXOADIPATE-ENOL-LACTONASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10187 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R02992 METACYC:4-PYRIDOXOLACTONASE-RXN RHEA:14304 reaction UPa:UCR02992 4-pyridoxolactone + H(2)O = 4-pyridoxate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R02992 KEGG reaction METACYC:4-PYRIDOXOLACTONASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14304 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03005 METACYC:NICONUCADENYLYLTRAN-RXN RHEA:22863 reaction UPa:UCR03005 ATP + nicotinate D-ribonucleotide = deamido-NAD(+) + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03005 KEGG reaction METACYC:NICONUCADENYLYLTRAN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22863 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03013 METACYC:HISTIDPHOS-RXN RHEA:14468 reaction UPa:UCR03013 H(2)O + L-histidinol phosphate = L-histidinol + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03013 KEGG reaction METACYC:HISTIDPHOS-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14468 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03014 METACYC:RHAMNULOKIN-RXN RHEA:20120 reaction UPa:UCR03014 ATP + L-rhamnulose = ADP + L-rhamnulose 1-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03014 KEGG reaction METACYC:RHAMNULOKIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20120 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03015 METACYC:FORMYLMETHANOFURAN-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:19844 reaction UPa:UCR03015 H(2)O + N-formylmethanofuran + acceptor = CO(2) + methanofuran + reduced acceptor 1 RL 1 KEGG:R03015 KEGG reaction METACYC:FORMYLMETHANOFURAN-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19844 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03018 METACYC:PANTOTHENATE-KIN-RXN RHEA:16376 reaction UPa:UCR03018 (R)-pantothenate + ATP = (R)-4'-phosphopantothenate + ADP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03018 KEGG reaction METACYC:PANTOTHENATE-KIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16376 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03028 METACYC:GLUTACONYL-COA-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN RHEA:23975 reaction UPa:UCR03028 glutaconyl-1-CoA = CO(2) + crotonoyl-CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03028 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUTACONYL-COA-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23975 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03033 METACYC:GALACTONDEHYDRAT-RXN RHEA:18652 reaction UPa:UCR03033 D-galactonate = 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-galactonate + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03033 KEGG reaction METACYC:GALACTONDEHYDRAT-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18652 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03035 METACYC:PANTEPADENYLYLTRAN-RXN RHEA:19804 reaction UPa:UCR03035 ATP + pantotheine 4'-phosphate = 3'-dephospho-CoA + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03035 KEGG reaction METACYC:PANTEPADENYLYLTRAN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19804 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03067 METACYC:H2PTEROATESYNTH-RXN RHEA:19952 reaction UPa:UCR03067 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine diphosphate + 4-aminobenzoate = 7,8-dihydropteroate + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03067 KEGG reaction METACYC:H2PTEROATESYNTH-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19952 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03069 METACYC:DIMETHYLMALEATE-HYDRATASE-RXN RHEA:20256 reaction UPa:UCR03069 H(2)O + dimethylmaleate = (2R,3S)-2,3-dimethylmalate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03069 KEGG reaction METACYC:DIMETHYLMALEATE-HYDRATASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20256 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R03070 METACYC:METHYLITACONATE-DELTA-ISOMERASE-RXN RHEA:23483 reaction UPa:UCR03070 2-methylene-3-methylsuccinate = dimethylmaleate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03070 KEGG reaction METACYC:METHYLITACONATE-DELTA-ISOMERASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23483 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03083 METACYC:3-DEHYDROQUINATE-SYNTHASE-RXN RHEA:21971 reaction UPa:UCR03083 7-phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptonate = 3-dehydroquinate + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03083 KEGG reaction METACYC:3-DEHYDROQUINATE-SYNTHASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21971 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03084 METACYC:3-DEHYDROQUINATE-DEHYDRATASE-RXN RHEA:21099 reaction UPa:UCR03084 3-dehydroquinate = 3-dehydroshikimate + H(2)O 1 1 LR 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03084 KEGG reaction METACYC:3-DEHYDROQUINATE-DEHYDRATASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21099 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03098 reaction UPa:UCR03098 ATP + L-alpha-aminoadipate = alpha-aminoadipoyl-C6-AMP + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03098 KEGG reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03102 METACYC:ALLYSINE-DEHYDROG-RXN RHEA:12311 reaction UPa:UCR03102 H(2)O + L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde + NAD(+) = H(+) + L-alpha-aminoadipate + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03102 KEGG reaction METACYC:ALLYSINE-DEHYDROG-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12311 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03103 METACYC: RHEA:12307 reaction UPa:UCR03103 H(2)O + L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde + NADP(+) = H(+) + L-alpha-aminoadipate + NADPH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03103 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12307 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03119 METACYC:13-PROPANEDIOL-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:23191 reaction UPa:UCR03119 NAD(+) + propane-1,3-diol = 3-hydroxypropanal + H(+) + NADH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R03119 KEGG reaction METACYC:13-PROPANEDIOL-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23191 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03130 METACYC:ACETYLSEROTONIN-O-METHYLTRANSFERASE-RXN RHEA:15576 reaction UPa:UCR03130 N-acetylserotonin + S-adenosyl-L-methionine = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + melatonin 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03130 KEGG reaction METACYC:ACETYLSEROTONIN-O-METHYLTRANSFERASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15576 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R03163 METACYC:FUCISOM-RXN RHEA:17236 reaction UPa:UCR03163 L-fucose = L-fuculose 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03163 KEGG reaction METACYC:FUCISOM-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17236 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03164 METACYC:6-HYDROXYNICOTINATE-REDUCTASE-RXN RHEA:17228 reaction UPa:UCR03164 6-hydroxynicotinate + reduced ferredoxin = 6-hydroxynicotinate + oxidized ferredoxin 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03164 KEGG reaction METACYC:6-HYDROXYNICOTINATE-REDUCTASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17228 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03165 METACYC:UROGENIIISYN-RXN RHEA:18968 reaction UPa:UCR03165 hydroxymethylbilane = H(2)O + uroporphyrinogen III 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03165 KEGG reaction METACYC:UROGENIIISYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18968 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R03181 METACYC:MALEYLACETOACETATE-ISOMERASE-RXN RHEA:14820 reaction UPa:UCR03181 4-maleylacetoacetate = 4-fumarylacetoacetate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03181 KEGG reaction METACYC:MALEYLACETOACETATE-ISOMERASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14820 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03182 METACYC:DETHIOBIOTIN-SYN-RXN RHEA:15808 reaction UPa:UCR03182 7,8-diaminononanoate + ATP + CO(2) = ADP + dethiobiotin + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03182 KEGG reaction METACYC:DETHIOBIOTIN-SYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15808 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03184 METACYC:L-GULONOLACTONE-OXIDASE-RXN RHEA:12355 reaction UPa:UCR03184 L-gulono-1,4-lactone + O(2) = H(2)O(2) + L-xylo-hexulonolactone 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03184 KEGG reaction METACYC:L-GULONOLACTONE-OXIDASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12355 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03187 METACYC: RHEA:11723 reaction UPa:UCR03187 ATP + 2 H(2)O + N-methylhydantoin = ADP + N-carbamoylsarcosine + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03187 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11723 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03194 reaction UPa:UCR03194 2 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + uroporphyrinogen III = 2 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + precorrin-2 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03194 KEGG reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03197 METACYC:UROGENDECARBOX-RXN RHEA:19868 reaction UPa:UCR03197 uroporphyrinogen III = 4 CO(2) + coproporphyrinogen-III 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03197 KEGG reaction METACYC:UROGENDECARBOX-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19868 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R03199 METACYC:LANOSTEROL-SYNTHASE-RXN RHEA:14624 reaction UPa:UCR03199 (S)-2,3-epoxysqualene = lanosterol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03199 KEGG reaction METACYC:LANOSTEROL-SYNTHASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14624 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03202 METACYC:S-6-HYDROXYNICOTINE-OXIDASE-RXN RHEA:11883 reaction UPa:UCR03202 (S)-6-hydroxynicotine + H(2)O + O(2) = 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine + H(2)O(2) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03202 KEGG reaction METACYC:S-6-HYDROXYNICOTINE-OXIDASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11883 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03209 METACYC:6-CARBOXYHEXANOATE--COA-LIGASE-RXN RHEA:14784 reaction UPa:UCR03209 ATP + CoA + pimelate = AMP + diphosphate + pimeloyl-CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03209 KEGG reaction METACYC:6-CARBOXYHEXANOATE--COA-LIGASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14784 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03210 METACYC:7KAPSYN-RXN RHEA:20715 RHEA:42291 reaction UPa:UCR03210 L-alanine + pimeloyl-CoA = 8-amino-7-oxononanoate + CO(2) + CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03210 KEGG reaction METACYC:7KAPSYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20715 Rhea reaction RHEA:42291 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03217 METACYC:RXN-721 RHEA:30934 reaction UPa:UCR03217 L-cysteine + O-acetyl-L-homoserine = L-cystathionine + acetate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03217 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-721 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:30934 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03220 METACYC:RXN0-1461 RHEA:18260 reaction UPa:UCR03220 O(2) + coproporphyrinogen-III = 2 CO(2) + 2 H(2)O + protoporphyrinogen-IX 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03220 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-1461 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18260 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03222 METACYC:PROTOPORGENOXI-RXN RHEA:25579 reaction UPa:UCR03222 3 O(2) + protoporphyrinogen-IX = 3 H(2)O(2) + protoporphyrin-IX 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03222 KEGG reaction METACYC:PROTOPORGENOXI-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25579 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03223 METACYC:THI-P-SYN-RXN RHEA:22331 reaction UPa:UCR03223 4-amino-2-methyl-5-diphosphomethylpyrimidine + 4-methyl-5-(2-phosphoethyl)-thiazole = diphosphate + thiamine phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03223 KEGG reaction METACYC:THI-P-SYN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22331 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03230 METACYC: RHEA:24499 reaction UPa:UCR03230 acetyl-CoA + deacetylvindoline = CoA + vindoline 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03230 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24499 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03231 METACYC:DAPASYN-RXN RHEA:16864 reaction UPa:UCR03231 8-amino-7-oxononanoate + S-adenosyl-L-methionine = 7,8-diaminononanoate + S-adenosyl-4-methylthio-2-oxobutanoic acid 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03231 KEGG reaction METACYC:DAPASYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16864 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03236 METACYC:TAGAKIN-RXN RHEA:12423 reaction UPa:UCR03236 ATP + D-tagatose 6-phosphate = ADP + D-tagatose 1,6-bisphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03236 KEGG reaction METACYC:TAGAKIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12423 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R03240 METACYC:LACTOSE-6-PHOSPHATE-ISOMERASE-RXN RHEA:13036 reaction UPa:UCR03240 D-galactose 6-phosphate = D-tagatose 6-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03240 KEGG reaction METACYC:LACTOSE-6-PHOSPHATE-ISOMERASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13036 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03241 METACYC:FUCULOKIN-RXN RHEA:12379 reaction UPa:UCR03241 ATP + L-fuculose = ADP + L-fuculose 1-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03241 KEGG reaction METACYC:FUCULOKIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12379 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03243 METACYC:HISTAMINOTRANS-RXN RHEA:23747 reaction UPa:UCR03243 2-oxoglutarate + L-histidinol phosphate = L-glutamate + imidazole-acetol phosphate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R03243 KEGG reaction METACYC:HISTAMINOTRANS-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23747 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R03244 METACYC:LXULRU5P-RXN RHEA:18500 reaction UPa:UCR03244 L-ribulose 5-phosphate = L-xylulose 5-phosphate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R03244 KEGG reaction METACYC:LXULRU5P-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18500 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03245 METACYC:PHOSPHOMEVALONATE-KINASE-RXN RHEA:16344 reaction UPa:UCR03245 (R)-5-phosphomevalonate + ATP = (R)-5-diphosphomevalonate + ADP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03245 KEGG reaction METACYC:PHOSPHOMEVALONATE-KINASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16344 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03254 METACYC:KDO-8PSYNTH-RXN RHEA:14056 reaction UPa:UCR03254 8-phospho-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate + phosphate = D-arabinose 5-phosphate + H(2)O + phosphoenolpyruvate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R03254 KEGG reaction METACYC:KDO-8PSYNTH-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14056 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03256 METACYC:LACTOSE6P-HYDROXY-RXN RHEA:42407 reaction UPa:UCR03256 H(2)O + lactose 6-phosphate = D-galactose 6-phosphate + beta-D-glucose 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03256 KEGG reaction METACYC:LACTOSE6P-HYDROXY-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42407 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03260 METACYC:O-SUCCHOMOSERLYASE-RXN RHEA:20400 reaction UPa:UCR03260 L-cysteine + O-succinyl-L-homoserine = L-cystathionine + succinate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03260 KEGG reaction METACYC:O-SUCCHOMOSERLYASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20400 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03269 METACYC:P-PANTOCYSDECARB-RXN RHEA:16796 reaction UPa:UCR03269 N-[(R)-4-phosphonopantothenoyl]-L-cysteine = CO(2) + pantotheine 4'-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03269 KEGG reaction METACYC:P-PANTOCYSDECARB-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16796 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03298 RHEA:42415 reaction UPa:UCR03298 2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate + ATP = ADP + cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03298 KEGG reaction RHEA:42415 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03303 METACYC: RHEA:15636 reaction UPa:UCR03303 (3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)acetate + O(2) = 5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconate semialdehyde 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03303 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15636 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R03307 METACYC: RHEA:23659 reaction UPa:UCR03307 2-carboxy-2,5-dihydro-5-oxofuran-2-acetate = 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R03307 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23659 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R03308 METACYC:CARBOXY-CISCIS-MUCONATE-CYCLASE-RXN RHEA:14980 reaction UPa:UCR03308 3-carboxy-2,5-dihydro-5-oxofuran-2-acetate = 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03308 KEGG reaction METACYC:CARBOXY-CISCIS-MUCONATE-CYCLASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14980 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03313 METACYC:GLUTSEMIALDEHYDROG-RXN RHEA:19544 reaction UPa:UCR03313 L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde + NADP(+) + phosphate = H(+) + L-glutamyl 5-phosphate + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R03313 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUTSEMIALDEHYDROG-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19544 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03314 METACYC:SPONTPRO-RXN RHEA:28237 reaction UPa:UCR03314 L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde = (S)-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03314 KEGG reaction METACYC:SPONTPRO-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:28237 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03348 METACYC:QUINOPRIBOTRANS-RXN RHEA:12736 reaction UPa:UCR03348 CO(2) + diphosphate + nicotinate D-ribonucleotide = 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + quinolinate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R03348 KEGG reaction METACYC:QUINOPRIBOTRANS-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12736 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03350 METACYC:KDO-8PPHOSPHAT-RXN RHEA:11503 reaction UPa:UCR03350 8-phospho-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate + H(2)O = 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03350 KEGG reaction METACYC:KDO-8PPHOSPHAT-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11503 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03351 METACYC:CPM-KDOSYNTH-RXN RHEA:23451 reaction UPa:UCR03351 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate + CTP = CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03351 KEGG reaction METACYC:CPM-KDOSYNTH-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23451 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03387 METACYC:DEHYDDEOXGALACTKIN-RXN RHEA:16528 reaction UPa:UCR03387 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-galactonate + ATP = 6-phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-galactonic acid + ADP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03387 KEGG reaction METACYC:DEHYDDEOXGALACTKIN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16528 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03390 METACYC: RHEA:18064 reaction UPa:UCR03390 5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + N-formylmethanofuran = N(5)-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + methanofuran 1 1 LR 1 RL 1 KEGG:R03390 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18064 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03391 RHEA:19656 reaction UPa:UCR03391 CDP-4-dehydro-3,6-dideoxy-D-glucose + H(2)O + NAD(+) = CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxy-D-glucose + H(+) + NADH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R03391 KEGG reaction RHEA:19656 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03392 METACYC: RHEA:19660 reaction UPa:UCR03392 CDP-4-dehydro-3,6-dideoxy-D-glucose + H(2)O + NADP(+) = CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxy-D-glucose + H(+) + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R03392 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19660 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03409 METACYC:PPPGPPHYDRO-RXN RHEA:13076 reaction UPa:UCR03409 H(2)O + guanosine 3'-diphosphate 5'-triphosphate = phosphate + ppGpp 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03409 KEGG reaction METACYC:PPPGPPHYDRO-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13076 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03418 METACYC: RHEA:20779 reaction UPa:UCR03418 1-alpha-D-galactosyl-myo-inositol + raffinose = myo-inositol + stachyose 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03418 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20779 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03443 METACYC:N-ACETYLGLUTPREDUCT-RXN RHEA:21591 reaction UPa:UCR03443 N-acetyl-L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde + NADP(+) + phosphate = H(+) + N-acetyl-L-glutamyl 5-phosphate + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R03443 KEGG reaction METACYC:N-ACETYLGLUTPREDUCT-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21591 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03444 METACYC:RXN3O-1983 RHEA:26104 reaction UPa:UCR03444 (R)-homocitrate = H(2)O + homo-cis-aconitate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03444 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN3O-1983 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:26104 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03445 METACYC:RXN-10720 RHEA:42455 reaction UPa:UCR03445 4-(2-aminophenyl)-2,4-dioxobutanoate = H(2)O + kynurenate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03445 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-10720 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42455 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03457 METACYC:IMIDPHOSDEHYD-RXN RHEA:11043 reaction UPa:UCR03457 D-erythro-1-(imidazol-4-yl)glycerol 3-phosphate = H(2)O + imidazole-acetol phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03457 KEGG reaction METACYC:IMIDPHOSDEHYD-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11043 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03458 METACYC:RIBOFLAVINSYNREDUC-RXN RHEA:17848 reaction UPa:UCR03458 5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribitylamino)uracil + NADP(+) = 5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)uracil + H(+) + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R03458 KEGG reaction METACYC:RIBOFLAVINSYNREDUC-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17848 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03459 METACYC:RIBOFLAVINSYNDEAM-RXN RHEA:21871 reaction UPa:UCR03459 2,5-diamino-4-hydroxy-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)pyrimidine + H(2)O = 5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)uracil + NH(3) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03459 KEGG reaction METACYC:RIBOFLAVINSYNDEAM-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21871 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03460 METACYC: RHEA:21259 reaction UPa:UCR03460 3-phosphoshikimate + phosphoenolpyruvate = 5-O-(1-carboxyvinyl)-3-phosphoshikimate + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03460 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21259 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03462 METACYC:BIPHENYL-23-DIOL-12-DIOXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:14416 reaction UPa:UCR03462 O(2) + biphenyl-2,3-diol = 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-phenylhexa-2,4-dienoate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03462 KEGG reaction METACYC:BIPHENYL-23-DIOL-12-DIOXYGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14416 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03464 METACYC: RHEA:19056 reaction UPa:UCR03464 5,10-methenyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + H(2)O = H(+) + N(5)-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin 1 1 RL 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03464 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19056 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03470 METACYC:4-CARBOXYMUCONOLACTONE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN RHEA:23351 reaction UPa:UCR03470 2-carboxy-2,5-dihydro-5-oxofuran-2-acetate = 5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-2-furylacetate + CO(2) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03470 KEGG reaction METACYC:4-CARBOXYMUCONOLACTONE-DECARBOXYLASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23351 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03471 METACYC:OHMETPYRKIN-RXN RHEA:23099 reaction UPa:UCR03471 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine + ATP = 4-amino-2-methyl-5-phosphomethylpyrimidine + ADP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03471 KEGG reaction METACYC:OHMETPYRKIN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23099 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03503 METACYC:H2PTERIDINEPYROPHOSPHOKIN-RXN RHEA:11415 reaction UPa:UCR03503 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine + ATP = 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine diphosphate + AMP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03503 KEGG reaction METACYC:H2PTERIDINEPYROPHOSPHOKIN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11415 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03504 METACYC:H2NEOPTERINALDOL-RXN RHEA:10543 reaction UPa:UCR03504 7,8-dihydroneopterin = 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine + glycolaldehyde 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03504 KEGG reaction METACYC:H2NEOPTERINALDOL-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10543 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03508 METACYC:IGPSYN-RXN RHEA:23479 reaction UPa:UCR03508 1-(2-carboxyphenylamino)-1-deoxy-D-ribulose 5-phosphate = CO(2) + H(2)O + indoleglycerol phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03508 KEGG reaction METACYC:IGPSYN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23479 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R03509 METACYC:PRAISOM-RXN RHEA:21543 reaction UPa:UCR03509 N-(5-phospho-beta-D-ribosyl)anthranilic acid = 1-(2-carboxyphenylamino)-1-deoxy-D-ribulose 5-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03509 KEGG reaction METACYC:PRAISOM-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21543 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03534 METACYC:2-HYDROXYGLUTARATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:21255 RHEA:25264 reaction UPa:UCR03534 2-hydroxyglutarate + FAD = 2-oxoglutarate + FADH2 1 RL 1 KEGG:R03534 KEGG reaction METACYC:2-HYDROXYGLUTARATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21255 Rhea reaction RHEA:25264 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03543 METACYC:BENZENE-12-DIOXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:13816 reaction UPa:UCR03543 H(+) + NADH + O(2) + benzene = NAD(+) + cis-1,2-dihydrobenzene-1,2-diol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03543 KEGG reaction METACYC:BENZENE-12-DIOXYGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13816 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03559 METACYC:TOLUENE-DIOXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:16740 reaction UPa:UCR03559 H(+) + NADH + O(2) + toluene = (1S,2R)-3-methylcyclohexa-3,5-diene-1,2-diol + NAD(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03559 KEGG reaction METACYC:TOLUENE-DIOXYGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16740 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03630 METACYC:PHTHALATE-45-DIOXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:17492 reaction UPa:UCR03630 H(+) + NADH + O(2) + phthalate = NAD(+) + cis-4,5-dihydroxycyclohexa-2,6-diene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03630 KEGG reaction METACYC:PHTHALATE-45-DIOXYGENASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17492 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03693 METACYC:S-2-METHYLMALATE-DEHYDRATASE-RXN RHEA:13532 reaction UPa:UCR03693 L-citramalate = H(2)O + mesaconate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R03693 KEGG reaction METACYC:S-2-METHYLMALATE-DEHYDRATASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13532 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03696 METACYC:METHYLASPARTATE-AMMONIA-LYASE-RXN RHEA:12832 reaction UPa:UCR03696 (2S,3S)-3-methyl-L-aspartate = NH(3) + mesaconate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03696 KEGG reaction METACYC:METHYLASPARTATE-AMMONIA-LYASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12832 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03721 METACYC: RHEA:15376 reaction UPa:UCR03721 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + columbamine = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + palmatine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03721 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15376 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03738 METACYC:STRICTOSIDINE-SYNTHASE-RXN RHEA:15016 reaction UPa:UCR03738 3alpha(S)-strictosidine + H(2)O = secologanin + tryptamine 1 RL 1 KEGG:R03738 KEGG reaction METACYC:STRICTOSIDINE-SYNTHASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15016 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R03791 METACYC:MANDELATE-RACEMASE-RXN RHEA:13948 reaction UPa:UCR03791 (S)-mandelate = (R)-mandelate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R03791 KEGG reaction METACYC:MANDELATE-RACEMASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13948 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03793 METACYC:MANDELATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:15752 reaction UPa:UCR03793 (S)-mandelate + acceptor = phenylglyoxylate + reduced acceptor 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03793 KEGG reaction METACYC:MANDELATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15752 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03831 METACYC:RETICULINE-OXIDASE-RXN RHEA:19888 reaction UPa:UCR03831 (S)-reticuline + O(2) = (S)-scoulerine + H(2)O(2) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03831 KEGG reaction METACYC:RETICULINE-OXIDASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19888 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03832 METACYC: RHEA:17792 reaction UPa:UCR03832 (S)-3'-hydroxy-N-methylcoclaurine + S-adenosyl-L-methionine = (S)-reticuline + H(+) + S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03832 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17792 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R03892 METACYC:RXN-9922 RHEA:42435 reaction UPa:UCR03892 maleylacetate = 3-hydroxy-cis,cis-muconate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R03892 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-9922 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42435 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03896 METACYC:R-2-METHYLMALATE-DEHYDRATASE-RXN RHEA:22335 reaction UPa:UCR03896 (R)-citramalate = 2-methylmaleate + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03896 KEGG reaction METACYC:R-2-METHYLMALATE-DEHYDRATASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22335 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03898 RHEA:42427 reaction UPa:UCR03898 2-methylmaleate + H(2)O = D-erythro-3-methylmalic acid 1 LR 2 KEGG:R03898 KEGG reaction RHEA:42427 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R03908 METACYC:2-METHYLENEGLUTARATE-MUTASE-RXN RHEA:13796 reaction UPa:UCR03908 2-methyleneglutarate = 2-methylene-3-methylsuccinate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03908 KEGG reaction METACYC:2-METHYLENEGLUTARATE-MUTASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13796 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03932 METACYC: RHEA:23223 reaction UPa:UCR03932 4-chlorobenzoate + ATP + CoA = 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA + AMP + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03932 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23223 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03937 METACYC:RXN-1083 RHEA:42451 reaction UPa:UCR03937 H(2)O + glutaconyl-1-CoA = 2-hydroxyglutaryl-CoA 1 RL 1 KEGG:R03937 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-1083 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42451 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03947 METACYC:DIMETHUROPORDEHYDROG-RXN RHEA:15616 reaction UPa:UCR03947 NAD(+) + precorrin-2 = H(+) + NADH + sirohydrochlorin 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03947 KEGG reaction METACYC:DIMETHUROPORDEHYDROG-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15616 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R03948 METACYC: RHEA:16844 reaction UPa:UCR03948 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + precorrin-2 = H(+) + S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + precorrin-3A 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03948 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16844 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R03968 METACYC:3-ISOPROPYLMALISOM-RXN RHEA:16296 reaction UPa:UCR03968 (2S)-2-isopropylmalate = 2-isopropylmaleate + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R03968 KEGG reaction METACYC:3-ISOPROPYLMALISOM-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16296 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04000 METACYC:RXN-1082 RHEA:42079 reaction UPa:UCR04000 2-hydroxyglutarate + acetyl-CoA = 2-hydroxyglutaryl-CoA + acetate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04000 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-1082 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42079 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R04001 METACYC:RXN-8991 RHEA:10679 reaction UPa:UCR04001 (2R,3S)-3-isopropylmalate = 2-isopropylmaleate + H(2)O 1 RL 2 KEGG:R04001 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8991 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10679 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04013 METACYC: RHEA:11339 reaction UPa:UCR04013 3-hydroxy-16-methoxy-2,3-dihydrotabersonine + S-adenosyl-L-methionine = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + desacetoxyvindoline 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04013 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11339 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04029 METACYC:ACETCAPR-RXN RHEA:42507 reaction UPa:UCR04029 2-oxoglutarate + N(6)-acetyl-L-lysine = 6-acetamido-2-oxohexanoate + L-glutamate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04029 KEGG reaction METACYC:ACETCAPR-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42507 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04030 METACYC:O-SUCCINYLBENZOATE-COA-LIG-RXN RHEA:17012 reaction UPa:UCR04030 2-succinylbenzoate + ATP + CoA = 2-succinylbenzoyl-CoA + AMP + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04030 KEGG reaction METACYC:O-SUCCINYLBENZOATE-COA-LIG-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17012 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R04031 METACYC:O-SUCCINYLBENZOATE-COA-SYN-RXN RHEA:10199 reaction UPa:UCR04031 2-succinylbenzoate + H(2)O = (1R,6R)-2-succinyl-6-hydroxycyclohexa-2,4-diene-1-carboxylic acid 1 RL 1 KEGG:R04031 KEGG reaction METACYC:O-SUCCINYLBENZOATE-COA-SYN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10199 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04035 METACYC:HISTPRATPHYD-RXN RHEA:22831 reaction UPa:UCR04035 1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)-ATP + H(2)O = 1-(5-phosphoribosyl)-5'-AMP + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04035 KEGG reaction METACYC:HISTPRATPHYD-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22831 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R04037 METACYC:HISTCYCLOHYD-RXN RHEA:20052 reaction UPa:UCR04037 1-(5-phosphoribosyl)-5'-AMP + H(2)O = 5-(5-phospho-D-ribosylaminoformimino)-1-(5-phosphoribosyl)-imidazole-4-carboxamide 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04037 KEGG reaction METACYC:HISTCYCLOHYD-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20052 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R04061 METACYC:RXN-10137 RHEA:19444 reaction UPa:UCR04061 O(2) + benzene-1,2,4-triol = 3-hydroxy-cis,cis-muconate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04061 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-10137 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19444 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04088 METACYC:TOLUENE-DIOL-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:25196 reaction UPa:UCR04088 (1S,2R)-3-methylcyclohexa-3,5-diene-1,2-diol + NAD(+) = 3-methylcatechol + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04088 KEGG reaction METACYC:TOLUENE-DIOL-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25196 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04095 METACYC:RXN-14264 RHEA:31066 reaction UPa:UCR04095 3-isovaleryl-CoA + FAD = 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA + FADH2 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04095 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-14264 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:31066 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04101 METACYC: RHEA:14856 reaction UPa:UCR04101 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA + H(2)O = 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA + H(+) + chloride 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04101 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14856 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04109 METACYC:GLUTRNAREDUCT-RXN RHEA:12347 reaction UPa:UCR04109 H(+) + L-glutamyl-tRNA(Glu) + NADPH = (S)-4-amino-5-oxopentanoic acid + NADP(+) + tRNA(Glu) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04109 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUTRNAREDUCT-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12347 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04138 METACYC:METHYLCROTONYL-COA-CARBOXYLASE-RXN RHEA:13592 reaction UPa:UCR04138 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA + ATP + bicarbonate = 3-methylglutaconyl-CoA + ADP + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04138 KEGG reaction METACYC:METHYLCROTONYL-COA-CARBOXYLASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13592 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04142 METACYC:KETAMID-RXN RHEA:42511 reaction UPa:UCR04142 5-acetamidopentanoate + CO(2) + H(+) + NADH = 6-acetamido-2-oxohexanoate + H(2)O + NAD(+) 1 RL 1 KEGG:R04142 KEGG reaction METACYC:KETAMID-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42511 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04143 METACYC:5-METHYLTHIORIBOSE-KINASE-RXN RHEA:22315 reaction UPa:UCR04143 5-methylthio-alpha-D-ribose + ATP = ADP + S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04143 KEGG reaction METACYC:5-METHYLTHIORIBOSE-KINASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22315 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04144 METACYC:GLYRIBONUCSYN-RXN RHEA:17456 reaction UPa:UCR04144 5-phospho-beta-D-ribosylamine + ATP + glycine = ADP + N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04144 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLYRIBONUCSYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17456 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04148 METACYC:DMBPPRIBOSYLTRANS-RXN RHEA:11199 reaction UPa:UCR04148 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole + nicotinate D-ribonucleotide = H(+) + alpha-ribazole 5'-phosphate + nicotinate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04148 KEGG reaction METACYC:DMBPPRIBOSYLTRANS-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11199 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04173 METACYC:PSERTRANSAM-RXN RHEA:14332 reaction UPa:UCR04173 2-oxoglutarate + O-phospho-L-serine = 3-phosphohydroxypyruvate + L-glutamate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R04173 KEGG reaction METACYC:PSERTRANSAM-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14332 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04189 METACYC:SUCCARGDIHYDRO-RXN RHEA:19536 reaction UPa:UCR04189 2 H(2)O + N(2)-succinyl-L-arginine = CO(2) + N(2)-succinyl-L-ornithine + 2 NH(3) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04189 KEGG reaction METACYC:SUCCARGDIHYDRO-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19536 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04198 RHEA:35326 reaction UPa:UCR04198 (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate + H(2)O + NAD(+) = (2S,4S)-4-hydroxy-2,3,4,5-tetrahydrodipicolinate + H(+) + NADH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R04198 KEGG reaction RHEA:35326 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04199 RHEA:35334 reaction UPa:UCR04199 (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate + H(2)O + NADP(+) = (2S,4S)-4-hydroxy-2,3,4,5-tetrahydrodipicolinate + H(+) + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R04199 KEGG reaction RHEA:35334 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04208 METACYC:AIRS-RXN RHEA:23035 reaction UPa:UCR04208 2-formamido-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)acetamidine + ATP = 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole + ADP + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04208 KEGG reaction METACYC:AIRS-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23035 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R04209 METACYC:AIRCARBOXY-RXN RHEA:10795 reaction UPa:UCR04209 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxylate = 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole + CO(2) 1 RL 1 KEGG:R04209 KEGG reaction METACYC:AIRCARBOXY-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10795 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04210 METACYC:ERYTHRON4PDEHYDROG-RXN RHEA:18832 reaction UPa:UCR04210 4-phospho-D-erythronate + NAD(+) = (R)-3-hydroxy-2-oxo-4-phosphonooxybutanoic acid + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04210 KEGG reaction METACYC:ERYTHRON4PDEHYDROG-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18832 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04217 METACYC:SUCCORNTRANSAM-RXN RHEA:16956 reaction UPa:UCR04217 2-oxoglutarate + N(2)-succinyl-L-ornithine = L-glutamate + N-succinyl-L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04217 KEGG reaction METACYC:SUCCORNTRANSAM-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16956 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R04218 RHEA:34482 reaction UPa:UCR04218 prephytoene diphosphate = 15-cis-phytoene + diphosphate 1 LR 2 KEGG:R04218 KEGG reaction RHEA:34482 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04231 METACYC:P-PANTOCYSLIG-RXN RHEA:19400 reaction UPa:UCR04231 (R)-4'-phosphopantothenate + CTP + L-cysteine = CMP + N-[(R)-4-phosphonopantothenoyl]-L-cysteine + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04231 KEGG reaction METACYC:P-PANTOCYSLIG-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19400 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04265 METACYC:RXN-9159 RHEA:34570 reaction UPa:UCR04265 CDP-3,6-dideoxy-D-glucose + NADP(+) = CDP-4-dehydro-3,6-dideoxy-D-glucose + H(+) + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R04265 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-9159 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:34570 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R04266 METACYC:RXN-9160 RHEA:21659 reaction UPa:UCR04266 CDP-3,6-dideoxy-D-glucose = CDP-3,6-dideoxy-D-mannose 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04266 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-9160 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21659 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04285 METACYC: RHEA:11775 reaction UPa:UCR04285 6-lactoyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterin + NADP(+) = 6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin + H(+) + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R04285 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11775 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R04286 METACYC: RHEA:22051 reaction UPa:UCR04286 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate = 6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin + triphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04286 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22051 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04292 METACYC:QUINOLINATE-SYNTHA-RXN RHEA:25891 reaction UPa:UCR04292 2 H(2)O + phosphate + quinolinate = glycerone phosphate + iminoaspartate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R04292 KEGG reaction METACYC:QUINOLINATE-SYNTHA-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25891 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R04293 METACYC:RXN-5721 RHEA:25150 reaction UPa:UCR04293 H(2)O + quinolinate = 2-amino-3-carboxymuconate semialdehyde 1 RL 2 KEGG:R04293 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-5721 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25150 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04296 METACYC:RXN-743 RHEA:12856 reaction UPa:UCR04296 (S)-4-hydroxymandelonitrile + UDP-alpha-D-glucose = UDP + dhurrin 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04296 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-743 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12856 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04325 METACYC:GART-RXN RHEA:15056 reaction UPa:UCR04325 10-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide = 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + N(2)-formyl-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04325 KEGG reaction METACYC:GART-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15056 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R04336 METACYC:RXN-4821 RHEA:24800 reaction UPa:UCR04336 (S)-2-amino-6-oxopimelate = (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate + H(2)O 1 RL 1 KEGG:R04336 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-4821 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24800 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04347 METACYC: RHEA:17588 reaction UPa:UCR04347 5-methyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + coenzyme M = 5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + methyl-coenzyme M 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04347 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17588 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04364 METACYC: RHEA:13088 reaction UPa:UCR04364 (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate + H(2)O + acetyl-CoA = (S)-2-acetamido-6-oxopimelate + CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04364 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13088 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04365 METACYC:TETHYDPICSUCC-RXN RHEA:17328 reaction UPa:UCR04365 (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate + H(2)O + succinyl-CoA = CoA + L-2-succinylamino-6-oxopimelate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04365 KEGG reaction METACYC:TETHYDPICSUCC-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17328 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R04371 METACYC:HOMOACONITATE-HYDRATASE-RXN RHEA:15488 reaction UPa:UCR04371 homoisocitrate = H(2)O + homo-cis-aconitate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R04371 KEGG reaction METACYC:HOMOACONITATE-HYDRATASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15488 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R04376 METACYC: RHEA:23843 reaction UPa:UCR04376 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoate + O(2) = 2-hydroxy-6-oxonona-2,4-diene-1,9-dioate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04376 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23843 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R04379 METACYC: RHEA:18816 reaction UPa:UCR04379 5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconic acid = 5-oxopent-3-ene-1,2,5-tricarboxylic acid 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04379 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18816 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R04380 METACYC:CARBOXY-OXOHEPT-ENEDIOATE-DECARBOXY-RXN reaction UPa:UCR04380 5-oxopent-3-ene-1,2,5-tricarboxylic acid = 2-hydroxy-hept-2,4-diene-1,7-dioic acid + CO(2) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04380 KEGG reaction METACYC:CARBOXY-OXOHEPT-ENEDIOATE-DECARBOXY-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION 1 1 KEGG:R04382 METACYC:OLIGOGALACTURONIDE-LYASE-RXN RHEA:20272 reaction UPa:UCR04382 4-(4-deoxy-alpha-D-gluc-4-enosyluronic acid)-D-galacturonic acid = 2 5-dehydro-4-deoxy-D-glucuronic acid 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04382 KEGG reaction METACYC:OLIGOGALACTURONIDE-LYASE-RXN MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20272 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R04383 METACYC: RHEA:23899 reaction UPa:UCR04383 5-dehydro-4-deoxy-D-glucuronic acid = 3-deoxy-D-glycero-hexo-2,5-diulosonate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04383 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23899 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04390 reaction UPa:UCR04390 H(+) + NADPH + alpha-aminoadipoyl-S-acyl enzyme = L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde + NADP(+) + holo-Lys2 1 LR 3 KEGG:R04390 KEGG reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04393 RHEA:42403 reaction UPa:UCR04393 lactose + protein N(pi)-phospho-L-histidine = lactose 6-phosphate + protein-L-histidine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04393 KEGG reaction RHEA:42403 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04405 METACYC:HOMOCYSMET-RXN RHEA:21199 reaction UPa:UCR04405 5-methyltetrahydropteroyltri-L-glutamate + L-homocysteine = L-methionine + tetrahydropteroyltri-L-glutamate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04405 KEGG reaction METACYC:HOMOCYSMET-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21199 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04418 METACYC:CHMS-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:15684 reaction UPa:UCR04418 5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconate semialdehyde + H(2)O + NAD(+) = 5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconic acid + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04418 KEGG reaction METACYC:CHMS-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15684 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R04420 METACYC: RHEA:19992 reaction UPa:UCR04420 S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate = S-methyl-5-thio-D-ribulose 1-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04420 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19992 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04426 METACYC:3-ISOPROPYLMALDEHYDROG-RXN RHEA:10895 reaction UPa:UCR04426 (2R,3S)-3-isopropylmalate + NAD(+) = 3-carboxy-4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04426 KEGG reaction METACYC:3-ISOPROPYLMALDEHYDROG-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10895 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04427 METACYC:RXN3O-178 RHEA:21131 reaction UPa:UCR04427 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + zymosterol = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + fecosterol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04427 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN3O-178 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21131 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04440 RHEA:31142 reaction UPa:UCR04440 (R)-2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylbutanoate + NADP(+) = 2-oxo-3-hydroxyisovalerate + H(+) + NADPH 1 RL 2 KEGG:R04440 KEGG reaction RHEA:31142 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R04441 METACYC:DIHYDROXYISOVALDEHYDRAT-RXN RHEA:24812 reaction UPa:UCR04441 (R)-2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylbutanoate = 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04441 KEGG reaction METACYC:DIHYDROXYISOVALDEHYDRAT-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24812 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04448 METACYC:THIAZOLSYN3-RXN RHEA:24215 reaction UPa:UCR04448 5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazole + ATP = 4-methyl-5-(2-phosphoethyl)-thiazole + ADP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04448 KEGG reaction METACYC:THIAZOLSYN3-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24215 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04455 METACYC:H2-METHYLENE-THMPT-DEHYDRO-RXN RHEA:20020 reaction UPa:UCR04455 5,10-methenyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + H(2) = 5,10-methylene-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + H(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04455 KEGG reaction METACYC:H2-METHYLENE-THMPT-DEHYDRO-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20020 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04456 METACYC: RHEA:16724 reaction UPa:UCR04456 5,10-methylene-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + coenzyme F420 = 1,5-dihydro-coenzyme F(420) + 5,10-methenyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin 1 RL 1 KEGG:R04456 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16724 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04457 METACYC:LUMAZINESYN-RXN RHEA:26155 reaction UPa:UCR04457 2-hydroxy-3-oxobutyl phosphate + 5-amino-6-(D-ribitylamino)uracil = 6,7-dimethyl-8-(1-D-ribityl)lumazine + 2 H(2)O + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04457 KEGG reaction METACYC:LUMAZINESYN-RXN MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:26155 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04463 METACYC:FGAMSYN-RXN RHEA:17132 reaction UPa:UCR04463 ATP + H(2)O + L-glutamine + N(2)-formyl-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide = 2-formamido-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)acetamidine + ADP + L-glutamate + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04463 KEGG reaction METACYC:FGAMSYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17132 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04464 METACYC:METHELENE-THMPT-OXI-RXN RHEA:21147 reaction UPa:UCR04464 1,5-dihydro-coenzyme F(420) + 5,10-methylene-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin = 5-methyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + coenzyme F420 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04464 KEGG reaction METACYC:METHELENE-THMPT-OXI-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21147 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04467 METACYC:RXN-4822 RHEA:25318 reaction UPa:UCR04467 2-oxoglutarate + N-acetyl-LL-2,6-diaminopimelate = (S)-2-acetamido-6-oxopimelate + L-glutamate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R04467 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-4822 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25318 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04475 METACYC:SUCCINYLDIAMINOPIMTRANS-RXN RHEA:11963 reaction UPa:UCR04475 2-oxoglutarate + N-succinyl-LL-2,6-diaminopimelate = L-2-succinylamino-6-oxopimelate + L-glutamate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R04475 KEGG reaction METACYC:SUCCINYLDIAMINOPIMTRANS-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11963 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04509 METACYC:PYRIMSYN3-RXN RHEA:19896 reaction UPa:UCR04509 4-amino-2-methyl-5-phosphomethylpyrimidine + ATP = 4-amino-2-methyl-5-diphosphomethylpyrimidine + ADP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04509 KEGG reaction METACYC:PYRIMSYN3-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19896 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04540 METACYC: RHEA:18088 reaction UPa:UCR04540 coenzyme M-coenzyme B heterodisulfide + dihydromethanophenazine = coenzyme B + coenzyme M + methanophenazine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04540 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18088 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04541 METACYC:METHYL-COM-HTP-RXN RHEA:12535 reaction UPa:UCR04541 coenzyme B + methyl-coenzyme M = coenzyme M-coenzyme B heterodisulfide + methane 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04541 KEGG reaction METACYC:METHYL-COM-HTP-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12535 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04549 METACYC:LIPIDXSYNTHESIS-RXN RHEA:25216 reaction UPa:UCR04549 H(2)O + UDP-2,3-bis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-D-glucosamine = UMP + lipid X 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04549 KEGG reaction METACYC:LIPIDXSYNTHESIS-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25216 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04550 RHEA:17820 reaction UPa:UCR04550 (3R)-3-hydroxytetradecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] + UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-D-glucosamine = UDP-2,3-bis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-D-glucosamine + acyl-carrier protein 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04550 KEGG reaction RHEA:17820 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04558 METACYC:GLUTAMIDOTRANS-RXN RHEA:24796 reaction UPa:UCR04558 5-[(5-phospho-1-deoxyribulos-1-ylamino)methylideneamino]-1-(5-phosphoribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide + L-glutamine = 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide + D-erythro-1-(imidazol-4-yl)glycerol 3-phosphate + L-glutamate 1 1 LR 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04558 KEGG reaction METACYC:GLUTAMIDOTRANS-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24796 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R04559 METACYC:AICARSYN-RXN RHEA:23923 reaction UPa:UCR04559 (2S)-2-[5-amino-1-(5-phospho-beta-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamido]succinic acid = 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide + fumarate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04559 KEGG reaction METACYC:AICARSYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23923 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04560 METACYC:AICARTRANSFORM-RXN RHEA:22195 reaction UPa:UCR04560 10-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide = 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + 5-formamido-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04560 KEGG reaction METACYC:AICARTRANSFORM-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22195 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04567 RHEA:13928 reaction UPa:UCR04567 (3R)-3-hydroxytetradecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] + UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine = UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-N-acetylglucosamine + acyl-carrier protein 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04567 KEGG reaction RHEA:13928 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04587 METACYC:UDPACYLGLCNACDEACETYL-RXN RHEA:25212 reaction UPa:UCR04587 H(2)O + UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-N-acetylglucosamine = UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-D-glucosamine + acetate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04587 KEGG reaction METACYC:UDPACYLGLCNACDEACETYL-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25212 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04591 METACYC:SAICARSYN-RXN RHEA:22631 reaction UPa:UCR04591 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxylate + ATP + L-aspartate = (2S)-2-[5-amino-1-(5-phospho-beta-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamido]succinic acid + ADP + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04591 KEGG reaction METACYC:SAICARSYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22631 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04594 METACYC:RIBAZOLEPHOSPHAT-RXN RHEA:24459 RHEA:30370 reaction UPa:UCR04594 H(2)O + alpha-ribazole 5'-phosphate = alpha-ribazole + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04594 KEGG reaction METACYC:RIBAZOLEPHOSPHAT-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24459 Rhea reaction RHEA:30370 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04606 METACYC:LIPIDADISACCHARIDESYNTH-RXN RHEA:22671 reaction UPa:UCR04606 UDP-2,3-bis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-D-glucosamine + lipid X = 2,3,2',3'-tetrakis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-alpha-D-glucosaminyl-1,6-beta-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate + UDP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04606 KEGG reaction METACYC:LIPIDADISACCHARIDESYNTH-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22671 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04621 METACYC:DIHYDRONEOPTERIN-MONO-P-DEPHOS-RXN RHEA:25309 reaction UPa:UCR04621 7,8-dihydroneopterin + phosphate = 7,8-dihydroneopterin 3'-phosphate + H(2)O 1 RL 1 KEGG:R04621 KEGG reaction METACYC:DIHYDRONEOPTERIN-MONO-P-DEPHOS-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25309 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04638 METACYC:H2NEOPTERINP3PYROPHOSPHOHYDRO-RXN RHEA:25305 reaction UPa:UCR04638 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate + H(2)O = 7,8-dihydroneopterin 3'-phosphate + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04638 KEGG reaction METACYC:H2NEOPTERINP3PYROPHOSPHOHYDRO-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25305 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R04639 reaction UPa:UCR04639 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate + H(2)O = 2,5-diamino-6-(5'-triphosphoryl-3',4'-trihydroxy-2'-oxopentyl)-amino-4-oxopyrimidine 1 RL 4 KEGG:R04639 KEGG reaction 1 1 KEGG:R04640 METACYC:PRIBFAICARPISOM-RXN RHEA:15472 reaction UPa:UCR04640 5-(5-phospho-D-ribosylaminoformimino)-1-(5-phosphoribosyl)-imidazole-4-carboxamide = 5-[(5-phospho-1-deoxyribulos-1-ylamino)methylideneamino]-1-(5-phosphoribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04640 KEGG reaction METACYC:PRIBFAICARPISOM-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15472 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04657 METACYC:TETRAACYLDISACC4KIN-RXN RHEA:20703 reaction UPa:UCR04657 2,3,2',3'-tetrakis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-alpha-D-glucosaminyl-1,6-beta-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate + ATP = ADP + lipid IV(A) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04657 KEGG reaction METACYC:TETRAACYLDISACC4KIN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20703 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04658 METACYC:KDOTRANS-RXN RHEA:28069 reaction UPa:UCR04658 CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate + lipid IV(A) = 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonyl-lipid IV((A)) + CMP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04658 KEGG reaction METACYC:KDOTRANS-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:28069 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04672 METACYC:RXN-14037 RHEA:24808 reaction UPa:UCR04672 (S)-2-acetolactate + thiamine diphosphate = 2-hydroxyethyl-ThPP + pyruvate 1 RL 2 KEGG:R04672 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-14037 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24808 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04673 RHEA:33694 reaction UPa:UCR04673 2-hydroxyethyl-ThPP + 2-oxobutanoate = (S)-2-acetyl-2-hydroxybutanoic acid + thiamine diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04673 KEGG reaction RHEA:33694 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04692 METACYC: RHEA:17412 reaction UPa:UCR04692 (S)-coclaurine + S-adenosyl-L-methionine = (S)-N-methylcoclaurine + H(+) + S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04692 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17412 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04694 METACYC: RHEA:23579 reaction UPa:UCR04694 2 H(2)O + NADP(+) + berbamunine = (R)-N-methylcoclaurine + (S)-N-methylcoclaurine + H(+) + NADPH + O(2) 1 RL 1 KEGG:R04694 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23579 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04862 reaction UPa:UCR04862 NAD(+) + homoisocitrate = 2-oxaloglutaric acid + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04862 KEGG reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04863 reaction UPa:UCR04863 alpha-aminoadipoyl-C6-AMP + holo-Lys2 = AMP + alpha-aminoadipoyl-S-acyl enzyme 1 LR 2 KEGG:R04863 KEGG reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04868 METACYC: RHEA:20723 reaction UPa:UCR04868 H(2)O + isopenicillin N + phenylacetyl-CoA = CoA + L-alpha-aminoadipate + penicillin G 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04868 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20723 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04870 METACYC: RHEA:23199 reaction UPa:UCR04870 3 ATP + H(2)O + L-alpha-aminoadipate + L-cysteine + L-valine = 3 AMP + N-[L-5-amino-5-carboxypentanoyl]-L-cysteinyl-D-valine + 3 diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04870 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23199 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R04872 METACYC: RHEA:22431 reaction UPa:UCR04872 N-[L-5-amino-5-carboxypentanoyl]-L-cysteinyl-D-valine + O(2) = 2 H(2)O + isopenicillin N 1 LR 1 KEGG:R04872 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22431 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05046 reaction UPa:UCR05046 H(2)O + formamidopyrimidine nucleoside triphosphate = 2,5-diaminopyrimidine nucleoside triphosphate + formate 1 LR 2 KEGG:R05046 KEGG reaction 1 1 KEGG:R05048 reaction UPa:UCR05048 2,5-diaminopyrimidine nucleoside triphosphate = 2,5-diamino-6-(5'-triphosphoryl-3',4'-trihydroxy-2'-oxopentyl)-amino-4-oxopyrimidine 1 LR 3 KEGG:R05048 KEGG reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05049 METACYC:SUCCGLUALDDEHYD-RXN RHEA:10815 reaction UPa:UCR05049 H(2)O + N-succinyl-L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde + NAD(+) = H(+) + N(2)-succinyl-L-glutamic acid + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05049 KEGG reaction METACYC:SUCCGLUALDDEHYD-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10815 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05068 reaction UPa:UCR05068 (2R,3R)-2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylpentanoic acid + NADP(+) = (R)-3-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-oxopentanoate + H(+) + NADPH 1 RL 2 KEGG:R05068 KEGG reaction 1 1 KEGG:R05069 RHEA:25407 reaction UPa:UCR05069 (S)-2-acetyl-2-hydroxybutanoic acid = (R)-3-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-oxopentanoate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05069 KEGG reaction RHEA:25407 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R05070 METACYC:DIHYDROXYMETVALDEHYDRAT-RXN RHEA:27697 reaction UPa:UCR05070 (2R,3R)-2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylpentanoic acid = (S)-3-methyl-2-oxopentanoate + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05070 KEGG reaction METACYC:DIHYDROXYMETVALDEHYDRAT-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:27697 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R05071 METACYC:2-ACETOLACTATE-MUTASE-RXN RHEA:31258 reaction UPa:UCR05071 (S)-2-acetolactate = 2-oxo-3-hydroxyisovalerate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05071 KEGG reaction METACYC:2-ACETOLACTATE-MUTASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:31258 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05074 METACYC:KDOTRANS2-RXN RHEA:28065 reaction UPa:UCR05074 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonyl-lipid IV((A)) + CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate = CMP + di[3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonyl]-lipid IV(A) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05074 KEGG reaction METACYC:KDOTRANS2-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:28065 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05075 RHEA:28441 reaction UPa:UCR05075 lauroyl-KDO(2)-lipid IV(A) + tetradecanoyl-[acp] = KDO(2)-lipid A + acyl-carrier protein 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05075 KEGG reaction RHEA:28441 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05085 METACYC:PSERTRANSAMPYR-RXN RHEA:16576 reaction UPa:UCR05085 2-oxoglutarate + 4-(phosphonooxy)-L-threonine = (R)-3-hydroxy-2-oxo-4-phosphonooxybutanoic acid + L-glutamate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R05085 KEGG reaction METACYC:PSERTRANSAMPYR-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16576 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05123 METACYC: RHEA:31910 reaction UPa:UCR05123 (S)-norcoclaurine + S-adenosyl-L-methionine = (S)-coclaurine + S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05123 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:31910 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05146 RHEA:28445 reaction UPa:UCR05146 di[3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonyl]-lipid IV(A) + dodecanoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] = acyl-carrier protein + lauroyl-KDO(2)-lipid IV(A) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05146 KEGG reaction RHEA:28445 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05149 METACYC: RHEA:17480 reaction UPa:UCR05149 2 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + precorrin-6B = CO(2) + 2 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + precorrin-8X 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05149 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17480 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05150 METACYC: RHEA:23411 reaction UPa:UCR05150 NADP(+) + precorrin-6B = H(+) + NADPH + precorrin-6A 1 RL 1 KEGG:R05150 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23411 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R05176 METACYC: RHEA:17580 reaction UPa:UCR05176 ADP-D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose = ADP-L-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05176 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17580 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R05177 METACYC: RHEA:22515 reaction UPa:UCR05177 precorrin-8X = hydrogenobyrinic acid 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05177 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22515 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05180 METACYC: RHEA:12764 reaction UPa:UCR05180 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + precorrin-3B = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + precorrin-4 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05180 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12764 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05181 METACYC: RHEA:22015 reaction UPa:UCR05181 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + precorrin-4 = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + precorrin-5 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05181 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22015 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05217 METACYC:R321-RXN RHEA:17296 reaction UPa:UCR05217 H(+) + NADH + O(2) + precorrin-3A = H(2)O + NAD(+) + precorrin-3B 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05217 KEGG reaction METACYC:R321-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17296 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05218 METACYC:R343-RXN RHEA:24303 reaction UPa:UCR05218 FMNH(2) + 2 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide = FMN + 2 H(+) + 2 cob(I)yrinic acid a,c-diamide 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05218 KEGG reaction METACYC:R343-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24303 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05219 METACYC:R322-RXN RHEA:18264 reaction UPa:UCR05219 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + acetate + precorrin-6A = H(2)O + S-adenosyl-L-methionine + precorrin-5 1 RL 1 KEGG:R05219 KEGG reaction METACYC:R322-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18264 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05220 METACYC:R344-RXN RHEA:11531 reaction UPa:UCR05220 ATP + cob(I)yrinic acid a,c-diamide = adenosylcob(III)yrinic acid a,c-diamide + triphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05220 KEGG reaction METACYC:R344-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11531 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05221 METACYC:COBINAMIDEKIN-RXN RHEA:15772 reaction UPa:UCR05221 ATP + adenosylcobinamide = ADP + adenosylcobinamide phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05221 KEGG reaction METACYC:COBINAMIDEKIN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15772 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05222 METACYC:COBINPGUANYLYLTRANS-RXN RHEA:22715 reaction UPa:UCR05222 GTP + adenosylcobinamide phosphate = adenosylcobinamide-GDP + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05222 KEGG reaction METACYC:COBINPGUANYLYLTRANS-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22715 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05223 METACYC:COBALAMINSYN-RXN RHEA:16052 reaction UPa:UCR05223 GMP + adenosylcobalamin = adenosylcobinamide-GDP + alpha-ribazole 1 RL 1 KEGG:R05223 KEGG reaction METACYC:COBALAMINSYN-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16052 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05224 METACYC:R341-RXN RHEA:12547 reaction UPa:UCR05224 2 ATP + 2 H(2)O + 2 L-glutamine + hydrogenobyrinic acid = 2 ADP + 2 L-glutamate + hydrogenobyrinic acid a,c-diamide + 2 phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05224 KEGG reaction METACYC:R341-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12547 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05225 METACYC:R345-RXN RHEA:23259 reaction UPa:UCR05225 4 ATP + 4 H(2)O + 4 L-glutamine + adenosylcob(III)yrinic acid a,c-diamide = 4 ADP + 4 L-glutamate + adenosylcobyrinic acid a,c-diamide + 4 phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05225 KEGG reaction METACYC:R345-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23259 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05226 METACYC:R346-RXN RHEA:23507 reaction UPa:UCR05226 (R)-1-aminopropan-2-ol + adenosylcobyrinic acid a,c-diamide = H(2)O + adenosylcobinamide 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05226 KEGG reaction METACYC:R346-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23507 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05227 METACYC:R342-RXN RHEA:15344 reaction UPa:UCR05227 ATP + Co(2+) + H(2)O + hydrogenobyrinic acid a,c-diamide = ADP + H(+) + cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05227 KEGG reaction METACYC:R342-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15344 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05239 METACYC: RHEA:17036 reaction UPa:UCR05239 NAD(+) + cis-3-phenylcyclohexa-3,5-diene-1,2-diol = H(+) + NADH + biphenyl-2,3-diol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05239 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17036 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05240 METACYC:RXN-665 RHEA:23775 reaction UPa:UCR05240 NAD(+) + cis-2,3-dihydroxy-2,3-dihydro-p-cumic acid = 2,3-dihydroxy-p-cumic acid + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05240 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-665 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23775 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05247 METACYC:RXN-664 RHEA:42347 reaction UPa:UCR05247 H(+) + NADH + O(2) + p-cumate = NAD(+) + cis-2,3-dihydroxy-2,3-dihydro-p-cumic acid 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05247 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-664 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42347 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R05248 METACYC:RXN-666 RHEA:42571 reaction UPa:UCR05248 2,3-dihydroxy-p-cumic acid + O(2) = 2-hydroxy-3-carboxy-6-oxo-7-methylocta-2,4-dienoic acid 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05248 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-666 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42571 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05263 METACYC: RHEA:18168 reaction UPa:UCR05263 H(+) + NADH + O(2) + biphenyl = NAD(+) + cis-3-phenylcyclohexa-3,5-diene-1,2-diol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05263 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18168 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05275 METACYC: RHEA:13840 reaction UPa:UCR05275 NAD(+) + cis-4,5-dihydroxycyclohexa-2,6-diene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid = 4,5-dihydroxyphthalate + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05275 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13840 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05284 METACYC:DHLAXANAU-RXN RHEA:25188 reaction UPa:UCR05284 1,2-dichloroethane + H(2)O = 2-chloroethanol + HCl 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05284 KEGG reaction METACYC:DHLAXANAU-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25188 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05285 reaction UPa:UCR05285 2-chloroethanol + 2 ferricytochrome c = 2 H(+) + chloroacetaldehyde + 2 ferrocytochrome c 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05285 KEGG reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05286 METACYC:ALDXANAU-RXN RHEA:30050 reaction UPa:UCR05286 H(2)O + NAD(+) + chloroacetaldehyde = H(+) + NADH + chloroacetic acid 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05286 KEGG reaction METACYC:ALDXANAU-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:30050 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05287 METACYC:DHLBXANAU-RXN RHEA:25192 reaction UPa:UCR05287 H(2)O + chloroacetic acid = HCl + glycolate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05287 KEGG reaction METACYC:DHLBXANAU-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25192 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05320 METACYC:RXN0-299 RHEA:15912 reaction UPa:UCR05320 2-oxoglutarate + O(2) + taurine = CO(2) + aminoacetaldehyde + succinate + sulfite 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05320 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-299 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15912 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05332 METACYC: RHEA:13728 reaction UPa:UCR05332 acetyl-CoA + alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate = CoA + N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05332 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13728 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R05338 METACYC:R10-RXN RHEA:25204 reaction UPa:UCR05338 D-ribulose 5-phosphate + formaldehyde = D-arabino-3-hexulose 6-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05338 KEGG reaction METACYC:R10-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25204 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R05339 METACYC:R12-RXN RHEA:25903 reaction UPa:UCR05339 D-arabino-3-hexulose 6-phosphate = D-fructose 6-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05339 KEGG reaction METACYC:R12-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25903 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05357 METACYC: RHEA:17004 reaction UPa:UCR05357 H(2)O + amidinoproclavaminic acid = proclavaminic acid + urea 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05357 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17004 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05360 METACYC:R608-RXN RHEA:42471 reaction UPa:UCR05360 2-hydroxy-6-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-6-oxo-cis,cis-hexa-2,4-dienoic acid + H(2)O = 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate + salicylate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05360 KEGG reaction METACYC:R608-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42471 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05361 RHEA:42483 reaction UPa:UCR05361 2-hydroxy-6-(2-hydroxyphenoxy)-6-oxo-cis,cis-hexa-2,4-dienoic acid + H(2)O = 2-hydroxymuconate + catechol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05361 KEGG reaction RHEA:42483 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05364 METACYC:RXN-668 RHEA:42579 reaction UPa:UCR05364 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-7-methylocta-2,4-dienoic acid + H(2)O = 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate + 2-methylpropanoate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05364 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-668 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42579 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R05377 METACYC:RXN-667 RHEA:42575 reaction UPa:UCR05377 2-hydroxy-3-carboxy-6-oxo-7-methylocta-2,4-dienoic acid = 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-7-methylocta-2,4-dienoic acid + CO(2) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05377 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-667 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42575 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R05378 METACYC: RHEA:13180 reaction UPa:UCR05378 6-phospho-5-dehydro-2-deoxy-D-gluconic acid = 3-oxopropanoate + glycerone phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05378 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13180 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R05411 METACYC:R607-RXN RHEA:42467 reaction UPa:UCR05411 O(2) + biphenyl-2,2',3-triol = 2-hydroxy-6-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-6-oxo-cis,cis-hexa-2,4-dienoic acid 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05411 KEGG reaction METACYC:R607-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42467 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R05413 METACYC:R604-RXN RHEA:42479 reaction UPa:UCR05413 2,2',3-trihydroxy-diphenyl ether + O(2) = 2-hydroxy-6-(2-hydroxyphenoxy)-6-oxo-cis,cis-hexa-2,4-dienoic acid 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05413 KEGG reaction METACYC:R604-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42479 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05434 METACYC:R606-RXN RHEA:42463 reaction UPa:UCR05434 H(+) + NADH + O(2) + dibenzofuran = NAD(+) + biphenyl-2,2',3-triol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05434 KEGG reaction METACYC:R606-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42463 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05439 RHEA:42475 reaction UPa:UCR05439 H(+) + NADH + O(2) + dibenzo-p-dioxin = 2,2',3-trihydroxy-diphenyl ether + NAD(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05439 KEGG reaction RHEA:42475 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05465 METACYC: RHEA:10559 reaction UPa:UCR05465 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + L-arginine = N(2)-(2-carboxyethyl)-L-arginine + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05465 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10559 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05466 METACYC: RHEA:20024 reaction UPa:UCR05466 2-oxoglutarate + O(2) + deoxyamidinoproclavaminic acid = CO(2) + amidinoproclavaminic acid + succinate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05466 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20024 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05467 METACYC: RHEA:23623 reaction UPa:UCR05467 ATP + N(2)-(2-carboxyethyl)-L-arginine = AMP + deoxyamidinoproclavaminic acid + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05467 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23623 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05468 METACYC:RXN-6266 RHEA:12776 RHEA:19788 reaction UPa:UCR05468 2-oxoglutarate + O(2) + proclavaminic acid = CO(2) + H(2)O + dihydroclavaminic acid + succinate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05468 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-6266 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12776 Rhea reaction RHEA:19788 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05469 METACYC:RXN-6267 reaction UPa:UCR05469 2-oxoglutarate + O(2) + dihydroclavaminic acid = CO(2) + H(2)O + clavaminate + succinate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05469 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-6267 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION 1 1 KEGG:R05470 METACYC:RXN-8892 RHEA:42431 reaction UPa:UCR05470 clavaminate = clavulanate-9-aldehyde 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05470 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8892 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42431 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05471 METACYC:RXN-8893 RHEA:42071 reaction UPa:UCR05471 H(+) + NADPH + clavulanate-9-aldehyde = NADP(+) + clavulanate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05471 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8893 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42071 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05552 reaction UPa:UCR05552 NH(3) + chorismate = 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05552 KEGG reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R05553 METACYC:ADCLY-RXN RHEA:16204 reaction UPa:UCR05553 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate = 4-aminobenzoate + pyruvate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05553 KEGG reaction METACYC:ADCLY-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16204 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05554 METACYC:URUR-RXN RHEA:25244 reaction UPa:UCR05554 2-ureidoglycine + H(2)O = (S)-ureidoglycolate + NH(3) 1 LR 2 KEGG:R05554 KEGG reaction METACYC:URUR-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25244 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05558 METACYC: RHEA:11315 reaction UPa:UCR05558 H(2)O + atrazine = HCl + hydroxyatrazine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05558 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11315 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05559 METACYC:R122-RXN RHEA:23095 reaction UPa:UCR05559 H(2)O + hydroxyatrazine = N-isopropylammelide + ethylamine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05559 KEGG reaction METACYC:R122-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23095 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05560 METACYC:R123-RXN RHEA:23611 reaction UPa:UCR05560 H(2)O + N-isopropylammelide = cyanurate + isopropylamine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05560 KEGG reaction METACYC:R123-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23611 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R05605 METACYC:KDPGALDOL-RXN RHEA:17092 reaction UPa:UCR05605 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-6-phospho-D-gluconic acid = D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + pyruvate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05605 KEGG reaction METACYC:KDPGALDOL-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17092 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R05608 METACYC:GALACTARDEHYDRA-RXN RHEA:16008 reaction UPa:UCR05608 galactarate = 5-dehydro-4-deoxy-D-glucarate + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05608 KEGG reaction METACYC:GALACTARDEHYDRA-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16008 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05621 METACYC:BENZOATE-12-DIOXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:12636 reaction UPa:UCR05621 H(+) + NADH + O(2) + benzoate = (1R,6S)-1,6-dihydroxycyclohexa-2,4-dienecarboxylic acid + NAD(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05621 KEGG reaction METACYC:BENZOATE-12-DIOXYGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12636 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05633 METACYC: RHEA:13432 reaction UPa:UCR05633 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate + CTP = 4-CDP-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05633 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13432 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05634 METACYC: RHEA:18440 reaction UPa:UCR05634 4-CDP-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol + ATP = 4-CDP-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2-phosphate + ADP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05634 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18440 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05636 METACYC:DXS-RXN RHEA:12608 reaction UPa:UCR05636 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + pyruvate = 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate + CO(2) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05636 KEGG reaction METACYC:DXS-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12608 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R05637 METACYC:RXN0-302 RHEA:23867 reaction UPa:UCR05637 4-CDP-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2-phosphate = 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclic diphosphate + CMP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05637 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-302 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23867 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05639 METACYC:RXN66-306 RHEA:18564 reaction UPa:UCR05639 14-demethyllanosterol + NADP(+) = 4,4-dimethyl-5alpha-cholesta-8,14,24-trien-3beta-ol + H(+) + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R05639 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN66-306 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18564 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05640 METACYC:RXN3O-130 RHEA:25289 reaction UPa:UCR05640 3 H(+) + 3 NADPH + 3 O(2) + lanosterol = 4,4-dimethyl-5alpha-cholesta-8,14,24-trien-3beta-ol + 4 H(2)O + 3 NADP(+) + formate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05640 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN3O-130 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25289 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05641 METACYC: RHEA:18504 reaction UPa:UCR05641 NADP(+) + ergosterol = H(+) + NADPH + ergosta-5,7,22,24(28)-tetraen-3beta-ol 1 RL 1 KEGG:R05641 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18504 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05644 METACYC:RXN0-4342 RHEA:27468 reaction UPa:UCR05644 ATP + D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1-phosphate = ADP-D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05644 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-4342 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:27468 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05646 RHEA:27476 reaction UPa:UCR05646 ATP + D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate = ADP + D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1,7-diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05646 KEGG reaction RHEA:27476 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05647 METACYC:RXN0-4361 RHEA:28521 reaction UPa:UCR05647 D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1,7-diphosphate + H(2)O = D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1-phosphate + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05647 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-4361 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:28521 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05651 METACYC:RXN-2364 RHEA:24207 reaction UPa:UCR05651 phosphate + sulfoacetaldehyde = acetyl phosphate + sulfite 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05651 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-2364 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24207 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05652 METACYC:TAURINE-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN RHEA:10423 reaction UPa:UCR05652 pyruvate + taurine = L-alanine + sulfoacetaldehyde 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05652 KEGG reaction METACYC:TAURINE-AMINOTRANSFERASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10423 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05661 METACYC:5-DEHYDRO-2-DEOXYGLUCONOKINASE-RXN RHEA:13500 reaction UPa:UCR05661 2-deoxy-5-keto-D-gluconic acid + ATP = 6-phospho-5-dehydro-2-deoxy-D-gluconic acid + ADP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05661 KEGG reaction METACYC:5-DEHYDRO-2-DEOXYGLUCONOKINASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13500 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05681 METACYC: RHEA:14456 reaction UPa:UCR05681 4-(phosphonooxy)-L-threonine + NAD(+) = 2-amino-3-oxo-4-phosphonooxybutyrate + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05681 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14456 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05688 METACYC:DXPREDISOM-RXN RHEA:13720 reaction UPa:UCR05688 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate + NADP(+) = 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate + H(+) + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R05688 KEGG reaction METACYC:DXPREDISOM-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13720 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05692 METACYC: RHEA:18888 reaction UPa:UCR05692 GDP-L-fucose + NADP(+) = GDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxy-D-mannose + H(+) + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R05692 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18888 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05728 METACYC: RHEA:18404 reaction UPa:UCR05728 (Z)-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetaldehyde oxime + H(+) + NADPH + O(2) = (S)-4-hydroxymandelonitrile + 2 H(2)O + NADP(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05728 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18404 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05732 METACYC: RHEA:16652 reaction UPa:UCR05732 (S)-N-methylcoclaurine + H(+) + NADPH + O(2) = (S)-3'-hydroxy-N-methylcoclaurine + H(2)O + NADP(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05732 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16652 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R05765 METACYC:RXN-5106 RHEA:25491 RHEA:25665 reaction UPa:UCR05765 geranyl diphosphate = (-)-alpha-pinene + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05765 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-5106 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25491 Rhea reaction RHEA:25665 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R05766 METACYC:RXN-5107 RHEA:25499 RHEA:25669 reaction UPa:UCR05766 geranyl diphosphate = (-)-beta-pinene + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05766 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-5107 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25499 Rhea reaction RHEA:25669 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05768 METACYC: RHEA:13540 reaction UPa:UCR05768 3-phospho-D-glycerate + GDP-alpha-D-mannose = 2-(alpha-D-mannosyl)-3-phosphoglyceric acid + GDP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05768 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13540 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R05774 METACYC:R231-RXN RHEA:20951 reaction UPa:UCR05774 3-sulfopyruvate = CO(2) + sulfoacetaldehyde 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05774 KEGG reaction METACYC:R231-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20951 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R05784 METACYC:RXN-9412 RHEA:10703 reaction UPa:UCR05784 (4R)-limonene 1,2-epoxide + H(2)O = (1S,2S,4R)-limonene-1,2-diol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05784 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-9412 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10703 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05789 METACYC:R229-RXN RHEA:23419 reaction UPa:UCR05789 (2R)-O-phospho-3-sulfolactic acid + H(2)O = (R)-3-sulfolactate + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05789 KEGG reaction METACYC:R229-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23419 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05790 METACYC: RHEA:19312 reaction UPa:UCR05790 2-(alpha-D-mannosyl)-3-phosphoglyceric acid + H(2)O = 2-(alpha-D-mannosyl)-D-glycerate + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05790 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19312 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05794 METACYC: RHEA:14600 reaction UPa:UCR05794 CDP-diacylglycerol + choline = CMP + phosphatidylcholine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05794 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14600 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05807 METACYC: RHEA:15896 reaction UPa:UCR05807 Co(2+) + sirohydrochlorin = 2 H(+) + cobalt-precorrin-2 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05807 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15896 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05808 METACYC: RHEA:18000 reaction UPa:UCR05808 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + cobalt-precorrin-2 = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + cobalt-factor III 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05808 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18000 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05809 METACYC:RXN-8761 RHEA:26276 reaction UPa:UCR05809 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + cobalt-precorrin 3 = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + cobalt-precorrin 4 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05809 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8761 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:26276 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05810 METACYC:RXN-8762 RHEA:26280 reaction UPa:UCR05810 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + cobalt-precorrin 4 = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + cobalt-precorrin 5A 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05810 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8762 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:26280 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05812 METACYC:RXN-8765 RHEA:15628 reaction UPa:UCR05812 H(+) + NADH + cobalt-precorrin-6A = NAD(+) + cobalt-precorrin-6B 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05812 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8765 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15628 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05813 reaction UPa:UCR05813 2 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + cobalt-precorrin-6B = CO(2) + 2 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + cobalt-precorrin 8 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05813 KEGG reaction 1 1 KEGG:R05814 METACYC:RXN-8768 RHEA:16212 reaction UPa:UCR05814 cobalt-precorrin 8 = cob(III)yrinic acid 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05814 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8768 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16212 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05815 METACYC:RXN-8769 RHEA:26292 reaction UPa:UCR05815 2 ATP + 2 H(2)O + 2 L-glutamine + cob(III)yrinic acid = 2 ADP + 2 L-glutamate + cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide + 2 phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05815 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8769 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:26292 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05820 RHEA:42487 reaction UPa:UCR05820 D-sorbitol + protein N(pi)-phospho-L-histidine = D-sorbitol 6-phosphate + protein-L-histidine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05820 KEGG reaction RHEA:42487 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05838 METACYC:PDXJ-RXN RHEA:15268 reaction UPa:UCR05838 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate + 3-amino-2-oxopropyl phosphate = 2 H(2)O + phosphate + pyridoxine 5'-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05838 KEGG reaction METACYC:PDXJ-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15268 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R05850 METACYC:RIBULPEPIM-RXN RHEA:22371 reaction UPa:UCR05850 L-ribulose 5-phosphate = D-xylulose 5-phosphate 1 1 LR 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05850 KEGG reaction METACYC:RIBULPEPIM-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22371 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05855 METACYC: RHEA:14136 reaction UPa:UCR05855 H(+) + NADPH + O(2) + tabersonine = 16-hydroxytabersonine + H(2)O + NADP(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05855 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14136 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R05856 METACYC:RXN-8200 RHEA:42375 reaction UPa:UCR05856 16-methoxytabersonine + H(2)O = 3-hydroxy-16-methoxy-2,3-dihydrotabersonine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05856 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8200 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42375 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05857 METACYC: RHEA:18976 reaction UPa:UCR05857 2-oxoglutarate + O(2) + desacetoxyvindoline = CO(2) + deacetylvindoline + succinate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05857 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18976 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05884 METACYC:ISPH2-RXN RHEA:24491 reaction UPa:UCR05884 (2E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbutenyl diphosphate + H(+) + NADPH = H(2)O + NADP(+) + isopentenyl diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05884 KEGG reaction METACYC:ISPH2-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24491 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R05885 METACYC: RHEA:20995 reaction UPa:UCR05885 16-hydroxytabersonine + S-adenosyl-L-methionine = 16-methoxytabersonine + H(+) + S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R05885 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20995 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06117 METACYC:RXN-9397 RHEA:14828 reaction UPa:UCR06117 (4S,6R)-trans-carveol + NAD(+) = (S)-carvone + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06117 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-9397 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14828 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06119 METACYC:RXN-10746 RHEA:18960 reaction UPa:UCR06119 (4R)-limonene + H(+) + NADPH + O(2) = (4S,6R)-trans-carveol + H(2)O + NADP(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06119 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-10746 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18960 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R06120 METACYC: RHEA:10943 reaction UPa:UCR06120 geranyl diphosphate = (4R)-limonene + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06120 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10943 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R06171 METACYC:LTAA-RXN RHEA:26212 reaction UPa:UCR06171 L-allo-threonine = acetaldehyde + glycine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06171 KEGG reaction METACYC:LTAA-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:26212 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06180 METACYC:TARTRATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN RHEA:15212 reaction UPa:UCR06180 L-tartrate + NAD(+) = 2-hydroxy-3-oxosuccinate + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06180 KEGG reaction METACYC:TARTRATE-DEHYDROGENASE-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15212 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06223 RHEA:32298 reaction UPa:UCR06223 H(+) + NADPH + 2 farnesyl diphosphate = NADP(+) + 2 diphosphate + squalene 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06223 KEGG reaction RHEA:32298 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R06305 METACYC: RHEA:20915 reaction UPa:UCR06305 geranylgeranyl diphosphate = diphosphate + taxa-4,11-diene 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06305 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20915 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06306 METACYC: RHEA:14052 reaction UPa:UCR06306 O(2) + reduced acceptor + taxa-4,11-diene = H(2)O + acceptor + taxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-ol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06306 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14052 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06307 METACYC: RHEA:22031 reaction UPa:UCR06307 acetyl-CoA + taxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-ol = CoA + taxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-yl acetate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06307 KEGG reaction METACYC: Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22031 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06309 METACYC: RHEA:15244 reaction UPa:UCR06309 H(+) + NADPH + O(2) + taxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-yl acetate = 10beta-hydroxytaxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-yl acetate + H(2)O + NADP(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06309 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15244 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06310 METACYC: RHEA:18744 reaction UPa:UCR06310 10-deacetyl-2-debenzoylbaccatin III + benzoyl-CoA = 10-deacetylbaccatin III + CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06310 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18744 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06311 METACYC: RHEA:20140 reaction UPa:UCR06311 10-deacetylbaccatin III + acetyl-CoA = CoA + baccatin III 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06311 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20140 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06372 METACYC:RXN-9419 RHEA:32430 reaction UPa:UCR06372 (S)-carvone + reduced acceptor = (1R,4S)-isodihydrocarvone + acceptor 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06372 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-9419 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:32430 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06398 RHEA:26096 reaction UPa:UCR06398 (4R)-limonene + H(+) + NADH + O(2) = (4R)-limonene 1,2-epoxide + H(2)O + NAD(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06398 KEGG reaction RHEA:26096 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06399 METACYC:RXN-9949 RHEA:32386 reaction UPa:UCR06399 (1S,2S,4R)-limonene-1,2-diol + NAD(+) = (1S,4R)-1-hydroxylimonen-2-one + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06399 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-9949 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:32386 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06558 METACYC:RXN-14063 RHEA:15768 reaction UPa:UCR06558 GTP + adenosylcobinamide = GDP + adenosylcobinamide phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06558 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-14063 MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15768 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R06601 METACYC: RHEA:23739 reaction UPa:UCR06601 5-hydroxyisouric acid + H(2)O = 5-hydroxy-2-oxo-4-ureido-2,5-dihydro-1H-imidazole-5-carboxylic acid 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06601 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23739 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R06604 METACYC:RXN-6201 reaction UPa:UCR06604 5-hydroxy-2-oxo-4-ureido-2,5-dihydro-1H-imidazole-5-carboxylic acid = (S)-allantoin + CO(2) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06604 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-6201 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06782 METACYC:HCAMULTI-RXN RHEA:20360 reaction UPa:UCR06782 3-phenylpropanoate + H(+) + NADH + O(2) = NAD(+) + cis-3-(2-carboxyethyl)-3,5-cyclohexadiene-1,2-diol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06782 KEGG reaction METACYC:HCAMULTI-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20360 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06784 METACYC:PHENPRODIOLDEHYDROG-RXN RHEA:25065 reaction UPa:UCR06784 NAD(+) + cis-3-(2-carboxyethyl)-3,5-cyclohexadiene-1,2-diol = 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoate + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06784 KEGG reaction METACYC:PHENPRODIOLDEHYDROG-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25065 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06786 METACYC:MHPHYDROXY-RXN RHEA:24788 reaction UPa:UCR06786 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propanoate + H(+) + NADH + O(2) = 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoate + H(2)O + NAD(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06786 KEGG reaction METACYC:MHPHYDROXY-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24788 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06836 METACYC:RXN0-1401 RHEA:20112 reaction UPa:UCR06836 ATP + D-ribose 1,5-bisphosphate = 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + ADP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06836 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-1401 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20112 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R06837 reaction UPa:UCR06837 alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate = D-ribose 1,5-bisphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06837 KEGG reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06868 METACYC:RXN-5642 RHEA:25324 reaction UPa:UCR06868 N-methylethanolamine phosphate + S-adenosyl-L-methionine = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + phosphodimethylethanolamine 1 LR 2 KEGG:R06868 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-5642 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25324 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06869 METACYC:RXN-5643 RHEA:25328 reaction UPa:UCR06869 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + phosphodimethylethanolamine = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + phosphocholine 1 LR 3 KEGG:R06869 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-5643 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25328 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06895 METACYC:HEMN-RXN RHEA:15428 reaction UPa:UCR06895 2 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + coproporphyrinogen-III = 2 5'-deoxyadenosine + 2 CO(2) + 2 L-methionine + protoporphyrinogen-IX 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06895 KEGG reaction METACYC:HEMN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15428 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R06897 RHEA:42075 reaction UPa:UCR06897 2-hydroxy-hept-2,4-diene-1,7-dioic acid + H(2)O = 2,4-dihydroxyhept-2-enedioic acid 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06897 KEGG reaction RHEA:42075 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06974 METACYC:GARTRANSFORMYL2-RXN RHEA:24832 reaction UPa:UCR06974 ATP + N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide + formate = ADP + N(2)-formyl-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06974 KEGG reaction METACYC:GARTRANSFORMYL2-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24832 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06975 METACYC:RXN-10066 RHEA:24839 reaction UPa:UCR06975 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide + ATP + formate = 5-formamido-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide + ADP + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06975 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-10066 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24839 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06977 METACYC:R101-RXN RHEA:11163 reaction UPa:UCR06977 L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde + L-glutamate = 2-oxoglutarate + L-2,4-diaminobutanoate 1 1 LR 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06977 KEGG reaction METACYC:R101-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:11163 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06978 METACYC:R102-RXN RHEA:16904 reaction UPa:UCR06978 L-2,4-diaminobutanoate + acetyl-CoA = CoA + N(4)-acetyl-L-2,4-diaminobutyric acid 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06978 KEGG reaction METACYC:R102-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16904 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R06979 METACYC:R103-RXN RHEA:17284 reaction UPa:UCR06979 N(4)-acetyl-L-2,4-diaminobutyric acid = H(2)O + L-ectoine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06979 KEGG reaction METACYC:R103-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17284 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R06982 METACYC:RXN-2961 RHEA:22491 reaction UPa:UCR06982 formaldehyde + glutathione = S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06982 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-2961 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22491 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06983 METACYC:RXN-2962 RHEA:19988 reaction UPa:UCR06983 NAD(+) + S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione = H(+) + NADH + S-formylglutathione 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06983 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-2962 MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19988 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R06987 METACYC:KETOBUTFORMLY-RXN RHEA:28057 reaction UPa:UCR06987 2-oxobutanoate + CoA = formate + propanoyl-CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06987 KEGG reaction METACYC:KETOBUTFORMLY-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:28057 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R06989 RHEA:30034 reaction UPa:UCR06989 cis,cis-muconate = (S)-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-2-furylacetic acid 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06989 KEGG reaction RHEA:30034 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R06990 RHEA:12351 reaction UPa:UCR06990 (S)-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-2-furylacetic acid = 5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-2-furylacetate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R06990 KEGG reaction RHEA:12351 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07125 METACYC:RXN0-705 RHEA:14356 reaction UPa:UCR07125 3-dehydro-L-gulonate 6-phosphate + H(+) = CO(2) + L-xylulose 5-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07125 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-705 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14356 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07133 METACYC:SORB6PDEHYDROG-RXN RHEA:19840 reaction UPa:UCR07133 D-sorbitol 6-phosphate + NAD(+) = D-fructose 6-phosphate + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07133 KEGG reaction METACYC:SORB6PDEHYDROG-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19840 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07136 METACYC:R230-RXN RHEA:15536 reaction UPa:UCR07136 (R)-3-sulfolactate + NAD(+) = 3-sulfopyruvate + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07136 KEGG reaction METACYC:R230-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15536 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07140 METACYC:RXN-2962 RHEA:19984 reaction UPa:UCR07140 NADP(+) + S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione = H(+) + NADPH + S-formylglutathione 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07140 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-2962 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19984 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07170 METACYC:R-6-HYDROXYNICOTINE-OXIDASE-RXN RHEA:10015 reaction UPa:UCR07170 (R)-6-hydroxynicotine + H(2)O + O(2) = 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine + H(2)O(2) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07170 KEGG reaction METACYC:R-6-HYDROXYNICOTINE-OXIDASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10015 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07211 METACYC:PHENYLALANINE-4-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:20276 reaction UPa:UCR07211 L-phenylalanine + O(2) + tetrahydrobiopterin = 4a-hydroxytetrahydrobiopterin + L-tyrosine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07211 KEGG reaction METACYC:PHENYLALANINE-4-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20276 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07213 METACYC:TRYPTOPHAN-5-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN RHEA:16712 reaction UPa:UCR07213 L-tryptophan + O(2) + tetrahydrobiopterin = 4a-hydroxytetrahydrobiopterin + 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07213 KEGG reaction METACYC:TRYPTOPHAN-5-MONOOXYGENASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16712 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07214 METACYC:ETHYL-RXN RHEA:23643 reaction UPa:UCR07214 1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylate + L-ascorbate + O(2) = CO(2) + 2 H(2)O + L-dehydroascorbate + ethylene + hydrogen cyanide 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07214 KEGG reaction METACYC:ETHYL-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23643 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07219 METACYC:RXN0-884 RHEA:24828 reaction UPa:UCR07219 H(2)O + NADP(+) + dimethylallyl diphosphate = (2E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbutenyl diphosphate + H(+) + NADPH 1 RL 1 KEGG:R07219 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-884 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24828 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07243 METACYC:RXN-9679 RHEA:15456 reaction UPa:UCR07243 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + sarcosine = N,N-dimethylglycine + S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07243 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-9679 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15456 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07244 METACYC:RXN-9680 RHEA:10075 reaction UPa:UCR07244 N,N-dimethylglycine + S-adenosyl-L-methionine = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + betaine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07244 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-9680 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10075 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07262 METACYC:RXN-9311 RHEA:26312 reaction UPa:UCR07262 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoyl-CoA + H(2)O = 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate + CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07262 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-9311 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:26312 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R07263 METACYC:NAPHTHOATE-SYN-RXN RHEA:26565 reaction UPa:UCR07263 2-succinylbenzoyl-CoA = 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoyl-CoA + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07263 KEGG reaction METACYC:NAPHTHOATE-SYN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:26565 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07276 METACYC:PREPHENATE-TRANSAMINE-RXN RHEA:22883 reaction UPa:UCR07276 2-oxoglutarate + L-arogenate = L-glutamate + prephenate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R07276 KEGG reaction METACYC:PREPHENATE-TRANSAMINE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22883 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07280 METACYC:RIBOPHOSPHAT-RXN RHEA:25200 reaction UPa:UCR07280 5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribitylamino)uracil + H(2)O = 5-amino-6-(D-ribitylamino)uracil + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07280 KEGG reaction METACYC:RIBOPHOSPHAT-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25200 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R07281 METACYC:DIOHBUTANONEPSYN-RXN RHEA:18460 reaction UPa:UCR07281 D-ribulose 5-phosphate = 2-hydroxy-3-oxobutyl phosphate + formate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07281 KEGG reaction METACYC:DIOHBUTANONEPSYN-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18460 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07290 METACYC:RXN0-1382 RHEA:16548 reaction UPa:UCR07290 formyl-CoA + oxalate = formate + oxalyl-CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07290 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-1382 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:16548 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07305 METACYC:R468-RXN RHEA:14644 reaction UPa:UCR07305 H(2)O + cyanurate = CO(2) + biuret 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07305 KEGG reaction METACYC:R468-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14644 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07307 METACYC: RHEA:19208 reaction UPa:UCR07307 2 H(2)O + dCTP = NH(3) + dUMP + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07307 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19208 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R07320 METACYC:RXN-7946 RHEA:21755 reaction UPa:UCR07320 violaxanthin = capsorubin 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07320 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-7946 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:21755 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R07321 METACYC:RXN-7947 RHEA:17376 reaction UPa:UCR07321 antheraxanthin = capsanthin 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07321 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-7947 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17376 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R07324 METACYC:MYO-INOSITOL-1-PHOSPHATE-SYNTHASE-RXN RHEA:10719 reaction UPa:UCR07324 D-glucose 6-phosphate = 1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07324 KEGG reaction METACYC:MYO-INOSITOL-1-PHOSPHATE-SYNTHASE-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:10719 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07364 METACYC:R147-RXN RHEA:24507 reaction UPa:UCR07364 1,2-dihydroxy-5-(methylthio)pent-1-en-3-one + O(2) = 4-methylthio-2-oxobutanoate + formate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07364 KEGG reaction METACYC:R147-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24507 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R07392 METACYC:R145-RXN reaction UPa:UCR07392 S-methyl-5-thio-D-ribulose 1-phosphate = 5-(methylthio)-2,3-dioxopentyl phosphate + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07392 KEGG reaction METACYC:R145-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION 1 1 KEGG:R07393 METACYC:R82-RXN RHEA:18772 reaction UPa:UCR07393 5-(methylthio)-2,3-dioxopentyl phosphate = 2-hydroxy-5-(methylsulfanyl)-3-oxopent-1-enyl phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07393 KEGG reaction METACYC:R82-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:18772 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07394 METACYC:R83-RXN RHEA:14484 reaction UPa:UCR07394 2-hydroxy-5-(methylsulfanyl)-3-oxopent-1-enyl phosphate + H(2)O = 1,2-dihydroxy-5-(methylthio)pent-1-en-3-one + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07394 KEGG reaction METACYC:R83-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:14484 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07396 RHEA:25799 reaction UPa:UCR07396 4-methylthio-2-oxobutanoate + L-glutamate = 2-oxoglutarate + L-methionine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07396 KEGG reaction RHEA:25799 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07399 METACYC:RXN-7743 RHEA:19048 reaction UPa:UCR07399 H(2)O + acetyl-CoA + pyruvate = (R)-citramalate + CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07399 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-7743 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19048 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07403 METACYC:RXN-6681 RHEA:31902 reaction UPa:UCR07403 H(+) + NADPH + O(2) + indole = H(2)O + NADP(+) + indolin-2-one 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07403 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-6681 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:31902 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07404 METACYC:RXN0-742 RHEA:19320 reaction UPa:UCR07404 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole + ATP + bicarbonate = 5-carboxyamino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole + ADP + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07404 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-742 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19320 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R07405 METACYC:RXN0-743 RHEA:13196 reaction UPa:UCR07405 5-carboxyamino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole = 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxylate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07405 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-743 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13196 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R07406 METACYC:RXN-8447 RHEA:25142 reaction UPa:UCR07406 2-amino-3-oxo-4-phosphonooxybutyrate = 3-amino-2-oxopropyl phosphate + CO(2) 1 LR 2 KEGG:R07406 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8447 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25142 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07407 RHEA:42447 reaction UPa:UCR07407 L-aspartate + NADP(+) = H(+) + NADPH + iminoaspartate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07407 KEGG reaction RHEA:42447 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07409 RHEA:17772 reaction UPa:UCR07409 2 H(+) + O(2) + choline + 2 reduced ferredoxin = 2 H(2)O + betaine aldehyde + 2 oxidized ferredoxin 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07409 KEGG reaction RHEA:17772 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07410 RHEA:42443 reaction UPa:UCR07410 L-aspartate + NAD(+) = H(+) + NADH + iminoaspartate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07410 KEGG reaction RHEA:42443 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07411 METACYC:HEMEOSYN-RXN RHEA:28073 reaction UPa:UCR07411 H(2)O + farnesyl diphosphate + protoheme = diphosphate + heme O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07411 KEGG reaction METACYC:HEMEOSYN-RXN MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:28073 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R07412 reaction UPa:UCR07412 heme O = heme A 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07412 KEGG reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07414 METACYC:RXN0-3901 RHEA:13636 reaction UPa:UCR07414 ATP + L-glutamate + putrescine = ADP + gamma-L-glutamylputrescine + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07414 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-3901 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:13636 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07415 RHEA:28417 reaction UPa:UCR07415 H(2)O + O(2) + gamma-L-glutamylputrescine = H(2)O(2) + NH(3) + gamma-glutamyl-4-aminobutanal 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07415 KEGG reaction RHEA:28417 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07417 RHEA:42343 reaction UPa:UCR07417 H(2)O + NAD(+) + gamma-glutamyl-4-aminobutanal = 4-(L-gamma-glutamylamino)butanoic acid + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07417 KEGG reaction RHEA:42343 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07418 METACYC:RXN0-3922 RHEA:28413 reaction UPa:UCR07418 H(2)O + NADP(+) + gamma-glutamyl-4-aminobutanal = 4-(L-gamma-glutamylamino)butanoic acid + H(+) + NADPH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07418 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-3922 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:28413 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07419 METACYC:RXN0-3942 RHEA:19740 reaction UPa:UCR07419 4-(L-gamma-glutamylamino)butanoic acid + H(2)O = 4-aminobutanoate + L-glutamate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07419 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-3942 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:19740 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07421 METACYC:RXN-6682 RHEA:31922 reaction UPa:UCR07421 H(+) + NADPH + O(2) + indolin-2-one = 3-hydroxyindolin-2-one + H(2)O + NADP(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07421 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-6682 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:31922 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07422 METACYC:RXN-6683 RHEA:31930 reaction UPa:UCR07422 3-hydroxyindolin-2-one + H(+) + NADPH + O(2) = 2-hydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one + H(2)O + NADP(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07422 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-6683 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:31930 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07423 METACYC:RXN-6684 RHEA:31942 reaction UPa:UCR07423 2-hydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one + H(+) + NADPH + O(2) = 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one + H(2)O + NADP(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07423 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-6684 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:31942 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R07476 METACYC: RHEA:22787 reaction UPa:UCR07476 (2R)-O-phospho-3-sulfolactic acid = phosphoenolpyruvate + sulfite 1 RL 1 KEGG:R07476 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22787 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07494 METACYC:RXN66-313 RHEA:33450 reaction UPa:UCR07494 4alpha-methylzymosterol-4-carboxylic acid + NADP(+) = 3-dehydro-4-methylzymosterol + CO(2) + H(+) + NADPH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07494 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN66-313 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:33450 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07495 METACYC:RXN66-314 RHEA:36382 reaction UPa:UCR07495 3-dehydro-4-methylzymosterol + H(+) + NADPH = 4-alpha-methylzymosterol + NADP(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07495 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN66-314 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:36382 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R07496 RHEA:42459 reaction UPa:UCR07496 4-alpha-methylzymosterol = zymosterol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07496 KEGG reaction RHEA:42459 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R07497 METACYC:RXN3O-203 RHEA:33438 reaction UPa:UCR07497 fecosterol = episterol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07497 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN3O-203 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:33438 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07505 RHEA:33466 reaction UPa:UCR07505 NADP(+) + episterol = 5,7,24(28)-ergostatrienol + H(+) + NADPH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07505 KEGG reaction RHEA:33466 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07506 METACYC:RXN3O-227 RHEA:33470 reaction UPa:UCR07506 5,7,24(28)-ergostatrienol + NADP(+) = H(+) + NADPH + ergosta-5,7,22,24(28)-tetraen-3beta-ol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07506 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN3O-227 MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:33470 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07509 RHEA:33446 reaction UPa:UCR07509 14-demethyllanosterol + 3 H(+) + 3 NADPH + 3 O(2) = 4alpha-methylzymosterol-4-carboxylic acid + 4 H(2)O + 3 NADP(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07509 KEGG reaction RHEA:33446 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07514 METACYC:R162-RXN RHEA:34226 reaction UPa:UCR07514 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine + H(2)O + acceptor = 2,6-dihydroxypseudooxynicotine + reduced acceptor 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07514 KEGG reaction METACYC:R162-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:34226 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07515 METACYC:R181-RXN RHEA:34170 reaction UPa:UCR07515 2,6-dihydroxypseudooxynicotine + H(2)O = 2,6-dihydroxypyridine + 4-(methylamino)butanoate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07515 KEGG reaction METACYC:R181-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:34170 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07613 METACYC:RXN-7737 RHEA:23991 reaction UPa:UCR07613 2-oxoglutarate + LL-2,6-diaminopimelate = (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate + H(2)O + L-glutamate 1 RL 1 KEGG:R07613 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-7737 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23991 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07629 METACYC: RHEA:17364 reaction UPa:UCR07629 3-oxo-3-ureidopropanoic acid + H(2)O = malonate + urea 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07629 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17364 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07647 METACYC:RXN-8648 RHEA:22439 reaction UPa:UCR07647 H(2)O + farnesyl diphosphate = diphosphate + germacradienol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07647 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8648 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22439 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R07648 METACYC:RXN-8562 RHEA:12019 reaction UPa:UCR07648 farnesyl diphosphate = diphosphate + germacrene D 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07648 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8562 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12019 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R07650 METACYC: RHEA:15692 reaction UPa:UCR07650 L-2,4-diaminobutanoate = 1,3-diaminopropane + CO(2) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07650 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15692 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R07652 METACYC:RXN-12321 RHEA:31550 reaction UPa:UCR07652 2 farnesyl diphosphate = dehydrosqualene + 2 diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07652 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-12321 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:31550 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07653 reaction UPa:UCR07653 3 FAD + dehydrosqualene = 4,4'-diaponeurosporene + 3 FADH2 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07653 KEGG reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07654 reaction UPa:UCR07654 4,4'-diaponeurosporene + 3 O(2) + 3 reduced acceptor = 4,4'-diaponeurosporenic acid + 4 H(2)O + 3 acceptor 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07654 KEGG reaction 1 1 KEGG:R07655 METACYC:RXN-9308 reaction UPa:UCR07655 4,4'-diaponeurosporenic acid = glycosyl-4,4'-diaponeurosporenic acid 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07655 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-9308 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION 1 1 KEGG:R07656 METACYC:RXN-9309 reaction UPa:UCR07656 glycosyl-4,4'-diaponeurosporenic acid = staphyloxanthin 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07656 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-9309 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07658 METACYC:RXN0-1861 RHEA:24705 reaction UPa:UCR07658 NAD(+) + UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate = CO(2) + H(+) + NADH + UDP-beta-L-threo-pentopyranos-4-ulose 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07658 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-1861 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24705 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07659 METACYC:RXN0-1863 RHEA:24713 reaction UPa:UCR07659 L-glutamate + UDP-beta-L-threo-pentopyranos-4-ulose = 2-oxoglutarate + UDP-4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07659 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-1863 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24713 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07660 METACYC:RXN0-1862 RHEA:24709 reaction UPa:UCR07660 10-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + UDP-4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose = 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + UDP-4-deoxy-4-formamido-beta-L-arabinose 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07660 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-1862 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24709 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07661 METACYC:RXN0-3521 RHEA:26360 RHEA:27725 reaction UPa:UCR07661 UDP-4-deoxy-4-formamido-beta-L-arabinose + di-trans,poly-cis-undecaprenyl phosphate = 4-deoxy-4-formamido-alphaL-arabinose undecaprenyl phosphate + UDP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07661 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-3521 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:26360 Rhea reaction RHEA:27725 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07662 METACYC:RXN0-5409 RHEA:27737 reaction UPa:UCR07662 4-deoxy-4-formamido-alphaL-arabinose undecaprenyl phosphate + H(2)O = 4-amino-4-deoxy-alpha-L-arabinose undecaprenyl phosphate + formate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07662 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-5409 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:27737 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07671 RHEA:42439 reaction UPa:UCR07671 L-ascorbate + protein N(pi)-phospho-L-histidine = L-ascorbate 6-phosphate + protein-L-histidine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07671 KEGG reaction RHEA:42439 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R07672 METACYC:RXN-7771 reaction UPa:UCR07672 GDP-alpha-D-mannose = GDP-L-gulose 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07672 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-7771 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION 1 1 KEGG:R07673 METACYC:RXN-7772 reaction UPa:UCR07673 GDP-L-gulose = GDP-L-galactose 1 LR 2 KEGG:R07673 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-7772 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07674 METACYC:RXNQT-4142 RHEA:26352 reaction UPa:UCR07674 H(2)O + beta-L-galactose 1-phosphate = alpha-L-galactose + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07674 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXNQT-4142 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:26352 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07675 METACYC:RXN-1884 RHEA:31562 reaction UPa:UCR07675 NAD(+) + alpha-L-galactose = H(+) + L-Galactono-1,4-lactone + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07675 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-1884 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:31562 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R07677 METACYC:RXN0-5214 RHEA:28806 reaction UPa:UCR07677 H(2)O + L-ascorbate 6-phosphate = 3-dehydro-L-gulonate 6-phosphate 1 LR 2 KEGG:R07677 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-5214 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:28806 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07678 RHEA:27701 reaction UPa:UCR07678 GDP-L-galactose + phosphate = GDP + beta-L-galactose 1-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07678 KEGG reaction RHEA:27701 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07766 RHEA:17668 reaction UPa:UCR07766 apoprotein + octanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] = acyl-carrier protein + protein N(6)-(octanoyl)lysine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07766 KEGG reaction RHEA:17668 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07767 RHEA:16588 reaction UPa:UCR07767 2 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + protein N(6)-(octanoyl)lysine + 2 sulfur donor = 2 5'-deoxyadenosine + 2 L-methionine + protein N(6)-(lipoyl)lysine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07767 KEGG reaction RHEA:16588 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07770 METACYC:RXN-8654 RHEA:12916 reaction UPa:UCR07770 ATP + lipoate = diphosphate + lipoyl-AMP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07770 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8654 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:12916 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07771 METACYC:RXN-8655 RHEA:20476 reaction UPa:UCR07771 apoprotein + lipoyl-AMP = AMP + protein N(6)-(lipoyl)lysine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07771 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8655 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:20476 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07772 METACYC:RXN-8763 RHEA:26284 reaction UPa:UCR07772 H(2)O + cobalt-precorrin 5A = acetaldehyde + cobalt-precorrin 5B 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07772 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8763 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:26284 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07773 METACYC:RXN-8764 RHEA:26288 reaction UPa:UCR07773 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + cobalt-precorrin 5B = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + cobalt-precorrin-6A 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07773 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8764 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:26288 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R07916 METACYC:RXN1F-144 RHEA:32454 reaction UPa:UCR07916 2 geranylgeranyl diphosphate = all-trans-phytoene + 2 diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07916 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN1F-144 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:32454 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07946 METACYC:R161-RXN RHEA:42355 reaction UPa:UCR07946 H(2)O + acceptor + nicotine = (R)-6-hydroxynicotine + reduced acceptor 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07946 KEGG reaction METACYC:R161-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42355 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07984 METACYC: RHEA:17212 reaction UPa:UCR07984 6-hydroxynicotinate + 2 H(2)O = 2-formylglutarate + NH(3) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07984 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:17212 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R07985 METACYC: RHEA:15508 reaction UPa:UCR07985 2-formylglutarate + H(+) + NADH = 2-hydroxymethylglutarate + NAD(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07985 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:15508 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R07986 METACYC:RXN-7640 RHEA:27585 reaction UPa:UCR07986 2-hydroxymethylglutarate = 2-methyleneglutarate + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R07986 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-7640 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:27585 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08058 METACYC:RXN-2882 RHEA:24681 reaction UPa:UCR08058 5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + formaldehyde = 5,10-methylene-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08058 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-2882 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24681 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08059 METACYC:RXN-2883 RHEA:24685 reaction UPa:UCR08059 5,10-methylene-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + NADP(+) = 5,10-methenyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + NADPH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08059 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-2883 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24685 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08060 METACYC:RXN-14028 RHEA:24689 reaction UPa:UCR08060 H(2)O + N-formylmethanofuran = formate + methanofuran 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08060 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-14028 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:24689 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08124 METACYC:RXN0-962 RHEA:28381 reaction UPa:UCR08124 ATP + fructoselysine = ADP + fructoselysine 6-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08124 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-962 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:28381 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08125 METACYC:RXN0-963 RHEA:28385 reaction UPa:UCR08125 H(2)O + fructoselysine 6-phosphate = D-glucose 6-phosphate + L-lysine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08125 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-963 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:28385 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08165 METACYC: RHEA:25596 reaction UPa:UCR08165 2-oxoglutarate + isochorismate = 2-succinyl-5-enolpyruvyl-6-hydroxy-3-cyclohexene-1-carboxylic acid + CO(2) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08165 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25596 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R08166 METACYC:RXN-9310 RHEA:25600 reaction UPa:UCR08166 2-succinyl-5-enolpyruvyl-6-hydroxy-3-cyclohexene-1-carboxylic acid = (1R,6R)-2-succinyl-6-hydroxycyclohexa-2,4-diene-1-carboxylic acid + pyruvate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08166 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-9310 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25600 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08171 METACYC:RXN-8859 RHEA:33690 reaction UPa:UCR08171 N-(3'R)-debenzoyltaxol + benzoyl-CoA = CoA + taxol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08171 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8859 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:33690 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08172 METACYC:RXN-8857 RHEA:42491 reaction UPa:UCR08172 baccatin III + beta-phenylalanoyl-CoA = CoA + N-(3'R)-debenzoyl-2'-deoxytaxol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08172 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-8857 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42491 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08173 RHEA:42495 reaction UPa:UCR08173 N-(3'R)-debenzoyl-2'-deoxytaxol + O(2) + reduced acceptor = H(2)O + N-(3'R)-debenzoyltaxol + acceptor 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08173 KEGG reaction RHEA:42495 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R08193 METACYC:PHOSACETYLGLUCOSAMINEMUT-RXN RHEA:23807 reaction UPa:UCR08193 N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate = N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08193 KEGG reaction METACYC:PHOSACETYLGLUCOSAMINEMUT-RXN Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:23807 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08211 RHEA:20372 reaction UPa:UCR08211 H(2)O + O(2) + betaine aldehyde = H(2)O(2) + betaine 1 LR 2 KEGG:R08211 KEGG reaction RHEA:20372 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08218 METACYC:RXN0-2161 RHEA:42583 reaction UPa:UCR08218 ATP + L-serine + tRNA(Sec) = AMP + L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08218 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-2161 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:42583 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08219 METACYC: RHEA:22731 reaction UPa:UCR08219 L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) + selenophosphate = phosphate + selenocysteinyl-tRNA(Sec) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08219 KEGG reaction METACYC: MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:22731 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08223 METACYC:RXN-10038 RHEA:25040 reaction UPa:UCR08223 ATP + L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) = ADP + O-phosphoseryl-tRNA(Sec) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08223 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-10038 MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25040 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08224 RHEA:25044 reaction UPa:UCR08224 H(2)O + O-phosphoseryl-tRNA(Sec) + selenophosphate = 2 phosphate + selenocysteinyl-tRNA(Sec) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08224 KEGG reaction RHEA:25044 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R08247 METACYC:RXN0-5304 RHEA:25435 reaction UPa:UCR08247 beta-D-ribopyranose = beta-D-ribofuranose 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08247 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-5304 Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25435 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R08503 METACYC:RXN-14150 RHEA:25843 reaction UPa:UCR08503 5-deoxy-D-glucuronic acid = 2-deoxy-5-keto-D-gluconic acid 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08503 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-14150 MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25843 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08549 METACYC:2OXOGLUTARATEDEH-RXN RHEA:27789 reaction UPa:UCR08549 2-oxoglutarate + CoA + NAD(+) = CO(2) + H(+) + NADH + succinyl-CoA 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08549 KEGG reaction METACYC:2OXOGLUTARATEDEH-RXN MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:27789 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08557 METACYC:RXN-6021 RHEA:33054 reaction UPa:UCR08557 NAD(+) + choline = H(+) + NADH + betaine aldehyde 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08557 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-6021 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:33054 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08574 METACYC:RXN-9296 RHEA:25024 reaction UPa:UCR08574 CTP + riboflavin = CDP + FMN 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08574 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-9296 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:25024 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R08603 RHEA:25839 reaction UPa:UCR08603 3D-3,5/4-trihydroxycyclohexane-1,2-dione + H(2)O = 5-deoxy-D-glucuronic acid 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08603 KEGG reaction RHEA:25839 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08615 RHEA:26076 reaction UPa:UCR08615 H(2)O + UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate = D-glucuronate + UDP 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08615 KEGG reaction RHEA:26076 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 KEGG:R08617 RHEA:33074 reaction UPa:UCR08617 D-glucose 6-phosphate = 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosose + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08617 KEGG reaction RHEA:33074 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08656 RHEA:32314 reaction UPa:UCR08656 2 H(+) + L-tyrosine + 2 NADPH + 2 O(2) = (Z)-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetaldehyde oxime + CO(2) + 3 H(2)O + 2 NADP(+) 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08656 KEGG reaction RHEA:32314 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08689 METACYC:RXN0-882 RHEA:26122 reaction UPa:UCR08689 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclic diphosphate + 2 reduced ferredoxin = (2E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbutenyl diphosphate + H(2)O + 2 oxidized ferredoxin 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08689 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN0-882 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:26122 Rhea reaction 1 1 KEGG:R08716 reaction UPa:UCR08716 cobalt-factor III = cobalt-precorrin 3 1 LR 2 KEGG:R08716 KEGG reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08890 RHEA:34150 reaction UPa:UCR08890 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosose + L-glutamine = 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosamine + 2-oxoglutaramate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08890 KEGG reaction RHEA:34150 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08891 RHEA:34154 reaction UPa:UCR08891 3-amino-2,3-dideoxy-scyllo-inosose + L-glutamine = 2-deoxystreptamine + 2-oxoglutaramate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08891 KEGG reaction RHEA:34154 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08892 RHEA:33886 reaction UPa:UCR08892 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosamine + NAD(+) = 3-amino-2,3-dideoxy-scyllo-inosose + H(+) + NADH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08892 KEGG reaction RHEA:33886 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08947 METACYC:RXN-9935 RHEA:26042 reaction UPa:UCR08947 D-fructose 6-phosphate + GDP-alpha-D-mannose = GDP + beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside 6-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08947 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-9935 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:26042 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R08982 METACYC:RXN-9936 RHEA:26022 reaction UPa:UCR08982 H(2)O + beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside 6-phosphate = beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R08982 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-9936 MetaCyc MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:26022 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R09736 RHEA:42643 reaction UPa:UCR09736 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + demethylmenaquinol = S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + menaquinol 1 LR 1 KEGG:R09736 KEGG reaction RHEA:42643 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R09770 RHEA:27573 reaction UPa:UCR09770 ATP + D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate = ADP + D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 1,7-diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R09770 KEGG reaction RHEA:27573 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R09771 RHEA:28525 reaction UPa:UCR09771 D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 1,7-diphosphate + H(2)O = D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 1-phosphate + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R09771 KEGG reaction RHEA:28525 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R09772 RHEA:27464 reaction UPa:UCR09772 D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 1-phosphate + GTP = GDP-D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R09772 KEGG reaction RHEA:27464 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R09775 RHEA:41943 reaction UPa:UCR09775 ATP + L-alpha-aminoadipate + [LysW] = ADP + [LysW]-L-2-aminoadipate + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R09775 KEGG reaction RHEA:41943 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R09776 RHEA:41947 reaction UPa:UCR09776 ATP + [LysW]-L-2-aminoadipate = ADP + [LysW]-L-2-aminoadipyl 6-phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R09776 KEGG reaction RHEA:41947 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R09777 RHEA:41951 reaction UPa:UCR09777 H(+) + NADPH + [LysW]-L-2-aminoadipyl 6-phosphate = NADP(+) + [LysW]-L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdehyde + phosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R09777 KEGG reaction RHEA:41951 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R09778 METACYC:RXN-5184 RHEA:41955 reaction UPa:UCR09778 L-glutamate + [LysW]-L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdehyde = 2-oxoglutarate + [LysW]-L-lysine 1 LR 1 KEGG:R09778 KEGG reaction METACYC:RXN-5184 MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:41955 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R09779 reaction UPa:UCR09779 H(2)O + [LysW]-L-lysine = L-lysine + [LysW] 1 LR 1 KEGG:R09779 KEGG reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R10130 RHEA:33882 reaction UPa:UCR10130 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosamine + NADP(+) = 3-amino-2,3-dideoxy-scyllo-inosose + H(+) + NADPH 1 LR 1 KEGG:R10130 KEGG reaction RHEA:33882 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R10147 METACYC:DIHYDRODIPICSYN-RXN RHEA:34174 reaction UPa:UCR10147 L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde + pyruvate = (2S,4S)-4-hydroxy-2,3,4,5-tetrahydrodipicolinate + H(2)O 1 LR 1 KEGG:R10147 KEGG reaction METACYC:DIHYDRODIPICSYN-RXN MetaCyc Rhea MetaCyc REACTION RHEA:34174 Rhea reaction 1 1 1 1 1 KEGG:R10757 reaction UPa:UCR10757 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate + all-trans-polyprenyl diphosphate = CO(2) + demethylmenaquinol + diphosphate 1 LR 1 KEGG:R10757 KEGG reaction 1 1 reaction UPa:UCY00012 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate = 4-methyl-5-(2-phosphoethyl)-thiazole 1 LR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 reaction UPa:UCY00016 D-alanine + H(2)O + acceptor = NH(3) + pyruvate + reduced acceptor 1 LR 1 1 1 1 reaction UPa:UCY00018 2 sedoheptulose 7-phosphate = D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate + D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate 1 LR 1 1 1 1 reaction UPa:UCY00032 pectate = 4-(4-deoxy-alpha-D-gluc-4-enosyluronic acid)-D-galacturonic acid + pectate(n-2) 1 LR 1 1 1 reaction UPa:UCY00036 beta-D-ribofuranose = D-ribose 1 LR 2 1 1 1 1 reaction UPa:UCY00044 8-amino-7-oxononanoate + L-lysine = 7,8-diaminononanoate + L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde 1 LR 1 1 1 reaction UPa:UCY00047 10beta-hydroxytaxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-yl acetate = 10-deacetyl-2-debenzoylbaccatin III 1 LR 1 1 1 reaction UPa:UCY00048 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine = 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole 1 RL 1 An enzymatic-reaction involved in a UniPathway pathway. An enzymatic-reaction is a set of alternate sequence-reactions, catalyzed by the same enzyme. It aims at representing ambiguity on co-substrate/co-product (e.g NAD(P)H. enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00000 enzymatic-reaction 1 L-aspartate =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 beta-alanine. EC: GO:0004068 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00002 beta-alanine from L-aspartate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0004068 molecular_function:aspartate 1-decarboxylase activity 1 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate + 1 5,10-methylene-THF + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 2-dehydropantoate + 1 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate. EC: GO:0003864 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00003 (R)-pantoate from 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0003864 molecular_function:3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate hydroxymethyltransferase activity 1 2-dehydropantoate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 (R)-pantoate + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0008677 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00004 (R)-pantoate from 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0008677 molecular_function:2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase activity 1 (R)-pantoate + 1 ATP + 1 beta-alanine =&gt; 1 (R)-pantothenate + 1 AMP + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004592 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00005 (R)-pantothenate from (R)-pantoate and beta-alanine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False False False False True GO:0004592 molecular_function:pantoate-beta-alanine ligase activity 1 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + 1 ATP =&gt; 1 1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)-ATP + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0003879 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00006 L-histidine from 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate: step 1/9 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0003879 molecular_function:ATP phosphoribosyltransferase activity 1 1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)-ATP + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 1-(5-phosphoribosyl)-5'-AMP + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004636 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00007 L-histidine from 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate: step 2/9 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004636 molecular_function:phosphoribosyl-ATP diphosphatase activity 1 1-(5-phosphoribosyl)-5'-AMP + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 5-(5-phospho-D-ribosylaminoformimino)-1-(5-phosphoribosyl)-imidazole-4-carboxamide. EC: GO:0004635 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00008 L-histidine from 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate: step 3/9 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False True GO:0004635 molecular_function:phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase activity 1 5-(5-phospho-D-ribosylaminoformimino)-1-(5-phosphoribosyl)-imidazole-4-carboxamide =&gt; 1 5-[(5-phospho-1-deoxyribulos-1-ylamino)methylideneamino]-1-(5-phosphoribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide. EC: GO:0003949 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00009 L-histidine from 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate: step 4/9 1 1 1 4 False True False True GO:0003949 molecular_function:1-(5-phosphoribosyl)-5-[(5-phosphoribosylamino)methylideneamino]imidazole-4-carboxamide isomerase activity 1 5-[(5-phospho-1-deoxyribulos-1-ylamino)methylideneamino]-1-(5-phosphoribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide + 1 L-glutamine =&gt; 1 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide + 1 D-erythro-1-(imidazol-4-yl)glycerol 3-phosphate + 1 L-glutamate. EC:2.4.2 EC:4.1.3 GO:0000107 GO:0016763 GO:0016833 GO:0018071 GO:0018121 GO:0018127 GO:0034815 GO:0034830 GO:0034905 GO:0043867 GO:0043904 GO:0043959 GO:0044101 GO:0044102 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00010 L-histidine from 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate: step 5/9 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False True False False False True False False GO:0000107 molecular_function:imidazoleglycerol-phosphate synthase activity GO:0016763 molecular_function:transferase activity, transferring pentosyl groups GO:0016833 molecular_function:oxo-acid-lyase activity GO:0018071 molecular_function:NAD(P)-cysteine ADP-ribosyltransferase activity GO:0018121 molecular_function:NAD(P)-asparagine ADP-ribosyltransferase activity GO:0018127 molecular_function:NAD(P)-serine ADP-ribosyltransferase activity GO:0034815 molecular_function:cis-4-(8-hydroxypyren-7-yl)-2-oxobut-3-enoate lyase activity GO:0034830 molecular_function:(2Z)-2,4-dihydroxydec-2-enedioate aldolase activity GO:0034905 molecular_function:5-chloro-4-hydroxy-2-oxopentanate aldolase activity GO:0043867 molecular_function:7-cyano-7-deazaguanine tRNA-ribosyltransferase activity GO:0043904 molecular_function:isochorismate pyruvate lyase activity GO:0043959 molecular_function:L-erythro-3-methylmalyl-CoA lyase activity GO:0044101 molecular_function:(R)-citramalyl-CoA lyase activity GO:0044102 molecular_function:purine deoxyribosyltransferase activity 1 D-erythro-1-(imidazol-4-yl)glycerol 3-phosphate =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 imidazole-acetol phosphate. EC: GO:0004424 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00011 L-histidine from 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate: step 6/9 1 1 1 1 6 False True False False False True GO:0004424 molecular_function:imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase activity 1 L-glutamate + 1 imidazole-acetol phosphate =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 L-histidinol phosphate. EC: GO:0004400 GO:0080130 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00012 L-histidine from 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate: step 7/9 1 1 1 1 1 7 False False False True False False False True GO:0004400 molecular_function:histidinol-phosphate transaminase activity GO:0080130 molecular_function:L-phenylalanine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 L-histidinol phosphate =&gt; 1 L-histidinol + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004401 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00013 L-histidine from 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate: step 8/9 1 1 1 1 1 8 False False False True False False False True GO:0004401 molecular_function:histidinol-phosphatase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 L-histidinol + 2 NAD(+) =&gt; 2 H(+) + 1 L-histidine + 2 NADH. EC: GO:0004399 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00014 L-histidine from 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate: step 9/9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004399 molecular_function:histidinol dehydrogenase activity 1 ATP + 1 L-aspartate =&gt; 1 4-phospho-L-aspartate + 1 ADP. EC: GO:0004072 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00015 (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate from L-aspartate: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004072 molecular_function:aspartate kinase activity 1 4-phospho-L-aspartate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde + 1 NADP(+) + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004073 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00016 (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate from L-aspartate: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004073 molecular_function:aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity 1 L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde + 1 pyruvate =&gt; 1 (2S,4S)-4-hydroxy-2,3,4,5-tetrahydrodipicolinate + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0008840 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00017 (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate from L-aspartate: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0008840 molecular_function:4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate synthase (2S,4S)-4-hydroxy-2,3,4,5-tetrahydrodipicolinate + H(+) + [NADH or NADPH] =&gt; (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate + H(2)O + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)]. EC: GO:0008839 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00018 (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate from L-aspartate: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 True False True False False False False True False False True False True False False True GO:0008839 molecular_function:4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate reductase 1 (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate + 1 H(2)O + 1 succinyl-CoA =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 L-2-succinylamino-6-oxopimelate. EC: GO:0008666 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00019 LL-2,6-diaminopimelate from (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate (succinylase route): step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0008666 molecular_function:2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate N-succinyltransferase activity 1 L-2-succinylamino-6-oxopimelate + 1 L-glutamate =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 N-succinyl-LL-2,6-diaminopimelate. EC: GO:0009016 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00020 LL-2,6-diaminopimelate from (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate (succinylase route): step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0009016 molecular_function:succinyldiaminopimelate transaminase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 N-succinyl-LL-2,6-diaminopimelate =&gt; 1 LL-2,6-diaminopimelate + 1 succinate. EC: GO:0009014 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00021 LL-2,6-diaminopimelate from (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate (succinylase route): step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0009014 molecular_function:succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase activity 1 (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate + 1 H(2)O + 1 acetyl-CoA =&gt; 1 (S)-2-acetamido-6-oxopimelate + 1 CoA. EC: GO:0047200 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00022 LL-2,6-diaminopimelate from (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate (acetylase route): step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0047200 molecular_function:tetrahydrodipicolinate N-acetyltransferase activity 1 (S)-2-acetamido-6-oxopimelate + 1 L-glutamate =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 N-acetyl-LL-2,6-diaminopimelate. EC:2.6.1 GO:0008483 GO:0010326 GO:0018719 GO:0043746 GO:0043760 GO:0043840 GO:0043911 GO:0046571 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00023 LL-2,6-diaminopimelate from (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate (acetylase route): step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0008483 molecular_function:transaminase activity GO:0010326 molecular_function:methionine-oxo-acid transaminase activity GO:0018719 molecular_function:6-aminohexanoate transaminase activity GO:0043746 molecular_function:N2-acetyl-L-lysine aminotransferase activity GO:0043760 molecular_function:acetyldiaminopimelate aminotransferase activity GO:0043840 molecular_function:branched-chain amino acid:2-keto-4-methylthiobutyrate aminotransferase activity GO:0043911 molecular_function:D-lysine transaminase activity GO:0046571 molecular_function:aspartate-2-keto-4-methylthiobutyrate transaminase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 N-acetyl-LL-2,6-diaminopimelate =&gt; 1 LL-2,6-diaminopimelate + 1 acetate. EC: GO:0050118 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00024 LL-2,6-diaminopimelate from (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate (acetylase route): step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0050118 molecular_function:N-acetyldiaminopimelate deacetylase activity 1 LL-2,6-diaminopimelate =&gt; 1 DL-2,6-diaminopimelate. EC: GO:0008837 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00025 DL-2,6-diaminopimelate from LL-2,6-diaminopimelate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0008837 molecular_function:diaminopimelate epimerase activity 1 (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate + 1 H(+) + 1 H(2)O + 1 NADPH + 1 NH(3) =&gt; 1 DL-2,6-diaminopimelate + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0047850 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00026 DL-2,6-diaminopimelate from (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False False False True False False False True GO:0047850 molecular_function:diaminopimelate dehydrogenase activity 1 DL-2,6-diaminopimelate =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 L-lysine. EC: GO:0008836 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00027 L-lysine from DL-2,6-diaminopimelate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0008836 molecular_function:diaminopimelate decarboxylase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 H(2)O + 1 acetyl-CoA =&gt; 1 (R)-homocitrate + 1 CoA. EC: GO:0004410 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00028 L-alpha-aminoadipate from 2-oxoglutarate: step 1/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0004410 molecular_function:homocitrate synthase activity 1 (R)-homocitrate =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 homo-cis-aconitate. EC:4.2.1 GO:0008659 GO:0016836 GO:0018807 GO:0018808 GO:0018809 GO:0018810 GO:0018811 GO:0018812 GO:0018813 GO:0018815 GO:0018816 GO:0018817 GO:0034561 GO:0034578 GO:0034581 GO:0034829 GO:0034839 GO:0034846 GO:0034856 GO:0034867 GO:0034890 GO:0034904 GO:0034917 GO:0034953 GO:0043724 GO:0043725 GO:0043956 GO:0043960 GO:0046565 GO:0051909 GO:0052684 GO:0052855 GO:0070497 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00029 L-alpha-aminoadipate from 2-oxoglutarate: step 2/5 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True GO:0008659 molecular_function:(3R)-hydroxymyristoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase activity GO:0016836 molecular_function:hydro-lyase activity GO:0018807 molecular_function:6-hydroxycyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0018808 molecular_function:trans-4-(1'-hydroxynaphth-2'-yl)-2-oxobut-3-enoate hydratase-aldolase activity GO:0018809 molecular_function:E-phenylitaconyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0018810 molecular_function:trans-4-[2-(3-hydroxy)-thionaphthenyl]-2-oxo-3-butenoate hydratase activity GO:0018811 molecular_function:cyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0018812 molecular_function:3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase activity GO:0018813 molecular_function:trans-o-hydroxybenzylidenepyruvate hydratase-aldolase activity GO:0018815 molecular_function:3-methyl-5-hydroxy-6-(3-carboxy-3-oxopropenyl)-1H-2-pyridon hydratase-aldolase activity GO:0018816 molecular_function:2-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydratase activity GO:0018817 molecular_function:2-oxo-hept-3-ene-1,7-dioate hydratase activity GO:0034561 molecular_function:1,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-proponol dehydratase activity GO:0034578 molecular_function:limonene 8-hydratase activity GO:0034581 molecular_function:4-methyloct-2-enoyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0034829 molecular_function:2-hydroxydec-2,4-diene-1,10-dioate hydratase activity GO:0034839 molecular_function:menth-2-enone hydratase activity GO:0034846 molecular_function:naphthyl-2-methylene-succinyl-CoA lyase activity GO:0034856 molecular_function:2-hydroxyhexa-2,4-dienoate hydratase activity GO:0034867 molecular_function:2,4,4-trimethylpent-2-enoyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0034890 molecular_function:endosulfan diol hydrolyase (cyclizing) activity GO:0034904 molecular_function:5-chloro-2-oxopent-4-enoate hydratase activity GO:0034917 molecular_function:2-methylhex-2-enoyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0034953 molecular_function:perillyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0043724 molecular_function:2-keto-3-deoxygalactonate aldolase activity GO:0043725 molecular_function:2-keto-3-deoxygluconate aldolase activity GO:0043956 molecular_function:3-hydroxypropionyl-CoA dehydratase activity GO:0043960 molecular_function:L-erythro-3-methylmalyl-CoA dehydratase activity GO:0046565 molecular_function:3-dehydroshikimate dehydratase activity GO:0051909 molecular_function:acetylenecarboxylate hydratase activity, producing 3-hydroxypropenoate GO:0052684 molecular_function:L-serine hydro-lyase (adding indole, L-tryptophan-forming) activity GO:0052855 molecular_function:ADP-dependent NAD(P)H-hydrate dehydratase activity GO:0070497 molecular_function:6-carboxy-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterin synthase activity 1 NAD(+) + 1 homoisocitrate =&gt; 1 2-oxoadipate + 1 CO(2) + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0047046 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00030 L-alpha-aminoadipate from 2-oxoglutarate: step 4/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0047046 molecular_function:homoisocitrate dehydrogenase activity 1 2-oxoadipate + 1 L-glutamate =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 L-alpha-aminoadipate. EC: GO:0047536 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00031 L-alpha-aminoadipate from 2-oxoglutarate: step 5/5 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False True False False False True GO:0047536 molecular_function:2-aminoadipate transaminase activity 1 ATP + 1 H(+) + 1 L-alpha-aminoadipate + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 AMP + 1 L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde + 1 NADP(+) + 1 diphosphate + 1 holo-Lys2. EC: GO:0004043 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00032 L-lysine from L-alpha-aminoadipate (fungal route): step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False False False False False True False False GO:0004043 molecular_function:L-aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity 1 H(+) + 1 L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde + 1 L-glutamate + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+) + 1 saccharopine. EC: GO:0004755 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00033 L-lysine from L-alpha-aminoadipate (fungal route): step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004755 molecular_function:saccharopine dehydrogenase (NADP+, L-glutamate-forming) activity 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) + 1 saccharopine =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 H(+) + 1 L-lysine + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0004754 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00034 L-lysine from L-alpha-aminoadipate (fungal route): step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False True False False False False False True False False GO:0004754 molecular_function:saccharopine dehydrogenase (NAD+, L-lysine-forming) activity 1 ATP + 1 L-alpha-aminoadipate + 1 [LysW] =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 [LysW]-L-2-aminoadipate + 1 phosphate. enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00035 L-lysine from L-alpha-aminoadipate (Thermus route): step 1/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False False False True 1 ATP + 1 [LysW]-L-2-aminoadipate =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 [LysW]-L-2-aminoadipyl 6-phosphate. EC:2.7.2 GO:0016774 GO:0036357 GO:0043744 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00036 L-lysine from L-alpha-aminoadipate (Thermus route): step 2/5 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0016774 molecular_function:phosphotransferase activity, carboxyl group as acceptor GO:0036357 molecular_function:2-phosphoglycerate kinase activity GO:0043744 molecular_function:N2-acetyl-L-aminoadipate kinase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 [LysW]-L-2-aminoadipyl 6-phosphate =&gt; 1 NADP(+) + 1 [LysW]-L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdehyde + 1 phosphate. EC:1.2.1 GO:0004028 GO:0016620 GO:0018472 GO:0018473 GO:0018474 GO:0018475 GO:0019115 GO:0034520 GO:0034525 GO:0034530 GO:0034538 GO:0034601 GO:0034602 GO:0034603 GO:0034604 GO:0034822 GO:0034832 GO:0043745 GO:0043796 GO:0043870 GO:0043878 GO:0044104 GO:0052814 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00037 L-lysine from L-alpha-aminoadipate (Thermus route): step 3/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004028 molecular_function:3-chloroallyl aldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0016620 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on the aldehyde or oxo group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor GO:0018472 molecular_function:1-hydroxy-2-naphthaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0018473 molecular_function:cis-2-methyl-5-isopropylhexa-2,5-dienal dehydrogenase activity GO:0018474 molecular_function:2-carboxybenzaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0018475 molecular_function:trans-2-methyl-5-isopropylhexa-2,5-dienal dehydrogenase activity GO:0019115 molecular_function:benzaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0034520 molecular_function:2-naphthaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0034525 molecular_function:1-naphthaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0034530 molecular_function:4-hydroxymethylsalicyaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0034538 molecular_function:3-methylsalicylaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0034601 molecular_function:oxoglutarate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity GO:0034602 molecular_function:oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity GO:0034603 molecular_function:pyruvate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity GO:0034604 molecular_function:pyruvate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity GO:0034822 molecular_function:citronellal dehydrogenase activity GO:0034832 molecular_function:geranial dehydrogenase activity GO:0043745 molecular_function:N2-acetyl-L-aminoadipate semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0043796 molecular_function:glyceraldehyde dehydrogenase (NADP) activity GO:0043870 molecular_function:N-acetyl-gamma-aminoadipyl-phosphate reductase activity GO:0043878 molecular_function:glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD+) (non-phosphorylating) activity GO:0044104 molecular_function:2,5-dioxovalerate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity GO:0052814 molecular_function:medium-chain-aldehyde dehydrogenase activity 1 L-glutamate + 1 [LysW]-L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdehyde =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 [LysW]-L-lysine. EC:2.6.1 GO:0008483 GO:0010326 GO:0018719 GO:0043746 GO:0043760 GO:0043840 GO:0043911 GO:0046571 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00038 L-lysine from L-alpha-aminoadipate (Thermus route): step 4/5 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0008483 molecular_function:transaminase activity GO:0010326 molecular_function:methionine-oxo-acid transaminase activity GO:0018719 molecular_function:6-aminohexanoate transaminase activity GO:0043746 molecular_function:N2-acetyl-L-lysine aminotransferase activity GO:0043760 molecular_function:acetyldiaminopimelate aminotransferase activity GO:0043840 molecular_function:branched-chain amino acid:2-keto-4-methylthiobutyrate aminotransferase activity GO:0043911 molecular_function:D-lysine transaminase activity GO:0046571 molecular_function:aspartate-2-keto-4-methylthiobutyrate transaminase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 [LysW]-L-lysine =&gt; 1 L-lysine + 1 [LysW]. EC:3.5.1 GO:0008418 GO:0008759 GO:0016811 GO:0018748 GO:0018749 GO:0034571 GO:0034573 GO:0034576 GO:0034781 GO:0034876 GO:0034882 GO:0034885 GO:0043747 GO:0043748 GO:0043864 GO:0043909 GO:0047419 GO:0052773 GO:0052790 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00039 L-lysine from L-alpha-aminoadipate (Thermus route): step 5/5 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False True False True False False GO:0008418 molecular_function:protein-N-terminal asparagine amidohydrolase activity GO:0008759 molecular_function:UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] N-acetylglucosamine deacetylase activity GO:0016811 molecular_function:hydrolase activity, acting on carbon-nitrogen (but not peptide) bonds, in linear amides GO:0018748 molecular_function:iprodione amidohydrolase activity GO:0018749 molecular_function:(3,5-dichlorophenylurea)acetate amidohydrolase activity GO:0034571 molecular_function:4'-(2-hydroxyisopropyl)phenylurea amidohydrolase activity GO:0034573 molecular_function:didemethylisoproturon amidohydrolase activity GO:0034576 molecular_function:N-isopropylacetanilide amidohydrolase activity GO:0034781 molecular_function:N-cyclohexylformamide amidohydrolase activity GO:0034876 molecular_function:isonicotinic acid hydrazide hydrolase activity GO:0034882 molecular_function:cis-aconitamide amidase activity GO:0034885 molecular_function:gamma-N-formylaminovinylacetate hydrolase activity GO:0043747 molecular_function:N2-acetyl-L-lysine deacetylase activity GO:0043748 molecular_function:O-succinylbenzoate synthase activity GO:0043864 molecular_function:indoleacetamide hydrolase activity GO:0043909 molecular_function:N-acetylcitrulline deacetylase activity GO:0047419 molecular_function:N-acetylgalactosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase activity GO:0052773 molecular_function:diacetylchitobiose deacetylase activity GO:0052790 molecular_function:chitooligosaccharide deacetylase activity 1 L-glutamine + 1 NH(3) + 1 chorismate =&gt; 1 L-glutamate + 1 anthranilate + 1 pyruvate. EC: GO:0004049 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00040 L-tryptophan from chorismate: step 1/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004049 molecular_function:anthranilate synthase activity 1 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + 1 anthranilate =&gt; 1 N-(5-phospho-beta-D-ribosyl)anthranilic acid + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004048 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00041 L-tryptophan from chorismate: step 2/5 1 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False False False True GO:0004048 molecular_function:anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase activity 1 N-(5-phospho-beta-D-ribosyl)anthranilic acid =&gt; 1 1-(2-carboxyphenylamino)-1-deoxy-D-ribulose 5-phosphate. EC: GO:0004640 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00042 L-tryptophan from chorismate: step 3/5 1 1 1 3 False True False True GO:0004640 molecular_function:phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase activity 1 1-(2-carboxyphenylamino)-1-deoxy-D-ribulose 5-phosphate =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 H(2)O + 1 indoleglycerol phosphate. EC: GO:0004425 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00043 L-tryptophan from chorismate: step 4/5 1 1 1 1 1 4 False True False False False False False True GO:0004425 molecular_function:indole-3-glycerol-phosphate synthase activity 1 L-serine + 1 indoleglycerol phosphate =&gt; 1 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + 1 H(2)O + 1 L-tryptophan. EC: GO:0004834 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00044 L-tryptophan from chorismate: step 5/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False True False False False True False False GO:0004834 molecular_function:tryptophan synthase activity 1 N-(3'R)-debenzoyltaxol + 1 benzoyl-CoA =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 taxol. EC:2.3.1 GO:0004147 GO:0004772 GO:0008080 GO:0008374 GO:0008951 GO:0016406 GO:0016407 GO:0016408 GO:0016409 GO:0016410 GO:0016411 GO:0016412 GO:0016413 GO:0016414 GO:0016415 GO:0016416 GO:0016417 GO:0016418 GO:0016419 GO:0016420 GO:0016454 GO:0016747 GO:0016748 GO:0016749 GO:0016750 GO:0016751 GO:0016752 GO:0016753 GO:0018030 GO:0018031 GO:0018711 GO:0018712 GO:0018713 GO:0019105 GO:0019107 GO:0019186 GO:0019705 GO:0019707 GO:0030523 GO:0032216 GO:0034737 GO:0034738 GO:0034848 GO:0034851 GO:0034915 GO:0034919 GO:0034945 GO:0043741 GO:0043764 GO:0043806 GO:0043849 GO:0043875 GO:0046941 GO:0052858 GO:0090595 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00053 taxol from baccatin III: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0004147 molecular_function:dihydrolipoamide branched chain acyltransferase activity GO:0004772 molecular_function:sterol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0008080 molecular_function:N-acetyltransferase activity GO:0008374 molecular_function:O-acyltransferase activity GO:0008951 molecular_function:palmitoleoyl [acyl-carrier-protein]-dependent acyltransferase activity GO:0016406 molecular_function:carnitine O-acyltransferase activity GO:0016407 molecular_function:acetyltransferase activity GO:0016408 molecular_function:C-acyltransferase activity GO:0016409 molecular_function:palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0016410 molecular_function:N-acyltransferase activity GO:0016411 molecular_function:acylglycerol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0016412 molecular_function:serine O-acyltransferase activity GO:0016413 molecular_function:O-acetyltransferase activity GO:0016414 molecular_function:O-octanoyltransferase activity GO:0016415 molecular_function:octanoyltransferase activity GO:0016416 molecular_function:O-palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0016417 molecular_function:S-acyltransferase activity GO:0016418 molecular_function:S-acetyltransferase activity GO:0016419 molecular_function:S-malonyltransferase activity GO:0016420 molecular_function:malonyltransferase activity GO:0016454 molecular_function:C-palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0016747 molecular_function:transferase activity, transferring acyl groups other than amino-acyl groups GO:0016748 molecular_function:succinyltransferase activity GO:0016749 molecular_function:N-succinyltransferase activity GO:0016750 molecular_function:O-succinyltransferase activity GO:0016751 molecular_function:S-succinyltransferase activity GO:0016752 molecular_function:sinapoyltransferase activity GO:0016753 molecular_function:O-sinapoyltransferase activity GO:0018030 molecular_function:peptidyl-lysine N6-myristoyltransferase activity GO:0018031 molecular_function:peptidyl-lysine N6-palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0018711 molecular_function:benzoyl acetate-CoA thiolase activity GO:0018712 molecular_function:3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA thiolase activity GO:0018713 molecular_function:3-ketopimelyl-CoA thiolase activity GO:0019105 molecular_function:N-palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0019107 molecular_function:myristoyltransferase activity GO:0019186 molecular_function:acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase activity GO:0019705 molecular_function:protein-cysteine S-myristoyltransferase activity GO:0019707 molecular_function:protein-cysteine S-acyltransferase activity GO:0030523 molecular_function:dihydrolipoamide S-acyltransferase activity GO:0032216 molecular_function:glucosaminyl-phosphotidylinositol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0034737 molecular_function:ergosterol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0034738 molecular_function:lanosterol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0034848 molecular_function:naphthyl-2-oxomethyl-succinyl-CoA succinyl transferase activity GO:0034851 molecular_function:2,4,4-trimethyl-3-oxopentanoyl-CoA 2-C-propanoyl transferase activity GO:0034915 molecular_function:2-methylhexanoyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase activity GO:0034919 molecular_function:butyryl-CoA 2-C-propionyltransferase activity GO:0034945 molecular_function:2,6-dimethyl-5-methylene-3-oxo-heptanoyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase activity GO:0043741 molecular_function:L-2-aminoadipate N-acetyltransferase activity GO:0043764 molecular_function:UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] glucosamine N-acyltransferase activity GO:0043806 molecular_function:keto acid formate lyase activity GO:0043849 molecular_function:Ras palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0043875 molecular_function:2-ketobutyrate formate-lyase activity GO:0046941 molecular_function:azetidine-2-carboxylic acid acetyltransferase activity GO:0052858 molecular_function:peptidyl-lysine N-acetyltransferase activity, acting on acetyl phosphate as donor GO:0090595 molecular_function:acetyl-CoA:L-lysine N6-acetyltransferase 1 L-threonine =&gt; 1 2-oxobutanoate + 1 NH(3). EC: GO:0004794 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00054 2-oxobutanoate from L-threonine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0004794 molecular_function:L-threonine ammonia-lyase activity 1 2-hydroxyethyl-ThPP + 1 2-oxobutanoate =&gt; 1 (S)-2-acetyl-2-hydroxybutanoic acid + 1 thiamine diphosphate. EC: GO:0003984 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00055 L-isoleucine from 2-oxobutanoate: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0003984 molecular_function:acetolactate synthase activity 1 (S)-2-acetyl-2-hydroxybutanoic acid + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 (2R,3R)-2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylpentanoic acid + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0004455 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00056 L-isoleucine from 2-oxobutanoate: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0004455 molecular_function:ketol-acid reductoisomerase activity 1 (2R,3R)-2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylpentanoic acid =&gt; 1 (S)-3-methyl-2-oxopentanoate + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0004160 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00057 L-isoleucine from 2-oxobutanoate: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 3 False True False False False True GO:0004160 molecular_function:dihydroxy-acid dehydratase activity 1 (S)-3-methyl-2-oxopentanoate + 1 L-glutamate =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 L-isoleucine. EC: GO:0004084 GO:0052654 GO:0052655 GO:0052656 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00058 L-isoleucine from 2-oxobutanoate: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0004084 molecular_function:branched-chain-amino-acid transaminase activity GO:0052654 molecular_function:L-leucine transaminase activity GO:0052655 molecular_function:L-valine transaminase activity GO:0052656 molecular_function:L-isoleucine transaminase activity 1 pyruvate =&gt; 1 (S)-2-acetolactate + 1 CO(2) + 1 thiamine diphosphate. EC: GO:0003984 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00059 L-valine from pyruvate: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0003984 molecular_function:acetolactate synthase activity 1 (S)-2-acetolactate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 (R)-2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylbutanoate + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0004455 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00060 L-valine from pyruvate: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0004455 molecular_function:ketol-acid reductoisomerase activity 1 (R)-2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylbutanoate =&gt; 1 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0004160 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00061 L-valine from pyruvate: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 3 False True False False False True GO:0004160 molecular_function:dihydroxy-acid dehydratase activity 1 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate + 1 L-glutamate =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 L-valine. EC: GO:0004084 GO:0052654 GO:0052655 GO:0052656 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00062 L-valine from pyruvate: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0004084 molecular_function:branched-chain-amino-acid transaminase activity GO:0052654 molecular_function:L-leucine transaminase activity GO:0052655 molecular_function:L-valine transaminase activity GO:0052656 molecular_function:L-isoleucine transaminase activity H(+) + L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde + [NADH or NADPH] =&gt; L-homoserine + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)]. EC: GO:0004412 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00063 L-threonine from L-aspartate: step 3/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 True False True False False False False True True False True False False True GO:0004412 molecular_function:homoserine dehydrogenase activity 1 ATP + 1 L-homoserine =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 O-phospho-L-homoserine. EC: GO:0004413 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00064 L-threonine from L-aspartate: step 4/5 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0004413 molecular_function:homoserine kinase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 O-phospho-L-homoserine =&gt; 1 L-threonine + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004795 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00065 L-threonine from L-aspartate: step 5/5 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False True False False False True GO:0004795 molecular_function:threonine synthase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 acetyl-CoA + 1 pyruvate =&gt; 1 (R)-citramalate + 1 CoA. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00066 2-oxobutanoate from pyruvate: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True 1 (R)-citramalate =&gt; 1 D-erythro-3-methylmalic acid. EC: GO:0047508 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00067 2-oxobutanoate from pyruvate: step 2/3 1 1 1 2 False True False True GO:0047508 molecular_function:(R)-2-methylmalate dehydratase activity 1 D-erythro-3-methylmalic acid + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 2-oxobutanoate + 1 CO(2) + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC:1.1.1.n5 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00069 2-oxobutanoate from pyruvate: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False False False False False True 1 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate + 1 H(2)O + 1 acetyl-CoA =&gt; 1 (2S)-2-isopropylmalate + 1 CoA. EC: GO:0003852 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00070 L-leucine from 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0003852 molecular_function:2-isopropylmalate synthase activity 1 (2S)-2-isopropylmalate =&gt; 1 (2R,3S)-3-isopropylmalate. EC: GO:0003861 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00071 L-leucine from 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate: step 2/4 1 1 1 2 False True False True GO:0003861 molecular_function:3-isopropylmalate dehydratase activity 1 (2R,3S)-3-isopropylmalate + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate + 1 CO(2) + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0003862 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00072 L-leucine from 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0003862 molecular_function:3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase activity 1 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate + 1 L-glutamate =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 L-leucine. EC: GO:0004084 GO:0052654 GO:0052655 GO:0052656 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00073 L-leucine from 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0004084 molecular_function:branched-chain-amino-acid transaminase activity GO:0052654 molecular_function:L-leucine transaminase activity GO:0052655 molecular_function:L-valine transaminase activity GO:0052656 molecular_function:L-isoleucine transaminase activity 1 L-homoserine + 1 acetyl-CoA =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 O-acetyl-L-homoserine. EC: GO:0004414 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00074 O-acetyl-L-homoserine from L-homoserine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004414 molecular_function:homoserine O-acetyltransferase activity 1 L-homoserine + 1 succinyl-CoA =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 O-succinyl-L-homoserine. EC: GO:0008899 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00075 O-succinyl-L-homoserine from L-homoserine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008899 molecular_function:homoserine O-succinyltransferase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine =&gt; 1 L-homocysteine + 1 adenosine. EC: GO:0004013 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00076 L-homocysteine from S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False GO:0004013 molecular_function:adenosylhomocysteinase activity 1 L-cysteine + 1 O-succinyl-L-homoserine =&gt; 1 L-cystathionine + 1 succinate. EC: GO:0003962 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00077 L-cystathionine from O-succinyl-L-homoserine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0003962 molecular_function:cystathionine gamma-synthase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 L-cystathionine =&gt; 1 L-homocysteine + 1 NH(3) + 1 pyruvate. EC: GO:0004121 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00078 L-homocysteine from L-cystathionine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004121 molecular_function:cystathionine beta-lyase activity 1 O-acetyl-L-homoserine + 1 hydrogen sulfide =&gt; 1 L-homocysteine + 1 acetate. EC: GO:0003961 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00079 L-homocysteine from O-acetyl-L-homoserine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0003961 molecular_function:O-acetylhomoserine aminocarboxypropyltransferase activity 1 ATP + 1 H(2)O + 1 L-methionine =&gt; 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 diphosphate + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004478 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00080 S-adenosyl-L-methionine from L-methionine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004478 molecular_function:methionine adenosyltransferase activity 1 5-methyl-THF + 1 L-homocysteine =&gt; 1 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + 1 L-methionine. EC: GO:0008705 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00081 L-methionine from L-homocysteine (MetH route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True False False GO:0008705 molecular_function:methionine synthase activity 1 5-methyltetrahydropteroyltri-L-glutamate + 1 L-homocysteine =&gt; 1 L-methionine + 1 tetrahydropteroyltri-L-glutamate. EC: GO:0003871 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00082 L-methionine from L-homocysteine (MetE route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True False False GO:0003871 molecular_function:5-methyltetrahydropteroyltriglutamate-homocysteine S-methyltransferase activity 1 L-homocysteine + 1 betaine =&gt; 1 L-methionine + 1 N,N-dimethylglycine. EC: GO:0047150 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00083 L-methionine from L-homocysteine (BhmT route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True False False GO:0047150 molecular_function:betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase activity 1 D-erythrose 4-phosphate + 1 H(2)O + 1 phosphoenolpyruvate =&gt; 1 7-phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptonate + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0003849 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00084 chorismate from D-erythrose 4-phosphate and phosphoenolpyruvate: step 1/7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False False True GO:0003849 molecular_function:3-deoxy-7-phosphoheptulonate synthase activity 1 7-phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptonate =&gt; 1 3-dehydroquinate + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0003856 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00085 chorismate from D-erythrose 4-phosphate and phosphoenolpyruvate: step 2/7 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True GO:0003856 molecular_function:3-dehydroquinate synthase activity 1 3-dehydroquinate =&gt; 1 3-dehydroshikimate + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0003855 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00086 chorismate from D-erythrose 4-phosphate and phosphoenolpyruvate: step 3/7 1 1 1 1 3 False True False False False True GO:0003855 molecular_function:3-dehydroquinate dehydratase activity 1 3-dehydroshikimate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 NADP(+) + 1 shikimate. EC: EC: GO:0004764 GO:0030266 GO:0052733 GO:0052734 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00087 chorismate from D-erythrose 4-phosphate and phosphoenolpyruvate: step 4/7 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0004764 molecular_function:shikimate 3-dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity GO:0030266 molecular_function:quinate 3-dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity GO:0052733 molecular_function:quinate 3-dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity GO:0052734 molecular_function:shikimate 3-dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1 ATP + 1 shikimate =&gt; 1 3-phosphoshikimate + 1 ADP. EC: GO:0004765 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00088 chorismate from D-erythrose 4-phosphate and phosphoenolpyruvate: step 5/7 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False True False False False True GO:0004765 molecular_function:shikimate kinase activity 1 3-phosphoshikimate + 1 phosphoenolpyruvate =&gt; 1 5-O-(1-carboxyvinyl)-3-phosphoshikimate + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0003866 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00089 chorismate from D-erythrose 4-phosphate and phosphoenolpyruvate: step 6/7 1 1 1 1 1 6 False False False True False False False True GO:0003866 molecular_function:3-phosphoshikimate 1-carboxyvinyltransferase activity 1 5-O-(1-carboxyvinyl)-3-phosphoshikimate =&gt; 1 chorismate + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004107 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00090 chorismate from D-erythrose 4-phosphate and phosphoenolpyruvate: step 7/7 1 1 1 1 7 False True False False False True GO:0004107 molecular_function:chorismate synthase activity 1 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + 1 pyruvate =&gt; 1 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate + 1 CO(2). EC: GO:0008661 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00091 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate from D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and pyruvate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False True GO:0008661 molecular_function:1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase activity 1 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0030604 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00092 isopentenyl diphosphate from 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate: step 1/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0030604 molecular_function:1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase activity 1 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate + 1 CTP =&gt; 1 4-CDP-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0050518 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00093 isopentenyl diphosphate from 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate: step 2/6 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0050518 molecular_function:2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate cytidylyltransferase activity 1 4-CDP-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol + 1 ATP =&gt; 1 4-CDP-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2-phosphate + 1 ADP. EC: GO:0050515 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00094 isopentenyl diphosphate from 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate: step 3/6 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0050515 molecular_function:4-(cytidine 5'-diphospho)-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol kinase activity 1 4-CDP-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2-phosphate =&gt; 1 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclic diphosphate + 1 CMP. EC: GO:0008685 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00095 isopentenyl diphosphate from 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate: step 4/6 1 1 1 1 4 False True False False False True GO:0008685 molecular_function:2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase activity 1 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclic diphosphate + 2 reduced ferredoxin =&gt; 1 (2E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbutenyl diphosphate + 1 H(2)O + 2 oxidized ferredoxin. EC: GO:0046429 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00096 isopentenyl diphosphate from 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate: step 5/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0046429 molecular_function:4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl diphosphate synthase activity 1 (2E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbutenyl diphosphate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+) + 1 isopentenyl diphosphate. EC: GO:0051745 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00097 isopentenyl diphosphate from 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate: step 6/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0051745 molecular_function:4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl diphosphate reductase activity 1 (R)-mevalonate + 1 ATP =&gt; 1 (R)-5-phosphomevalonate + 1 ADP. EC: GO:0004496 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00098 isopentenyl diphosphate from (R)-mevalonate: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004496 molecular_function:mevalonate kinase activity 1 (R)-5-phosphomevalonate + 1 ATP =&gt; 1 (R)-5-diphosphomevalonate + 1 ADP. EC: GO:0004631 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00099 isopentenyl diphosphate from (R)-mevalonate: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004631 molecular_function:phosphomevalonate kinase activity 1 (R)-5-diphosphomevalonate + 1 ATP =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 CO(2) + 1 isopentenyl diphosphate + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004163 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00100 isopentenyl diphosphate from (R)-mevalonate: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0004163 molecular_function:diphosphomevalonate decarboxylase activity 2 acetyl-CoA =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 acetoacetyl-CoA. EC: GO:0003985 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00101 (R)-mevalonate from acetyl-CoA: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0003985 molecular_function:acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 acetoacetyl-CoA + 1 acetyl-CoA =&gt; 1 (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA + 1 CoA. EC: GO:0004421 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00102 (R)-mevalonate from acetyl-CoA: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0004421 molecular_function:hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase activity 1 (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA + 2 H(+) + 2 NADPH =&gt; 1 (R)-mevalonate + 1 CoA + 2 NADP(+). EC: GO:0004420 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00103 (R)-mevalonate from acetyl-CoA: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004420 molecular_function:hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase (NADPH) activity 1 isopentenyl diphosphate =&gt; 1 dimethylallyl diphosphate. EC: GO:0004452 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00104 dimethylallyl diphosphate from isopentenyl diphosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0004452 molecular_function:isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase activity 1 (2E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbutenyl diphosphate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+) + 1 dimethylallyl diphosphate. EC: GO:0051745 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00105 dimethylallyl diphosphate from (2E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbutenyl diphosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0051745 molecular_function:4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl diphosphate reductase activity 1 L-glutamate + 1 acetyl-CoA =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 N-acetyl-L-glutamate. EC: GO:0004042 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00106 N(2)-acetyl-L-ornithine from L-glutamate: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004042 molecular_function:acetyl-CoA:L-glutamate N-acetyltransferase activity 1 ATP + 1 N-acetyl-L-glutamate =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 N-acetyl-L-glutamyl 5-phosphate. EC: GO:0003991 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00107 N(2)-acetyl-L-ornithine from L-glutamate: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0003991 molecular_function:acetylglutamate kinase activity 1 H(+) + 1 N-acetyl-L-glutamyl 5-phosphate + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 N-acetyl-L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde + 1 NADP(+) + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0003942 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00108 N(2)-acetyl-L-ornithine from L-glutamate: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0003942 molecular_function:N-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate reductase activity 1 L-glutamate + 1 N-acetyl-L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 N(2)-acetyl-L-ornithine. EC: GO:0003992 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00109 N(2)-acetyl-L-ornithine from L-glutamate: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0003992 molecular_function:N2-acetyl-L-ornithine:2-oxoglutarate 5-aminotransferase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 N(2)-acetyl-L-ornithine =&gt; 1 L-ornithine + 1 acetate. EC: GO:0008777 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00110 L-ornithine from N(2)-acetyl-L-ornithine (linear): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008777 molecular_function:acetylornithine deacetylase activity 1 L-glutamate + 1 N(2)-acetyl-L-ornithine =&gt; 1 L-ornithine + 1 N-acetyl-L-glutamate. EC: GO:0004358 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00111 L-ornithine and N-acetyl-L-glutamate from L-glutamate and N(2)-acetyl-L-ornithine (cyclic): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False True False True GO:0004358 molecular_function:glutamate N-acetyltransferase activity 1 L-ornithine + 1 carbamoyl phosphate =&gt; 1 L-citrulline + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004585 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00112 L-arginine from L-ornithine and carbamoyl phosphate: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False True GO:0004585 molecular_function:ornithine carbamoyltransferase activity 1 ATP + 1 L-aspartate + 1 L-citrulline =&gt; 1 (N(omega)-L-arginino)succinate + 1 AMP + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004055 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00113 L-arginine from L-ornithine and carbamoyl phosphate: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004055 molecular_function:argininosuccinate synthase activity 1 (N(omega)-L-arginino)succinate =&gt; 1 L-arginine + 1 fumarate. EC: GO:0004056 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00114 L-arginine from L-ornithine and carbamoyl phosphate: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 3 False True False True False False GO:0004056 molecular_function:argininosuccinate lyase activity 2 ATP + 1 H(2)O + 1 L-glutamine + 1 bicarbonate =&gt; 2 ADP + 1 L-glutamate + 1 carbamoyl phosphate + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004088 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00115 (S)-dihydroorotate from bicarbonate: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0004088 molecular_function:carbamoyl-phosphate synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) activity 1 L-aspartate + 1 carbamoyl phosphate =&gt; 1 N-carbamoyl-L-aspartate + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004070 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00116 (S)-dihydroorotate from bicarbonate: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004070 molecular_function:aspartate carbamoyltransferase activity 1 N-carbamoyl-L-aspartate =&gt; 1 (S)-dihydroorotate + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0004151 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00117 (S)-dihydroorotate from bicarbonate: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 3 False True False False False True GO:0004151 molecular_function:dihydroorotase activity 1 (S)-dihydroorotate + 1 fumarate =&gt; 1 orotate + 1 succinate. EC: GO:0004158 GO:1990663 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00118 orotate from (S)-dihydroorotate (O2 route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004158 molecular_function:dihydroorotate oxidase activity GO:1990663 molecular_function:dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (fumarate) activity 1 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + 1 orotate =&gt; 1 diphosphate + 1 orotidine 5'-phosphate. EC: GO:0004588 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00119 UMP from orotate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004588 molecular_function:orotate phosphoribosyltransferase activity 1 orotidine 5'-phosphate =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 UMP. EC: GO:0004590 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00120 UMP from orotate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True GO:0004590 molecular_function:orotidine-5'-phosphate decarboxylase activity 1 L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde + 1 L-glutamate =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 L-2,4-diaminobutanoate. EC: GO:0045303 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00121 L-ectoine from L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0045303 molecular_function:diaminobutyrate-2-oxoglutarate transaminase activity 1 L-2,4-diaminobutanoate + 1 acetyl-CoA =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 N(4)-acetyl-L-2,4-diaminobutyric acid. EC: GO:0033816 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00122 L-ectoine from L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0033816 molecular_function:diaminobutyrate acetyltransferase activity 1 N(4)-acetyl-L-2,4-diaminobutyric acid =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 L-ectoine. EC: GO:0033990 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00123 L-ectoine from L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 3 False True False False False True GO:0033990 molecular_function:ectoine synthase activity 1 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + 1 H(2)O + 1 L-glutamine =&gt; 1 5-phospho-beta-D-ribosylamine + 1 L-glutamate + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004044 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00124 N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide from 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004044 molecular_function:amidophosphoribosyltransferase activity 1 5-phospho-beta-D-ribosylamine + 1 ATP + 1 glycine =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004637 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00125 N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide from 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004637 molecular_function:phosphoribosylamine-glycine ligase activity 1 10-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + 1 N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide =&gt; 1 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + 1 N(2)-formyl-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide. EC: GO:0004644 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00126 N(2)-formyl-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide from N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide (10-formyl THF route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004644 molecular_function:phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase activity 1 ATP + 1 N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide + 1 formate =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 N(2)-formyl-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide + 1 phosphate. EC:2.1.2 GO:0016742 GO:0030407 GO:0043815 GO:0044685 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00127 N(2)-formyl-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide from N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide (formate route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0016742 molecular_function:hydroxymethyl-, formyl- and related transferase activity GO:0030407 molecular_function:formimidoyltransferase activity GO:0043815 molecular_function:phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase 2 activity GO:0044685 molecular_function:tetrahydromethanopterin-dependent serine hydroxymethyltransferase activity 1 ATP + 1 H(2)O + 1 L-glutamine + 1 N(2)-formyl-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide =&gt; 1 2-formamido-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)acetamidine + 1 ADP + 1 L-glutamate + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004642 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00128 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole from N(2)-formyl-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0004642 molecular_function:phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase activity 1 2-formamido-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)acetamidine + 1 ATP =&gt; 1 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole + 1 ADP + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004641 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00129 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole from N(2)-formyl-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004641 molecular_function:phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine cyclo-ligase activity 1 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole + 1 CO(2) =&gt; 1 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxylate. EC: GO:0004638 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00130 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxylate from 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole (carboxylase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True GO:0004638 molecular_function:phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase activity 1 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxylate + 1 ATP + 1 L-aspartate =&gt; 1 (2S)-2-[5-amino-1-(5-phospho-beta-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamido]succinic acid + 1 ADP + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004639 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00131 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide from 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxylate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004639 molecular_function:phosphoribosylaminoimidazolesuccinocarboxamide synthase activity 1 (2S)-2-[5-amino-1-(5-phospho-beta-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamido]succinic acid =&gt; 1 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide + 1 fumarate. EC: GO:0004018 GO:0070626 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00132 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide from 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxylate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True GO:0004018 molecular_function:N6-(1,2-dicarboxyethyl)AMP AMP-lyase (fumarate-forming) activity GO:0070626 molecular_function:(S)-2-(5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamido)succinate AMP-lyase (fumarate-forming) activity 1 10-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + 1 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide =&gt; 1 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + 1 5-formamido-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide. EC: GO:0004643 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00133 5-formamido-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide from 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide (10-formyl THF route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004643 molecular_function:phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase activity 1 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide + 1 ATP + 1 formate =&gt; 1 5-formamido-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide + 1 ADP + 1 phosphate. EC:6.3.4 GO:0016979 GO:0018271 GO:0032267 GO:0071734 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00134 5-formamido-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide from 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide (formate route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0016979 molecular_function:lipoate-protein ligase activity GO:0018271 molecular_function:biotin-protein ligase activity GO:0032267 molecular_function:tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthase activity GO:0071734 molecular_function:biotin-[pyruvate-carboxylase] ligase activity 1 5-formamido-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 IMP. EC: GO:0003937 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00135 IMP from 5-formamido-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0003937 molecular_function:IMP cyclohydrolase activity 1 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole =&gt; 1 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine. enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00136 4-amino-2-methyl-5-diphosphomethylpyrimidine from 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 False True False True 1 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine + 1 ATP =&gt; 1 4-amino-2-methyl-5-phosphomethylpyrimidine + 1 ADP. EC: GO:0008902 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00137 4-amino-2-methyl-5-diphosphomethylpyrimidine from 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0008902 molecular_function:hydroxymethylpyrimidine kinase activity 1 4-amino-2-methyl-5-phosphomethylpyrimidine + 1 ATP =&gt; 1 4-amino-2-methyl-5-diphosphomethylpyrimidine + 1 ADP. EC: GO:0008972 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00138 4-amino-2-methyl-5-diphosphomethylpyrimidine from 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0008972 molecular_function:phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase activity 1 5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazole + 1 ATP =&gt; 1 4-methyl-5-(2-phosphoethyl)-thiazole + 1 ADP. EC: GO:0004417 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00139 4-methyl-5-(2-phosphoethyl)-thiazole from 5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazole: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004417 molecular_function:hydroxyethylthiazole kinase activity 1 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate =&gt; 1 4-methyl-5-(2-phosphoethyl)-thiazole. enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00140 4-methyl-5-(2-phosphoethyl)-thiazole from 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 False True False True 1 4-amino-2-methyl-5-diphosphomethylpyrimidine + 1 4-methyl-5-(2-phosphoethyl)-thiazole =&gt; 1 diphosphate + 1 thiamine phosphate. EC: GO:0004789 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00141 thiamine phosphate from 4-amino-2-methyl-5-diphosphomethylpyrimidine and 4-methyl-5-(2-phosphoethyl)-thiazole: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False True GO:0004789 molecular_function:thiamine-phosphate diphosphorylase activity 1 ATP + 1 thiamine phosphate =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 thiamine diphosphate. EC: GO:0009030 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00142 thiamine diphosphate from thiamine phosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0009030 molecular_function:thiamine-phosphate kinase activity 1 NAD(+) + 1 myo-inositol =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 scyllo-inosose. EC: GO:0050112 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00143 acetyl-CoA from myo-inositol: step 1/7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0050112 molecular_function:inositol 2-dehydrogenase activity 1 scyllo-inosose =&gt; 1 3D-3,5/4-trihydroxycyclohexane-1,2-dione + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0050114 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00144 acetyl-CoA from myo-inositol: step 2/7 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True GO:0050114 molecular_function:myo-inosose-2 dehydratase activity 1 3D-3,5/4-trihydroxycyclohexane-1,2-dione + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 5-deoxy-D-glucuronic acid. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00145 acetyl-CoA from myo-inositol: step 3/7 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False True 1 2-deoxy-5-keto-D-gluconic acid + 1 ATP =&gt; 1 6-phospho-5-dehydro-2-deoxy-D-gluconic acid + 1 ADP. EC: GO:0047590 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00146 acetyl-CoA from myo-inositol: step 5/7 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False True False False False True GO:0047590 molecular_function:5-dehydro-2-deoxygluconokinase activity 1 6-phospho-5-dehydro-2-deoxy-D-gluconic acid =&gt; 1 3-oxopropanoate + 1 glycerone phosphate. EC: GO:0047441 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00147 acetyl-CoA from myo-inositol: step 6/7 1 1 1 1 6 False True False False False True GO:0047441 molecular_function:5-dehydro-2-deoxyphosphogluconate aldolase activity 3-oxopropanoate + CoA + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)] =&gt; CO(2) + H(+) + acetyl-CoA + [NADH or NADPH]. EC: EC: GO:0004491 GO:0018478 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00148 acetyl-CoA from myo-inositol: step 7/7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 True False True False False False False True True False True False False False False True False False GO:0004491 molecular_function:methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (acylating) activity GO:0018478 molecular_function:malonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (acetylating) activity 1 L-glutamine + 1 NH(3) + 1 chorismate =&gt; 1 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate + 1 L-glutamate. EC: GO:0046820 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00149 4-aminobenzoate from chorismate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0046820 molecular_function:4-amino-4-deoxychorismate synthase activity 1 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate =&gt; 1 4-aminobenzoate + 1 pyruvate. EC: GO:0008696 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00150 4-aminobenzoate from chorismate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True GO:0008696 molecular_function:4-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase activity 1 GTP + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate + 1 formate. EC: GO:0003934 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00151 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate from GTP: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0003934 molecular_function:GTP cyclohydrolase I activity 1 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 7,8-dihydroneopterin 3'-phosphate + 1 diphosphate. enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00152 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine diphosphate from 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True 1 7,8-dihydroneopterin 3'-phosphate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 7,8-dihydroneopterin + 1 phosphate. EC:3.6.1 GO:0004787 GO:0008413 GO:0008758 GO:0008796 GO:0008828 GO:0016462 GO:0016818 GO:0019176 GO:0019177 GO:0035870 GO:0036218 GO:0036222 GO:0043141 GO:0044606 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00153 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine diphosphate from 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004787 molecular_function:thiamine-pyrophosphatase activity GO:0008413 molecular_function:8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase activity GO:0008758 molecular_function:UDP-2,3-diacylglucosamine hydrolase activity GO:0008796 molecular_function:bis(5'-nucleosyl)-tetraphosphatase activity GO:0008828 molecular_function:dATP pyrophosphohydrolase activity GO:0016462 molecular_function:pyrophosphatase activity GO:0016818 molecular_function:hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, in phosphorus-containing anhydrides GO:0019176 molecular_function:dihydroneopterin monophosphate phosphatase activity GO:0019177 molecular_function:dihydroneopterin triphosphate pyrophosphohydrolase activity GO:0035870 molecular_function:dITP diphosphatase activity GO:0036218 molecular_function:dTTP diphosphatase activity GO:0036222 molecular_function:XTP diphosphatase activity GO:0043141 molecular_function:ATP-dependent 5'-3' DNA helicase activity GO:0044606 molecular_function:phosphocholine hydrolase activity 1 7,8-dihydroneopterin =&gt; 1 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine + 1 glycolaldehyde. EC: GO:0004150 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00154 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine diphosphate from 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 3 False True False False False True GO:0004150 molecular_function:dihydroneopterin aldolase activity 1 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine + 1 ATP =&gt; 1 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine diphosphate + 1 AMP. EC: GO:0003848 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00155 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine diphosphate from 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0003848 molecular_function:2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine diphosphokinase activity 1 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine diphosphate + 1 4-aminobenzoate =&gt; 1 7,8-dihydropteroate + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004156 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00156 7,8-dihydrofolate from 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine diphosphate and 4-aminobenzoate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False True GO:0004156 molecular_function:dihydropteroate synthase activity 1 7,8-dihydropteroate + 1 ATP + 1 L-glutamate =&gt; 1 7,8-dihydrofolate + 1 ADP + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0008841 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00157 7,8-dihydrofolate from 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine diphosphate and 4-aminobenzoate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0008841 molecular_function:dihydrofolate synthase activity 1 7,8-dihydrofolate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0004146 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00158 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate from 7,8-dihydrofolate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0004146 molecular_function:dihydrofolate reductase activity 1 L-alanine + 1 pimeloyl-CoA =&gt; 1 8-amino-7-oxononanoate + 1 CO(2) + 1 CoA. EC: GO:0008710 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00159 8-amino-7-oxononanoate from pimeloyl-CoA: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0008710 molecular_function:8-amino-7-oxononanoate synthase activity 1 8-amino-7-oxononanoate + 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine =&gt; 1 7,8-diaminononanoate + 1 S-adenosyl-4-methylthio-2-oxobutanoic acid. EC: GO:0004015 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00160 7,8-diaminononanoate from 8-amino-7-oxononanoate (SAM route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False GO:0004015 molecular_function:adenosylmethionine-8-amino-7-oxononanoate transaminase activity 1 7,8-diaminononanoate + 1 ATP + 1 CO(2) =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 dethiobiotin + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004141 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00161 biotin from 7,8-diaminononanoate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004141 molecular_function:dethiobiotin synthase activity 2 H(+) + 2 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 dethiobiotin + 2 e- + 1 sulfur donor =&gt; 2 5'-deoxyadenosine + 2 L-methionine + 1 biotin. EC: GO:0004076 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00162 biotin from 7,8-diaminononanoate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False False False False False True False False GO:0004076 molecular_function:biotin synthase activity 1 chorismate =&gt; 1 isochorismate. EC: GO:0008909 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00163 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate from chorismate: step 1/7 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0008909 molecular_function:isochorismate synthase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 isochorismate =&gt; 1 2-succinyl-5-enolpyruvyl-6-hydroxy-3-cyclohexene-1-carboxylic acid + 1 CO(2). EC: GO:0070204 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00164 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate from chorismate: step 2/7 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0070204 molecular_function:2-succinyl-5-enolpyruvyl-6-hydroxy-3-cyclohexene-1-carboxylic-acid synthase activity 1 (1R,6R)-2-succinyl-6-hydroxycyclohexa-2,4-diene-1-carboxylic acid =&gt; 1 2-succinylbenzoate + 1 H(2)O. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00165 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate from chorismate: step 4/7 1 1 1 1 4 False True False False False True 1 2-succinylbenzoate + 1 ATP + 1 CoA =&gt; 1 2-succinylbenzoyl-CoA + 1 AMP + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0008756 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00166 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate from chorismate: step 5/7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0008756 molecular_function:o-succinylbenzoate-CoA ligase activity 1 2-succinylbenzoyl-CoA =&gt; 1 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoyl-CoA + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0008935 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00167 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate from chorismate: step 6/7 1 1 1 1 6 False True False False False True GO:0008935 molecular_function:1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoyl-CoA synthase activity 1 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate + 1 all-trans-polyprenyl diphosphate =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 demethylmenaquinol + 1 diphosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00168 menaquinol from 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False False False True 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 demethylmenaquinol =&gt; 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 1 menaquinol. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00169 menaquinol from 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True 1 10-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + 1 formate. EC: GO:0008864 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00170 formate from 10-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False GO:0008864 molecular_function:formyltetrahydrofolate deformylase activity 2 ATP + 1 H(2)O + 1 L-glutamine + 1 bicarbonate =&gt; 2 ADP + 1 L-glutamate + 1 carbamoyl phosphate + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004088 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00171 carbamoyl phosphate from bicarbonate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0004088 molecular_function:carbamoyl-phosphate synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) activity 1 ATP + 1 D-ribose 5-phosphate =&gt; 1 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + 1 AMP. EC: GO:0004749 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00172 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate from D-ribose 5-phosphate (route I): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004749 molecular_function:ribose phosphate diphosphokinase activity 1 D-ribose 5-phosphate =&gt; 1 alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate. EC: GO:0008973 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00173 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate from D-ribose 5-phosphate (route II): step 1/3 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0008973 molecular_function:phosphopentomutase activity 1 alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate =&gt; 1 D-ribose 1,5-bisphosphate. enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00174 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate from D-ribose 5-phosphate (route II): step 2/3 1 1 1 2 False True False True 1 ATP + 1 D-ribose 1,5-bisphosphate =&gt; 1 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + 1 ADP. EC: GO:0033863 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00175 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate from D-ribose 5-phosphate (route II): step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0033863 molecular_function:ribose 1,5-bisphosphate phosphokinase activity 1 D-quinate + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 3-dehydroquinate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0030266 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00176 3-dehydroquinate from D-quinate (NAD(+) route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0030266 molecular_function:quinate 3-dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1 D-quinate + 1 pyrroloquinoline quinone =&gt; 1 3-dehydroquinate + 1 pyrroloquinoline quinol. EC: GO:0047519 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00177 3-dehydroquinate from D-quinate (PQQ route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False GO:0047519 molecular_function:quinate dehydrogenase (quinone) activity 1 3-dehydroquinate =&gt; 1 3-dehydroshikimate + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0003855 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00178 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate from 3-dehydroquinate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0003855 molecular_function:3-dehydroquinate dehydratase activity 1 3-dehydroshikimate =&gt; 1 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate + 1 H(2)O. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00179 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate from 3-dehydroquinate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True 1 ATP + 1 D-glucose =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 D-glucose 6-phosphate. EC: GO:0004340 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00180 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and glycerone phosphate from D-glucose: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004340 molecular_function:glucokinase activity 1 D-glucose 6-phosphate =&gt; 1 D-fructose 6-phosphate. EC: GO:0004347 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00181 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and glycerone phosphate from D-glucose: step 2/4 1 1 1 2 False True False True GO:0004347 molecular_function:glucose-6-phosphate isomerase activity 1 ATP + 1 D-fructose 6-phosphate =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 D-fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. EC: GO:0003872 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00182 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and glycerone phosphate from D-glucose: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0003872 molecular_function:6-phosphofructokinase activity 1 D-fructose 1,6-bisphosphate =&gt; 1 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + 1 glycerone phosphate. EC: GO:0004332 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00183 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and glycerone phosphate from D-glucose: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 4 False True False True False True GO:0004332 molecular_function:fructose-bisphosphate aldolase activity 1 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + 1 NAD(+) + 1 phosphate =&gt; 1 3-phospho-D-glyceroyl phosphate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0004365 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00184 pyruvate from D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate: step 1/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004365 molecular_function:glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD+) (phosphorylating) activity 1 3-phospho-D-glyceroyl phosphate + 1 ADP =&gt; 1 3-phospho-D-glycerate + 1 ATP. EC: GO:0004618 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00185 pyruvate from D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate: step 2/5 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004618 molecular_function:phosphoglycerate kinase activity 1 3-phospho-D-glycerate =&gt; 1 2-phospho-D-glycerate. EC: GO:0004619 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00186 pyruvate from D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate: step 3/5 1 1 1 3 False True False True GO:0004619 molecular_function:phosphoglycerate mutase activity 1 2-phospho-D-glycerate =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 phosphoenolpyruvate. EC: GO:0004634 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00187 pyruvate from D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate: step 4/5 1 1 1 1 4 False True False False False True GO:0004634 molecular_function:phosphopyruvate hydratase activity 1 ADP + 1 phosphoenolpyruvate =&gt; 1 ATP + 1 pyruvate. EC: GO:0004743 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00188 pyruvate from D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate: step 5/5 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False True False False False True GO:0004743 molecular_function:pyruvate kinase activity 1 glycerone phosphate =&gt; 1 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. EC: GO:0004807 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00189 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate from glycerone phosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0004807 molecular_function:triose-phosphate isomerase activity 1 GDP-alpha-D-mannose =&gt; 1 GDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxy-D-mannose + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0008446 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00190 GDP-L-fucose from GDP-alpha-D-mannose: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0008446 molecular_function:GDP-mannose 4,6-dehydratase activity 1 GDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxy-D-mannose + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 GDP-L-fucose + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0050577 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00191 GDP-L-fucose from GDP-alpha-D-mannose: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0050577 molecular_function:GDP-L-fucose synthase activity 1 3-phospho-D-glycerate + 1 GDP-alpha-D-mannose =&gt; 1 2-(alpha-D-mannosyl)-3-phosphoglyceric acid + 1 GDP. EC: GO:0050504 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00192 2-(alpha-D-mannosyl)-D-glycerate from GDP-alpha-D-mannose (MPG route): step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0050504 molecular_function:mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase activity 1 2-(alpha-D-mannosyl)-3-phosphoglyceric acid + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 2-(alpha-D-mannosyl)-D-glycerate + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0050531 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00193 2-(alpha-D-mannosyl)-D-glycerate from GDP-alpha-D-mannose (MPG route): step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0050531 molecular_function:mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate phosphatase activity 1 ATP + 1 L-aspartate + 1 NH(3) =&gt; 1 AMP + 1 L-asparagine + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004071 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00194 L-asparagine from L-aspartate (ammonia route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004071 molecular_function:aspartate-ammonia ligase activity 1 ATP + 1 H(2)O + 1 L-aspartate + 1 L-glutamine =&gt; 1 AMP + 1 L-asparagine + 1 L-glutamate + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004066 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00195 L-asparagine from L-aspartate (L-Gln route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False False False False False True GO:0004066 molecular_function:asparagine synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) activity 1 3-phospho-D-glycerate + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 3-phosphohydroxypyruvate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0004617 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00196 L-serine from 3-phospho-D-glycerate: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004617 molecular_function:phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase activity 1 3-phosphohydroxypyruvate + 1 L-glutamate =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 O-phospho-L-serine. EC: GO:0004648 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00197 L-serine from 3-phospho-D-glycerate: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004648 molecular_function:O-phospho-L-serine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 O-phospho-L-serine =&gt; 1 L-serine + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004647 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00198 L-serine from 3-phospho-D-glycerate: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0004647 molecular_function:phosphoserine phosphatase activity 1 L-serine + 1 acetyl-CoA =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 O-acetyl-L-serine. EC: GO:0009001 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00199 L-cysteine from L-serine: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0009001 molecular_function:serine O-acetyltransferase activity 1 O-acetyl-L-serine + 1 hydrogen sulfide =&gt; 1 L-cysteine + 1 acetate. EC: GO:0004124 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00200 L-cysteine from L-serine: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004124 molecular_function:cysteine synthase activity 1 L-homocysteine + 1 L-serine =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 L-cystathionine. EC: GO:0004122 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00201 L-cysteine from L-homocysteine and L-serine: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False True GO:0004122 molecular_function:cystathionine beta-synthase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 L-cystathionine =&gt; 1 2-oxobutanoate + 1 L-cysteine + 1 NH(3). EC: GO:0004123 GO:0044540 GO:0080146 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00202 L-cysteine from L-homocysteine and L-serine: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True False False GO:0004123 molecular_function:cystathionine gamma-lyase activity GO:0044540 molecular_function:L-cystine L-cysteine-lyase (deaminating) GO:0080146 molecular_function:L-cysteine desulfhydrase activity 1 chorismate =&gt; 1 prephenate. EC: GO:0004106 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00203 prephenate from chorismate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0004106 molecular_function:chorismate mutase activity 1 ATP + 1 sulfate =&gt; 1 5'-adenylyl sulfate + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004781 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00204 sulfite from sulfate: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004781 molecular_function:sulfate adenylyltransferase (ATP) activity 1 5'-adenylyl sulfate + 1 ATP =&gt; 1 3'-phospho-5'-adenylyl sulfate + 1 ADP. EC: GO:0004020 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00205 sulfite from sulfate: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004020 molecular_function:adenylylsulfate kinase activity 1 3'-phospho-5'-adenylyl sulfate + 1 thioredoxin =&gt; 1 adenosine 3',5'-bisphosphate + 1 sulfite + 1 thioredoxin disulfide. EC: GO:0004604 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00206 sulfite from sulfate: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False True False False False False False True False False GO:0004604 molecular_function:phosphoadenylyl-sulfate reductase (thioredoxin) activity 3 H(+) + 3 NADPH + 1 sulfite =&gt; 3 H(2)O + 3 NADP(+) + 1 hydrogen sulfide. EC: GO:0004783 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00207 hydrogen sulfide from sulfite (NADPH route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004783 molecular_function:sulfite reductase (NADPH) activity 6 H(+) + 6 reduced ferredoxin + 1 sulfite =&gt; 3 H(2)O + 1 hydrogen sulfide + 6 oxidized ferredoxin. EC: GO:0050311 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00208 hydrogen sulfide from sulfite (ferredoxin route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0050311 molecular_function:sulfite reductase (ferredoxin) activity 1 ATP + 1 L-cysteine + 1 L-glutamate =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 L-gamma-glutamyl-L-cysteine + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004357 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00209 glutathione from L-cysteine and L-glutamate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False False False False True GO:0004357 molecular_function:glutamate-cysteine ligase activity 1 ATP + 1 L-gamma-glutamyl-L-cysteine + 1 glycine =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 glutathione + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004363 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00210 glutathione from L-cysteine and L-glutamate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004363 molecular_function:glutathione synthase activity 2 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 uroporphyrinogen III =&gt; 2 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 1 precorrin-2. EC: GO:0004851 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00211 precorrin-2 from uroporphyrinogen III: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004851 molecular_function:uroporphyrin-III C-methyltransferase activity 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 precorrin-2 =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 1 precorrin-3A. EC: GO:0030788 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00212 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from precorrin-2 (aerobic route): step 1/10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0030788 molecular_function:precorrin-2 C20-methyltransferase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 O(2) + 1 precorrin-3A =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) + 1 precorrin-3B. EC: GO:0043818 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00213 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from precorrin-2 (aerobic route): step 2/10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0043818 molecular_function:precorrin-3B synthase activity 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 precorrin-3B =&gt; 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 1 precorrin-4. EC: GO:0030789 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00214 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from precorrin-2 (aerobic route): step 3/10 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0030789 molecular_function:precorrin-3B C17-methyltransferase activity 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 precorrin-4 =&gt; 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 1 precorrin-5. EC: GO:0046026 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00215 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from precorrin-2 (aerobic route): step 4/10 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0046026 molecular_function:precorrin-4 C11-methyltransferase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 precorrin-5 =&gt; 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 1 acetate + 1 precorrin-6A. EC: GO:0043819 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00216 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from precorrin-2 (aerobic route): step 5/10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0043819 molecular_function:precorrin-6A synthase (deacetylating) activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 precorrin-6A =&gt; 1 NADP(+) + 1 precorrin-6B. EC: GO:0016994 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00217 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from precorrin-2 (aerobic route): step 6/10 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0016994 molecular_function:precorrin-6A reductase activity 2 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 precorrin-6B =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 2 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 1 precorrin-8X. EC: GO:0046025 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00218 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from precorrin-2 (aerobic route): step 7/10 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0046025 molecular_function:precorrin-6Y C5,15-methyltransferase (decarboxylating) activity 1 precorrin-8X =&gt; 1 hydrogenobyrinic acid. EC: GO:0016993 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00219 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from precorrin-2 (aerobic route): step 8/10 1 1 1 8 False True False True GO:0016993 molecular_function:precorrin-8X methylmutase activity 2 ATP + 2 H(2)O + 2 L-glutamine + 1 hydrogenobyrinic acid =&gt; 2 ADP + 2 L-glutamate + 1 hydrogenobyrinic acid a,c-diamide + 2 phosphate. EC: GO:0043802 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00220 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from precorrin-2 (aerobic route): step 9/10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 False False False False False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0043802 molecular_function:hydrogenobyrinic acid a,c-diamide synthase (glutamine-hydrolysing) activity 1 ATP + 1 Co(2+) + 1 H(2)O + 1 hydrogenobyrinic acid a,c-diamide =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 H(+) + 1 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0051116 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00221 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from precorrin-2 (aerobic route): step 10/10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 False False False False False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0051116 molecular_function:cobaltochelatase activity 1 NAD(+) + 1 precorrin-2 =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 sirohydrochlorin. EC: GO:0043115 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00222 sirohydrochlorin from precorrin-2: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0043115 molecular_function:precorrin-2 dehydrogenase activity 1 Co(2+) + 1 sirohydrochlorin =&gt; 2 H(+) + 1 cobalt-precorrin-2. EC: GO:0016852 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00223 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from sirohydrochlorin (anaerobic route): step 1/10 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0016852 molecular_function:sirohydrochlorin cobaltochelatase activity 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 cobalt-precorrin-2 =&gt; 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 1 cobalt-precorrin 3. EC: GO:0043781 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00224 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from sirohydrochlorin (anaerobic route): step 2/10 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0043781 molecular_function:cobalt-factor II C20-methyltransferase activity 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 cobalt-precorrin 3 =&gt; 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 1 cobalt-precorrin 4. EC:2.1.1 GO:0000179 GO:0003880 GO:0004809 GO:0008168 GO:0008169 GO:0008170 GO:0008171 GO:0008172 GO:0008173 GO:0008174 GO:0008175 GO:0008276 GO:0008425 GO:0008649 GO:0008650 GO:0008988 GO:0009008 GO:0009019 GO:0009383 GO:0016205 GO:0016273 GO:0016274 GO:0016278 GO:0016279 GO:0016300 GO:0016423 GO:0016426 GO:0016427 GO:0016428 GO:0016429 GO:0016433 GO:0016434 GO:0016435 GO:0016436 GO:0018423 GO:0018707 GO:0019702 GO:0030792 GO:0034541 GO:0034807 GO:0034931 GO:0034933 GO:0043770 GO:0043776 GO:0043777 GO:0043780 GO:0043782 GO:0043791 GO:0043803 GO:0043827 GO:0043833 GO:0043834 GO:0043851 GO:0043852 GO:0051994 GO:0051995 GO:0052624 GO:0052665 GO:0052666 GO:0052667 GO:0052735 GO:0070677 GO:0071424 GO:0080012 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00225 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from sirohydrochlorin (anaerobic route): step 3/10 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0000179 molecular_function:rRNA (adenine-N6,N6-)-dimethyltransferase activity GO:0003880 molecular_function:protein C-terminal carboxyl O-methyltransferase activity GO:0004809 molecular_function:tRNA (guanine-N2-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0008168 molecular_function:methyltransferase activity GO:0008169 molecular_function:C-methyltransferase activity GO:0008170 molecular_function:N-methyltransferase activity GO:0008171 molecular_function:O-methyltransferase activity GO:0008172 molecular_function:S-methyltransferase activity GO:0008173 molecular_function:RNA methyltransferase activity GO:0008174 molecular_function:mRNA methyltransferase activity GO:0008175 molecular_function:tRNA methyltransferase activity GO:0008276 molecular_function:protein methyltransferase activity GO:0008425 molecular_function:2-polyprenyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinone methyltransferase activity GO:0008649 molecular_function:rRNA methyltransferase activity GO:0008650 molecular_function:rRNA (uridine-2'-O-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0008988 molecular_function:rRNA (adenine-N6-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0009008 molecular_function:DNA-methyltransferase activity GO:0009019 molecular_function:tRNA (guanine-N1-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0009383 molecular_function:rRNA (cytosine-C5-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0016205 molecular_function:selenocysteine methyltransferase activity GO:0016273 molecular_function:arginine N-methyltransferase activity GO:0016274 molecular_function:protein-arginine N-methyltransferase activity GO:0016278 molecular_function:lysine N-methyltransferase activity GO:0016279 molecular_function:protein-lysine N-methyltransferase activity GO:0016300 molecular_function:tRNA (uracil) methyltransferase activity GO:0016423 molecular_function:tRNA (guanine) methyltransferase activity GO:0016426 molecular_function:tRNA (adenine) methyltransferase activity GO:0016427 molecular_function:tRNA (cytosine) methyltransferase activity GO:0016428 molecular_function:tRNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0016429 molecular_function:tRNA (adenine-N1-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0016433 molecular_function:rRNA (adenine) methyltransferase activity GO:0016434 molecular_function:rRNA (cytosine) methyltransferase activity GO:0016435 molecular_function:rRNA (guanine) methyltransferase activity GO:0016436 molecular_function:rRNA (uridine) methyltransferase activity GO:0018423 molecular_function:protein C-terminal leucine carboxyl O-methyltransferase activity GO:0018707 molecular_function:1-phenanthrol methyltransferase activity GO:0019702 molecular_function:protein-arginine N5-methyltransferase activity GO:0030792 molecular_function:methylarsonite methyltransferase activity GO:0034541 molecular_function:dimethylarsinite methyltransferase activity GO:0034807 molecular_function:4,5-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene methyltransferase activity GO:0034931 molecular_function:1-hydroxypyrene methyltransferase activity GO:0034933 molecular_function:1-hydroxy-6-methoxypyrene methyltransferase activity GO:0043770 molecular_function:demethylmenaquinone methyltransferase activity GO:0043776 molecular_function:cobalt-precorrin-6B C5-methyltransferase activity GO:0043777 molecular_function:cobalt-precorrin-7 C15-methyltransferase activity GO:0043780 molecular_function:cobalt-precorrin-5B C1-methyltransferase activity GO:0043782 molecular_function:cobalt-precorrin-3 C17-methyltransferase activity GO:0043791 molecular_function:dimethylamine methyltransferase activity GO:0043803 molecular_function:hydroxyneurosporene-O-methyltransferase activity GO:0043827 molecular_function:tRNA (adenine-57, 58-N(1)-) methyltransferase activity GO:0043833 molecular_function:methylamine-specific methylcobalamin:coenzyme M methyltransferase activity GO:0043834 molecular_function:trimethylamine methyltransferase activity GO:0043851 molecular_function:methanol-specific methylcobalamin:coenzyme M methyltransferase activity GO:0043852 molecular_function:monomethylamine methyltransferase activity GO:0051994 molecular_function:P-methyltransferase activity GO:0051995 molecular_function:Se-methyltransferase activity GO:0052624 molecular_function:2-phytyl-1,4-naphthoquinone methyltransferase activity GO:0052665 molecular_function:tRNA (uracil-2'-O-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0052666 molecular_function:tRNA (cytosine-2'-O-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0052667 molecular_function:phosphomethylethanolamine N-methyltransferase activity GO:0052735 molecular_function:tRNA (cytosine-3-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0070677 molecular_function:rRNA (cytosine-2'-O-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0071424 molecular_function:rRNA (cytosine-N4-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0080012 molecular_function:trihydroxyferuloyl spermidine O-methyltransferase activity 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 cobalt-precorrin 4 =&gt; 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 1 cobalt-precorrin 5A. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00226 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from sirohydrochlorin (anaerobic route): step 4/10 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 cobalt-precorrin 5B =&gt; 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 1 cobalt-precorrin-6A. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00227 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from sirohydrochlorin (anaerobic route): step 6/10 1 1 1 1 1 6 False False False True False False False True 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 cobalt-precorrin-6A =&gt; 1 NAD(+) + 1 cobalt-precorrin-6B. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00228 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from sirohydrochlorin (anaerobic route): step 7/10 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 False False False False False True False False False True 2 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 cobalt-precorrin-6B =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 2 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 1 cobalt-precorrin 8. EC:2.1.1 GO:0000179 GO:0003880 GO:0004809 GO:0008168 GO:0008169 GO:0008170 GO:0008171 GO:0008172 GO:0008173 GO:0008174 GO:0008175 GO:0008276 GO:0008425 GO:0008649 GO:0008650 GO:0008988 GO:0009008 GO:0009019 GO:0009383 GO:0016205 GO:0016273 GO:0016274 GO:0016278 GO:0016279 GO:0016300 GO:0016423 GO:0016426 GO:0016427 GO:0016428 GO:0016429 GO:0016433 GO:0016434 GO:0016435 GO:0016436 GO:0018423 GO:0018707 GO:0019702 GO:0030792 GO:0034541 GO:0034807 GO:0034931 GO:0034933 GO:0043770 GO:0043776 GO:0043777 GO:0043780 GO:0043782 GO:0043791 GO:0043803 GO:0043827 GO:0043833 GO:0043834 GO:0043851 GO:0043852 GO:0051994 GO:0051995 GO:0052624 GO:0052665 GO:0052666 GO:0052667 GO:0052735 GO:0070677 GO:0071424 GO:0080012 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00229 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from sirohydrochlorin (anaerobic route): step 8/10 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0000179 molecular_function:rRNA (adenine-N6,N6-)-dimethyltransferase activity GO:0003880 molecular_function:protein C-terminal carboxyl O-methyltransferase activity GO:0004809 molecular_function:tRNA (guanine-N2-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0008168 molecular_function:methyltransferase activity GO:0008169 molecular_function:C-methyltransferase activity GO:0008170 molecular_function:N-methyltransferase activity GO:0008171 molecular_function:O-methyltransferase activity GO:0008172 molecular_function:S-methyltransferase activity GO:0008173 molecular_function:RNA methyltransferase activity GO:0008174 molecular_function:mRNA methyltransferase activity GO:0008175 molecular_function:tRNA methyltransferase activity GO:0008276 molecular_function:protein methyltransferase activity GO:0008425 molecular_function:2-polyprenyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinone methyltransferase activity GO:0008649 molecular_function:rRNA methyltransferase activity GO:0008650 molecular_function:rRNA (uridine-2'-O-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0008988 molecular_function:rRNA (adenine-N6-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0009008 molecular_function:DNA-methyltransferase activity GO:0009019 molecular_function:tRNA (guanine-N1-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0009383 molecular_function:rRNA (cytosine-C5-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0016205 molecular_function:selenocysteine methyltransferase activity GO:0016273 molecular_function:arginine N-methyltransferase activity GO:0016274 molecular_function:protein-arginine N-methyltransferase activity GO:0016278 molecular_function:lysine N-methyltransferase activity GO:0016279 molecular_function:protein-lysine N-methyltransferase activity GO:0016300 molecular_function:tRNA (uracil) methyltransferase activity GO:0016423 molecular_function:tRNA (guanine) methyltransferase activity GO:0016426 molecular_function:tRNA (adenine) methyltransferase activity GO:0016427 molecular_function:tRNA (cytosine) methyltransferase activity GO:0016428 molecular_function:tRNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0016429 molecular_function:tRNA (adenine-N1-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0016433 molecular_function:rRNA (adenine) methyltransferase activity GO:0016434 molecular_function:rRNA (cytosine) methyltransferase activity GO:0016435 molecular_function:rRNA (guanine) methyltransferase activity GO:0016436 molecular_function:rRNA (uridine) methyltransferase activity GO:0018423 molecular_function:protein C-terminal leucine carboxyl O-methyltransferase activity GO:0018707 molecular_function:1-phenanthrol methyltransferase activity GO:0019702 molecular_function:protein-arginine N5-methyltransferase activity GO:0030792 molecular_function:methylarsonite methyltransferase activity GO:0034541 molecular_function:dimethylarsinite methyltransferase activity GO:0034807 molecular_function:4,5-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene methyltransferase activity GO:0034931 molecular_function:1-hydroxypyrene methyltransferase activity GO:0034933 molecular_function:1-hydroxy-6-methoxypyrene methyltransferase activity GO:0043770 molecular_function:demethylmenaquinone methyltransferase activity GO:0043776 molecular_function:cobalt-precorrin-6B C5-methyltransferase activity GO:0043777 molecular_function:cobalt-precorrin-7 C15-methyltransferase activity GO:0043780 molecular_function:cobalt-precorrin-5B C1-methyltransferase activity GO:0043782 molecular_function:cobalt-precorrin-3 C17-methyltransferase activity GO:0043791 molecular_function:dimethylamine methyltransferase activity GO:0043803 molecular_function:hydroxyneurosporene-O-methyltransferase activity GO:0043827 molecular_function:tRNA (adenine-57, 58-N(1)-) methyltransferase activity GO:0043833 molecular_function:methylamine-specific methylcobalamin:coenzyme M methyltransferase activity GO:0043834 molecular_function:trimethylamine methyltransferase activity GO:0043851 molecular_function:methanol-specific methylcobalamin:coenzyme M methyltransferase activity GO:0043852 molecular_function:monomethylamine methyltransferase activity GO:0051994 molecular_function:P-methyltransferase activity GO:0051995 molecular_function:Se-methyltransferase activity GO:0052624 molecular_function:2-phytyl-1,4-naphthoquinone methyltransferase activity GO:0052665 molecular_function:tRNA (uracil-2'-O-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0052666 molecular_function:tRNA (cytosine-2'-O-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0052667 molecular_function:phosphomethylethanolamine N-methyltransferase activity GO:0052735 molecular_function:tRNA (cytosine-3-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0070677 molecular_function:rRNA (cytosine-2'-O-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0071424 molecular_function:rRNA (cytosine-N4-)-methyltransferase activity GO:0080012 molecular_function:trihydroxyferuloyl spermidine O-methyltransferase activity 1 cobalt-precorrin 8 =&gt; 1 cob(III)yrinic acid. EC:5.4.1 GO:0016867 GO:0043778 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00230 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from sirohydrochlorin (anaerobic route): step 9/10 1 1 1 9 False True False True GO:0016867 molecular_function:intramolecular transferase activity, transferring acyl groups GO:0043778 molecular_function:cobalt-precorrin-8 methylmutase activity 2 ATP + 2 H(2)O + 2 L-glutamine + 1 cob(III)yrinic acid =&gt; 2 ADP + 2 L-glutamate + 1 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide + 2 phosphate. EC:6.3.1 GO:0016211 GO:0016880 GO:0043860 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00231 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from sirohydrochlorin (anaerobic route): step 10/10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 False False False False False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0016211 molecular_function:ammonia ligase activity GO:0016880 molecular_function:acid-ammonia (or amide) ligase activity GO:0043860 molecular_function:cyanophycin synthetase activity 1 FMNH(2) + 2 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide =&gt; 1 FMN + 2 H(+) + 2 cob(I)yrinic acid a,c-diamide. EC: GO:0043784 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00232 adenosylcobalamin from cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide: step 1/7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0043784 molecular_function:cob(II)yrinic acid a,c-diamide reductase activity 1 ATP + 1 cob(I)yrinic acid a,c-diamide =&gt; 1 adenosylcob(III)yrinic acid a,c-diamide + 1 triphosphate. EC: GO:0008817 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00233 adenosylcobalamin from cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide: step 2/7 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0008817 molecular_function:cob(I)yrinic acid a,c-diamide adenosyltransferase activity 4 ATP + 4 H(2)O + 4 L-glutamine + 1 adenosylcob(III)yrinic acid a,c-diamide =&gt; 4 ADP + 4 L-glutamate + 1 adenosylcobyrinic acid a,c-diamide + 4 phosphate. EC: GO:0051921 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00234 adenosylcobalamin from cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide: step 3/7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0051921 molecular_function:adenosylcobyric acid synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) activity 1 (R)-1-aminopropan-2-ol + 1 adenosylcobyrinic acid a,c-diamide =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 adenosylcobinamide. EC: GO:0043757 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00235 adenosylcobalamin from cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide: step 4/7 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0043757 molecular_function:adenosylcobinamide-phosphate synthase activity adenosylcobinamide + [ATP or GTP] =&gt; adenosylcobinamide phosphate + [ADP or GDP]. EC: GO:0043752 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00236 adenosylcobalamin from cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide: step 5/7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 True False True False False True True False True False False True GO:0043752 molecular_function:adenosylcobinamide kinase activity 1 GTP + 1 adenosylcobinamide phosphate =&gt; 1 adenosylcobinamide-GDP + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0008820 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00237 adenosylcobalamin from cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide: step 6/7 1 1 1 1 1 6 False False False True False False False True GO:0008820 molecular_function:cobinamide phosphate guanylyltransferase activity 1 adenosylcobinamide-GDP + 1 alpha-ribazole =&gt; 1 GMP + 1 adenosylcobalamin. EC: GO:0051073 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00238 adenosylcobalamin from cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide: step 7/7 1 1 1 1 1 7 False False False True False False False True GO:0051073 molecular_function:adenosylcobinamide-GDP ribazoletransferase activity 3 ATP + 1 H(2)O + 1 L-alpha-aminoadipate + 1 L-cysteine + 1 L-valine =&gt; 3 AMP + 1 N-[L-5-amino-5-carboxypentanoyl]-L-cysteinyl-D-valine + 3 diphosphate. EC: GO:0050564 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00239 penicillin G from L-alpha-aminoadipate and L-cysteine and L-valine: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False True False True False False False False False True GO:0050564 molecular_function:N-(5-amino-5-carboxypentanoyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-valine synthase activity 1 N-[L-5-amino-5-carboxypentanoyl]-L-cysteinyl-D-valine + 1 O(2) =&gt; 2 H(2)O + 1 isopenicillin N. EC: GO:0016216 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00240 penicillin G from L-alpha-aminoadipate and L-cysteine and L-valine: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0016216 molecular_function:isopenicillin-N synthase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 isopenicillin N + 1 phenylacetyl-CoA =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 L-alpha-aminoadipate + 1 penicillin G. EC: GO:0050640 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00241 penicillin G from L-alpha-aminoadipate and L-cysteine and L-valine: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0050640 molecular_function:isopenicillin-N N-acyltransferase activity 1 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + 1 L-arginine =&gt; 1 N(2)-(2-carboxyethyl)-L-arginine + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0033848 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00242 clavulanate from D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and L-arginine: step 1/8 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False True GO:0033848 molecular_function:N2-(2-carboxyethyl)arginine synthase activity 1 ATP + 1 N(2)-(2-carboxyethyl)-L-arginine =&gt; 1 AMP + 1 deoxyamidinoproclavaminic acid + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0034027 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00243 clavulanate from D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and L-arginine: step 2/8 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0034027 molecular_function:(carboxyethyl)arginine beta-lactam-synthase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 O(2) + 1 deoxyamidinoproclavaminic acid =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 amidinoproclavaminic acid + 1 succinate. EC: GO:0033758 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00244 clavulanate from D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and L-arginine: step 3/8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0033758 molecular_function:clavaminate synthase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 amidinoproclavaminic acid =&gt; 1 proclavaminic acid + 1 urea. EC: GO:0033972 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00245 clavulanate from D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and L-arginine: step 4/8 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0033972 molecular_function:proclavaminate amidinohydrolase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 O(2) + 1 proclavaminic acid =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 H(2)O + 1 dihydroclavaminic acid + 1 succinate. EC: GO:0033758 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00246 clavulanate from D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and L-arginine: step 5/8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0033758 molecular_function:clavaminate synthase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 O(2) + 1 dihydroclavaminic acid =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 H(2)O + 1 clavaminate + 1 succinate. EC: GO:0033758 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00247 clavulanate from D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and L-arginine: step 6/8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 False False False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0033758 molecular_function:clavaminate synthase activity 1 clavaminate =&gt; 1 clavulanate-9-aldehyde. enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00248 clavulanate from D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and L-arginine: step 7/8 1 1 1 7 False True False True 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 clavulanate-9-aldehyde =&gt; 1 NADP(+) + 1 clavulanate. enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00249 clavulanate from D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and L-arginine: step 8/8 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 False False False False False True False False False True 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 O(2) + 1 biphenyl =&gt; 1 NAD(+) + 1 cis-3-phenylcyclohexa-3,5-diene-1,2-diol. EC: GO:0018687 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00250 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate and benzoate from biphenyl: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False True GO:0018687 molecular_function:biphenyl 2,3-dioxygenase activity 1 NAD(+) + 1 cis-3-phenylcyclohexa-3,5-diene-1,2-diol =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 biphenyl-2,3-diol. EC: GO:0018509 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00251 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate and benzoate from biphenyl: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0018509 molecular_function:cis-2,3-dihydrobiphenyl-2,3-diol dehydrogenase activity 1 O(2) + 1 biphenyl-2,3-diol =&gt; 1 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-phenylhexa-2,4-dienoate. EC: GO:0018583 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00252 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate and benzoate from biphenyl: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False True GO:0018583 molecular_function:biphenyl-2,3-diol 1,2-dioxygenase activity 1 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-phenylhexa-2,4-dienoate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate + 1 benzoate. EC: GO:0018774 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00253 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate and benzoate from biphenyl: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False True False True GO:0018774 molecular_function:2,6-dioxo-6-phenylhexa-3-enoate hydrolase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 O(2) + 1 benzoate =&gt; 1 (1R,6S)-1,6-dihydroxycyclohexa-2,4-dienecarboxylic acid + 1 NAD(+). EC: GO:0018623 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00254 catechol from benzoate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False True GO:0018623 molecular_function:benzoate 1,2-dioxygenase activity 1 (1R,6S)-1,6-dihydroxycyclohexa-2,4-dienecarboxylic acid + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 catechol. EC: GO:0047116 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00255 catechol from benzoate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0047116 molecular_function:1,6-dihydroxycyclohexa-2,4-diene-1-carboxylate dehydrogenase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 O(2) + 1 benzoate =&gt; 1 4-hydroxybenzoate + 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0018664 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00256 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate from benzoate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0018664 molecular_function:benzoate 4-monooxygenase activity 1 4-hydroxybenzoate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate + 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0018659 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00257 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate from benzoate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0018659 molecular_function:4-hydroxybenzoate 3-monooxygenase activity 1 O(2) + 1 catechol =&gt; 1 cis,cis-muconate. EC: GO:0018576 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00258 5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-2-furylacetate from catechol: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True GO:0018576 molecular_function:catechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity 1 cis,cis-muconate =&gt; 1 (S)-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-2-furylacetic acid. EC: GO:0018849 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00259 5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-2-furylacetate from catechol: step 2/3 1 1 1 2 False True False True GO:0018849 molecular_function:muconate cycloisomerase activity 1 (S)-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-2-furylacetic acid =&gt; 1 5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-2-furylacetate. EC: GO:0016159 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00260 5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-2-furylacetate from catechol: step 3/3 1 1 1 3 False True False True GO:0016159 molecular_function:muconolactone delta-isomerase activity 1 5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-2-furylacetate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 3-oxoadipate. EC: GO:0047570 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00261 3-oxoadipate from 5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-2-furylacetate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True GO:0047570 molecular_function:3-oxoadipate enol-lactonase activity 1 3-oxoadipate + 1 succinyl-CoA =&gt; 1 3-oxoadipyl-CoA + 1 succinate. EC: GO:0047569 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00262 acetyl-CoA and succinyl-CoA from 3-oxoadipate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0047569 molecular_function:3-oxoadipate CoA-transferase activity 1 3-oxoadipyl-CoA + 1 CoA =&gt; 1 acetyl-CoA + 1 succinyl-CoA. EC: GO:0033812 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00263 acetyl-CoA and succinyl-CoA from 3-oxoadipate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False True False True GO:0033812 molecular_function:3-oxoadipyl-CoA thiolase activity 1 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate. EC: GO:0018578 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00264 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate from 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True GO:0018578 molecular_function:protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase activity 1 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate =&gt; 1 2-carboxy-2,5-dihydro-5-oxofuran-2-acetate. EC: GO:0047472 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00265 5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-2-furylacetate from 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0047472 molecular_function:3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate cycloisomerase activity 1 2-carboxy-2,5-dihydro-5-oxofuran-2-acetate =&gt; 1 5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-2-furylacetate + 1 CO(2). EC: GO:0047575 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00266 5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-2-furylacetate from 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True GO:0047575 molecular_function:4-carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase activity 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate + H(+) + O(2) + [NADH or NADPH] =&gt; CO(2) + H(2)O + benzene-1,2,4-triol + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)]. EC:1.13.11 GO:0016702 GO:0018542 GO:0018555 GO:0018556 GO:0018557 GO:0018558 GO:0018559 GO:0018560 GO:0018561 GO:0018562 GO:0018563 GO:0018564 GO:0018565 GO:0018566 GO:0018567 GO:0018568 GO:0018569 GO:0018570 GO:0018571 GO:0018572 GO:0018573 GO:0018574 GO:0018575 GO:0019114 GO:0019117 GO:0034543 GO:0034803 GO:0034806 GO:0034808 GO:0034810 GO:0034811 GO:0034812 GO:0034813 GO:0034814 GO:0034827 GO:0034834 GO:0034895 GO:0034920 GO:0034922 GO:0034934 GO:0034935 GO:0034936 GO:0034955 GO:0034956 GO:0036403 GO:0047074 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00267 3-oxoadipate from 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 True False True False False False False False False True False False True False True False False False False True GO:0016702 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on single donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen, incorporation of two atoms of oxygen GO:0018542 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy DDT 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018555 molecular_function:phenanthrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018556 molecular_function:2,2',3-trihydroxybiphenyl dioxygenase activity GO:0018557 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxyfluorene 1,1-alpha-dioxygenase activity GO:0018558 molecular_function:5,6-dihydroxy-3-methyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline dioxygenase activity GO:0018559 molecular_function:1,1-dichloro-2-(dihydroxy-4-chlorophenyl)-(4-chlorophenyl)ethene 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018560 molecular_function:protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase type II activity GO:0018561 molecular_function:2'-aminobiphenyl-2,3-diol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018562 molecular_function:3,4-dihydroxyfluorene 4,4-alpha-dioxygenase activity GO:0018563 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy-ethylbenzene 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018564 molecular_function:carbazole 1,9a-dioxygenase activity GO:0018565 molecular_function:dihydroxydibenzothiophene dioxygenase activity GO:0018566 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene-6-sulfonate 1,8a-dioxygenase activity GO:0018567 molecular_function:styrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018568 molecular_function:3,4-dihydroxyphenanthrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018569 molecular_function:hydroquinone 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018570 molecular_function:p-cumate 2,3-dioxygenase activity GO:0018571 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy-p-cumate dioxygenase activity GO:0018572 molecular_function:3,5-dichlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018573 molecular_function:2-aminophenol 1,6-dioxygenase activity GO:0018574 molecular_function:2,6-dichloro-p-hydroquinone 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018575 molecular_function:chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0019114 molecular_function:catechol dioxygenase activity GO:0019117 molecular_function:dihydroxyfluorene dioxygenase activity GO:0034543 molecular_function:5-aminosalicylate dioxygenase activity GO:0034803 molecular_function:3-hydroxy-2-naphthoate 2,3-dioxygenase activity GO:0034806 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 11,12-dioxygenase activity GO:0034808 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 4,5-dioxygenase activity GO:0034810 molecular_function:4,5-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034811 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 9,10-dioxygenase activity GO:0034812 molecular_function:9,10-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034813 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 7,8-dioxygenase activity GO:0034814 molecular_function:7,8-dihydroxy benzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034827 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxy-5,6,7,8-tetrahydronaphthalene extradiol dioxygenase activity GO:0034834 molecular_function:2-mercaptobenzothiazole dioxygenase activity GO:0034895 molecular_function:pyridine-3,4-diol dioxygenase activity GO:0034920 molecular_function:pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034922 molecular_function:4,5-dihydroxypyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034934 molecular_function:phenanthrene-4-carboxylate dioxygenase activity GO:0034935 molecular_function:tetrachlorobenzene dioxygenase activity GO:0034936 molecular_function:4,6-dichloro-3-methylcatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0034955 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxydiphenyl ether dioxygenase activity GO:0034956 molecular_function:diphenyl ether 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0036403 molecular_function:arachidonate 8(S)-lipoxygenase activity GO:0047074 molecular_function:4-hydroxycatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity 1 O(2) + 1 benzene-1,2,4-triol =&gt; 1 3-hydroxy-cis,cis-muconate. EC: GO:0018581 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00268 3-oxoadipate from 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False True GO:0018581 molecular_function:hydroxyquinol 1,2-dioxygenase activity 1 3-hydroxy-cis,cis-muconate =&gt; 1 maleylacetate. enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00269 3-oxoadipate from 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate: step 3/4 1 1 1 3 False True False True 1 H(2)O + 1 L-arginine =&gt; 1 L-ornithine + 1 urea. EC: GO:0004053 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00270 L-ornithine and urea from L-arginine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False True GO:0004053 molecular_function:arginase activity 1 L-ornithine + 1 carbamoyl phosphate =&gt; 1 L-citrulline + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004585 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00271 L-citrulline from L-ornithine and carbamoyl phosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False True GO:0004585 molecular_function:ornithine carbamoyltransferase activity 1 ATP + 1 L-aspartate + 1 L-citrulline =&gt; 1 (N(omega)-L-arginino)succinate + 1 AMP + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004055 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00272 (N(omega)-L-arginino)succinate from L-aspartate and L-citrulline: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False False False False True GO:0004055 molecular_function:argininosuccinate synthase activity 1 (N(omega)-L-arginino)succinate =&gt; 1 L-arginine + 1 fumarate. EC: GO:0004056 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00273 L-arginine and fumarate from (N(omega)-L-arginino)succinate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False True GO:0004056 molecular_function:argininosuccinate lyase activity 1 ATP + 1 UMP =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 UDP. EC: GO:0004127 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00274 UDP from UMP (UMK/CMK route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004127 molecular_function:cytidylate kinase activity 1 ATP + 1 UMP =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 UDP. EC: GO:0033862 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00275 UDP from UMP (UMPK route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0033862 molecular_function:UMP kinase activity 1 ATP + 1 UDP =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 UTP. EC: GO:0004550 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00276 CTP from UDP: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004550 molecular_function:nucleoside diphosphate kinase activity 1 ATP + 1 NH(3) + 1 UTP =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 CTP + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0003883 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00277 CTP from UDP: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0003883 molecular_function:CTP synthase activity H(+) + maleylacetate + [NADH or NADPH] =&gt; 3-oxoadipate + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)]. EC: GO:0018506 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00278 3-oxoadipate from 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 True False True False False False False True True False True False False True GO:0018506 molecular_function:maleylacetate reductase activity 1 L-arginine + 1 succinyl-CoA =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 N(2)-succinyl-L-arginine. EC: GO:0008791 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00279 L-glutamate and succinate from L-arginine: step 1/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0008791 molecular_function:arginine N-succinyltransferase activity 2 H(2)O + 1 N(2)-succinyl-L-arginine =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 N(2)-succinyl-L-ornithine + 2 NH(3). EC: GO:0009015 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00280 L-glutamate and succinate from L-arginine: step 2/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0009015 molecular_function:N-succinylarginine dihydrolase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 N(2)-succinyl-L-ornithine =&gt; 1 L-glutamate + 1 N-succinyl-L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde. EC: GO:0043825 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00281 L-glutamate and succinate from L-arginine: step 3/5 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0043825 molecular_function:succinylornithine transaminase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 N-succinyl-L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 N(2)-succinyl-L-glutamic acid + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0043824 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00282 L-glutamate and succinate from L-arginine: step 4/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0043824 molecular_function:succinylglutamate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 N(2)-succinyl-L-glutamic acid =&gt; 1 L-glutamate + 1 succinate. EC: GO:0009017 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00283 L-glutamate and succinate from L-arginine: step 5/5 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False True False True False True GO:0009017 molecular_function:succinylglutamate desuccinylase activity 1 L-arginine =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 agmatine. EC: GO:0008792 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00284 agmatine from L-arginine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0008792 molecular_function:arginine decarboxylase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 agmatine =&gt; 1 N-carbamoylputrescine + 1 NH(3). EC: GO:0047632 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00285 N-carbamoylputrescine from agmatine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0047632 molecular_function:agmatine deiminase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 N-carbamoylputrescine =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 NH(3) + 1 putrescine. EC: GO:0050126 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00286 putrescine from N-carbamoylputrescine (amidase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0050126 molecular_function:N-carbamoylputrescine amidase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 agmatine =&gt; 1 putrescine + 1 urea. EC: GO:0008783 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00287 putrescine from agmatine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008783 molecular_function:agmatinase activity 1 L-ornithine =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 putrescine. EC: GO:0004586 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00288 putrescine from L-ornithine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0004586 molecular_function:ornithine decarboxylase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 O(2) + 1 putrescine =&gt; 1 4-aminobutanal + 1 H(2)O(2) + 1 NH(3). EC: GO:0050232 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00289 4-aminobutanal from putrescine (amine oxidase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0050232 molecular_function:putrescine oxidase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 putrescine =&gt; 1 4-aminobutanal + 1 L-glutamate. EC: GO:0033094 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00290 4-aminobutanal from putrescine (transaminase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0033094 molecular_function:butane-1,4-diamine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 acceptor + 1 spermidine =&gt; 1 1,3-diaminopropane + 1 4-aminobutanal + 1 reduced acceptor. EC: GO:0050289 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00291 1,3-diaminopropane and 4-aminobutanal from spermidine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True False True GO:0050289 molecular_function:spermidine dehydrogenase activity 1 4-aminobutanal + 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 4-aminobutanoate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0019145 GO:0033737 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00292 4-aminobutanoate from 4-aminobutanal: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0019145 molecular_function:aminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0033737 molecular_function:1-pyrroline dehydrogenase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 4-aminobutanoate =&gt; 1 L-glutamate + 1 succinate semialdehyde. EC: GO:0003867 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00293 succinate semialdehyde from 4-aminobutanoate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0003867 molecular_function:4-aminobutyrate transaminase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 IMP + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 XMP. EC: GO:0003938 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00295 XMP from IMP: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0003938 molecular_function:IMP dehydrogenase activity 1 ATP + 1 H(2)O + 1 L-glutamine + 1 XMP =&gt; 1 AMP + 1 GMP + 1 L-glutamate + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0003921 GO:0003922 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00296 GMP from XMP (L-Gln route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0003921 molecular_function:GMP synthase activity GO:0003922 molecular_function:GMP synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) activity 1 ATP + 1 NH(3) + 1 XMP =&gt; 1 AMP + 1 GMP + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0003921 GO:0003922 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00297 GMP from XMP (ammonia route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0003921 molecular_function:GMP synthase activity GO:0003922 molecular_function:GMP synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) activity 1 ATP + 1 pyridoxal =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. EC: GO:0008478 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00298 pyridoxal 5'-phosphate from pyridoxal: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008478 molecular_function:pyridoxal kinase activity 1 ATP + 1 pyridoxamine =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate. EC: GO:0008478 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00299 pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate from pyridoxamine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008478 molecular_function:pyridoxal kinase activity 1 ATP + 1 pyridoxine =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 pyridoxine 5'-phosphate. EC: GO:0008478 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00300 pyridoxine 5'-phosphate from pyridoxine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008478 molecular_function:pyridoxal kinase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 pyridoxal 5'-phosphate =&gt; 1 phosphate + 1 pyridoxal. EC: GO:0033883 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00301 pyridoxal from pyridoxal 5'-phosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0033883 molecular_function:pyridoxal phosphatase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate =&gt; 1 phosphate + 1 pyridoxamine. EC: GO:0033883 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00302 pyridoxamine from pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0033883 molecular_function:pyridoxal phosphatase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 pyridoxine 5'-phosphate =&gt; 1 phosphate + 1 pyridoxine. EC: GO:0033883 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00303 pyridoxine from pyridoxine 5'-phosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0033883 molecular_function:pyridoxal phosphatase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 O(2) + 1 pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate =&gt; 1 H(2)O(2) + 1 NH(3) + 1 pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. EC: GO:0004733 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00304 pyridoxal 5'-phosphate from pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True False False GO:0004733 molecular_function:pyridoxamine-phosphate oxidase activity 1 O(2) + 1 pyridoxine 5'-phosphate =&gt; 1 H(2)O(2) + 1 pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. EC: GO:0004733 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00305 pyridoxal 5'-phosphate from pyridoxine 5'-phosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False GO:0004733 molecular_function:pyridoxamine-phosphate oxidase activity 1 pyridoxamine + 1 pyruvate =&gt; 1 L-alanine + 1 pyridoxal. EC: GO:0047300 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00306 pyridoxal from pyridoxamine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0047300 molecular_function:pyridoxamine-pyruvate transaminase activity 1 NADP(+) + 1 pyridoxine =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 pyridoxal. EC: GO:0050236 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00307 pyridoxal from pyridoxine (dehydrogenase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0050236 molecular_function:pyridoxine:NADP 4-dehydrogenase activity 1 3-carboxy-2,5-dihydro-5-oxofuran-2-acetate =&gt; 1 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate. EC: GO:0047768 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00308 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate from 3-carboxy-2,5-dihydro-5-oxofuran-2-acetate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0047768 molecular_function:carboxy-cis,cis-muconate cyclase activity 1 D-erythrose 4-phosphate + 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 4-phospho-D-erythronate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0048001 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00309 pyridoxine 5'-phosphate from D-erythrose 4-phosphate: step 1/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0048001 molecular_function:erythrose-4-phosphate dehydrogenase activity 1 4-phospho-D-erythronate + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 (R)-3-hydroxy-2-oxo-4-phosphonooxybutanoic acid + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0033711 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00310 pyridoxine 5'-phosphate from D-erythrose 4-phosphate: step 2/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0033711 molecular_function:4-phosphoerythronate dehydrogenase activity 1 (R)-3-hydroxy-2-oxo-4-phosphonooxybutanoic acid + 1 L-glutamate =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 4-(phosphonooxy)-L-threonine. EC: GO:0004648 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00311 pyridoxine 5'-phosphate from D-erythrose 4-phosphate: step 3/5 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0004648 molecular_function:O-phospho-L-serine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity 1 4-(phosphonooxy)-L-threonine + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 3-amino-2-oxopropyl phosphate + 1 CO(2) + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0050570 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00312 pyridoxine 5'-phosphate from D-erythrose 4-phosphate: step 4/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0050570 molecular_function:4-hydroxythreonine-4-phosphate dehydrogenase activity 1 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate + 1 3-amino-2-oxopropyl phosphate =&gt; 2 H(2)O + 1 phosphate + 1 pyridoxine 5'-phosphate. EC: GO:0033856 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00313 pyridoxine 5'-phosphate from D-erythrose 4-phosphate: step 5/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0033856 molecular_function:pyridoxine 5'-phosphate synthase activity 1 S-adenosylmethioninamine + 1 putrescine =&gt; 1 S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine + 1 spermidine. EC: GO:0004766 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00314 spermidine from putrescine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0004766 molecular_function:spermidine synthase activity 1 S-adenosylmethioninamine + 1 spermidine =&gt; 1 S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine + 1 spermine. EC: GO:0016768 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00315 spermine from spermidine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0016768 molecular_function:spermine synthase activity 1 H(+) + 1 L-glutamyl-tRNA(Glu) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 (S)-4-amino-5-oxopentanoic acid + 1 NADP(+) + 1 tRNA(Glu). EC: GO:0008883 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00316 5-aminolevulinate from L-glutamyl-tRNA(Glu): step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0008883 molecular_function:glutamyl-tRNA reductase activity 1 (S)-4-amino-5-oxopentanoic acid =&gt; 1 5-aminolevulinate. EC: GO:0042286 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00317 5-aminolevulinate from L-glutamyl-tRNA(Glu): step 2/2 1 1 1 2 False True False True GO:0042286 molecular_function:glutamate-1-semialdehyde 2,1-aminomutase activity 2 5-aminolevulinate =&gt; 2 H(2)O + 1 porphobilinogen. EC: GO:0004655 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00318 coproporphyrinogen-III from 5-aminolevulinate: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0004655 molecular_function:porphobilinogen synthase activity 1 H(2)O + 4 porphobilinogen =&gt; 4 NH(3) + 1 hydroxymethylbilane. EC: GO:0004418 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00319 coproporphyrinogen-III from 5-aminolevulinate: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004418 molecular_function:hydroxymethylbilane synthase activity 1 hydroxymethylbilane =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 uroporphyrinogen III. EC: GO:0004852 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00320 coproporphyrinogen-III from 5-aminolevulinate: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 3 False True False False False True GO:0004852 molecular_function:uroporphyrinogen-III synthase activity 1 uroporphyrinogen III =&gt; 4 CO(2) + 1 coproporphyrinogen-III. EC: GO:0004853 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00321 coproporphyrinogen-III from 5-aminolevulinate: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 4 False True False False False True GO:0004853 molecular_function:uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase activity 1 O(2) + 1 coproporphyrinogen-III =&gt; 2 CO(2) + 2 H(2)O + 1 protoporphyrinogen-IX. EC: GO:0004109 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00322 protoporphyrinogen-IX from coproporphyrinogen-III (O2 route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004109 molecular_function:coproporphyrinogen oxidase activity 2 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 coproporphyrinogen-III =&gt; 2 5'-deoxyadenosine + 2 CO(2) + 2 L-methionine + 1 protoporphyrinogen-IX. EC: GO:0051989 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00323 protoporphyrinogen-IX from coproporphyrinogen-III (AdoMet route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True False False GO:0051989 molecular_function:coproporphyrinogen dehydrogenase activity 3 O(2) + 1 protoporphyrinogen-IX =&gt; 3 H(2)O(2) + 1 protoporphyrin-IX. EC: GO:0004729 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00324 protoporphyrin-IX from protoporphyrinogen-IX: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004729 molecular_function:oxygen-dependent protoporphyrinogen oxidase activity 1 Fe2+ + 1 protoporphyrin-IX =&gt; 2 H(+) + 1 protoheme. EC: GO:0004325 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00325 protoheme from protoporphyrin-IX: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True False False GO:0004325 molecular_function:ferrochelatase activity 1 L-aspartate + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 H(2)O(2) + 1 iminoaspartate. EC: GO:0008734 GO:0044318 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00326 iminoaspartate from L-aspartate (oxidase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008734 molecular_function:L-aspartate oxidase activity GO:0044318 molecular_function:L-aspartate:fumarate oxidoreductase activity 1 glycerone phosphate + 1 iminoaspartate =&gt; 2 H(2)O + 1 phosphate + 1 quinolinate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00327 quinolinate from iminoaspartate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True 1 H(+) + 1 L-kynurenine + 1 NADPH + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 3-hydroxy-L-kynurenine + 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0004502 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00328 quinolinate from L-kynurenine: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004502 molecular_function:kynurenine 3-monooxygenase activity 1 3-hydroxy-L-kynurenine + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 3-hydroxyanthranilate + 1 L-alanine. EC: GO:0030429 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00329 quinolinate from L-kynurenine: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0030429 molecular_function:kynureninase activity 1 3-hydroxyanthranilate + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 quinolinate. EC: GO:0000334 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00330 quinolinate from L-kynurenine: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0000334 molecular_function:3-hydroxyanthranilate 3,4-dioxygenase activity 1 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + 1 quinolinate =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 diphosphate + 1 nicotinate D-ribonucleotide. EC: GO:0004514 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00331 nicotinate D-ribonucleotide from quinolinate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004514 molecular_function:nicotinate-nucleotide diphosphorylase (carboxylating) activity 1 ATP + 1 nicotinate D-ribonucleotide =&gt; 1 deamido-NAD(+) + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004515 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00332 deamido-NAD(+) from nicotinate D-ribonucleotide: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004515 molecular_function:nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase activity 1 ATP + 1 NH(3) + 1 deamido-NAD(+) =&gt; 1 AMP + 1 NAD(+) + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0008795 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00333 NAD(+) from deamido-NAD(+) (ammonia route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False True False False False False GO:0008795 molecular_function:NAD+ synthase activity 1 ATP + 1 H(2)O + 1 L-glutamine + 1 deamido-NAD(+) =&gt; 1 AMP + 1 L-glutamate + 1 NAD(+) + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0003952 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00334 NAD(+) from deamido-NAD(+) (L-Gln route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False True False False False False False False GO:0003952 molecular_function:NAD+ synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) activity 1 GTP + 1 IMP + 1 L-aspartate =&gt; 1 GDP + 1 N(6)-(1,2-dicarboxyethyl)-AMP + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004019 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00335 AMP from IMP: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004019 molecular_function:adenylosuccinate synthase activity 1 N(6)-(1,2-dicarboxyethyl)-AMP =&gt; 1 AMP + 1 fumarate. EC: GO:0004018 GO:0070626 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00336 AMP from IMP: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 2 False True False True False False GO:0004018 molecular_function:N6-(1,2-dicarboxyethyl)AMP AMP-lyase (fumarate-forming) activity GO:0070626 molecular_function:(S)-2-(5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamido)succinate AMP-lyase (fumarate-forming) activity 1 L-phenylalanine + 1 O(2) + 1 tetrahydrobiopterin =&gt; 1 4a-hydroxytetrahydrobiopterin + 1 L-tyrosine. EC: GO:0004505 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00337 acetoacetate and fumarate from L-phenylalanine: step 1/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True False False GO:0004505 molecular_function:phenylalanine 4-monooxygenase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 L-tyrosine =&gt; 1 (4-hydroxyphenyl)pyruvate + 1 L-glutamate. EC: GO:0004838 GO:0080130 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00338 acetoacetate and fumarate from L-phenylalanine: step 2/6 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004838 molecular_function:L-tyrosine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity GO:0080130 molecular_function:L-phenylalanine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity 1 O(2) + 1 homogentisate =&gt; 1 4-maleylacetoacetate. EC: GO:0004411 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00339 acetoacetate and fumarate from L-phenylalanine: step 4/6 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False True GO:0004411 molecular_function:homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase activity 1 4-maleylacetoacetate =&gt; 1 4-fumarylacetoacetate. EC: GO:0016034 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00340 acetoacetate and fumarate from L-phenylalanine: step 5/6 1 1 1 5 False True False True GO:0016034 molecular_function:maleylacetoacetate isomerase activity 1 4-fumarylacetoacetate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 acetoacetate + 1 fumarate. EC: GO:0004334 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00341 acetoacetate and fumarate from L-phenylalanine: step 6/6 1 1 1 1 1 6 False False False True False True False True GO:0004334 molecular_function:fumarylacetoacetase activity 1 L-aspartate + 1 prephenate =&gt; 1 L-arogenate + 1 oxaloacetate. EC: GO:0033853 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00342 L-arogenate from prephenate (L-Asp route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0033853 molecular_function:aspartate-prephenate aminotransferase activity 1 L-glutamate + 1 prephenate =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 L-arogenate. EC: GO:0033854 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00343 L-arogenate from prephenate (L-Glu route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0033854 molecular_function:glutamate-prephenate aminotransferase activity 1 L-arogenate =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 H(2)O + 1 L-phenylalanine. EC: GO:0047769 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00344 L-phenylalanine from L-arogenate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0047769 molecular_function:arogenate dehydratase activity 1 prephenate =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 H(2)O + 1 phenylpyruvate. EC: GO:0004664 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00345 phenylpyruvate from prephenate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0004664 molecular_function:prephenate dehydratase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 NH(3) + 1 phenylpyruvate =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 L-phenylalanine + 1 NAD(+). EC: GO:0050175 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00346 L-phenylalanine from phenylpyruvate (PDH route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0050175 molecular_function:phenylalanine dehydrogenase activity 1 L-glutamate + 1 phenylpyruvate =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 L-phenylalanine. EC: EC: GO:0004838 GO:0008793 GO:0080130 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00347 L-phenylalanine from phenylpyruvate (ArAT route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004838 molecular_function:L-tyrosine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity GO:0008793 molecular_function:aromatic-amino-acid:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity GO:0080130 molecular_function:L-phenylalanine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity 1 (4-hydroxyphenyl)pyruvate + 1 L-glutamate =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 L-tyrosine. EC: GO:0008793 GO:0080130 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00350 L-tyrosine from (4-hydroxyphenyl)pyruvate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008793 molecular_function:aromatic-amino-acid:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity GO:0080130 molecular_function:L-phenylalanine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity 1 ATP + 1 CoA + 1 pimelate =&gt; 1 AMP + 1 diphosphate + 1 pimeloyl-CoA. EC: GO:0042410 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00351 pimeloyl-CoA from pimelate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0042410 molecular_function:6-carboxyhexanoate-CoA ligase activity 1 (R)-pantothenate + 1 ATP =&gt; 1 (R)-4'-phosphopantothenate + 1 ADP. EC: GO:0004594 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00352 CoA from (R)-pantothenate: step 1/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004594 molecular_function:pantothenate kinase activity 1 (R)-4'-phosphopantothenate + 1 CTP + 1 L-cysteine =&gt; 1 CMP + 1 N-[(R)-4-phosphonopantothenoyl]-L-cysteine + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004632 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00353 CoA from (R)-pantothenate: step 2/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004632 molecular_function:phosphopantothenate--cysteine ligase activity 1 N-[(R)-4-phosphonopantothenoyl]-L-cysteine =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 pantotheine 4'-phosphate. EC: GO:0004633 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00354 CoA from (R)-pantothenate: step 3/5 1 1 1 1 3 False True False False False True GO:0004633 molecular_function:phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase activity 1 ATP + 1 pantotheine 4'-phosphate =&gt; 1 3'-dephospho-CoA + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004595 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00355 CoA from (R)-pantothenate: step 4/5 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0004595 molecular_function:pantetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase activity 1 3'-dephospho-CoA + 1 ATP =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 CoA. EC: GO:0004140 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00356 CoA from (R)-pantothenate: step 5/5 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False True False False False True GO:0004140 molecular_function:dephospho-CoA kinase activity 1 L-ornithine =&gt; 1 L-proline + 1 NH(3). EC: GO:0008473 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00357 L-proline from L-ornithine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0008473 molecular_function:ornithine cyclodeaminase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 L-ornithine =&gt; 1 L-glutamate + 1 L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde. EC: GO:0004587 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00358 L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde from L-ornithine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004587 molecular_function:ornithine-oxo-acid transaminase activity 1 ATP + 1 L-glutamate =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 L-glutamyl 5-phosphate. EC: GO:0004349 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00359 L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde from L-glutamate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004349 molecular_function:glutamate 5-kinase activity 1 H(+) + 1 L-glutamyl 5-phosphate + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde + 1 NADP(+) + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004350 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00360 L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde from L-glutamate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004350 molecular_function:glutamate-5-semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity 1 H(+) + 1 L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde + 1 NADH =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 L-proline + 1 NAD(+). EC: GO:0004735 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00361 L-proline from L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004735 molecular_function:pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase activity 1 (4-hydroxyphenyl)pyruvate + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 homogentisate. EC: GO:0003868 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00362 acetoacetate and fumarate from L-phenylalanine: step 3/6 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0003868 molecular_function:4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase activity 1 acetyl-CoA + 1 putrescine =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 N-acetylputrescine. EC: GO:0004145 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00363 N-acetylputrescine from putrescine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004145 molecular_function:diamine N-acetyltransferase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 L-arginine =&gt; 1 L-citrulline + 1 NH(3). EC: GO:0016990 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00364 carbamoyl phosphate from L-arginine: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0016990 molecular_function:arginine deiminase activity 1 L-citrulline + 1 phosphate =&gt; 1 L-ornithine + 1 carbamoyl phosphate. EC: GO:0004585 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00365 carbamoyl phosphate from L-arginine: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004585 molecular_function:ornithine carbamoyltransferase activity 1 ADP + 1 carbamoyl phosphate =&gt; 1 ATP + 1 CO(2) + 1 NH(3). EC: GO:0008804 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00366 CO(2) and NH(3) from carbamoyl phosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True False True GO:0008804 molecular_function:carbamate kinase activity 1 (R)-mevalonate + 1 CoA + 2 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA + 2 H(+) + 2 NADH. EC: GO:0042282 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00367 (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA from (R)-mevalonate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0042282 molecular_function:hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase activity 1 dimethylallyl diphosphate + 1 isopentenyl diphosphate =&gt; 1 diphosphate + 1 geranyl diphosphate. EC: GO:0004161 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00368 geranyl diphosphate from dimethylallyl diphosphate and isopentenyl diphosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False True GO:0004161 molecular_function:dimethylallyltranstransferase activity 1 geranyl diphosphate + 1 isopentenyl diphosphate =&gt; 1 diphosphate + 1 farnesyl diphosphate. EC: GO:0004337 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00369 farnesyl diphosphate from geranyl diphosphate and isopentenyl diphosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False True GO:0004337 molecular_function:geranyltranstransferase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 urea =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 2 NH(3). EC: GO:0009039 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00370 CO(2) and NH(3) from urea (urease route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False True GO:0009039 molecular_function:urease activity 1 ATP + 1 bicarbonate + 1 urea =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 phosphate + 1 urea-1-carboxylate. EC: GO:0004847 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00371 CO(2) and NH(3) from urea (allophanate route): step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0004847 molecular_function:urea carboxylase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 urea-1-carboxylate =&gt; 2 CO(2) + 2 NH(3). EC: GO:0004039 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00372 CO(2) and NH(3) from urea (allophanate route): step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False True False True GO:0004039 molecular_function:allophanate hydrolase activity 1 L-proline + 1 Quinone =&gt; 1 (S)-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid + 1 Hydroquinone. EC: GO:0004657 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00373 L-glutamate from L-proline: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True False False GO:0004657 molecular_function:proline dehydrogenase activity 1 (S)-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid + 2 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 L-glutamate + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0003842 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00374 L-glutamate from L-proline: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False True False False GO:0003842 molecular_function:1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase activity 1 glycine + 1 succinyl-CoA =&gt; 1 5-aminolevulinate + 1 CO(2) + 1 CoA. EC: GO:0003870 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00375 5-aminolevulinate from glycine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False False False True GO:0003870 molecular_function:5-aminolevulinate synthase activity 1 Fe2+ + 1 sirohydrochlorin =&gt; 2 H(+) + 1 siroheme. EC: GO:0051266 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00376 siroheme from sirohydrochlorin: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0051266 molecular_function:sirohydrochlorin ferrochelatase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 L-ascorbate + 1 protein N(pi)-phospho-L-histidine =&gt; 1 3-dehydro-L-gulonate 6-phosphate + 1 protein-L-histidine. EC:3.1.1 GO:0004620 GO:0010296 GO:0016298 GO:0018731 GO:0018732 GO:0018733 GO:0018734 GO:0034892 GO:0035460 GO:0043905 GO:0043906 GO:0043907 GO:0043908 GO:0047376 GO:0050253 GO:0052689 GO:0052767 GO:0052768 GO:0080030 GO:0080031 GO:0080032 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00377 D-xylulose 5-phosphate from L-ascorbate: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004620 molecular_function:phospholipase activity GO:0010296 molecular_function:prenylcysteine methylesterase activity GO:0016298 molecular_function:lipase activity GO:0018731 molecular_function:1-oxa-2-oxocycloheptane lactonase activity GO:0018732 molecular_function:sulfolactone hydrolase activity GO:0018733 molecular_function:3,4-dihydrocoumarin hydrolase activity GO:0018734 molecular_function:butyrolactone hydrolase activity GO:0034892 molecular_function:endosulfan lactone lactonase activity GO:0035460 molecular_function:L-ascorbate 6-phosphate lactonase activity GO:0043905 molecular_function:Ser-tRNA(Thr) hydrolase activity GO:0043906 molecular_function:Ala-tRNA(Pro) hydrolase activity GO:0043907 molecular_function:Cys-tRNA(Pro) hydrolase activity GO:0043908 molecular_function:Ser(Gly)-tRNA(Ala) hydrolase activity GO:0047376 molecular_function:all-trans-retinyl-palmitate hydrolase, all-trans-retinol forming activity GO:0050253 molecular_function:retinyl-palmitate esterase activity GO:0052689 molecular_function:carboxylic ester hydrolase activity GO:0052767 molecular_function:mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,6-alpha-mannosidase activity GO:0052768 molecular_function:mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,3-alpha-mannosidase activity GO:0080030 molecular_function:methyl indole-3-acetate esterase activity GO:0080031 molecular_function:methyl salicylate esterase activity GO:0080032 molecular_function:methyl jasmonate esterase activity 1 3-dehydro-L-gulonate 6-phosphate + 1 H(+) =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 L-xylulose 5-phosphate. EC: GO:0033982 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00378 D-xylulose 5-phosphate from L-ascorbate: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0033982 molecular_function:3-dehydro-L-gulonate-6-phosphate decarboxylase activity 1 L-xylulose 5-phosphate =&gt; 1 L-ribulose 5-phosphate. EC: GO:0034015 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00379 D-xylulose 5-phosphate from L-ascorbate: step 3/4 1 1 1 3 False True False True GO:0034015 molecular_function:L-ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase activity 1 L-ribulose 5-phosphate =&gt; 1 D-xylulose 5-phosphate. EC: GO:0008742 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00380 D-xylulose 5-phosphate from L-ascorbate: step 4/4 1 1 1 4 False True False True GO:0008742 molecular_function:L-ribulose-phosphate 4-epimerase activity 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 glycine =&gt; 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 1 sarcosine. EC: GO:0017174 GO:0052730 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00381 betaine from glycine: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0017174 molecular_function:glycine N-methyltransferase activity GO:0052730 molecular_function:sarcosine N-methyltransferase activity 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 sarcosine =&gt; 1 N,N-dimethylglycine + 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine. EC: EC: GO:0017174 GO:0052729 GO:0052730 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00382 betaine from glycine: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0017174 molecular_function:glycine N-methyltransferase activity GO:0052729 molecular_function:dimethylglycine N-methyltransferase activity GO:0052730 molecular_function:sarcosine N-methyltransferase activity 1 N,N-dimethylglycine + 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine =&gt; 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 1 betaine. EC: GO:0052729 GO:0052730 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00383 betaine from glycine: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0052729 molecular_function:dimethylglycine N-methyltransferase activity GO:0052730 molecular_function:sarcosine N-methyltransferase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 O(2) + 1 choline =&gt; 1 H(2)O(2) + 1 betaine. EC: GO:0033713 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00384 betaine from choline: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0033713 molecular_function:choline:oxygen 1-oxidoreductase activity 1 acceptor + 1 choline =&gt; 1 betaine aldehyde + 1 reduced acceptor. EC: GO:0008812 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00385 betaine aldehyde from choline (cytochrome c reductase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008812 molecular_function:choline dehydrogenase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) + 1 betaine aldehyde =&gt; 2 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 betaine. EC: GO:0008802 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00386 betaine from betaine aldehyde: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0008802 molecular_function:betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase activity 1 1,2-dichloroethane + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 2-chloroethanol + 1 HCl. EC: GO:0018786 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00387 glycolate from 1,2-dichloroethane: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0018786 molecular_function:haloalkane dehalogenase activity 1 2-chloroethanol + 2 ferricytochrome c =&gt; 2 H(+) + 1 chloroacetaldehyde + 2 ferrocytochrome c. EC: GO:0052934 GO:0052935 GO:0052936 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00388 glycolate from 1,2-dichloroethane: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0052934 molecular_function:alcohol dehydrogenase (cytochrome c) activity GO:0052935 molecular_function:ethanol:cytochrome c oxidoreductase activity GO:0052936 molecular_function:2-chloroethanol:cytochrome c oxidoreductase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) + 1 chloroacetaldehyde =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 chloroacetic acid. EC: GO:0004029 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00389 glycolate from 1,2-dichloroethane: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004029 molecular_function:aldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD) activity 1 H(2)O + 1 chloroacetic acid =&gt; 1 HCl + 1 glycolate. EC: GO:0018785 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00390 glycolate from 1,2-dichloroethane: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False True False False GO:0018785 molecular_function:haloacetate dehalogenase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 O(2) + 1 benzene =&gt; 1 NAD(+) + 1 cis-1,2-dihydrobenzene-1,2-diol. EC: GO:0018619 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00391 catechol from benzene: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False True GO:0018619 molecular_function:benzene 1,2-dioxygenase activity 1 NAD(+) + 1 cis-1,2-dihydrobenzene-1,2-diol =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 catechol. EC: GO:0018504 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00392 catechol from benzene: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0018504 molecular_function:cis-1,2-dihydrobenzene-1,2-diol dehydrogenase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 O(2) + 1 toluene =&gt; 1 (1S,2R)-3-methylcyclohexa-3,5-diene-1,2-diol + 1 NAD(+). EC: GO:0018624 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00393 3-methylcatechol from toluene: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False True GO:0018624 molecular_function:toluene dioxygenase activity 1 (1S,2R)-3-methylcyclohexa-3,5-diene-1,2-diol + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 3-methylcatechol + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0018504 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00394 3-methylcatechol from toluene: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0018504 molecular_function:cis-1,2-dihydrobenzene-1,2-diol dehydrogenase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 creatinine =&gt; 1 N-methylhydantoin + 1 NH(3). EC: GO:0047790 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00395 sarcosine from creatinine: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0047790 molecular_function:creatinine deaminase activity 1 ATP + 2 H(2)O + 1 N-methylhydantoin =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 N-carbamoylsarcosine + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0047423 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00396 sarcosine from creatinine: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0047423 molecular_function:N-methylhydantoinase (ATP-hydrolyzing) activity 1 H(2)O + 1 N-carbamoylsarcosine =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 NH(3) + 1 sarcosine. EC: GO:0050127 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00397 sarcosine from creatinine: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0050127 molecular_function:N-carbamoylsarcosine amidase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 electron-transferring flavoprotein + 1 sarcosine =&gt; 1 formaldehyde + 1 glycine + 1 reduced electron-transferring flavoprotein. EC: GO:0008480 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00398 formaldehyde and glycine from sarcosine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True False True False False GO:0008480 molecular_function:sarcosine dehydrogenase activity 1 D-ribulose 5-phosphate =&gt; 1 2-hydroxy-3-oxobutyl phosphate + 1 formate. EC: GO:0008686 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00399 2-hydroxy-3-oxobutyl phosphate from D-ribulose 5-phosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0008686 molecular_function:3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone-4-phosphate synthase activity 1 GTP + 3 H(2)O =&gt; 1 2,5-diamino-4-hydroxy-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)pyrimidine + 1 diphosphate + 1 formate. EC: GO:0003935 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00400 5-amino-6-(D-ribitylamino)uracil from GTP: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0003935 molecular_function:GTP cyclohydrolase II activity 1 2,5-diamino-4-hydroxy-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)pyrimidine + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)uracil + 1 NH(3). EC: GO:0008835 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00401 5-amino-6-(D-ribitylamino)uracil from GTP: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0008835 molecular_function:diaminohydroxyphosphoribosylaminopyrimidine deaminase activity 1 5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)uracil + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribitylamino)uracil + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0008703 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00402 5-amino-6-(D-ribitylamino)uracil from GTP: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0008703 molecular_function:5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)uracil reductase activity 1 5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribitylamino)uracil + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 5-amino-6-(D-ribitylamino)uracil + 1 phosphate. EC:3.1.3 GO:0008138 GO:0008330 GO:0008579 GO:0008969 GO:0016312 GO:0016791 GO:0017017 GO:0017161 GO:0019178 GO:0019198 GO:0030351 GO:0030352 GO:0030487 GO:0043726 GO:0043812 GO:0043813 GO:0052629 GO:0052745 GO:0052825 GO:0052828 GO:0052829 GO:0052830 GO:0052831 GO:0052867 GO:1990003 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00403 5-amino-6-(D-ribitylamino)uracil from GTP: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0008138 molecular_function:protein tyrosine/serine/threonine phosphatase activity GO:0008330 molecular_function:protein tyrosine/threonine phosphatase activity GO:0008579 molecular_function:JUN kinase phosphatase activity GO:0008969 molecular_function:phosphohistidine phosphatase activity GO:0016312 molecular_function:inositol bisphosphate phosphatase activity GO:0016791 molecular_function:phosphatase activity GO:0017017 molecular_function:MAP kinase tyrosine/serine/threonine phosphatase activity GO:0017161 molecular_function:inositol-1,3,4-trisphosphate 4-phosphatase activity GO:0019178 molecular_function:NADP phosphatase activity GO:0019198 molecular_function:transmembrane receptor protein phosphatase activity GO:0030351 molecular_function:inositol-1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate 3-phosphatase activity GO:0030352 molecular_function:inositol-1,4,5,6-tetrakisphosphate 6-phosphatase activity GO:0030487 molecular_function:inositol-4,5-bisphosphate 5-phosphatase activity GO:0043726 molecular_function:5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribitylamino)uracil phosphatase activity GO:0043812 molecular_function:phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate phosphatase activity GO:0043813 molecular_function:phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate 5-phosphatase activity GO:0052629 molecular_function:phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate 3-phosphatase activity GO:0052745 molecular_function:inositol phosphate phosphatase activity GO:0052825 molecular_function:inositol-1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate 1-phosphatase activity GO:0052828 molecular_function:inositol-3,4-bisphosphate 4-phosphatase activity GO:0052829 molecular_function:inositol-1,3,4-trisphosphate 1-phosphatase activity GO:0052830 molecular_function:inositol-1,3,4,6-tetrakisphosphate 6-phosphatase activity GO:0052831 molecular_function:inositol-1,3,4,6-tetrakisphosphate 1-phosphatase activity GO:0052867 molecular_function:phosphatidylinositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase activity GO:1990003 molecular_function:IDP phosphatase activity 1 2-hydroxy-3-oxobutyl phosphate + 1 5-amino-6-(D-ribitylamino)uracil =&gt; 1 6,7-dimethyl-8-(1-D-ribityl)lumazine + 2 H(2)O + 1 phosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00404 riboflavin from 2-hydroxy-3-oxobutyl phosphate and 5-amino-6-(D-ribitylamino)uracil: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False False False True 2 6,7-dimethyl-8-(1-D-ribityl)lumazine =&gt; 1 5-amino-6-(D-ribitylamino)uracil + 1 riboflavin. EC: GO:0004746 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00405 riboflavin from 2-hydroxy-3-oxobutyl phosphate and 5-amino-6-(D-ribitylamino)uracil: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 2 False True False True False False GO:0004746 molecular_function:riboflavin synthase activity 1 ATP + 1 riboflavin =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 FMN. EC: GO:0008531 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00406 FMN from riboflavin (ATP route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008531 molecular_function:riboflavin kinase activity 1 ATP + 1 FMN =&gt; 1 FAD + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0003919 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00407 FAD from FMN: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0003919 molecular_function:FMN adenylyltransferase activity 1 D-glucose 6-phosphate + 1 NADP(+) =&gt; 1 D-glucono-1,5-lactone 6-phosphate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH. EC: GO:0004345 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00408 D-ribulose 5-phosphate from D-glucose 6-phosphate (oxidative stage): step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004345 molecular_function:glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity 1 D-glucono-1,5-lactone 6-phosphate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 6-phospho-D-gluconate. EC: GO:0017057 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00409 D-ribulose 5-phosphate from D-glucose 6-phosphate (oxidative stage): step 2/3 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False True GO:0017057 molecular_function:6-phosphogluconolactonase activity 1 6-phospho-D-gluconate + 1 NADP(+) =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 D-ribulose 5-phosphate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH. EC: GO:0004616 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00410 D-ribulose 5-phosphate from D-glucose 6-phosphate (oxidative stage): step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0004616 molecular_function:phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) activity 1 D-ribulose 5-phosphate =&gt; 1 D-xylulose 5-phosphate. EC: GO:0004750 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00411 D-xylulose 5-phosphate from D-ribulose 5-phosphate (non-oxidative stage): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0004750 molecular_function:ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase activity 1 D-ribulose 5-phosphate =&gt; 1 D-ribose 5-phosphate. EC: GO:0004751 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00412 D-ribose 5-phosphate from D-ribulose 5-phosphate (non-oxidative stage): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0004751 molecular_function:ribose-5-phosphate isomerase activity 1 D-ribose 5-phosphate + 1 D-xylulose 5-phosphate =&gt; 1 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + 1 sedoheptulose 7-phosphate. EC: GO:0004802 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00413 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and beta-D-fructose 6-phosphate from D-ribose 5-phosphate and D-xylulose 5-phosphate (non-oxidative stage): step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False True False True GO:0004802 molecular_function:transketolase activity 1 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + 1 sedoheptulose 7-phosphate =&gt; 1 D-erythrose 4-phosphate + 1 beta-D-fructose 6-phosphate. EC: GO:0004801 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00414 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and beta-D-fructose 6-phosphate from D-ribose 5-phosphate and D-xylulose 5-phosphate (non-oxidative stage): step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False True False True False True False True GO:0004801 molecular_function:sedoheptulose-7-phosphate:D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate glyceronetransferase activity 1 D-erythrose 4-phosphate + 1 D-xylulose 5-phosphate =&gt; 1 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + 1 beta-D-fructose 6-phosphate. EC: GO:0004802 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00415 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and beta-D-fructose 6-phosphate from D-ribose 5-phosphate and D-xylulose 5-phosphate (non-oxidative stage): step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False True False True False True False True GO:0004802 molecular_function:transketolase activity 1 4-hydroxyphenylacetate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 (3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)acetate + 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+). EC: GO:0052881 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00416 pyruvate and succinate semialdehyde from 4-hydroxyphenylacetate: step 1/7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0052881 molecular_function:4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase activity 1 (3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)acetate + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconate semialdehyde. EC: GO:0008687 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00417 pyruvate and succinate semialdehyde from 4-hydroxyphenylacetate: step 2/7 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False True GO:0008687 molecular_function:3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetate 2,3-dioxygenase activity 1 5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconate semialdehyde + 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconic acid + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0018480 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00418 pyruvate and succinate semialdehyde from 4-hydroxyphenylacetate: step 3/7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0018480 molecular_function:5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconic-semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity 1 5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconic acid =&gt; 1 5-oxopent-3-ene-1,2,5-tricarboxylic acid. EC: GO:0008704 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00419 pyruvate and succinate semialdehyde from 4-hydroxyphenylacetate: step 4/7 1 1 1 4 False True False True GO:0008704 molecular_function:5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconate delta-isomerase activity 1 5-oxopent-3-ene-1,2,5-tricarboxylic acid =&gt; 1 2-hydroxy-hept-2,4-diene-1,7-dioic acid + 1 CO(2). EC: GO:0018800 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00420 pyruvate and succinate semialdehyde from 4-hydroxyphenylacetate: step 5/7 1 1 1 1 5 False True False False False True GO:0018800 molecular_function:5-oxopent-3-ene-1,2,5-tricarboxylate decarboxylase activity 1 2-hydroxy-hept-2,4-diene-1,7-dioic acid + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 2,4-dihydroxyhept-2-enedioic acid. EC:4.2.1 GO:0008659 GO:0016836 GO:0018807 GO:0018808 GO:0018809 GO:0018810 GO:0018811 GO:0018812 GO:0018813 GO:0018815 GO:0018816 GO:0018817 GO:0034561 GO:0034578 GO:0034581 GO:0034829 GO:0034839 GO:0034846 GO:0034856 GO:0034867 GO:0034890 GO:0034904 GO:0034917 GO:0034953 GO:0043724 GO:0043725 GO:0043956 GO:0043960 GO:0046565 GO:0051909 GO:0052684 GO:0052855 GO:0070497 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00421 pyruvate and succinate semialdehyde from 4-hydroxyphenylacetate: step 6/7 1 1 1 1 6 False False False True False True GO:0008659 molecular_function:(3R)-hydroxymyristoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase activity GO:0016836 molecular_function:hydro-lyase activity GO:0018807 molecular_function:6-hydroxycyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0018808 molecular_function:trans-4-(1'-hydroxynaphth-2'-yl)-2-oxobut-3-enoate hydratase-aldolase activity GO:0018809 molecular_function:E-phenylitaconyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0018810 molecular_function:trans-4-[2-(3-hydroxy)-thionaphthenyl]-2-oxo-3-butenoate hydratase activity GO:0018811 molecular_function:cyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0018812 molecular_function:3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase activity GO:0018813 molecular_function:trans-o-hydroxybenzylidenepyruvate hydratase-aldolase activity GO:0018815 molecular_function:3-methyl-5-hydroxy-6-(3-carboxy-3-oxopropenyl)-1H-2-pyridon hydratase-aldolase activity GO:0018816 molecular_function:2-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydratase activity GO:0018817 molecular_function:2-oxo-hept-3-ene-1,7-dioate hydratase activity GO:0034561 molecular_function:1,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-proponol dehydratase activity GO:0034578 molecular_function:limonene 8-hydratase activity GO:0034581 molecular_function:4-methyloct-2-enoyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0034829 molecular_function:2-hydroxydec-2,4-diene-1,10-dioate hydratase activity GO:0034839 molecular_function:menth-2-enone hydratase activity GO:0034846 molecular_function:naphthyl-2-methylene-succinyl-CoA lyase activity GO:0034856 molecular_function:2-hydroxyhexa-2,4-dienoate hydratase activity GO:0034867 molecular_function:2,4,4-trimethylpent-2-enoyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0034890 molecular_function:endosulfan diol hydrolyase (cyclizing) activity GO:0034904 molecular_function:5-chloro-2-oxopent-4-enoate hydratase activity GO:0034917 molecular_function:2-methylhex-2-enoyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0034953 molecular_function:perillyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0043724 molecular_function:2-keto-3-deoxygalactonate aldolase activity GO:0043725 molecular_function:2-keto-3-deoxygluconate aldolase activity GO:0043956 molecular_function:3-hydroxypropionyl-CoA dehydratase activity GO:0043960 molecular_function:L-erythro-3-methylmalyl-CoA dehydratase activity GO:0046565 molecular_function:3-dehydroshikimate dehydratase activity GO:0051909 molecular_function:acetylenecarboxylate hydratase activity, producing 3-hydroxypropenoate GO:0052684 molecular_function:L-serine hydro-lyase (adding indole, L-tryptophan-forming) activity GO:0052855 molecular_function:ADP-dependent NAD(P)H-hydrate dehydratase activity GO:0070497 molecular_function:6-carboxy-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterin synthase activity 1 2,4-dihydroxyhept-2-enedioic acid =&gt; 1 pyruvate + 1 succinate semialdehyde. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00422 pyruvate and succinate semialdehyde from 4-hydroxyphenylacetate: step 7/7 1 1 1 1 7 False True False True False True 1 D-fructose 6-phosphate =&gt; 1 D-mannose 6-phosphate. EC: GO:0004476 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00423 alpha-D-mannose 1-phosphate from D-fructose 6-phosphate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0004476 molecular_function:mannose-6-phosphate isomerase activity 1 D-mannose 6-phosphate =&gt; 1 alpha-D-mannose 1-phosphate. EC: GO:0004615 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00424 alpha-D-mannose 1-phosphate from D-fructose 6-phosphate: step 2/2 1 1 1 2 False True False True GO:0004615 molecular_function:phosphomannomutase activity 1 GDP + 1 alpha-D-mannose 1-phosphate =&gt; 1 GDP-alpha-D-mannose + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0008928 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00425 GDP-alpha-D-mannose from alpha-D-mannose 1-phosphate (GDP route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008928 molecular_function:mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase (GDP) activity 1 L-allo-threonine =&gt; 1 acetaldehyde + 1 glycine. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00427 glycine from L-allo-threonine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False 1 L-alanine + 1 glyoxylate =&gt; 1 glycine + 1 pyruvate. EC: GO:0008453 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00428 glycine from glyoxylate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008453 molecular_function:alanine-glyoxylate transaminase activity 1 L-threonine =&gt; 1 acetaldehyde + 1 glycine. EC: GO:0004793 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00429 acetaldehyde and glycine from L-threonine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False True GO:0004793 molecular_function:threonine aldolase activity 2 H(+) + 1 O(2) + 1 choline + 2 reduced ferredoxin =&gt; 2 H(2)O + 1 betaine aldehyde + 2 oxidized ferredoxin. EC: GO:0019133 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00430 betaine aldehyde from choline (monooxygenase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0019133 molecular_function:choline monooxygenase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 choline sulfate =&gt; 1 choline + 1 sulfate. EC: GO:0047753 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00431 choline from choline sulfate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0047753 molecular_function:choline-sulfatase activity 1 L-homocysteine + 1 betaine =&gt; 1 L-methionine + 1 N,N-dimethylglycine. EC: GO:0047150 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00432 sarcosine from betaine: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0047150 molecular_function:betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 N,N-dimethylglycine + 1 electron-transferring flavoprotein =&gt; 1 formaldehyde + 1 reduced electron-transferring flavoprotein + 1 sarcosine. EC: GO:0047865 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00433 sarcosine from betaine: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False True False False GO:0047865 molecular_function:dimethylglycine dehydrogenase activity 1 D-ribulose 5-phosphate + 1 formaldehyde =&gt; 1 D-arabino-3-hexulose 6-phosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00434 D-fructose 6-phosphate from D-ribulose 5-phosphate and formaldehyde: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False True 1 D-arabino-3-hexulose 6-phosphate =&gt; 1 D-fructose 6-phosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00435 D-fructose 6-phosphate from D-ribulose 5-phosphate and formaldehyde: step 2/2 1 1 1 2 False True False True 2 sedoheptulose 7-phosphate =&gt; 1 D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate + 1 D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00436 D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate and D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate from sedoheptulose 7-phosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False True 1 ATP + 1 D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1,7-diphosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00437 ADP-L-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose from D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True 1 D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1,7-diphosphate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1-phosphate + 1 phosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00438 ADP-L-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose from D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True 1 ATP + 1 D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1-phosphate =&gt; 1 ADP-D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose + 1 diphosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00439 ADP-L-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose from D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True 1 ADP-D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose =&gt; 1 ADP-L-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose. EC: GO:0008712 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00440 ADP-L-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose from D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate: step 4/4 1 1 1 4 False True False True GO:0008712 molecular_function:ADP-glyceromanno-heptose 6-epimerase activity 1 (S)-norcoclaurine + 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine =&gt; 1 (S)-coclaurine + 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine. EC: GO:0030786 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00441 (S)-reticuline from (S)-norcoclaurine: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0030786 molecular_function:(RS)-norcoclaurine 6-O-methyltransferase activity 1 (S)-coclaurine + 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine =&gt; 1 (S)-N-methylcoclaurine + 1 H(+) + 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine. EC: GO:0030794 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00442 (S)-reticuline from (S)-norcoclaurine: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0030794 molecular_function:(S)-coclaurine-N-methyltransferase activity 1 (S)-N-methylcoclaurine + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 (S)-3'-hydroxy-N-methylcoclaurine + 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0050593 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00443 (S)-reticuline from (S)-norcoclaurine: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0050593 molecular_function:N-methylcoclaurine 3'-monooxygenase activity 1 (S)-3'-hydroxy-N-methylcoclaurine + 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine =&gt; 1 (S)-reticuline + 1 H(+) + 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine. EC: GO:0030784 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00444 (S)-reticuline from (S)-norcoclaurine: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0030784 molecular_function:3'-hydroxy-N-methyl-(S)-coclaurine 4'-O-methyltransferase activity 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 columbamine =&gt; 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 1 palmatine. EC: GO:0030778 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00445 palmatine from columbamine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0030778 molecular_function:columbamine O-methyltransferase activity 1 (R)-N-methylcoclaurine + 1 (S)-N-methylcoclaurine + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 O(2) =&gt; 2 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+) + 1 berbamunine. EC: GO:0047054 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00446 berbamunine from (R)-N-methylcoclaurine and (S)-N-methylcoclaurine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False True False False False False False True GO:0047054 molecular_function:berbamunine synthase activity 1 secologanin + 1 tryptamine =&gt; 1 3alpha(S)-strictosidine + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0016844 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00447 3alpha(S)-strictosidine from secologanin and tryptamine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False True GO:0016844 molecular_function:strictosidine synthase activity 1 L-cysteine + 1 O-acetyl-L-homoserine =&gt; 1 L-cystathionine + 1 acetate. EC:2.5.1 GO:0004659 GO:0004661 GO:0008318 GO:0008412 GO:0008495 GO:0016765 GO:0043888 GO:0043918 GO:0043919 GO:0046428 GO:0048045 GO:0052622 GO:0052623 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00448 L-cystathionine from O-acetyl-L-homoserine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004659 molecular_function:prenyltransferase activity GO:0004661 molecular_function:protein geranylgeranyltransferase activity GO:0008318 molecular_function:protein prenyltransferase activity GO:0008412 molecular_function:4-hydroxybenzoate octaprenyltransferase activity GO:0008495 molecular_function:protoheme IX farnesyltransferase activity GO:0016765 molecular_function:transferase activity, transferring alkyl or aryl (other than methyl) groups GO:0043888 molecular_function:(S)-2,3-di-O-geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate synthase activity GO:0043918 molecular_function:cadaverine aminopropyltransferase activity GO:0043919 molecular_function:agmatine aminopropyltransferase activity GO:0046428 molecular_function:1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate octaprenyltransferase activity GO:0048045 molecular_function:trans-pentaprenyltranstransferase activity GO:0052622 molecular_function:ATP dimethylallyltransferase activity GO:0052623 molecular_function:ADP dimethylallyltransferase activity 1 O-succinyl-L-homoserine + 1 hydrogen sulfide =&gt; 1 L-homocysteine + 1 succinate. EC: GO:0003962 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00449 L-homocysteine from O-succinyl-L-homoserine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0003962 molecular_function:cystathionine gamma-synthase activity 1 (S)-reticuline + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 (S)-scoulerine + 1 H(2)O(2). EC: GO:0050468 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00450 (S)-scoulerine from (S)-reticuline: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0050468 molecular_function:reticuline oxidase activity 1 H(+) + 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 S-adenosylmethioninamine. EC: GO:0004014 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00451 S-adenosylmethioninamine from S-adenosyl-L-methionine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0004014 molecular_function:adenosylmethionine decarboxylase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 L-tryptophan =&gt; 1 NH(3) + 1 indole + 1 pyruvate. EC: GO:0009034 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00452 indole and pyruvate from L-tryptophan: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True False True GO:0009034 molecular_function:tryptophanase activity 1 L-tryptophan + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 N-formyl-N-kynurenine. EC: GO:0004833 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00453 L-kynurenine from L-tryptophan: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True GO:0004833 molecular_function:tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 N-formyl-N-kynurenine =&gt; 1 L-kynurenine + 1 formate. EC: GO:0004061 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00454 L-kynurenine from L-tryptophan: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004061 molecular_function:arylformamidase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 L-kynurenine =&gt; 1 L-alanine + 1 anthranilate. EC: GO:0030429 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00455 L-alanine and anthranilate from L-kynurenine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False True GO:0030429 molecular_function:kynureninase activity L-aspartate + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)] =&gt; H(+) + iminoaspartate + [NADH or NADPH]. EC: GO:0033735 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00456 iminoaspartate from L-aspartate (dehydrogenase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 True False True False False True True False True False False False False True GO:0033735 molecular_function:aspartate dehydrogenase activity 1 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + 1 ATP + 1 H(+) + 1 H(2)O + 1 nicotinate =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 diphosphate + 1 nicotinate D-ribonucleotide + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004516 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00457 nicotinate D-ribonucleotide from nicotinate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0004516 molecular_function:nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase activity 1 ATP + 1 acetate =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 acetyl phosphate. EC: GO:0008776 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00458 acetyl-CoA from acetate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008776 molecular_function:acetate kinase activity 1 CoA + 1 acetyl phosphate =&gt; 1 acetyl-CoA + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0008959 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00459 acetyl-CoA from acetate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0008959 molecular_function:phosphate acetyltransferase activity 1 ATP + 1 L-aspartate =&gt; 1 4-phospho-L-aspartate + 1 ADP. EC: GO:0004072 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00461 L-threonine from L-aspartate: step 1/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004072 molecular_function:aspartate kinase activity 1 ATP + 1 L-aspartate =&gt; 1 4-phospho-L-aspartate + 1 ADP. EC: GO:0004072 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00462 L-homoserine from L-aspartate: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004072 molecular_function:aspartate kinase activity 1 4-phospho-L-aspartate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde + 1 NADP(+) + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004073 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00463 L-threonine from L-aspartate: step 2/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004073 molecular_function:aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity 1 4-phospho-L-aspartate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde + 1 NADP(+) + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004073 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00464 L-homoserine from L-aspartate: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004073 molecular_function:aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity H(+) + L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde + [NADH or NADPH] =&gt; L-homoserine + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)]. EC: GO:0004412 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00465 L-homoserine from L-aspartate: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 True False True False False False False True True False True False False True GO:0004412 molecular_function:homoserine dehydrogenase activity 1 (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate + 1 H(2)O + 1 L-glutamate =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 LL-2,6-diaminopimelate. EC: GO:0010285 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00466 LL-2,6-diaminopimelate from (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate (aminotransferase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0010285 molecular_function:L,L-diaminopimelate aminotransferase activity 1 2-deoxy-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate =&gt; 1 2-deoxy-D-ribose 5-phosphate. EC: GO:0008973 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00467 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and acetaldehyde from 2-deoxy-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0008973 molecular_function:phosphopentomutase activity 1 2-deoxy-D-ribose 5-phosphate =&gt; 1 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + 1 acetaldehyde. EC: GO:0004139 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00468 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and acetaldehyde from 2-deoxy-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 2 False True False True False True GO:0004139 molecular_function:deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase activity 1 phosphoenolpyruvate + 1 sulfite =&gt; 1 (2R)-O-phospho-3-sulfolactic acid. EC: GO:0043817 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00469 sulfoacetaldehyde from phosphoenolpyruvate and sulfite: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False True GO:0043817 molecular_function:phosphosulfolactate synthase activity 1 (2R)-O-phospho-3-sulfolactic acid + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 (R)-3-sulfolactate + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0050532 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00470 sulfoacetaldehyde from phosphoenolpyruvate and sulfite: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0050532 molecular_function:2-phosphosulfolactate phosphatase activity 1 (R)-3-sulfolactate + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 3-sulfopyruvate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0050578 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00471 sulfoacetaldehyde from phosphoenolpyruvate and sulfite: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0050578 molecular_function:(R)-2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase activity 1 3-sulfopyruvate =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 sulfoacetaldehyde. EC: GO:0050545 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00472 sulfoacetaldehyde from phosphoenolpyruvate and sulfite: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 4 False True False False False True GO:0050545 molecular_function:sulfopyruvate decarboxylase activity 1 D-ribulose 5-phosphate =&gt; 1 D-arabinose 5-phosphate. EC: GO:0019146 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00473 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate from D-ribulose 5-phosphate: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0019146 molecular_function:arabinose-5-phosphate isomerase activity 1 D-arabinose 5-phosphate + 1 H(2)O + 1 phosphoenolpyruvate =&gt; 1 8-phospho-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0008676 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00474 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate from D-ribulose 5-phosphate: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0008676 molecular_function:3-deoxy-8-phosphooctulonate synthase activity 1 8-phospho-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0019143 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00475 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate from D-ribulose 5-phosphate: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0019143 molecular_function:3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate-8-phosphatase activity 1 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate + 1 CTP =&gt; 1 CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0008690 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00476 CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate from 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate and CTP: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False True GO:0008690 molecular_function:3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate cytidylyltransferase activity 1 (3R)-3-hydroxytetradecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] + 1 UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine =&gt; 1 UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-N-acetylglucosamine + 1 acyl-carrier protein. EC: GO:0008780 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00477 lipid IV(A) from (3R)-3-hydroxytetradecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] and UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine: step 1/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False True GO:0008780 molecular_function:acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]-UDP-N-acetylglucosamine O-acyltransferase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-N-acetylglucosamine =&gt; 1 UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-D-glucosamine + 1 acetate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00478 lipid IV(A) from (3R)-3-hydroxytetradecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] and UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine: step 2/6 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True 1 (3R)-3-hydroxytetradecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] + 1 UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-D-glucosamine =&gt; 1 UDP-2,3-bis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-D-glucosamine + 1 acyl-carrier protein. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00479 lipid IV(A) from (3R)-3-hydroxytetradecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] and UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine: step 3/6 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True 1 H(2)O + 1 UDP-2,3-bis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-D-glucosamine =&gt; 1 UMP + 1 lipid X. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00480 lipid IV(A) from (3R)-3-hydroxytetradecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] and UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine: step 4/6 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True 1 UDP-2,3-bis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-D-glucosamine + 1 lipid X =&gt; 1 2,3,2',3'-tetrakis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-alpha-D-glucosaminyl-1,6-beta-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate + 1 UDP. EC: GO:0008915 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00481 lipid IV(A) from (3R)-3-hydroxytetradecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] and UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine: step 5/6 1 1 1 1 1 5 False True False True False False False True GO:0008915 molecular_function:lipid-A-disaccharide synthase activity 1 2,3,2',3'-tetrakis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-alpha-D-glucosaminyl-1,6-beta-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate + 1 ATP =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 lipid IV(A). EC: GO:0009029 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00482 lipid IV(A) from (3R)-3-hydroxytetradecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] and UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine: step 6/6 1 1 1 1 1 6 False False False True False False False True GO:0009029 molecular_function:tetraacyldisaccharide 4'-kinase activity 1 CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate + 1 lipid IV(A) =&gt; 1 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonyl-lipid IV((A)) + 1 CMP. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00483 KDO(2)-lipid A from CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate and lipid IV(A): step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False True 1 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonyl-lipid IV((A)) + 1 CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate =&gt; 1 CMP + 1 di[3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonyl]-lipid IV(A). EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00484 KDO(2)-lipid A from CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate and lipid IV(A): step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 2 False True False True False False False True 1 di[3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonyl]-lipid IV(A) + 1 dodecanoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] =&gt; 1 acyl-carrier protein + 1 lauroyl-KDO(2)-lipid IV(A). EC:2.3.1 GO:0004147 GO:0004772 GO:0008080 GO:0008374 GO:0008951 GO:0016406 GO:0016407 GO:0016408 GO:0016409 GO:0016410 GO:0016411 GO:0016412 GO:0016413 GO:0016414 GO:0016415 GO:0016416 GO:0016417 GO:0016418 GO:0016419 GO:0016420 GO:0016454 GO:0016747 GO:0016748 GO:0016749 GO:0016750 GO:0016751 GO:0016752 GO:0016753 GO:0018030 GO:0018031 GO:0018711 GO:0018712 GO:0018713 GO:0019105 GO:0019107 GO:0019186 GO:0019705 GO:0019707 GO:0030523 GO:0032216 GO:0034737 GO:0034738 GO:0034848 GO:0034851 GO:0034915 GO:0034919 GO:0034945 GO:0043741 GO:0043764 GO:0043806 GO:0043849 GO:0043875 GO:0046941 GO:0052858 GO:0090595 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00485 KDO(2)-lipid A from CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate and lipid IV(A): step 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0004147 molecular_function:dihydrolipoamide branched chain acyltransferase activity GO:0004772 molecular_function:sterol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0008080 molecular_function:N-acetyltransferase activity GO:0008374 molecular_function:O-acyltransferase activity GO:0008951 molecular_function:palmitoleoyl [acyl-carrier-protein]-dependent acyltransferase activity GO:0016406 molecular_function:carnitine O-acyltransferase activity GO:0016407 molecular_function:acetyltransferase activity GO:0016408 molecular_function:C-acyltransferase activity GO:0016409 molecular_function:palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0016410 molecular_function:N-acyltransferase activity GO:0016411 molecular_function:acylglycerol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0016412 molecular_function:serine O-acyltransferase activity GO:0016413 molecular_function:O-acetyltransferase activity GO:0016414 molecular_function:O-octanoyltransferase activity GO:0016415 molecular_function:octanoyltransferase activity GO:0016416 molecular_function:O-palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0016417 molecular_function:S-acyltransferase activity GO:0016418 molecular_function:S-acetyltransferase activity GO:0016419 molecular_function:S-malonyltransferase activity GO:0016420 molecular_function:malonyltransferase activity GO:0016454 molecular_function:C-palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0016747 molecular_function:transferase activity, transferring acyl groups other than amino-acyl groups GO:0016748 molecular_function:succinyltransferase activity GO:0016749 molecular_function:N-succinyltransferase activity GO:0016750 molecular_function:O-succinyltransferase activity GO:0016751 molecular_function:S-succinyltransferase activity GO:0016752 molecular_function:sinapoyltransferase activity GO:0016753 molecular_function:O-sinapoyltransferase activity GO:0018030 molecular_function:peptidyl-lysine N6-myristoyltransferase activity GO:0018031 molecular_function:peptidyl-lysine N6-palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0018711 molecular_function:benzoyl acetate-CoA thiolase activity GO:0018712 molecular_function:3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA thiolase activity GO:0018713 molecular_function:3-ketopimelyl-CoA thiolase activity GO:0019105 molecular_function:N-palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0019107 molecular_function:myristoyltransferase activity GO:0019186 molecular_function:acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase activity GO:0019705 molecular_function:protein-cysteine S-myristoyltransferase activity GO:0019707 molecular_function:protein-cysteine S-acyltransferase activity GO:0030523 molecular_function:dihydrolipoamide S-acyltransferase activity GO:0032216 molecular_function:glucosaminyl-phosphotidylinositol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0034737 molecular_function:ergosterol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0034738 molecular_function:lanosterol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0034848 molecular_function:naphthyl-2-oxomethyl-succinyl-CoA succinyl transferase activity GO:0034851 molecular_function:2,4,4-trimethyl-3-oxopentanoyl-CoA 2-C-propanoyl transferase activity GO:0034915 molecular_function:2-methylhexanoyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase activity GO:0034919 molecular_function:butyryl-CoA 2-C-propionyltransferase activity GO:0034945 molecular_function:2,6-dimethyl-5-methylene-3-oxo-heptanoyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase activity GO:0043741 molecular_function:L-2-aminoadipate N-acetyltransferase activity GO:0043764 molecular_function:UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] glucosamine N-acyltransferase activity GO:0043806 molecular_function:keto acid formate lyase activity GO:0043849 molecular_function:Ras palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0043875 molecular_function:2-ketobutyrate formate-lyase activity GO:0046941 molecular_function:azetidine-2-carboxylic acid acetyltransferase activity GO:0052858 molecular_function:peptidyl-lysine N-acetyltransferase activity, acting on acetyl phosphate as donor GO:0090595 molecular_function:acetyl-CoA:L-lysine N6-acetyltransferase 1 lauroyl-KDO(2)-lipid IV(A) + 1 tetradecanoyl-[acp] =&gt; 1 KDO(2)-lipid A + 1 acyl-carrier protein. EC:2.3.1 GO:0004147 GO:0004772 GO:0008080 GO:0008374 GO:0008951 GO:0016406 GO:0016407 GO:0016408 GO:0016409 GO:0016410 GO:0016411 GO:0016412 GO:0016413 GO:0016414 GO:0016415 GO:0016416 GO:0016417 GO:0016418 GO:0016419 GO:0016420 GO:0016454 GO:0016747 GO:0016748 GO:0016749 GO:0016750 GO:0016751 GO:0016752 GO:0016753 GO:0018030 GO:0018031 GO:0018711 GO:0018712 GO:0018713 GO:0019105 GO:0019107 GO:0019186 GO:0019705 GO:0019707 GO:0030523 GO:0032216 GO:0034737 GO:0034738 GO:0034848 GO:0034851 GO:0034915 GO:0034919 GO:0034945 GO:0043741 GO:0043764 GO:0043806 GO:0043849 GO:0043875 GO:0046941 GO:0052858 GO:0090595 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00486 KDO(2)-lipid A from CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate and lipid IV(A): step 4/4 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0004147 molecular_function:dihydrolipoamide branched chain acyltransferase activity GO:0004772 molecular_function:sterol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0008080 molecular_function:N-acetyltransferase activity GO:0008374 molecular_function:O-acyltransferase activity GO:0008951 molecular_function:palmitoleoyl [acyl-carrier-protein]-dependent acyltransferase activity GO:0016406 molecular_function:carnitine O-acyltransferase activity GO:0016407 molecular_function:acetyltransferase activity GO:0016408 molecular_function:C-acyltransferase activity GO:0016409 molecular_function:palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0016410 molecular_function:N-acyltransferase activity GO:0016411 molecular_function:acylglycerol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0016412 molecular_function:serine O-acyltransferase activity GO:0016413 molecular_function:O-acetyltransferase activity GO:0016414 molecular_function:O-octanoyltransferase activity GO:0016415 molecular_function:octanoyltransferase activity GO:0016416 molecular_function:O-palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0016417 molecular_function:S-acyltransferase activity GO:0016418 molecular_function:S-acetyltransferase activity GO:0016419 molecular_function:S-malonyltransferase activity GO:0016420 molecular_function:malonyltransferase activity GO:0016454 molecular_function:C-palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0016747 molecular_function:transferase activity, transferring acyl groups other than amino-acyl groups GO:0016748 molecular_function:succinyltransferase activity GO:0016749 molecular_function:N-succinyltransferase activity GO:0016750 molecular_function:O-succinyltransferase activity GO:0016751 molecular_function:S-succinyltransferase activity GO:0016752 molecular_function:sinapoyltransferase activity GO:0016753 molecular_function:O-sinapoyltransferase activity GO:0018030 molecular_function:peptidyl-lysine N6-myristoyltransferase activity GO:0018031 molecular_function:peptidyl-lysine N6-palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0018711 molecular_function:benzoyl acetate-CoA thiolase activity GO:0018712 molecular_function:3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA thiolase activity GO:0018713 molecular_function:3-ketopimelyl-CoA thiolase activity GO:0019105 molecular_function:N-palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0019107 molecular_function:myristoyltransferase activity GO:0019186 molecular_function:acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase activity GO:0019705 molecular_function:protein-cysteine S-myristoyltransferase activity GO:0019707 molecular_function:protein-cysteine S-acyltransferase activity GO:0030523 molecular_function:dihydrolipoamide S-acyltransferase activity GO:0032216 molecular_function:glucosaminyl-phosphotidylinositol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0034737 molecular_function:ergosterol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0034738 molecular_function:lanosterol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0034848 molecular_function:naphthyl-2-oxomethyl-succinyl-CoA succinyl transferase activity GO:0034851 molecular_function:2,4,4-trimethyl-3-oxopentanoyl-CoA 2-C-propanoyl transferase activity GO:0034915 molecular_function:2-methylhexanoyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase activity GO:0034919 molecular_function:butyryl-CoA 2-C-propionyltransferase activity GO:0034945 molecular_function:2,6-dimethyl-5-methylene-3-oxo-heptanoyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase activity GO:0043741 molecular_function:L-2-aminoadipate N-acetyltransferase activity GO:0043764 molecular_function:UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] glucosamine N-acyltransferase activity GO:0043806 molecular_function:keto acid formate lyase activity GO:0043849 molecular_function:Ras palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0043875 molecular_function:2-ketobutyrate formate-lyase activity GO:0046941 molecular_function:azetidine-2-carboxylic acid acetyltransferase activity GO:0052858 molecular_function:peptidyl-lysine N-acetyltransferase activity, acting on acetyl phosphate as donor GO:0090595 molecular_function:acetyl-CoA:L-lysine N6-acetyltransferase 1 H(2)O + 1 acceptor + 1 nicotine =&gt; 1 (S)-6-hydroxynicotine + 1 reduced acceptor. EC: GO:0018535 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00487 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine from nicotine (S-isomer route): step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0018535 molecular_function:nicotine dehydrogenase activity 1 (R)-6-hydroxynicotine + 1 H(2)O + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine + 1 H(2)O(2). EC: GO:0018530 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00488 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine from nicotine (R-isomer route): step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0018530 molecular_function:(R)-6-hydroxynicotine oxidase activity 1 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine + 1 H(2)O + 1 acceptor =&gt; 1 2,6-dihydroxypseudooxynicotine + 1 reduced acceptor. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00489 2,6-dihydroxypyridine and 4-(methylamino)butanoate from 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True 1 2,6-dihydroxypseudooxynicotine + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 2,6-dihydroxypyridine + 1 4-(methylamino)butanoate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00490 2,6-dihydroxypyridine and 4-(methylamino)butanoate from 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False True False True 1 H(2)O + 2 NAD(+) + 1 UDP-alpha-D-glucose =&gt; 2 H(+) + 2 NADH + 1 UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate. EC: GO:0003979 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00491 UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate from UDP-alpha-D-glucose: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0003979 molecular_function:UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase activity 1 NAD(+) + 1 UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 UDP-beta-L-threo-pentopyranos-4-ulose. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00492 UDP-4-deoxy-4-formamido-beta-L-arabinose from UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False False False True 1 L-glutamate + 1 UDP-beta-L-threo-pentopyranos-4-ulose =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 UDP-4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00493 UDP-4-deoxy-4-formamido-beta-L-arabinose from UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True 1 10-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + 1 UDP-4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose =&gt; 1 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + 1 UDP-4-deoxy-4-formamido-beta-L-arabinose. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00494 UDP-4-deoxy-4-formamido-beta-L-arabinose from UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True 1 UDP-4-deoxy-4-formamido-beta-L-arabinose + 1 di-trans,poly-cis-undecaprenyl phosphate =&gt; 1 4-deoxy-4-formamido-alphaL-arabinose undecaprenyl phosphate + 1 UDP. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00495 4-amino-4-deoxy-alpha-L-arabinose undecaprenyl phosphate from UDP-4-deoxy-4-formamido-beta-L-arabinose and undecaprenyl phosphate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True 1 4-deoxy-4-formamido-alphaL-arabinose undecaprenyl phosphate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 4-amino-4-deoxy-alpha-L-arabinose undecaprenyl phosphate + 1 formate. EC:3.5.1.n3 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00496 4-amino-4-deoxy-alpha-L-arabinose undecaprenyl phosphate from UDP-4-deoxy-4-formamido-beta-L-arabinose and undecaprenyl phosphate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True 1 L-alanine =&gt; 1 D-alanine. EC: GO:0008784 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00497 D-alanine from L-alanine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0008784 molecular_function:alanine racemase activity 1 D-alanine + 1 H(2)O + 1 acceptor =&gt; 1 NH(3) + 1 pyruvate + 1 reduced acceptor. EC: GO:0008718 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00498 NH(3) and pyruvate from D-alanine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False True False True False False GO:0008718 molecular_function:D-amino-acid dehydrogenase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 atrazine =&gt; 1 HCl + 1 hydroxyatrazine. EC: GO:0018788 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00499 cyanurate from atrazine: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0018788 molecular_function:atrazine chlorohydrolase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 hydroxyatrazine =&gt; 1 N-isopropylammelide + 1 ethylamine. EC: GO:0018763 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00500 cyanurate from atrazine: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0018763 molecular_function:hydroxydechloroatrazine ethylaminohydrolase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 N-isopropylammelide =&gt; 1 cyanurate + 1 isopropylamine. EC: GO:0018764 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00501 cyanurate from atrazine: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False True False False GO:0018764 molecular_function:N-isopropylammelide isopropylaminohydrolase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 cyanurate =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 biuret. EC: GO:0018753 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00502 biuret from cyanurate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0018753 molecular_function:cyanuric acid amidohydrolase activity 1 CDP-diacylglycerol + 1 sn-glycerol 3-phosphate =&gt; 1 CMP + 1 phosphatidylglycerophosphate. EC: GO:0008444 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00503 phosphatidylglycerol from CDP-diacylglycerol: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008444 molecular_function:CDP-diacylglycerol-glycerol-3-phosphate 3-phosphatidyltransferase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 phosphatidylglycerophosphate =&gt; 1 phosphate + 1 phosphatidylglycerol. EC: GO:0008962 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00504 phosphatidylglycerol from CDP-diacylglycerol: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0008962 molecular_function:phosphatidylglycerophosphatase activity 1 L-threonine + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 L-2-amino-3-oxobutanoic acid + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0008743 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00505 glycine from L-threonine: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0008743 molecular_function:L-threonine 3-dehydrogenase activity 1 CoA + 1 L-2-amino-3-oxobutanoic acid =&gt; 1 acetyl-CoA + 1 glycine. EC: GO:0008890 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00506 glycine from L-threonine: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0008890 molecular_function:glycine C-acetyltransferase activity 1 L-threonine =&gt; 1 2-oxobutanoate + 1 NH(3). EC: GO:0004794 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00507 propanoate from L-threonine: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0004794 molecular_function:L-threonine ammonia-lyase activity 1 2-oxobutanoate + 1 CoA =&gt; 1 formate + 1 propanoyl-CoA. EC:2.3.1 GO:0004147 GO:0004772 GO:0008080 GO:0008374 GO:0008951 GO:0016406 GO:0016407 GO:0016408 GO:0016409 GO:0016410 GO:0016411 GO:0016412 GO:0016413 GO:0016414 GO:0016415 GO:0016416 GO:0016417 GO:0016418 GO:0016419 GO:0016420 GO:0016454 GO:0016747 GO:0016748 GO:0016749 GO:0016750 GO:0016751 GO:0016752 GO:0016753 GO:0018030 GO:0018031 GO:0018711 GO:0018712 GO:0018713 GO:0019105 GO:0019107 GO:0019186 GO:0019705 GO:0019707 GO:0030523 GO:0032216 GO:0034737 GO:0034738 GO:0034848 GO:0034851 GO:0034915 GO:0034919 GO:0034945 GO:0043741 GO:0043764 GO:0043806 GO:0043849 GO:0043875 GO:0046941 GO:0052858 GO:0090595 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00508 propanoate from L-threonine: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004147 molecular_function:dihydrolipoamide branched chain acyltransferase activity GO:0004772 molecular_function:sterol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0008080 molecular_function:N-acetyltransferase activity GO:0008374 molecular_function:O-acyltransferase activity GO:0008951 molecular_function:palmitoleoyl [acyl-carrier-protein]-dependent acyltransferase activity GO:0016406 molecular_function:carnitine O-acyltransferase activity GO:0016407 molecular_function:acetyltransferase activity GO:0016408 molecular_function:C-acyltransferase activity GO:0016409 molecular_function:palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0016410 molecular_function:N-acyltransferase activity GO:0016411 molecular_function:acylglycerol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0016412 molecular_function:serine O-acyltransferase activity GO:0016413 molecular_function:O-acetyltransferase activity GO:0016414 molecular_function:O-octanoyltransferase activity GO:0016415 molecular_function:octanoyltransferase activity GO:0016416 molecular_function:O-palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0016417 molecular_function:S-acyltransferase activity GO:0016418 molecular_function:S-acetyltransferase activity GO:0016419 molecular_function:S-malonyltransferase activity GO:0016420 molecular_function:malonyltransferase activity GO:0016454 molecular_function:C-palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0016747 molecular_function:transferase activity, transferring acyl groups other than amino-acyl groups GO:0016748 molecular_function:succinyltransferase activity GO:0016749 molecular_function:N-succinyltransferase activity GO:0016750 molecular_function:O-succinyltransferase activity GO:0016751 molecular_function:S-succinyltransferase activity GO:0016752 molecular_function:sinapoyltransferase activity GO:0016753 molecular_function:O-sinapoyltransferase activity GO:0018030 molecular_function:peptidyl-lysine N6-myristoyltransferase activity GO:0018031 molecular_function:peptidyl-lysine N6-palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0018711 molecular_function:benzoyl acetate-CoA thiolase activity GO:0018712 molecular_function:3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA thiolase activity GO:0018713 molecular_function:3-ketopimelyl-CoA thiolase activity GO:0019105 molecular_function:N-palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0019107 molecular_function:myristoyltransferase activity GO:0019186 molecular_function:acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase activity GO:0019705 molecular_function:protein-cysteine S-myristoyltransferase activity GO:0019707 molecular_function:protein-cysteine S-acyltransferase activity GO:0030523 molecular_function:dihydrolipoamide S-acyltransferase activity GO:0032216 molecular_function:glucosaminyl-phosphotidylinositol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0034737 molecular_function:ergosterol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0034738 molecular_function:lanosterol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0034848 molecular_function:naphthyl-2-oxomethyl-succinyl-CoA succinyl transferase activity GO:0034851 molecular_function:2,4,4-trimethyl-3-oxopentanoyl-CoA 2-C-propanoyl transferase activity GO:0034915 molecular_function:2-methylhexanoyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase activity GO:0034919 molecular_function:butyryl-CoA 2-C-propionyltransferase activity GO:0034945 molecular_function:2,6-dimethyl-5-methylene-3-oxo-heptanoyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase activity GO:0043741 molecular_function:L-2-aminoadipate N-acetyltransferase activity GO:0043764 molecular_function:UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] glucosamine N-acyltransferase activity GO:0043806 molecular_function:keto acid formate lyase activity GO:0043849 molecular_function:Ras palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0043875 molecular_function:2-ketobutyrate formate-lyase activity GO:0046941 molecular_function:azetidine-2-carboxylic acid acetyltransferase activity GO:0052858 molecular_function:peptidyl-lysine N-acetyltransferase activity, acting on acetyl phosphate as donor GO:0090595 molecular_function:acetyl-CoA:L-lysine N6-acetyltransferase 1 phosphate + 1 propanoyl-CoA =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 propanoyl phosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00509 propanoate from L-threonine: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True 1 ADP + 1 propanoyl phosphate =&gt; 1 ATP + 1 propanoate. EC: GO:0008980 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00510 propanoate from L-threonine: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0008980 molecular_function:propionate kinase activity 1 CTP + 1 alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate =&gt; 1 CDP-glucose + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0047343 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00511 CDP-3,6-dideoxy-D-mannose from CTP and alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate: step 1/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False True GO:0047343 molecular_function:glucose-1-phosphate cytidylyltransferase activity 1 CDP-glucose =&gt; 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxy-D-glucose + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0047733 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00512 CDP-3,6-dideoxy-D-mannose from CTP and alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate: step 2/5 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True GO:0047733 molecular_function:CDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase activity CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxy-D-glucose + H(+) + [NADH or NADPH] =&gt; CDP-4-dehydro-3,6-dideoxy-D-glucose + H(2)O + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)]. EC: GO:0047099 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00513 CDP-3,6-dideoxy-D-mannose from CTP and alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate: step 3/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 True False True False False False False True False False True False True False False True GO:0047099 molecular_function:CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxyglucose reductase activity 1 CDP-4-dehydro-3,6-dideoxy-D-glucose + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 CDP-3,6-dideoxy-D-glucose + 1 NADP(+). EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00514 CDP-3,6-dideoxy-D-mannose from CTP and alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate: step 4/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False False False True False False False True 1 CDP-3,6-dideoxy-D-glucose =&gt; 1 CDP-3,6-dideoxy-D-mannose. EC: GO:0047732 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00515 CDP-3,6-dideoxy-D-mannose from CTP and alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate: step 5/5 1 1 1 5 False True False True GO:0047732 molecular_function:CDP-abequose epimerase activity 1 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole + 1 nicotinate D-ribonucleotide =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 alpha-ribazole 5'-phosphate + 1 nicotinate. EC: GO:0008939 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00516 alpha-ribazole from 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0008939 molecular_function:nicotinate-nucleotide-dimethylbenzimidazole phosphoribosyltransferase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 alpha-ribazole 5'-phosphate =&gt; 1 alpha-ribazole + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0043755 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00517 alpha-ribazole from 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0043755 molecular_function:alpha-ribazole phosphatase activity 1 D-galactonate =&gt; 1 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-galactonate + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0008869 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00518 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and pyruvate from D-galactonate: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0008869 molecular_function:galactonate dehydratase activity 1 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-galactonate + 1 ATP =&gt; 1 6-phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-galactonic acid + 1 ADP. EC: GO:0008671 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00519 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and pyruvate from D-galactonate: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0008671 molecular_function:2-dehydro-3-deoxygalactonokinase activity 1 6-phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-galactonic acid =&gt; 1 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + 1 pyruvate. EC: GO:0008674 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00520 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and pyruvate from D-galactonate: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 3 False True False True False True GO:0008674 molecular_function:2-dehydro-3-deoxy-6-phosphogalactonate aldolase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 O(2) + 1 tabersonine =&gt; 1 16-hydroxytabersonine + 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0050594 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00521 vindoline from tabersonine: step 1/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0050594 molecular_function:tabersonine 16-hydroxylase activity 1 16-hydroxytabersonine + 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine =&gt; 1 16-methoxytabersonine + 1 H(+) + 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine. EC: GO:0030766 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00522 vindoline from tabersonine: step 2/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0030766 molecular_function:11-O-demethyl-17-O-deacetylvindoline O-methyltransferase activity 1 16-methoxytabersonine + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 3-hydroxy-16-methoxy-2,3-dihydrotabersonine. enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00523 vindoline from tabersonine: step 3/6 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False True 1 3-hydroxy-16-methoxy-2,3-dihydrotabersonine + 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine =&gt; 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 1 desacetoxyvindoline. EC: GO:0030768 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00524 vindoline from tabersonine: step 4/6 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0030768 molecular_function:16-methoxy-2,3-dihydro-3-hydroxytabersonine N-methyltransferase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 O(2) + 1 desacetoxyvindoline =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 deacetylvindoline + 1 succinate. EC: GO:0050590 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00525 vindoline from tabersonine: step 5/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0050590 molecular_function:desacetoxyvindoline 4-hydroxylase activity 1 acetyl-CoA + 1 deacetylvindoline =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 vindoline. EC: GO:0047162 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00526 vindoline from tabersonine: step 6/6 1 1 1 1 1 6 False False False True False False False True GO:0047162 molecular_function:17-O-deacetylvindoline O-acetyltransferase activity 1 O(2) + 1 myo-inositol =&gt; 1 D-glucuronate + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0050113 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00527 D-glucuronate from myo-inositol: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0050113 molecular_function:inositol oxygenase activity 1 D-fructose 6-phosphate + 1 L-glutamine =&gt; 1 L-glutamate + 1 alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate. EC: GO:0004360 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00528 alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate from D-fructose 6-phosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004360 molecular_function:glutamine-fructose-6-phosphate transaminase (isomerizing) activity 1 acetyl-CoA + 1 alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate. EC: GO:0004343 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00529 N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate from alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate (route I): step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004343 molecular_function:glucosamine 6-phosphate N-acetyltransferase activity 1 N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate =&gt; 1 N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate. EC: GO:0004610 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00530 N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate from alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate (route I): step 2/2 1 1 1 2 False True False True GO:0004610 molecular_function:phosphoacetylglucosamine mutase activity 1 alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate =&gt; 1 alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate. EC: GO:0008966 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00531 N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate from alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate (route II): step 1/2 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0008966 molecular_function:phosphoglucosamine mutase activity 1 acetyl-CoA + 1 alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate. EC: GO:0019134 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00532 N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate from alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate (route II): step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0019134 molecular_function:glucosamine-1-phosphate N-acetyltransferase activity 1 N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate + 1 UTP =&gt; 1 UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0003977 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00533 UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine from N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0003977 molecular_function:UDP-N-acetylglucosamine diphosphorylase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 alpha,alpha-trehalose =&gt; 2 D-glucose. EC: GO:0004555 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00535 D-glucose from alpha,alpha-trehalose: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True GO:0004555 molecular_function:alpha,alpha-trehalase activity 1 2-aminoethanethiol + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 hypotaurine. EC: GO:0047800 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00536 hypotaurine from 2-aminoethanethiol: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True GO:0047800 molecular_function:cysteamine dioxygenase activity 1 L-cysteine + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 3-sulfino-L-alanine. EC: GO:0017172 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00537 hypotaurine from L-cysteine: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True GO:0017172 molecular_function:cysteine dioxygenase activity 1 3-sulfino-L-alanine =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 hypotaurine. EC: GO:0004782 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00538 hypotaurine from L-cysteine: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True GO:0004782 molecular_function:sulfinoalanine decarboxylase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) + 1 hypotaurine =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 taurine. EC: GO:0047822 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00539 taurine from hypotaurine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0047822 molecular_function:hypotaurine dehydrogenase activity 1 L-cysteine + 1 sulfite =&gt; 1 L-cysteate + 1 hydrogen sulfide. EC: GO:0047803 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00540 taurine from L-cysteine: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0047803 molecular_function:cysteine lyase activity 1 L-cysteate =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 taurine. EC: GO:0004782 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00541 taurine from L-cysteine: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True GO:0004782 molecular_function:sulfinoalanine decarboxylase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 O(2) + 1 taurine =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 aminoacetaldehyde + 1 succinate + 1 sulfite. EC: GO:0000908 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00542 aminoacetaldehyde and sulfite from taurine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True False True GO:0000908 molecular_function:taurine dioxygenase activity 1 pyruvate + 1 taurine =&gt; 1 L-alanine + 1 sulfoacetaldehyde. EC: GO:0031299 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00543 acetyl phosphate and sulfite from taurine: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0031299 molecular_function:taurine-pyruvate aminotransferase activity 1 phosphate + 1 sulfoacetaldehyde =&gt; 1 acetyl phosphate + 1 sulfite. EC: GO:0050487 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00544 acetyl phosphate and sulfite from taurine: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False True False True GO:0050487 molecular_function:sulfoacetaldehyde acetyltransferase activity 1 D-fructose 6-phosphate + 1 UDP-alpha-D-glucose =&gt; 1 UDP + 1 sucrose 6-phosphate. EC: GO:0046524 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00545 sucrose from D-fructose 6-phosphate and UDP-alpha-D-glucose: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False True GO:0046524 molecular_function:sucrose-phosphate synthase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 sucrose 6-phosphate =&gt; 1 phosphate + 1 sucrose. EC: GO:0050307 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00546 sucrose from D-fructose 6-phosphate and UDP-alpha-D-glucose: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0050307 molecular_function:sucrose-phosphate phosphatase activity 1 ATP + 1 CoA + 1 trans-4-coumarate =&gt; 1 4-coumaroyl-CoA + 1 AMP + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0016207 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00547 3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene from trans-4-coumarate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0016207 molecular_function:4-coumarate-CoA ligase activity 1 4-coumaroyl-CoA + 3 malonyl-CoA =&gt; 1 3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene + 4 CO(2) + 4 CoA. EC: GO:0050350 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00548 3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene from trans-4-coumarate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0050350 molecular_function:trihydroxystilbene synthase activity 1 L-histidine =&gt; 1 NH(3) + 1 trans-urocanate. EC: GO:0004397 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00549 N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate from L-histidine: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0004397 molecular_function:histidine ammonia-lyase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 trans-urocanate =&gt; 1 4-imidazolone-5-propanoate. EC: GO:0016153 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00550 N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate from L-histidine: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False True GO:0016153 molecular_function:urocanate hydratase activity 1 4-imidazolone-5-propanoate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate. EC: GO:0050480 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00551 N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate from L-histidine: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False True GO:0050480 molecular_function:imidazolonepropionase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate =&gt; 1 L-glutamate + 1 formamide. EC: GO:0050415 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00552 L-glutamate from N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate (hydrolase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False GO:0050415 molecular_function:formimidoylglutamase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate =&gt; 1 N-formyl-L-glutamate + 1 NH(3). EC: GO:0050416 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00553 L-glutamate from N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate (deiminase route): step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0050416 molecular_function:formimidoylglutamate deiminase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 N-formyl-L-glutamate =&gt; 1 L-glutamate + 1 formate. EC: GO:0050129 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00554 L-glutamate from N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate (deiminase route): step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False True False False GO:0050129 molecular_function:N-formylglutamate deformylase activity 1 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + 1 N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate =&gt; 1 5-formiminotetrahydrofolate + 1 L-glutamate. EC: GO:0030409 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00555 L-glutamate from N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate (transferase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False GO:0030409 molecular_function:glutamate formimidoyltransferase activity 2 farnesyl diphosphate =&gt; 1 dehydrosqualene + 2 diphosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00556 staphyloxanthin from farnesyl diphosphate: step 1/5 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True 3 FAD + 1 dehydrosqualene =&gt; 1 4,4'-diaponeurosporene + 3 FADH2. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00557 staphyloxanthin from farnesyl diphosphate: step 2/5 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True 1 4,4'-diaponeurosporene + 3 O(2) + 3 reduced acceptor =&gt; 1 4,4'-diaponeurosporenic acid + 4 H(2)O + 3 acceptor. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00558 staphyloxanthin from farnesyl diphosphate: step 3/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False True False False False False False True 1 4,4'-diaponeurosporenic acid =&gt; 1 glycosyl-4,4'-diaponeurosporenic acid. EC:2.4.1 GO:0000009 GO:0000026 GO:0000030 GO:0000033 GO:0001962 GO:0003980 GO:0004376 GO:0004576 GO:0004583 GO:0008375 GO:0008376 GO:0008378 GO:0008417 GO:0008755 GO:0008921 GO:0016758 GO:0016759 GO:0018715 GO:0018716 GO:0018717 GO:0018718 GO:0019112 GO:0019187 GO:0031278 GO:0033556 GO:0035496 GO:0042281 GO:0042283 GO:0045140 GO:0046527 GO:0046920 GO:0046921 GO:0052638 GO:0052639 GO:0052640 GO:0052641 GO:0052757 GO:0052824 GO:0080062 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00559 staphyloxanthin from farnesyl diphosphate: step 4/5 1 1 1 4 False True False True GO:0000009 molecular_function:alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase activity GO:0000026 molecular_function:alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase activity GO:0000030 molecular_function:mannosyltransferase activity GO:0000033 molecular_function:alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase activity GO:0001962 molecular_function:alpha-1,3-galactosyltransferase activity GO:0003980 molecular_function:UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase activity GO:0004376 molecular_function:glycolipid mannosyltransferase activity GO:0004576 molecular_function:oligosaccharyl transferase activity GO:0004583 molecular_function:dolichyl-phosphate-glucose-glycolipid alpha-glucosyltransferase activity GO:0008375 molecular_function:acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity GO:0008376 molecular_function:acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity GO:0008378 molecular_function:galactosyltransferase activity GO:0008417 molecular_function:fucosyltransferase activity GO:0008755 molecular_function:O antigen polymerase activity GO:0008921 molecular_function:lipopolysaccharide-1,6-galactosyltransferase activity GO:0016758 molecular_function:transferase activity, transferring hexosyl groups GO:0016759 molecular_function:cellulose synthase activity GO:0018715 molecular_function:9-phenanthrol UDP-glucuronosyltransferase activity GO:0018716 molecular_function:1-phenanthrol glycosyltransferase activity GO:0018717 molecular_function:9-phenanthrol glycosyltransferase activity GO:0018718 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxy-phenanthrene glycosyltransferase activity GO:0019112 molecular_function:phenanthrol glycosyltransferase activity GO:0019187 molecular_function:beta-1,4-mannosyltransferase activity GO:0031278 molecular_function:alpha-1,2-galactosyltransferase activity GO:0033556 molecular_function:dolichyl pyrophosphate Man7GlcNAc2 alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase activity GO:0035496 molecular_function:lipopolysaccharide-1,5-galactosyltransferase activity GO:0042281 molecular_function:dolichyl pyrophosphate Man9GlcNAc2 alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase activity GO:0042283 molecular_function:dolichyl pyrophosphate Glc1Man9GlcNAc2 alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase activity GO:0045140 molecular_function:inositol phosphoceramide synthase activity GO:0046527 molecular_function:glucosyltransferase activity GO:0046920 molecular_function:alpha-(1-&gt;3)-fucosyltransferase activity GO:0046921 molecular_function:alpha-(1-&gt;6)-fucosyltransferase activity GO:0052638 molecular_function:indole-3-butyrate beta-glucosyltransferase activity GO:0052639 molecular_function:salicylic acid glucosyltransferase (ester-forming) activity GO:0052640 molecular_function:salicylic acid glucosyltransferase (glucoside-forming) activity GO:0052641 molecular_function:benzoic acid glucosyltransferase activity GO:0052757 molecular_function:chondroitin hydrolase activity GO:0052824 molecular_function:dolichyl-pyrophosphate Man7GlcNAc2 alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase activity GO:0080062 molecular_function:cytokinin 9-beta-glucosyltransferase activity 1 glycosyl-4,4'-diaponeurosporenic acid =&gt; 1 staphyloxanthin. EC:2.3.1 GO:0004147 GO:0004772 GO:0008080 GO:0008374 GO:0008951 GO:0016406 GO:0016407 GO:0016408 GO:0016409 GO:0016410 GO:0016411 GO:0016412 GO:0016413 GO:0016414 GO:0016415 GO:0016416 GO:0016417 GO:0016418 GO:0016419 GO:0016420 GO:0016454 GO:0016747 GO:0016748 GO:0016749 GO:0016750 GO:0016751 GO:0016752 GO:0016753 GO:0018030 GO:0018031 GO:0018711 GO:0018712 GO:0018713 GO:0019105 GO:0019107 GO:0019186 GO:0019705 GO:0019707 GO:0030523 GO:0032216 GO:0034737 GO:0034738 GO:0034848 GO:0034851 GO:0034915 GO:0034919 GO:0034945 GO:0043741 GO:0043764 GO:0043806 GO:0043849 GO:0043875 GO:0046941 GO:0052858 GO:0090595 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00560 staphyloxanthin from farnesyl diphosphate: step 5/5 1 1 1 5 False True False True GO:0004147 molecular_function:dihydrolipoamide branched chain acyltransferase activity GO:0004772 molecular_function:sterol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0008080 molecular_function:N-acetyltransferase activity GO:0008374 molecular_function:O-acyltransferase activity GO:0008951 molecular_function:palmitoleoyl [acyl-carrier-protein]-dependent acyltransferase activity GO:0016406 molecular_function:carnitine O-acyltransferase activity GO:0016407 molecular_function:acetyltransferase activity GO:0016408 molecular_function:C-acyltransferase activity GO:0016409 molecular_function:palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0016410 molecular_function:N-acyltransferase activity GO:0016411 molecular_function:acylglycerol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0016412 molecular_function:serine O-acyltransferase activity GO:0016413 molecular_function:O-acetyltransferase activity GO:0016414 molecular_function:O-octanoyltransferase activity GO:0016415 molecular_function:octanoyltransferase activity GO:0016416 molecular_function:O-palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0016417 molecular_function:S-acyltransferase activity GO:0016418 molecular_function:S-acetyltransferase activity GO:0016419 molecular_function:S-malonyltransferase activity GO:0016420 molecular_function:malonyltransferase activity GO:0016454 molecular_function:C-palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0016747 molecular_function:transferase activity, transferring acyl groups other than amino-acyl groups GO:0016748 molecular_function:succinyltransferase activity GO:0016749 molecular_function:N-succinyltransferase activity GO:0016750 molecular_function:O-succinyltransferase activity GO:0016751 molecular_function:S-succinyltransferase activity GO:0016752 molecular_function:sinapoyltransferase activity GO:0016753 molecular_function:O-sinapoyltransferase activity GO:0018030 molecular_function:peptidyl-lysine N6-myristoyltransferase activity GO:0018031 molecular_function:peptidyl-lysine N6-palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0018711 molecular_function:benzoyl acetate-CoA thiolase activity GO:0018712 molecular_function:3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA thiolase activity GO:0018713 molecular_function:3-ketopimelyl-CoA thiolase activity GO:0019105 molecular_function:N-palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0019107 molecular_function:myristoyltransferase activity GO:0019186 molecular_function:acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase activity GO:0019705 molecular_function:protein-cysteine S-myristoyltransferase activity GO:0019707 molecular_function:protein-cysteine S-acyltransferase activity GO:0030523 molecular_function:dihydrolipoamide S-acyltransferase activity GO:0032216 molecular_function:glucosaminyl-phosphotidylinositol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0034737 molecular_function:ergosterol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0034738 molecular_function:lanosterol O-acyltransferase activity GO:0034848 molecular_function:naphthyl-2-oxomethyl-succinyl-CoA succinyl transferase activity GO:0034851 molecular_function:2,4,4-trimethyl-3-oxopentanoyl-CoA 2-C-propanoyl transferase activity GO:0034915 molecular_function:2-methylhexanoyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase activity GO:0034919 molecular_function:butyryl-CoA 2-C-propionyltransferase activity GO:0034945 molecular_function:2,6-dimethyl-5-methylene-3-oxo-heptanoyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase activity GO:0043741 molecular_function:L-2-aminoadipate N-acetyltransferase activity GO:0043764 molecular_function:UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] glucosamine N-acyltransferase activity GO:0043806 molecular_function:keto acid formate lyase activity GO:0043849 molecular_function:Ras palmitoyltransferase activity GO:0043875 molecular_function:2-ketobutyrate formate-lyase activity GO:0046941 molecular_function:azetidine-2-carboxylic acid acetyltransferase activity GO:0052858 molecular_function:peptidyl-lysine N-acetyltransferase activity, acting on acetyl phosphate as donor GO:0090595 molecular_function:acetyl-CoA:L-lysine N6-acetyltransferase 1 H(2)O + 1 cobalt-precorrin 5A =&gt; 1 acetaldehyde + 1 cobalt-precorrin 5B. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00561 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from sirohydrochlorin (anaerobic route): step 5/10 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False True False False False True 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine =&gt; 1 1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylate + 1 S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine. EC: GO:0016847 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00562 ethylene from S-adenosyl-L-methionine: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0016847 molecular_function:1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase activity 1 1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylate + 1 L-ascorbate + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 2 H(2)O + 1 L-dehydroascorbate + 1 ethylene + 1 hydrogen cyanide. EC: GO:0009815 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00563 ethylene from S-adenosyl-L-methionine: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False False False False False False False True GO:0009815 molecular_function:1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase activity 1 farnesyl diphosphate + 1 isopentenyl diphosphate =&gt; 1 diphosphate + 1 geranylgeranyl diphosphate. EC: GO:0004311 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00564 geranylgeranyl diphosphate from farnesyl diphosphate and isopentenyl diphosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False True GO:0004311 molecular_function:farnesyltranstransferase activity 1 L-arabinose =&gt; 1 L-ribulose. EC: GO:0008733 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00565 D-xylulose 5-phosphate from L-arabinose (bacterial route): step 1/3 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0008733 molecular_function:L-arabinose isomerase activity 1 ATP + 1 L-ribulose =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 L-ribulose 5-phosphate. EC: GO:0008741 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00566 D-xylulose 5-phosphate from L-arabinose (bacterial route): step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0008741 molecular_function:ribulokinase activity 1 L-ribulose 5-phosphate =&gt; 1 D-xylulose 5-phosphate. EC: GO:0008742 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00567 D-xylulose 5-phosphate from L-arabinose (bacterial route): step 3/3 1 1 1 3 False True False True GO:0008742 molecular_function:L-ribulose-phosphate 4-epimerase activity 1 L-arabinose + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 L-arabinono-1,4-lactone + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0050022 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00568 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate from L-arabinose: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0050022 molecular_function:L-arabinose 1-dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1 H(2)O + 1 L-arabinono-1,4-lactone =&gt; 1 L-arabinonate. EC: GO:0050021 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00569 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate from L-arabinose: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False True GO:0050021 molecular_function:L-arabinonolactonase activity 1 L-arabinonate =&gt; 1 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0050020 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00570 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate from L-arabinose: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 3 False True False False False True GO:0050020 molecular_function:L-arabinonate dehydratase activity 1 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate =&gt; 1 glycolaldehyde + 1 pyruvate. EC: GO:0047438 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00571 glycolaldehyde and pyruvate from 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False True GO:0047438 molecular_function:2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-pentonate aldolase activity 1 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate =&gt; 1 2,5-dioxopentanoate + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0047449 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00572 2-oxoglutarate from 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0047449 molecular_function:2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate dehydratase activity 1 2,5-dioxopentanoate + 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+) =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH. EC: GO:0047533 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00573 2-oxoglutarate from 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False True False False GO:0047533 molecular_function:2,5-dioxovalerate dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity H(+) + L-arabinose + [NADH or NADPH] =&gt; L-arabinitol + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)]. EC: GO:0004032 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00574 D-xylulose 5-phosphate from L-arabinose (fungal route): step 1/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 True False True False False False False True True False True False False True GO:0004032 molecular_function:alditol:NADP+ 1-oxidoreductase activity 1 L-arabinitol + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 L-xylulose + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0050019 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00575 D-xylulose 5-phosphate from L-arabinose (fungal route): step 2/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0050019 molecular_function:L-arabinitol 4-dehydrogenase activity 1 H(+) + 1 L-xylulose + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 NADP(+) + 1 xylitol. EC: GO:0050038 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00576 D-xylulose 5-phosphate from L-arabinose (fungal route): step 3/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0050038 molecular_function:L-xylulose reductase (NADP+) activity 1 NAD(+) + 1 xylitol =&gt; 1 D-xylulose + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0046526 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00577 D-xylulose 5-phosphate from L-arabinose (fungal route): step 4/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0046526 molecular_function:D-xylulose reductase activity 1 ATP + 1 D-xylulose =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 D-xylulose 5-phosphate. EC: GO:0004856 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00578 D-xylulose 5-phosphate from L-arabinose (fungal route): step 5/5 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False True False False False True GO:0004856 molecular_function:xylulokinase activity 1 L-arginine + 1 glycine =&gt; 1 L-ornithine + 1 guanidinoacetate. EC: GO:0015068 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00579 creatine from L-arginine and glycine: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False True GO:0015068 molecular_function:glycine amidinotransferase activity 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 guanidinoacetate =&gt; 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 1 creatine. EC: GO:0030731 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00580 creatine from L-arginine and glycine: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0030731 molecular_function:guanidinoacetate N-methyltransferase activity 1 farnesyl diphosphate =&gt; 1 diphosphate + 1 pentalenene. EC: GO:0050467 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00581 pentalenene from farnesyl diphosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0050467 molecular_function:pentalenene synthase activity 1 farnesyl diphosphate =&gt; 1 aristolochene + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0045483 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00582 aristolochene from farnesyl diphosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0045483 molecular_function:aristolochene synthase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 farnesyl diphosphate =&gt; 1 diphosphate + 1 germacradienol. EC: GO:0034004 GO:0052577 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00583 germacradienol from farnesyl diphosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0034004 molecular_function:germacradienol synthase activity GO:0052577 molecular_function:germacrene-D synthase activity 1 farnesyl diphosphate =&gt; 1 diphosphate + 1 germacrene D. EC: GO:0034004 GO:0052577 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00584 germacrene D from farnesyl diphosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0034004 molecular_function:germacradienol synthase activity GO:0052577 molecular_function:germacrene-D synthase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 L-alanine + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 NH(3) + 1 pyruvate. EC: GO:0000286 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00585 NH(3) and pyruvate from L-alanine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True False True False False GO:0000286 molecular_function:alanine dehydrogenase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 L-alanine =&gt; 1 L-glutamate + 1 pyruvate. EC: GO:0004021 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00586 pyruvate from L-alanine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False GO:0004021 molecular_function:L-alanine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity 1 NAD(+) + 1 choline =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 betaine aldehyde. EC:1.1.1 GO:0000252 GO:0004033 GO:0004448 GO:0004495 GO:0008875 GO:0016229 GO:0016616 GO:0018451 GO:0018452 GO:0018453 GO:0019152 GO:0032442 GO:0032866 GO:0032867 GO:0033709 GO:0033764 GO:0033765 GO:0034831 GO:0034840 GO:0035380 GO:0035410 GO:0043713 GO:0044103 GO:0044105 GO:0048258 GO:0051990 GO:0052677 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00587 betaine aldehyde from choline (dehydrogenase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0000252 molecular_function:C-3 sterol dehydrogenase (C-4 sterol decarboxylase) activity GO:0004033 molecular_function:aldo-keto reductase (NADP) activity GO:0004448 molecular_function:isocitrate dehydrogenase activity GO:0004495 molecular_function:mevaldate reductase activity GO:0008875 molecular_function:gluconate dehydrogenase activity GO:0016229 molecular_function:steroid dehydrogenase activity GO:0016616 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-OH group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor GO:0018451 molecular_function:epoxide dehydrogenase activity GO:0018452 molecular_function:5-exo-hydroxycamphor dehydrogenase activity GO:0018453 molecular_function:2-hydroxytetrahydrofuran dehydrogenase activity GO:0019152 molecular_function:acetoin dehydrogenase activity GO:0032442 molecular_function:phenylcoumaran benzylic ether reductase activity GO:0032866 molecular_function:D-xylose:NADP reductase activity GO:0032867 molecular_function:L-arabinose:NADP reductase activity GO:0033709 molecular_function:D-arabinitol dehydrogenase, D-ribulose forming (NADP+) activity GO:0033764 molecular_function:steroid dehydrogenase activity, acting on the CH-OH group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor GO:0033765 molecular_function:steroid dehydrogenase activity, acting on the CH-CH group of donors GO:0034831 molecular_function:(R)-(-)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthol dehydrogenase activity GO:0034840 molecular_function:3-hydroxymenthone dehydrogenase activity GO:0035380 molecular_function:very long-chain-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity GO:0035410 molecular_function:dihydrotestosterone 17-beta-dehydrogenase activity GO:0043713 molecular_function:(R)-2-hydroxyisocaproate dehydrogenase activity GO:0044103 molecular_function:L-arabinose 1-dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity GO:0044105 molecular_function:L-xylulose reductase (NAD+) activity GO:0048258 molecular_function:3-ketoglucose-reductase activity GO:0051990 molecular_function:(R)-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase activity GO:0052677 molecular_function:D-arabinitol dehydrogenase, D-xylulose forming (NADP+) activity 1 NAD(+) + 1 pyridoxal =&gt; 1 4-pyridoxolactone + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0050235 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00588 4-pyridoxate from pyridoxal: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0050235 molecular_function:pyridoxal 4-dehydrogenase activity 1 4-pyridoxolactone + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 4-pyridoxate. EC: GO:0047585 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00589 4-pyridoxate from pyridoxal: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False True GO:0047585 molecular_function:4-pyridoxolactonase activity 1 O(2) + 1 pyridoxine =&gt; 1 H(2)O(2) + 1 pyridoxal. EC: GO:0050237 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00590 pyridoxal from pyridoxine (oxidase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0050237 molecular_function:pyridoxine 4-oxidase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 L-glutamate + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 NH(3). EC: GO:0004352 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00591 crotonoyl-CoA from L-glutamate: step 1/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True False False GO:0004352 molecular_function:glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1 apoprotein + 1 octanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] =&gt; 1 acyl-carrier protein + 1 protein N(6)-(octanoyl)lysine. EC: GO:0033819 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00592 protein N(6)-(lipoyl)lysine from octanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0033819 molecular_function:lipoyl(octanoyl) transferase activity 2 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 protein N(6)-(octanoyl)lysine + 2 sulfur donor =&gt; 2 5'-deoxyadenosine + 2 L-methionine + 1 protein N(6)-(lipoyl)lysine. EC: GO:0016992 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00593 protein N(6)-(lipoyl)lysine from octanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0016992 molecular_function:lipoate synthase activity 1 ATP + 1 lipoate =&gt; 1 diphosphate + 1 lipoyl-AMP. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00594 protein N(6)-(lipoyl)lysine from lipoate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True 1 apoprotein + 1 lipoyl-AMP =&gt; 1 AMP + 1 protein N(6)-(lipoyl)lysine. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00595 protein N(6)-(lipoyl)lysine from lipoate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False False False True 1 ATP + 1 thiamine =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 thiamine phosphate. EC: GO:0019165 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00596 thiamine phosphate from thiamine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0019165 molecular_function:thiamine kinase activity 1 ATP + 1 thiamine =&gt; 1 AMP + 1 thiamine diphosphate. EC: GO:0004788 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00597 thiamine diphosphate from thiamine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004788 molecular_function:thiamine diphosphokinase activity 1 formyl-CoA + 1 oxalate =&gt; 1 formate + 1 oxalyl-CoA. EC: GO:0033608 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00598 CO(2) and formate from oxalate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True False True GO:0033608 molecular_function:formyl-CoA transferase activity 1 oxalyl-CoA =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 formyl-CoA. EC: GO:0008949 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00599 CO(2) and formate from oxalate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 2 False True False True False False GO:0008949 molecular_function:oxalyl-CoA decarboxylase activity 1 ATP + 1 nicotinamide D-ribonucleotide =&gt; 1 NAD(+) + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0000309 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00600 NAD(+) from nicotinamide D-ribonucleotide: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False GO:0000309 molecular_function:nicotinamide-nucleotide adenylyltransferase activity 1 L-rhamnose =&gt; 1 L-rhamnulose. EC: GO:0008740 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00601 glycerone phosphate from L-rhamnose: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0008740 molecular_function:L-rhamnose isomerase activity 1 ATP + 1 L-rhamnulose =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 L-rhamnulose 1-phosphate. EC: GO:0008993 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00602 glycerone phosphate from L-rhamnose: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0008993 molecular_function:rhamnulokinase activity 1 L-rhamnulose 1-phosphate =&gt; 1 L-lactaldehyde + 1 glycerone phosphate. EC: GO:0008994 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00603 glycerone phosphate from L-rhamnose: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 3 False True False True False False GO:0008994 molecular_function:rhamnulose-1-phosphate aldolase activity 1 lactose + 1 protein N(pi)-phospho-L-histidine =&gt; 1 lactose 6-phosphate + 1 protein-L-histidine. EC: GO:0008982 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00604 lactose 6-phosphate from lactose (PTS route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0008982 molecular_function:protein-N(PI)-phosphohistidine-sugar phosphotransferase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 lactose 6-phosphate =&gt; 1 D-galactose 6-phosphate + 1 beta-D-glucose. EC: GO:0033920 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00605 D-galactose 6-phosphate and beta-D-glucose from lactose 6-phosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False True GO:0033920 molecular_function:6-phospho-beta-galactosidase activity 1 ATP + 1 D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 1,7-diphosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00606 GDP-D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose from D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True 1 D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 1,7-diphosphate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 1-phosphate + 1 phosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00607 GDP-D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose from D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True 1 D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 1-phosphate + 1 GTP =&gt; 1 GDP-D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose + 1 diphosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00608 GDP-D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose from D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True 1 2-phospho-D-glycerate + 1 ATP =&gt; 1 2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate + 1 ADP. EC:2.7.2 GO:0016774 GO:0036357 GO:0043744 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00609 cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate from 2-phospho-D-glycerate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0016774 molecular_function:phosphotransferase activity, carboxyl group as acceptor GO:0036357 molecular_function:2-phosphoglycerate kinase activity GO:0043744 molecular_function:N2-acetyl-L-aminoadipate kinase activity 1 2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate + 1 ATP =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate + 1 phosphate. EC:4.6.1 GO:0036356 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00610 cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate from 2-phospho-D-glycerate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0036356 molecular_function:cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate synthetase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 pyruvate =&gt; 1 (S)-lactate + 1 NAD(+). EC: GO:0004459 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00611 (S)-lactate from pyruvate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004459 molecular_function:L-lactate dehydrogenase activity 1 acyl-CoA + 1 sn-glycerol 3-phosphate =&gt; 1 1-acyl-sn-glycerol 3-phosphate + 1 CoA. EC: GO:0004366 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00612 CDP-diacylglycerol from sn-glycerol 3-phosphate: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004366 molecular_function:glycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase activity 1 1-acyl-sn-glycerol 3-phosphate + 1 acyl-CoA =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 phosphatidate. EC: GO:0003841 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00613 CDP-diacylglycerol from sn-glycerol 3-phosphate: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0003841 molecular_function:1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase activity 1 CTP + 1 phosphatidate =&gt; 1 CDP-diacylglycerol + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004605 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00614 CDP-diacylglycerol from sn-glycerol 3-phosphate: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0004605 molecular_function:phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase activity 1 CDP-diacylglycerol + 1 L-serine =&gt; 1 CMP + 1 phosphatidylserine. EC: GO:0003882 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00615 phosphatidylethanolamine from CDP-diacylglycerol: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0003882 molecular_function:CDP-diacylglycerol-serine O-phosphatidyltransferase activity 1 phosphatidylserine =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 phosphatidylethanolamine. EC: GO:0004609 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00616 phosphatidylethanolamine from CDP-diacylglycerol: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True GO:0004609 molecular_function:phosphatidylserine decarboxylase activity 1 L-glutamate =&gt; 1 (2S,3S)-3-methyl-L-aspartate. EC: GO:0050097 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00617 acetate and pyruvate from L-glutamate: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0050097 molecular_function:methylaspartate mutase activity 1 (2S,3S)-3-methyl-L-aspartate =&gt; 1 NH(3) + 1 mesaconate. EC: GO:0050096 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00618 acetate and pyruvate from L-glutamate: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True GO:0050096 molecular_function:methylaspartate ammonia-lyase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 mesaconate =&gt; 1 L-citramalate. EC: GO:0047510 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00619 acetate and pyruvate from L-glutamate: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False True GO:0047510 molecular_function:(S)-2-methylmalate dehydratase activity 1 L-citramalate =&gt; 1 acetate + 1 pyruvate. EC: GO:0047776 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00620 acetate and pyruvate from L-glutamate: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 4 False True False True False True GO:0047776 molecular_function:citramalate lyase activity 1 formaldehyde + 1 glutathione =&gt; 1 S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione. EC: GO:0051907 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00621 formate from formaldehyde (glutathione route): step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True GO:0051907 molecular_function:S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione synthase activity S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)] =&gt; H(+) + S-formylglutathione + [NADH or NADPH]. EC: GO:0051903 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00622 formate from formaldehyde (glutathione route): step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 True False True False False True True False True False False False False True GO:0051903 molecular_function:S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione dehydrogenase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 S-formylglutathione =&gt; 1 formate + 1 glutathione. EC: GO:0018738 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00623 formate from formaldehyde (glutathione route): step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0018738 molecular_function:S-formylglutathione hydrolase activity 1 L-fucose =&gt; 1 L-fuculose. EC: GO:0008736 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00624 L-lactaldehyde and glycerone phosphate from L-fucose: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0008736 molecular_function:L-fucose isomerase activity 1 ATP + 1 L-fuculose =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 L-fuculose 1-phosphate. EC: GO:0008737 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00625 L-lactaldehyde and glycerone phosphate from L-fucose: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0008737 molecular_function:L-fuculokinase activity 1 L-fuculose 1-phosphate =&gt; 1 L-lactaldehyde + 1 glycerone phosphate. EC: GO:0008738 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00626 L-lactaldehyde and glycerone phosphate from L-fucose: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 3 False True False True False True GO:0008738 molecular_function:L-fuculose-phosphate aldolase activity 1 D-glucarate =&gt; 1 5-dehydro-4-deoxy-D-glucarate + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0008872 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00627 2,5-dioxopentanoate from D-glucarate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0008872 molecular_function:glucarate dehydratase activity 1 5-dehydro-4-deoxy-D-glucarate =&gt; 1 2,5-dioxopentanoate + 1 CO(2) + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0047448 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00628 2,5-dioxopentanoate from D-glucarate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False False False True GO:0047448 molecular_function:5-dehydro-4-deoxyglucarate dehydratase activity 1 galactarate =&gt; 1 5-dehydro-4-deoxy-D-glucarate + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0008867 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00629 D-glycerate from galactarate: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0008867 molecular_function:galactarate dehydratase activity 1 5-dehydro-4-deoxy-D-glucarate =&gt; 1 2-hydroxy-3-oxopropanoate + 1 pyruvate. EC: GO:0008672 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00630 D-glycerate from galactarate: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True GO:0008672 molecular_function:2-dehydro-3-deoxyglucarate aldolase activity 2-hydroxy-3-oxopropanoate + H(+) + [NADH or NADPH] =&gt; D-glycerate + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)]. EC: GO:0008679 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00631 D-glycerate from galactarate: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 True False True False False False False True True False True False False True GO:0008679 molecular_function:2-hydroxy-3-oxopropionate reductase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 cytidine =&gt; 1 NH(3) + 1 uridine. EC: GO:0004126 GO:0047844 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00632 uridine from cytidine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004126 molecular_function:cytidine deaminase activity GO:0047844 molecular_function:deoxycytidine deaminase activity 1 phosphate + 1 uridine =&gt; 1 alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate + 1 uracil. EC: GO:0004850 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00633 uracil from uridine (phosphorylase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False GO:0004850 molecular_function:uridine phosphorylase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 uridine =&gt; 1 D-ribose + 1 uracil. EC: GO:0045437 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00634 uracil from uridine (hydrolase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False GO:0045437 molecular_function:uridine nucleosidase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 cytosine =&gt; 1 NH(3) + 1 uracil. EC: GO:0004131 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00635 uracil from cytosine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004131 molecular_function:cytosine deaminase activity 1 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + 1 uracil =&gt; 1 UMP + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004845 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00636 UMP from uracil: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0004845 molecular_function:uracil phosphoribosyltransferase activity 1 ATP + 1 uridine =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 UMP. EC: GO:0004849 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00637 UMP from uridine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004849 molecular_function:uridine kinase activity 1 2-deoxy-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate + 1 thymine =&gt; 1 phosphate + 1 thymidine. EC: GO:0009032 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00638 dTMP from thymine: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0009032 molecular_function:thymidine phosphorylase activity 1 ATP + 1 thymidine =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 dTMP. EC: GO:0004797 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00639 dTMP from thymine: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004797 molecular_function:thymidine kinase activity 1 ATP + 1 cytidine =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 CMP. EC: GO:0004849 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00640 CTP from cytidine: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004849 molecular_function:uridine kinase activity 1 ATP + 1 CMP =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 CDP. EC: GO:0004127 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00641 CTP from cytidine: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004127 molecular_function:cytidylate kinase activity 1 ATP + 1 CDP =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 CTP. EC: GO:0004550 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00642 CTP from cytidine: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0004550 molecular_function:nucleoside diphosphate kinase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 acceptor + 1 uracil =&gt; 1 barbiturate + 1 reduced acceptor. EC: GO:0050383 GO:0052620 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00643 malonate and urea from uracil: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0050383 molecular_function:uracil dehydrogenase activity GO:0052620 molecular_function:thymine dehydrogenase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 barbiturate =&gt; 1 3-oxo-3-ureidopropanoic acid. EC: GO:0047694 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00644 malonate and urea from uracil: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False True GO:0047694 molecular_function:barbiturase activity 1 3-oxo-3-ureidopropanoic acid + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 malonate + 1 urea. EC: GO:0033970 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00645 malonate and urea from uracil: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False True False True GO:0033970 molecular_function:N-malonylurea hydrolase activity 1 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + 1 adenine =&gt; 1 AMP + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0003999 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00646 AMP from adenine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0003999 molecular_function:adenine phosphoribosyltransferase activity 1 ATP + 1 inosine =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 IMP. EC: GO:0008906 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00647 IMP from inosine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008906 molecular_function:inosine kinase activity 1 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + 1 hypoxanthine =&gt; 1 IMP + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004422 GO:0052657 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00648 IMP from hypoxanthine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004422 molecular_function:hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase activity GO:0052657 molecular_function:guanine phosphoribosyltransferase activity 2 ADP =&gt; 1 AMP + 1 ATP. EC: GO:0004017 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00649 AMP from ADP: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0004017 molecular_function:adenylate kinase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 O(2) + 1 urate =&gt; 1 5-hydroxyisouric acid + 1 H(2)O(2). EC: GO:0004846 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00650 (S)-allantoin from urate: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0004846 molecular_function:urate oxidase activity 1 5-hydroxyisouric acid + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 5-hydroxy-2-oxo-4-ureido-2,5-dihydro-1H-imidazole-5-carboxylic acid. EC: GO:0033971 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00651 (S)-allantoin from urate: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False True GO:0033971 molecular_function:hydroxyisourate hydrolase activity 1 5-hydroxy-2-oxo-4-ureido-2,5-dihydro-1H-imidazole-5-carboxylic acid =&gt; 1 (S)-allantoin + 1 CO(2). EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00652 (S)-allantoin from urate: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 3 False True False False False True 1 (S)-allantoin + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 allantoate. EC: GO:0004038 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00653 allantoate from (S)-allantoin: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True GO:0004038 molecular_function:allantoinase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 allantoate =&gt; 1 (S)-ureidoglycolate + 1 urea. EC: GO:0004037 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00654 (S)-ureidoglycolate from allantoate (aminidohydrolase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004037 molecular_function:allantoicase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 allantoate =&gt; 1 (S)-ureidoglycolate + 1 CO(2) + 1 NH(3). EC: GO:0047652 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00655 (S)-ureidoglycolate from allantoate (amidohydrolase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0047652 molecular_function:allantoate deiminase activity 1 (S)-ureidoglycolate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 2 NH(3) + 1 glyoxylate. EC: GO:0004848 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00656 glyoxylate from (S)-ureidoglycolate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004848 molecular_function:ureidoglycolate hydrolase activity (S)-ureidoglycolate + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)] =&gt; H(+) + oxalurate + [NADH or NADPH]. EC: GO:0009040 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00657 oxalurate from (S)-ureidoglycolate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 True False True False False True True False True False False False False True GO:0009040 molecular_function:ureidoglycolate dehydrogenase activity 1 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + 1 xanthine =&gt; 1 XMP + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0000310 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00658 XMP from xanthine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0000310 molecular_function:xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase activity 1 ATP + 1 adenosine =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 AMP. EC: GO:0004001 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00659 AMP from adenosine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004001 molecular_function:adenosine kinase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 guanine =&gt; 1 NH(3) + 1 xanthine. EC: GO:0008892 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00660 xanthine from guanine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008892 molecular_function:guanine deaminase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) + 1 hypoxanthine =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 xanthine. EC: GO:0004854 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00661 urate from hypoxanthine: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004854 molecular_function:xanthine dehydrogenase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) + 1 xanthine =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 urate. EC: GO:0004854 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00662 urate from hypoxanthine: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004854 molecular_function:xanthine dehydrogenase activity 1 AMP + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 IMP + 1 NH(3). EC: GO:0003876 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00663 IMP from AMP: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0003876 molecular_function:AMP deaminase activity 1 CDP-diacylglycerol + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 CMP + 1 phosphatidate. EC: GO:0008715 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00664 phosphatidate from CDP-diacylglycerol: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008715 molecular_function:CDP-diacylglycerol diphosphatase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 dCTP =&gt; 1 NH(3) + 1 dUTP. EC: GO:0008829 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00665 dUMP from dCTP (dUTP route): step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008829 molecular_function:dCTP deaminase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 dUTP =&gt; 1 dUMP + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004170 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00666 dUMP from dCTP (dUTP route): step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004170 molecular_function:dUTP diphosphatase activity 2 H(2)O + 1 dCTP =&gt; 1 NH(3) + 1 dUMP + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0033973 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00667 dUMP from dCTP: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0033973 molecular_function:dCTP deaminase (dUMP-forming) activity 1 NAD(+) + 1 glycerol =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 glycerone. EC: GO:0008888 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00668 glycerone phosphate from glycerol (oxidative route): step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0008888 molecular_function:glycerol dehydrogenase [NAD+] activity 1 ATP + 1 glycerone =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 glycerone phosphate. EC: GO:0004371 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00669 glycerone phosphate from glycerol (oxidative route): step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004371 molecular_function:glycerone kinase activity 1 glycerol =&gt; 1 3-hydroxypropanal + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0046405 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00670 propane-1,3-diol from glycerol (reductive route): step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0046405 molecular_function:glycerol dehydratase activity 1 3-hydroxypropanal + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH =&gt; 1 NAD(+) + 1 propane-1,3-diol. EC: GO:0047516 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00671 propane-1,3-diol from glycerol (reductive route): step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0047516 molecular_function:1,3-propanediol dehydrogenase activity 1 ATP + 1 glycerol =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 sn-glycerol 3-phosphate. EC: GO:0004370 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00672 sn-glycerol 3-phosphate from glycerol: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004370 molecular_function:glycerol kinase activity 1 Quinone + 1 sn-glycerol 3-phosphate =&gt; 1 Hydroquinone + 1 glycerone phosphate. EC: GO:0004368 GO:0052590 GO:0052591 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00673 glycerone phosphate from sn-glycerol 3-phosphate (anaerobic route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True False False GO:0004368 molecular_function:glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity GO:0052590 molecular_function:sn-glycerol-3-phosphate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase activity GO:0052591 molecular_function:sn-glycerol-3-phosphate:ubiquinone-8 oxidoreductase activity 1 Quinone + 1 sn-glycerol 3-phosphate =&gt; 1 Hydroquinone + 1 glycerone phosphate. EC: GO:0004368 GO:0052590 GO:0052591 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00674 glycerone phosphate from sn-glycerol 3-phosphate (aerobic route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True False False GO:0004368 molecular_function:glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity GO:0052590 molecular_function:sn-glycerol-3-phosphate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase activity GO:0052591 molecular_function:sn-glycerol-3-phosphate:ubiquinone-8 oxidoreductase activity 1 glutathione + 1 methylglyoxal =&gt; 1 (R)-S-lactoylglutathione. EC: GO:0004462 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00675 (R)-lactate from methylglyoxal: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True GO:0004462 molecular_function:lactoylglutathione lyase activity 1 (R)-S-lactoylglutathione + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 (R)-lactate + 1 glutathione. EC: GO:0004416 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00676 (R)-lactate from methylglyoxal: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004416 molecular_function:hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase activity 2 pyruvate =&gt; 1 (S)-2-acetolactate + 1 CO(2). EC: GO:0003984 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00677 (R,R)-butane-2,3-diol from pyruvate: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0003984 molecular_function:acetolactate synthase activity 1 (S)-2-acetolactate =&gt; 1 (R)-acetoin + 1 CO(2). EC: GO:0047605 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00678 (R,R)-butane-2,3-diol from pyruvate: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True GO:0047605 molecular_function:acetolactate decarboxylase activity 1 (R)-acetoin + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH =&gt; 1 (R,R)-butane-2,3-diol + 1 NAD(+). EC: GO:0000721 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00679 (R,R)-butane-2,3-diol from pyruvate: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0000721 molecular_function:(R,R)-butanediol dehydrogenase activity 1 N-acetylneuraminate =&gt; 1 N-acetyl-D-mannosamine + 1 pyruvate. EC: GO:0008747 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00680 D-fructose 6-phosphate from N-acetylneuraminate: step 1/5 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0008747 molecular_function:N-acetylneuraminate lyase activity 1 ATP + 1 N-acetyl-D-mannosamine =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 N-acetyl-D-mannosamine 6-phosphate. EC: GO:0009384 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00681 D-fructose 6-phosphate from N-acetylneuraminate: step 2/5 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0009384 molecular_function:N-acylmannosamine kinase activity 1 N-acetyl-D-mannosamine 6-phosphate =&gt; 1 N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate. EC: GO:0047465 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00682 D-fructose 6-phosphate from N-acetylneuraminate: step 3/5 1 1 1 3 False True False True GO:0047465 molecular_function:N-acylglucosamine-6-phosphate 2-epimerase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate =&gt; 1 acetate + 1 alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate. EC: GO:0008448 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00683 D-fructose 6-phosphate from N-acetylneuraminate: step 4/5 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0008448 molecular_function:N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate =&gt; 1 D-fructose 6-phosphate + 1 NH(3). EC: GO:0004342 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00684 D-fructose 6-phosphate from N-acetylneuraminate: step 5/5 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False True False False False True GO:0004342 molecular_function:glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 FADH2 =&gt; 1 2-hydroxyglutarate + 1 FAD. EC: GO:0047545 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00685 crotonoyl-CoA from L-glutamate: step 2/5 1 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False False False True GO:0047545 molecular_function:2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase activity 1 2-hydroxyglutarate + 1 acetyl-CoA =&gt; 1 2-hydroxyglutaryl-CoA + 1 acetate. EC: GO:0018730 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00686 crotonoyl-CoA from L-glutamate: step 3/5 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0018730 molecular_function:glutaconate CoA-transferase activity 1 2-hydroxyglutaryl-CoA =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 glutaconyl-1-CoA. EC:4.2.1 GO:0008659 GO:0016836 GO:0018807 GO:0018808 GO:0018809 GO:0018810 GO:0018811 GO:0018812 GO:0018813 GO:0018815 GO:0018816 GO:0018817 GO:0034561 GO:0034578 GO:0034581 GO:0034829 GO:0034839 GO:0034846 GO:0034856 GO:0034867 GO:0034890 GO:0034904 GO:0034917 GO:0034953 GO:0043724 GO:0043725 GO:0043956 GO:0043960 GO:0046565 GO:0051909 GO:0052684 GO:0052855 GO:0070497 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00687 crotonoyl-CoA from L-glutamate: step 4/5 1 1 1 1 4 False True False False False True GO:0008659 molecular_function:(3R)-hydroxymyristoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase activity GO:0016836 molecular_function:hydro-lyase activity GO:0018807 molecular_function:6-hydroxycyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0018808 molecular_function:trans-4-(1'-hydroxynaphth-2'-yl)-2-oxobut-3-enoate hydratase-aldolase activity GO:0018809 molecular_function:E-phenylitaconyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0018810 molecular_function:trans-4-[2-(3-hydroxy)-thionaphthenyl]-2-oxo-3-butenoate hydratase activity GO:0018811 molecular_function:cyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0018812 molecular_function:3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase activity GO:0018813 molecular_function:trans-o-hydroxybenzylidenepyruvate hydratase-aldolase activity GO:0018815 molecular_function:3-methyl-5-hydroxy-6-(3-carboxy-3-oxopropenyl)-1H-2-pyridon hydratase-aldolase activity GO:0018816 molecular_function:2-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydratase activity GO:0018817 molecular_function:2-oxo-hept-3-ene-1,7-dioate hydratase activity GO:0034561 molecular_function:1,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-proponol dehydratase activity GO:0034578 molecular_function:limonene 8-hydratase activity GO:0034581 molecular_function:4-methyloct-2-enoyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0034829 molecular_function:2-hydroxydec-2,4-diene-1,10-dioate hydratase activity GO:0034839 molecular_function:menth-2-enone hydratase activity GO:0034846 molecular_function:naphthyl-2-methylene-succinyl-CoA lyase activity GO:0034856 molecular_function:2-hydroxyhexa-2,4-dienoate hydratase activity GO:0034867 molecular_function:2,4,4-trimethylpent-2-enoyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0034890 molecular_function:endosulfan diol hydrolyase (cyclizing) activity GO:0034904 molecular_function:5-chloro-2-oxopent-4-enoate hydratase activity GO:0034917 molecular_function:2-methylhex-2-enoyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0034953 molecular_function:perillyl-CoA hydratase activity GO:0043724 molecular_function:2-keto-3-deoxygalactonate aldolase activity GO:0043725 molecular_function:2-keto-3-deoxygluconate aldolase activity GO:0043956 molecular_function:3-hydroxypropionyl-CoA dehydratase activity GO:0043960 molecular_function:L-erythro-3-methylmalyl-CoA dehydratase activity GO:0046565 molecular_function:3-dehydroshikimate dehydratase activity GO:0051909 molecular_function:acetylenecarboxylate hydratase activity, producing 3-hydroxypropenoate GO:0052684 molecular_function:L-serine hydro-lyase (adding indole, L-tryptophan-forming) activity GO:0052855 molecular_function:ADP-dependent NAD(P)H-hydrate dehydratase activity GO:0070497 molecular_function:6-carboxy-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterin synthase activity 1 glutaconyl-1-CoA =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 crotonoyl-CoA. EC: GO:0018801 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00688 crotonoyl-CoA from L-glutamate: step 5/5 1 1 1 1 5 False True False False False True GO:0018801 molecular_function:glutaconyl-CoA decarboxylase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 H(+) + 1 L-glutamine + 1 NADPH =&gt; 2 L-glutamate + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0004355 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00689 L-glutamate from 2-oxoglutarate and L-glutamine (NADP(+) route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False False False False True GO:0004355 molecular_function:glutamate synthase (NADPH) activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 H(+) + 1 L-glutamine + 1 NADH =&gt; 2 L-glutamate + 1 NAD(+). EC: GO:0016040 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00690 L-glutamate from 2-oxoglutarate and L-glutamine (NAD(+) route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False False False False True GO:0016040 molecular_function:glutamate synthase (NADH) activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 2 H(+) + 1 L-glutamine + 2 reduced ferredoxin =&gt; 2 L-glutamate + 2 oxidized ferredoxin. EC: GO:0016041 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00691 L-glutamate from 2-oxoglutarate and L-glutamine (ferredoxin route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False False False True False False GO:0016041 molecular_function:glutamate synthase (ferredoxin) activity 1 CO(2) + 1 methanofuran + 1 reduced acceptor =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 N-formylmethanofuran + 1 acceptor. EC: GO:0018493 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00692 5,10-methenyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin from CO(2): step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False False False False False True GO:0018493 molecular_function:formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase activity 1 5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + 1 N-formylmethanofuran =&gt; 1 N(5)-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + 1 methanofuran. EC: GO:0030270 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00693 5,10-methenyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin from CO(2): step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False False False True GO:0030270 molecular_function:formylmethanofuran-tetrahydromethanopterin N-formyltransferase activity 1 H(+) + 1 N(5)-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin =&gt; 1 5,10-methenyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0018759 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00694 5,10-methenyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin from CO(2): step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0018759 molecular_function:methenyltetrahydromethanopterin cyclohydrolase activity 1 1,5-dihydro-coenzyme F(420) + 1 5,10-methenyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin =&gt; 1 5,10-methylene-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + 1 coenzyme F420. EC: GO:0030268 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00695 5,10-methylene-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin from 5,10-methenyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin (coenzyme F420 route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0030268 molecular_function:methylenetetrahydromethanopterin dehydrogenase activity 1 5,10-methenyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + 1 H(2) =&gt; 1 5,10-methylene-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + 1 H(+). EC: GO:0047068 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00696 5,10-methylene-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin from 5,10-methenyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin (hydrogen route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0047068 molecular_function:N5,N10-methenyltetrahydromethanopterin hydrogenase activity 1 1,5-dihydro-coenzyme F(420) + 1 5,10-methylene-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin =&gt; 1 5-methyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + 1 coenzyme F420. EC: GO:0018537 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00697 methyl-coenzyme M from 5,10-methylene-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0018537 molecular_function:coenzyme F420-dependent N5,N10-methenyltetrahydromethanopterin reductase activity 1 5-methyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + 1 coenzyme M =&gt; 1 5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + 1 methyl-coenzyme M. EC: GO:0030269 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00698 methyl-coenzyme M from 5,10-methylene-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0030269 molecular_function:tetrahydromethanopterin S-methyltransferase activity 1 coenzyme B + 1 methyl-coenzyme M =&gt; 1 coenzyme M-coenzyme B heterodisulfide + 1 methane. EC: GO:0050524 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00699 methane from methyl-coenzyme M: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True False False GO:0050524 molecular_function:coenzyme-B sulfoethylthiotransferase activity 1 coenzyme M-coenzyme B heterodisulfide + 1 dihydromethanophenazine =&gt; 1 coenzyme B + 1 coenzyme M + 1 methanophenazine. EC: GO:0051912 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00700 coenzyme B and coenzyme M from coenzyme M-coenzyme B heterodisulfide: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True False True False False GO:0051912 molecular_function:CoB--CoM heterodisulfide reductase activity 1 5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + 1 formaldehyde =&gt; 1 5,10-methylene-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + 1 H(2)O. EC:4.3 GO:0016840 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00701 formate from formaldehyde (H(4)MPT route): step 1/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0016840 molecular_function:carbon-nitrogen lyase activity 1 5,10-methylene-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + 1 NADP(+) =&gt; 1 5,10-methenyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + 1 NADPH. EC:1.5.1 GO:0004486 GO:0004753 GO:0016646 GO:0018529 GO:0044684 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00702 formate from formaldehyde (H(4)MPT route): step 2/5 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004486 molecular_function:methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity GO:0004753 molecular_function:saccharopine dehydrogenase activity GO:0016646 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-NH group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor GO:0018529 molecular_function:nitrilotriacetate monooxygenase activity GO:0044684 molecular_function:dihydromethanopterin reductase activity 1 5,10-methenyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 N(5)-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin. EC: GO:0018759 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00703 formate from formaldehyde (H(4)MPT route): step 3/5 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0018759 molecular_function:methenyltetrahydromethanopterin cyclohydrolase activity 1 N(5)-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + 1 methanofuran =&gt; 1 5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin + 1 N-formylmethanofuran. EC: GO:0030270 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00704 formate from formaldehyde (H(4)MPT route): step 4/5 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False True False False GO:0030270 molecular_function:formylmethanofuran-tetrahydromethanopterin N-formyltransferase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 N-formylmethanofuran =&gt; 1 formate + 1 methanofuran. EC: GO:0018493 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00705 formate from formaldehyde (H(4)MPT route): step 5/5 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False True False True False False GO:0018493 molecular_function:formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase activity 1 nitrate + 1 reduced acceptor =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 acceptor + 1 nitrite. EC: GO:0008940 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00706 dinitrogen from nitrate: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0008940 molecular_function:nitrate reductase activity 1 H(+) + 1 ferrocytochrome c + 1 nitrite =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 ferricytochrome c + 1 nitric oxide. EC: GO:0050421 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00707 dinitrogen from nitrate: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0050421 molecular_function:nitrite reductase (NO-forming) activity 2 H(+) + 2 ferrocytochrome c + 2 nitric oxide =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 2 ferricytochrome c + 1 nitrous oxide. EC: GO:0016966 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00708 dinitrogen from nitrate: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0016966 molecular_function:nitric oxide reductase activity 2 H(+) + 2 ferrocytochrome c + 1 nitrous oxide =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 dinitrogen + 2 ferricytochrome c. EC: GO:0050304 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00709 dinitrogen from nitrate: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0050304 molecular_function:nitrous-oxide reductase activity 1 malonyl-CoA =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 acetyl-CoA. EC: GO:0050080 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00710 acetyl-CoA from malonyl-CoA: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0050080 molecular_function:malonyl-CoA decarboxylase activity 1 ATP + 1 acetyl-CoA + 1 bicarbonate =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 malonyl-CoA + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0003989 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00711 malonyl-CoA from acetyl-CoA: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0003989 molecular_function:acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 farnesyl diphosphate + 1 protoheme =&gt; 1 diphosphate + 1 heme O. EC:2.5.1 GO:0004659 GO:0004661 GO:0008318 GO:0008412 GO:0008495 GO:0016765 GO:0043888 GO:0043918 GO:0043919 GO:0046428 GO:0048045 GO:0052622 GO:0052623 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00712 heme O from protoheme: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004659 molecular_function:prenyltransferase activity GO:0004661 molecular_function:protein geranylgeranyltransferase activity GO:0008318 molecular_function:protein prenyltransferase activity GO:0008412 molecular_function:4-hydroxybenzoate octaprenyltransferase activity GO:0008495 molecular_function:protoheme IX farnesyltransferase activity GO:0016765 molecular_function:transferase activity, transferring alkyl or aryl (other than methyl) groups GO:0043888 molecular_function:(S)-2,3-di-O-geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate synthase activity GO:0043918 molecular_function:cadaverine aminopropyltransferase activity GO:0043919 molecular_function:agmatine aminopropyltransferase activity GO:0046428 molecular_function:1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate octaprenyltransferase activity GO:0048045 molecular_function:trans-pentaprenyltranstransferase activity GO:0052622 molecular_function:ATP dimethylallyltransferase activity GO:0052623 molecular_function:ADP dimethylallyltransferase activity 1 heme O =&gt; 1 heme A. enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00713 heme A from heme O: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 False True False True 1 D-galactose 6-phosphate =&gt; 1 D-tagatose 6-phosphate. EC: GO:0050044 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00714 D-tagatose 6-phosphate from D-galactose 6-phosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0050044 molecular_function:galactose-6-phosphate isomerase activity 1 ATP + 1 D-tagatose 6-phosphate =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 D-tagatose 1,6-bisphosphate. EC: GO:0009024 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00715 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and glycerone phosphate from D-tagatose 6-phosphate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0009024 molecular_function:tagatose-6-phosphate kinase activity 1 D-tagatose 1,6-bisphosphate =&gt; 1 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + 1 glycerone phosphate. EC: GO:0009025 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00716 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and glycerone phosphate from D-tagatose 6-phosphate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 2 False True False True False True GO:0009025 molecular_function:tagatose-bisphosphate aldolase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 acetyl-CoA + 1 oxaloacetate =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 citrate. EC: GO:0004108 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00717 isocitrate from oxaloacetate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0004108 molecular_function:citrate (Si)-synthase activity 1 citrate =&gt; 1 isocitrate. EC: GO:0003994 GO:0047780 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00718 isocitrate from oxaloacetate: step 2/2 1 1 1 2 False True False True GO:0003994 molecular_function:aconitate hydratase activity GO:0047780 molecular_function:citrate dehydratase activity 1 isocitrate =&gt; 1 glyoxylate + 1 succinate. EC: GO:0004451 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00719 (S)-malate from isocitrate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0004451 molecular_function:isocitrate lyase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 acetyl-CoA + 1 glyoxylate =&gt; 1 (S)-malate + 1 CoA. EC: GO:0004474 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00720 (S)-malate from isocitrate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0004474 molecular_function:malate synthase activity 1 (S)-malate + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 oxaloacetate. EC: GO:0030060 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00721 oxaloacetate from (S)-malate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True False False GO:0030060 molecular_function:L-malate dehydrogenase activity 1 L-phenylalanine =&gt; 1 2-phenylethylamine + 1 CO(2). EC: GO:0050174 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00722 phenylacetate from L-phenylalanine: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0050174 molecular_function:phenylalanine decarboxylase activity 1 2-phenylethylamine + 1 H(2)O + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 H(2)O(2) + 1 NH(3) + 1 phenylacetaldehyde. EC: GO:0008131 GO:0052593 GO:0052594 GO:0052595 GO:0052596 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00723 phenylacetate from L-phenylalanine: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0008131 molecular_function:primary amine oxidase activity GO:0052593 molecular_function:tryptamine:oxygen oxidoreductase (deaminating) activity GO:0052594 molecular_function:aminoacetone:oxygen oxidoreductase(deaminating) activity GO:0052595 molecular_function:aliphatic-amine oxidase activity GO:0052596 molecular_function:phenethylamine:oxygen oxidoreductase (deaminating) activity 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) + 1 phenylacetaldehyde =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 phenylacetate. EC: GO:0008957 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00724 phenylacetate from L-phenylalanine: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0008957 molecular_function:phenylacetaldehyde dehydrogenase activity 1 L-phenylalanine =&gt; 1 NH(3) + 1 trans-cinnamate. EC: GO:0045548 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00725 trans-cinnamate from L-phenylalanine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0045548 molecular_function:phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 L-kynurenine =&gt; 1 4-(2-aminophenyl)-2,4-dioxobutanoate + 1 L-glutamate. EC: GO:0016212 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00726 kynurenate from L-kynurenine: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0016212 molecular_function:kynurenine-oxoglutarate transaminase activity 1 4-(2-aminophenyl)-2,4-dioxobutanoate =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 kynurenate. enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00727 kynurenate from L-kynurenine: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 O(2) + 1 phthalate =&gt; 1 NAD(+) + 1 cis-4,5-dihydroxycyclohexa-2,6-diene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid. EC: GO:0018620 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00728 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate from phthalate: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False True GO:0018620 molecular_function:phthalate 4,5-dioxygenase activity 1 NAD(+) + 1 cis-4,5-dihydroxycyclohexa-2,6-diene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid =&gt; 1 4,5-dihydroxyphthalate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0018517 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00729 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate from phthalate: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0018517 molecular_function:phthalate 4,5-cis-dihydrodiol dehydrogenase activity 1 4,5-dihydroxyphthalate =&gt; 1 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate + 1 CO(2). EC: GO:0018796 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00730 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate from phthalate: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 3 False True False False False True GO:0018796 molecular_function:4,5-dihydroxyphthalate decarboxylase activity 1 L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde + 1 L-glutamate =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 L-2,4-diaminobutanoate. EC: GO:0045303 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00731 1,3-diaminopropane from L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0045303 molecular_function:diaminobutyrate-2-oxoglutarate transaminase activity 1 L-2,4-diaminobutanoate =&gt; 1 1,3-diaminopropane + 1 CO(2). EC: GO:0033983 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00732 1,3-diaminopropane from L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True GO:0033983 molecular_function:diaminobutyrate decarboxylase activity 1 L-tyrosine + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 L-dopa. EC: GO:0004503 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00733 dopamine from L-tyrosine: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004503 molecular_function:monophenol monooxygenase activity 1 L-dopa =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 dopamine. EC: GO:0004058 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00734 dopamine from L-tyrosine: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True GO:0004058 molecular_function:aromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylase activity 1 L-ascorbate + 1 O(2) + 1 dopamine =&gt; 1 (R)-noradrenaline + 1 H(2)O + 1 L-dehydroascorbate. EC: GO:0004500 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00735 (R)-noradrenaline from dopamine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True False False GO:0004500 molecular_function:dopamine beta-monooxygenase activity 1 (R)-noradrenaline + 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine =&gt; 1 (R)-adrenaline + 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine. EC: GO:0004603 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00736 (R)-adrenaline from (R)-noradrenaline: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004603 molecular_function:phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase activity 1 ATP + 1 choline =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 phosphocholine. EC: GO:0004103 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00737 phosphocholine from choline: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004103 molecular_function:choline kinase activity 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 phosphoethanolamine =&gt; 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 1 phosphocholine. EC: GO:0000234 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00738 phosphocholine from phosphoethanolamine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0000234 molecular_function:phosphoethanolamine N-methyltransferase activity 1 CTP + 1 phosphocholine =&gt; 1 CDP-choline + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004105 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00739 phosphatidylcholine from phosphocholine: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004105 molecular_function:choline-phosphate cytidylyltransferase activity 1 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol + 1 CDP-choline =&gt; 1 CMP + 1 phosphatidylcholine. EC: GO:0004142 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00740 phosphatidylcholine from phosphocholine: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False False False True GO:0004142 molecular_function:diacylglycerol cholinephosphotransferase activity 1 ATP + 1 ethanolamine =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 phosphoethanolamine. EC: GO:0004305 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00741 phosphatidylethanolamine from ethanolamine: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004305 molecular_function:ethanolamine kinase activity 1 CTP + 1 phosphoethanolamine =&gt; 1 CDP-ethanolamine + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004306 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00742 phosphatidylethanolamine from ethanolamine: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004306 molecular_function:ethanolamine-phosphate cytidylyltransferase activity 1 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol + 1 CDP-ethanolamine =&gt; 1 CMP + 1 phosphatidylethanolamine. EC: GO:0004307 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00743 phosphatidylethanolamine from ethanolamine: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False True False False False False False True GO:0004307 molecular_function:ethanolaminephosphotransferase activity 2 H(+) + 1 L-tyrosine + 2 NADPH + 2 O(2) =&gt; 1 (Z)-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetaldehyde oxime + 1 CO(2) + 3 H(2)O + 2 NADP(+). EC: GO:0050370 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00744 dhurrin from L-tyrosine: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0050370 molecular_function:tyrosine N-monooxygenase activity 1 (Z)-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetaldehyde oxime + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 (S)-4-hydroxymandelonitrile + 2 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0047085 GO:0050592 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00745 dhurrin from L-tyrosine: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0047085 molecular_function:hydroxyphenylacetonitrile 2-monooxygenase activity GO:0050592 molecular_function:4-hydroxyphenylacetaldehyde oxime monooxygenase activity 1 (S)-4-hydroxymandelonitrile + 1 UDP-alpha-D-glucose =&gt; 1 UDP + 1 dhurrin. EC: GO:0047792 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00746 dhurrin from L-tyrosine: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0047792 molecular_function:cyanohydrin beta-glucosyltransferase activity 1 3',5'-cyclic AMP + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 AMP. EC: GO:0004114 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00747 AMP from 3',5'-cyclic AMP: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True GO:0004114 molecular_function:3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity 1 3',5'-cyclic GMP + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 GMP. EC: GO:0047555 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00748 GMP from 3',5'-cyclic GMP: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True GO:0047555 molecular_function:3',5'-cyclic-GMP phosphodiesterase activity 1 NAD(+) + 1 cyclopentanol =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 cyclopentanone. EC: GO:0055041 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00749 5-valerolactone from cyclopentanol: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0055041 molecular_function:cyclopentanol dehydrogenase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 O(2) + 1 cyclopentanone =&gt; 1 5-valerolactone + 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0047799 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00750 5-valerolactone from cyclopentanol: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0047799 molecular_function:cyclopentanone monooxygenase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 2 farnesyl diphosphate =&gt; 1 NADP(+) + 2 diphosphate + 1 squalene. EC: GO:0004310 GO:0051996 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00751 lanosterol from farnesyl diphosphate: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004310 molecular_function:farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase activity GO:0051996 molecular_function:squalene synthase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 O(2) + 1 squalene =&gt; 1 (S)-2,3-epoxysqualene + 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0004506 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00752 lanosterol from farnesyl diphosphate: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004506 molecular_function:squalene monooxygenase activity 1 (S)-2,3-epoxysqualene =&gt; 1 lanosterol. EC: GO:0000250 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00753 lanosterol from farnesyl diphosphate: step 3/3 1 1 1 3 False True False True GO:0000250 molecular_function:lanosterol synthase activity 3 H(+) + 3 NADPH + 3 O(2) + 1 lanosterol =&gt; 1 4,4-dimethyl-5alpha-cholesta-8,14,24-trien-3beta-ol + 4 H(2)O + 3 NADP(+) + 1 formate. EC: GO:0008398 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00754 zymosterol from lanosterol: step 1/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0008398 molecular_function:sterol 14-demethylase activity 1 4,4-dimethyl-5alpha-cholesta-8,14,24-trien-3beta-ol + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 14-demethyllanosterol + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0050613 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00755 zymosterol from lanosterol: step 2/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0050613 molecular_function:delta14-sterol reductase activity 1 14-demethyllanosterol + 3 H(+) + 3 NADPH + 3 O(2) =&gt; 1 4alpha-methylzymosterol-4-carboxylic acid + 4 H(2)O + 3 NADP(+). EC: GO:0000254 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00756 zymosterol from lanosterol: step 3/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0000254 molecular_function:C-4 methylsterol oxidase activity 1 4alpha-methylzymosterol-4-carboxylic acid + 1 NADP(+) =&gt; 1 3-dehydro-4-methylzymosterol + 1 CO(2) + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH. EC: GO:0047012 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00757 zymosterol from lanosterol: step 4/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0047012 molecular_function:sterol-4-alpha-carboxylate 3-dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) activity 1 3-dehydro-4-methylzymosterol + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 4-alpha-methylzymosterol + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0000253 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00758 zymosterol from lanosterol: step 5/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0000253 molecular_function:3-keto sterol reductase activity 1 4-alpha-methylzymosterol =&gt; 1 zymosterol. enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00759 zymosterol from lanosterol: step 6/6 1 1 1 6 False True False True 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine + 1 zymosterol =&gt; 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 1 fecosterol. EC: GO:0003838 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00760 ergosterol from zymosterol: step 1/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0003838 molecular_function:sterol 24-C-methyltransferase activity 1 fecosterol =&gt; 1 episterol. EC:5 GO:0008719 GO:0009385 GO:0016853 GO:0043800 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00761 ergosterol from zymosterol: step 2/5 1 1 1 2 False True False True GO:0008719 molecular_function:dihydroneopterin triphosphate 2'-epimerase activity GO:0009385 molecular_function:N-acylmannosamine-6-phosphate 2-epimerase activity GO:0016853 molecular_function:isomerase activity GO:0043800 molecular_function:hexulose-6-phosphate isomerase activity 1 NADP(+) + 1 episterol =&gt; 1 5,7,24(28)-ergostatrienol + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH. EC:1.14 GO:0016705 GO:0018585 GO:0018586 GO:0018588 GO:0018589 GO:0018590 GO:0018591 GO:0018592 GO:0018593 GO:0018594 GO:0018595 GO:0018596 GO:0018597 GO:0018598 GO:0018599 GO:0018600 GO:0034559 GO:0034562 GO:0034786 GO:0034816 GO:0034857 GO:0034858 GO:0034859 GO:0034862 GO:0034870 GO:0034873 GO:0034874 GO:0034888 GO:0034893 GO:0034897 GO:0034903 GO:0034925 GO:0034927 GO:0034928 GO:0034929 GO:0034950 GO:0043823 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00762 ergosterol from zymosterol: step 3/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0016705 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen GO:0018585 molecular_function:fluorene oxygenase activity GO:0018586 molecular_function:mono-butyltin dioxygenase activity GO:0018588 molecular_function:tri-n-butyltin dioxygenase activity GO:0018589 molecular_function:di-n-butyltin dioxygenase activity GO:0018590 molecular_function:methylsilanetriol hydroxylase activity GO:0018591 molecular_function:methyl tertiary butyl ether 3-monooxygenase activity GO:0018592 molecular_function:4-nitrocatechol 4-monooxygenase activity GO:0018593 molecular_function:4-chlorophenoxyacetate monooxygenase activity GO:0018594 molecular_function:tert-butanol 2-monooxygenase activity GO:0018595 molecular_function:alpha-pinene monooxygenase activity GO:0018596 molecular_function:dimethylsilanediol hydroxylase activity GO:0018597 molecular_function:ammonia monooxygenase activity GO:0018598 molecular_function:hydroxymethylsilanetriol oxidase activity GO:0018599 molecular_function:2-hydroxyisobutyrate 3-monooxygenase activity GO:0018600 molecular_function:alpha-pinene dehydrogenase activity GO:0034559 molecular_function:bisphenol A hydroxylase B activity GO:0034562 molecular_function:2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-propanol hydroxylase activity GO:0034786 molecular_function:9-fluorenone-3,4-dioxygenase activity GO:0034816 molecular_function:anthracene 9,10-dioxygenase activity GO:0034857 molecular_function:2-(methylthio)benzothiazole monooxygenase activity GO:0034858 molecular_function:2-hydroxybenzothiazole monooxygenase activity GO:0034859 molecular_function:benzothiazole monooxygenase activity GO:0034862 molecular_function:2,6-dihydroxybenzothiazole monooxygenase activity GO:0034870 molecular_function:pinacolone 5-monooxygenase activity GO:0034873 molecular_function:thioacetamide S-oxygenase activity GO:0034874 molecular_function:thioacetamide S-oxide S-oxygenase activity GO:0034888 molecular_function:endosulfan monooxygenase I activity GO:0034893 molecular_function:N-nitrodimethylamine hydroxylase activity GO:0034897 molecular_function:4-(1-ethyl-1,4-dimethyl-pentyl)phenol monoxygenase activity GO:0034903 molecular_function:endosulfan ether monooxygenase activity GO:0034925 molecular_function:pyrene 4,5-monooxygenase activity GO:0034927 molecular_function:pyrene 1,2-monooxygenase activity GO:0034928 molecular_function:1-hydroxypyrene 6,7-monooxygenase activity GO:0034929 molecular_function:1-hydroxypyrene 7,8-monooxygenase activity GO:0034950 molecular_function:phenylboronic acid monooxygenase activity GO:0043823 molecular_function:spheroidene monooxygenase activity 1 5,7,24(28)-ergostatrienol + 1 NADP(+) =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 ergosta-5,7,22,24(28)-tetraen-3beta-ol. EC:1.14.14 GO:0008681 GO:0016712 GO:0018679 GO:0034938 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00763 ergosterol from zymosterol: step 4/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0008681 molecular_function:2-octaprenyl-6-methoxyphenol hydroxylase activity GO:0016712 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen, reduced flavin or flavoprotein as one donor, and incorporation of one atom of oxygen GO:0018679 molecular_function:dibenzothiophene-5,5-dioxide monooxygenase activity GO:0034938 molecular_function:pyrrole-2-carboxylate monooxygenase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 ergosta-5,7,22,24(28)-tetraen-3beta-ol =&gt; 1 NADP(+) + 1 ergosterol. EC: GO:0000246 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00764 ergosterol from zymosterol: step 5/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0000246 molecular_function:delta24(24-1) sterol reductase activity D-arabinose + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)] =&gt; D-arabinono-1,4-lactone + H(+) + [NADH or NADPH]. EC: EC: GO:0045290 GO:0047816 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00765 dehydro-D-arabinono-1,4-lactone from D-arabinose: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 True False True False False True True False True False False False False True GO:0045290 molecular_function:D-arabinose 1-dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity GO:0047816 molecular_function:D-arabinose 1-dehydrogenase (NAD) activity 1 D-arabinono-1,4-lactone + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 H(2)O(2) + 1 dehydro-D-arabinono-1,4-lactone. EC: GO:0003885 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00766 dehydro-D-arabinono-1,4-lactone from D-arabinose: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0003885 molecular_function:D-arabinono-1,4-lactone oxidase activity 1 NAD(+) + 1 ethanol =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 acetaldehyde. EC: GO:0004022 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00767 acetate from ethanol: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004022 molecular_function:alcohol dehydrogenase (NAD) activity 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) + 1 acetaldehyde =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 acetate. EC: GO:0004029 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00768 acetate from ethanol: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False True False False GO:0004029 molecular_function:aldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD) activity 1 ATP + 1 fructoselysine =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 fructoselysine 6-phosphate. EC:2.7.1 GO:0008443 GO:0008607 GO:0008819 GO:0010276 GO:0016307 GO:0016538 GO:0016773 GO:0018720 GO:0019914 GO:0032942 GO:0033785 GO:0034071 GO:0035004 GO:0042556 GO:0042557 GO:0043743 GO:0043771 GO:0043798 GO:0043841 GO:0043899 GO:0043915 GO:0044605 GO:0051731 GO:0051734 GO:0051735 GO:0052668 GO:0052669 GO:0052670 GO:0052671 GO:0052672 GO:0052673 GO:0052810 GO:0052811 GO:0052812 GO:0052813 GO:0052835 GO:0052836 GO:0052839 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00769 D-glucose 6-phosphate and lysine from fructoselysine: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008443 molecular_function:phosphofructokinase activity GO:0008607 molecular_function:phosphorylase kinase regulator activity GO:0008819 molecular_function:cobinamide kinase activity GO:0010276 molecular_function:phytol kinase activity GO:0016307 molecular_function:phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinase activity GO:0016538 molecular_function:cyclin-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase regulator activity GO:0016773 molecular_function:phosphotransferase activity, alcohol group as acceptor GO:0018720 molecular_function:phenol kinase activity GO:0019914 molecular_function:cyclin-dependent protein kinase activating kinase regulator activity GO:0032942 molecular_function:inositol tetrakisphosphate 2-kinase activity GO:0033785 molecular_function:heptose 7-phosphate kinase activity GO:0034071 molecular_function:aminoglycoside phosphotransferase activity GO:0035004 molecular_function:phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity GO:0042556 molecular_function:eukaryotic elongation factor-2 kinase regulator activity GO:0042557 molecular_function:eukaryotic elongation factor-2 kinase activator activity GO:0043743 molecular_function:LPPG:FO 2-phospho-L-lactate transferase activity GO:0043771 molecular_function:cytidine kinase activity GO:0043798 molecular_function:glycerate 2-kinase activity GO:0043841 molecular_function:(S)-lactate 2-kinase activity GO:0043899 molecular_function:phosphoserine:homoserine phosphotransferase activity GO:0043915 molecular_function:L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) kinase activity GO:0044605 molecular_function:phosphocholine transferase activity GO:0051731 molecular_function:polynucleotide 5'-hydroxyl-kinase activity GO:0051734 molecular_function:ATP-dependent polynucleotide kinase activity GO:0051735 molecular_function:GTP-dependent polynucleotide kinase activity GO:0052668 molecular_function:farnesol kinase activity GO:0052669 molecular_function:CTP:2-trans,-6-trans-farnesol kinase activity GO:0052670 molecular_function:geraniol kinase activity GO:0052671 molecular_function:geranylgeraniol kinase activity GO:0052672 molecular_function:CTP:geranylgeraniol kinase activity GO:0052673 molecular_function:prenol kinase activity GO:0052810 molecular_function:1-phosphatidylinositol-5-kinase activity GO:0052811 molecular_function:1-phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate 4-kinase activity GO:0052812 molecular_function:phosphatidylinositol-3,4-bisphosphate 5-kinase activity GO:0052813 molecular_function:phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate kinase activity GO:0052835 molecular_function:inositol-3,4,6-trisphosphate 1-kinase activity GO:0052836 molecular_function:inositol 5-diphosphate pentakisphosphate 5-kinase activity GO:0052839 molecular_function:inositol diphosphate tetrakisphosphate kinase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 fructoselysine 6-phosphate =&gt; 1 D-glucose 6-phosphate + 1 L-lysine. EC:3.5 GO:0016810 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00770 D-glucose 6-phosphate and lysine from fructoselysine: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0016810 molecular_function:hydrolase activity, acting on carbon-nitrogen (but not peptide) bonds 1 UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 UDP-alpha-D-xylose. EC: GO:0048040 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00771 UDP-alpha-D-xylose from UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0048040 molecular_function:UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase activity 1 UDP-alpha-D-xylose =&gt; 1 UDP-L-arabinose. EC: GO:0050373 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00772 UDP-L-arabinose from UDP-alpha-D-xylose: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0050373 molecular_function:UDP-arabinose 4-epimerase activity 2 geranylgeranyl diphosphate =&gt; 1 all-trans-phytoene + 2 diphosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00773 all-trans-phytoene from geranylgeranyl diphosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True 1 antheraxanthin =&gt; 1 capsanthin. EC: GO:0052727 GO:0052728 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00774 capsanthin from antheraxanthin: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0052727 molecular_function:capsanthin synthase activity GO:0052728 molecular_function:capsorubin synthase activity 1 violaxanthin =&gt; 1 capsorubin. EC: GO:0052727 GO:0052728 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00775 capsorubin from violaxanthin: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0052727 molecular_function:capsanthin synthase activity GO:0052728 molecular_function:capsorubin synthase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 O(2) + 1 dibenzofuran =&gt; 1 NAD(+) + 1 biphenyl-2,2',3-triol. EC:1.14.12 GO:0016708 GO:0018603 GO:0018604 GO:0018606 GO:0018607 GO:0018608 GO:0018609 GO:0018610 GO:0018611 GO:0018612 GO:0018613 GO:0018614 GO:0018615 GO:0018616 GO:0018617 GO:0034521 GO:0034825 GO:0034906 GO:0034907 GO:0034908 GO:0034911 GO:0034954 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00776 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate and salicylate from dibenzofuran: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False True GO:0016708 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen, NAD(P)H as one donor, and incorporation of two atoms of oxygen into one donor GO:0018603 molecular_function:nitrobenzene 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018604 molecular_function:4-aminobenzoate 3,4-dioxygenase (deaminating) activity GO:0018606 molecular_function:benzenesulfonate dioxygenase activity GO:0018607 molecular_function:1-indanone monooxygenase activity GO:0018608 molecular_function:1-indanone dioxygenase activity GO:0018609 molecular_function:chlorobenzene dioxygenase activity GO:0018610 molecular_function:dibenzofuran 4,4a-dioxygenase activity GO:0018611 molecular_function:toluate dioxygenase activity GO:0018612 molecular_function:dibenzothiophene dioxygenase activity GO:0018613 molecular_function:9-fluorenone dioxygenase activity GO:0018614 molecular_function:ethylbenzene dioxygenase activity GO:0018615 molecular_function:2-indanone monooxygenase activity GO:0018616 molecular_function:trihydroxytoluene dioxygenase activity GO:0018617 molecular_function:4-aminobenzenesulfonate 3,4-dioxygenase (deaminating) activity GO:0034521 molecular_function:1-naphthoic acid dioxygenase activity GO:0034825 molecular_function:tetralin ring-hydroxylating dioxygenase activity GO:0034906 molecular_function:N-isopropylaniline 1,2-dixoxygenase activity GO:0034907 molecular_function:acetanilide 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0034908 molecular_function:2-chloro-N-isopropylacetanilide 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0034911 molecular_function:phthalate 3,4-dioxygenase activity GO:0034954 molecular_function:diphenyl ether 2,3-dioxygenase activity 1 O(2) + 1 biphenyl-2,2',3-triol =&gt; 1 2-hydroxy-6-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-6-oxo-cis,cis-hexa-2,4-dienoic acid. EC:1.13.11 GO:0016702 GO:0018542 GO:0018555 GO:0018556 GO:0018557 GO:0018558 GO:0018559 GO:0018560 GO:0018561 GO:0018562 GO:0018563 GO:0018564 GO:0018565 GO:0018566 GO:0018567 GO:0018568 GO:0018569 GO:0018570 GO:0018571 GO:0018572 GO:0018573 GO:0018574 GO:0018575 GO:0019114 GO:0019117 GO:0034543 GO:0034803 GO:0034806 GO:0034808 GO:0034810 GO:0034811 GO:0034812 GO:0034813 GO:0034814 GO:0034827 GO:0034834 GO:0034895 GO:0034920 GO:0034922 GO:0034934 GO:0034935 GO:0034936 GO:0034955 GO:0034956 GO:0036403 GO:0047074 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00777 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate and salicylate from dibenzofuran: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False True GO:0016702 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on single donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen, incorporation of two atoms of oxygen GO:0018542 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy DDT 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018555 molecular_function:phenanthrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018556 molecular_function:2,2',3-trihydroxybiphenyl dioxygenase activity GO:0018557 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxyfluorene 1,1-alpha-dioxygenase activity GO:0018558 molecular_function:5,6-dihydroxy-3-methyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline dioxygenase activity GO:0018559 molecular_function:1,1-dichloro-2-(dihydroxy-4-chlorophenyl)-(4-chlorophenyl)ethene 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018560 molecular_function:protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase type II activity GO:0018561 molecular_function:2'-aminobiphenyl-2,3-diol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018562 molecular_function:3,4-dihydroxyfluorene 4,4-alpha-dioxygenase activity GO:0018563 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy-ethylbenzene 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018564 molecular_function:carbazole 1,9a-dioxygenase activity GO:0018565 molecular_function:dihydroxydibenzothiophene dioxygenase activity GO:0018566 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene-6-sulfonate 1,8a-dioxygenase activity GO:0018567 molecular_function:styrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018568 molecular_function:3,4-dihydroxyphenanthrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018569 molecular_function:hydroquinone 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018570 molecular_function:p-cumate 2,3-dioxygenase activity GO:0018571 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy-p-cumate dioxygenase activity GO:0018572 molecular_function:3,5-dichlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018573 molecular_function:2-aminophenol 1,6-dioxygenase activity GO:0018574 molecular_function:2,6-dichloro-p-hydroquinone 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018575 molecular_function:chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0019114 molecular_function:catechol dioxygenase activity GO:0019117 molecular_function:dihydroxyfluorene dioxygenase activity GO:0034543 molecular_function:5-aminosalicylate dioxygenase activity GO:0034803 molecular_function:3-hydroxy-2-naphthoate 2,3-dioxygenase activity GO:0034806 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 11,12-dioxygenase activity GO:0034808 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 4,5-dioxygenase activity GO:0034810 molecular_function:4,5-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034811 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 9,10-dioxygenase activity GO:0034812 molecular_function:9,10-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034813 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 7,8-dioxygenase activity GO:0034814 molecular_function:7,8-dihydroxy benzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034827 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxy-5,6,7,8-tetrahydronaphthalene extradiol dioxygenase activity GO:0034834 molecular_function:2-mercaptobenzothiazole dioxygenase activity GO:0034895 molecular_function:pyridine-3,4-diol dioxygenase activity GO:0034920 molecular_function:pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034922 molecular_function:4,5-dihydroxypyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034934 molecular_function:phenanthrene-4-carboxylate dioxygenase activity GO:0034935 molecular_function:tetrachlorobenzene dioxygenase activity GO:0034936 molecular_function:4,6-dichloro-3-methylcatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0034955 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxydiphenyl ether dioxygenase activity GO:0034956 molecular_function:diphenyl ether 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0036403 molecular_function:arachidonate 8(S)-lipoxygenase activity GO:0047074 molecular_function:4-hydroxycatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity 1 2-hydroxy-6-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-6-oxo-cis,cis-hexa-2,4-dienoic acid + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate + 1 salicylate. EC: GO:0018774 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00778 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate and salicylate from dibenzofuran: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False True False True GO:0018774 molecular_function:2,6-dioxo-6-phenylhexa-3-enoate hydrolase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 O(2) + 1 dibenzo-p-dioxin =&gt; 1 2,2',3-trihydroxy-diphenyl ether + 1 NAD(+). EC:1.14.12 GO:0016708 GO:0018603 GO:0018604 GO:0018606 GO:0018607 GO:0018608 GO:0018609 GO:0018610 GO:0018611 GO:0018612 GO:0018613 GO:0018614 GO:0018615 GO:0018616 GO:0018617 GO:0034521 GO:0034825 GO:0034906 GO:0034907 GO:0034908 GO:0034911 GO:0034954 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00779 2-hydroxymuconate and catechol from dibenzo-p-dioxin: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False True GO:0016708 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen, NAD(P)H as one donor, and incorporation of two atoms of oxygen into one donor GO:0018603 molecular_function:nitrobenzene 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018604 molecular_function:4-aminobenzoate 3,4-dioxygenase (deaminating) activity GO:0018606 molecular_function:benzenesulfonate dioxygenase activity GO:0018607 molecular_function:1-indanone monooxygenase activity GO:0018608 molecular_function:1-indanone dioxygenase activity GO:0018609 molecular_function:chlorobenzene dioxygenase activity GO:0018610 molecular_function:dibenzofuran 4,4a-dioxygenase activity GO:0018611 molecular_function:toluate dioxygenase activity GO:0018612 molecular_function:dibenzothiophene dioxygenase activity GO:0018613 molecular_function:9-fluorenone dioxygenase activity GO:0018614 molecular_function:ethylbenzene dioxygenase activity GO:0018615 molecular_function:2-indanone monooxygenase activity GO:0018616 molecular_function:trihydroxytoluene dioxygenase activity GO:0018617 molecular_function:4-aminobenzenesulfonate 3,4-dioxygenase (deaminating) activity GO:0034521 molecular_function:1-naphthoic acid dioxygenase activity GO:0034825 molecular_function:tetralin ring-hydroxylating dioxygenase activity GO:0034906 molecular_function:N-isopropylaniline 1,2-dixoxygenase activity GO:0034907 molecular_function:acetanilide 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0034908 molecular_function:2-chloro-N-isopropylacetanilide 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0034911 molecular_function:phthalate 3,4-dioxygenase activity GO:0034954 molecular_function:diphenyl ether 2,3-dioxygenase activity 1 2,2',3-trihydroxy-diphenyl ether + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 2-hydroxy-6-(2-hydroxyphenoxy)-6-oxo-cis,cis-hexa-2,4-dienoic acid. EC:1.13.11 GO:0016702 GO:0018542 GO:0018555 GO:0018556 GO:0018557 GO:0018558 GO:0018559 GO:0018560 GO:0018561 GO:0018562 GO:0018563 GO:0018564 GO:0018565 GO:0018566 GO:0018567 GO:0018568 GO:0018569 GO:0018570 GO:0018571 GO:0018572 GO:0018573 GO:0018574 GO:0018575 GO:0019114 GO:0019117 GO:0034543 GO:0034803 GO:0034806 GO:0034808 GO:0034810 GO:0034811 GO:0034812 GO:0034813 GO:0034814 GO:0034827 GO:0034834 GO:0034895 GO:0034920 GO:0034922 GO:0034934 GO:0034935 GO:0034936 GO:0034955 GO:0034956 GO:0036403 GO:0047074 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00780 2-hydroxymuconate and catechol from dibenzo-p-dioxin: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False True GO:0016702 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on single donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen, incorporation of two atoms of oxygen GO:0018542 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy DDT 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018555 molecular_function:phenanthrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018556 molecular_function:2,2',3-trihydroxybiphenyl dioxygenase activity GO:0018557 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxyfluorene 1,1-alpha-dioxygenase activity GO:0018558 molecular_function:5,6-dihydroxy-3-methyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline dioxygenase activity GO:0018559 molecular_function:1,1-dichloro-2-(dihydroxy-4-chlorophenyl)-(4-chlorophenyl)ethene 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018560 molecular_function:protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase type II activity GO:0018561 molecular_function:2'-aminobiphenyl-2,3-diol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018562 molecular_function:3,4-dihydroxyfluorene 4,4-alpha-dioxygenase activity GO:0018563 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy-ethylbenzene 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018564 molecular_function:carbazole 1,9a-dioxygenase activity GO:0018565 molecular_function:dihydroxydibenzothiophene dioxygenase activity GO:0018566 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene-6-sulfonate 1,8a-dioxygenase activity GO:0018567 molecular_function:styrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018568 molecular_function:3,4-dihydroxyphenanthrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018569 molecular_function:hydroquinone 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018570 molecular_function:p-cumate 2,3-dioxygenase activity GO:0018571 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy-p-cumate dioxygenase activity GO:0018572 molecular_function:3,5-dichlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018573 molecular_function:2-aminophenol 1,6-dioxygenase activity GO:0018574 molecular_function:2,6-dichloro-p-hydroquinone 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018575 molecular_function:chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0019114 molecular_function:catechol dioxygenase activity GO:0019117 molecular_function:dihydroxyfluorene dioxygenase activity GO:0034543 molecular_function:5-aminosalicylate dioxygenase activity GO:0034803 molecular_function:3-hydroxy-2-naphthoate 2,3-dioxygenase activity GO:0034806 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 11,12-dioxygenase activity GO:0034808 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 4,5-dioxygenase activity GO:0034810 molecular_function:4,5-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034811 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 9,10-dioxygenase activity GO:0034812 molecular_function:9,10-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034813 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 7,8-dioxygenase activity GO:0034814 molecular_function:7,8-dihydroxy benzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034827 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxy-5,6,7,8-tetrahydronaphthalene extradiol dioxygenase activity GO:0034834 molecular_function:2-mercaptobenzothiazole dioxygenase activity GO:0034895 molecular_function:pyridine-3,4-diol dioxygenase activity GO:0034920 molecular_function:pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034922 molecular_function:4,5-dihydroxypyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034934 molecular_function:phenanthrene-4-carboxylate dioxygenase activity GO:0034935 molecular_function:tetrachlorobenzene dioxygenase activity GO:0034936 molecular_function:4,6-dichloro-3-methylcatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0034955 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxydiphenyl ether dioxygenase activity GO:0034956 molecular_function:diphenyl ether 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0036403 molecular_function:arachidonate 8(S)-lipoxygenase activity GO:0047074 molecular_function:4-hydroxycatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity 1 2-hydroxy-6-(2-hydroxyphenoxy)-6-oxo-cis,cis-hexa-2,4-dienoic acid + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 2-hydroxymuconate + 1 catechol. EC:3.7.1 GO:0016823 GO:0018736 GO:0018737 GO:0018765 GO:0018766 GO:0018767 GO:0018768 GO:0018769 GO:0018770 GO:0018772 GO:0034545 GO:0034779 GO:0034789 GO:0034801 GO:0034820 GO:0034828 GO:0034910 GO:0034948 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00781 2-hydroxymuconate and catechol from dibenzo-p-dioxin: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False True False True GO:0016823 molecular_function:hydrolase activity, acting on acid carbon-carbon bonds, in ketonic substances GO:0018736 molecular_function:6-oxo-2-hydroxycyclohexane-1-carboxyl-CoA hydrolase activity GO:0018737 molecular_function:2-ketocyclohexane-1-carboxyl-CoA hydrolase activity GO:0018765 molecular_function:2-hydroxy-6-oxohepta-2,4-dienoate hydrolase activity GO:0018766 molecular_function:dihydrophloroglucinol hydrolase activity GO:0018767 molecular_function:2-hydroxy-6-oxo-7-methylocta-2,4-dienoate hydrolase activity GO:0018768 molecular_function:2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-(2'-aminophenyl)hexa-2,4-dienoate hydrolase activity GO:0018769 molecular_function:2-hydroxy-6-oxoocta-2,4-dienoate hydrolase activity GO:0018770 molecular_function:6-oxo-2-hydroxy-7-(4'-chlorophenyl)-3,8,8-trichloroocta-2E,4E,7-trienoate hydrolase activity GO:0018772 molecular_function:trioxoheptanoate hydrolase activity GO:0034545 molecular_function:fumarylpyruvate hydrolase activity GO:0034779 molecular_function:4-isopropenyl-2-ketocyclohexane-1-carboxyl-CoA hydrolase activity GO:0034789 molecular_function:2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-(2-carboxyphenyl)-hexa-2,4-dienoate hydrolase activity GO:0034801 molecular_function:2,4-dinitrocyclohexanone hydrolase activity GO:0034820 molecular_function:4,9-DSHA hydrolase activity GO:0034828 molecular_function:4-(2-oxocyclohexyl)-2-hydroxy-buta-2,4-dienoate hydrolase activity GO:0034910 molecular_function:6-hydroxy-3-succinoylpyridine hydrolase activity GO:0034948 molecular_function:2,6-dihydroxypseudooxynicotine hydrolase activity 1 D-sorbitol + 1 protein N(pi)-phospho-L-histidine =&gt; 1 D-sorbitol 6-phosphate + 1 protein-L-histidine. EC: GO:0008982 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00782 D-sorbitol 6-phosphate from D-sorbitol: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0008982 molecular_function:protein-N(PI)-phosphohistidine-sugar phosphotransferase activity 1 D-sorbitol 6-phosphate + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 D-fructose 6-phosphate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0009010 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00783 D-fructose 6-phosphate from D-sorbitol 6-phosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0009010 molecular_function:sorbitol-6-phosphate 2-dehydrogenase activity 1 D-fructose + 1 D-glucose =&gt; 1 D-glucono-1,5-lactone + 1 D-sorbitol. EC: GO:0047061 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00784 D-sorbitol from D-fructose and D-glucose: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False True GO:0047061 molecular_function:glucose-fructose oxidoreductase activity 1 D-glucono-1,5-lactone + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 D-gluconate. EC: GO:0004341 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00785 D-gluconate from D-glucono-1,5-lactone: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True GO:0004341 molecular_function:gluconolactonase activity 1 L-histidine =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 histamine. EC: GO:0004398 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00786 histamine from L-histidine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0004398 molecular_function:histidine decarboxylase activity 1 D-glucose 6-phosphate =&gt; 1 1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate. EC: GO:0004512 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00787 myo-inositol from D-glucose 6-phosphate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0004512 molecular_function:inositol-3-phosphate synthase activity 1 1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 myo-inositol + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0008934 GO:0052832 GO:0052833 GO:0052834 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00788 myo-inositol from D-glucose 6-phosphate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0008934 molecular_function:inositol monophosphate 1-phosphatase activity GO:0052832 molecular_function:inositol monophosphate 3-phosphatase activity GO:0052833 molecular_function:inositol monophosphate 4-phosphatase activity GO:0052834 molecular_function:inositol monophosphate phosphatase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 O(2) + 1 trans-cinnamate =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+) + 1 trans-4-coumarate. EC: GO:0016710 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00789 trans-4-coumarate from trans-cinnamate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0016710 molecular_function:trans-cinnamate 4-monooxygenase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 nicotinamide =&gt; 1 NH(3) + 1 nicotinate. EC: GO:0008936 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00790 nicotinate from nicotinamide: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008936 molecular_function:nicotinamidase activity 1 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propanoate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoate + 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+). EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00791 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoate from 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propanoate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True 1 3-phenylpropanoate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 NAD(+) + 1 cis-3-(2-carboxyethyl)-3,5-cyclohexadiene-1,2-diol. EC: GO:0008695 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00792 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoate from 3-phenylpropanoate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False True GO:0008695 molecular_function:3-phenylpropionate dioxygenase activity 1 NAD(+) + 1 cis-3-(2-carboxyethyl)-3,5-cyclohexadiene-1,2-diol =&gt; 1 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00793 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoate from 3-phenylpropanoate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False True 1 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoate + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 2-hydroxy-6-oxonona-2,4-diene-1,9-dioate. EC: GO:0047070 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00794 acetaldehyde and pyruvate from 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoate: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True GO:0047070 molecular_function:3-carboxyethylcatechol 2,3-dioxygenase activity 1 2-hydroxy-6-oxonona-2,4-diene-1,9-dioate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate + 1 succinate. EC: GO:0018771 GO:0052823 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00795 acetaldehyde and pyruvate from 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoate: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0018771 molecular_function:2-hydroxy-6-oxonona-2,4-dienedioate hydrolase activity GO:0052823 molecular_function:2-hydroxy-6-oxonona-2,4,7-trienedioate hydrolase activity 1 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 4-hydroxy-2-oxopentanoate. EC: GO:0008684 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00796 acetaldehyde and pyruvate from 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoate: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False True GO:0008684 molecular_function:2-oxopent-4-enoate hydratase activity 1 4-hydroxy-2-oxopentanoate =&gt; 1 acetaldehyde + 1 pyruvate. EC: GO:0008701 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00797 acetaldehyde and pyruvate from 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoate: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 4 False True False True False True GO:0008701 molecular_function:4-hydroxy-2-oxovalerate aldolase activity 1 CoA + 1 NAD(+) + 1 acetaldehyde =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 acetyl-CoA. EC: GO:0008774 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00798 acetyl-CoA from acetaldehyde: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True False False GO:0008774 molecular_function:acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (acetylating) activity 1 L-tryptophan + 1 O(2) + 1 tetrahydrobiopterin =&gt; 1 4a-hydroxytetrahydrobiopterin + 1 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan. EC: GO:0004510 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00799 serotonin from L-tryptophan: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True False False GO:0004510 molecular_function:tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activity 1 L-tartrate + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 2-hydroxy-3-oxosuccinate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0009027 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00800 2-hydroxy-3-oxosuccinate from L-tartrate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0009027 molecular_function:tartrate dehydrogenase activity 1 NAD(+) + 1 meso-tartrate =&gt; 1 2-hydroxy-3-oxosuccinate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0009027 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00801 2-hydroxy-3-oxosuccinate from meso-tartrate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0009027 molecular_function:tartrate dehydrogenase activity 2-hydroxy-3-oxosuccinate + H(+) + [NADH or NADPH] =&gt; CO(2) + D-glycerate + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)]. EC: GO:0047047 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00802 D-glycerate from 2-hydroxy-3-oxosuccinate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 True False True False False False False True True False True False False False False True GO:0047047 molecular_function:oxaloglycolate reductase (decarboxylating) activity 1 L-tartrate =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 D-glycerate. EC: GO:0050319 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00803 D-glycerate from L-tartrate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0050319 molecular_function:tartrate decarboxylase activity D-glycerate + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)] =&gt; 3-hydroxypyruvate + H(+) + [NADH or NADPH]. EC: EC: GO:0008465 GO:0016618 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00804 3-hydroxypyruvate from D-glycerate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 True False True False False True True False True False False False False True GO:0008465 molecular_function:glycerate dehydrogenase activity GO:0016618 molecular_function:hydroxypyruvate reductase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 thiamine =&gt; 1 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine + 1 5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazole + 1 H(+). EC: GO:0050334 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00805 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine and 5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazole from thiamine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True False True GO:0050334 molecular_function:thiaminase activity 1 geranylgeranyl diphosphate =&gt; 1 diphosphate + 1 taxa-4,11-diene. EC: GO:0050553 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00806 taxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-ol from geranylgeranyl diphosphate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0050553 molecular_function:taxadiene synthase activity 1 O(2) + 1 reduced acceptor + 1 taxa-4,11-diene =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 acceptor + 1 taxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-ol. EC: GO:0050604 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00807 taxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-ol from geranylgeranyl diphosphate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0050604 molecular_function:taxadiene 5-alpha-hydroxylase activity 1 acetyl-CoA + 1 taxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-ol =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 taxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-yl acetate. EC: GO:0050638 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00808 10-deacetyl-2-debenzoylbaccatin III from taxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-ol: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0050638 molecular_function:taxadien-5-alpha-ol O-acetyltransferase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 O(2) + 1 taxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-yl acetate =&gt; 1 10beta-hydroxytaxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-yl acetate + 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0050597 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00809 10-deacetyl-2-debenzoylbaccatin III from taxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-ol: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0050597 molecular_function:taxane 10-beta-hydroxylase activity 1 10-deacetyl-2-debenzoylbaccatin III + 1 benzoyl-CoA =&gt; 1 10-deacetylbaccatin III + 1 CoA. EC: GO:0050642 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00810 baccatin III from 10-deacetyl-2-debenzoylbaccatin III: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0050642 molecular_function:2-alpha-hydroxytaxane 2-O-benzoyltransferase activity 1 10-deacetylbaccatin III + 1 acetyl-CoA =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 baccatin III. EC: GO:0050643 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00811 baccatin III from 10-deacetyl-2-debenzoylbaccatin III: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0050643 molecular_function:10-deacetylbaccatin III 10-O-acetyltransferase activity 1 baccatin III + 1 beta-phenylalanoyl-CoA =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 N-(3'R)-debenzoyl-2'-deoxytaxol. EC:2.3 GO:0016746 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00812 taxol from baccatin III: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0016746 molecular_function:transferase activity, transferring acyl groups 1 N-(3'R)-debenzoyl-2'-deoxytaxol + 1 O(2) + 1 reduced acceptor =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 N-(3'R)-debenzoyltaxol + 1 acceptor. EC:1.14 GO:0016705 GO:0018585 GO:0018586 GO:0018588 GO:0018589 GO:0018590 GO:0018591 GO:0018592 GO:0018593 GO:0018594 GO:0018595 GO:0018596 GO:0018597 GO:0018598 GO:0018599 GO:0018600 GO:0034559 GO:0034562 GO:0034786 GO:0034816 GO:0034857 GO:0034858 GO:0034859 GO:0034862 GO:0034870 GO:0034873 GO:0034874 GO:0034888 GO:0034893 GO:0034897 GO:0034903 GO:0034925 GO:0034927 GO:0034928 GO:0034929 GO:0034950 GO:0043823 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00813 taxol from baccatin III: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0016705 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen GO:0018585 molecular_function:fluorene oxygenase activity GO:0018586 molecular_function:mono-butyltin dioxygenase activity GO:0018588 molecular_function:tri-n-butyltin dioxygenase activity GO:0018589 molecular_function:di-n-butyltin dioxygenase activity GO:0018590 molecular_function:methylsilanetriol hydroxylase activity GO:0018591 molecular_function:methyl tertiary butyl ether 3-monooxygenase activity GO:0018592 molecular_function:4-nitrocatechol 4-monooxygenase activity GO:0018593 molecular_function:4-chlorophenoxyacetate monooxygenase activity GO:0018594 molecular_function:tert-butanol 2-monooxygenase activity GO:0018595 molecular_function:alpha-pinene monooxygenase activity GO:0018596 molecular_function:dimethylsilanediol hydroxylase activity GO:0018597 molecular_function:ammonia monooxygenase activity GO:0018598 molecular_function:hydroxymethylsilanetriol oxidase activity GO:0018599 molecular_function:2-hydroxyisobutyrate 3-monooxygenase activity GO:0018600 molecular_function:alpha-pinene dehydrogenase activity GO:0034559 molecular_function:bisphenol A hydroxylase B activity GO:0034562 molecular_function:2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-propanol hydroxylase activity GO:0034786 molecular_function:9-fluorenone-3,4-dioxygenase activity GO:0034816 molecular_function:anthracene 9,10-dioxygenase activity GO:0034857 molecular_function:2-(methylthio)benzothiazole monooxygenase activity GO:0034858 molecular_function:2-hydroxybenzothiazole monooxygenase activity GO:0034859 molecular_function:benzothiazole monooxygenase activity GO:0034862 molecular_function:2,6-dihydroxybenzothiazole monooxygenase activity GO:0034870 molecular_function:pinacolone 5-monooxygenase activity GO:0034873 molecular_function:thioacetamide S-oxygenase activity GO:0034874 molecular_function:thioacetamide S-oxide S-oxygenase activity GO:0034888 molecular_function:endosulfan monooxygenase I activity GO:0034893 molecular_function:N-nitrodimethylamine hydroxylase activity GO:0034897 molecular_function:4-(1-ethyl-1,4-dimethyl-pentyl)phenol monoxygenase activity GO:0034903 molecular_function:endosulfan ether monooxygenase activity GO:0034925 molecular_function:pyrene 4,5-monooxygenase activity GO:0034927 molecular_function:pyrene 1,2-monooxygenase activity GO:0034928 molecular_function:1-hydroxypyrene 6,7-monooxygenase activity GO:0034929 molecular_function:1-hydroxypyrene 7,8-monooxygenase activity GO:0034950 molecular_function:phenylboronic acid monooxygenase activity GO:0043823 molecular_function:spheroidene monooxygenase activity 1 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 serotonin. EC: GO:0004058 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00814 serotonin from L-tryptophan: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True GO:0004058 molecular_function:aromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylase activity 1 acetyl-CoA + 1 serotonin =&gt; 1 CoA + 1 N-acetylserotonin. EC: GO:0004059 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00815 melatonin from serotonin: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004059 molecular_function:aralkylamine N-acetyltransferase activity 1 N-acetylserotonin + 1 S-adenosyl-L-methionine =&gt; 1 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine + 1 melatonin. EC: GO:0017096 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00816 melatonin from serotonin: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0017096 molecular_function:acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase activity 1 10beta-hydroxytaxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-yl acetate =&gt; 1 10-deacetyl-2-debenzoylbaccatin III. enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00817 10-deacetyl-2-debenzoylbaccatin III from taxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-ol: step 3/3 1 1 1 3 False True False True 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 folate =&gt; 1 7,8-dihydrofolate + 1 NADP(+). EC:1.5.1 GO:0004486 GO:0004753 GO:0016646 GO:0018529 GO:0044684 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00818 7,8-dihydrofolate from folate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0004486 molecular_function:methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity GO:0004753 molecular_function:saccharopine dehydrogenase activity GO:0016646 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-NH group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor GO:0018529 molecular_function:nitrilotriacetate monooxygenase activity GO:0044684 molecular_function:dihydromethanopterin reductase activity 1 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate =&gt; 1 6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin + 1 triphosphate. EC: GO:0003874 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00819 tetrahydrobiopterin from 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0003874 molecular_function:6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase activity 1 6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 6-lactoyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterin + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0047028 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00820 tetrahydrobiopterin from 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0047028 molecular_function:6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin 2'-reductase activity 1 6-lactoyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterin + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 NADP(+) + 1 tetrahydrobiopterin. enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00821 tetrahydrobiopterin from 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False True False False False True 2 H(+) + 2 NADPH + 1 biopterin =&gt; 2 NADP(+) + 1 tetrahydrobiopterin. EC: GO:0047040 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00822 tetrahydrobiopterin from biopterin: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0047040 molecular_function:pteridine reductase activity n H(2)O + 1 pectin =&gt; n methanol + 1 pectate. EC: GO:0030599 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00823 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate from pectin: step 1/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0030599 molecular_function:pectinesterase activity 1 pectate =&gt; 1 4-(4-deoxy-alpha-D-gluc-4-enosyluronic acid)-D-galacturonic acid + 1 pectate(n-2). EC: GO:0030570 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00824 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate from pectin: step 2/5 1 1 1 1 2 False True False True False False GO:0030570 molecular_function:pectate lyase activity 1 4-(4-deoxy-alpha-D-gluc-4-enosyluronic acid)-D-galacturonic acid =&gt; 2 5-dehydro-4-deoxy-D-glucuronic acid. EC: GO:0047487 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00825 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate from pectin: step 3/5 1 1 1 3 False True False True GO:0047487 molecular_function:oligogalacturonide lyase activity 1 5-dehydro-4-deoxy-D-glucuronic acid =&gt; 1 3-deoxy-D-glycero-hexo-2,5-diulosonate. EC: GO:0008697 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00826 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate from pectin: step 4/5 1 1 1 4 False True False True GO:0008697 molecular_function:4-deoxy-L-threo-5-hexosulose-uronate ketol-isomerase activity 1 3-deoxy-D-glycero-hexo-2,5-diulosonate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH =&gt; 1 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate + 1 NAD(+). EC: GO:0047001 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00827 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate from pectin: step 5/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0047001 molecular_function:2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate 5-dehydrogenase activity 1 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate + 1 ATP =&gt; 1 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-6-phospho-D-gluconic acid + 1 ADP. EC: GO:0008673 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00828 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and pyruvate from 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008673 molecular_function:2-dehydro-3-deoxygluconokinase activity 1 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-6-phospho-D-gluconic acid =&gt; 1 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + 1 pyruvate. EC: GO:0008675 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00829 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and pyruvate from 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 2 False True False True False True GO:0008675 molecular_function:2-dehydro-3-deoxy-phosphogluconate aldolase activity 1 acceptor + 1 glycolate =&gt; 1 glyoxylate + 1 reduced acceptor. EC: EC: GO:0003973 GO:0019154 GO:0052852 GO:0052853 GO:0052854 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00830 3-phospho-D-glycerate from glycolate: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0003973 molecular_function:(S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidase activity GO:0019154 molecular_function:glycolate dehydrogenase activity GO:0052852 molecular_function:very-long-chain-(S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidase activity GO:0052853 molecular_function:long-chain-(S)-2-hydroxy-long-chain-acid oxidase activity GO:0052854 molecular_function:medium-chain-(S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidase activity 2 glyoxylate =&gt; 1 2-hydroxy-3-oxopropanoate + 1 CO(2). EC: GO:0009028 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00831 3-phospho-D-glycerate from glycolate: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True GO:0009028 molecular_function:tartronate-semialdehyde synthase activity 2-hydroxy-3-oxopropanoate + H(+) + [NADH or NADPH] =&gt; D-glycerate + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)]. EC: GO:0008679 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00832 3-phospho-D-glycerate from glycolate: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 True False True False False False False True True False True False False True GO:0008679 molecular_function:2-hydroxy-3-oxopropionate reductase activity 1 ATP + 1 D-glycerate =&gt; 1 3-phospho-D-glycerate + 1 ADP. EC: GO:0008887 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00833 3-phospho-D-glycerate from glycolate: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0008887 molecular_function:glycerate kinase activity 1 2-phosphoglycolate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 glycolate + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0008967 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00834 glycolate from 2-phosphoglycolate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008967 molecular_function:phosphoglycolate phosphatase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 H(+) + 1 L-lysine + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+) + 1 saccharopine. EC: GO:0047130 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00835 glutaryl-CoA from L-lysine: step 1/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0047130 molecular_function:saccharopine dehydrogenase (NADP+, L-lysine-forming) activity 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) + 1 saccharopine =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde + 1 L-glutamate + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0047131 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00836 glutaryl-CoA from L-lysine: step 2/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0047131 molecular_function:saccharopine dehydrogenase (NAD+, L-glutamate-forming) activity H(2)O + L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)] =&gt; H(+) + L-alpha-aminoadipate + [NADH or NADPH]. EC: GO:0004043 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00837 glutaryl-CoA from L-lysine: step 3/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False True False True False False True True False True False False False False True GO:0004043 molecular_function:L-aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 L-alpha-aminoadipate =&gt; 1 2-oxoadipate + 1 L-glutamate. EC: GO:0047536 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00838 glutaryl-CoA from L-lysine: step 4/6 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0047536 molecular_function:2-aminoadipate transaminase activity 1 2-oxoadipate + 1 Enzyme N6-(lipoyl)lysine =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 S(8)-glutaryldihydrolipoamide. EC: GO:0004591 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00839 glutaryl-CoA from L-lysine: step 5/6 1 1 1 1 1 5 False True False False False False False True GO:0004591 molecular_function:oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (succinyl-transferring) activity 1 CoA + 1 S(8)-glutaryldihydrolipoamide =&gt; 1 Enzyme N6-(dihydrolipoyl)lysine + 1 glutaryl-CoA. EC: GO:0004149 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00840 glutaryl-CoA from L-lysine: step 6/6 1 1 1 1 1 6 False False False True False True False False GO:0004149 molecular_function:dihydrolipoyllysine-residue succinyltransferase activity 1 L-lysine + 1 acetyl phosphate =&gt; 1 N(6)-acetyl-L-lysine + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004468 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00841 glutarate from L-lysine: step 1/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0004468 molecular_function:lysine N-acetyltransferase activity, acting on acetyl phosphate as donor 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 N(6)-acetyl-L-lysine =&gt; 1 6-acetamido-2-oxohexanoate + 1 L-glutamate. EC:2.6.1 GO:0008483 GO:0010326 GO:0018719 GO:0043746 GO:0043760 GO:0043840 GO:0043911 GO:0046571 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00842 glutarate from L-lysine: step 2/6 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0008483 molecular_function:transaminase activity GO:0010326 molecular_function:methionine-oxo-acid transaminase activity GO:0018719 molecular_function:6-aminohexanoate transaminase activity GO:0043746 molecular_function:N2-acetyl-L-lysine aminotransferase activity GO:0043760 molecular_function:acetyldiaminopimelate aminotransferase activity GO:0043840 molecular_function:branched-chain amino acid:2-keto-4-methylthiobutyrate aminotransferase activity GO:0043911 molecular_function:D-lysine transaminase activity GO:0046571 molecular_function:aspartate-2-keto-4-methylthiobutyrate transaminase activity 1 6-acetamido-2-oxohexanoate + 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 5-acetamidopentanoate + 1 CO(2) + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC:1.1.1 GO:0000252 GO:0004033 GO:0004448 GO:0004495 GO:0008875 GO:0016229 GO:0016616 GO:0018451 GO:0018452 GO:0018453 GO:0019152 GO:0032442 GO:0032866 GO:0032867 GO:0033709 GO:0033764 GO:0033765 GO:0034831 GO:0034840 GO:0035380 GO:0035410 GO:0043713 GO:0044103 GO:0044105 GO:0048258 GO:0051990 GO:0052677 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00843 glutarate from L-lysine: step 3/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0000252 molecular_function:C-3 sterol dehydrogenase (C-4 sterol decarboxylase) activity GO:0004033 molecular_function:aldo-keto reductase (NADP) activity GO:0004448 molecular_function:isocitrate dehydrogenase activity GO:0004495 molecular_function:mevaldate reductase activity GO:0008875 molecular_function:gluconate dehydrogenase activity GO:0016229 molecular_function:steroid dehydrogenase activity GO:0016616 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-OH group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor GO:0018451 molecular_function:epoxide dehydrogenase activity GO:0018452 molecular_function:5-exo-hydroxycamphor dehydrogenase activity GO:0018453 molecular_function:2-hydroxytetrahydrofuran dehydrogenase activity GO:0019152 molecular_function:acetoin dehydrogenase activity GO:0032442 molecular_function:phenylcoumaran benzylic ether reductase activity GO:0032866 molecular_function:D-xylose:NADP reductase activity GO:0032867 molecular_function:L-arabinose:NADP reductase activity GO:0033709 molecular_function:D-arabinitol dehydrogenase, D-ribulose forming (NADP+) activity GO:0033764 molecular_function:steroid dehydrogenase activity, acting on the CH-OH group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor GO:0033765 molecular_function:steroid dehydrogenase activity, acting on the CH-CH group of donors GO:0034831 molecular_function:(R)-(-)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthol dehydrogenase activity GO:0034840 molecular_function:3-hydroxymenthone dehydrogenase activity GO:0035380 molecular_function:very long-chain-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity GO:0035410 molecular_function:dihydrotestosterone 17-beta-dehydrogenase activity GO:0043713 molecular_function:(R)-2-hydroxyisocaproate dehydrogenase activity GO:0044103 molecular_function:L-arabinose 1-dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity GO:0044105 molecular_function:L-xylulose reductase (NAD+) activity GO:0048258 molecular_function:3-ketoglucose-reductase activity GO:0051990 molecular_function:(R)-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase activity GO:0052677 molecular_function:D-arabinitol dehydrogenase, D-xylulose forming (NADP+) activity 1 5-acetamidopentanoate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 5-aminopentanoate + 1 acetate. EC: GO:0047573 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00844 glutarate from L-lysine: step 4/6 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0047573 molecular_function:4-acetamidobutyrate deacetylase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 5-aminopentanoate =&gt; 1 5-oxopentanoate + 1 L-glutamate. EC: GO:0047589 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00845 glutarate from L-lysine: step 5/6 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False True False False False True GO:0047589 molecular_function:5-aminovalerate transaminase activity 1 5-oxopentanoate + 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 glutarate. EC: GO:0047949 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00846 glutarate from L-lysine: step 6/6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0047949 molecular_function:glutarate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity 1 indoleglycerol phosphate =&gt; 1 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + 1 indole. EC: GO:0033984 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00847 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one from indoleglycerol phosphate: step 1/5 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0033984 molecular_function:indole-3-glycerol-phosphate lyase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 O(2) + 1 indole =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+) + 1 indolin-2-one. EC: GO:0036190 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00848 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one from indoleglycerol phosphate: step 2/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0036190 molecular_function:indole-2-monooxygenase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 O(2) + 1 indolin-2-one =&gt; 1 3-hydroxyindolin-2-one + 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0036191 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00849 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one from indoleglycerol phosphate: step 3/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0036191 molecular_function:indolin-2-one monooxygenase activity 1 3-hydroxyindolin-2-one + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 2-hydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one + 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0036192 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00850 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one from indoleglycerol phosphate: step 4/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0036192 molecular_function:3-hydroxyindolin-2-one monooxygenase activity 1 2-hydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one + 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+). EC:1.14 GO:0016705 GO:0018585 GO:0018586 GO:0018588 GO:0018589 GO:0018590 GO:0018591 GO:0018592 GO:0018593 GO:0018594 GO:0018595 GO:0018596 GO:0018597 GO:0018598 GO:0018599 GO:0018600 GO:0034559 GO:0034562 GO:0034786 GO:0034816 GO:0034857 GO:0034858 GO:0034859 GO:0034862 GO:0034870 GO:0034873 GO:0034874 GO:0034888 GO:0034893 GO:0034897 GO:0034903 GO:0034925 GO:0034927 GO:0034928 GO:0034929 GO:0034950 GO:0043823 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00851 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one from indoleglycerol phosphate: step 5/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0016705 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen GO:0018585 molecular_function:fluorene oxygenase activity GO:0018586 molecular_function:mono-butyltin dioxygenase activity GO:0018588 molecular_function:tri-n-butyltin dioxygenase activity GO:0018589 molecular_function:di-n-butyltin dioxygenase activity GO:0018590 molecular_function:methylsilanetriol hydroxylase activity GO:0018591 molecular_function:methyl tertiary butyl ether 3-monooxygenase activity GO:0018592 molecular_function:4-nitrocatechol 4-monooxygenase activity GO:0018593 molecular_function:4-chlorophenoxyacetate monooxygenase activity GO:0018594 molecular_function:tert-butanol 2-monooxygenase activity GO:0018595 molecular_function:alpha-pinene monooxygenase activity GO:0018596 molecular_function:dimethylsilanediol hydroxylase activity GO:0018597 molecular_function:ammonia monooxygenase activity GO:0018598 molecular_function:hydroxymethylsilanetriol oxidase activity GO:0018599 molecular_function:2-hydroxyisobutyrate 3-monooxygenase activity GO:0018600 molecular_function:alpha-pinene dehydrogenase activity GO:0034559 molecular_function:bisphenol A hydroxylase B activity GO:0034562 molecular_function:2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-propanol hydroxylase activity GO:0034786 molecular_function:9-fluorenone-3,4-dioxygenase activity GO:0034816 molecular_function:anthracene 9,10-dioxygenase activity GO:0034857 molecular_function:2-(methylthio)benzothiazole monooxygenase activity GO:0034858 molecular_function:2-hydroxybenzothiazole monooxygenase activity GO:0034859 molecular_function:benzothiazole monooxygenase activity GO:0034862 molecular_function:2,6-dihydroxybenzothiazole monooxygenase activity GO:0034870 molecular_function:pinacolone 5-monooxygenase activity GO:0034873 molecular_function:thioacetamide S-oxygenase activity GO:0034874 molecular_function:thioacetamide S-oxide S-oxygenase activity GO:0034888 molecular_function:endosulfan monooxygenase I activity GO:0034893 molecular_function:N-nitrodimethylamine hydroxylase activity GO:0034897 molecular_function:4-(1-ethyl-1,4-dimethyl-pentyl)phenol monoxygenase activity GO:0034903 molecular_function:endosulfan ether monooxygenase activity GO:0034925 molecular_function:pyrene 4,5-monooxygenase activity GO:0034927 molecular_function:pyrene 1,2-monooxygenase activity GO:0034928 molecular_function:1-hydroxypyrene 6,7-monooxygenase activity GO:0034929 molecular_function:1-hydroxypyrene 7,8-monooxygenase activity GO:0034950 molecular_function:phenylboronic acid monooxygenase activity GO:0043823 molecular_function:spheroidene monooxygenase activity 1 (R)-mandelate =&gt; 1 (S)-mandelate. EC: GO:0018838 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00852 benzoate from (R)-mandelate: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0018838 molecular_function:mandelate racemase activity 1 (S)-mandelate + 1 acceptor =&gt; 1 phenylglyoxylate + 1 reduced acceptor. EC: GO:0033720 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00853 benzoate from (R)-mandelate: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0033720 molecular_function:(S)-mandelate dehydrogenase activity 1 phenylglyoxylate =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 benzaldehyde. EC: GO:0050695 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00854 benzoate from (R)-mandelate: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 3 False True False False False True GO:0050695 molecular_function:benzoylformate decarboxylase activity H(2)O + benzaldehyde + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)] =&gt; H(+) + benzoate + [NADH or NADPH]. EC: EC: GO:0018477 GO:0018479 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00855 benzoate from (R)-mandelate: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False True False True False False True True False True False False False False True GO:0018477 molecular_function:benzaldehyde dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity GO:0018479 molecular_function:benzaldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity H(+) + dihydrobiopterin + [NADH or NADPH] =&gt; tetrahydrobiopterin + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)]. EC: GO:0004155 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00856 tetrahydrobiopterin from dihydrobiopterin: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 True False True False False False False True True False True False False True GO:0004155 molecular_function:6,7-dihydropteridine reductase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 L-leucine =&gt; 1 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate + 1 L-glutamate. EC: GO:0004084 GO:0052654 GO:0052655 GO:0052656 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00857 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate from L-leucine (aminotransferase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004084 molecular_function:branched-chain-amino-acid transaminase activity GO:0052654 molecular_function:L-leucine transaminase activity GO:0052655 molecular_function:L-valine transaminase activity GO:0052656 molecular_function:L-isoleucine transaminase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 L-leucine + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 NH(3). EC: GO:0050049 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00858 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate from L-leucine (dehydrogenase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0050049 molecular_function:leucine dehydrogenase activity 1 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate + 1 CoA + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 3-isovaleryl-CoA + 1 CO(2) + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0047101 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00859 3-isovaleryl-CoA from 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0047101 molecular_function:2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase (acylating) activity 1 3-isovaleryl-CoA + 1 FAD =&gt; 1 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA + 1 FADH2. EC: GO:0008470 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00860 (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA from 3-isovaleryl-CoA: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008470 molecular_function:isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase activity 1 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA + 1 ATP + 1 bicarbonate =&gt; 1 3-methylglutaconyl-CoA + 1 ADP + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004485 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00861 (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA from 3-isovaleryl-CoA: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004485 molecular_function:methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase activity 1 3-methylglutaconyl-CoA + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA. EC: GO:0004490 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00862 (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA from 3-isovaleryl-CoA: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False True GO:0004490 molecular_function:methylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase activity 1 (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA =&gt; 1 acetoacetate + 1 acetyl-CoA. EC: GO:0004419 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00863 acetoacetate from (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0004419 molecular_function:hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA lyase activity 1 (4R)-limonene + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 (4R)-limonene 1,2-epoxide + 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+). EC: GO:0018635 GO:0052601 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00864 (1S,4R)-1-hydroxylimonen-2-one from (4R)-limonene: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0018635 molecular_function:(R)-limonene 1,2-monooxygenase activity GO:0052601 molecular_function:(S)-limonene 1,2-monooxygenase activity 1 (4R)-limonene 1,2-epoxide + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 (1S,2S,4R)-limonene-1,2-diol. EC: GO:0018744 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00865 (1S,4R)-1-hydroxylimonen-2-one from (4R)-limonene: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False True GO:0018744 molecular_function:limonene-1,2-epoxide hydrolase activity 1 (1S,2S,4R)-limonene-1,2-diol + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 (1S,4R)-1-hydroxylimonen-2-one + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00866 (1S,4R)-1-hydroxylimonen-2-one from (4R)-limonene: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False False False True 1 (4R)-limonene + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 (4S,6R)-trans-carveol + 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0052741 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00867 (1R,4S)-isodihydrocarvone from (4R)-limonene: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0052741 molecular_function:(R)-limonene 6-monooxygenase activity 1 (4S,6R)-trans-carveol + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 (S)-carvone + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0033702 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00868 (1R,4S)-isodihydrocarvone from (4R)-limonene: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0033702 molecular_function:(+)-trans-carveol dehydrogenase activity 1 (S)-carvone + 1 reduced acceptor =&gt; 1 (1R,4S)-isodihydrocarvone + 1 acceptor. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00869 (1R,4S)-isodihydrocarvone from (4R)-limonene: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True 1 H(2)O + 1 amicyanin + 1 methylamine =&gt; 2 H(+) + 1 NH(3) + 1 formaldehyde + 1 reduced amicyanin. EC: GO:0030058 GO:0052876 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00870 formaldehyde from methylamine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True False False False False GO:0030058 molecular_function:amine dehydrogenase activity GO:0052876 molecular_function:methylamine dehydrogenase (amicyanin) activity 1 H(2)O + 1 S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine =&gt; 1 5-methylthio-alpha-D-ribose + 1 adenine. EC: GO:0008930 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00871 S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate from S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine (hydrolase route): step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008930 molecular_function:methylthioadenosine nucleosidase activity 1 5-methylthio-alpha-D-ribose + 1 ATP =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate. EC: GO:0046522 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00872 S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate from S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine (hydrolase route): step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0046522 molecular_function:S-methyl-5-thioribose kinase activity 1 S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine + 1 phosphate =&gt; 1 S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate + 1 adenine. EC: GO:0017061 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00873 S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate from S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine (phosphorylase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0017061 molecular_function:S-methyl-5-thioadenosine phosphorylase activity 1 S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate =&gt; 1 S-methyl-5-thio-D-ribulose 1-phosphate. EC: GO:0046523 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00874 L-methionine from S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate: step 1/6 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0046523 molecular_function:S-methyl-5-thioribose-1-phosphate isomerase activity 1 S-methyl-5-thio-D-ribulose 1-phosphate =&gt; 1 5-(methylthio)-2,3-dioxopentyl phosphate + 1 H(2)O. EC: GO:0046570 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00875 L-methionine from S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate: step 2/6 1 1 1 1 2 False True False False False True GO:0046570 molecular_function:methylthioribulose 1-phosphate dehydratase activity 1 5-(methylthio)-2,3-dioxopentyl phosphate =&gt; 1 2-hydroxy-5-(methylsulfanyl)-3-oxopent-1-enyl phosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00876 L-methionine from S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate: step 3/6 1 1 1 3 False True False True 1 2-hydroxy-5-(methylsulfanyl)-3-oxopent-1-enyl phosphate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 1,2-dihydroxy-5-(methylthio)pent-1-en-3-one + 1 phosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00877 L-methionine from S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate: step 4/6 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True 1 1,2-dihydroxy-5-(methylthio)pent-1-en-3-one + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 4-methylthio-2-oxobutanoate + 1 formate. EC: GO:0010309 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00878 L-methionine from S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate: step 5/6 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False True False False False True GO:0010309 molecular_function:acireductone dioxygenase [iron(II)-requiring] activity 1 4-methylthio-2-oxobutanoate + 1 L-glutamate =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 L-methionine. EC:2.6.1 GO:0008483 GO:0010326 GO:0018719 GO:0043746 GO:0043760 GO:0043840 GO:0043911 GO:0046571 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00879 L-methionine from S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate: step 6/6 1 1 1 1 1 6 False False False True False False False True GO:0008483 molecular_function:transaminase activity GO:0010326 molecular_function:methionine-oxo-acid transaminase activity GO:0018719 molecular_function:6-aminohexanoate transaminase activity GO:0043746 molecular_function:N2-acetyl-L-lysine aminotransferase activity GO:0043760 molecular_function:acetyldiaminopimelate aminotransferase activity GO:0043840 molecular_function:branched-chain amino acid:2-keto-4-methylthiobutyrate aminotransferase activity GO:0043911 molecular_function:D-lysine transaminase activity GO:0046571 molecular_function:aspartate-2-keto-4-methylthiobutyrate transaminase activity 1 ATP + 1 L-glutamate + 1 putrescine =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 gamma-L-glutamylputrescine + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0034024 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00880 4-aminobutanoate from putrescine: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0034024 molecular_function:glutamate-putrescine ligase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 O(2) + 1 gamma-L-glutamylputrescine =&gt; 1 H(2)O(2) + 1 NH(3) + 1 gamma-glutamyl-4-aminobutanal. EC:1.4.3 GO:0015922 GO:0016641 GO:0043912 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00881 4-aminobutanoate from putrescine: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0015922 molecular_function:aspartate oxidase activity GO:0016641 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-NH2 group of donors, oxygen as acceptor GO:0043912 molecular_function:D-lysine oxidase activity H(2)O + gamma-glutamyl-4-aminobutanal + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)] =&gt; 4-(L-gamma-glutamylamino)butanoic acid + H(+) + [NADH or NADPH]. EC:1.2.1 GO:0004028 GO:0016620 GO:0018472 GO:0018473 GO:0018474 GO:0018475 GO:0019115 GO:0034520 GO:0034525 GO:0034530 GO:0034538 GO:0034601 GO:0034602 GO:0034603 GO:0034604 GO:0034822 GO:0034832 GO:0043745 GO:0043796 GO:0043870 GO:0043878 GO:0044104 GO:0052814 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00882 4-aminobutanoate from putrescine: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False True False True False False True True False True False False False False True GO:0004028 molecular_function:3-chloroallyl aldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0016620 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on the aldehyde or oxo group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor GO:0018472 molecular_function:1-hydroxy-2-naphthaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0018473 molecular_function:cis-2-methyl-5-isopropylhexa-2,5-dienal dehydrogenase activity GO:0018474 molecular_function:2-carboxybenzaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0018475 molecular_function:trans-2-methyl-5-isopropylhexa-2,5-dienal dehydrogenase activity GO:0019115 molecular_function:benzaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0034520 molecular_function:2-naphthaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0034525 molecular_function:1-naphthaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0034530 molecular_function:4-hydroxymethylsalicyaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0034538 molecular_function:3-methylsalicylaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0034601 molecular_function:oxoglutarate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity GO:0034602 molecular_function:oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity GO:0034603 molecular_function:pyruvate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity GO:0034604 molecular_function:pyruvate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity GO:0034822 molecular_function:citronellal dehydrogenase activity GO:0034832 molecular_function:geranial dehydrogenase activity GO:0043745 molecular_function:N2-acetyl-L-aminoadipate semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0043796 molecular_function:glyceraldehyde dehydrogenase (NADP) activity GO:0043870 molecular_function:N-acetyl-gamma-aminoadipyl-phosphate reductase activity GO:0043878 molecular_function:glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD+) (non-phosphorylating) activity GO:0044104 molecular_function:2,5-dioxovalerate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity GO:0052814 molecular_function:medium-chain-aldehyde dehydrogenase activity 1 4-(L-gamma-glutamylamino)butanoic acid + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 4-aminobutanoate + 1 L-glutamate. EC: GO:0033969 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00883 4-aminobutanoate from putrescine: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0033969 molecular_function:gamma-glutamyl-gamma-aminobutyrate hydrolase activity 1 ATP + 1 GTP =&gt; 1 AMP + 1 guanosine 3'-diphosphate 5'-triphosphate. EC: GO:0008728 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00884 ppGpp from GTP: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008728 molecular_function:GTP diphosphokinase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 guanosine 3'-diphosphate 5'-triphosphate =&gt; 1 phosphate + 1 ppGpp. EC: GO:0008894 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00885 ppGpp from GTP: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0008894 molecular_function:guanosine-5'-triphosphate,3'-diphosphate diphosphatase activity 1 GDP + 1 diphosphate =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 ppGpp. EC: GO:0008893 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00886 ppGpp from GDP: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008893 molecular_function:guanosine-3',5'-bis(diphosphate) 3'-diphosphatase activity 1 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + 1 guanine =&gt; 1 GMP + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004422 GO:0052657 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00887 GMP from guanine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004422 molecular_function:hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase activity GO:0052657 molecular_function:guanine phosphoribosyltransferase activity 1 beta-D-ribopyranose =&gt; 1 D-ribose. EC:5.4.99 GO:0034784 GO:0034951 GO:0042299 GO:0042300 GO:0080011 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00888 D-ribose 5-phosphate from beta-D-ribopyranose: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0034784 molecular_function:pivalyl-CoA mutase activity GO:0034951 molecular_function:o-hydroxylaminobenzoate mutase activity GO:0042299 molecular_function:lupeol synthase activity GO:0042300 molecular_function:beta-amyrin synthase activity GO:0080011 molecular_function:baruol synthase activity 1 ATP + 1 D-ribose =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 D-ribose 5-phosphate. EC: GO:0004747 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00889 D-ribose 5-phosphate from beta-D-ribopyranose: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004747 molecular_function:ribokinase activity 1 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate + 1 nicotinamide =&gt; 1 diphosphate + 1 nicotinamide D-ribonucleotide. EC: GO:0047280 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00890 nicotinamide D-ribonucleotide from 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate and nicotinamide: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False True GO:0047280 molecular_function:nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase activity 1 CoA + 1 pyruvate =&gt; 1 acetyl-CoA + 1 formate. EC: GO:0008861 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00891 formate from pyruvate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008861 molecular_function:formate C-acetyltransferase activity 1 1-alpha-D-galactosyl-myo-inositol + 1 raffinose =&gt; 1 myo-inositol + 1 stachyose. EC: GO:0047268 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00892 stachyose from raffinose: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0047268 molecular_function:galactinol-raffinose galactosyltransferase activity 1 NAD(+) + 1 methanol =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 formaldehyde. EC: GO:0050093 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00893 formaldehyde from methanol: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True False False GO:0050093 molecular_function:methanol dehydrogenase activity 1 acetoacetate + 1 succinyl-CoA =&gt; 1 acetoacetyl-CoA + 1 succinate. EC: GO:0008260 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00894 acetoacetyl-CoA from succinyl-CoA: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0008260 molecular_function:3-oxoacid CoA-transferase activity 1 ATP + 1 L-serine + 1 tRNA(Sec) =&gt; 1 AMP + 1 L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004828 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00895 L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) from L-serine and tRNA(Sec): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False False False False True GO:0004828 molecular_function:serine-tRNA ligase activity 1 L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) + 1 selenophosphate =&gt; 1 phosphate + 1 selenocysteinyl-tRNA(Sec). EC: GO:0004125 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00896 selenocysteinyl-tRNA(Sec) from L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) (bacterial route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004125 molecular_function:L-seryl-tRNASec selenium transferase activity 1 ATP + 1 L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 O-phosphoseryl-tRNA(Sec). EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00897 selenocysteinyl-tRNA(Sec) from L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) (archaeal/eukaryal route): step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True 1 H(2)O + 1 O-phosphoseryl-tRNA(Sec) + 1 selenophosphate =&gt; 2 phosphate + 1 selenocysteinyl-tRNA(Sec). EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00898 selenocysteinyl-tRNA(Sec) from L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) (archaeal/eukaryal route): step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False True 1 5-[(5-phospho-1-deoxyribulos-1-ylamino)methylideneamino]-1-(5-phosphoribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide + 1 L-glutamine =&gt; 1 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide + 1 D-erythro-1-(imidazol-4-yl)glycerol 3-phosphate + 1 L-glutamate. EC:2.4.2 EC:4.1.3 GO:0000107 GO:0016763 GO:0016833 GO:0018071 GO:0018121 GO:0018127 GO:0034815 GO:0034830 GO:0034905 GO:0043867 GO:0043904 GO:0043959 GO:0044101 GO:0044102 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00899 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide from 5-[(5-phospho-1-deoxyribulos-1-ylamino)methylideneamino]-1-(5-phosphoribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0000107 molecular_function:imidazoleglycerol-phosphate synthase activity GO:0016763 molecular_function:transferase activity, transferring pentosyl groups GO:0016833 molecular_function:oxo-acid-lyase activity GO:0018071 molecular_function:NAD(P)-cysteine ADP-ribosyltransferase activity GO:0018121 molecular_function:NAD(P)-asparagine ADP-ribosyltransferase activity GO:0018127 molecular_function:NAD(P)-serine ADP-ribosyltransferase activity GO:0034815 molecular_function:cis-4-(8-hydroxypyren-7-yl)-2-oxobut-3-enoate lyase activity GO:0034830 molecular_function:(2Z)-2,4-dihydroxydec-2-enedioate aldolase activity GO:0034905 molecular_function:5-chloro-4-hydroxy-2-oxopentanate aldolase activity GO:0043867 molecular_function:7-cyano-7-deazaguanine tRNA-ribosyltransferase activity GO:0043904 molecular_function:isochorismate pyruvate lyase activity GO:0043959 molecular_function:L-erythro-3-methylmalyl-CoA lyase activity GO:0044101 molecular_function:(R)-citramalyl-CoA lyase activity GO:0044102 molecular_function:purine deoxyribosyltransferase activity 1 2-succinyl-5-enolpyruvyl-6-hydroxy-3-cyclohexene-1-carboxylic acid =&gt; 1 (1R,6R)-2-succinyl-6-hydroxycyclohexa-2,4-diene-1-carboxylic acid + 1 pyruvate. EC: GO:0070205 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00900 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate from chorismate: step 3/7 1 1 1 1 3 False True False False False True GO:0070205 molecular_function:2-succinyl-6-hydroxy-2,4-cyclohexadiene-1-carboxylate synthase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 O(2) + 1 p-cumate =&gt; 1 NAD(+) + 1 cis-2,3-dihydroxy-2,3-dihydro-p-cumic acid. EC:1.13.11 GO:0016702 GO:0018542 GO:0018555 GO:0018556 GO:0018557 GO:0018558 GO:0018559 GO:0018560 GO:0018561 GO:0018562 GO:0018563 GO:0018564 GO:0018565 GO:0018566 GO:0018567 GO:0018568 GO:0018569 GO:0018570 GO:0018571 GO:0018572 GO:0018573 GO:0018574 GO:0018575 GO:0019114 GO:0019117 GO:0034543 GO:0034803 GO:0034806 GO:0034808 GO:0034810 GO:0034811 GO:0034812 GO:0034813 GO:0034814 GO:0034827 GO:0034834 GO:0034895 GO:0034920 GO:0034922 GO:0034934 GO:0034935 GO:0034936 GO:0034955 GO:0034956 GO:0036403 GO:0047074 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00901 acetaldehyde and pyruvate from p-cumate: step 1/7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False True GO:0016702 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on single donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen, incorporation of two atoms of oxygen GO:0018542 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy DDT 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018555 molecular_function:phenanthrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018556 molecular_function:2,2',3-trihydroxybiphenyl dioxygenase activity GO:0018557 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxyfluorene 1,1-alpha-dioxygenase activity GO:0018558 molecular_function:5,6-dihydroxy-3-methyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline dioxygenase activity GO:0018559 molecular_function:1,1-dichloro-2-(dihydroxy-4-chlorophenyl)-(4-chlorophenyl)ethene 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018560 molecular_function:protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase type II activity GO:0018561 molecular_function:2'-aminobiphenyl-2,3-diol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018562 molecular_function:3,4-dihydroxyfluorene 4,4-alpha-dioxygenase activity GO:0018563 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy-ethylbenzene 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018564 molecular_function:carbazole 1,9a-dioxygenase activity GO:0018565 molecular_function:dihydroxydibenzothiophene dioxygenase activity GO:0018566 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene-6-sulfonate 1,8a-dioxygenase activity GO:0018567 molecular_function:styrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018568 molecular_function:3,4-dihydroxyphenanthrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018569 molecular_function:hydroquinone 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018570 molecular_function:p-cumate 2,3-dioxygenase activity GO:0018571 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy-p-cumate dioxygenase activity GO:0018572 molecular_function:3,5-dichlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018573 molecular_function:2-aminophenol 1,6-dioxygenase activity GO:0018574 molecular_function:2,6-dichloro-p-hydroquinone 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018575 molecular_function:chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0019114 molecular_function:catechol dioxygenase activity GO:0019117 molecular_function:dihydroxyfluorene dioxygenase activity GO:0034543 molecular_function:5-aminosalicylate dioxygenase activity GO:0034803 molecular_function:3-hydroxy-2-naphthoate 2,3-dioxygenase activity GO:0034806 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 11,12-dioxygenase activity GO:0034808 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 4,5-dioxygenase activity GO:0034810 molecular_function:4,5-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034811 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 9,10-dioxygenase activity GO:0034812 molecular_function:9,10-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034813 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 7,8-dioxygenase activity GO:0034814 molecular_function:7,8-dihydroxy benzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034827 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxy-5,6,7,8-tetrahydronaphthalene extradiol dioxygenase activity GO:0034834 molecular_function:2-mercaptobenzothiazole dioxygenase activity GO:0034895 molecular_function:pyridine-3,4-diol dioxygenase activity GO:0034920 molecular_function:pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034922 molecular_function:4,5-dihydroxypyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034934 molecular_function:phenanthrene-4-carboxylate dioxygenase activity GO:0034935 molecular_function:tetrachlorobenzene dioxygenase activity GO:0034936 molecular_function:4,6-dichloro-3-methylcatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0034955 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxydiphenyl ether dioxygenase activity GO:0034956 molecular_function:diphenyl ether 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0036403 molecular_function:arachidonate 8(S)-lipoxygenase activity GO:0047074 molecular_function:4-hydroxycatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity 1 NAD(+) + 1 cis-2,3-dihydroxy-2,3-dihydro-p-cumic acid =&gt; 1 2,3-dihydroxy-p-cumic acid + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0018511 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00902 acetaldehyde and pyruvate from p-cumate: step 2/7 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0018511 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy-2,3-dihydro-p-cumate dehydrogenase activity 1 2,3-dihydroxy-p-cumic acid + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 2-hydroxy-3-carboxy-6-oxo-7-methylocta-2,4-dienoic acid. EC:1.13.11 GO:0016702 GO:0018542 GO:0018555 GO:0018556 GO:0018557 GO:0018558 GO:0018559 GO:0018560 GO:0018561 GO:0018562 GO:0018563 GO:0018564 GO:0018565 GO:0018566 GO:0018567 GO:0018568 GO:0018569 GO:0018570 GO:0018571 GO:0018572 GO:0018573 GO:0018574 GO:0018575 GO:0019114 GO:0019117 GO:0034543 GO:0034803 GO:0034806 GO:0034808 GO:0034810 GO:0034811 GO:0034812 GO:0034813 GO:0034814 GO:0034827 GO:0034834 GO:0034895 GO:0034920 GO:0034922 GO:0034934 GO:0034935 GO:0034936 GO:0034955 GO:0034956 GO:0036403 GO:0047074 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00903 acetaldehyde and pyruvate from p-cumate: step 3/7 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False True GO:0016702 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on single donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen, incorporation of two atoms of oxygen GO:0018542 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy DDT 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018555 molecular_function:phenanthrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018556 molecular_function:2,2',3-trihydroxybiphenyl dioxygenase activity GO:0018557 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxyfluorene 1,1-alpha-dioxygenase activity GO:0018558 molecular_function:5,6-dihydroxy-3-methyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline dioxygenase activity GO:0018559 molecular_function:1,1-dichloro-2-(dihydroxy-4-chlorophenyl)-(4-chlorophenyl)ethene 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018560 molecular_function:protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase type II activity GO:0018561 molecular_function:2'-aminobiphenyl-2,3-diol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018562 molecular_function:3,4-dihydroxyfluorene 4,4-alpha-dioxygenase activity GO:0018563 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy-ethylbenzene 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018564 molecular_function:carbazole 1,9a-dioxygenase activity GO:0018565 molecular_function:dihydroxydibenzothiophene dioxygenase activity GO:0018566 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene-6-sulfonate 1,8a-dioxygenase activity GO:0018567 molecular_function:styrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018568 molecular_function:3,4-dihydroxyphenanthrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018569 molecular_function:hydroquinone 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018570 molecular_function:p-cumate 2,3-dioxygenase activity GO:0018571 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy-p-cumate dioxygenase activity GO:0018572 molecular_function:3,5-dichlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018573 molecular_function:2-aminophenol 1,6-dioxygenase activity GO:0018574 molecular_function:2,6-dichloro-p-hydroquinone 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018575 molecular_function:chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0019114 molecular_function:catechol dioxygenase activity GO:0019117 molecular_function:dihydroxyfluorene dioxygenase activity GO:0034543 molecular_function:5-aminosalicylate dioxygenase activity GO:0034803 molecular_function:3-hydroxy-2-naphthoate 2,3-dioxygenase activity GO:0034806 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 11,12-dioxygenase activity GO:0034808 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 4,5-dioxygenase activity GO:0034810 molecular_function:4,5-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034811 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 9,10-dioxygenase activity GO:0034812 molecular_function:9,10-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034813 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 7,8-dioxygenase activity GO:0034814 molecular_function:7,8-dihydroxy benzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034827 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxy-5,6,7,8-tetrahydronaphthalene extradiol dioxygenase activity GO:0034834 molecular_function:2-mercaptobenzothiazole dioxygenase activity GO:0034895 molecular_function:pyridine-3,4-diol dioxygenase activity GO:0034920 molecular_function:pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034922 molecular_function:4,5-dihydroxypyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034934 molecular_function:phenanthrene-4-carboxylate dioxygenase activity GO:0034935 molecular_function:tetrachlorobenzene dioxygenase activity GO:0034936 molecular_function:4,6-dichloro-3-methylcatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0034955 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxydiphenyl ether dioxygenase activity GO:0034956 molecular_function:diphenyl ether 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0036403 molecular_function:arachidonate 8(S)-lipoxygenase activity GO:0047074 molecular_function:4-hydroxycatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity 1 2-hydroxy-3-carboxy-6-oxo-7-methylocta-2,4-dienoic acid =&gt; 1 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-7-methylocta-2,4-dienoic acid + 1 CO(2). EC:4.1.1 GO:0004611 GO:0008488 GO:0008694 GO:0016831 GO:0018791 GO:0018792 GO:0018793 GO:0018794 GO:0018795 GO:0034524 GO:0034782 GO:0034853 GO:0034854 GO:0034879 GO:0034923 GO:0034941 GO:0034947 GO:0034952 GO:0043727 GO:0043728 GO:0051997 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00904 acetaldehyde and pyruvate from p-cumate: step 4/7 1 1 1 1 4 False True False False False True GO:0004611 molecular_function:phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity GO:0008488 molecular_function:gamma-glutamyl carboxylase activity GO:0008694 molecular_function:3-octaprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoate carboxy-lyase activity GO:0016831 molecular_function:carboxy-lyase activity GO:0018791 molecular_function:2-hydroxy-3-carboxy-6-oxo-7-methylocta-2,4-dienoate decarboxylase activity GO:0018792 molecular_function:bis(4-chlorophenyl)acetate decarboxylase activity GO:0018793 molecular_function:3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxybenzoate decarboxylase activity GO:0018794 molecular_function:2-hydroxyisobutyrate decarboxylase activity GO:0018795 molecular_function:2-hydroxy-2-methyl-1,3-dicarbonate decarboxylase activity GO:0034524 molecular_function:2-hydroxyisophthalate decarboxylase activity GO:0034782 molecular_function:dimethylmalonate decarboxylase activity GO:0034853 molecular_function:2,4,4-trimethyl-3-oxopentanoate decarboxylase activity GO:0034854 molecular_function:4,4-dimethyl-3-oxopentanoate decarboxylase activity GO:0034879 molecular_function:2,3,6-trihydroxyisonicotinate decarboxylase activity GO:0034923 molecular_function:phenanthrene-4,5-dicarboxylate decarboxylase activity GO:0034941 molecular_function:pyrrole-2-carboxylate decarboxylase activity GO:0034947 molecular_function:terephthalate decarboxylase activity GO:0034952 molecular_function:malonate semialdehyde decarboxylase activity GO:0043727 molecular_function:5-amino-4-imidazole carboxylate lyase activity GO:0043728 molecular_function:2-keto-4-methylthiobutyrate aminotransferase activity GO:0051997 molecular_function:2-oxo-4-hydroxy-4-carboxy-5-ureidoimidazoline decarboxylase activity 1 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-7-methylocta-2,4-dienoic acid + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate + 1 2-methylpropanoate. EC:3.7.1 GO:0016823 GO:0018736 GO:0018737 GO:0018765 GO:0018766 GO:0018767 GO:0018768 GO:0018769 GO:0018770 GO:0018772 GO:0034545 GO:0034779 GO:0034789 GO:0034801 GO:0034820 GO:0034828 GO:0034910 GO:0034948 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00905 acetaldehyde and pyruvate from p-cumate: step 5/7 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False True False True False False GO:0016823 molecular_function:hydrolase activity, acting on acid carbon-carbon bonds, in ketonic substances GO:0018736 molecular_function:6-oxo-2-hydroxycyclohexane-1-carboxyl-CoA hydrolase activity GO:0018737 molecular_function:2-ketocyclohexane-1-carboxyl-CoA hydrolase activity GO:0018765 molecular_function:2-hydroxy-6-oxohepta-2,4-dienoate hydrolase activity GO:0018766 molecular_function:dihydrophloroglucinol hydrolase activity GO:0018767 molecular_function:2-hydroxy-6-oxo-7-methylocta-2,4-dienoate hydrolase activity GO:0018768 molecular_function:2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-(2'-aminophenyl)hexa-2,4-dienoate hydrolase activity GO:0018769 molecular_function:2-hydroxy-6-oxoocta-2,4-dienoate hydrolase activity GO:0018770 molecular_function:6-oxo-2-hydroxy-7-(4'-chlorophenyl)-3,8,8-trichloroocta-2E,4E,7-trienoate hydrolase activity GO:0018772 molecular_function:trioxoheptanoate hydrolase activity GO:0034545 molecular_function:fumarylpyruvate hydrolase activity GO:0034779 molecular_function:4-isopropenyl-2-ketocyclohexane-1-carboxyl-CoA hydrolase activity GO:0034789 molecular_function:2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-(2-carboxyphenyl)-hexa-2,4-dienoate hydrolase activity GO:0034801 molecular_function:2,4-dinitrocyclohexanone hydrolase activity GO:0034820 molecular_function:4,9-DSHA hydrolase activity GO:0034828 molecular_function:4-(2-oxocyclohexyl)-2-hydroxy-buta-2,4-dienoate hydrolase activity GO:0034910 molecular_function:6-hydroxy-3-succinoylpyridine hydrolase activity GO:0034948 molecular_function:2,6-dihydroxypseudooxynicotine hydrolase activity 1 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 4-hydroxy-2-oxopentanoate. EC: GO:0008684 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00906 acetaldehyde and pyruvate from p-cumate: step 6/7 1 1 1 1 6 False False False True False True GO:0008684 molecular_function:2-oxopent-4-enoate hydratase activity 1 4-hydroxy-2-oxopentanoate =&gt; 1 acetaldehyde + 1 pyruvate. EC: GO:0008701 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00907 acetaldehyde and pyruvate from p-cumate: step 7/7 1 1 1 1 7 False True False True False True GO:0008701 molecular_function:4-hydroxy-2-oxovalerate aldolase activity 1 ATP + 1 bicarbonate + 1 propanoyl-CoA =&gt; 1 (S)-methylmalonyl-CoA + 1 ADP + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004658 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00908 succinyl-CoA from propanoyl-CoA: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0004658 molecular_function:propionyl-CoA carboxylase activity 1 (S)-methylmalonyl-CoA =&gt; 1 (R)-methylmalonyl-CoA. EC: GO:0004493 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00909 succinyl-CoA from propanoyl-CoA: step 2/3 1 1 1 2 False True False True GO:0004493 molecular_function:methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase activity 1 (R)-methylmalonyl-CoA =&gt; 1 succinyl-CoA. EC: GO:0004494 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00910 succinyl-CoA from propanoyl-CoA: step 3/3 1 1 1 3 False True False True GO:0004494 molecular_function:methylmalonyl-CoA mutase activity 1 2-phosphoglycolate + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 glycolate + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0008967 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00911 glycine from 2-phosphoglycolate: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0008967 molecular_function:phosphoglycolate phosphatase activity 1 O(2) + 1 glycolate =&gt; 1 H(2)O(2) + 1 glyoxylate. EC: GO:0003973 GO:0052852 GO:0052853 GO:0052854 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00912 glycine from 2-phosphoglycolate: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0003973 molecular_function:(S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidase activity GO:0052852 molecular_function:very-long-chain-(S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidase activity GO:0052853 molecular_function:long-chain-(S)-2-hydroxy-long-chain-acid oxidase activity GO:0052854 molecular_function:medium-chain-(S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidase activity 1 L-glutamate + 1 glyoxylate =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 glycine. EC: GO:0047958 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00913 glycine from 2-phosphoglycolate: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0047958 molecular_function:glycine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity 1 5,10-methylene-THF + 1 H(2)O + 1 glycine =&gt; 1 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + 1 L-serine. EC: GO:0004372 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00914 3-phospho-D-glycerate from glycine: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True False False GO:0004372 molecular_function:glycine hydroxymethyltransferase activity 1 L-serine + 1 pyruvate =&gt; 1 3-hydroxypyruvate + 1 L-alanine. EC: GO:0004760 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00915 3-phospho-D-glycerate from glycine: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0004760 molecular_function:serine-pyruvate transaminase activity 1 3-hydroxypyruvate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH =&gt; 1 D-glycerate + 1 NAD(+). EC: GO:0008465 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00916 3-phospho-D-glycerate from glycine: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0008465 molecular_function:glycerate dehydrogenase activity 1 ATP + 1 D-glycerate =&gt; 1 3-phospho-D-glycerate + 1 ADP. EC: GO:0008887 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00917 3-phospho-D-glycerate from glycine: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0008887 molecular_function:glycerate kinase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 acceptor + 1 nicotine =&gt; 1 (R)-6-hydroxynicotine + 1 reduced acceptor. EC: GO:0018535 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00918 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine from nicotine (R-isomer route): step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0018535 molecular_function:nicotine dehydrogenase activity 1 (S)-6-hydroxynicotine + 1 H(2)O + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine + 1 H(2)O(2). EC: GO:0018531 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00919 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine from nicotine (S-isomer route): step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0018531 molecular_function:(S)-6-hydroxynicotine oxidase activity 1 5-deoxy-D-glucuronic acid =&gt; 1 2-deoxy-5-keto-D-gluconic acid. EC:5.3.1 GO:0008786 GO:0016861 GO:0043877 GO:0043917 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00920 acetyl-CoA from myo-inositol: step 4/7 1 1 1 4 False True False True GO:0008786 molecular_function:allose 6-phosphate isomerase activity GO:0016861 molecular_function:intramolecular oxidoreductase activity, interconverting aldoses and ketoses GO:0043877 molecular_function:galactosamine-6-phosphate isomerase activity GO:0043917 molecular_function:ribose 1,5-bisphosphate isomerase activity 1 D-glucose 6-phosphate =&gt; 1 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosose + 1 phosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00921 2-deoxystreptamine from D-glucose 6-phosphate: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True 1 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosose + 1 L-glutamine =&gt; 1 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosamine + 1 2-oxoglutaramate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00922 2-deoxystreptamine from D-glucose 6-phosphate: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosamine + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)] =&gt; 3-amino-2,3-dideoxy-scyllo-inosose + H(+) + [NADH or NADPH]. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00923 2-deoxystreptamine from D-glucose 6-phosphate: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 True False True False False True True False True False False False False True 1 3-amino-2,3-dideoxy-scyllo-inosose + 1 L-glutamine =&gt; 1 2-deoxystreptamine + 1 2-oxoglutaramate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00924 2-deoxystreptamine from D-glucose 6-phosphate: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True 1 geranyl diphosphate =&gt; 1 (4S)-limonene + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0050552 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00925 (4S)-limonene from geranyl diphosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0050552 molecular_function:(4S)-limonene synthase activity 1 geranyl diphosphate =&gt; 1 (4R)-limonene + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0034002 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00926 (4R)-limonene from geranyl diphosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0034002 molecular_function:(R)-limonene synthase activity 1 geranyl diphosphate =&gt; 1 (-)-alpha-pinene + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0050550 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00927 (-)-alpha-pinene from geranyl diphosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0050550 molecular_function:pinene synthase activity 1 geranyl diphosphate =&gt; 1 (-)-beta-pinene + 1 diphosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00928 (-)-beta-pinene from geranyl diphosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True 1 CTP + 1 riboflavin =&gt; 1 CDP + 1 FMN. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00929 FMN from riboflavin (CTP route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False 1 GTP + 1 alpha-D-mannose 1-phosphate =&gt; 1 GDP-alpha-D-mannose + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0004475 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00930 GDP-alpha-D-mannose from alpha-D-mannose 1-phosphate (GTP route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004475 molecular_function:mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase activity 1 GDP-alpha-D-mannose =&gt; 1 GDP-L-galactose. EC: GO:0047918 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00931 L-ascorbate from GDP-alpha-D-mannose: step 1/5 1 1 1 1 False True False True GO:0047918 molecular_function:GDP-mannose 3,5-epimerase activity 1 GDP-L-galactose + 1 phosphate =&gt; 1 GDP + 1 beta-L-galactose 1-phosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00932 L-ascorbate from GDP-alpha-D-mannose: step 2/5 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True 1 H(2)O + 1 beta-L-galactose 1-phosphate =&gt; 1 alpha-L-galactose + 1 phosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00933 L-ascorbate from GDP-alpha-D-mannose: step 3/5 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True 1 NAD(+) + 1 alpha-L-galactose =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 L-Galactono-1,4-lactone + 1 NADH. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00934 L-ascorbate from GDP-alpha-D-mannose: step 4/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False False False True 1 L-Galactono-1,4-lactone + 2 ferricytochrome c =&gt; 2 H(+) + 1 L-ascorbate + 2 ferrocytochrome c. EC: GO:0016633 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00935 L-ascorbate from GDP-alpha-D-mannose: step 5/5 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 False False False True False True False False False False GO:0016633 molecular_function:galactonolactone dehydrogenase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate =&gt; 1 D-glucuronate + 1 UDP. EC:3.2.1 GO:0004553 GO:0008933 GO:0015923 GO:0015924 GO:0015925 GO:0015926 GO:0015927 GO:0015928 GO:0015929 GO:0016160 GO:0044653 GO:0044654 GO:0052736 GO:0052769 GO:0052859 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00936 L-ascorbate from UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate: step 1/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004553 molecular_function:hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds GO:0008933 molecular_function:lytic transglycosylase activity GO:0015923 molecular_function:mannosidase activity GO:0015924 molecular_function:mannosyl-oligosaccharide mannosidase activity GO:0015925 molecular_function:galactosidase activity GO:0015926 molecular_function:glucosidase activity GO:0015927 molecular_function:trehalase activity GO:0015928 molecular_function:fucosidase activity GO:0015929 molecular_function:hexosaminidase activity GO:0016160 molecular_function:amylase activity GO:0044653 molecular_function:dextrin alpha-glucosidase activity GO:0044654 molecular_function:starch alpha-glucosidase activity GO:0052736 molecular_function:beta-glucanase activity GO:0052769 molecular_function:beta-6-sulfate-N-acetylglucosaminidase activity GO:0052859 molecular_function:glucan endo-1,4-beta-glucosidase activity 1 D-glucuronate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 L-gulonate + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0047939 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00937 L-ascorbate from UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate: step 2/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0047939 molecular_function:L-glucuronate reductase activity 1 L-gulonate =&gt; 1 H(2)O + 1 L-gulono-1,4-lactone. EC:3.1.1 GO:0004620 GO:0010296 GO:0016298 GO:0018731 GO:0018732 GO:0018733 GO:0018734 GO:0034892 GO:0035460 GO:0043905 GO:0043906 GO:0043907 GO:0043908 GO:0047376 GO:0050253 GO:0052689 GO:0052767 GO:0052768 GO:0080030 GO:0080031 GO:0080032 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00938 L-ascorbate from UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate: step 3/4 1 1 1 1 3 False True False False False True GO:0004620 molecular_function:phospholipase activity GO:0010296 molecular_function:prenylcysteine methylesterase activity GO:0016298 molecular_function:lipase activity GO:0018731 molecular_function:1-oxa-2-oxocycloheptane lactonase activity GO:0018732 molecular_function:sulfolactone hydrolase activity GO:0018733 molecular_function:3,4-dihydrocoumarin hydrolase activity GO:0018734 molecular_function:butyrolactone hydrolase activity GO:0034892 molecular_function:endosulfan lactone lactonase activity GO:0035460 molecular_function:L-ascorbate 6-phosphate lactonase activity GO:0043905 molecular_function:Ser-tRNA(Thr) hydrolase activity GO:0043906 molecular_function:Ala-tRNA(Pro) hydrolase activity GO:0043907 molecular_function:Cys-tRNA(Pro) hydrolase activity GO:0043908 molecular_function:Ser(Gly)-tRNA(Ala) hydrolase activity GO:0047376 molecular_function:all-trans-retinyl-palmitate hydrolase, all-trans-retinol forming activity GO:0050253 molecular_function:retinyl-palmitate esterase activity GO:0052689 molecular_function:carboxylic ester hydrolase activity GO:0052767 molecular_function:mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,6-alpha-mannosidase activity GO:0052768 molecular_function:mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,3-alpha-mannosidase activity GO:0080030 molecular_function:methyl indole-3-acetate esterase activity GO:0080031 molecular_function:methyl salicylate esterase activity GO:0080032 molecular_function:methyl jasmonate esterase activity 1 L-gulono-1,4-lactone + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 H(2)O(2) + 1 L-ascorbate. EC: GO:0050105 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00939 L-ascorbate from UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate: step 4/4 1 1 1 1 1 4 False False False True False False False True GO:0050105 molecular_function:L-gulonolactone oxidase activity 1 CDP-diacylglycerol + 1 choline =&gt; 1 CMP + 1 phosphatidylcholine. EC: GO:0050520 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00940 phosphatidylcholine from choline: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True GO:0050520 molecular_function:phosphatidylcholine synthase activity 1 N-carbamoylputrescine + 1 phosphate =&gt; 1 carbamoyl phosphate + 1 putrescine. EC: GO:0050231 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00941 putrescine from N-carbamoylputrescine (transferase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False GO:0050231 molecular_function:putrescine carbamoyltransferase activity 1 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole + 1 ATP + 1 bicarbonate =&gt; 1 5-carboxyamino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole + 1 ADP + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0034028 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00942 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxylate from 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole (N5-CAIR route): step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0034028 molecular_function:5-(carboxyamino)imidazole ribonucleotide synthase activity 1 5-carboxyamino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole =&gt; 1 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxylate. EC: GO:0034023 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00943 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxylate from 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole (N5-CAIR route): step 2/2 1 1 1 2 False True False True GO:0034023 molecular_function:5-(carboxyamino)imidazole ribonucleotide mutase activity 1 8-amino-7-oxononanoate + 1 L-lysine =&gt; 1 7,8-diaminononanoate + 1 L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00944 7,8-diaminononanoate from 8-amino-7-oxononanoate (Lys route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True False False 1 (S)-dihydroorotate + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 orotate. EC: GO:0004589 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00945 orotate from (S)-dihydroorotate (NAD(+) route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004589 molecular_function:orotate reductase (NADH) activity 1 (S)-dihydroorotate + 1 Quinone =&gt; 1 Hydroquinone + 1 orotate. EC: GO:0004152 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00946 orotate from (S)-dihydroorotate (quinone route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True False False GO:0004152 molecular_function:dihydroorotate dehydrogenase activity 1 H(+) + 1 L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde + 1 NADH =&gt; 1 L-homoserine + 1 NAD(+). EC: GO:0004412 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00949 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False False False True True False False True GO:0004412 molecular_function:homoserine dehydrogenase activity 1 H(+) + 1 L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 L-homoserine + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0004412 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00950 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False False False True True False False True GO:0004412 molecular_function:homoserine dehydrogenase activity 1 3-oxopropanoate + 1 CoA + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 acetyl-CoA. EC: EC: GO:0004491 GO:0018478 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00951 None 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 True False False False False True True False False False False True False False GO:0004491 molecular_function:methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (acylating) activity GO:0018478 molecular_function:malonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (acetylating) activity 1 3-oxopropanoate + 1 CoA + 1 NADP(+) =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 acetyl-CoA. EC: EC: GO:0004491 GO:0018478 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00952 None 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 True False False False False True True False False False False True False False GO:0004491 molecular_function:methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (acylating) activity GO:0018478 molecular_function:malonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (acetylating) activity 1 ATP + 1 adenosylcobinamide =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 adenosylcobinamide phosphate. EC: GO:0043752 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00953 None 1 1 1 1 True False False True True False False True GO:0043752 molecular_function:adenosylcobinamide kinase activity 1 GTP + 1 adenosylcobinamide =&gt; 1 GDP + 1 adenosylcobinamide phosphate. EC: GO:0043752 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00954 None 1 1 1 1 True False False True True False False True GO:0043752 molecular_function:adenosylcobinamide kinase activity 1 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) + 1 benzene-1,2,4-triol. EC:1.13.11 GO:0016702 GO:0018542 GO:0018555 GO:0018556 GO:0018557 GO:0018558 GO:0018559 GO:0018560 GO:0018561 GO:0018562 GO:0018563 GO:0018564 GO:0018565 GO:0018566 GO:0018567 GO:0018568 GO:0018569 GO:0018570 GO:0018571 GO:0018572 GO:0018573 GO:0018574 GO:0018575 GO:0019114 GO:0019117 GO:0034543 GO:0034803 GO:0034806 GO:0034808 GO:0034810 GO:0034811 GO:0034812 GO:0034813 GO:0034814 GO:0034827 GO:0034834 GO:0034895 GO:0034920 GO:0034922 GO:0034934 GO:0034935 GO:0034936 GO:0034955 GO:0034956 GO:0036403 GO:0047074 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00955 None 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 True False False False False False False True False False True False False False False True GO:0016702 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on single donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen, incorporation of two atoms of oxygen GO:0018542 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy DDT 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018555 molecular_function:phenanthrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018556 molecular_function:2,2',3-trihydroxybiphenyl dioxygenase activity GO:0018557 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxyfluorene 1,1-alpha-dioxygenase activity GO:0018558 molecular_function:5,6-dihydroxy-3-methyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline dioxygenase activity GO:0018559 molecular_function:1,1-dichloro-2-(dihydroxy-4-chlorophenyl)-(4-chlorophenyl)ethene 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018560 molecular_function:protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase type II activity GO:0018561 molecular_function:2'-aminobiphenyl-2,3-diol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018562 molecular_function:3,4-dihydroxyfluorene 4,4-alpha-dioxygenase activity GO:0018563 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy-ethylbenzene 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018564 molecular_function:carbazole 1,9a-dioxygenase activity GO:0018565 molecular_function:dihydroxydibenzothiophene dioxygenase activity GO:0018566 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene-6-sulfonate 1,8a-dioxygenase activity GO:0018567 molecular_function:styrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018568 molecular_function:3,4-dihydroxyphenanthrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018569 molecular_function:hydroquinone 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018570 molecular_function:p-cumate 2,3-dioxygenase activity GO:0018571 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy-p-cumate dioxygenase activity GO:0018572 molecular_function:3,5-dichlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018573 molecular_function:2-aminophenol 1,6-dioxygenase activity GO:0018574 molecular_function:2,6-dichloro-p-hydroquinone 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018575 molecular_function:chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0019114 molecular_function:catechol dioxygenase activity GO:0019117 molecular_function:dihydroxyfluorene dioxygenase activity GO:0034543 molecular_function:5-aminosalicylate dioxygenase activity GO:0034803 molecular_function:3-hydroxy-2-naphthoate 2,3-dioxygenase activity GO:0034806 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 11,12-dioxygenase activity GO:0034808 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 4,5-dioxygenase activity GO:0034810 molecular_function:4,5-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034811 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 9,10-dioxygenase activity GO:0034812 molecular_function:9,10-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034813 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 7,8-dioxygenase activity GO:0034814 molecular_function:7,8-dihydroxy benzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034827 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxy-5,6,7,8-tetrahydronaphthalene extradiol dioxygenase activity GO:0034834 molecular_function:2-mercaptobenzothiazole dioxygenase activity GO:0034895 molecular_function:pyridine-3,4-diol dioxygenase activity GO:0034920 molecular_function:pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034922 molecular_function:4,5-dihydroxypyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034934 molecular_function:phenanthrene-4-carboxylate dioxygenase activity GO:0034935 molecular_function:tetrachlorobenzene dioxygenase activity GO:0034936 molecular_function:4,6-dichloro-3-methylcatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0034955 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxydiphenyl ether dioxygenase activity GO:0034956 molecular_function:diphenyl ether 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0036403 molecular_function:arachidonate 8(S)-lipoxygenase activity GO:0047074 molecular_function:4-hydroxycatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity 1 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 O(2) =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+) + 1 benzene-1,2,4-triol. EC:1.13.11 GO:0016702 GO:0018542 GO:0018555 GO:0018556 GO:0018557 GO:0018558 GO:0018559 GO:0018560 GO:0018561 GO:0018562 GO:0018563 GO:0018564 GO:0018565 GO:0018566 GO:0018567 GO:0018568 GO:0018569 GO:0018570 GO:0018571 GO:0018572 GO:0018573 GO:0018574 GO:0018575 GO:0019114 GO:0019117 GO:0034543 GO:0034803 GO:0034806 GO:0034808 GO:0034810 GO:0034811 GO:0034812 GO:0034813 GO:0034814 GO:0034827 GO:0034834 GO:0034895 GO:0034920 GO:0034922 GO:0034934 GO:0034935 GO:0034936 GO:0034955 GO:0034956 GO:0036403 GO:0047074 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00956 None 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 True False False False False False False True False False True False False False False True GO:0016702 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on single donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen, incorporation of two atoms of oxygen GO:0018542 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy DDT 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018555 molecular_function:phenanthrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018556 molecular_function:2,2',3-trihydroxybiphenyl dioxygenase activity GO:0018557 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxyfluorene 1,1-alpha-dioxygenase activity GO:0018558 molecular_function:5,6-dihydroxy-3-methyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline dioxygenase activity GO:0018559 molecular_function:1,1-dichloro-2-(dihydroxy-4-chlorophenyl)-(4-chlorophenyl)ethene 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018560 molecular_function:protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase type II activity GO:0018561 molecular_function:2'-aminobiphenyl-2,3-diol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018562 molecular_function:3,4-dihydroxyfluorene 4,4-alpha-dioxygenase activity GO:0018563 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy-ethylbenzene 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018564 molecular_function:carbazole 1,9a-dioxygenase activity GO:0018565 molecular_function:dihydroxydibenzothiophene dioxygenase activity GO:0018566 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene-6-sulfonate 1,8a-dioxygenase activity GO:0018567 molecular_function:styrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018568 molecular_function:3,4-dihydroxyphenanthrene dioxygenase activity GO:0018569 molecular_function:hydroquinone 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018570 molecular_function:p-cumate 2,3-dioxygenase activity GO:0018571 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxy-p-cumate dioxygenase activity GO:0018572 molecular_function:3,5-dichlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018573 molecular_function:2-aminophenol 1,6-dioxygenase activity GO:0018574 molecular_function:2,6-dichloro-p-hydroquinone 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0018575 molecular_function:chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0019114 molecular_function:catechol dioxygenase activity GO:0019117 molecular_function:dihydroxyfluorene dioxygenase activity GO:0034543 molecular_function:5-aminosalicylate dioxygenase activity GO:0034803 molecular_function:3-hydroxy-2-naphthoate 2,3-dioxygenase activity GO:0034806 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 11,12-dioxygenase activity GO:0034808 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 4,5-dioxygenase activity GO:0034810 molecular_function:4,5-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034811 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 9,10-dioxygenase activity GO:0034812 molecular_function:9,10-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034813 molecular_function:benzo(a)pyrene 7,8-dioxygenase activity GO:0034814 molecular_function:7,8-dihydroxy benzo(a)pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034827 molecular_function:1,2-dihydroxy-5,6,7,8-tetrahydronaphthalene extradiol dioxygenase activity GO:0034834 molecular_function:2-mercaptobenzothiazole dioxygenase activity GO:0034895 molecular_function:pyridine-3,4-diol dioxygenase activity GO:0034920 molecular_function:pyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034922 molecular_function:4,5-dihydroxypyrene dioxygenase activity GO:0034934 molecular_function:phenanthrene-4-carboxylate dioxygenase activity GO:0034935 molecular_function:tetrachlorobenzene dioxygenase activity GO:0034936 molecular_function:4,6-dichloro-3-methylcatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0034955 molecular_function:2,3-dihydroxydiphenyl ether dioxygenase activity GO:0034956 molecular_function:diphenyl ether 1,2-dioxygenase activity GO:0036403 molecular_function:arachidonate 8(S)-lipoxygenase activity GO:0047074 molecular_function:4-hydroxycatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 maleylacetate =&gt; 1 3-oxoadipate + 1 NAD(+). EC: GO:0018506 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00957 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False False False True True False False True GO:0018506 molecular_function:maleylacetate reductase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 maleylacetate =&gt; 1 3-oxoadipate + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0018506 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00958 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False False False True True False False True GO:0018506 molecular_function:maleylacetate reductase activity 1 L-arogenate + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 H(+) + 1 L-tyrosine + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0047794 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00959 L-tyrosine from L-arogenate (NAD(+) route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0047794 molecular_function:cyclohexadienyl dehydrogenase activity 1 L-arogenate + 1 NADP(+) =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 H(+) + 1 L-tyrosine + 1 NADPH. EC: GO:0033730 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00960 L-tyrosine from L-arogenate (NADP(+) route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0033730 molecular_function:arogenate dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 1 NAD(+) + 1 prephenate =&gt; 1 (4-hydroxyphenyl)pyruvate + 1 CO(2) + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0008977 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00961 (4-hydroxyphenyl)pyruvate from prephenate (NAD(+) route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0008977 molecular_function:prephenate dehydrogenase activity 1 NADP(+) + 1 prephenate =&gt; 1 (4-hydroxyphenyl)pyruvate + 1 CO(2) + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH. EC: GO:0004665 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00962 (4-hydroxyphenyl)pyruvate from prephenate (NADP(+) route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0004665 molecular_function:prephenate dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 1 L-aspartate + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 iminoaspartate. EC: GO:0033735 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00963 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False True True False False False False True GO:0033735 molecular_function:aspartate dehydrogenase activity 1 L-aspartate + 1 NADP(+) =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 iminoaspartate. EC: GO:0033735 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00964 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False True True False False False False True GO:0033735 molecular_function:aspartate dehydrogenase activity 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxy-D-glucose + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH =&gt; 1 CDP-4-dehydro-3,6-dideoxy-D-glucose + 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+). EC: GO:0047099 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00967 None 1 1 1 1 1 1 True False False False False True False False True False False True GO:0047099 molecular_function:CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxyglucose reductase activity 1 CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxy-D-glucose + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 CDP-4-dehydro-3,6-dideoxy-D-glucose + 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0047099 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00968 None 1 1 1 1 1 1 True False False False False True False False True False False True GO:0047099 molecular_function:CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxyglucose reductase activity 1 H(+) + 1 L-arabinose + 1 NADH =&gt; 1 L-arabinitol + 1 NAD(+). EC: GO:0004032 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00969 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False False False True True False False True GO:0004032 molecular_function:alditol:NADP+ 1-oxidoreductase activity 1 H(+) + 1 L-arabinose + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 L-arabinitol + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0004032 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00970 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False False False True True False False True GO:0004032 molecular_function:alditol:NADP+ 1-oxidoreductase activity 1 NAD(+) + 1 S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 S-formylglutathione. EC: GO:0051903 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00971 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False True True False False False False True GO:0051903 molecular_function:S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione dehydrogenase activity 1 NADP(+) + 1 S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 S-formylglutathione. EC: GO:0051903 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00972 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False True True False False False False True GO:0051903 molecular_function:S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione dehydrogenase activity 1 2-hydroxy-3-oxopropanoate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH =&gt; 1 D-glycerate + 1 NAD(+). EC: GO:0008679 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00973 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False False False True True False False True GO:0008679 molecular_function:2-hydroxy-3-oxopropionate reductase activity 1 2-hydroxy-3-oxopropanoate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 D-glycerate + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0008679 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00974 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False False False True True False False True GO:0008679 molecular_function:2-hydroxy-3-oxopropionate reductase activity 1 (S)-ureidoglycolate + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 oxalurate. EC: GO:0009040 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00975 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False True True False False False False True GO:0009040 molecular_function:ureidoglycolate dehydrogenase activity 1 (S)-ureidoglycolate + 1 NADP(+) =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 oxalurate. EC: GO:0009040 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00976 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False True True False False False False True GO:0009040 molecular_function:ureidoglycolate dehydrogenase activity 1 D-arabinose + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 D-arabinono-1,4-lactone + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: EC: GO:0045290 GO:0047816 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00977 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False True True False False False False True GO:0045290 molecular_function:D-arabinose 1-dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity GO:0047816 molecular_function:D-arabinose 1-dehydrogenase (NAD) activity 1 D-arabinose + 1 NADP(+) =&gt; 1 D-arabinono-1,4-lactone + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH. EC: EC: GO:0045290 GO:0047816 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00978 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False True True False False False False True GO:0045290 molecular_function:D-arabinose 1-dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity GO:0047816 molecular_function:D-arabinose 1-dehydrogenase (NAD) activity 1 2-hydroxy-3-oxosuccinate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 D-glycerate + 1 NAD(+). EC: GO:0047047 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00981 None 1 1 1 1 1 1 True False False False False True True False False False False True GO:0047047 molecular_function:oxaloglycolate reductase (decarboxylating) activity 1 2-hydroxy-3-oxosuccinate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 D-glycerate + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0047047 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00982 None 1 1 1 1 1 1 True False False False False True True False False False False True GO:0047047 molecular_function:oxaloglycolate reductase (decarboxylating) activity 1 D-glycerate + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 3-hydroxypyruvate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0008465 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00983 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False True True False False False False True GO:0008465 molecular_function:glycerate dehydrogenase activity 1 D-glycerate + 1 NADP(+) =&gt; 1 3-hydroxypyruvate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH. EC: EC: GO:0008465 GO:0016618 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00984 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False True True False False False False True GO:0008465 molecular_function:glycerate dehydrogenase activity GO:0016618 molecular_function:hydroxypyruvate reductase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 L-alpha-aminoadipate + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0004043 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00985 None 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False True False False True True False False False False True GO:0004043 molecular_function:L-aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde + 1 NADP(+) =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 L-alpha-aminoadipate + 1 NADPH. EC: GO:0004043 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00986 None 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False True False False True True False False False False True GO:0004043 molecular_function:L-aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+) + 1 benzaldehyde =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 benzoate. EC: GO:0018477 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00987 None 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False True False False True True False False False False True GO:0018477 molecular_function:benzaldehyde dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) + 1 benzaldehyde =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 benzoate. EC: GO:0018479 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00988 None 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False True False False True True False False False False True GO:0018479 molecular_function:benzaldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) + 1 gamma-glutamyl-4-aminobutanal =&gt; 1 4-(L-gamma-glutamylamino)butanoic acid + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC:1.2.1 GO:0004028 GO:0016620 GO:0018472 GO:0018473 GO:0018474 GO:0018475 GO:0019115 GO:0034520 GO:0034525 GO:0034530 GO:0034538 GO:0034601 GO:0034602 GO:0034603 GO:0034604 GO:0034822 GO:0034832 GO:0043745 GO:0043796 GO:0043870 GO:0043878 GO:0044104 GO:0052814 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00989 None 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False True False False True True False False False False True GO:0004028 molecular_function:3-chloroallyl aldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0016620 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on the aldehyde or oxo group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor GO:0018472 molecular_function:1-hydroxy-2-naphthaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0018473 molecular_function:cis-2-methyl-5-isopropylhexa-2,5-dienal dehydrogenase activity GO:0018474 molecular_function:2-carboxybenzaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0018475 molecular_function:trans-2-methyl-5-isopropylhexa-2,5-dienal dehydrogenase activity GO:0019115 molecular_function:benzaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0034520 molecular_function:2-naphthaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0034525 molecular_function:1-naphthaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0034530 molecular_function:4-hydroxymethylsalicyaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0034538 molecular_function:3-methylsalicylaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0034601 molecular_function:oxoglutarate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity GO:0034602 molecular_function:oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity GO:0034603 molecular_function:pyruvate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity GO:0034604 molecular_function:pyruvate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity GO:0034822 molecular_function:citronellal dehydrogenase activity GO:0034832 molecular_function:geranial dehydrogenase activity GO:0043745 molecular_function:N2-acetyl-L-aminoadipate semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0043796 molecular_function:glyceraldehyde dehydrogenase (NADP) activity GO:0043870 molecular_function:N-acetyl-gamma-aminoadipyl-phosphate reductase activity GO:0043878 molecular_function:glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD+) (non-phosphorylating) activity GO:0044104 molecular_function:2,5-dioxovalerate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity GO:0052814 molecular_function:medium-chain-aldehyde dehydrogenase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+) + 1 gamma-glutamyl-4-aminobutanal =&gt; 1 4-(L-gamma-glutamylamino)butanoic acid + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH. EC:1.2.1 GO:0004028 GO:0016620 GO:0018472 GO:0018473 GO:0018474 GO:0018475 GO:0019115 GO:0034520 GO:0034525 GO:0034530 GO:0034538 GO:0034601 GO:0034602 GO:0034603 GO:0034604 GO:0034822 GO:0034832 GO:0043745 GO:0043796 GO:0043870 GO:0043878 GO:0044104 GO:0052814 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00990 None 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False True False False True True False False False False True GO:0004028 molecular_function:3-chloroallyl aldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0016620 molecular_function:oxidoreductase activity, acting on the aldehyde or oxo group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor GO:0018472 molecular_function:1-hydroxy-2-naphthaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0018473 molecular_function:cis-2-methyl-5-isopropylhexa-2,5-dienal dehydrogenase activity GO:0018474 molecular_function:2-carboxybenzaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0018475 molecular_function:trans-2-methyl-5-isopropylhexa-2,5-dienal dehydrogenase activity GO:0019115 molecular_function:benzaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0034520 molecular_function:2-naphthaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0034525 molecular_function:1-naphthaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0034530 molecular_function:4-hydroxymethylsalicyaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0034538 molecular_function:3-methylsalicylaldehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0034601 molecular_function:oxoglutarate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity GO:0034602 molecular_function:oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity GO:0034603 molecular_function:pyruvate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity GO:0034604 molecular_function:pyruvate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity GO:0034822 molecular_function:citronellal dehydrogenase activity GO:0034832 molecular_function:geranial dehydrogenase activity GO:0043745 molecular_function:N2-acetyl-L-aminoadipate semialdehyde dehydrogenase activity GO:0043796 molecular_function:glyceraldehyde dehydrogenase (NADP) activity GO:0043870 molecular_function:N-acetyl-gamma-aminoadipyl-phosphate reductase activity GO:0043878 molecular_function:glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD+) (non-phosphorylating) activity GO:0044104 molecular_function:2,5-dioxovalerate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity GO:0052814 molecular_function:medium-chain-aldehyde dehydrogenase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 dihydrobiopterin =&gt; 1 NAD(+) + 1 tetrahydrobiopterin. EC: GO:0004155 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00993 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False False False True True False False True GO:0004155 molecular_function:6,7-dihydropteridine reductase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 dihydrobiopterin =&gt; 1 NADP(+) + 1 tetrahydrobiopterin. EC: GO:0004155 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00994 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False False False True True False False True GO:0004155 molecular_function:6,7-dihydropteridine reductase activity 1 NADP(+) + 1 isocitrate =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 CO(2) + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH. EC: GO:0004450 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00995 2-oxoglutarate from isocitrate (NADP(+) route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True False False GO:0004450 molecular_function:isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity 1 NAD(+) + 1 isocitrate =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 CO(2) + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: GO:0004449 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00996 2-oxoglutarate from isocitrate (NAD(+) route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False True False False GO:0004449 molecular_function:isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 CoA + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 succinyl-CoA. enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00997 succinyl-CoA from 2-oxoglutarate (dehydrogenase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False False False True 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 CoA + 2 oxidized ferredoxin =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 2 H(+) + 2 reduced ferredoxin + 1 succinyl-CoA. EC: GO:0047553 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00998 succinyl-CoA from 2-oxoglutarate (synthase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False False False False False True False False GO:0047553 molecular_function:2-oxoglutarate synthase activity 1 ADP + 1 phosphate + 1 succinyl-CoA =&gt; 1 ATP + 1 CoA + 1 succinate. EC: GO:0004775 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER00999 succinate from succinyl-CoA (ligase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004775 molecular_function:succinate-CoA ligase (ADP-forming) activity 1 acetoacetate + 1 succinyl-CoA =&gt; 1 acetoacetyl-CoA + 1 succinate. EC: GO:0008260 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01000 succinate from succinyl-CoA (transferase route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True False False GO:0008260 molecular_function:3-oxoacid CoA-transferase activity 1 2-oxoglutarate =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 succinate semialdehyde. EC: GO:0008683 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01001 succinate from 2-oxoglutarate (transferase route): step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0008683 molecular_function:2-oxoglutarate decarboxylase activity H(2)O + succinate semialdehyde + [NAD(+) or NADP(+)] =&gt; H(+) + succinate + [NADH or NADPH]. EC: GO:0009013 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01002 succinate from 2-oxoglutarate (transferase route): step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False True False True False False True True False True False False True False False GO:0009013 molecular_function:succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+) + 1 succinate semialdehyde =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 succinate. EC: GO:0009013 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01003 None 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False True False False True True False False True False False GO:0009013 molecular_function:succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+) + 1 succinate semialdehyde =&gt; 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH + 1 succinate. EC: GO:0009013 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01004 None 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False True False False True True False False True False False GO:0009013 molecular_function:succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity 1 acceptor + 1 succinate =&gt; 1 fumarate + 1 reduced acceptor. enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01005 fumarate from succinate (bacterial route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True 1 Quinone + 1 succinate =&gt; 1 Hydroquinone + 1 fumarate. EC: GO:0008177 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01006 fumarate from succinate (eukaryal route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True False False GO:0008177 molecular_function:succinate dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) activity 1 H(2)O + 1 fumarate =&gt; 1 (S)-malate. EC: GO:0004333 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01007 (S)-malate from fumarate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False True GO:0004333 molecular_function:fumarate hydratase activity 1 (S)-malate + 1 Quinone =&gt; 1 Hydroquinone + 1 oxaloacetate. EC: GO:0008924 GO:0052589 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01008 oxaloacetate from (S)-malate (quinone route): step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True False False GO:0008924 molecular_function:malate dehydrogenase (quinone) activity GO:0052589 molecular_function:malate dehydrogenase (menaquinone) activity 1 D-fructose 6-phosphate + 1 GDP-alpha-D-mannose =&gt; 1 GDP + 1 beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside 6-phosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01009 beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside from D-fructose 6-phosphate and GDP-alpha-D-mannose: step 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False True False False False True 1 H(2)O + 1 beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside 6-phosphate =&gt; 1 beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside + 1 phosphate. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01010 beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside from D-fructose 6-phosphate and GDP-alpha-D-mannose: step 2/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+) + 1 nicotinate =&gt; 1 6-hydroxynicotinate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH. EC: GO:0050138 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01011 6-hydroxynicotinate from nicotinate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0050138 molecular_function:nicotinate dehydrogenase activity 1 6-hydroxynicotinate + 1 reduced ferredoxin =&gt; 1 6-hydroxynicotinate + 1 oxidized ferredoxin. EC: GO:0047595 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01012 propanoate and pyruvate from 6-hydroxynicotinate: step 1/8 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0047595 molecular_function:6-hydroxynicotinate reductase activity 1 6-hydroxynicotinate + 2 H(2)O =&gt; 1 2-formylglutarate + 1 NH(3). EC: GO:0043792 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01013 propanoate and pyruvate from 6-hydroxynicotinate: step 2/8 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False True GO:0043792 molecular_function:enamidase activity 1 2-formylglutarate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH =&gt; 1 2-hydroxymethylglutarate + 1 NAD(+). EC: GO:0043718 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01014 propanoate and pyruvate from 6-hydroxynicotinate: step 3/8 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False False False True False False False True GO:0043718 molecular_function:2-hydroxymethylglutarate dehydrogenase activity 1 2-hydroxymethylglutarate =&gt; 1 2-methyleneglutarate + 1 H(2)O. enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01015 propanoate and pyruvate from 6-hydroxynicotinate: step 4/8 1 1 1 1 4 False True False False False True 1 2-methyleneglutarate =&gt; 1 2-methylene-3-methylsuccinate. EC: GO:0047548 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01016 propanoate and pyruvate from 6-hydroxynicotinate: step 5/8 1 1 1 5 False True False True GO:0047548 molecular_function:2-methyleneglutarate mutase activity 1 2-methylene-3-methylsuccinate =&gt; 1 dimethylmaleate. EC: GO:0050100 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01017 propanoate and pyruvate from 6-hydroxynicotinate: step 6/8 1 1 1 6 False True False True GO:0050100 molecular_function:methylitaconate delta-isomerase activity 1 H(2)O + 1 dimethylmaleate =&gt; 1 (2R,3S)-2,3-dimethylmalate. EC: GO:0047868 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01018 propanoate and pyruvate from 6-hydroxynicotinate: step 7/8 1 1 1 1 7 False False False True False True GO:0047868 molecular_function:dimethylmaleate hydratase activity 1 (2R,3S)-2,3-dimethylmalate =&gt; 1 propanoate + 1 pyruvate. EC: GO:0047529 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01019 propanoate and pyruvate from 6-hydroxynicotinate: step 8/8 1 1 1 1 8 False True False True False True GO:0047529 molecular_function:2,3-dimethylmalate lyase activity 1 4-chlorobenzoate + 1 ATP + 1 CoA =&gt; 1 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA + 1 AMP + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0018861 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01020 4-hydroxybenzoate from 4-chlorobenzoate: step 1/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0018861 molecular_function:4-chlorobenzoate-CoA ligase activity 1 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA + 1 H(+) + 1 chloride. EC: GO:0018787 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01021 4-hydroxybenzoate from 4-chlorobenzoate: step 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 False False False True False False False False False True GO:0018787 molecular_function:4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA dehalogenase activity 1 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 4-hydroxybenzoate + 1 CoA. EC: GO:0018739 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01022 4-hydroxybenzoate from 4-chlorobenzoate: step 3/3 1 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False False False True GO:0018739 molecular_function:4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA thioesterase activity 1 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate + 1 L-serine =&gt; 1 5,10-methylene-THF + 1 H(2)O + 1 glycine. EC: GO:0004372 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01023 glycine from L-serine: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False False False True False False GO:0004372 molecular_function:glycine hydroxymethyltransferase activity 1 L-glutamate + 1 oxaloacetate =&gt; 1 2-oxoglutarate + 1 L-aspartate. EC: GO:0004069 GO:0080130 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01024 L-aspartate from oxaloacetate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False True False False False True GO:0004069 molecular_function:L-aspartate:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity GO:0080130 molecular_function:L-phenylalanine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity 1 ATP + 1 L-glutamate + 1 NH(3) =&gt; 1 ADP + 1 L-glutamine + 1 phosphate. EC: GO:0004356 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01025 L-glutamine from L-glutamate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False True False False False False False True GO:0004356 molecular_function:glutamate-ammonia ligase activity 1 H(+) + 1 NADH + 1 O(2) + 1 anthranilate =&gt; 1 CO(2) + 1 NAD(+) + 1 NH(3) + 1 catechol. EC: GO:0018618 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01026 catechol from anthranilate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 False False False False False False False True False False False False False False False True GO:0018618 molecular_function:anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase (deaminating, decarboxylating) activity 1 H(2)O + 1 homo-cis-aconitate =&gt; 1 homoisocitrate. EC: GO:0004409 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01027 L-alpha-aminoadipate from 2-oxoglutarate: step 3/5 1 1 1 1 3 False False False True False True GO:0004409 molecular_function:homoaconitate hydratase activity 1 (2S,4S)-4-hydroxy-2,3,4,5-tetrahydrodipicolinate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH =&gt; 1 (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate + 1 H(2)O + 1 NAD(+). EC: GO:0008839 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01028 None 1 1 1 1 1 1 True False False False False True False False True False False True GO:0008839 molecular_function:4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate reductase 1 (2S,4S)-4-hydroxy-2,3,4,5-tetrahydrodipicolinate + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH =&gt; 1 (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate + 1 H(2)O + 1 NADP(+). EC: GO:0008839 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01029 None 1 1 1 1 1 1 True False False False False True False False True False False True GO:0008839 molecular_function:4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate reductase 2 geranylgeranyl diphosphate =&gt; 1 15-cis-phytoene + 1 diphosphate. EC: GO:0016767 enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01030 15-cis-phytoene from geranylgeranyl diphosphate: step 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 False True False False False True GO:0016767 molecular_function:geranylgeranyl-diphosphate geranylgeranyltransferase activity 1 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosamine + 1 NAD(+) =&gt; 1 3-amino-2,3-dideoxy-scyllo-inosose + 1 H(+) + 1 NADH. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01031 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False True True False False False False True 1 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosamine + 1 NADP(+) =&gt; 1 3-amino-2,3-dideoxy-scyllo-inosose + 1 H(+) + 1 NADPH. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01032 None 1 1 1 1 1 True False False True True False False False False True 1 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoyl-CoA + 1 H(2)O =&gt; 1 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate + 1 CoA. EC: enzymatic_reaction UPa:UER01033 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate from chorismate: step 7/7 1 1 1 1 1 7 False False False True False False False True A linear sub-pathway involved in a UniPathway pathway. A linear sub-pathway is a path of enzymatic reactions. linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00000 linear sub-pathway 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00002 beta-alanine from L-aspartate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00003 (R)-pantoate from 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00004 (R)-pantothenate from (R)-pantoate and beta-alanine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00005 L-histidine from 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00006 (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate from L-aspartate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00007 LL-2,6-diaminopimelate from (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate (succinylase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00008 LL-2,6-diaminopimelate from (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate (acetylase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00009 DL-2,6-diaminopimelate from LL-2,6-diaminopimelate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00010 DL-2,6-diaminopimelate from (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00011 L-lysine from DL-2,6-diaminopimelate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00012 L-alpha-aminoadipate from 2-oxoglutarate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00013 L-lysine from L-alpha-aminoadipate (fungal route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00014 L-lysine from L-alpha-aminoadipate (Thermus route) 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00015 sulfoacetaldehyde from phosphoenolpyruvate and sulfite 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00016 L-tryptophan from chorismate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00017 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate from D-ribulose 5-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00018 2-oxobutanoate from L-threonine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00019 2-oxobutanoate from pyruvate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00020 L-isoleucine from 2-oxobutanoate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00021 L-valine from pyruvate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00022 L-threonine from L-aspartate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00023 L-leucine from 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00025 L-homoserine from L-aspartate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00026 O-acetyl-L-homoserine from L-homoserine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00027 O-succinyl-L-homoserine from L-homoserine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00028 L-homocysteine from S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00029 L-cystathionine from O-succinyl-L-homoserine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00030 L-homocysteine from L-cystathionine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00031 L-homocysteine from O-acetyl-L-homoserine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00032 S-adenosyl-L-methionine from L-methionine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00033 L-methionine from L-homocysteine (MetH route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00034 L-methionine from L-homocysteine (MetE route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00035 L-methionine from L-homocysteine (BhmT route) 1 1 2 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00036 chorismate from D-erythrose 4-phosphate and phosphoenolpyruvate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00037 isopentenyl diphosphate from 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00038 isopentenyl diphosphate from (R)-mevalonate 1 3 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00039 (R)-mevalonate from acetyl-CoA 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00040 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate from D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and pyruvate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00041 dimethylallyl diphosphate from isopentenyl diphosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00042 dimethylallyl diphosphate from (2E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbutenyl diphosphate 1 2 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00043 N(2)-acetyl-L-ornithine from L-glutamate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00044 L-ornithine from N(2)-acetyl-L-ornithine (linear) 1 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00045 L-ornithine and N-acetyl-L-glutamate from L-glutamate and N(2)-acetyl-L-ornithine (cyclic) 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00046 L-arginine from L-ornithine and carbamoyl phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00048 L-ectoine from L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00049 D-xylulose 5-phosphate from L-arabinose (bacterial route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00050 N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide from 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00051 N(2)-formyl-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide from N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide (10-formyl THF route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00052 N(2)-formyl-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide from N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide (formate route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00054 5-formamido-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide from 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide (10-formyl THF route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00055 5-formamido-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide from 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide (formate route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00056 IMP from 5-formamido-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00057 4-amino-2-methyl-5-diphosphomethylpyrimidine from 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00058 4-methyl-5-(2-phosphoethyl)-thiazole from 5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazole 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00059 4-methyl-5-(2-phosphoethyl)-thiazole from 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00060 thiamine phosphate from 4-amino-2-methyl-5-diphosphomethylpyrimidine and 4-methyl-5-(2-phosphoethyl)-thiazole 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00061 acetyl-CoA from myo-inositol 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00062 4-aminobenzoate from chorismate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00063 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine diphosphate from 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00064 7,8-dihydrofolate from 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine diphosphate and 4-aminobenzoate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00067 formate from 10-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00068 carbamoyl phosphate from bicarbonate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00069 D-glucuronate from myo-inositol 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00070 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate from D-ribose 5-phosphate (route I) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00071 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate from D-ribose 5-phosphate (route II) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00072 3-dehydroquinate from D-quinate (NAD(+) route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00073 3-dehydroquinate from D-quinate (PQQ route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00074 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate from 3-dehydroquinate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00075 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and glycerone phosphate from D-glucose 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00076 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate from glycerone phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00077 pyruvate from D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00078 GDP-L-fucose from GDP-alpha-D-mannose 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00079 2-(alpha-D-mannosyl)-D-glycerate from GDP-alpha-D-mannose (MPG route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00080 L-asparagine from L-aspartate (ammonia route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00081 L-asparagine from L-aspartate (L-Gln route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00082 L-serine from 3-phospho-D-glycerate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00083 L-cysteine from L-serine 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00084 L-cysteine from L-homocysteine and L-serine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00085 prephenate from chorismate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00086 sulfite from sulfate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00087 hydrogen sulfide from sulfite (NADPH route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00088 hydrogen sulfide from sulfite (ferredoxin route) 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00089 glutathione from L-cysteine and L-glutamate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00090 precorrin-2 from uroporphyrinogen III 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00091 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from precorrin-2 (aerobic route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00092 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide from sirohydrochlorin (anaerobic route) 1 2 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00093 adenosylcobalamin from cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide 1 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00094 penicillin G from L-alpha-aminoadipate and L-cysteine and L-valine 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00095 clavulanate from D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and L-arginine 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00096 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate and benzoate from biphenyl 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00097 catechol from benzoate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00098 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate from benzoate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00099 5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-2-furylacetate from catechol 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00100 3-oxoadipate from 5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-2-furylacetate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00101 acetyl-CoA and succinyl-CoA from 3-oxoadipate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00102 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate from 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00103 3-oxoadipate from 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00104 betaine from glycine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00105 UDP from UMP (UMK/CMK route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00106 UDP from UMP (UMPK route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00107 CTP from UDP 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00108 CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate from 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate and CTP 1 1 1 2 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00109 L-glutamate and succinate from L-arginine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00110 agmatine from L-arginine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00111 N-carbamoylputrescine from agmatine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00112 putrescine from agmatine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00113 putrescine from L-ornithine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00114 4-aminobutanal from putrescine (amine oxidase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00115 4-aminobutanal from putrescine (transaminase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00117 XMP from IMP 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00118 GMP from XMP (L-Gln route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00119 GMP from XMP (ammonia route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00120 pyridoxal 5'-phosphate from pyridoxal 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00121 pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate from pyridoxamine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00122 pyridoxine 5'-phosphate from pyridoxine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00123 pyridoxal from pyridoxal 5'-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00124 pyridoxamine from pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00125 pyridoxine from pyridoxine 5'-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00126 pyridoxal 5'-phosphate from pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00127 pyridoxal 5'-phosphate from pyridoxine 5'-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00128 pyridoxal from pyridoxamine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00129 pyridoxal from pyridoxine (dehydrogenase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00130 5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-2-furylacetate from 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00131 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate from 3-carboxy-2,5-dihydro-5-oxofuran-2-acetate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00132 pyridoxine 5'-phosphate from D-erythrose 4-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00133 4-aminobutanoate from 4-aminobutanal 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00134 succinate semialdehyde from 4-aminobutanoate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00135 1,3-diaminopropane and 4-aminobutanal from spermidine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00136 spermidine from putrescine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00137 spermine from spermidine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00138 5-aminolevulinate from L-glutamyl-tRNA(Glu) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00139 protoporphyrinogen-IX from coproporphyrinogen-III (O2 route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00140 protoporphyrinogen-IX from coproporphyrinogen-III (AdoMet route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00141 protoporphyrin-IX from protoporphyrinogen-IX 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00142 iminoaspartate from L-aspartate (oxidase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00143 quinolinate from L-kynurenine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00144 nicotinate D-ribonucleotide from quinolinate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00145 NAD(+) from deamido-NAD(+) (ammonia route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00146 NAD(+) from deamido-NAD(+) (L-Gln route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00147 AMP from IMP 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00148 acetoacetate and fumarate from L-phenylalanine 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00149 L-arogenate from prephenate (L-Asp route) 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00150 L-arogenate from prephenate (L-Glu route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00151 L-phenylalanine from L-arogenate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00152 phenylpyruvate from prephenate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00153 L-phenylalanine from phenylpyruvate (PDH route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00154 L-phenylalanine from phenylpyruvate (ArAT route) 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00157 pimeloyl-CoA from pimelate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00158 CoA from (R)-pantothenate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00159 L-proline from L-ornithine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00160 L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde from L-ornithine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00161 L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde from L-glutamate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00162 L-proline from L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00163 N-acetylputrescine from putrescine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00164 carbamoyl phosphate from L-arginine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00165 (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA from (R)-mevalonate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00166 geranyl diphosphate from dimethylallyl diphosphate and isopentenyl diphosphate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00167 farnesyl diphosphate from geranyl diphosphate and isopentenyl diphosphate 1 1 1 2 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00168 CO(2) and NH(3) from urea (urease route) 1 1 2 2 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00169 CO(2) and NH(3) from urea (allophanate route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00170 L-glutamate from L-proline 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00171 5-aminolevulinate from glycine 1 2 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00172 coproporphyrinogen-III from 5-aminolevulinate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00173 sirohydrochlorin from precorrin-2 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00174 siroheme from sirohydrochlorin 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00175 protoheme from protoporphyrin-IX 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00176 D-xylulose 5-phosphate from L-ascorbate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00177 L-ornithine and urea from L-arginine 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00178 L-citrulline from L-ornithine and carbamoyl phosphate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00179 (N(omega)-L-arginino)succinate from L-aspartate and L-citrulline 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00180 L-arginine and fumarate from (N(omega)-L-arginino)succinate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00181 betaine from choline 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00182 betaine aldehyde from choline (cytochrome c reductase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00183 betaine from betaine aldehyde 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00184 glycolate from 1,2-dichloroethane 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00185 catechol from benzene 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00186 3-methylcatechol from toluene 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00187 sarcosine from creatinine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00188 2-hydroxy-3-oxobutyl phosphate from D-ribulose 5-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00189 5-amino-6-(D-ribitylamino)uracil from GTP 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00192 FMN from riboflavin (ATP route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00193 FAD from FMN 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00194 D-ribulose 5-phosphate from D-glucose 6-phosphate (oxidative stage) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00195 D-xylulose 5-phosphate from D-ribulose 5-phosphate (non-oxidative stage) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00196 D-ribose 5-phosphate from D-ribulose 5-phosphate (non-oxidative stage) 1 1 2 1 2 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00197 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and beta-D-fructose 6-phosphate from D-ribose 5-phosphate and D-xylulose 5-phosphate (non-oxidative stage) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00198 alpha-D-mannose 1-phosphate from D-fructose 6-phosphate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00199 pyruvate and succinate semialdehyde from 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00200 glycine from L-allo-threonine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00201 glycine from glyoxylate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00202 acetaldehyde and glycine from L-threonine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00203 betaine aldehyde from choline (monooxygenase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00204 choline from choline sulfate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00205 sarcosine from betaine 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00206 formaldehyde and glycine from sarcosine 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00207 D-fructose 6-phosphate from D-ribulose 5-phosphate and formaldehyde 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00208 ADP-L-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose from D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00209 (S)-reticuline from (S)-norcoclaurine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00210 palmatine from columbamine 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00211 berbamunine from (R)-N-methylcoclaurine and (S)-N-methylcoclaurine 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00212 3alpha(S)-strictosidine from secologanin and tryptamine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00213 L-cystathionine from O-acetyl-L-homoserine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00214 L-homocysteine from O-succinyl-L-homoserine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00215 (S)-scoulerine from (S)-reticuline 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00216 S-adenosylmethioninamine from S-adenosyl-L-methionine 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00217 indole and pyruvate from L-tryptophan 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00218 L-kynurenine from L-tryptophan 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00219 L-alanine and anthranilate from L-kynurenine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00220 iminoaspartate from L-aspartate (dehydrogenase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00221 quinolinate from iminoaspartate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00222 deamido-NAD(+) from nicotinate D-ribonucleotide 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00223 nicotinate D-ribonucleotide from nicotinate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00224 acetyl-CoA from acetate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00227 LL-2,6-diaminopimelate from (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate (aminotransferase route) 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00228 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and acetaldehyde from 2-deoxy-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate 1 1 2 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00229 lipid IV(A) from (3R)-3-hydroxytetradecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] and UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine 1 1 2 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00230 KDO(2)-lipid A from CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate and lipid IV(A) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00231 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine from nicotine (R-isomer route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00232 UDP-4-deoxy-4-formamido-beta-L-arabinose from UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00233 4-amino-4-deoxy-alpha-L-arabinose undecaprenyl phosphate from UDP-4-deoxy-4-formamido-beta-L-arabinose and undecaprenyl phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00234 UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate from UDP-alpha-D-glucose 1 2 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00235 D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate and D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate from sedoheptulose 7-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00236 D-alanine from L-alanine 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00237 NH(3) and pyruvate from D-alanine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00238 cyanurate from atrazine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00239 biuret from cyanurate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00240 phosphatidylglycerol from CDP-diacylglycerol 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00241 glycine from L-threonine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00242 propanoate from L-threonine 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00243 CDP-3,6-dideoxy-D-mannose from CTP and alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00244 alpha-ribazole from 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00245 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and pyruvate from D-galactonate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00246 vindoline from tabersonine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00247 alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate from D-fructose 6-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00248 N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate from alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate (route I) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00249 N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate from alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate (route II) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00250 UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine from N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate 1 1 2 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00251 D-glucose from alpha,alpha-trehalose 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00252 hypotaurine from 2-aminoethanethiol 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00253 hypotaurine from L-cysteine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00254 taurine from hypotaurine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00255 taurine from L-cysteine 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00256 aminoacetaldehyde and sulfite from taurine 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00257 acetyl phosphate and sulfite from taurine 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00258 sucrose from D-fructose 6-phosphate and UDP-alpha-D-glucose 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00259 3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene from trans-4-coumarate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00260 N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate from L-histidine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00261 L-glutamate from N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate (hydrolase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00262 L-glutamate from N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate (deiminase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00263 L-glutamate from N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate (transferase route) 1 2 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00264 staphyloxanthin from farnesyl diphosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00265 ethylene from S-adenosyl-L-methionine 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00266 geranylgeranyl diphosphate from farnesyl diphosphate and isopentenyl diphosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00267 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate from L-arabinose 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00268 glycolaldehyde and pyruvate from 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00269 2-oxoglutarate from 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00270 D-xylulose 5-phosphate from L-arabinose (fungal route) 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00271 creatine from L-arginine and glycine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00272 pentalenene from farnesyl diphosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00273 aristolochene from farnesyl diphosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00274 germacradienol from farnesyl diphosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00275 germacrene D from farnesyl diphosphate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00276 NH(3) and pyruvate from L-alanine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00277 pyruvate from L-alanine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00278 betaine aldehyde from choline (dehydrogenase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00279 4-pyridoxate from pyridoxal 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00280 pyridoxal from pyridoxine (oxidase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00281 protein N(6)-(lipoyl)lysine from lipoate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00282 protein N(6)-(lipoyl)lysine from octanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00283 thiamine diphosphate from thiamine phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00284 thiamine phosphate from thiamine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00285 thiamine diphosphate from thiamine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00286 CO(2) and formate from oxalate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00287 NAD(+) from nicotinamide D-ribonucleotide 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00288 glycerone phosphate from L-rhamnose 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00289 lactose 6-phosphate from lactose (PTS route) 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00290 D-galactose 6-phosphate and beta-D-glucose from lactose 6-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00291 GDP-D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose from D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00292 cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate from 2-phospho-D-glycerate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00293 (S)-lactate from pyruvate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00294 CDP-diacylglycerol from sn-glycerol 3-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00295 phosphatidylethanolamine from CDP-diacylglycerol 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00296 acetate and pyruvate from L-glutamate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00297 formate from formaldehyde (glutathione route) 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00298 L-lactaldehyde and glycerone phosphate from L-fucose 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00299 2,5-dioxopentanoate from D-glucarate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00300 D-glycerate from galactarate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00301 uridine from cytidine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00302 uracil from uridine (phosphorylase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00303 uracil from uridine (hydrolase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00304 UMP from uracil 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00305 UMP from uridine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00306 dTMP from thymine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00307 CTP from cytidine 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00308 malonate and urea from uracil 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00309 AMP from adenine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00310 IMP from inosine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00311 IMP from hypoxanthine 1 2 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00312 AMP from ADP 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00313 (S)-allantoin from urate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00314 allantoate from (S)-allantoin 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00315 (S)-ureidoglycolate from allantoate (aminidohydrolase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00316 (S)-ureidoglycolate from allantoate (amidohydrolase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00317 glyoxylate from (S)-ureidoglycolate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00318 oxalurate from (S)-ureidoglycolate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00319 XMP from xanthine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00320 AMP from adenosine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00321 xanthine from guanine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00322 urate from hypoxanthine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00323 IMP from AMP 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00324 phosphatidate from CDP-diacylglycerol 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00325 dUMP from dCTP (dUTP route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00326 dUMP from dCTP 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00327 glycerone phosphate from glycerol (oxidative route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00328 propane-1,3-diol from glycerol (reductive route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00329 sn-glycerol 3-phosphate from glycerol 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00330 glycerone phosphate from sn-glycerol 3-phosphate (anaerobic route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00331 glycerone phosphate from sn-glycerol 3-phosphate (aerobic route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00332 (R)-lactate from methylglyoxal 1 2 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00333 (R,R)-butane-2,3-diol from pyruvate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00334 D-fructose 6-phosphate from N-acetylneuraminate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00335 crotonoyl-CoA from L-glutamate 1 1 1 2 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00336 L-glutamate from 2-oxoglutarate and L-glutamine (NADP(+) route) 1 1 1 2 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00337 L-glutamate from 2-oxoglutarate and L-glutamine (NAD(+) route) 1 1 1 2 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00338 L-glutamate from 2-oxoglutarate and L-glutamine (ferredoxin route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00339 5,10-methenyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin from CO(2) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00340 5,10-methylene-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin from 5,10-methenyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin (coenzyme F420 route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00341 5,10-methylene-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin from 5,10-methenyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin (hydrogen route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00342 methyl-coenzyme M from 5,10-methylene-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00343 methane from methyl-coenzyme M 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00344 coenzyme B and coenzyme M from coenzyme M-coenzyme B heterodisulfide 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00345 formate from formaldehyde (H(4)MPT route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00346 uracil from cytosine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00347 dinitrogen from nitrate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00348 acetyl-CoA from malonyl-CoA 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00349 malonyl-CoA from acetyl-CoA 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00350 heme A from heme O 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00351 D-tagatose 6-phosphate from D-galactose 6-phosphate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00352 isocitrate from oxaloacetate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00353 (S)-malate from isocitrate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00354 oxaloacetate from (S)-malate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00355 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and glycerone phosphate from D-tagatose 6-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00356 phenylacetate from L-phenylalanine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00357 trans-cinnamate from L-phenylalanine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00358 kynurenate from L-kynurenine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00359 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate from phthalate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00360 1,3-diaminopropane from L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00361 dopamine from L-tyrosine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00362 (R)-noradrenaline from dopamine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00363 (R)-adrenaline from (R)-noradrenaline 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00364 phosphocholine from choline 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00365 phosphocholine from phosphoethanolamine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00366 phosphatidylcholine from phosphocholine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00367 phosphatidylethanolamine from ethanolamine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00368 dhurrin from L-tyrosine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00369 AMP from 3',5'-cyclic AMP 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00370 GMP from 3',5'-cyclic GMP 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00371 5-valerolactone from cyclopentanol 1 2 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00372 lanosterol from farnesyl diphosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00373 zymosterol from lanosterol 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00374 ergosterol from zymosterol 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00375 dehydro-D-arabinono-1,4-lactone from D-arabinose 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00376 acetate from ethanol 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00377 D-glucose 6-phosphate and lysine from fructoselysine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00378 UDP-alpha-D-xylose from UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00379 UDP-L-arabinose from UDP-alpha-D-xylose 1 2 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00380 all-trans-phytoene from geranylgeranyl diphosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00381 capsanthin from antheraxanthin 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00382 capsorubin from violaxanthin 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00383 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate and salicylate from dibenzofuran 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00384 2-hydroxymuconate and catechol from dibenzo-p-dioxin 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00385 D-sorbitol 6-phosphate from D-sorbitol 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00386 D-fructose 6-phosphate from D-sorbitol 6-phosphate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00387 D-sorbitol from D-fructose and D-glucose 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00388 D-gluconate from D-glucono-1,5-lactone 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00389 histamine from L-histidine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00390 myo-inositol from D-glucose 6-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00391 trans-4-coumarate from trans-cinnamate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00392 nicotinate from nicotinamide 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00393 heme O from protoheme 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00394 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoate from 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propanoate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00395 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoate from 3-phenylpropanoate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00396 acetaldehyde and pyruvate from 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoate 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00397 acetyl-CoA from acetaldehyde 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00398 serotonin from L-tryptophan 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00399 2-hydroxy-3-oxosuccinate from L-tartrate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00400 2-hydroxy-3-oxosuccinate from meso-tartrate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00401 D-glycerate from 2-hydroxy-3-oxosuccinate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00402 D-glycerate from L-tartrate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00403 3-hydroxypyruvate from D-glycerate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00404 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine and 5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazole from thiamine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00405 taxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-ol from geranylgeranyl diphosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00406 10-deacetyl-2-debenzoylbaccatin III from taxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-ol 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00407 baccatin III from 10-deacetyl-2-debenzoylbaccatin III 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00408 taxol from baccatin III 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00409 melatonin from serotonin 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00410 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate from GTP 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00411 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate from 7,8-dihydrofolate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00412 7,8-dihydrofolate from folate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00413 tetrahydrobiopterin from 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00414 tetrahydrobiopterin from biopterin 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00415 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate from pectin 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00416 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and pyruvate from 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00417 3-phospho-D-glycerate from glycolate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00418 glycolate from 2-phosphoglycolate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00419 glutaryl-CoA from L-lysine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00420 glutarate from L-lysine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00421 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one from indoleglycerol phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00422 benzoate from (R)-mandelate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00423 tetrahydrobiopterin from dihydrobiopterin 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00424 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate from L-leucine (aminotransferase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00425 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate from L-leucine (dehydrogenase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00426 3-isovaleryl-CoA from 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00427 (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA from 3-isovaleryl-CoA 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00428 (1S,4R)-1-hydroxylimonen-2-one from (4R)-limonene 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00429 (1R,4S)-isodihydrocarvone from (4R)-limonene 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00430 formaldehyde from methylamine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00431 acetoacetate from (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00432 S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate from S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine (hydrolase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00433 S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate from S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine (phosphorylase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00434 L-methionine from S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00435 4-aminobutanoate from putrescine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00436 ppGpp from GTP 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00437 ppGpp from GDP 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00438 GMP from guanine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00439 D-ribose 5-phosphate from beta-D-ribopyranose 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00440 nicotinamide D-ribonucleotide from 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate and nicotinamide 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00441 formate from pyruvate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00442 stachyose from raffinose 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00443 formaldehyde from methanol 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00444 acetoacetyl-CoA from succinyl-CoA 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00445 L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) from L-serine and tRNA(Sec) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00446 selenocysteinyl-tRNA(Sec) from L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) (archaeal/eukaryal route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00447 selenocysteinyl-tRNA(Sec) from L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) (bacterial route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00448 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide from 5-[(5-phospho-1-deoxyribulos-1-ylamino)methylideneamino]-1-(5-phosphoribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00449 acetaldehyde and pyruvate from p-cumate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00450 succinyl-CoA from propanoyl-CoA 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00451 glycine from 2-phosphoglycolate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00452 3-phospho-D-glycerate from glycine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00453 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine from nicotine (S-isomer route) 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00454 2,6-dihydroxypyridine and 4-(methylamino)butanoate from 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00455 2-deoxystreptamine from D-glucose 6-phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00456 (4S)-limonene from geranyl diphosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00457 (4R)-limonene from geranyl diphosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00458 (-)-alpha-pinene from geranyl diphosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00459 (-)-beta-pinene from geranyl diphosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00460 FMN from riboflavin (CTP route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00462 GDP-alpha-D-mannose from alpha-D-mannose 1-phosphate (GTP route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00463 GDP-alpha-D-mannose from alpha-D-mannose 1-phosphate (GDP route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00464 L-ascorbate from GDP-alpha-D-mannose 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00465 L-ascorbate from UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00466 phosphatidylcholine from choline 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00467 CO(2) and NH(3) from carbamoyl phosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00468 putrescine from N-carbamoylputrescine (amidase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00469 putrescine from N-carbamoylputrescine (transferase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00470 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole from N(2)-formyl-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00471 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxylate from 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole (carboxylase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00472 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxylate from 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole (N5-CAIR route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00473 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide from 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxylate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00474 8-amino-7-oxononanoate from pimeloyl-CoA 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00475 7,8-diaminononanoate from 8-amino-7-oxononanoate (SAM route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00476 7,8-diaminononanoate from 8-amino-7-oxononanoate (Lys route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00477 biotin from 7,8-diaminononanoate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00478 (S)-dihydroorotate from bicarbonate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00479 orotate from (S)-dihydroorotate (O2 route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00480 orotate from (S)-dihydroorotate (NAD(+) route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00481 orotate from (S)-dihydroorotate (quinone route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00482 UMP from orotate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00483 (4-hydroxyphenyl)pyruvate from prephenate (NAD(+) route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00484 (4-hydroxyphenyl)pyruvate from prephenate (NADP(+) route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00485 L-tyrosine from (4-hydroxyphenyl)pyruvate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00486 L-tyrosine from L-arogenate (NAD(+) route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00487 L-tyrosine from L-arogenate (NADP(+) route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00488 2-oxoglutarate from isocitrate (NADP(+) route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00489 2-oxoglutarate from isocitrate (NAD(+) route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00490 succinyl-CoA from 2-oxoglutarate (dehydrogenase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00491 succinyl-CoA from 2-oxoglutarate (synthase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00492 succinate from succinyl-CoA (ligase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00493 succinate from succinyl-CoA (transferase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00494 succinate from 2-oxoglutarate (transferase route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00495 fumarate from succinate (bacterial route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00496 fumarate from succinate (eukaryal route) 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00497 (S)-malate from fumarate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00498 oxaloacetate from (S)-malate (quinone route) 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00499 riboflavin from 2-hydroxy-3-oxobutyl phosphate and 5-amino-6-(D-ribitylamino)uracil 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00500 beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside from D-fructose 6-phosphate and GDP-alpha-D-mannose 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00501 6-hydroxynicotinate from nicotinate 1 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00502 propanoate and pyruvate from 6-hydroxynicotinate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00503 4-hydroxybenzoate from 4-chlorobenzoate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00504 glycine from L-serine 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00505 L-aspartate from oxaloacetate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00506 L-glutamine from L-glutamate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00507 catechol from anthranilate 1 2 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00508 15-cis-phytoene from geranylgeranyl diphosphate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00509 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate from chorismate 1 1 1 linear_sub_pathway UPa:ULS00510 menaquinol from 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate A process occurring in living organisms. GO:0008150 pathway UPa:UPA00001 biological process A process occurring in living organisms. UPa:amorgat GO:0008150 biological_process:biological_process This pathway provides a direct metabolic link between the deoxyribose moiety of nucleosides and central carbon metabolism, independent of the pentose phosphate cycle. Two enzymes provide this link: the phosphopentomutases (PPMs) and 2-deoxyribose 5-phosphate aldolases (DERAs). PPM isomerizes deoxyribose 1-phosphate to deoxyribose 5-phosphate. Subsequently, DERA cleaves the pentose phosphate to acetaldehyde and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, allowing further metabolism to obtain carbon and energy. The deoxyribose 1-phosphate is supplied by various nucleoside phosphorylases, such as thymidine phosphorylase, uridine phosphorylase and purine nucleoside phosphorylase, which release the pentose moiety from (deoxy)ribonucleosides, producing (deoxy)ribose 1-phosphate. GO:0046386 KEGG:map00030 PMID:15205420 PMID:9226884 pathway UPa:UPA00002 2-deoxy-D-ribose 1-phosphate degradation This pathway provides a direct metabolic link between the deoxyribose moiety of nucleosides and central carbon metabolism, independent of the pentose phosphate cycle. Two enzymes provide this link: the phosphopentomutases (PPMs) and 2-deoxyribose 5-phosphate aldolases (DERAs). PPM isomerizes deoxyribose 1-phosphate to deoxyribose 5-phosphate. Subsequently, DERA cleaves the pentose phosphate to acetaldehyde and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, allowing further metabolism to obtain carbon and energy. The deoxyribose 1-phosphate is supplied by various nucleoside phosphorylases, such as thymidine phosphorylase, uridine phosphorylase and purine nucleoside phosphorylase, which release the pentose moiety from (deoxy)ribonucleosides, producing (deoxy)ribose 1-phosphate. UPa:amorgat GO:0046386 biological_process:deoxyribose phosphate catabolic process KEGG:map00030 Pentose phosphate pathway Metabolism of uridine, a pyrimidine derivative compound. GO:0046108 pathway UPa:UPA00003 uridine metabolism Metabolism of uridine, a pyrimidine derivative compound. UPa:amorgat GO:0046108 biological_process:uridine metabolic process Metabolism of thymidine (deoxythymidine, deoxyribosylthymine, thymine deoxyriboside) a pyrimidine deoxynucleoside very widely distributed. GO:0046104 5-methyluracil metabolism deoxyribosylthymine metabolism deoxythymidine metabolism thymine deoxyriboside metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00004 thymidine metabolism Metabolism of thymidine (deoxythymidine, deoxyribosylthymine, thymine deoxyriboside) a pyrimidine deoxynucleoside very widely distributed. UPa:amorgat GO:0046104 biological_process:thymidine metabolic process Degradation of 1,3-dichloropropene. 1,3-Dichloropropene is used in organic synthesis and as a soil fumigant, it is possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). 1,3-dichloropropene catabolism pathway UPa:UPA00005 1,3-dichloropropene degradation Degradation of 1,3-dichloropropene. 1,3-Dichloropropene is used in organic synthesis and as a soil fumigant, it is possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). UPa:amorgat Degradation of 1,2-dibromoethane. 1,2-dibromoethane is a manufactured chemical. It also occurs naturally in small amounts in the ocean where it is formed, probably by algae and kelp. Other names for 1,2-dibromoethane are ethylene dibromide, EDB, and glycol bromide. It is possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). pathway UPa:UPA00006 1,2-dibromoethane degradation Degradation of 1,2-dibromoethane. 1,2-dibromoethane is a manufactured chemical. It also occurs naturally in small amounts in the ocean where it is formed, probably by algae and kelp. Other names for 1,2-dibromoethane are ethylene dibromide, EDB, and glycol bromide. It is possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). UPa:amorgat Degradation of haloalkane compounds, a group of chemical compounds, consisting of alkanes, such as methane or ethane, with one or more halogens linked, such as chlorine or fluorine, making them a type of organic halide. halogenalkane degradation halogenoalkane degradation pathway UPa:UPA00007 haloalkane degradation Degradation of haloalkane compounds, a group of chemical compounds, consisting of alkanes, such as methane or ethane, with one or more halogens linked, such as chlorine or fluorine, making them a type of organic halide. UPa:amorgat Degradation of atrazine (2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isopropylamino)-1,3,5-triazine), a chlorinated compound used throughout industry and agriculture. Degradation contaminates soils and persists until it is metabolized by microorganisms. A range of soil bacteria, including both Gram-negative and Gram-positive strains can degrade atrazine, utilizing it as a nitrogen and carbon source. GO:0019381 KEGG:map00791 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:P141-PWY 2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isopropylamino)-1,3,5-triazine degradation pathway UPa:UPA00008 atrazine degradation Degradation of atrazine (2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isopropylamino)-1,3,5-triazine), a chlorinated compound used throughout industry and agriculture. Degradation contaminates soils and persists until it is metabolized by microorganisms. A range of soil bacteria, including both Gram-negative and Gram-positive strains can degrade atrazine, utilizing it as a nitrogen and carbon source. UPa:amorgat GO:0019381 biological_process:atrazine catabolic process KEGG:map00791 Atrazine degradation KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of anthocyanin compounds. Anthocyanins are water-soluble vacuolar flavonoid pigments that appear red to blue, according to pH. They are synthesized by organisms of the plant kingdom and bacteria. They have been observed to occur in all tissues of higher plants, providing color in leaves, stems, roots, flowers, and fruits. GO:0009718 pathway UPa:UPA00009 anthocyanin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of anthocyanin compounds. Anthocyanins are water-soluble vacuolar flavonoid pigments that appear red to blue, according to pH. They are synthesized by organisms of the plant kingdom and bacteria. They have been observed to occur in all tissues of higher plants, providing color in leaves, stems, roots, flowers, and fruits. UPa:amorgat GO:0009718 biological_process:anthocyanin-containing compound biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of polyamine 1,3-diaminopropane (trimethylenediamine, 1,3-propanediamine, DAP). KEGG:map00260 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 propane-1,3-diamine biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00010 1,3-diaminopropane biosynthesis Biosynthesis of polyamine 1,3-diaminopropane (trimethylenediamine, 1,3-propanediamine, DAP). UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of mycobactins, a family of membrane-associated siderophores required for Mycobacterium genus to adapt to its intracellular habitat. Mycobactins contain a salicylic acid-derived moiety. PMID:16461464 PMID:16923875 PMID:17240979 pathway UPa:UPA00011 mycobactin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of mycobactins, a family of membrane-associated siderophores required for Mycobacterium genus to adapt to its intracellular habitat. Mycobactins contain a salicylic acid-derived moiety. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of taurine (2-aminoethanesulfonic acid), a sulphur-containing amino acid derivative important in the metabolism of fats. Taurine is a derivative of the sulphur-containing (sulfhydryl) amino acid cysteine. Taurine is abundant in the tissues of many animals (metazoa). It is also found in plants, fungi, and some bacterial species, but at lower levels. GO:0042412 KEGG:map00270 KEGG:map00430 KEGG:map01100 PMID:10461879 PMID:18219548 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid biosynthesis L-cysteine degradation via taurine pathway pathway UPa:UPA00012 taurine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of taurine (2-aminoethanesulfonic acid), a sulphur-containing amino acid derivative important in the metabolism of fats. Taurine is a derivative of the sulphur-containing (sulfhydryl) amino acid cysteine. Taurine is abundant in the tissues of many animals (metazoa). It is also found in plants, fungi, and some bacterial species, but at lower levels. UPa:amorgat GO:0042412 biological_process:taurine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00270 Cysteine and methionine metabolism KEGG:map00430 Taurine and hypotaurine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of catecholic siderophore 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate-glycine- threonine trimeric ester bacillibactin. PMID:11112781 PMID:11790741 PMID:12221282 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate-glycine-threonine trimeric ester biosynthesis corynebactin biosynthesis itoic acid (2,3-dihydroxybenzoate (DHB)-glycine) biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00013 bacillibactin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of catecholic siderophore 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate-glycine- threonine trimeric ester bacillibactin. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of hydroxamate siderophore aerobactin. GO:0019270 PMID:15215626 PMID:2935523 pathway UPa:UPA00014 aerobactin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of hydroxamate siderophore aerobactin. UPa:amorgat GO:0019270 biological_process:aerobactin biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of amonabactin a phenolate siderophore containing 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid (2,3-DHB). PMID:1830579 PMID:2522922 pathway UPa:UPA00015 amonabactin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of amonabactin a phenolate siderophore containing 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid (2,3-DHB). UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of anguibactin siderophore. PMID:15743971 PMID:8021209 pathway UPa:UPA00016 anguibactin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of anguibactin siderophore. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of siderophore enterobactin, a compound that transports iron from the bacterial environment into the cell cytoplasm. In Escherichia coli, the siderophore molecule enterobactin is synthesized in response to iron deprivation by formation of an amide bond between 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate (2,3-DHB) and l-serine and formation of ester linkages between three such N-acylated serine residues. GO:0009239 PMID:17675380 PMID:9214294 PMID:9485415 enterochelin biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00017 enterobactin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of siderophore enterobactin, a compound that transports iron from the bacterial environment into the cell cytoplasm. In Escherichia coli, the siderophore molecule enterobactin is synthesized in response to iron deprivation by formation of an amide bond between 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate (2,3-DHB) and l-serine and formation of ester linkages between three such N-acylated serine residues. UPa:amorgat GO:0009239 biological_process:enterobactin biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of ornibactin, a linear hydroxamate/hydroxycarboxylate siderophore similar in structure to the pyoverdines. PMID:11244059 PMID:16672617 pathway UPa:UPA00018 ornibactin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of ornibactin, a linear hydroxamate/hydroxycarboxylate siderophore similar in structure to the pyoverdines. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of pyoverdin (fluorescein, psudobactin), a yellow-green fluorescent siderophore. It is similar in structure to ornibactin. GO:0002049 PMID:12686626 PMID:7651323 PMID:8636031 fluorescein biosynthesis pseudobactin biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00019 pyoverdin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of pyoverdin (fluorescein, psudobactin), a yellow-green fluorescent siderophore. It is similar in structure to ornibactin. UPa:amorgat GO:0002049 biological_process:pyoverdine biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of rhizobactin, an hydroxymate siderophore produced by Sinorhizobium meliloti. GO:0019289 MetaCyc:PWY-761 PMID:11274118 PMID:15899411 pathway UPa:UPA00020 rhizobactin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of rhizobactin, an hydroxymate siderophore produced by Sinorhizobium meliloti. UPa:amorgat GO:0019289 biological_process:rhizobactin 1021 biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of phenolate siderophore vulnibactin. Vulnibactin is produced by Vibrio vulnificus, a human pathogen. Vulnibactin is characterized as containing one residue of 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid as well as two residues of salicylic acid, both of which are involved in the formation of oxazoline rings with L-threonine bound to a norspermidine backbone. PMID:8148612 pathway UPa:UPA00021 vulnibactin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of phenolate siderophore vulnibactin. Vulnibactin is produced by Vibrio vulnificus, a human pathogen. Vulnibactin is characterized as containing one residue of 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid as well as two residues of salicylic acid, both of which are involved in the formation of oxazoline rings with L-threonine bound to a norspermidine backbone. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of peptide vibriobactin siderophore. Vibriobactin is produced by the pathogenic Vibrio cholerae. It is assembled by a four-subunit nonribosomal peptide synthetase complex, VibE, VibB, VibH, and VibF, using 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate and L-threonine as precursors to two 2,3-dihydroxyphenyl- methyloxazolinyl groups in amide linkage on a norspermidine scaffold. GO:0019537 PMID:11112537 PMID:11112538 PMID:11160122 PMID:11524010 PMID:9371453 pathway UPa:UPA00022 vibriobactin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of peptide vibriobactin siderophore. Vibriobactin is produced by the pathogenic Vibrio cholerae. It is assembled by a four-subunit nonribosomal peptide synthetase complex, VibE, VibB, VibH, and VibF, using 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate and L-threonine as precursors to two 2,3-dihydroxyphenyl- methyloxazolinyl groups in amide linkage on a norspermidine scaffold. UPa:amorgat GO:0019537 biological_process:vibriobactin biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of dihydroxamate siderophore alcaligin (Alc), a cyclic dimer of succinyl-N-hydroxy-C-hydroxy-putrescine. Alcaligin is produced by Bordetella bronchiseptica, a Gram- coccobacillus that causes upper respiratory tract illness in several mammalian hostsability to acquire Fe from the mammalian host is associated with virulence. PMID:8550442 PMID:8759851 PMID:9266668 PMID:9473041 pathway UPa:UPA00023 alcaligin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of dihydroxamate siderophore alcaligin (Alc), a cyclic dimer of succinyl-N-hydroxy-C-hydroxy-putrescine. Alcaligin is produced by Bordetella bronchiseptica, a Gram- coccobacillus that causes upper respiratory tract illness in several mammalian hostsability to acquire Fe from the mammalian host is associated with virulence. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of pseudomonine siderophore. Pseudomonine is a isoxazolidone derivative produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens. PMID:11222588 pathway UPa:UPA00024 pseudomonine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of pseudomonine siderophore. Pseudomonine is a isoxazolidone derivative produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of siderophore salicylic acid. GO:0009697 PMID:11222588 salicylic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00025 salicylate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of siderophore salicylic acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0009697 biological_process:salicylic acid biosynthetic process The totality of the chemical reactions and physical changes that occur in living organisms, comprising anabolism and catabolism; may be qualified to mean the chemical reactions and physical processes undergone by a particular substance, or class of substances, in a living organism. Metabolic processes typically transform small molecules, but also include macromolecular processes such as DNA repair and replication, and protein synthesis and degradation. GO:0008152 pathway UPa:UPA00026 metabolism The totality of the chemical reactions and physical changes that occur in living organisms, comprising anabolism and catabolism; may be qualified to mean the chemical reactions and physical processes undergone by a particular substance, or class of substances, in a living organism. Metabolic processes typically transform small molecules, but also include macromolecular processes such as DNA repair and replication, and protein synthesis and degradation. UPa:amorgat GO:0008152 biological_process:metabolic process Metabolism of xenobiotic. Xenibiotics are chemical substances that are foreign to the biological system. They include naturally occurring compounds, drugs, environmental agents, carcinogens, insecticides, etc. GO:0006805 pathway UPa:UPA00027 xenobiotic metabolism Metabolism of xenobiotic. Xenibiotics are chemical substances that are foreign to the biological system. They include naturally occurring compounds, drugs, environmental agents, carcinogens, insecticides, etc. UPa:amorgat GO:0006805 biological_process:xenobiotic metabolic process Biosynthesis of (R)-pantothenate, also called vitamin B5 or D-pantothenic acid. (R)-pantothenate results from the condensation of beta-alanine and D-pantoate. (R)-pantothenate is found in the 4'-phosphopantetheine moieties of CoA (coenzyme A) and of the acyl carrier protein of lipid synthesis. Micro- organisms and plants must synthesize pantothenate, while animals obtain this essential nutriment from their diet. Pantothenate biosynthesis pathway offers targets for developping drugs against microbial pathogen. GO:0015940 KEGG:map00410 KEGG:map00770 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:12773157 PMID:14675432 PMID:16042590 D-pantothenic acid biosynthesis pantothenate biosynthesis vitamin B5 biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00028 (R)-pantothenate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of (R)-pantothenate, also called vitamin B5 or D-pantothenic acid. (R)-pantothenate results from the condensation of beta-alanine and D-pantoate. (R)-pantothenate is found in the 4'-phosphopantetheine moieties of CoA (coenzyme A) and of the acyl carrier protein of lipid synthesis. Micro- organisms and plants must synthesize pantothenate, while animals obtain this essential nutriment from their diet. Pantothenate biosynthesis pathway offers targets for developping drugs against microbial pathogen. UPa:amorgat GO:0015940 biological_process:pantothenate biosynthetic process KEGG:map00410 beta-Alanine metabolism KEGG:map00770 Pantothenate and CoA biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of staphyloxanthin. Staphyloxanthin is an orange membrane-bound carotenoid pigment produced by most Staphylococcus aureus strains. It is well known that carotenoids function as antioxidants, and it has been suggested that staphyloxanthin can protect Staphylococcus aureus against oxidative stress. KEGG:map00906 PMID:16020541 alpha-D-glucopyranosyl 1-O-(4,4'-diaponeurosporen-4-oate) 6-O-(12-methyltetradecanoate) biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00029 staphyloxanthin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of staphyloxanthin. Staphyloxanthin is an orange membrane-bound carotenoid pigment produced by most Staphylococcus aureus strains. It is well known that carotenoids function as antioxidants, and it has been suggested that staphyloxanthin can protect Staphylococcus aureus against oxidative stress. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00906 Carotenoid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). LPS comprises three parts: i) polysaccharide (O) side chains (O-antigen); ii) core oligosaccharide; iii) lipid A. Lipid A contains unusual fatty acids (e.g. hydroxy-myristic acid) and is inserted into the outer membrane while the rest of the LPS projects from the surface. Core oligosaccharide contains unusual sugars (e.g. KDO, keto-deoxyoctulonate and heptulose). It contains two glucosamine sugar derivatives each containing three fatty acids with phosphate or pyrophosphate attached. The core polysaccharide is attached to lipid A, which is also in part responsible for the toxicity of gram-negative bacteria. The polysaccharide side chain is referred as the O-antigen of the bacteria. O side chain (O-antigen) is also a polysaccharide chain that extends from the core polysaccharide. LPS are major components of the cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria, contributing greatly to the structural integrity of the bacteria, and protecting the membrane from certain kinds of chemical attack. By increasing the negative charge of the cell wall LSP helps stabilize the overall membrane structure. LPS forms the amphipathic interface between Gram-negative bacteria and their environment and contributes protection against antibiotics and the complement system. The alternative name, endotoxin, is indicative of the capacity to cause septic shock by hyperstimulation of the immune system. GO:0009103 PMID:11521077 PMID:12045108 PMID:16953973 LPS biosynthesis endotoxin biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00030 lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis Biosynthesis of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). LPS comprises three parts: i) polysaccharide (O) side chains (O-antigen); ii) core oligosaccharide; iii) lipid A. Lipid A contains unusual fatty acids (e.g. hydroxy-myristic acid) and is inserted into the outer membrane while the rest of the LPS projects from the surface. Core oligosaccharide contains unusual sugars (e.g. KDO, keto-deoxyoctulonate and heptulose). It contains two glucosamine sugar derivatives each containing three fatty acids with phosphate or pyrophosphate attached. The core polysaccharide is attached to lipid A, which is also in part responsible for the toxicity of gram-negative bacteria. The polysaccharide side chain is referred as the O-antigen of the bacteria. O side chain (O-antigen) is also a polysaccharide chain that extends from the core polysaccharide. LPS are major components of the cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria, contributing greatly to the structural integrity of the bacteria, and protecting the membrane from certain kinds of chemical attack. By increasing the negative charge of the cell wall LSP helps stabilize the overall membrane structure. LPS forms the amphipathic interface between Gram-negative bacteria and their environment and contributes protection against antibiotics and the complement system. The alternative name, endotoxin, is indicative of the capacity to cause septic shock by hyperstimulation of the immune system. UPa:amorgat GO:0009103 biological_process:lipopolysaccharide biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of L-histidine, (S)-alpha-Amino- 1H-imidazole-4-propionic acid, a weakly basic amino-acid in a nine- step pathway. Histidine biosynthetic pathway is present in microbes, fungi and plants. Histidine biosynthesis is unusual as a metabolic process utilizing the purine ring of ATP as a carbon and nitrogen source. Histidine biosynthesis pathway is connected to de novo purine biosynthesis pathway through imidazole glycerol phosphate synthase (IGPS) which catalyzes the fifth step and converts N-(5'-phosphoribulosys)-formimino-5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide (PRFAR) to imidazole glycerol phosphate (ImGP) and 5'-(5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide) ribonucleotide (AICAR). AICAR is the entry point to the purine biosynthetic pathway. GO:0000105 KEGG:map00340 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 MetaCyc:HISTSYN-PWY PMID:16547652 PMID:17767732 PMID:8852895 PMID:9742729 (S)-alpha-Amino-1H-imidazole-4-propionic acid biosynthesis 2-amino-3-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)propanoate biosynthesis 2-amino-3-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)propanoic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00031 L-histidine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of L-histidine, (S)-alpha-Amino- 1H-imidazole-4-propionic acid, a weakly basic amino-acid in a nine- step pathway. Histidine biosynthetic pathway is present in microbes, fungi and plants. Histidine biosynthesis is unusual as a metabolic process utilizing the purine ring of ATP as a carbon and nitrogen source. Histidine biosynthesis pathway is connected to de novo purine biosynthesis pathway through imidazole glycerol phosphate synthase (IGPS) which catalyzes the fifth step and converts N-(5'-phosphoribulosys)-formimino-5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide (PRFAR) to imidazole glycerol phosphate (ImGP) and 5'-(5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide) ribonucleotide (AICAR). AICAR is the entry point to the purine biosynthetic pathway. UPa:amorgat GO:0000105 biological_process:histidine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00340 Histidine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of UDP-beta-(4-deoxy-4-formamido-L-arabinose) (UDP-L-Ara4FN), a precursor of 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose (L-Ara4N). This latter compound is covalently linked to lipid A moiety of some pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. This LPS modification is a strategy adopted by pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria to evade cationic antimicrobial peptides produced by the innate immune system. KEGG:map00520 PMID:15695810 PMID:15809294 UDP-L-4-formamido-arabinose biosynthesis UDP-L-Ara4FN biosynthesis UDP-beta-(4-deoxy-4-formamido-L-arabinose) biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00032 UDP-4-deoxy-4-formamido-beta-L-arabinose biosynthesis Biosynthesis of UDP-beta-(4-deoxy-4-formamido-L-arabinose) (UDP-L-Ara4FN), a precursor of 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose (L-Ara4N). This latter compound is covalently linked to lipid A moiety of some pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. This LPS modification is a strategy adopted by pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria to evade cationic antimicrobial peptides produced by the innate immune system. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00520 Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism Biosynthesis of L-lysine through the alpha-amino adipic acid (AAA) pathway. It was first believed that this pathway was a specific character of fungi. In 1998, a gene cluster of a thermophilic bacterium (Thermus thermophilus) was shown to synthesize L-lysine through the AAA pathway. This pathway is present in hyperthermophilic archaea too (P. horikoshii and P. abyssi). Hence, this pathway is distributed among the three super-kingdoms as proposed by Woese and Fox in 1997 [PMID:270744]. GO:0019878 KEGG:map00300 KEGG:map00310 KEGG:map00620 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 MetaCyc:LYSINE-AMINOAD-PWY MetaCyc:PWY-3081 PMID:10613839 PMID:11029074 PMID:11238076 PMID:11489859 PMID:15522288 PMID:16232683 PMID:16943623 PMID:270744 PMID:3928261 PMID:9868782 L-lysine biosynthesis via L-2 aminoadipate pathway L-lysine biosynthesis via alpha aminoadipate pathway L-lysine biosynthesis via aminoadipic pathway pathway UPa:UPA00033 L-lysine biosynthesis via AAA pathway Biosynthesis of L-lysine through the alpha-amino adipic acid (AAA) pathway. It was first believed that this pathway was a specific character of fungi. In 1998, a gene cluster of a thermophilic bacterium (Thermus thermophilus) was shown to synthesize L-lysine through the AAA pathway. This pathway is present in hyperthermophilic archaea too (P. horikoshii and P. abyssi). Hence, this pathway is distributed among the three super-kingdoms as proposed by Woese and Fox in 1997 [PMID:270744]. UPa:amorgat GO:0019878 biological_process:lysine biosynthetic process via aminoadipic acid KEGG:map00300 Lysine biosynthesis KEGG:map00310 Lysine degradation KEGG:map00620 Pyruvate metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of L-lysine through the diaminopimelate (DAP) pathway. &lt;br&gt; The L-lysine is synthesized from L-aspartate and pyruvate through diaminopimelate via four variants. &lt;br&gt; This pathway is utilised by most bacteria, some archaea, some fungi, some algae, and higher plants.&lt;br&gt; In bacteria, DAP is not only a direct precursor of lysine, but it is also an important constituent of the cell wall peptidoglycan. &lt;br&gt; The DAP pathway is of special interest for pharmacology, since the absence of DAP in mammalian cells allows for the use of the DAP biosynthetic genes as a bacteria-specific drug target. &lt;br&gt; Most bacteria use only one of the four variants, although certain bacteria, such as &lt;i&gt;C. glutamicum &lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;Bacillus macerans&lt;/i&gt;, possess both the succinylase and dehydrogenase pathways. GO:0009089 KEGG:map00260 KEGG:map00270 KEGG:map00300 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:DAPLYSINESYN-PWY MetaCyc:PWY-2941 MetaCyc:PWY-2942 MetaCyc:PWY-5097 PMID:11910040 PMID:12948639 PMID:17579770 PMID:9559056 L-lysine biosynthesis from aspartate L-lysine biosynthesis via diaminopimelate pathway pathway UPa:UPA00034 L-lysine biosynthesis via DAP pathway Biosynthesis of L-lysine through the diaminopimelate (DAP) pathway. &lt;br&gt; The L-lysine is synthesized from L-aspartate and pyruvate through diaminopimelate via four variants. &lt;br&gt; This pathway is utilised by most bacteria, some archaea, some fungi, some algae, and higher plants.&lt;br&gt; In bacteria, DAP is not only a direct precursor of lysine, but it is also an important constituent of the cell wall peptidoglycan. &lt;br&gt; The DAP pathway is of special interest for pharmacology, since the absence of DAP in mammalian cells allows for the use of the DAP biosynthetic genes as a bacteria-specific drug target. &lt;br&gt; Most bacteria use only one of the four variants, although certain bacteria, such as &lt;i&gt;C. glutamicum &lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;Bacillus macerans&lt;/i&gt;, possess both the succinylase and dehydrogenase pathways. UPa:amorgat GO:0009089 biological_process:lysine biosynthetic process via diaminopimelate KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism KEGG:map00270 Cysteine and methionine metabolism KEGG:map00300 Lysine biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of the aromatic amino-acid L-tryptophan (Trp) from chorismate. This pathway is present in bacteria, fungi and plants. L-tryptophan is needed to synthesize proteins and, as a precursor, to nicotinic acid (niacin), serotonin and melatonin. GO:0000162 KEGG:map00250 KEGG:map00330 KEGG:map00400 KEGG:map00402 KEGG:map00471 KEGG:map00910 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:TRPSYN-PWY PMID:11806827 PMID:16794934 PMID:2679363 PMID:6822478 PMID:7556082 PMID:7773017 PMID:7890741 PMID:881418 (S)-alpha-amino-beta-(3-indolyl)-propionic acid biosynthesis 2-amino-3-(1H-indol-3-yl)propanoic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00035 L-tryptophan biosynthesis Biosynthesis of the aromatic amino-acid L-tryptophan (Trp) from chorismate. This pathway is present in bacteria, fungi and plants. L-tryptophan is needed to synthesize proteins and, as a precursor, to nicotinic acid (niacin), serotonin and melatonin. UPa:amorgat GO:0000162 biological_process:tryptophan biosynthetic process KEGG:map00250 Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism KEGG:map00400 Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis KEGG:map00402 Benzoxazinoid biosynthesis KEGG:map00471 D-Glutamine and D-glutamate metabolism KEGG:map00910 Nitrogen metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of undecaprenyl phosphate-4-deoxy-4-formamido-L-arabinose, a precursor of 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose (L-Ara4N). This latter compound is covalently linked to lipid A moiety of some pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. GO:0036108 KEGG:map00520 PMID:15695810 undecaprenyl phosphate-4-deoxy-4-formamido-L-arabinose biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00036 4-amino-4-deoxy-alpha-L-arabinose undecaprenyl phosphate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of undecaprenyl phosphate-4-deoxy-4-formamido-L-arabinose, a precursor of 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose (L-Ara4N). This latter compound is covalently linked to lipid A moiety of some pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. UPa:amorgat GO:0036108 biological_process:4-amino-4-deoxy-alpha-L-arabinopyranosyl undecaprenyl phosphate biosynthetic process KEGG:map00520 Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism Modification of the lipid A moiety of lipopolysaccharide by the addition of the sugar 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose (L-Ara4N) is a strategy adopted by pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria to evade cationic antimicrobial peptides produced by the innate immune system. GO:1901760 PMID:11535604 PMID:17928292 PMID:19166326 pathway UPa:UPA00037 4-amino-4-deoxy-beta-L-arabinose-lipid A biosynthesis Modification of the lipid A moiety of lipopolysaccharide by the addition of the sugar 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose (L-Ara4N) is a strategy adopted by pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria to evade cationic antimicrobial peptides produced by the innate immune system. UPa:amorgat GO:1901760 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of UDP-glucuronic acid (UDP-GlcUA), a precursor of glycosaminoglycan and proteoglycan synthesis. UDP-GlcUA is also a precursor of ascorbic acid. GO:0006065 KEGG:map00040 KEGG:map00053 KEGG:map00500 KEGG:map00520 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 UDP-GlcUA biosynthesis UDP-glucuronate biosynthesis UDP-glucuronic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00038 UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of UDP-glucuronic acid (UDP-GlcUA), a precursor of glycosaminoglycan and proteoglycan synthesis. UDP-GlcUA is also a precursor of ascorbic acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0006065 biological_process:UDP-glucuronate biosynthetic process KEGG:map00040 Pentose and glucuronate interconversions KEGG:map00053 Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism KEGG:map00500 Starch and sucrose metabolism KEGG:map00520 Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of acetoin (3-hydroxy-2-butanone). Acetoin is a component of the butanediol cycle (butanediol fermentation) in microorganisms. GO:0045151 3-hydroxy-2-butanone biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00039 acetoin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of acetoin (3-hydroxy-2-butanone). Acetoin is a component of the butanediol cycle (butanediol fermentation) in microorganisms. UPa:amorgat GO:0045151 biological_process:acetoin biosynthetic process Degradation of acetoin (3-hydroxy-2-butanone). Acetoin is a component of the butanediol cycle (butanediol fermentation) in microorganisms. GO:0045150 3-hydroxy-2-butanone degradation pathway UPa:UPA00040 acetoin degradation Degradation of acetoin (3-hydroxy-2-butanone). Acetoin is a component of the butanediol cycle (butanediol fermentation) in microorganisms. UPa:amorgat GO:0045150 biological_process:acetoin catabolic process Biosynthesis of D-glycero-D-manno-heptose 5-phosphate. This carbohydrate is widely present in the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of most Gram-negative bacteria. D-glycero-D-manno-heptose and its derivatives are sometimes also found in capsules and O antigen as well as in the glycan moieties of bacterial cell surface (S-layer) glycoproteins. D-glycero-D-manno-heptose are found in different anomeric configuration (alpha and beta). GO:2001061 PMID:11279237 PMID:12101286 pathway UPa:UPA00041 D-glycero-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of D-glycero-D-manno-heptose 5-phosphate. This carbohydrate is widely present in the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of most Gram-negative bacteria. D-glycero-D-manno-heptose and its derivatives are sometimes also found in capsules and O antigen as well as in the glycan moieties of bacterial cell surface (S-layer) glycoproteins. D-glycero-D-manno-heptose are found in different anomeric configuration (alpha and beta). UPa:amorgat GO:2001061 biological_process:D-glycero-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of D-alanine. D-alanine is used either as an energy source or as a component of bacterial cell wall, where it is directly involved in the cross-linking of adjacent peptidoglycan chains. In Gram-positive bacteria, D-alanine can also be found to variable extents in cell wall teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acid residues. GO:0030632 KEGG:map00473 KEGG:map01100 MetaCyc:ALADEG-PWY D-2-aminopropionic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00042 D-alanine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of D-alanine. D-alanine is used either as an energy source or as a component of bacterial cell wall, where it is directly involved in the cross-linking of adjacent peptidoglycan chains. In Gram-positive bacteria, D-alanine can also be found to variable extents in cell wall teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acid residues. UPa:amorgat GO:0030632 biological_process:D-alanine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00473 D-Alanine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Degradation of D-alanine, the dextrorotatory isomer of the amino-acid alanine. GO:0055130 MetaCyc:ALADEG-PWY D-2-aminopropionic acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00043 D-alanine degradation Degradation of D-alanine, the dextrorotatory isomer of the amino-acid alanine. UPa:amorgat GO:0055130 biological_process:D-alanine catabolic process Degradation of L-threonine via aldolase pathway. L-threonine aldolase is a low-specificity enzyme which cleaves threonine directly into glycine and acetaldehyde . KEGG:map00260 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:PWY-5436 2-amino-3-hydroxybutyric acid degradation via aldolase pathway pathway UPa:UPA00044 L-threonine degradation via aldolase pathway Degradation of L-threonine via aldolase pathway. L-threonine aldolase is a low-specificity enzyme which cleaves threonine directly into glycine and acetaldehyde . UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments The chemical reactions and physical changes involving various organic and inorganic nitrogenous compounds; includes nitrogen fixation, nitrification, denitrification, assimilatory/dissimilatory nitrate reduction and the interconversion of nitrogenous organic matter and ammonium. GO:0006807 pathway UPa:UPA00045 nitrogen metabolism The chemical reactions and physical changes involving various organic and inorganic nitrogenous compounds; includes nitrogen fixation, nitrification, denitrification, assimilatory/dissimilatory nitrate reduction and the interconversion of nitrogenous organic matter and ammonium. UPa:amorgat GO:0006807 biological_process:nitrogen compound metabolic process Degradation of L-threonine via oxydo-reductase pathway. This pathway involves threonine dehydrogenase (TDH) and 2-amino-3-ketobutyrate CoA ligase (KBL). In the absence of KBL, 2-amino-3-oxobutanoate is spontaneously converted to aminoacetone. GO:0019518 KEGG:map00260 MetaCyc:THREONINE-DEG2-PWY 2-amino-3-hydroxybutyric acid degradation via oxydo-reductase pathway pathway UPa:UPA00046 L-threonine degradation via oxydo-reductase pathway Degradation of L-threonine via oxydo-reductase pathway. This pathway involves threonine dehydrogenase (TDH) and 2-amino-3-ketobutyrate CoA ligase (KBL). In the absence of KBL, 2-amino-3-oxobutanoate is spontaneously converted to aminoacetone. UPa:amorgat GO:0019518 biological_process:L-threonine catabolic process to glycine KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism Biosynthesis of L-isoleucine, (2R*,3R*)-2-amino-3-methylpentanoic acid, an hydrophobic branched- chain amino-acid. In most microorganisms, isoleucine is synthesized from aspartate via threonine [Umbarger, H. E. 1978. Amino-acid biosynthesis and its regulation. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 47:533-606]. However, alternative routes to isoleucine from precursors other than threonine have been reported. Some anaerobes can assimilate 2-methylbutyrate into isoleucine. The most commonly observed alternative route was a route from pyruvate and acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) via citramalate. This 'pyruvate pathway' was initially proposed for the genus Leptospira because isotope-labeling experiments indicated that in some leptospiral strains, {alpha}-ketobutyrate was derived from pyruvate rather than threonine. Only a limited number of leptospires possess catabolic threonine dehydratase. Later, a similar observation was made with a thermophilic archaeon, Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, suggesting that isoleucine biosynthesis involves pyruvate as a precursor. Recently, (R)-citramalate synthase (EC 4.1.3.-) activity was demonstrated in the thermophilic archaeon Methanococcus jannaschii. GO:0009097 KEGG:map00260 KEGG:map00280 KEGG:map00290 KEGG:map00660 KEGG:map00966 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:15292141 PMID:9864346 (2R*,3R*)-2-amino-3-methylpentanoic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00047 L-isoleucine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of L-isoleucine, (2R*,3R*)-2-amino-3-methylpentanoic acid, an hydrophobic branched- chain amino-acid. In most microorganisms, isoleucine is synthesized from aspartate via threonine [Umbarger, H. E. 1978. Amino-acid biosynthesis and its regulation. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 47:533-606]. However, alternative routes to isoleucine from precursors other than threonine have been reported. Some anaerobes can assimilate 2-methylbutyrate into isoleucine. The most commonly observed alternative route was a route from pyruvate and acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) via citramalate. This 'pyruvate pathway' was initially proposed for the genus Leptospira because isotope-labeling experiments indicated that in some leptospiral strains, {alpha}-ketobutyrate was derived from pyruvate rather than threonine. Only a limited number of leptospires possess catabolic threonine dehydratase. Later, a similar observation was made with a thermophilic archaeon, Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, suggesting that isoleucine biosynthesis involves pyruvate as a precursor. Recently, (R)-citramalate synthase (EC 4.1.3.-) activity was demonstrated in the thermophilic archaeon Methanococcus jannaschii. UPa:amorgat GO:0009097 biological_process:isoleucine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism KEGG:map00280 Valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation KEGG:map00290 Valine, leucine and isoleucine biosynthesis KEGG:map00660 C5-Branched dibasic acid metabolism KEGG:map00966 Glucosinolate biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of L-leucine, 2-amino-4-methylpentanoic acid, an hydrophobic branched-chain amino- acid. GO:0009098 KEGG:map00280 KEGG:map00290 KEGG:map00620 KEGG:map00966 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:12626680 PMID:16118664 2-amino-4-methylpentanoic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00048 L-leucine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of L-leucine, 2-amino-4-methylpentanoic acid, an hydrophobic branched-chain amino- acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0009098 biological_process:leucine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00280 Valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation KEGG:map00290 Valine, leucine and isoleucine biosynthesis KEGG:map00620 Pyruvate metabolism KEGG:map00966 Glucosinolate biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of L-valine, 2-amino-3-methylbutanoic acid, an hydrophobic branched-chain amino- acid. GO:0009099 KEGG:map00010 KEGG:map00020 KEGG:map00280 KEGG:map00290 KEGG:map00620 KEGG:map00650 KEGG:map00770 KEGG:map00966 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 MetaCyc:VALSYN-PWY 2-amino-3-methylbutanoic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00049 L-valine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of L-valine, 2-amino-3-methylbutanoic acid, an hydrophobic branched-chain amino- acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0009099 biological_process:valine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00010 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis KEGG:map00020 Citrate cycle (TCA cycle) KEGG:map00280 Valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation KEGG:map00290 Valine, leucine and isoleucine biosynthesis KEGG:map00620 Pyruvate metabolism KEGG:map00650 Butanoate metabolism KEGG:map00770 Pantothenate and CoA biosynthesis KEGG:map00966 Glucosinolate biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of L-threonine (2-amino-3-hydroxybutyric acid), a polar, uncharged, essential amino acid found in peptide linkage in proteins. GO:0009088 KEGG:map00260 KEGG:map00270 KEGG:map00300 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 2-amino-3-hydroxybutyric acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00050 L-threonine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of L-threonine (2-amino-3-hydroxybutyric acid), a polar, uncharged, essential amino acid found in peptide linkage in proteins. UPa:amorgat GO:0009088 biological_process:threonine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism KEGG:map00270 Cysteine and methionine metabolism KEGG:map00300 Lysine biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Sulfur-containing amino-acid L-methionine (2-amino-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid) is synthesized de novo by most microorganisms and plants after the initial steps of inorganic sulfate assimilation and synthesis of cysteine or homocysteine. There are two alternative pathways of methionine synthesis in microorganisms. The enterobacterial type trans-sulfuration pathway involves cystathionine as an intermediate and utilizes cysteine as the sulfur source. In contrast, the direct sulfhydrylation pathway found in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), spirochete (Leptospira meyeri) and actinomycetes (Corynebacterium glutamicum) bypasses cystathionine and uses inorganic sulfur instead. Although yeast, fungi and higher plants have both transsulfuration and direct sulfhydrylation pathways, only the bacteria C. glutamicum, B. subtilis, P. aeruginosa, P. putida and L. meyeri have been shown to have both pathways. Methionine biosynthesis is a central pathway, as it controls a large number of cellular processes such as translation of mRNA into proteins (not only as a substrate for protein elongation but also as the initiator of protein synthesis) and transmethylation reactions via the formation of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) (cf activated methyl cycle pathway). KEGG:map00260 KEGG:map00270 KEGG:map00300 KEGG:map00670 KEGG:map00920 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 PMID:10469143 PMID:12845493 PMID:12948640 PMID:12951250 PMID:15215334 2-amino-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00051 L-methionine biosynthesis via de novo pathway Sulfur-containing amino-acid L-methionine (2-amino-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid) is synthesized de novo by most microorganisms and plants after the initial steps of inorganic sulfate assimilation and synthesis of cysteine or homocysteine. There are two alternative pathways of methionine synthesis in microorganisms. The enterobacterial type trans-sulfuration pathway involves cystathionine as an intermediate and utilizes cysteine as the sulfur source. In contrast, the direct sulfhydrylation pathway found in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), spirochete (Leptospira meyeri) and actinomycetes (Corynebacterium glutamicum) bypasses cystathionine and uses inorganic sulfur instead. Although yeast, fungi and higher plants have both transsulfuration and direct sulfhydrylation pathways, only the bacteria C. glutamicum, B. subtilis, P. aeruginosa, P. putida and L. meyeri have been shown to have both pathways. Methionine biosynthesis is a central pathway, as it controls a large number of cellular processes such as translation of mRNA into proteins (not only as a substrate for protein elongation but also as the initiator of protein synthesis) and transmethylation reactions via the formation of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) (cf activated methyl cycle pathway). UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism KEGG:map00270 Cysteine and methionine metabolism KEGG:map00300 Lysine biosynthesis KEGG:map00670 One carbon pool by folate KEGG:map00920 Sulfur metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Degradation of L-threonine via propanoate pathway. L-threonine can be catabolized non-oxidatively to propionate via 2-ketobutyrate. GO:0070689 KEGG:map00260 KEGG:map00290 KEGG:map00640 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:16139298 PMID:9484901 2-amino-3-hydroxybutyric acid degradation via propanoate pathway pathway UPa:UPA00052 L-threonine degradation via propanoate pathway Degradation of L-threonine via propanoate pathway. L-threonine can be catabolized non-oxidatively to propionate via 2-ketobutyrate. UPa:amorgat GO:0070689 biological_process:L-threonine catabolic process to propionate KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism KEGG:map00290 Valine, leucine and isoleucine biosynthesis KEGG:map00640 Propanoate metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of chorismate, a precursor of aromatic amino-acids (tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine). The biosynthesis of chorismate occurs only in plants and bacterial, not in animals. GO:0009423 KEGG:map00400 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:12948640 PMID:12951250 PMID:15215334 shikimate pathway pathway UPa:UPA00053 chorismate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of chorismate, a precursor of aromatic amino-acids (tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine). The biosynthesis of chorismate occurs only in plants and bacterial, not in animals. UPa:amorgat GO:0009423 biological_process:chorismate biosynthetic process KEGG:map00400 Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of daunorubicin, a potent antitumor anthracycline antibiotics produced by Streptomyces peucetius. GO:1901771 PMID:15273252 PMID:7601857 pathway UPa:UPA00054 daunorubicin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of daunorubicin, a potent antitumor anthracycline antibiotics produced by Streptomyces peucetius. UPa:amorgat GO:1901771 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of CDP-3,6-dideoxy-D-mannose (CDP-tyvelose), a 3,6-dideoxy nucleotide sugar. CDP-3,6-dideoxy-D-mannose is a cell wall lipopolysaccharide O-antigen component of some Gram-negative bacteria. KEGG:map00500 KEGG:map00520 KEGG:map01100 CDP-tyvelose biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00055 CDP-3,6-dideoxy-D-mannose biosynthesis Biosynthesis of CDP-3,6-dideoxy-D-mannose (CDP-tyvelose), a 3,6-dideoxy nucleotide sugar. CDP-3,6-dideoxy-D-mannose is a cell wall lipopolysaccharide O-antigen component of some Gram-negative bacteria. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00500 Starch and sucrose metabolism KEGG:map00520 Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of isopentenyl-PP via deoxy xylulose phosphate (DXP) pathway. This pathway is essential in eubacteria (including Escherichia coli), the malaria parasite, and plants, but is absent in mammals. Therefore, the pathway enzymes are promising targets for the development of novel herbicides and antimicrobials that are potentially innocuous for humans. GO:0019288 KEGG:map00900 KEGG:map01062 KEGG:map01066 KEGG:map01070 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 MetaCyc:NONMEVIPP-PWY PMID:10698701 PMID:11578926 PMID:11752431 IDP biosynthesis via DXP pathway IPP biosynthesis via DXP pathway MEP pathway Rohmer pathway isopentenyl-PP biosynthesis via DXP pathway isopentenyl-PP biosynthesis via deoxy xylulose phosphate pathway isopentenyl-PP biosynthesis via mevalonate-independent pathway isopentenyl-PP biosynthesis via non mevalonate pathway methylerythritol phosphate pathway pathway UPa:UPA00056 isopentenyl diphosphate biosynthesis via DXP pathway Biosynthesis of isopentenyl-PP via deoxy xylulose phosphate (DXP) pathway. This pathway is essential in eubacteria (including Escherichia coli), the malaria parasite, and plants, but is absent in mammals. Therefore, the pathway enzymes are promising targets for the development of novel herbicides and antimicrobials that are potentially innocuous for humans. UPa:amorgat GO:0019288 biological_process:isopentenyl diphosphate biosynthetic process, methylerythritol 4-phosphate pathway KEGG:map00900 Terpenoid backbone biosynthesis KEGG:map01062 Biosynthesis of terpenoids and steroids KEGG:map01066 Biosynthesis of alkaloids derived from terpenoid and polyketide KEGG:map01070 Biosynthesis of plant hormones KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of isopentenyl-PP (isopentenyl diphosphate, IDP, IPP) via mevalonic acid pathway. This pathway converts acetate, in the form of acetyl-CoA, to isopentenyl-PP, the fundamental unit in isoprenoid biosynthesis, through a series of mevalonate intermediates. GO:0019287 KEGG:map00900 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 IDP biosynthesis via mevalonate pathway IPP biosynthesis via mevalonate pathway MVA pathway isopentenyl-PP biosynthesis via mevalonate pathway mevalonate pathway pathway UPa:UPA00057 isopentenyl diphosphate biosynthesis via mevalonate pathway Biosynthesis of isopentenyl-PP (isopentenyl diphosphate, IDP, IPP) via mevalonic acid pathway. This pathway converts acetate, in the form of acetyl-CoA, to isopentenyl-PP, the fundamental unit in isoprenoid biosynthesis, through a series of mevalonate intermediates. UPa:amorgat GO:0019287 biological_process:isopentenyl diphosphate biosynthetic process, mevalonate pathway KEGG:map00900 Terpenoid backbone biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of mevalonic acid, a six-carbon metabolic intermediate. In eukaryotes, it arises from linkage of two acetyl-CoAs in the mitochondrion to form acetaoacetyl-CoA (4 carbons), followed by addition of another acetyl group from a third acetyl-CoA to give 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA). This latter compound is reduced by HMG-CoA reductase in the endoplasmic reticulum, using two NADPHs, with coincident loss of CoASH. HMG-CoA reductase is the most important regulatory enzyme for the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway and other isoprenoids/terpenoids. HMG-CoA reductase is a target for drugs that attempt to lower cholesterol levels in the body. One such drug is lovastatin, which inhibits the enzyme and stops endogenous synthesis of cholesterol. KEGG:map00071 KEGG:map00072 KEGG:map00280 KEGG:map00310 KEGG:map00362 KEGG:map00380 KEGG:map00620 KEGG:map00630 KEGG:map00640 KEGG:map00650 KEGG:map00720 KEGG:map00900 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 mevalonic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00058 (R)-mevalonate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of mevalonic acid, a six-carbon metabolic intermediate. In eukaryotes, it arises from linkage of two acetyl-CoAs in the mitochondrion to form acetaoacetyl-CoA (4 carbons), followed by addition of another acetyl group from a third acetyl-CoA to give 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA). This latter compound is reduced by HMG-CoA reductase in the endoplasmic reticulum, using two NADPHs, with coincident loss of CoASH. HMG-CoA reductase is the most important regulatory enzyme for the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway and other isoprenoids/terpenoids. HMG-CoA reductase is a target for drugs that attempt to lower cholesterol levels in the body. One such drug is lovastatin, which inhibits the enzyme and stops endogenous synthesis of cholesterol. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00071 Fatty acid metabolism KEGG:map00072 Synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies KEGG:map00280 Valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation KEGG:map00310 Lysine degradation KEGG:map00362 Benzoate degradation KEGG:map00380 Tryptophan metabolism KEGG:map00620 Pyruvate metabolism KEGG:map00630 Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism KEGG:map00640 Propanoate metabolism KEGG:map00650 Butanoate metabolism KEGG:map00720 Carbon fixation pathways in prokaryotes KEGG:map00900 Terpenoid backbone biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of dimethylallyl-PP (DMAPP). DMAPP results from the 1,3-allylic rearrangement of the homoallylic substrate isopentenyl-PP (IPP). GO:0050992 KEGG:map00900 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 DMAPP biosynthesis DMP biosynthesis dimethylallyl pyrophosphate biosynthesis dimethylallyl-PP biosynthesis isopentenyl-PP conversion to dimethylallyl-PP pathway UPa:UPA00059 dimethylallyl diphosphate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of dimethylallyl-PP (DMAPP). DMAPP results from the 1,3-allylic rearrangement of the homoallylic substrate isopentenyl-PP (IPP). UPa:amorgat GO:0050992 biological_process:dimethylallyl diphosphate biosynthetic process KEGG:map00900 Terpenoid backbone biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of thiamin pyrophosphate (THI-PP, TPP), the active form of thiamine cofactor (vitamin B1). It has essential functions, for example in carbohydrate and branched-chain amino-acid metabolism. All organisms able to to produce THI-PP initially assemble THI-P by coupling 4-amino-2-methyl-5-diphosphomethylpyrimidine and 4-methyl-5-(2-phosphoethyl)-thiazole. THI-P is then converted to TPP. The two heterocyclic precursors of thiamine pyrophosphate are synthesized through independant pathways. WARNING: the DXP_MHETP_BIOS sub-pathway is temporary. It will be refined as soon as knowledge will be available. GO:0009229 KEGG:map00730 KEGG:map01100 thiamin diphosphate biosynthesis thiamine-PP (THI-PP)(TPP) biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00060 thiamine diphosphate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of thiamin pyrophosphate (THI-PP, TPP), the active form of thiamine cofactor (vitamin B1). It has essential functions, for example in carbohydrate and branched-chain amino-acid metabolism. All organisms able to to produce THI-PP initially assemble THI-P by coupling 4-amino-2-methyl-5-diphosphomethylpyrimidine and 4-methyl-5-(2-phosphoethyl)-thiazole. THI-P is then converted to TPP. The two heterocyclic precursors of thiamine pyrophosphate are synthesized through independant pathways. WARNING: the DXP_MHETP_BIOS sub-pathway is temporary. It will be refined as soon as knowledge will be available. UPa:amorgat GO:0009229 biological_process:thiamine diphosphate biosynthetic process KEGG:map00730 Thiamine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of alpha-ribazole, the benzimidazole nucleoside in adenosyl cobalamin (vitamin B12). KEGG:map00860 KEGG:map01100 N1-(alpha-D-ribosyl)-5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole biosynthesis dimethylbenzimidazole nucleoside biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00061 alpha-ribazole biosynthesis Biosynthesis of alpha-ribazole, the benzimidazole nucleoside in adenosyl cobalamin (vitamin B12). UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00860 Porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways The formation from simpler components of steroid compounds. A steroid is a terpenoid lipid characterized by a carbon skeleton with four fused rings, generally arranged in a 6-6-6-5 fashion. Steroids vary by the functional groups attached to these rings and the oxidation state of the rings. Hundreds of distinct steroids are found in plants, animals, and fungi. All steroids are made in cells either from the sterol lanosterol (animals and fungi) or the sterol cycloartenol (plants). Both sterols are derived from the cyclization of the triterpene squalene. GO:0006694 pathway UPa:UPA00062 steroid biosynthesis The formation from simpler components of steroid compounds. A steroid is a terpenoid lipid characterized by a carbon skeleton with four fused rings, generally arranged in a 6-6-6-5 fashion. Steroids vary by the functional groups attached to these rings and the oxidation state of the rings. Hundreds of distinct steroids are found in plants, animals, and fungi. All steroids are made in cells either from the sterol lanosterol (animals and fungi) or the sterol cycloartenol (plants). Both sterols are derived from the cyclization of the triterpene squalene. UPa:amorgat GO:0006694 biological_process:steroid biosynthetic process Cholesterol biosynthesis springs from a six-carbon intermediate called mevalonate. Cholesterol is found in all eukaryotic cells. Its primary function is to regulate membrane fluidity by altering the packing density of the polar membrane lipids. It is also a precursor of several hormones. Its synthesis from acetyl CoA can be separated into 5 stages, all occuring in the cytosol: - mevalonate biosynthesis, - phosphorylation and decarboxylation of mevalonate: isopentenyl-PP biosynthesis and conversion to dimethylallyl-PP - squalene biosynthesis - conversion of squalene to 7-dehydrocholesterol - cholesterol biosynthesis: cholesterol from 7-dehydrocholesterol Cholesterol is used in the body as a precursor of many other important molecules: bile acids (salts), sex steroid hormones (testosterone, estrogen), adrenal steroid hormones (cortisol, aldosterone, vitamin D). GO:0006695 pathway UPa:UPA00063 cholesterol biosynthesis Cholesterol biosynthesis springs from a six-carbon intermediate called mevalonate. Cholesterol is found in all eukaryotic cells. Its primary function is to regulate membrane fluidity by altering the packing density of the polar membrane lipids. It is also a precursor of several hormones. Its synthesis from acetyl CoA can be separated into 5 stages, all occuring in the cytosol: - mevalonate biosynthesis, - phosphorylation and decarboxylation of mevalonate: isopentenyl-PP biosynthesis and conversion to dimethylallyl-PP - squalene biosynthesis - conversion of squalene to 7-dehydrocholesterol - cholesterol biosynthesis: cholesterol from 7-dehydrocholesterol Cholesterol is used in the body as a precursor of many other important molecules: bile acids (salts), sex steroid hormones (testosterone, estrogen), adrenal steroid hormones (cortisol, aldosterone, vitamin D). UPa:amorgat GO:0006695 biological_process:cholesterol biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of D-1-deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate, a common precursor for isoprenoid, thiamin, and pyridoxol biosynthesis. GO:0052865 KEGG:map00900 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 DXP biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00064 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of D-1-deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate, a common precursor for isoprenoid, thiamin, and pyridoxol biosynthesis. UPa:amorgat GO:0052865 biological_process:1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate biosynthetic process KEGG:map00900 Terpenoid backbone biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of 5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin (H4MPT), a cofactor in methanogenesis. H4MPT is the carrier of the C1 group as it is reduced to the methyl level, before transferring to the coenzyme M. PMID:15262968 PMID:8639495 H4MPT biosynthesis methanopterin biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00065 5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of 5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin (H4MPT), a cofactor in methanogenesis. H4MPT is the carrier of the C1 group as it is reduced to the methyl level, before transferring to the coenzyme M. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of streptomycin, an antibiotic produced by soil bacteria of the genus Streptomyces. Streptomycin is active against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Originally isolated by Selman A. Waksman and Albert Schatz in 1947, streptomycin is effective against tubercle bacilli and is a mainstay of tuberculosis therapy. Streptomycin acts by inhibiting protein synthesis and damaging cell membranes in susceptible microorganisms. GO:0019872 pathway UPa:UPA00066 streptomycin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of streptomycin, an antibiotic produced by soil bacteria of the genus Streptomyces. Streptomycin is active against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Originally isolated by Selman A. Waksman and Albert Schatz in 1947, streptomycin is effective against tubercle bacilli and is a mainstay of tuberculosis therapy. Streptomycin acts by inhibiting protein synthesis and damaging cell membranes in susceptible microorganisms. UPa:amorgat GO:0019872 biological_process:streptomycin biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of ectoine (1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2-methyl-4-pyrimidine carboxylic acid), an excellent osmoprotectant. Since Galinski et al. (PMID:3838936) discovered ectoine as a compatible solute in Ectothiorhodospira halochloris, an extremely halophilic phototrophic eubacterium, it has been found to be distributed widely in nature, largely in moderately halophilic eubacteria. The biosynthetic pathway of ectoine from aspartic b-semialdehyde (ASA) was first elucidated in Halomonas elongata by purification and characterization of each enzyme involved. GO:0019491 KEGG:map00260 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:P101-PWY PMID:15455210 PMID:16579460 PMID:16802203 PMID:3838936 1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2-methyl-4-pyrimidinecarboxylic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00067 ectoine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of ectoine (1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2-methyl-4-pyrimidine carboxylic acid), an excellent osmoprotectant. Since Galinski et al. (PMID:3838936) discovered ectoine as a compatible solute in Ectothiorhodospira halochloris, an extremely halophilic phototrophic eubacterium, it has been found to be distributed widely in nature, largely in moderately halophilic eubacteria. The biosynthetic pathway of ectoine from aspartic b-semialdehyde (ASA) was first elucidated in Halomonas elongata by purification and characterization of each enzyme involved. UPa:amorgat GO:0019491 biological_process:ectoine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of L-arginine, an amino-acid constituent of proteins and precursor of polyamines. GO:0006526 KEGG:map00240 KEGG:map00250 KEGG:map00330 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:11489859 PMID:16432742 PMID:16585758 PMID:3534538 (S)-2-amino-5-guanidinovaleric acid biosynthesis 2-amino-5-(carbamimidamido)pentanoic acid biosynthesis 2-amino-5-(diaminomethylidene amino)pentanoic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00068 L-arginine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of L-arginine, an amino-acid constituent of proteins and precursor of polyamines. UPa:amorgat GO:0006526 biological_process:arginine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00240 Pyrimidine metabolism KEGG:map00250 Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrosarcinapterin (H4SPT), a modified form of H4MPT (5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin), wherein a glutamyl group linked to the 2-hydroxyglutaric acid terminus. H4SPT biosynthesis sarcinapterin biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00069 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrosarcinapterin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrosarcinapterin (H4SPT), a modified form of H4MPT (5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin), wherein a glutamyl group linked to the 2-hydroxyglutaric acid terminus. UPa:amorgat De novo biosynthesis of UMP (uridine monophosphate). GO:0044205 KEGG:map00240 KEGG:map00250 KEGG:map01100 de novo uridine monophosphate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00070 UMP biosynthesis via de novo pathway De novo biosynthesis of UMP (uridine monophosphate). UPa:amorgat GO:0044205 biological_process:'de novo' UMP biosynthetic process KEGG:map00240 Pyrimidine metabolism KEGG:map00250 Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of coenzyme F420, an important cofactor involved in hydride transfer reactions in methanogenic archaea as well as methanotrophic and other bacteria. Although coenzyme F420 contains a deazaflavin moiety, it is biochemically analogous to the nicotinamide cofactors. Coenzyme F420 is involved in a variety of biochemical transformations, including methanogenesis, DNA photorepair, and degradation of nitrophenols and nitroimidazofurans, and in the biosynthesis of several secondary metabolites [PMID:16585745]. F420 is named for its intense fluorescence upon excitation with 420 nm light, the oxidized coenzyme F420 (N-(N -l-lactyl-gamma-glutamyl)-l-glutamic acid phosphodiester of 7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin) was first discovered in mycobacteria (Cousins 1960) and later purified for structural identification from the methane-producing microorganism Methanobacterium sp. strain M.o.H. (Cheeseman et al. 1972; Eirich et al. 1978). Since these original studies, F420 has been found in numerous actinomycetes and in all methanogens (Isabelle et al. 2002). [PMID:14593448]. PMID:14593448 PMID:16585745 pathway UPa:UPA00071 coenzyme F420 biosynthesis Biosynthesis of coenzyme F420, an important cofactor involved in hydride transfer reactions in methanogenic archaea as well as methanotrophic and other bacteria. Although coenzyme F420 contains a deazaflavin moiety, it is biochemically analogous to the nicotinamide cofactors. Coenzyme F420 is involved in a variety of biochemical transformations, including methanogenesis, DNA photorepair, and degradation of nitrophenols and nitroimidazofurans, and in the biosynthesis of several secondary metabolites [PMID:16585745]. F420 is named for its intense fluorescence upon excitation with 420 nm light, the oxidized coenzyme F420 (N-(N -l-lactyl-gamma-glutamyl)-l-glutamic acid phosphodiester of 7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin) was first discovered in mycobacteria (Cousins 1960) and later purified for structural identification from the methane-producing microorganism Methanobacterium sp. strain M.o.H. (Cheeseman et al. 1972; Eirich et al. 1978). Since these original studies, F420 has been found in numerous actinomycetes and in all methanogens (Isabelle et al. 2002). [PMID:14593448]. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of coenzyme F0 (7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin), a biosynthetic precursor of coenzyme F420. Most cyanobacteria and halophilic archaea produce a DNA photolyase enzyme that uses F0 as a coenzyme. GO:1901852 PMID:14593448 7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00072 coenzyme F0 biosynthesis Biosynthesis of coenzyme F0 (7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin), a biosynthetic precursor of coenzyme F420. Most cyanobacteria and halophilic archaea produce a DNA photolyase enzyme that uses F0 as a coenzyme. UPa:amorgat GO:1901852 rdfmatch Degradation of L-arginine, an energy-rich amino-acid that can supply nitrogen, carbon and energy to various bacteria in a variety of environment. L-arginine can be catabolized by a large number of routes including the arginase pathway, the arginine deiminase (ADI) pathway, the arginine succinyl transferase (AST) pathway, the arginine decarboxylase (ADC), transaminase, oxidase and oxygenase pathways. These pathways often have distinctive functions. GO:0006527 (S)-2-amino-5-guanidinovaleric acid degradation 2-amino-5-(carbamimidamido)pentanoic acid degradation 2-amino-5-(diaminomethylidene amino)pentanoic acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00073 L-arginine degradation Degradation of L-arginine, an energy-rich amino-acid that can supply nitrogen, carbon and energy to various bacteria in a variety of environment. L-arginine can be catabolized by a large number of routes including the arginase pathway, the arginine deiminase (ADI) pathway, the arginine succinyl transferase (AST) pathway, the arginine decarboxylase (ADC), transaminase, oxidase and oxygenase pathways. These pathways often have distinctive functions. UPa:amorgat GO:0006527 biological_process:arginine catabolic process The formation from simpler components of purine nucleotide IMP (inosine 5'phosphate). GO:0006189 KEGG:map00230 KEGG:map00250 KEGG:map00340 KEGG:map00630 KEGG:map00670 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 de novo purine biosynthesis inosine 5'-phosphate biosynthesis via de novo pathway inosine monophosphate biosynthesis via de novo pathway pathway UPa:UPA00074 IMP biosynthesis via de novo pathway The formation from simpler components of purine nucleotide IMP (inosine 5'phosphate). UPa:amorgat GO:0006189 biological_process:'de novo' IMP biosynthetic process KEGG:map00230 Purine metabolism KEGG:map00250 Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism KEGG:map00340 Histidine metabolism KEGG:map00630 Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism KEGG:map00670 One carbon pool by folate KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites The formation of AMP (adenosine monophosphate) from IMP (inosine monophosphate). GO:0044208 KEGG:map00230 KEGG:map00250 KEGG:map01100 adenosine monophosphate biosynthesis via de novo pathway pathway UPa:UPA00075 AMP biosynthesis via de novo pathway The formation of AMP (adenosine monophosphate) from IMP (inosine monophosphate). UPa:amorgat GO:0044208 biological_process:'de novo' AMP biosynthetic process KEGG:map00230 Purine metabolism KEGG:map00250 Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Degradation of myo-inositol, an abundant compound in soil. Myo-Inositol is also common and essential in plants. Several micro-organisms, including model organism Bacillus subtilis (PMID:9226270), can grow on inositol as the carbon source. It was thought that bacterial inositol catabolism is only required for efficient utilization of this compound. However, the inositol dehydrogenase of Sinorhizobium fredii not only catalyses the initial reaction step of inositol catabolism but also is involved in nitrogen fixation and competitiveness to nodulate soybeans (PMID:11274120). Furthermore, MocA and MocC of Sinorhizobium meliloti which participate in degradation of rhizopine (L-3-O-methyl-scyllo-inosamine), a symbiosis- specific compound found in alfalfa nodules, exhibited significant similarities to IolG and IolE involved in inositol catabolism of B. subtilis, respectively (PMID:9226270), and the inositol catabolism pathway was tightly linked with rhizopine utilization in S. meliloti (PMID:9802033). These facts implied an interesting relationship between bacterial inositol catabolism and plant/bacteria symbiosis for nitrogen fixation. KEGG:map00521 KEGG:map00562 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:11274120 PMID:14993306 PMID:17449687 PMID:4351258 PMID:9226270 PMID:9802033 pathway UPa:UPA00076 myo-inositol degradation into acetyl-CoA Degradation of myo-inositol, an abundant compound in soil. Myo-Inositol is also common and essential in plants. Several micro-organisms, including model organism Bacillus subtilis (PMID:9226270), can grow on inositol as the carbon source. It was thought that bacterial inositol catabolism is only required for efficient utilization of this compound. However, the inositol dehydrogenase of Sinorhizobium fredii not only catalyses the initial reaction step of inositol catabolism but also is involved in nitrogen fixation and competitiveness to nodulate soybeans (PMID:11274120). Furthermore, MocA and MocC of Sinorhizobium meliloti which participate in degradation of rhizopine (L-3-O-methyl-scyllo-inosamine), a symbiosis- specific compound found in alfalfa nodules, exhibited significant similarities to IolG and IolE involved in inositol catabolism of B. subtilis, respectively (PMID:9226270), and the inositol catabolism pathway was tightly linked with rhizopine utilization in S. meliloti (PMID:9802033). These facts implied an interesting relationship between bacterial inositol catabolism and plant/bacteria symbiosis for nitrogen fixation. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00521 Streptomycin biosynthesis KEGG:map00562 Inositol phosphate metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of tetrahydrofolic acid (tetrahydrofolate, THF), the active form of folic acid (vitamin B9). Folic acid is an essential vitamin (B9), which plays a key role in the methylation cycle and in DNA biosynthesis. The folic acid derivatives are made up of a pterdine ring attached to a p-aminobenzoate and a polyglutamyl chain. Tetrahydrofolic acid have C1 units enzymically attached. These C1 units (as a formyl group) are passed on to enzymes in the purine pathway that insert the C-2 and C-8 into the purine ring. A methylene group (-CH2-) attached to tetrahydrofolate is used to convert the uracil-type pyrimidine base found in RNA into the thymine base found in DNA. A further folate cofactor, i.e. 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, is involved in the remethylation of the homocysteine produced in the methylation cycle back to methionine. After activation to S-adenosylmethionine this acts as a methyl donor for the dozens of different methyltransferases present in all cells. Folate deficiency results in reduction of purine and pyrimidine biosynthesis and consequently DNA biosynthesis and cell division. Folate deficiency receives increasing attention due to its relation to cardiovascular disease and different forms of dementia. The folate pathway represents a powerful target for combating rapidly dividing systems such as cancer cells, bacteria and malaria parasites. GO:0046654 KEGG:map00250 KEGG:map00330 KEGG:map00471 KEGG:map00670 KEGG:map00790 KEGG:map00910 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 PMID:17645794 THF biosynthesis folate biosynthesis folic acid biosynthesis pteroylglutamic acid biosynthesis tetrahydrofolic acid biosynthesis vitamin B9 biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00077 tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of tetrahydrofolic acid (tetrahydrofolate, THF), the active form of folic acid (vitamin B9). Folic acid is an essential vitamin (B9), which plays a key role in the methylation cycle and in DNA biosynthesis. The folic acid derivatives are made up of a pterdine ring attached to a p-aminobenzoate and a polyglutamyl chain. Tetrahydrofolic acid have C1 units enzymically attached. These C1 units (as a formyl group) are passed on to enzymes in the purine pathway that insert the C-2 and C-8 into the purine ring. A methylene group (-CH2-) attached to tetrahydrofolate is used to convert the uracil-type pyrimidine base found in RNA into the thymine base found in DNA. A further folate cofactor, i.e. 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, is involved in the remethylation of the homocysteine produced in the methylation cycle back to methionine. After activation to S-adenosylmethionine this acts as a methyl donor for the dozens of different methyltransferases present in all cells. Folate deficiency results in reduction of purine and pyrimidine biosynthesis and consequently DNA biosynthesis and cell division. Folate deficiency receives increasing attention due to its relation to cardiovascular disease and different forms of dementia. The folate pathway represents a powerful target for combating rapidly dividing systems such as cancer cells, bacteria and malaria parasites. UPa:amorgat GO:0046654 biological_process:tetrahydrofolate biosynthetic process KEGG:map00250 Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism KEGG:map00471 D-Glutamine and D-glutamate metabolism KEGG:map00670 One carbon pool by folate KEGG:map00790 Folate biosynthesis KEGG:map00910 Nitrogen metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of biotin, a B-group vitamin. Biotin has essential metabolic functions as the CO2-carrying prosthetic group of selected carboxylases, decarboxylases and transcarboxylases. De novo biosynthesis pathway involved the conversion of pimeloyl-CoA (i.e 6-carboxyhexanoyl-CoA) to biotin. GO:0009102 KEGG:map00780 KEGG:map01100 PMID:12527210 vitamin H biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00078 biotin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of biotin, a B-group vitamin. Biotin has essential metabolic functions as the CO2-carrying prosthetic group of selected carboxylases, decarboxylases and transcarboxylases. De novo biosynthesis pathway involved the conversion of pimeloyl-CoA (i.e 6-carboxyhexanoyl-CoA) to biotin. UPa:amorgat GO:0009102 biological_process:biotin biosynthetic process KEGG:map00780 Biotin metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of menaquinone (vitamine K2), a lipid-soluble molecule that belongs to the naphto-quinone family. GO:0009234 PMID:23564174 menaquinol biosynthesis vitamin K2 biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00079 menaquinone biosynthesis Biosynthesis of menaquinone (vitamine K2), a lipid-soluble molecule that belongs to the naphto-quinone family. UPa:amorgat GO:0009234 biological_process:menaquinone biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of methanofuran, the first coenzyme in the methanogenic pathway used by the archaeon Methanocaldococcus jannaschii, as well as other methanogens, to reduce CO2 to methane. GO:2001120 PMID:15715981 pathway UPa:UPA00080 methanofuran biosynthesis Biosynthesis of methanofuran, the first coenzyme in the methanogenic pathway used by the archaeon Methanocaldococcus jannaschii, as well as other methanogens, to reduce CO2 to methane. UPa:amorgat GO:2001120 rdfmatch Degradation of D-galactonic acid. GO:0034194 KEGG:map00052 PMID:6194665 PMID:7287628 D-galactonic acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00081 D-galactonate degradation Degradation of D-galactonic acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0034194 biological_process:D-galactonate catabolic process KEGG:map00052 Galactose metabolism Degradation of naphtalene, an aromatic compound composed of two fused benzene rings. GO:1901170 pathway UPa:UPA00082 naphthalene degradation Degradation of naphtalene, an aromatic compound composed of two fused benzene rings. UPa:amorgat GO:1901170 rdfmatch Degradation of 3-chlorocatechol compound. This pathway serves a vital role in the biodegradation of toxic aromatic compounds introduced in the environment both as natural products and as industrial effluent. GO:1901168 pathway UPa:UPA00083 3-chlorocatechol degradation Degradation of 3-chlorocatechol compound. This pathway serves a vital role in the biodegradation of toxic aromatic compounds introduced in the environment both as natural products and as industrial effluent. UPa:amorgat GO:1901168 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of phosphatidylglycerol, a multifunctional phospholipid, found in the biological membranes of many organisms. GO:0006655 KEGG:map00564 KEGG:map01100 MetaCyc:PHOSLIPSYN-PWY pathway UPa:UPA00084 phosphatidylglycerol biosynthesis Biosynthesis of phosphatidylglycerol, a multifunctional phospholipid, found in the biological membranes of many organisms. UPa:amorgat GO:0006655 biological_process:phosphatidylglycerol biosynthetic process KEGG:map00564 Glycerophospholipid metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Metabolism of phospholipids, any lipid containing phosphoric acid as a mono- or diester. GO:0006644 pathway UPa:UPA00085 phospholipid metabolism Metabolism of phospholipids, any lipid containing phosphoric acid as a mono- or diester. UPa:amorgat GO:0006644 biological_process:phospholipid metabolic process The alpha-glycerophosphate cycle is essential for the production of energy for flight in insects. GO:0006650 PMID:3147213 pathway UPa:UPA00086 alpha-glycerophosphate cycle The alpha-glycerophosphate cycle is essential for the production of energy for flight in insects. UPa:amorgat GO:0006650 biological_process:glycerophospholipid metabolic process Biosynthesis of 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate biosynthesis (PRPP). PRPP may be synthesized from ribose 5-phosphate by PRPP synthase or, alternately, by the the enzymes phosphopentomutase, ribose 1-phosphokinase (putative), and ribose 1,5-bisphosphokinase [PMID:12700258]. Under conditions when xanthosine phosphorylase is produced, the enzyme can supply ribose 1-phosphate to this second pathway. GO:0006015 KEGG:map00030 KEGG:map00230 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 PMID:12700258 PRPP biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00087 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate biosynthesis (PRPP). PRPP may be synthesized from ribose 5-phosphate by PRPP synthase or, alternately, by the the enzymes phosphopentomutase, ribose 1-phosphokinase (putative), and ribose 1,5-bisphosphokinase [PMID:12700258]. Under conditions when xanthosine phosphorylase is produced, the enzyme can supply ribose 1-phosphate to this second pathway. UPa:amorgat GO:0006015 biological_process:5-phosphoribose 1-diphosphate biosynthetic process KEGG:map00030 Pentose phosphate pathway KEGG:map00230 Purine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate (protocatechuate). This pathway allows use of quinate as a carbon source by its conversion to protocatechuate and subsequent metabolism by the beta-ketoadipate pathway. Quinate is an abundant plant product. GO:0046279 KEGG:map00400 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:15691962 PMID:7592351 protocatechuate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00088 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate (protocatechuate). This pathway allows use of quinate as a carbon source by its conversion to protocatechuate and subsequent metabolism by the beta-ketoadipate pathway. Quinate is an abundant plant product. UPa:amorgat GO:0046279 biological_process:protocatechuate biosynthetic process KEGG:map00400 Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of deoxyribonucleotide derivatives. compounds. GO:0009263 pathway UPa:UPA00089 deoxyribonucleotide biosynthesis Biosynthesis of deoxyribonucleotide derivatives. compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0009263 biological_process:deoxyribonucleotide biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of abscisic acid (ABA), a sesquiterpenoid (15-carbon) plant hormon. Abscisic acid is partially produced via the mevalonic pathway in chloroplasts and other plastids. Because it is synthesized partially in the chloroplasts, it makes sense that biosynthesis primarily occurs in the leaves. The production of ABA is accentuated by stresses such as water loss and freezing temperatures. GO:0009688 ABA biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00090 abscisate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of abscisic acid (ABA), a sesquiterpenoid (15-carbon) plant hormon. Abscisic acid is partially produced via the mevalonic pathway in chloroplasts and other plastids. Because it is synthesized partially in the chloroplasts, it makes sense that biosynthesis primarily occurs in the leaves. The production of ABA is accentuated by stresses such as water loss and freezing temperatures. UPa:amorgat GO:0009688 biological_process:abscisic acid biosynthetic process Photosynthesis is a biochemical process in which plants, algae, and some bacteria harness the energy of light to produce simple nutrient molecules, such as glucose. During photosynthesis, simple sugars are produced by combining carbon dioxide and water using light (sunlight) as an energy source and producing oxygen as a by-product. Notice that some forms of photosynthesis do not release oxygen. The synthesis by organisms of organic chemical compounds, especially carbohydrates, from carbon dioxide (CO2) using energy obtained from light rather than from the oxidation of chemical compounds. [source: GO] The carboxylation process is generally known as CO2 fixation (carbon fixation), and the oxygenation process is known as photorespiration. GO:0015979 pathway UPa:UPA00091 photosynthesis Photosynthesis is a biochemical process in which plants, algae, and some bacteria harness the energy of light to produce simple nutrient molecules, such as glucose. During photosynthesis, simple sugars are produced by combining carbon dioxide and water using light (sunlight) as an energy source and producing oxygen as a by-product. Notice that some forms of photosynthesis do not release oxygen. The synthesis by organisms of organic chemical compounds, especially carbohydrates, from carbon dioxide (CO2) using energy obtained from light rather than from the oxidation of chemical compounds. [source: GO] The carboxylation process is generally known as CO2 fixation (carbon fixation), and the oxygenation process is known as photorespiration. UPa:amorgat GO:0015979 biological_process:photosynthesis A process whereby a series of electron carriers operate together to transfer electrons from donors such as NADH and FADH2 to any of several different terminal electron acceptors to generate a transmembrane electrochemical gradient. [GO]. GO:0022904 pathway UPa:UPA00092 electron transfer A process whereby a series of electron carriers operate together to transfer electrons from donors such as NADH and FADH2 to any of several different terminal electron acceptors to generate a transmembrane electrochemical gradient. [GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0022904 biological_process:respiratory electron transport chain Degradation of plant hormone abscisic acid. GO:0046345 ABA degradation pathway UPa:UPA00093 abscisic acid degradation Degradation of plant hormone abscisic acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0046345 biological_process:abscisic acid catabolic process Biosynthesis of fatty acids. Fatty acids are formed by the action of Fatty acid synthases from acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA precursors. GO:0006633 pathway UPa:UPA00094 fatty acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of fatty acids. Fatty acids are formed by the action of Fatty acid synthases from acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA precursors. UPa:amorgat GO:0006633 biological_process:fatty acid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of oleic acids, a group of fatty acids that contain 18 carbon atoms and a double bond at the omega 9 carbon. pathway UPa:UPA00095 oleic acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of oleic acids, a group of fatty acids that contain 18 carbon atoms and a double bond at the omega 9 carbon. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of compound containing sulfur. GO:0006790 pathway UPa:UPA00096 sulfur metabolism Metabolism of compound containing sulfur. UPa:amorgat GO:0006790 biological_process:sulfur compound metabolic process The sulfate assimilation pathway leads to the biosynthesis of cysteine and methionine, and to the sulfation of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, drugs and xenobiotics. GO:0000103 pathway UPa:UPA00097 sulfate assimilation The sulfate assimilation pathway leads to the biosynthesis of cysteine and methionine, and to the sulfation of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, drugs and xenobiotics. UPa:amorgat GO:0000103 biological_process:sulfate assimilation Biosynthesis of L-proline (pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid) biosynthesis, a chiral, cyclic amino-acid. GO:0055129 KEGG:map00330 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:14602584 PMID:16337196 2-pyrrolidinecarboxylic acid biosynthesis pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00098 L-proline biosynthesis Biosynthesis of L-proline (pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid) biosynthesis, a chiral, cyclic amino-acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0055129 biological_process:L-proline biosynthetic process KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of phenazine, a nitrogen-containing heterocyclic molecule having important roles in virulence, competition and biological control. GO:0002047 pathway UPa:UPA00099 phenazine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of phenazine, a nitrogen-containing heterocyclic molecule having important roles in virulence, competition and biological control. UPa:amorgat GO:0002047 biological_process:phenazine biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of bacilysin (L-alanyl-(2.3-epoxycyclohexanone-4)-L-alanine). This dipeptide is one of the simplest peptide antibiotics known. It displays activity against some bacteria and fungi (Kenig and Abraham 1976; Tschen 1990). Its proposed amino-acid ligase mode of biosynthesis might offer strategies to engineer new derivatives with improved properties. Bacilysin contains an L-alanine residue at the N terminus and a non-proteinogenic amino acid, Lanticapsin, at the C terminus (Walker and Abraham 1970). Its antibiotic activity depends on the anticapsin moiety, which becomes released by peptidases (Kenig et al. 1976; Chmara et al. 1982) after bacilysin uptake into susceptible cells by a distinct peptide permease system (Perry and Abraham 1979; Chmara et al. 1981). The intracellular anticapsin then blocks the glucosamine synthetase, and hence, bacterial peptidoglycan or fungal mannoprotein biosynthesis. This leads to cell protoplasting and lysis (Whitnney and Funderburk 1970; Kenig et al. 1976; Chmara et al. 1982; Chmara 1985; Milewski 1993). PMID:15609023 L-alanyl-(2.3-epoxycyclohexanone-4)-L-alanine biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00100 bacilysin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of bacilysin (L-alanyl-(2.3-epoxycyclohexanone-4)-L-alanine). This dipeptide is one of the simplest peptide antibiotics known. It displays activity against some bacteria and fungi (Kenig and Abraham 1976; Tschen 1990). Its proposed amino-acid ligase mode of biosynthesis might offer strategies to engineer new derivatives with improved properties. Bacilysin contains an L-alanine residue at the N terminus and a non-proteinogenic amino acid, Lanticapsin, at the C terminus (Walker and Abraham 1970). Its antibiotic activity depends on the anticapsin moiety, which becomes released by peptidases (Kenig et al. 1976; Chmara et al. 1982) after bacilysin uptake into susceptible cells by a distinct peptide permease system (Perry and Abraham 1979; Chmara et al. 1981). The intracellular anticapsin then blocks the glucosamine synthetase, and hence, bacterial peptidoglycan or fungal mannoprotein biosynthesis. This leads to cell protoplasting and lysis (Whitnney and Funderburk 1970; Kenig et al. 1976; Chmara et al. 1982; Chmara 1985; Milewski 1993). UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of candicidin, an aromatic polyene (heptaene) antibiotic produced by Streptomyces griseus IMRU 3570. Polyene macrolides are a group of polyketides with lactone rings of 20-44 members. Candicidin was first described by Lechevalier et al. (1953) and named antibiotic C135, although it was renamed candicidin because of its strong activity against species of Candida. GO:1901127 PMID:11782498 PMID:12664141 C135 biosynthesis candicidin D biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00101 candicidin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of candicidin, an aromatic polyene (heptaene) antibiotic produced by Streptomyces griseus IMRU 3570. Polyene macrolides are a group of polyketides with lactone rings of 20-44 members. Candicidin was first described by Lechevalier et al. (1953) and named antibiotic C135, although it was renamed candicidin because of its strong activity against species of Candida. UPa:amorgat GO:1901127 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of gramicidin S antibiotic. The linear pentadecapeptide gramicidin has been reported to be assembled by four large multimodular nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs), LgrABCD, that comprise 16 modules. During biosynthesis, the N-formylated 16mer peptide is bound to the peptidyl carrier protein (PCP) of the terminal module via a thioester bond to the carboxyl group of the last amino-acid glycine(16). In a first reaction the peptide is released from the protein template in an NAD(P)H-dependent reduction step catalyzed by the adjacent reductase forming an aldehyde intermediate. This aldehyde intermediate is further reduced by an aldoreductase, LgrE, in an NADPH-dependent manner to form the final product gramicidin A, N -formyl-pentadecapeptide-ethanolamine. GO:1901103 PMID:15938641 gramicidin biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00102 gramicidin S biosynthesis Biosynthesis of gramicidin S antibiotic. The linear pentadecapeptide gramicidin has been reported to be assembled by four large multimodular nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs), LgrABCD, that comprise 16 modules. During biosynthesis, the N-formylated 16mer peptide is bound to the peptidyl carrier protein (PCP) of the terminal module via a thioester bond to the carboxyl group of the last amino-acid glycine(16). In a first reaction the peptide is released from the protein template in an NAD(P)H-dependent reduction step catalyzed by the adjacent reductase forming an aldehyde intermediate. This aldehyde intermediate is further reduced by an aldoreductase, LgrE, in an NADPH-dependent manner to form the final product gramicidin A, N -formyl-pentadecapeptide-ethanolamine. UPa:amorgat GO:1901103 rdfmatch Degradation of the monosaccharide L-sorbose. GO:0042850 PMID:16134116 L-sorbose utilization L-xylo-hexulose degradation pathway UPa:UPA00103 L-sorbose degradation Degradation of the monosaccharide L-sorbose. UPa:amorgat GO:0042850 biological_process:L-sorbose catabolic process Biosynthesis of creatine, a nitrogenous organic acid. Creatine (Cr) is synthesized by a two-step mechanism involving arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (AGAT) and guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT), and is taken up by cells through a specific Cr transporter, CT1 [PMID:15918910]. GO:0006601 KEGG:map00260 KEGG:map00330 KEGG:map01100 PMID:11165387 PMID:15918910 2-(carbamimidoyl-methyl-amino)acetic acid biosynthesis N-amidinosarcosine biosynthesis methylglycocyamine biosynthesis methylguanidinoacetic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00104 creatine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of creatine, a nitrogenous organic acid. Creatine (Cr) is synthesized by a two-step mechanism involving arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (AGAT) and guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT), and is taken up by cells through a specific Cr transporter, CT1 [PMID:15918910]. UPa:amorgat GO:0006601 biological_process:creatine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways The breakdown into simpler components of xenobiotics, chemical substances that are foreign to the biological system. GO:0042178 xenobiotic biodegradation xenobiotic catabolism pathway UPa:UPA00105 xenobiotic degradation The breakdown into simpler components of xenobiotics, chemical substances that are foreign to the biological system. UPa:amorgat GO:0042178 biological_process:xenobiotic catabolic process Degradation of nicotine, the primary alkaloid found in tobacco plants. GO:0019608 KEGG:map00760 KEGG:map01120 PMID:16333621 PMID:7815950 pathway UPa:UPA00106 nicotine degradation Degradation of nicotine, the primary alkaloid found in tobacco plants. UPa:amorgat GO:0019608 biological_process:nicotine catabolic process KEGG:map00760 Nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of nicotine, the primary alkaloid found in tobacco plants. GO:0042179 pathway UPa:UPA00107 nicotine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of nicotine, the primary alkaloid found in tobacco plants. UPa:amorgat GO:0042179 biological_process:nicotine biosynthetic process Glycolysis is a metabolic pathway found in all organisms. This pathway results in the anaerobic enzymatic conversion of D-glucose to pyruvate, resulting in energy stored in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). GO:0006096 KEGG:map00010 KEGG:map00051 KEGG:map00230 KEGG:map00521 KEGG:map00524 KEGG:map00562 KEGG:map00620 KEGG:map00680 KEGG:map00710 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 PMID:14993306 D-glucose degradation into pyruvate pathway UPa:UPA00109 glycolysis Glycolysis is a metabolic pathway found in all organisms. This pathway results in the anaerobic enzymatic conversion of D-glucose to pyruvate, resulting in energy stored in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). UPa:amorgat GO:0006096 biological_process:glycolytic process KEGG:map00010 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis KEGG:map00051 Fructose and mannose metabolism KEGG:map00230 Purine metabolism KEGG:map00521 Streptomycin biosynthesis KEGG:map00524 Butirosin and neomycin biosynthesis KEGG:map00562 Inositol phosphate metabolism KEGG:map00620 Pyruvate metabolism KEGG:map00680 Methane metabolism KEGG:map00710 Carbon fixation in photosynthetic organisms KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Degradation of the alkaloid cocaine. GO:0050784 pathway UPa:UPA00110 cocaine degradation Degradation of the alkaloid cocaine. UPa:amorgat GO:0050784 biological_process:cocaine catabolic process Irreversible degradation of myo-inositol into D-glucuronic acid. KEGG:map00053 KEGG:map00562 PMID:16634621 inositol oxygenation pathway myo-inositol degradation into D-glucuronic acid pathway UPa:UPA00111 myo-inositol degradation into D-glucuronate Irreversible degradation of myo-inositol into D-glucuronic acid. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00053 Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism KEGG:map00562 Inositol phosphate metabolism Biosynthesis of clavulanic acid, a beta-lactam, structurally related to the penicillins, that possesses the ability to inactivate a wide range of beta-lactamase enzymes commonly found in microorganisms resistant to penicillins and cephalosporins. The name clavulanic acid is derived from the Streptomyces clavuligerus microorganisms from which clavulanic acid is derived. Clavulanic acid is biosynthetically generated from the amino-acid L-arginine and from pyruvate. GO:0033050 KEGG:map00331 KEGG:map01110 PMID:10422585 PMID:10869089 PMID:11988517 PMID:16251194 pathway UPa:UPA00112 clavulanate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of clavulanic acid, a beta-lactam, structurally related to the penicillins, that possesses the ability to inactivate a wide range of beta-lactamase enzymes commonly found in microorganisms resistant to penicillins and cephalosporins. The name clavulanic acid is derived from the Streptomyces clavuligerus microorganisms from which clavulanic acid is derived. Clavulanic acid is biosynthetically generated from the amino-acid L-arginine and from pyruvate. UPa:amorgat GO:0033050 biological_process:clavulanic acid biosynthetic process KEGG:map00331 Clavulanic acid biosynthesis KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine. GO:0006048 KEGG:map00250 KEGG:map00520 KEGG:map01100 pathway UPa:UPA00113 UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine. UPa:amorgat GO:0006048 biological_process:UDP-N-acetylglucosamine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00250 Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism KEGG:map00520 Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Degradation of xylan, a polymer of xylose residues. GO:0045493 pathway UPa:UPA00114 xylan degradation Degradation of xylan, a polymer of xylose residues. UPa:amorgat GO:0045493 biological_process:xylan catabolic process The pentose phosphate pathway is part of central metabolism. This pathway provides a means by which glucose can be oxidized to generate NADPH and is the source of much of the NADPH that is needed for the biosynthesis of many biomolecules. The pentose phosphate pathway and the Calvin cycle have in common several enzymes and intermediates that attest to a common evolution. Like glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, these pathways are mirror images of one another: the Calvin cycle uses NADPH to reduce carbon dioxide to generate hexoses, whereas the pentose phosphate pathway breaks down glucose into carbon dioxide to generate NADPH. The Calvin cycle is sometimes referred to as the reductive pentose phosphate pathway [Stryer, Biochemistry, 2002]. For convenience, the pentose phosphate pathway is commonly divided into its preliminary oxidative stage in which glucose-6-phosphate is oxidized to ribulose-5-phosphate, and its subsequent non-oxidative stage, in which through a series of transaldolase and transketolase reactions, ribulose-5-phosphate is converted into fructose-6-phosphate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. GO:0006098 KEGG:map00030 KEGG:map00040 KEGG:map00480 KEGG:map00710 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 hexose monophosphate pathway hexose monophosphate shunt pentose shunt phosphogluconate pathway pathway UPa:UPA00115 pentose phosphate pathway The pentose phosphate pathway is part of central metabolism. This pathway provides a means by which glucose can be oxidized to generate NADPH and is the source of much of the NADPH that is needed for the biosynthesis of many biomolecules. The pentose phosphate pathway and the Calvin cycle have in common several enzymes and intermediates that attest to a common evolution. Like glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, these pathways are mirror images of one another: the Calvin cycle uses NADPH to reduce carbon dioxide to generate hexoses, whereas the pentose phosphate pathway breaks down glucose into carbon dioxide to generate NADPH. The Calvin cycle is sometimes referred to as the reductive pentose phosphate pathway [Stryer, Biochemistry, 2002]. For convenience, the pentose phosphate pathway is commonly divided into its preliminary oxidative stage in which glucose-6-phosphate is oxidized to ribulose-5-phosphate, and its subsequent non-oxidative stage, in which through a series of transaldolase and transketolase reactions, ribulose-5-phosphate is converted into fructose-6-phosphate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. UPa:amorgat GO:0006098 biological_process:pentose-phosphate shunt KEGG:map00030 Pentose phosphate pathway KEGG:map00040 Pentose and glucuronate interconversions KEGG:map00480 Glutathione metabolism KEGG:map00710 Carbon fixation in photosynthetic organisms KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments In the Calvin cycle, the source of the carbon atoms is the simple molecule carbon dioxide. In this extremely important process, carbon dioxide gas is trapped in a form that is useful for many processes. The Calvin cycle brings into living systems the carbon atoms that will become constituents of nucleic acids, proteins, and fats. Photosynthetic organisms are called autotrophs (literally self- feeders) because they can synthesize glucose from carbon dioxide and water, by using sunlight as an energy source, and then recover some of this energy from the synthesized glucose through the glycolytic pathway and aerobic metabolism. Organisms that obtain energy from chemical fuels only are called heterotrophs, which ultimately depend on autotrophs for their fuel. The Calvin cycle also differs from gluconeogenesis in where it takes place in photosynthetic eukaryotes. Whereas gluconeogenesis takes place in the cytoplasm, the Calvin cycle takes place in the stroma of chloroplasts, the photosynthetic organelles. The pentose phosphate pathway is part of central metabolism. This pathway provides a means by which glucose can be oxidized to generate NADPH and is the source of much of the NADPH that is needed for the biosynthesis of many biomolecules, most notably fats. The pentose phosphate pathway and the Calvin cycle have in common several enzymes and intermediates that attest to an evolutionary kinship. Like glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, these pathways are mirror images of one another: the Calvin cycle uses NADPH to reduce carbon dioxide to generate hexoses, whereas the pentose phosphate pathway breaks down glucose into carbon dioxide to generate NADPH. The Calvin cycle is sometimes referred to as the reductive pentose phosphate pathway. [Stryer, Biochemistry, 2002]. GO:0019253 MetaCyc:CALVIN-PWY C3 photosynthesis reductive pentose phosphate cycle reductive pentose phosphate pathway pathway UPa:UPA00116 Calvin cycle In the Calvin cycle, the source of the carbon atoms is the simple molecule carbon dioxide. In this extremely important process, carbon dioxide gas is trapped in a form that is useful for many processes. The Calvin cycle brings into living systems the carbon atoms that will become constituents of nucleic acids, proteins, and fats. Photosynthetic organisms are called autotrophs (literally self- feeders) because they can synthesize glucose from carbon dioxide and water, by using sunlight as an energy source, and then recover some of this energy from the synthesized glucose through the glycolytic pathway and aerobic metabolism. Organisms that obtain energy from chemical fuels only are called heterotrophs, which ultimately depend on autotrophs for their fuel. The Calvin cycle also differs from gluconeogenesis in where it takes place in photosynthetic eukaryotes. Whereas gluconeogenesis takes place in the cytoplasm, the Calvin cycle takes place in the stroma of chloroplasts, the photosynthetic organelles. The pentose phosphate pathway is part of central metabolism. This pathway provides a means by which glucose can be oxidized to generate NADPH and is the source of much of the NADPH that is needed for the biosynthesis of many biomolecules, most notably fats. The pentose phosphate pathway and the Calvin cycle have in common several enzymes and intermediates that attest to an evolutionary kinship. Like glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, these pathways are mirror images of one another: the Calvin cycle uses NADPH to reduce carbon dioxide to generate hexoses, whereas the pentose phosphate pathway breaks down glucose into carbon dioxide to generate NADPH. The Calvin cycle is sometimes referred to as the reductive pentose phosphate pathway. [Stryer, Biochemistry, 2002]. UPa:amorgat GO:0019253 biological_process:reductive pentose-phosphate cycle Metabolism of L-Carnitine (hydroxy-trimethyl aminobutyric acid), a derivative of the amino acid L-lysine. Its name is derived from the fact that it was first isolated from meat (carnus) in 1905. Because L-carnitine appeared to act as a vitamin in the mealworm (Tenebrio molitor), it was called vitamin BT. Vitamin BT turned out to be a misnomer when scientists discovered that humans and other higher organisms synthesize L-carnitine. Under certain conditions, the demand for L-carnitine may exceed an individual's capacity to synthesize it, making it a conditionally essential nutrient. L-Carnitine is synthesized primarily in the liver and also in the kidneys, and must be transported to other tissues. It is most concentrated in tissues that use fatty acids as their primary dietary fuel, such as skeletal and cardiac (heart) muscle. In this regard, L-carnitine plays an important role in energy production by chaperoning activated fatty acids (acyl-CoA) into the mitochondrial matrix for metabolism and chaperoning intermediate compounds out of the mitochondrial matrix to prevent their accumulation. GO:0009437 PMID:10209289 PMID:11551212 PMID:12081978 PMID:15518548 PMID:15731894 L-Carnitine metabolism hydroxy-trimethyl aminobutyric acid metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00117 carnitine metabolism Metabolism of L-Carnitine (hydroxy-trimethyl aminobutyric acid), a derivative of the amino acid L-lysine. Its name is derived from the fact that it was first isolated from meat (carnus) in 1905. Because L-carnitine appeared to act as a vitamin in the mealworm (Tenebrio molitor), it was called vitamin BT. Vitamin BT turned out to be a misnomer when scientists discovered that humans and other higher organisms synthesize L-carnitine. Under certain conditions, the demand for L-carnitine may exceed an individual's capacity to synthesize it, making it a conditionally essential nutrient. L-Carnitine is synthesized primarily in the liver and also in the kidneys, and must be transported to other tissues. It is most concentrated in tissues that use fatty acids as their primary dietary fuel, such as skeletal and cardiac (heart) muscle. In this regard, L-carnitine plays an important role in energy production by chaperoning activated fatty acids (acyl-CoA) into the mitochondrial matrix for metabolism and chaperoning intermediate compounds out of the mitochondrial matrix to prevent their accumulation. UPa:amorgat GO:0009437 biological_process:carnitine metabolic process The formation from simpler components of carnitine (hydroxy-trimethyl aminobutyric acid). L-Carnitine is synthesized primarily in the liver and also in the kidneys, and must be transported to other tissues. GO:0045329 L-carnitine biosynthesis hydroxy-trimethyl aminobutyric acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00118 carnitine biosynthesis The formation from simpler components of carnitine (hydroxy-trimethyl aminobutyric acid). L-Carnitine is synthesized primarily in the liver and also in the kidneys, and must be transported to other tissues. UPa:amorgat GO:0045329 biological_process:carnitine biosynthetic process Degradation of xanthosine, a purine nucleoside. GO:1903228 pathway UPa:UPA00119 xanthosine degradation Degradation of xanthosine, a purine nucleoside. UPa:amorgat GO:1903228 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of prephenate from chorismate. Prephenate is an intermediate in the biosynthesis of aromatic amino-acids, L-Phenylalanine and L-Tyrosine. KEGG:map00400 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 pathway UPa:UPA00120 prephenate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of prephenate from chorismate. Prephenate is an intermediate in the biosynthesis of aromatic amino-acids, L-Phenylalanine and L-Tyrosine. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00400 Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of L-phenylalanine ((S)-alpha-amino-beta-phenylpropionic acid) from prephenate. GO:0009094 KEGG:map00360 KEGG:map00400 KEGG:map00960 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 (S)-alpha-amino-beta-phenylpropionic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00121 L-phenylalanine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of L-phenylalanine ((S)-alpha-amino-beta-phenylpropionic acid) from prephenate. UPa:amorgat GO:0009094 biological_process:L-phenylalanine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00360 Phenylalanine metabolism KEGG:map00400 Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis KEGG:map00960 Tropane, piperidine and pyridine alkaloid biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of L-tyrosine ((S)-3-(p-hydroxyphenyl)alanine) from prephenate. GO:0006571 KEGG:map00130 KEGG:map00350 KEGG:map00400 KEGG:map00401 KEGG:map00950 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 MetaCyc:PWY-3461 MetaCyc:PWY-6120 MetaCyc:TYRSYN (S)-2-amino-3-(p-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid biosynthesis (S)-3-(p-hydroxyphenyl)alanine biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00122 L-tyrosine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of L-tyrosine ((S)-3-(p-hydroxyphenyl)alanine) from prephenate. UPa:amorgat GO:0006571 biological_process:tyrosine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00130 Ubiquinone and other terpenoid-quinone biosynthesis KEGG:map00350 Tyrosine metabolism KEGG:map00400 Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis KEGG:map00401 Novobiocin biosynthesis KEGG:map00950 Isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites The covalent alteration of one or more monomeric units in a polypeptide, polynucleotide, polysaccharide, or other biological polymer, resulting in a change in its properties [GO:0043412]. GO:0043412 pathway UPa:UPA00123 biopolymer modification The covalent alteration of one or more monomeric units in a polypeptide, polynucleotide, polysaccharide, or other biological polymer, resulting in a change in its properties [GO:0043412]. UPa:amorgat GO:0043412 biological_process:macromolecule modification The formation from simpler components of dTDP-L-rhamnose, a substance composed of L-rhamnose in glycosidic linkage with deoxyribosylthymine diphosphate. GO:0019305 dTDP-6-deoxy-L-mannose biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00124 dTDP-L-rhamnose biosynthesis The formation from simpler components of dTDP-L-rhamnose, a substance composed of L-rhamnose in glycosidic linkage with deoxyribosylthymine diphosphate. UPa:amorgat GO:0019305 biological_process:dTDP-rhamnose biosynthetic process Metabolism of rhamnose (hexose 6-deoxy-L-mannose). GO:0019299 hexose 6-deoxy-L-mannose metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00125 L-rhamnose metabolism Metabolism of rhamnose (hexose 6-deoxy-L-mannose). UPa:amorgat GO:0019299 biological_process:rhamnose metabolic process The formation from simpler components of GDP-D-mannose, a substance composed of mannose in glycosidic linkage with guanosine diphosphate. GO:0009298 KEGG:map00051 KEGG:map00520 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 pathway UPa:UPA00126 GDP-alpha-D-mannose biosynthesis The formation from simpler components of GDP-D-mannose, a substance composed of mannose in glycosidic linkage with guanosine diphosphate. UPa:amorgat GO:0009298 biological_process:GDP-mannose biosynthetic process KEGG:map00051 Fructose and mannose metabolism KEGG:map00520 Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of anthracyclines, a class of antitumor polyketide antibiotic. These compounds are used to treat a wide range of cancers, including (but not limited to) leukemias, lymphomas, and breast, uterine, ovarian, and lung cancers. pathway UPa:UPA00127 anthracycline biosynthesis Biosynthesis of anthracyclines, a class of antitumor polyketide antibiotic. These compounds are used to treat a wide range of cancers, including (but not limited to) leukemias, lymphomas, and breast, uterine, ovarian, and lung cancers. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of GDP-L-fucose via de novo pathway. GDP-L-fucose, the substrate for fucosyltransferases for addition of fucose to polysaccharides or glycoproteins in both procaryotes and eucaryotes, is made from GDP-D-mannose. L-Fucose is a component of bacterial surface antigens, including the extracellular polysaccharide colanic acid produced by most Escherichia coli strains, as well as by other species of the family Enterobacteriaceae. In the de novo pathway, GDP-L-fucose is synthesized from GDP-mannose via an oxidation, an epimerization, and a reduction. These steps are catalyzed by two enzymes, GDP-mannose-4,6-dehydratase and GDP-4-keto-6 -deoxy-mannose-3,5-epimerase-4-reductase (FX in mammals). In mammals, the de novo pathway is the major route for cellular GDP-L-fucose biosynthesis in vivo. Levels of GDP-L-fucose in human hepatocellular carcinoma tissues are significantly increased compared with adjacent nontumor tissues or normal livers. (relationship between elevated FX expression and increased production of GDP-L-Fucose). GO:0042351 KEGG:map00051 KEGG:map00520 KEGG:map01100 MetaCyc:PWY-66 PMID:14559815 PMID:9525924 PMID:9603974 GDP-D-mannose to GDP-L-fucose conversion pathway UPa:UPA00128 GDP-L-fucose biosynthesis via de novo pathway Biosynthesis of GDP-L-fucose via de novo pathway. GDP-L-fucose, the substrate for fucosyltransferases for addition of fucose to polysaccharides or glycoproteins in both procaryotes and eucaryotes, is made from GDP-D-mannose. L-Fucose is a component of bacterial surface antigens, including the extracellular polysaccharide colanic acid produced by most Escherichia coli strains, as well as by other species of the family Enterobacteriaceae. In the de novo pathway, GDP-L-fucose is synthesized from GDP-mannose via an oxidation, an epimerization, and a reduction. These steps are catalyzed by two enzymes, GDP-mannose-4,6-dehydratase and GDP-4-keto-6 -deoxy-mannose-3,5-epimerase-4-reductase (FX in mammals). In mammals, the de novo pathway is the major route for cellular GDP-L-fucose biosynthesis in vivo. Levels of GDP-L-fucose in human hepatocellular carcinoma tissues are significantly increased compared with adjacent nontumor tissues or normal livers. (relationship between elevated FX expression and increased production of GDP-L-Fucose). UPa:amorgat GO:0042351 biological_process:'de novo' GDP-L-fucose biosynthetic process KEGG:map00051 Fructose and mannose metabolism KEGG:map00520 Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of GDP-L-fucose from L-fucose, without de novo synthesis. In the salvage pathway, GDP-L-fucose is synthesized by the action of an L-fucose kinase and GDP-L-fucose pyrophospholylase from free fucose, which is delivered to the cytosol either extracellularly or intracellularly. GO:0042352 PMID:9804772 pathway UPa:UPA00129 GDP-L-fucose biosynthesis via salvage pathway Biosynthesis of GDP-L-fucose from L-fucose, without de novo synthesis. In the salvage pathway, GDP-L-fucose is synthesized by the action of an L-fucose kinase and GDP-L-fucose pyrophospholylase from free fucose, which is delivered to the cytosol either extracellularly or intracellularly. UPa:amorgat GO:0042352 biological_process:GDP-L-fucose salvage Biosynthesis of alpha mannosylglycerate (MG), a compatible solute originally identified in red algae of the order Ceramiales. Mannosylglycerate is a common compatible solute of halotolerant or slightly halophilic thermophilic and hyperthermophilic prokaryotes. Mannosylglycerate has a role in stabilizing proteins from thermal denaturation, since it is one of the most efficient thermoprotectants known in vitro. The biosynthesis of MG proceeds via two alternate routes. In one pathway, GDP-mannose is condensed with D-glycerate to produce MG in a single glycosyl transfer reaction catalyzed by MG synthase. In the other pathway, mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase (MPGS) catalyzes the conversion of GDP-mannose and D-3-phosphoglycerate into mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate (MPG), which is subsequently converted to MG by mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate phosphatase (MPGP). GO:0051479 KEGG:map00051 PMID:10585410 PMID:11562374 PMID:12788726 pathway UPa:UPA00130 2-(alpha-D-mannosyl)-D-glycerate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of alpha mannosylglycerate (MG), a compatible solute originally identified in red algae of the order Ceramiales. Mannosylglycerate is a common compatible solute of halotolerant or slightly halophilic thermophilic and hyperthermophilic prokaryotes. Mannosylglycerate has a role in stabilizing proteins from thermal denaturation, since it is one of the most efficient thermoprotectants known in vitro. The biosynthesis of MG proceeds via two alternate routes. In one pathway, GDP-mannose is condensed with D-glycerate to produce MG in a single glycosyl transfer reaction catalyzed by MG synthase. In the other pathway, mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase (MPGS) catalyzes the conversion of GDP-mannose and D-3-phosphoglycerate into mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate (MPG), which is subsequently converted to MG by mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate phosphatase (MPGP). UPa:amorgat GO:0051479 biological_process:mannosylglycerate biosynthetic process KEGG:map00051 Fructose and mannose metabolism Biosynthesis of beta-alanine (3-aminopropanoic acid = 3-aminopropanoate), an achiral amino-acid and an isomer of alanine. It occurs free (e.g. in brain) and in combination (e.g. in pantothenate) but it is not a constituent of proteins. It is an intermediate in pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) and coenzyme A (CoA) biosynthesis. In contrast to bacteria, yeast derive the beta-alanine required for pantothenic acid production via polyamine metabolism. GO:0019483 PMID:12586697 PMID:6767707 pathway UPa:UPA00131 beta-alanine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of beta-alanine (3-aminopropanoic acid = 3-aminopropanoate), an achiral amino-acid and an isomer of alanine. It occurs free (e.g. in brain) and in combination (e.g. in pantothenate) but it is not a constituent of proteins. It is an intermediate in pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) and coenzyme A (CoA) biosynthesis. In contrast to bacteria, yeast derive the beta-alanine required for pantothenic acid production via polyamine metabolism. UPa:amorgat GO:0019483 biological_process:beta-alanine biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of L-ascorbic acid (Asa), a sugar acid with antioxidant properties. L-ascorbate is required as a cofactor in reactions catalyzed by copper-dependent monooxygenases and iron-dependent dioxygenases. L-ascorbic acid can be biosynthesized by plants, some bacteria and many vertebrates, although not in guinea pigs and primates, including humans. GO:0019853 PMID:11153268 PMID:15564123 PMID:8821967 (2R)-2-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydrofuran-3-olate biosynthesis AsA biosynthesis L-ascorbic acid biosynthesis vitamin C biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00132 L-ascorbate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of L-ascorbic acid (Asa), a sugar acid with antioxidant properties. L-ascorbate is required as a cofactor in reactions catalyzed by copper-dependent monooxygenases and iron-dependent dioxygenases. L-ascorbic acid can be biosynthesized by plants, some bacteria and many vertebrates, although not in guinea pigs and primates, including humans. UPa:amorgat GO:0019853 biological_process:L-ascorbic acid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of L-alanine amino-acid. GO:0042852 pathway UPa:UPA00133 L-alanine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of L-alanine amino-acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0042852 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of L-asparagine amino-acid. GO:0070981 KEGG:map00250 KEGG:map00460 KEGG:map00910 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 pathway UPa:UPA00134 L-asparagine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of L-asparagine amino-acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0070981 biological_process:L-asparagine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00250 Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism KEGG:map00460 Cyanoamino acid metabolism KEGG:map00910 Nitrogen metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of L-serine amino-acid. KEGG:map00260 KEGG:map00680 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 PMID:11354602 PMID:16269752 PMID:2982327 PMID:3004357 PMID:7198894 pathway UPa:UPA00135 L-serine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of L-serine amino-acid. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism KEGG:map00680 Methane metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of L-cysteine amino-acid. GO:0019344 KEGG:map00260 KEGG:map00270 KEGG:map00910 KEGG:map00920 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 pathway UPa:UPA00136 L-cysteine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of L-cysteine amino-acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0019344 biological_process:cysteine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism KEGG:map00270 Cysteine and methionine metabolism KEGG:map00910 Nitrogen metabolism KEGG:map00920 Sulfur metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Degradation of monoterpenes. Monoterpenes can be divided into three major subgroups: linear monoterpenes, monocyclic monoterpenes and bicyclic monoterpenes. PMID:10769172 pathway UPa:UPA00137 monoterpene degradation Degradation of monoterpenes. Monoterpenes can be divided into three major subgroups: linear monoterpenes, monocyclic monoterpenes and bicyclic monoterpenes. UPa:amorgat Gluconeogenesis is the generation of glucose from other organic molecules like lactate, glycerol, and amino-acids. Many 3- and 4-carbon substrates can enter the gluconeogenesis pathway. But the first designated substrate in the gluconeogenic pathway is pyruvate. Gluconeogenesis cannot be considered to be a reverse process of glycolysis, as the three irreversible steps in glycolysis are bypassed in gluconeogenesis. This is done to ensure that glycolysis and gluconeogenesis do not operate at the same time in the cell. GO:0006094 glucose biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00138 gluconeogenesis Gluconeogenesis is the generation of glucose from other organic molecules like lactate, glycerol, and amino-acids. Many 3- and 4-carbon substrates can enter the gluconeogenesis pathway. But the first designated substrate in the gluconeogenic pathway is pyruvate. Gluconeogenesis cannot be considered to be a reverse process of glycolysis, as the three irreversible steps in glycolysis are bypassed in gluconeogenesis. This is done to ensure that glycolysis and gluconeogenesis do not operate at the same time in the cell. UPa:amorgat GO:0006094 biological_process:gluconeogenesis Degradation of L-phenylalanine, an aromatic amino-acid. GO:0006559 KEGG:map00130 KEGG:map00350 KEGG:map00360 KEGG:map00400 KEGG:map00401 KEGG:map00643 KEGG:map00950 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 (S)-2-amino-3-(p-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid degradation (S)-3-(p-hydroxyphenyl)alanine degradation (S)-alpha-amino-beta-phenylpropionic acid degradation L-tyrosine degradation pathway UPa:UPA00139 L-phenylalanine degradation Degradation of L-phenylalanine, an aromatic amino-acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0006559 biological_process:L-phenylalanine catabolic process KEGG:map00130 Ubiquinone and other terpenoid-quinone biosynthesis KEGG:map00350 Tyrosine metabolism KEGG:map00360 Phenylalanine metabolism KEGG:map00400 Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis KEGG:map00401 Novobiocin biosynthesis KEGG:map00643 Styrene degradation KEGG:map00950 Isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Conversion of sulfate to hydrogen sulfide, in preparation for incorporation into cysteine and methionine. Sulfate can provide sulfur for biosynthesis. The sulfur atom in sulfate is more oxidized than it is in cysteine and other organic molecules; thus sulfate must be reduced before it can be assimilated. This process is known as assimilatory sulfate reduction to distinguish it from the dissimilatory sulfate reduction that takes place when sulfate acts as an electron acceptor during anaerobic respiration. GO:0070814 KEGG:map00230 KEGG:map00920 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 PMID:10464198 PMID:15917234 assimilatory sulfate reduction sulfate activation pathway sulfate assimilation pathway pathway UPa:UPA00140 hydrogen sulfide biosynthesis Conversion of sulfate to hydrogen sulfide, in preparation for incorporation into cysteine and methionine. Sulfate can provide sulfur for biosynthesis. The sulfur atom in sulfate is more oxidized than it is in cysteine and other organic molecules; thus sulfate must be reduced before it can be assimilated. This process is known as assimilatory sulfate reduction to distinguish it from the dissimilatory sulfate reduction that takes place when sulfate acts as an electron acceptor during anaerobic respiration. UPa:amorgat GO:0070814 biological_process:hydrogen sulfide biosynthetic process KEGG:map00230 Purine metabolism KEGG:map00920 Sulfur metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Degradation of L-arabinose via L-arabinono-1,4-lactone pathway. In this catabolic pathway, L-arabinose is oxidized to L-arabino-gamma-lactone (L-arabinono-1,4-lactone) by a NAD(P)+-dependent dehydrogenase. The lactone is cleaved by a lactonase to L-arabonate, followed by two successive dehydration reactions forming L-2-keto-3-deoxyarabonate (L-KDA)2 and alpha-ketoglutaric semialdehyde(alpha-KGSA). The last step is the NAD(P)+-dependent dehydrogenation of alpha-KGSA to alpha-ketoglutaric acid (referred to as the first pathway). Alternatively, L-KDA is cleaved through an aldolase reaction to glycolaldehyde and pyruvate (referred to as the second pathway). GO:0019570 KEGG:map00040 KEGG:map00053 KEGG:map01100 MetaCyc:PWY-5517 PMID:16326697 PMID:16950779 PMID:17202142 pathway UPa:UPA00141 L-arabinose degradation via L-arabinono-1,4-lactone pathway Degradation of L-arabinose via L-arabinono-1,4-lactone pathway. In this catabolic pathway, L-arabinose is oxidized to L-arabino-gamma-lactone (L-arabinono-1,4-lactone) by a NAD(P)+-dependent dehydrogenase. The lactone is cleaved by a lactonase to L-arabonate, followed by two successive dehydration reactions forming L-2-keto-3-deoxyarabonate (L-KDA)2 and alpha-ketoglutaric semialdehyde(alpha-KGSA). The last step is the NAD(P)+-dependent dehydrogenation of alpha-KGSA to alpha-ketoglutaric acid (referred to as the first pathway). Alternatively, L-KDA is cleaved through an aldolase reaction to glycolaldehyde and pyruvate (referred to as the second pathway). UPa:amorgat GO:0019570 biological_process:L-arabinose catabolic process to 2-oxoglutarate KEGG:map00040 Pentose and glucuronate interconversions KEGG:map00053 Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of glutathione (GSH; L-{gamma}-glutamyl-L-cysteinylglycine), a predominant low molecular weight peptide thiol present in many Gram- negative bacteria and in virtually all eukaryotes, except those that lack mitochondria. GO:0006750 KEGG:map00480 KEGG:map01100 PMID:16339152 GSH biosynthesis glutathione de novo biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00142 glutathione biosynthesis Biosynthesis of glutathione (GSH; L-{gamma}-glutamyl-L-cysteinylglycine), a predominant low molecular weight peptide thiol present in many Gram- negative bacteria and in virtually all eukaryotes, except those that lack mitochondria. UPa:amorgat GO:0006750 biological_process:glutathione biosynthetic process KEGG:map00480 Glutathione metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Ubiquitin is a small protein that occurs in all eukaryotic cells. Its main known function is to mark other proteins for destruction, known as proteolysis. The process of marking a protein with ubiquitin (ubiquitinylation, ubiquitylation or ubiquitination) consists of a series of steps [source: wikipedia]: 1. Activation of ubiquitin - ubiquitin is activated in a two-step reaction by an E1 ubiquitin-activating enzyme in a process requiring ATP as an energy source. The initial step involves production of a ubiquitin-adenylate intermediate. The second step transfers ubiquitin to the E1 active site cysteine residue, with release of AMP. This step results in a thioester linkage between the C-terminal carboxyl group of ubiquitin and the E1 cysteine sulfhydryl group. 2. Transfer of ubiquitin from E1 to the active site cysteine of a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 via a trans(thio)esterification reaction. 3. The final step of the ubiquitinylation cascade generally requires the activity of one of the hundreds of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligases (often termed simply ubiquitin ligase). E3 enzymes function as the substrate recognition modules of the system and are capable of interaction with both E2 and substrate. E3 enzymes possess one of two domains: * The HECT (Homologous to the E6-AP Carboxyl Terminus) domain * The RING domain (or the closely related U-box domain). GO:0016567 PMID:11395416 Ubl conjugation pathway protein ubiquitinylation protein ubiquitylation ubiquitin conjugation pathway pathway UPa:UPA00143 protein ubiquitination Ubiquitin is a small protein that occurs in all eukaryotic cells. Its main known function is to mark other proteins for destruction, known as proteolysis. The process of marking a protein with ubiquitin (ubiquitinylation, ubiquitylation or ubiquitination) consists of a series of steps [source: wikipedia]: 1. Activation of ubiquitin - ubiquitin is activated in a two-step reaction by an E1 ubiquitin-activating enzyme in a process requiring ATP as an energy source. The initial step involves production of a ubiquitin-adenylate intermediate. The second step transfers ubiquitin to the E1 active site cysteine residue, with release of AMP. This step results in a thioester linkage between the C-terminal carboxyl group of ubiquitin and the E1 cysteine sulfhydryl group. 2. Transfer of ubiquitin from E1 to the active site cysteine of a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 via a trans(thio)esterification reaction. 3. The final step of the ubiquitinylation cascade generally requires the activity of one of the hundreds of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligases (often termed simply ubiquitin ligase). E3 enzymes function as the substrate recognition modules of the system and are capable of interaction with both E2 and substrate. E3 enzymes possess one of two domains: * The HECT (Homologous to the E6-AP Carboxyl Terminus) domain * The RING domain (or the closely related U-box domain). UPa:amorgat GO:0016567 biological_process:protein ubiquitination Degradation of proteins by hydrolysis of their peptide bonds. This process is initiated by the covalent attachment of ubiquitin, and mediated by the proteasome. GO:0043161 UFD pathway ubiquitin fusion protein degradation pathway pathway UPa:UPA00144 proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent pathway Degradation of proteins by hydrolysis of their peptide bonds. This process is initiated by the covalent attachment of ubiquitin, and mediated by the proteasome. UPa:amorgat GO:0043161 biological_process:proteasome-mediated ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process Degradation of L-arabinose via L-ribulose pathway. The bacterial L-arabinose catabolic pathway consists of L-arabinose isomerase (EC, ribulokinase (EC, and L-ribulose phosphate 4-epimerase (EC which convert L-arabinose to D-xylulose 5-phosphate. The pathway and the genes of this pathway are well-established. GO:0019569 KEGG:map00040 KEGG:map00053 KEGG:map01100 MetaCyc:ARABCAT-PWY PMID:3549454 PMID:9084180 pathway UPa:UPA00145 L-arabinose degradation via L-ribulose Degradation of L-arabinose via L-ribulose pathway. The bacterial L-arabinose catabolic pathway consists of L-arabinose isomerase (EC, ribulokinase (EC, and L-ribulose phosphate 4-epimerase (EC which convert L-arabinose to D-xylulose 5-phosphate. The pathway and the genes of this pathway are well-established. UPa:amorgat GO:0019569 biological_process:L-arabinose catabolic process to xylulose 5-phosphate KEGG:map00040 Pentose and glucuronate interconversions KEGG:map00053 Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Degradation of L-arabinose via L-arabinitol pathway. The fungal L-arabinose catabolic pathway consists of aldose reductase (EC, L-arabinitol 4-dehydrogenase (EC, L-xylulose reductase (EC, D-xylulose reductase (EC, and xylulokinase (EC which convert L-arabinose to D-xylulose 5-phosphate. GO:0019569 KEGG:map00040 KEGG:map01100 MetaCyc:PWY-5515 PMID:12009906 pathway UPa:UPA00146 L-arabinose degradation via L-arabinitol Degradation of L-arabinose via L-arabinitol pathway. The fungal L-arabinose catabolic pathway consists of aldose reductase (EC, L-arabinitol 4-dehydrogenase (EC, L-xylulose reductase (EC, D-xylulose reductase (EC, and xylulokinase (EC which convert L-arabinose to D-xylulose 5-phosphate. UPa:amorgat GO:0019569 biological_process:L-arabinose catabolic process to xylulose 5-phosphate KEGG:map00040 Pentose and glucuronate interconversions KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Degradation of methane, the simplest alkane. GO:0046188 pathway UPa:UPA00147 methane degradation Degradation of methane, the simplest alkane. UPa:amorgat GO:0046188 biological_process:methane catabolic process Biosynthesis of adenosylcobalamin (vitamin B12), a modified tetrapyrrole cofactor. Adenosylcobalamin belongs to the same class of compounds as heme, chlorophyll, siroheme, and coenzyme F430. Most prokaryotic organisms as well as animals (including human) and protists have enzyme that require adenosylcobalamin as cofactor, whereas plants and fungi are thought not to use it. It is one of the most structurally complex protein cofactors ans its biosynthesis remains one of the most enigmatic and exigent metabolic pathways in nature, requiring around 30 enzymes. Two distinct yet similar route exist, known as the oxygene-dependent (aerobic route) and oxygen-independent (anaerobic route) pathways. These pathways diverge at precorrin-2 and merge again at adenosylcobyrate. The major difference between these two routes include the timing of cobalt insertion, the requirement for oxygen and the nature of the extruded carbon fragment which is lost during the ring construction process [McGoldrick et al, 2005]. GO:0009236 KEGG:map00860 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:12196148 PMID:16198574 PMID:16866557 vitamin B12 biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00148 adenosylcobalamin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of adenosylcobalamin (vitamin B12), a modified tetrapyrrole cofactor. Adenosylcobalamin belongs to the same class of compounds as heme, chlorophyll, siroheme, and coenzyme F430. Most prokaryotic organisms as well as animals (including human) and protists have enzyme that require adenosylcobalamin as cofactor, whereas plants and fungi are thought not to use it. It is one of the most structurally complex protein cofactors ans its biosynthesis remains one of the most enigmatic and exigent metabolic pathways in nature, requiring around 30 enzymes. Two distinct yet similar route exist, known as the oxygene-dependent (aerobic route) and oxygen-independent (anaerobic route) pathways. These pathways diverge at precorrin-2 and merge again at adenosylcobyrate. The major difference between these two routes include the timing of cobalt insertion, the requirement for oxygen and the nature of the extruded carbon fragment which is lost during the ring construction process [McGoldrick et al, 2005]. UPa:amorgat GO:0009236 biological_process:cobalamin biosynthetic process KEGG:map00860 Porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of penicillin G, a beta-lactam antibiotic. Penicillin G is one of the mainly used antibiotics for the therapy of infectious diseases. It is produced as end product by some filamentous fungi only, most notably by Aspergillus (Emericella) nidulans and Penicillium chrysogenum. The penicillin biosynthesis is catalysed by three enzymes which are encoded by the following three genes: pcbAB (acvA), pcbC (ipnA) and penDE (aatA). KEGG:map00311 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:15719552 pathway UPa:UPA00149 penicillin G biosynthesis Biosynthesis of penicillin G, a beta-lactam antibiotic. Penicillin G is one of the mainly used antibiotics for the therapy of infectious diseases. It is produced as end product by some filamentous fungi only, most notably by Aspergillus (Emericella) nidulans and Penicillium chrysogenum. The penicillin biosynthesis is catalysed by three enzymes which are encoded by the following three genes: pcbAB (acvA), pcbC (ipnA) and penDE (aatA). UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00311 Penicillin and cephalosporin biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Degradation of maltose (malt sugar), a disaccharide formed from two units of glucose joined with an alpha(1-4) linkage. GO:0000025 malt sugar degradation pathway UPa:UPA00150 maltose degradation Degradation of maltose (malt sugar), a disaccharide formed from two units of glucose joined with an alpha(1-4) linkage. UPa:amorgat GO:0000025 biological_process:maltose catabolic process Biosynthesis of auxins. Auxins are natural plant hormone involved in several stages of plant growth and development such as cell elongation, cell division, tissue differentiation, and apical dominance. The biosynthesis and the underlying mechanism of auxins (and cytokinins) action are subjects of intense investigation. Diverse bacterial species possess the ability to produce the auxin phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). GO:0009851 PMID:12758033 PMID:17509086 PMID:7576148 IAA biosynthesis indole-3-acetate biosynthesis indole-3-acetic acid biosynthesis indoleacetate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00151 auxin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of auxins. Auxins are natural plant hormone involved in several stages of plant growth and development such as cell elongation, cell division, tissue differentiation, and apical dominance. The biosynthesis and the underlying mechanism of auxins (and cytokinins) action are subjects of intense investigation. Diverse bacterial species possess the ability to produce the auxin phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). UPa:amorgat GO:0009851 biological_process:auxin biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of starch, a complex carbohydrate, used by plants as a way to store excess glucose. Starch contains a mixture of two molecules: amylose and amylopectin. Usually these are found in a ratio of 30:70 or 20:80, with amylopectin found in larger amounts than amylose. Starch is often found in the fruit, seeds, rhizomes or tubers of plants. GO:0019252 pathway UPa:UPA00152 starch biosynthesis Biosynthesis of starch, a complex carbohydrate, used by plants as a way to store excess glucose. Starch contains a mixture of two molecules: amylose and amylopectin. Usually these are found in a ratio of 30:70 or 20:80, with amylopectin found in larger amounts than amylose. Starch is often found in the fruit, seeds, rhizomes or tubers of plants. UPa:amorgat GO:0019252 biological_process:starch biosynthetic process Degradation of starch, a complex carbohydrate, used by plants as a way to store excess glucose. Starch contains a mixture of two molecules: amylose and amylopectin. Usually these are found in a ratio of 30:70 or 20:80, with amylopectin found in larger amounts than amylose. Starch is often found in the fruit, seeds, rhizomes or tubers of plants. GO:0005983 pathway UPa:UPA00153 starch degradation Degradation of starch, a complex carbohydrate, used by plants as a way to store excess glucose. Starch contains a mixture of two molecules: amylose and amylopectin. Usually these are found in a ratio of 30:70 or 20:80, with amylopectin found in larger amounts than amylose. Starch is often found in the fruit, seeds, rhizomes or tubers of plants. UPa:amorgat GO:0005983 biological_process:starch catabolic process The formation from simpler components of flavonoids, a group of phenolic derivatives containing a flavan skeleton. GO:0009813 pathway UPa:UPA00154 flavonoid biosynthesis The formation from simpler components of flavonoids, a group of phenolic derivatives containing a flavan skeleton. UPa:amorgat GO:0009813 biological_process:flavonoid biosynthetic process Degradation of biphenyl, an aromatic hydrocarbon, comprised of two, six-sided aromatic rings connected at one carbon on each ring. It is used as a fungistat in transportation containers of oranges and other citrus fruits, as an intermediate for the production of emulsifiers, optical brighteners, plastics, crop protection products and other organic compounds. It is also used as a heat transfer medium, as a dyestuff carrier for textiles and copying paper, as a solvent in pharmaceutical production, and it was the parent compound of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (Weaver et al., 1979). Biphenyl is considered to be one of the most thermally stable organic compounds (HSDB, 1991). Animal studies have indicated that biphenyl exposure results in morphological and histopathological changes in the urinary system and it is considered to be a possible mutagen based on in-vitro studies (Boehncke et al., 2005). Various aerobic bacteria are capable of degrading biphenyl via the bhp encoded pathway (Catelani et al., 1971 and Haddock et al., 1993), which is also capable of degrading low chlorinated PCBs. [Rehmann L, Daugulis AJ., Chemosphere. 2006 May;63(6):972-9.]. KEGG:map00621 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 PMID:16310831 PMID:16339959 pathway UPa:UPA00155 biphenyl degradation Degradation of biphenyl, an aromatic hydrocarbon, comprised of two, six-sided aromatic rings connected at one carbon on each ring. It is used as a fungistat in transportation containers of oranges and other citrus fruits, as an intermediate for the production of emulsifiers, optical brighteners, plastics, crop protection products and other organic compounds. It is also used as a heat transfer medium, as a dyestuff carrier for textiles and copying paper, as a solvent in pharmaceutical production, and it was the parent compound of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (Weaver et al., 1979). Biphenyl is considered to be one of the most thermally stable organic compounds (HSDB, 1991). Animal studies have indicated that biphenyl exposure results in morphological and histopathological changes in the urinary system and it is considered to be a possible mutagen based on in-vitro studies (Boehncke et al., 2005). Various aerobic bacteria are capable of degrading biphenyl via the bhp encoded pathway (Catelani et al., 1971 and Haddock et al., 1993), which is also capable of degrading low chlorinated PCBs. [Rehmann L, Daugulis AJ., Chemosphere. 2006 May;63(6):972-9.]. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00621 Dioxin degradation KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Degradation of benzoic acid via hydroxylation pathway. This aerobic pathway includes hydroxylation of the aromatic ring by monooxygenases or dioxygenases, whereby catechol (1,2-dihydroxybenzene) or protocatechuate (3,4-dihydroxybenzoate) is produced. These central aromatic intermediates are the substrates for ring-cleaving dioxygenases. GO:0043640 KEGG:map00362 KEGG:map00627 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 pathway UPa:UPA00156 benzoate degradation via hydroxylation Degradation of benzoic acid via hydroxylation pathway. This aerobic pathway includes hydroxylation of the aromatic ring by monooxygenases or dioxygenases, whereby catechol (1,2-dihydroxybenzene) or protocatechuate (3,4-dihydroxybenzoate) is produced. These central aromatic intermediates are the substrates for ring-cleaving dioxygenases. UPa:amorgat GO:0043640 biological_process:benzoate catabolic process via hydroxylation KEGG:map00362 Benzoate degradation KEGG:map00627 Aminobenzoate degradation KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments The classical beta-ketoadipate pathway: ortho cleavage of catechol (1,2-dihydroxybenzene) or protocatechuate (3,4-dihydroxybenzoate) ring leads to beta-ketoadipate (3-oxoadipate), which is subsequently converted to succinyl-coenzyme A (CoA) and acetyl-CoA. GO:0042952 KEGG:map00362 KEGG:map00624 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 PMID:15937168 PMID:8905091 pathway UPa:UPA00157 beta-ketoadipate pathway The classical beta-ketoadipate pathway: ortho cleavage of catechol (1,2-dihydroxybenzene) or protocatechuate (3,4-dihydroxybenzoate) ring leads to beta-ketoadipate (3-oxoadipate), which is subsequently converted to succinyl-coenzyme A (CoA) and acetyl-CoA. UPa:amorgat GO:0042952 biological_process:beta-ketoadipate pathway KEGG:map00362 Benzoate degradation KEGG:map00624 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments The urea cycle, also known as the ornithine cycle, is a cycle of biochemical reactions occurring in many animal organisms that produces urea from ammonia (NH4+). This cycle was the first metabolic cycle discovered (Krebs and Hensenleit, 1932) [Wikipedia]. Arginine from the diet or from protein breakdown is cleaved by the cytosolic enzyme arginase, generating urea and ornithine. In subsequent reactions of the urea cycle a new urea residue is built on the ornithine, regenerating arginine and perpetuating the cycle. GO:0000050 KEGG:map00250 KEGG:map00330 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 ornithine cycle pathway UPa:UPA00158 urea cycle The urea cycle, also known as the ornithine cycle, is a cycle of biochemical reactions occurring in many animal organisms that produces urea from ammonia (NH4+). This cycle was the first metabolic cycle discovered (Krebs and Hensenleit, 1932) [Wikipedia]. Arginine from the diet or from protein breakdown is cleaved by the cytosolic enzyme arginase, generating urea and ornithine. In subsequent reactions of the urea cycle a new urea residue is built on the ornithine, regenerating arginine and perpetuating the cycle. UPa:amorgat GO:0000050 biological_process:urea cycle KEGG:map00250 Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites De novo biosynthesis of CTP starting from UMP. GO:0044210 KEGG:map00240 KEGG:map01100 cytosine triphosphate biosynthesis via de novo pathway pathway UPa:UPA00159 CTP biosynthesis via de novo pathway De novo biosynthesis of CTP starting from UMP. UPa:amorgat GO:0044210 biological_process:'de novo' CTP biosynthetic process KEGG:map00240 Pyrimidine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of tocopherol, or vitamin E, a fat-soluble vitamin that is an important antioxidant. Natural vitamin E exists in eight different forms or isomers, four tocopherols and four tocotrienols. All isomers have a chromanol ring, with a hydroxyl group which can donate a hydrogen atom to reduce free radicals and a hydrophobic side chain which allows for penetration into biological membranes. There is an alpha, beta, gamma and delta form of both the tocopherols and tocotrienols, determined by the number of methyl groups on the chromanol ring. Each form has its own biological activity. Alpha-tocopherol is the most active form of vitamin E (tocopherol) in humans and is a powerful biological antioxidant. GO:0010189 vitamin E biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00160 tocopherol biosynthesis Biosynthesis of tocopherol, or vitamin E, a fat-soluble vitamin that is an important antioxidant. Natural vitamin E exists in eight different forms or isomers, four tocopherols and four tocotrienols. All isomers have a chromanol ring, with a hydroxyl group which can donate a hydrogen atom to reduce free radicals and a hydrophobic side chain which allows for penetration into biological membranes. There is an alpha, beta, gamma and delta form of both the tocopherols and tocotrienols, determined by the number of methyl groups on the chromanol ring. Each form has its own biological activity. Alpha-tocopherol is the most active form of vitamin E (tocopherol) in humans and is a powerful biological antioxidant. UPa:amorgat GO:0010189 biological_process:vitamin E biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of lincomycin A, an antibiotic that comes from the bacteria Streptomyces lincolnensis. It is composed of two moieties, a sugar moiety 6-amino-6,8-dideoxy-1-thio-D-erythro-{alpha}-D-galactooctopyranoside (methylthiolincosaminide) and an amino-acid derivative 4-n-propyl-L-hygric acid, linked by an amide bond. GO:1901774 PMID:15355345 PMID:8577249 PMID:9531633 cillimycin biosynthesis lincomycin A biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00161 lincomycin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of lincomycin A, an antibiotic that comes from the bacteria Streptomyces lincolnensis. It is composed of two moieties, a sugar moiety 6-amino-6,8-dideoxy-1-thio-D-erythro-{alpha}-D-galactooctopyranoside (methylthiolincosaminide) and an amino-acid derivative 4-n-propyl-L-hygric acid, linked by an amide bond. UPa:amorgat GO:1901774 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of vancomycin, a glycopeptide antibiotic that comes from Actonobacteria. Vancomycin acts by inhibiting proper cell wall synthesis in Gram-positive bacteria. The mechanism inhibited, and various factors related to entering the outer membrane of Gram- negative organisms mean that vancomycin is not active against Gram- negative bacteria (except some non-gonococcal species of Neisseria). Specifically, vancomycin prevents incorporation of N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM)- and N-acetylglucosamine (NAG)-peptide subunits into the peptidoglycan matrix; which forms the major structural component of Gram-positive cell walls. GO:0033072 PMID:12207020 PMID:12888556 PMID:15122882 pathway UPa:UPA00162 vancomycin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of vancomycin, a glycopeptide antibiotic that comes from Actonobacteria. Vancomycin acts by inhibiting proper cell wall synthesis in Gram-positive bacteria. The mechanism inhibited, and various factors related to entering the outer membrane of Gram- negative organisms mean that vancomycin is not active against Gram- negative bacteria (except some non-gonococcal species of Neisseria). Specifically, vancomycin prevents incorporation of N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM)- and N-acetylglucosamine (NAG)-peptide subunits into the peptidoglycan matrix; which forms the major structural component of Gram-positive cell walls. UPa:amorgat GO:0033072 biological_process:vancomycin biosynthetic process Metabolism of glycogen. This polysaccharide is the principal storage form of glucose (Glc) in animal cells. Glycogen is found in the form of granules in the cytosol in many cell types, and plays an important role in the glucose cycle. GO:0005977 pathway UPa:UPA00163 glycogen metabolism Metabolism of glycogen. This polysaccharide is the principal storage form of glucose (Glc) in animal cells. Glycogen is found in the form of granules in the cytosol in many cell types, and plays an important role in the glucose cycle. UPa:amorgat GO:0005977 biological_process:glycogen metabolic process Biosynthesis of glycogen, the principal storage form of glucose (Glc) in animal cells. Glycogen is found in the form of granules in the cytosol in many cell types, and plays an important role in the glucose cycle. GO:0005978 pathway UPa:UPA00164 glycogen biosynthesis Biosynthesis of glycogen, the principal storage form of glucose (Glc) in animal cells. Glycogen is found in the form of granules in the cytosol in many cell types, and plays an important role in the glucose cycle. UPa:amorgat GO:0005978 biological_process:glycogen biosynthetic process Degradation of glycogen, the principal storage form of glucose (Glc) in animal cells. Glycogen is found in the form of granules in the cytosol in many cell types, and plays an important role in the glucose cycle. GO:0005980 pathway UPa:UPA00165 glycogen degradation Degradation of glycogen, the principal storage form of glucose (Glc) in animal cells. Glycogen is found in the form of granules in the cytosol in many cell types, and plays an important role in the glucose cycle. UPa:amorgat GO:0005980 biological_process:glycogen catabolic process Biosynthesis of mersacidin, a glycopeptide antibiotic that comes from Actonobacteria. Vancomycin acts by inhibiting proper cell wall synthesis in Gram-positive bacteria. The mechanism inhibited, and various factors related to entering the outer membrane of Gram- negative organisms mean that vancomycin is not active against Gram- negative bacteria (except some non-gonococcal species of Neisseria). Specifically, vancomycin prevents incorporation of N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM)- and N-acetylglucosamine (NAG)-peptide subunits into the peptidoglycan matrix; which forms the major structural component of Gram-positive cell walls. PMID:10831439 pathway UPa:UPA00166 mersacidin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of mersacidin, a glycopeptide antibiotic that comes from Actonobacteria. Vancomycin acts by inhibiting proper cell wall synthesis in Gram-positive bacteria. The mechanism inhibited, and various factors related to entering the outer membrane of Gram- negative organisms mean that vancomycin is not active against Gram- negative bacteria (except some non-gonococcal species of Neisseria). Specifically, vancomycin prevents incorporation of N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM)- and N-acetylglucosamine (NAG)-peptide subunits into the peptidoglycan matrix; which forms the major structural component of Gram-positive cell walls. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of heptaketide naphthopyrone YWA1. yWA1 is a yellow conidial wall pigment intermediate produced by Emericella nidulans (Aspergillus nidulans). PMID:11251292 PMID:1465094 PMID:15324811 pathway UPa:UPA00167 heptaketide naphthopyrone YWA1 biosynthesis Biosynthesis of heptaketide naphthopyrone YWA1. yWA1 is a yellow conidial wall pigment intermediate produced by Emericella nidulans (Aspergillus nidulans). UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of phosphinothricin (2-amino-4-(hydroxymethylphosphinyl)butanoic acid) antibiotic. GO:1901766 2-amino-4-(hydroxymethylphosphinyl)butanoic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00168 phosphinothricin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of phosphinothricin (2-amino-4-(hydroxymethylphosphinyl)butanoic acid) antibiotic. UPa:amorgat GO:1901766 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of beta-lactam antibiotics, a broad class of antibiotics which include penicillin derivatives, cephalosporins, monobactams, carbapenems and beta-lactamase inhibitors,etc (i.e any antibiotic agent which contains a beta-lactam nucleus in its molecular structure). The beta- lactam ring, or penam, is a lactam with a heteroatomic ring structure, consisting of three carbon atoms and one nitrogen atom. GO:0030654 pathway UPa:UPA00169 beta-lactam biosynthesis Biosynthesis of beta-lactam antibiotics, a broad class of antibiotics which include penicillin derivatives, cephalosporins, monobactams, carbapenems and beta-lactamase inhibitors,etc (i.e any antibiotic agent which contains a beta-lactam nucleus in its molecular structure). The beta- lactam ring, or penam, is a lactam with a heteroatomic ring structure, consisting of three carbon atoms and one nitrogen atom. UPa:amorgat GO:0030654 biological_process:beta-lactam antibiotic biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of trisporate, a sex pheromone. Trisporate stimulates zygophore (sex cell) development in Mucor mucedo ans presumably in all other mucoraceous fungi including Blakeslea trispora. 4-dihydromethyltrisporate is produced solely by the (+) mating type and released into the environment. (-) Mating types react to the stimulus by directed growth and production of zygophores. 4-dihydromethyltrisporate is taken up by (-) hyphae and converted into methyltrisporate by 4-dihydromethyltrisporate dehydrogenase (TDH). Trisporate is synthesized from methyltrisporate by an esterase. Both enzymatic reactions occur specifically in the (-) mating type. GO:0046842 PMID:16043374 PMID:4818834 PMID:8828234 pathway UPa:UPA00170 trisporate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of trisporate, a sex pheromone. Trisporate stimulates zygophore (sex cell) development in Mucor mucedo ans presumably in all other mucoraceous fungi including Blakeslea trispora. 4-dihydromethyltrisporate is produced solely by the (+) mating type and released into the environment. (-) Mating types react to the stimulus by directed growth and production of zygophores. 4-dihydromethyltrisporate is taken up by (-) hyphae and converted into methyltrisporate by 4-dihydromethyltrisporate dehydrogenase (TDH). Trisporate is synthesized from methyltrisporate by an esterase. Both enzymatic reactions occur specifically in the (-) mating type. UPa:amorgat GO:0046842 biological_process:trisporic acid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of pentalenene, a tricyclic sesquiterpene that is the hydrocarbon precursor of the pentalenolactone family of antibiotics. Pentalenene is produced by the cyclization of farnesyl diphosphate. KEGG:map00909 pathway UPa:UPA00171 pentalenene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of pentalenene, a tricyclic sesquiterpene that is the hydrocarbon precursor of the pentalenolactone family of antibiotics. Pentalenene is produced by the cyclization of farnesyl diphosphate. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00909 Sesquiterpenoid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of cephalosporin C antibiotic. GO:1901268 PMID:11759684 PMID:16332884 pathway UPa:UPA00172 cephalosporin C biosynthesis Biosynthesis of cephalosporin C antibiotic. UPa:amorgat GO:1901268 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of actinorhodin polyketide antibiotic. GO:1901112 PMID:15286722 PMID:15458634 PMID:15544323 PMID:9166770 actinorhodine biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00173 actinorhodin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of actinorhodin polyketide antibiotic. UPa:amorgat GO:1901112 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of tetracenomycin C, a polyketide antibiotic. GO:1901106 pathway UPa:UPA00174 tetracenomycin C biosynthesis Biosynthesis of tetracenomycin C, a polyketide antibiotic. UPa:amorgat GO:1901106 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of granaticin, a polyketide antibiotic. GO:1901109 pathway UPa:UPA00175 granaticin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of granaticin, a polyketide antibiotic. UPa:amorgat GO:1901109 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of curamycin, a polyketide antibiotic. pathway UPa:UPA00176 curamycin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of curamycin, a polyketide antibiotic. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of aristolochene, a bicyclic eremophilane-type sesquiterpene. Aristolochene (+)-enantiomer is a precursor of mycotoxin PR-toxin in P.roqueforti. It is the likely parent hydrocarbon of several eremophilene toxins and bioregulators produced by a variery of filamentous fungi. The antipodal (-)-enantiomer has been isolated from numerous higher plants. KEGG:map00909 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 pathway UPa:UPA00177 aristolochene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of aristolochene, a bicyclic eremophilane-type sesquiterpene. Aristolochene (+)-enantiomer is a precursor of mycotoxin PR-toxin in P.roqueforti. It is the likely parent hydrocarbon of several eremophilene toxins and bioregulators produced by a variery of filamentous fungi. The antipodal (-)-enantiomer has been isolated from numerous higher plants. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00909 Sesquiterpenoid biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites iosynthesis of monensin, a polyketide antifungal. GO:1901730 pathway UPa:UPA00178 monensin biosynthesis iosynthesis of monensin, a polyketide antifungal. UPa:amorgat GO:1901730 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of bacitracin antibiotic. pathway UPa:UPA00179 bacitracin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of bacitracin antibiotic. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of tyrocidine antibiotic. Tyrocidine is a mixture of four cyclic decapeptides, tyrocidine A (D-Phe-Pro-Phe-D-Phe-Asn-Gln-Tyr- Val-Orn-Leu), B, C, and D, in which Phe, at positions 3, 4, and Tyr residues are gradually replaced by Trp, depending on the relative concentrations of these amino-acids in the growth medium. GO:1901904 pathway UPa:UPA00180 tyrocidine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of tyrocidine antibiotic. Tyrocidine is a mixture of four cyclic decapeptides, tyrocidine A (D-Phe-Pro-Phe-D-Phe-Asn-Gln-Tyr- Val-Orn-Leu), B, C, and D, in which Phe, at positions 3, 4, and Tyr residues are gradually replaced by Trp, depending on the relative concentrations of these amino-acids in the growth medium. UPa:amorgat GO:1901904 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of surfactin antibiotic. pathway UPa:UPA00181 surfactin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of surfactin antibiotic. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of carbapenem (1-carbapen-2-em-3-carboxylic acid), a beta-lactam antibiotic. biosynthesis. GO:1901769 PMID:9402024 1-carbapen-2-em-3-carboxylic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00182 carbapenem biosynthesis Biosynthesis of carbapenem (1-carbapen-2-em-3-carboxylic acid), a beta-lactam antibiotic. biosynthesis. UPa:amorgat GO:1901769 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of cephamycin C, a beta-lactam antibiotic. GO:1901118 MetaCyc:PWY-5633 PMID:16527306 pathway UPa:UPA00183 cephamycin C biosynthesis Biosynthesis of cephamycin C, a beta-lactam antibiotic. UPa:amorgat GO:1901118 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of fortimicin A (astromicin) antibiotic. PMID:8486289 astromicin biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00184 fortimicin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of fortimicin A (astromicin) antibiotic. UPa:amorgat Degradation of L-arginine via arginine succinyl transferase pathway. One function of this pathway is to provide nitrogen during nitrogen restriction. The ammonia produced is assimilated into glutamate and glutamine, which in turn provides nitrogen for the synthesis of virtually all nitrogen-containing compounds. GO:0019545 KEGG:map00330 PMID:12003934 PMID:2865249 PMID:9393691 PMID:9696779 L-glutamate and succinate biosynthesis arginine succinyl transferase (AST) pathway pathway UPa:UPA00185 L-arginine degradation via AST pathway Degradation of L-arginine via arginine succinyl transferase pathway. One function of this pathway is to provide nitrogen during nitrogen restriction. The ammonia produced is assimilated into glutamate and glutamine, which in turn provides nitrogen for the synthesis of virtually all nitrogen-containing compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0019545 biological_process:arginine catabolic process to succinate KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism The decarboxylation of L-arginine by arginine decarboxylase produces agmatine. Agmatine is a metabolic intermediate in the biosynthesis of putrescine and higher polyamines (spermidine and spermine). Recent studies indicate that agmatine can have several important biochemical effects in humans, ranging from effects on the central nervous system to cell proliferation in cancer and viral replication. KEGG:map00330 KEGG:map01100 PMID:12641342 PMID:15656789 L-arginine degradation via ADC pathway arginine decarboxylase pathway pathway UPa:UPA00186 agmatine biosynthesis The decarboxylation of L-arginine by arginine decarboxylase produces agmatine. Agmatine is a metabolic intermediate in the biosynthesis of putrescine and higher polyamines (spermidine and spermine). Recent studies indicate that agmatine can have several important biochemical effects in humans, ranging from effects on the central nervous system to cell proliferation in cancer and viral replication. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of putrescine, an essential precursor of the higher polyamines, spermidine and spermine. Putrescine can be formed either directly from L-ornithine or from agmatine (indirectly from L-arginine). GO:0009446 PMID:11673419 PMID:11804860 PMID:12435743 PMID:12634339 pathway UPa:UPA00187 putrescine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of putrescine, an essential precursor of the higher polyamines, spermidine and spermine. Putrescine can be formed either directly from L-ornithine or from agmatine (indirectly from L-arginine). UPa:amorgat GO:0009446 biological_process:putrescine biosynthetic process Degradation of the putrescine polyamine. There are two routes of putrescine degradation to succinate semialdehyde via gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). GO:0009447 KEGG:map00250 KEGG:map00330 KEGG:map00410 KEGG:map00650 KEGG:map01100 PMID:12617754 PMID:12634339 PMID:15590624 1,4-butanediamine degradation 1,4-diaminobutane degradation putrescine catabolism tetramethylenediamine degradation pathway UPa:UPA00188 putrescine degradation Degradation of the putrescine polyamine. There are two routes of putrescine degradation to succinate semialdehyde via gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). UPa:amorgat GO:0009447 biological_process:putrescine catabolic process KEGG:map00250 Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism KEGG:map00410 beta-Alanine metabolism KEGG:map00650 Butanoate metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of GMP (guanosine monophosphate) from IMP (inosine monophosphate). GO:0006177 KEGG:map00230 KEGG:map01100 guanosine 5'-phosphate biosynthesis guanosine monophosphate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00189 GMP biosynthesis Biosynthesis of GMP (guanosine monophosphate) from IMP (inosine monophosphate). UPa:amorgat GO:0006177 biological_process:GMP biosynthetic process KEGG:map00230 Purine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Interconversion of B6 vitamers (PL, PM, PN, PLP, PMP, PNP). KEGG:map00750 KEGG:map01100 vitamin B6 salvage pathway pathway UPa:UPA00190 B6 vitamer interconversion Interconversion of B6 vitamers (PL, PM, PN, PLP, PMP, PNP). UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00750 Vitamin B6 metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Degradation of saturated hydrocarbon compounds. GO:0043448 pathway UPa:UPA00191 alkane degradation Degradation of saturated hydrocarbon compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0043448 biological_process:alkane catabolic process Degradation of B6 vitamers (PL, PM, PN). GO:0042820 KEGG:map00750 KEGG:map01100 vitamin B6 degradation pathway UPa:UPA00192 B6 vitamer degradation Degradation of B6 vitamers (PL, PM, PN). UPa:amorgat GO:0042820 biological_process:vitamin B6 catabolic process KEGG:map00750 Vitamin B6 metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways C1-unit interconversion via tetrahydrofolate pathway. GO:0035999 MetaCyc:PWY-2201 C1-unit interconversion one carbon pool by folate pathway pathway UPa:UPA00193 tetrahydrofolate interconversion C1-unit interconversion via tetrahydrofolate pathway. UPa:amorgat GO:0035999 biological_process:tetrahydrofolate interconversion Biosynthesis of thyroid hormones. The thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), are tyrosine-based hormones produced by the thyroid gland. An important component in the synthesis is iodine. The major form of thyroid hormone in the blood is thyroxine (T4). GO:0006590 pathway UPa:UPA00194 thyroid hormone biosynthesis Biosynthesis of thyroid hormones. The thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), are tyrosine-based hormones produced by the thyroid gland. An important component in the synthesis is iodine. The major form of thyroid hormone in the blood is thyroxine (T4). UPa:amorgat GO:0006590 biological_process:thyroid hormone generation Biosynthesis of the tricyclic sesquiterpenoid epi-isozizaene produced by Streptomyces coelicolor. PMID:16669656 pathway UPa:UPA00195 epi-isozizaene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of the tricyclic sesquiterpenoid epi-isozizaene produced by Streptomyces coelicolor. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of GPI or glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor, a glycolipid that can be attached to the C-terminus of a protein during posttranslational modification. A GPI anchor is composed of a hydrophobic phosphatidyl inositol group linked through a carbohydrate containing linker (glucosamine and mannose linked to phosphoryl ethanolamine residue) to the C-terminal amino-acid of a mature protein. The two fatty acids within the hydrophobic phosphatidyl- inositol group anchor the protein to the cell membrane. GO:0006506 GPI anchor biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00196 glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchor biosynthesis Biosynthesis of GPI or glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor, a glycolipid that can be attached to the C-terminus of a protein during posttranslational modification. A GPI anchor is composed of a hydrophobic phosphatidyl inositol group linked through a carbohydrate containing linker (glucosamine and mannose linked to phosphoryl ethanolamine residue) to the C-terminal amino-acid of a mature protein. The two fatty acids within the hydrophobic phosphatidyl- inositol group anchor the protein to the cell membrane. UPa:amorgat GO:0006506 biological_process:GPI anchor biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of bialaphos, a secondary metabolite of Streptomyces hygroscopicus, used as herbicide. Bialaphos is a tripeptide which consists of two L-alanine residues and the L-glutamic analog phosphinothrycin. PMID:3611020 2-amino-4-(methylphosphino)butyrylalanylalanine biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00197 bialaphos biosynthesis Biosynthesis of bialaphos, a secondary metabolite of Streptomyces hygroscopicus, used as herbicide. Bialaphos is a tripeptide which consists of two L-alanine residues and the L-glutamic analog phosphinothrycin. UPa:amorgat The covalent alteration of one or more nucleotide sites in DNA, resulting in a change in its properties. [GO]. GO:0006304 pathway UPa:UPA00198 DNA modification The covalent alteration of one or more nucleotide sites in DNA, resulting in a change in its properties. [GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0006304 biological_process:DNA modification Metabolism of fatty acids. GO:0006631 pathway UPa:UPA00199 fatty acid metabolism Metabolism of fatty acids. UPa:amorgat GO:0006631 biological_process:fatty acid metabolic process Biosynthesis of stilbene, coumarine and lignin. pathway UPa:UPA00200 stilbene, coumarine and lignin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of stilbene, coumarine and lignin. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of L-glutamic acid amino-acid. GO:0006538 L-glutamic acid metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00201 L-glutamate metabolism Metabolism of L-glutamic acid amino-acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0006538 biological_process:glutamate catabolic process Metabolism of fructose. GO:0006000 pathway UPa:UPA00202 fructose metabolism Metabolism of fructose. UPa:amorgat GO:0006000 biological_process:fructose metabolic process Degradation of methylnaphthalene derivative compounds. GO:0043635 pathway UPa:UPA00203 methylnaphthalene degradation Degradation of methylnaphthalene derivative compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0043635 biological_process:methylnaphthalene catabolic process Metabolism of glutathione, the tripeptide glutamylcysteinylglycine, which acts as a coenzyme for some enzymes and as an antioxidant in the protection of sulfhydryl groups in enzymes and other proteins; it has a specific role in the reduction of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and oxidized ascorbate, and it participates in the gamma-glutamyl cycle. [source: GO]. GO:0006749 GSH metabolism glutamylcysteinylglycine tripeptide metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00204 glutathione metabolism Metabolism of glutathione, the tripeptide glutamylcysteinylglycine, which acts as a coenzyme for some enzymes and as an antioxidant in the protection of sulfhydryl groups in enzymes and other proteins; it has a specific role in the reduction of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and oxidized ascorbate, and it participates in the gamma-glutamyl cycle. [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0006749 biological_process:glutathione metabolic process Metabolism of propionic acid (propionate, propanoate). GO:0019541 propionate metabolism propionic acid metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00205 propanoate metabolism Metabolism of propionic acid (propionate, propanoate). UPa:amorgat GO:0019541 rdfmatch Fermentation of ethanol. GO:0019655 pathway UPa:UPA00206 ethanol fermentation Fermentation of ethanol. UPa:amorgat GO:0019655 rdfmatch Degradation of 6-aminohexanoate dimers (cyclic or linear), by-products of nylon manufacture. MetaCyc:P621-PWY PMID:2512123 PMID:2722746 PMID:6646204 nylon degradation pathway UPa:UPA00207 nylon-6 oligomer degradation Degradation of 6-aminohexanoate dimers (cyclic or linear), by-products of nylon manufacture. UPa:amorgat Degradation of 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid. KEGG:map00350 KEGG:map01120 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00208 4-hydroxyphenylacetate degradation Degradation of 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00350 Tyrosine metabolism KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of geosmin (trans-1,10-dimethyl-trans-9-decalol). Geosmin is responsible for the characteristic odor of moist soil, it is produced in soil primarily by streptomycetes-ubiquitous Gram-positive, filamentous, saprophytic bacteria. Geosmin has also been isolated from a variety of cyanobacteria, fungi, and liverworts. Jiang et al [PMID:16787064] established that the biosynthesis of geosmin from farnesyl diphosphate is catalyzed by a single enzyme, the germacradienol/germacrene D synthase, without intervention of any additional enzymes and without any requirement for redox cofactors. PMID:16787064 trans-1,10-dimethyl-trans-9-decalol biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00209 geosmin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of geosmin (trans-1,10-dimethyl-trans-9-decalol). Geosmin is responsible for the characteristic odor of moist soil, it is produced in soil primarily by streptomycetes-ubiquitous Gram-positive, filamentous, saprophytic bacteria. Geosmin has also been isolated from a variety of cyanobacteria, fungi, and liverworts. Jiang et al [PMID:16787064] established that the biosynthesis of geosmin from farnesyl diphosphate is catalyzed by a single enzyme, the germacradienol/germacrene D synthase, without intervention of any additional enzymes and without any requirement for redox cofactors. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of purine nucleotides. GO:0006163 pathway UPa:UPA00210 purine nucleotide metabolism Metabolism of purine nucleotides. UPa:amorgat GO:0006163 biological_process:purine nucleotide metabolic process Degradation of the polyamine spermine (N,N'-bis(3-aminopropyl)-1,4-butanediamine). GO:0046208 PMID:12141946 N,N'-bis(3-aminopropyl)-1,4-butanediamine biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00211 spermine degradation Degradation of the polyamine spermine (N,N'-bis(3-aminopropyl)-1,4-butanediamine). UPa:amorgat GO:0046208 biological_process:spermine catabolic process Biosynthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), linear polyesters produced by bacterial fermentation of sugar or lipids. PMID:12200450 PHA synthesis polyhydroxyalkanoic acid synthesis pathway UPa:UPA00212 polyhydroxyalkanoate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), linear polyesters produced by bacterial fermentation of sugar or lipids. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of terpenoid compounds. GO:0016114 pathway UPa:UPA00213 terpenoid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of terpenoid compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0016114 biological_process:terpenoid biosynthetic process Metabolism of galactose. GO:0006012 pathway UPa:UPA00214 galactose metabolism Metabolism of galactose. UPa:amorgat GO:0006012 biological_process:galactose metabolic process Metabolism of nucleotide-sugar compounds. GO:0009225 pathway UPa:UPA00215 nucleotide-sugar metabolism Metabolism of nucleotide-sugar compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0009225 biological_process:nucleotide-sugar metabolic process Metabolism of amino-sugar compounds. GO:0006040 amino sugar metabolism aminosugar metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00216 amino-sugar metabolism Metabolism of amino-sugar compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0006040 biological_process:amino sugar metabolic process Degradation of vanillyl-alcohol (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzenemethanol). 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzenemethanol degradation pathway UPa:UPA00217 vanillyl-alcohol degradation Degradation of vanillyl-alcohol (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzenemethanol). UPa:amorgat Metabolism of sulfur-containing amino-acid L-methionine (2-amino-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid). L-methionine is an essential amino-acid for many crucial cellular functions, including the initiation of protein synthesis, methylation of DNA and rRNA, and biosynthesis of cysteine, phospholipids and polyamines. GO:0006555 2-amino-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00218 L-methionine metabolism Metabolism of sulfur-containing amino-acid L-methionine (2-amino-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid). L-methionine is an essential amino-acid for many crucial cellular functions, including the initiation of protein synthesis, methylation of DNA and rRNA, and biosynthesis of cysteine, phospholipids and polyamines. UPa:amorgat GO:0006555 biological_process:methionine metabolic process Biosynthesis of peptidoglycan, also known as murein, a polymer consisting of sugars and amino-acids that forms a mesh-like layer outside the plasma membrane of eubacteria. The sugar component consists of alternating residues of beta-(1,4) linked N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid residues. Attached to the N-acetylmuramic acid is a peptide chain of three to five amino-acids. The peptide chain can be cross-linked to the peptide chain of another strand forming the 3D mesh-like layer. Some Archaea have a similar layer of pseudopeptidoglycan. Peptidoglycan serves a structural role in the bacterial cell wall, giving structural strength, as well as counteracting the osmotic pressure of the cytoplasm. Peptidoglycan is also involved in binary fission during bacterial cell reproduction.[wikipedia]. GO:0009252 PMID:SBN:0-13-144329-1 murein biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00219 peptidoglycan biosynthesis Biosynthesis of peptidoglycan, also known as murein, a polymer consisting of sugars and amino-acids that forms a mesh-like layer outside the plasma membrane of eubacteria. The sugar component consists of alternating residues of beta-(1,4) linked N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid residues. Attached to the N-acetylmuramic acid is a peptide chain of three to five amino-acids. The peptide chain can be cross-linked to the peptide chain of another strand forming the 3D mesh-like layer. Some Archaea have a similar layer of pseudopeptidoglycan. Peptidoglycan serves a structural role in the bacterial cell wall, giving structural strength, as well as counteracting the osmotic pressure of the cytoplasm. Peptidoglycan is also involved in binary fission during bacterial cell reproduction.[wikipedia]. UPa:amorgat GO:0009252 biological_process:peptidoglycan biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of phosphatidylinositol phosphate, a class of phospholipids. PIP biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00220 phosphatidylinositol phosphate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of phosphatidylinositol phosphate, a class of phospholipids. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of bile acids, any of a group of steroid carboxylic acids occurring in bile [GO]. GO:0006699 pathway UPa:UPA00221 bile acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of bile acids, any of a group of steroid carboxylic acids occurring in bile [GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0006699 biological_process:bile acid biosynthetic process Metabolism of sphingolipid compounds, any of a class of lipids containing the long-chain amine diol sphingosine or a closely related base (a sphingoid). There are three main types of sphingolipids: ceramides, sphingomyelins and glycosphingolipids. GO:0006665 pathway UPa:UPA00222 sphingolipid metabolism Metabolism of sphingolipid compounds, any of a class of lipids containing the long-chain amine diol sphingosine or a closely related base (a sphingoid). There are three main types of sphingolipids: ceramides, sphingomyelins and glycosphingolipids. UPa:amorgat GO:0006665 biological_process:sphingolipid metabolic process The tricarboxylic acid cycle (citric acid cycle, TCA cycle, Krebs cycle, or rarely, the Szent-Gyorgyi-Krebs cycle) is a series of enzyme-catalysed chemical reactions of central importance in all living cells that use oxygen as part of cellular respiration. GO:0006099 KEGG:map00020 KEGG:map00072 KEGG:map00280 KEGG:map00480 KEGG:map00620 KEGG:map00630 KEGG:map00640 KEGG:map00650 KEGG:map00680 KEGG:map00710 KEGG:map00720 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 KREBS cycle TCA cycle citric acid cycle pathway UPa:UPA00223 tricarboxylic acid cycle The tricarboxylic acid cycle (citric acid cycle, TCA cycle, Krebs cycle, or rarely, the Szent-Gyorgyi-Krebs cycle) is a series of enzyme-catalysed chemical reactions of central importance in all living cells that use oxygen as part of cellular respiration. UPa:amorgat GO:0006099 biological_process:tricarboxylic acid cycle KEGG:map00020 Citrate cycle (TCA cycle) KEGG:map00072 Synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies KEGG:map00280 Valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation KEGG:map00480 Glutathione metabolism KEGG:map00620 Pyruvate metabolism KEGG:map00630 Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism KEGG:map00640 Propanoate metabolism KEGG:map00650 Butanoate metabolism KEGG:map00680 Methane metabolism KEGG:map00710 Carbon fixation in photosynthetic organisms KEGG:map00720 Carbon fixation pathways in prokaryotes KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Metabolism of tryptophan amino-acid. GO:0006568 pathway UPa:UPA00224 tryptophan metabolism Metabolism of tryptophan amino-acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0006568 biological_process:tryptophan metabolic process Degradation of lysine amino-acid. GO:0006554 pathway UPa:UPA00225 lysine degradation Degradation of lysine amino-acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0006554 rdfmatch Entner-Doudoroff pathway that converts glucose to pyruvate and glyceraldehyde-3 phosphate by producing 6-phosphogluconate and then dehydrating it. [GO]. GO:0009255 pathway UPa:UPA00226 Entner-Doudoroff pathway Entner-Doudoroff pathway that converts glucose to pyruvate and glyceraldehyde-3 phosphate by producing 6-phosphogluconate and then dehydrating it. [GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0009255 biological_process:Entner-Doudoroff pathway through 6-phosphogluconate Metabolism of glyoxylate and dicarboxylate. pathway UPa:UPA00227 glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism Metabolism of glyoxylate and dicarboxylate. UPa:amorgat Degradation of xylene, a mixture of three aromatic hydrocarbon ortho-, meta- and para-xylene. GO:0042184 pathway UPa:UPA00228 xylene degradation Degradation of xylene, a mixture of three aromatic hydrocarbon ortho-, meta- and para-xylene. UPa:amorgat GO:0042184 biological_process:xylene catabolic process Metabolism of C21-steroid hormone compounds. GO:0008207 pathway UPa:UPA00229 C21-steroid hormone metabolism Metabolism of C21-steroid hormone compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0008207 biological_process:C21-steroid hormone metabolic process Metabolism of glycerolipids. GO:0046486 pathway UPa:UPA00230 glycerolipid metabolism Metabolism of glycerolipids. UPa:amorgat GO:0046486 biological_process:glycerolipid metabolic process Metabolism of pyruvic acid, the simplest alpha-keto acid that plays an important role in biochemical processes. GO:0006090 pyruvic acid metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00231 pyruvate metabolism Metabolism of pyruvic acid, the simplest alpha-keto acid that plays an important role in biochemical processes. UPa:amorgat GO:0006090 biological_process:pyruvate metabolic process Biosynthesis of ubiquinones, lipid-soluble electron-transporting coenzymes. Ubiquinones are essential electron carrier in prokaryotes. Ubiquinones are essential molecules in aerobic organisms to achieve both, ATP synthesis and antioxidant defence. GO:0006744 PMID:15928598 PMID:16873927 PMID:17033719 CoQ biosynthesis coenzyme Q biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00232 ubiquinone biosynthesis Biosynthesis of ubiquinones, lipid-soluble electron-transporting coenzymes. Ubiquinones are essential electron carrier in prokaryotes. Ubiquinones are essential molecules in aerobic organisms to achieve both, ATP synthesis and antioxidant defence. UPa:amorgat GO:0006744 biological_process:ubiquinone biosynthetic process Degradation of benzoic acid, by its ligation to Coenzyme-A to form benzoyl-CoA. GO:0010128 pathway UPa:UPA00233 benzoate degradation via CoA ligation Degradation of benzoic acid, by its ligation to Coenzyme-A to form benzoyl-CoA. UPa:amorgat GO:0010128 biological_process:benzoate catabolic process via CoA ligation Biosynthesis of enniatin derivatives. Enniatins are N-methylated cyclohexadepsipeptides produced by various Fusarium species and with manifold biological properties (Tomoda et al. 1992 [PMID:1399840]). They are composed of alternating residues of D-2-hydroxyisovaleric acid (D-Hiv) and an N-methylated branched-chain amino-acid such as L-valine, L-leucine or L-isoleucine. The biosynthesis of enniatins is catalyzed by the multifunctional enzyme enniatin synthetase (Esyn), which belongs to the class of nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs). Enniatin belong to ionophore antibiotic class. GO:0046585 PMID:12209259 PMID:1399840 pathway UPa:UPA00234 enniatin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of enniatin derivatives. Enniatins are N-methylated cyclohexadepsipeptides produced by various Fusarium species and with manifold biological properties (Tomoda et al. 1992 [PMID:1399840]). They are composed of alternating residues of D-2-hydroxyisovaleric acid (D-Hiv) and an N-methylated branched-chain amino-acid such as L-valine, L-leucine or L-isoleucine. The biosynthesis of enniatins is catalyzed by the multifunctional enzyme enniatin synthetase (Esyn), which belongs to the class of nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs). Enniatin belong to ionophore antibiotic class. UPa:amorgat GO:0046585 biological_process:enniatin biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of pyocyanin, a blue pigment produced by bacteria such as Pseudomonas spp. Pyocyanin is a redox-active phenazine compound that kills mammalian and bacterial cells through the generation of reactive oxygen intermediates. Pyocyanin produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa contributes to its ability to colonise the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients. pyocyanin biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00235 pyocyanine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of pyocyanin, a blue pigment produced by bacteria such as Pseudomonas spp. Pyocyanin is a redox-active phenazine compound that kills mammalian and bacterial cells through the generation of reactive oxygen intermediates. Pyocyanin produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa contributes to its ability to colonise the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients. UPa:amorgat Degradation of 2,4-dichlorobenzoate, a chlorinated aromatic compound which is a key intermediate in the aerobic degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). [GO:0046298]. GO:0046298 pathway UPa:UPA00236 2,4-dichlorobenzoate degradation Degradation of 2,4-dichlorobenzoate, a chlorinated aromatic compound which is a key intermediate in the aerobic degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). [GO:0046298]. UPa:amorgat GO:0046298 biological_process:2,4-dichlorobenzoate catabolic process Metabolism of beta-glucoside compounds, glycosides in which the sugar moiety is a glucose residue, and the anomeric carbon of the bond is in a beta configuration. GO:1901804 pathway UPa:UPA00237 beta-glucoside metabolism Metabolism of beta-glucoside compounds, glycosides in which the sugar moiety is a glucose residue, and the anomeric carbon of the bond is in a beta configuration. UPa:amorgat GO:1901804 rdfmatch Metabolism of sucrose (or saccharose, or 1-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-2-beta-D-fructofuranoside) is a is a disaccharide (glucose + fructose). In most plants, sucrose is the main product of photosynthesis that is exported from the leaves to fuel growth and synthesis of storage reserves, such as starch and oil, and sucrose itself is often accumulated by plant cells to protect against the effects of dehydration under drought, salinity, or cold stress. Apart from plants, some species of cyanobacteria also synthesize sucrose, often in response to osmotic stress. GO:0005985 1-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-2-beta-D-fructofuranoside metabolism saccharose metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00238 sucrose metabolism Metabolism of sucrose (or saccharose, or 1-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-2-beta-D-fructofuranoside) is a is a disaccharide (glucose + fructose). In most plants, sucrose is the main product of photosynthesis that is exported from the leaves to fuel growth and synthesis of storage reserves, such as starch and oil, and sucrose itself is often accumulated by plant cells to protect against the effects of dehydration under drought, salinity, or cold stress. Apart from plants, some species of cyanobacteria also synthesize sucrose, often in response to osmotic stress. UPa:amorgat GO:0005985 biological_process:sucrose metabolic process Degradation of quinoline, a heterocyclic aromatic organic compound, also known as 1-azanaphthalene, 1-benzazine, or benzo[b]pyridine. Quinoline is an intermediate in metallurgical processes and in dye, polymer, and agrochemical production. It is also a preservative, disinfectant, and solvent. 1-azanaphthalene degradation 1-benzazine degradation benzo[b]pyridine degradation pathway UPa:UPA00239 quinoline degradation Degradation of quinoline, a heterocyclic aromatic organic compound, also known as 1-azanaphthalene, 1-benzazine, or benzo[b]pyridine. Quinoline is an intermediate in metallurgical processes and in dye, polymer, and agrochemical production. It is also a preservative, disinfectant, and solvent. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of erythromycin (also known as eryth ethylsuc), a macrolide antibiotic which has an antimicrobial spectrum similar to or slightly wider than that of penicillin. GO:1901115 eryth ethylsuc biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00240 erythromycin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of erythromycin (also known as eryth ethylsuc), a macrolide antibiotic which has an antimicrobial spectrum similar to or slightly wider than that of penicillin. UPa:amorgat GO:1901115 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of coenzyme A (CoA), notable for its role in the synthesis and oxidation of fatty acids, and the oxidation of pyruvate in the citric acid cycle. Coenzyme A is synthesized in a five-step process from pantothenate. GO:0015937 KEGG:map00770 KEGG:map01100 MetaCyc:COA-PWY CoA biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00241 coenzyme A biosynthesis Biosynthesis of coenzyme A (CoA), notable for its role in the synthesis and oxidation of fatty acids, and the oxidation of pyruvate in the citric acid cycle. Coenzyme A is synthesized in a five-step process from pantothenate. UPa:amorgat GO:0015937 biological_process:coenzyme A biosynthetic process KEGG:map00770 Pantothenate and CoA biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Metabolism of hexose, any monosaccharide with a chain of six carbon atoms in the molecule. GO:0019318 pathway UPa:UPA00242 hexose metabolism Metabolism of hexose, any monosaccharide with a chain of six carbon atoms in the molecule. UPa:amorgat GO:0019318 biological_process:hexose metabolic process Biosynthesis of pyridoxine 5'-phosphate, one of the de novo biosynthesis pathway. In E. coli, this pathway requires PLP as cofactor in its own synthesis. KEGG:map00750 KEGG:map01100 PNP biosynthesis de novo vitamin B6 biosynthesis (PdxA/PdxJ pathway) de novo vitamin B6 biosynthesis (glutamate pathway) pathway UPa:UPA00244 pyridoxine 5'-phosphate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of pyridoxine 5'-phosphate, one of the de novo biosynthesis pathway. In E. coli, this pathway requires PLP as cofactor in its own synthesis. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00750 Vitamin B6 metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. This pathway corresponds to one of the de novo biosynthesis pathway. The biosynthesis of PLP is performed by a complex reaction: in addition to ammonia transfer PdxS/PdxT catalyzes condensation of two phosphosugars, closure of the pyridine ring, as well as isomerase reactions for its phosphosugar substrates. The complexity of the enzyme correlates well with the strong conservation of the PdxS sequence. Contrary to the alternative PLP biosynthesis pathway (glutamate pathway), this pathway does not require PLP as cofactor in its own synthesis. GO:0042823 PLP biosynthesis de novo vitamin B6 biosynthesis (PdxS/PdxT pathway) de novo vitamin B6 biosynthesis (glutamine pathway) de novo vitaminB6 biosynthesis (PDX1/PDX2 pathway) pathway UPa:UPA00245 pyridoxal 5'-phosphate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. This pathway corresponds to one of the de novo biosynthesis pathway. The biosynthesis of PLP is performed by a complex reaction: in addition to ammonia transfer PdxS/PdxT catalyzes condensation of two phosphosugars, closure of the pyridine ring, as well as isomerase reactions for its phosphosugar substrates. The complexity of the enzyme correlates well with the strong conservation of the PdxS sequence. Contrary to the alternative PLP biosynthesis pathway (glutamate pathway), this pathway does not require PLP as cofactor in its own synthesis. UPa:amorgat GO:0042823 biological_process:pyridoxal phosphate biosynthetic process Pentose and glucuronate interconversion pathway. pathway UPa:UPA00246 pentose and glucuronate interconversion Pentose and glucuronate interconversion pathway. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of 4-aminobutanoate (GABA). GO:0009449 4-aminobutyrate biosynthesis GABA biosynthesis gamma-aminobutyrate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00247 4-aminobutanoate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of 4-aminobutanoate (GABA). UPa:amorgat GO:0009449 biological_process:gamma-aminobutyric acid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of spermidine by the addition of a propylamine moiety to putrescine. GO:0008295 KEGG:map00270 KEGG:map00330 KEGG:map00480 KEGG:map01100 MetaCyc:BSUBPOLYAMSYN-PWY N-(3-aminopropyl)-1,4-butane-diamine biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00248 spermidine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of spermidine by the addition of a propylamine moiety to putrescine. UPa:amorgat GO:0008295 biological_process:spermidine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00270 Cysteine and methionine metabolism KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism KEGG:map00480 Glutathione metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of spermine by the addition of a propylamine moiety to spermidine. GO:0006597 KEGG:map00270 KEGG:map00330 KEGG:map00410 KEGG:map00480 KEGG:map01100 MetaCyc:ARGSPECAT-PWY PMID:15459188 N,N'-bis(3-aminopropyl)-1,4-butanediamine biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00249 spermine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of spermine by the addition of a propylamine moiety to spermidine. UPa:amorgat GO:0006597 biological_process:spermine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00270 Cysteine and methionine metabolism KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism KEGG:map00410 beta-Alanine metabolism KEGG:map00480 Glutathione metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Degradation of permidine polyamine. GO:0046203 KEGG:map00330 PMID:16849793 N-(3-aminopropyl)-1,4-butane-diamine degradation pathway UPa:UPA00250 spermidine degradation Degradation of permidine polyamine. UPa:amorgat GO:0046203 biological_process:spermidine catabolic process KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism Biosynthesis of protoporphyrin-IX, a porphyrin derivative precursor of heme and chlorphyll compounds. GO:0006782 KEGG:map00260 KEGG:map00860 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 pathway UPa:UPA00251 protoporphyrin-IX biosynthesis Biosynthesis of protoporphyrin-IX, a porphyrin derivative precursor of heme and chlorphyll compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0006782 biological_process:protoporphyrinogen IX biosynthetic process KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism KEGG:map00860 Porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of proteoheme (heme B) from protoporphyrin IX. KEGG:map00860 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 haem B biosynthesis heme B biosynthesis protoheme IX biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00252 protoheme biosynthesis Biosynthesis of proteoheme (heme B) from protoporphyrin IX. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00860 Porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), a coenzyme found in all living cells. NAD+ is a dinucleotide, since it consists of two nucleotides joined through their phosphate groups: with one nucleotide containing an adenosine ring, and the other containing nicotinamide. GO:0009435 KEGG:map00380 KEGG:map00760 KEGG:map00910 KEGG:map01100 PMID:12496312 PMID:14592712 PMID:16698895 nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00253 NAD(+) biosynthesis Biosynthesis of NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), a coenzyme found in all living cells. NAD+ is a dinucleotide, since it consists of two nucleotides joined through their phosphate groups: with one nucleotide containing an adenosine ring, and the other containing nicotinamide. UPa:amorgat GO:0009435 biological_process:NAD biosynthetic process KEGG:map00380 Tryptophan metabolism KEGG:map00760 Nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism KEGG:map00910 Nitrogen metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Degradation of L-arginine via ADI (arginine deiminase) pathway. In this pathway, L-arginine is converted into ornithine and carbamoyl-phosphate. Carbamoyl-phosphate is further converted into ammonia and CO2 with the concomitant production of ATP. This last part is described as an independant pathway. GO:0019547 KEGG:map00330 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:12399499 PMID:12406748 PMID:15006749 PMID:16385025 arginine deiminase (ADI) pathway pathway UPa:UPA00254 L-arginine degradation via ADI pathway Degradation of L-arginine via ADI (arginine deiminase) pathway. In this pathway, L-arginine is converted into ornithine and carbamoyl-phosphate. Carbamoyl-phosphate is further converted into ammonia and CO2 with the concomitant production of ATP. This last part is described as an independant pathway. UPa:amorgat GO:0019547 biological_process:arginine catabolic process to ornithine KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Degradation of stachydrine, the betaine derivative of proline. GO:0019504 PMID:9758825 N-methylproline methylbetaine degradation pathway UPa:UPA00255 stachydrine degradation Degradation of stachydrine, the betaine derivative of proline. UPa:amorgat GO:0019504 biological_process:stachydrine catabolic process Degradation of triacylglycerol (triacylglyceride, triglyceride, TAG). Triacylglycerol is a glyceride in which the glycerol is esterified with three fatty acids. It is the main constituent of vegetable oil and animal fats. GO:0019433 TAG degradation triacylglyceride degradation triglyceride degradation triglyceride lipolysis pathway UPa:UPA00256 triacylglycerol degradation Degradation of triacylglycerol (triacylglyceride, triglyceride, TAG). Triacylglycerol is a glyceride in which the glycerol is esterified with three fatty acids. It is the main constituent of vegetable oil and animal fats. UPa:amorgat GO:0019433 biological_process:triglyceride catabolic process Degradation of mevalonic acid, a key metabolic intermediate. KEGG:map00900 KEGG:map01110 mevalonate degradation pathway UPa:UPA00257 (R)-mevalonate degradation Degradation of mevalonic acid, a key metabolic intermediate. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00900 Terpenoid backbone biosynthesis KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Degradation of urea. GO:0043419 KEGG:map00230 KEGG:map00330 KEGG:map00791 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 pathway UPa:UPA00258 urea degradation Degradation of urea. UPa:amorgat GO:0043419 biological_process:urea catabolic process KEGG:map00230 Purine metabolism KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism KEGG:map00791 Atrazine degradation KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of geranyl-PP (geranyl diphosphate). GO:0033384 KEGG:map00900 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 geranyl pyrophosphate biosynthesis geranyl-PP biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00259 geranyl diphosphate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of geranyl-PP (geranyl diphosphate). UPa:amorgat GO:0033384 biological_process:geranyl diphosphate biosynthetic process KEGG:map00900 Terpenoid backbone biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of farnesyl-PP (farnesyl diphosphate). GO:0045337 KEGG:map00900 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 farnesyl pyrophosphate biosynthesis trans,trans-farnesyl diphosphate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00260 farnesyl diphosphate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of farnesyl-PP (farnesyl diphosphate). UPa:amorgat GO:0045337 biological_process:farnesyl diphosphate biosynthetic process KEGG:map00900 Terpenoid backbone biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Degradation of L-proline into L-glutamic acid throught two-step oxidation of proline. Enteric bacteria possess a multifunctional flavoprotein, called proline utilization A (PutA), that acts as both a membrane-associated proline catabolic enzyme and a transcriptional repressor of proline utilization (put) genes. GO:0010133 KEGG:map00250 KEGG:map00330 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:12514740 PMID:17001030 pathway UPa:UPA00261 L-proline degradation into L-glutamate Degradation of L-proline into L-glutamic acid throught two-step oxidation of proline. Enteric bacteria possess a multifunctional flavoprotein, called proline utilization A (PutA), that acts as both a membrane-associated proline catabolic enzyme and a transcriptional repressor of proline utilization (put) genes. UPa:amorgat GO:0010133 biological_process:proline catabolic process to glutamate KEGG:map00250 Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of siroheme, the cofactor for sulfite and nitrite reductases. Siroheme is formed by methylation, oxidation, and iron insertion into the tetrapyrrole uroporphyrinogen III (Uro-III). GO:0019354 KEGG:map00860 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:11114933 PMID:12408752 PMID:14595395 sirohaem biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00262 siroheme biosynthesis Biosynthesis of siroheme, the cofactor for sulfite and nitrite reductases. Siroheme is formed by methylation, oxidation, and iron insertion into the tetrapyrrole uroporphyrinogen III (Uro-III). UPa:amorgat GO:0019354 biological_process:siroheme biosynthetic process KEGG:map00860 Porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Degradation of L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C). The three gene ulaABC (formerly known as sgaTBA) encode the three components of the L-ascorbate phosphotransferase transport system (UlaABC). They are involved in the uptake and phosphorylation of L-ascorbate [PMID:12644495. Intracellular L-ascorbate-6-P is then transformed by L-ascorbate-6-P lactonase into 3-keto-L-gulonate-6-P. It has been proposed that this compound is decarboxylated by UlaD to L-xylulose-5-P, which is then converted to D-xylulose-5-P by the sequential actions of UlaE (encoding 3-epimerase activity) and UlaF (encoding 4-epimerase activity). GO:0019854 KEGG:map00040 KEGG:map00053 KEGG:map01100 PMID:12644495 PMID:14996803 L-ascorbic acid degradation vitamin C degradation pathway UPa:UPA00263 L-ascorbate degradation Degradation of L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C). The three gene ulaABC (formerly known as sgaTBA) encode the three components of the L-ascorbate phosphotransferase transport system (UlaABC). They are involved in the uptake and phosphorylation of L-ascorbate [PMID:12644495. Intracellular L-ascorbate-6-P is then transformed by L-ascorbate-6-P lactonase into 3-keto-L-gulonate-6-P. It has been proposed that this compound is decarboxylated by UlaD to L-xylulose-5-P, which is then converted to D-xylulose-5-P by the sequential actions of UlaE (encoding 3-epimerase activity) and UlaF (encoding 4-epimerase activity). UPa:amorgat GO:0019854 biological_process:L-ascorbic acid catabolic process KEGG:map00040 Pentose and glucuronate interconversions KEGG:map00053 Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of glycine betaine (N,N,N-trimethylglycine), an important osmoprotectant. Glycine betaine is synthesized in response to abiotic stresses. Although almost all known biosynthetic pathways of betaine are oxidation of choline, an alternative pathway converts glycine to betaine through glycine methylation. GO:0031456 PMID:11330717 N,N,N-trimethylglycine biosynthesis glycine betaine biosynthesis trimethylaminoacetate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00264 betaine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of glycine betaine (N,N,N-trimethylglycine), an important osmoprotectant. Glycine betaine is synthesized in response to abiotic stresses. Although almost all known biosynthetic pathways of betaine are oxidation of choline, an alternative pathway converts glycine to betaine through glycine methylation. UPa:amorgat GO:0031456 biological_process:glycine betaine biosynthetic process Degradation of 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA). The greatest use of 1,2-dichloroethane is in making chemicals involved in plastics, rubber and synthetic textile fibers. Other uses include: as a solvent for resins and fats, photography, photocopying, cosmetics, drugs; and as a fumigant for grains and orchards. It is possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). GO:0019260 KEGG:map00361 KEGG:map00625 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:12DICHLORETHDEG-PWY 1,2-DCA degradation pathway UPa:UPA00265 1,2-dichloroethane degradation Degradation of 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA). The greatest use of 1,2-dichloroethane is in making chemicals involved in plastics, rubber and synthetic textile fibers. Other uses include: as a solvent for resins and fats, photography, photocopying, cosmetics, drugs; and as a fumigant for grains and orchards. It is possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). UPa:amorgat GO:0019260 biological_process:1,2-dichloroethane catabolic process KEGG:map00361 Chlorocyclohexane and chlorobenzene degradation KEGG:map00625 Chloroalkane and chloroalkene degradation KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of iron-sulfur [Fe-S] cluster. Iron-sulfur [Fe-S] clusters are ubiquitous and evolutionary ancient prosthetic groups that are required to sustain fundamental life processes. Owing to their remarkable structural plasticity and versatile chemical/electronic features [Fe-S] clusters participate in electron transfer, substrate binding/activation, iron/sulfur storage, regulation of gene expression, and enzyme activity. Formation of intracellular [Fe-S] clusters does not occur spontaneously but requires a complex biosynthetic machinery. Three different types of [Fe-S] cluster biosynthetic systems have been discovered, and all of them are mechanistically unified by the requirement for a cysteine desulfurase and the participation of an [Fe-S] cluster scaffolding protein. [PMID:15952888]. GO:0016226 PMID:15952888 pathway UPa:UPA00266 iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis Biosynthesis of iron-sulfur [Fe-S] cluster. Iron-sulfur [Fe-S] clusters are ubiquitous and evolutionary ancient prosthetic groups that are required to sustain fundamental life processes. Owing to their remarkable structural plasticity and versatile chemical/electronic features [Fe-S] clusters participate in electron transfer, substrate binding/activation, iron/sulfur storage, regulation of gene expression, and enzyme activity. Formation of intracellular [Fe-S] clusters does not occur spontaneously but requires a complex biosynthetic machinery. Three different types of [Fe-S] cluster biosynthetic systems have been discovered, and all of them are mechanistically unified by the requirement for a cysteine desulfurase and the participation of an [Fe-S] cluster scaffolding protein. [PMID:15952888]. UPa:amorgat GO:0016226 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of trichothecenes, a group of sesquiterpenes produced by various Fusarium species like F. graminearum, F. sporotrichioides, F. poae or F. equiseti. pathway UPa:UPA00267 trichothecene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of trichothecenes, a group of sesquiterpenes produced by various Fusarium species like F. graminearum, F. sporotrichioides, F. poae or F. equiseti. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of bluish-green pigment. Bluish-green pigment is produced by Aspergillus fumigatus, a filamentous fungus (an important opportunistic pathogen that primarily affects immunocompromised patients). Conidial pigmentation of A. fumigatus significantly influences its virulence in a murine model. PMID:10515939 PMID:9383199 pathway UPa:UPA00268 bluish-green pigment biosynthesis Biosynthesis of bluish-green pigment. Bluish-green pigment is produced by Aspergillus fumigatus, a filamentous fungus (an important opportunistic pathogen that primarily affects immunocompromised patients). Conidial pigmentation of A. fumigatus significantly influences its virulence in a murine model. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of heme A, a prosthetic group in many respiratory oxidases. It is synthesised from heme B (protoheme IX) with heme O as an intermediate. In Bacillus subtilis two genes required for heme A synthesis, ctaA and ctaB, have been identified. CtaB is the heme O synthase and CtaA is involved in the conversion of heme O to heme A. The model described by Brown et al. [PMID:10675592] is that Heme O Synthase (HOS) and Heme A Synthase (HAS) form a complex and that heme O is transferred directly from HOS to HAS. The biochemical reactions are not yet clearly defined. GO:0006784 KEGG:map00860 KEGG:map01110 PMID:10675592 PMID:15491161 PMID:16156667 PMID:16321940 pathway UPa:UPA00269 heme A biosynthesis Biosynthesis of heme A, a prosthetic group in many respiratory oxidases. It is synthesised from heme B (protoheme IX) with heme O as an intermediate. In Bacillus subtilis two genes required for heme A synthesis, ctaA and ctaB, have been identified. CtaB is the heme O synthase and CtaA is involved in the conversion of heme O to heme A. The model described by Brown et al. [PMID:10675592] is that Heme O Synthase (HOS) and Heme A Synthase (HAS) form a complex and that heme O is transferred directly from HOS to HAS. The biochemical reactions are not yet clearly defined. UPa:amorgat GO:0006784 biological_process:heme a biosynthetic process KEGG:map00860 Porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites metabolism of quinolinate (quinolinic acid), a potent endogenous excitotoxin of neuronal cells. Elevation of quinolinate levels in the brain has been implicated in the pathogenesis of various neurodegenerative disorders, the so-called 'quinolinate hypothesis.' Quinolinate is non- enzymatically derived from alpha-amino-beta-carboxymuconate-epsilon- semialdehyde (ACMS). ACMS decarboxylase (ACMSD) is the only known enzyme that can process ACMS to a begnin catabolite and thus prevent the accumulation of quinolinate from ACMS. ACMSD seems to be regulated by nutritional and hormonal signals, but its molecular mechanism has, to date, been largely unknown. [PMID:12140278]. PMID:12140278 PMID:15206762 PMID:17288562 quinolinic acid metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00270 quinolate metabolism metabolism of quinolinate (quinolinic acid), a potent endogenous excitotoxin of neuronal cells. Elevation of quinolinate levels in the brain has been implicated in the pathogenesis of various neurodegenerative disorders, the so-called 'quinolinate hypothesis.' Quinolinate is non- enzymatically derived from alpha-amino-beta-carboxymuconate-epsilon- semialdehyde (ACMS). ACMS decarboxylase (ACMSD) is the only known enzyme that can process ACMS to a begnin catabolite and thus prevent the accumulation of quinolinate from ACMS. ACMSD seems to be regulated by nutritional and hormonal signals, but its molecular mechanism has, to date, been largely unknown. [PMID:12140278]. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of ommochrome (brown eye pigment). Ommochrome (or visual pigment) refers to several biological pigments that occur in the eyes of crustaceans and insects. The eye color is determined by the ommochromes. Ommochromes are also found in the chromatophores of cephalopods, and in spiders. Ommochromes are metabolites of tryptophan, via kynurenine and 3-hydroxykynurenine. They are responsible for a wide variety of colors, ranging from yellow over red and brown to black. Lighter colors tend to be generated by ommatins, while mixtures of ommatin and ommins are responsible for darker colors. GO:0006727 brown eye pigment pathway UPa:UPA00271 ommochrome biosynthesis Biosynthesis of ommochrome (brown eye pigment). Ommochrome (or visual pigment) refers to several biological pigments that occur in the eyes of crustaceans and insects. The eye color is determined by the ommochromes. Ommochromes are also found in the chromatophores of cephalopods, and in spiders. Ommochromes are metabolites of tryptophan, via kynurenine and 3-hydroxykynurenine. They are responsible for a wide variety of colors, ranging from yellow over red and brown to black. Lighter colors tend to be generated by ommatins, while mixtures of ommatin and ommins are responsible for darker colors. UPa:amorgat GO:0006727 biological_process:ommochrome biosynthetic process Oxidation of benzene to catechol via cis-benzene glycol (cis-1,2 -dihydroxy-cyclohexa-3,5-diene, cis-1,2-dihydrobenzene-1,2-diol). The conversion of benzene to catechol is performed in two steps catalyzed by benzene dioxygenase and cis-benzene glycol dehydrogenase. Benzene dioxygenase, catalyzing the oxidation of benzene to cis-benzene glycol, is a multicomponent enzyme system. KEGG:map00361 KEGG:map01120 PMID:3667527 PMID:8344526 pathway UPa:UPA00272 benzene degradation Oxidation of benzene to catechol via cis-benzene glycol (cis-1,2 -dihydroxy-cyclohexa-3,5-diene, cis-1,2-dihydrobenzene-1,2-diol). The conversion of benzene to catechol is performed in two steps catalyzed by benzene dioxygenase and cis-benzene glycol dehydrogenase. Benzene dioxygenase, catalyzing the oxidation of benzene to cis-benzene glycol, is a multicomponent enzyme system. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00361 Chlorocyclohexane and chlorobenzene degradation KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Oxidation of toluene to 3-methylcatechol via toluene-cis dihydrodiol. GO:0042203 KEGG:map00623 KEGG:map01120 methylbenzene degradation pathway UPa:UPA00273 toluene degradation Oxidation of toluene to 3-methylcatechol via toluene-cis dihydrodiol. UPa:amorgat GO:0042203 biological_process:toluene catabolic process KEGG:map00623 Toluene degradation KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Degradation of creatinine (1-methylglycocyamidine). Creatinine is a readily available nitrogen source found in the faeces of different animals, including earthworms and birds. A number of bacteria utilizing this compound as carbon and/or nitrogen source has already been described for example, Alcaligenes, Arthrobacter, Corynebacterium, Flavobacterium, and Pseudomonas species. GO:0006602 KEGG:map00330 KEGG:map01100 PMID:10893433 PMID:1381445 PMID:15148566 1-methylglycocyamidine degradation pathway UPa:UPA00274 creatinine degradation Degradation of creatinine (1-methylglycocyamidine). Creatinine is a readily available nitrogen source found in the faeces of different animals, including earthworms and birds. A number of bacteria utilizing this compound as carbon and/or nitrogen source has already been described for example, Alcaligenes, Arthrobacter, Corynebacterium, Flavobacterium, and Pseudomonas species. UPa:amorgat GO:0006602 biological_process:creatinine catabolic process KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of riboflavin (vitamin B2), the universal precursor of flavocoenzymes. It is biosynthesized by plants and many microorganisms but must be obtained from dietary sources by animals. GO:0009231 KEGG:map00740 KEGG:map01100 PMID:11153262 PMID:16010344 PMID:16607521 PMID:16923880 E101 biosynthesis vitamin B2 biosynthesis vitamin G biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00275 riboflavin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of riboflavin (vitamin B2), the universal precursor of flavocoenzymes. It is biosynthesized by plants and many microorganisms but must be obtained from dietary sources by animals. UPa:amorgat GO:0009231 biological_process:riboflavin biosynthetic process KEGG:map00740 Riboflavin metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of FMN (riboflavin-5-phosphate) cofactor. GO:0009398 KEGG:map00740 KEGG:map01100 MetaCyc:RIBOSYN2-PWY flavin mononucleotide biosynthesis riboflavin-5-phosphate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00276 FMN biosynthesis Biosynthesis of FMN (riboflavin-5-phosphate) cofactor. UPa:amorgat GO:0009398 biological_process:FMN biosynthetic process KEGG:map00740 Riboflavin metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide). GO:0006747 KEGG:map00740 KEGG:map01100 flavin adenine dinucleotide biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00277 FAD biosynthesis Biosynthesis of FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide). UPa:amorgat GO:0006747 biological_process:FAD biosynthetic process KEGG:map00740 Riboflavin metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of batalains, a class of red and yellow indole-derived pigments found in plants. pathway UPa:UPA00278 betalain biosynthesis Biosynthesis of batalains, a class of red and yellow indole-derived pigments found in plants. UPa:amorgat Degradation of bile acids, any of a group of steroid carboxylic acids occurring in bile [GO]. GO:0030573 pathway UPa:UPA00279 bile acid degradation Degradation of bile acids, any of a group of steroid carboxylic acids occurring in bile [GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0030573 biological_process:bile acid catabolic process Degradation of asparagine (N)-linked oligosaccharides (N-glycans). N-linked oligosaccharide degradation pathway UPa:UPA00280 N-glycan degradation Degradation of asparagine (N)-linked oligosaccharides (N-glycans). UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of O-antigen, the polysaccharide side chain of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecules. The composition of the O side chain varies between different gram-negative bacterial strains. O side chains are easily recognized by the antibodies of the host, however, the nature of the chain can easily be modified by Gram-negative bacteria to avoid detection. GO:0009243 lipopolysaccharide O-antigen biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00281 LPS O-antigen biosynthesis Biosynthesis of O-antigen, the polysaccharide side chain of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecules. The composition of the O side chain varies between different gram-negative bacterial strains. O side chains are easily recognized by the antibodies of the host, however, the nature of the chain can easily be modified by Gram-negative bacteria to avoid detection. UPa:amorgat GO:0009243 biological_process:O antigen biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of triacylglycerol (triacylglyceride, triglyceride, TAG). Triacylglycerol is glyceride in which the glycerol is esterified with three fatty acids. It is the main constituent of vegetable oil and animal fats. GO:0019432 TAG biosyntheis triacylglyceride biosynthesis triglyceride biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00282 triacylglycerol biosynthesis Biosynthesis of triacylglycerol (triacylglyceride, triglyceride, TAG). Triacylglycerol is glyceride in which the glycerol is esterified with three fatty acids. It is the main constituent of vegetable oil and animal fats. UPa:amorgat GO:0019432 biological_process:triglyceride biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of the sesquiterponoid germacradienol ((1E,4S,5E,7R)-germacra-1(10),5-dien-11-ol). KEGG:map00909 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 (1E,4S,5E,7R)-germacra-1(10),5-dien-11-ol biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00283 germacradienol biosynthesis Biosynthesis of the sesquiterponoid germacradienol ((1E,4S,5E,7R)-germacra-1(10),5-dien-11-ol). UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00909 Sesquiterpenoid biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of the oligosaccharide component of lipooligosaccharide (LOS). pathway UPa:UPA00284 LOS oligosaccharide biosynthesis Biosynthesis of the oligosaccharide component of lipooligosaccharide (LOS). UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of the sesquiterponoid germacrene D. KEGG:map00909 pathway UPa:UPA00285 germacrene D biosynthesis Biosynthesis of the sesquiterponoid germacrene D. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00909 Sesquiterpenoid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of alginate, an hydrophilic exopolysaccharide produced by brown seaweeds an some bacteria. There is a strong correlation of alginate production with patients suffering from the disease cystic fibrosis caused by some pathogen bacteria (Pseudomonas, Azopbacter). Chemically, alginate is a linear copolymer with homopolymeric blocks of (1-4)-linked beta-D-mannuronate (M) and its C-5 epimer alpha-L-guluronate (G) residues, respectively, covalently linked together in different sequences. GO:0042121 alginic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00286 alginate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of alginate, an hydrophilic exopolysaccharide produced by brown seaweeds an some bacteria. There is a strong correlation of alginate production with patients suffering from the disease cystic fibrosis caused by some pathogen bacteria (Pseudomonas, Azopbacter). Chemically, alginate is a linear copolymer with homopolymeric blocks of (1-4)-linked beta-D-mannuronate (M) and its C-5 epimer alpha-L-guluronate (G) residues, respectively, covalently linked together in different sequences. UPa:amorgat GO:0042121 biological_process:alginic acid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of aflatoxin, a family of acutely toxic, teratogenic, potent carcinogenic, and mutagenic metabolites produced by certain strains of common molds Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus. GO:0045122 PMID:15006741 PMID:15022028 PMID:16349476 PMID:19537208 pathway UPa:UPA00287 aflatoxin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of aflatoxin, a family of acutely toxic, teratogenic, potent carcinogenic, and mutagenic metabolites produced by certain strains of common molds Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus. UPa:amorgat GO:0045122 biological_process:aflatoxin biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of glycine amino-acid. GO:0006545 KEGG:map00250 KEGG:map00260 KEGG:map00460 KEGG:map00670 KEGG:map00680 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 pathway UPa:UPA00288 glycine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of glycine amino-acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0006545 biological_process:glycine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00250 Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism KEGG:map00460 Cyanoamino acid metabolism KEGG:map00670 One carbon pool by folate KEGG:map00680 Methane metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of amines and polyamines. These compounds play a variety of roles in metabolism, including acting as osmoprotectants, keeping DNA in a condensed state, and serving as intermediates in the synthesis of macromolecules. The polyamines, e.g. 1,3-diaminopropane, putrescine, cadaverine, agmatine, spermidine and spermine, are wide-spread in all organisms, and have been shown to play a role in the regulation of growth and differentiation of virtually all types of cells. GO:0006596 GO:0009309 PMID:3157043 pathway UPa:UPA00289 amine and polyamine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of amines and polyamines. These compounds play a variety of roles in metabolism, including acting as osmoprotectants, keeping DNA in a condensed state, and serving as intermediates in the synthesis of macromolecules. The polyamines, e.g. 1,3-diaminopropane, putrescine, cadaverine, agmatine, spermidine and spermine, are wide-spread in all organisms, and have been shown to play a role in the regulation of growth and differentiation of virtually all types of cells. UPa:amorgat GO:0006596 biological_process:polyamine biosynthetic process GO:0009309 biological_process:amine biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of choline. GO:0042425 bilineurine biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00290 choline biosynthesis Biosynthesis of choline. UPa:amorgat GO:0042425 biological_process:choline biosynthetic process Degradation of betaine (trimethylaminoacetate, N,N,N-trimethylglycine). GO:0006579 KEGG:map00260 KEGG:map00270 KEGG:map01100 N,N,N-trimethylglycine degradation glycine betaine degradation trimethylaminoacetate degradation pathway UPa:UPA00291 betaine degradation Degradation of betaine (trimethylaminoacetate, N,N,N-trimethylglycine). UPa:amorgat GO:0006579 biological_process:amino-acid betaine catabolic process KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism KEGG:map00270 Cysteine and methionine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Degradation of sarcosine. KEGG:map00260 KEGG:map01100 N-methylglycine degradation pathway UPa:UPA00292 sarcosine degradation Degradation of sarcosine. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Ribose-5-phosphate is generally assumed to arise via the oxidative and nonoxidative pentose phosphate pathways. In some archaea, ribulose monophosphate (RuMP) pathway may be functioning as an alternate route to ribose-5-phosphate. Grochowski et al [PMID: 16237021] showed experimentally that that in M. jannaschii, ribose-5-phosphate is produced exclusively via the RuMP pathway and that these cells do not appear to operate a pentose phosphate pathway. GO:1901280 PMID:10648518 PMID:16237021 pathway UPa:UPA00293 D-ribose 5-phosphate biosynthesis Ribose-5-phosphate is generally assumed to arise via the oxidative and nonoxidative pentose phosphate pathways. In some archaea, ribulose monophosphate (RuMP) pathway may be functioning as an alternate route to ribose-5-phosphate. Grochowski et al [PMID: 16237021] showed experimentally that that in M. jannaschii, ribose-5-phosphate is produced exclusively via the RuMP pathway and that these cells do not appear to operate a pentose phosphate pathway. UPa:amorgat GO:1901280 rdfmatch Formaldehyde is the key intermediate in C1 metabolism and can be assimilated via the ribulose monophosphate (RuMP) pathway. The ribulose monophosphate (RuMP) pathway, involving 3-hexulose-6-phosphate synthase (HPS) and 6-phospho-3-hexuloisomerase (PHI), is now recognized as a widespread prokaryotic pathway for formaldehyde fixation and detoxification. The RuMP pathways consists of three main parts: i) fixation, ii) cleavage and iii) rearrangement. i) Fixation stage: formaldehyde and ribulose-5-phosphate (RuMP) are condensed to form hexulose-6-phosphate (HuMP), which in turn is converted to fructose-6-phosphate (FMP) by hexulosephosphate isomerase (HPI). By the assimilation of three formaldehyde molecules, three molecules of FMP are created. GO:0019647 KEGG:map00040 KEGG:map00680 KEGG:map01120 PMID:16788179 RuMP cycle formaldehyde assimilation via ribulose monophosphate cycle ribulose monophosphate pathway pathway UPa:UPA00294 formaldehyde assimilation via RuMP pathway Formaldehyde is the key intermediate in C1 metabolism and can be assimilated via the ribulose monophosphate (RuMP) pathway. The ribulose monophosphate (RuMP) pathway, involving 3-hexulose-6-phosphate synthase (HPS) and 6-phospho-3-hexuloisomerase (PHI), is now recognized as a widespread prokaryotic pathway for formaldehyde fixation and detoxification. The RuMP pathways consists of three main parts: i) fixation, ii) cleavage and iii) rearrangement. i) Fixation stage: formaldehyde and ribulose-5-phosphate (RuMP) are condensed to form hexulose-6-phosphate (HuMP), which in turn is converted to fructose-6-phosphate (FMP) by hexulosephosphate isomerase (HPI). By the assimilation of three formaldehyde molecules, three molecules of FMP are created. UPa:amorgat GO:0019647 biological_process:formaldehyde assimilation via ribulose monophosphate cycle KEGG:map00040 Pentose and glucuronate interconversions KEGG:map00680 Methane metabolism KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of organic compounds able to kill bacteria, or inhibit their growth. GO:0017000 pathway UPa:UPA00295 antibiotic biosynthesis Biosynthesis of organic compounds able to kill bacteria, or inhibit their growth. UPa:amorgat GO:0017000 biological_process:antibiotic biosynthetic process Metabolism of cholesterol. GO:0008203 pathway UPa:UPA00296 cholesterol metabolism Metabolism of cholesterol. UPa:amorgat GO:0008203 biological_process:cholesterol metabolic process Dicyanocobinamide is a coenzyme B&lt;sub&gt;12&lt;/sub&gt; precursor. Regarding Woodson ate al [PMID:14990804] prokaryotes have evolved at least two distinct pathways for salvaging the precursor cobinamide (Cbi) from the environment. Both pathways accomplish the same goal, which is to convert AdoCbi (adenosylcobinamide) to AdoCbi-P, a true intermediate of the de novo biosynthetic pathway. PMID:14990804 Cbi salvage pathway cobinamide salvage pathway pathway UPa:UPA00297 dicyanocobinamide salvage pathway Dicyanocobinamide is a coenzyme B&lt;sub&gt;12&lt;/sub&gt; precursor. Regarding Woodson ate al [PMID:14990804] prokaryotes have evolved at least two distinct pathways for salvaging the precursor cobinamide (Cbi) from the environment. Both pathways accomplish the same goal, which is to convert AdoCbi (adenosylcobinamide) to AdoCbi-P, a true intermediate of the de novo biosynthetic pathway. UPa:amorgat The chemical reactions and physical changes involving siderophore (siderochromes), low molecular weight Fe(III)-chelating substances made by aerobic or facultatively anaerobic bacteria, especially when growing under iron deficient conditions. The complexes of Fe(3+)-siderochromes have very high stability constants and are taken up by specific transport systems by microorganisms; the subsequent release of iron requires enzymatic action. GO:0009237 siderochrome metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00298 siderophore metabolism The chemical reactions and physical changes involving siderophore (siderochromes), low molecular weight Fe(III)-chelating substances made by aerobic or facultatively anaerobic bacteria, especially when growing under iron deficient conditions. The complexes of Fe(3+)-siderochromes have very high stability constants and are taken up by specific transport systems by microorganisms; the subsequent release of iron requires enzymatic action. UPa:amorgat GO:0009237 biological_process:siderophore metabolic process Biosynthesis of trehalose, also known as mycose, a disaccharide found extensively but not abundantly in nature. It can be synthesised by fungi, plants and invertebrate animals. It is implicated in anhydrobiosis - the ability of plants and animals to withstand prolonged periods of desiccation. GO:0005992 pathway UPa:UPA00299 trehalose biosynthesis Biosynthesis of trehalose, also known as mycose, a disaccharide found extensively but not abundantly in nature. It can be synthesised by fungi, plants and invertebrate animals. It is implicated in anhydrobiosis - the ability of plants and animals to withstand prolonged periods of desiccation. UPa:amorgat GO:0005992 biological_process:trehalose biosynthetic process Degradation of trehalose, also known as mycose, a disaccharide found extensively but not abundantly in nature. Trehalose is metabolized by a number of bacteria, including Streptococcus mutans, the common oral bacteria responsible for oral plaque. The enzyme trehalase, a glycoside hydrolase, present but not abundant in most people, breaks trehalose into two glucose molecules, which can then be readily absorbed in the gut. GO:0005993 KEGG:map00500 MetaCyc:PWY0-1182 pathway UPa:UPA00300 trehalose degradation Degradation of trehalose, also known as mycose, a disaccharide found extensively but not abundantly in nature. Trehalose is metabolized by a number of bacteria, including Streptococcus mutans, the common oral bacteria responsible for oral plaque. The enzyme trehalase, a glycoside hydrolase, present but not abundant in most people, breaks trehalose into two glucose molecules, which can then be readily absorbed in the gut. UPa:amorgat GO:0005993 biological_process:trehalose catabolic process KEGG:map00500 Starch and sucrose metabolism Biosynthesis of inner core oligosaccharide, a component of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecules. Core oligosaccharide contains unusual sugars (e.g. KDO, keto-deoxyoctulonate and heptulose). It contains two glucosamine sugar derivatives each containing three fatty acids with phosphate or pyrophosphate attached. The core polysaccharide is attached to lipid A, which is also in part responsible for the toxicity of gram-negative bacteria. PMID:11371519 LPS inner core oligosaccharide biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00301 LPS oligosaccharide biosynthesis Biosynthesis of inner core oligosaccharide, a component of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecules. Core oligosaccharide contains unusual sugars (e.g. KDO, keto-deoxyoctulonate and heptulose). It contains two glucosamine sugar derivatives each containing three fatty acids with phosphate or pyrophosphate attached. The core polysaccharide is attached to lipid A, which is also in part responsible for the toxicity of gram-negative bacteria. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of iron-sequestering compounds. The production of siderophores is a key feature which enables pathogenic bacteria to survive within the vertebrate host. Siderophores facilitate the solubilization and transport of ferric iron into the cell essential requirement for bacterial growth. GO:0019290 siderochrome biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00302 siderophore biosynthesis Biosynthesis of iron-sequestering compounds. The production of siderophores is a key feature which enables pathogenic bacteria to survive within the vertebrate host. Siderophores facilitate the solubilization and transport of ferric iron into the cell essential requirement for bacterial growth. UPa:amorgat GO:0019290 biological_process:siderophore biosynthetic process Degradation of atropine, a tropan alkaloid. GO:1901050 PMID:16736160 DL-hyoscyamine degradation pathway UPa:UPA00303 atropine degradation Degradation of atropine, a tropan alkaloid. UPa:amorgat GO:1901050 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of nucleotide-sugars, any nucleotide in which the distal phosphoric residue of a nucleoside 5'-diphosphate is in glycosidic linkage with a monosaccharide or monosaccharide derivative. [source: GO]. GO:0009226 pathway UPa:UPA00304 nucleotide-sugar biosynthesis Biosynthesis of nucleotide-sugars, any nucleotide in which the distal phosphoric residue of a nucleoside 5'-diphosphate is in glycosidic linkage with a monosaccharide or monosaccharide derivative. [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0009226 biological_process:nucleotide-sugar biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of alkene, unsaturated chemical compound containing at least one carbon-to-carbon double bond. GO:0043450 olefin biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00305 alkene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of alkene, unsaturated chemical compound containing at least one carbon-to-carbon double bond. UPa:amorgat GO:0043450 biological_process:alkene biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of (S)-reticuline, an important intermediate in synthesizing isoquinoline alkaloids. Reticuline is an important intermediate in the production of analgesic morphinan alkaloids (e.g. morphine), antimicrobial berberine alkaloids (e.g. berberine), and antimicrobial benzophenanthridine alkaloids (e.g. sanguinarine). KEGG:map00950 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:10811648 pathway UPa:UPA00306 (S)-reticuline biosynthesis Biosynthesis of (S)-reticuline, an important intermediate in synthesizing isoquinoline alkaloids. Reticuline is an important intermediate in the production of analgesic morphinan alkaloids (e.g. morphine), antimicrobial berberine alkaloids (e.g. berberine), and antimicrobial benzophenanthridine alkaloids (e.g. sanguinarine). UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00950 Isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of palmatine, an isoquinoline alkaloid. KEGG:map00950 PMID:12423366 pathway UPa:UPA00307 palmatine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of palmatine, an isoquinoline alkaloid. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00950 Isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of berbamunine, an isoquinoline alkaloid. GO:0035833 KEGG:map00950 PMID:12423366 pathway UPa:UPA00308 berbamunine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of berbamunine, an isoquinoline alkaloid. UPa:amorgat GO:0035833 biological_process:berbamunine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00950 Isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of violacein, a deep violet pigment produced by Chromobacterium violaceum. The low solubility of violacein in water and the high molar extinction coefficient in methanol lead Antonio and Creczynski-Pasa [PMID:15100990] to suppose that it is involved in protection against visible radiation, since C.violaceum bacterium is widely found in the water and soil of tropical and subtropical areas of the world. PMID:15100990 PMID:16874749 PMID:17396254 pathway UPa:UPA00309 violacein biosynthesis Biosynthesis of violacein, a deep violet pigment produced by Chromobacterium violaceum. The low solubility of violacein in water and the high molar extinction coefficient in methanol lead Antonio and Creczynski-Pasa [PMID:15100990] to suppose that it is involved in protection against visible radiation, since C.violaceum bacterium is widely found in the water and soil of tropical and subtropical areas of the world. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of ajmaline, an antiarrhythmic monoterpenoid indole alkaloid. The ajmaline biosynthetic pathway expressed in the medicinal plant Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz. The pathway originates from rather simple precursors such as tryptamine on one side, and the monoterpenoid glucoside secologanin on the other side. PMID:11937349 PMID:12071952 PMID:16874388 pathway UPa:UPA00310 ajmaline biosynthesis Biosynthesis of ajmaline, an antiarrhythmic monoterpenoid indole alkaloid. The ajmaline biosynthetic pathway expressed in the medicinal plant Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz. The pathway originates from rather simple precursors such as tryptamine on one side, and the monoterpenoid glucoside secologanin on the other side. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of 3-alpha-(S)-strictosidine, an important intermediate in synthesizing indole alkaloids. Strictosidine is is a common biosynthetic precursor for more than two thousand terpene indole alkaloids (e.g production of clinically useful antitumor alkaloids vinblastine and vincristine). KEGG:map00901 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:17113995 PMID:7763429 pathway UPa:UPA00311 3alpha(S)-strictosidine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of 3-alpha-(S)-strictosidine, an important intermediate in synthesizing indole alkaloids. Strictosidine is is a common biosynthetic precursor for more than two thousand terpene indole alkaloids (e.g production of clinically useful antitumor alkaloids vinblastine and vincristine). UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00901 Indole alkaloid biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Any process which produces a nucleotide, a compound consisting of a nucleoside that is esterified with (ortho)phosphate or an oligophosphate at any hydroxyl group on the glycose moiety, from derivatives of it without de novo synthesis. [GO]. GO:0043173 PMID:8805514 pathway UPa:UPA00312 nucleotide salvage pathway Any process which produces a nucleotide, a compound consisting of a nucleoside that is esterified with (ortho)phosphate or an oligophosphate at any hydroxyl group on the glycose moiety, from derivatives of it without de novo synthesis. [GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0043173 biological_process:nucleotide salvage Metabolism of pyrimidine nucleotides. GO:0006220 pathway UPa:UPA00313 pyrimidine nucleotide metabolism Metabolism of pyrimidine nucleotides. UPa:amorgat GO:0006220 biological_process:pyrimidine nucleotide metabolic process Biosynthesis of homocysteine, the precursor of L-methionine, from S-adenosylhomocysteine. This reaction occurs during the activated methyl cycle. KEGG:map00270 KEGG:map01100 pathway UPa:UPA00314 L-homocysteine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of homocysteine, the precursor of L-methionine, from S-adenosylhomocysteine. This reaction occurs during the activated methyl cycle. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00270 Cysteine and methionine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM, AdoMet). Conversion of L-methionine and ATP into S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet, SAM), which is required for methyltransferase reactions in the cell as well as for polyamine biosynthesis. This reaction occurs during the activated methyl cycle. GO:0006556 KEGG:map00270 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 MetaCyc:SAM-PWY AdoMet biosynthesis SAM biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00315 S-adenosyl-L-methionine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM, AdoMet). Conversion of L-methionine and ATP into S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet, SAM), which is required for methyltransferase reactions in the cell as well as for polyamine biosynthesis. This reaction occurs during the activated methyl cycle. UPa:amorgat GO:0006556 biological_process:S-adenosylmethionine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00270 Cysteine and methionine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites The chemical reactions and pathways involving biopolymers, long, repeating chains of monomers found in nature e.g. polysaccharides and proteins. [source: GO]. GO:0043170 pathway UPa:UPA00316 biopolymer metabolism The chemical reactions and pathways involving biopolymers, long, repeating chains of monomers found in nature e.g. polysaccharides and proteins. [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0043170 biological_process:macromolecule metabolic process Degradation of morphine, an isoquinolin alkaloid. GO:0071273 PMID:2012614 pathway UPa:UPA00317 morphine degradation Degradation of morphine, an isoquinolin alkaloid. UPa:amorgat GO:0071273 biological_process:morphine catabolic process Degradation of codeine, an isoquinolin alkaloid. GO:2001292 PMID:2012614 pathway UPa:UPA00318 codeine degradation Degradation of codeine, an isoquinolin alkaloid. UPa:amorgat GO:2001292 biological_process:codeine catabolic process Biosynthesis of scoulerine, an isoquinoline alkaloid. Scoulerine is is a precursor of protopine, protoberberine and benzophenanthridine alkaloid biosynthesis in plants. Some studies shown that scoulerine is an antagonist at the alpha-2-adrenoceptor, alpha-1D-adrenoceptor and 5-HT receptor [PMID:7902181] [PMID:7952879]. It has also been found to be a GABA-A receptor agonist [PMID:14577695] [PMID:12709895]. KEGG:map00950 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:12709895 PMID:14577695 PMID:1946465 PMID:7902181 PMID:7952879 aequaline biosynthesis discretamine biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00319 (S)-scoulerine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of scoulerine, an isoquinoline alkaloid. Scoulerine is is a precursor of protopine, protoberberine and benzophenanthridine alkaloid biosynthesis in plants. Some studies shown that scoulerine is an antagonist at the alpha-2-adrenoceptor, alpha-1D-adrenoceptor and 5-HT receptor [PMID:7902181] [PMID:7952879]. It has also been found to be a GABA-A receptor agonist [PMID:14577695] [PMID:12709895]. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00950 Isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of biopolymers, long, repeating chains of monomers found in nature e.g. polysaccharides and proteins. [source: GO]. GO:0009059 pathway UPa:UPA00320 biopolymer biosynthesis The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of biopolymers, long, repeating chains of monomers found in nature e.g. polysaccharides and proteins. [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0009059 biological_process:macromolecule biosynthetic process C3 acid pathway is one of the three carbon fixation pathway. pathway UPa:UPA00321 C3 acid pathway C3 acid pathway is one of the three carbon fixation pathway. UPa:amorgat C4 acid pathway is one of the three carbon fixation pathway. pathway UPa:UPA00322 C4 acid pathway C4 acid pathway is one of the three carbon fixation pathway. UPa:amorgat Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) pathway is one of the three carbon fixation pathway. Crassulacean Acid Metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00323 CAM pathway Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) pathway is one of the three carbon fixation pathway. UPa:amorgat Biogenesis of bacterial outer membrane constituents. pathway UPa:UPA00324 bacterial outer membrane biogenesis Biogenesis of bacterial outer membrane constituents. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of hydrocarbons, organic compound consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon. Saturated hydrocarbons are called alkanes. Unsaturated hydrocarbons with one double bond are called alkenes. pathway UPa:UPA00325 hydrocarbon metabolism Metabolism of hydrocarbons, organic compound consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon. Saturated hydrocarbons are called alkanes. Unsaturated hydrocarbons with one double bond are called alkenes. UPa:amorgat The process whereby new strands of DNA are synthesized. The template for replication can either be an existing DNA molecule or RNA. [GO]. GO:0006260 pathway UPa:UPA00326 DNA replication The process whereby new strands of DNA are synthesized. The template for replication can either be an existing DNA molecule or RNA. [GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0006260 biological_process:DNA replication Biosynthesis of ergot alkaloids. GO:0035835 PMID:15870460 pathway UPa:UPA00327 ergot alkaloid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of ergot alkaloids. UPa:amorgat GO:0035835 biological_process:indole alkaloid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of secologanin, the precursor of the monoterpenoid indole alkaloids and ipecac alkaloids. pathway UPa:UPA00328 secologanin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of secologanin, the precursor of the monoterpenoid indole alkaloids and ipecac alkaloids. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. ipecac alkaloids. GO:1901085 PMID:10611289 pathway UPa:UPA00329 pyrrolizidine alkaloid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. ipecac alkaloids. UPa:amorgat GO:1901085 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of tropane alkaloids. GO:0009710 pathway UPa:UPA00330 tropane alkaloid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of tropane alkaloids. UPa:amorgat GO:0009710 biological_process:tropane alkaloid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of S-adenosylmethioninamine, a precursor of spermine and spermidine polyamines, from S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet, SAM). GO:0006557 KEGG:map00270 KEGG:map00330 KEGG:map01100 S-adenosyl-L-methioninamine biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00331 S-adenosylmethioninamine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of S-adenosylmethioninamine, a precursor of spermine and spermidine polyamines, from S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet, SAM). UPa:amorgat GO:0006557 biological_process:S-adenosylmethioninamine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00270 Cysteine and methionine metabolism KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Degradation of amino-acid L-tryptophan into pyruvate and indole. Among the multiple products of tryptophan catabolism, indole is suspected to be responsible for the cell-cycle arrest and to add a role in stationary-phase signalling [PMID:17163965]. KEGG:map00380 KEGG:map00910 MetaCyc:TRYPDEG-PWY PMID:11479034 PMID:17163965 (S)-alpha-amino-beta-(3-indolyl)-propionic acid degradation 2-amino-3-(1H-indol-3-yl)propanoic acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00332 L-tryptophan degradation via pyruvate pathway Degradation of amino-acid L-tryptophan into pyruvate and indole. Among the multiple products of tryptophan catabolism, indole is suspected to be responsible for the cell-cycle arrest and to add a role in stationary-phase signalling [PMID:17163965]. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00380 Tryptophan metabolism KEGG:map00910 Nitrogen metabolism Degradation of amino-acid L-tryptophan into L-kynurenine. GO:0019441 KEGG:map00380 KEGG:map00630 KEGG:map01100 MetaCyc:TRPCAT-PWY PMID:18282734 pathway UPa:UPA00333 L-tryptophan degradation via kynurenine pathway Degradation of amino-acid L-tryptophan into L-kynurenine. UPa:amorgat GO:0019441 biological_process:tryptophan catabolic process to kynurenine KEGG:map00380 Tryptophan metabolism KEGG:map00630 Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Degradation of L-kynurenine, a metabolite of L-tryptophan amino-acid. GO:0097053 KEGG:map00380 KEGG:map01100 3-anthraniloyl-L-alanine degradation pathway UPa:UPA00334 L-kynurenine degradation Degradation of L-kynurenine, a metabolite of L-tryptophan amino-acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0097053 biological_process:L-kynurenine catabolic process KEGG:map00380 Tryptophan metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Maturation of [NiFe] hydrogenase, one of the three hydrogenase class with an active site based on nickel and iron. PMID:17216401 PMID:18065529 pathway UPa:UPA00335 [NiFe] hydrogenase maturation Maturation of [NiFe] hydrogenase, one of the three hydrogenase class with an active site based on nickel and iron. UPa:amorgat Degradation of taurine (2-aminoethanesulfonic acid), an organic acid that is abundant in the tissues of many animals (metazoa). Taurine is also found in plants, fungi, and some bacterial species, but at lower levels. Taurine is a derivative of the sulphur-containing (sulfhydryl) amino-acid, cysteine. KEGG:map00430 KEGG:map01100 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid degradation via aerobic pathway pathway UPa:UPA00336 taurine degradation via aerobic pathway Degradation of taurine (2-aminoethanesulfonic acid), an organic acid that is abundant in the tissues of many animals (metazoa). Taurine is also found in plants, fungi, and some bacterial species, but at lower levels. Taurine is a derivative of the sulphur-containing (sulfhydryl) amino-acid, cysteine. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00430 Taurine and hypotaurine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of hopanoids, pentacyclic compounds similar to sterols, whose primary function is to improve plasma membrane fluidity in prokaryotes. GO:0019746 pathway UPa:UPA00337 hopanoid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of hopanoids, pentacyclic compounds similar to sterols, whose primary function is to improve plasma membrane fluidity in prokaryotes. UPa:amorgat GO:0019746 biological_process:hopanoid biosynthetic process In the absence of sulfate, a number of yeasts can use alkanesulfonates (aliphatic sulfonates), such as taurine, cysteate, and isethionate, as alternative sulfur sources. Sulfonate utilization by Saccharomyces cerevisiae occurs only under aerobic conditions, is independent of sulfate-utilizing enzymes, and requires sulfite reductase, consistent with the formation of sulfite prior to assimilation. GO:0046306 PMID:10482536 aliphatic sulfonate degradation pathway UPa:UPA00338 alkanesulfonate degradation In the absence of sulfate, a number of yeasts can use alkanesulfonates (aliphatic sulfonates), such as taurine, cysteate, and isethionate, as alternative sulfur sources. Sulfonate utilization by Saccharomyces cerevisiae occurs only under aerobic conditions, is independent of sulfate-utilizing enzymes, and requires sulfite reductase, consistent with the formation of sulfite prior to assimilation. UPa:amorgat GO:0046306 biological_process:alkanesulfonate catabolic process Metabolism of the aldohexose mannose (the C-2 epimer of glucose). The D-(+)-form is widely distributed in mannans and hemicelluloses and is of major importance in the core oligosaccharide of N-linked oligosaccharides of glycoproteins. [GO]. GO:0006013 pathway UPa:UPA00339 mannose metabolism Metabolism of the aldohexose mannose (the C-2 epimer of glucose). The D-(+)-form is widely distributed in mannans and hemicelluloses and is of major importance in the core oligosaccharide of N-linked oligosaccharides of glycoproteins. [GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0006013 biological_process:mannose metabolic process Biosynthesis of acetyl-CoA, an important molecule in metabolism, used in many biochemical reactions. GO:0006085 KEGG:map00410 KEGG:map00430 KEGG:map00620 KEGG:map00640 KEGG:map00680 KEGG:map00720 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 pathway UPa:UPA00340 acetyl-CoA biosynthesis Biosynthesis of acetyl-CoA, an important molecule in metabolism, used in many biochemical reactions. UPa:amorgat GO:0006085 biological_process:acetyl-CoA biosynthetic process KEGG:map00410 beta-Alanine metabolism KEGG:map00430 Taurine and hypotaurine metabolism KEGG:map00620 Pyruvate metabolism KEGG:map00640 Propanoate metabolism KEGG:map00680 Methane metabolism KEGG:map00720 Carbon fixation pathways in prokaryotes KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of hyaluronan, a non-sulfated glycosaminoglycan. Hyaluronan is synthesized by a class of integral membrane proteins called hyaluronan synthases. Vertebrates have three types: HAS1, HAS2, and HAS3. These enzymes lengthen hyaluronan by repeatedly adding glucuronic acid and N-acetylglucosamine to the nascent polysaccharide. GO:0030213 hyaluronate biosynthesis hyaluronic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00341 hyaluronan biosynthesis Biosynthesis of hyaluronan, a non-sulfated glycosaminoglycan. Hyaluronan is synthesized by a class of integral membrane proteins called hyaluronan synthases. Vertebrates have three types: HAS1, HAS2, and HAS3. These enzymes lengthen hyaluronan by repeatedly adding glucuronic acid and N-acetylglucosamine to the nascent polysaccharide. UPa:amorgat GO:0030213 biological_process:hyaluronan biosynthetic process Degradation of N-acetylmuramic acid, an amino-sugar. GO:0097173 MurNAc degradation pathway UPa:UPA00342 N-acetylmuramate degradation Degradation of N-acetylmuramic acid, an amino-sugar. UPa:amorgat GO:0097173 biological_process:N-acetylmuramic acid catabolic process Degradation of anhydro-N-acetylmuramate, an amino-sugar. GO:0097175 anhMurNAc degradation pathway UPa:UPA00343 1,6-anhydro-N-acetylmuramate degradation Degradation of anhydro-N-acetylmuramate, an amino-sugar. UPa:amorgat GO:0097175 biological_process:1,6-anhydro-N-acetyl-beta-muramic acid catabolic process Biosynthesis of molybdopterin, an essential cofactor for the catalytic activity of some enzymes, e.g. sulfite oxidase, xanthine dehydrogenase, and aldehyde oxidase. The cofactor consists of a mononuclear molybdenum (Mo-molybdopterin) or tungsten ion (W-molybdopterin) coordinated by one or two molybdopterin ligands. [GO:0032324]. Mo-pterin biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00344 molybdopterin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of molybdopterin, an essential cofactor for the catalytic activity of some enzymes, e.g. sulfite oxidase, xanthine dehydrogenase, and aldehyde oxidase. The cofactor consists of a mononuclear molybdenum (Mo-molybdopterin) or tungsten ion (W-molybdopterin) coordinated by one or two molybdopterin ligands. [GO:0032324]. UPa:amorgat Elongation stage in protein biosynthesis. GO:0006414 protein elongation pathway UPa:UPA00345 polypeptide chain elongation Elongation stage in protein biosynthesis. UPa:amorgat GO:0006414 biological_process:translational elongation Desulfurization of dibenzothiophene (DBT) into 2-hydroxybiphenyl (2-HBP). GO:0018896 PMID:7574582 2-HBP biosynthesis 2-hydroxybiphenyl biosynthesis DBT desulfurization pathway UPa:UPA00346 dibenzothiophene degradation Desulfurization of dibenzothiophene (DBT) into 2-hydroxybiphenyl (2-HBP). UPa:amorgat GO:0018896 biological_process:dibenzothiophene catabolic process Biosynthesis of hydrocarbons, organic compound consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon. Saturated hydrocarbons are called alkanes. Unsaturated hydrocarbons with one double bond are called alkenes. pathway UPa:UPA00347 hydrocarbon biosynthesis Biosynthesis of hydrocarbons, organic compound consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon. Saturated hydrocarbons are called alkanes. Unsaturated hydrocarbons with one double bond are called alkenes. UPa:amorgat Degradation of (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)propanoate (dichlorprop, 2,4-DP), a chlorinated phenoxy herbicid. PMID:12501996 2,4-DP degradation dichlorprop degradation pathway UPa:UPA00348 2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)propanoate degradation Degradation of (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)propanoate (dichlorprop, 2,4-DP), a chlorinated phenoxy herbicid. UPa:amorgat Degradation of chitin, a glycan composed of beta-1,4-linked N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, into N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. GO:0006032 2,4-DP degradation Dichlorprop degradation pathway UPa:UPA00349 chitin degradation Degradation of chitin, a glycan composed of beta-1,4-linked N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, into N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. UPa:amorgat GO:0006032 biological_process:chitin catabolic process Degradation of beta-D-glucan. pathway UPa:UPA00350 beta-D-glucan degradation Degradation of beta-D-glucan. UPa:amorgat Degradation of L-glutamate amino-acid. GO:0006538 PMID:11759672 PMID:4813895 pathway UPa:UPA00351 L-glutamate degradation Degradation of L-glutamate amino-acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0006538 biological_process:glutamate catabolic process Degradation of hydrocarbons, organic compound consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon. Saturated hydrocarbons are called alkanes. Unsaturated hydrocarbons with one double bond are called alkenes. pathway UPa:UPA00352 hydrocarbon degradation Degradation of hydrocarbons, organic compound consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon. Saturated hydrocarbons are called alkanes. Unsaturated hydrocarbons with one double bond are called alkenes. UPa:amorgat Sulfation is a critical modification in many instances of biological recognition. pathway UPa:UPA00353 carbohydrate sulfation Sulfation is a critical modification in many instances of biological recognition. UPa:amorgat Post-translational modification of archaea and eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A), by covalent binding of hypusine to a lysine residue. Hypusine (N epsilon-(4-amino-2-hydroxybutyl)lysine) is a polyamine-derived amino-acid. The biosynthesis of hypusine occurs posttranslationally by modification of a single lysine residue. Translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A), highly conserved throughout eukaryotes and some archaea, is the only known cellular protein to contain the unique polyamine-derived amino-acid hypusine. The name hypusine reflects the composition of this amino-acid, a combination of hydroxyputrescine and lysine. The unique feature of the hypusine modification is the strict specificity of the enzymes toward its substrate protein, eIF5A. Hypusine is formed in a novel posttranslational modification that involves two enzymes, deoxyhypusine synthase (DHS) and deoxyhypusine hydroxylase (DOHH). [PMID:16452303; PMID:17476569]. PMID:16452303 PMID:17213197 PMID:17476569 pathway UPa:UPA00354 eIF5A hypusination Post-translational modification of archaea and eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A), by covalent binding of hypusine to a lysine residue. Hypusine (N epsilon-(4-amino-2-hydroxybutyl)lysine) is a polyamine-derived amino-acid. The biosynthesis of hypusine occurs posttranslationally by modification of a single lysine residue. Translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A), highly conserved throughout eukaryotes and some archaea, is the only known cellular protein to contain the unique polyamine-derived amino-acid hypusine. The name hypusine reflects the composition of this amino-acid, a combination of hydroxyputrescine and lysine. The unique feature of the hypusine modification is the strict specificity of the enzymes toward its substrate protein, eIF5A. Hypusine is formed in a novel posttranslational modification that involves two enzymes, deoxyhypusine synthase (DHS) and deoxyhypusine hydroxylase (DOHH). [PMID:16452303; PMID:17476569]. UPa:amorgat De novo biosynthesis of coenzyme M (2-mercaptoethanesulfonic acid, HS-CoM). Warning, this pathway is not fully defined, the last part of the pathway is still missing. GO:0019295 KEGG:map00680 KEGG:map01120 2-mercaptoethanesulfonate biosynthesis HS-CoM biosynthesis de novo coenzyme M biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00355 coenzyme M biosynthesis De novo biosynthesis of coenzyme M (2-mercaptoethanesulfonic acid, HS-CoM). Warning, this pathway is not fully defined, the last part of the pathway is still missing. UPa:amorgat GO:0019295 biological_process:coenzyme M biosynthetic process KEGG:map00680 Methane metabolism KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of ADP-L-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose (ADP-L-beta-D-heptose), a nucleotide-sugar precursor of the inner core lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate. GO:0097171 KEGG:map00540 KEGG:map01100 PMID:11751812 PMID:12101286 PMID:16030223 ADP-L-beta-D-heptose biosynthesis ADP-L-glycero-D-manno-heptose biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00356 ADP-L-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose biosynthesis Biosynthesis of ADP-L-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose (ADP-L-beta-D-heptose), a nucleotide-sugar precursor of the inner core lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate. UPa:amorgat GO:0097171 biological_process:ADP-L-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose biosynthetic process KEGG:map00540 Lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate (KDO, keto-deoxyoctulonate). In general, KDO residues are normally found in the lipopolysaccharide inner core of gram-negative bacteria, but in K. pneumoniae, this KDO residue provides the ligation site for O polysaccharide. The conserved Klebsiella outer core contains the unusual trisaccharide 3-deoxy-d-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (Kdo)-(2,6)-GlcN-(1,4)-GalUA. lipopolysaccharide (LPS). KEGG:map00540 KEGG:map01100 PMID:16159798 KDO biosynthesis keto-deoxyoctulonate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00357 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate (KDO, keto-deoxyoctulonate). In general, KDO residues are normally found in the lipopolysaccharide inner core of gram-negative bacteria, but in K. pneumoniae, this KDO residue provides the ligation site for O polysaccharide. The conserved Klebsiella outer core contains the unusual trisaccharide 3-deoxy-d-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (Kdo)-(2,6)-GlcN-(1,4)-GalUA. lipopolysaccharide (LPS). UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00540 Lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate (CMP-KDO, CMP-keto-deoxyoctulonate), a nucleotide-sugar precursor of the inner core lipopolysaccharide (LPS). GO:0033468 KEGG:map00540 KEGG:map01100 CMP-KDO biosynthesis CMP-keto-deoxyoctulonate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00358 CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate (CMP-KDO, CMP-keto-deoxyoctulonate), a nucleotide-sugar precursor of the inner core lipopolysaccharide (LPS). UPa:amorgat GO:0033468 biological_process:CMP-keto-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid biosynthetic process KEGG:map00540 Lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of lipid IV(A), the endotoxically inactive LPS lipid A precursor. Lipid A is one of the three components of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). It contains unusual fatty acids (e.g. hydroxy-myristic acid) and is inserted into the outer membrane while the rest of the LPS projects from the surface. Lipid A, the potent macrophage-activating component primarily responsible for LPS endotoxin activity, is a phosphorylated glucosamine disaccharide carrying long-chain saturated fatty acid (FA) substituents that anchor LPS in the outer membrane. Lipid A is similar for all Gram-negative Enterobacteriaceae, and synthetic lipid A produces effects identical to that isolated from Escherichia coli in both in vitro and in vivo endotoxin tests. KEGG:map00540 KEGG:map01100 PMID:17163638 2,3,2',3'-tetrakis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-D-glucosaminyl-1,6-beta-D-glucosamine 1,4'-bis(dihydrogen phosphate) biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00359 lipid IV(A) biosynthesis Biosynthesis of lipid IV(A), the endotoxically inactive LPS lipid A precursor. Lipid A is one of the three components of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). It contains unusual fatty acids (e.g. hydroxy-myristic acid) and is inserted into the outer membrane while the rest of the LPS projects from the surface. Lipid A, the potent macrophage-activating component primarily responsible for LPS endotoxin activity, is a phosphorylated glucosamine disaccharide carrying long-chain saturated fatty acid (FA) substituents that anchor LPS in the outer membrane. Lipid A is similar for all Gram-negative Enterobacteriaceae, and synthetic lipid A produces effects identical to that isolated from Escherichia coli in both in vitro and in vivo endotoxin tests. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00540 Lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of KDO(2)-lipid A, a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) component. GO:0036104 KEGG:map00540 KEGG:map01100 di[3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonyl]-lipid A biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00360 KDO(2)-lipid A biosynthesis Biosynthesis of KDO(2)-lipid A, a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) component. UPa:amorgat GO:0036104 biological_process:Kdo2-lipid A biosynthetic process KEGG:map00540 Lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Degradation of D-allose, an all-cis hexose utilized by some bacteria (Aerobacter aerogenes, E. coli, etc). D-allose is converted into fructose 6-phosphate. GO:0019316 pathway UPa:UPA00361 D-allose degradation Degradation of D-allose, an all-cis hexose utilized by some bacteria (Aerobacter aerogenes, E. coli, etc). D-allose is converted into fructose 6-phosphate. UPa:amorgat GO:0019316 biological_process:D-allose catabolic process Degradation of L-valine, one of the three main branched chain amino-acids (BCAAs), along with L-leucine and L-isoleucine. In plants, branched-chain amino-acids are synthesized in chloroplasts, whereas the degradation takes place in mitochondria. GO:0006574 pathway UPa:UPA00362 L-valine degradation Degradation of L-valine, one of the three main branched chain amino-acids (BCAAs), along with L-leucine and L-isoleucine. In plants, branched-chain amino-acids are synthesized in chloroplasts, whereas the degradation takes place in mitochondria. UPa:amorgat GO:0006574 biological_process:valine catabolic process Degradation of L-leucine, one of the three main branched chain amino-acids (BCAAs), along with L-valine and L-isoleucine. In plants, branched-chain amino-acids are synthesized in chloroplasts, whereas the degradation takes place in mitochondria. GO:0006552 KEGG:map00280 KEGG:map00290 KEGG:map00966 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 pathway UPa:UPA00363 L-leucine degradation Degradation of L-leucine, one of the three main branched chain amino-acids (BCAAs), along with L-valine and L-isoleucine. In plants, branched-chain amino-acids are synthesized in chloroplasts, whereas the degradation takes place in mitochondria. UPa:amorgat GO:0006552 biological_process:leucine catabolic process KEGG:map00280 Valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation KEGG:map00290 Valine, leucine and isoleucine biosynthesis KEGG:map00966 Glucosinolate biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Degradation of L-isoleucine, one of the three main branched chain amino-acids (BCAAs), along with L-valine and L-leucine. In plants, branched-chain amino-acids are synthesized in chloroplasts, whereas the degradation takes place in mitochondria. GO:0006550 pathway UPa:UPA00364 L-isoleucine degradation Degradation of L-isoleucine, one of the three main branched chain amino-acids (BCAAs), along with L-valine and L-leucine. In plants, branched-chain amino-acids are synthesized in chloroplasts, whereas the degradation takes place in mitochondria. UPa:amorgat GO:0006550 biological_process:isoleucine catabolic process Biosynthesis of vindoline, an indole alkaloid, precursor of vinblastine and vincristine. GO:1900985 KEGG:map00901 PMID:15200179 PMID:16262708 PMID:24108213 pathway UPa:UPA00365 vindoline biosynthesis Biosynthesis of vindoline, an indole alkaloid, precursor of vinblastine and vincristine. UPa:amorgat GO:1900985 rdfmatch KEGG:map00901 Indole alkaloid biosynthesis Degradation of thiocyanate to carbonyl sulfide and ammonia. GO:0046265 PMID:17222425 pathway UPa:UPA00366 thiocyanate degradation Degradation of thiocyanate to carbonyl sulfide and ammonia. UPa:amorgat GO:0046265 biological_process:thiocyanate catabolic process Biosynthesis of testosterone, a steroid hormone from the androgen group. Testosterone is primarily secreted in the testes of males and the ovaries of females although small amounts are secreted by the adrenal glands. GO:0061370 pathway UPa:UPA00367 testosterone biosynthesis Biosynthesis of testosterone, a steroid hormone from the androgen group. Testosterone is primarily secreted in the testes of males and the ovaries of females although small amounts are secreted by the adrenal glands. UPa:amorgat GO:0061370 biological_process:testosterone biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of ethylene, an unsaturated hydrocarbon that contains one double bond (the simplest alkene). It acts as hormon in plant where it is essential for proper development, growth and survival. It is responsible for signaling changes during germination, flower and fruit development, the onset of plant defense responses, and cross-talk with other plant hormones. GO:0009693 pathway UPa:UPA00368 ethylene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of ethylene, an unsaturated hydrocarbon that contains one double bond (the simplest alkene). It acts as hormon in plant where it is essential for proper development, growth and survival. It is responsible for signaling changes during germination, flower and fruit development, the onset of plant defense responses, and cross-talk with other plant hormones. UPa:amorgat GO:0009693 biological_process:ethylene biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of tabtoxinine-beta-lactam, an irreversible inhibitor of glutamine synthetase produced by several pathovars of Pseudomonas syringae. PMID:16495645 PMID:2881927 PMID:8990304 pathway UPa:UPA00369 tabtoxinine-beta-lactam biosynthesis Biosynthesis of tabtoxinine-beta-lactam, an irreversible inhibitor of glutamine synthetase produced by several pathovars of Pseudomonas syringae. UPa:amorgat Sulfite reduction aims at producing hydrogen sulfide from sulfite. PMID:1704886 pathway UPa:UPA00370 sulfite reduction Sulfite reduction aims at producing hydrogen sulfide from sulfite. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of sucrose (saccharose, 1-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-2-beta-D-fructofuranoside), a disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose. In most plants, sucrose is the main product of photosynthesis that is exported from the leaves to fuel growth and synthesis of storage reserves, such as starch and oil, and sucrose itself is often accumulated by plant cells to protect against the effects of dehydration under drought, salinity, or cold stress. Apart from plants, some species of cyanobacteria also synthesize sucrose, often in response to osmotic stress. GO:0005986 KEGG:map00500 KEGG:map01100 1-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-2-beta-D-fructofuranoside biosynthesis saccharose biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00371 sucrose biosynthesis Biosynthesis of sucrose (saccharose, 1-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-2-beta-D-fructofuranoside), a disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose. In most plants, sucrose is the main product of photosynthesis that is exported from the leaves to fuel growth and synthesis of storage reserves, such as starch and oil, and sucrose itself is often accumulated by plant cells to protect against the effects of dehydration under drought, salinity, or cold stress. Apart from plants, some species of cyanobacteria also synthesize sucrose, often in response to osmotic stress. UPa:amorgat GO:0005986 biological_process:sucrose biosynthetic process KEGG:map00500 Starch and sucrose metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of 3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene (resveratrol), a phytoalexin produced by several plants. KEGG:map00130 KEGG:map00360 KEGG:map00940 KEGG:map00945 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:16885328 resveratrol biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00372 3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of 3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene (resveratrol), a phytoalexin produced by several plants. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00130 Ubiquinone and other terpenoid-quinone biosynthesis KEGG:map00360 Phenylalanine metabolism KEGG:map00940 Phenylpropanoid biosynthesis KEGG:map00945 Stilbenoid, diarylheptanoid and gingerol biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of pinosylvin, a pre-infectious stilbenoid toxin. Pinosylvin is synthesized prior to infection, contrary to phytoalexins which are synthesized during infection. It is present in the heart-wood of Pineceal. It is a fungitoxin protecting the wood from fungal infection. pathway UPa:UPA00373 pinosylvin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of pinosylvin, a pre-infectious stilbenoid toxin. Pinosylvin is synthesized prior to infection, contrary to phytoalexins which are synthesized during infection. It is present in the heart-wood of Pineceal. It is a fungitoxin protecting the wood from fungal infection. UPa:amorgat Dihydropinosylvin biosynthesis. pathway UPa:UPA00374 hydropinosylvin biosynthesis Dihydropinosylvin biosynthesis. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of wybutosine (yW), a hyper modified guanosine with a tricyclic base found at the 3'-position adjacent to the anticodon of eukaryotic and archaeal phenylalanine tRNA. PMID:16642040 PMID:17150819 pathway UPa:UPA00375 wybutosine-tRNA(Phe) biosynthesis Biosynthesis of wybutosine (yW), a hyper modified guanosine with a tricyclic base found at the 3'-position adjacent to the anticodon of eukaryotic and archaeal phenylalanine tRNA. UPa:amorgat Conjugation of auxin (indole-3-acetic acid, IAA) to many kinds of molecules is part of a regulatory mechanism for controlling IAA levels through sequestration and reuse, or as an entry into catabolism. IAA in plants occurs in both conjugated and free forms, and there is increasing evidence that the ratio of free to conjugated IAA is controlled by tissue-specific and developmentally regulated processes. The use of conjugation by plants to regulate IAA levels appears to have become increasingly more important as plants evolved from liverworts to mosses and tracheophytes. PMID:11830675 PMID:17509086 PMID:8085154 IAA conjugation indole-3-acetate conjugation indole-3-acetic acid conjugation indoleacetic acid conjugation pathway UPa:UPA00376 auxin conjugation Conjugation of auxin (indole-3-acetic acid, IAA) to many kinds of molecules is part of a regulatory mechanism for controlling IAA levels through sequestration and reuse, or as an entry into catabolism. IAA in plants occurs in both conjugated and free forms, and there is increasing evidence that the ratio of free to conjugated IAA is controlled by tissue-specific and developmentally regulated processes. The use of conjugation by plants to regulate IAA levels appears to have become increasingly more important as plants evolved from liverworts to mosses and tracheophytes. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of sterigmatocystin (ST), a carcinogenic mycotoxin. Sterigmatocystin is among the most toxic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic natural products known. This polyketide-derived secondary metabolite is produced by numerous fungi species. GO:0045461 PMID:15022028 PMID:19537208 PMID:7642507 PMID:8643646 pathway UPa:UPA00377 sterigmatocystin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of sterigmatocystin (ST), a carcinogenic mycotoxin. Sterigmatocystin is among the most toxic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic natural products known. This polyketide-derived secondary metabolite is produced by numerous fungi species. UPa:amorgat GO:0045461 biological_process:sterigmatocystin biosynthetic process Protein glycosylation (the addition of saccharides to proteins) is one of the principal post-translational modification steps in the synthesis of membrane and secreted proteins. It is an enzyme-directed site-specific process, as opposed to the non-enzymatic chemical reaction of glycation. Two types of glycosylation exist: * N-linked glycosylation to the amide nitrogen of asparagine side chains * O-linked glycosylation to the hydroxy oxygen of serine and threonine side chains. GO:0006486 PMID:16510493 pathway UPa:UPA00378 protein glycosylation Protein glycosylation (the addition of saccharides to proteins) is one of the principal post-translational modification steps in the synthesis of membrane and secreted proteins. It is an enzyme-directed site-specific process, as opposed to the non-enzymatic chemical reaction of glycation. Two types of glycosylation exist: * N-linked glycosylation to the amide nitrogen of asparagine side chains * O-linked glycosylation to the hydroxy oxygen of serine and threonine side chains. UPa:amorgat GO:0006486 biological_process:protein glycosylation Nonoxidative degradation of L-histidine into L-glutamate. GO:0019556 GO:0019557 KEGG:map00340 KEGG:map00630 KEGG:map00670 KEGG:map00910 KEGG:map01100 PMID:13117923 PMID:14367318 pathway UPa:UPA00379 L-histidine degradation into L-glutamate Nonoxidative degradation of L-histidine into L-glutamate. UPa:amorgat GO:0019556 biological_process:histidine catabolic process to glutamate and formamide GO:0019557 biological_process:histidine catabolic process to glutamate and formate KEGG:map00340 Histidine metabolism KEGG:map00630 Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism KEGG:map00670 One carbon pool by folate KEGG:map00910 Nitrogen metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Metabolism of D-arabinitol, an acyclic pentitol. Candida albicans produces large amount of D-arabinitol, but the biosynthetic pathway is not yet known. GO:0051161 PMID:8407803 D-arabitol metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00380 D-arabinitol metabolism Metabolism of D-arabinitol, an acyclic pentitol. Candida albicans produces large amount of D-arabinitol, but the biosynthetic pathway is not yet known. UPa:amorgat GO:0051161 biological_process:arabitol metabolic process Biosynthesis of brassinosteroids (brassins), a group of plant hormones, also called plant growth regulators. The most known example of brassinosteroids is brassinolide. GO:0016132 Brassin biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00381 brassinosteroid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of brassinosteroids (brassins), a group of plant hormones, also called plant growth regulators. The most known example of brassinosteroids is brassinolide. UPa:amorgat GO:0016132 biological_process:brassinosteroid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of oxylipins, a group of acyclic (or cyclic) oxidation products derived from the catabolism of fatty acids. Oxylipins regulate many defense and developmental pathways in plants. GO:0031408 octadecanoid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00382 oxylipin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of oxylipins, a group of acyclic (or cyclic) oxidation products derived from the catabolism of fatty acids. Oxylipins regulate many defense and developmental pathways in plants. UPa:amorgat GO:0031408 biological_process:oxylipin biosynthetic process Metabolism of arachidonic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid (a carboxylic acid with a 20-carbon chain and four cis double bonds, the first double bond is located at the sixth carbon from the omega end). Arachidonic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that is present in the phospholipids (especially phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositides) of membranes of the body's cells. It is also involved in cellular signaling as a second messenger. GO:0019369 pathway UPa:UPA00383 arachidonate metabolism Metabolism of arachidonic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid (a carboxylic acid with a 20-carbon chain and four cis double bonds, the first double bond is located at the sixth carbon from the omega end). Arachidonic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that is present in the phospholipids (especially phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositides) of membranes of the body's cells. It is also involved in cellular signaling as a second messenger. UPa:amorgat GO:0019369 biological_process:arachidonic acid metabolic process Biosynthesis of ethylene, an unsaturated hydrocarbon that contains one double bond (the simplest alkene). It acts as hormon in plant where it is essential for proper development, growth and survival. It is responsible for signaling changes during germination, flower and fruit development, the onset of plant defense responses, and cross-talk with other plant hormones. GO:0009693 KEGG:map00270 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 MetaCyc:ETHYL-PWY PMID:16492477 PMID:16524685 pathway UPa:UPA00384 ethylene biosynthesis via S-adenosyl-L-methionine Biosynthesis of ethylene, an unsaturated hydrocarbon that contains one double bond (the simplest alkene). It acts as hormon in plant where it is essential for proper development, growth and survival. It is responsible for signaling changes during germination, flower and fruit development, the onset of plant defense responses, and cross-talk with other plant hormones. UPa:amorgat GO:0009693 biological_process:ethylene biosynthetic process KEGG:map00270 Cysteine and methionine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of ethylene via 2-oxoglutarate pathway. Bacterial ethylene-forming enzyme (EFE) catalyzes oxygenation of 2-oxoglutarate to produce ethylene and carbon dioxide in contrast to a plant enzyme which uses 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid as a substrate. GO:0009693 PMID:10805596 PMID:1445291 PMID:1770346 PMID:7952184 pathway UPa:UPA00385 ethylene biosynthesis via 2-oxoglutarate Biosynthesis of ethylene via 2-oxoglutarate pathway. Bacterial ethylene-forming enzyme (EFE) catalyzes oxygenation of 2-oxoglutarate to produce ethylene and carbon dioxide in contrast to a plant enzyme which uses 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid as a substrate. UPa:amorgat GO:0009693 biological_process:ethylene biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of carotenoids, a group of essential photoprotective and antioxidant pigments that are naturally occurring in plants and some other photosynthetic organisms like algae, some types of fungus and some bacteria. There are over 600 known carotenoids; they are split into two classes, xanthophylls and carotenes. The most important function of carotenoid pigments, especially beta-carotene in higher plants, is to protect organisms against photooxidative damage. Carotenoid biosynthesis involves a series of desaturations, cyclizations, hydroxylations and epoxydations commencing with the formation of phytoene. GO:0016117 PMID:11884677 pathway UPa:UPA00386 carotenoid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of carotenoids, a group of essential photoprotective and antioxidant pigments that are naturally occurring in plants and some other photosynthetic organisms like algae, some types of fungus and some bacteria. There are over 600 known carotenoids; they are split into two classes, xanthophylls and carotenes. The most important function of carotenoid pigments, especially beta-carotene in higher plants, is to protect organisms against photooxidative damage. Carotenoid biosynthesis involves a series of desaturations, cyclizations, hydroxylations and epoxydations commencing with the formation of phytoene. UPa:amorgat GO:0016117 biological_process:carotenoid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of astaxanthin, an abundant carotenoid found in marine animals, including salmonids and crustaceans. Astaxanthin has interest not only as a pigmentation source but also as a potent antioxidative reagent that can delay aging and the onset of degenerative diseases in animals. GO:1901815 PMID:16434154 3,3'-dihydroxy-beta,beta-carotene-4,4'-dione biosynthesis AXT biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00387 astaxanthin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of astaxanthin, an abundant carotenoid found in marine animals, including salmonids and crustaceans. Astaxanthin has interest not only as a pigmentation source but also as a potent antioxidative reagent that can delay aging and the onset of degenerative diseases in animals. UPa:amorgat GO:1901815 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of neoxanthin, an allenic xantophyll carotenoid thought to have two key roles as part of LHC's (light-harvesting complexes) and as a precursor to the plant growth hormone abscisic acid (ABA). Neoxanthin is recognized as the last product of carotenoid synthesis in green plants. GO:1901833 PMID:11029576 (3S,5R,6R,3'S,5'R,6'S)-6,7-didehydro-5',6'-epoxy-5,6,5',6'-tetrahydro-beta,beta-carotene-3,5,3'-triol biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00388 neoxanthin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of neoxanthin, an allenic xantophyll carotenoid thought to have two key roles as part of LHC's (light-harvesting complexes) and as a precursor to the plant growth hormone abscisic acid (ABA). Neoxanthin is recognized as the last product of carotenoid synthesis in green plants. UPa:amorgat GO:1901833 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of geranylgeranyl-PP (geranylgeranyl diphosphate), a precursor of terpenes and terpenoids. GO:0033386 KEGG:map00900 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate biosynthesis geranylgeranyl-PP biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00389 geranylgeranyl diphosphate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of geranylgeranyl-PP (geranylgeranyl diphosphate), a precursor of terpenes and terpenoids. UPa:amorgat GO:0033386 biological_process:geranylgeranyl diphosphate biosynthetic process KEGG:map00900 Terpenoid backbone biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of gibberellins (GAs), a large family of plant growth substances with distinct functions during the whole life cycle of higher plants. Gibberellins are involved in promotion of stem elongation, mobilization of food reserves in seeds and other processes. Gibberellin was first isolated as a superelongation-promoting diterpenoid from the fungus, Gibberella fujikuroi. G. fujikuroi uses different GA biosynthetic intermediates from those in plants. GO:0009686 pathway UPa:UPA00390 gibberellin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of gibberellins (GAs), a large family of plant growth substances with distinct functions during the whole life cycle of higher plants. Gibberellins are involved in promotion of stem elongation, mobilization of food reserves in seeds and other processes. Gibberellin was first isolated as a superelongation-promoting diterpenoid from the fungus, Gibberella fujikuroi. G. fujikuroi uses different GA biosynthetic intermediates from those in plants. UPa:amorgat GO:0009686 biological_process:gibberellin biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine (preQ0), a 7-deazapurine derivative, precursor of queuosine and archaeosine. PMID:12697167 PMID:14660578 PMID:15767583 PMID:16199558 7-cyano-7-carbaguanine biosynthesis pre-queuosine 0 biosynthesis preQ0 biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00391 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine (preQ0), a 7-deazapurine derivative, precursor of queuosine and archaeosine. UPa:amorgat In most eubacterial and eukaryotic organisms the genetically encoded guanosine in the anticodon wobble position 34 of tRNA(His), tRNA(Tyr), tRNA(Asp) and tRNA(Asn) is replaced by the hypermodified nucleoside queuosine. The biosynthesis of queuosine commences outside of any tRNA with GTP which is converted to preQ0 (7-cyano-7-deazaguanine) in a poorly characterized pathway. Compound preQ0 is a precursor of archaeosine too. Hence, its biosynthesis is described in an independant pathway. The cyano group of preQ0 is reduced to a primary amine resulting in the formation of preQ1 (queuine). The purine scaffold of queuosine is replaced by a 7-deazapurine substituted with a dihydroxycyclopentenyl-aminomethyl moiety 7-aminomethyl-7-carbaguanine). Although no clearly defined function of queuosine has been established yet, Grimm et al [PMID:17083917] suggests a role in fine tuning of translational fidelity and speed. GO:0008616 PMID:12731872 PMID:15822125 PMID:17083917 PMID:17384645 PMID:19414587 pathway UPa:UPA00392 tRNA-queuosine biosynthesis In most eubacterial and eukaryotic organisms the genetically encoded guanosine in the anticodon wobble position 34 of tRNA(His), tRNA(Tyr), tRNA(Asp) and tRNA(Asn) is replaced by the hypermodified nucleoside queuosine. The biosynthesis of queuosine commences outside of any tRNA with GTP which is converted to preQ0 (7-cyano-7-deazaguanine) in a poorly characterized pathway. Compound preQ0 is a precursor of archaeosine too. Hence, its biosynthesis is described in an independant pathway. The cyano group of preQ0 is reduced to a primary amine resulting in the formation of preQ1 (queuine). The purine scaffold of queuosine is replaced by a 7-deazapurine substituted with a dihydroxycyclopentenyl-aminomethyl moiety 7-aminomethyl-7-carbaguanine). Although no clearly defined function of queuosine has been established yet, Grimm et al [PMID:17083917] suggests a role in fine tuning of translational fidelity and speed. UPa:amorgat GO:0008616 biological_process:queuosine biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of archaeosine, an archaea-specific modified base. Archaeosine (7-formamidino-7-deazaguanosine) is a structural variant of the hypermodified nucleoside 7-deazaguanosine. The biosynthesis pathway starts with archaeosine tRNA-guanine transglycosylase (ArcTGT) which catalyzes the exchange of guanine at position 15 in the D-loop of archaeal tRNAs with a free 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine (preQ(0)) base. PMID:10862614 PMID:12054814 PMID:16407303 pathway UPa:UPA00393 archaeosine-tRNA biosynthesis Biosynthesis of archaeosine, an archaea-specific modified base. Archaeosine (7-formamidino-7-deazaguanosine) is a structural variant of the hypermodified nucleoside 7-deazaguanosine. The biosynthesis pathway starts with archaeosine tRNA-guanine transglycosylase (ArcTGT) which catalyzes the exchange of guanine at position 15 in the D-loop of archaeal tRNAs with a free 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine (preQ(0)) base. UPa:amorgat Degradation of uric acid, a key compound in the degradation of purines. The ureide pathway, which mediates the oxidative degradation of uric acid to (S)-allantoin, represents the late stage of purine catabolism in most organisms. The metabolism of uric acid has a pivotal role in transforming the nitrogen that is fixed in leguminous plants and also plays a crucial role in some bacteria under nitrogen-limited conditions. GO:0019628 KEGG:map00230 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 PMID:16462750 PMID:16485000 PMID:17567580 (S)-allantoin biosynthesis ureide pathway uric acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00394 urate degradation Degradation of uric acid, a key compound in the degradation of purines. The ureide pathway, which mediates the oxidative degradation of uric acid to (S)-allantoin, represents the late stage of purine catabolism in most organisms. The metabolism of uric acid has a pivotal role in transforming the nitrogen that is fixed in leguminous plants and also plays a crucial role in some bacteria under nitrogen-limited conditions. UPa:amorgat GO:0019628 biological_process:urate catabolic process KEGG:map00230 Purine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Anaerobic utilization of (S)-allantoin, a diureide of glyoxylic acid, as nitrogen source. GO:0000256 KEGG:map00230 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 PMID:12460564 PMID:16546208 (2,5-dioxo-4-imidazolidinyl)urea degradation 5-ureidohydantoin degradation anaerobic allantoin utilization glyoxyldiureide degradation pathway UPa:UPA00395 (S)-allantoin degradation Anaerobic utilization of (S)-allantoin, a diureide of glyoxylic acid, as nitrogen source. UPa:amorgat GO:0000256 biological_process:allantoin catabolic process KEGG:map00230 Purine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Metabolism of aminophosphonates, amino-acid derivatives that contain a phosphonic acid moiety (C-PO(OH)2 or C-PO(OR)2). GO:0033051 pathway UPa:UPA00396 aminophosphonate metabolism Metabolism of aminophosphonates, amino-acid derivatives that contain a phosphonic acid moiety (C-PO(OH)2 or C-PO(OR)2). UPa:amorgat GO:0033051 biological_process:aminophosphonate metabolic process Biosynthesis of aminophosphonates, amino-acid derivatives that contain a phosphonic acid moiety (C-PO(OH)2 or C-PO(OR)2). pathway UPa:UPA00397 aminophosphonate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of aminophosphonates, amino-acid derivatives that contain a phosphonic acid moiety (C-PO(OH)2 or C-PO(OR)2). UPa:amorgat The chemical reactions and physical changes of a cofactor, a substance that is required for the activity of an enzyme or other protein. Cofactors may be inorganic, such as the metal atoms zinc, iron, and copper in certain forms, or organic. Cofactors may either be bound tightly to active sites or bind loosely with the substrate. GO:0051186 pathway UPa:UPA00398 cofactor metabolism The chemical reactions and physical changes of a cofactor, a substance that is required for the activity of an enzyme or other protein. Cofactors may be inorganic, such as the metal atoms zinc, iron, and copper in certain forms, or organic. Cofactors may either be bound tightly to active sites or bind loosely with the substrate. UPa:amorgat GO:0051186 biological_process:cofactor metabolic process The formation from simpler components of a cofactor, a non-protein chemical substance that is tightly bound to an enzyme and is required for catalysis. Cofactors can be considered 'helper molecules/ions' that assist in biochemical transformations. Coenzyme biosynthesis pathways, e.g coenzyme A biosynthesis are considered under this pathway-category. GO:0051188 pathway UPa:UPA00399 cofactor biosynthesis The formation from simpler components of a cofactor, a non-protein chemical substance that is tightly bound to an enzyme and is required for catalysis. Cofactors can be considered 'helper molecules/ions' that assist in biochemical transformations. Coenzyme biosynthesis pathways, e.g coenzyme A biosynthesis are considered under this pathway-category. UPa:amorgat GO:0051188 biological_process:cofactor biosynthetic process Metabolism of purine, a heterocyclic aromatic organic compound consisting of a pyrimidine ring fused to an imidazole ring. Purines make up one of the two groups of nitrogenous bases, Pyrimidines make up the other group. These bases make up a crucial part of both deoxyribonucleotides and ribonucleotides, and the basis for the universal genetic code. The general term purines also refers to substituted purines and their tautomers. GO:0006144 pathway UPa:UPA00400 purine base metabolism Metabolism of purine, a heterocyclic aromatic organic compound consisting of a pyrimidine ring fused to an imidazole ring. Purines make up one of the two groups of nitrogenous bases, Pyrimidines make up the other group. These bases make up a crucial part of both deoxyribonucleotides and ribonucleotides, and the basis for the universal genetic code. The general term purines also refers to substituted purines and their tautomers. UPa:amorgat GO:0006144 biological_process:purine nucleobase metabolic process metabolism of amino-acids, a group of organic compound containing an amino group (NH2), a carboxylic acid group (COOH), and any of various side groups, especially any of the 20 compounds that have the basic formula NH2CHRCOOH, and that link together by peptide bonds to form proteins or that function as chemical messengers and as intermediates in metabolism. Amino-acids are the precursors of many molecules such as purines, pyrimidines, histamines, adrenaline and melanin. GO:0006520 AA metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00401 amino-acid metabolism metabolism of amino-acids, a group of organic compound containing an amino group (NH2), a carboxylic acid group (COOH), and any of various side groups, especially any of the 20 compounds that have the basic formula NH2CHRCOOH, and that link together by peptide bonds to form proteins or that function as chemical messengers and as intermediates in metabolism. Amino-acids are the precursors of many molecules such as purines, pyrimidines, histamines, adrenaline and melanin. UPa:amorgat GO:0006520 biological_process:cellular amino acid metabolic process The formation from simpler components of amino-acids, organic acids containing one or more amino substituents. GO:0008652 naturally-occuring amino-acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00402 amino-acid biosynthesis The formation from simpler components of amino-acids, organic acids containing one or more amino substituents. UPa:amorgat GO:0008652 biological_process:cellular amino acid biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of any amino-acid that normally occur as a constituent residue of proteins [source: GO]. protein amino-acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00403 proteinogenic amino-acid biosynthesis The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of any amino-acid that normally occur as a constituent residue of proteins [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat This pathway represents the biosynthesis of the basic amino-acid L-lysine. L-lysine biosynthesis is peculiar because it has two different anabolic routes that evolved separately in organisms, the diaminopimelate (DAP) and aminoadipate (AAA) pathways. The DAP pathway synthesizes L-lysine from aspartate and pyruvate, and diaminopimelate is an intermediate. The DAP pathway is utilised by most bacteria, some archaea, some fungi, some algae, and plants. The AAA pathway synthesizes L-lysine from 2-oxoglutarate (alpha-ketoglutarate) and acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA), and L-alpha-aminoadipate is an intermediate. The AAA pathway is utilised by most fungi, some algae, the bacterium Thermus thermophilus, and probably some archaea, such as Sulfolobus, Thermoproteus, and Pyrococcus [source: InterPro]. No organism is known to possess both pathways [PMID:20418392]. L-lysine is one of the 10 essential amino-acids that mammals are unable to synthesize, and must therefore acquire in their diets. GO:0009085 PMID:12355264 PMID:20418392 2,6-diaminohexanoic acid biosynthesis L-2,6-diaminohexanoate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00404 L-lysine biosynthesis This pathway represents the biosynthesis of the basic amino-acid L-lysine. L-lysine biosynthesis is peculiar because it has two different anabolic routes that evolved separately in organisms, the diaminopimelate (DAP) and aminoadipate (AAA) pathways. The DAP pathway synthesizes L-lysine from aspartate and pyruvate, and diaminopimelate is an intermediate. The DAP pathway is utilised by most bacteria, some archaea, some fungi, some algae, and plants. The AAA pathway synthesizes L-lysine from 2-oxoglutarate (alpha-ketoglutarate) and acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA), and L-alpha-aminoadipate is an intermediate. The AAA pathway is utilised by most fungi, some algae, the bacterium Thermus thermophilus, and probably some archaea, such as Sulfolobus, Thermoproteus, and Pyrococcus [source: InterPro]. No organism is known to possess both pathways [PMID:20418392]. L-lysine is one of the 10 essential amino-acids that mammals are unable to synthesize, and must therefore acquire in their diets. UPa:amorgat GO:0009085 biological_process:lysine biosynthetic process degradation of myo-inositol, one of nine distinct isomers of inositol. GO:0019310 cis-1,2,3,5-trans-4,6-cyclohexanehexol degradation myo-inositol catabolism pathway UPa:UPA00405 myo-inositol degradation degradation of myo-inositol, one of nine distinct isomers of inositol. UPa:amorgat GO:0019310 biological_process:inositol catabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of any amino-acid that does not normally occur as a constituent residue of proteins [source: GO]. pathway UPa:UPA00406 nonprotein amino-acid biosynthesis The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of any amino-acid that does not normally occur as a constituent residue of proteins [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat The chemical reactions and pathways involving ureide, allantoin and allantoate, which are the organic forms of nitrogen in nitrogen fixing and transporting plants. [source: GO]. GO:0010135 pathway UPa:UPA00407 ureide metabolism The chemical reactions and pathways involving ureide, allantoin and allantoate, which are the organic forms of nitrogen in nitrogen fixing and transporting plants. [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0010135 biological_process:ureide metabolic process The chemical reactions and physical changes involving any of a class of organic compounds that contain the carbonyl group, CO, and in which the carbonyl group is bonded only to carbon atoms. The general formula for a ketone is RCOR, where R and R are alkyl or aryl groups. GO:0042180 pathway UPa:UPA00408 ketone metabolism The chemical reactions and physical changes involving any of a class of organic compounds that contain the carbonyl group, CO, and in which the carbonyl group is bonded only to carbon atoms. The general formula for a ketone is RCOR, where R and R are alkyl or aryl groups. UPa:amorgat GO:0042180 biological_process:cellular ketone metabolic process The formation from simpler components of ketones, a class of organic compounds that contain the carbonyl group, CO, and in which the carbonyl group is bonded only to carbon atoms. The general formula for a ketone is RCOR, where R and R are alkyl or aryl groups. GO:0042181 pathway UPa:UPA00409 ketone biosynthesis The formation from simpler components of ketones, a class of organic compounds that contain the carbonyl group, CO, and in which the carbonyl group is bonded only to carbon atoms. The general formula for a ketone is RCOR, where R and R are alkyl or aryl groups. UPa:amorgat GO:0042181 biological_process:ketone biosynthetic process The degradation of ketones, a class of organic compounds that contain the carbonyl group, CO, and in which the carbonyl group is bonded only to carbon atoms. The general formula for a ketone is RCOR, where R and R are alkyl or aryl groups. GO:0042182 pathway UPa:UPA00410 ketone degradation The degradation of ketones, a class of organic compounds that contain the carbonyl group, CO, and in which the carbonyl group is bonded only to carbon atoms. The general formula for a ketone is RCOR, where R and R are alkyl or aryl groups. UPa:amorgat GO:0042182 biological_process:ketone catabolic process Metabolism of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are essential structural component of living cells and source of energy. They include simple sugars with small molecules as well as macromolecular substances. Carbohydrates are any of a group of organic compounds based of the general formula Cx(H2O)y. Carbohydrates are classified according to the number of monosaccharide groups they contain. GO:0005975 saccharide metabolism sugar metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00411 carbohydrate metabolism Metabolism of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are essential structural component of living cells and source of energy. They include simple sugars with small molecules as well as macromolecular substances. Carbohydrates are any of a group of organic compounds based of the general formula Cx(H2O)y. Carbohydrates are classified according to the number of monosaccharide groups they contain. UPa:amorgat GO:0005975 biological_process:carbohydrate metabolic process The formation from simpler components of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are essential structural component of living cells and source of energy. They include simple sugars with small molecules as well as macromolecular substances. Carbohydrates are any of a group of organic compounds based of the general formula Cx(H2O)y. Carbohydrates are classified according to the number of monosaccharide groups they contain. GO:0016051 saccharide biosynthesis sugar biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00412 carbohydrate biosynthesis The formation from simpler components of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are essential structural component of living cells and source of energy. They include simple sugars with small molecules as well as macromolecular substances. Carbohydrates are any of a group of organic compounds based of the general formula Cx(H2O)y. Carbohydrates are classified according to the number of monosaccharide groups they contain. UPa:amorgat GO:0016051 biological_process:carbohydrate biosynthetic process The degradation into simpler components of carbohydrates, any of a group of organic compounds based of the general formula Cx(H2O)y. GO:0016052 pathway UPa:UPA00413 carbohydrate degradation The degradation into simpler components of carbohydrates, any of a group of organic compounds based of the general formula Cx(H2O)y. UPa:amorgat GO:0016052 biological_process:carbohydrate catabolic process Metabolism of alkaloids, a group of nitrogen containing natural products which are not otherwise classified as peptides, nonprotein amino-acids, amines, cyanogenic glycosides, glucosinolates, cofactors, phytohormones or primary metabolites (such as purine or pyrimidine bases). Alkaloids are usually found in plants. Various alkaloids have toxic or medical properties, such as caffeine, morphine and nicotine. GO:0009820 pathway UPa:UPA00414 alkaloid metabolism Metabolism of alkaloids, a group of nitrogen containing natural products which are not otherwise classified as peptides, nonprotein amino-acids, amines, cyanogenic glycosides, glucosinolates, cofactors, phytohormones or primary metabolites (such as purine or pyrimidine bases). Alkaloids are usually found in plants. Various alkaloids have toxic or medical properties, such as caffeine, morphine and nicotine. UPa:amorgat GO:0009820 biological_process:alkaloid metabolic process The formation from simpler components of compounds acting as metabolic intermediates. pathway UPa:UPA00415 metabolic intermediate biosynthesis The formation from simpler components of compounds acting as metabolic intermediates. UPa:amorgat The formation from simpler components of isoprene derivatives. Isoprene is the chemical 2-methyl-1,3-butadiene. It is a common structural motif in biological systems. The terpenes (for example, the carotenes are tetraterpenes) are derived from isoprene, as are the terpenoids and coenzyme Q. Also derived from isoprene are phytol, retinol (vitamin A) , tocopherol (vitamin E), dolichols, and squalene. Heme A has an isoprenoid tail, and lanosterol, the sterol precursor in animals, is derived from squalene and hence from isoprene. The functional isoprene units in biological systems are dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP) and its isomer isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP), which are used in the biosynthesis of terpenes and lanosterol derivatives. GO:0008299 pathway UPa:UPA00416 isoprenoid biosynthesis The formation from simpler components of isoprene derivatives. Isoprene is the chemical 2-methyl-1,3-butadiene. It is a common structural motif in biological systems. The terpenes (for example, the carotenes are tetraterpenes) are derived from isoprene, as are the terpenoids and coenzyme Q. Also derived from isoprene are phytol, retinol (vitamin A) , tocopherol (vitamin E), dolichols, and squalene. Heme A has an isoprenoid tail, and lanosterol, the sterol precursor in animals, is derived from squalene and hence from isoprene. The functional isoprene units in biological systems are dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP) and its isomer isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP), which are used in the biosynthesis of terpenes and lanosterol derivatives. UPa:amorgat GO:0008299 biological_process:isoprenoid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of isopentenyl-PP (isopentenyl diphosphate, IPP), the central intermediate in the biosynthesis of terpenoids (isoprenoids) Despite their diversity, all isoprenoids are derived from two universal five-carbon precursors: isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and its isomer dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP). Two distinct routes of IPP biosynthesis occur in nature: the 'mevalonate pathway' and the recently discovered 'deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate (DXP) pathway'. GO:0009240 IDP biosynthesis IPP biosynthesis isopentenyl pyrophosphate biosynthesis isopentenyl-PP biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00417 isopentenyl diphosphate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of isopentenyl-PP (isopentenyl diphosphate, IPP), the central intermediate in the biosynthesis of terpenoids (isoprenoids) Despite their diversity, all isoprenoids are derived from two universal five-carbon precursors: isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and its isomer dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP). Two distinct routes of IPP biosynthesis occur in nature: the 'mevalonate pathway' and the recently discovered 'deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate (DXP) pathway'. UPa:amorgat GO:0009240 biological_process:isopentenyl diphosphate biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of carotene compounds, i.e carotenoids that do not contain oxygen. GO:0016120 pathway UPa:UPA00418 carotene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of carotene compounds, i.e carotenoids that do not contain oxygen. UPa:amorgat GO:0016120 biological_process:carotene biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of xanthophylls (originally phylloxanthins), yellow pigments (oxycarotenoid type) from the carotenoid group. GO:0016123 pathway UPa:UPA00419 xantophyll biosynthesis Biosynthesis of xanthophylls (originally phylloxanthins), yellow pigments (oxycarotenoid type) from the carotenoid group. UPa:amorgat GO:0016123 biological_process:xanthophyll biosynthetic process The formation from simpler components of lipids, compounds soluble in an organic solvent but not, or sparingly, in an aqueous solvent. GO:0008610 pathway UPa:UPA00420 lipid biosynthesis The formation from simpler components of lipids, compounds soluble in an organic solvent but not, or sparingly, in an aqueous solvent. UPa:amorgat GO:0008610 biological_process:lipid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of phytoalexins, a group of antibiotics produced by plants that are under attack. Phytoalexins tend to fall into several classes including terpenoids, glycosteroids and alkaloids. It is convenient to extend the definition to include all phytochemicals that are part of the plant's defensive arsenal. Phytoalexins produced in plants act as toxins to the attacking organism. GO:0052315 pathway UPa:UPA00421 phytoalexin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of phytoalexins, a group of antibiotics produced by plants that are under attack. Phytoalexins tend to fall into several classes including terpenoids, glycosteroids and alkaloids. It is convenient to extend the definition to include all phytochemicals that are part of the plant's defensive arsenal. Phytoalexins produced in plants act as toxins to the attacking organism. UPa:amorgat GO:0052315 biological_process:phytoalexin biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of stilbenoids. Stilbenoids are secondary products of heartwood formation in trees that can act as phytoalexins. Chemically they are hydroxylated derivatives of stilbene. pathway UPa:UPA00422 stilbenoid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of stilbenoids. Stilbenoids are secondary products of heartwood formation in trees that can act as phytoalexins. Chemically they are hydroxylated derivatives of stilbene. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of terpenes, a class of hydrocarbons produced by many plants, particularly conifers. Terpenes are major components of resin, and of turpentine produced from resin. The name 'terpene' comes from 'turpentine'. Terpenes are derived from isoprene C5H8 units and have the basic formula of multiples of it, i.e., (C5H8)n. The isoprene units can be arranged in a linear way or forming rings. One can consider isoprene as one of nature's preferred building blocks. Terpenes can be classified according to the number of isoprene units that they contain: * Monoterpenes, C10H16, 2 isoprene units * Sesquiterpenes, C15H24, 3 isoprene units * Diterpenes, C20H32, 4 isoprene units * Triterpenes, C30H48, 6 isoprene units * Tetraterpenes, C40H60, 8 isoprene units * Polyterpenes with a large number of isoprene units If terpenes are further modified, for instance by adding hydroxyl groups or moving or removing a methyl group, the resulting compounds are called terpenoids. (Some authors also call these compounds terpenes.) [wikipedia]. GO:0042214 pathway UPa:UPA00423 terpene metabolism Metabolism of terpenes, a class of hydrocarbons produced by many plants, particularly conifers. Terpenes are major components of resin, and of turpentine produced from resin. The name 'terpene' comes from 'turpentine'. Terpenes are derived from isoprene C5H8 units and have the basic formula of multiples of it, i.e., (C5H8)n. The isoprene units can be arranged in a linear way or forming rings. One can consider isoprene as one of nature's preferred building blocks. Terpenes can be classified according to the number of isoprene units that they contain: * Monoterpenes, C10H16, 2 isoprene units * Sesquiterpenes, C15H24, 3 isoprene units * Diterpenes, C20H32, 4 isoprene units * Triterpenes, C30H48, 6 isoprene units * Tetraterpenes, C40H60, 8 isoprene units * Polyterpenes with a large number of isoprene units If terpenes are further modified, for instance by adding hydroxyl groups or moving or removing a methyl group, the resulting compounds are called terpenoids. (Some authors also call these compounds terpenes.) [wikipedia]. UPa:amorgat GO:0042214 biological_process:terpene metabolic process The formation from simpler components of nucleotides, any nucleoside that is esterified with (ortho)phosphate or an oligophosphate at any hydroxyl group on the glycose moiety; may be mono-, di- or triphosphate; this definition includes cyclic-nucleotides (nucleoside cyclic phosphates). GO:0009165 pathway UPa:UPA00424 nucleotide biosynthesis The formation from simpler components of nucleotides, any nucleoside that is esterified with (ortho)phosphate or an oligophosphate at any hydroxyl group on the glycose moiety; may be mono-, di- or triphosphate; this definition includes cyclic-nucleotides (nucleoside cyclic phosphates). UPa:amorgat GO:0009165 biological_process:nucleotide biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of nucleosides. Nucleosides are glycosylamines made by attaching a nucleobase (often referred to simply as bases) to a ribose or deoxyribose ring. In short, a nucleoside is a base linked to sugar. GO:0009163 pathway UPa:UPA00425 nucleoside biosynthesis Biosynthesis of nucleosides. Nucleosides are glycosylamines made by attaching a nucleobase (often referred to simply as bases) to a ribose or deoxyribose ring. In short, a nucleoside is a base linked to sugar. UPa:amorgat GO:0009163 biological_process:nucleoside biosynthetic process The chemical reactions involved in energy transformations within cells. GO:0006091 GO:0006112 pathway UPa:UPA00426 energy metabolism The chemical reactions involved in energy transformations within cells. UPa:amorgat GO:0006091 biological_process:generation of precursor metabolites and energy GO:0006112 biological_process:energy reserve metabolic process The breakdown into simpler components of amino-acids, organic acids containing one or more amino substituents. GO:0009063 amino-acid catabolism pathway UPa:UPA00427 amino-acid degradation The breakdown into simpler components of amino-acids, organic acids containing one or more amino substituents. UPa:amorgat GO:0009063 biological_process:cellular amino acid catabolic process Degradtion of lipids. GO:0016042 pathway UPa:UPA00428 lipid degradation Degradtion of lipids. UPa:amorgat GO:0016042 biological_process:lipid catabolic process Metabolism of L-arginine, one of the 20 most common natural amino-acids. GO:0006525 2-amino-5-(diaminomethylidene amino)pentanoic acid metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00429 L-arginine metabolism Metabolism of L-arginine, one of the 20 most common natural amino-acids. UPa:amorgat GO:0006525 biological_process:arginine metabolic process Degradation of fatty acids. GO:0009062 pathway UPa:UPA00430 fatty acid degradation Degradation of fatty acids. UPa:amorgat GO:0009062 biological_process:fatty acid catabolic process Degradation of the branched-chain amino-acids leucine (Leu), isoleucine (Ile) and valine (Val). GO:0009083 pathway UPa:UPA00431 Branched-chain amino-acid degradation Degradation of the branched-chain amino-acids leucine (Leu), isoleucine (Ile) and valine (Val). UPa:amorgat GO:0009083 biological_process:branched-chain amino acid catabolic process production of chemical defenses such as toxins against herbivores. pathway UPa:UPA00432 plant chemical defense production of chemical defenses such as toxins against herbivores. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of aromatic compounds. GO:0006725 pathway UPa:UPA00433 aromatic compound metabolism Metabolism of aromatic compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0006725 biological_process:cellular aromatic compound metabolic process Metabolism of hormone, a chemical messenger from one cell (or group of cells) to another. All multicellular organisms produce hormones (including plants, i.e phytohormone). The function of hormones is to serve as a signal to the target cells; the action of hormones is determined by the pattern of secretion and the signal transduction of the receiving tissue. GO:0042445 pathway UPa:UPA00434 hormone metabolism Metabolism of hormone, a chemical messenger from one cell (or group of cells) to another. All multicellular organisms produce hormones (including plants, i.e phytohormone). The function of hormones is to serve as a signal to the target cells; the action of hormones is determined by the pattern of secretion and the signal transduction of the receiving tissue. UPa:amorgat GO:0042445 biological_process:hormone metabolic process Biosynthesis of hormone, a chemical messenger from one cell (or group of cells) to another. Plant hormones pathways are described as phytohormone biosynthesis pathways. GO:0042446 pathway UPa:UPA00435 hormone biosynthesis Biosynthesis of hormone, a chemical messenger from one cell (or group of cells) to another. Plant hormones pathways are described as phytohormone biosynthesis pathways. UPa:amorgat GO:0042446 biological_process:hormone biosynthetic process Metabolism of lipid compounds. GO:0006629 pathway UPa:UPA00436 lipid metabolism Metabolism of lipid compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0006629 biological_process:lipid metabolic process Metabolism of plant hormones (plant growth regulators, PGRs, phytohormones). Plant hormones are internally-secreted chemicals in plants that are used for regulating the plant growth. According to a standard definition, plant hormones are signal molecules produced at specific locations, that occur in very low concentrations, and cause altered processes in target cells at other locations. It is accepted that there are five major classes of plant hormones: auxins, cytokinins(CK's), ethylene, gibberellins (GA's) and abscisic acid (ABA). PGR metabolism phytohormone metabolism plant growth regulator metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00437 plant hormone metabolism Metabolism of plant hormones (plant growth regulators, PGRs, phytohormones). Plant hormones are internally-secreted chemicals in plants that are used for regulating the plant growth. According to a standard definition, plant hormones are signal molecules produced at specific locations, that occur in very low concentrations, and cause altered processes in target cells at other locations. It is accepted that there are five major classes of plant hormones: auxins, cytokinins(CK's), ethylene, gibberellins (GA's) and abscisic acid (ABA). UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of plant hormones (plant growth regulators, PGRs, phytohormones). PGR biosynthesis phytohormone biosynthesis plant growth regulator biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00438 plant hormone biosynthesis Biosynthesis of plant hormones (plant growth regulators, PGRs, phytohormones). UPa:amorgat degradation of plant hormones (plant growth regulators, PGRs, phytohormones). PGR degradation phytohormone degradation plant growth regulator degradation pathway UPa:UPA00439 plant hormone degradation degradation of plant hormones (plant growth regulators, PGRs, phytohormones). UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of steroid hormones. pathway UPa:UPA00440 steroid hormone biosynthesis Biosynthesis of steroid hormones. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of glycan polymers. The term glycan refers to a polysaccharide, or oligosaccharide. Glycan may also be used to refer to the carbohydrate portion of a glycoconjugate, such as a glycoprotein, glycolipid, or a proteoglycan. GO:0005976 oligosaccharide metabolism polysaccharide metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00441 glycan metabolism Metabolism of glycan polymers. The term glycan refers to a polysaccharide, or oligosaccharide. Glycan may also be used to refer to the carbohydrate portion of a glycoconjugate, such as a glycoprotein, glycolipid, or a proteoglycan. UPa:amorgat GO:0005976 biological_process:polysaccharide metabolic process Degradation of glycan polymers. The term glycan refers to a polysaccharide, or oligosaccharide. Glycan may also be used to refer to the carbohydrate portion of a glycoconjugate, such as a glycoprotein, glycolipid, or a proteoglycan. GO:0000272 oligosaccharide degradation polysaccharide degradation pathway UPa:UPA00442 glycan degradation Degradation of glycan polymers. The term glycan refers to a polysaccharide, or oligosaccharide. Glycan may also be used to refer to the carbohydrate portion of a glycoconjugate, such as a glycoprotein, glycolipid, or a proteoglycan. UPa:amorgat GO:0000272 biological_process:polysaccharide catabolic process Metabolism of trehalose (mycose), a disaccharide found extensively but not abundantly in nature. It can be synthesised by fungi, plants and invertebrate animals. It is implicated in anhydrobiosis - the ability of plants and animals to withstand prolonged periods of desiccation. Trehalose is the major carbohydrate energy storage molecule used by insects for flight. GO:0005991 pathway UPa:UPA00443 trehalose metabolism Metabolism of trehalose (mycose), a disaccharide found extensively but not abundantly in nature. It can be synthesised by fungi, plants and invertebrate animals. It is implicated in anhydrobiosis - the ability of plants and animals to withstand prolonged periods of desiccation. Trehalose is the major carbohydrate energy storage molecule used by insects for flight. UPa:amorgat GO:0005991 biological_process:trehalose metabolic process Metabolism of glucans, a group of polysaccharides of D-glucose monomers linked by glycosidic bonds. GO:0006073 pathway UPa:UPA00444 glucan metabolism Metabolism of glucans, a group of polysaccharides of D-glucose monomers linked by glycosidic bonds. UPa:amorgat GO:0006073 biological_process:cellular glucan metabolic process Metabolic pathways related to the flow of one-carbon units into cellular compounds. GO:0006730 1C unit metabolism C1 compound metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00445 one-carbon metabolism Metabolic pathways related to the flow of one-carbon units into cellular compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0006730 biological_process:one-carbon metabolic process Biosynthesis of alkaloids, nitrogen-containing natural products which are not otherwise classified as nonprotein amino acids, amines, peptides, amines, cyanogenic glycosides, glucosinolates, cofactors, phytohormones, or primary metabolite (such as purine or pyrimidine bases). [GO]. GO:0009821 pathway UPa:UPA00446 alkaloid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of alkaloids, nitrogen-containing natural products which are not otherwise classified as nonprotein amino acids, amines, peptides, amines, cyanogenic glycosides, glucosinolates, cofactors, phytohormones, or primary metabolite (such as purine or pyrimidine bases). [GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0009821 biological_process:alkaloid biosynthetic process Degradation of alkaloids. GO:0009822 pathway UPa:UPA00447 alkaloid degradation Degradation of alkaloids. UPa:amorgat GO:0009822 biological_process:alkaloid catabolic process The formation from simpler components of terpenes. GO:0046246 pathway UPa:UPA00448 terpene biosynthesis The formation from simpler components of terpenes. UPa:amorgat GO:0046246 biological_process:terpene biosynthetic process The formation from simpler components of sesquiterpenes. Sesquiterpenes are a class of terpenes that consist of three isoprene units and have the molecular formula C15H24. Like monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes may be acyclic or contain rings, including many unique combinations. Biochemical modifications such as oxidation or rearrangement produce the related sesquiterpenoids. GO:0051762 sesquiterpenoid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00449 sesquiterpene biosynthesis The formation from simpler components of sesquiterpenes. Sesquiterpenes are a class of terpenes that consist of three isoprene units and have the molecular formula C15H24. Like monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes may be acyclic or contain rings, including many unique combinations. Biochemical modifications such as oxidation or rearrangement produce the related sesquiterpenoids. UPa:amorgat GO:0051762 biological_process:sesquiterpene biosynthetic process The activated methyl donor involved in most biosynthetic methylation is usually S-adenosylmethionine (SAM). SAM is synthesized by the transfer of an adenosyl group from ATP to the sulfur atom of methionine. The methyl group of the methionine unit is activated by the positive charge on the adjacent sulfur atom, which makes the molecule much more reactive than N5-methyltetrahydrofolate. The synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine is unusual in that the triphosphate group of ATP is split into pyrophosphate and orthophosphate; the pyrophosphate is subsequently hydrolyzed to two molecules of Pi. S-Adenosylhomocysteine is formed when the methyl group of S-adenosylmethionine is transferred to an acceptor. S-Adenosylhomocysteine is then hydrolyzed to homocysteine and adenosine. Methionine can be regenerated by the transfer of a methyl group to homocysteine. [Stryer, Biochemistry, 2002]. GO:0033353 S-adenosylmethionine cycle SAM cycle pathway UPa:UPA00450 activated methyl cycle The activated methyl donor involved in most biosynthetic methylation is usually S-adenosylmethionine (SAM). SAM is synthesized by the transfer of an adenosyl group from ATP to the sulfur atom of methionine. The methyl group of the methionine unit is activated by the positive charge on the adjacent sulfur atom, which makes the molecule much more reactive than N5-methyltetrahydrofolate. The synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine is unusual in that the triphosphate group of ATP is split into pyrophosphate and orthophosphate; the pyrophosphate is subsequently hydrolyzed to two molecules of Pi. S-Adenosylhomocysteine is formed when the methyl group of S-adenosylmethionine is transferred to an acceptor. S-Adenosylhomocysteine is then hydrolyzed to homocysteine and adenosine. Methionine can be regenerated by the transfer of a methyl group to homocysteine. [Stryer, Biochemistry, 2002]. UPa:amorgat GO:0033353 rdfmatch The chemical reactions involving lipopolysaccharides, any of a group of related, structurally complex components of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. Lipopolysaccharides consist three covalently linked regions, lipid A, core oligosaccharide, and an O side chain. Lipid A is responsible for the toxicity of the lipopolysaccharide. GO:0008653 pathway UPa:UPA00451 lipopolysaccharide metabolism The chemical reactions involving lipopolysaccharides, any of a group of related, structurally complex components of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. Lipopolysaccharides consist three covalently linked regions, lipid A, core oligosaccharide, and an O side chain. Lipid A is responsible for the toxicity of the lipopolysaccharide. UPa:amorgat GO:0008653 biological_process:lipopolysaccharide metabolic process Degradation of lipopolysaccharides, any of a group of related, structurally complex components of the outer membrane. GO:0009104 lipopolysaccharide catabolism pathway UPa:UPA00452 lipopolysaccharide degradation Degradation of lipopolysaccharides, any of a group of related, structurally complex components of the outer membrane. UPa:amorgat GO:0009104 biological_process:lipopolysaccharide catabolic process Biosynthesis of GDP-L-fucose from GDP-D-mannose. GDP-L-fucose is the substrate of fucosyltransferases for addition of fucose to polysaccharides or glycoproteins in both procaryotes and eucaryotes. In mammals, the biosynthesis of GDP-L-fucose consists of two pathways, namely salvage and de novo pathways. GO:0042350 GDP-D-mannose to GDP-L-fucose conversion GDP-L-fucose de novo pathway pathway UPa:UPA00453 GDP-L-fucose biosynthesis Biosynthesis of GDP-L-fucose from GDP-D-mannose. GDP-L-fucose is the substrate of fucosyltransferases for addition of fucose to polysaccharides or glycoproteins in both procaryotes and eucaryotes. In mammals, the biosynthesis of GDP-L-fucose consists of two pathways, namely salvage and de novo pathways. UPa:amorgat GO:0042350 biological_process:GDP-L-fucose biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of oligopeptides. GO:0043043 peptide biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00454 oligopeptide biosynthesis Biosynthesis of oligopeptides. UPa:amorgat GO:0043043 rdfmatch Metabolism of amines and polyamines. These compounds play a variety of roles in metabolism, including acting as osmoprotectants, keeping DNA in a condensed state, and serving as intermediates in the synthesis of macromolecules. The polyamines, e.g. 1,3-diaminopropane, putrescine, cadaverine, agmatine, spermidine and spermine, are wide-spread in all organisms, and have been shown to play a role in the regulation of growth and differentiation of virtually all types of cells. GO:0006595 GO:0009308 PMID:12641342 PMID:12927050 pathway UPa:UPA00455 amine and polyamine metabolism Metabolism of amines and polyamines. These compounds play a variety of roles in metabolism, including acting as osmoprotectants, keeping DNA in a condensed state, and serving as intermediates in the synthesis of macromolecules. The polyamines, e.g. 1,3-diaminopropane, putrescine, cadaverine, agmatine, spermidine and spermine, are wide-spread in all organisms, and have been shown to play a role in the regulation of growth and differentiation of virtually all types of cells. UPa:amorgat GO:0006595 biological_process:polyamine metabolic process GO:0009308 biological_process:amine metabolic process Degradation of amines and polyamines. GO:0006598 GO:0009310 pathway UPa:UPA00456 amine and polyamine degradation Degradation of amines and polyamines. UPa:amorgat GO:0006598 biological_process:polyamine catabolic process GO:0009310 biological_process:amine catabolic process Metabolism of putrescine, 1,4-diaminobutane. Putrescine is one of polyamines that are found in a wide range of organisms from bacteria to plants and animals, especially when these cells are proliferating or under stressful conditions (Tabor &amp; Tabor, 1984). Polyamines can modulate the functions of RNA, DNA, nucleotide triphosphates, proteins, and other acidic substances, and they contribute to stimulate cell growth and viability (Igarashi &amp; Kashiwagi, 2000). Putrescine is the metabolic precursor of spermidine and spermine. GO:0009445 pathway UPa:UPA00457 putrescine metabolism Metabolism of putrescine, 1,4-diaminobutane. Putrescine is one of polyamines that are found in a wide range of organisms from bacteria to plants and animals, especially when these cells are proliferating or under stressful conditions (Tabor &amp; Tabor, 1984). Polyamines can modulate the functions of RNA, DNA, nucleotide triphosphates, proteins, and other acidic substances, and they contribute to stimulate cell growth and viability (Igarashi &amp; Kashiwagi, 2000). Putrescine is the metabolic precursor of spermidine and spermine. UPa:amorgat GO:0009445 biological_process:putrescine metabolic process Biosynthesis of proteins. GO:0006412 pathway UPa:UPA00458 protein biosynthesis Biosynthesis of proteins. UPa:amorgat GO:0006412 biological_process:translation Biosynthesis of pheromones. A pheromone is a chemical that triggers an innate behavioural response in another member of the same species. There are alarm pheromones, food trail pheromones, sex pheromones, and many others that affect behavior or physiology. GO:0042811 pathway UPa:UPA00459 pheromone biosynthesis Biosynthesis of pheromones. A pheromone is a chemical that triggers an innate behavioural response in another member of the same species. There are alarm pheromones, food trail pheromones, sex pheromones, and many others that affect behavior or physiology. UPa:amorgat GO:0042811 biological_process:pheromone biosynthetic process Proteins are subjected to three classes of protein modifications, i.e. pre-, co- and post-translational modifications. A majority of modifications are made when the protein is already folded; these are genuine post-translational modifications (PTMs). Some modifications are made while the polypeptide is still being synthesized on the ribosome; these are co-translational modifications. A few 'non-standard' amino-acids are incorporated into proteins by modification of some 'standard' amino-acids while they are charged on special tRNAs; these are pre-translational modifications. GO:0006464 pathway UPa:UPA00460 protein modification Proteins are subjected to three classes of protein modifications, i.e. pre-, co- and post-translational modifications. A majority of modifications are made when the protein is already folded; these are genuine post-translational modifications (PTMs). Some modifications are made while the polypeptide is still being synthesized on the ribosome; these are co-translational modifications. A few 'non-standard' amino-acids are incorporated into proteins by modification of some 'standard' amino-acids while they are charged on special tRNAs; these are pre-translational modifications. UPa:amorgat GO:0006464 biological_process:cellular protein modification process Post-translation modifications are defined as 'series of chemical reactions whereby a newly synthesized polypeptide chain is converted to a functional protein. At the genetic point of view, any difference between a functional protein and the linear polypeptide sequence encoded between the initiation and the termination codons of its structural gene can be regarded as a post-translational modification of proteins. [This definition] restricts the meaning of post-translational modification to modifications that involve the making or breaking of covalent bonds.' (Han K.-K., Martinage A., 1992). GO:0043687 pathway UPa:UPA00461 post-translational protein modification Post-translation modifications are defined as 'series of chemical reactions whereby a newly synthesized polypeptide chain is converted to a functional protein. At the genetic point of view, any difference between a functional protein and the linear polypeptide sequence encoded between the initiation and the termination codons of its structural gene can be regarded as a post-translational modification of proteins. [This definition] restricts the meaning of post-translational modification to modifications that involve the making or breaking of covalent bonds.' (Han K.-K., Martinage A., 1992). UPa:amorgat GO:0043687 biological_process:post-translational protein modification Protein modification by small protein conjugation is a process by which one or more moieties of a small protein, such as ubiquitin or a ubiquitin-like protein, are covalently attached to a target protein [source: GO]. GO:0032446 pathway UPa:UPA00462 small protein conjugation Protein modification by small protein conjugation is a process by which one or more moieties of a small protein, such as ubiquitin or a ubiquitin-like protein, are covalently attached to a target protein [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0032446 biological_process:protein modification by small protein conjugation Degradation of L-arabinose Degradation of L-arabinose, a major constituent of plant material. Bacteria and fungi can utilize this pentose sugar via different pathways. Two distinct pathways convert L-arabinose to D-xylulose 5-phosphate via L-ribulose (in bacteria) or via L-arabitol (in fungal). An additional pathway has been recently discovered in bacteria (A. brasiliense, H. seropedicae, P. saccharophila, S. meliloti). In this pathway, L-arabinose is oxidized to L-arabino-gamma-lactone. GO:0019572 pathway UPa:UPA00463 L-arabinose degradation Degradation of L-arabinose Degradation of L-arabinose, a major constituent of plant material. Bacteria and fungi can utilize this pentose sugar via different pathways. Two distinct pathways convert L-arabinose to D-xylulose 5-phosphate via L-ribulose (in bacteria) or via L-arabitol (in fungal). An additional pathway has been recently discovered in bacteria (A. brasiliense, H. seropedicae, P. saccharophila, S. meliloti). In this pathway, L-arabinose is oxidized to L-arabino-gamma-lactone. UPa:amorgat GO:0019572 biological_process:L-arabinose catabolic process The formation from simpler components of secondary metabolites. GO:0044550 pathway UPa:UPA00464 secondary metabolite biosynthesis The formation from simpler components of secondary metabolites. UPa:amorgat GO:0044550 rdfmatch Metabolism of secondary metabolites. Secondary metabolites are those chemical compounds in organisms that are not directly involved in the normal growth, development or reproduction of organisms. Typically primary metabolites are found across all species within broad phylogenetic groupings, and are produced using the same pathway (or nearly the same pathway) in all these species. Secondary metabolites, by contrast, are often species- specific (or found in only a small set of species in a narrow phylogenetic group), and without these compounds the organism suffers from only a mild impairment, lowered survivability/fecundity, aesthetic differences, or else no change in phenotype at all [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secondary_metabolite]. GO:0019748 pathway UPa:UPA00465 secondary metabolite metabolism Metabolism of secondary metabolites. Secondary metabolites are those chemical compounds in organisms that are not directly involved in the normal growth, development or reproduction of organisms. Typically primary metabolites are found across all species within broad phylogenetic groupings, and are produced using the same pathway (or nearly the same pathway) in all these species. Secondary metabolites, by contrast, are often species- specific (or found in only a small set of species in a narrow phylogenetic group), and without these compounds the organism suffers from only a mild impairment, lowered survivability/fecundity, aesthetic differences, or else no change in phenotype at all [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secondary_metabolite]. UPa:amorgat GO:0019748 rdfmatch The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of biopolymers, long, repeating chains of monomers found in nature e.g. polysaccharides and proteins [source: GO]. GO:0009057 pathway UPa:UPA00466 biopolymer degradation The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of biopolymers, long, repeating chains of monomers found in nature e.g. polysaccharides and proteins [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0009057 biological_process:macromolecule catabolic process Metabolic pathways involving a specific protein as substrate. GO:0044267 pathway UPa:UPA00467 protein metabolism Metabolic pathways involving a specific protein as substrate. UPa:amorgat GO:0044267 biological_process:cellular protein metabolic process Degradation of cellular proteins. GO:0044257 proteolysis pathway UPa:UPA00468 protein degradation Degradation of cellular proteins. UPa:amorgat GO:0044257 biological_process:cellular protein catabolic process Biosynthesis of lincosamide group of antibiotics. pathway UPa:UPA00469 lincosamide biosynthesis Biosynthesis of lincosamide group of antibiotics. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of lantibiotics, a group of antimicrobial peptides synthesized by Gram- positive bacteria. Due to their difference in structure, two types of lantibiotics are distinguished, type A and type B lantibiotics. lantibiotics biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00470 lantibiotic biosynthesis Biosynthesis of lantibiotics, a group of antimicrobial peptides synthesized by Gram- positive bacteria. Due to their difference in structure, two types of lantibiotics are distinguished, type A and type B lantibiotics. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of lantibiotics A. Type A lantibiotics are elongated, flexible peptides that act by forming pores in bacterial membrane. lantibiotics A biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00471 lantibiotic A biosynthesis Biosynthesis of lantibiotics A. Type A lantibiotics are elongated, flexible peptides that act by forming pores in bacterial membrane. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of lantibiotics B. Type B lantibiotics are rigid, globular peptides with no net charge or a negative net charge. The type B comprise mersacidin, actagardin, and the cinnamycin group of peptides. lantibiotics B biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00472 lantibiotic B biosynthesis Biosynthesis of lantibiotics B. Type B lantibiotics are rigid, globular peptides with no net charge or a negative net charge. The type B comprise mersacidin, actagardin, and the cinnamycin group of peptides. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of polyketides, a large group of complex natural products produced mainly by species of Streptomyces and related filamentous bacteria that include antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, antiparasitic and immunosuppressant compounds. Despite their structures being strikingly diverse, they share a common pattern of biosynthesis in which simple carboxylic acid units are condensed onto the growing chain by a polyketide synthase (PKS) in a process resembling fatty acid biosynthesis. GO:0030639 PMID:2088174 PMID:8257119 pathway UPa:UPA00473 polyketide biosynthesis Biosynthesis of polyketides, a large group of complex natural products produced mainly by species of Streptomyces and related filamentous bacteria that include antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, antiparasitic and immunosuppressant compounds. Despite their structures being strikingly diverse, they share a common pattern of biosynthesis in which simple carboxylic acid units are condensed onto the growing chain by a polyketide synthase (PKS) in a process resembling fatty acid biosynthesis. UPa:amorgat GO:0030639 biological_process:polyketide biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of penicillin (sometimes abbreviated PCN), a group of beta- lactam antibiotics used in the treatment of bacterial infections caused by susceptible, usually Gram-positive, organisms. GO:0042318 PCN biosynthesis penam biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00474 penicillin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of penicillin (sometimes abbreviated PCN), a group of beta- lactam antibiotics used in the treatment of bacterial infections caused by susceptible, usually Gram-positive, organisms. UPa:amorgat GO:0042318 biological_process:penicillin biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of cephalosporins, a class of beta-lactam antibiotics. Together with cephamycins they belong to a sub-group called cephems. Cephalosporins are bactericidal and have the same mode of action as other beta-lactam antibiotics (such as penicillins). Cephalosporins disrupt the synthesis of the peptidoglycan layer of bacterial cell walls. The final transpeptidation step in the synthesis of the peptidoglycan is facilitated by transpeptidases known as penicillin binding proteins (PBPs). GO:0043646 PMID:15719551 PMID:15719553 pathway UPa:UPA00475 cephalosporin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of cephalosporins, a class of beta-lactam antibiotics. Together with cephamycins they belong to a sub-group called cephems. Cephalosporins are bactericidal and have the same mode of action as other beta-lactam antibiotics (such as penicillins). Cephalosporins disrupt the synthesis of the peptidoglycan layer of bacterial cell walls. The final transpeptidation step in the synthesis of the peptidoglycan is facilitated by transpeptidases known as penicillin binding proteins (PBPs). UPa:amorgat GO:0043646 biological_process:cephalosporin biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of toxins. GO:0009403 pathway UPa:UPA00476 toxin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of toxins. UPa:amorgat GO:0009403 biological_process:toxin biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of phytotoxins. pathway UPa:UPA00477 phytotoxin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of phytotoxins. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of mycotoxins, a group of toxins produced by fungus (mushrooms, molds and yeasts). GO:0043386 pathway UPa:UPA00478 mycotoxin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of mycotoxins, a group of toxins produced by fungus (mushrooms, molds and yeasts). UPa:amorgat GO:0043386 biological_process:mycotoxin biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of antifungal compounds. pathway UPa:UPA00479 antifungal biosynthesis Biosynthesis of antifungal compounds. UPa:amorgat RNA modification processes. GO:0009451 pathway UPa:UPA00480 RNA modification RNA modification processes. UPa:amorgat GO:0009451 biological_process:RNA modification The covalent alteration of one or more nucleotides within a tRNA molecule to produce a tRNA molecule with a sequence that differs from that coded genetically [source: GO]. Transfer RNA (tRNA) is structurally unique among nucleic acids in harboring an astonishing diversity of post-transcriptionally modified nucleoside. Over 80 modified nucleosides have been characterized. The nature of nucleoside modification varies from simple methylation to extensive 'hypermodification' of the canonical bases. Two of the most radically modified nucleosides known to occur in tRNA are queuosine and archaeosine, both of which are characterized by a 7-deazaguanosine core structure. GO:0006400 PMID:12697167 transfer RNA modification pathway UPa:UPA00481 tRNA modification The covalent alteration of one or more nucleotides within a tRNA molecule to produce a tRNA molecule with a sequence that differs from that coded genetically [source: GO]. Transfer RNA (tRNA) is structurally unique among nucleic acids in harboring an astonishing diversity of post-transcriptionally modified nucleoside. Over 80 modified nucleosides have been characterized. The nature of nucleoside modification varies from simple methylation to extensive 'hypermodification' of the canonical bases. Two of the most radically modified nucleosides known to occur in tRNA are queuosine and archaeosine, both of which are characterized by a 7-deazaguanosine core structure. UPa:amorgat GO:0006400 biological_process:tRNA modification Post-transcriptional modification of tRNA molecules. pathway UPa:UPA00482 tRNA post-transcriptional modification Post-transcriptional modification of tRNA molecules. UPa:amorgat Pathways involved in the degradation of cofactors. GO:0051187 pathway UPa:UPA00483 cofactor degradation Pathways involved in the degradation of cofactors. UPa:amorgat GO:0051187 biological_process:cofactor catabolic process Biosynthesis of glycan (polysaccharide) polymers. Glycan may also be used to refer to the carbohydrate portion of a glycoconjugate, such as a glycoprotein or a proteoglycan. Glycans usually consist solely of O-glycosidic linkages of monosaccharides (cellulose is a glycan composed of beta-1,4-linked D-glucose; chitin is a glycan composed of beta-1,4-linked N-acetyl-D-glucosamine). Glycans can be homo or heteropolymers of monosaccharide residues, and can be linear or branched. GO:0000271 polysaccharide biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00484 glycan biosynthesis Biosynthesis of glycan (polysaccharide) polymers. Glycan may also be used to refer to the carbohydrate portion of a glycoconjugate, such as a glycoprotein or a proteoglycan. Glycans usually consist solely of O-glycosidic linkages of monosaccharides (cellulose is a glycan composed of beta-1,4-linked D-glucose; chitin is a glycan composed of beta-1,4-linked N-acetyl-D-glucosamine). Glycans can be homo or heteropolymers of monosaccharide residues, and can be linear or branched. UPa:amorgat GO:0000271 biological_process:polysaccharide biosynthetic process Processing of genetic information. pathway UPa:UPA00485 genetic information processing Processing of genetic information. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of nucleotides. GO:0009117 pathway UPa:UPA00486 nucleotide metabolism Metabolism of nucleotides. UPa:amorgat GO:0009117 biological_process:nucleotide metabolic process Biosynthesis of polyester, a category of polymers which contain the ester functional group in their main chain. pathway UPa:UPA00487 polyester biosynthesis Biosynthesis of polyester, a category of polymers which contain the ester functional group in their main chain. UPa:amorgat The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of a purine nucleotide, a compound consisting of nucleoside (a purine base linked to a deoxyribose or ribose sugar) esterified with a phosphate moiety at either the 3' or 5'-hydroxyl group of its glycose moiety [source: GO]. GO:0006164 pathway UPa:UPA00488 purine nucleotide biosynthesis The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of a purine nucleotide, a compound consisting of nucleoside (a purine base linked to a deoxyribose or ribose sugar) esterified with a phosphate moiety at either the 3' or 5'-hydroxyl group of its glycose moiety [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0006164 biological_process:purine nucleotide biosynthetic process Metabolism of (DL)-alanine, one of the major amino-acids present in proteins. Alanine can be used in the biosynthesis of the amino-acid valine and of the vitamin biotin, and both the L and D stereoisomers of alanine are major constituents of the peptidoglycan layer. GO:0006522 (DL)-alanine metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00489 alanine metabolism Metabolism of (DL)-alanine, one of the major amino-acids present in proteins. Alanine can be used in the biosynthesis of the amino-acid valine and of the vitamin biotin, and both the L and D stereoisomers of alanine are major constituents of the peptidoglycan layer. UPa:amorgat GO:0006522 biological_process:alanine metabolic process Metabolism of (DL)-histidine amino-acid. GO:0006547 (DL)-histidine metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00490 histidine metabolism Metabolism of (DL)-histidine amino-acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0006547 biological_process:histidine metabolic process Degradation of (DL)-alanine amino-acid. GO:0006524 (DL)-alanine degradation pathway UPa:UPA00491 alanine degradation Degradation of (DL)-alanine amino-acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0006524 biological_process:alanine catabolic process Degradation of L-histidine amino-acid. GO:0006548 2-amino-3-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)propanoate degradation 2-amino-3-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)propanoic acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00492 L-histidine degradation Degradation of L-histidine amino-acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0006548 biological_process:histidine catabolic process Degradation of L-threonine amino-acid. GO:0006567 2-amino-3-hydroxybutanoate degradation 2-amino-3-hydroxybutyric acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00493 L-threonine degradation Degradation of L-threonine amino-acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0006567 biological_process:threonine catabolic process Degradation of glycerolipids. GO:0046503 pathway UPa:UPA00494 glycerolipid degradation Degradation of glycerolipids. UPa:amorgat GO:0046503 biological_process:glycerolipid catabolic process Biosynthesis of glycerolipids. GO:0045017 pathway UPa:UPA00495 glycerolipid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of glycerolipids. UPa:amorgat GO:0045017 biological_process:glycerolipid biosynthetic process Metabolism of metabolic intermediate compounds. pathway UPa:UPA00496 metabolic intermediate metabolism Metabolism of metabolic intermediate compounds. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of (R)-mevalonate, a key organic compound in biochemistry. (R)-mevalonate is a precursor of terpenes and steroids. mevalonate metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00497 (R)-mevalonate metabolism Metabolism of (R)-mevalonate, a key organic compound in biochemistry. (R)-mevalonate is a precursor of terpenes and steroids. UPa:amorgat Degradation of metabolic intermediate compounds. pathway UPa:UPA00498 metabolic intermediate degradation Degradation of metabolic intermediate compounds. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of pigments. GO:0046148 pathway UPa:UPA00499 pigment biosynthesis Biosynthesis of pigments. UPa:amorgat GO:0046148 biological_process:pigment biosynthetic process Metabolism of lipooligosaccharide. GO:1901269 pathway UPa:UPA00500 Lipooligosaccharide metabolism Metabolism of lipooligosaccharide. UPa:amorgat GO:1901269 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of lipooligosaccharide (LOS), an important amphiphilic molecule integrated in and extending outward from the outer membrane of some bacterial cell wall (Neisseria and Haemophilus sp). LOS is similar to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) but lacking the O-antigen polysaccharide side chain repeats. LOS comprises two parts: i) core oligosaccharide and ii) lipid A. PMID:11521077 LOS biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00501 lipooligosaccharide biosynthesis Biosynthesis of lipooligosaccharide (LOS), an important amphiphilic molecule integrated in and extending outward from the outer membrane of some bacterial cell wall (Neisseria and Haemophilus sp). LOS is similar to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) but lacking the O-antigen polysaccharide side chain repeats. LOS comprises two parts: i) core oligosaccharide and ii) lipid A. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of alginate, a polyssacharide produced by brown seaweeds an some bacteria. GO:0042120 pathway UPa:UPA00502 alginate metabolism Metabolism of alginate, a polyssacharide produced by brown seaweeds an some bacteria. UPa:amorgat GO:0042120 biological_process:alginic acid metabolic process Metabolism of choline (bilineurine). GO:0019695 bilineurine metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00503 choline metabolism Metabolism of choline (bilineurine). UPa:amorgat GO:0019695 biological_process:choline metabolic process Metabolism of steroids. A steroid is a terpenoid lipid characterized by a carbon skeleton with four fused rings, derived from the cyclization of the triterpene squalene. Different steroids vary in the functional groups attached to these rings. GO:0008202 pathway UPa:UPA00504 steroid metabolism Metabolism of steroids. A steroid is a terpenoid lipid characterized by a carbon skeleton with four fused rings, derived from the cyclization of the triterpene squalene. Different steroids vary in the functional groups attached to these rings. UPa:amorgat GO:0008202 biological_process:steroid metabolic process Metabolism of glycolipids, compounds containing (usually) 1-4 linked monosaccharide residues joined by a glycosyl linkage to a lipid. GO:0006664 pathway UPa:UPA00505 glycolipid metabolism Metabolism of glycolipids, compounds containing (usually) 1-4 linked monosaccharide residues joined by a glycosyl linkage to a lipid. UPa:amorgat GO:0006664 biological_process:glycolipid metabolic process Biosynthesis of glycolipids (e.g glycosylphosphatidylinositol). GO:0009247 pathway UPa:UPA00506 glycolipid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of glycolipids (e.g glycosylphosphatidylinositol). UPa:amorgat GO:0009247 biological_process:glycolipid biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving tropane alkaloids, compounds containing the 8-methyl-8-azabicyclo(3.2.1)octane ring system [source: GO]. GO:0046448 pathway UPa:UPA00507 tropane alkaloid metabolism The chemical reactions and pathways involving tropane alkaloids, compounds containing the 8-methyl-8-azabicyclo(3.2.1)octane ring system [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0046448 biological_process:tropane alkaloid metabolic process Degradation of tropan alkaloids. pathway UPa:UPA00508 tropane alkaloid degradation Degradation of tropan alkaloids. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of isoquinoline alkaloids. GO:0033076 pathway UPa:UPA00509 isoquinoline alkaloid metabolism Metabolism of isoquinoline alkaloids. UPa:amorgat GO:0033076 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of isoquinoline alkaloids. GO:0033075 pathway UPa:UPA00510 isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of isoquinoline alkaloids. UPa:amorgat GO:0033075 biological_process:isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthetic process Metabolism of terpenoid indole alkaloids. GO:0046447 pathway UPa:UPA00511 terpenoid indole alkaloid metabolism Metabolism of terpenoid indole alkaloids. UPa:amorgat GO:0046447 biological_process:terpenoid indole alkaloid metabolic process Biosynthesis of terpenoid indole alkaloids. GO:0009709 PMID:16874388 pathway UPa:UPA00512 terpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of terpenoid indole alkaloids. UPa:amorgat GO:0009709 biological_process:terpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides. GO:0006221 pathway UPa:UPA00513 pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis Biosynthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides. UPa:amorgat GO:0006221 biological_process:pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of isoquinoline alkaloids. GO:0071274 pathway UPa:UPA00514 isoquinoline alkaloid degradation Biosynthesis of isoquinoline alkaloids. UPa:amorgat GO:0071274 rdfmatch Carbon fixation is a process found in autotrophs, usually driven by photosynthesis, whereby carbon dioxide (CO(2)) is converted into organic compounds. There are three types of carbon fixation pathways: i) C3 acid cycle; ii) C4 acid cycle; iii) CAM pathway. GO:0015977 CO2 fixation pathway UPa:UPA00515 carbon fixation Carbon fixation is a process found in autotrophs, usually driven by photosynthesis, whereby carbon dioxide (CO(2)) is converted into organic compounds. There are three types of carbon fixation pathways: i) C3 acid cycle; ii) C4 acid cycle; iii) CAM pathway. UPa:amorgat GO:0015977 biological_process:carbon fixation Protein maturation process. GO:0051604 pathway UPa:UPA00516 protein maturation Protein maturation process. UPa:amorgat GO:0051604 biological_process:protein maturation Protein maturation via an hydrogenase process. pathway UPa:UPA00517 hydrogenase maturation Protein maturation via an hydrogenase process. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of hopanoids, a group of pentacyclic compounds similar to sterols, whose primary function is to improve plasma membrane fluidity in prokaryotes. Cholesterol serves a similar function in eukaryotes (including humans). GO:0019744 pathway UPa:UPA00518 hopanoid metabolism Metabolism of hopanoids, a group of pentacyclic compounds similar to sterols, whose primary function is to improve plasma membrane fluidity in prokaryotes. Cholesterol serves a similar function in eukaryotes (including humans). UPa:amorgat GO:0019744 biological_process:hopanoid metabolic process Metabolism of hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid), a glycosaminoglycan distributed widely throughout connective, epithelial, and neural tissues. It is one of the major components of the extracellular matrix and thereby contributes significantly to cell proliferation and migration. It may be involved in the progression of some malignant tumors. GO:0030212 hyaluronate metabolism hyaluronic acid metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00519 hyaluronan metabolism Metabolism of hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid), a glycosaminoglycan distributed widely throughout connective, epithelial, and neural tissues. It is one of the major components of the extracellular matrix and thereby contributes significantly to cell proliferation and migration. It may be involved in the progression of some malignant tumors. UPa:amorgat GO:0030212 biological_process:hyaluronan metabolic process Metabolism of organosulfurs, organic compounds that contain sulfur. pathway UPa:UPA00520 organosulfur metabolism Metabolism of organosulfurs, organic compounds that contain sulfur. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of organosulfurs, organic compounds that contain sulfur. pathway UPa:UPA00521 organosulfur biosynthesis Biosynthesis of organosulfurs, organic compounds that contain sulfur. UPa:amorgat Degradation of organosulfurs, organic compounds that contain sulfur. pathway UPa:UPA00522 organosulfur degradation Degradation of organosulfurs, organic compounds that contain sulfur. UPa:amorgat The chemical reactions and pathways involving heterocyclic compounds, those with a cyclic molecular structure and at least two different atoms in the ring (or rings) [source: GO]. GO:0046483 pathway UPa:UPA00523 heterocycle metabolism The chemical reactions and pathways involving heterocyclic compounds, those with a cyclic molecular structure and at least two different atoms in the ring (or rings) [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0046483 biological_process:heterocycle metabolic process Biosynthesis of purine base, an heterocyclic aromatic organic compound found in DNA or RNA. GO:0009113 pathway UPa:UPA00524 purine base biosynthesis Biosynthesis of purine base, an heterocyclic aromatic organic compound found in DNA or RNA. UPa:amorgat GO:0009113 biological_process:purine nucleobase biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of amino-acid with an aromatic side-chain: phenylalanine (Phe), tyrosine (Tyr) and tryptophan (Trp). GO:0009073 pathway UPa:UPA00525 aromatic amino-acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of amino-acid with an aromatic side-chain: phenylalanine (Phe), tyrosine (Tyr) and tryptophan (Trp). UPa:amorgat GO:0009073 biological_process:aromatic amino acid family biosynthetic process Degradation of amino-acid L-tryptophan. GO:0006569 (S)-alpha-amino-beta-(3-indolyl)-propionic acid degradation 2-amino-3-(1H-indol-3-yl)propanoic acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00526 L-tryptophan degradation Degradation of amino-acid L-tryptophan. UPa:amorgat GO:0006569 biological_process:tryptophan catabolic process Hydrolysis of L-alanine to ammonia and pyruvate. GO:0042853 KEGG:map00250 KEGG:map00430 KEGG:map01100 MetaCyc:PWY1-2 pathway UPa:UPA00527 L-alanine degradation via dehydrogenase pathway Hydrolysis of L-alanine to ammonia and pyruvate. UPa:amorgat GO:0042853 biological_process:L-alanine catabolic process KEGG:map00250 Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism KEGG:map00430 Taurine and hypotaurine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Breakdown of alanine via an aminotransferase reaction (transfer of an amino group from glutamate to pyruvate to form 2-oxoglutarate and alanine). GO:0042853 KEGG:map00250 KEGG:map00710 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 PMID:17319845 pathway UPa:UPA00528 L-alanine degradation via transaminase pathway Breakdown of alanine via an aminotransferase reaction (transfer of an amino group from glutamate to pyruvate to form 2-oxoglutarate and alanine). UPa:amorgat GO:0042853 biological_process:L-alanine catabolic process KEGG:map00250 Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism KEGG:map00710 Carbon fixation in photosynthetic organisms KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of betaine (glycine betaine, N,N,N-trimethylglycine) by a two- step oxidation of choline. An alternative pathway converts glycine to betaine through two N-methyltransferases. GO:0019285 KEGG:map00260 MetaCyc:BETSYN-PWY MetaCyc:PWY-3722 MetaCyc:PWY1F-353 PMID:11685374 PMID:12192001 PMID:8752328 pathway UPa:UPA00529 betaine biosynthesis via choline pathway Biosynthesis of betaine (glycine betaine, N,N,N-trimethylglycine) by a two- step oxidation of choline. An alternative pathway converts glycine to betaine through two N-methyltransferases. UPa:amorgat GO:0019285 biological_process:glycine betaine biosynthetic process from choline KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism Biosynthesis of betaine (glycine betaine, N,N,N-trimethylglycine) by a three-step series of methylation reactions from glycine. GO:0019286 KEGG:map00260 MetaCyc:P541-PWY PMID:10896953 PMID:11319079 PMID:12466265 PMID:17019606 PMID:17098399 pathway UPa:UPA00530 betaine biosynthesis via glycine pathway Biosynthesis of betaine (glycine betaine, N,N,N-trimethylglycine) by a three-step series of methylation reactions from glycine. UPa:amorgat GO:0019286 biological_process:glycine betaine biosynthetic process from glycine KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism The chemical reactions and pathways involving proline (pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid), a chiral, cyclic, nonessential alpha-amino-acid found in peptide linkage in proteins. GO:0006560 pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00531 L-proline metabolism The chemical reactions and pathways involving proline (pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid), a chiral, cyclic, nonessential alpha-amino-acid found in peptide linkage in proteins. UPa:amorgat GO:0006560 biological_process:proline metabolic process Degradation of L-proline (pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid) amino-acid. GO:0006562 pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00532 L-proline degradation Degradation of L-proline (pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid) amino-acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0006562 biological_process:proline catabolic process The hydroxyglutarate pathway is one of the major pathways by which L-glutamate amino-acid is fermented. This pathway is found in organisms living in anoxic niches within humans and animals, including members of the genus Acidaminococcus, Clostridium, Fusobacterium and Peptostreptococcus. GO:0019552 KEGG:map00250 KEGG:map00330 KEGG:map00362 KEGG:map00471 KEGG:map00650 KEGG:map00910 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:P162-PWY PMID:11106419 L-glutamate fermentation hydroxyglutarate pathway pathway UPa:UPA00533 L-glutamate degradation via hydroxyglutarate pathway The hydroxyglutarate pathway is one of the major pathways by which L-glutamate amino-acid is fermented. This pathway is found in organisms living in anoxic niches within humans and animals, including members of the genus Acidaminococcus, Clostridium, Fusobacterium and Peptostreptococcus. UPa:amorgat GO:0019552 biological_process:glutamate catabolic process via 2-hydroxyglutarate KEGG:map00250 Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism KEGG:map00362 Benzoate degradation KEGG:map00471 D-Glutamine and D-glutamate metabolism KEGG:map00650 Butanoate metabolism KEGG:map00910 Nitrogen metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Agmatine, which results from the decarboxylation of L-arginine by arginine decarboxylase, is a metabolic intermediate in the biosynthesis of putrescine and higher polyamines (spermidine and spermine). Recent studies indicate that agmatine can have several important biochemical effects in humans, ranging from effects on the central nervous system to cell proliferation in cancer and viral replication. GO:0033388 KEGG:map00330 KEGG:map01100 MetaCyc:PWY-40 MetaCyc:PWY-43 PMID:11673419 PMID:11804860 PMID:12435743 PMID:12634339 pathway UPa:UPA00534 putrescine biosynthesis via agmatine pathway Agmatine, which results from the decarboxylation of L-arginine by arginine decarboxylase, is a metabolic intermediate in the biosynthesis of putrescine and higher polyamines (spermidine and spermine). Recent studies indicate that agmatine can have several important biochemical effects in humans, ranging from effects on the central nervous system to cell proliferation in cancer and viral replication. UPa:amorgat GO:0033388 biological_process:putrescine biosynthetic process from arginine KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways The pathway for mammalian putrescine synthesis was demonstrated to occur via the decarboxylation of ornithine. GO:0033387 KEGG:map00330 KEGG:map00480 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 MetaCyc:PWY-46 PMID:14763899 pathway UPa:UPA00535 putrescine biosynthesis via L-ornithine pathway The pathway for mammalian putrescine synthesis was demonstrated to occur via the decarboxylation of ornithine. UPa:amorgat GO:0033387 biological_process:putrescine biosynthetic process from ornithine KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism KEGG:map00480 Glutathione metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites R-(+)-lipoic acid is a disulfide-containing cofactor widely distributed among living organisms. It is covalently attached to the E2 acyltransferase subunit of the pyruvate, alpha-ketoglutarate, and branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase complexes and to H-protein of the glycine cleavage system via an amide linkage between the carboxyl group of lipoic acid and the epsilon-amino group of a specific lysine residue of these proteins. Protein lipoylation can be achieved by two distinct pathways. GO:0009249 pathway UPa:UPA00536 protein lipoylation R-(+)-lipoic acid is a disulfide-containing cofactor widely distributed among living organisms. It is covalently attached to the E2 acyltransferase subunit of the pyruvate, alpha-ketoglutarate, and branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase complexes and to H-protein of the glycine cleavage system via an amide linkage between the carboxyl group of lipoic acid and the epsilon-amino group of a specific lysine residue of these proteins. Protein lipoylation can be achieved by two distinct pathways. UPa:amorgat GO:0009249 biological_process:protein lipoylation Protein lipoylation via exogenous pathway. KEGG:map00785 KEGG:map01100 pathway UPa:UPA00537 protein lipoylation via exogenous pathway Protein lipoylation via exogenous pathway. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00785 Lipoic acid metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Protein lipoylation via endogenous pathway. KEGG:map00785 KEGG:map01100 pathway UPa:UPA00538 protein lipoylation via endogenous pathway Protein lipoylation via endogenous pathway. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00785 Lipoic acid metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ, 4,5-dihydro-4,5-dioxo-1H-pyrrolo[2,3-f]quinoline-2,7,9-tricarboxylic acid), a bacterial vitamin that serves as a cofactor in numerous alcohol dehydrogenases. Its biosynthesis in Klebsiella pneumoniae is facilitated by six genes, pqqABCDEF, and proceeds by an unknown pathway. GO:0018189 4,5-dihydro-4,5-dioxo-1H-pyrrolo[2,3-f]quinoline-2,7,9-tricarboxylic acid biosynthesis PQQ biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00539 pyrroloquinoline quinone biosynthesis Biosynthesis of pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ, 4,5-dihydro-4,5-dioxo-1H-pyrrolo[2,3-f]quinoline-2,7,9-tricarboxylic acid), a bacterial vitamin that serves as a cofactor in numerous alcohol dehydrogenases. Its biosynthesis in Klebsiella pneumoniae is facilitated by six genes, pqqABCDEF, and proceeds by an unknown pathway. UPa:amorgat GO:0018189 biological_process:pyrroloquinoline quinone biosynthetic process Degradation of oxalate. Because of its toxicity, oxalate accumulation from amino-acid catabolism leads to acute disorders in mammals. Gut microflora are therefore pivotal in maintaining a safe intestinal oxalate balance through oxalate degradation. Oxalate catabolism was first identified in Oxalobacter formigenes, a specialized, strictly anaerobic bacterium. Oxalate degradation was found to be performed successively by two enzymes, a formyl-CoA transferase (frc) and an oxalate decarboxylase (oxc). These two genes are present in several bacterial genomes including that of Escherichia coli. GO:0033611 KEGG:map00630 KEGG:map01100 pathway UPa:UPA00540 oxalate degradation Degradation of oxalate. Because of its toxicity, oxalate accumulation from amino-acid catabolism leads to acute disorders in mammals. Gut microflora are therefore pivotal in maintaining a safe intestinal oxalate balance through oxalate degradation. Oxalate catabolism was first identified in Oxalobacter formigenes, a specialized, strictly anaerobic bacterium. Oxalate degradation was found to be performed successively by two enzymes, a formyl-CoA transferase (frc) and an oxalate decarboxylase (oxc). These two genes are present in several bacterial genomes including that of Escherichia coli. UPa:amorgat GO:0033611 biological_process:oxalate catabolic process KEGG:map00630 Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Degradation of L-rhamnose (hexose 6-deoxy-L-mannose). GO:0019301 KEGG:map00051 hexose 6-deoxy-L-mannose degradation pathway UPa:UPA00541 L-rhamnose degradation Degradation of L-rhamnose (hexose 6-deoxy-L-mannose). UPa:amorgat GO:0019301 biological_process:rhamnose catabolic process KEGG:map00051 Fructose and mannose metabolism Degradation of lactose, a disaccharide that consists of beta-D-galactose and beta-D-glucose molecules bonded through a beta-1-4 glycosidic linkage. GO:0005990 KEGG:map00052 MetaCyc:LACTOSECAT-PWY galactopyranosyl-glucose degradation pathway UPa:UPA00542 lactose degradation Degradation of lactose, a disaccharide that consists of beta-D-galactose and beta-D-glucose molecules bonded through a beta-1-4 glycosidic linkage. UPa:amorgat GO:0005990 biological_process:lactose catabolic process KEGG:map00052 Galactose metabolism Biosynthesis of GDP-D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose (GDP-D-beta-D-heptose), a nucleotide-sugar present in S-layer glycoproteins or capsular polysaccharide or flagella. PMID:12101286 pathway UPa:UPA00543 GDP-D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose biosynthesis Biosynthesis of GDP-D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose (GDP-D-beta-D-heptose), a nucleotide-sugar present in S-layer glycoproteins or capsular polysaccharide or flagella. UPa:amorgat Recycling of peptidoglycan, also known as murein, a polymer consisting of sugars and amino-acids that forms a mesh-like layer outside the plasma membrane of eubacteria. GO:0009254 murein recycling pathway UPa:UPA00544 peptidoglycan recycling Recycling of peptidoglycan, also known as murein, a polymer consisting of sugars and amino-acids that forms a mesh-like layer outside the plasma membrane of eubacteria. UPa:amorgat GO:0009254 biological_process:peptidoglycan turnover Degradation of pectin, a polymer containing a backbone of alpha-1,4-linked D-galacturonic acid residues. GO:0045490 KEGG:map00040 KEGG:map00500 KEGG:map01100 poly(1,4-alpha-D-galacturonide) degradation pathway UPa:UPA00545 pectin degradation Degradation of pectin, a polymer containing a backbone of alpha-1,4-linked D-galacturonic acid residues. UPa:amorgat GO:0045490 biological_process:pectin catabolic process KEGG:map00040 Pentose and glucuronate interconversions KEGG:map00500 Starch and sucrose metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Metabolism of cell wall components. GO:0044036 pathway UPa:UPA00546 cell wall metabolism Metabolism of cell wall components. UPa:amorgat GO:0044036 biological_process:cell wall macromolecule metabolic process Biosynthesis of cell wall components. GO:0042546 cell wall biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00547 cell wall biogenesis Biosynthesis of cell wall components. UPa:amorgat GO:0042546 biological_process:cell wall biogenesis Degradation of cell wall components. GO:0016998 pathway UPa:UPA00548 cell wall degradation Degradation of cell wall components. UPa:amorgat GO:0016998 biological_process:cell wall macromolecule catabolic process Degradation of peptidoglycan, also known as murein, a polymer consisting of sugars and amino-acids that forms a mesh-like layer outside the plasma membrane of eubacteria. GO:0016998 murein degradation pathway UPa:UPA00549 peptidoglycan degradation Degradation of peptidoglycan, also known as murein, a polymer consisting of sugars and amino-acids that forms a mesh-like layer outside the plasma membrane of eubacteria. UPa:amorgat GO:0016998 biological_process:cell wall macromolecule catabolic process Biosynthesis of thermoadapter, low molecular-weight compounds with thermoadaptive function (e.g cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate). pathway UPa:UPA00550 thermoadapter biosynthesis Biosynthesis of thermoadapter, low molecular-weight compounds with thermoadaptive function (e.g cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate). UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of cyclic 2, 3-diphosphoglycerate (cDPG), a trianionic compound acting as thermoadapter in thermophile organisms. GO:1901369 PMID:2226838 PMID:8159166 PMID:9811660 cDPG biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00551 cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of cyclic 2, 3-diphosphoglycerate (cDPG), a trianionic compound acting as thermoadapter in thermophile organisms. UPa:amorgat GO:1901369 rdfmatch Metabolism of cytidine, a pyrimidine deoxynucleoside. GO:0046108 pathway UPa:UPA00552 cytidine metabolism Metabolism of cytidine, a pyrimidine deoxynucleoside. UPa:amorgat GO:0046108 biological_process:uridine metabolic process Fermentation is the anaerobic enzymatic conversion of organic compounds, especially carbohydrates, to other compounds, especially to ethyl alcohol, yielding energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). [source: GO]. GO:0006113 anaerobic respiration pathway UPa:UPA00553 fermentation Fermentation is the anaerobic enzymatic conversion of organic compounds, especially carbohydrates, to other compounds, especially to ethyl alcohol, yielding energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0006113 biological_process:fermentation Conversion of pyruvate (the final product of glycolysis) to lactate in the absence of oxygen. KEGG:map00010 KEGG:map00620 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:PWY-5481 pathway UPa:UPA00554 pyruvate fermentation to lactate Conversion of pyruvate (the final product of glycolysis) to lactate in the absence of oxygen. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00010 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis KEGG:map00620 Pyruvate metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Bacterial c-type cytochromes are localized to the outside of the cytoplasmic membrane where they function in electron transport processes. Assembly takes place on the outside of the cytoplasmic membrane, involving separate transport of heme and the apocytochrome across the membrane [PMID:2172694]; the latter occurs via the general protein secretory (Sec) pathway of the cell [PMID:9219541]. Following translocation, assembly proceeds via a pathway involving a number of specific proteins. Two distinct systems have been identified in bacteria. System I is found in alpha - and gamma -proteobacteria, including E. coli, R. capsulatus, B. japonicum, and P. denitrificans. System II seems more widespread than system I, occurring in a range of bacteria including cyanobacteria, Gram-positive bacteria such as Mycobacterium species, beta -, gamma -, and delta -proteobacteria such as B. pertussis, T. ferrooxidans, and H. pylori, respectively, and some extremophiles such as A. aeoliticus. Common to both systems is that the apocytochrome cysteine thiols and the heme iron must be in their reduced states for thioether bond formation to occur. Thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases are required for this, and specific proteins have been identified in a number of system I organisms, including E. coli (CcmG), R. capsulatus (HelX), B. japonicum (CycY), and P. denitrificans (CcmG), and one system II organism, B. pertussis (CcsX) [PMID:12637552]. PMID:12637552 PMID:2172694 PMID:9219541 c-type cytochrome assembly pathway UPa:UPA00555 cytochrome c assembly Bacterial c-type cytochromes are localized to the outside of the cytoplasmic membrane where they function in electron transport processes. Assembly takes place on the outside of the cytoplasmic membrane, involving separate transport of heme and the apocytochrome across the membrane [PMID:2172694]; the latter occurs via the general protein secretory (Sec) pathway of the cell [PMID:9219541]. Following translocation, assembly proceeds via a pathway involving a number of specific proteins. Two distinct systems have been identified in bacteria. System I is found in alpha - and gamma -proteobacteria, including E. coli, R. capsulatus, B. japonicum, and P. denitrificans. System II seems more widespread than system I, occurring in a range of bacteria including cyanobacteria, Gram-positive bacteria such as Mycobacterium species, beta -, gamma -, and delta -proteobacteria such as B. pertussis, T. ferrooxidans, and H. pylori, respectively, and some extremophiles such as A. aeoliticus. Common to both systems is that the apocytochrome cysteine thiols and the heme iron must be in their reduced states for thioether bond formation to occur. Thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases are required for this, and specific proteins have been identified in a number of system I organisms, including E. coli (CcmG), R. capsulatus (HelX), B. japonicum (CycY), and P. denitrificans (CcmG), and one system II organism, B. pertussis (CcsX) [PMID:12637552]. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of lipoteichoic acid (LTA), a glycerol phosphate surface polymer. Lipoteichoic acid is a component of the envelope of Gram-positive bacteria. This polyphosphoglycerol compound is substituted with a D-alanyl (D-Ala) ester or a glycosyl residue and is anchored in the membrane by its glycolipid moiety. GO:0070395 PMID:10781555 PMID:11591677 PMID:11849532 PMID:16885447 PMID:17434999 LTA biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00556 lipoteichoic acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of lipoteichoic acid (LTA), a glycerol phosphate surface polymer. Lipoteichoic acid is a component of the envelope of Gram-positive bacteria. This polyphosphoglycerol compound is substituted with a D-alanyl (D-Ala) ester or a glycosyl residue and is anchored in the membrane by its glycolipid moiety. UPa:amorgat GO:0070395 biological_process:lipoteichoic acid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of CDP-diacylglycerol, CDP-1,2-diacylglycerol, a molecule composed of diacylglycerol in glycosidic linkage with cytidine diphosphate. GO:0016024 KEGG:map00561 KEGG:map00564 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map04070 MetaCyc:PHOSLIPSYN-PWY pathway UPa:UPA00557 CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthesis Biosynthesis of CDP-diacylglycerol, CDP-1,2-diacylglycerol, a molecule composed of diacylglycerol in glycosidic linkage with cytidine diphosphate. UPa:amorgat GO:0016024 biological_process:CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthetic process KEGG:map00561 Glycerolipid metabolism KEGG:map00564 Glycerophospholipid metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map04070 Phosphatidylinositol signaling system Biosynthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine compounds, any of a class of phospholipids in which a phosphatidyl group is esterified to the hydroxyl group of ethanolamine. GO:0006646 KEGG:map00260 KEGG:map00564 KEGG:map01100 MetaCyc:PHOSLIPSYN-PWY pathway UPa:UPA00558 phosphatidylethanolamine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine compounds, any of a class of phospholipids in which a phosphatidyl group is esterified to the hydroxyl group of ethanolamine. UPa:amorgat GO:0006646 biological_process:phosphatidylethanolamine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism KEGG:map00564 Glycerophospholipid metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways The translation elongation factor 2 (eEF-2) in eukaryotes and some archaea contains a unique posttranslationally modified histidine residue, termed diphthamide, which serves as the only target for diphtheria toxin and Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A. The biosynthesis of diphthamide represents one of the most complex posttranslational modifications. The biosynthesis is accomplished by stepwise additions to the His715 (His699 in yeast) residue of eEF-2. GO:0017183 PMID:15485916 PMID:16648478 PMID:6402493 2'-(3-carboxamido-3-(trimethylammonio)propyl)-L-histidine biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00559 peptidyl-diphthamide biosynthesis The translation elongation factor 2 (eEF-2) in eukaryotes and some archaea contains a unique posttranslationally modified histidine residue, termed diphthamide, which serves as the only target for diphtheria toxin and Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A. The biosynthesis of diphthamide represents one of the most complex posttranslational modifications. The biosynthesis is accomplished by stepwise additions to the His715 (His699 in yeast) residue of eEF-2. UPa:amorgat GO:0017183 biological_process:peptidyl-diphthamide biosynthetic process from peptidyl-histidine Degradation of ethanolamine (2-aminoethanol), an important water-soluble base of phospholipid (phosphatidylethanolamine). GO:0046336 PMID:16291677 2-aminoethanol degradation pathway UPa:UPA00560 ethanolamine degradation Degradation of ethanolamine (2-aminoethanol), an important water-soluble base of phospholipid (phosphatidylethanolamine). UPa:amorgat GO:0046336 biological_process:ethanolamine catabolic process The mesaconate pathway is one of the major pathways by which L-glutamate amino-acid is fermented. GO:0019553 KEGG:map00660 KEGG:map00910 KEGG:map01100 MetaCyc:PWY-5087 PMID:11759672 PMID:9385136 L-glutamate degradation via L-citramalate pathway L-glutamate degradation via methylaspartate pathway L-glutamate fermentation pathway UPa:UPA00561 L-glutamate degradation via mesaconate pathway The mesaconate pathway is one of the major pathways by which L-glutamate amino-acid is fermented. UPa:amorgat GO:0019553 biological_process:glutamate catabolic process via L-citramalate KEGG:map00660 C5-Branched dibasic acid metabolism KEGG:map00910 Nitrogen metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Degradation of formaldehyde, a toxic compound for all organisms from bacteria to humans due to its reactivity with biological macromolecules (nonspecific reactivity with proteins and nucleic acids). Organisms that grow aerobically on single-carbon compounds such as methanol and methane face a special challenge in this regard because formaldehyde is a central metabolic intermediate during methylotrophic growth. GO:0046294 KEGG:map00680 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:PWY-1801 MetaCyc:PWY-5250 PMID:11073907 PMID:12123819 PMID:15632161 PMID:16567800 PMID:9765566 formaldehyde oxidation methanal oxidation pathway UPa:UPA00562 formaldehyde degradation Degradation of formaldehyde, a toxic compound for all organisms from bacteria to humans due to its reactivity with biological macromolecules (nonspecific reactivity with proteins and nucleic acids). Organisms that grow aerobically on single-carbon compounds such as methanol and methane face a special challenge in this regard because formaldehyde is a central metabolic intermediate during methylotrophic growth. UPa:amorgat GO:0046294 biological_process:formaldehyde catabolic process KEGG:map00680 Methane metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Degradation of the methylpentose L-fucose (6-deoxygalactose). GO:0019317 KEGG:map00051 MetaCyc:FUCCAT-PWY 6-deoxygalactose degradation pathway UPa:UPA00563 L-fucose degradation Degradation of the methylpentose L-fucose (6-deoxygalactose). UPa:amorgat GO:0019317 biological_process:fucose catabolic process KEGG:map00051 Fructose and mannose metabolism Degradation of D-glucaric acid, an aldaric acid. GO:0042838 KEGG:map00053 KEGG:map01100 D-glucaric acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00564 D-glucarate degradation Degradation of D-glucaric acid, an aldaric acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0042838 biological_process:D-glucarate catabolic process KEGG:map00053 Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Degradation of galactarate, an aldaric acid. GO:0046392 KEGG:map00053 galactaric acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00565 galactarate degradation Degradation of galactarate, an aldaric acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0046392 biological_process:galactarate catabolic process KEGG:map00053 Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism Biosynthesis of enterobacterial common antigen (ECA), a cell surface glycolipid that is present in all gram-negative enteric bacteria. The carbohydrate portion of the polymer contains: N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc), N-acetyl-D-mannosaminouronic acid (ManNAcA) and 4-acetamido-4,6-dideoxy-D-galactose (Fuc4NAc). These amino sugars are linked to form linear polysaccharide chains. In addition, the hydroxyl groups at position 6 of the GlcNAc residues are nonstochiometrically substituted with O-acetyl groups. GO:0009246 PMID:10515954 PMID:12618464 PMID:16199561 PMID:16936038 ECA biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00566 enterobacterial common antigen biosynthesis Biosynthesis of enterobacterial common antigen (ECA), a cell surface glycolipid that is present in all gram-negative enteric bacteria. The carbohydrate portion of the polymer contains: N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc), N-acetyl-D-mannosaminouronic acid (ManNAcA) and 4-acetamido-4,6-dideoxy-D-galactose (Fuc4NAc). These amino sugars are linked to form linear polysaccharide chains. In addition, the hydroxyl groups at position 6 of the GlcNAc residues are nonstochiometrically substituted with O-acetyl groups. UPa:amorgat GO:0009246 biological_process:enterobacterial common antigen biosynthetic process Bioluminescence is the production and emission of light by a living organism as the result of a chemical reaction during which chemical energy is converted to light energy. GO:0008218 pathway UPa:UPA00567 bioluminescence Bioluminescence is the production and emission of light by a living organism as the result of a chemical reaction during which chemical energy is converted to light energy. UPa:amorgat GO:0008218 biological_process:bioluminescence Bacterial bioluminescence is a tightly regulated energy-consuming process. In Vibrio fischeri, luminescence is produced when luciferase, composed of LuxA and LuxB, converts FMNH2, O2 and an aliphatic aldehyde (RCHO) to FMN, water and an aliphatic acid. LuxC and LuxE recycle the aliphatic acid, which is also produced by LuxD, to regenerate the RCHO substrate, while LuxG and other proteins in the cell reduce FMN using NADH to supply luciferase with FMNH2 [PMID:17590235]. PMID:17590235 pathway UPa:UPA00568 bacterial bioluminescence Bacterial bioluminescence is a tightly regulated energy-consuming process. In Vibrio fischeri, luminescence is produced when luciferase, composed of LuxA and LuxB, converts FMNH2, O2 and an aliphatic aldehyde (RCHO) to FMN, water and an aliphatic acid. LuxC and LuxE recycle the aliphatic acid, which is also produced by LuxD, to regenerate the RCHO substrate, while LuxG and other proteins in the cell reduce FMN using NADH to supply luciferase with FMNH2 [PMID:17590235]. UPa:amorgat Fatty acid reduction for bacterial biolumincescence. pathway UPa:UPA00569 fatty acid reduction for biolumincescence Fatty acid reduction for bacterial biolumincescence. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of pyrimidine derivative compounds (nucleotides, nucleosides, nucleobases). pyrimidine derivative metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00570 pyrimidine metabolism Metabolism of pyrimidine derivative compounds (nucleotides, nucleosides, nucleobases). UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of pyrimidine derivative compounds (nucleotides, nucleosides, nucleobases). Cytosine, thymine, and uracil are the three nucleobases found in nucleic acids. pyrimidine derivative biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00571 pyrimidine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of pyrimidine derivative compounds (nucleotides, nucleosides, nucleobases). Cytosine, thymine, and uracil are the three nucleobases found in nucleic acids. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of UMP nucleotide (uridine monophosphate). UMP is the pivotal nucleotide from which uridine nucleotide di- and triphosphates are formed by ATP-dependent kinases. GO:0006222 uridine monophosphate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00572 UMP biosynthesis Biosynthesis of UMP nucleotide (uridine monophosphate). UMP is the pivotal nucleotide from which uridine nucleotide di- and triphosphates are formed by ATP-dependent kinases. UPa:amorgat GO:0006222 biological_process:UMP biosynthetic process In pyrimidine salvage, nucleosides generated by DNA and RNA breakdown are converted back to nucleotide monophosphates, enabling them to re-enter the pathways of pyrimidine biosynthesis. Pyrimidine salvage, similarly to purines, involves a single enzymatic step but, unlike purines, occurs at the nucleoside rather than the base level in humans, with salvage predominating over synthesis. GO:0008655 pathway UPa:UPA00573 pyrimidine salvage In pyrimidine salvage, nucleosides generated by DNA and RNA breakdown are converted back to nucleotide monophosphates, enabling them to re-enter the pathways of pyrimidine biosynthesis. Pyrimidine salvage, similarly to purines, involves a single enzymatic step but, unlike purines, occurs at the nucleoside rather than the base level in humans, with salvage predominating over synthesis. UPa:amorgat GO:0008655 biological_process:pyrimidine-containing compound salvage Biosynthesis of UMP via salvage of pyrimidine derivatives (cytidine, uridine, cytosine). GO:0044206 KEGG:map00240 KEGG:map01100 uridine monophosphate biosynthesis via salvage pathway pathway UPa:UPA00574 UMP biosynthesis via salvage pathway Biosynthesis of UMP via salvage of pyrimidine derivatives (cytidine, uridine, cytosine). UPa:amorgat GO:0044206 biological_process:UMP salvage KEGG:map00240 Pyrimidine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of dTTP (deoxythymidine triphosphate). GO:0006235 PMID:8631667 pathway UPa:UPA00575 dTTP biosynthesis Biosynthesis of dTTP (deoxythymidine triphosphate). UPa:amorgat GO:0006235 biological_process:dTTP biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of CTP nucleotide (cytidine triphosphate). GO:0006241 cytidine triphosphate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00576 CTP biosynthesis Biosynthesis of CTP nucleotide (cytidine triphosphate). UPa:amorgat GO:0006241 biological_process:CTP biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of dTMP (deoxythymidine monophosphate). GO:0006231 pathway UPa:UPA00577 dTMP biosynthesis Biosynthesis of dTMP (deoxythymidine monophosphate). UPa:amorgat GO:0006231 biological_process:dTMP biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of dTMP via pyrimidine salvage pathway. KEGG:map00240 KEGG:map01100 deoxythymidine monophosphate biosynthesis via salvage pathway pathway UPa:UPA00578 dTMP biosynthesis via salvage pathway Biosynthesis of dTMP via pyrimidine salvage pathway. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00240 Pyrimidine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of CTP starting from cytidine (salvage pathway). GO:0044211 KEGG:map00240 KEGG:map01100 cytosine triphosphate biosynthesis via salvage pathway pathway UPa:UPA00579 CTP biosynthesis via salvage pathway Biosynthesis of CTP starting from cytidine (salvage pathway). UPa:amorgat GO:0044211 biological_process:CTP salvage KEGG:map00240 Pyrimidine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Degradation of pyrimidine derivative compounds (nucleotides, nucleosides, nucleobases). pyrimidine derivative degradation pathway UPa:UPA00580 pyrimidine degradation Degradation of pyrimidine derivative compounds (nucleotides, nucleosides, nucleobases). UPa:amorgat Degradation of uracil nucleobase. GO:0006212 pathway UPa:UPA00581 uracil degradation Degradation of uracil nucleobase. UPa:amorgat GO:0006212 biological_process:uracil catabolic process Oxidative degradation of uracil nucleobase. KEGG:map00240 pathway UPa:UPA00582 uracil degradation via oxidative pathway Oxidative degradation of uracil nucleobase. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00240 Pyrimidine metabolism Metabolism of purine derivative compounds (nucleotides, nucleosides, nucleobases). purine derivative metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00583 purine metabolism Metabolism of purine derivative compounds (nucleotides, nucleosides, nucleobases). UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of purine derivative compounds (nucleotides, nucleosides, nucleobases). purine derivative biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00584 purine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of purine derivative compounds (nucleotides, nucleosides, nucleobases). UPa:amorgat Degradation of purine derivative compounds (nucleotides, nucleosides, nucleobases). Purine degradation has an essential role in nitrogen metabolism in most organism. purine derivative degradation pathway UPa:UPA00585 purine degradation Degradation of purine derivative compounds (nucleotides, nucleosides, nucleobases). Purine degradation has an essential role in nitrogen metabolism in most organism. UPa:amorgat In purine salvage, nucleosides generated by DNA and RNA breakdown are converted back to nucleotide monophosphates, enabling them to re-enter the pathways of purine biosynthesis. pathway UPa:UPA00586 purine biosynthesis via salvage pathway In purine salvage, nucleosides generated by DNA and RNA breakdown are converted back to nucleotide monophosphates, enabling them to re-enter the pathways of purine biosynthesis. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of adenine through purine salvage. pathway UPa:UPA00587 adenine biosynthesis via salvage pathway Biosynthesis of adenine through purine salvage. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of AMP through purine salvage. GO:0044209 KEGG:map00230 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 pathway UPa:UPA00588 AMP biosynthesis via salvage pathway Biosynthesis of AMP through purine salvage. UPa:amorgat GO:0044209 biological_process:AMP salvage KEGG:map00230 Purine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of inosine through purine salvage. GO:0006190 inosine salvage pathway UPa:UPA00589 inosine biosynthesis via salvage pathway Biosynthesis of inosine through purine salvage. UPa:amorgat GO:0006190 biological_process:inosine salvage Biosynthesis of hypoxanthine through purine salvage. GO:0043103 hypoxanthine salvage pathway UPa:UPA00590 hypoxanthine biosynthesis via salvage pathway Biosynthesis of hypoxanthine through purine salvage. UPa:amorgat GO:0043103 biological_process:hypoxanthine salvage Biosynthesis of inosine 5'-phosphate (IMP) through purine salvage. GO:0032264 KEGG:map00230 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 IMP salvage inosine 5'-phosphate biosynthesis via salvage pathway inosine monophosphate biosynthesis via salvage pathway pathway UPa:UPA00591 IMP biosynthesis via salvage pathway Biosynthesis of inosine 5'-phosphate (IMP) through purine salvage. UPa:amorgat GO:0032264 biological_process:IMP salvage KEGG:map00230 Purine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of adenosine 5'-phosphate, a purine nucleotide. GO:0006167 adenosine 5'-phosphate biosynthesis adenosine monophosphate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00592 AMP biosynthesis Biosynthesis of adenosine 5'-phosphate, a purine nucleotide. UPa:amorgat GO:0006167 biological_process:AMP biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of purine derivative via de novo pathway. pathway UPa:UPA00593 purine biosynthesis via de novo pathway Biosynthesis of purine derivative via de novo pathway. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of inosine purine nucleobase. GO:0046103 pathway UPa:UPA00594 inosine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of inosine purine nucleobase. UPa:amorgat GO:0046103 biological_process:inosine biosynthetic process Degradation of purine base compounds. GO:0006145 pathway UPa:UPA00595 purine base degradation Degradation of purine base compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0006145 biological_process:purine nucleobase catabolic process Metabolism of second messengers, molecular signals (ions or small molecules) released into the cytosol, thereby helping relay the signal within the cell. pathway UPa:UPA00596 second messenger metabolism Metabolism of second messengers, molecular signals (ions or small molecules) released into the cytosol, thereby helping relay the signal within the cell. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of second messengers, molecular signals (ions or small molecules) released into the cytosol, thereby helping relay the signal within the cell. pathway UPa:UPA00597 second messenger biosynthesis Biosynthesis of second messengers, molecular signals (ions or small molecules) released into the cytosol, thereby helping relay the signal within the cell. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of cyclic nucleotides, any nucleotide in which the phosphate group is bonded to two of the sugar's hydroxyl groups, forming a cyclical or ring structure. Examples: cAMP, cGMP, c-di-GMP, etc. GO:0009190 pathway UPa:UPA00598 cyclic nucleotide biosynthesis Biosynthesis of cyclic nucleotides, any nucleotide in which the phosphate group is bonded to two of the sugar's hydroxyl groups, forming a cyclical or ring structure. Examples: cAMP, cGMP, c-di-GMP, etc. UPa:amorgat GO:0009190 biological_process:cyclic nucleotide biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of cyclic dinucleotide 3',5'-cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP), a purine nucleotide emerging as a novel global second messenger in bacteria. In many bacteria bis-(3',5')-cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) signaling determines the timing and amplitude of complex biological processes from biofilm formation and virulence to photosynthesis. PMID:15063857 PMID:15569936 PMID:16045609 bis-(3',5')-cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate biosynthesis c-di-GMP biosynthesis cGpGp biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00599 3',5'-cyclic di-GMP biosynthesis Biosynthesis of cyclic dinucleotide 3',5'-cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP), a purine nucleotide emerging as a novel global second messenger in bacteria. In many bacteria bis-(3',5')-cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) signaling determines the timing and amplitude of complex biological processes from biofilm formation and virulence to photosynthesis. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of xanthosine 5'-phosphate (XMP purine nucleotide). GO:0097293 xanthosine 5'-phosphate biosynthesis xanthosine monophosphate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00600 XMP biosynthesis Biosynthesis of xanthosine 5'-phosphate (XMP purine nucleotide). UPa:amorgat GO:0097293 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of xanthosine 5'-phosphate (XMP purine nucleotide) via de novo pathway. KEGG:map00230 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 xanthosine monophosphate biosynthesis via de novo pathway pathway UPa:UPA00601 XMP biosynthesis via de novo pathway Biosynthesis of xanthosine 5'-phosphate (XMP purine nucleotide) via de novo pathway. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00230 Purine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of xanthosine 5'-phosphate (XMP purine nucleotide) via salvage pathway. GO:0032265 KEGG:map00230 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 xanthosine 5'-phosphate biosynthesis via salvage pathway xanthosine monophosphate biosynthesis via salvage pathway pathway UPa:UPA00602 XMP biosynthesis via salvage pathway Biosynthesis of xanthosine 5'-phosphate (XMP purine nucleotide) via salvage pathway. UPa:amorgat GO:0032265 biological_process:XMP salvage KEGG:map00230 Purine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Degradation of guanine purine nucleobase. GO:0006147 KEGG:map00230 KEGG:map01100 pathway UPa:UPA00603 guanine degradation Degradation of guanine purine nucleobase. UPa:amorgat GO:0006147 biological_process:guanine catabolic process KEGG:map00230 Purine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Degradation of hypoxanthine purine base into uric acid. GO:0009114 KEGG:map00230 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 pathway UPa:UPA00604 hypoxanthine degradation Degradation of hypoxanthine purine base into uric acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0009114 biological_process:hypoxanthine catabolic process KEGG:map00230 Purine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Metabolism of purine nucleoside compounds. GO:0042278 pathway UPa:UPA00605 purine nucleoside metabolism Metabolism of purine nucleoside compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0042278 biological_process:purine nucleoside metabolic process Salvage of purine nucleoside compounds. pathway UPa:UPA00606 purine nucleoside salvage Salvage of purine nucleoside compounds. UPa:amorgat Degradation of purine nucleoside compounds. GO:0006152 pathway UPa:UPA00607 purine nucleoside degradation Degradation of purine nucleoside compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0006152 biological_process:purine nucleoside catabolic process Biosynthesis of purine nucleoside compounds. GO:0042451 pathway UPa:UPA00608 purine nucleoside biosynthesis Biosynthesis of purine nucleoside compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0042451 biological_process:purine nucleoside biosynthetic process Degradation of CDP-diacylglycerol compounds. GO:0046342 KEGG:map00564 pathway UPa:UPA00609 CDP-diacylglycerol degradation Degradation of CDP-diacylglycerol compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0046342 biological_process:CDP-diacylglycerol catabolic process KEGG:map00564 Glycerophospholipid metabolism Biosynthesis of dUMP (deoxyuridine 5'-phosphate), a pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotide. GO:0006226 KEGG:map00240 KEGG:map01100 deoxyuridine 5'-phosphate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00610 dUMP biosynthesis Biosynthesis of dUMP (deoxyuridine 5'-phosphate), a pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotide. UPa:amorgat GO:0006226 biological_process:dUMP biosynthetic process KEGG:map00240 Pyrimidine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Metabolism of alcohol compounds. GO:0006066 pathway UPa:UPA00611 alcohol metabolism Metabolism of alcohol compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0006066 biological_process:alcohol metabolic process Degradation of alcohol compounds. GO:0046164 pathway UPa:UPA00612 alcohol degradation Degradation of alcohol compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0046164 biological_process:alcohol catabolic process Metabolism of polyol compounds. GO:0019751 pathway UPa:UPA00613 polyol metabolism Metabolism of polyol compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0019751 biological_process:polyol metabolic process Degradation of polyol compounds. GO:0046174 pathway UPa:UPA00614 polyol degradation Degradation of polyol compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0046174 biological_process:polyol catabolic process Metabolism of the trihydric alcohol, glycerol. GO:0006071 1,2,3-trihydroxypropane metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00615 glycerol metabolism Metabolism of the trihydric alcohol, glycerol. UPa:amorgat GO:0006071 biological_process:glycerol metabolic process Degradation of glycerol, a trihydric alcohol. Two possible routes of glycerol catabolism have been proposed. In the first pathway, glycerol is phosphorylated to glycerol-3-phosphate by glycerol kinase, and then converted to dihydroxyacetone phosphate by glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. In the second pathway, glycerol is converted to dihydroxyacetone by NAD-dependent glycerol dehydrogenase, and then phosphorylated to dihydroxyacetone phosphate by dihydroxyacetone kinase. GO:0019563 1,2,3-propanetriol degradation pathway UPa:UPA00616 glycerol degradation Degradation of glycerol, a trihydric alcohol. Two possible routes of glycerol catabolism have been proposed. In the first pathway, glycerol is phosphorylated to glycerol-3-phosphate by glycerol kinase, and then converted to dihydroxyacetone phosphate by glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. In the second pathway, glycerol is converted to dihydroxyacetone by NAD-dependent glycerol dehydrogenase, and then phosphorylated to dihydroxyacetone phosphate by dihydroxyacetone kinase. UPa:amorgat GO:0019563 biological_process:glycerol catabolic process In the absence of an external oxidant, glycerol is consumed by a dismutation process involving two sub-pathways. Through one sub-pathway (oxidative route), glycerol is dehydrogenated by an NAD+-linked glycerol dehydrogenase (DhaD) to dihydroxyacetone. This product is then phosphorylated by dihydroxyacetone kinase (DhaK) and funnelled to the central metabolism. Through the other sub-pathway (reductive route), glycerol is dehydrated by coenzyme B12-dependent glycerol dehydratase (DhaB, DhaC, DhaE) to form 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde, which is reduced to the major fermentation product 1,3-propanediol by the NADH-linked 1,3-propanediol dehydrogenase (DhaT), thereby regenerating NAD+ [PMID: 9311132]. GO:0019588 KEGG:map00561 KEGG:map00680 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:GLYCEROLMETAB-PWY MetaCyc:GOLPDLCAT-PWY PMID:7721705 PMID:9311132 anaerobic glycerol degradation pathway UPa:UPA00617 glycerol fermentation In the absence of an external oxidant, glycerol is consumed by a dismutation process involving two sub-pathways. Through one sub-pathway (oxidative route), glycerol is dehydrogenated by an NAD+-linked glycerol dehydrogenase (DhaD) to dihydroxyacetone. This product is then phosphorylated by dihydroxyacetone kinase (DhaK) and funnelled to the central metabolism. Through the other sub-pathway (reductive route), glycerol is dehydrated by coenzyme B12-dependent glycerol dehydratase (DhaB, DhaC, DhaE) to form 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde, which is reduced to the major fermentation product 1,3-propanediol by the NADH-linked 1,3-propanediol dehydrogenase (DhaT), thereby regenerating NAD+ [PMID: 9311132]. UPa:amorgat GO:0019588 biological_process:anaerobic glycerol catabolic process KEGG:map00561 Glycerolipid metabolism KEGG:map00680 Methane metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments In bacteria, glycerol uptake is mediated by the glycerol diffusion facilitator, an integral membrane protein catalyzing the rapid equilibration of concentration gradients of glycerol across the cytoplasmic membrane. Intracellular glycerol is converted to glycerol-3-phosphate that is further metabolized to dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) by either of two membrane-bound enzymes, depending on the growth conditions. GO:0019563 KEGG:map00561 KEGG:map01100 MetaCyc:PWY-4261 MetaCyc:PWY0-381 pathway UPa:UPA00618 glycerol degradation via glycerol kinase pathway In bacteria, glycerol uptake is mediated by the glycerol diffusion facilitator, an integral membrane protein catalyzing the rapid equilibration of concentration gradients of glycerol across the cytoplasmic membrane. Intracellular glycerol is converted to glycerol-3-phosphate that is further metabolized to dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) by either of two membrane-bound enzymes, depending on the growth conditions. UPa:amorgat GO:0019563 biological_process:glycerol catabolic process KEGG:map00561 Glycerolipid metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Methylglyoxal (MG) is a cytotoxic compound formed primarily as a by-product of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. It is catabolised by glyoxalases I and II, the zinc-binding enzymes of the glyoxalase pathway. Glyoxalase system is present in the cytosol of cells and cellular organelles, particularly mitochondria. KEGG:map00620 PMID:2198020 glyoxal pathway glyoxalase pathway glyoxalase system pathway UPa:UPA00619 methylglyoxal degradation Methylglyoxal (MG) is a cytotoxic compound formed primarily as a by-product of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. It is catabolised by glyoxalases I and II, the zinc-binding enzymes of the glyoxalase pathway. Glyoxalase system is present in the cytosol of cells and cellular organelles, particularly mitochondria. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00620 Pyruvate metabolism Metabolism of diol alcohol propanediol compounds. GO:0019563 pathway UPa:UPA00620 propanediol metabolism Metabolism of diol alcohol propanediol compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0019563 biological_process:glycerol catabolic process Degradation of the diol alcohol, 1,2-propanediol (propane-1,2-diol). GO:0051144 1,2 propylene glycol degradation 1,2-dihydroxypropane degradation propane-1,2-diol degradation pathway UPa:UPA00621 1,2-propanediol degradation Degradation of the diol alcohol, 1,2-propanediol (propane-1,2-diol). UPa:amorgat GO:0051144 biological_process:propanediol catabolic process Biosynthesis of alcohol compounds. GO:0046165 pathway UPa:UPA00622 alcohol biosynthesis Biosynthesis of alcohol compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0046165 biological_process:alcohol biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of polyol compounds. GO:0046173 pathway UPa:UPA00623 polyol biosynthesis Biosynthesis of polyol compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0046173 biological_process:polyol biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of the trihydric alcohol, glycerol (1,2,3-propanetriol). GO:0006114 1,2,3-propanetriol biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00624 glycerol biosynthesis Biosynthesis of the trihydric alcohol, glycerol (1,2,3-propanetriol). UPa:amorgat GO:0006114 biological_process:glycerol biosynthetic process Metabolism of 2,3-butanediol. 2,3-butanediol (2,3-BDL), which is very important for a variety of chemical feedstocks and liquid fuels, can be derived from the bioconversion of natural resources. The metabolic function of 2,3-butanediol is not yet known, although it may play a role in preventing intracellular acidification by changing the metabolism from acid production to the formation of a neutral compound. PMID:6298028 pathway UPa:UPA00625 (R,R)-butane-2,3-diol metabolism Metabolism of 2,3-butanediol. 2,3-butanediol (2,3-BDL), which is very important for a variety of chemical feedstocks and liquid fuels, can be derived from the bioconversion of natural resources. The metabolic function of 2,3-butanediol is not yet known, although it may play a role in preventing intracellular acidification by changing the metabolism from acid production to the formation of a neutral compound. UPa:amorgat In some bacteria, pyruvate can be channeled via alpha-acetolactate into neutral compound 2,3-butanediol. The production of (R,R)-2,3-butanediol is enhanced when oxygen is limited and the pH is lowered. KEGG:map00650 KEGG:map00660 MetaCyc:P125-PWY PMID:11234948 PMID:8444801 2,3-butanediol biosynthesis 2,3-butanediol pathway pathway UPa:UPA00626 (R,R)-butane-2,3-diol biosynthesis In some bacteria, pyruvate can be channeled via alpha-acetolactate into neutral compound 2,3-butanediol. The production of (R,R)-2,3-butanediol is enhanced when oxygen is limited and the pH is lowered. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00650 Butanoate metabolism KEGG:map00660 C5-Branched dibasic acid metabolism Degradation of amino-sugar compounds. GO:0046348 amino sugar degradation aminosugar degradation pathway UPa:UPA00627 amino-sugar degradation Degradation of amino-sugar compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0046348 biological_process:amino sugar catabolic process Metabolism of N-acetylneuramate, an amino sugar component of the cell surface structures. GO:0006054 MetaCyc:GLCMANNANAUT-PWY sialic acid metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00628 N-acetylneuraminate metabolism Metabolism of N-acetylneuramate, an amino sugar component of the cell surface structures. UPa:amorgat GO:0006054 biological_process:N-acetylneuraminate metabolic process Degradation of N-acetylneuraminate, an amino sugar component of the cell surface structures. N-acetylneuraminate is possibly used as carbon and nitrogen sources. GO:0019262 KEGG:map00520 KEGG:map01100 MetaCyc:GLCMANNANAUT-PWY PMID:11234948 PMID:9864311 sialic acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00629 N-acetylneuraminate degradation Degradation of N-acetylneuraminate, an amino sugar component of the cell surface structures. N-acetylneuraminate is possibly used as carbon and nitrogen sources. UPa:amorgat GO:0019262 biological_process:N-acetylneuraminate catabolic process KEGG:map00520 Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac), the precursor of sialic acids, a group of important molecules in biological recognition systems. GO:0006045 PMID:10334995 PMID:9305888 N-acetylneuraminic acid biosynthesis Neu5Ac biosynthesis sialic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00630 N-acetylneuraminate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac), the precursor of sialic acids, a group of important molecules in biological recognition systems. UPa:amorgat GO:0006045 biological_process:N-acetylglucosamine biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of exopolysaccharide compounds. Pseudomonas solanacearum. PMID:7476194 PMID:8626297 EPS biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00631 exopolysaccharide biosynthesis Biosynthesis of exopolysaccharide compounds. Pseudomonas solanacearum. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of teichoic acids (TAs), a group of phosphate-rich anionic extracellular polysaccharides found covalently bound to peptidoglycan in gram-positive bacteria TAs are polymers of glycerol or ribitol linked via phosphodiester bonds. These acids can be found in the cell wall of gram-positive bacteria, such as Staphylococci, Streptococci, Bacillus, Clostridium, Corynebacterium and Listeria, and appear to extend to the surface of the peptidoglycan layer. Teichoic acids are not found in the gram-negative bacteria. Teichoic acids are negatively charged and therefore contribute to the negative charge of the gram-positive cell wall. They may also provide structural support for the cell wall and act as antigen. GO:0019350 PMID:15547257 PMID:16952950 PMID:17660278 PMID:17981078 TA biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00632 teichoic acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of teichoic acids (TAs), a group of phosphate-rich anionic extracellular polysaccharides found covalently bound to peptidoglycan in gram-positive bacteria TAs are polymers of glycerol or ribitol linked via phosphodiester bonds. These acids can be found in the cell wall of gram-positive bacteria, such as Staphylococci, Streptococci, Bacillus, Clostridium, Corynebacterium and Listeria, and appear to extend to the surface of the peptidoglycan layer. Teichoic acids are not found in the gram-negative bacteria. Teichoic acids are negatively charged and therefore contribute to the negative charge of the gram-positive cell wall. They may also provide structural support for the cell wall and act as antigen. UPa:amorgat GO:0019350 biological_process:teichoic acid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of L-glutamate amino-acid. GO:0006537 pathway UPa:UPA00633 L-glutamate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of L-glutamate amino-acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0006537 biological_process:glutamate biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of L-glutamate amino-acid via glutamate synthase (GLT). GO:0097054 KEGG:map00250 KEGG:map00910 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:GLUGLNSYN-PWY MetaCyc:GLUTSYN-PWY MetaCyc:PWY-4341 pathway UPa:UPA00634 L-glutamate biosynthesis via GLT pathway Biosynthesis of L-glutamate amino-acid via glutamate synthase (GLT). UPa:amorgat GO:0097054 biological_process:L-glutamate biosynthetic process KEGG:map00250 Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism KEGG:map00910 Nitrogen metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of L-glutamate amino-acid via glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH). pathway UPa:UPA00635 L-glutamate biosynthesis via GDH pathway Biosynthesis of L-glutamate amino-acid via glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH). UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of beta-glucans. GO:0051274 pathway UPa:UPA00636 beta-glucan biosynthesis Biosynthesis of beta-glucans. UPa:amorgat GO:0051274 biological_process:beta-glucan biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of osmoregulated periplasmic glucans (OPGs). OPGs occur in a wide variety of Gram-negative bacterial species. The only sugars found in the backbone of OPGs are glucosyl residues, which are bound with beta-glucosidic linkages. Generally, OPG synthesis is activated by conditions of low osmolarity. OPGs vary from 5 to 25 glucosyl residues per molecule and the glucose backbones show structural diversity among different species. [PMID:17906125]. PMID:17906125 OPG biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00637 osmoregulated periplasmic glucan (OPG) biosynthesis Biosynthesis of osmoregulated periplasmic glucans (OPGs). OPGs occur in a wide variety of Gram-negative bacterial species. The only sugars found in the backbone of OPGs are glucosyl residues, which are bound with beta-glucosidic linkages. Generally, OPG synthesis is activated by conditions of low osmolarity. OPGs vary from 5 to 25 glucosyl residues per molecule and the glucose backbones show structural diversity among different species. [PMID:17906125]. UPa:amorgat Reduction of nitric oxide (NO), a compound present throughout the biosphere. In humans, tightly regulated NO synthases produce sufficient NO to poison pathogens, opportunistic organisms, and neoplastic tissue. Nitric-oxide reductases metabolize NO to N2O in anaerobic denitrifying bacteria and fungi and likely serve an additional role in minimizing NO toxicity. PMID:11751865 PMID:15546870 NO detoxification NO reduction nitric-oxid reduction pathway UPa:UPA00638 nitric oxide reduction Reduction of nitric oxide (NO), a compound present throughout the biosphere. In humans, tightly regulated NO synthases produce sufficient NO to poison pathogens, opportunistic organisms, and neoplastic tissue. Nitric-oxide reductases metabolize NO to N2O in anaerobic denitrifying bacteria and fungi and likely serve an additional role in minimizing NO toxicity. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of methane, the simplest alkane. GO:0015948 methane biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00639 methanogenesis Biosynthesis of methane, the simplest alkane. UPa:amorgat GO:0015948 biological_process:methanogenesis Biosynthesis of methane from CO(2) (carbon dioxide). GO:0019386 KEGG:map00680 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:METHANOGENESIS-PWY methane biosynthesis from carbon dioxide methanogenesis from carbon dioxide pathway UPa:UPA00640 methanogenesis from CO(2) Biosynthesis of methane from CO(2) (carbon dioxide). UPa:amorgat GO:0019386 biological_process:methanogenesis, from carbon dioxide KEGG:map00680 Methane metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of methane from methanol. GO:0019387 MetaCyc:CO2FORM-PWY PMID:17142327 methane biosynthesis from methanol pathway UPa:UPA00641 methanogenesis from methanol Biosynthesis of methane from methanol. UPa:amorgat GO:0019387 biological_process:methanogenesis, from methanol Biosynthesis of methane from acetate. Acetate serves as a growth substrate for acetotrophic methanogens including the anaerobic archaeon Methanosarcina thermophila. Activation of acetate into acetyl-CoA is described in 'Acetyl-CoA biosynthesis' pathway. GO:0019385 MetaCyc:METH-ACETATE-PWY PMID:15062079 methane biosynthesis from acetate pathway UPa:UPA00642 methanogenesis from acetate Biosynthesis of methane from acetate. Acetate serves as a growth substrate for acetotrophic methanogens including the anaerobic archaeon Methanosarcina thermophila. Activation of acetate into acetyl-CoA is described in 'Acetyl-CoA biosynthesis' pathway. UPa:amorgat GO:0019385 biological_process:methanogenesis, from acetate Biosynthesis of methane from monomethylamine. MetaCyc:PWY-5247 methane biosynthesis from monomethylamine pathway UPa:UPA00643 methanogenesis from methylamine Biosynthesis of methane from monomethylamine. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of methane from dimethylamine. MetaCyc:PWY-5248 methane biosynthesis from dimethylamine pathway UPa:UPA00644 methanogenesis from dimethylamine Biosynthesis of methane from dimethylamine. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of methane from trimethylamine. MetaCyc:PWY-5250 methane biosynthesis from trimethylamine pathway UPa:UPA00645 methanogenesis from trimethylamine Biosynthesis of methane from trimethylamine. UPa:amorgat The conversion of methyl-CoM to methane is the final step in the methanogenesis process. This process involves the reduction of the coenzyme M-bound methyl group to methane. This step is catalyzed by methyl-coenzyme M reductase (MCR), a key enzyme that is found in all methanogens. KEGG:map00680 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:METHFORM-PWY pathway UPa:UPA00646 methyl-coenzyme M reduction The conversion of methyl-CoM to methane is the final step in the methanogenesis process. This process involves the reduction of the coenzyme M-bound methyl group to methane. This step is catalyzed by methyl-coenzyme M reductase (MCR), a key enzyme that is found in all methanogens. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00680 Methane metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments All processes in methanogenesis lead to the formation of a mixed disulfide bond between coenzyme M and coenzyme B, by a reaction in which coenzyme B reduces methyl-coenzyme M , leading to formation of methane and a coenzyme M-coenzyme B heterodisulfide [PMID:12102556] . There are two different systems that are capable of reducing the coenzyme M-coenzyme B heterodisulfide, using either H2 or a reduced coenzyme F420 as electron donors [PMID:15168610]. KEGG:map00680 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:PWY-5207 PMID:12102556 PMID:15168610 coenzyme B/coenzyme M regeneration pathway UPa:UPA00647 coenzyme M-coenzyme B heterodisulfide reduction All processes in methanogenesis lead to the formation of a mixed disulfide bond between coenzyme M and coenzyme B, by a reaction in which coenzyme B reduces methyl-coenzyme M , leading to formation of methane and a coenzyme M-coenzyme B heterodisulfide [PMID:12102556] . There are two different systems that are capable of reducing the coenzyme M-coenzyme B heterodisulfide, using either H2 or a reduced coenzyme F420 as electron donors [PMID:15168610]. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00680 Methane metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of inosine 5'-phosphate, a purine nucleotide. GO:0006188 inosine 5'-phosphate biosynthesis inosine monophosphate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00648 IMP biosynthesis Biosynthesis of inosine 5'-phosphate, a purine nucleotide. UPa:amorgat GO:0006188 biological_process:IMP biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of amino-sugar compounds. GO:0046349 amino sugar biosynthesis aminosugar biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00649 amino-sugar biosynthesis Biosynthesis of amino-sugar compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0046349 biological_process:amino sugar biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of methane from methylated amines (mono-, di- or trimethylamine). methane biosynthesis from monomethylamine pathway UPa:UPA00650 methanogenesis from methylated amine Biosynthesis of methane from methylated amines (mono-, di- or trimethylamine). UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate 4-phosphate (KDO 4-phosphate). PMID:10531340 PMID:10952982 KDO 4-phosphate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00651 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate 4-phosphate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate 4-phosphate (KDO 4-phosphate). UPa:amorgat Denitrification is the process of reducing nitrate and nitrite, highly oxidised forms of nitrogen available for consumption by many groups of organisms, into gaseous nitrogen, which is far less accessible to life forms but makes up the bulk of atmosphere. Denitrification can be thought of as the opposite of nitrogen fixation. In general, denitrification occurs when oxygen is depleted, and bacteria turn to nitrate in order to respire organic matter. Denitrification proceeds through some combination of the following steps: nitrate -&gt; nitrite -&gt; nitric oxide -&gt; nitrous oxide -&gt; dinitrogen gas. GO:0019333 KEGG:map00910 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:DENITRIFICATION-PWY PMID:7508388 nitrate respiration pathway UPa:UPA00652 nitrate reduction (denitrification) Denitrification is the process of reducing nitrate and nitrite, highly oxidised forms of nitrogen available for consumption by many groups of organisms, into gaseous nitrogen, which is far less accessible to life forms but makes up the bulk of atmosphere. Denitrification can be thought of as the opposite of nitrogen fixation. In general, denitrification occurs when oxygen is depleted, and bacteria turn to nitrate in order to respire organic matter. Denitrification proceeds through some combination of the following steps: nitrate -&gt; nitrite -&gt; nitric oxide -&gt; nitrous oxide -&gt; dinitrogen gas. UPa:amorgat GO:0019333 biological_process:denitrification pathway KEGG:map00910 Nitrogen metabolism KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Reduction of nitrate into to nitrite via assimilation pathway. GO:0042128 MetaCyc:PWY-381 PMID:8169203 PMID:8468296 assimilatory nitrate reduction nitrate assimilation pathway UPa:UPA00653 nitrate reduction (assimilation) Reduction of nitrate into to nitrite via assimilation pathway. UPa:amorgat GO:0042128 biological_process:nitrate assimilation The uptake, from the environment, of nitrates, inorganic or organic salts and esters of nitric acid and the subsequent reduction of nitrate ion to other, less highly oxidized, inorganic nitrogenous substances. [GO:0042128]. GO:0042128 pathway UPa:UPA00654 nitrate reduction The uptake, from the environment, of nitrates, inorganic or organic salts and esters of nitric acid and the subsequent reduction of nitrate ion to other, less highly oxidized, inorganic nitrogenous substances. [GO:0042128]. UPa:amorgat GO:0042128 biological_process:nitrate assimilation Biosynthesis of malonyl-CoA. GO:2001295 KEGG:map00253 KEGG:map00620 KEGG:map00640 KEGG:map00720 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 pathway UPa:UPA00655 malonyl-CoA biosynthesis Biosynthesis of malonyl-CoA. UPa:amorgat GO:2001295 biological_process:malonyl-CoA biosynthetic process KEGG:map00253 Tetracycline biosynthesis KEGG:map00620 Pyruvate metabolism KEGG:map00640 Propanoate metabolism KEGG:map00720 Carbon fixation pathways in prokaryotes KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Metabolism of short-chain fatty acid compounds. GO:0046459 pathway UPa:UPA00656 short-chain fatty acid metabolism Metabolism of short-chain fatty acid compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0046459 biological_process:short-chain fatty acid metabolic process Biosynthesis of rhamnolipid compounds. Rhamnolipids are extracellular biosurfactants and virulence factors secreted by the opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa that are required for swarming motility. PMID:16624803 PMID:9721281 pathway UPa:UPA00657 rhamnolipid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of rhamnolipid compounds. Rhamnolipids are extracellular biosurfactants and virulence factors secreted by the opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa that are required for swarming motility. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of polyunsaturated fatty acid compounds. GO:0006636 pathway UPa:UPA00658 polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of polyunsaturated fatty acid compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0006636 biological_process:unsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic process The metabolic oxidation of a long-chain fatty acid by successive cycles of reactions during each of which the fatty acid is shortened by a two-carbon fragment removed as acetyl coenzyme A [GO:0006635]. GO:0006635 beta-oxidation cycle pathway UPa:UPA00659 fatty acid beta-oxidation The metabolic oxidation of a long-chain fatty acid by successive cycles of reactions during each of which the fatty acid is shortened by a two-carbon fragment removed as acetyl coenzyme A [GO:0006635]. UPa:amorgat GO:0006635 biological_process:fatty acid beta-oxidation Beta-oxidation of fatty acids in mitochondrion. pathway UPa:UPA00660 mitochondrial fatty acid beta-oxidation Beta-oxidation of fatty acids in mitochondrion. UPa:amorgat Beta-oxidation of fatty acids in peroxisome. GO:0033540 pathway UPa:UPA00661 peroxisomal fatty acid beta-oxidation Beta-oxidation of fatty acids in peroxisome. UPa:amorgat GO:0033540 biological_process:fatty acid beta-oxidation using acyl-CoA oxidase Biosynthesis of prostaglandins, a group of lipid compounds that are derived enzymatically from fatty acids and have important functions in the animal body. Every prostaglandin contains 20 carbon atoms, including a 5-carbon ring. GO:0001516 pathway UPa:UPA00662 prostaglandin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of prostaglandins, a group of lipid compounds that are derived enzymatically from fatty acids and have important functions in the animal body. Every prostaglandin contains 20 carbon atoms, including a 5-carbon ring. UPa:amorgat GO:0001516 biological_process:prostaglandin biosynthetic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of any conjugated, water-soluble protein in which the nonprotein moiety consists of a lipid or lipids [GO:0042158] Both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria contain lipoproteins that are a functionally diverse group of surface proteins. The roles assigned to lipoproteins include substrate binding coupled to ABC transport systems, sensing of environmental signals, antibiotic resistance, respiration, germination, conjugation, adherence to and invasion of eukaryotic cells, control of protein secretion and folding, modulation of the immune response, and maintenance of envelope integrity. Upon processing, lipoproteins are ultimately tethered to the membrane via a lipid moiety, diacylglycerol, which is covalently bound to an N-terminal conserved cysteine residue. GO:0042158 PMID:17071755 PMID:7868582 pathway UPa:UPA00663 lipoprotein biosynthesis The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of any conjugated, water-soluble protein in which the nonprotein moiety consists of a lipid or lipids [GO:0042158] Both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria contain lipoproteins that are a functionally diverse group of surface proteins. The roles assigned to lipoproteins include substrate binding coupled to ABC transport systems, sensing of environmental signals, antibiotic resistance, respiration, germination, conjugation, adherence to and invasion of eukaryotic cells, control of protein secretion and folding, modulation of the immune response, and maintenance of envelope integrity. Upon processing, lipoproteins are ultimately tethered to the membrane via a lipid moiety, diacylglycerol, which is covalently bound to an N-terminal conserved cysteine residue. UPa:amorgat GO:0042158 biological_process:lipoprotein biosynthetic process The first step of lipoprotein biosynthesis consist of lipidation reaction, carried out by the enzyme lipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase (Lgt). GO:0097302 pathway UPa:UPA00664 lipoprotein biosynthesis (diacylglyceryl transfer) The first step of lipoprotein biosynthesis consist of lipidation reaction, carried out by the enzyme lipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase (Lgt). UPa:amorgat GO:0097302 rdfmatch The second step of lipoprotein biosynthesis consist of cleavage of the signal peptide. The enzyme responsible for this reaction is the lipoprotein-specific signal peptidase II (Lsp), which recognizes a genuine L(-3)-S/A(-2)-A/G(-1)-C(+1) lipobox. PMID:17071755 pathway UPa:UPA00665 lipoprotein biosynthesis (signal peptide cleavage) The second step of lipoprotein biosynthesis consist of cleavage of the signal peptide. The enzyme responsible for this reaction is the lipoprotein-specific signal peptidase II (Lsp), which recognizes a genuine L(-3)-S/A(-2)-A/G(-1)-C(+1) lipobox. UPa:amorgat The first step of lipoprotein biosynthesis consist of addition of an N-acyl moiety to the amino group of the N-terminal cysteine, This reaction is carried out by the enzyme N-acyl-transferase (Lnt). GO:0097303 pathway UPa:UPA00666 lipoprotein biosynthesis (N-acyl transfer) The first step of lipoprotein biosynthesis consist of addition of an N-acyl moiety to the amino group of the N-terminal cysteine, This reaction is carried out by the enzyme N-acyl-transferase (Lnt). UPa:amorgat GO:0097303 rdfmatch Degradation of L-arabinan, a branched homopolymer of L-arabinose. GO:0031222 pathway UPa:UPA00667 L-arabinan degradation Degradation of L-arabinan, a branched homopolymer of L-arabinose. UPa:amorgat GO:0031222 biological_process:arabinan catabolic process Biosynthesis of chlorophyll, a green pigment found in most plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. GO:0015995 pathway UPa:UPA00668 chlorophyll biosynthesis Biosynthesis of chlorophyll, a green pigment found in most plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. UPa:amorgat GO:0015995 biological_process:chlorophyll biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of bacteriochlorophyll, any of the chlorophylls of photosynthetic bacteria. GO:0030494 pathway UPa:UPA00669 bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis Biosynthesis of bacteriochlorophyll, any of the chlorophylls of photosynthetic bacteria. UPa:amorgat GO:0030494 biological_process:bacteriochlorophyll biosynthetic process Light-independent biosynthesis of chlorophyll. GO:0036068 pathway UPa:UPA00670 chlorophyll biosynthesis (light-independent) Light-independent biosynthesis of chlorophyll. UPa:amorgat GO:0036068 biological_process:light-independent chlorophyll biosynthetic process Light-independent biosynthesis of bacteriochlorophyll. GO:0036070 pathway UPa:UPA00671 bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis (light-independent) Light-independent biosynthesis of bacteriochlorophyll. UPa:amorgat GO:0036070 biological_process:light-independent bacteriochlorophyll biosynthetic process Metabolism of pigment or biochrome, any material resulting in color of plant or animal cells, which is the result of selective color absorption. GO:0042440 biochrome metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00672 pigment metabolism Metabolism of pigment or biochrome, any material resulting in color of plant or animal cells, which is the result of selective color absorption. UPa:amorgat GO:0042440 biological_process:pigment metabolic process Degradation of pigment or biochrome. GO:0046149 biochrome degradation pathway UPa:UPA00673 pigment degradation Degradation of pigment or biochrome. UPa:amorgat GO:0046149 biological_process:pigment catabolic process Degradation of chlorophyll, the green pigment found in photosynthetic organisms. GO:0015996 pathway UPa:UPA00674 chlorophyll degradation Degradation of chlorophyll, the green pigment found in photosynthetic organisms. UPa:amorgat GO:0015996 biological_process:chlorophyll catabolic process Biosynthesis of heterocyclic compounds. GO:0018130 pathway UPa:UPA00675 heterocycle biosynthesis Biosynthesis of heterocyclic compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0018130 biological_process:heterocycle biosynthetic process Degradation of heterocyclic compounds. GO:0046700 pathway UPa:UPA00676 heterocycle degradation Degradation of heterocyclic compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0046700 biological_process:heterocycle catabolic process Metabolism of porphyrin-containing compounds. A porphyrin is a heterocyclic macrocycle made from 4 pyrrole subunits linked on opposite sides (alpha position) through 4 methine bridges (=CH-). Porphyrins combine readily with metals, coordinating with them in the central cavity. Iron- (heme), magnesium- (chlorophyll), zinc-, copper-, nickel-, and cobalt- containing porphyrins are known, and many other metals can be inserted. GO:0006778 pathway UPa:UPA00677 porphyrin-containing compound metabolism Metabolism of porphyrin-containing compounds. A porphyrin is a heterocyclic macrocycle made from 4 pyrrole subunits linked on opposite sides (alpha position) through 4 methine bridges (=CH-). Porphyrins combine readily with metals, coordinating with them in the central cavity. Iron- (heme), magnesium- (chlorophyll), zinc-, copper-, nickel-, and cobalt- containing porphyrins are known, and many other metals can be inserted. UPa:amorgat GO:0006778 biological_process:porphyrin-containing compound metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of any member of a large group of derivatives or analogs of porphyrin. A porphyrin is a heterocyclic macrocycle made from 4 pyrrole subunits linked on opposite sides (alpha position) through 4 methine bridges (=CH-). Porphyrins combine readily with metals, coordinating with them in the central cavity. Iron- (heme), magnesium- (chlorophyll), zinc-, copper-, nickel-, and cobalt- containing porphyrins are known, and many other metals can be inserted. GO:0006779 pathway UPa:UPA00678 porphyrin-containing compound biosynthesis The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of any member of a large group of derivatives or analogs of porphyrin. A porphyrin is a heterocyclic macrocycle made from 4 pyrrole subunits linked on opposite sides (alpha position) through 4 methine bridges (=CH-). Porphyrins combine readily with metals, coordinating with them in the central cavity. Iron- (heme), magnesium- (chlorophyll), zinc-, copper-, nickel-, and cobalt- containing porphyrins are known, and many other metals can be inserted. UPa:amorgat GO:0006779 biological_process:porphyrin-containing compound biosynthetic process Degradation of any member of a large group of derivatives or analogs of porphyrin. A porphyrin is a heterocyclic macrocycle made from 4 pyrrole subunits linked on opposite sides (alpha position) through 4 methine bridges (=CH-). Porphyrins combine readily with metals, coordinating with them in the central cavity. Iron- (heme), magnesium- (chlorophyll), zinc-, copper-, nickel-, and cobalt- containing porphyrins are known, and many other metals can be inserted. GO:0006787 pathway UPa:UPA00679 porphyrin-containing compound degradation Degradation of any member of a large group of derivatives or analogs of porphyrin. A porphyrin is a heterocyclic macrocycle made from 4 pyrrole subunits linked on opposite sides (alpha position) through 4 methine bridges (=CH-). Porphyrins combine readily with metals, coordinating with them in the central cavity. Iron- (heme), magnesium- (chlorophyll), zinc-, copper-, nickel-, and cobalt- containing porphyrins are known, and many other metals can be inserted. UPa:amorgat GO:0006787 biological_process:porphyrin-containing compound catabolic process Metabolism of macrocycle. A macrocycle is, as defined by IUPAC, 'a cyclic macromolecule or a macromolecular cyclic portion of a molecule'. pathway UPa:UPA00680 macrocycle metabolism Metabolism of macrocycle. A macrocycle is, as defined by IUPAC, 'a cyclic macromolecule or a macromolecular cyclic portion of a molecule'. UPa:amorgat Degradation of macrocycle, like heme, chlorophyll, vitamin B12, etc. pathway UPa:UPA00681 macrocycle degradation Degradation of macrocycle, like heme, chlorophyll, vitamin B12, etc. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of macrocycle, like heme, chlorophyll, vitamin B12, etc. pathway UPa:UPA00682 macrocycle biosynthesis Biosynthesis of macrocycle, like heme, chlorophyll, vitamin B12, etc. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of spheroidene carotenoids from neurosporene. GO:1901180 PMID:2747617 pathway UPa:UPA00683 spheroidene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of spheroidene carotenoids from neurosporene. UPa:amorgat GO:1901180 rdfmatch Degradation of heme. Bilirubin is a yellow breakdown product of normal heme catabolism. GO:1900548 pathway UPa:UPA00684 protoheme degradation Degradation of heme. Bilirubin is a yellow breakdown product of normal heme catabolism. UPa:amorgat GO:1900548 rdfmatch Degradation of (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetate, a chlorinated phenoxy compound. (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetate functions as a systemic herbicide and is used to control many types of broadleaf weeds. GO:0046300 pathway UPa:UPA00685 (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetate degradation Degradation of (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetate, a chlorinated phenoxy compound. (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetate functions as a systemic herbicide and is used to control many types of broadleaf weeds. UPa:amorgat GO:0046300 biological_process:2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid catabolic process Degradation of (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)acetate, a chlorinated phenoxy compound. GO:0046228 pathway UPa:UPA00686 (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)acetate degradation Degradation of (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)acetate, a chlorinated phenoxy compound. UPa:amorgat GO:0046228 biological_process:2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid catabolic process Degradation of dichloromethane, a highly volatile solvent which finds application in a wide variety of industrial and commercial processes. Dibromomethane has been observed to occur naturally [PMID:7272274]. PMID:7272274 DCM degradation pathway UPa:UPA00688 dichloromethane degradation Degradation of dichloromethane, a highly volatile solvent which finds application in a wide variety of industrial and commercial processes. Dibromomethane has been observed to occur naturally [PMID:7272274]. UPa:amorgat Degradation of gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (g-HCH, BHC, lindane), a halogenated organic insecticide that has been used worldwide for agriculture and public health. It is degraded rapidly under anaerobic conditions, but is considered extremely persistent in upland soil. MetaCyc:GAMMAHEXCHLORDEG-PWY BHC degradation g-HCH degradation g-hexachlorocyclohexane degradation lindane degradation pathway UPa:UPA00689 gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane degradation Degradation of gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (g-HCH, BHC, lindane), a halogenated organic insecticide that has been used worldwide for agriculture and public health. It is degraded rapidly under anaerobic conditions, but is considered extremely persistent in upland soil. UPa:amorgat Degradation of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), a xenobiotic compound used extensively against agricultural pests and in public health programs for the control of mosquitoes. Commercial formulations of HCH consist of a mixture of four isomers, alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. While all these isomers pose serious environmental problems, beta-HCH is more problematic due to its longer persistence in the environment. HCH degradation pathway UPa:UPA00690 hexachlorocyclohexane degradation Degradation of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), a xenobiotic compound used extensively against agricultural pests and in public health programs for the control of mosquitoes. Commercial formulations of HCH consist of a mixture of four isomers, alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. While all these isomers pose serious environmental problems, beta-HCH is more problematic due to its longer persistence in the environment. UPa:amorgat Degradation of pentachlorophenol (PCP), a chlorinated insecticide and fungicide. It is used primarily to protect timber from fungal rot and wood boring insects. PCP is significantly toxic to mammals, plants, and many microorganisms. Despite this, bacteria have been identified that are resistant to relatively high PCP concentrations and can metabolize it to carbon dioxide and chloride. Bacteria have been used successfully in PCP bioremediation. GO:0019338 MetaCyc:PCPDEG-PWY PCP degradation pathway UPa:UPA00691 pentachlorophenol degradation Degradation of pentachlorophenol (PCP), a chlorinated insecticide and fungicide. It is used primarily to protect timber from fungal rot and wood boring insects. PCP is significantly toxic to mammals, plants, and many microorganisms. Despite this, bacteria have been identified that are resistant to relatively high PCP concentrations and can metabolize it to carbon dioxide and chloride. Bacteria have been used successfully in PCP bioremediation. UPa:amorgat GO:0019338 biological_process:pentachlorophenol catabolic process Metabolism of cellulose, the most abundant biopolymer on earth, recognized as the major component of plant biomass but also representative of microbial extracellular polymers. Bacterial cellulose (BC) belongs to specific product of primary metabolism and is mainly a protective coating, whereas plant cellulose (PC) plays a structural role. Cellulose is an unbranched polymer of beta-1-4 linked glucopyranose residues Plant cellulose and bacterial cellulose have the same chemical structure, but different physical and chemical properties. GO:0030243 pathway UPa:UPA00692 cellulose metabolism Metabolism of cellulose, the most abundant biopolymer on earth, recognized as the major component of plant biomass but also representative of microbial extracellular polymers. Bacterial cellulose (BC) belongs to specific product of primary metabolism and is mainly a protective coating, whereas plant cellulose (PC) plays a structural role. Cellulose is an unbranched polymer of beta-1-4 linked glucopyranose residues Plant cellulose and bacterial cellulose have the same chemical structure, but different physical and chemical properties. UPa:amorgat GO:0030243 biological_process:cellulose metabolic process Biosynthesis of cellulose. GO:0030244 pathway UPa:UPA00693 cellulose biosynthesis Biosynthesis of cellulose. UPa:amorgat GO:0030244 biological_process:cellulose biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of bacterial cellulose. GO:0090540 pathway UPa:UPA00694 bacterial cellulose biosynthesis Biosynthesis of bacterial cellulose. UPa:amorgat GO:0090540 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of plant cellulose. pathway UPa:UPA00695 plant cellulose biosynthesis Biosynthesis of plant cellulose. UPa:amorgat Degradation of cellulose. GO:0030245 pathway UPa:UPA00696 cellulose degradation Degradation of cellulose. UPa:amorgat GO:0030245 biological_process:cellulose catabolic process Degradation of hemicellulose, a branched polymer of sugar monomers. For instance, besides glucose, sugar monomers in hemicellulose can include xylose, mannose, galactose, rhamnose, and arabinose. Hemicelluloses contain most of the D-pentose sugars, and occasionally small amounts of L-sugars as well. Xylose is always the sugar monomer present in the largest amount, but mannuronic acid and galacturonic acid also tend to be present. pathway UPa:UPA00697 hemicellulose degradation Degradation of hemicellulose, a branched polymer of sugar monomers. For instance, besides glucose, sugar monomers in hemicellulose can include xylose, mannose, galactose, rhamnose, and arabinose. Hemicelluloses contain most of the D-pentose sugars, and occasionally small amounts of L-sugars as well. Xylose is always the sugar monomer present in the largest amount, but mannuronic acid and galacturonic acid also tend to be present. UPa:amorgat The chemical reactions and pathways involving organic acids, any acidic compound containing carbon in covalent linkage. [GO:0006082]. GO:0006082 pathway UPa:UPA00698 organic acid metabolism The chemical reactions and pathways involving organic acids, any acidic compound containing carbon in covalent linkage. [GO:0006082]. UPa:amorgat GO:0006082 biological_process:organic acid metabolic process Degradation of organic acids. GO:0016054 pathway UPa:UPA00699 organic acid degradation Degradation of organic acids. UPa:amorgat GO:0016054 biological_process:organic acid catabolic process Biosynthesis of organic acids. GO:0016053 pathway UPa:UPA00700 organic acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of organic acids. UPa:amorgat GO:0016053 biological_process:organic acid biosynthetic process Oxidation of lactic acid. GO:0019516 lactic acid oxidation pathway UPa:UPA00701 lactate oxidation Oxidation of lactic acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0019516 biological_process:lactate oxidation Degradation of D-galactose 6-phosphate. GO:0019388 KEGG:map00052 MetaCyc:LACTOSECAT-PWY Leloir pathway pathway UPa:UPA00702 D-galactose 6-phosphate degradation Degradation of D-galactose 6-phosphate. UPa:amorgat GO:0019388 biological_process:galactose catabolic process KEGG:map00052 Galactose metabolism Glyoxylate cycle is a metabolic pathway occurring in plants, certain vertebrates, and several microorganisms, such as E. coli and yeast. The glyoxylate cycle allows these organisms to use fats for the synthesis of carbohydrates, a task which most vertebrates, including humans, cannot perform. The glyoxylate cycle, avoids the steps in the citric acid cycle (TCA cycle) where carbon is lost in the form of CO2. The two initial stages of this cycle are identical to those of the TCA cycle: acetate -&gt; citrate -&gt; isocitrate. The next step, however, is different: instead of decarboxylation, isocitrate undergoes cleavage into succinate and glyoxylate (the latter gives the cycle its name). Succinate can be channeled directly into the citric acid cycle and eventually form oxaloacetate. Glyoxylate condenses with acetyl-CoA, yielding malate. Both malate and oxaloacetate can be converted into phosphoenolpyruvate and gluconeogenesis can be initiated. The net result of the glyoxylate cycle is therefore the production of glucose from fatty acids. In plants the glyoxylate cycle occurs in special peroxisomes which are called glyoxysomes. Vertebrates cannot perform the cycle because they lack its two key enzymes: isocitrate lyase and malate synthase. GO:0006097 KEGG:map00020 KEGG:map00620 KEGG:map00630 KEGG:map00680 KEGG:map00710 KEGG:map00720 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:GLYOXYLATE-BYPASS PMID:6378912 glyoxylate bypass glyoxylate shunt pathway UPa:UPA00703 glyoxylate cycle Glyoxylate cycle is a metabolic pathway occurring in plants, certain vertebrates, and several microorganisms, such as E. coli and yeast. The glyoxylate cycle allows these organisms to use fats for the synthesis of carbohydrates, a task which most vertebrates, including humans, cannot perform. The glyoxylate cycle, avoids the steps in the citric acid cycle (TCA cycle) where carbon is lost in the form of CO2. The two initial stages of this cycle are identical to those of the TCA cycle: acetate -&gt; citrate -&gt; isocitrate. The next step, however, is different: instead of decarboxylation, isocitrate undergoes cleavage into succinate and glyoxylate (the latter gives the cycle its name). Succinate can be channeled directly into the citric acid cycle and eventually form oxaloacetate. Glyoxylate condenses with acetyl-CoA, yielding malate. Both malate and oxaloacetate can be converted into phosphoenolpyruvate and gluconeogenesis can be initiated. The net result of the glyoxylate cycle is therefore the production of glucose from fatty acids. In plants the glyoxylate cycle occurs in special peroxisomes which are called glyoxysomes. Vertebrates cannot perform the cycle because they lack its two key enzymes: isocitrate lyase and malate synthase. UPa:amorgat GO:0006097 biological_process:glyoxylate cycle KEGG:map00020 Citrate cycle (TCA cycle) KEGG:map00620 Pyruvate metabolism KEGG:map00630 Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism KEGG:map00680 Methane metabolism KEGG:map00710 Carbon fixation in photosynthetic organisms KEGG:map00720 Carbon fixation pathways in prokaryotes KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Degradation of D-tagatose 6-phosphate. GO:2001059 KEGG:map00052 pathway UPa:UPA00704 D-tagatose 6-phosphate degradation Degradation of D-tagatose 6-phosphate. UPa:amorgat GO:2001059 biological_process:D-tagatose 6-phosphate catabolic process KEGG:map00052 Galactose metabolism Oxidative phosphorylation is a metabolic pathway that uses energy released by the oxidation of nutrients to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP). GO:0006119 respiratory-chain phosphorylation pathway UPa:UPA00705 oxidative phosphorylation Oxidative phosphorylation is a metabolic pathway that uses energy released by the oxidation of nutrients to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP). UPa:amorgat GO:0006119 biological_process:oxidative phosphorylation Pathways involved in the degradation of aromatic compounds. GO:0019439 pathway UPa:UPA00706 aromatic compound degradation Pathways involved in the degradation of aromatic compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0019439 biological_process:aromatic compound catabolic process Metabolism of cresols (methylphenols) organic compounds. They are a widely occurring natural and manufactured group of aromatic organic compounds which are categorized as phenols. GO:0042212 methylphenol metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00707 cresol metabolism Metabolism of cresols (methylphenols) organic compounds. They are a widely occurring natural and manufactured group of aromatic organic compounds which are categorized as phenols. UPa:amorgat GO:0042212 biological_process:cresol metabolic process Degradation of para-cresol, a toxic phenol. GO:1901785 PMID:10623531 PMID:1267796 para-cresol degradation pathway UPa:UPA00708 p-cresol degradation Degradation of para-cresol, a toxic phenol. UPa:amorgat GO:1901785 rdfmatch The chemical reactions and pathways involving flavonoids, a group of water-soluble phenolic derivatives containing a flavan skeleton including flavones, flavonols and flavanoids, and anthocyanins. [source: GO]. GO:0009812 pathway UPa:UPA00709 flavonoid metabolism The chemical reactions and pathways involving flavonoids, a group of water-soluble phenolic derivatives containing a flavan skeleton including flavones, flavonols and flavanoids, and anthocyanins. [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0009812 biological_process:flavonoid metabolic process Metabolism of phenylpropanoids, a group of compounds that are widely available in natural environments. Phenylpropanoids can originate from putrefaction of proteins in soil or as breakdown products of several constituents of plants, such as lignin, various oils, and resins. GO:0009698 pathway UPa:UPA00710 phenylpropanoid metabolism Metabolism of phenylpropanoids, a group of compounds that are widely available in natural environments. Phenylpropanoids can originate from putrefaction of proteins in soil or as breakdown products of several constituents of plants, such as lignin, various oils, and resins. UPa:amorgat GO:0009698 biological_process:phenylpropanoid metabolic process Biosynthesis of phenylpropanoid compounds, the aromatic derivatives of trans-cinnamic acid. GO:0009699 pathway UPa:UPA00711 phenylpropanoid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of phenylpropanoid compounds, the aromatic derivatives of trans-cinnamic acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0009699 biological_process:phenylpropanoid biosynthetic process Microbial catabolism of phenylpropanoid compounds plays an important role not only in the natural degradative cycle of these aromatic molecules but also in their industrial applications such as wine making, aging, and storage. GO:0046271 pathway UPa:UPA00712 phenylpropanoid degradation Microbial catabolism of phenylpropanoid compounds plays an important role not only in the natural degradative cycle of these aromatic molecules but also in their industrial applications such as wine making, aging, and storage. UPa:amorgat GO:0046271 biological_process:phenylpropanoid catabolic process Biosynthesis of cinnamic acid (3-phenyl-2-propenoic acid), a phenylpropanoid compound. GO:0009800 KEGG:map00360 KEGG:map00910 KEGG:map00940 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 (E)-cinnamic acid biosynthesis 3-phenyl-2-propenoic acid biosynthesis trans-cinnamic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00713 trans-cinnamate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of cinnamic acid (3-phenyl-2-propenoic acid), a phenylpropanoid compound. UPa:amorgat GO:0009800 biological_process:cinnamic acid biosynthetic process KEGG:map00360 Phenylalanine metabolism KEGG:map00910 Nitrogen metabolism KEGG:map00940 Phenylpropanoid biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Degradation of 3-phenylpropionic acid, a phenylpropanoid compound. GO:0019380 KEGG:map00360 KEGG:map00362 KEGG:map00621 KEGG:map00622 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 PMID:9603882 3-phenylpropionate degradation 3-phenylpropionic acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00714 3-phenylpropanoate degradation Degradation of 3-phenylpropionic acid, a phenylpropanoid compound. UPa:amorgat GO:0019380 biological_process:3-phenylpropionate catabolic process KEGG:map00360 Phenylalanine metabolism KEGG:map00362 Benzoate degradation KEGG:map00621 Dioxin degradation KEGG:map00622 Xylene degradation KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Degradation of terpene compounds. GO:0046247 pathway UPa:UPA00715 terpenoid degradation Degradation of terpene compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0046247 biological_process:terpene catabolic process Metabolism of monoterpene compoundss, terpenes with a C10 structure. [CHEBI:35187]. GO:0043692 pathway UPa:UPA00716 monoterpene metabolism Metabolism of monoterpene compoundss, terpenes with a C10 structure. [CHEBI:35187]. UPa:amorgat GO:0043692 biological_process:monoterpene metabolic process Biosynthesis of monoterpene compounds, terpenes with a C10 structure. GO:0043693 pathway UPa:UPA00717 monoterpene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of monoterpene compounds, terpenes with a C10 structure. UPa:amorgat GO:0043693 biological_process:monoterpene biosynthetic process Metabolism of D-camphor, a white, crystalline solid monoterpene ketone. GO:0018882 (+)-camphor metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00718 D-camphor metabolism Metabolism of D-camphor, a white, crystalline solid monoterpene ketone. UPa:amorgat GO:0018882 biological_process:(+)-camphor metabolic process Degradation of (R)-camphor, a white, crystalline solid monoterpene ketone. GO:0019383 MetaCyc:P601-PWY (+)-camphor degradation D-camphor degradation pathway UPa:UPA00719 (R)-camphor degradation Degradation of (R)-camphor, a white, crystalline solid monoterpene ketone. UPa:amorgat GO:0019383 biological_process:(+)-camphor catabolic process Biosynthesis of (R)-camphor, a white, crystalline solid monoterpene ketone. GO:0046211 (+)-camphor biosynthesis D-camphor biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00720 (R)-camphor biosynthesis Biosynthesis of (R)-camphor, a white, crystalline solid monoterpene ketone. UPa:amorgat GO:0046211 biological_process:(+)-camphor biosynthetic process Degradation of linalool, a naturally-occurring terpene alcohol compound found in many flowers and spice plants. 2,6-dimethyl-2,7-octadien-6-ol degradation allo-ocimenol degradation beta-linalool degradation linaloyl oxide degradation linalyl alcohol degradation p-linalool degradation pathway UPa:UPA00721 linalool degradation Degradation of linalool, a naturally-occurring terpene alcohol compound found in many flowers and spice plants. UPa:amorgat Degradation of steroid compounds. A steroid is a terpenoid lipid characterized by a carbon skeleton with four fused rings, generally arranged in a 6-6-6-5 fashion. Steroids vary by the functional groups attached to these rings and the oxidation state of the rings. Hundreds of distinct steroids are found in plants, animals, and fungi. All steroids are made in cells either from the sterol lanosterol (animals and fungi) or the sterol cycloartenol (plants). Both sterols are derived from the cyclization of the triterpene squalene. GO:0006706 pathway UPa:UPA00722 steroid degradation Degradation of steroid compounds. A steroid is a terpenoid lipid characterized by a carbon skeleton with four fused rings, generally arranged in a 6-6-6-5 fashion. Steroids vary by the functional groups attached to these rings and the oxidation state of the rings. Hundreds of distinct steroids are found in plants, animals, and fungi. All steroids are made in cells either from the sterol lanosterol (animals and fungi) or the sterol cycloartenol (plants). Both sterols are derived from the cyclization of the triterpene squalene. UPa:amorgat GO:0006706 biological_process:steroid catabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of flavonoids, a group of phenolic derivatives containing a flavan skeleton. [source: GO]. GO:0046275 pathway UPa:UPA00723 flavonoid degradation The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of flavonoids, a group of phenolic derivatives containing a flavan skeleton. [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0046275 biological_process:flavonoid catabolic process Degradation of quercetin, the aglycone form of a number of other flavonoid glycosides. GO:1901733 PMID:14741339 pathway UPa:UPA00724 quercetin degradation Degradation of quercetin, the aglycone form of a number of other flavonoid glycosides. UPa:amorgat GO:1901733 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of scopolamine (hyoscine), a tropane alkaloid compound with muscarinic antagonist effects. Scopolamine is obtained from plants of the family Solanaceae (nightshades), such as henbane or jimson weed (Datura species). It is among the secondary metabolites of these plants. GO:1900991 hyoscine biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00725 scopolamine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of scopolamine (hyoscine), a tropane alkaloid compound with muscarinic antagonist effects. Scopolamine is obtained from plants of the family Solanaceae (nightshades), such as henbane or jimson weed (Datura species). It is among the secondary metabolites of these plants. UPa:amorgat GO:1900991 rdfmatch Degradation of phtalate (benzene-1,2-dicarboxylate). GO:0046239 KEGG:map00624 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 benzene-1,2-dicarboxylate degradation benzene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00726 phthalate degradation Degradation of phtalate (benzene-1,2-dicarboxylate). UPa:amorgat GO:0046239 biological_process:phthalate catabolic process KEGG:map00624 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of coronatine, a phytotoxin produced by some plant-pathogenic bacteria. It has been shown that coronatine mimics the action of methyl jasmonate (MeJA) in plants. MeJA is a plant-signaling molecule involved in stress responses such as wounding and pathogen attack. pathway UPa:UPA00727 coronatine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of coronatine, a phytotoxin produced by some plant-pathogenic bacteria. It has been shown that coronatine mimics the action of methyl jasmonate (MeJA) in plants. MeJA is a plant-signaling molecule involved in stress responses such as wounding and pathogen attack. UPa:amorgat Degradation of phenol. GO:0019336 hydroxybenzene pathway UPa:UPA00728 phenol degradation Degradation of phenol. UPa:amorgat GO:0019336 biological_process:phenol-containing compound catabolic process Biosynthesis of 2-methylthio-N-6-isopentenyl adenosine (ms2i6A), a modified nucleoside present in position 37 (adjacent to and 3' of the anticodon) of tRNAs that read codons beginning with U except tRNA(i.v. Ser) in Escherichia coli. In Salmonella typhimurium, 2-methylthio-N-6-(cis-hydroxy)isopentenyl adenosine (ms2io6A; also referred to as 2-methylthio cis-ribozeatin) is found in tRNA, most likely in the species that have ms2i6A in E. coli. GO:0002195 PMID:8253666 PMID:9620964 2-methylthio-cis-ribozeatin-tRNA biosynthesis ms2io6A-tRNA biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00729 2-methylthio-N-6-(cis-hydroxy)isopentenyl adenosine-tRNA biosynthesis Biosynthesis of 2-methylthio-N-6-isopentenyl adenosine (ms2i6A), a modified nucleoside present in position 37 (adjacent to and 3' of the anticodon) of tRNAs that read codons beginning with U except tRNA(i.v. Ser) in Escherichia coli. In Salmonella typhimurium, 2-methylthio-N-6-(cis-hydroxy)isopentenyl adenosine (ms2io6A; also referred to as 2-methylthio cis-ribozeatin) is found in tRNA, most likely in the species that have ms2i6A in E. coli. UPa:amorgat GO:0002195 rdfmatch Degradation of 3- and 4-carboxydiphenyl ether compounds. PMID:7710319 pathway UPa:UPA00730 carboxydiphenyl ether degradation Degradation of 3- and 4-carboxydiphenyl ether compounds. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of sabinene hydrate, a bicyclic monoterpene. PMID:9614092 pathway UPa:UPA00731 sabinene hydrate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of sabinene hydrate, a bicyclic monoterpene. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of 4-aminobutanoate (GABA; gamma-aminobutyrate; 4-aminobutyrate). GO:0009448 4-aminobutyrate metabolism GABA metabolism gamma-aminobutyrate metabolism gamma-aminobutyric acid metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00732 4-aminobutanoate metabolism Metabolism of 4-aminobutanoate (GABA; gamma-aminobutyrate; 4-aminobutyrate). UPa:amorgat GO:0009448 biological_process:gamma-aminobutyric acid metabolic process Degradation of 4-aminobutanoate (GABA; gamma-aminobutyrate; 4-aminobutyrate). GO:0009450 MetaCyc:4AMINOBUTMETAB-PWY 4-aminobutyrate degradation GABA degradation gamma-aminobutyrate degradation gamma-aminobutyric acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00733 4-aminobutanoate degradation Degradation of 4-aminobutanoate (GABA; gamma-aminobutyrate; 4-aminobutyrate). UPa:amorgat GO:0009450 biological_process:gamma-aminobutyric acid catabolic process Degradation of the diketone acetylacetone (pentane-2,4-dione; 2,4-dioxopentane). Acetylacetone is a widely used industrial chemical with toxic side effects including central neurotoxicity and possible effects on the immune system of mammals, as well as toxicity towards various aquatic organisms and micro-organisms. PMID:12379146 2,4-dioxopentane degradation pentane-2,4-dione degradation pathway UPa:UPA00734 acetylacetone degradation Degradation of the diketone acetylacetone (pentane-2,4-dione; 2,4-dioxopentane). Acetylacetone is a widely used industrial chemical with toxic side effects including central neurotoxicity and possible effects on the immune system of mammals, as well as toxicity towards various aquatic organisms and micro-organisms. UPa:amorgat Crown gall tumors and hairy roots are plant neoplasias induced by pathogenic members of the genus Agrobacterium. The transformed plant cells are characterized by low MW compounds called opines. The biosynthesis of these compounds is mediated by specific enzymes encoded by genes contained in a small segment of DNA (known as the T-DNA, for 'transfer DNA') inserted by the pathogen bacterium in the plant genome during infection. The opines produced by plant tumors serve as nutrient sources for the pathogenic agrobacteria. Each strain of Agrobacterium induces and catabolizes a specific set of opines. pathway UPa:UPA00735 opine metabolism Crown gall tumors and hairy roots are plant neoplasias induced by pathogenic members of the genus Agrobacterium. The transformed plant cells are characterized by low MW compounds called opines. The biosynthesis of these compounds is mediated by specific enzymes encoded by genes contained in a small segment of DNA (known as the T-DNA, for 'transfer DNA') inserted by the pathogen bacterium in the plant genome during infection. The opines produced by plant tumors serve as nutrient sources for the pathogenic agrobacteria. Each strain of Agrobacterium induces and catabolizes a specific set of opines. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of mannopine (N-1-(D-mannityl)-L-glutamine), the head member of the mannityl family of opines. Mannopine is found in crown gall tumors. PMID:11386375 PMID:1852015 N-1-(D-mannityl)-L-glutamine biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00736 mannopine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of mannopine (N-1-(D-mannityl)-L-glutamine), the head member of the mannityl family of opines. Mannopine is found in crown gall tumors. UPa:amorgat Degradation of octopine (N2-(D-l-carboxyethyl)-L-arginine), the first opine discovered in 1927 in octopus muscle and later in crown gall tumors. It is also found in other cephalopod species and lamellibranchs. Octopine is the head member of the octopine family of opines. GO:0019469 PMID:8045881 N2-(D-l-carboxyethyl)-L-arginine degradation pathway UPa:UPA00737 octopine degradation Degradation of octopine (N2-(D-l-carboxyethyl)-L-arginine), the first opine discovered in 1927 in octopus muscle and later in crown gall tumors. It is also found in other cephalopod species and lamellibranchs. Octopine is the head member of the octopine family of opines. UPa:amorgat GO:0019469 biological_process:octopine catabolic process Degradation of 1,5-anhydro-D-fructose. GO:1901802 PMID:15716041 1,5AnFru degradation pathway UPa:UPA00738 1,5-anhydro-D-fructose degradation Degradation of 1,5-anhydro-D-fructose. UPa:amorgat GO:1901802 rdfmatch Degradation of benzoyl-CoA. Many aromatic compounds are anaerobically oxidized to CO2 via benzoyl-CoA as the common aromatic intermediate. GO:1901788 PMID:9746358 pathway UPa:UPA00739 benzoyl-CoA degradation Degradation of benzoyl-CoA. Many aromatic compounds are anaerobically oxidized to CO2 via benzoyl-CoA as the common aromatic intermediate. UPa:amorgat GO:1901788 rdfmatch Degradation of 3-chloro-1,2-epoxypropane. pathway UPa:UPA00740 3-chloro-1,2-epoxypropane degradation Degradation of 3-chloro-1,2-epoxypropane. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of glucosinolates, a class of organic compounds that contain sulfur, nitrogen and a group derived from glucose. Glucosinolates occur as secondary metabolites of many plants of the order Brassicales (especially in the family Brassicaceae, furthermore Capparidaceae and Caricaceae), but also in the genus Dryetes (family Euphorbiaceae). Plants use substances derived from glucosinolates as natural pesticides and as defense against herbivores. GO:0019761 pathway UPa:UPA00741 glucosinolate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of glucosinolates, a class of organic compounds that contain sulfur, nitrogen and a group derived from glucose. Glucosinolates occur as secondary metabolites of many plants of the order Brassicales (especially in the family Brassicaceae, furthermore Capparidaceae and Caricaceae), but also in the genus Dryetes (family Euphorbiaceae). Plants use substances derived from glucosinolates as natural pesticides and as defense against herbivores. UPa:amorgat GO:0019761 biological_process:glucosinolate biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of phenylglucosinolate. phenyl-glucosinolate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00742 phenylglucosinolate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of phenylglucosinolate. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of butanol, a primary alcohol with a molecular formula of C4H10O. There are four isomeric structures for butanol. Clostridium acetobutylicum is one of the few organisms known to produce 1-butanol as a major fermentation product. GO:0071271 pathway UPa:UPA00743 butanol biosynthesis Biosynthesis of butanol, a primary alcohol with a molecular formula of C4H10O. There are four isomeric structures for butanol. Clostridium acetobutylicum is one of the few organisms known to produce 1-butanol as a major fermentation product. UPa:amorgat GO:0071271 biological_process:1-butanol biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of galactose, the aldohexose galacto-hexose. GO:0046369 pathway UPa:UPA00745 galactose biosynthesis Biosynthesis of galactose, the aldohexose galacto-hexose. UPa:amorgat GO:0046369 biological_process:galactose biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of catecholamines, a group of chemical compounds derived from the amino-acid tyrosine containing catechol and amine groups. The most abundant catecholamines are adrenaline (epinephrine), noradrenaline (norepinephrine) and dopamine. GO:0042423 pathway UPa:UPA00746 catecholamine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of catecholamines, a group of chemical compounds derived from the amino-acid tyrosine containing catechol and amine groups. The most abundant catecholamines are adrenaline (epinephrine), noradrenaline (norepinephrine) and dopamine. UPa:amorgat GO:0042423 biological_process:catecholamine biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of dopamine (DA; 4-(2-aminoethyl)benzene-1,2-diol), a catecholamine neurotransmitter and a metabolic precursor of adrenaline (epinephrine), noradrenaline (norepinephrine). GO:0042416 KEGG:map00350 KEGG:map00950 KEGG:map00965 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 4-(2-aminoethyl)benzene-1,2-diol biosynthesis DA biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00747 dopamine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of dopamine (DA; 4-(2-aminoethyl)benzene-1,2-diol), a catecholamine neurotransmitter and a metabolic precursor of adrenaline (epinephrine), noradrenaline (norepinephrine). UPa:amorgat GO:0042416 biological_process:dopamine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00350 Tyrosine metabolism KEGG:map00950 Isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis KEGG:map00965 Betalain biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of L-noradrenaline (norepinephrine), an hormone produced by the medulla of the adrenal glands. GO:0042421 KEGG:map00350 KEGG:map01100 L-noradrenaline biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00748 (R)-noradrenaline biosynthesis Biosynthesis of L-noradrenaline (norepinephrine), an hormone produced by the medulla of the adrenal glands. UPa:amorgat GO:0042421 biological_process:norepinephrine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00350 Tyrosine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of epinephrine, a hormone produced by the medulla of the adrenal glands that increases heart activity, improves the power and prolongs the action of muscles, and increases the rate and depth of breathing. It is synthesized by the methylation of norepinephrine. GO:0042418 KEGG:map00350 KEGG:map01100 adrenaline biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00749 (R)-adrenaline biosynthesis Biosynthesis of epinephrine, a hormone produced by the medulla of the adrenal glands that increases heart activity, improves the power and prolongs the action of muscles, and increases the rate and depth of breathing. It is synthesized by the methylation of norepinephrine. UPa:amorgat GO:0042418 biological_process:epinephrine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00350 Tyrosine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Degradation of catechol (1,2-dihydroxybenzene). GO:0019614 1,2-dihydroxybenzene degradation o-benzenediol degradation pyrocatechol degradation pathway UPa:UPA00750 catechol degradation Degradation of catechol (1,2-dihydroxybenzene). UPa:amorgat GO:0019614 biological_process:catechol-containing compound catabolic process Biosynthesis of phospholipids, any lipid containing phosphoric acid as a mono- or diester. GO:0008654 pathway UPa:UPA00751 phospholipid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of phospholipids, any lipid containing phosphoric acid as a mono- or diester. UPa:amorgat GO:0008654 biological_process:phospholipid biosynthetic process Degradation of phospholipids, any lipid containing phosphoric acid as a mono- or diester. GO:0009395 pathway UPa:UPA00752 phospholipid degradation Degradation of phospholipids, any lipid containing phosphoric acid as a mono- or diester. UPa:amorgat GO:0009395 biological_process:phospholipid catabolic process Biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine, also called lecithin, a class of phospholipids in which the phosphatidyl group is esterified to the hydroxyl group of choline. Phosphatidylcholine is the most-abundant phospholipid found in eukaryotic membranes. Additionally to its structural function in membrane bilayers and lipoproteins, phosphatidylcholine is involved in many signal transduction pathways. Phosphatidylcholine has also been found in an increasing number of bacteria, in particular in species that interact with eukaryotic hosts. GO:0006656 KEGG:map00564 KEGG:map01100 PMID:14663079 PMID:18978052 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine biosynthesis lecithin biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00753 phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine, also called lecithin, a class of phospholipids in which the phosphatidyl group is esterified to the hydroxyl group of choline. Phosphatidylcholine is the most-abundant phospholipid found in eukaryotic membranes. Additionally to its structural function in membrane bilayers and lipoproteins, phosphatidylcholine is involved in many signal transduction pathways. Phosphatidylcholine has also been found in an increasing number of bacteria, in particular in species that interact with eukaryotic hosts. UPa:amorgat GO:0006656 biological_process:phosphatidylcholine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00564 Glycerophospholipid metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of aromatic compounds. GO:0019438 pathway UPa:UPA00754 aromatic compound biosynthesis Biosynthesis of aromatic compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0019438 biological_process:aromatic compound biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of chondroitin sulfate, a sulfated glycosaminoglycan (GAG) composed of a chain of alternating sugars (N-acetylgalactosamine and glucuronic acid). It is usually found attached to proteins as part of a proteoglycan. GO:0030206 pathway UPa:UPA00755 chondroitin sulfate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of chondroitin sulfate, a sulfated glycosaminoglycan (GAG) composed of a chain of alternating sugars (N-acetylgalactosamine and glucuronic acid). It is usually found attached to proteins as part of a proteoglycan. UPa:amorgat GO:0030206 biological_process:chondroitin sulfate biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of heparan sulfate (HS), a linear polysaccharide found in all animal tissues. Heparan sulfate is a member of the glycosaminoglycan family of carbohydrates and is very closely related in structure to heparin. The most common disaccharide unit within heparan sulfate is composed of a glucuronic (GlcA) linked to N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) typically making up around 50% of the total disaccharide units. It is usually found attached to proteins as part of a proteoglycan. GO:0015012 PMID:11121397 PMID:11274177 pathway UPa:UPA00756 heparan sulfate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of heparan sulfate (HS), a linear polysaccharide found in all animal tissues. Heparan sulfate is a member of the glycosaminoglycan family of carbohydrates and is very closely related in structure to heparin. The most common disaccharide unit within heparan sulfate is composed of a glucuronic (GlcA) linked to N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) typically making up around 50% of the total disaccharide units. It is usually found attached to proteins as part of a proteoglycan. UPa:amorgat GO:0015012 biological_process:heparan sulfate proteoglycan biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of dhurrin, a tyrosine derived cyanogenic glucoside. Dhurrin functions as a plant defense compound. Cyanogenic glucosides are amino-acid-derived natural products. The ability to synthesize these glucosides is common across many plant genera, including several plant species that are important crop plants like sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), cassava (Manihot esculenta), flax (Linum usitatissimum) and almonds (Prunus dulcis). GO:0010132 KEGG:map00460 KEGG:map00966 KEGG:map01110 MetaCyc:PWY-861 PMID:10585420 PMID:11312134 PMID:17706731 (S)-4-hydroxymandelonitrile beta-D-glucoside pathway UPa:UPA00757 dhurrin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of dhurrin, a tyrosine derived cyanogenic glucoside. Dhurrin functions as a plant defense compound. Cyanogenic glucosides are amino-acid-derived natural products. The ability to synthesize these glucosides is common across many plant genera, including several plant species that are important crop plants like sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), cassava (Manihot esculenta), flax (Linum usitatissimum) and almonds (Prunus dulcis). UPa:amorgat GO:0010132 biological_process:dhurrin biosynthetic process KEGG:map00460 Cyanoamino acid metabolism KEGG:map00966 Glucosinolate biosynthesis KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Degradation of nucleotides. GO:0009166 pathway UPa:UPA00758 nucleotide degradation Degradation of nucleotides. UPa:amorgat GO:0009166 biological_process:nucleotide catabolic process Biosynthesis of cyclic nucleotides, any nucleotide in which the phosphate group is bonded to two of the sugar's hydroxyl groups, forming a cyclical or ring structure. Examples: cAMP, cGMP, c-di-GMP, etc. GO:0009187 pathway UPa:UPA00759 cyclic nucleotide metabolism Biosynthesis of cyclic nucleotides, any nucleotide in which the phosphate group is bonded to two of the sugar's hydroxyl groups, forming a cyclical or ring structure. Examples: cAMP, cGMP, c-di-GMP, etc. UPa:amorgat GO:0009187 biological_process:cyclic nucleotide metabolic process Degradation of cyclic nucleotides, any nucleotide in which the phosphate group is bonded to two of the sugar's hydroxyl groups, forming a cyclical or ring structure. Examples: cAMP, cGMP, c-di-GMP, etc. GO:0009214 pathway UPa:UPA00760 cyclic nucleotide degradation Degradation of cyclic nucleotides, any nucleotide in which the phosphate group is bonded to two of the sugar's hydroxyl groups, forming a cyclical or ring structure. Examples: cAMP, cGMP, c-di-GMP, etc. UPa:amorgat GO:0009214 biological_process:cyclic nucleotide catabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of a purine nucleotide, a compound consisting of nucleoside (a purine base linked to a deoxyribose or ribose sugar) esterified with a phosphate moiety at either the 3' or 5'-hydroxyl group of its glycose moiety [source: GO]. GO:0006195 pathway UPa:UPA00761 purine nucleotide degradation The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of a purine nucleotide, a compound consisting of nucleoside (a purine base linked to a deoxyribose or ribose sugar) esterified with a phosphate moiety at either the 3' or 5'-hydroxyl group of its glycose moiety [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0006195 biological_process:purine nucleotide catabolic process Degradation of cAMP into AMP. GO:0006198 KEGG:map00230 3',5'-cAMP degradation adenosine 3',5'-cyclophosphate degradation cyclic AMP degradation pathway UPa:UPA00762 3',5'-cyclic AMP degradation Degradation of cAMP into AMP. UPa:amorgat GO:0006198 biological_process:cAMP catabolic process KEGG:map00230 Purine metabolism Degradation of cyclic GMP nucleotide into GMP. GO:0046069 KEGG:map00230 3',5'-cGMP degradation cyclic GMP degradation guanosine 3',5'-cyclophosphate degradation pathway UPa:UPA00763 3',5'-cyclic GMP degradation Degradation of cyclic GMP nucleotide into GMP. UPa:amorgat GO:0046069 biological_process:cGMP catabolic process KEGG:map00230 Purine metabolism Degradation of cyclopentanol, a cyclic alcohol. GO:0033022 PMID:12406764 pathway UPa:UPA00764 cyclopentanol degradation Degradation of cyclopentanol, a cyclic alcohol. UPa:amorgat GO:0033022 biological_process:cyclopentanol catabolic process Biosynthesis of ecdysteroid compounds, a group of polyhydroxylated ketosteroids which initiate post-embryonic development. [source: GO]. GO:0045456 ecdysteroidogenesis ecdysteroidogenic pathway pathway UPa:UPA00765 ecdysteroid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of ecdysteroid compounds, a group of polyhydroxylated ketosteroids which initiate post-embryonic development. [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0045456 biological_process:ecdysteroid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of sterol compounds (steroid alcohols), a subgroup of steroids with a hydroxyl group in the 3-position of the A-ring. GO:0016126 pathway UPa:UPA00766 sterol biosynthesis Biosynthesis of sterol compounds (steroid alcohols), a subgroup of steroids with a hydroxyl group in the 3-position of the A-ring. UPa:amorgat GO:0016126 biological_process:sterol biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of lanosterol, a tetracyclic triterpenoid precursor to the whole family of steroids. KEGG:map00100 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 pathway UPa:UPA00767 lanosterol biosynthesis Biosynthesis of lanosterol, a tetracyclic triterpenoid precursor to the whole family of steroids. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00100 Steroid biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of ergosterol (ergosta-5,7,22-trien-3beta-ol) from zymosterol. Ergosterol is a sterol precursor to Vitamin D2 compounds. KEGG:map00100 KEGG:map01100 MetaCyc:ERGOSTEROL-SYN-PWY pathway UPa:UPA00768 ergosterol biosynthesis Biosynthesis of ergosterol (ergosta-5,7,22-trien-3beta-ol) from zymosterol. Ergosterol is a sterol precursor to Vitamin D2 compounds. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00100 Steroid biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of estrogen (oestrogen) compounds, a group of steroid compounds, named for their importance in the estrous cycle, and functioning as the primary female sex hormone. GO:0006703 oestrogen biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00769 estrogen biosynthesis Biosynthesis of estrogen (oestrogen) compounds, a group of steroid compounds, named for their importance in the estrous cycle, and functioning as the primary female sex hormone. UPa:amorgat GO:0006703 biological_process:estrogen biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of zymosterol (5alpha-cholesta-8,24-dien-3beta-ol), a sterol precursor to cholesterol or ergosterol. KEGG:map00100 KEGG:map01100 5alpha-cholesta-8,24-dien-3beta-ol biosynthesis delta8,24-cholestadien-3beta-ol biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00770 zymosterol biosynthesis Biosynthesis of zymosterol (5alpha-cholesta-8,24-dien-3beta-ol), a sterol precursor to cholesterol or ergosterol. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00100 Steroid biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways D-erythroascorbate (EASC), a five-carbon analog of L-ascorbate (ASC) is present in some eukaryotic microorganisms where ASC is rare or absent. In Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the biosynthetic pathway of EASC from D-arabinose by D-arabinose dehydrogenase and D-arabinono-1,4-lactone oxidase has been established. EASC has biological properties similar to those of ASC. Considering that some eukaryotic microorganisms produce EASC instead of ASC, it is presumed that EASC may take the place of ASC in these microorganisms. EASC has been proved an important antioxidant molecule in S. cerevisiae, like ASC in animals and plants. PMID:10094636 PMID:11349062 PMID:7957197 PMID:8841374 PMID:9920381 D-erythroascorbic acid biosynthesis EASC biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00771 D-erythroascorbate biosynthesis D-erythroascorbate (EASC), a five-carbon analog of L-ascorbate (ASC) is present in some eukaryotic microorganisms where ASC is rare or absent. In Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the biosynthetic pathway of EASC from D-arabinose by D-arabinose dehydrogenase and D-arabinono-1,4-lactone oxidase has been established. EASC has biological properties similar to those of ASC. Considering that some eukaryotic microorganisms produce EASC instead of ASC, it is presumed that EASC may take the place of ASC in these microorganisms. EASC has been proved an important antioxidant molecule in S. cerevisiae, like ASC in animals and plants. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of decaprenyl phosphate, which plays a central role in the biosynthesis of most features of the mycobacterial cell wall, including peptidoglycan, linker unit galactan and arabinan. PMID:10816587 PMID:11152452 pathway UPa:UPA00772 decaprenyl phosphate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of decaprenyl phosphate, which plays a central role in the biosynthesis of most features of the mycobacterial cell wall, including peptidoglycan, linker unit galactan and arabinan. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of epidermin, a type A lantibiotics that is is ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified. Extracellular proteolytic cleavage of the N-terminal leader region is most likely the last modification step in epidermin biosynthesis and leads to the activation of the lantibiotic. PMID:12732329 PMID:1551392 PMID:1740156 pathway UPa:UPA00773 epidermin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of epidermin, a type A lantibiotics that is is ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified. Extracellular proteolytic cleavage of the N-terminal leader region is most likely the last modification step in epidermin biosynthesis and leads to the activation of the lantibiotic. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of epothilone compounds, a class of macrolactone cytotoxic molecules, including epothilone A, epothilone B, and epothilone D, identified as potential chemotherapy drugs. GO:0050814 pathway UPa:UPA00774 epothilone biosynthesis Biosynthesis of epothilone compounds, a class of macrolactone cytotoxic molecules, including epothilone A, epothilone B, and epothilone D, identified as potential chemotherapy drugs. UPa:amorgat GO:0050814 biological_process:epothilone biosynthetic process Degradation of alkene compounds, unsaturated hydrcarbons containing at least one carbon-to-carbon double bond. Some bacteria, such as Xanthobacter autotrophicus Py2 and Rhodococcus rhodochrous, are capable of aerobic growth using aliphatic alkenes (such as ethylene, propylene and butylene) as source of carbon and energy. GO:0043451 olefin degradation pathway UPa:UPA00775 alkene degradation Degradation of alkene compounds, unsaturated hydrcarbons containing at least one carbon-to-carbon double bond. Some bacteria, such as Xanthobacter autotrophicus Py2 and Rhodococcus rhodochrous, are capable of aerobic growth using aliphatic alkenes (such as ethylene, propylene and butylene) as source of carbon and energy. UPa:amorgat GO:0043451 biological_process:alkene catabolic process Degradation of alkene compounds, unsaturated hydrcarbons containing at least one carbon-to-carbon double bond. GO:0042208 MetaCyc:PWY-5534 propene degradation pathway UPa:UPA00776 propylene degradation Degradation of alkene compounds, unsaturated hydrcarbons containing at least one carbon-to-carbon double bond. UPa:amorgat GO:0042208 biological_process:propylene catabolic process Metabolism of alkene compounds, unsaturated hydrocarbons containing at least one carbon-to-carbon double bond. GO:0043449 olefin metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00777 alkene metabolism Metabolism of alkene compounds, unsaturated hydrocarbons containing at least one carbon-to-carbon double bond. UPa:amorgat GO:0043449 biological_process:cellular alkene metabolic process Biosynthesis of ethanol during fermentation processes. GO:0043458 pathway UPa:UPA00778 ethanol biosynthesis via fermentation pathway Biosynthesis of ethanol during fermentation processes. UPa:amorgat GO:0043458 biological_process:ethanol biosynthetic process involved in glucose fermentation to ethanol Metabolism of ethanol. GO:0006067 pathway UPa:UPA00779 ethanol metabolism Metabolism of ethanol. UPa:amorgat GO:0006067 biological_process:ethanol metabolic process Degradation of ethanol. GO:0006068 KEGG:map00010 KEGG:map00620 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 pathway UPa:UPA00780 ethanol degradation Degradation of ethanol. UPa:amorgat GO:0006068 biological_process:ethanol catabolic process KEGG:map00010 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis KEGG:map00620 Pyruvate metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of ether lipid compounds. Ether lipids are lipids in which one or more of the carbon atoms on glycerol is bonded to an alkyl chain via an ether linkage, as opposed to the usual ester linkage. GO:0008611 pathway UPa:UPA00781 ether lipid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of ether lipid compounds. Ether lipids are lipids in which one or more of the carbon atoms on glycerol is bonded to an alkyl chain via an ether linkage, as opposed to the usual ester linkage. UPa:amorgat GO:0008611 biological_process:ether lipid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of Fe-Mo, the cofactor of nitrogenase (iron-molybdenum cofactor; FeMo-co). Fe-Mo cofactor is synthesized in a multistep process catalysed by several Nif proteins and is finally inserted into a pre-synthesized apo-dinitrogenase to generate mature dinitrogenase protein. GO:1901288 PMID:17163967 PMID:3470285 FeMo-co biosynthesis iron-molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00782 Fe-Mo cofactor biosynthesis Biosynthesis of Fe-Mo, the cofactor of nitrogenase (iron-molybdenum cofactor; FeMo-co). Fe-Mo cofactor is synthesized in a multistep process catalysed by several Nif proteins and is finally inserted into a pre-synthesized apo-dinitrogenase to generate mature dinitrogenase protein. UPa:amorgat GO:1901288 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of siderophore ferrichrome. GO:0031169 PMID:11395469 PMID:8430103 pathway UPa:UPA00783 ferrichrome biosynthesis Biosynthesis of siderophore ferrichrome. UPa:amorgat GO:0031169 biological_process:ferrichrome biosynthetic process Degradation of fructolysine, a fructose molecule containing a lysine moiety in place of an hydroxyl group. Escherichia coli was found to grow on fructoselysine as an energetic substrate at a rate of about one-third of that observed with glucose. PMID:12147680 pathway UPa:UPA00784 fructoselysine degradation Degradation of fructolysine, a fructose molecule containing a lysine moiety in place of an hydroxyl group. Escherichia coli was found to grow on fructoselysine as an energetic substrate at a rate of about one-third of that observed with glucose. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of melanin, any of the polyacetylene, polyaniline, and polypyrrole 'blacks' and 'browns' or their mixed copolymers. The most common form of biological melanin is a polymer of either or both of two monomer molecules: indolequinone, and dihydroxyindole carboxylic acid. Melanin exists in the plant, animal and protista kingdoms, where it serves as a pigment. The presence of melanin in the archaea and bacteria kingdoms is still an issue. GO:0042438 pathway UPa:UPA00785 melanin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of melanin, any of the polyacetylene, polyaniline, and polypyrrole 'blacks' and 'browns' or their mixed copolymers. The most common form of biological melanin is a polymer of either or both of two monomer molecules: indolequinone, and dihydroxyindole carboxylic acid. Melanin exists in the plant, animal and protista kingdoms, where it serves as a pigment. The presence of melanin in the archaea and bacteria kingdoms is still an issue. UPa:amorgat GO:0042438 biological_process:melanin biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of sphingolipid compounds, any of a class of lipids containing the long-chain amine diol sphingosine or a closely related base (a sphingoid). There are three main types of sphingolipids: ceramides, sphingomyelins and glycosphingolipids. GO:0030148 pathway UPa:UPA00786 sphingolipid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of sphingolipid compounds, any of a class of lipids containing the long-chain amine diol sphingosine or a closely related base (a sphingoid). There are three main types of sphingolipids: ceramides, sphingomyelins and glycosphingolipids. UPa:amorgat GO:0030148 biological_process:sphingolipid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of the sphingolipid compounds: galactosylceramide (galactocerebroside). GO:0006682 D-galactosyl-N-acylsphingosine galactocerebroside biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00787 galactosylceramide biosynthesis Biosynthesis of the sphingolipid compounds: galactosylceramide (galactocerebroside). UPa:amorgat GO:0006682 biological_process:galactosylceramide biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of glucocorticoid compounds, a class of steroid hormones (corticosteroids) characterised by an ability to bind with the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). GO:0006704 pathway UPa:UPA00788 glucocorticoid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of glucocorticoid compounds, a class of steroid hormones (corticosteroids) characterised by an ability to bind with the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). UPa:amorgat GO:0006704 biological_process:glucocorticoid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of poly(glucopyranosyl N-acetylgalactosamine 1-phosphate) teichoic acid. poly(glucopyranosyl N-acetylgalactosamine 1-phosphate) TA biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00789 poly(glucopyranosyl N-acetylgalactosamine 1-phosphate) teichoic acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of poly(glucopyranosyl N-acetylgalactosamine 1-phosphate) teichoic acid. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of poly(ribitol phosphate) teichoic acid. GO:1902012 poly(ribitol phosphate) TA biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00790 poly(ribitol phosphate) teichoic acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of poly(ribitol phosphate) teichoic acid. UPa:amorgat GO:1902012 rdfmatch Degradation of aldonic acid, a monocarboxylic acid with a chain of three or more carbon atoms, derived from an aldose by oxidation of the aldehydic group. GO:0046176 pathway UPa:UPA00791 aldonic acid degradation Degradation of aldonic acid, a monocarboxylic acid with a chain of three or more carbon atoms, derived from an aldose by oxidation of the aldehydic group. UPa:amorgat GO:0046176 biological_process:aldonic acid catabolic process Degradation of D-gluconic acid. GO:0046177 gluconate utilization system GNT-I pathway UPa:UPA00792 D-gluconate degradation Degradation of D-gluconic acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0046177 biological_process:D-gluconate catabolic process Degradation of L-idonate. The pathway for catabolism of L-idonate, which proceeds via a D-gluconate intermediate, was originally thought to be gluconate utilization system GntII. GO:0046183 PMID:14973046 gluconate utilization system GNT-II pathway UPa:UPA00793 L-idonate degradation Degradation of L-idonate. The pathway for catabolism of L-idonate, which proceeds via a D-gluconate intermediate, was originally thought to be gluconate utilization system GntII. UPa:amorgat GO:0046183 biological_process:L-idonate catabolic process Degradation of aldaric acids, any dicarboxylic acid formed by oxidation of by the terminal groups of an aldose to carboxyl group. GO:0019579 pathway UPa:UPA00794 aldaric acid degradation Degradation of aldaric acids, any dicarboxylic acid formed by oxidation of by the terminal groups of an aldose to carboxyl group. UPa:amorgat GO:0019579 biological_process:aldaric acid catabolic process Biosynthesis of glucosylglycerol, alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-alpha-(1,2)-glycerol. GO:0051473 alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-alpha-(1,2)-glycerol biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00795 glucosylglycerol biosynthesis Biosynthesis of glucosylglycerol, alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-alpha-(1,2)-glycerol. UPa:amorgat GO:0051473 biological_process:glucosylglycerol biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of UDP-D-xylose, a nucleotide sugar used to initiate glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis on the core protein of proteoglycans. GO:0033320 KEGG:map00500 KEGG:map00520 KEGG:map01100 PMID:11877387 pathway UPa:UPA00796 UDP-alpha-D-xylose biosynthesis Biosynthesis of UDP-D-xylose, a nucleotide sugar used to initiate glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis on the core protein of proteoglycans. UPa:amorgat GO:0033320 biological_process:UDP-D-xylose biosynthetic process KEGG:map00500 Starch and sucrose metabolism KEGG:map00520 Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of the nucleotide sugar, UDP-arabinose. GO:0033358 KEGG:map00520 KEGG:map01100 PMID:12566589 pathway UPa:UPA00797 UDP-L-arabinose biosynthesis Biosynthesis of the nucleotide sugar, UDP-arabinose. UPa:amorgat GO:0033358 biological_process:UDP-L-arabinose biosynthetic process KEGG:map00520 Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of zeaxanthin diglucoside, a glycosylated xantophyll carotenoid. GO:1901830 pathway UPa:UPA00798 zeaxanthin diglucoside biosynthesis Biosynthesis of zeaxanthin diglucoside, a glycosylated xantophyll carotenoid. UPa:amorgat GO:1901830 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of phytoene, an acyclic carotene precursor to carotenoids. KEGG:map00906 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 pathway UPa:UPA00799 phytoene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of phytoene, an acyclic carotene precursor to carotenoids. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00906 Carotenoid biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of neurosporene, a carotene compound. pathway UPa:UPA00800 neurosporene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of neurosporene, a carotene compound. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of delta-carotene, a cyclic carotene compound. GO:1901824 pathway UPa:UPA00801 delta-carotene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of delta-carotene, a cyclic carotene compound. UPa:amorgat GO:1901824 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of beta-carotene, a cyclic carotene compound. GO:1901812 pathway UPa:UPA00802 beta-carotene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of beta-carotene, a cyclic carotene compound. UPa:amorgat GO:1901812 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of lycopene, a bright red carotenoid pigment found in tomatoes and other red fruits. GO:1901177 pathway UPa:UPA00803 lycopene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of lycopene, a bright red carotenoid pigment found in tomatoes and other red fruits. UPa:amorgat GO:1901177 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of alpha-zeacarotene, a cyclic carotene compound. GO:1901821 pathway UPa:UPA00804 alpha-zeacarotene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of alpha-zeacarotene, a cyclic carotene compound. UPa:amorgat GO:1901821 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of beta-zeacarotene, a cyclic carotene compound. GO:1901818 pathway UPa:UPA00805 beta-zeacarotene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of beta-zeacarotene, a cyclic carotene compound. UPa:amorgat GO:1901818 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of capsanthin, a xantophyll carotenoid. GO:1901809 KEGG:map00906 pathway UPa:UPA00806 capsanthin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of capsanthin, a xantophyll carotenoid. UPa:amorgat GO:1901809 rdfmatch KEGG:map00906 Carotenoid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of capsorubin, a xantophyll carotenoid. GO:1901866 KEGG:map00906 pathway UPa:UPA00807 capsorubin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of capsorubin, a xantophyll carotenoid. UPa:amorgat GO:1901866 rdfmatch KEGG:map00906 Carotenoid biosynthesis Degradation of dibenzofuran. Dibenzofuran is created as by-products during industrial processes such as incineration, paper bleaching, and chemical synthesis. It has also been used as an insecticide, and is formed from the photolysis of chlorinated biphenyl ethers. Several species of bacteria capable degrading dibenzofuran have been identified, including Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas, Terrabacter, Microbacterium, and Rhodococcus. GO:0019340 KEGG:map00621 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:P662-PWY PMID:8226678 PMID:8981980 pathway UPa:UPA00808 dibenzofuran degradation Degradation of dibenzofuran. Dibenzofuran is created as by-products during industrial processes such as incineration, paper bleaching, and chemical synthesis. It has also been used as an insecticide, and is formed from the photolysis of chlorinated biphenyl ethers. Several species of bacteria capable degrading dibenzofuran have been identified, including Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas, Terrabacter, Microbacterium, and Rhodococcus. UPa:amorgat GO:0019340 biological_process:dibenzofuran catabolic process KEGG:map00621 Dioxin degradation KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Degradation of dibenzo-p-dioxin, a substance composed of two benzene rings linked by two ether bonds. Dibenzo-p-dioxin is created as by-products during industrial processes such as incineration, paper bleaching, and chemical synthesis. GO:0019341 KEGG:map00621 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:P661-PWY pathway UPa:UPA00809 dibenzo-p-dioxin degradation Degradation of dibenzo-p-dioxin, a substance composed of two benzene rings linked by two ether bonds. Dibenzo-p-dioxin is created as by-products during industrial processes such as incineration, paper bleaching, and chemical synthesis. UPa:amorgat GO:0019341 biological_process:dibenzo-p-dioxin catabolic process KEGG:map00621 Dioxin degradation KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Degradation of D-xylose, a naturally occurring plant polysaccharide. GO:0042843 pathway UPa:UPA00810 D-xylose degradation Degradation of D-xylose, a naturally occurring plant polysaccharide. UPa:amorgat GO:0042843 biological_process:D-xylose catabolic process Biosynthesis of Vi antigen, a capsular polysaccharide expressed by Salmonella typhi, the agent of human typhoid fever. pathway UPa:UPA00811 Vi-antigen biosynthesis Biosynthesis of Vi antigen, a capsular polysaccharide expressed by Salmonella typhi, the agent of human typhoid fever. UPa:amorgat Degradation of sorbitol, one of the ten stereoisomeric hexitols. GO:0006062 KEGG:map00051 MetaCyc:SORBDEG-PWY D-glucitol degradation pathway UPa:UPA00812 D-sorbitol degradation Degradation of sorbitol, one of the ten stereoisomeric hexitols. UPa:amorgat GO:0006062 biological_process:sorbitol catabolic process KEGG:map00051 Fructose and mannose metabolism Biosynthesis of aldonic acid, a monocarboxylic acid with a chain of three or more carbon atoms, derived from an aldose by oxidation of the aldehydic group. GO:0046175 pathway UPa:UPA00813 aldonic acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of aldonic acid, a monocarboxylic acid with a chain of three or more carbon atoms, derived from an aldose by oxidation of the aldehydic group. UPa:amorgat GO:0046175 biological_process:aldonic acid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of D-gluconic acid, an aldonic acid. GO:0046178 KEGG:map00030 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 pathway UPa:UPA00814 D-gluconate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of D-gluconic acid, an aldonic acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0046178 biological_process:D-gluconate biosynthetic process KEGG:map00030 Pentose phosphate pathway KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of sorbitol, one of the ten stereoisomeric hexitols. GO:0006061 MetaCyc:PWY-5530 D-glucitol biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00815 D-sorbitol biosynthesis Biosynthesis of sorbitol, one of the ten stereoisomeric hexitols. UPa:amorgat GO:0006061 biological_process:sorbitol biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of dTDP-6-deoxy-L-altrose, a nucleotide sugar. PMID:7692217 pathway UPa:UPA00816 dTDP-6-deoxy-L-altrose biosynthesis Biosynthesis of dTDP-6-deoxy-L-altrose, a nucleotide sugar. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of dTDP-4-acetamido-4,6-dideoxygalactose (dTDP-D-Fuc4NAc), a nucleotide sugar. PMID:7559340 dTDP-D-Fuc4NAc biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00817 dTDP-4-acetamido-4,6-dideoxygalactose biosynthesis Biosynthesis of dTDP-4-acetamido-4,6-dideoxygalactose (dTDP-D-Fuc4NAc), a nucleotide sugar. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of CDP-ascarylose, one of the naturally occurring 3,6-dideoxyhexoses usually confined to the cell wall lipopolysaccharide of gram-negative bacteria. PMID:8288541 pathway UPa:UPA00818 CDP-ascarylose biosynthesis Biosynthesis of CDP-ascarylose, one of the naturally occurring 3,6-dideoxyhexoses usually confined to the cell wall lipopolysaccharide of gram-negative bacteria. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of spermidine polyamine. GO:0008216 pathway UPa:UPA00819 spermidine metabolism Metabolism of spermidine polyamine. UPa:amorgat GO:0008216 biological_process:spermidine metabolic process Biosynthesis of lacto-N-neotetraose, an oligosaccharide found in the terminal position of lipooligosaccharide of Neisseria meningitidis. pathway UPa:UPA00820 lacto-N-neotetraose biosynthesis Biosynthesis of lacto-N-neotetraose, an oligosaccharide found in the terminal position of lipooligosaccharide of Neisseria meningitidis. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of exopolysaccharide EPS I. PMID:7476194 PMID:8626297 EPS I biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00821 exopolysaccharide EPS I biosynthesis Biosynthesis of exopolysaccharide EPS I. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of histamine (2-(4-imidazolyl)ethylamine). This physiologically active amine is derived from the decarboxylation of the amino-acid histidine, a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme L-histidine decarboxylase. GO:0001694 KEGG:map00340 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:15612036 PMID:2216786 2-(4-imidazolyl)ethylamine biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00822 histamine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of histamine (2-(4-imidazolyl)ethylamine). This physiologically active amine is derived from the decarboxylation of the amino-acid histidine, a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme L-histidine decarboxylase. UPa:amorgat GO:0001694 biological_process:histamine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00340 Histidine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of myo-inositol (cis-1,2,3,5-trans-4,6-cyclohexanehexol), arbocyclic polyol that plays an important role as the structural basis for a number of secondary messengers in eukaryotic cells, including inositol phosphates, phosphatidylinositol (PI) and phosphatidylinositol phosphate (PIP) lipids. GO:0006021 KEGG:map00521 KEGG:map00562 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map04070 MetaCyc:PWY-2301 pathway UPa:UPA00823 myo-inositol biosynthesis Biosynthesis of myo-inositol (cis-1,2,3,5-trans-4,6-cyclohexanehexol), arbocyclic polyol that plays an important role as the structural basis for a number of secondary messengers in eukaryotic cells, including inositol phosphates, phosphatidylinositol (PI) and phosphatidylinositol phosphate (PIP) lipids. UPa:amorgat GO:0006021 biological_process:inositol biosynthetic process KEGG:map00521 Streptomycin biosynthesis KEGG:map00562 Inositol phosphate metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map04070 Phosphatidylinositol signaling system Degradation of salicylic acid, an intermediate in degradation of phenol and naphtalene compounds. GO:0046244 UPC00805 meta-cleavage pathway pathway UPa:UPA00824 salicylate degradation Degradation of salicylic acid, an intermediate in degradation of phenol and naphtalene compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0046244 biological_process:salicylic acid catabolic process Biosynthesis of 4-coumaric acid (trans-4-hydroxycinnamic acid), a phenylpropanoid compound. KEGG:map00360 KEGG:map00940 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 4-hydroxycinnamic acid biosynthesis p-coumaric acid biosynthesis trans-4-hydroxycinnamic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00825 trans-4-coumarate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of 4-coumaric acid (trans-4-hydroxycinnamic acid), a phenylpropanoid compound. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00360 Phenylalanine metabolism KEGG:map00940 Phenylpropanoid biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Metabolism of spermine by the addition of a propylamine moiety to spermidine. GO:0008215 N,N'-bis(3-aminopropyl)-1,4-butanediamine metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00826 spermine metabolism Metabolism of spermine by the addition of a propylamine moiety to spermidine. UPa:amorgat GO:0008215 biological_process:spermine metabolic process Biosynthesis of poly(glycerol phosphate) teichoic acid. GO:1902014 poly(glycerol phosphate) TA biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00827 poly(glycerol phosphate) teichoic acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of poly(glycerol phosphate) teichoic acid. UPa:amorgat GO:1902014 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of poly(glucosyl N-acetylgalactosamine 1-phosphate) teichoic acid. poly(glucosyl N-acetylgalactosamine 1-phosphate) TA biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00828 poly(glucosyl N-acetylgalactosamine 1-phosphate) teichoic acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of poly(glucosyl N-acetylgalactosamine 1-phosphate) teichoic acid. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of quinol/quinone cofactors, such as menaquinone (vitamin K2), ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) or phylloquinone (vitamin K1). GO:1901663 quinone cofactor biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00829 quinol/quinone biosynthesis Biosynthesis of quinol/quinone cofactors, such as menaquinone (vitamin K2), ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) or phylloquinone (vitamin K1). UPa:amorgat GO:1901663 biological_process:quinone biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of nicotinic acid, also known as niacin or vitamin B3, a water-soluble vitamin. KEGG:map00760 KEGG:map01100 niacin biosynthesis nicotinic acid biosynthesis vitamin B3 biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00830 nicotinate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of nicotinic acid, also known as niacin or vitamin B3, a water-soluble vitamin. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00760 Nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways The first step of the ubiquitination process. Ubiquitin is activated in a two-step reaction by an E1 ubiquitin-activating enzyme in a process requiring ATP as an energy source. The initial step involves production of a ubiquitin-adenylate intermediate. The second step transfers ubiquitin to the E1 active site cysteine residue, with release of AMP. This step results in a thioester linkage between the C-terminal carboxyl group of ubiquitin and the E1 cysteine sulfhydryl group. 2. Transfer of ubiquitin from E1 to the active site cysteine of a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 via a trans(thio)esterification reaction. 3. The final step of the ubiquitinylation cascade generally requires the activity of one of the hundreds of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligases (often termed simply ubiquitin ligase). E3 enzymes function as the substrate recognition modules of the system and are capable of interaction with both E2 and substrate. E3 enzymes possess one of two domains: * The HECT (Homologous to the E6-AP Carboxyl Terminus) domain * The RING domain (or the closely related U-box domain). pathway UPa:UPA00831 protein ubiquitination (ubiquitin activation) The first step of the ubiquitination process. Ubiquitin is activated in a two-step reaction by an E1 ubiquitin-activating enzyme in a process requiring ATP as an energy source. The initial step involves production of a ubiquitin-adenylate intermediate. The second step transfers ubiquitin to the E1 active site cysteine residue, with release of AMP. This step results in a thioester linkage between the C-terminal carboxyl group of ubiquitin and the E1 cysteine sulfhydryl group. 2. Transfer of ubiquitin from E1 to the active site cysteine of a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 via a trans(thio)esterification reaction. 3. The final step of the ubiquitinylation cascade generally requires the activity of one of the hundreds of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligases (often termed simply ubiquitin ligase). E3 enzymes function as the substrate recognition modules of the system and are capable of interaction with both E2 and substrate. E3 enzymes possess one of two domains: * The HECT (Homologous to the E6-AP Carboxyl Terminus) domain * The RING domain (or the closely related U-box domain). UPa:amorgat The second step of the ubiquitination process: transfer of ubiquitin from E1 to the active site cysteine of a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 via a trans(thio)esterification reaction. pathway UPa:UPA00832 protein ubiquitination (E2 ubiquitin transfer) The second step of the ubiquitination process: transfer of ubiquitin from E1 to the active site cysteine of a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 via a trans(thio)esterification reaction. UPa:amorgat The final step of the ubiquitinylation cascade generally requires the activity of one of the hundreds of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligases (often termed simply ubiquitin ligase). E3 enzymes function as the substrate recognition modules of the system and are capable of interaction with both E2 and substrate. E3 enzymes possess one of two domains: * The HECT (Homologous to the E6-AP Carboxyl Terminus) domain * The RING domain (or the closely related U-box domain). pathway UPa:UPA00833 protein ubiquitination (ubiquitin transfer) The final step of the ubiquitinylation cascade generally requires the activity of one of the hundreds of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligases (often termed simply ubiquitin ligase). E3 enzymes function as the substrate recognition modules of the system and are capable of interaction with both E2 and substrate. E3 enzymes possess one of two domains: * The HECT (Homologous to the E6-AP Carboxyl Terminus) domain * The RING domain (or the closely related U-box domain). UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of heme O, a derivative of heme containing a 17-carbon hydroxyethylfarnesyl side chain at position 8 of the tetrapyrrole macrocycle. Heme O is a precursor in heme A biosyntesis. Warning: the biochemical reactions composing this pathway are not yet clearly defined. GO:0048034 KEGG:map00860 KEGG:map01110 PMID:1336371 PMID:8082800 pathway UPa:UPA00834 heme O biosynthesis Biosynthesis of heme O, a derivative of heme containing a 17-carbon hydroxyethylfarnesyl side chain at position 8 of the tetrapyrrole macrocycle. Heme O is a precursor in heme A biosyntesis. Warning: the biochemical reactions composing this pathway are not yet clearly defined. UPa:amorgat GO:0048034 biological_process:heme O biosynthetic process KEGG:map00860 Porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Degradation of 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid (3-HPP) into 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propionic acid. 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propionic acid is ultimately degraded to KREBS cycle intermediates. This pathway is common to 3-phenylpropionic acid degradation pathway, so it is recorded in a separate pathway. GO:1901794 3-HPP degradation 3-hydroxyphenylpropionate degradation 3-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00835 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propanoate degradation Degradation of 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid (3-HPP) into 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propionic acid. 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propionic acid is ultimately degraded to KREBS cycle intermediates. This pathway is common to 3-phenylpropionic acid degradation pathway, so it is recorded in a separate pathway. UPa:amorgat GO:1901794 rdfmatch Degradation of 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propionic acid to KREBS cycle intermediates. GO:1901791 2,3-dihydroxyphenylpropanoate degradation 2,3-dihydroxyphenylpropionate degradation 2,3-dihydroxyphenylpropionic acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00836 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoate degradation Degradation of 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propionic acid to KREBS cycle intermediates. UPa:amorgat GO:1901791 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of melatonin (5-methoxy-N-acetyltryptamine), a naturally occurring hormone found in most animals and some of other living organisms, including algae. GO:0030187 KEGG:map00380 KEGG:map01100 5-methoxy-N-acetyltryptamine pathway UPa:UPA00837 melatonin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of melatonin (5-methoxy-N-acetyltryptamine), a naturally occurring hormone found in most animals and some of other living organisms, including algae. UPa:amorgat GO:0030187 biological_process:melatonin biosynthetic process KEGG:map00380 Tryptophan metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of amoeba cellulose. pathway UPa:UPA00838 amoeba cellulose biosynthesis Biosynthesis of amoeba cellulose. UPa:amorgat Degradation of tartrate, an aldaric acid that occurs naturally in many plants, particularly grapes, bananas, and tamarinds, and is one of the main acids found in wine. KEGG:map00630 PMID:10339827 PMID:7592429 2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid degradation tartaric acid degradation tartrate utilization pathway UPa:UPA00839 tartrate degradation Degradation of tartrate, an aldaric acid that occurs naturally in many plants, particularly grapes, bananas, and tamarinds, and is one of the main acids found in wine. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00630 Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism Metabolism of thiamin (vitamin B1), a water soluble vitamin. GO:0006772 vitamin B1 metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00840 thiamine metabolism Metabolism of thiamin (vitamin B1), a water soluble vitamin. UPa:amorgat GO:0006772 biological_process:thiamine metabolic process Degradation of thiamin (vitamin B1), a water soluble vitamin. GO:0009230 KEGG:map00730 vitamin B1 degradation pathway UPa:UPA00841 thiamine degradation Degradation of thiamin (vitamin B1), a water soluble vitamin. UPa:amorgat GO:0009230 biological_process:thiamine catabolic process KEGG:map00730 Thiamine metabolism Biosynthesis of the diterpenoid taxol (generic name paclitaxel). Paclitaxel is a highly effective anticancer drug used widely in the treatment of various carcinomas, melanomas, and sarcomas. This structurally complex taxane diterpenoid (taxoid) was first isolated from the bark of the Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia Nutt.). GO:0042617 KEGG:map00904 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:11524108 paclitaxel biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00842 taxol biosynthesis Biosynthesis of the diterpenoid taxol (generic name paclitaxel). Paclitaxel is a highly effective anticancer drug used widely in the treatment of various carcinomas, melanomas, and sarcomas. This structurally complex taxane diterpenoid (taxoid) was first isolated from the bark of the Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia Nutt.). UPa:amorgat GO:0042617 biological_process:paclitaxel biosynthetic process KEGG:map00904 Diterpenoid biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of zeaxanthin, one of the most common carotenoid alcohols found in nature. It is the pigment that gives corn, saffron, and many other plants their characteristic color. GO:1901827 pathway UPa:UPA00843 zeaxanthin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of zeaxanthin, one of the most common carotenoid alcohols found in nature. It is the pigment that gives corn, saffron, and many other plants their characteristic color. UPa:amorgat GO:1901827 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of teichuronic acid, a phosphate-free carbohydrate polymer containing glucuronic acid. GO:0050845 PMID:10627039 PMID:12473097 pathway UPa:UPA00844 teichuronic acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of teichuronic acid, a phosphate-free carbohydrate polymer containing glucuronic acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0050845 biological_process:teichuronic acid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of pectin, a polymer containing a backbone of alpha-1,4-linked D-galacturonic acid residues. GO:0045489 poly(1,4-alpha-D-galacturonide) biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00845 pectin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of pectin, a polymer containing a backbone of alpha-1,4-linked D-galacturonic acid residues. UPa:amorgat GO:0045489 biological_process:pectin biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT), a monoamine neurotransmitter. Serotonin is synthesized in serotonergic neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) and enterochromaffin cells in the gastrointestinal tract of animals including humans. Serotonin is also found in many mushrooms and plants, including fruits and vegetables. In plants, serotonin is implicated in several physiological roles such as flowering, morphogenesis, and adaptation to environmental changes. GO:0042427 KEGG:map00380 KEGG:map01100 5-HT biosynthesis 5-hydroxytryptamine biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00846 serotonin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT), a monoamine neurotransmitter. Serotonin is synthesized in serotonergic neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) and enterochromaffin cells in the gastrointestinal tract of animals including humans. Serotonin is also found in many mushrooms and plants, including fruits and vegetables. In plants, serotonin is implicated in several physiological roles such as flowering, morphogenesis, and adaptation to environmental changes. UPa:amorgat GO:0042427 biological_process:serotonin biosynthetic process KEGG:map00380 Tryptophan metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of pteridine derivative compounds, a group of heterocyclic compounds composed of fused pyrimidine and pyrazine rings. Pterins and flavins are classes of substituted pteridines that have important biological activity. GO:0006728 pyrazino(2,3-dipyrimidine) biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00847 pteridine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of pteridine derivative compounds, a group of heterocyclic compounds composed of fused pyrimidine and pyrazine rings. Pterins and flavins are classes of substituted pteridines that have important biological activity. UPa:amorgat GO:0006728 biological_process:pteridine biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of dihydroneopterin triphosphate, the first committed intermediate in the biosynthetic pathways of tetrahydrofolate in plants and microorganisms and of tetrahydrobiopterin in animals. GO:0035998 KEGG:map00790 KEGG:map01100 6-d-threo-1',2',3'-hydroxypropyl-7,8-dihydroneopterin 3'-triphosphate biosynthesis NH2TP biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00848 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of dihydroneopterin triphosphate, the first committed intermediate in the biosynthetic pathways of tetrahydrofolate in plants and microorganisms and of tetrahydrobiopterin in animals. UPa:amorgat GO:0035998 biological_process:7,8-dihydroneopterin 3'-triphosphate biosynthetic process KEGG:map00790 Folate biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of tetrahydrobiopterin (sapropterin, BH4, H4-biopterin). Tetrahydrobiopterin is an essential cofactor of a set of enzymes that are of central metabolic importance, i.e. the hydroxylases of the three aromatic amino acids phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan, of ether lipid oxidase, and of the three nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoenzymes. Tetrahydrobiopterin is a naturally occurring essential cofactor of the three aromatic amino acid hydroxylases; phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase, tyrosine-3-hydroxylase and tryptophan-5-hydroxylase. Tetrahydrobiopterin is also essential for the synthesis of nitric oxide by nitric oxide synthase (NOS). GO:0006729 KEGG:map00790 KEGG:map01100 PMID:17220358 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin biosynthesis BH4 biosynthesis H4-biopterin biosynthesis sapropterin biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00849 tetrahydrobiopterin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of tetrahydrobiopterin (sapropterin, BH4, H4-biopterin). Tetrahydrobiopterin is an essential cofactor of a set of enzymes that are of central metabolic importance, i.e. the hydroxylases of the three aromatic amino acids phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan, of ether lipid oxidase, and of the three nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoenzymes. Tetrahydrobiopterin is a naturally occurring essential cofactor of the three aromatic amino acid hydroxylases; phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase, tyrosine-3-hydroxylase and tryptophan-5-hydroxylase. Tetrahydrobiopterin is also essential for the synthesis of nitric oxide by nitric oxide synthase (NOS). UPa:amorgat GO:0006729 biological_process:tetrahydrobiopterin biosynthetic process KEGG:map00790 Folate biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of tetrahydrofolylpolyglutamates, a group of folate derivative compounds comprising tetrahydrofolate attached to a chain of glutamate residues. In organisms that require exogenous folates for growth (Lactobacillus casei, Streptococcus faecalis, mammals), highly anionic polyglutamate chain of folate (four glutamate residues or more) retard transport through the cell membrane. This is the mechanism thought to be responsible for the accumulation and maintenance of cellular folate pools. cell membrane. GO:0046901 PMID:18232714 PMID:2688305 pathway UPa:UPA00850 tetrahydrofolylpolyglutamate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of tetrahydrofolylpolyglutamates, a group of folate derivative compounds comprising tetrahydrofolate attached to a chain of glutamate residues. In organisms that require exogenous folates for growth (Lactobacillus casei, Streptococcus faecalis, mammals), highly anionic polyglutamate chain of folate (four glutamate residues or more) retard transport through the cell membrane. This is the mechanism thought to be responsible for the accumulation and maintenance of cellular folate pools. cell membrane. UPa:amorgat GO:0046901 biological_process:tetrahydrofolylpolyglutamate biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of mitomycin C, the first recognized bioreductive alkylating agent, widely used clinically for antitumor therapy. Mitomycinan are aziridine-containing natural products isolated from Streptomyces lavendulae. GO:1901777 PMID:10094699 PMID:10099135 pathway UPa:UPA00851 mitomycin C biosynthesis Biosynthesis of mitomycin C, the first recognized bioreductive alkylating agent, widely used clinically for antitumor therapy. Mitomycinan are aziridine-containing natural products isolated from Streptomyces lavendulae. UPa:amorgat GO:1901777 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of morphine, an isoquinolin alkaloid. PMID:2012614 pathway UPa:UPA00852 morphine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of morphine, an isoquinolin alkaloid. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of nisin, a 34-residue antibacterial peptide (lantibiotic family). Nisin is produced by several strains of Lactococcus lactis and strongly inhibits the growth of a broad range of gram-positive bacteria. PMID:7689965 PMID:8478324 pathway UPa:UPA00853 nisin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of nisin, a 34-residue antibacterial peptide (lantibiotic family). Nisin is produced by several strains of Lactococcus lactis and strongly inhibits the growth of a broad range of gram-positive bacteria. UPa:amorgat Degradation of any amino-acid that does not normally occur as a constituent residue of proteins [source: GO]. pathway UPa:UPA00854 nonprotein amino-acid degradation Degradation of any amino-acid that does not normally occur as a constituent residue of proteins [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat Degradation of nopaline (N-(I-carboxy-4-guanidinobutyl)glutamic acid), a rare amino-acid derivative. GO:0019468 PMID:7689965 PMID:8478324 pathway UPa:UPA00855 nopaline degradation Degradation of nopaline (N-(I-carboxy-4-guanidinobutyl)glutamic acid), a rare amino-acid derivative. UPa:amorgat GO:0019468 rdfmatch Degradation of 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate, a product of pectin or galacturonate degradation. KEGG:map00030 KEGG:map00040 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 pathway UPa:UPA00856 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate degradation Degradation of 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate, a product of pectin or galacturonate degradation. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00030 Pentose phosphate pathway KEGG:map00040 Pentose and glucuronate interconversions KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Metabolism of carbohydrate acid compounds. pathway UPa:UPA00857 carbohydrate acid metabolism Metabolism of carbohydrate acid compounds. UPa:amorgat Degradation of carbohydrate acid compounds. pathway UPa:UPA00858 carbohydrate acid degradation Degradation of carbohydrate acid compounds. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of carbohydrate acid compounds. pathway UPa:UPA00859 carbohydrate acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of carbohydrate acid compounds. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of glycosaminoglycan compounds, any one of a group of polysaccharides that contain amino sugars. GO:0030203 pathway UPa:UPA00860 glycosaminoglycan metabolism Metabolism of glycosaminoglycan compounds, any one of a group of polysaccharides that contain amino sugars. UPa:amorgat GO:0030203 biological_process:glycosaminoglycan metabolic process Biosynthesis of glycosaminoglycan compounds, any one of a group of polysaccharides that contain amino sugars. GO:0006024 pathway UPa:UPA00861 glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis Biosynthesis of glycosaminoglycan compounds, any one of a group of polysaccharides that contain amino sugars. UPa:amorgat GO:0006024 biological_process:glycosaminoglycan biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of heparin. GO:0030210 PMID:11274177 pathway UPa:UPA00862 heparin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of heparin. UPa:amorgat GO:0030210 biological_process:heparin biosynthetic process Metabolism of butanoate (butyrate), a 4-carbon saturated monocarboxylic acid. This fatty acid occurs in the form of esters in animal fats and plant oils. GO:0019605 butyrate metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00863 butanoate metabolism Metabolism of butanoate (butyrate), a 4-carbon saturated monocarboxylic acid. This fatty acid occurs in the form of esters in animal fats and plant oils. UPa:amorgat GO:0019605 biological_process:butyrate metabolic process Degradation of glycolic acid into 3-phospho-D-glyceric acid (an aldonic acid). GO:0046296 KEGG:map00260 KEGG:map00561 KEGG:map00630 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 hydroxyacetic acid degradation hydroxyethanoic acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00864 glycolate degradation Degradation of glycolic acid into 3-phospho-D-glyceric acid (an aldonic acid). UPa:amorgat GO:0046296 biological_process:glycolate catabolic process KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism KEGG:map00561 Glycerolipid metabolism KEGG:map00630 Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of glycolic acid (hydroxyacetic acid, hydroxyethanoic acid). GO:0046295 KEGG:map00630 KEGG:map01100 hydroxyacetic acid biosynthesis hydroxyethanoic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00865 glycolate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of glycolic acid (hydroxyacetic acid, hydroxyethanoic acid). UPa:amorgat GO:0046295 biological_process:glycolate biosynthetic process KEGG:map00630 Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Catabolism of branched-chain amino acids (leucine, valine, and isoleucine), aromatic amino acids (phenylalanine, tyrosine, and trytophan), and the sulfur-containing amino acid (methionine) leads to the formation of fusel acids and fusel alcohols. GO:0000955 PMID:18281432 pathway UPa:UPA00866 Ehrlich pathway Catabolism of branched-chain amino acids (leucine, valine, and isoleucine), aromatic amino acids (phenylalanine, tyrosine, and trytophan), and the sulfur-containing amino acid (methionine) leads to the formation of fusel acids and fusel alcohols. UPa:amorgat GO:0000955 biological_process:amino acid catabolic process via Ehrlich pathway Degradation of L-lysine amino-acid. GO:0019477 MetaCyc:PWY-5327 pathway UPa:UPA00867 L-lysine degradation Degradation of L-lysine amino-acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0019477 biological_process:L-lysine catabolic process The mitochondrial pathway of L-lysine degradation via saccharopine is the major mammalian pathway for lysine degradation. GO:0033512 KEGG:map00300 KEGG:map00310 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 MetaCyc:LYSINE-DEG1-PWY pathway UPa:UPA00868 L-lysine degradation via saccharopine pathway The mitochondrial pathway of L-lysine degradation via saccharopine is the major mammalian pathway for lysine degradation. UPa:amorgat GO:0033512 biological_process:L-lysine catabolic process to acetyl-CoA via saccharopine KEGG:map00300 Lysine biosynthesis KEGG:map00310 Lysine degradation KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Degradation of L-lysine via acetylation pathway. In this fungal pathway, L-lysine is degraded to glutarate via acetylation of the 6-amino group to the initial product N6-acetyl-L-lysine. This is followed by transamination, oxidative decarboxylation, deacetylation, transamination with loss of the second amino group, and oxidation to glutarate. GO:0019473 KEGG:map00310 MetaCyc:LYSDEGII-PWY PMID:15229592 PMID:8082161 pathway UPa:UPA00869 L-lysine degradation via acetylation pathway Degradation of L-lysine via acetylation pathway. In this fungal pathway, L-lysine is degraded to glutarate via acetylation of the 6-amino group to the initial product N6-acetyl-L-lysine. This is followed by transamination, oxidative decarboxylation, deacetylation, transamination with loss of the second amino group, and oxidation to glutarate. UPa:amorgat GO:0019473 biological_process:L-lysine catabolic process to glutarate, by acetylation KEGG:map00310 Lysine degradation UPC00047 fermentation process into acetate, butanoate and ammonia. GO:0019475 PMID:10629195 PMID:10839984 PMID:17166837 UPC00047 fermentation pathway UPa:UPA00870 L-lysine degradation via acetate pathway UPC00047 fermentation process into acetate, butanoate and ammonia. UPa:amorgat GO:0019475 biological_process:L-lysine catabolic process to acetate Biosynthesis of benzoxazinone compounds. These cyclic hydroxamic acids are dedicated to pathogen defense and are found almost exclusively in Gramineae. PMID:9235894 pathway UPa:UPA00871 benzoxazinone biosynthesis Biosynthesis of benzoxazinone compounds. These cyclic hydroxamic acids are dedicated to pathogen defense and are found almost exclusively in Gramineae. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one (DIBOA), a cyclic hydroxamic acid. This secondary metabolites found predominantly in Gramineae such as many maize (Zea mays). KEGG:map00400 KEGG:map00402 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 MetaCyc:PWY-4161 PMID:9235894 DIBOA biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00872 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one biosynthesis Biosynthesis of 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one (DIBOA), a cyclic hydroxamic acid. This secondary metabolites found predominantly in Gramineae such as many maize (Zea mays). UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00400 Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis KEGG:map00402 Benzoxazinoid biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Degradation of mandelic acid. This pathway provides the means to allow a variety of pseudomonads, including Pseudomonas putida, to use one or both enantiomers of mandelic acid as the sole carbon source. GO:0019596 KEGG:map00627 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:PWY-1501 PMID:12670968 PMID:2271624 alpha-hydroxybenzeneacetic acid degradation mandelic acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00873 (R)-mandelate degradation Degradation of mandelic acid. This pathway provides the means to allow a variety of pseudomonads, including Pseudomonas putida, to use one or both enantiomers of mandelic acid as the sole carbon source. UPa:amorgat GO:0019596 biological_process:mandelate catabolic process KEGG:map00627 Aminobenzoate degradation KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of HC-toxin, a cyclic tetrapeptide of structure cyclo(D-Pro-L-Ala-D-Ala-L-Aeo), where Aeo stands for 2-amino-9,10-epoxi-8-oxodecanoic acid HC-toxin is an essential virulence determinant for the plant pathogenic fungus Cochliobolus carbonum and an inhibitor of histone deacetylase. PMID:16839576 pathway UPa:UPA00874 HC-toxin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of HC-toxin, a cyclic tetrapeptide of structure cyclo(D-Pro-L-Ala-D-Ala-L-Aeo), where Aeo stands for 2-amino-9,10-epoxi-8-oxodecanoic acid HC-toxin is an essential virulence determinant for the plant pathogenic fungus Cochliobolus carbonum and an inhibitor of histone deacetylase. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of lovastatin, an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor produced by the fungus Aspergillus terreus. Lovastatin is composed of two polyketide chains. PMID:10381407 pathway UPa:UPA00875 lovastatin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of lovastatin, an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor produced by the fungus Aspergillus terreus. Lovastatin is composed of two polyketide chains. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of leukotrienes, eicosanoid lipid mediators derived from arachidonic acid. GO:0019370 pathway UPa:UPA00876 leukotriene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of leukotrienes, eicosanoid lipid mediators derived from arachidonic acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0019370 biological_process:leukotriene biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of leukotriene A4 (LTA4). GO:1901753 LTA4 biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00877 leukotriene A4 biosynthesis Biosynthesis of leukotriene A4 (LTA4). UPa:amorgat GO:1901753 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of leukotriene B4 (LTB4). GO:0097251 LTB4 biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00878 leukotriene B4 biosynthesis Biosynthesis of leukotriene B4 (LTB4). UPa:amorgat GO:0097251 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of leukotriene C4 (LTC4). LTC4 biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00879 leukotriene C4 biosynthesis Biosynthesis of leukotriene C4 (LTC4). UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of leukotriene D4 (LTD4). GO:1901750 LTD4 biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00880 leukotriene D4 biosynthesis Biosynthesis of leukotriene D4 (LTD4). UPa:amorgat GO:1901750 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of hydroperoxy (e)icosatetraenoic acids (HPETEs), the primary products of lipoxygenase-catalysed oxygenation of arachidonic acid. HPETE biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00881 hydroperoxy eicosatetraenoic acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of hydroperoxy (e)icosatetraenoic acids (HPETEs), the primary products of lipoxygenase-catalysed oxygenation of arachidonic acid. UPa:amorgat Degradation of leukotrienes, eicosanoid lipid mediators derived from arachidonic acid. GO:0036100 pathway UPa:UPA00882 leukotriene degradation Degradation of leukotrienes, eicosanoid lipid mediators derived from arachidonic acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0036100 rdfmatch Degradation of leukotriene B4 (LTB4). GO:0036101 LTB4 degradation pathway UPa:UPA00883 leukotriene B4 degradation Degradation of leukotriene B4 (LTB4). UPa:amorgat GO:0036101 rdfmatch Metabolism of leukotrienes, eicosanoid lipid mediators derived from arachidonic acid. GO:0006691 pathway UPa:UPA00884 leukotriene metabolism Metabolism of leukotrienes, eicosanoid lipid mediators derived from arachidonic acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0006691 biological_process:leukotriene metabolic process Covalent attachment of the ubiquitin-like protein NEDD8 (RUB1) to another protein. GO:0045116 PMID:11698580 pathway UPa:UPA00885 protein neddylation Covalent attachment of the ubiquitin-like protein NEDD8 (RUB1) to another protein. UPa:amorgat GO:0045116 biological_process:protein neddylation Covalent modification of cellular proteins by the ubiquitin-like modifier SUMO. Protein sumoylation regulates various cellular processes, such as nuclear transport, signal transduction, stress response and cell-cycle progression. GO:0016925 PMID:11265250 pathway UPa:UPA00886 protein sumoylation Covalent modification of cellular proteins by the ubiquitin-like modifier SUMO. Protein sumoylation regulates various cellular processes, such as nuclear transport, signal transduction, stress response and cell-cycle progression. UPa:amorgat GO:0016925 biological_process:protein sumoylation Metabolism of auxins (indole-3-acetic acid, IAA), natural plant hormones involved in several stages of plant growth and development such as cell elongation, cell division, tissue differentiation, and apical dominance. GO:0009850 IAA metabolism indole-3-acetate metabolism indole-3-acetic acid metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00887 auxin metabolism Metabolism of auxins (indole-3-acetic acid, IAA), natural plant hormones involved in several stages of plant growth and development such as cell elongation, cell division, tissue differentiation, and apical dominance. UPa:amorgat GO:0009850 biological_process:auxin metabolic process Degradation of limonene (4-isopropenyl-1-methyl-cyclohexene), a monocyclic monoterpene. Limonene is the most widespread terpene in the world and is formed by more than 300 plants. GO:0046251 PMID:10224006 4-isopropenyl-1-methylcyclohexene degradation DL-limonene degradation cajeputene degradation kautschin degradation pathway UPa:UPA00888 limonene degradation Degradation of limonene (4-isopropenyl-1-methyl-cyclohexene), a monocyclic monoterpene. Limonene is the most widespread terpene in the world and is formed by more than 300 plants. UPa:amorgat GO:0046251 biological_process:limonene catabolic process Degradation of melamine (1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine). Melamine is a metabolite of cyromazine, a pesticide. It is formed in the body of mammals who have ingested cyromazine. It was also reported that cyromazine is converted to melamine in plants. PMID:7592318 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine degradation pathway UPa:UPA00889 melamine degradation Degradation of melamine (1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine). Melamine is a metabolite of cyromazine, a pesticide. It is formed in the body of mammals who have ingested cyromazine. It was also reported that cyromazine is converted to melamine in plants. UPa:amorgat Degradation of secondary metabolites. GO:0090487 pathway UPa:UPA00890 secondary metabolite degradation Degradation of secondary metabolites. UPa:amorgat GO:0090487 rdfmatch Metabolism of lignin, a class of polymers of phenylpropanoid units. GO:0009808 pathway UPa:UPA00891 lignin metabolism Metabolism of lignin, a class of polymers of phenylpropanoid units. UPa:amorgat GO:0009808 biological_process:lignin metabolic process Degradation of lignin, a class of polymers of phenylpropanoid units. GO:0046274 pathway UPa:UPA00892 lignin degradation Degradation of lignin, a class of polymers of phenylpropanoid units. UPa:amorgat GO:0046274 biological_process:lignin catabolic process Biosynthesis of lignin, a class of polymers of phenylpropanoid units. GO:0009809 pathway UPa:UPA00893 lignin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of lignin, a class of polymers of phenylpropanoid units. UPa:amorgat GO:0009809 biological_process:lignin biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of diglucosyl-diacylglycerol, a component of membrane glycolipids. GO:0009246 PMID:10515954 PMID:12618464 PMID:16199561 PMID:16936038 pathway UPa:UPA00894 diglucosyl-diacylglycerol biosynthesis Biosynthesis of diglucosyl-diacylglycerol, a component of membrane glycolipids. UPa:amorgat GO:0009246 biological_process:enterobacterial common antigen biosynthetic process Degradation of methylamine into formaldehyde (methanal). KEGG:map00680 KEGG:map01120 formaldehyde biosynthesis methanal biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00895 methylamine degradation Degradation of methylamine into formaldehyde (methanal). UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00680 Methane metabolism KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Degradation of HMG-CoA ((S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA) into acetoacetic acid. HMG-CoA is an intermediate in the mevalonic acid and leucine degradation pathways. KEGG:map00072 KEGG:map00280 KEGG:map00650 KEGG:map01100 (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA ketogenesis ketone biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00896 (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA degradation Degradation of HMG-CoA ((S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA) into acetoacetic acid. HMG-CoA is an intermediate in the mevalonic acid and leucine degradation pathways. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00072 Synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies KEGG:map00280 Valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation KEGG:map00650 Butanoate metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of isoflavonoid phytoalexins, a group of water-soluble phenolic derivatives isomeric with flavonoids that possess antibiotic activity and are produced by plant tissues in response to infection [source: GO]. GO:0009701 pathway UPa:UPA00897 isoflavonoid phytoalexin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of isoflavonoid phytoalexins, a group of water-soluble phenolic derivatives isomeric with flavonoids that possess antibiotic activity and are produced by plant tissues in response to infection [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0009701 biological_process:isoflavonoid phytoalexin biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of glyceollins. The glyceollins belong to the isoflavonoid phytoalexins. PMID:1840523 pathway UPa:UPA00898 glyceollin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of glyceollins. The glyceollins belong to the isoflavonoid phytoalexins. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of phenylpropanoid phytoalexins. pathway UPa:UPA00899 phenylpropanoid phytoalexin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of phenylpropanoid phytoalexins. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of methoxydianthramide B (N-benzoyl-4-O-methoxyanthranilate), a phenylpropanoid phytoalexin. PMID:9869425 N-benzoyl-4-O-methoxyanthranilate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00900 methoxydianthramide B biosynthesis Biosynthesis of methoxydianthramide B (N-benzoyl-4-O-methoxyanthranilate), a phenylpropanoid phytoalexin. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of pterocarpan phytoalexins (medicarpin and maackian). PMID:1915347 pathway UPa:UPA00901 pterocarpan phytoalexin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of pterocarpan phytoalexins (medicarpin and maackian). UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of medicarpin, the major phytoalexin in alfalfa. Medicarpin is synthesized via the isoflavonoid branch of phenylpropanoid metabolism. PMID:1915347 PMID:9484461 pathway UPa:UPA00902 medicarpin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of medicarpin, the major phytoalexin in alfalfa. Medicarpin is synthesized via the isoflavonoid branch of phenylpropanoid metabolism. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of sulfur-containing amino-acid L-methionine (2-amino-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid). L-methionine is an essential amino-acid for many crucial cellular functions, including the initiation of protein synthesis, methylation of DNA and rRNA, and biosynthesis of cysteine, phospholipids and polyamines. GO:0009086 2-amino-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00903 L-methionine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of sulfur-containing amino-acid L-methionine (2-amino-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid). L-methionine is an essential amino-acid for many crucial cellular functions, including the initiation of protein synthesis, methylation of DNA and rRNA, and biosynthesis of cysteine, phospholipids and polyamines. UPa:amorgat GO:0009086 biological_process:methionine biosynthetic process The methionine salvage pathway (MSP) is an important metabolic pathway in maintaining the amount of L-methionine as the amount of methionine in cells is typically limiting and its de novo biosynthesis is energetically expensive. Therefore, L-methionine is salvaged from S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine (MTA), the end-product of spermidine biosynthesis. GO:0019509 KEGG:map00270 KEGG:map01100 2-amino-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid salvage methionine salvage pathway (MSP) pathway UPa:UPA00904 L-methionine biosynthesis via salvage pathway The methionine salvage pathway (MSP) is an important metabolic pathway in maintaining the amount of L-methionine as the amount of methionine in cells is typically limiting and its de novo biosynthesis is energetically expensive. Therefore, L-methionine is salvaged from S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine (MTA), the end-product of spermidine biosynthesis. UPa:amorgat GO:0019509 biological_process:L-methionine biosynthetic process from methylthioadenosine KEGG:map00270 Cysteine and methionine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of aminoacyl tRNA by the formation of an ester bond between the 3'-hydroxyl group of the most 3' adenosine of the tRNA, usually catalyzed by the cognate aminoacyl-tRNA ligase. GO:0043039 tRNA aminoacylation tRNA charching pathway UPa:UPA00905 aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis Biosynthesis of aminoacyl tRNA by the formation of an ester bond between the 3'-hydroxyl group of the most 3' adenosine of the tRNA, usually catalyzed by the cognate aminoacyl-tRNA ligase. UPa:amorgat GO:0043039 biological_process:tRNA aminoacylation Biosynthesis of selenocysteinyl-tRNA(Sec). If the pathway for selenocysteine biosynthesis differs in bacteria from that present in eukaryotes and archaea; tRNA(Sec) remains a common factor for selenocysteine formation among the three kingdoms. GO:0097056 KEGG:map00450 KEGG:map00970 pathway UPa:UPA00906 selenocysteinyl-tRNA(Sec) biosynthesis Biosynthesis of selenocysteinyl-tRNA(Sec). If the pathway for selenocysteine biosynthesis differs in bacteria from that present in eukaryotes and archaea; tRNA(Sec) remains a common factor for selenocysteine formation among the three kingdoms. UPa:amorgat GO:0097056 biological_process:selenocysteinyl-tRNA(Sec) biosynthetic process KEGG:map00450 Selenocompound metabolism KEGG:map00970 Aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis Biosynthesis of 2-deoxystreptamine (DOS). KEGG:map00524 KEGG:map01110 PMID:14757238 PMID:14969406 PMID:15313224 DOS biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00907 2-deoxystreptamine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of 2-deoxystreptamine (DOS). UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00524 Butirosin and neomycin biosynthesis KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of ppGpp (guanosine tetraphosphate, guanosine 5'-diphosphate 3'-diphosphate), a derivative of guanine riboside. The stringent response to amino acid starvation, whereby stable RNA synthesis is curtailed in favour of transcription of amino acid biosynthetic genes, is controlled by the alarmone ppGpp. GO:0015970 KEGG:map00230 MetaCyc:PPGPPMET-PWY 5'-ppGpp-3' biosynthesis guanosine 5'-diphosphate 3'-diphosphate biosynthesis guanosine tetraphosphate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00908 ppGpp biosynthesis Biosynthesis of ppGpp (guanosine tetraphosphate, guanosine 5'-diphosphate 3'-diphosphate), a derivative of guanine riboside. The stringent response to amino acid starvation, whereby stable RNA synthesis is curtailed in favour of transcription of amino acid biosynthetic genes, is controlled by the alarmone ppGpp. UPa:amorgat GO:0015970 biological_process:guanosine tetraphosphate biosynthetic process KEGG:map00230 Purine metabolism GMP biosynthesis from guanine (salvage pathway). GO:0032263 KEGG:map00230 KEGG:map01100 GMP salvage guanosine 5'-phosphate biosynthesis via salvage pathway guanosine monophosphate biosynthesis via salvage pathway pathway UPa:UPA00909 GMP biosynthesis via salvage pathway GMP biosynthesis from guanine (salvage pathway). UPa:amorgat GO:0032263 biological_process:GMP salvage KEGG:map00230 Purine metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Maturation of sulfatase through oxidation of a specific cysteine to Calpha-formylglycine (Fgly), a catalytic residue in their active site. PMID:16368756 PMID:9342345 pathway UPa:UPA00910 sulfatase oxidation Maturation of sulfatase through oxidation of a specific cysteine to Calpha-formylglycine (Fgly), a catalytic residue in their active site. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of retinoids, a class of chemical compounds that are related chemically to vitamin A. Retinoids have many important and diverse functions throughout the body including roles in vision, regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation, growth of bone tissue, immune function, and activation of tumor suppressor genes. GO:0001523 pathway UPa:UPA00911 retinoid metabolism Metabolism of retinoids, a class of chemical compounds that are related chemically to vitamin A. Retinoids have many important and diverse functions throughout the body including roles in vision, regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation, growth of bone tissue, immune function, and activation of tumor suppressor genes. UPa:amorgat GO:0001523 biological_process:retinoid metabolic process Metabolism of retinol, the animal form of vitamin A. Retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin important in vision and bone growth. It belongs to the family of chemical compounds known as retinoids. GO:0042572 vitamin A metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00912 retinol metabolism Metabolism of retinol, the animal form of vitamin A. Retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin important in vision and bone growth. It belongs to the family of chemical compounds known as retinoids. UPa:amorgat GO:0042572 biological_process:retinol metabolic process Metabolism of isoprenoid compounds, isoprene (2-methylbuta-1,3-diene) or compounds containing or derived from linked isoprene (3-methyl-2-butenylene) residues. [source: GO] Isoprene is the chemical 2-methyl-1,3-butadiene. It is a common structural motif in biological systems. The terpenes (for example, the carotenes are tetraterpenes) are derived from isoprene, as are the terpenoids and coenzyme Q. Also derived from isoprene are phytol, retinol (vitamin A) , tocopherol (vitamin E), dolichols, and squalene. Heme A has an isoprenoid tail, and lanosterol, the sterol precursor in animals, is derived from squalene and hence from isoprene. The functional isoprene units in biological systems are dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP) and its isomer isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP), which are used in the biosynthesis of terpenes and lanosterol derivatives. GO:0006720 pathway UPa:UPA00913 isoprenoid metabolism Metabolism of isoprenoid compounds, isoprene (2-methylbuta-1,3-diene) or compounds containing or derived from linked isoprene (3-methyl-2-butenylene) residues. [source: GO] Isoprene is the chemical 2-methyl-1,3-butadiene. It is a common structural motif in biological systems. The terpenes (for example, the carotenes are tetraterpenes) are derived from isoprene, as are the terpenoids and coenzyme Q. Also derived from isoprene are phytol, retinol (vitamin A) , tocopherol (vitamin E), dolichols, and squalene. Heme A has an isoprenoid tail, and lanosterol, the sterol precursor in animals, is derived from squalene and hence from isoprene. The functional isoprene units in biological systems are dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP) and its isomer isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP), which are used in the biosynthesis of terpenes and lanosterol derivatives. UPa:amorgat GO:0006720 biological_process:isoprenoid metabolic process Metabolism of myo-inositol (cis-1,2,3,5-trans-4,6-cyclohexanehexol), arbocyclic polyol that plays an important role as the structural basis for a number of secondary messengers in eukaryotic cells, including inositol phosphates, phosphatidylinositol (PI) and phosphatidylinositol phosphate (PIP) lipids. GO:0006020 pathway UPa:UPA00914 myo-inositol metabolism Metabolism of myo-inositol (cis-1,2,3,5-trans-4,6-cyclohexanehexol), arbocyclic polyol that plays an important role as the structural basis for a number of secondary messengers in eukaryotic cells, including inositol phosphates, phosphatidylinositol (PI) and phosphatidylinositol phosphate (PIP) lipids. UPa:amorgat GO:0006020 biological_process:inositol metabolic process Biosynthesis of mycolic acids. Mycolic acids are essential elements of the mycobacterial envelope. GO:0071768 PMID:9044265 pathway UPa:UPA00915 mycolic acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of mycolic acids. Mycolic acids are essential elements of the mycobacterial envelope. UPa:amorgat GO:0071768 rdfmatch Degradation of D-ribose carbohydrate. D-ribose, which can serve as a total source of carbon and energy for E. coli, enters the cell via a high-affinity ABC transport system and hence in unphosphorylated form. The ribose ABC transporter facilitates transport of beta-D-ribopyranose. which is converted to furanose forms of beta-D-ribose. Interconversion of the alpha- and beta-anomers of D-ribofuranose is fast and spontaneous. It is then converted to D-ribose-5-phosphate, an intermediate of the pentose phosphate pathway. GO:0019303 KEGG:map00030 MetaCyc:RIBOKIN-PWY PMID:15060078 pathway UPa:UPA00916 D-ribose degradation Degradation of D-ribose carbohydrate. D-ribose, which can serve as a total source of carbon and energy for E. coli, enters the cell via a high-affinity ABC transport system and hence in unphosphorylated form. The ribose ABC transporter facilitates transport of beta-D-ribopyranose. which is converted to furanose forms of beta-D-ribose. Interconversion of the alpha- and beta-anomers of D-ribofuranose is fast and spontaneous. It is then converted to D-ribose-5-phosphate, an intermediate of the pentose phosphate pathway. UPa:amorgat GO:0019303 biological_process:D-ribose catabolic process KEGG:map00030 Pentose phosphate pathway Biosynthesis of poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyric acid (PHB), a homopolymer of D-(-)-3-hydroxybutyrate that belongs to a family of naturally occurring, biodegradable polyesters, known as polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). PHB is a storage material produced by a variety of bacteria in response to environmental stress. PHA act as reserve compounds for carbon, energy, and reducing equivalents and are of interest because their material properties make them a potential alternative to some petroleum-based thermoplastics. GO:0042619 MetaCyc:PWY1-3 PMID:15691921 PHB biosynthesis polyhydroxybutyrate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00917 poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutanoate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyric acid (PHB), a homopolymer of D-(-)-3-hydroxybutyrate that belongs to a family of naturally occurring, biodegradable polyesters, known as polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). PHB is a storage material produced by a variety of bacteria in response to environmental stress. PHA act as reserve compounds for carbon, energy, and reducing equivalents and are of interest because their material properties make them a potential alternative to some petroleum-based thermoplastics. UPa:amorgat GO:0042619 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of patulin, a mycotoxin produced by 14 species of the genus Penicillium and is most likely to be found in fruits, silage and dung. Patulin is also an antibiotic. PMID:2209605 pathway UPa:UPA00918 patulin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of patulin, a mycotoxin produced by 14 species of the genus Penicillium and is most likely to be found in fruits, silage and dung. Patulin is also an antibiotic. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of 2-oxosuberate (alpha-ketosuberate), a precursor to coenzyme B (7-mercaptoheptanoylthreonine phosphate) and biotin. PMID:10940051 PMID:9665716 alpha-ketosuberate biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00919 2-oxosuberate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of 2-oxosuberate (alpha-ketosuberate), a precursor to coenzyme B (7-mercaptoheptanoylthreonine phosphate) and biotin. UPa:amorgat Conversion of pyruvate (the final product of glycolysis) to formic acid in the absence of oxygen. KEGG:map00620 KEGG:map00650 KEGG:map01100 pathway UPa:UPA00920 pyruvate fermentation Conversion of pyruvate (the final product of glycolysis) to formic acid in the absence of oxygen. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00620 Pyruvate metabolism KEGG:map00650 Butanoate metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Conversion of a primary mRNA transcript into one or more functional mRNA(s). This includes 5' capping, 3' cleavage and polyadenylation, as well as mRNA splicing and RNA editing. GO:0006397 messenger RNA processing pathway UPa:UPA00921 mRNA processing Conversion of a primary mRNA transcript into one or more functional mRNA(s). This includes 5' capping, 3' cleavage and polyadenylation, as well as mRNA splicing and RNA editing. UPa:amorgat GO:0006397 biological_process:mRNA processing The 5' ends of most eukaryotic mRNAs and many viral mRNAs harbor a m7GpppN cap structure that plays a critical role in the translation and stability of mRNAs. Biosynthesis of this cap structure involves three distinct enzymatic activities: (i) the 5' end of pre-mRNAs is initially hydrolyzed to a diphosphate end by an RNA triphosphatase; (ii) the diphosphate end of the mRNA is then capped with GMP by an RNA guanylyltransferase, and finally, (iii) the cap is methylated by an RNA (guanine-7) methyltransferase. Addition of the 7-methylguanosine cap to the 5' end of a eukaryotic mRNA transcript. GO:0006370 PMID:11051760 PMID:18298088 messenger RNA capping pathway UPa:UPA00922 mRNA capping The 5' ends of most eukaryotic mRNAs and many viral mRNAs harbor a m7GpppN cap structure that plays a critical role in the translation and stability of mRNAs. Biosynthesis of this cap structure involves three distinct enzymatic activities: (i) the 5' end of pre-mRNAs is initially hydrolyzed to a diphosphate end by an RNA triphosphatase; (ii) the diphosphate end of the mRNA is then capped with GMP by an RNA guanylyltransferase, and finally, (iii) the cap is methylated by an RNA (guanine-7) methyltransferase. Addition of the 7-methylguanosine cap to the 5' end of a eukaryotic mRNA transcript. UPa:amorgat GO:0006370 biological_process:7-methylguanosine mRNA capping Degradation of nitrobenzene. Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes JS45 utilizes nitrobenzene as the sole source of nitrogen, carbon, and energy. Some studies have shown that degradation of nitrobenzene involves the reduction of nitrobenzene to nitrosobenzene and hydroxylaminobenzene, followed by rearrangement to 2-aminophenol, which then undergoes meta ring cleavage to 2-aminomuconic semialdehyde. Comamonas sp. JS765 can also use nitrobenzene as the sole source of carbon, nitrogen, and energy. It inserts dioxygen directly into nitrobenzene, with concomitant reduction of the substrate to form catechol. GO:1900998 PMID:9471964 PMID:9573204 pathway UPa:UPA00923 nitrobenzene degradation Degradation of nitrobenzene. Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes JS45 utilizes nitrobenzene as the sole source of nitrogen, carbon, and energy. Some studies have shown that degradation of nitrobenzene involves the reduction of nitrobenzene to nitrosobenzene and hydroxylaminobenzene, followed by rearrangement to 2-aminophenol, which then undergoes meta ring cleavage to 2-aminomuconic semialdehyde. Comamonas sp. JS765 can also use nitrobenzene as the sole source of carbon, nitrogen, and energy. It inserts dioxygen directly into nitrobenzene, with concomitant reduction of the substrate to form catechol. UPa:amorgat GO:1900998 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of oleoresin, a complex mixture of mono-, sesqui-, and diterpenoids that accumulates at the wound site to kill invaders and both flush and seal the injury. PMID:11337413 pathway UPa:UPA00924 oleoresin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of oleoresin, a complex mixture of mono-, sesqui-, and diterpenoids that accumulates at the wound site to kill invaders and both flush and seal the injury. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of stachyose, the tetrasaccharide beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-galactopyranosyl-(1-&gt;6)-alpha-D-galactopyranosyl-(1-&gt;6)-alpha-D-glucopyranoside. GO:0033532 KEGG:map00052 PMID:11675396 pathway UPa:UPA00925 stachyose biosynthesis Biosynthesis of stachyose, the tetrasaccharide beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-galactopyranosyl-(1-&gt;6)-alpha-D-galactopyranosyl-(1-&gt;6)-alpha-D-glucopyranoside. UPa:amorgat GO:0033532 biological_process:stachyose biosynthetic process KEGG:map00052 Galactose metabolism Biosynthesis of oxytetracycline, an acetate-derived polyketide antibiotic that belongs to the broad-spectrum tetracycline group. GO:1901763 PMID:8163168 pathway UPa:UPA00926 oxytetracycline biosynthesis Biosynthesis of oxytetracycline, an acetate-derived polyketide antibiotic that belongs to the broad-spectrum tetracycline group. UPa:amorgat GO:1901763 rdfmatch The serine cycle for formaldehyde assimilation (QSC) is the main assimilatory pathway for methylotrophic growth. MetaCyc:PWY-1622 PMID:16237034 PMID:8509332 serine cycle serine pathway pathway UPa:UPA00927 formaldehyde assimilation via serine pathway The serine cycle for formaldehyde assimilation (QSC) is the main assimilatory pathway for methylotrophic growth. UPa:amorgat Conversion of methanol into forrmaldehyde. GO:0046170 KEGG:map00680 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 PMID:1644761 formaldehyde biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00928 methanol degradation Conversion of methanol into forrmaldehyde. UPa:amorgat GO:0046170 biological_process:methanol catabolic process KEGG:map00680 Methane metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Degradation of succinyl-CoA into acetoacetyl-CoA. KEGG:map00072 KEGG:map00280 KEGG:map00650 PMID:12463743 pathway UPa:UPA00929 succinyl-CoA degradation Degradation of succinyl-CoA into acetoacetyl-CoA. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00072 Synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies KEGG:map00280 Valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation KEGG:map00650 Butanoate metabolism Degradation of phenylacetic acid (PAA, benzeneacetic acid), an organic compound containing a phenyl functional group and an acetic acid functional group. Phenylacetic acid is a common source of carbon and energy for a wide variety of microorganisms. GO:0010124 PMID:17259607 PMID:9748275 PA degradation PAA degradation benzeneacetic acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00930 phenylacetate degradation Degradation of phenylacetic acid (PAA, benzeneacetic acid), an organic compound containing a phenyl functional group and an acetic acid functional group. Phenylacetic acid is a common source of carbon and energy for a wide variety of microorganisms. UPa:amorgat GO:0010124 biological_process:phenylacetate catabolic process Biogenesis of cellular components. GO:0016043 pathway UPa:UPA00931 cellular component biogenesis Biogenesis of cellular components. UPa:amorgat GO:0016043 biological_process:cellular component organization Biogenesis of extracellular cell structures: fimbrae, pili, S-layers, capsules and slime layers. extracellular cell structure biogenesis pathway UPa:UPA00932 cell surface structure biogenesis Biogenesis of extracellular cell structures: fimbrae, pili, S-layers, capsules and slime layers. UPa:amorgat Formation, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of the capsule, a protective structure surrounding some species of bacteria and fungi. GO:0045230 pathway UPa:UPA00933 capsule biogenesis Formation, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of the capsule, a protective structure surrounding some species of bacteria and fungi. UPa:amorgat GO:0045230 biological_process:capsule organization Biosynthesis of polysaccharides that make up the capsule, a mucopolysaccharide protective structure surrounding some species of bacteria and fungi. GO:0045227 CPS biosynthesis capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00934 capsule polysaccharide biosynthesis Biosynthesis of polysaccharides that make up the capsule, a mucopolysaccharide protective structure surrounding some species of bacteria and fungi. UPa:amorgat GO:0045227 biological_process:capsule polysaccharide biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of slime layer envelopping the cell. GO:0045231 pathway UPa:UPA00935 slime biogenesis Biosynthesis of slime layer envelopping the cell. UPa:amorgat GO:0045231 biological_process:slime layer organization Biosynthesis of polysaccharides in the slime layer, a diffused layer of polysaccharide exterior to the bacterial cell wall. GO:0045228 pathway UPa:UPA00936 slime polysaccharide biosynthesis Biosynthesis of polysaccharides in the slime layer, a diffused layer of polysaccharide exterior to the bacterial cell wall. UPa:amorgat GO:0045228 biological_process:slime layer polysaccharide biosynthetic process Degradation of p-cumic acid, an aromatic hydrocarbon compound. KEGG:map00360 KEGG:map00362 KEGG:map00621 KEGG:map00622 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 PMID:8631713 p-cumic acid degradation p-isopropylbenzoic acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00937 p-cumate degradation Degradation of p-cumic acid, an aromatic hydrocarbon compound. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00360 Phenylalanine metabolism KEGG:map00362 Benzoate degradation KEGG:map00621 Dioxin degradation KEGG:map00622 Xylene degradation KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of membrane lipids, any lipid found in or associated with a biological membrane. GO:0046467 pathway UPa:UPA00938 membrane lipid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of membrane lipids, any lipid found in or associated with a biological membrane. UPa:amorgat GO:0046467 biological_process:membrane lipid biosynthetic process Metabolism of membrane lipids, any lipid found in or associated with a biological membrane. GO:0006643 pathway UPa:UPA00939 membrane lipid metabolism Metabolism of membrane lipids, any lipid found in or associated with a biological membrane. UPa:amorgat GO:0006643 biological_process:membrane lipid metabolic process Metabolism of glycerophospholipids, any derivative of glycerophosphate that contains at least one O-acyl, O-alkyl, or O-alkenyl group attached to the glycerol residue. GO:0006650 pathway UPa:UPA00940 glycerophospholipid metabolism Metabolism of glycerophospholipids, any derivative of glycerophosphate that contains at least one O-acyl, O-alkyl, or O-alkenyl group attached to the glycerol residue. UPa:amorgat GO:0006650 biological_process:glycerophospholipid metabolic process Degradation of N-acetylgalactosamine. pathway UPa:UPA00941 N-acetylgalactosamine degradation Degradation of N-acetylgalactosamine. UPa:amorgat Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of any biological process, quality or function. [source: GO]. GO:0065007 pathway UPa:UPA00942 biological regulation Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of any biological process, quality or function. [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0065007 biological_process:biological regulation Signal transduction refers to any process by which a cell converts one kind of signal or stimulus into another. Most processes of signal transduction involve ordered sequences of biochemical reactions inside the cell, which are carried out by enzymes, activated by second messengers, resulting in a signal transduction pathway. GO:0007165 pathway UPa:UPA00943 signal transduction Signal transduction refers to any process by which a cell converts one kind of signal or stimulus into another. Most processes of signal transduction involve ordered sequences of biochemical reactions inside the cell, which are carried out by enzymes, activated by second messengers, resulting in a signal transduction pathway. UPa:amorgat GO:0007165 biological_process:signal transduction Phosphatidylinositol is the substrate for a large number of enzymes which are involved in cell signaling because it can be phosphorylated by a variety of kinases on the hydroxyl groups 3, 4 and 5 on the inositol ring in seven different combinations. pathway UPa:UPA00944 phosphatidylinositol signaling pathway Phosphatidylinositol is the substrate for a large number of enzymes which are involved in cell signaling because it can be phosphorylated by a variety of kinases on the hydroxyl groups 3, 4 and 5 on the inositol ring in seven different combinations. UPa:amorgat Degradation of propionyl-CoA. KEGG:map00280 KEGG:map00630 KEGG:map00640 KEGG:map00720 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 pathway UPa:UPA00945 propanoyl-CoA degradation Degradation of propionyl-CoA. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00280 Valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation KEGG:map00630 Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism KEGG:map00640 Propanoate metabolism KEGG:map00720 Carbon fixation pathways in prokaryotes KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Degradation of propionic acid, an organic acid. GO:0019543 propionate degradation propionic acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA00946 propanoate degradation Degradation of propionic acid, an organic acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0019543 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of glycerophospholipids, any derivative of glycerophosphate that contains at least one O-acyl, O-alkyl, or O-alkenyl group attached to the glycerol residue. GO:0046474 pathway UPa:UPA00947 glycerophospholipid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of glycerophospholipids, any derivative of glycerophosphate that contains at least one O-acyl, O-alkyl, or O-alkenyl group attached to the glycerol residue. UPa:amorgat GO:0046474 biological_process:glycerophospholipid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of phosphatidylserines, any of a class of glycerophospholipids in which the phosphatidyl group is esterified to the hydroxyl group of L-serine. [source: GO]. GO:0006659 pathway UPa:UPA00948 phosphatidylserine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of phosphatidylserines, any of a class of glycerophospholipids in which the phosphatidyl group is esterified to the hydroxyl group of L-serine. [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0006659 biological_process:phosphatidylserine biosynthetic process Metabolism of phosphatidylinositol, any glycophospholipid with its sn-glycerol 3-phosphate residue is esterified to the 1-hydroxyl group of 1D-myo-inositol. [source: GO]. GO:0046488 pathway UPa:UPA00949 phosphatidylinositol metabolism Metabolism of phosphatidylinositol, any glycophospholipid with its sn-glycerol 3-phosphate residue is esterified to the 1-hydroxyl group of 1D-myo-inositol. [source: GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0046488 biological_process:phosphatidylinositol metabolic process Biogenesis of spore coat, a complex multiprotein structure that plays an important role in spore germination and resistance to toxic chemicals. Other functions are assigned to the coat, from sensing the external environment through active enzymes present on its surface to protecting the spore from predation by phagocytic protozoans. In addition, the coat is a novel system for the display at the spore surface of heterologous antigens, enzymes, and bioactive molecules. GO:0042244 pathway UPa:UPA00950 spore coat biogenesis Biogenesis of spore coat, a complex multiprotein structure that plays an important role in spore germination and resistance to toxic chemicals. Other functions are assigned to the coat, from sensing the external environment through active enzymes present on its surface to protecting the spore from predation by phagocytic protozoans. In addition, the coat is a novel system for the display at the spore surface of heterologous antigens, enzymes, and bioactive molecules. UPa:amorgat GO:0042244 biological_process:spore wall assembly Photorespiration involves three organelles: the chloroplast, the peroxisome, and the mitochondria. At conditions of low CO2 concentration and high O2 concentration, ribulose bisphosphate is oxidized to 3-phosphoglycerate and 2-phosphoglycolate. The two-carbon molecule, 2-phosphoglycolate is converted to glycine. The decarboxylation of two glycines generates serine, CO2 and NH3. Serine is further converted to 3-phosphoglycerate. 3-phosphoglycerate generated from photorespiration re-enters the CO2 fixation Calvin cycle. NH3 is re-fixed by glutamine synthetase. The outcome of photorespiration is loss of CO2 and energy in photosynthetic cells. The biological function of photorespiration is not clear. One possibility is that photorespiration is necessary under conditions of high light intensity and low CO2 concentration (i.e. when stomata is closed under water stress) to dissipate excess ATP and reducing power from the photosynthesis light reactions, thus to prevent damage to the photosynthetic apparatus. [MetaCyc]. GO:0009854 KEGG:map00260 KEGG:map00460 KEGG:map00561 KEGG:map00630 KEGG:map00670 KEGG:map00680 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:PWY-181 C2 pathway C2 photorespiratory carbon oxidation cycle PCO cycle oxidative photosynthetic carbon pathway pathway UPa:UPA00951 photorespiration Photorespiration involves three organelles: the chloroplast, the peroxisome, and the mitochondria. At conditions of low CO2 concentration and high O2 concentration, ribulose bisphosphate is oxidized to 3-phosphoglycerate and 2-phosphoglycolate. The two-carbon molecule, 2-phosphoglycolate is converted to glycine. The decarboxylation of two glycines generates serine, CO2 and NH3. Serine is further converted to 3-phosphoglycerate. 3-phosphoglycerate generated from photorespiration re-enters the CO2 fixation Calvin cycle. NH3 is re-fixed by glutamine synthetase. The outcome of photorespiration is loss of CO2 and energy in photosynthetic cells. The biological function of photorespiration is not clear. One possibility is that photorespiration is necessary under conditions of high light intensity and low CO2 concentration (i.e. when stomata is closed under water stress) to dissipate excess ATP and reducing power from the photosynthesis light reactions, thus to prevent damage to the photosynthetic apparatus. [MetaCyc]. UPa:amorgat GO:0009854 biological_process:oxidative photosynthetic carbon pathway KEGG:map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism KEGG:map00460 Cyanoamino acid metabolism KEGG:map00561 Glycerolipid metabolism KEGG:map00630 Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism KEGG:map00670 One carbon pool by folate KEGG:map00680 Methane metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of proanthocyanidins (oligomeric proanthocyanidins or OPCs), a class of flavonoid complexes found in sea buckthorn oil and grape seeds and skin. Proanthocyanidin act as antioxidants (free radical scavengers) in the human body. GO:0010023 pathway UPa:UPA00952 proanthocyanidin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of proanthocyanidins (oligomeric proanthocyanidins or OPCs), a class of flavonoid complexes found in sea buckthorn oil and grape seeds and skin. Proanthocyanidin act as antioxidants (free radical scavengers) in the human body. UPa:amorgat GO:0010023 biological_process:proanthocyanidin biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of spore coat polysaccharides. pathway UPa:UPA00953 spore coat polysaccharide biosynthesis Biosynthesis of spore coat polysaccharides. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of vitamin D, a group of fat-soluble prohormones, the two major forms of which are vitamin D2 (or ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (or cholecalciferol). The term vitamin D also refers to metabolites and other analogues of these substances. Vitamin D3 is produced in skin exposed to sunlight, specifically ultraviolet B radiation. GO:0042368 pathway UPa:UPA00954 vitamin D biosynthesis Biosynthesis of vitamin D, a group of fat-soluble prohormones, the two major forms of which are vitamin D2 (or ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (or cholecalciferol). The term vitamin D also refers to metabolites and other analogues of these substances. Vitamin D3 is produced in skin exposed to sunlight, specifically ultraviolet B radiation. UPa:amorgat GO:0042368 biological_process:vitamin D biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). vitamin D(3) biosythesis pathway UPa:UPA00955 cholecalciferol biosynthesis Biosynthesis of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). UPa:amorgat Metabolism of the methylpentose L-fucose (6-deoxygalactose). GO:0006004 6-deoxygalactose metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00956 L-fucose metabolism Metabolism of the methylpentose L-fucose (6-deoxygalactose). UPa:amorgat GO:0006004 biological_process:fucose metabolic process Metabolism of asparagine (N)-linked oligosaccharides (N-glycans). N-linked oligosaccharide metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00957 N-glycan metabolism Metabolism of asparagine (N)-linked oligosaccharides (N-glycans). UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of the core region of bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS). GO:0009244 lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00958 LPS core biosynthesis Biosynthesis of the core region of bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS). UPa:amorgat GO:0009244 biological_process:lipopolysaccharide core region biosynthetic process Metabolic pathways involving the nonmetallic element phosphorus or compounds that contain phosphorus.[source: GO]. GO:0006793 pathway UPa:UPA00959 phosphorus metabolism Metabolic pathways involving the nonmetallic element phosphorus or compounds that contain phosphorus.[source: GO]. UPa:amorgat GO:0006793 biological_process:phosphorus metabolic process Biosynthesis of phosphonates, i.e organic compounds containing one or more C-PO(OH)2 or C-PO(OR)2 (with R=alkyl, aryl) groups. GO:0032923 PMID:10571990 pathway UPa:UPA00960 phosphonate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of phosphonates, i.e organic compounds containing one or more C-PO(OH)2 or C-PO(OR)2 (with R=alkyl, aryl) groups. UPa:amorgat GO:0032923 biological_process:organic phosphonate biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of ginkgolide derivatives, biologically active terpenic lactones present in Ginkgo biloba. Ginkgolides have a diterpenoid structure, i.e. it has 20-carbon skeleton and are synthesized from geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate. pathway UPa:UPA00961 ginkgolide biosynthesis Biosynthesis of ginkgolide derivatives, biologically active terpenic lactones present in Ginkgo biloba. Ginkgolides have a diterpenoid structure, i.e. it has 20-carbon skeleton and are synthesized from geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of L-cysteine (2-amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid) , an hydrophilic natural amino-acids with a thiol sidechain. GO:0006534 2-amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid metabolism pathway UPa:UPA00962 L-cysteine metabolism Metabolism of L-cysteine (2-amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid) , an hydrophilic natural amino-acids with a thiol sidechain. UPa:amorgat GO:0006534 biological_process:cysteine metabolic process Biosynthesis of polysaccharides that make up the cell wall. GO:0045227 pathway UPa:UPA00963 cell wall polysaccharide biosynthesis Biosynthesis of polysaccharides that make up the cell wall. UPa:amorgat GO:0045227 biological_process:capsule polysaccharide biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of butirosin, a water-soluble aminoglycosidic antibiotic complex isolated from fermentation filtrates of bacillus circulans. GO:1901758 PMID:12374384 pathway UPa:UPA00964 butirosin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of butirosin, a water-soluble aminoglycosidic antibiotic complex isolated from fermentation filtrates of bacillus circulans. UPa:amorgat GO:1901758 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of kanamycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic. GO:1901133 pathway UPa:UPA00965 kanamycin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of kanamycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic. UPa:amorgat GO:1901133 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of aminoglycoside, a group of antibiotics active against many aerobic gram-negative and some gram-positive bacteria. Aminoglycoside are mostly produced by fungi and contain an amino sugar, and amino-or guanido-substituted inositol ring which are attached by a glycosidic linkage to a hexose nucleus resulting in a polycationic and highly polar compound. T Common examples are streptomycin, gentamicin, amikacin, kanamycin, tobramycin, netilmicin, neomycin, framycetin. GO:0030648 pathway UPa:UPA00966 aminoglycoside antibiotic biosynthesis Biosynthesis of aminoglycoside, a group of antibiotics active against many aerobic gram-negative and some gram-positive bacteria. Aminoglycoside are mostly produced by fungi and contain an amino sugar, and amino-or guanido-substituted inositol ring which are attached by a glycosidic linkage to a hexose nucleus resulting in a polycationic and highly polar compound. T Common examples are streptomycin, gentamicin, amikacin, kanamycin, tobramycin, netilmicin, neomycin, framycetin. UPa:amorgat GO:0030648 biological_process:aminoglycoside antibiotic biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of gentamicin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic. pathway UPa:UPA00967 gentamicin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of gentamicin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of lividomycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic. pathway UPa:UPA00968 lividomycin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of lividomycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of neomycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic. GO:1901158 pathway UPa:UPA00969 neomycin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of neomycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic. UPa:amorgat GO:1901158 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of paromomycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic. GO:1901155 pathway UPa:UPA00970 paromomycin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of paromomycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic. UPa:amorgat GO:1901155 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of tobramycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic. GO:1901121 pathway UPa:UPA00971 tobramycin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of tobramycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic. UPa:amorgat GO:1901121 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of ribostamycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic. GO:1901152 pathway UPa:UPA00972 ribostamycin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of ribostamycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic. UPa:amorgat GO:1901152 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of lipid A, the glycolipid moiety of bacterial lipopolysaccharides, consisting of six fatty acyl chains linked to two glucosamine residues. GO:0009245 lipopolysaccharide lipid A biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00973 LPS lipid A biosynthesis Biosynthesis of lipid A, the glycolipid moiety of bacterial lipopolysaccharides, consisting of six fatty acyl chains linked to two glucosamine residues. UPa:amorgat GO:0009245 biological_process:lipid A biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of pentalenolactone, a sesquiterpenoid antibiotic, first isolated in 1957 from Streptomyces roseogriseus and subsequently found in the extracts of numerous Streptomyces species. Pentalenolactone has been shown to be active against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria as well as a variety of fungi and protozoa and to inhibit the replication of DNA viruses such as HSV-1 and HSV-2. Pentalenolactone also inhibits vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. GO:1901780 PMID:16681390 pathway UPa:UPA00974 pentalenolactone biosynthesis Biosynthesis of pentalenolactone, a sesquiterpenoid antibiotic, first isolated in 1957 from Streptomyces roseogriseus and subsequently found in the extracts of numerous Streptomyces species. Pentalenolactone has been shown to be active against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria as well as a variety of fungi and protozoa and to inhibit the replication of DNA viruses such as HSV-1 and HSV-2. Pentalenolactone also inhibits vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. UPa:amorgat GO:1901780 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of prenylquinone, a group of benzoquinone (ubiquinone, plastoquinone) with isoprenyl side chain. PMID:10198110 pathway UPa:UPA00975 prenylquinone biosynthesis Biosynthesis of prenylquinone, a group of benzoquinone (ubiquinone, plastoquinone) with isoprenyl side chain. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of the core region of bacterial lipoolidosaccharides (LOS). pathway UPa:UPA00976 LOS core biosynthesis Biosynthesis of the core region of bacterial lipoolidosaccharides (LOS). UPa:amorgat Biogenesis of S-layer structure, a crystalline protein layer surrounding some bacteria. GO:0045232 pathway UPa:UPA00977 S-layer biogenesis Biogenesis of S-layer structure, a crystalline protein layer surrounding some bacteria. UPa:amorgat GO:0045232 biological_process:S-layer organization Biogenesis (formation and assembly) of flagellum components. In bacteria, this is a whiplike motility appendage present on the surface of some species; in eukaryotes, flagella are threadlike protoplasmic extensions used to propel flagellates and sperm. Flagella are composed of flagellin and have the same basic structure as cilia but are longer . flagella biogenesis pathway UPa:UPA00978 flagellum biogenesis Biogenesis (formation and assembly) of flagellum components. In bacteria, this is a whiplike motility appendage present on the surface of some species; in eukaryotes, flagella are threadlike protoplasmic extensions used to propel flagellates and sperm. Flagella are composed of flagellin and have the same basic structure as cilia but are longer . UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of the calcium-dependent antibiotics (CDAs). CDAs belong to the group of structurally related acidic lipopetide antibiotics, which include A54145, daptomycin, friulimicins and amphomycins. All of these nonribosomally biosynthesized lipopeptides contain N-terminal fatty acid side chains, which is a trans-2,3-epoxyhexanoyl moiety in the case of CDA, along with decapeptide lactone or lactam cores. PMID:17322197 PMID:17373765 pathway UPa:UPA00979 calcium-dependent antibiotic biosynthesis Biosynthesis of the calcium-dependent antibiotics (CDAs). CDAs belong to the group of structurally related acidic lipopetide antibiotics, which include A54145, daptomycin, friulimicins and amphomycins. All of these nonribosomally biosynthesized lipopeptides contain N-terminal fatty acid side chains, which is a trans-2,3-epoxyhexanoyl moiety in the case of CDA, along with decapeptide lactone or lactam cores. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of colanic acid (M-antigen), an exopolysaccharide common to many enterobacteria. GO:0009242 M-antigen biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00980 colanic acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of colanic acid (M-antigen), an exopolysaccharide common to many enterobacteria. UPa:amorgat GO:0009242 biological_process:colanic acid biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of quinolobactin (8-hydroxy-4-methoxy-quinaldic acid), a siderophore produced by some pseudomonas species. PMID:10653708 PMID:15066027 8-hydroxy-4-methoxy-quinaldic acid biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00981 quinolobactin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of quinolobactin (8-hydroxy-4-methoxy-quinaldic acid), a siderophore produced by some pseudomonas species. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of limonene (4-isopropenyl-1-methyl-cyclohexene), a monocyclic monoterpene. Limonene is the most widespread terpene in the world and is formed by more than 300 plants. GO:0046250 4-isopropenyl-1-methylcyclohexene biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00982 limonene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of limonene (4-isopropenyl-1-methyl-cyclohexene), a monocyclic monoterpene. Limonene is the most widespread terpene in the world and is formed by more than 300 plants. UPa:amorgat GO:0046250 biological_process:limonene biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of D-limonene ((+)-4R-isopropenyl-1-methyl-cyclohexene), a monocyclic monoterpene. KEGG:map00902 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 (+)-4R-isopropenyl-1-methylcyclohexene biosynthesis (+)-limonene biosynthesis D-limonene biosynthesis alpha-limonene biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00983 (4R)-limonene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of D-limonene ((+)-4R-isopropenyl-1-methyl-cyclohexene), a monocyclic monoterpene. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00902 Monoterpenoid biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of L-limonene ((-)-4S-isopropenyl-1-methyl-cyclohexene), a monocyclic monoterpene. KEGG:map00902 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 (-)-4S-isopropenyl-1-methylcyclohexene biosynthesis (-)-limonene biosyntesis L-limonene biosynthesis beta-limonene biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00984 (4S)-limonene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of L-limonene ((-)-4S-isopropenyl-1-methyl-cyclohexene), a monocyclic monoterpene. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00902 Monoterpenoid biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of (-)-alpha-pinene ((1S,5S)-2,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene), a bicyclic monoterpene. It is produced from geranyl pyrophosphate, via cyclisation of linaloyl pyrophosphate followed by loss of a proton from the carbocation equivalent. GO:0046248 KEGG:map00902 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 (-)-alpha-pinene biosyntesis (1S,5S)-2,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene pathway UPa:UPA00985 (-)-alpha-pinene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of (-)-alpha-pinene ((1S,5S)-2,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene), a bicyclic monoterpene. It is produced from geranyl pyrophosphate, via cyclisation of linaloyl pyrophosphate followed by loss of a proton from the carbocation equivalent. UPa:amorgat GO:0046248 biological_process:alpha-pinene biosynthetic process KEGG:map00902 Monoterpenoid biosynthesis KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites It is produced from geranyl pyrophosphate, via cyclisation of linaloyl pyrophosphate followed by loss of a proton from the carbocation equivalent. KEGG:map00902 KEGG:map01110 (-)-beta-pinene biosyntesis (1S,5S)-6,6-dimethyl-2-methylenebicyclo[3.1.1]heptane pathway UPa:UPA00986 (-)-beta-pinene biosynthesis It is produced from geranyl pyrophosphate, via cyclisation of linaloyl pyrophosphate followed by loss of a proton from the carbocation equivalent. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00902 Monoterpenoid biosynthesis KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Degradation of (4R)-limonene (4-isopropenyl-1-methyl-cyclohexene), a monocyclic monoterpene. KEGG:map00902 KEGG:map00903 KEGG:map01110 PMID:10224006 (+)-4R-isopropenyl-1-methylcyclohexene degradation (+)-limonene degradation D-limonene degradation alpha-limonene degradation pathway UPa:UPA00987 (4R)-limonene degradation Degradation of (4R)-limonene (4-isopropenyl-1-methyl-cyclohexene), a monocyclic monoterpene. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00902 Monoterpenoid biosynthesis KEGG:map00903 Limonene and pinene degradation KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl-2-thiouridine-tRNA. The wobble modification, 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl-2-thiouridine (mcm5s2U), is required for the proper decoding of NNR codons in eukaryotes. PMID:19151091 mcm(5)s(2)U-tRNA biosynthesis mcm5s2U-tRNA biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00988 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl-2-thiouridine-tRNA biosynthesis Biosynthesis of 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl-2-thiouridine-tRNA. The wobble modification, 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl-2-thiouridine (mcm5s2U), is required for the proper decoding of NNR codons in eukaryotes. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of N(7)-methylguanine-tRNA. 7-methylguanosine (m7G) modification of tRNA occurs widely in eukaryotes and bacteria, is nearly always found at position 46, and is one of the few modifications that confers a positive charge to the base. PMID:12403464 m7G-tRNA biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00989 N(7)-methylguanine-tRNA biosynthesis Biosynthesis of N(7)-methylguanine-tRNA. 7-methylguanosine (m7G) modification of tRNA occurs widely in eukaryotes and bacteria, is nearly always found at position 46, and is one of the few modifications that confers a positive charge to the base. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of L-ascorbic acid from GDP-D-mannose. KEGG:map00053 KEGG:map00520 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 MetaCyc:PWY-882 PMID:11005203 PMID:11337405 Smirnoff-Wheeler's pathway pathway UPa:UPA00990 L-ascorbate biosynthesis via GDP-alpha-D-mannose pathway Biosynthesis of L-ascorbic acid from GDP-D-mannose. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00053 Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism KEGG:map00520 Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites Biosynthesis of L-ascorbic acid from UDP-glucuronic acid. This pathway occurs in most vertebrates, although not in guinea pigs and primates, including humans. KEGG:map00040 KEGG:map00053 KEGG:map01100 MetaCyc:PWY3DJ-35471 pathway UPa:UPA00991 L-ascorbate biosynthesis via UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate pathway Biosynthesis of L-ascorbic acid from UDP-glucuronic acid. This pathway occurs in most vertebrates, although not in guinea pigs and primates, including humans. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00040 Pentose and glucuronate interconversions KEGG:map00053 Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Biosynthesis of endocannabinoid derivatives. Endocannabinoid are endogenous compounds that bind to cannabinoid receptors (cannabimimetic activity). They are structurally different from the cannabinoids which are primarily derived from plants. PMID:12843414 pathway UPa:UPA00992 endocannabinoid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of endocannabinoid derivatives. Endocannabinoid are endogenous compounds that bind to cannabinoid receptors (cannabimimetic activity). They are structurally different from the cannabinoids which are primarily derived from plants. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), an endogenous lipid that activates brain canabinoid receptors. 2-arachidonoylglycerol is an endocannabinoid. There are two possible routes of 2-AG biosynthesis in neurons [PMID:12843414]. Phospholipase C (PLC)-mediated hydrolysis of membrane phospholipids may produce 1,2-diacylglycerol, which may be subsequently converted to 2-arachidonoylglycerol by diacylglycerol lipase (DGL) activity. Alternatively, phospholipase A1 (PLA1) may generate a lysophospholipid, which may be hydrolyzed to 2-arachidonoylglycerol by a lyso-PLC activity. PMID:12843414 2-AG biosynthesis sn-2-arachidonoyl-glycerol biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00993 2-arachidonoylglycerol biosynthesis Biosynthesis of 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), an endogenous lipid that activates brain canabinoid receptors. 2-arachidonoylglycerol is an endocannabinoid. There are two possible routes of 2-AG biosynthesis in neurons [PMID:12843414]. Phospholipase C (PLC)-mediated hydrolysis of membrane phospholipids may produce 1,2-diacylglycerol, which may be subsequently converted to 2-arachidonoylglycerol by diacylglycerol lipase (DGL) activity. Alternatively, phospholipase A1 (PLA1) may generate a lysophospholipid, which may be hydrolyzed to 2-arachidonoylglycerol by a lyso-PLC activity. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of phylloquinone (also called vitamine K1 or phytonadione), a lipid-soluble molecule that belongs to the naphto-quinone family. GO:0042372 2-methyl-3-phytyl-1,4-naphthoquinone biosynthesis phytonadione biosynthesis vitamin K1 biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00995 phylloquinone biosynthesis Biosynthesis of phylloquinone (also called vitamine K1 or phytonadione), a lipid-soluble molecule that belongs to the naphto-quinone family. UPa:amorgat GO:0042372 biological_process:phylloquinone biosynthetic process Degradation of carbamoyl phosphate, a key metabolic intermediate. GO:0035975 KEGG:map00230 KEGG:map00330 KEGG:map00910 KEGG:map01120 pathway UPa:UPA00996 carbamoyl phosphate degradation Degradation of carbamoyl phosphate, a key metabolic intermediate. UPa:amorgat GO:0035975 biological_process:carbamoyl phosphate catabolic process KEGG:map00230 Purine metabolism KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism KEGG:map00910 Nitrogen metabolism KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Degradation of proteins by hydrolysis of their peptide bonds. This process is initiated by the covalent attachment of pup (Prokaryotic Ubiquitin-like Protein), and mediated by the proteasome. PMID:15659170 PMID:18832610 PMID:19028679 PMID:19483713 Prokaryotic Ubiquitin-like Protein (pup) fusion protein degradation pathway pathway UPa:UPA00997 proteasomal Pup-dependent pathway Degradation of proteins by hydrolysis of their peptide bonds. This process is initiated by the covalent attachment of pup (Prokaryotic Ubiquitin-like Protein), and mediated by the proteasome. UPa:amorgat Conjugation of pup (Prokaryotic Ubiquitin-like Protein) to a target protein via an isopeptide bond between the carboxyl terminus of pup and the epsilon-amino group of a lysine residue of the target protein. GO:0070490 PMID:19282181 PMID:19448618 prokaryotic ubiquitin-like protein conjugation pup conjugation pathway UPa:UPA00998 protein pupylation Conjugation of pup (Prokaryotic Ubiquitin-like Protein) to a target protein via an isopeptide bond between the carboxyl terminus of pup and the epsilon-amino group of a lysine residue of the target protein. UPa:amorgat GO:0070490 biological_process:protein pupylation Biosynthesis of 6-carboxyhexanoyl-CoA (pimeloyl-CoA), a precursor of biotin in some organisms. KEGG:map00780 KEGG:map01100 6-carboxyhexanoyl-CoA biosynthesis pathway UPa:UPA00999 pimeloyl-CoA biosynthesis Biosynthesis of 6-carboxyhexanoyl-CoA (pimeloyl-CoA), a precursor of biotin in some organisms. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00780 Biotin metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Metabolism of tetrahydrofolate derivative compounds. GO:0046653 THF metabolism pathway UPa:UPA01000 tetrahydrofolate metabolism Metabolism of tetrahydrofolate derivative compounds. UPa:amorgat GO:0046653 biological_process:tetrahydrofolate metabolic process Biosynthesis of bacilysocin, a phospholipid antibiotic. PMID:11796336 pathway UPa:UPA01001 bacilysocin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of bacilysocin, a phospholipid antibiotic. UPa:amorgat Degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls xenobiotic compounds. PMID:19476337 pathway UPa:UPA01002 polychlorinated biphenyl degradation Degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls xenobiotic compounds. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of bacillaene, a polyketide antibiotic. PMID:17234808 PMID:17886826 pathway UPa:UPA01003 bacillaene biosynthesis Biosynthesis of bacillaene, a polyketide antibiotic. UPa:amorgat Degradation of palatinose. PMID:11274100 pathway UPa:UPA01004 palatinose degradation Degradation of palatinose. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of petrobactin, a catecholate siderophore that functions in both iron acquisition and virulence in a murine model of anthrax. Petrobactin harbors unique 3,4-dihydroxybenzoyl iron-liganding groups. PMID:17189355 PMID:18955706 pathway UPa:UPA01005 petrobactin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of petrobactin, a catecholate siderophore that functions in both iron acquisition and virulence in a murine model of anthrax. Petrobactin harbors unique 3,4-dihydroxybenzoyl iron-liganding groups. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of mannosylfructose. This disaccharide has been first discovered as the major osmolyte in salt-tolerant strains of A.tumefaciens biotype I. MetaCyc:PWY-6116 PMID:17728402 PMID:2254260 pathway UPa:UPA01006 mannosylfructose biosynthesis Biosynthesis of mannosylfructose. This disaccharide has been first discovered as the major osmolyte in salt-tolerant strains of A.tumefaciens biotype I. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of oligosaccharides, molecules with between two and (about) 20 monosaccharide residues connected by glycosidic linkages [GO:0009311]. GO:0009311 pathway UPa:UPA01007 oligosaccharide metabolism Metabolism of oligosaccharides, molecules with between two and (about) 20 monosaccharide residues connected by glycosidic linkages [GO:0009311]. UPa:amorgat GO:0009311 biological_process:oligosaccharide metabolic process Biosynthesis of oligosaccharides, molecules with between two and (about) 20 monosaccharide residues connected by glycosidic linkages [GO:0009312]. GO:0009312 pathway UPa:UPA01008 oligosaccharide biosynthesis Biosynthesis of oligosaccharides, molecules with between two and (about) 20 monosaccharide residues connected by glycosidic linkages [GO:0009312]. UPa:amorgat GO:0009312 biological_process:oligosaccharide biosynthetic process Metabolism of nicotinic acid, also known as niacin or vitamin B3, a water-soluble vitamin. KEGG:map00760 KEGG:map01100 niacin metabolism nicotinic acid metabolism vitamin B3 metabolism pathway UPa:UPA01009 nicotinate metabolism Metabolism of nicotinic acid, also known as niacin or vitamin B3, a water-soluble vitamin. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00760 Nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways Degradation of nicotinate also known as niacin or vitamin B3, a water-soluble vitamin. KEGG:map00760 MetaCyc:PWY-5055 PMID:16894175 niacin degradation nicotinic acid degradation vitamin B3 degradation pathway UPa:UPA01010 nicotinate degradation Degradation of nicotinate also known as niacin or vitamin B3, a water-soluble vitamin. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00760 Nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism Degradation of 4-chlorobenzoate (4-CBA) by certain soil bacteria. 4-chlorobenzoate is not known to be a natural product but is introduced in the environement through its use as a precursor in the synthesis of dye stuffs, pigments and pharmaceuticals. KEGG:map00130 KEGG:map00362 KEGG:map00364 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:PWY-6215 PMID:7765837 4-CBA degradation 4-chlorobenzoic acid degradation pathway UPa:UPA01011 4-chlorobenzoate degradation Degradation of 4-chlorobenzoate (4-CBA) by certain soil bacteria. 4-chlorobenzoate is not known to be a natural product but is introduced in the environement through its use as a precursor in the synthesis of dye stuffs, pigments and pharmaceuticals. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00130 Ubiquinone and other terpenoid-quinone biosynthesis KEGG:map00362 Benzoate degradation KEGG:map00364 Fluorobenzoate degradation KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of L-aspartate amino-acid from oxaloacetate, an intermediate of the TCA cycle, by a transamination reaction with glutamate. L-aspartate is a constituent of proteins and participates in several other biosyntheses as purine and pyrimidine nucleotide, NAD, phosphopanthothenate and other amino acids. GO:0006532 KEGG:map00250 KEGG:map00710 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:ASPARTATESYN-PWY pathway UPa:UPA01012 L-aspartate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of L-aspartate amino-acid from oxaloacetate, an intermediate of the TCA cycle, by a transamination reaction with glutamate. L-aspartate is a constituent of proteins and participates in several other biosyntheses as purine and pyrimidine nucleotide, NAD, phosphopanthothenate and other amino acids. UPa:amorgat GO:0006532 biological_process:aspartate biosynthetic process KEGG:map00250 Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism KEGG:map00710 Carbon fixation in photosynthetic organisms KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of L-glutamine amino-acid. GO:0006542 KEGG:map00250 KEGG:map00330 KEGG:map00910 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01120 MetaCyc:GLNSYN-PWY pathway UPa:UPA01013 L-glutamine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of L-glutamine amino-acid. UPa:amorgat GO:0006542 biological_process:glutamine biosynthetic process KEGG:map00250 Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism KEGG:map00330 Arginine and proline metabolism KEGG:map00910 Nitrogen metabolism KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of ergothioneine. Ergothioneine is a histidine-derived thiol of bacterial and fungal origin that has also been isolated from animal and human tissue. Ergothioneine has antioxidant properties. GO:0052699 MetaCyc:PWY-7255 PMID:20420449 pathway UPa:UPA01014 ergothioneine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of ergothioneine. Ergothioneine is a histidine-derived thiol of bacterial and fungal origin that has also been isolated from animal and human tissue. Ergothioneine has antioxidant properties. UPa:amorgat GO:0052699 biological_process:ergothioneine biosynthetic process Degradation of anthranilate (2-aminobenzoate). Anthranilate is an intermediate in the degradation of many compounds, such as tryptophan, o-nitrobenzoate, quinaldine, carbazole, and those containing an indole moiety. GO:0043421 pathway UPa:UPA01015 anthranilate degradation Degradation of anthranilate (2-aminobenzoate). Anthranilate is an intermediate in the degradation of many compounds, such as tryptophan, o-nitrobenzoate, quinaldine, carbazole, and those containing an indole moiety. UPa:amorgat GO:0043421 biological_process:anthranilate catabolic process Degradation of anthranilate via hydroxylation pathway. This aerobic pathway converts anthranilate to catechol in a single step. KEGG:map00627 KEGG:map00910 KEGG:map01120 PMID:11114907 PMID:13129960 pathway UPa:UPA01016 anthranilate degradation via hydroxylation Degradation of anthranilate via hydroxylation pathway. This aerobic pathway converts anthranilate to catechol in a single step. UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00627 Aminobenzoate degradation KEGG:map00910 Nitrogen metabolism KEGG:map01120 Microbial metabolism in diverse environments Biosynthesis of xanthan, an industrially important exopolysaccharide produced by the phytopathogenic, gram-negative bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. Xanthan is composed of polymerized pentasaccharide repeating units which are assembled by the sequential addition of glucose-1-phosphate, glucose, mannose, glucuronate, and mannose on a polyprenol phosphate carrier. PMID:14736729 PMID:18596046 PMID:21367879 PMID:9537354 pathway UPa:UPA01017 xanthan biosynthesis Biosynthesis of xanthan, an industrially important exopolysaccharide produced by the phytopathogenic, gram-negative bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. Xanthan is composed of polymerized pentasaccharide repeating units which are assembled by the sequential addition of glucose-1-phosphate, glucose, mannose, glucuronate, and mannose on a polyprenol phosphate carrier. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of tylosin, a macrolide antibiotic produced by Streptomyces fradiae. The structure of tylosin is a 16-atom polyketide lactone (tylactone) with 3 sugars atached (D-mycaminose, &amp;-deoxy-D-allose and L-mycaose). PMID:10510490 PMID:11816964 PMID:9451830 pathway UPa:UPA01018 tylosin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of tylosin, a macrolide antibiotic produced by Streptomyces fradiae. The structure of tylosin is a 16-atom polyketide lactone (tylactone) with 3 sugars atached (D-mycaminose, &amp;-deoxy-D-allose and L-mycaose). UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of mycinamicin. PMID:19415708 pathway UPa:UPA01019 mycinamicin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of mycinamicin. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of dafachronic acids (DAs), which are steroid hormones and ligands for the nuclear receptor DAF-12. PMID:20178781 pathway UPa:UPA01020 dafachronic acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of dafachronic acids (DAs), which are steroid hormones and ligands for the nuclear receptor DAF-12. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of neopentalenolactone, a sesquiterpenoid antibiotic. PMID:21250661 pathway UPa:UPA01021 neopentalenolactone biosynthesis Biosynthesis of neopentalenolactone, a sesquiterpenoid antibiotic. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of branched-chain fatty acid compounds. pathway UPa:UPA01022 branched-chain fatty acid metabolism Metabolism of branched-chain fatty acid compounds. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of 15-methylhexadecasphinganine base derivatives. pathway UPa:UPA01023 15-methylhexadecasphinganine base metabolism Metabolism of 15-methylhexadecasphinganine base derivatives. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of octadecasphinganine base derivatives. pathway UPa:UPA01024 octadecasphinganine base metabolism Metabolism of octadecasphinganine base derivatives. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of dodecasphinganine base derivatives. pathway UPa:UPA01025 dodecasphinganine base metabolism Metabolism of dodecasphinganine base derivatives. UPa:amorgat In plants glycolysis occurs in both cytosol and plastids, with reactions in the different compartments catalysed by separate isoenzymes. In chloroplasts, glycolysis is most active in conjunction with the breakdown of starch to form sucrose for export to non-photosynthetic tissues. There is some doubt about the occurrence of phosphoglycerate mutase in chloroplasts, and therefore the main products of the glycolytic reactions may be triose phosphates and 3-PGA. These could be exported through the Pi translocator in the chloroplast envelope to the cytosol, where sucrose synthesis takes place. In photosynthetic cells, the triose phosphate exported to the cytosol for sucrose synthesis could also enter the glycolytic pathway directly to provide mitochondrial substrates. [http://plantsinaction.science.uq.edu.au/edition1/?q=content/2-4-2-glycolytic-pathway]. pathway UPa:UPA01026 plastidic glycolysis In plants glycolysis occurs in both cytosol and plastids, with reactions in the different compartments catalysed by separate isoenzymes. In chloroplasts, glycolysis is most active in conjunction with the breakdown of starch to form sucrose for export to non-photosynthetic tissues. There is some doubt about the occurrence of phosphoglycerate mutase in chloroplasts, and therefore the main products of the glycolytic reactions may be triose phosphates and 3-PGA. These could be exported through the Pi translocator in the chloroplast envelope to the cytosol, where sucrose synthesis takes place. In photosynthetic cells, the triose phosphate exported to the cytosol for sucrose synthesis could also enter the glycolytic pathway directly to provide mitochondrial substrates. [http://plantsinaction.science.uq.edu.au/edition1/?q=content/2-4-2-glycolytic-pathway]. UPa:amorgat Spirilloxanthin is a carotenoid synthesized by the photosynthetic non-sulfur purple bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum. It was shown to be aggregated in large particles (apparent MW &gt; 600 kDa) and was not associated with a specific protein. This acyclic, methylated carotenoid, as well as spheroidene, are accessory pigments, in the light-harvesting and reaction-center complexes in Rhodospirillum rubrum. PMID:10880364 PMID:12745254 PMID:22623302 pathway UPa:UPA01027 spirilloxanthin biosynthesis Spirilloxanthin is a carotenoid synthesized by the photosynthetic non-sulfur purple bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum. It was shown to be aggregated in large particles (apparent MW &gt; 600 kDa) and was not associated with a specific protein. This acyclic, methylated carotenoid, as well as spheroidene, are accessory pigments, in the light-harvesting and reaction-center complexes in Rhodospirillum rubrum. UPa:amorgat L-pyrrolysine (abbreviated as Pyl or O) is a naturally occurring, genetically coded amino acid used by some methanogenic archaea and bacterium in enzymes that are part of their methane-producing metabolism. It forms part of an unusual genetic code in these organisms, and is considered the 22nd proteinogenic amino acid. It is necessary for all of the known pathways by which methane is formed from methylamines [PMID:21550296]. L-pyrrolysine is similar to lysine, but with an added pyrroline ring linked to the end of the lysine side chain. Pyrrolysine is synthesized in vivo by joining two molecules of L-lysine. One molecule of lysine is first converted to (3R)-3-Methyl-D-ornithine, which is then ligated to a second lysine. An amino group is eliminated, followed by cyclization and dehydration step to yield L-pyrrolysine. GO:0071524 MetaCyc:PWY-6994 PMID:17204561 PMID:21455182 PMID:21550296 pathway UPa:UPA01028 L-pyrrolysine biosynthesis L-pyrrolysine (abbreviated as Pyl or O) is a naturally occurring, genetically coded amino acid used by some methanogenic archaea and bacterium in enzymes that are part of their methane-producing metabolism. It forms part of an unusual genetic code in these organisms, and is considered the 22nd proteinogenic amino acid. It is necessary for all of the known pathways by which methane is formed from methylamines [PMID:21550296]. L-pyrrolysine is similar to lysine, but with an added pyrroline ring linked to the end of the lysine side chain. Pyrrolysine is synthesized in vivo by joining two molecules of L-lysine. One molecule of lysine is first converted to (3R)-3-Methyl-D-ornithine, which is then ligated to a second lysine. An amino group is eliminated, followed by cyclization and dehydration step to yield L-pyrrolysine. UPa:amorgat GO:0071524 biological_process:pyrrolysine biosynthetic process Biosynthesis of rifamycin B. The rifamycins are an important family of ansamycin antibiotics with anti-mycobacterial activity. rifamycin B is synthesized either naturally by the bacterium Amycolatopsis mediterranei (formerly Streptomyces mediterranei, Nocardia mediterranei) or artificially. MetaCyc:PWY-5984 PMID:16233407 pathway UPa:UPA01029 rifamycin B biosynthesis Biosynthesis of rifamycin B. The rifamycins are an important family of ansamycin antibiotics with anti-mycobacterial activity. rifamycin B is synthesized either naturally by the bacterium Amycolatopsis mediterranei (formerly Streptomyces mediterranei, Nocardia mediterranei) or artificially. UPa:amorgat Degradation of 4-nitrophenol (also called p-nitrophenol or 4-hydroxynitrobenzene). 4-nitrophenol is a phenolic compound that has a nitro group at the opposite position of hydroxy group on the benzene ring. GO:0046196 MetaCyc:PWY-5487 MetaCyc:PWY-5488 pathway UPa:UPA01030 4-nitrophenol degradation Degradation of 4-nitrophenol (also called p-nitrophenol or 4-hydroxynitrobenzene). 4-nitrophenol is a phenolic compound that has a nitro group at the opposite position of hydroxy group on the benzene ring. UPa:amorgat GO:0046196 biological_process:4-nitrophenol catabolic process Degradation of carbazole. Carbazole is an aromatic heterocyclic organic compound. It has a tricyclic structure, consisting of two six-membered benzene rings fused on either side of a five-membered nitrogen-containing ring. GO:0046232 MetaCyc:PWY-6550 pathway UPa:UPA01031 carbazole degradation Degradation of carbazole. Carbazole is an aromatic heterocyclic organic compound. It has a tricyclic structure, consisting of two six-membered benzene rings fused on either side of a five-membered nitrogen-containing ring. UPa:amorgat GO:0046232 biological_process:carbazole catabolic process Degradation of 1,8-cineol (eucalyptol). 1,8-cineole is a cyclic monoterpene containing an internal ether linkage. It is found in the oil from the leaves of Eucalyptus radiata var. Australiana and is used in the fragrance and flavor industries. Microorganisms metabolizing 1,8-cineole as sole carbon source must cleave both the ring and ether linkages. GO:0046232 MetaCyc:6-HYDROXYCINEOLE-DEGRADATION-PWY eucalyptol degradation pathway UPa:UPA01032 1,8-cineol degradation Degradation of 1,8-cineol (eucalyptol). 1,8-cineole is a cyclic monoterpene containing an internal ether linkage. It is found in the oil from the leaves of Eucalyptus radiata var. Australiana and is used in the fragrance and flavor industries. Microorganisms metabolizing 1,8-cineole as sole carbon source must cleave both the ring and ether linkages. UPa:amorgat GO:0046232 biological_process:carbazole catabolic process Degradation of 4-chloronitrobenzene. 4-Nitrochlorobenzene is a common intermediate in the production of a number of industrially useful compounds, including common antioxidants found in rubber. MetaCyc:PWY-5645 PMID:21803909 pathway UPa:UPA01033 4-chloronitrobenzene degradation Degradation of 4-chloronitrobenzene. 4-Nitrochlorobenzene is a common intermediate in the production of a number of industrially useful compounds, including common antioxidants found in rubber. UPa:amorgat The aminocoumarin antibiotics comprise three classical compounds: novobiocin, clorobiocin and coumermycin A1. They are potent inhibitors of gyrase, competing with ATP for binding to the B subunit of DNA gyrase and thereby inhibiting the ATP-dependent DNA supercoiling catalysed by gyrase [PMID:10093705,PMID:12570764]. All three are produced by different Streptomyces strains [PMID:10770754], [PMID:11036020], [PMID:12480894] The novobiocin molecule comprises three structural moieties: the deoxy sugar noviose, a substituted 3-aminocoumarin moiety and a 3-prenylated 4-hydroxybenzoate moiety. Noviose is related to L-rhamnose, but shows an unusual 5,5-dimethyl structure and carries a carbamyl group at 3-OH and a methyl group at 4-OH. The aminocoumarin ring is substituted with hydroxy groups in positions 3 and 7. Novobiocin and coumermycin A1 carry a methyl group at position 8 of the aminocoumarin unit, while clorobiocin (also called chlorobiocin) is chlorinated in this position. In clorobiocin and coumermycin A1, the 3-OH of the deoxy sugar is connected with a 5-methylpyrrole-2-carboxyl moiety rather than with a carbamyl group. While clorobiocin contains the same prenylated 4-hydroxybenzoate moiety as novobiocin, the coumermycin A1 molecule contains a central 3-methylpyrrole-2,4-dicarboxylic acid moiety, which links two aminocoumarin-deoxy sugar assemblies in a nearly but not completely symmetrical fashion [PMID:16868863]. PMID:10093705 PMID:10770754 PMID:11036020 PMID:12480894 PMID:12570764 PMID:16868863 pathway UPa:UPA01034 aminocoumarin biosynthesis The aminocoumarin antibiotics comprise three classical compounds: novobiocin, clorobiocin and coumermycin A1. They are potent inhibitors of gyrase, competing with ATP for binding to the B subunit of DNA gyrase and thereby inhibiting the ATP-dependent DNA supercoiling catalysed by gyrase [PMID:10093705,PMID:12570764]. All three are produced by different Streptomyces strains [PMID:10770754], [PMID:11036020], [PMID:12480894] The novobiocin molecule comprises three structural moieties: the deoxy sugar noviose, a substituted 3-aminocoumarin moiety and a 3-prenylated 4-hydroxybenzoate moiety. Noviose is related to L-rhamnose, but shows an unusual 5,5-dimethyl structure and carries a carbamyl group at 3-OH and a methyl group at 4-OH. The aminocoumarin ring is substituted with hydroxy groups in positions 3 and 7. Novobiocin and coumermycin A1 carry a methyl group at position 8 of the aminocoumarin unit, while clorobiocin (also called chlorobiocin) is chlorinated in this position. In clorobiocin and coumermycin A1, the 3-OH of the deoxy sugar is connected with a 5-methylpyrrole-2-carboxyl moiety rather than with a carbamyl group. While clorobiocin contains the same prenylated 4-hydroxybenzoate moiety as novobiocin, the coumermycin A1 molecule contains a central 3-methylpyrrole-2,4-dicarboxylic acid moiety, which links two aminocoumarin-deoxy sugar assemblies in a nearly but not completely symmetrical fashion [PMID:16868863]. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of novobiocin. The novobiocin molecule comprises three structural moieties: the deoxy sugar noviose, a substituted 3-aminocoumarin moiety and a 3-prenylated 4-hydroxybenzoate moiety. Noviose is related to L-rhamnose, but shows an unusual 5,5-dimethyl structure and carries a carbamyl group at 3-OH and a methyl group at 4-OH. The aminocoumarin ring is substituted with hydroxy groups in positions 3 and 7. Novobiocin and coumermycin A1 carry a methyl group at position 8 of the aminocoumarin unit, while clorobiocin (also called chlorobiocin) is chlorinated in this position. In clorobiocin and coumermycin A1, the 3-OH of the deoxy sugar is connected with a 5-methylpyrrole-2-carboxyl moiety rather than with a carbamyl group. While clorobiocin contains the same prenylated 4-hydroxybenzoate moiety as novobiocin, the coumermycin A1 molecule contains a central 3-methylpyrrole-2,4-dicarboxylic acid moiety, which links two aminocoumarin-deoxy sugar assemblies in a nearly but not completely symmetrical fashion. PMID:10770754 PMID:16868863 pathway UPa:UPA01035 novobiocin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of novobiocin. The novobiocin molecule comprises three structural moieties: the deoxy sugar noviose, a substituted 3-aminocoumarin moiety and a 3-prenylated 4-hydroxybenzoate moiety. Noviose is related to L-rhamnose, but shows an unusual 5,5-dimethyl structure and carries a carbamyl group at 3-OH and a methyl group at 4-OH. The aminocoumarin ring is substituted with hydroxy groups in positions 3 and 7. Novobiocin and coumermycin A1 carry a methyl group at position 8 of the aminocoumarin unit, while clorobiocin (also called chlorobiocin) is chlorinated in this position. In clorobiocin and coumermycin A1, the 3-OH of the deoxy sugar is connected with a 5-methylpyrrole-2-carboxyl moiety rather than with a carbamyl group. While clorobiocin contains the same prenylated 4-hydroxybenzoate moiety as novobiocin, the coumermycin A1 molecule contains a central 3-methylpyrrole-2,4-dicarboxylic acid moiety, which links two aminocoumarin-deoxy sugar assemblies in a nearly but not completely symmetrical fashion. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of kanosamine, a naturally occurring antibiotic and component of oligosaccharide antibiotics such as kanamycin. PMID:23586652 pathway UPa:UPA01036 kanosamine biosynthesis Biosynthesis of kanosamine, a naturally occurring antibiotic and component of oligosaccharide antibiotics such as kanamycin. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of saturated fatty acids. pathway UPa:UPA01037 saturated fatty acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of saturated fatty acids. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of mono unsaturated fatty acids. GO:1903966 pathway UPa:UPA01038 monounsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of mono unsaturated fatty acids. UPa:amorgat GO:1903966 rdfmatch Biosynthesis of branched fatty acids. pathway UPa:UPA01039 branched-chain fatty acid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of branched fatty acids. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of carminomycin, a potent antitumor anthracycline antibiotic. pathway UPa:UPA01040 carminomycin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of carminomycin, a potent antitumor anthracycline antibiotic. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of doxorubicin, a potent antitumor anthracycline antibiotic. pathway UPa:UPA01041 doxorubicin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of doxorubicin, a potent antitumor anthracycline antibiotic. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of rhodomycin, a potent antitumor anthracycline antibiotic. pathway UPa:UPA01042 rhodomycin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of rhodomycin, a potent antitumor anthracycline antibiotic. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of aclacinomycin, a potent antitumor anthracycline antibiotic. pathway UPa:UPA01043 aclacinomycin biosynthesis Biosynthesis of aclacinomycin, a potent antitumor anthracycline antibiotic. UPa:amorgat Metabolism of xyloglucan, a hemicellulose that occurs in the primary cell wall of all vascular plants. GO:0010411 pathway UPa:UPA01044 xyloglucan metabolism Metabolism of xyloglucan, a hemicellulose that occurs in the primary cell wall of all vascular plants. UPa:amorgat GO:0010411 biological_process:xyloglucan metabolic process Degradation of xyloglucan, a hemicellulose that occurs in the primary cell wall of all vascular plants. GO:2000899 pathway UPa:UPA01045 xyloglucan degradation Degradation of xyloglucan, a hemicellulose that occurs in the primary cell wall of all vascular plants. UPa:amorgat GO:2000899 biological_process:xyloglucan catabolic process Metabolism of D-galacturonate, a component of pectin. GO:0046396 pathway UPa:UPA01046 D-galacturonate metabolism Metabolism of D-galacturonate, a component of pectin. UPa:amorgat GO:0046396 biological_process:D-galacturonate metabolic process Degradation of D-galacturonate, a component of pectin. For the microbial catabolism, three different pathways have been described, (i) a reductive pathway, (ii) an isomerase pathway, (iii) an oxidative pathway. GO:0019698 PMID:19159926 pathway UPa:UPA01047 D-galacturonate degradation Degradation of D-galacturonate, a component of pectin. For the microbial catabolism, three different pathways have been described, (i) a reductive pathway, (ii) an isomerase pathway, (iii) an oxidative pathway. UPa:amorgat GO:0019698 biological_process:D-galacturonate catabolic process The prokaryotic degradation of D-galacturonate via the reductive pathway. PMID:19159926 pathway UPa:UPA01048 D-galacturonate degradation via prokaryotic reductive pathway The prokaryotic degradation of D-galacturonate via the reductive pathway. UPa:amorgat The prokaryotic degradation of D-galacturonate via the isomerase pathway. PMID:19159926 pathway UPa:UPA01049 D-galacturonate degradation via prokaryotic isomerase pathway The prokaryotic degradation of D-galacturonate via the isomerase pathway. UPa:amorgat The prokaryotic degradation of D-galacturonate via the oxidative pathway. PMID:19159926 PMID:22493433 PMID:24450804 pathway UPa:UPA01050 D-galacturonate degradation via prokaryotic oxidative pathway The prokaryotic degradation of D-galacturonate via the oxidative pathway. UPa:amorgat The Degradation of D-galacturonate in eukaryotes. Yeast and mould can grow with d-galacturonic acid as a sole carbon source; however, a pathway different from the prokaryotic pathways is used. PMID:19159926 pathway UPa:UPA01051 D-galacturonate degradation via eukaryotic pathway The Degradation of D-galacturonate in eukaryotes. Yeast and mould can grow with d-galacturonic acid as a sole carbon source; however, a pathway different from the prokaryotic pathways is used. UPa:amorgat Biosynthesis of glycosphingolipids, a subtype of glycolipids containing the amino alcohol sphingosine. Glycosphingolipids (GSLs) are found in the cell membranes of organisms from bacteria to man, and are the major glycans of the vertebrate brain, where more than 80% of glycoconjugates are in the form of glycolipids. GO:0006688 PMID:10092602 PMID:10207017 PMID:10521438 PMID:10702226 PMID:10748143 PMID:10837462 PMID:10854427 PMID:10854428 PMID:10993897 PMID:11283017 PMID:11341836 PMID:11384981 PMID:8195250 PMID:8631981 PMID:8910600 PMID:9405390 PMID:9593693 PMID:9792633 PMID:9822625 pathway UPa:UPA01052 glycosphingolipid biosynthesis Biosynthesis of glycosphingolipids, a subtype of glycolipids containing the amino alcohol sphingosine. Glycosphingolipids (GSLs) are found in the cell membranes of organisms from bacteria to man, and are the major glycans of the vertebrate brain, where more than 80% of glycoconjugates are in the form of glycolipids. UPa:amorgat GO:0006688 rdfmatch Metabolism of phylloquinone (also called vitamine K1 or phytonadione), a lipid-soluble molecule that belongs to the naphto-quinone family. GO:0042374 2-methyl-3-phytyl-1,4-naphthoquinone metabolism phytonadione metabolism vitamin K1 metabolism pathway UPa:UPA01053 phylloquinone metabolism Metabolism of phylloquinone (also called vitamine K1 or phytonadione), a lipid-soluble molecule that belongs to the naphto-quinone family. UPa:amorgat GO:0042374 biological_process:phylloquinone metabolic process Degradation of phylloquinone (also called vitamine K1 or phytonadione), a lipid-soluble molecule that belongs to the naphto-quinone family. GO:0042376 PMID:24138531 2-methyl-3-phytyl-1,4-naphthoquinone degradation phytonadione degradation vitamin K1 degradation pathway UPa:UPA01054 phylloquinone degradation Degradation of phylloquinone (also called vitamine K1 or phytonadione), a lipid-soluble molecule that belongs to the naphto-quinone family. UPa:amorgat GO:0042376 biological_process:phylloquinone catabolic process Metabolism of quinol/quinone cofactors, such as menaquinone (vitamin K2), ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) or phylloquinone (vitamin K1). GO:1901661 quinone cofactor metabolism pathway UPa:UPA01055 quinol/quinone metabolism Metabolism of quinol/quinone cofactors, such as menaquinone (vitamin K2), ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) or phylloquinone (vitamin K1). UPa:amorgat GO:1901661 biological_process:quinone metabolic process Degradation of quinone cofactors, such as menaquinone (vitamin K2), ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) or phylloquinone (vitamin K1). GO:1901662 quinone cofactor degradation pathway UPa:UPA01056 quinol/quinone degradation Degradation of quinone cofactors, such as menaquinone (vitamin K2), ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) or phylloquinone (vitamin K1). UPa:amorgat GO:1901662 biological_process:quinone catabolic process Biosynthesis of 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate, the naphtalenic intermediate in the biosynthesis of several quinol/quinone cofactors such as menaquinone (vitamin K2) or phylloquinone (vitamin K1). KEGG:map00130 KEGG:map01053 KEGG:map01100 KEGG:map01110 PMID:16617180 PMID:23564174 pathway UPa:UPA01057 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate biosynthesis Biosynthesis of 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate, the naphtalenic intermediate in the biosynthesis of several quinol/quinone cofactors such as menaquinone (vitamin K2) or phylloquinone (vitamin K1). UPa:amorgat KEGG:map00130 Ubiquinone and other terpenoid-quinone biosynthesis KEGG:map01053 Biosynthesis of siderophore group nonribosomal peptides KEGG:map01100 Metabolic pathways KEGG:map01110 Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of cholesterol, cholest-5-en-3 beta-ol, the principal sterol of vertebrates and the precursor of many steroids. GO:0006707 pathway UPa:UPA01058 cholesterol degradation The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of cholesterol, cholest-5-en-3 beta-ol, the principal sterol of vertebrates and the precursor of many steroids. UPa:amorgat GO:0006707 biological_process:cholesterol catabolic process A chemical compound involved in a UniPathway pathway. CHEBI:24431 compound UPa:UPC00000 compound CHEBI:15377 KEGG:C00001 compound H2O InChI=1S/H2O/h1H2 UPa:UPC00001 H(2)O H2O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/H2O/h1H2 UPa: CHEBI:15422 KEGG:C00002 compound C10H16N5O13P3 InChI=1S/C10H16N5O13P3/c11-8-5-9(13-2-12-8)15(3-14-5)10-7(17)6(16)4(26-10)1-25-30(21,22)28-31(23,24)27-29(18,19)20/h2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H,21,22)(H,23,24)(H2,11,12,13)(H2,18,19,20)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00002 ATP C10H16N5O13P3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H16N5O13P3/c11-8-5-9(13-2-12-8)15(3-14-5)10-7(17)6(16)4(26-10)1-25-30(21,22)28-31(23,24)27-29(18,19)20/h2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H,21,22)(H,23,24)(H2,11,12,13)(H2,18,19,20)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15846 KEGG:C00003 compound C21H28N7O14P2 InChI=1S/C21H27N7O14P2/c22-17-12-19(25-7-24-17)28(8-26-12)21-16(32)14(30)11(41-21)6-39-44(36,37)42-43(34,35)38-5-10-13(29)15(31)20(40-10)27-3-1-2-9(4-27)18(23)33/h1-4,7-8,10-11,13-16,20-21,29-32H,5-6H2,(H5-,22,23,24,25,33,34,35,36,37)/p+1/t10-,11-,13-,14-,15-,16-,20-,21-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00003 NAD(+) C21H28N7O14P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C21H27N7O14P2/c22-17-12-19(25-7-24-17)28(8-26-12)21-16(32)14(30)11(41-21)6-39-44(36,37)42-43(34,35)38-5-10-13(29)15(31)20(40-10)27-3-1-2-9(4-27)18(23)33/h1-4,7-8,10-11,13-16,20-21,29-32H,5-6H2,(H5-,22,23,24,25,33,34,35,36,37)/p+1/t10-,11-,13-,14-,15-,16-,20-,21-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16908 KEGG:C00004 compound C21H29N7O14P2 InChI=1S/C21H29N7O14P2/c22-17-12-19(25-7-24-17)28(8-26-12)21-16(32)14(30)11(41-21)6-39-44(36,37)42-43(34,35)38-5-10-13(29)15(31)20(40-10)27-3-1-2-9(4-27)18(23)33/h1,3-4,7-8,10-11,13-16,20-21,29-32H,2,5-6H2,(H2,23,33)(H,34,35)(H,36,37)(H2,22,24,25)/t10-,11-,13-,14-,15-,16-,20-,21-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00004 NADH C21H29N7O14P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C21H29N7O14P2/c22-17-12-19(25-7-24-17)28(8-26-12)21-16(32)14(30)11(41-21)6-39-44(36,37)42-43(34,35)38-5-10-13(29)15(31)20(40-10)27-3-1-2-9(4-27)18(23)33/h1,3-4,7-8,10-11,13-16,20-21,29-32H,2,5-6H2,(H2,23,33)(H,34,35)(H,36,37)(H2,22,24,25)/t10-,11-,13-,14-,15-,16-,20-,21-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16474 KEGG:C00005 compound C21H30N7O17P3 InChI=1S/C21H30N7O17P3/c22-17-12-19(25-7-24-17)28(8-26-12)21-16(44-46(33,34)35)14(30)11(43-21)6-41-48(38,39)45-47(36,37)40-5-10-13(29)15(31)20(42-10)27-3-1-2-9(4-27)18(23)32/h1,3-4,7-8,10-11,13-16,20-21,29-31H,2,5-6H2,(H2,23,32)(H,36,37)(H,38,39)(H2,22,24,25)(H2,33,34,35)/t10-,11-,13-,14-,15-,16-,20-,21-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00005 NADPH C21H30N7O17P3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C21H30N7O17P3/c22-17-12-19(25-7-24-17)28(8-26-12)21-16(44-46(33,34)35)14(30)11(43-21)6-41-48(38,39)45-47(36,37)40-5-10-13(29)15(31)20(42-10)27-3-1-2-9(4-27)18(23)32/h1,3-4,7-8,10-11,13-16,20-21,29-31H,2,5-6H2,(H2,23,32)(H,36,37)(H,38,39)(H2,22,24,25)(H2,33,34,35)/t10-,11-,13-,14-,15-,16-,20-,21-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18009 KEGG:C00006 compound C21H29N7O17P3 InChI=1S/C21H28N7O17P3/c22-17-12-19(25-7-24-17)28(8-26-12)21-16(44-46(33,34)35)14(30)11(43-21)6-41-48(38,39)45-47(36,37)40-5-10-13(29)15(31)20(42-10)27-3-1-2-9(4-27)18(23)32/h1-4,7-8,10-11,13-16,20-21,29-31H,5-6H2,(H7-,22,23,24,25,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39)/p+1/t10-,11-,13-,14-,15-,16-,20-,21-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00006 NADP(+) C21H29N7O17P3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C21H28N7O17P3/c22-17-12-19(25-7-24-17)28(8-26-12)21-16(44-46(33,34)35)14(30)11(43-21)6-41-48(38,39)45-47(36,37)40-5-10-13(29)15(31)20(42-10)27-3-1-2-9(4-27)18(23)32/h1-4,7-8,10-11,13-16,20-21,29-31H,5-6H2,(H7-,22,23,24,25,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39)/p+1/t10-,11-,13-,14-,15-,16-,20-,21-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15379 CHEBI:25805 KEGG:C00007 oxygen compound InChI=1S/O2/c1-2 O2 UPa:UPC00007 O(2) oxygen KEGG:KEGG InChI=1S/O2/c1-2 UPa: O2 KEGG:COMPOUND CHEBI:16761 KEGG:C00008 compound C10H15N5O10P2 InChI=1S/C10H15N5O10P2/c11-8-5-9(13-2-12-8)15(3-14-5)10-7(17)6(16)4(24-10)1-23-27(21,22)25-26(18,19)20/h2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H,21,22)(H2,11,12,13)(H2,18,19,20)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00008 ADP C10H15N5O10P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H15N5O10P2/c11-8-5-9(13-2-12-8)15(3-14-5)10-7(17)6(16)4(24-10)1-23-27(21,22)25-26(18,19)20/h2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H,21,22)(H2,11,12,13)(H2,18,19,20)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18367 CHEBI:26078 KEGG:C00009 orthophosphate compound H3O4P InChI=1S/H3O4P/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H3,1,2,3,4) UPa:UPC00009 phosphate orthophosphate KEGG:KEGG H3O4P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/H3O4P/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H3,1,2,3,4) UPa: CHEBI:15346 KEGG:C00010 coenzyme A compound C21H36N7O16P3S InChI=1S/C21H36N7O16P3S/c1-21(2,16(31)19(32)24-4-3-12(29)23-5-6-48)8-41-47(38,39)44-46(36,37)40-7-11-15(43-45(33,34)35)14(30)20(42-11)28-10-27-13-17(22)25-9-26-18(13)28/h9-11,14-16,20,30-31,48H,3-8H2,1-2H3,(H,23,29)(H,24,32)(H,36,37)(H,38,39)(H2,22,25,26)(H2,33,34,35)/t11-,14-,15-,16+,20-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00010 CoA coenzyme A KEGG:KEGG C21H36N7O16P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C21H36N7O16P3S/c1-21(2,16(31)19(32)24-4-3-12(29)23-5-6-48)8-41-47(38,39)44-46(36,37)40-7-11-15(43-45(33,34)35)14(30)20(42-11)28-10-27-13-17(22)25-9-26-18(13)28/h9-11,14-16,20,30-31,48H,3-8H2,1-2H3,(H,23,29)(H,24,32)(H,36,37)(H,38,39)(H2,22,25,26)(H2,33,34,35)/t11-,14-,15-,16+,20-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16526 KEGG:C00011 compound CO2 InChI=1S/CO2/c2-1-3 UPa:UPC00011 CO(2) CO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/CO2/c2-1-3 UPa: CHEBI:18361 CHEBI:29888 KEGG:C00013 pyrophosphate compound H4O7P2 InChI=1S/H4O7P2/c1-8(2,3)7-9(4,5)6/h(H2,1,2,3)(H2,4,5,6) UPa:UPC00013 diphosphate pyrophosphate KEGG:KEGG H4O7P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/H4O7P2/c1-8(2,3)7-9(4,5)6/h(H2,1,2,3)(H2,4,5,6) UPa: CHEBI:16134 KEGG:C00014 compound H3N InChI=1S/H3N/h1H3 UPa:UPC00014 NH(3) H3N KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/H3N/h1H3 UPa: CHEBI:17659 KEGG:C00015 compound C9H14N2O12P2 InChI=1S/C9H14N2O12P2/c12-5-1-2-11(9(15)10-5)8-7(14)6(13)4(22-8)3-21-25(19,20)23-24(16,17)18/h1-2,4,6-8,13-14H,3H2,(H,19,20)(H,10,12,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00015 UDP C9H14N2O12P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H14N2O12P2/c12-5-1-2-11(9(15)10-5)8-7(14)6(13)4(22-8)3-21-25(19,20)23-24(16,17)18/h1-2,4,6-8,13-14H,3H2,(H,19,20)(H,10,12,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16238 KEGG:C00016 compound C27H33N9O15P2 InChI=1S/C27H33N9O15P2/c1-10-3-12-13(4-11(10)2)35(24-18(32-12)25(42)34-27(43)33-24)5-14(37)19(39)15(38)6-48-52(44,45)51-53(46,47)49-7-16-20(40)21(41)26(50-16)36-9-31-17-22(28)29-8-30-23(17)36/h3-4,8-9,14-16,19-21,26,37-41H,5-7H2,1-2H3,(H,44,45)(H,46,47)(H2,28,29,30)(H,34,42,43)/t14-,15+,16+,19-,20+,21+,26+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00016 FAD C27H33N9O15P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C27H33N9O15P2/c1-10-3-12-13(4-11(10)2)35(24-18(32-12)25(42)34-27(43)33-24)5-14(37)19(39)15(38)6-48-52(44,45)51-53(46,47)49-7-16-20(40)21(41)26(50-16)36-9-31-17-22(28)29-8-30-23(17)36/h3-4,8-9,14-16,19-21,26,37-41H,5-7H2,1-2H3,(H,44,45)(H,46,47)(H2,28,29,30)(H,34,42,43)/t14-,15+,16+,19-,20+,21+,26+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18405 KEGG:C00018 compound C8H10NO6P InChI=1S/C8H10NO6P/c1-5-8(11)7(3-10)6(2-9-5)4-15-16(12,13)14/h2-3,11H,4H2,1H3,(H2,12,13,14) UPa:UPC00018 pyridoxal 5'-phosphate C8H10NO6P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H10NO6P/c1-5-8(11)7(3-10)6(2-9-5)4-15-16(12,13)14/h2-3,11H,4H2,1H3,(H2,12,13,14) UPa: CHEBI:15414 CHEBI:67040 KEGG:C00019 compound C15H22N6O5S InChI=1S/C15H22N6O5S/c1-27(3-2-7(16)15(24)25)4-8-10(22)11(23)14(26-8)21-6-20-9-12(17)18-5-19-13(9)21/h5-8,10-11,14,22-23H,2-4,16H2,1H3,(H2-,17,18,19,24,25)/t7-,8+,10+,11+,14+,27?/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00019 S-adenosyl-L-methionine C15H22N6O5S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H22N6O5S/c1-27(3-2-7(16)15(24)25)4-8-10(22)11(23)14(26-8)21-6-20-9-12(17)18-5-19-13(9)21/h5-8,10-11,14,22-23H,2-4,16H2,1H3,(H2-,17,18,19,24,25)/t7-,8+,10+,11+,14+,27?/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16027 KEGG:C00020 compound C10H14N5O7P InChI=1S/C10H14N5O7P/c11-8-5-9(13-2-12-8)15(3-14-5)10-7(17)6(16)4(22-10)1-21-23(18,19)20/h2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)(H2,18,19,20)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00020 AMP C10H14N5O7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H14N5O7P/c11-8-5-9(13-2-12-8)15(3-14-5)10-7(17)6(16)4(22-10)1-21-23(18,19)20/h2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)(H2,18,19,20)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16680 KEGG:C00021 compound C14H20N6O5S InChI=1S/C14H20N6O5S/c15-6(14(23)24)1-2-26-3-7-9(21)10(22)13(25-7)20-5-19-8-11(16)17-4-18-12(8)20/h4-7,9-10,13,21-22H,1-3,15H2,(H,23,24)(H2,16,17,18)/t6-,7+,9+,10+,13+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00021 S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine C14H20N6O5S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H20N6O5S/c15-6(14(23)24)1-2-26-3-7-9(21)10(22)13(25-7)20-5-19-8-11(16)17-4-18-12(8)20/h4-7,9-10,13,21-22H,1-3,15H2,(H,23,24)(H2,16,17,18)/t6-,7+,9+,10+,13+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15361 CHEBI:32816 KEGG:C00022 compound C3H4O3 InChI=1S/C3H4O3/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h1H3,(H,5,6) UPa:UPC00022 pyruvate C3H4O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H4O3/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h1H3,(H,5,6) UPa: CHEBI:15351 KEGG:C00024 compound C23H38N7O17P3S InChI=1S/C23H38N7O17P3S/c1-12(31)51-7-6-25-14(32)4-5-26-21(35)18(34)23(2,3)9-44-50(41,42)47-49(39,40)43-8-13-17(46-48(36,37)38)16(33)22(45-13)30-11-29-15-19(24)27-10-28-20(15)30/h10-11,13,16-18,22,33-34H,4-9H2,1-3H3,(H,25,32)(H,26,35)(H,39,40)(H,41,42)(H2,24,27,28)(H2,36,37,38)/t13-,16-,17-,18+,22-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00024 acetyl-CoA C23H38N7O17P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C23H38N7O17P3S/c1-12(31)51-7-6-25-14(32)4-5-26-21(35)18(34)23(2,3)9-44-50(41,42)47-49(39,40)43-8-13-17(46-48(36,37)38)16(33)22(45-13)30-11-29-15-19(24)27-10-28-20(15)30/h10-11,13,16-18,22,33-34H,4-9H2,1-3H3,(H,25,32)(H,26,35)(H,39,40)(H,41,42)(H2,24,27,28)(H2,36,37,38)/t13-,16-,17-,18+,22-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16015 KEGG:C00025 compound C5H9NO4 InChI=1S/C5H9NO4/c6-3(5(9)10)1-2-4(7)8/h3H,1-2,6H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00025 L-glutamate C5H9NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H9NO4/c6-3(5(9)10)1-2-4(7)8/h3H,1-2,6H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16810 CHEBI:30915 KEGG:C00026 compound C5H6O5 InChI=1S/C5H6O5/c6-3(5(9)10)1-2-4(7)8/h1-2H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) UPa:UPC00026 2-oxoglutarate C5H6O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H6O5/c6-3(5(9)10)1-2-4(7)8/h1-2H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:16240 KEGG:C00027 hydrogen peroxide compound H2O2 InChI=1S/H2O2/c1-2/h1-2H UPa:UPC00027 H(2)O(2) hydrogen peroxide KEGG:KEGG H2O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/H2O2/c1-2/h1-2H UPa: CHEBI:15339 KEGG:C00028 compound UPa:UPC00028 acceptor CHEBI:18066 CHEBI:46229 KEGG:C00029 UDP-glucose compound C15H24N2O17P2 InChI=1S/C15H24N2O17P2/c18-3-5-8(20)10(22)12(24)14(32-5)33-36(28,29)34-35(26,27)30-4-6-9(21)11(23)13(31-6)17-2-1-7(19)16-15(17)25/h1-2,5-6,8-14,18,20-24H,3-4H2,(H,26,27)(H,28,29)(H,16,19,25)/t5-,6-,8-,9-,10+,11-,12-,13-,14-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00029 UDP-alpha-D-glucose UDP-glucose KEGG:KEGG C15H24N2O17P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H24N2O17P2/c18-3-5-8(20)10(22)12(24)14(32-5)33-36(28,29)34-35(26,27)30-4-6-9(21)11(23)13(31-6)17-2-1-7(19)16-15(17)25/h1-2,5-6,8-14,18,20-24H,3-4H2,(H,26,27)(H,28,29)(H,16,19,25)/t5-,6-,8-,9-,10+,11-,12-,13-,14-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17499 KEGG:C00030 hydrogen donor compound UPa:UPC00030 reduced acceptor hydrogen donor KEGG:KEGG CHEBI:4167 KEGG:C00031 compound C6H12O6 InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12-2/h2-11H,1H2/t2-,3-,4+,5-,6?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00031 D-glucose C6H12O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12-2/h2-11H,1H2/t2-,3-,4+,5-,6?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17627 CHEBI:26355 CHEBI:30413 KEGG:C00032 compound C34H32FeN4O4 InChI=1S/C34H34N4O4.Fe/c1-7-21-17(3)25-13-26-19(5)23(9-11-33(39)40)31(37-26)16-32-24(10-12-34(41)42)20(6)28(38-32)15-30-22(8-2)18(4)27(36-30)14-29(21)35-25;/h7-8,13-16H,1-2,9-12H2,3-6H3,(H4,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42);/q;+2/p-2/b25-13-,26-13-,27-14-,28-15-,29-14-,30-15-,31-16-,32-16-; UPa:UPC00032 protoheme C34H32FeN4O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C34H34N4O4.Fe/c1-7-21-17(3)25-13-26-19(5)23(9-11-33(39)40)31(37-26)16-32-24(10-12-34(41)42)20(6)28(38-32)15-30-22(8-2)18(4)27(36-30)14-29(21)35-25;/h7-8,13-16H,1-2,9-12H2,3-6H3,(H4,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42);/q;+2/p-2/b25-13-,26-13-,27-14-,28-15-,29-14-,30-15-,31-16-,32-16-; UPa: CHEBI:15366 CHEBI:30089 KEGG:C00033 compound C2H4O2 InChI=1S/C2H4O2/c1-2(3)4/h1H3,(H,3,4) UPa:UPC00033 acetate C2H4O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H4O2/c1-2(3)4/h1H3,(H,3,4) UPa: CHEBI:17552 KEGG:C00035 compound C10H15N5O11P2 InChI=1S/C10H15N5O11P2/c11-10-13-7-4(8(18)14-10)12-2-15(7)9-6(17)5(16)3(25-9)1-24-28(22,23)26-27(19,20)21/h2-3,5-6,9,16-17H,1H2,(H,22,23)(H2,19,20,21)(H3,11,13,14,18)/t3-,5-,6-,9-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00035 GDP C10H15N5O11P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H15N5O11P2/c11-10-13-7-4(8(18)14-10)12-2-15(7)9-6(17)5(16)3(25-9)1-24-28(22,23)26-27(19,20)21/h2-3,5-6,9,16-17H,1H2,(H,22,23)(H2,19,20,21)(H3,11,13,14,18)/t3-,5-,6-,9-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16452 CHEBI:30744 KEGG:C00036 compound C4H4O5 InChI=1S/C4H4O5/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h1H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9) UPa:UPC00036 oxaloacetate C4H4O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H4O5/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h1H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:15428 KEGG:C00037 compound C2H5NO2 InChI=1S/C2H5NO2/c3-1-2(4)5/h1,3H2,(H,4,5) UPa:UPC00037 glycine C2H5NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H5NO2/c3-1-2(4)5/h1,3H2,(H,4,5) UPa: CHEBI:17984 KEGG:C00040 compound UPa:UPC00040 acyl-CoA CHEBI:16977 KEGG:C00041 compound C3H7NO2 InChI=1S/C3H7NO2/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2H,4H2,1H3,(H,5,6)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00041 L-alanine C3H7NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H7NO2/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2H,4H2,1H3,(H,5,6)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15741 KEGG:C00042 compound C4H6O4 InChI=1S/C4H6O4/c5-3(6)1-2-4(7)8/h1-2H2,(H,5,6)(H,7,8) UPa:UPC00042 succinate C4H6O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H6O4/c5-3(6)1-2-4(7)8/h1-2H2,(H,5,6)(H,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:16264 KEGG:C00043 UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine compound C17H27N3O17P2 InChI=1S/C17H27N3O17P2/c1-6(22)18-10-13(26)11(24)7(4-21)35-16(10)36-39(31,32)37-38(29,30)33-5-8-12(25)14(27)15(34-8)20-3-2-9(23)19-17(20)28/h2-3,7-8,10-16,21,24-27H,4-5H2,1H3,(H,18,22)(H,29,30)(H,31,32)(H,19,23,28)/t7-,8-,10-,11-,12-,13-,14-,15-,16-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00043 UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine KEGG:KEGG C17H27N3O17P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C17H27N3O17P2/c1-6(22)18-10-13(26)11(24)7(4-21)35-16(10)36-39(31,32)37-38(29,30)33-5-8-12(25)14(27)15(34-8)20-3-2-9(23)19-17(20)28/h2-3,7-8,10-16,21,24-27H,4-5H2,1H3,(H,18,22)(H,29,30)(H,31,32)(H,19,23,28)/t7-,8-,10-,11-,12-,13-,14-,15-,16-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15996 KEGG:C00044 compound C10H16N5O14P3 InChI=1S/C10H16N5O14P3/c11-10-13-7-4(8(18)14-10)12-2-15(7)9-6(17)5(16)3(27-9)1-26-31(22,23)29-32(24,25)28-30(19,20)21/h2-3,5-6,9,16-17H,1H2,(H,22,23)(H,24,25)(H2,19,20,21)(H3,11,13,14,18)/t3-,5-,6-,9-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00044 GTP C10H16N5O14P3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H16N5O14P3/c11-10-13-7-4(8(18)14-10)12-2-15(7)9-6(17)5(16)3(27-9)1-26-31(22,23)29-32(24,25)28-30(19,20)21/h2-3,5-6,9,16-17H,1H2,(H,22,23)(H,24,25)(H2,19,20,21)(H3,11,13,14,18)/t3-,5-,6-,9-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18019 KEGG:C00047 compound C6H14N2O2 InChI=1S/C6H14N2O2/c7-4-2-1-3-5(8)6(9)10/h5H,1-4,7-8H2,(H,9,10)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00047 L-lysine C6H14N2O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H14N2O2/c7-4-2-1-3-5(8)6(9)10/h5H,1-4,7-8H2,(H,9,10)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16891 KEGG:C00048 compound C2H2O3 InChI=1S/C2H2O3/c3-1-2(4)5/h1H,(H,4,5) UPa:UPC00048 glyoxylate C2H2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H2O3/c3-1-2(4)5/h1H,(H,4,5) UPa: CHEBI:17053 KEGG:C00049 compound C4H7NO4 InChI=1S/C4H7NO4/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h2H,1,5H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00049 L-aspartate C4H7NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H7NO4/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h2H,1,5H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16856 KEGG:C00051 compound C10H17N3O6S InChI=1S/C10H17N3O6S/c11-5(10(18)19)1-2-7(14)13-6(4-20)9(17)12-3-8(15)16/h5-6,20H,1-4,11H2,(H,12,17)(H,13,14)(H,15,16)(H,18,19)/t5-,6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00051 glutathione C10H17N3O6S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H17N3O6S/c11-5(10(18)19)1-2-7(14)13-6(4-20)9(17)12-3-8(15)16/h5-6,20H,1-4,11H2,(H,12,17)(H,13,14)(H,15,16)(H,18,19)/t5-,6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17980 KEGG:C00053 3'-phosphoadenylyl sulfate compound C10H15N5O13P2S InChI=1S/C10H15N5O13P2S/c11-8-5-9(13-2-12-8)15(3-14-5)10-6(16)7(27-29(17,18)19)4(26-10)1-25-30(20,21)28-31(22,23)24/h2-4,6-7,10,16H,1H2,(H,20,21)(H2,11,12,13)(H2,17,18,19)(H,22,23,24)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00053 3'-phospho-5'-adenylyl sulfate 3'-phosphoadenylyl sulfate KEGG:KEGG C10H15N5O13P2S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H15N5O13P2S/c11-8-5-9(13-2-12-8)15(3-14-5)10-6(16)7(27-29(17,18)19)4(26-10)1-25-30(20,21)28-31(22,23)24/h2-4,6-7,10,16H,1H2,(H,20,21)(H2,11,12,13)(H2,17,18,19)(H,22,23,24)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17985 KEGG:C00054 compound C10H15N5O10P2 InChI=1S/C10H15N5O10P2/c11-8-5-9(13-2-12-8)15(3-14-5)10-6(16)7(25-27(20,21)22)4(24-10)1-23-26(17,18)19/h2-4,6-7,10,16H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)(H2,17,18,19)(H2,20,21,22)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00054 adenosine 3',5'-bisphosphate C10H15N5O10P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H15N5O10P2/c11-8-5-9(13-2-12-8)15(3-14-5)10-6(16)7(25-27(20,21)22)4(24-10)1-23-26(17,18)19/h2-4,6-7,10,16H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)(H2,17,18,19)(H2,20,21,22)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17361 KEGG:C00055 compound C9H14N3O8P InChI=1S/C9H14N3O8P/c10-5-1-2-12(9(15)11-5)8-7(14)6(13)4(20-8)3-19-21(16,17)18/h1-2,4,6-8,13-14H,3H2,(H2,10,11,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00055 CMP C9H14N3O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H14N3O8P/c10-5-1-2-12(9(15)11-5)8-7(14)6(13)4(20-8)3-19-21(16,17)18/h1-2,4,6-8,13-14H,3H2,(H2,10,11,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15740 CHEBI:30751 KEGG:C00058 compound CH2O2 InChI=1S/CH2O2/c2-1-3/h1H,(H,2,3) UPa:UPC00058 formate CH2O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/CH2O2/c2-1-3/h1H,(H,2,3) UPa: CHEBI:16189 CHEBI:26836 KEGG:C00059 compound H2O4S InChI=1S/H2O4S/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H2,1,2,3,4) UPa:UPC00059 sulfate H2O4S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/H2O4S/c1-5(2,3)4/h(H2,1,2,3,4) UPa: CHEBI:17621 KEGG:C00061 compound C17H21N4O9P InChI=1S/C17H21N4O9P/c1-7-3-9-10(4-8(7)2)21(15-13(18-9)16(25)20-17(26)19-15)5-11(22)14(24)12(23)6-30-31(27,28)29/h3-4,11-12,14,22-24H,5-6H2,1-2H3,(H,20,25,26)(H2,27,28,29)/t11-,12+,14-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00061 FMN C17H21N4O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C17H21N4O9P/c1-7-3-9-10(4-8(7)2)21(15-13(18-9)16(25)20-17(26)19-15)5-11(22)14(24)12(23)6-30-31(27,28)29/h3-4,11-12,14,22-24H,5-6H2,1-2H3,(H,20,25,26)(H2,27,28,29)/t11-,12+,14-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16467 KEGG:C00062 compound C6H14N4O2 InChI=1S/C6H14N4O2/c7-4(5(11)12)2-1-3-10-6(8)9/h4H,1-3,7H2,(H,11,12)(H4,8,9,10)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00062 L-arginine C6H14N4O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H14N4O2/c7-4(5(11)12)2-1-3-10-6(8)9/h4H,1-3,7H2,(H,11,12)(H4,8,9,10)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17677 KEGG:C00063 compound C9H16N3O14P3 InChI=1S/C9H16N3O14P3/c10-5-1-2-12(9(15)11-5)8-7(14)6(13)4(24-8)3-23-28(19,20)26-29(21,22)25-27(16,17)18/h1-2,4,6-8,13-14H,3H2,(H,19,20)(H,21,22)(H2,10,11,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00063 CTP C9H16N3O14P3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H16N3O14P3/c10-5-1-2-12(9(15)11-5)8-7(14)6(13)4(24-8)3-23-28(19,20)26-29(21,22)25-27(16,17)18/h1-2,4,6-8,13-14H,3H2,(H,19,20)(H,21,22)(H2,10,11,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18050 KEGG:C00064 compound C5H10N2O3 InChI=1S/C5H10N2O3/c6-3(5(9)10)1-2-4(7)8/h3H,1-2,6H2,(H2,7,8)(H,9,10)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00064 L-glutamine C5H10N2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H10N2O3/c6-3(5(9)10)1-2-4(7)8/h3H,1-2,6H2,(H2,7,8)(H,9,10)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17115 KEGG:C00065 compound C3H7NO3 InChI=1S/C3H7NO3/c4-2(1-5)3(6)7/h2,5H,1,4H2,(H,6,7)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00065 L-serine C3H7NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H7NO3/c4-2(1-5)3(6)7/h2,5H,1,4H2,(H,6,7)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16842 KEGG:C00067 compound CH2O InChI=1S/CH2O/c1-2/h1H2 UPa:UPC00067 formaldehyde CH2O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/CH2O/c1-2/h1H2 UPa: CHEBI:9532 KEGG:C00068 ThPP thiamine pyrophosphate compound C12H19N4O7P2S InChI=1S/C12H18N4O7P2S/c1-8-11(3-4-22-25(20,21)23-24(17,18)19)26-7-16(8)6-10-5-14-9(2)15-12(10)13/h5,7H,3-4,6H2,1-2H3,(H4-,13,14,15,17,18,19,20,21)/p+1 UPa:UPC00068 thiamine diphosphate ThPP KEGG:KEGG thiamine pyrophosphate KEGG:KEGG C12H19N4O7P2S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H18N4O7P2S/c1-8-11(3-4-22-25(20,21)23-24(17,18)19)26-7-16(8)6-10-5-14-9(2)15-12(10)13/h5,7H,3-4,6H2,1-2H3,(H4-,13,14,15,17,18,19,20,21)/p+1 UPa: CHEBI:29073 CHEBI:38290 KEGG:C00072 L-ascorbic acid compound C6H8O6 InChI=1S/C6H8O6/c7-1-2(8)5-3(9)4(10)6(11)12-5/h2,5,7-10H,1H2/t2-,5+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00072 L-ascorbate L-ascorbic acid KEGG:KEGG C6H8O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H8O6/c7-1-2(8)5-3(9)4(10)6(11)12-5/h2,5,7-10H,1H2/t2-,5+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16643 KEGG:C00073 compound C5H11NO2S InChI=1S/C5H11NO2S/c1-9-3-2-4(6)5(7)8/h4H,2-3,6H2,1H3,(H,7,8)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00073 L-methionine C5H11NO2S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H11NO2S/c1-9-3-2-4(6)5(7)8/h4H,2-3,6H2,1H3,(H,7,8)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18021 CHEBI:44897 KEGG:C00074 PEP compound C3H5O6P InChI=1S/C3H5O6P/c1-2(3(4)5)9-10(6,7)8/h1H2,(H,4,5)(H2,6,7,8) UPa:UPC00074 phosphoenolpyruvate PEP KEGG:KEGG C3H5O6P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H5O6P/c1-2(3(4)5)9-10(6,7)8/h1H2,(H,4,5)(H2,6,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:15713 KEGG:C00075 compound C9H15N2O15P3 InChI=1S/C9H15N2O15P3/c12-5-1-2-11(9(15)10-5)8-7(14)6(13)4(24-8)3-23-28(19,20)26-29(21,22)25-27(16,17)18/h1-2,4,6-8,13-14H,3H2,(H,19,20)(H,21,22)(H,10,12,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00075 UTP C9H15N2O15P3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H15N2O15P3/c12-5-1-2-11(9(15)10-5)8-7(14)6(13)4(24-8)3-23-28(19,20)26-29(21,22)25-27(16,17)18/h1-2,4,6-8,13-14H,3H2,(H,19,20)(H,21,22)(H,10,12,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15729 KEGG:C00077 compound C5H12N2O2 InChI=1S/C5H12N2O2/c6-3-1-2-4(7)5(8)9/h4H,1-3,6-7H2,(H,8,9)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00077 L-ornithine C5H12N2O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H12N2O2/c6-3-1-2-4(7)5(8)9/h4H,1-3,6-7H2,(H,8,9)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16828 KEGG:C00078 compound C11H12N2O2 InChI=1S/C11H12N2O2/c12-9(11(14)15)5-7-6-13-10-4-2-1-3-8(7)10/h1-4,6,9,13H,5,12H2,(H,14,15)/t9-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00078 L-tryptophan C11H12N2O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H12N2O2/c12-9(11(14)15)5-7-6-13-10-4-2-1-3-8(7)10/h1-4,6,9,13H,5,12H2,(H,14,15)/t9-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17295 KEGG:C00079 compound C9H11NO2 InChI=1S/C9H11NO2/c10-8(9(11)12)6-7-4-2-1-3-5-7/h1-5,8H,6,10H2,(H,11,12)/t8-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00079 L-phenylalanine C9H11NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H11NO2/c10-8(9(11)12)6-7-4-2-1-3-5-7/h1-5,8H,6,10H2,(H,11,12)/t8-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15378 CHEBI:24636 KEGG:C00080 compound H InChI=1S/p+1 UPa:UPC00080 H(+) H KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/p+1 UPa: CHEBI:17895 KEGG:C00082 compound C9H11NO3 InChI=1S/C9H11NO3/c10-8(9(12)13)5-6-1-3-7(11)4-2-6/h1-4,8,11H,5,10H2,(H,12,13)/t8-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00082 L-tyrosine C9H11NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H11NO3/c10-8(9(12)13)5-6-1-3-7(11)4-2-6/h1-4,8,11H,5,10H2,(H,12,13)/t8-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15531 KEGG:C00083 compound C24H38N7O19P3S InChI=1S/C24H38N7O19P3S/c1-24(2,19(37)22(38)27-4-3-13(32)26-5-6-54-15(35)7-14(33)34)9-47-53(44,45)50-52(42,43)46-8-12-18(49-51(39,40)41)17(36)23(48-12)31-11-30-16-20(25)28-10-29-21(16)31/h10-12,17-19,23,36-37H,3-9H2,1-2H3,(H,26,32)(H,27,38)(H,33,34)(H,42,43)(H,44,45)(H2,25,28,29)(H2,39,40,41)/t12-,17-,18-,19+,23-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00083 malonyl-CoA C24H38N7O19P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C24H38N7O19P3S/c1-24(2,19(37)22(38)27-4-3-13(32)26-5-6-54-15(35)7-14(33)34)9-47-53(44,45)50-52(42,43)46-8-12-18(49-51(39,40)41)17(36)23(48-12)31-11-30-16-20(25)28-10-29-21(16)31/h10-12,17-19,23,36-37H,3-9H2,1-2H3,(H,26,32)(H,27,38)(H,33,34)(H,42,43)(H,44,45)(H2,25,28,29)(H2,39,40,41)/t12-,17-,18-,19+,23-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15343 KEGG:C00084 compound C2H4O InChI=1S/C2H4O/c1-2-3/h2H,1H3 UPa:UPC00084 acetaldehyde C2H4O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H4O/c1-2-3/h2H,1H3 UPa: CHEBI:15946 CHEBI:61553 KEGG:C00085 compound C6H13O9P InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-2-6(10)5(9)4(8)3(15-6)1-14-16(11,12)13/h3-5,7-10H,1-2H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t3-,4-,5+,6?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00085 D-fructose 6-phosphate C6H13O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-2-6(10)5(9)4(8)3(15-6)1-14-16(11,12)13/h3-5,7-10H,1-2H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t3-,4-,5+,6?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16199 KEGG:C00086 compound CH4N2O InChI=1S/CH4N2O/c2-1(3)4/h(H4,2,3,4) UPa:UPC00086 urea CH4N2O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/CH4N2O/c2-1(3)4/h(H4,2,3,4) UPa: CHEBI:17909 CHEBI:26833 KEGG:C00087 compound H2S InChI=1S/S UPa:UPC00087 sulfur H2S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/S UPa: CHEBI:16301 CHEBI:25567 KEGG:C00088 compound HNO2 InChI=1S/HNO2/c2-1-3/h(H,2,3) UPa:UPC00088 nitrite HNO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/HNO2/c2-1-3/h(H,2,3) UPa: CHEBI:17992 KEGG:C00089 compound C12H22O11 InChI=1S/C12H22O11/c13-1-4-6(16)8(18)9(19)11(21-4)23-12(3-15)10(20)7(17)5(2-14)22-12/h4-11,13-20H,1-3H2/t4-,5-,6-,7-,8+,9-,10+,11-,12+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00089 sucrose C12H22O11 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H22O11/c13-1-4-6(16)8(18)9(19)11(21-4)23-12(3-15)10(20)7(17)5(2-14)22-12/h4-11,13-20H,1-3H2/t4-,5-,6-,7-,8+,9-,10+,11-,12+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18135 KEGG:C00090 compound C6H6O2 InChI=1S/C6H6O2/c7-5-3-1-2-4-6(5)8/h1-4,7-8H UPa:UPC00090 catechol C6H6O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H6O2/c7-5-3-1-2-4-6(5)8/h1-4,7-8H UPa: CHEBI:15380 KEGG:C00091 compound C25H40N7O19P3S InChI=1S/C25H40N7O19P3S/c1-25(2,20(38)23(39)28-6-5-14(33)27-7-8-55-16(36)4-3-15(34)35)10-48-54(45,46)51-53(43,44)47-9-13-19(50-52(40,41)42)18(37)24(49-13)32-12-31-17-21(26)29-11-30-22(17)32/h11-13,18-20,24,37-38H,3-10H2,1-2H3,(H,27,33)(H,28,39)(H,34,35)(H,43,44)(H,45,46)(H2,26,29,30)(H2,40,41,42)/t13-,18-,19-,20+,24-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00091 succinyl-CoA C25H40N7O19P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C25H40N7O19P3S/c1-25(2,20(38)23(39)28-6-5-14(33)27-7-8-55-16(36)4-3-15(34)35)10-48-54(45,46)51-53(43,44)47-9-13-19(50-52(40,41)42)18(37)24(49-13)32-12-31-17-21(26)29-11-30-22(17)32/h11-13,18-20,24,37-38H,3-10H2,1-2H3,(H,27,33)(H,28,39)(H,34,35)(H,43,44)(H,45,46)(H2,26,29,30)(H2,40,41,42)/t13-,18-,19-,20+,24-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:4170 KEGG:C00092 compound C6H13O9P InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-3-2(1-14-16(11,12)13)15-6(10)5(9)4(3)8/h2-10H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3-,4+,5-,6?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00092 D-glucose 6-phosphate C6H13O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-3-2(1-14-16(11,12)13)15-6(10)5(9)4(3)8/h2-10H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3-,4+,5-,6?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15978 KEGG:C00093 compound C3H9O6P InChI=1S/C3H9O6P/c4-1-3(5)2-9-10(6,7)8/h3-5H,1-2H2,(H2,6,7,8)/t3-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00093 sn-glycerol 3-phosphate C3H9O6P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H9O6P/c4-1-3(5)2-9-10(6,7)8/h3-5H,1-2H2,(H2,6,7,8)/t3-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:48854 KEGG:C00094 compound H2O3S InChI=1S/H2O3S/c1-4(2)3/h(H2,1,2,3) UPa:UPC00094 sulfite H2O3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/H2O3S/c1-4(2)3/h(H2,1,2,3) UPa: CHEBI:15824 CHEBI:37721 KEGG:C00095 compound C6H12O6 InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-3-4(9)5(10)6(11,2-8)12-3/h3-5,7-11H,1-2H2/t3-,4-,5+,6?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00095 D-fructose C6H12O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-3-4(9)5(10)6(11,2-8)12-3/h3-5,7-11H,1-2H2/t3-,4-,5+,6?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15820 KEGG:C00096 GDP-D-mannose compound C16H25N5O16P2 InChI=1S/C16H25N5O16P2/c17-16-19-12-6(13(28)20-16)18-3-21(12)14-10(26)8(24)5(34-14)2-33-38(29,30)37-39(31,32)36-15-11(27)9(25)7(23)4(1-22)35-15/h3-5,7-11,14-15,22-27H,1-2H2,(H,29,30)(H,31,32)(H3,17,19,20,28)/t4-,5-,7-,8-,9+,10-,11+,14-,15-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00096 GDP-alpha-D-mannose GDP-D-mannose KEGG:KEGG C16H25N5O16P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C16H25N5O16P2/c17-16-19-12-6(13(28)20-16)18-3-21(12)14-10(26)8(24)5(34-14)2-33-38(29,30)37-39(31,32)36-15-11(27)9(25)7(23)4(1-22)35-15/h3-5,7-11,14-15,22-27H,1-2H2,(H,29,30)(H,31,32)(H3,17,19,20,28)/t4-,5-,7-,8-,9+,10-,11+,14-,15-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17561 KEGG:C00097 compound C3H7NO2S InChI=1S/C3H7NO2S/c4-2(1-7)3(5)6/h2,7H,1,4H2,(H,5,6)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00097 L-cysteine C3H7NO2S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H7NO2S/c4-2(1-7)3(5)6/h2,7H,1,4H2,(H,5,6)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16958 KEGG:C00099 compound C3H7NO2 InChI=1S/C3H7NO2/c4-2-1-3(5)6/h1-2,4H2,(H,5,6) UPa:UPC00099 beta-alanine C3H7NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H7NO2/c4-2-1-3(5)6/h1-2,4H2,(H,5,6) UPa: CHEBI:15539 KEGG:C00100 propionyl-CoA compound C24H40N7O17P3S InChI=1S/C24H40N7O17P3S/c1-4-15(33)52-8-7-26-14(32)5-6-27-22(36)19(35)24(2,3)10-45-51(42,43)48-50(40,41)44-9-13-18(47-49(37,38)39)17(34)23(46-13)31-12-30-16-20(25)28-11-29-21(16)31/h11-13,17-19,23,34-35H,4-10H2,1-3H3,(H,26,32)(H,27,36)(H,40,41)(H,42,43)(H2,25,28,29)(H2,37,38,39)/t13-,17-,18-,19+,23-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00100 propanoyl-CoA propionyl-CoA KEGG:KEGG C24H40N7O17P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C24H40N7O17P3S/c1-4-15(33)52-8-7-26-14(32)5-6-27-22(36)19(35)24(2,3)10-45-51(42,43)48-50(40,41)44-9-13-18(47-49(37,38)39)17(34)23(46-13)31-12-30-16-20(25)28-11-29-21(16)31/h11-13,17-19,23,34-35H,4-10H2,1-3H3,(H,26,32)(H,27,36)(H,40,41)(H,42,43)(H2,25,28,29)(H2,37,38,39)/t13-,17-,18-,19+,23-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15635 CHEBI:20506 KEGG:C00101 THF tetrahydrofolate compound C19H23N7O6 InChI=1S/C19H23N7O6/c20-19-25-15-14(17(30)26-19)23-11(8-22-15)7-21-10-3-1-9(2-4-10)16(29)24-12(18(31)32)5-6-13(27)28/h1-4,11-12,21,23H,5-8H2,(H,24,29)(H,27,28)(H,31,32)(H4,20,22,25,26,30)/t11-,12-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00101 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate THF KEGG:KEGG tetrahydrofolate KEGG:KEGG C19H23N7O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C19H23N7O6/c20-19-25-15-14(17(30)26-19)23-11(8-22-15)7-21-10-3-1-9(2-4-10)16(29)24-12(18(31)32)5-6-13(27)28/h1-4,11-12,21,23H,5-8H2,(H,24,29)(H,27,28)(H,31,32)(H4,20,22,25,26,30)/t11-,12-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:29042 KEGG:C00103 compound C6H13O9P InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(14-2)15-16(11,12)13/h2-10H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3-,4+,5-,6-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00103 alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate C6H13O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(14-2)15-16(11,12)13/h2-10H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3-,4+,5-,6-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16695 KEGG:C00105 compound C9H13N2O9P InChI=1S/C9H13N2O9P/c12-5-1-2-11(9(15)10-5)8-7(14)6(13)4(20-8)3-19-21(16,17)18/h1-2,4,6-8,13-14H,3H2,(H,10,12,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00105 UMP C9H13N2O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H13N2O9P/c12-5-1-2-11(9(15)10-5)8-7(14)6(13)4(20-8)3-19-21(16,17)18/h1-2,4,6-8,13-14H,3H2,(H,10,12,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17568 KEGG:C00106 compound C4H4N2O2 InChI=1S/C4H4N2O2/c7-3-1-2-5-4(8)6-3/h1-2H,(H2,5,6,7,8) UPa:UPC00106 uracil C4H4N2O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H4N2O2/c7-3-1-2-5-4(8)6-3/h1-2H,(H2,5,6,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:16567 CHEBI:30754 KEGG:C00108 compound C7H7NO2 InChI=1S/C7H7NO2/c8-6-4-2-1-3-5(6)7(9)10/h1-4H,8H2,(H,9,10) UPa:UPC00108 anthranilate C7H7NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H7NO2/c8-6-4-2-1-3-5(6)7(9)10/h1-4H,8H2,(H,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:16763 CHEBI:30831 KEGG:C00109 2-ketobutyrate compound C4H6O3 InChI=1S/C4H6O3/c1-2-3(5)4(6)7/h2H2,1H3,(H,6,7) UPa:UPC00109 2-oxobutanoate 2-ketobutyrate KEGG:KEGG C4H6O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H6O3/c1-2-3(5)4(6)7/h2H2,1H3,(H,6,7) UPa: CHEBI:16108 KEGG:C00111 compound C3H7O6P InChI=1S/C3H7O6P/c4-1-3(5)2-9-10(6,7)8/h4H,1-2H2,(H2,6,7,8) UPa:UPC00111 glycerone phosphate C3H7O6P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H7O6P/c4-1-3(5)2-9-10(6,7)8/h4H,1-2H2,(H2,6,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:17239 KEGG:C00112 compound C9H15N3O11P2 InChI=1S/C9H15N3O11P2/c10-5-1-2-12(9(15)11-5)8-7(14)6(13)4(22-8)3-21-25(19,20)23-24(16,17)18/h1-2,4,6-8,13-14H,3H2,(H,19,20)(H2,10,11,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00112 CDP C9H15N3O11P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H15N3O11P2/c10-5-1-2-12(9(15)11-5)8-7(14)6(13)4(22-8)3-21-25(19,20)23-24(16,17)18/h1-2,4,6-8,13-14H,3H2,(H,19,20)(H2,10,11,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18315 KEGG:C00113 compound C14H6N2O8 InChI=1S/C14H6N2O8/c17-10-4-2-6(14(23)24)15-8(4)7-3(12(19)20)1-5(13(21)22)16-9(7)11(10)18/h1-2,15H,(H,19,20)(H,21,22)(H,23,24) UPa:UPC00113 pyrroloquinoline quinone C14H6N2O8 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H6N2O8/c17-10-4-2-6(14(23)24)15-8(4)7-3(12(19)20)1-5(13(21)22)16-9(7)11(10)18/h1-2,15H,(H,19,20)(H,21,22)(H,23,24) UPa: CHEBI:15354 KEGG:C00114 compound C5H14NO InChI=1S/C5H14NO/c1-6(2,3)4-5-7/h7H,4-5H2,1-3H3/q+1 UPa:UPC00114 choline C5H14NO KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H14NO/c1-6(2,3)4-5-7/h7H,4-5H2,1-3H3/q+1 UPa: CHEBI:17754 KEGG:C00116 compound C3H8O3 InChI=1S/C3H8O3/c4-1-3(6)2-5/h3-6H,1-2H2 UPa:UPC00116 glycerol C3H8O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H8O3/c4-1-3(6)2-5/h3-6H,1-2H2 UPa: CHEBI:17797 CHEBI:52742 KEGG:C00117 compound C5H11O8P InChI=1S/C5H11O8P/c6-3-2(1-12-14(9,10)11)13-5(8)4(3)7/h2-8H,1H2,(H2,9,10,11)/t2-,3-,4-,5?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00117 D-ribose 5-phosphate C5H11O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H11O8P/c6-3-2(1-12-14(9,10)11)13-5(8)4(3)7/h2-8H,1H2,(H2,9,10,11)/t2-,3-,4-,5?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:29052 KEGG:C00118 D-GAP compound C3H7O6P InChI=1S/C3H7O6P/c4-1-3(5)2-9-10(6,7)8/h1,3,5H,2H2,(H2,6,7,8)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00118 D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate D-GAP KEGG:KEGG C3H7O6P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H7O6P/c4-1-3(5)2-9-10(6,7)8/h1,3,5H,2H2,(H2,6,7,8)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17111 KEGG:C00119 compound C5H13O14P3 InChI=1S/C5H13O14P3/c6-3-2(1-16-20(8,9)10)17-5(4(3)7)18-22(14,15)19-21(11,12)13/h2-7H,1H2,(H,14,15)(H2,8,9,10)(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3-,4-,5-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00119 5-phospho-alpha-D-ribose 1-diphosphate C5H13O14P3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H13O14P3/c6-3-2(1-16-20(8,9)10)17-5(4(3)7)18-22(14,15)19-21(11,12)13/h2-7H,1H2,(H,14,15)(H2,8,9,10)(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3-,4-,5-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15956 KEGG:C00120 compound C10H16N2O3S InChI=1S/C10H16N2O3S/c13-8(14)4-2-1-3-7-9-6(5-16-7)11-10(15)12-9/h6-7,9H,1-5H2,(H,13,14)(H2,11,12,15)/t6-,7-,9-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00120 biotin C10H16N2O3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H16N2O3S/c13-8(14)4-2-1-3-7-9-6(5-16-7)11-10(15)12-9/h6-7,9H,1-5H2,(H,13,14)(H2,11,12,15)/t6-,7-,9-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:47013 KEGG:C00121 compound C5H10O5 InChI=1S/C5H10O5/c6-1-2-3(7)4(8)5(9)10-2/h2-9H,1H2/t2-,3-,4-,5?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00121 D-ribose C5H10O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H10O5/c6-1-2-3(7)4(8)5(9)10-2/h2-9H,1H2/t2-,3-,4-,5?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18012 CHEBI:29806 KEGG:C00122 compound C4H4O4 InChI=1S/C4H4O4/c5-3(6)1-2-4(7)8/h1-2H,(H,5,6)(H,7,8)/b2-1+ UPa:UPC00122 fumarate C4H4O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H4O4/c5-3(6)1-2-4(7)8/h1-2H,(H,5,6)(H,7,8)/b2-1+ UPa: CHEBI:15603 KEGG:C00123 compound C6H13NO2 InChI=1S/C6H13NO2/c1-4(2)3-5(7)6(8)9/h4-5H,3,7H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00123 L-leucine C6H13NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13NO2/c1-4(2)3-5(7)6(8)9/h4-5H,3,7H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15991 KEGG:C00125 compound UPa:UPC00125 ferricytochrome c CHEBI:16928 KEGG:C00126 compound UPa:UPC00126 ferrocytochrome c CHEBI:16584 KEGG:C00129 isopentenyl-PP compound C5H12O7P2 InChI=1S/C5H12O7P2/c1-5(2)3-4-11-14(9,10)12-13(6,7)8/h1,3-4H2,2H3,(H,9,10)(H2,6,7,8) UPa:UPC00129 isopentenyl diphosphate isopentenyl-PP KEGG:KEGG C5H12O7P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H12O7P2/c1-5(2)3-4-11-14(9,10)12-13(6,7)8/h1,3-4H2,2H3,(H,9,10)(H2,6,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:17202 KEGG:C00130 compound C10H13N4O8P InChI=1S/C10H13N4O8P/c15-6-4(1-21-23(18,19)20)22-10(7(6)16)14-3-13-5-8(14)11-2-12-9(5)17/h2-4,6-7,10,15-16H,1H2,(H,11,12,17)(H2,18,19,20)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00130 IMP C10H13N4O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H13N4O8P/c15-6-4(1-21-23(18,19)20)22-10(7(6)16)14-3-13-5-8(14)11-2-12-9(5)17/h2-4,6-7,10,15-16H,1H2,(H,11,12,17)(H2,18,19,20)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17790 KEGG:C00132 compound CH4O InChI=1S/CH4O/c1-2/h2H,1H3 UPa:UPC00132 methanol CH4O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/CH4O/c1-2/h2H,1H3 UPa: CHEBI:15570 KEGG:C00133 compound C3H7NO2 InChI=1S/C3H7NO2/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2H,4H2,1H3,(H,5,6)/t2-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00133 D-alanine C3H7NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H7NO2/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2H,4H2,1H3,(H,5,6)/t2-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17148 KEGG:C00134 compound C4H12N2 InChI=1S/C4H12N2/c5-3-1-2-4-6/h1-6H2 UPa:UPC00134 putrescine C4H12N2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H12N2/c5-3-1-2-4-6/h1-6H2 UPa: CHEBI:15971 KEGG:C00135 compound C6H9N3O2 InChI=1S/C6H9N3O2/c7-5(6(10)11)1-4-2-8-3-9-4/h2-3,5H,1,7H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00135 L-histidine C6H9N3O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H9N3O2/c7-5(6(10)11)1-4-2-8-3-9-4/h2-3,5H,1,7H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17268 KEGG:C00137 compound C6H12O6 InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-2(8)4(10)6(12)5(11)3(1)9/h1-12H/t1-,2-,3-,4+,5-,6- UPa:UPC00137 myo-inositol C6H12O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-2(8)4(10)6(12)5(11)3(1)9/h1-12H/t1-,2-,3-,4+,5-,6- UPa: CHEBI:17513 KEGG:C00138 compound UPa:UPC00138 reduced ferredoxin CHEBI:17908 KEGG:C00139 compound UPa:UPC00139 oxidized ferredoxin CHEBI:506227 KEGG:C00140 compound C8H15NO6 InChI=1S/C8H15NO6/c1-3(11)9-5-7(13)6(12)4(2-10)15-8(5)14/h4-8,10,12-14H,2H2,1H3,(H,9,11)/t4-,5-,6-,7-,8?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00140 N-acetyl-D-glucosamine C8H15NO6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H15NO6/c1-3(11)9-5-7(13)6(12)4(2-10)15-8(5)14/h4-8,10,12-14H,2H2,1H3,(H,9,11)/t4-,5-,6-,7-,8?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:11851 CHEBI:16530 KEGG:C00141 compound C5H8O3 InChI=1S/C5H8O3/c1-3(2)4(6)5(7)8/h3H,1-2H3,(H,7,8) UPa:UPC00141 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate C5H8O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H8O3/c1-3(2)4(6)5(7)8/h3H,1-2H3,(H,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:1989 KEGG:C00143 compound C20H23N7O6 InChI=1S/C20H23N7O6/c21-20-24-16-15(18(31)25-20)27-9-26(8-12(27)7-22-16)11-3-1-10(2-4-11)17(30)23-13(19(32)33)5-6-14(28)29/h1-4,12-13H,5-9H2,(H,23,30)(H,28,29)(H,32,33)(H4,21,22,24,25,31)/t12-,13?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00143 5,10-methylene-THF C20H23N7O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C20H23N7O6/c21-20-24-16-15(18(31)25-20)27-9-26(8-12(27)7-22-16)11-3-1-10(2-4-11)17(30)23-13(19(32)33)5-6-14(28)29/h1-4,12-13H,5-9H2,(H,23,30)(H,28,29)(H,32,33)(H4,21,22,24,25,31)/t12-,13?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17345 KEGG:C00144 compound C10H14N5O8P InChI=1S/C10H14N5O8P/c11-10-13-7-4(8(18)14-10)12-2-15(7)9-6(17)5(16)3(23-9)1-22-24(19,20)21/h2-3,5-6,9,16-17H,1H2,(H2,19,20,21)(H3,11,13,14,18)/t3-,5-,6-,9-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00144 GMP C10H14N5O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H14N5O8P/c11-10-13-7-4(8(18)14-10)12-2-15(7)9-6(17)5(16)3(23-9)1-22-24(19,20)21/h2-3,5-6,9,16-17H,1H2,(H2,19,20,21)(H3,11,13,14,18)/t3-,5-,6-,9-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16708 KEGG:C00147 compound C5H5N5 InChI=1S/C5H5N5/c6-4-3-5(9-1-7-3)10-2-8-4/h1-2H,(H3,6,7,8,9,10) UPa:UPC00147 adenine C5H5N5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H5N5/c6-4-3-5(9-1-7-3)10-2-8-4/h1-2H,(H3,6,7,8,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:17203 KEGG:C00148 compound C5H9NO2 InChI=1S/C5H9NO2/c7-5(8)4-2-1-3-6-4/h4,6H,1-3H2,(H,7,8)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00148 L-proline C5H9NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H9NO2/c7-5(8)4-2-1-3-6-4/h4,6H,1-3H2,(H,7,8)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15589 CHEBI:30797 KEGG:C00149 L-malate compound C4H6O5 InChI=1S/C4H6O5/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h2,5H,1H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00149 (S)-malate L-malate KEGG:KEGG C4H6O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H6O5/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h2,5H,1H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17196 KEGG:C00152 compound C4H8N2O3 InChI=1S/C4H8N2O3/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h2H,1,5H2,(H2,6,7)(H,8,9)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00152 L-asparagine C4H8N2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H8N2O3/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h2H,1,5H2,(H2,6,7)(H,8,9)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17154 KEGG:C00153 compound C6H6N2O InChI=1S/C6H6N2O/c7-6(9)5-2-1-3-8-4-5/h1-4H,(H2,7,9) UPa:UPC00153 nicotinamide C6H6N2O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H6N2O/c7-6(9)5-2-1-3-8-4-5/h1-4H,(H2,7,9) UPa: CHEBI:17588 KEGG:C00155 compound C4H9NO2S InChI=1S/C4H9NO2S/c5-3(1-2-8)4(6)7/h3,8H,1-2,5H2,(H,6,7)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00155 L-homocysteine C4H9NO2S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H9NO2S/c5-3(1-2-8)4(6)7/h3,8H,1-2,5H2,(H,6,7)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17879 CHEBI:30763 KEGG:C00156 compound C7H6O3 InChI=1S/C7H6O3/c8-6-3-1-5(2-4-6)7(9)10/h1-4,8H,(H,9,10) UPa:UPC00156 4-hydroxybenzoate C7H6O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H6O3/c8-6-3-1-5(2-4-6)7(9)10/h1-4,8H,(H,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:16110 CHEBI:49183 KEGG:C00157 compound UPa:UPC00157 phosphatidylcholine CHEBI:16947 CHEBI:30769 KEGG:C00158 citric acid compound C6H8O7 InChI=1S/C6H8O7/c7-3(8)1-6(13,5(11)12)2-4(9)10/h13H,1-2H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)(H,11,12) UPa:UPC00158 citrate citric acid KEGG:KEGG C6H8O7 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H8O7/c7-3(8)1-6(13,5(11)12)2-4(9)10/h13H,1-2H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)(H,11,12) UPa: CHEBI:17497 CHEBI:29805 KEGG:C00160 glycolic acid compound C2H4O3 InChI=1S/C2H4O3/c3-1-2(4)5/h3H,1H2,(H,4,5) UPa:UPC00160 glycolate glycolic acid KEGG:KEGG C2H4O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H4O3/c3-1-2(4)5/h3H,1H2,(H,4,5) UPa: CHEBI:35366 KEGG:C00162 compound UPa:UPC00162 fatty acid CHEBI:17272 CHEBI:30768 KEGG:C00163 compound C3H6O2 InChI=1S/C3H6O2/c1-2-3(4)5/h2H2,1H3,(H,4,5) UPa:UPC00163 propanoate C3H6O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H6O2/c1-2-3(4)5/h2H2,1H3,(H,4,5) UPa: CHEBI:13705 CHEBI:15344 KEGG:C00164 acetoacetic acid compound C4H6O3 InChI=1S/C4H6O3/c1-3(5)2-4(6)7/h2H2,1H3,(H,6,7) UPa:UPC00164 acetoacetate acetoacetic acid KEGG:KEGG C4H6O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H6O3/c1-3(5)2-4(6)7/h2H2,1H3,(H,6,7) UPa: CHEBI:18035 KEGG:C00165 compound UPa:UPC00165 diacylglycerol CHEBI:18005 CHEBI:30851 KEGG:C00166 compound C9H8O3 InChI=1S/C9H8O3/c10-8(9(11)12)6-7-4-2-1-3-5-7/h1-5H,6H2,(H,11,12) UPa:UPC00166 phenylpyruvate C9H8O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H8O3/c10-8(9(11)12)6-7-4-2-1-3-5-7/h1-5H,6H2,(H,11,12) UPa: CHEBI:17200 KEGG:C00167 UDP-glucuronic acid compound C15H22N2O18P2 InChI=1S/C15H22N2O18P2/c18-5-1-2-17(15(26)16-5)12-9(22)6(19)4(32-12)3-31-36(27,28)35-37(29,30)34-14-10(23)7(20)8(21)11(33-14)13(24)25/h1-2,4,6-12,14,19-23H,3H2,(H,24,25)(H,27,28)(H,29,30)(H,16,18,26)/t4-,6-,7+,8+,9-,10-,11+,12-,14-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00167 UDP-alpha-D-glucuronate UDP-glucuronic acid KEGG:KEGG C15H22N2O18P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H22N2O18P2/c18-5-1-2-17(15(26)16-5)12-9(22)6(19)4(32-12)3-31-36(27,28)35-37(29,30)34-14-10(23)7(20)8(21)11(33-14)13(24)25/h1-2,4,6-12,14,19-23H,3H2,(H,24,25)(H,27,28)(H,29,30)(H,16,18,26)/t4-,6-,7+,8+,9-,10-,11+,12-,14-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17180 CHEBI:30841 KEGG:C00168 3-hydroxypyruvic acid compound C3H4O4 InChI=1S/C3H4O4/c4-1-2(5)3(6)7/h4H,1H2,(H,6,7) UPa:UPC00168 3-hydroxypyruvate 3-hydroxypyruvic acid KEGG:KEGG C3H4O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H4O4/c4-1-2(5)3(6)7/h4H,1H2,(H,6,7) UPa: CHEBI:17672 KEGG:C00169 compound CH4NO5P InChI=1S/CH4NO5P/c2-1(3)7-8(4,5)6/h(H2,2,3)(H2,4,5,6) UPa:UPC00169 carbamoyl phosphate CH4NO5P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/CH4NO5P/c2-1(3)7-8(4,5)6/h(H2,2,3)(H2,4,5,6) UPa: CHEBI:17509 KEGG:C00170 (S)-methyl-5'-thioadenosine compound C11H15N5O3S InChI=1S/C11H15N5O3S/c1-20-2-5-7(17)8(18)11(19-5)16-4-15-6-9(12)13-3-14-10(6)16/h3-5,7-8,11,17-18H,2H2,1H3,(H2,12,13,14)/t5-,7-,8-,11-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00170 S-methyl-5'-thioadenosine (S)-methyl-5'-thioadenosine KEGG:KEGG C11H15N5O3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H15N5O3S/c1-20-2-5-7(17)8(18)11(19-5)16-4-15-6-9(12)13-3-14-10(6)16/h3-5,7-8,11,17-18H,2H2,1H3,(H2,12,13,14)/t5-,7-,8-,11-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27638 CHEBI:48828 KEGG:C00175 cobalt compound Co InChI=1S/Co/q+2 UPa:UPC00175 Co(2+) cobalt KEGG:KEGG Co KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/Co/q+2 UPa: CHEBI:17514 KEGG:C00177 cyanide compound CN InChI=1S/CN/c1-2/q-1 UPa:UPC00177 hydrogen cyanide cyanide KEGG:KEGG CN KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/CN/c1-2/q-1 UPa: CHEBI:17821 KEGG:C00178 compound C5H6N2O2 InChI=1S/C5H6N2O2/c1-3-2-6-5(9)7-4(3)8/h2H,1H3,(H2,6,7,8,9) UPa:UPC00178 thymine C5H6N2O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H6N2O2/c1-3-2-6-5(9)7-4(3)8/h2H,1H3,(H2,6,7,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:17431 KEGG:C00179 compound C5H14N4 InChI=1S/C5H14N4/c6-3-1-2-4-9-5(7)8/h1-4,6H2,(H4,7,8,9) UPa:UPC00179 agmatine C5H14N4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H14N4/c6-3-1-2-4-9-5(7)8/h1-4,6H2,(H4,7,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:16150 CHEBI:30746 KEGG:C00180 benzoic acid compound C7H6O2 InChI=1S/C7H6O2/c8-7(9)6-4-2-1-3-5-6/h1-5H,(H,8,9) UPa:UPC00180 benzoate benzoic acid KEGG:KEGG C7H6O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H6O2/c8-7(9)6-4-2-1-3-5-6/h1-5H,(H,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:28087 KEGG:C00182 compound C24H42O21 InChI=1S/C24H42O21/c25-1-5-9(28)11(30)16(35)22(41-5)39-4-8-20(45-23-17(36)12(31)10(29)6(2-26)42-23)14(33)18(37)24(43-8)44-19-7(3-27)40-21(38)15(34)13(19)32/h5-38H,1-4H2/t5-,6-,7-,8-,9-,10-,11+,12+,13-,14-,15-,16-,17-,18-,19-,20-,21+,22+,23-,24-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00182 glycogen C24H42O21 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C24H42O21/c25-1-5-9(28)11(30)16(35)22(41-5)39-4-8-20(45-23-17(36)12(31)10(29)6(2-26)42-23)14(33)18(37)24(43-8)44-19-7(3-27)40-21(38)15(34)13(19)32/h5-38H,1-4H2/t5-,6-,7-,8-,9-,10-,11+,12+,13-,14-,15-,16-,17-,18-,19-,20-,21+,22+,23-,24-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16414 KEGG:C00183 compound C5H11NO2 InChI=1S/C5H11NO2/c1-3(2)4(6)5(7)8/h3-4H,6H2,1-2H3,(H,7,8)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00183 L-valine C5H11NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H11NO2/c1-3(2)4(6)5(7)8/h3-4H,6H2,1-2H3,(H,7,8)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16016 KEGG:C00184 compound C3H6O3 InChI=1S/C3H6O3/c4-1-3(6)2-5/h4-5H,1-2H2 UPa:UPC00184 glycerone C3H6O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H6O3/c4-1-3(6)2-5/h4-5H,1-2H2 UPa: CHEBI:16651 CHEBI:422 KEGG:C00186 compound C3H6O3 InChI=1S/C3H6O3/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2,4H,1H3,(H,5,6)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00186 (S)-lactate C3H6O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H6O3/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2,4H,1H3,(H,5,6)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16113 KEGG:C00187 compound C27H46O InChI=1S/C27H46O/c1-18(2)7-6-8-19(3)23-11-12-24-22-10-9-20-17-21(28)13-15-26(20,4)25(22)14-16-27(23,24)5/h9,18-19,21-25,28H,6-8,10-17H2,1-5H3/t19-,21+,22+,23-,24+,25+,26+,27-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00187 cholesterol C27H46O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C27H46O/c1-18(2)7-6-8-19(3)23-11-12-24-22-10-9-20-17-21(28)13-15-26(20,4)25(22)14-16-27(23,24)5/h9,18-19,21-25,28H,6-8,10-17H2,1-5H3/t19-,21+,22+,23-,24+,25+,26+,27-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16857 KEGG:C00188 compound C4H9NO3 InChI=1S/C4H9NO3/c1-2(6)3(5)4(7)8/h2-3,6H,5H2,1H3,(H,7,8)/t2-,3+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00188 L-threonine C4H9NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H9NO3/c1-2(6)3(5)4(7)8/h2-3,6H,5H2,1H3,(H,7,8)/t2-,3+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16000 KEGG:C00189 compound C2H7NO InChI=1S/C2H7NO/c3-1-2-4/h4H,1-3H2 UPa:UPC00189 ethanolamine C2H7NO KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H7NO/c3-1-2-4/h4H,1-3H2 UPa: CHEBI:16082 KEGG:C00190 UDP-D-xylose compound C14H22N2O16P2 InChI=1S/C14H22N2O16P2/c17-5-3-28-13(11(22)8(5)19)31-34(26,27)32-33(24,25)29-4-6-9(20)10(21)12(30-6)16-2-1-7(18)15-14(16)23/h1-2,5-6,8-13,17,19-22H,3-4H2,(H,24,25)(H,26,27)(H,15,18,23)/t5-,6-,8+,9-,10-,11-,12?,13-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00190 UDP-alpha-D-xylose UDP-D-xylose KEGG:KEGG C14H22N2O16P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H22N2O16P2/c17-5-3-28-13(11(22)8(5)19)31-34(26,27)32-33(24,25)29-4-6-9(20)10(21)12(30-6)16-2-1-7(18)15-14(16)23/h1-2,5-6,8-13,17,19-22H,3-4H2,(H,24,25)(H,26,27)(H,15,18,23)/t5-,6-,8+,9-,10-,11-,12?,13-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15748 CHEBI:4178 CHEBI:47952 KEGG:C00191 D-glucuronic acid compound C6H10O7 InChI=1S/C6H10O7/c7-1-2(8)4(5(10)11)13-6(12)3(1)9/h1-4,6-9,12H,(H,10,11)/t1-,2-,3+,4-,6?/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00191 D-glucuronate D-glucuronic acid KEGG:KEGG C6H10O7 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O7/c7-1-2(8)4(5(10)11)13-6(12)3(1)9/h1-4,6-9,12H,(H,10,11)/t1-,2-,3+,4-,6?/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18408 KEGG:C00194 compound C72H100CoN18O17P InChI=1S/C62H90N13O14P.C10H12N5O3.Co/c1-29-20-39-40(21-30(29)2)75(28-70-39)57-52(84)53(41(27-76)87-57)89-90(85,86)88-31(3)26-69-49(83)18-19-59(8)37(22-46(66)80)56-62(11)61(10,25-48(68)82)36(14-17-45(65)79)51(74-62)33(5)55-60(9,24-47(67)81)34(12-15-43(63)77)38(71-55)23-42-58(6,7)35(13-16-44(64)78)50(72-42)32(4)54(59)73-56;1-4-6(16)7(17)10(18-4)15-3-14-5-8(11)12-2-13-9(5)15;/h20-21,23,28,31,34-37,41,52-53,56-57,76,84H,12-19,22,24-27H2,1-11H3,(H15,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,71,72,73,74,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,85,86);2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13);/q;;+2/p-2/t31-,34-,35-,36-,37+,41-,52-,53-,56?,57+,59-,60+,61+,62+;4-,6-,7-,10-;/m11./s1 UPa:UPC00194 adenosylcobalamin C72H100CoN18O17P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C62H90N13O14P.C10H12N5O3.Co/c1-29-20-39-40(21-30(29)2)75(28-70-39)57-52(84)53(41(27-76)87-57)89-90(85,86)88-31(3)26-69-49(83)18-19-59(8)37(22-46(66)80)56-62(11)61(10,25-48(68)82)36(14-17-45(65)79)51(74-62)33(5)55-60(9,24-47(67)81)34(12-15-43(63)77)38(71-55)23-42-58(6,7)35(13-16-44(64)78)50(72-42)32(4)54(59)73-56;1-4-6(16)7(17)10(18-4)15-3-14-5-8(11)12-2-13-9(5)15;/h20-21,23,28,31,34-37,41,52-53,56-57,76,84H,12-19,22,24-27H2,1-11H3,(H15,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,71,72,73,74,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,85,86);2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13);/q;;+2/p-2/t31-,34-,35-,36-,37+,41-,52-,53-,56?,57+,59-,60+,61+,62+;4-,6-,7-,10-;/m11./s1 UPa: CHEBI:17794 KEGG:C00197 3-phospho-D-glyceric acid compound C3H7O7P InChI=1S/C3H7O7P/c4-2(3(5)6)1-10-11(7,8)9/h2,4H,1H2,(H,5,6)(H2,7,8,9)/t2-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00197 3-phospho-D-glycerate 3-phospho-D-glyceric acid KEGG:KEGG C3H7O7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H7O7P/c4-2(3(5)6)1-10-11(7,8)9/h2,4H,1H2,(H,5,6)(H2,7,8,9)/t2-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16217 KEGG:C00198 compound C6H10O6 InChI=1S/C6H10O6/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12-2/h2-5,7-10H,1H2/t2-,3-,4+,5-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00198 D-glucono-1,5-lactone C6H10O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O6/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12-2/h2-5,7-10H,1H2/t2-,3-,4+,5-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17363 KEGG:C00199 compound C5H11O8P InChI=1S/C5H11O8P/c6-1-3(7)5(9)4(8)2-13-14(10,11)12/h4-6,8-9H,1-2H2,(H2,10,11,12)/t4-,5+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00199 D-ribulose 5-phosphate C5H11O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H11O8P/c6-1-3(7)5(9)4(8)2-13-14(10,11)12/h4-6,8-9H,1-2H2,(H2,10,11,12)/t4-,5+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17032 KEGG:C00204 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconic acid compound C6H10O6 InChI=1S/C6H10O6/c7-2-5(10)3(8)1-4(9)6(11)12/h3,5,7-8,10H,1-2H2,(H,11,12)/t3-,5+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00204 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconic acid KEGG:KEGG C6H10O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O6/c7-2-5(10)3(8)1-4(9)6(11)12/h3,5,7-8,10H,1-2H2,(H,11,12)/t3-,5+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17306 KEGG:C00208 compound C12H22O11 InChI=1S/C12H22O11/c13-1-3-5(15)6(16)9(19)12(22-3)23-10-4(2-14)21-11(20)8(18)7(10)17/h3-20H,1-2H2/t3-,4-,5-,6+,7-,8-,9-,10-,11?,12-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00208 maltose C12H22O11 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H22O11/c13-1-3-5(15)6(16)9(19)12(22-3)23-10-4(2-14)21-11(20)8(18)7(10)17/h3-20H,1-2H2/t3-,4-,5-,6+,7-,8-,9-,10-,11?,12-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16995 CHEBI:30623 KEGG:C00209 compound C2H2O4 InChI=1S/C2H2O4/c3-1(4)2(5)6/h(H,3,4)(H,5,6) UPa:UPC00209 oxalate C2H2O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H2O4/c3-1(4)2(5)6/h(H,3,4)(H,5,6) UPa: CHEBI:16335 KEGG:C00212 compound C10H13N5O4 InChI=1S/C10H13N5O4/c11-8-5-9(13-2-12-8)15(3-14-5)10-7(18)6(17)4(1-16)19-10/h2-4,6-7,10,16-18H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00212 adenosine C10H13N5O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H13N5O4/c11-8-5-9(13-2-12-8)15(3-14-5)10-7(18)6(17)4(1-16)19-10/h2-4,6-7,10,16-18H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15611 KEGG:C00213 compound C3H7NO2 InChI=1S/C3H7NO2/c1-4-2-3(5)6/h4H,2H2,1H3,(H,5,6) UPa:UPC00213 sarcosine C3H7NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H7NO2/c1-4-2-3(5)6/h4H,2H2,1H3,(H,5,6) UPa: CHEBI:17748 KEGG:C00214 compound C10H14N2O5 InChI=1S/C10H14N2O5/c1-5-3-12(10(16)11-9(5)15)8-2-6(14)7(4-13)17-8/h3,6-8,13-14H,2,4H2,1H3,(H,11,15,16)/t6-,7+,8+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00214 thymidine C10H14N2O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H14N2O5/c1-5-3-12(10(16)11-9(5)15)8-2-6(14)7(4-13)17-8/h3,6-8,13-14H,2,4H2,1H3,(H,11,15,16)/t6-,7+,8+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17108 CHEBI:46994 KEGG:C00216 compound C5H10O5 InChI=1S/C5H10O5/c6-2-1-10-5(9)4(8)3(2)7/h2-9H,1H2/t2-,3-,4+,5?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00216 D-arabinose C5H10O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H10O5/c6-2-1-10-5(9)4(8)3(2)7/h2-9H,1H2/t2-,3-,4+,5?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16830 KEGG:C00218 compound CH5N InChI=1S/CH5N/c1-2/h2H2,1H3 UPa:UPC00218 methylamine CH5N KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/CH5N/c1-2/h2H2,1H3 UPa: CHEBI:15843 KEGG:C00219 compound C20H32O2 InChI=1S/C20H32O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20(21)22/h6-7,9-10,12-13,15-16H,2-5,8,11,14,17-19H2,1H3,(H,21,22)/b7-6-,10-9-,13-12-,16-15- UPa:UPC00219 arachidonate C20H32O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C20H32O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20(21)22/h6-7,9-10,12-13,15-16H,2-5,8,11,14,17-19H2,1H3,(H,21,22)/b7-6-,10-9-,13-12-,16-15- UPa: CHEBI:15903 KEGG:C00221 compound C6H12O6 InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12-2/h2-11H,1H2/t2-,3-,4+,5-,6-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00221 beta-D-glucose C6H12O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12-2/h2-11H,1H2/t2-,3-,4+,5-,6-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17960 CHEBI:33190 KEGG:C00222 compound C3H4O3 InChI=1S/C3H4O3/c4-2-1-3(5)6/h2H,1H2,(H,5,6) UPa:UPC00222 3-oxopropanoate C3H4O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H4O3/c4-2-1-3(5)6/h2H,1H2,(H,5,6) UPa: CHEBI:15499 KEGG:C00223 compound C30H42N7O18P3S InChI=1S/C30H42N7O18P3S/c1-30(2,25(42)28(43)33-10-9-20(39)32-11-12-59-21(40)8-5-17-3-6-18(38)7-4-17)14-52-58(49,50)55-57(47,48)51-13-19-24(54-56(44,45)46)23(41)29(53-19)37-16-36-22-26(31)34-15-35-27(22)37/h3-8,15-16,19,23-25,29,38,41-42H,9-14H2,1-2H3,(H,32,39)(H,33,43)(H,47,48)(H,49,50)(H2,31,34,35)(H2,44,45,46)/b8-5+/t19-,23-,24-,25+,29-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00223 4-coumaroyl-CoA C30H42N7O18P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C30H42N7O18P3S/c1-30(2,25(42)28(43)33-10-9-20(39)32-11-12-59-21(40)8-5-17-3-6-18(38)7-4-17)14-52-58(49,50)55-57(47,48)51-13-19-24(54-56(44,45)46)23(41)29(53-19)37-16-36-22-26(31)34-15-35-27(22)37/h3-8,15-16,19,23-25,29,38,41-42H,9-14H2,1-2H3,(H,32,39)(H,33,43)(H,47,48)(H,49,50)(H2,31,34,35)(H2,44,45,46)/b8-5+/t19-,23-,24-,25+,29-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17709 KEGG:C00224 adenylyl sulfate compound C10H14N5O10PS InChI=1S/C10H14N5O10PS/c11-8-5-9(13-2-12-8)15(3-14-5)10-7(17)6(16)4(24-10)1-23-26(18,19)25-27(20,21)22/h2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H,18,19)(H2,11,12,13)(H,20,21,22)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00224 5'-adenylyl sulfate adenylyl sulfate KEGG:KEGG C10H14N5O10PS KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H14N5O10PS/c11-8-5-9(13-2-12-8)15(3-14-5)10-7(17)6(16)4(24-10)1-23-26(18,19)25-27(20,21)22/h2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H,18,19)(H2,11,12,13)(H,20,21,22)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15350 KEGG:C00227 compound C2H5O5P InChI=1S/C2H5O5P/c1-2(3)7-8(4,5)6/h1H3,(H2,4,5,6) UPa:UPC00227 acetyl phosphate C2H5O5P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H5O5P/c1-2(3)7-8(4,5)6/h1H3,(H2,4,5,6) UPa: CHEBI:18359 KEGG:C00229 compound UPa:UPC00229 acyl-carrier protein CHEBI:36062 CHEBI:36241 KEGG:C00230 compound C7H6O4 InChI=1S/C7H6O4/c8-5-2-1-4(7(10)11)3-6(5)9/h1-3,8-9H,(H,10,11) UPa:UPC00230 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate C7H6O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H6O4/c8-5-2-1-4(7(10)11)3-6(5)9/h1-3,8-9H,(H,10,11) UPa: CHEBI:16332 KEGG:C00231 compound C5H11O8P InChI=1S/C5H11O8P/c6-1-3(7)5(9)4(8)2-13-14(10,11)12/h4-6,8-9H,1-2H2,(H2,10,11,12)/t4-,5-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00231 D-xylulose 5-phosphate C5H11O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H11O8P/c6-1-3(7)5(9)4(8)2-13-14(10,11)12/h4-6,8-9H,1-2H2,(H2,10,11,12)/t4-,5-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16265 KEGG:C00232 compound C4H6O3 InChI=1S/C4H6O3/c5-3-1-2-4(6)7/h3H,1-2H2,(H,6,7) UPa:UPC00232 succinate semialdehyde C4H6O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H6O3/c5-3-1-2-4(6)7/h3H,1-2H2,(H,6,7) UPa: CHEBI:17865 CHEBI:48430 KEGG:C00233 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoic acid compound C6H10O3 InChI=1S/C6H10O3/c1-4(2)3-5(7)6(8)9/h4H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9) UPa:UPC00233 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoic acid KEGG:KEGG C6H10O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O3/c1-4(2)3-5(7)6(8)9/h4H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:15637 KEGG:C00234 10-formyltetrahydrofolate compound C20H23N7O7 InChI=1S/C20H23N7O7/c21-20-25-16-15(18(32)26-20)23-11(7-22-16)8-27(9-28)12-3-1-10(2-4-12)17(31)24-13(19(33)34)5-6-14(29)30/h1-4,9,11,13,23H,5-8H2,(H,24,31)(H,29,30)(H,33,34)(H4,21,22,25,26,32)/t11-,13+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00234 10-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate 10-formyltetrahydrofolate KEGG:KEGG C20H23N7O7 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C20H23N7O7/c21-20-25-16-15(18(32)26-20)23-11(7-22-16)8-27(9-28)12-3-1-10(2-4-12)17(31)24-13(19(33)34)5-6-14(29)30/h1-4,9,11,13,23H,5-8H2,(H,24,31)(H,29,30)(H,33,34)(H4,21,22,25,26,32)/t11-,13+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16057 KEGG:C00235 dimethylallyl-PP compound C5H12O7P2 InChI=1S/C5H12O7P2/c1-5(2)3-4-11-14(9,10)12-13(6,7)8/h3H,4H2,1-2H3,(H,9,10)(H2,6,7,8) UPa:UPC00235 dimethylallyl diphosphate dimethylallyl-PP KEGG:KEGG C5H12O7P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H12O7P2/c1-5(2)3-4-11-14(9,10)12-13(6,7)8/h3H,4H2,1-2H3,(H,9,10)(H2,6,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:16001 KEGG:C00236 compound C3H8O10P2 InChI=1S/C3H8O10P2/c4-2(1-12-14(6,7)8)3(5)13-15(9,10)11/h2,4H,1H2,(H2,6,7,8)(H2,9,10,11)/t2-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00236 3-phospho-D-glyceroyl phosphate C3H8O10P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H8O10P2/c4-2(1-12-14(6,7)8)3(5)13-15(9,10)11/h2,4H,1H2,(H2,6,7,8)(H2,9,10,11)/t2-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17245 KEGG:C00237 carbon monoxide compound CH2O InChI=1S/CO/c1-2 UPa:UPC00237 CO carbon monoxide KEGG:KEGG CH2O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/CO/c1-2 UPa: CHEBI:16235 KEGG:C00242 compound C5H5N5O InChI=1S/C5H5N5O/c6-5-9-3-2(4(11)10-5)7-1-8-3/h1H,(H4,6,7,8,9,10,11) UPa:UPC00242 guanine C5H5N5O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H5N5O/c6-5-9-3-2(4(11)10-5)7-1-8-3/h1H,(H4,6,7,8,9,10,11) UPa: CHEBI:17716 CHEBI:36219 KEGG:C00243 D-lactose compound C12H22O11 InChI=1S/C12H22O11/c13-1-3-5(15)6(16)9(19)12(22-3)23-10-4(2-14)21-11(20)8(18)7(10)17/h3-20H,1-2H2/t3-,4-,5+,6+,7-,8-,9-,10-,11?,12+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00243 lactose D-lactose KEGG:KEGG C12H22O11 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H22O11/c13-1-3-5(15)6(16)9(19)12(22-3)23-10-4(2-14)21-11(20)8(18)7(10)17/h3-20H,1-2H2/t3-,4-,5+,6+,7-,8-,9-,10-,11?,12+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:48107 CHEBI:51081 KEGG:C00244 compound HNO3 InChI=1S/HNO3/c2-1(3)4/h(H,2,3,4) UPa:UPC00244 nitrate HNO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/HNO3/c2-1(3)4/h(H,2,3,4) UPa: CHEBI:15891 KEGG:C00245 compound C2H7NO3S InChI=1S/C2H7NO3S/c3-1-2-7(4,5)6/h1-3H2,(H,4,5,6) UPa:UPC00245 taurine C2H7NO3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H7NO3S/c3-1-2-7(4,5)6/h1-3H2,(H,4,5,6) UPa: CHEBI:17968 CHEBI:30772 KEGG:C00246 compound C4H8O2 InChI=1S/C4H8O2/c1-2-3-4(5)6/h2-3H2,1H3,(H,5,6) UPa:UPC00246 butanoate C4H8O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H8O2/c1-2-3-4(5)6/h2-3H2,1H3,(H,5,6) UPa: CHEBI:48649 KEGG:C00247 compound C6H12O6 InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-2-6(11)5(10)4(9)3(8)1-12-6/h3-5,7-11H,1-2H2/t3-,4+,5-,6?/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00247 L-sorbose C6H12O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-2-6(11)5(10)4(9)3(8)1-12-6/h3-5,7-11H,1-2H2/t3-,4+,5-,6?/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17460 KEGG:C00248 compound C8H15NOS2 InChI=1S/C8H15NOS2/c9-8(10)4-2-1-3-7-5-6-11-12-7/h7H,1-6H2,(H2,9,10) UPa:UPC00248 lipoamide C8H15NOS2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H15NOS2/c9-8(10)4-2-1-3-7-5-6-11-12-7/h7H,1-6H2,(H2,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:17310 KEGG:C00250 compound C8H9NO3 InChI=1S/C8H9NO3/c1-5-8(12)7(4-11)6(3-10)2-9-5/h2,4,10,12H,3H2,1H3 UPa:UPC00250 pyridoxal C8H9NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H9NO3/c1-5-8(12)7(4-11)6(3-10)2-9-5/h2,4,10,12H,3H2,1H3 UPa: CHEBI:17333 KEGG:C00251 compound C10H10O6 InChI=1S/C10H10O6/c1-5(9(12)13)16-8-4-6(10(14)15)2-3-7(8)11/h2-4,7-8,11H,1H2,(H,12,13)(H,14,15)/t7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00251 chorismate C10H10O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H10O6/c1-5(9(12)13)16-8-4-6(10(14)15)2-3-7(8)11/h2-4,7-8,11H,1H2,(H,12,13)(H,14,15)/t7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15940 KEGG:C00253 compound C6H5NO2 InChI=1S/C6H5NO2/c8-6(9)5-2-1-3-7-4-5/h1-4H,(H,8,9) UPa:UPC00253 nicotinate C6H5NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H5NO2/c8-6(9)5-2-1-3-7-4-5/h1-4H,(H,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:29934 CHEBI:84387 KEGG:C00254 compound C10H10O6 InChI=1S/C10H10O6/c11-6-1-3-10(4-2-6,9(15)16)5-7(12)8(13)14/h1-4,6,11H,5H2,(H,13,14)(H,15,16)/t6-,10+ UPa:UPC00254 prephenate C10H10O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H10O6/c11-6-1-3-10(4-2-6,9(15)16)5-7(12)8(13)14/h1-4,6,11H,5H2,(H,13,14)(H,15,16)/t6-,10+ UPa: CHEBI:17015 KEGG:C00255 compound C17H20N4O6 InChI=1S/C17H20N4O6/c1-7-3-9-10(4-8(7)2)21(5-11(23)14(25)12(24)6-22)15-13(18-9)16(26)20-17(27)19-15/h3-4,11-12,14,22-25H,5-6H2,1-2H3,(H,20,26,27)/t11-,12+,14-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00255 riboflavin C17H20N4O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C17H20N4O6/c1-7-3-9-10(4-8(7)2)21(5-11(23)14(25)12(24)6-22)15-13(18-9)16(26)20-17(27)19-15/h3-4,11-12,14,22-25H,5-6H2,1-2H3,(H,20,26,27)/t11-,12+,14-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16004 CHEBI:42111 KEGG:C00256 D-lactate compound C3H6O3 InChI=1S/C3H6O3/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2,4H,1H3,(H,5,6)/t2-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00256 (R)-lactate D-lactate KEGG:KEGG C3H6O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H6O3/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2,4H,1H3,(H,5,6)/t2-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18391 CHEBI:33198 KEGG:C00257 D-gluconic acid compound C6H12O7 InChI=1S/C6H12O7/c7-1-2(8)3(9)4(10)5(11)6(12)13/h2-5,7-11H,1H2,(H,12,13)/t2-,3-,4+,5-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00257 D-gluconate D-gluconic acid KEGG:KEGG C6H12O7 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12O7/c7-1-2(8)3(9)4(10)5(11)6(12)13/h2-5,7-11H,1H2,(H,12,13)/t2-,3-,4+,5-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16659 CHEBI:32398 KEGG:C00258 D-glyceric acid compound C3H6O4 InChI=1S/C3H6O4/c4-1-2(5)3(6)7/h2,4-5H,1H2,(H,6,7)/t2-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00258 D-glycerate D-glyceric acid KEGG:KEGG C3H6O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H6O4/c4-1-2(5)3(6)7/h2,4-5H,1H2,(H,6,7)/t2-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17535 KEGG:C00259 compound C5H10O5 InChI=1S/C5H10O5/c6-2-1-10-5(9)4(8)3(2)7/h2-9H,1H2/t2-,3-,4+,5?/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00259 L-arabinose C5H10O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H10O5/c6-2-1-10-5(9)4(8)3(2)7/h2-9H,1H2/t2-,3-,4+,5?/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17169 KEGG:C00261 compound C7H6O InChI=1S/C7H6O/c8-6-7-4-2-1-3-5-7/h1-6H UPa:UPC00261 benzaldehyde C7H6O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H6O/c8-6-7-4-2-1-3-5-7/h1-6H UPa: CHEBI:17368 KEGG:C00262 compound C5H4N4O InChI=1S/C5H4N4O/c10-5-3-4(7-1-6-3)8-2-9-5/h1-2H,(H2,6,7,8,9,10) UPa:UPC00262 hypoxanthine C5H4N4O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H4N4O/c10-5-3-4(7-1-6-3)8-2-9-5/h1-2H,(H2,6,7,8,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:15699 KEGG:C00263 compound C4H9NO3 InChI=1S/C4H9NO3/c5-3(1-2-6)4(7)8/h3,6H,1-2,5H2,(H,7,8)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00263 L-homoserine C4H9NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H9NO3/c5-3(1-2-6)4(7)8/h3,6H,1-2,5H2,(H,7,8)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17071 KEGG:C00266 compound C2H4O2 InChI=1S/C2H4O2/c3-1-2-4/h1,4H,2H2 UPa:UPC00266 glycolaldehyde C2H4O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H4O2/c3-1-2-4/h1,4H,2H2 UPa: CHEBI:20680 KEGG:C00268 compound C9H13N5O3 InChI=1S/C9H13N5O3/c1-3(15)6(16)4-2-11-7-5(12-4)8(17)14-9(10)13-7/h3-4,6,15-16H,2H2,1H3,(H3,10,11,13,14,17)/t3-,4+,6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00268 dihydrobiopterin C9H13N5O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H13N5O3/c1-3(15)6(16)4-2-11-7-5(12-4)8(17)14-9(10)13-7/h3-4,6,15-16H,2H2,1H3,(H3,10,11,13,14,17)/t3-,4+,6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17962 KEGG:C00269 compound UPa:UPC00269 CDP-diacylglycerol CHEBI:17012 KEGG:C00270 N-acetylneuraminic acid compound C11H19NO9 InChI=1S/C11H19NO9/c1-4(14)12-7-5(15)2-11(20,10(18)19)21-9(7)8(17)6(16)3-13/h5-9,13,15-17,20H,2-3H2,1H3,(H,12,14)(H,18,19)/t5-,6+,7+,8+,9+,11?/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00270 N-acetylneuraminate N-acetylneuraminic acid KEGG:KEGG C11H19NO9 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H19NO9/c1-4(14)12-7-5(15)2-11(20,10(18)19)21-9(7)8(17)6(16)3-13/h5-9,13,15-17,20H,2-3H2,1H3,(H,12,14)(H,18,19)/t5-,6+,7+,8+,9+,11?/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15372 CHEBI:59560 KEGG:C00272 compound C9H15N5O3 InChI=1S/C9H15N5O3/c1-3(15)6(16)4-2-11-7-5(12-4)8(17)14-9(10)13-7/h3-4,6,12,15-16H,2H2,1H3,(H4,10,11,13,14,17)/t3-,4+,6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00272 tetrahydrobiopterin C9H15N5O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H15N5O3/c1-3(15)6(16)4-2-11-7-5(12-4)8(17)14-9(10)13-7/h3-4,6,12,15-16H,2H2,1H3,(H4,10,11,13,14,17)/t3-,4+,6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17369 CHEBI:48066 KEGG:C00275 compound C6H13O9P InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-3-2(1-14-16(11,12)13)15-6(10)5(9)4(3)8/h2-10H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3-,4+,5+,6?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00275 D-mannose 6-phosphate C6H13O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-3-2(1-14-16(11,12)13)15-6(10)5(9)4(3)8/h2-10H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3-,4+,5+,6?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:48153 KEGG:C00279 compound C4H9O7P InChI=1S/C4H9O7P/c5-1-3(6)4(7)2-11-12(8,9)10/h1,3-4,6-7H,2H2,(H2,8,9,10)/t3-,4+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00279 D-erythrose 4-phosphate C4H9O7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H9O7P/c5-1-3(6)4(7)2-11-12(8,9)10/h1,3-4,6-7H,2H2,(H2,8,9,10)/t3-,4+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18276 KEGG:C00282 dihydrogen compound H2 InChI=1S/H2/h1H UPa:UPC00282 H(2) dihydrogen KEGG:KEGG H2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/H2/h1H UPa: CHEBI:16136 KEGG:C00283 H(2)S compound H2S InChI=1S/H2S/h1H2 UPa:UPC00283 hydrogen sulfide H(2)S KEGG:KEGG H2S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/H2S/h1H2 UPa: CHEBI:17544 KEGG:C00288 HCO(3)(-) compound CHO3 InChI=1S/CH2O3/c2-1(3)4/h(H2,2,3,4)/p-1 UPa:UPC00288 bicarbonate HCO(3)(-) KEGG:KEGG CHO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/CH2O3/c2-1(3)4/h(H2,2,3,4)/p-1 UPa: CHEBI:17596 KEGG:C00294 compound C10H12N4O5 InChI=1S/C10H12N4O5/c15-1-4-6(16)7(17)10(19-4)14-3-13-5-8(14)11-2-12-9(5)18/h2-4,6-7,10,15-17H,1H2,(H,11,12,18)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00294 inosine C10H12N4O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H12N4O5/c15-1-4-6(16)7(17)10(19-4)14-3-13-5-8(14)11-2-12-9(5)18/h2-4,6-7,10,15-17H,1H2,(H,11,12,18)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16742 KEGG:C00295 compound C5H4N2O4 InChI=1S/C5H4N2O4/c8-3-1-2(4(9)10)6-5(11)7-3/h1H,(H,9,10)(H2,6,7,8,11) UPa:UPC00295 orotate C5H4N2O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H4N2O4/c8-3-1-2(4(9)10)6-5(11)7-3/h1H,(H,9,10)(H2,6,7,8,11) UPa: CHEBI:17521 CHEBI:29751 KEGG:C00296 quinate compound C7H12O6 InChI=1S/C7H12O6/c8-3-1-7(13,6(11)12)2-4(9)5(3)10/h3-5,8-10,13H,1-2H2,(H,11,12)/t3-,4-,5-,7+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00296 D-quinate quinate KEGG:KEGG C7H12O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H12O6/c8-3-1-7(13,6(11)12)2-4(9)5(3)10/h3-5,8-10,13H,1-2H2,(H,11,12)/t3-,4-,5-,7+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16704 KEGG:C00299 compound C9H12N2O6 InChI=1S/C9H12N2O6/c12-3-4-6(14)7(15)8(17-4)11-2-1-5(13)10-9(11)16/h1-2,4,6-8,12,14-15H,3H2,(H,10,13,16)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00299 uridine C9H12N2O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H12N2O6/c12-3-4-6(14)7(15)8(17-4)11-2-1-5(13)10-9(11)16/h1-2,4,6-8,12,14-15H,3H2,(H,10,13,16)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16919 KEGG:C00300 compound C4H9N3O2 InChI=1S/C4H9N3O2/c1-7(4(5)6)2-3(8)9/h2H2,1H3,(H3,5,6)(H,8,9) UPa:UPC00300 creatine C4H9N3O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H9N3O2/c1-7(4(5)6)2-3(8)9/h2H2,1H3,(H3,5,6)(H,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:16436 KEGG:C00307 compound C14H26N4O11P2 InChI=1S/C14H26N4O11P2/c1-18(2,3)6-7-26-30(22,23)29-31(24,25)27-8-9-11(19)12(20)13(28-9)17-5-4-10(15)16-14(17)21/h4-5,9,11-13,19-20H,6-8H2,1-3H3,(H3-,15,16,21,22,23,24,25)/t9-,11-,12-,13-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00307 CDP-choline C14H26N4O11P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H26N4O11P2/c1-18(2,3)6-7-26-30(22,23)29-31(24,25)27-8-9-11(19)12(20)13(28-9)17-5-4-10(15)16-14(17)21/h4-5,9,11-13,19-20H,6-8H2,1-3H3,(H3-,15,16,21,22,23,24,25)/t9-,11-,12-,13-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17140 KEGG:C00310 compound C5H10O5 InChI=1S/C5H10O5/c6-2-5(9)4(8)3(7)1-10-5/h3-4,6-9H,1-2H2/t3-,4+,5?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00310 D-xylulose C5H10O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H10O5/c6-2-5(9)4(8)3(7)1-10-5/h3-4,6-9H,1-2H2/t3-,4+,5?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16087 CHEBI:30887 KEGG:C00311 compound C6H8O7 InChI=1S/C6H8O7/c7-3(8)1-2(5(10)11)4(9)6(12)13/h2,4,9H,1H2,(H,7,8)(H,10,11)(H,12,13) UPa:UPC00311 isocitrate C6H8O7 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H8O7/c7-3(8)1-2(5(10)11)4(9)6(12)13/h2,4,9H,1H2,(H,7,8)(H,10,11)(H,12,13) UPa: CHEBI:17399 KEGG:C00312 compound C5H10O5 InChI=1S/C5H10O5/c6-2-5(9)4(8)3(7)1-10-5/h3-4,6-9H,1-2H2/t3-,4+,5?/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00312 L-xylulose C5H10O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H10O5/c6-2-5(9)4(8)3(7)1-10-5/h3-4,6-9H,1-2H2/t3-,4+,5?/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15535 KEGG:C00313 compound C23H36N7O19P3S InChI=1S/C23H36N7O19P3S/c1-23(2,16(33)19(34)26-4-3-12(31)25-5-6-53-22(37)21(35)36)8-46-52(43,44)49-51(41,42)45-7-11-15(48-50(38,39)40)14(32)20(47-11)30-10-29-13-17(24)27-9-28-18(13)30/h9-11,14-16,20,32-33H,3-8H2,1-2H3,(H,25,31)(H,26,34)(H,35,36)(H,41,42)(H,43,44)(H2,24,27,28)(H2,38,39,40)/t11-,14-,15-,16+,20-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00313 oxalyl-CoA C23H36N7O19P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C23H36N7O19P3S/c1-23(2,16(33)19(34)26-4-3-12(31)25-5-6-53-22(37)21(35)36)8-46-52(43,44)49-51(41,42)45-7-11-15(48-50(38,39)40)14(32)20(47-11)30-10-29-13-17(24)27-9-28-18(13)30/h9-11,14-16,20,32-33H,3-8H2,1-2H3,(H,25,31)(H,26,34)(H,35,36)(H,41,42)(H,43,44)(H2,24,27,28)(H2,38,39,40)/t11-,14-,15-,16+,20-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16709 KEGG:C00314 compound C8H11NO3 InChI=1S/C8H11NO3/c1-5-8(12)7(4-11)6(3-10)2-9-5/h2,10-12H,3-4H2,1H3 UPa:UPC00314 pyridoxine C8H11NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H11NO3/c1-5-8(12)7(4-11)6(3-10)2-9-5/h2,10-12H,3-4H2,1H3 UPa: CHEBI:16610 KEGG:C00315 compound C7H19N3 InChI=1S/C7H19N3/c8-4-1-2-6-10-7-3-5-9/h10H,1-9H2 UPa:UPC00315 spermidine C7H19N3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H19N3/c8-4-1-2-6-10-7-3-5-9/h10H,1-9H2 UPa: CHEBI:15753 KEGG:C00322 compound C6H8O5 InChI=1S/C6H8O5/c7-4(6(10)11)2-1-3-5(8)9/h1-3H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11) UPa:UPC00322 2-oxoadipate C6H8O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H8O5/c7-4(6(10)11)2-1-3-5(8)9/h1-3H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11) UPa: CHEBI:13332 CHEBI:17009 KEGG:C00325 compound C16H25N5O15P2 InChI=1S/C16H25N5O15P2/c1-4-7(22)9(24)11(26)15(33-4)35-38(30,31)36-37(28,29)32-2-5-8(23)10(25)14(34-5)21-3-18-6-12(21)19-16(17)20-13(6)27/h3-5,7-11,14-15,22-26H,2H2,1H3,(H,28,29)(H,30,31)(H3,17,19,20,27)/t4-,5+,7+,8+,9+,10+,11-,14+,15+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00325 GDP-L-fucose C16H25N5O15P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C16H25N5O15P2/c1-4-7(22)9(24)11(26)15(33-4)35-38(30,31)36-37(28,29)32-2-5-8(23)10(25)14(34-5)21-3-18-6-12(21)19-16(17)20-13(6)27/h3-5,7-11,14-15,22-26H,2H2,1H3,(H,28,29)(H,30,31)(H3,17,19,20,27)/t4-,5+,7+,8+,9+,10+,11-,14+,15+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16349 KEGG:C00327 compound C6H13N3O3 InChI=1S/C6H13N3O3/c7-4(5(10)11)2-1-3-9-6(8)12/h4H,1-3,7H2,(H,10,11)(H3,8,9,12)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00327 L-citrulline C6H13N3O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13N3O3/c7-4(5(10)11)2-1-3-9-6(8)12/h4H,1-3,7H2,(H,10,11)(H3,8,9,12)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16946 KEGG:C00328 compound C10H12N2O3 InChI=1S/C10H12N2O3/c11-7-4-2-1-3-6(7)9(13)5-8(12)10(14)15/h1-4,8H,5,11-12H2,(H,14,15)/t8-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00328 L-kynurenine C10H12N2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H12N2O3/c11-7-4-2-1-3-6(7)9(13)5-8(12)10(14)15/h1-4,8H,5,11-12H2,(H,14,15)/t8-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15345 KEGG:C00332 compound C25H40N7O18P3S InChI=1S/C25H40N7O18P3S/c1-13(33)8-16(35)54-7-6-27-15(34)4-5-28-23(38)20(37)25(2,3)10-47-53(44,45)50-52(42,43)46-9-14-19(49-51(39,40)41)18(36)24(48-14)32-12-31-17-21(26)29-11-30-22(17)32/h11-12,14,18-20,24,36-37H,4-10H2,1-3H3,(H,27,34)(H,28,38)(H,42,43)(H,44,45)(H2,26,29,30)(H2,39,40,41)/t14-,18-,19-,20+,24-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00332 acetoacetyl-CoA C25H40N7O18P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C25H40N7O18P3S/c1-13(33)8-16(35)54-7-6-27-15(34)4-5-28-23(38)20(37)25(2,3)10-47-53(44,45)50-52(42,43)46-9-14-19(49-51(39,40)41)18(36)24(48-14)32-12-31-17-21(26)29-11-30-22(17)32/h11-12,14,18-20,24,36-37H,4-10H2,1-3H3,(H,27,34)(H,28,38)(H,42,43)(H,44,45)(H2,26,29,30)(H2,39,40,41)/t14-,18-,19-,20+,24-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:12952 CHEBI:4153 KEGG:C00333 compound C6H10O7 InChI=1S/C6H10O7/c7-1-2(8)4(5(10)11)13-6(12)3(1)9/h1-4,6-9,12H,(H,10,11)/t1-,2+,3+,4-,6?/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00333 D-galacturonate C6H10O7 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O7/c7-1-2(8)4(5(10)11)13-6(12)3(1)9/h1-4,6-9,12H,(H,10,11)/t1-,2+,3+,4-,6?/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16865 CHEBI:30566 KEGG:C00334 compound C4H9NO2 InChI=1S/C4H9NO2/c5-3-1-2-4(6)7/h1-3,5H2,(H,6,7) UPa:UPC00334 4-aminobutanoate C4H9NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H9NO2/c5-3-1-2-4(6)7/h1-3,5H2,(H,6,7) UPa: CHEBI:17025 KEGG:C00337 compound C5H6N2O4 InChI=1S/C5H6N2O4/c8-3-1-2(4(9)10)6-5(11)7-3/h2H,1H2,(H,9,10)(H2,6,7,8,11)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00337 (S)-dihydroorotate C5H6N2O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H6N2O4/c8-3-1-2(4(9)10)6-5(11)7-3/h2H,1H2,(H,9,10)(H2,6,7,8,11)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17211 KEGG:C00341 geranyl-PP compound C10H20O7P2 InChI=1S/C10H20O7P2/c1-9(2)5-4-6-10(3)7-8-16-19(14,15)17-18(11,12)13/h5,7H,4,6,8H2,1-3H3,(H,14,15)(H2,11,12,13)/b10-7+ UPa:UPC00341 geranyl diphosphate geranyl-PP KEGG:KEGG C10H20O7P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H20O7P2/c1-9(2)5-4-6-10(3)7-8-16-19(14,15)17-18(11,12)13/h5,7H,4,6,8H2,1-3H3,(H,14,15)(H2,11,12,13)/b10-7+ UPa: CHEBI:15033 CHEBI:15967 KEGG:C00342 compound UPa:UPC00342 thioredoxin CHEBI:18191 KEGG:C00343 compound UPa:UPC00343 thioredoxin disulfide CHEBI:17517 KEGG:C00344 compound UPa:UPC00344 phosphatidylglycerol CHEBI:48928 KEGG:C00345 compound C6H13O10P InChI=1S/C6H13O10P/c7-2(1-16-17(13,14)15)3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12/h2-5,7-10H,1H2,(H,11,12)(H2,13,14,15)/t2-,3-,4+,5-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00345 6-phospho-D-gluconate C6H13O10P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13O10P/c7-2(1-16-17(13,14)15)3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12/h2-5,7-10H,1H2,(H,11,12)(H2,13,14,15)/t2-,3-,4+,5-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17553 KEGG:C00346 compound C2H8NO4P InChI=1S/C2H8NO4P/c3-1-2-7-8(4,5)6/h1-3H2,(H2,4,5,6) UPa:UPC00346 phosphoethanolamine C2H8NO4P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H8NO4P/c3-1-2-7-8(4,5)6/h1-3H2,(H2,4,5,6) UPa: CHEBI:16141 CHEBI:27193 KEGG:C00348 compound C55H91O4P InChI=1S/C55H91O4P/c1-45(2)23-13-24-46(3)25-14-26-47(4)27-15-28-48(5)29-16-30-49(6)31-17-32-50(7)33-18-34-51(8)35-19-36-52(9)37-20-38-53(10)39-21-40-54(11)41-22-42-55(12)43-44-59-60(56,57)58/h23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39,41,43H,13-22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44H2,1-12H3,(H2,56,57,58)/b46-25+,47-27+,48-29+,49-31+,50-33+,51-35+,52-37+,53-39+,54-41+,55-43+ UPa:UPC00348 undecaprenyl phosphate C55H91O4P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C55H91O4P/c1-45(2)23-13-24-46(3)25-14-26-47(4)27-15-28-48(5)29-16-30-49(6)31-17-32-50(7)33-18-34-51(8)35-19-36-52(9)37-20-38-53(10)39-21-40-54(11)41-22-42-55(12)43-44-59-60(56,57)58/h23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39,41,43H,13-22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44H2,1-12H3,(H2,56,57,58)/b46-25+,47-27+,48-29+,49-31+,50-33+,51-35+,52-37+,53-39+,54-41+,55-43+ UPa: CHEBI:16038 KEGG:C00350 compound UPa:UPC00350 phosphatidylethanolamine CHEBI:15873 CHEBI:47987 KEGG:C00352 D-glucosamine 6-phosphate compound C6H14NO8P InChI=1S/C6H14NO8P/c7-3-5(9)4(8)2(15-6(3)10)1-14-16(11,12)13/h2-6,8-10H,1,7H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3-,4-,5-,6?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00352 alpha-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate D-glucosamine 6-phosphate KEGG:KEGG C6H14NO8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H14NO8P/c7-3-5(9)4(8)2(15-6(3)10)1-14-16(11,12)13/h2-6,8-10H,1,7H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3-,4-,5-,6?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:48861 KEGG:C00353 geranylgeranyl-PP compound C20H36O7P2 InChI=1S/C20H36O7P2/c1-17(2)9-6-10-18(3)11-7-12-19(4)13-8-14-20(5)15-16-26-29(24,25)27-28(21,22)23/h9,11,13,15H,6-8,10,12,14,16H2,1-5H3,(H,24,25)(H2,21,22,23)/b18-11+,19-13+,20-15+ UPa:UPC00353 geranylgeranyl diphosphate geranylgeranyl-PP KEGG:KEGG C20H36O7P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C20H36O7P2/c1-17(2)9-6-10-18(3)11-7-12-19(4)13-8-14-20(5)15-16-26-29(24,25)27-28(21,22)23/h9,11,13,15H,6-8,10,12,14,16H2,1-5H3,(H,24,25)(H2,21,22,23)/b18-11+,19-13+,20-15+ UPa: CHEBI:16905 CHEBI:37736 KEGG:C00354 compound C6H14O12P2 InChI=1S/C6H14O12P2/c7-4-3(1-16-19(10,11)12)18-6(9,5(4)8)2-17-20(13,14)15/h3-5,7-9H,1-2H2,(H2,10,11,12)(H2,13,14,15)/t3-,4-,5+,6?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00354 D-fructose 1,6-bisphosphate C6H14O12P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H14O12P2/c7-4-3(1-16-19(10,11)12)18-6(9,5(4)8)2-17-20(13,14)15/h3-5,7-9H,1-2H2,(H2,10,11,12)(H2,13,14,15)/t3-,4-,5+,6?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15765 KEGG:C00355 3,4-dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine compound C9H11NO4 InChI=1S/C9H11NO4/c10-6(9(13)14)3-5-1-2-7(11)8(12)4-5/h1-2,4,6,11-12H,3,10H2,(H,13,14)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00355 L-dopa 3,4-dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine KEGG:KEGG C9H11NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H11NO4/c10-6(9(13)14)3-5-1-2-7(11)8(12)4-5/h1-2,4,6,11-12H,3,10H2,(H,13,14)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15467 KEGG:C00356 HMG-CoA compound C27H44N7O20P3S InChI=1S/C27H44N7O20P3S/c1-26(2,21(40)24(41)30-5-4-15(35)29-6-7-58-17(38)9-27(3,42)8-16(36)37)11-51-57(48,49)54-56(46,47)50-10-14-20(53-55(43,44)45)19(39)25(52-14)34-13-33-18-22(28)31-12-32-23(18)34/h12-14,19-21,25,39-40,42H,4-11H2,1-3H3,(H,29,35)(H,30,41)(H,36,37)(H,46,47)(H,48,49)(H2,28,31,32)(H2,43,44,45)/t14-,19-,20-,21+,25-,27+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00356 (S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA HMG-CoA KEGG:KEGG C27H44N7O20P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C27H44N7O20P3S/c1-26(2,21(40)24(41)30-5-4-15(35)29-6-7-58-17(38)9-27(3,42)8-16(36)37)11-51-57(48,49)54-56(46,47)50-10-14-20(53-55(43,44)45)19(39)25(52-14)34-13-33-18-22(28)31-12-32-23(18)34/h12-14,19-21,25,39-40,42H,4-11H2,1-3H3,(H,29,35)(H,30,41)(H,36,37)(H,46,47)(H,48,49)(H2,28,31,32)(H2,43,44,45)/t14-,19-,20-,21+,25-,27+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15784 KEGG:C00357 compound C8H16NO9P InChI=1S/C8H16NO9P/c1-3(10)9-5-7(12)6(11)4(18-8(5)13)2-17-19(14,15)16/h4-8,11-13H,2H2,1H3,(H,9,10)(H2,14,15,16)/t4-,5-,6-,7-,8?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00357 N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate C8H16NO9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H16NO9P/c1-3(10)9-5-7(12)6(11)4(18-8(5)13)2-17-19(14,15)16/h4-8,11-13H,2H2,1H3,(H,9,10)(H2,14,15,16)/t4-,5-,6-,7-,8?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17013 KEGG:C00364 compound C10H15N2O8P InChI=1S/C10H15N2O8P/c1-5-3-12(10(15)11-9(5)14)8-2-6(13)7(20-8)4-19-21(16,17)18/h3,6-8,13H,2,4H2,1H3,(H,11,14,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t6-,7+,8+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00364 dTMP C10H15N2O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H15N2O8P/c1-5-3-12(10(15)11-9(5)14)8-2-6(13)7(20-8)4-19-21(16,17)18/h3,6-8,13H,2,4H2,1H3,(H,11,14,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t6-,7+,8+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17622 KEGG:C00365 compound C9H13N2O8P InChI=1S/C9H13N2O8P/c12-5-3-8(11-2-1-7(13)10-9(11)14)19-6(5)4-18-20(15,16)17/h1-2,5-6,8,12H,3-4H2,(H,10,13,14)(H2,15,16,17)/t5-,6+,8+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00365 dUMP C9H13N2O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H13N2O8P/c12-5-3-8(11-2-1-7(13)10-9(11)14)19-6(5)4-18-20(15,16)17/h1-2,5-6,8,12H,3-4H2,(H,10,13,14)(H2,15,16,17)/t5-,6+,8+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17775 KEGG:C00366 uric acid compound C5H4N4O3 InChI=1S/C5H4N4O3/c10-3-1-2(7-4(11)6-1)8-5(12)9-3/h(H4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) UPa:UPC00366 urate uric acid KEGG:KEGG C5H4N4O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H4N4O3/c10-3-1-2(7-4(11)6-1)8-5(12)9-3/h(H4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) UPa: CHEBI:28017 KEGG:C00369 compound UPa:UPC00369 starch CHEBI:18385 KEGG:C00378 compound C12H17N4OS InChI=1S/C12H17N4OS/c1-8-11(3-4-17)18-7-16(8)6-10-5-14-9(2)15-12(10)13/h5,7,17H,3-4,6H2,1-2H3,(H2,13,14,15)/q+1 UPa:UPC00378 thiamine C12H17N4OS KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H17N4OS/c1-8-11(3-4-17)18-7-16(8)6-10-5-14-9(2)15-12(10)13/h5,7,17H,3-4,6H2,1-2H3,(H2,13,14,15)/q+1 UPa: CHEBI:17151 KEGG:C00379 compound C5H12O5 InChI=1S/C5H12O5/c6-1-3(8)5(10)4(9)2-7/h3-10H,1-2H2/t3-,4+,5+ UPa:UPC00379 xylitol C5H12O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H12O5/c6-1-3(8)5(10)4(9)2-7/h3-10H,1-2H2/t3-,4+,5+ UPa: CHEBI:16040 KEGG:C00380 compound C4H5N3O InChI=1S/C4H5N3O/c5-3-1-2-6-4(8)7-3/h1-2H,(H3,5,6,7,8) UPa:UPC00380 cytosine C4H5N3O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H5N3O/c5-3-1-2-6-4(8)7-3/h1-2H,(H3,5,6,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:15792 CHEBI:30794 KEGG:C00383 compound C3H4O4 InChI=1S/C3H4O4/c4-2(5)1-3(6)7/h1H2,(H,4,5)(H,6,7) UPa:UPC00383 malonate C3H4O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H4O4/c4-2(5)1-3(6)7/h1H2,(H,4,5)(H,6,7) UPa: CHEBI:17712 CHEBI:48517 KEGG:C00385 compound C5H4N4O2 InChI=1S/C5H4N4O2/c10-4-2-3(7-1-6-2)8-5(11)9-4/h1H,(H3,6,7,8,9,10,11) UPa:UPC00385 xanthine C5H4N4O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H4N4O2/c10-4-2-3(7-1-6-2)8-5(11)9-4/h1H,(H3,6,7,8,9,10,11) UPa: CHEBI:18295 KEGG:C00388 compound C5H9N3 InChI=1S/C5H9N3/c6-2-1-5-3-7-4-8-5/h3-4H,1-2,6H2,(H,7,8) UPa:UPC00388 histamine C5H9N3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H9N3/c6-2-1-5-3-7-4-8-5/h3-4H,1-2,6H2,(H,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:17976 KEGG:C00390 compound C19H28O4 InChI=1S/C19H28O4/c1-12(2)8-7-9-13(3)10-11-15-14(4)16(20)18(22-5)19(23-6)17(15)21/h8,10,20-21H,7,9,11H2,1-6H3/b13-10+ UPa:UPC00390 ubiquinol C19H28O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C19H28O4/c1-12(2)8-7-9-13(3)10-11-15-14(4)16(20)18(22-5)19(23-6)17(15)21/h8,10,20-21H,7,9,11H2,1-6H3/b13-10+ UPa: CHEBI:17334 KEGG:C00395 compound UPa:UPC00395 penicillin CHEBI:16765 KEGG:C00398 compound C10H12N2 InChI=1S/C10H12N2/c11-6-5-8-7-12-10-4-2-1-3-9(8)10/h1-4,7,12H,5-6,11H2 UPa:UPC00398 tryptamine C10H12N2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H12N2/c11-6-5-8-7-12-10-4-2-1-3-9(8)10/h1-4,7,12H,5-6,11H2 UPa: CHEBI:16389 KEGG:C00399 compound C19H26O4 InChI=1S/C19H26O4/c1-12(2)8-7-9-13(3)10-11-15-14(4)16(20)18(22-5)19(23-6)17(15)21/h8,10H,7,9,11H2,1-6H3/b13-10+ UPa:UPC00399 ubiquinone C19H26O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C19H26O4/c1-12(2)8-7-9-13(3)10-11-15-14(4)16(20)18(22-5)19(23-6)17(15)21/h8,10H,7,9,11H2,1-6H3/b13-10+ UPa: CHEBI:17191 KEGG:C00407 compound C6H13NO2 InChI=1S/C6H13NO2/c1-3-4(2)5(7)6(8)9/h4-5H,3,7H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9)/t4-,5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00407 L-isoleucine C6H13NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13NO2/c1-3-4(2)5(7)6(8)9/h4-5H,3,7H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9)/t4-,5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17076 KEGG:C00413 compound C21H39N7O12 InChI=1S/C21H39N7O12/c1-5-21(36,4-30)16(40-17-9(26-2)13(34)10(31)6(3-29)38-17)18(37-5)39-15-8(28-20(24)25)11(32)7(27-19(22)23)12(33)14(15)35/h4-18,26,29,31-36H,3H2,1-2H3,(H4,22,23,27)(H4,24,25,28)/t5-,6-,7+,8-,9-,10-,11+,12-,13-,14+,15+,16-,17-,18-,21+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00413 streptomycin C21H39N7O12 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C21H39N7O12/c1-5-21(36,4-30)16(40-17-9(26-2)13(34)10(31)6(3-29)38-17)18(37-5)39-15-8(28-20(24)25)11(32)7(27-19(22)23)12(33)14(15)35/h4-18,26,29,31-36H,3H2,1-2H3,(H4,22,23,27)(H4,24,25,28)/t5-,6-,7+,8-,9-,10-,11+,12-,13-,14+,15+,16-,17-,18-,21+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15633 KEGG:C00415 dihydrofolate compound C19H21N7O6 InChI=1S/C19H21N7O6/c20-19-25-15-14(17(30)26-19)23-11(8-22-15)7-21-10-3-1-9(2-4-10)16(29)24-12(18(31)32)5-6-13(27)28/h1-4,12,21H,5-8H2,(H,24,29)(H,27,28)(H,31,32)(H4,20,22,25,26,30)/t12-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00415 7,8-dihydrofolate dihydrofolate KEGG:KEGG C19H21N7O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C19H21N7O6/c20-19-25-15-14(17(30)26-19)23-11(8-22-15)7-21-10-3-1-9(2-4-10)16(29)24-12(18(31)32)5-6-13(27)28/h1-4,12,21H,5-8H2,(H,24,29)(H,27,28)(H,31,32)(H4,20,22,25,26,30)/t12-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16337 KEGG:C00416 compound UPa:UPC00416 phosphatidate CHEBI:16383 CHEBI:32805 KEGG:C00417 cis-aconitic acid compound C6H6O6 InChI=1S/C6H6O6/c7-4(8)1-3(6(11)12)2-5(9)10/h1H,2H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/b3-1- UPa:UPC00417 cis-aconitate cis-aconitic acid KEGG:KEGG C6H6O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H6O6/c7-4(8)1-3(6(11)12)2-5(9)10/h1H,2H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/b3-1- UPa: CHEBI:17710 CHEBI:36464 KEGG:C00418 (R)-mevalonic acid compound C6H12O4 InChI=1S/C6H12O4/c1-6(10,2-3-7)4-5(8)9/h7,10H,2-4H2,1H3,(H,8,9)/t6-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00418 (R)-mevalonate (R)-mevalonic acid KEGG:KEGG C6H12O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12O4/c1-6(10,2-3-7)4-5(8)9/h7,10H,2-4H2,1H3,(H,8,9)/t6-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15669 CHEBI:35697 KEGG:C00423 trans-cinnamic acid compound C9H8O2 InChI=1S/C9H8O2/c10-9(11)7-6-8-4-2-1-3-5-8/h1-7H,(H,10,11)/b7-6+ UPa:UPC00423 trans-cinnamate trans-cinnamic acid KEGG:KEGG C9H8O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H8O2/c10-9(11)7-6-8-4-2-1-3-5-8/h1-7H,(H,10,11)/b7-6+ UPa: CHEBI:18041 KEGG:C00424 compound C3H6O2 InChI=1S/C3H6O2/c1-3(5)2-4/h2-3,5H,1H3/t3-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00424 L-lactaldehyde C3H6O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H6O2/c1-3(5)2-4/h2-3,5H,1H3/t3-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17549 KEGG:C00430 compound C5H9NO3 InChI=1S/C5H9NO3/c6-3-4(7)1-2-5(8)9/h1-3,6H2,(H,8,9) UPa:UPC00430 5-aminolevulinate C5H9NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H9NO3/c6-3-4(7)1-2-5(8)9/h1-3,6H2,(H,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:15887 KEGG:C00431 compound C5H11NO2 InChI=1S/C5H11NO2/c6-4-2-1-3-5(7)8/h1-4,6H2,(H,7,8) UPa:UPC00431 5-aminopentanoate C5H11NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H11NO2/c6-4-2-1-3-5(7)8/h1-4,6H2,(H,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:17415 KEGG:C00433 2,5-dioxopentanoic acid compound C5H6O4 InChI=1S/C5H6O4/c6-3-1-2-4(7)5(8)9/h3H,1-2H2,(H,8,9) UPa:UPC00433 2,5-dioxopentanoate 2,5-dioxopentanoic acid KEGG:KEGG C5H6O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H6O4/c6-3-1-2-4(7)5(8)9/h3H,1-2H2,(H,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:17902 KEGG:C00436 compound C5H13N3O InChI=1S/C5H13N3O/c6-3-1-2-4-8-5(7)9/h1-4,6H2,(H3,7,8,9) UPa:UPC00436 N-carbamoylputrescine C5H13N3O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H13N3O/c6-3-1-2-4-8-5(7)9/h1-4,6H2,(H3,7,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:16543 KEGG:C00437 compound C7H14N2O3 InChI=1S/C7H14N2O3/c1-5(10)9-6(7(11)12)3-2-4-8/h6H,2-4,8H2,1H3,(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00437 N(2)-acetyl-L-ornithine C7H14N2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H14N2O3/c1-5(10)9-6(7(11)12)3-2-4-8/h6H,2-4,8H2,1H3,(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15859 KEGG:C00438 compound C5H8N2O5 InChI=1S/C5H8N2O5/c6-5(12)7-2(4(10)11)1-3(8)9/h2H,1H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)(H3,6,7,12)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00438 N-carbamoyl-L-aspartate C5H8N2O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H8N2O5/c6-5(12)7-2(4(10)11)1-3(8)9/h2H,1H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)(H3,6,7,12)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18327 CHEBI:7274 KEGG:C00439 compound C6H10N2O4 InChI=1S/C6H10N2O4/c7-3-8-4(6(11)12)1-2-5(9)10/h3-4H,1-2H2,(H2,7,8)(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00439 N-formimidoyl-L-glutamate C6H10N2O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10N2O4/c7-3-8-4(6(11)12)1-2-5(9)10/h3-4H,1-2H2,(H2,7,8)(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15641 CHEBI:20612 KEGG:C00440 5-methyltetrahydrofolate compound C20H25N7O6 InChI=1S/C20H25N7O6/c1-27-12(9-23-16-15(27)18(31)26-20(21)25-16)8-22-11-4-2-10(3-5-11)17(30)24-13(19(32)33)6-7-14(28)29/h2-5,12-13,22H,6-9H2,1H3,(H,24,30)(H,28,29)(H,32,33)(H4,21,23,25,26,31)/t12-,13-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00440 5-methyl-THF 5-methyltetrahydrofolate KEGG:KEGG C20H25N7O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C20H25N7O6/c1-27-12(9-23-16-15(27)18(31)26-20(21)25-16)8-22-11-4-2-10(3-5-11)17(30)24-13(19(32)33)6-7-14(28)29/h2-5,12-13,22H,6-9H2,1H3,(H,24,30)(H,28,29)(H,32,33)(H4,21,23,25,26,31)/t12-,13-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:13086 CHEBI:18051 KEGG:C00441 compound C4H7NO3 InChI=1S/C4H7NO3/c5-3(1-2-6)4(7)8/h2-3H,1,5H2,(H,7,8)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00441 L-aspartate 4-semialdehyde C4H7NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H7NO3/c5-3(1-2-6)4(7)8/h2-3H,1,5H2,(H,7,8)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17407 KEGG:C00448 farnesyl-PP compound C15H28O7P2 InChI=1S/C15H28O7P2/c1-13(2)7-5-8-14(3)9-6-10-15(4)11-12-21-24(19,20)22-23(16,17)18/h7,9,11H,5-6,8,10,12H2,1-4H3,(H,19,20)(H2,16,17,18)/b14-9+,15-11+ UPa:UPC00448 farnesyl diphosphate farnesyl-PP KEGG:KEGG C15H28O7P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H28O7P2/c1-13(2)7-5-8-14(3)9-6-10-15(4)11-12-21-24(19,20)22-23(16,17)18/h7,9,11H,5-6,8,10,12H2,1-4H3,(H,19,20)(H2,16,17,18)/b14-9+,15-11+ UPa: CHEBI:16927 KEGG:C00449 compound C11H20N2O6 InChI=1S/C11H20N2O6/c12-7(10(16)17)3-1-2-6-13-8(11(18)19)4-5-9(14)15/h7-8,13H,1-6,12H2,(H,14,15)(H,16,17)(H,18,19)/t7-,8-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00449 saccharopine C11H20N2O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H20N2O6/c12-7(10(16)17)3-1-2-6-13-8(11(18)19)4-5-9(14)15/h7-8,13H,1-6,12H2,(H,14,15)(H,16,17)(H,18,19)/t7-,8-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16171 KEGG:C00455 nicotinamide ribonucleotide compound C11H15N2O8P InChI=1S/C11H15N2O8P/c12-10(16)6-2-1-3-13(4-6)11-9(15)8(14)7(21-11)5-20-22(17,18)19/h1-4,7-9,11,14-15H,5H2,(H3-,12,16,17,18,19)/t7-,8-,9-,11-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00455 nicotinamide D-ribonucleotide nicotinamide ribonucleotide KEGG:KEGG C11H15N2O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H15N2O8P/c12-10(16)6-2-1-3-13(4-6)11-9(15)8(14)7(21-11)5-20-22(17,18)19/h1-4,7-9,11,14-15H,5H2,(H3-,12,16,17,18,19)/t7-,8-,9-,11-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16311 KEGG:C00458 compound C9H16N3O13P3 InChI=1S/C9H16N3O13P3/c10-7-1-2-12(9(14)11-7)8-3-5(13)6(23-8)4-22-27(18,19)25-28(20,21)24-26(15,16)17/h1-2,5-6,8,13H,3-4H2,(H,18,19)(H,20,21)(H2,10,11,14)(H2,15,16,17)/t5-,6+,8+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00458 dCTP C9H16N3O13P3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H16N3O13P3/c10-7-1-2-12(9(14)11-7)8-3-5(13)6(23-8)4-22-27(18,19)25-28(20,21)24-26(15,16)17/h1-2,5-6,8,13H,3-4H2,(H,18,19)(H,20,21)(H2,10,11,14)(H2,15,16,17)/t5-,6+,8+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18077 KEGG:C00459 compound C10H17N2O14P3 InChI=1S/C10H17N2O14P3/c1-5-3-12(10(15)11-9(5)14)8-2-6(13)7(24-8)4-23-28(19,20)26-29(21,22)25-27(16,17)18/h3,6-8,13H,2,4H2,1H3,(H,19,20)(H,21,22)(H,11,14,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t6-,7+,8+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00459 dTTP C10H17N2O14P3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H17N2O14P3/c1-5-3-12(10(15)11-9(5)14)8-2-6(13)7(24-8)4-23-28(19,20)26-29(21,22)25-27(16,17)18/h3,6-8,13H,2,4H2,1H3,(H,19,20)(H,21,22)(H,11,14,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t6-,7+,8+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17625 KEGG:C00460 compound C9H15N2O14P3 InChI=1S/C9H15N2O14P3/c12-5-3-8(11-2-1-7(13)10-9(11)14)23-6(5)4-22-27(18,19)25-28(20,21)24-26(15,16)17/h1-2,5-6,8,12H,3-4H2,(H,18,19)(H,20,21)(H,10,13,14)(H2,15,16,17)/t5-,6+,8+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00460 dUTP C9H15N2O14P3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H15N2O14P3/c12-5-3-8(11-2-1-7(13)10-9(11)14)23-6(5)4-22-27(18,19)25-28(20,21)24-26(15,16)17/h1-2,5-6,8,12H,3-4H2,(H,18,19)(H,20,21)(H,10,13,14)(H2,15,16,17)/t5-,6+,8+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17029 KEGG:C00461 compound UPa:UPC00461 chitin CHEBI:16881 KEGG:C00463 compound C8H7N InChI=1S/C8H7N/c1-2-4-8-7(3-1)5-6-9-8/h1-6,9H UPa:UPC00463 indole C8H7N KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H7N/c1-2-4-8-7(3-1)5-6-9-8/h1-6,9H UPa: CHEBI:15688 KEGG:C00466 compound C4H8O2 InChI=1S/C4H8O2/c1-3(5)4(2)6/h3,5H,1-2H3 UPa:UPC00466 acetoin C4H8O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H8O2/c1-3(5)4(2)6/h3,5H,1-2H3 UPa: CHEBI:16236 KEGG:C00469 compound C2H6O InChI=1S/C2H6O/c1-2-3/h3H,2H2,1H3 UPa:UPC00469 ethanol C2H6O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H6O/c1-2-3/h3H,2H2,1H3 UPa: CHEBI:15446 CHEBI:17788 CHEBI:68837 KEGG:C00470 compound C18H26O19 InChI=1S/C18H26O19/c19-1-2(20)10(13(26)27)36-17(6(1)24)35-9-4(22)7(25)18(37-12(9)15(30)31)34-8-3(21)5(23)16(32)33-11(8)14(28)29/h1-12,16-25,32H,(H,26,27)(H,28,29)(H,30,31)/t1-,2+,3+,4+,5+,6+,7+,8+,9+,10-,11-,12-,16?,17-,18-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00470 pectate C18H26O19 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C18H26O19/c19-1-2(20)10(13(26)27)36-17(6(1)24)35-9-4(22)7(25)18(37-12(9)15(30)31)34-8-3(21)5(23)16(32)33-11(8)14(28)29/h1-12,16-25,32H,(H,26,27)(H,28,29)(H,30,31)/t1-,2+,3+,4+,5+,6+,7+,8+,9+,10-,11-,12-,16?,17-,18-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17562 KEGG:C00475 compound C9H13N3O5 InChI=1S/C9H13N3O5/c10-5-1-2-12(9(16)11-5)8-7(15)6(14)4(3-13)17-8/h1-2,4,6-8,13-15H,3H2,(H2,10,11,16)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00475 cytidine C9H13N3O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H13N3O5/c10-5-1-2-12(9(16)11-5)8-7(15)6(14)4(3-13)17-8/h1-2,4,6-8,13-15H,3H2,(H2,10,11,16)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17126 CHEBI:3424 KEGG:C00487 compound C7H16NO3 InChI=1S/C7H15NO3/c1-8(2,3)5-6(9)4-7(10)11/h6,9H,4-5H2,1-3H3/p+1 UPa:UPC00487 carnitine C7H16NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H15NO3/c1-8(2,3)5-6(9)4-7(10)11/h6,9H,4-5H2,1-3H3/p+1 UPa: CHEBI:16397 KEGG:C00488 compound CH3NO InChI=1S/CH3NO/c2-1-3/h1H,(H2,2,3) UPa:UPC00488 formamide CH3NO KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/CH3NO/c2-1-3/h1H,(H2,2,3) UPa: CHEBI:17859 KEGG:C00489 glutaric acid compound C5H8O4 InChI=1S/C5H8O4/c6-4(7)2-1-3-5(8)9/h1-3H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9) UPa:UPC00489 glutarate glutaric acid KEGG:KEGG C5H8O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H8O4/c6-4(7)2-1-3-5(8)9/h1-3H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:16634 KEGG:C00492 compound C18H32O16 InChI=1S/C18H32O16/c19-1-5-8(22)11(25)13(27)16(31-5)30-3-7-9(23)12(26)14(28)17(32-7)34-18(4-21)15(29)10(24)6(2-20)33-18/h5-17,19-29H,1-4H2/t5-,6-,7-,8+,9-,10-,11+,12+,13-,14-,15+,16+,17-,18+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00492 raffinose C18H32O16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C18H32O16/c19-1-5-8(22)11(25)13(27)16(31-5)30-3-7-9(23)12(26)14(28)17(32-7)34-18(4-21)15(29)10(24)6(2-20)33-18/h5-17,19-29H,1-4H2/t5-,6-,7-,8+,9-,10-,11+,12+,13-,14-,15+,16+,17-,18+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16119 KEGG:C00493 compound C7H10O5 InChI=1S/C7H10O5/c8-4-1-3(7(11)12)2-5(9)6(4)10/h1,4-6,8-10H,2H2,(H,11,12)/t4-,5-,6-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00493 shikimate C7H10O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H10O5/c8-4-1-3(7(11)12)2-5(9)6(4)10/h1,4-6,8-10H,2H2,(H,11,12)/t4-,5-,6-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17536 CHEBI:30837 KEGG:C00499 compound C4H8N4O4 InChI=1S/C4H8N4O4/c5-3(11)7-1(2(9)10)8-4(6)12/h1H,(H,9,10)(H3,5,7,11)(H3,6,8,12) UPa:UPC00499 allantoate C4H8N4O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H8N4O4/c5-3(11)7-1(2(9)10)8-4(6)12/h1H,(H,9,10)(H3,5,7,11)(H3,6,8,12) UPa: CHEBI:28942 KEGG:C00501 compound C15H25N3O16P2 InChI=1S/C15H25N3O16P2/c16-7-1-2-18(15(25)17-7)13-11(23)9(21)6(31-13)4-30-35(26,27)34-36(28,29)33-14-12(24)10(22)8(20)5(3-19)32-14/h1-2,5-6,8-14,19-24H,3-4H2,(H,26,27)(H,28,29)(H2,16,17,25)/t5-,6-,8-,9-,10+,11-,12-,13-,14-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00501 CDP-glucose C15H25N3O16P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H25N3O16P2/c16-7-1-2-18(15(25)17-7)13-11(23)9(21)6(31-13)4-30-35(26,27)34-36(28,29)33-14-12(24)10(22)8(20)5(3-19)32-14/h1-2,5-6,8-14,19-24H,3-4H2,(H,26,27)(H,28,29)(H2,16,17,25)/t5-,6-,8-,9-,10+,11-,12-,13-,14-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27470 KEGG:C00504 compound C19H19N7O6 InChI=1S/C19H19N7O6/c20-19-25-15-14(17(30)26-19)23-11(8-22-15)7-21-10-3-1-9(2-4-10)16(29)24-12(18(31)32)5-6-13(27)28/h1-4,8,12,21H,5-7H2,(H,24,29)(H,27,28)(H,31,32)(H3,20,22,25,26,30)/t12-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00504 folate C19H19N7O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C19H19N7O6/c20-19-25-15-14(17(30)26-19)23-11(8-22-15)7-21-10-3-1-9(2-4-10)16(29)24-12(18(31)32)5-6-13(27)28/h1-4,8,12,21H,5-7H2,(H,24,29)(H,27,28)(H,31,32)(H3,20,22,25,26,30)/t12-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17285 KEGG:C00506 compound C3H7NO5S InChI=1S/C3H7NO5S/c4-2(3(5)6)1-10(7,8)9/h2H,1,4H2,(H,5,6)(H,7,8,9)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00506 L-cysteate C3H7NO5S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H7NO5S/c4-2(3(5)6)1-10(7,8)9/h2H,1,4H2,(H,5,6)(H,7,8,9)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:62345 CHEBI:62346 KEGG:C00507 compound C6H12O5 InChI=1S/C6H12O5/c1-2-3(7)4(8)5(9)6(10)11-2/h2-10H,1H3/t2-,3-,4+,5+,6?/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00507 L-rhamnose C6H12O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12O5/c1-2-3(7)4(8)5(9)6(10)11-2/h2-10H,1H3/t2-,3-,4+,5+,6?/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16880 KEGG:C00508 compound C5H10O5 InChI=1S/C5H10O5/c6-2-5(9)4(8)3(7)1-10-5/h3-4,6-9H,1-2H2/t3-,4-,5?/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00508 L-ribulose C5H10O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H10O5/c6-2-5(9)4(8)3(7)1-10-5/h3-4,6-9H,1-2H2/t3-,4-,5?/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15515 KEGG:C00512 compound C28H40N7O17P3S InChI=1S/C28H40N7O17P3S/c1-28(2,22(38)25(39)31-9-8-18(36)30-10-11-56-27(40)16-6-4-3-5-7-16)13-49-55(46,47)52-54(44,45)48-12-17-21(51-53(41,42)43)20(37)26(50-17)35-15-34-19-23(29)32-14-33-24(19)35/h3-7,14-15,17,20-22,26,37-38H,8-13H2,1-2H3,(H,30,36)(H,31,39)(H,44,45)(H,46,47)(H2,29,32,33)(H2,41,42,43)/t17-,20-,21-,22+,26-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00512 benzoyl-CoA C28H40N7O17P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C28H40N7O17P3S/c1-28(2,22(38)25(39)31-9-8-18(36)30-10-11-56-27(40)16-6-4-3-5-7-16)13-49-55(46,47)52-54(44,45)48-12-17-21(51-53(41,42)43)20(37)26(50-17)35-15-34-19-23(29)32-14-33-24(19)35/h3-7,14-15,17,20-22,26,37-38H,8-13H2,1-2H3,(H,30,36)(H,31,39)(H,44,45)(H,46,47)(H2,29,32,33)(H2,41,42,43)/t17-,20-,21-,22+,26-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16668 KEGG:C00519 compound C2H7NO2S InChI=1S/C2H7NO2S/c3-1-2-6(4)5/h1-3H2,(H,4,5) UPa:UPC00519 hypotaurine C2H7NO2S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H7NO2S/c3-1-2-6(4)5/h1-3H2,(H,4,5) UPa: CHEBI:15383 KEGG:C00521 compound C10H16 InChI=1S/C10H16/c1-8(2)10-6-4-9(3)5-7-10/h4,10H,1,5-7H2,2-3H3/t10-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00521 (4S)-limonene C10H16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H16/c1-8(2)10-6-4-9(3)5-7-10/h4,10H,1,5-7H2,2-3H3/t10-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:14737 CHEBI:15980 CHEBI:18697 KEGG:C00522 pantoate compound C6H12O4 InChI=1S/C6H12O4/c1-6(2,3-7)4(8)5(9)10/h4,7-8H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,9,10)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00522 (R)-pantoate pantoate KEGG:KEGG C6H12O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12O4/c1-6(2,3-7)4(8)5(9)10/h4,7-8H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,9,10)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18070 KEGG:C00524 compound UPa:UPC00524 cytochrome c CHEBI:15524 KEGG:C00527 compound C26H42N7O19P3S InChI=1S/C26H42N7O19P3S/c1-26(2,21(39)24(40)29-7-6-15(34)28-8-9-56-17(37)5-3-4-16(35)36)11-49-55(46,47)52-54(44,45)48-10-14-20(51-53(41,42)43)19(38)25(50-14)33-13-32-18-22(27)30-12-31-23(18)33/h12-14,19-21,25,38-39H,3-11H2,1-2H3,(H,28,34)(H,29,40)(H,35,36)(H,44,45)(H,46,47)(H2,27,30,31)(H2,41,42,43)/t14-,19-,20-,21+,25-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00527 glutaryl-CoA C26H42N7O19P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C26H42N7O19P3S/c1-26(2,21(39)24(40)29-7-6-15(34)28-8-9-56-17(37)5-3-4-16(35)36)11-49-55(46,47)52-54(44,45)48-10-14-20(51-53(41,42)43)19(38)25(50-14)33-13-32-18-22(27)30-12-31-23(18)33/h12-14,19-21,25,38-39H,3-11H2,1-2H3,(H,28,34)(H,29,40)(H,35,36)(H,44,45)(H,46,47)(H2,27,30,31)(H2,41,42,43)/t14-,19-,20-,21+,25-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18403 KEGG:C00532 compound C5H12O5 InChI=1S/C5H12O5/c6-1-3(8)5(10)4(9)2-7/h3-10H,1-2H2/t3-,4-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00532 L-arabinitol C5H12O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H12O5/c6-1-3(8)5(10)4(9)2-7/h3-10H,1-2H2/t3-,4-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16480 KEGG:C00533 compound InChI=1S/NO/c1-2 NO UPa:UPC00533 nitric oxide InChI=1S/NO/c1-2 UPa: NO KEGG:COMPOUND CHEBI:16410 KEGG:C00534 compound C8H12N2O2 InChI=1S/C8H12N2O2/c1-5-8(12)7(2-9)6(4-11)3-10-5/h3,11-12H,2,4,9H2,1H3 UPa:UPC00534 pyridoxamine C8H12N2O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H12N2O2/c1-5-8(12)7(2-9)6(4-11)3-10-5/h3,11-12H,2,4,9H2,1H3 UPa: CHEBI:18036 CHEBI:39949 KEGG:C00536 compound H5O10P3 InChI=1S/H5O10P3/c1-11(2,3)9-13(7,8)10-12(4,5)6/h(H,7,8)(H2,1,2,3)(H2,4,5,6) UPa:UPC00536 triphosphate H5O10P3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/H5O10P3/c1-11(2,3)9-13(7,8)10-12(4,5)6/h(H,7,8)(H2,1,2,3)(H2,4,5,6) UPa: CHEBI:16169 CHEBI:44747 KEGG:C00544 homogentisic acid compound C8H8O4 InChI=1S/C8H8O4/c9-6-1-2-7(10)5(3-6)4-8(11)12/h1-3,9-10H,4H2,(H,11,12) UPa:UPC00544 homogentisate homogentisic acid KEGG:KEGG C8H8O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H8O4/c9-6-1-2-7(10)5(3-6)4-8(11)12/h1-3,9-10H,4H2,(H,11,12) UPa: CHEBI:16501 CHEBI:33510 KEGG:C00545 compound C5H10O6 InChI=1S/C5H10O6/c6-1-2(7)3(8)4(9)5(10)11/h2-4,6-9H,1H2,(H,10,11)/t2-,3-,4+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00545 L-arabinonate C5H10O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H10O6/c6-1-2(7)3(8)4(9)5(10)11/h2-4,6-9H,1H2,(H,10,11)/t2-,3-,4+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17158 KEGG:C00546 compound C3H4O2 InChI=1S/C3H4O2/c1-3(5)2-4/h2H,1H3 UPa:UPC00546 methylglyoxal C3H4O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H4O2/c1-3(5)2-4/h2H,1H3 UPa: CHEBI:18357 KEGG:C00547 norepinephrine compound C8H11NO3 InChI=1S/C8H11NO3/c9-4-8(12)5-1-2-6(10)7(11)3-5/h1-3,8,10-12H,4,9H2/t8-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00547 (R)-noradrenaline norepinephrine KEGG:KEGG C8H11NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H11NO3/c9-4-8(12)5-1-2-6(10)7(11)3-5/h1-3,8,10-12H,4,9H2/t8-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15673 KEGG:C00552 meso-tartaric acid compound C4H6O6 InChI=1S/C4H6O6/c5-1(3(7)8)2(6)4(9)10/h1-2,5-6H,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/t1-,2+ UPa:UPC00552 meso-tartrate meso-tartaric acid KEGG:KEGG C4H6O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H6O6/c5-1(3(7)8)2(6)4(9)10/h1-2,5-6H,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/t1-,2+ UPa: CHEBI:17769 KEGG:C00555 compound C4H9NO InChI=1S/C4H9NO/c5-3-1-2-4-6/h4H,1-3,5H2 UPa:UPC00555 4-aminobutanal C4H9NO KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H9NO/c5-3-1-2-4-6/h4H,1-3,5H2 UPa: CHEBI:16486 KEGG:C00557 compound C5H8O InChI=1S/C5H8O/c6-5-3-1-2-4-5/h1-4H2 UPa:UPC00557 cyclopentanone C5H8O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H8O/c6-5-3-1-2-4-5/h1-4H2 UPa: CHEBI:17836 CHEBI:30753 KEGG:C00568 compound C7H7NO2 InChI=1S/C7H7NO2/c8-6-3-1-5(2-4-6)7(9)10/h1-4H,8H2,(H,9,10) UPa:UPC00568 4-aminobenzoate C7H7NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H7NO2/c8-6-3-1-5(2-4-6)7(9)10/h1-4H,8H2,(H,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:16732 KEGG:C00570 compound C11H20N4O11P2 InChI=1S/C11H20N4O11P2/c12-2-4-23-27(19,20)26-28(21,22)24-5-6-8(16)9(17)10(25-6)15-3-1-7(13)14-11(15)18/h1,3,6,8-10,16-17H,2,4-5,12H2,(H,19,20)(H,21,22)(H2,13,14,18)/t6-,8-,9-,10-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00570 CDP-ethanolamine C11H20N4O11P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H20N4O11P2/c12-2-4-23-27(19,20)26-28(21,22)24-5-6-8(16)9(17)10(25-6)15-3-1-7(13)14-11(15)18/h1,3,6,8-10,16-17H,2,4-5,12H2,(H,19,20)(H,21,22)(H2,13,14,18)/t6-,8-,9-,10-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17489 KEGG:C00575 cAMP compound C10H12N5O6P InChI=1S/C10H12N5O6P/c11-8-5-9(13-2-12-8)15(3-14-5)10-6(16)7-4(20-10)1-19-22(17,18)21-7/h2-4,6-7,10,16H,1H2,(H,17,18)(H2,11,12,13)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00575 3',5'-cyclic AMP cAMP KEGG:KEGG C10H12N5O6P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H12N5O6P/c11-8-5-9(13-2-12-8)15(3-14-5)10-6(16)7-4(20-10)1-19-22(17,18)21-7/h2-4,6-7,10,16H,1H2,(H,17,18)(H2,11,12,13)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15710 KEGG:C00576 compound C5H12NO InChI=1S/C5H12NO/c1-6(2,3)4-5-7/h5H,4H2,1-3H3/q+1 UPa:UPC00576 betaine aldehyde C5H12NO KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H12NO/c1-6(2,3)4-5-7/h5H,4H2,1-3H3/q+1 UPa: CHEBI:17694 KEGG:C00579 compound C8H17NOS2 InChI=1S/C8H17NOS2/c9-8(10)4-2-1-3-7(12)5-6-11/h7,11-12H,1-6H2,(H2,9,10) UPa:UPC00579 dihydrolipoamide C8H17NOS2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H17NOS2/c9-8(10)4-2-1-3-7(12)5-6-11/h7,11-12H,1-6H2,(H2,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:16344 KEGG:C00581 guanidinoacetic acid compound C3H7N3O2 InChI=1S/C3H7N3O2/c4-3(5)6-1-2(7)8/h1H2,(H,7,8)(H4,4,5,6) UPa:UPC00581 guanidinoacetate guanidinoacetic acid KEGG:KEGG C3H7N3O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H7N3O2/c4-3(5)6-1-2(7)8/h1H2,(H,7,8)(H4,4,5,6) UPa: CHEBI:15537 KEGG:C00582 compound C29H42N7O17P3S InChI=1S/C29H42N7O17P3S/c1-29(2,24(40)27(41)32-9-8-19(37)31-10-11-57-20(38)12-17-6-4-3-5-7-17)14-50-56(47,48)53-55(45,46)49-13-18-23(52-54(42,43)44)22(39)28(51-18)36-16-35-21-25(30)33-15-34-26(21)36/h3-7,15-16,18,22-24,28,39-40H,8-14H2,1-2H3,(H,31,37)(H,32,41)(H,45,46)(H,47,48)(H2,30,33,34)(H2,42,43,44)/t18-,22-,23-,24+,28-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00582 phenylacetyl-CoA C29H42N7O17P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C29H42N7O17P3S/c1-29(2,24(40)27(41)32-9-8-19(37)31-10-11-57-20(38)12-17-6-4-3-5-7-17)14-50-56(47,48)53-55(45,46)49-13-18-23(52-54(42,43)44)22(39)28(51-18)36-16-35-21-25(30)33-15-34-26(21)36/h3-7,15-16,18,22-24,28,39-40H,8-14H2,1-2H3,(H,31,37)(H,32,41)(H,45,46)(H,47,48)(H2,30,33,34)(H2,42,43,44)/t18-,22-,23-,24+,28-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18132 KEGG:C00588 compound C5H15NO4P InChI=1S/C5H14NO4P/c1-6(2,3)4-5-10-11(7,8)9/h4-5H2,1-3H3,(H-,7,8,9)/p+1 UPa:UPC00588 phosphocholine C5H15NO4P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H14NO4P/c1-6(2,3)4-5-10-11(7,8)9/h4-5H2,1-3H3,(H-,7,8,9)/p+1 UPa: CHEBI:17717 KEGG:C00593 compound C2H4O4S InChI=1S/C2H4O4S/c3-1-2-7(4,5)6/h1H,2H2,(H,4,5,6) UPa:UPC00593 sulfoacetaldehyde C2H4O4S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H4O4S/c3-1-2-7(4,5)6/h1H,2H2,(H,4,5,6) UPa: CHEBI:1113 CHEBI:11641 CHEBI:37319 KEGG:C00596 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoic acid compound C5H6O3 InChI=1S/C5H6O3/c1-2-3-4(6)5(7)8/h2-3,6H,1H2,(H,7,8)/b4-3+ UPa:UPC00596 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoic acid KEGG:KEGG C5H6O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H6O3/c1-2-3-4(6)5(7)8/h2-3,6H,1H2,(H,7,8)/b4-3+ UPa: CHEBI:17050 KEGG:C00597 compound C3H7O7P InChI=1S/C3H7O7P/c4-2(3(5)6)1-10-11(7,8)9/h2,4H,1H2,(H,5,6)(H2,7,8,9) UPa:UPC00597 3-phosphoglycerate C3H7O7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H7O7P/c4-2(3(5)6)1-10-11(7,8)9/h2,4H,1H2,(H,5,6)(H2,7,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:16424 KEGG:C00601 compound C8H8O InChI=1S/C8H8O/c9-7-6-8-4-2-1-3-5-8/h1-5,7H,6H2 UPa:UPC00601 phenylacetaldehyde C8H8O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H8O/c9-7-6-8-4-2-1-3-5-8/h1-5,7H,6H2 UPa: CHEBI:15412 KEGG:C00603 compound C3H6N2O4 InChI=1S/C3H6N2O4/c4-3(9)5-1(6)2(7)8/h1,6H,(H,7,8)(H3,4,5,9)/t1-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00603 (S)-ureidoglycolate C3H6N2O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H6N2O4/c4-3(9)5-1(6)2(7)8/h1,6H,(H,7,8)(H3,4,5,9)/t1-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16345 KEGG:C00606 3-sulfinoalanine compound C3H7NO4S InChI=1S/C3H7NO4S/c4-2(3(5)6)1-9(7)8/h2H,1,4H2,(H,5,6)(H,7,8)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00606 3-sulfino-L-alanine 3-sulfinoalanine KEGG:KEGG C3H7NO4S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H7NO4S/c4-2(3(5)6)1-9(7)8/h2H,1,4H2,(H,5,6)(H,7,8)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa: KEGG:C00615 compound UPa:UPC00615 protein-L-histidine CHEBI:16300 KEGG:C00620 compound C5H11O8P InChI=1S/C5H11O8P/c6-1-2-3(7)4(8)5(12-2)13-14(9,10)11/h2-8H,1H2,(H2,9,10,11)/t2-,3-,4-,5-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00620 alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate C5H11O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H11O8P/c6-1-2-3(7)4(8)5(12-2)13-14(9,10)11/h2-8H,1H2,(H2,9,10,11)/t2-,3-,4-,5-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17533 CHEBI:44337 KEGG:C00624 compound C7H11NO5 InChI=1S/C7H11NO5/c1-4(9)8-5(7(12)13)2-3-6(10)11/h5H,2-3H2,1H3,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00624 N-acetyl-L-glutamate C7H11NO5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H11NO5/c1-4(9)8-5(7(12)13)2-3-6(10)11/h5H,2-3H2,1H3,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28803 KEGG:C00627 compound C8H12NO6P InChI=1S/C8H12NO6P/c1-5-8(11)7(3-10)6(2-9-5)4-15-16(12,13)14/h2,10-11H,3-4H2,1H3,(H2,12,13,14) UPa:UPC00627 pyridoxine 5'-phosphate C8H12NO6P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H12NO6P/c1-5-8(11)7(3-10)6(2-9-5)4-15-16(12,13)14/h2,10-11H,3-4H2,1H3,(H2,12,13,14) UPa: CHEBI:17835 KEGG:C00631 compound C3H7O7P InChI=1S/C3H7O7P/c4-1-2(3(5)6)10-11(7,8)9/h2,4H,1H2,(H,5,6)(H2,7,8,9)/t2-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00631 2-phospho-D-glycerate C3H7O7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H7O7P/c4-1-2(3(5)6)10-11(7,8)9/h2,4H,1H2,(H,5,6)(H2,7,8,9)/t2-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15793 CHEBI:36559 KEGG:C00632 compound C7H7NO3 InChI=1S/C7H7NO3/c8-6-4(7(10)11)2-1-3-5(6)9/h1-3,9H,8H2,(H,10,11) UPa:UPC00632 3-hydroxyanthranilate C7H7NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H7NO3/c8-6-4(7(10)11)2-1-3-5(6)9/h1-3,9H,8H2,(H,10,11) UPa: CHEBI:18205 CHEBI:35374 KEGG:C00636 compound C6H13O9P InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(14-2)15-16(11,12)13/h2-10H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3-,4+,5+,6-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00636 alpha-D-mannose 1-phosphate C6H13O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(14-2)15-16(11,12)13/h2-10H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3-,4+,5+,6-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17815 KEGG:C00641 compound UPa:UPC00641 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol CHEBI:18101 KEGG:C00642 compound C8H8O3 InChI=1S/C8H8O3/c9-7-3-1-6(2-4-7)5-8(10)11/h1-4,9H,5H2,(H,10,11) UPa:UPC00642 4-hydroxyphenylacetate C8H8O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H8O3/c9-7-3-1-6(2-4-7)5-8(10)11/h1-4,9H,5H2,(H,10,11) UPa: CHEBI:17780 KEGG:C00643 compound C11H12N2O3 InChI=1S/C11H12N2O3/c12-9(11(15)16)3-6-5-13-10-2-1-7(14)4-8(6)10/h1-2,4-5,9,13-14H,3,12H2,(H,15,16)/t9-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00643 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan C11H12N2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H12N2O3/c12-9(11(15)16)3-6-5-13-10-2-1-7(14)4-8(6)10/h1-2,4-5,9,13-14H,3,12H2,(H,15,16)/t9-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17122 CHEBI:63153 KEGG:C00645 compound C8H15NO6 InChI=1S/C8H15NO6/c1-3(11)9-5-7(13)6(12)4(2-10)15-8(5)14/h4-8,10,12-14H,2H2,1H3,(H,9,11)/t4-,5+,6-,7-,8?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00645 N-acetyl-D-mannosamine C8H15NO6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H15NO6/c1-3(11)9-5-7(13)6(12)4(2-10)15-8(5)14/h4-8,10,12-14H,2H2,1H3,(H,9,11)/t4-,5+,6-,7-,8?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18335 KEGG:C00647 compound C8H13N2O5P InChI=1S/C8H13N2O5P/c1-5-8(11)7(2-9)6(3-10-5)4-15-16(12,13)14/h3,11H,2,4,9H2,1H3,(H2,12,13,14) UPa:UPC00647 pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate C8H13N2O5P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H13N2O5P/c1-5-8(11)7(2-9)6(3-10-5)4-15-16(12,13)14/h3,11H,2,4,9H2,1H3,(H2,12,13,14) UPa: CHEBI:16292 KEGG:C00652 compound C5H8O5 InChI=1S/C5H8O5/c6-1-2-3(7)4(8)5(9)10-2/h2-4,6-8H,1H2/t2-,3-,4+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00652 D-arabinono-1,4-lactone C5H8O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H8O5/c6-1-2-3(7)4(8)5(9)10-2/h2-4,6-8H,1H2/t2-,3-,4+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15652 KEGG:C00655 compound C10H13N4O9P InChI=1S/C10H13N4O9P/c15-5-3(1-22-24(19,20)21)23-9(6(5)16)14-2-11-4-7(14)12-10(18)13-8(4)17/h2-3,5-6,9,15-16H,1H2,(H2,19,20,21)(H2,12,13,17,18)/t3-,5-,6-,9-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00655 XMP C10H13N4O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H13N4O9P/c15-5-3(1-22-24(19,20)21)23-9(6(5)16)14-2-11-4-7(14)12-10(18)13-8(4)17/h2-3,5-6,9,15-16H,1H2,(H2,19,20,21)(H2,12,13,17,18)/t3-,5-,6-,9-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17138 KEGG:C00661 compound C3H7O6P InChI=1S/C3H7O6P/c4-1-3(5)2-9-10(6,7)8/h1,3,5H,2H2,(H2,6,7,8) UPa:UPC00661 glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate C3H7O6P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H7O6P/c4-1-3(5)2-9-10(6,7)8/h1,3,5H,2H2,(H2,6,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:15639 KEGG:C00664 compound C20H24N8O6 InChI=1S/C20H24N8O6/c21-9-28-12(8-24-16-15(28)18(32)27-20(22)26-16)7-23-11-3-1-10(2-4-11)17(31)25-13(19(33)34)5-6-14(29)30/h1-4,9,12-13,21,23H,5-8H2,(H,25,31)(H,29,30)(H,33,34)(H4,22,24,26,27,32)/t12-,13-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00664 5-formiminotetrahydrofolate C20H24N8O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C20H24N8O6/c21-9-28-12(8-24-16-15(28)18(32)27-20(22)26-16)7-23-11-3-1-10(2-4-11)17(31)25-13(19(33)34)5-6-14(29)30/h1-4,9,12-13,21,23H,5-8H2,(H,25,31)(H,29,30)(H,33,34)(H4,22,24,26,27,32)/t12-,13-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16026 CHEBI:47031 KEGG:C00666 LL-diaminopimelate compound C7H14N2O4 InChI=1S/C7H14N2O4/c8-4(6(10)11)2-1-3-5(9)7(12)13/h4-5H,1-3,8-9H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/t4-,5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00666 LL-2,6-diaminopimelate LL-diaminopimelate KEGG:KEGG C7H14N2O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H14N2O4/c8-4(6(10)11)2-1-3-5(9)7(12)13/h4-5H,1-3,8-9H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/t4-,5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17515 KEGG:C00669 gamma-L-glutamyl-L-cysteine compound C8H14N2O5S InChI=1S/C8H14N2O5S/c9-4(7(12)13)1-2-6(11)10-5(3-16)8(14)15/h4-5,16H,1-3,9H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)(H,14,15)/t4-,5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00669 L-gamma-glutamyl-L-cysteine gamma-L-glutamyl-L-cysteine KEGG:KEGG C8H14N2O5S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H14N2O5S/c9-4(7(12)13)1-2-6(11)10-5(3-16)8(14)15/h4-5,16H,1-3,9H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)(H,14,15)/t4-,5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15614 CHEBI:35146 KEGG:C00671 (S)-3-methyl-2-oxopentanoic acid compound C6H10O3 InChI=1S/C6H10O3/c1-3-4(2)5(7)6(8)9/h4H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00671 (S)-3-methyl-2-oxopentanoate (S)-3-methyl-2-oxopentanoic acid KEGG:KEGG C6H10O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O3/c1-3-4(2)5(7)6(8)9/h4H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:11563 CHEBI:28542 KEGG:C00672 2-deoxy-D-ribose 1-phosphate compound C5H11O7P InChI=1S/C5H11O7P/c6-2-4-3(7)1-5(11-4)12-13(8,9)10/h3-7H,1-2H2,(H2,8,9,10)/t3-,4+,5+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00672 2-deoxy-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate 2-deoxy-D-ribose 1-phosphate KEGG:KEGG C5H11O7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H11O7P/c6-2-4-3(7)1-5(11-4)12-13(8,9)10/h3-7H,1-2H2,(H2,8,9,10)/t3-,4+,5+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16132 CHEBI:55513 KEGG:C00673 compound C5H11O7P InChI=1S/C5H11O7P/c6-3-1-5(7)12-4(3)2-11-13(8,9)10/h3-7H,1-2H2,(H2,8,9,10)/t3-,4+,5?/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00673 2-deoxy-D-ribose 5-phosphate C5H11O7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H11O7P/c6-3-1-5(7)12-4(3)2-11-13(8,9)10/h3-7H,1-2H2,(H2,8,9,10)/t3-,4+,5?/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16369 CHEBI:42819 KEGG:C00679 compound C6H8O7 InChI=1S/C6H8O7/c7-2(4(9)6(12)13)1-3(8)5(10)11/h2,4,7,9H,1H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/t2-,4+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00679 5-dehydro-4-deoxy-D-glucarate C6H8O7 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H8O7/c7-2(4(9)6(12)13)1-3(8)5(10)11/h2,4,7,9H,1H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/t2-,4+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16488 CHEBI:30308 KEGG:C00680 DL-diaminopimelate compound C7H14N2O4 InChI=1S/C7H14N2O4/c8-4(6(10)11)2-1-3-5(9)7(12)13/h4-5H,1-3,8-9H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/t4-,5+ UPa:UPC00680 DL-2,6-diaminopimelate DL-diaminopimelate KEGG:KEGG C7H14N2O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H14N2O4/c8-4(6(10)11)2-1-3-5(9)7(12)13/h4-5H,1-3,8-9H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/t4-,5+ UPa: CHEBI:16975 KEGG:C00681 compound UPa:UPC00681 1-acyl-sn-glycerol 3-phosphate CHEBI:15466 KEGG:C00683 (S)-2-methyl-3-oxopropanoyl-CoA compound C25H40N7O19P3S InChI=1S/C25H40N7O19P3S/c1-12(23(37)38)24(39)55-7-6-27-14(33)4-5-28-21(36)18(35)25(2,3)9-48-54(45,46)51-53(43,44)47-8-13-17(50-52(40,41)42)16(34)22(49-13)32-11-31-15-19(26)29-10-30-20(15)32/h10-13,16-18,22,34-35H,4-9H2,1-3H3,(H,27,33)(H,28,36)(H,37,38)(H,43,44)(H,45,46)(H2,26,29,30)(H2,40,41,42)/t12-,13+,16+,17+,18-,22+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00683 (S)-methylmalonyl-CoA (S)-2-methyl-3-oxopropanoyl-CoA KEGG:KEGG C25H40N7O19P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C25H40N7O19P3S/c1-12(23(37)38)24(39)55-7-6-27-14(33)4-5-28-21(36)18(35)25(2,3)9-48-54(45,46)51-53(43,44)47-8-13-17(50-52(40,41)42)16(34)22(49-13)32-11-31-15-19(26)29-10-30-20(15)32/h10-13,16-18,22,34-35H,4-9H2,1-3H3,(H,27,33)(H,28,36)(H,37,38)(H,43,44)(H,45,46)(H2,26,29,30)(H2,40,41,42)/t12-,13+,16+,17+,18-,22+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17647 KEGG:C00684 compound C5H8O5 InChI=1S/C5H8O5/c6-2-3(7)1-4(8)5(9)10/h3,6-7H,1-2H2,(H,9,10)/t3-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00684 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate C5H8O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H8O5/c6-2-3(7)1-4(8)5(9)10/h3,6-7H,1-2H2,(H,9,10)/t3-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17811 KEGG:C00691 2,4,6/3,5-pentahydroxycyclohexanone compound C6H10O6 InChI=1S/C6H10O6/c7-1-2(8)4(10)6(12)5(11)3(1)9/h1-5,7-11H/t1-,2-,3+,4+,5- UPa:UPC00691 scyllo-inosose 2,4,6/3,5-pentahydroxycyclohexanone KEGG:KEGG C6H10O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O6/c7-1-2(8)4(10)6(12)5(11)3(1)9/h1-5,7-11H/t1-,2-,3+,4+,5- UPa: CHEBI:17997 KEGG:C00697 compound InChI=1S/N2/c1-2 N2 UPa:UPC00697 dinitrogen InChI=1S/N2/c1-2 UPa: N2 KEGG:COMPOUND CHEBI:17996 KEGG:C00698 compound Cl InChI=1S/ClH/h1H/p-1 UPa:UPC00698 chloride Cl KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/ClH/h1H/p-1 UPa: CHEBI:37166 KEGG:C00707 compound UPa:UPC00707 xylan CHEBI:17309 KEGG:C00714 compound UPa:UPC00714 pectin CHEBI:17750 KEGG:C00719 compound C5H11NO2 InChI=1S/C5H11NO2/c1-6(2,3)4-5(7)8/h4H2,1-3H3 UPa:UPC00719 betaine C5H11NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H11NO2/c1-6(2,3)4-5(7)8/h4H2,1-3H3 UPa: CHEBI:16494 CHEBI:30314 KEGG:C00725 lipoic acid compound C8H14O2S2 InChI=1S/C8H14O2S2/c9-8(10)4-2-1-3-7-5-6-11-12-7/h7H,1-6H2,(H,9,10) UPa:UPC00725 lipoate lipoic acid KEGG:KEGG C8H14O2S2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H14O2S2/c9-8(10)4-2-1-3-7-5-6-11-12-7/h7H,1-6H2,(H,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:28599 KEGG:C00748 compound C42H44FeN4O16 InChI=1S/C42H46N4O16.Fe/c1-41(17-39(59)60)23(5-9-35(51)52)29-14-27-21(11-37(55)56)19(3-7-33(47)48)25(43-27)13-26-20(4-8-34(49)50)22(12-38(57)58)28(44-26)15-31-42(2,18-40(61)62)24(6-10-36(53)54)30(46-31)16-32(41)45-29;/h13-16,23-24H,3-12,17-18H2,1-2H3,(H10,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62);/q;+2/p-2/t23-,24-,41+,42+;/m1./s1 UPa:UPC00748 siroheme C42H44FeN4O16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C42H46N4O16.Fe/c1-41(17-39(59)60)23(5-9-35(51)52)29-14-27-21(11-37(55)56)19(3-7-33(47)48)25(43-27)13-26-20(4-8-34(49)50)22(12-38(57)58)28(44-26)15-31-42(2,18-40(61)62)24(6-10-36(53)54)30(46-31)16-32(41)45-29;/h13-16,23-24H,3-12,17-18H2,1-2H3,(H10,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62);/q;+2/p-2/t23-,24-,41+,42+;/m1./s1 UPa: CHEBI:15746 KEGG:C00750 compound C10H26N4 InChI=1S/C10H26N4/c11-5-3-9-13-7-1-2-8-14-10-4-6-12/h13-14H,1-12H2 UPa:UPC00750 spermine C10H26N4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H26N4/c11-5-3-9-13-7-1-2-8-14-10-4-6-12/h13-14H,1-12H2 UPa: CHEBI:15440 KEGG:C00751 compound C30H50 InChI=1S/C30H50/c1-25(2)15-11-19-29(7)23-13-21-27(5)17-9-10-18-28(6)22-14-24-30(8)20-12-16-26(3)4/h15-18,23-24H,9-14,19-22H2,1-8H3/b27-17+,28-18+,29-23+,30-24+ UPa:UPC00751 squalene C30H50 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C30H50/c1-25(2)15-11-19-29(7)23-13-21-27(5)17-9-10-18-28(6)22-14-24-30(8)20-12-16-26(3)4/h15-18,23-24H,9-14,19-22H2,1-8H3/b27-17+,28-18+,29-23+,30-24+ UPa: CHEBI:27570 KEGG:C00768 compound C6H9N3O2 InChI=1S/C6H9N3O2/c7-5(6(10)11)1-4-2-8-3-9-4/h2-3,5H,1,7H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11) UPa:UPC00768 histidine C6H9N3O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H9N3O2/c7-5(6(10)11)1-4-2-8-3-9-4/h2-3,5H,1,7H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11) UPa: CHEBI:17796 CHEBI:21336 KEGG:C00770 compound C6H12O7 InChI=1S/C6H12O7/c7-1-2(8)3(9)4(10)5(11)6(12)13/h2-5,7-11H,1H2,(H,12,13)/t2-,3+,4-,5+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00770 L-idonate C6H12O7 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12O7/c7-1-2(8)3(9)4(10)5(11)6(12)13/h2-5,7-11H,1H2,(H,12,13)/t2-,3+,4-,5+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28790 KEGG:C00780 compound C10H12N2O InChI=1S/C10H12N2O/c11-4-3-7-6-12-10-2-1-8(13)5-9(7)10/h1-2,5-6,12-13H,3-4,11H2 UPa:UPC00780 serotonin C10H12N2O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H12N2O/c11-4-3-7-6-12-10-2-1-8(13)5-9(7)10/h1-2,5-6,12-13H,3-4,11H2 UPa: CHEBI:27247 CHEBI:30817 KEGG:C00785 trans-urocanic acid compound C6H6N2O2 InChI=1S/C6H6N2O2/c9-6(10)2-1-5-3-7-4-8-5/h1-4H,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/b2-1+ UPa:UPC00785 trans-urocanate trans-urocanic acid KEGG:KEGG C6H6N2O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H6N2O2/c9-6(10)2-1-5-3-7-4-8-5/h1-4H,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/b2-1+ UPa: CHEBI:28918 KEGG:C00788 epinephrine compound C9H13NO3 InChI=1S/C9H13NO3/c1-10-5-9(13)6-2-3-7(11)8(12)4-6/h2-4,9-13H,5H2,1H3/t9-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00788 (R)-adrenaline epinephrine KEGG:KEGG C9H13NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H13NO3/c1-10-5-9(13)6-2-3-7(11)8(12)4-6/h2-4,9-13H,5H2,1H3/t9-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16737 KEGG:C00791 compound C4H7N3O InChI=1S/C4H7N3O/c1-7-2-3(8)6-4(7)5/h2H2,1H3,(H2,5,6,8) UPa:UPC00791 creatinine C4H7N3O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H7N3O/c1-7-2-3(8)6-4(7)5/h2H2,1H3,(H2,5,6,8) UPa: CHEBI:17924 KEGG:C00794 compound C6H14O6 InChI=1S/C6H14O6/c7-1-3(9)5(11)6(12)4(10)2-8/h3-12H,1-2H2/t3-,4+,5-,6-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00794 D-sorbitol C6H14O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H14O6/c7-1-3(9)5(11)6(12)4(10)2-8/h3-12H,1-2H2/t3-,4+,5-,6-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15862 KEGG:C00797 compound C2H7N InChI=1S/C2H7N/c1-2-3/h2-3H2,1H3 UPa:UPC00797 ethylamine C2H7N KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H7N/c1-2-3/h2-3H2,1H3 UPa: CHEBI:15522 KEGG:C00798 compound C22H36N7O17P3S InChI=1S/C22H36N7O17P3S/c1-22(2,17(33)20(34)25-4-3-13(31)24-5-6-50-11-30)8-43-49(40,41)46-48(38,39)42-7-12-16(45-47(35,36)37)15(32)21(44-12)29-10-28-14-18(23)26-9-27-19(14)29/h9-12,15-17,21,32-33H,3-8H2,1-2H3,(H,24,31)(H,25,34)(H,38,39)(H,40,41)(H2,23,26,27)(H2,35,36,37)/t12-,15-,16-,17+,21-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00798 formyl-CoA C22H36N7O17P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C22H36N7O17P3S/c1-22(2,17(33)20(34)25-4-3-13(31)24-5-6-50-11-30)8-43-49(40,41)46-48(38,39)42-7-12-16(45-47(35,36)37)15(32)21(44-12)29-10-28-14-18(23)26-9-27-19(14)29/h9-12,15-17,21,32-33H,3-8H2,1-2H3,(H,24,31)(H,25,34)(H,38,39)(H,40,41)(H2,23,26,27)(H2,35,36,37)/t12-,15-,16-,17+,21-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:13115 CHEBI:16154 KEGG:C00800 L-gulonic acid compound C6H12O7 InChI=1S/C6H12O7/c7-1-2(8)3(9)4(10)5(11)6(12)13/h2-5,7-11H,1H2,(H,12,13)/t2-,3+,4-,5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00800 L-gulonate L-gulonic acid KEGG:KEGG C6H12O7 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12O7/c7-1-2(8)3(9)4(10)5(11)6(12)13/h2-5,7-11H,1H2,(H,12,13)/t2-,3+,4-,5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16582 KEGG:C00802 oxalureate compound C3H4N2O4 InChI=1S/C3H4N2O4/c4-3(9)5-1(6)2(7)8/h(H,7,8)(H3,4,5,6,9) UPa:UPC00802 oxalurate oxalureate KEGG:KEGG C3H4N2O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H4N2O4/c4-3(9)5-1(6)2(7)8/h(H,7,8)(H3,4,5,6,9) UPa: CHEBI:16914 KEGG:C00805 salicylic acid compound C7H6O3 InChI=1S/C7H6O3/c8-6-4-2-1-3-5(6)7(9)10/h1-4,8H,(H,9,10) UPa:UPC00805 salicylate salicylic acid KEGG:KEGG C7H6O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H6O3/c8-6-4-2-1-3-5(6)7(9)10/h1-4,8H,(H,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:27897 KEGG:C00806 compound C11H12N2O2 InChI=1S/C11H12N2O2/c12-9(11(14)15)5-7-6-13-10-4-2-1-3-8(7)10/h1-4,6,9,13H,5,12H2,(H,14,15) UPa:UPC00806 tryptophan C11H12N2O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H12N2O2/c12-9(11(14)15)5-7-6-13-10-4-2-1-3-8(7)10/h1-4,6,9,13H,5,12H2,(H,14,15) UPa: CHEBI:15686 KEGG:C00810 compound C4H8O2 InChI=1S/C4H8O2/c1-3(5)4(2)6/h3,5H,1-2H3/t3-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00810 (R)-acetoin C4H8O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H8O2/c1-3(5)4(2)6/h3,5H,1-2H3/t3-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:32374 KEGG:C00811 4-coumaric acid compound C9H8O3 InChI=1S/C9H8O3/c10-8-4-1-7(2-5-8)3-6-9(11)12/h1-6,10H,(H,11,12)/b6-3+ UPa:UPC00811 trans-4-coumarate 4-coumaric acid KEGG:KEGG C9H8O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H8O3/c10-8-4-1-7(2-5-8)3-6-9(11)12/h1-6,10H,(H,11,12)/b6-3+ UPa: CHEBI:16294 CHEBI:29745 KEGG:C00813 barbituric acid compound C4H4N2O3 InChI=1S/C4H4N2O3/c7-2-1-3(8)6-4(9)5-2/h1H2,(H2,5,6,7,8,9) UPa:UPC00813 barbiturate barbituric acid KEGG:KEGG C4H4N2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H4N2O3/c7-2-1-3(8)6-4(9)5-2/h1H2,(H2,5,6,7,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:16002 CHEBI:30612 KEGG:C00818 D-glucaric acid compound C6H10O8 InChI=1S/C6H10O8/c7-1(3(9)5(11)12)2(8)4(10)6(13)14/h1-4,7-10H,(H,11,12)(H,13,14)/t1-,2-,3-,4+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00818 D-glucarate D-glucaric acid KEGG:KEGG C6H10O8 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O8/c7-1(3(9)5(11)12)2(8)4(10)6(13)14/h1-4,7-10H,(H,11,12)(H,13,14)/t1-,2-,3-,4+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17530 KEGG:C00826 compound C10H13NO5 InChI=1S/C10H13NO5/c11-7(8(13)14)5-10(9(15)16)3-1-6(12)2-4-10/h1-4,6-7,12H,5,11H2,(H,13,14)(H,15,16)/t6?,7-,10?/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00826 L-arogenate C10H13NO5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H13NO5/c11-7(8(13)14)5-10(9(15)16)3-1-6(12)2-4-10/h1-4,6-7,12H,5,11H2,(H,13,14)(H,15,16)/t6?,7-,10?/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16374 KEGG:C00828 menaquinone compound C21H24O2 InChI=1S/C21H24O2/c1-14(2)8-7-9-15(3)12-13-17-16(4)20(22)18-10-5-6-11-19(18)21(17)23/h5-6,8,10-12H,7,9,13H2,1-4H3/b15-12+ UPa:UPC00828 menaquinone-2 menaquinone KEGG:KEGG C21H24O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C21H24O2/c1-14(2)8-7-9-15(3)12-13-17-16(4)20(22)18-10-5-6-11-19(18)21(17)23/h5-6,8,10-12H,7,9,13H2,1-4H3/b15-12+ UPa: CHEBI:16482 KEGG:C00829 compound C10H8 InChI=1S/C10H8/c1-2-6-10-8-4-3-7-9(10)5-1/h1-8H UPa:UPC00829 naphthalene C10H8 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H8/c1-2-6-10-8-4-3-7-9(10)5-1/h1-8H UPa: CHEBI:15775 CHEBI:37440 KEGG:C00846 compound C6H8O5 InChI=1S/C6H8O5/c7-4(3-6(10)11)1-2-5(8)9/h1-3H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11) UPa:UPC00846 3-oxoadipate C6H8O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H8O5/c7-4(3-6(10)11)1-2-5(8)9/h1-3H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11) UPa: CHEBI:17405 KEGG:C00847 compound C8H9NO4 InChI=1S/C8H9NO4/c1-4-7(11)6(8(12)13)5(3-10)2-9-4/h2,10-11H,3H2,1H3,(H,12,13) UPa:UPC00847 4-pyridoxate C8H9NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H9NO4/c1-4-7(11)6(8(12)13)5(3-10)2-9-4/h2,10-11H,3H2,1H3,(H,12,13) UPa: CHEBI:18304 KEGG:C00857 compound C21H27N6O15P2 InChI=1S/C21H26N6O15P2/c22-17-12-18(24-7-23-17)27(8-25-12)20-16(31)14(29)11(41-20)6-39-44(36,37)42-43(34,35)38-5-10-13(28)15(30)19(40-10)26-3-1-2-9(4-26)21(32)33/h1-4,7-8,10-11,13-16,19-20,28-31H,5-6H2,(H4-,22,23,24,32,33,34,35,36,37)/p+1/t10-,11-,13-,14-,15-,16-,19-,20-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00857 deamido-NAD(+) C21H27N6O15P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C21H26N6O15P2/c22-17-12-18(24-7-23-17)27(8-25-12)20-16(31)14(29)11(41-20)6-39-44(36,37)42-43(34,35)38-5-10-13(28)15(30)19(40-10)26-3-1-2-9(4-26)21(32)33/h1-4,7-8,10-11,13-16,19-20,28-31H,5-6H2,(H4-,22,23,24,32,33,34,35,36,37)/p+1/t10-,11-,13-,14-,15-,16-,19-,20-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16255 KEGG:C00860 compound C6H11N3O InChI=1S/C6H11N3O/c7-5(3-10)1-6-2-8-4-9-6/h2,4-5,10H,1,3,7H2,(H,8,9)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00860 L-histidinol C6H11N3O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H11N3O/c7-5(3-10)1-6-2-8-4-9-6/h2,4-5,10H,1,3,7H2,(H,8,9)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17897 KEGG:C00861 compound C6H12O5 InChI=1S/C6H12O5/c1-3(8)5(10)6(11)4(9)2-7/h3,5-8,10-11H,2H2,1H3/t3-,5-,6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00861 L-rhamnulose C6H12O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12O5/c1-3(8)5(10)6(11)4(9)2-7/h3,5-8,10-11H,2H2,1H3/t3-,5-,6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17448 KEGG:C00862 compound C34H44N4O15 InChI=1S/C34H44N4O15/c35-16-22-15-20(18-53-22)17-52-21-3-1-19(2-4-21)13-14-36-27(39)10-7-25(33(48)49)38-29(41)11-8-26(34(50)51)37-28(40)9-5-23(31(44)45)24(32(46)47)6-12-30(42)43/h1-4,15,18,23-26H,5-14,16-17,35H2,(H,36,39)(H,37,40)(H,38,41)(H,42,43)(H,44,45)(H,46,47)(H,48,49)(H,50,51)/t23?,24?,25-,26-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00862 methanofuran C34H44N4O15 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C34H44N4O15/c35-16-22-15-20(18-53-22)17-52-21-3-1-19(2-4-21)13-14-36-27(39)10-7-25(33(48)49)38-29(41)11-8-26(34(50)51)37-28(40)9-5-23(31(44)45)24(32(46)47)6-12-30(42)43/h1-4,15,18,23-26H,5-14,16-17,35H2,(H,36,39)(H,37,40)(H,38,41)(H,42,43)(H,44,45)(H,46,47)(H,48,49)(H,50,51)/t23?,24?,25-,26-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:25848 CHEBI:29032 CHEBI:46905 CHEBI:7916 KEGG:C00864 pantothenate compound C9H17NO5 InChI=1S/C9H17NO5/c1-9(2,5-11)7(14)8(15)10-4-3-6(12)13/h7,11,14H,3-5H2,1-2H3,(H,10,15)(H,12,13)/t7-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00864 (R)-pantothenate pantothenate KEGG:KEGG C9H17NO5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H17NO5/c1-9(2,5-11)7(14)8(15)10-4-3-6(12)13/h7,11,14H,3-5H2,1-2H3,(H,10,15)(H,12,13)/t7-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16836 KEGG:C00870 compound C6H5NO3 InChI=1S/C6H5NO3/c8-6-3-1-5(2-4-6)7(9)10/h1-4,8H UPa:UPC00870 4-nitrophenol C6H5NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H5NO3/c8-6-3-1-5(2-4-6)7(9)10/h1-4,8H UPa: CHEBI:23066 KEGG:C00875 compound UPa:UPC00875 cephalosporin CHEBI:16848 KEGG:C00876 compound C29H36N5O18P InChI=1S/C29H36N5O18P/c1-12(25(42)31-17(28(46)47)4-6-21(38)30-16(27(44)45)5-7-22(39)40)52-53(49,50)51-11-20(37)23(41)19(36)10-34-18-9-14(35)3-2-13(18)8-15-24(34)32-29(48)33-26(15)43/h2-3,8-9,12,16-17,19-20,23,35-37,41H,4-7,10-11H2,1H3,(H,30,38)(H,31,42)(H,39,40)(H,44,45)(H,46,47)(H,49,50)(H,33,43,48)/t12-,16-,17-,19-,20+,23-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00876 coenzyme F420 C29H36N5O18P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C29H36N5O18P/c1-12(25(42)31-17(28(46)47)4-6-21(38)30-16(27(44)45)5-7-22(39)40)52-53(49,50)51-11-20(37)23(41)19(36)10-34-18-9-14(35)3-2-13(18)8-15-24(34)32-29(48)33-26(15)43/h2-3,8-9,12,16-17,19-20,23,35-37,41H,4-7,10-11H2,1H3,(H,30,38)(H,31,42)(H,39,40)(H,44,45)(H,46,47)(H,49,50)(H,33,43,48)/t12-,16-,17-,19-,20+,23-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15473 CHEBI:36926 KEGG:C00877 compound C25H40N7O17P3S InChI=1S/C25H40N7O17P3S/c1-4-5-16(34)53-9-8-27-15(33)6-7-28-23(37)20(36)25(2,3)11-46-52(43,44)49-51(41,42)45-10-14-19(48-50(38,39)40)18(35)24(47-14)32-13-31-17-21(26)29-12-30-22(17)32/h4-5,12-14,18-20,24,35-36H,6-11H2,1-3H3,(H,27,33)(H,28,37)(H,41,42)(H,43,44)(H2,26,29,30)(H2,38,39,40)/b5-4+/t14-,18-,19-,20+,24-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00877 crotonoyl-CoA C25H40N7O17P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C25H40N7O17P3S/c1-4-5-16(34)53-9-8-27-15(33)6-7-28-23(37)20(36)25(2,3)11-46-52(43,44)49-51(41,42)45-10-14-19(48-50(38,39)40)18(35)24(47-14)32-13-31-17-21(26)29-12-30-22(17)32/h4-5,12-14,18-20,24,35-36H,6-11H2,1-3H3,(H,27,33)(H,28,37)(H,41,42)(H,43,44)(H2,26,29,30)(H2,38,39,40)/b5-4+/t14-,18-,19-,20+,24-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:30852 KEGG:C00879 D-galactaric acid compound C6H10O8 InChI=1S/C6H10O8/c7-1(3(9)5(11)12)2(8)4(10)6(13)14/h1-4,7-10H,(H,11,12)(H,13,14)/t1-,2+,3+,4- UPa:UPC00879 galactarate D-galactaric acid KEGG:KEGG C6H10O8 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O8/c7-1(3(9)5(11)12)2(8)4(10)6(13)14/h1-4,7-10H,(H,11,12)(H,13,14)/t1-,2+,3+,4- UPa: CHEBI:12931 CHEBI:16534 KEGG:C00880 D-galactonic acid compound C6H12O7 InChI=1S/C6H12O7/c7-1-2(8)3(9)4(10)5(11)6(12)13/h2-5,7-11H,1H2,(H,12,13)/t2-,3+,4+,5-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00880 D-galactonate D-galactonic acid KEGG:KEGG C6H12O7 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12O7/c7-1-2(8)3(9)4(10)5(11)6(12)13/h2-5,7-11H,1H2,(H,12,13)/t2-,3+,4+,5-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15468 KEGG:C00882 compound C21H35N7O13P2S InChI=1S/C21H35N7O13P2S/c1-21(2,16(32)19(33)24-4-3-12(29)23-5-6-44)8-39-43(36,37)41-42(34,35)38-7-11-14(30)15(31)20(40-11)28-10-27-13-17(22)25-9-26-18(13)28/h9-11,14-16,20,30-32,44H,3-8H2,1-2H3,(H,23,29)(H,24,33)(H,34,35)(H,36,37)(H2,22,25,26)/t11-,14-,15-,16+,20-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00882 3'-dephospho-CoA C21H35N7O13P2S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C21H35N7O13P2S/c1-21(2,16(32)19(33)24-4-3-12(29)23-5-6-44)8-39-43(36,37)41-42(34,35)38-7-11-14(30)15(31)20(40-11)28-10-27-13-17(22)25-9-26-18(13)28/h9-11,14-16,20,30-32,44H,3-8H2,1-2H3,(H,23,29)(H,24,33)(H,34,35)(H,36,37)(H2,22,25,26)/t11-,14-,15-,16+,20-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17582 CHEBI:29780 KEGG:C00885 compound C10H10O6 InChI=1S/C10H10O6/c1-5(9(12)13)16-7-4-2-3-6(8(7)11)10(14)15/h2-4,7-8,11H,1H2,(H,12,13)(H,14,15)/t7-,8-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00885 isochorismate C10H10O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H10O6/c1-5(9(12)13)16-7-4-2-3-6(8(7)11)10(14)15/h2-4,7-8,11H,1H2,(H,12,13)(H,14,15)/t7-,8-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17045 KEGG:C00887 compound InChI=1S/N2O/c1-2-3 N2O UPa:UPC00887 nitrous oxide InChI=1S/N2O/c1-2-3 UPa: N2O KEGG:COMPOUND CHEBI:8005 KEGG:C00889 compound UPa:UPC00889 peptidoglycan CHEBI:15671 CHEBI:15674 CHEBI:30924 KEGG:C00898 L-tartaric acid compound C4H6O6 InChI=1S/C4H6O6/c5-1(3(7)8)2(6)4(9)10/h1-2,5-6H,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/t1-,2-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00898 L-tartrate L-tartaric acid KEGG:KEGG C4H6O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H6O6/c5-1(3(7)8)2(6)4(9)10/h1-2,5-6H,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/t1-,2-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15776 KEGG:C00916 compound C16H21N3O8S InChI=1S/C16H21N3O8S/c1-7(20)27-5-8-6-28-14-11(13(22)19(14)12(8)16(25)26)18-10(21)4-2-3-9(17)15(23)24/h9,11,14H,2-6,17H2,1H3,(H,18,21)(H,23,24)(H,25,26)/t9-,11-,14-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00916 cephalosporin C C16H21N3O8S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C16H21N3O8S/c1-7(20)27-5-8-6-28-14-11(13(22)19(14)12(8)16(25)26)18-10(21)4-2-3-9(17)15(23)24/h9,11,14H,2-6,17H2,1H3,(H,18,21)(H,23,24)(H,25,26)/t9-,11-,14-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16822 KEGG:C00919 compound C5H13NO4S InChI=1S/C5H13NO4S/c1-6(2,3)4-5-10-11(7,8)9/h4-5H2,1-3H3 UPa:UPC00919 choline sulfate C5H13NO4S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H13NO4S/c1-6(2,3)4-5-10-11(7,8)9/h4-5H2,1-3H3 UPa: CHEBI:17839 CHEBI:4581 KEGG:C00921 dihydropteroate compound C14H14N6O3 InChI=1S/C14H14N6O3/c15-14-19-11-10(12(21)20-14)18-9(6-17-11)5-16-8-3-1-7(2-4-8)13(22)23/h1-4,16H,5-6H2,(H,22,23)(H4,15,17,19,20,21) UPa:UPC00921 7,8-dihydropteroate dihydropteroate KEGG:KEGG C14H14N6O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H14N6O3/c15-14-19-11-10(12(21)20-14)18-9(6-17-11)5-16-8-3-1-7(2-4-8)13(22)23/h1-4,16H,5-6H2,(H,22,23)(H4,15,17,19,20,21) UPa: CHEBI:17081 CHEBI:23812 KEGG:C00922 compound C6H8O4 InChI=1S/C6H8O4/c1-3(5(7)8)4(2)6(9)10/h1-2H3,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/b4-3- UPa:UPC00922 dimethylmaleate C6H8O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H8O4/c1-3(5(7)8)4(2)6(9)10/h1-2H3,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/b4-3- UPa: CHEBI:17381 KEGG:C00931 compound C10H14N2O4 InChI=1S/C10H14N2O4/c11-4-8-7(3-10(15)16)6(5-12-8)1-2-9(13)14/h5,12H,1-4,11H2,(H,13,14)(H,15,16) UPa:UPC00931 porphobilinogen C10H14N2O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H14N2O4/c11-4-8-7(3-10(15)16)6(5-12-8)1-2-9(13)14/h5,12H,1-4,11H2,(H,13,14)(H,15,16) UPa: CHEBI:17983 KEGG:C00935 compound C14H22N2O16P2 InChI=1S/C14H22N2O16P2/c17-5-3-28-13(11(22)8(5)19)31-34(26,27)32-33(24,25)29-4-6-9(20)10(21)12(30-6)16-2-1-7(18)15-14(16)23/h1-2,5-6,8-13,17,19-22H,3-4H2,(H,24,25)(H,26,27)(H,15,18,23)/t5-,6+,8-,9+,10+,11+,12?,13+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00935 UDP-L-arabinose C14H22N2O16P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H22N2O16P2/c17-5-3-28-13(11(22)8(5)19)31-34(26,27)32-33(24,25)29-4-6-9(20)10(21)12(30-6)16-2-1-7(18)15-14(16)23/h1-2,5-6,8-13,17,19-22H,3-4H2,(H,24,25)(H,26,27)(H,15,18,23)/t5-,6+,8-,9+,10+,11+,12?,13+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16769 CHEBI:30882 KEGG:C00940 compound C5H7NO4 InChI=1S/C5H7NO4/c6-4(8)2-1-3(7)5(9)10/h1-2H2,(H2,6,8)(H,9,10) UPa:UPC00940 2-oxoglutaramate C5H7NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H7NO4/c6-4(8)2-1-3(7)5(9)10/h1-2H2,(H2,6,8)(H,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:16356 KEGG:C00942 cGMP compound C10H12N5O7P InChI=1S/C10H12N5O7P/c11-10-13-7-4(8(17)14-10)12-2-15(7)9-5(16)6-3(21-9)1-20-23(18,19)22-6/h2-3,5-6,9,16H,1H2,(H,18,19)(H3,11,13,14,17)/t3-,5-,6-,9-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00942 3',5'-cyclic GMP cGMP KEGG:KEGG C10H12N5O7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H12N5O7P/c11-10-13-7-4(8(17)14-10)12-2-15(7)9-5(16)6-3(21-9)1-20-23(18,19)22-6/h2-3,5-6,9,16H,1H2,(H,18,19)(H3,11,13,14,17)/t3-,5-,6-,9-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17947 CHEBI:32364 KEGG:C00944 compound C7H10O6 InChI=1S/C7H10O6/c8-3-1-7(13,6(11)12)2-4(9)5(3)10/h3,5,8,10,13H,1-2H2,(H,11,12)/t3-,5+,7-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00944 3-dehydroquinate C7H10O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H10O6/c8-3-1-7(13,6(11)12)2-4(9)5(3)10/h3,5,8,10,13H,1-2H2,(H,11,12)/t3-,5+,7-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16411 KEGG:C00954 indole-3-acetate compound C10H9NO2 InChI=1S/C10H9NO2/c12-10(13)5-7-6-11-9-4-2-1-3-8(7)9/h1-4,6,11H,5H2,(H,12,13) UPa:UPC00954 ndole-3-acetate indole-3-acetate KEGG:KEGG C10H9NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H9NO2/c12-10(13)5-7-6-11-9-4-2-1-3-8(7)9/h1-4,6,11H,5H2,(H,12,13) UPa: CHEBI:37023 KEGG:C00956 compound C6H11NO4 InChI=1S/C6H11NO4/c7-4(6(10)11)2-1-3-5(8)9/h4H,1-3,7H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00956 L-alpha-aminoadipate C6H11NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H11NO4/c7-4(6(10)11)2-1-3-5(8)9/h4H,1-3,7H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:11561 CHEBI:17094 KEGG:C00966 compound C6H10O4 InChI=1S/C6H10O4/c1-6(2,3-7)4(8)5(9)10/h7H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,9,10) UPa:UPC00966 2-dehydropantoate C6H10O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O4/c1-6(2,3-7)4(8)5(9)10/h7H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:17871 KEGG:C00969 compound C3H6O2 InChI=1S/C3H6O2/c4-2-1-3-5/h2,5H,1,3H2 UPa:UPC00969 3-hydroxypropanal C3H6O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H6O2/c4-2-1-3-5/h2,5H,1,3H2 UPa: CHEBI:16871 KEGG:C00971 compound C8H7NO3 InChI=1S/C8H7NO3/c1-4-7(10)6-5(2-9-4)3-12-8(6)11/h2,10H,3H2,1H3 UPa:UPC00971 4-pyridoxolactone C8H7NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H7NO3/c1-4-7(10)6-5(2-9-4)3-12-8(6)11/h2,10H,3H2,1H3 UPa: CHEBI:85507 KEGG:C00976 compound C16H23N5O17P2 InChI=1S/C16H23N5O17P2/c17-16-19-11-4(12(27)20-16)18-2-21(11)13-8(25)5(22)3(35-13)1-34-39(30,31)38-40(32,33)37-15-9(26)6(23)7(24)10(36-15)14(28)29/h2-3,5-10,13,15,22-26H,1H2,(H,28,29)(H,30,31)(H,32,33)(H3,17,19,20,27)/t3-,5-,6+,7+,8-,9+,10+,13-,15-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC00976 GDP-D-mannuronate C16H23N5O17P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C16H23N5O17P2/c17-16-19-11-4(12(27)20-16)18-2-21(11)13-8(25)5(22)3(35-13)1-34-39(30,31)38-40(32,33)37-15-9(26)6(23)7(24)10(36-15)14(28)29/h2-3,5-10,13,15,22-26H,1H2,(H,28,29)(H,30,31)(H,32,33)(H3,17,19,20,27)/t3-,5-,6+,7+,8-,9+,10+,13-,15-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17697 KEGG:C00978 compound C12H14N2O2 InChI=1S/C12H14N2O2/c1-8(15)13-5-4-9-7-14-12-3-2-10(16)6-11(9)12/h2-3,6-7,14,16H,4-5H2,1H3,(H,13,15) UPa:UPC00978 N-acetylserotonin C12H14N2O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H14N2O2/c1-8(15)13-5-4-9-7-14-12-3-2-10(16)6-11(9)12/h2-3,6-7,14,16H,4-5H2,1H3,(H,13,15) UPa: CHEBI:17981 KEGG:C00979 O(3)-acetyl-L-serine compound C5H9NO4 InChI=1S/C5H9NO4/c1-3(7)10-2-4(6)5(8)9/h4H,2,6H2,1H3,(H,8,9)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC00979 O-acetyl-L-serine O(3)-acetyl-L-serine KEGG:KEGG C5H9NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H9NO4/c1-3(7)10-2-4(6)5(8)9/h4H,2,6H2,1H3,(H,8,9)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15725 KEGG:C00986 compound C3H10N2 InChI=1S/C3H10N2/c4-2-1-3-5/h1-5H2 UPa:UPC00986 1,3-diaminopropane C3H10N2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H10N2/c4-2-1-3-5/h1-5H2 UPa: CHEBI:17150 KEGG:C00988 2-phosphoglycolic acid compound C2H5O6P InChI=1S/C2H5O6P/c3-2(4)1-8-9(5,6)7/h1H2,(H,3,4)(H2,5,6,7) UPa:UPC00988 2-phosphoglycolate 2-phosphoglycolic acid KEGG:KEGG C2H5O6P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H5O6P/c3-2(4)1-8-9(5,6)7/h1H2,(H,3,4)(H2,5,6,7) UPa: CHEBI:16314 KEGG:C01001 formylmethanofuran compound C35H44N4O16 InChI=1S/C35H44N4O16/c40-19-36-16-23-15-21(18-55-23)17-54-22-3-1-20(2-4-22)13-14-37-28(41)10-7-26(34(50)51)39-30(43)11-8-27(35(52)53)38-29(42)9-5-24(32(46)47)25(33(48)49)6-12-31(44)45/h1-4,15,18-19,24-27H,5-14,16-17H2,(H,36,40)(H,37,41)(H,38,42)(H,39,43)(H,44,45)(H,46,47)(H,48,49)(H,50,51)(H,52,53)/t24?,25?,26-,27-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01001 N-formylmethanofuran formylmethanofuran KEGG:KEGG C35H44N4O16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C35H44N4O16/c40-19-36-16-23-15-21(18-55-23)17-54-22-3-1-20(2-4-22)13-14-37-28(41)10-7-26(34(50)51)39-30(43)11-8-27(35(52)53)38-29(42)9-5-24(32(46)47)25(33(48)49)6-12-31(44)45/h1-4,15,18-19,24-27H,5-14,16-17H2,(H,36,40)(H,37,41)(H,38,42)(H,39,43)(H,44,45)(H,46,47)(H,48,49)(H,50,51)(H,52,53)/t24?,25?,26-,27-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15811 KEGG:C01005 compound C3H8NO6P InChI=1S/C3H8NO6P/c4-2(3(5)6)1-10-11(7,8)9/h2H,1,4H2,(H,5,6)(H2,7,8,9)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01005 O-phospho-L-serine C3H8NO6P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H8NO6P/c4-2(3(5)6)1-10-11(7,8)9/h2H,1,4H2,(H,5,6)(H2,7,8,9)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15832 CHEBI:9889 KEGG:C01010 compound C2H4N2O3 InChI=1S/C2H4N2O3/c3-1(5)4-2(6)7/h(H,6,7)(H3,3,4,5) UPa:UPC01010 urea-1-carboxylate C2H4N2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H4N2O3/c3-1(5)4-2(6)7/h(H,6,7)(H3,3,4,5) UPa: CHEBI:2181 KEGG:C01019 compound C6H12O5 InChI=1S/C6H12O5/c1-2-3(7)4(8)5(9)6(10)11-2/h2-10H,1H3/t2-,3+,4+,5-,6?/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01019 L-fucose C6H12O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12O5/c1-2-3(7)4(8)5(9)6(10)11-2/h2-10H,1H3/t2-,3+,4+,5-,6?/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16168 KEGG:C01020 compound C6H5NO3 InChI=1S/C6H5NO3/c8-5-2-1-4(3-7-5)6(9)10/h1-3H,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) UPa:UPC01020 6-hydroxynicotinate C6H5NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H5NO3/c8-5-2-1-4(3-7-5)6(9)10/h1-3H,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:16645 KEGG:C01024 compound C40H46N4O17 InChI=1S/C40H46N4O17/c45-17-32-25(12-40(60)61)21(4-8-36(52)53)29(44-32)15-31-24(11-39(58)59)20(3-7-35(50)51)28(43-31)14-30-23(10-38(56)57)19(2-6-34(48)49)27(42-30)13-26-22(9-37(54)55)18(16-41-26)1-5-33(46)47/h16,41-45H,1-15,17H2,(H,46,47)(H,48,49)(H,50,51)(H,52,53)(H,54,55)(H,56,57)(H,58,59)(H,60,61) UPa:UPC01024 hydroxymethylbilane C40H46N4O17 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C40H46N4O17/c45-17-32-25(12-40(60)61)21(4-8-36(52)53)29(44-32)15-31-24(11-39(58)59)20(3-7-35(50)51)28(43-31)14-30-23(10-38(56)57)19(2-6-34(48)49)27(42-30)13-26-22(9-37(54)55)18(16-41-26)1-5-33(46)47/h16,41-45H,1-15,17H2,(H,46,47)(H,48,49)(H,50,51)(H,52,53)(H,54,55)(H,56,57)(H,58,59)(H,60,61) UPa: CHEBI:17724 KEGG:C01026 dimethylglycine compound C4H9NO2 InChI=1S/C4H9NO2/c1-5(2)3-4(6)7/h3H2,1-2H3,(H,6,7) UPa:UPC01026 N,N-dimethylglycine dimethylglycine KEGG:KEGG C4H9NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H9NO2/c1-5(2)3-4(6)7/h3H2,1-2H3,(H,6,7) UPa: CHEBI:16225 KEGG:C01031 compound C11H17N3O7S InChI=1S/C11H17N3O7S/c12-6(11(20)21)1-2-8(16)14-7(4-22-5-15)10(19)13-3-9(17)18/h5-7H,1-4,12H2,(H,13,19)(H,14,16)(H,17,18)(H,20,21)/t6-,7-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01031 S-formylglutathione C11H17N3O7S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H17N3O7S/c12-6(11(20)21)1-2-8(16)14-7(4-22-5-15)10(19)13-3-9(17)18/h5-7H,1-4,12H2,(H,13,19)(H,14,16)(H,17,18)(H,20,21)/t6-,7-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17105 CHEBI:47904 KEGG:C01036 compound C8H8O6 InChI=1S/C8H8O6/c9-5(1-2-7(11)12)3-6(10)4-8(13)14/h1-2H,3-4H2,(H,11,12)(H,13,14)/b2-1- UPa:UPC01036 4-maleylacetoacetate C8H8O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H8O6/c9-5(1-2-7(11)12)3-6(10)4-8(13)14/h1-2H,3-4H2,(H,11,12)(H,13,14)/b2-1- UPa: CHEBI:17830 CHEBI:2247 KEGG:C01037 compound C9H20N2O2 InChI=1S/C9H20N2O2/c1-7(10)8(11)5-3-2-4-6-9(12)13/h7-8H,2-6,10-11H2,1H3,(H,12,13) UPa:UPC01037 7,8-diaminononanoate C9H20N2O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H20N2O2/c1-7(10)8(11)5-3-2-4-6-9(12)13/h7-8H,2-6,10-11H2,1H3,(H,12,13) UPa: CHEBI:17587 KEGG:C01040 compound C6H10O6 InChI=1S/C6H10O6/c7-1-2(8)5-3(9)4(10)6(11)12-5/h2-5,7-10H,1H2/t2-,3+,4-,5+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01040 L-gulono-1,4-lactone C6H10O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O6/c7-1-2(8)5-3(9)4(10)6(11)12-5/h2-5,7-10H,1H2/t2-,3+,4-,5+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15737 KEGG:C01043 compound C4H8N2O3 InChI=1S/C4H8N2O3/c1-6(4(5)9)2-3(7)8/h2H2,1H3,(H2,5,9)(H,7,8) UPa:UPC01043 N-carbamoylsarcosine C4H8N2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H8N2O3/c1-6(4(5)9)2-3(7)8/h2H2,1H3,(H2,5,9)(H,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:48309 KEGG:C01045 compound C6H9NO5 InChI=1S/C6H9NO5/c8-3-7-4(6(11)12)1-2-5(9)10/h3-4H,1-2H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01045 N-formyl-L-glutamate C6H9NO5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H9NO5/c8-3-7-4(6(11)12)1-2-5(9)10/h3-4H,1-2H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15437 KEGG:C01051 compound C40H44N4O16 InChI=1S/C40H44N4O16/c45-33(46)5-1-17-21(9-37(53)54)29-14-27-19(3-7-35(49)50)22(10-38(55)56)30(43-27)15-28-20(4-8-36(51)52)24(12-40(59)60)32(44-28)16-31-23(11-39(57)58)18(2-6-34(47)48)26(42-31)13-25(17)41-29/h41-44H,1-16H2,(H,45,46)(H,47,48)(H,49,50)(H,51,52)(H,53,54)(H,55,56)(H,57,58)(H,59,60) UPa:UPC01051 uroporphyrinogen III C40H44N4O16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C40H44N4O16/c45-33(46)5-1-17-21(9-37(53)54)29-14-27-19(3-7-35(49)50)22(10-38(55)56)30(43-27)15-28-20(4-8-36(51)52)24(12-40(59)60)32(44-28)16-31-23(11-39(57)58)18(2-6-34(47)48)26(42-31)13-25(17)41-29/h41-44H,1-16H2,(H,45,46)(H,47,48)(H,49,50)(H,51,52)(H,53,54)(H,55,56)(H,57,58)(H,59,60) UPa: CHEBI:15441 KEGG:C01054 compound C30H50O InChI=1S/C30H50O/c1-24(2)14-11-17-27(5)20-12-18-25(3)15-9-10-16-26(4)19-13-21-28(6)22-23-29-30(7,8)31-29/h14-16,20-21,29H,9-13,17-19,22-23H2,1-8H3/b25-15+,26-16+,27-20+,28-21+/t29-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01054 (S)-2,3-epoxysqualene C30H50O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C30H50O/c1-24(2)14-11-17-27(5)20-12-18-25(3)15-9-10-16-26(4)19-13-21-28(6)22-23-29-30(7,8)31-29/h14-16,20-21,29H,9-13,17-19,22-23H2,1-8H3/b25-15+,26-16+,27-20+,28-21+/t29-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17532 KEGG:C01056 compound C10H14N2O InChI=1S/C10H14N2O/c1-12-6-2-3-9(12)8-4-5-10(13)11-7-8/h4-5,7,9H,2-3,6H2,1H3,(H,11,13)/t9-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01056 (S)-6-hydroxynicotine C10H14N2O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H14N2O/c1-12-6-2-3-9(12)8-4-5-10(13)11-7-8/h4-5,7,9H,2-3,6H2,1H3,(H,11,13)/t9-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18034 CHEBI:30907 KEGG:C01061 compound C8H8O6 InChI=1S/C8H8O6/c9-5(1-2-7(11)12)3-6(10)4-8(13)14/h1-2H,3-4H2,(H,11,12)(H,13,14)/b2-1+ UPa:UPC01061 4-fumarylacetoacetate C8H8O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H8O6/c9-5(1-2-7(11)12)3-6(10)4-8(13)14/h1-2H,3-4H2,(H,11,12)(H,13,14)/b2-1+ UPa: CHEBI:15504 KEGG:C01063 6-carboxyhexanoyl-CoA compound C28H46N7O19P3S InChI=1S/C28H46N7O19P3S/c1-28(2,23(41)26(42)31-9-8-17(36)30-10-11-58-19(39)7-5-3-4-6-18(37)38)13-51-57(48,49)54-56(46,47)50-12-16-22(53-55(43,44)45)21(40)27(52-16)35-15-34-20-24(29)32-14-33-25(20)35/h14-16,21-23,27,40-41H,3-13H2,1-2H3,(H,30,36)(H,31,42)(H,37,38)(H,46,47)(H,48,49)(H2,29,32,33)(H2,43,44,45)/t16-,21-,22-,23+,27-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01063 pimeloyl-CoA 6-carboxyhexanoyl-CoA KEGG:KEGG C28H46N7O19P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C28H46N7O19P3S/c1-28(2,23(41)26(42)31-9-8-17(36)30-10-11-58-19(39)7-5-3-4-6-18(37)38)13-51-57(48,49)54-56(46,47)50-12-16-22(53-55(43,44)45)21(40)27(52-16)35-15-34-20-24(29)32-14-33-25(20)35/h14-16,21-23,27,40-41H,3-13H2,1-2H3,(H,30,36)(H,31,42)(H,37,38)(H,46,47)(H,48,49)(H2,29,32,33)(H2,43,44,45)/t16-,21-,22-,23+,27-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16288 KEGG:C01077 compound C6H11NO4 InChI=1S/C6H11NO4/c1-4(8)11-3-2-5(7)6(9)10/h5H,2-3,7H2,1H3,(H,9,10)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01077 O-acetyl-L-homoserine C6H11NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H11NO4/c1-4(8)11-3-2-5(7)6(9)10/h5H,2-3,7H2,1H3,(H,9,10)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15435 KEGG:C01079 compound C34H40N4O4 InChI=1S/C34H40N4O4/c1-7-21-17(3)25-13-26-19(5)23(9-11-33(39)40)31(37-26)16-32-24(10-12-34(41)42)20(6)28(38-32)15-30-22(8-2)18(4)27(36-30)14-29(21)35-25/h7-8,35-38H,1-2,9-16H2,3-6H3,(H,39,40)(H,41,42) UPa:UPC01079 protoporphyrinogen-IX C34H40N4O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C34H40N4O4/c1-7-21-17(3)25-13-26-19(5)23(9-11-33(39)40)31(37-26)16-32-24(10-12-34(41)42)20(6)28(38-32)15-30-22(8-2)18(4)27(36-30)14-29(21)35-25/h7-8,35-38H,1-2,9-16H2,3-6H3,(H,39,40)(H,41,42) UPa: CHEBI:15823 KEGG:C01080 1,5-dihydrocoenzyme F420 compound C29H38N5O18P InChI=1S/C29H38N5O18P/c1-12(25(42)31-17(28(46)47)4-6-21(38)30-16(27(44)45)5-7-22(39)40)52-53(49,50)51-11-20(37)23(41)19(36)10-34-18-9-14(35)3-2-13(18)8-15-24(34)32-29(48)33-26(15)43/h2-3,9,12,16-17,19-20,23,35-37,41H,4-8,10-11H2,1H3,(H,30,38)(H,31,42)(H,39,40)(H,44,45)(H,46,47)(H,49,50)(H2,32,33,43,48)/t12-,16-,17-,19-,20+,23-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01080 1,5-dihydro-coenzyme F(420) 1,5-dihydrocoenzyme F420 KEGG:KEGG C29H38N5O18P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C29H38N5O18P/c1-12(25(42)31-17(28(46)47)4-6-21(38)30-16(27(44)45)5-7-22(39)40)52-53(49,50)51-11-20(37)23(41)19(36)10-34-18-9-14(35)3-2-13(18)8-15-24(34)32-29(48)33-26(15)43/h2-3,9,12,16-17,19-20,23,35-37,41H,4-8,10-11H2,1H3,(H,30,38)(H,31,42)(H,39,40)(H,44,45)(H,46,47)(H,49,50)(H2,32,33,43,48)/t12-,16-,17-,19-,20+,23-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:9533 KEGG:C01081 compound C12H18N4O4PS InChI=1S/C12H17N4O4PS/c1-8-11(3-4-20-21(17,18)19)22-7-16(8)6-10-5-14-9(2)15-12(10)13/h5,7H,3-4,6H2,1-2H3,(H3-,13,14,15,17,18,19)/p+1 UPa:UPC01081 thiamine phosphate C12H18N4O4PS KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H17N4O4PS/c1-8-11(3-4-20-21(17,18)19)22-7-16(8)6-10-5-14-9(2)15-12(10)13/h5,7H,3-4,6H2,1-2H3,(H3-,13,14,15,17,18,19)/p+1 UPa: CHEBI:16551 KEGG:C01083 compound C12H22O11 InChI=1S/C12H22O11/c13-1-3-5(15)7(17)9(19)11(21-3)23-12-10(20)8(18)6(16)4(2-14)22-12/h3-20H,1-2H2/t3-,4-,5-,6-,7+,8+,9-,10-,11-,12-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01083 alpha,alpha-trehalose C12H22O11 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H22O11/c13-1-3-5(15)7(17)9(19)11(21-3)23-12-10(20)8(18)6(16)4(2-14)22-12/h3-20H,1-2H2/t3-,4-,5-,6-,7+,8+,9-,10-,11-,12-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18362 KEGG:C01091 compound C23H30N2O5 InChI=1S/C23H30N2O5/c1-5-21-9-6-11-25-12-10-22(17(21)25)15-8-7-14(29-3)13-16(15)24(2)18(22)23(28,19(21)26)20(27)30-4/h6-9,13,17-19,26,28H,5,10-12H2,1-4H3/t17-,18+,19+,21+,22+,23-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01091 deacetylvindoline C23H30N2O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C23H30N2O5/c1-5-21-9-6-11-25-12-10-22(17(21)25)15-8-7-14(29-3)13-16(15)24(2)18(22)23(28,19(21)26)20(27)30-4/h6-9,13,17-19,26,28H,5,10-12H2,1-4H3/t17-,18+,19+,21+,22+,23-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:12266 CHEBI:15830 KEGG:C01092 compound C9H17NO3 InChI=1S/C9H17NO3/c1-7(10)8(11)5-3-2-4-6-9(12)13/h7H,2-6,10H2,1H3,(H,12,13) UPa:UPC01092 8-amino-7-oxononanoate C9H17NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H17NO3/c1-7(10)8(11)5-3-2-4-6-9(12)13/h7H,2-6,10H2,1H3,(H,12,13) UPa: CHEBI:17044 KEGG:C01096 compound C6H15O9P InChI=1S/C6H15O9P/c7-1-3(8)5(10)6(11)4(9)2-15-16(12,13)14/h3-11H,1-2H2,(H2,12,13,14)/t3-,4+,5+,6+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01096 D-sorbitol 6-phosphate C6H15O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H15O9P/c7-1-3(8)5(10)6(11)4(9)2-15-16(12,13)14/h3-11H,1-2H2,(H2,12,13,14)/t3-,4+,5+,6+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:4251 KEGG:C01097 compound C6H13O9P InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-2-6(10)5(9)4(8)3(15-6)1-14-16(11,12)13/h3-5,7-10H,1-2H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t3-,4+,5+,6?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01097 D-tagatose 6-phosphate C6H13O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-2-6(10)5(9)4(8)3(15-6)1-14-16(11,12)13/h3-5,7-10H,1-2H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t3-,4+,5+,6?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16647 CHEBI:6220 KEGG:C01099 compound C6H13O8P InChI=1S/C6H13O8P/c1-3(7)5(9)6(10)4(8)2-14-15(11,12)13/h3,5-7,9-10H,2H2,1H3,(H2,11,12,13)/t3-,5+,6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01099 L-fuculose 1-phosphate C6H13O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13O8P/c1-3(7)5(9)6(10)4(8)2-14-15(11,12)13/h3,5-7,9-10H,2H2,1H3,(H2,11,12,13)/t3-,5+,6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16996 KEGG:C01100 compound C6H12N3O4P InChI=1S/C6H12N3O4P/c7-5(3-13-14(10,11)12)1-6-2-8-4-9-6/h2,4-5H,1,3,7H2,(H,8,9)(H2,10,11,12)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01100 L-histidinol phosphate C6H12N3O4P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12N3O4P/c7-5(3-13-14(10,11)12)1-6-2-8-4-9-6/h2,4-5H,1,3,7H2,(H,8,9)(H2,10,11,12)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17666 KEGG:C01101 compound C5H11O8P InChI=1S/C5H11O8P/c6-1-3(7)5(9)4(8)2-13-14(10,11)12/h4-6,8-9H,1-2H2,(H2,10,11,12)/t4-,5+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01101 L-ribulose 5-phosphate C5H11O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H11O8P/c6-1-3(7)5(9)4(8)2-13-14(10,11)12/h4-6,8-9H,1-2H2,(H2,10,11,12)/t4-,5+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15961 KEGG:C01102 compound C4H10NO6P InChI=1S/C4H10NO6P/c5-3(4(6)7)1-2-11-12(8,9)10/h3H,1-2,5H2,(H,6,7)(H2,8,9,10)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01102 O-phospho-L-homoserine C4H10NO6P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H10NO6P/c5-3(4(6)7)1-2-11-12(8,9)10/h3H,1-2,5H2,(H,6,7)(H2,8,9,10)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15842 KEGG:C01103 compound C10H13N2O11P InChI=1S/C10H13N2O11P/c13-5-1-3(9(16)17)12(10(18)11-5)8-7(15)6(14)4(23-8)2-22-24(19,20)21/h1,4,6-8,14-15H,2H2,(H,16,17)(H,11,13,18)(H2,19,20,21)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01103 orotidine 5'-phosphate C10H13N2O11P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H13N2O11P/c13-5-1-3(9(16)17)12(10(18)11-5)8-7(15)6(14)4(23-8)2-22-24(19,20)21/h1,4,6-8,14-15H,2H2,(H,16,17)(H,11,13,18)(H2,19,20,21)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17436 KEGG:C01107 compound C6H13O7P InChI=1S/C6H13O7P/c1-6(9,4-5(7)8)2-3-13-14(10,11)12/h9H,2-4H2,1H3,(H,7,8)(H2,10,11,12)/t6-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01107 (R)-5-phosphomevalonate C6H13O7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13O7P/c1-6(9,4-5(7)8)2-3-13-14(10,11)12/h9H,2-4H2,1H3,(H,7,8)(H2,10,11,12)/t6-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16241 KEGG:C01112 A5P compound C5H11O8P InChI=1S/C5H11O8P/c6-1-3(7)5(9)4(8)2-13-14(10,11)12/h1,3-5,7-9H,2H2,(H2,10,11,12)/t3-,4-,5+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01112 D-arabinose 5-phosphate A5P KEGG:KEGG C5H11O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H11O8P/c6-1-3(7)5(9)4(8)2-13-14(10,11)12/h1,3-5,7-9H,2H2,(H2,10,11,12)/t3-,4-,5+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17733 CHEBI:4141 KEGG:C01113 compound C6H13O9P InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-3-2(1-14-16(11,12)13)15-6(10)5(9)4(3)8/h2-10H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3+,4+,5-,6?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01113 D-galactose 6-phosphate C6H13O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-3-2(1-14-16(11,12)13)15-6(10)5(9)4(3)8/h2-10H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3+,4+,5-,6?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17100 KEGG:C01114 compound C5H8O5 InChI=1S/C5H8O5/c6-1-2-3(7)4(8)5(9)10-2/h2-4,6-8H,1H2/t2-,3-,4+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01114 L-arabinono-1,4-lactone C5H8O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H8O5/c6-1-2-3(7)4(8)5(9)10-2/h2-4,6-8H,1H2/t2-,3-,4+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17464 KEGG:C01115 compound C6H10O6 InChI=1S/C6H10O6/c7-1-2(8)5-3(9)4(10)6(11)12-5/h2-5,7-10H,1H2/t2-,3-,4-,5+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01115 L-Galactono-1,4-lactone C6H10O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O6/c7-1-2(8)5-3(9)4(10)6(11)12-5/h2-5,7-10H,1H2/t2-,3-,4-,5+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16160 KEGG:C01118 compound C8H13NO6 InChI=1S/C8H13NO6/c9-5(8(13)14)3-4-15-7(12)2-1-6(10)11/h5H,1-4,9H2,(H,10,11)(H,13,14)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01118 O-succinyl-L-homoserine C8H13NO6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H13NO6/c9-5(8(13)14)3-4-15-7(12)2-1-6(10)11/h5H,1-4,9H2,(H,10,11)(H,13,14)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17892 KEGG:C01131 compound C6H13O8P InChI=1S/C6H13O8P/c1-3(7)5(9)6(10)4(8)2-14-15(11,12)13/h3,5-7,9-10H,2H2,1H3,(H2,11,12,13)/t3-,5-,6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01131 L-rhamnulose 1-phosphate C6H13O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13O8P/c1-3(7)5(9)6(10)4(8)2-14-15(11,12)13/h3,5-7,9-10H,2H2,1H3,(H2,11,12,13)/t3-,5-,6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16858 CHEBI:4222 KEGG:C01134 compound C11H23N2O7PS InChI=1S/C11H23N2O7PS/c1-11(2,7-20-21(17,18)19)9(15)10(16)13-4-3-8(14)12-5-6-22/h9,15,22H,3-7H2,1-2H3,(H,12,14)(H,13,16)(H2,17,18,19)/t9-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01134 pantotheine 4'-phosphate C11H23N2O7PS KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H23N2O7PS/c1-11(2,7-20-21(17,18)19)9(15)10(16)13-4-3-8(14)12-5-6-22/h9,15,22H,3-7H2,1-2H3,(H,12,14)(H,13,16)(H2,17,18,19)/t9-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15625 KEGG:C01137 compound C14H23N6O3S InChI=1S/C14H23N6O3S/c1-24(4-2-3-15)5-8-10(21)11(22)14(23-8)20-7-19-9-12(16)17-6-18-13(9)20/h6-8,10-11,14,21-22H,2-5,15H2,1H3,(H2,16,17,18)/q+1/t8-,10-,11-,14-,24?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01137 S-adenosylmethioninamine C14H23N6O3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H23N6O3S/c1-24(4-2-3-15)5-8-10(21)11(22)14(23-8)20-7-19-9-12(16)17-6-18-13(9)20/h6-8,10-11,14,21-22H,2-5,15H2,1H3,(H2,16,17,18)/q+1/t8-,10-,11-,14-,24?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15899 KEGG:C01143 compound C6H14O10P2 InChI=1S/C6H14O10P2/c1-6(9,4-5(7)8)2-3-15-18(13,14)16-17(10,11)12/h9H,2-4H2,1H3,(H,7,8)(H,13,14)(H2,10,11,12)/t6-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01143 (R)-5-diphosphomevalonate C6H14O10P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H14O10P2/c1-6(9,4-5(7)8)2-3-15-18(13,14)16-17(10,11)12/h9H,2-4H2,1H3,(H,7,8)(H,13,14)(H2,10,11,12)/t6-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16992 KEGG:C01146 2-hydroxy-3-oxopropanoic acid compound C3H4O4 InChI=1S/C3H4O4/c4-1-2(5)3(6)7/h1-2,5H,(H,6,7) UPa:UPC01146 2-hydroxy-3-oxopropanoate 2-hydroxy-3-oxopropanoic acid KEGG:KEGG C3H4O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H4O4/c4-1-2(5)3(6)7/h1-2,5H,(H,6,7) UPa: CHEBI:17994 CHEBI:68819 KEGG:C01151 compound C5H12O11P2 InChI=1S/C5H12O11P2/c6-3-2(1-14-17(8,9)10)15-5(4(3)7)16-18(11,12)13/h2-7H,1H2,(H2,8,9,10)(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3-,4-,5-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01151 D-ribose 1,5-bisphosphate C5H12O11P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H12O11P2/c6-3-2(1-14-17(8,9)10)15-5(4(3)7)16-18(11,12)13/h2-7H,1H2,(H2,8,9,10)(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3-,4-,5-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17720 KEGG:C01159 2-phospho-D-glyceroyl phosphate compound C3H8O10P2 InChI=1S/C3H8O10P2/c4-3(5)2(13-15(9,10)11)1-12-14(6,7)8/h2H,1H2,(H,4,5)(H2,6,7,8)(H2,9,10,11)/t2-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01159 2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate 2-phospho-D-glyceroyl phosphate KEGG:KEGG C3H8O10P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H8O10P2/c4-3(5)2(13-15(9,10)11)1-12-14(6,7)8/h2H,1H2,(H,4,5)(H2,6,7,8)(H2,9,10,11)/t2-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17612 CHEBI:41941 KEGG:C01161 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetate compound C8H8O4 InChI=1S/C8H8O4/c9-6-2-1-5(3-7(6)10)4-8(11)12/h1-3,9-10H,4H2,(H,11,12) UPa:UPC01161 (3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)acetate 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetate KEGG:KEGG C8H8O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H8O4/c9-6-2-1-5(3-7(6)10)4-8(11)12/h1-3,9-10H,4H2,(H,11,12) UPa: CHEBI:15749 KEGG:C01163 compound C7H6O6 InChI=1S/C7H6O6/c8-5(9)2-1-4(7(12)13)3-6(10)11/h1-3H,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/b2-1-,4-3+ UPa:UPC01163 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate C7H6O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H6O6/c8-5(9)2-1-4(7(12)13)3-6(10)11/h1-3H,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/b2-1-,4-3+ UPa: CHEBI:17232 KEGG:C01165 compound C5H9NO3 InChI=1S/C5H9NO3/c6-4(5(8)9)2-1-3-7/h3-4H,1-2,6H2,(H,8,9)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01165 L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde C5H9NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H9NO3/c6-4(5(8)9)2-1-3-7/h3-4H,1-2,6H2,(H,8,9)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18297 KEGG:C01177 inositol 1-phosphate compound C6H13O9P InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-1-2(8)4(10)6(5(11)3(1)9)15-16(12,13)14/h1-11H,(H2,12,13,14)/t1-,2-,3+,4-,5-,6-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01177 1D-myo-inositol 1-phosphate inositol 1-phosphate KEGG:KEGG C6H13O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-1-2(8)4(10)6(5(11)3(1)9)15-16(12,13)14/h1-11H,(H2,12,13,14)/t1-,2-,3+,4-,5-,6-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15999 CHEBI:36242 KEGG:C01179 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate compound C9H8O4 InChI=1S/C9H8O4/c10-7-3-1-6(2-4-7)5-8(11)9(12)13/h1-4,10H,5H2,(H,12,13) UPa:UPC01179 (4-hydroxyphenyl)pyruvate 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate KEGG:KEGG C9H8O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H8O4/c10-7-3-1-6(2-4-7)5-8(11)9(12)13/h1-4,10H,5H2,(H,12,13) UPa: CHEBI:16723 CHEBI:33574 KEGG:C01180 4-methylthio-2-oxobutanoic acid compound C5H8O3S InChI=1S/C5H8O3S/c1-9-3-2-4(6)5(7)8/h2-3H2,1H3,(H,7,8) UPa:UPC01180 4-methylthio-2-oxobutanoate 4-methylthio-2-oxobutanoic acid KEGG:KEGG C5H8O3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H8O3S/c1-9-3-2-4(6)5(7)8/h2-3H2,1H3,(H,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:15763 KEGG:C01185 nicotinate ribonucleotide compound C11H15NO9P InChI=1S/C11H14NO9P/c13-8-7(5-20-22(17,18)19)21-10(9(8)14)12-3-1-2-6(4-12)11(15)16/h1-4,7-10,13-14H,5H2,(H2-,15,16,17,18,19)/p+1/t7-,8-,9-,10-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01185 nicotinate D-ribonucleotide nicotinate ribonucleotide KEGG:KEGG C11H15NO9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H14NO9P/c13-8-7(5-20-22(17,18)19)21-10(9(8)14)12-3-1-2-6(4-12)11(15)16/h1-4,7-10,13-14H,5H2,(H2-,15,16,17,18,19)/p+1/t7-,8-,9-,10-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16064 CHEBI:32817 KEGG:C01187 compound C8H14O8 InChI=1S/C8H14O8/c9-2-5(12)7(14)6(13)3(10)1-4(11)8(15)16/h3,5-7,9-10,12-14H,1-2H2,(H,15,16)/t3-,5-,6-,7-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01187 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate C8H14O8 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H14O8/c9-2-5(12)7(14)6(13)3(10)1-4(11)8(15)16/h3,5-7,9-10,12-14H,1-2H2,(H,15,16)/t3-,5-,6-,7-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16463 KEGG:C01210 compound C3H10NO4P InChI=1S/C3H10NO4P/c1-4-2-3-8-9(5,6)7/h4H,2-3H2,1H3,(H2,5,6,7) UPa:UPC01210 N-methylethanolamine phosphate C3H10NO4P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H10NO4P/c1-4-2-3-8-9(5,6)7/h4H,2-3H2,1H3,(H2,5,6,7) UPa: CHEBI:15465 KEGG:C01213 (R)-2-methyl-3-oxopropanoyl-CoA compound C25H40N7O19P3S InChI=1S/C25H40N7O19P3S/c1-12(23(37)38)24(39)55-7-6-27-14(33)4-5-28-21(36)18(35)25(2,3)9-48-54(45,46)51-53(43,44)47-8-13-17(50-52(40,41)42)16(34)22(49-13)32-11-31-15-19(26)29-10-30-20(15)32/h10-13,16-18,22,34-35H,4-9H2,1-3H3,(H,27,33)(H,28,36)(H,37,38)(H,43,44)(H,45,46)(H2,26,29,30)(H2,40,41,42)/t12-,13-,16-,17-,18+,22-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01213 (R)-methylmalonyl-CoA (R)-2-methyl-3-oxopropanoyl-CoA KEGG:KEGG C25H40N7O19P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C25H40N7O19P3S/c1-12(23(37)38)24(39)55-7-6-27-14(33)4-5-28-21(36)18(35)25(2,3)9-48-54(45,46)51-53(43,44)47-8-13-17(50-52(40,41)42)16(34)22(49-13)32-11-31-15-19(26)29-10-30-20(15)32/h10-13,16-18,22,34-35H,4-9H2,1-3H3,(H,27,33)(H,28,36)(H,37,38)(H,43,44)(H,45,46)(H2,26,29,30)(H2,40,41,42)/t12-,13-,16-,17-,18+,22-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17028 KEGG:C01216 compound C6H10O6 InChI=1S/C6H10O6/c7-2-5(10)3(8)1-4(9)6(11)12/h3,5,7-8,10H,1-2H2,(H,11,12)/t3-,5-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01216 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-galactonate C6H10O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O6/c7-2-5(10)3(8)1-4(9)6(11)12/h3,5,7-8,10H,1-2H2,(H,11,12)/t3-,5-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17321 KEGG:C01217 compound C30H45N6O16P InChI=1S/C30H45N6O16P/c1-12(21-13(2)33-26-22(34-21)27(44)36-30(31)35-26)32-15-5-3-14(4-6-15)9-16(37)23(41)17(38)10-49-29-25(43)24(42)19(51-29)11-50-53(47,48)52-18(28(45)46)7-8-20(39)40/h3-6,12-13,16-19,21,23-25,29,32,34,37-38,41-43H,7-11H2,1-2H3,(H,39,40)(H,45,46)(H,47,48)(H4,31,33,35,36,44)/t12-,13+,16+,17-,18+,19-,21+,23+,24-,25-,29+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01217 5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin C30H45N6O16P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C30H45N6O16P/c1-12(21-13(2)33-26-22(34-21)27(44)36-30(31)35-26)32-15-5-3-14(4-6-15)9-16(37)23(41)17(38)10-49-29-25(43)24(42)19(51-29)11-50-53(47,48)52-18(28(45)46)7-8-20(39)40/h3-6,12-13,16-19,21,23-25,29,32,34,37-38,41-43H,7-11H2,1-2H3,(H,39,40)(H,45,46)(H,47,48)(H4,31,33,35,36,44)/t12-,13+,16+,17-,18+,19-,21+,23+,24-,25-,29+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17494 KEGG:C01219 compound C15H23N3O15P2 InChI=1S/C15H23N3O15P2/c1-5-8(19)10(21)12(23)14(30-5)32-35(27,28)33-34(25,26)29-4-6-9(20)11(22)13(31-6)18-3-2-7(16)17-15(18)24/h2-3,5-6,9-14,20-23H,4H2,1H3,(H,25,26)(H,27,28)(H2,16,17,24)/t5-,6-,9-,10+,11-,12-,13-,14-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01219 CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxy-D-glucose C15H23N3O15P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H23N3O15P2/c1-5-8(19)10(21)12(23)14(30-5)32-35(27,28)33-34(25,26)29-4-6-9(20)11(22)13(31-6)18-3-2-7(16)17-15(18)24/h2-3,5-6,9-14,20-23H,4H2,1H3,(H,25,26)(H,27,28)(H2,16,17,24)/t5-,6-,9-,10+,11-,12-,13-,14-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16955 KEGG:C01222 compound C16H23N5O15P2 InChI=1S/C16H23N5O15P2/c1-4-7(22)9(24)11(26)15(33-4)35-38(30,31)36-37(28,29)32-2-5-8(23)10(25)14(34-5)21-3-18-6-12(21)19-16(17)20-13(6)27/h3-5,8-11,14-15,23-26H,2H2,1H3,(H,28,29)(H,30,31)(H3,17,19,20,27)/t4-,5-,8-,9+,10-,11+,14-,15-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01222 GDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxy-D-mannose C16H23N5O15P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C16H23N5O15P2/c1-4-7(22)9(24)11(26)15(33-4)35-38(30,31)36-37(28,29)32-2-5-8(23)10(25)14(34-5)21-3-18-6-12(21)19-16(17)20-13(6)27/h3-5,8-11,14-15,23-26H,2H2,1H3,(H,28,29)(H,30,31)(H3,17,19,20,27)/t4-,5-,8-,9+,10-,11+,14-,15-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17633 KEGG:C01228 compound C10H17N5O17P4 InChI=1S/C10H17N5O17P4/c11-10-13-7-4(8(17)14-10)12-2-15(7)9-5(16)6(30-36(26,27)32-34(21,22)23)3(29-9)1-28-35(24,25)31-33(18,19)20/h2-3,5-6,9,16H,1H2,(H,24,25)(H,26,27)(H2,18,19,20)(H2,21,22,23)(H3,11,13,14,17)/t3-,5-,6-,9-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01228 ppGpp C10H17N5O17P4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H17N5O17P4/c11-10-13-7-4(8(17)14-10)12-2-15(7)9-5(16)6(30-36(26,27)32-34(21,22)23)3(29-9)1-28-35(24,25)31-33(18,19)20/h2-3,5-6,9,16H,1H2,(H,24,25)(H,26,27)(H2,18,19,20)(H2,21,22,23)(H3,11,13,14,17)/t3-,5-,6-,9-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18053 CHEBI:30526 KEGG:C01234 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate compound C4H7NO2 InChI=1S/C4H7NO2/c5-4(1-2-4)3(6)7/h1-2,5H2,(H,6,7) UPa:UPC01234 1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylate 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate KEGG:KEGG C4H7NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H7NO2/c5-4(1-2-4)3(6)7/h1-2,5H2,(H,6,7) UPa: CHEBI:17505 KEGG:C01235 compound C12H22O11 InChI=1S/C12H22O11/c13-1-2-3(14)4(15)10(21)12(22-2)23-11-8(19)6(17)5(16)7(18)9(11)20/h2-21H,1H2/t2-,3+,4+,5-,6-,7+,8+,9+,10-,11-,12-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01235 1-alpha-D-galactosyl-myo-inositol C12H22O11 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H22O11/c13-1-2-3(14)4(15)10(21)12(22-2)23-11-8(19)6(17)5(16)7(18)9(11)20/h2-21H,1H2/t2-,3+,4+,5-,6-,7+,8+,9+,10-,11-,12-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16938 KEGG:C01236 compound C6H11O9P InChI=1S/C6H11O9P/c7-3-2(1-14-16(11,12)13)15-6(10)5(9)4(3)8/h2-5,7-9H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3-,4+,5-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01236 D-glucono-1,5-lactone 6-phosphate C6H11O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H11O9P/c7-3-2(1-14-16(11,12)13)15-6(10)5(9)4(3)8/h2-5,7-9H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3-,4+,5-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16319 CHEBI:29123 KEGG:C01250 compound C7H11NO4 InChI=1S/C7H11NO4/c1-5(10)8-6(7(11)12)3-2-4-9/h4,6H,2-3H2,1H3,(H,8,10)(H,11,12)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01250 N-acetyl-L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde C7H11NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H11NO4/c1-5(10)8-6(7(11)12)3-2-4-9/h4,6H,2-3H2,1H3,(H,8,10)(H,11,12)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17852 CHEBI:36457 CHEBI:52222 KEGG:C01251 homocitrate compound C7H10O7 InChI=1S/C7H10O7/c8-4(9)1-2-7(14,6(12)13)3-5(10)11/h14H,1-3H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/t7-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01251 (R)-homocitrate homocitrate KEGG:KEGG C7H10O7 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H10O7/c8-4(9)1-2-7(14,6(12)13)3-5(10)11/h14H,1-3H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/t7-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17442 KEGG:C01252 compound C10H9NO4 InChI=1S/C10H9NO4/c11-7-4-2-1-3-6(7)8(12)5-9(13)10(14)15/h1-4H,5,11H2,(H,14,15) UPa:UPC01252 4-(2-aminophenyl)-2,4-dioxobutanoate C10H9NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H9NO4/c11-7-4-2-1-3-6(7)8(12)5-9(13)10(14)15/h1-4H,5,11H2,(H,14,15) UPa: CHEBI:16426 KEGG:C01267 compound C6H9N2O5P InChI=1S/C6H9N2O5P/c9-6(3-13-14(10,11)12)1-5-2-7-4-8-5/h2,4H,1,3H2,(H,7,8)(H2,10,11,12) UPa:UPC01267 imidazole-acetol phosphate C6H9N2O5P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H9N2O5P/c9-6(3-13-14(10,11)12)1-5-2-7-4-8-5/h2,4H,1,3H2,(H,7,8)(H2,10,11,12) UPa: CHEBI:18337 KEGG:C01268 compound C9H15N4O9P InChI=1S/C9H15N4O9P/c10-3-6(12-9(17)13-7(3)16)11-8-5(15)4(14)2(22-8)1-21-23(18,19)20/h2,4-5,8,14-15H,1,10H2,(H2,18,19,20)(H3,11,12,13,16,17)/t2-,4-,5-,8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01268 5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)uracil C9H15N4O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H15N4O9P/c10-3-6(12-9(17)13-7(3)16)11-8-5(15)4(14)2(22-8)1-21-23(18,19)20/h2,4-5,8,14-15H,1,10H2,(H2,18,19,20)(H3,11,12,13,16,17)/t2-,4-,5-,8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16257 KEGG:C01269 O(5)-(1-carboxyvinyl)-3-phosphoshikimate compound C10H13O10P InChI=1S/C10H13O10P/c1-4(9(12)13)19-6-2-5(10(14)15)3-7(8(6)11)20-21(16,17)18/h3,6-8,11H,1-2H2,(H,12,13)(H,14,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t6-,7-,8+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01269 5-O-(1-carboxyvinyl)-3-phosphoshikimate O(5)-(1-carboxyvinyl)-3-phosphoshikimate KEGG:KEGG C10H13O10P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H13O10P/c1-4(9(12)13)19-6-2-5(10(14)15)3-7(8(6)11)20-21(16,17)18/h3,6-8,11H,1-2H2,(H,12,13)(H,14,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t6-,7-,8+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17820 KEGG:C01273 compound C12H10O4 InChI=1S/C12H10O4/c13-10(9-5-2-1-3-6-9)7-4-8-11(14)12(15)16/h1-8,14H,(H,15,16)/b7-4-,11-8+ UPa:UPC01273 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-phenylhexa-2,4-dienoate C12H10O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H10O4/c13-10(9-5-2-1-3-6-9)7-4-8-11(14)12(15)16/h1-8,14H,(H,15,16)/b7-4-,11-8+ UPa: CHEBI:17114 KEGG:C01274 5-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin compound C31H45N6O17P InChI=1S/C31H45N6O17P/c1-13(22-14(2)34-27-23(37(22)12-38)28(46)36-31(32)35-27)33-16-5-3-15(4-6-16)9-17(39)24(43)18(40)10-51-30-26(45)25(44)20(53-30)11-52-55(49,50)54-19(29(47)48)7-8-21(41)42/h3-6,12-14,17-20,22,24-26,30,33,39-40,43-45H,7-11H2,1-2H3,(H,41,42)(H,47,48)(H,49,50)(H4,32,34,35,36,46)/t13-,14+,17+,18-,19+,20-,22+,24+,25-,26-,30+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01274 N(5)-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin 5-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin KEGG:KEGG C31H45N6O17P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C31H45N6O17P/c1-13(22-14(2)34-27-23(37(22)12-38)28(46)36-31(32)35-27)33-16-5-3-15(4-6-16)9-17(39)24(43)18(40)10-51-30-26(45)25(44)20(53-30)11-52-55(49,50)54-19(29(47)48)7-8-21(41)42/h3-6,12-14,17-20,22,24-26,30,33,39-40,43-45H,7-11H2,1-2H3,(H,41,42)(H,47,48)(H,49,50)(H4,32,34,35,36,46)/t13-,14+,17+,18-,19+,20-,22+,24+,25-,26-,30+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16993 KEGG:C01278 compound C7H6O6 InChI=1S/C7H6O6/c8-4(9)3-7(6(11)12)2-1-5(10)13-7/h1-2H,3H2,(H,8,9)(H,11,12) UPa:UPC01278 2-carboxy-2,5-dihydro-5-oxofuran-2-acetate C7H6O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H6O6/c8-4(9)3-7(6(11)12)2-1-5(10)13-7/h1-2H,3H2,(H,8,9)(H,11,12) UPa: CHEBI:16892 KEGG:C01279 HMP compound C6H9N3O InChI=1S/C6H9N3O/c1-4-8-2-5(3-10)6(7)9-4/h2,10H,3H2,1H3,(H2,7,8,9) UPa:UPC01279 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine HMP KEGG:KEGG C6H9N3O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H9N3O/c1-4-8-2-5(3-10)6(7)9-4/h2,10H,3H2,1H3,(H2,7,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:17860 KEGG:C01286 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-galactonate 6-phosphate compound C6H11O9P InChI=1S/C6H11O9P/c7-3(1-4(8)6(10)11)5(9)2-15-16(12,13)14/h3,5,7,9H,1-2H2,(H,10,11)(H2,12,13,14)/t3-,5-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01286 6-phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-galactonic acid 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-galactonate 6-phosphate KEGG:KEGG C6H11O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H11O9P/c7-3(1-4(8)6(10)11)5(9)2-15-16(12,13)14/h3,5,7,9H,1-2H2,(H,10,11)(H2,12,13,14)/t3-,5-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:37754 KEGG:C01297 compound C10H14N2O2 InChI=1S/C10H14N2O2/c1-11-6-2-3-9(13)8-4-5-10(14)12-7-8/h4-5,7,11H,2-3,6H2,1H3,(H,12,14) UPa:UPC01297 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine C10H14N2O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H14N2O2/c1-11-6-2-3-9(13)8-4-5-10(14)12-7-8/h4-5,7,11H,2-3,6H2,1H3,(H,12,14) UPa: CHEBI:17083 CHEBI:44841 KEGG:C01300 compound C7H9N5O2 InChI=1S/C7H9N5O2/c8-7-11-5-4(6(14)12-7)10-3(2-13)1-9-5/h13H,1-2H2,(H4,8,9,11,12,14) UPa:UPC01300 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine C7H9N5O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H9N5O2/c8-7-11-5-4(6(14)12-7)10-3(2-13)1-9-5/h13H,1-2H2,(H4,8,9,11,12,14) UPa: CHEBI:29112 KEGG:C01302 1-(2-carboxyphenylamino)-1'-deoxy-ribulose 5'-phosphate compound C12H16NO9P InChI=1S/C12H16NO9P/c14-9(11(16)10(15)6-22-23(19,20)21)5-13-8-4-2-1-3-7(8)12(17)18/h1-4,10-11,13,15-16H,5-6H2,(H,17,18)(H2,19,20,21)/t10-,11+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01302 1-(2-carboxyphenylamino)-1-deoxy-D-ribulose 5-phosphate 1-(2-carboxyphenylamino)-1'-deoxy-ribulose 5'-phosphate KEGG:KEGG C12H16NO9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H16NO9P/c14-9(11(16)10(15)6-22-23(19,20)21)5-13-8-4-2-1-3-7(8)12(17)18/h1-4,10-11,13,15-16H,5-6H2,(H,17,18)(H2,19,20,21)/t10-,11+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:29114 CHEBI:59546 KEGG:C01304 2,5-diamino-6-hydroxy-4-(5-phosphoribosylamino)pyrimidine compound C9H16N5O8P InChI=1S/C9H16N5O8P/c10-3-6(13-9(11)14-7(3)17)12-8-5(16)4(15)2(22-8)1-21-23(18,19)20/h2,4-5,8,15-16H,1,10H2,(H2,18,19,20)(H4,11,12,13,14,17)/t2-,4-,5-,8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01304 2,5-diamino-4-hydroxy-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)pyrimidine 2,5-diamino-6-hydroxy-4-(5-phosphoribosylamino)pyrimidine KEGG:KEGG C9H16N5O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H16N5O8P/c10-3-6(13-9(11)14-7(3)17)12-8-5(16)4(15)2(22-8)1-21-23(18,19)20/h2,4-5,8,15-16H,1,10H2,(H2,18,19,20)(H4,11,12,13,14,17)/t2-,4-,5-,8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17883 KEGG:C01327 compound ClH InChI=1S/ClH/h1H UPa:UPC01327 HCl ClH KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/ClH/h1H UPa: CHEBI:16234 KEGG:C01328 hydroxide compound HO InChI=1S/H2O/h1H2/p-1 UPa:UPC01328 OH(-) hydroxide KEGG:KEGG HO KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/H2O/h1H2/p-1 UPa: CHEBI:17877 KEGG:C01352 compound C27H35N9O15P2 InChI=1S/C27H35N9O15P2/c1-10-3-12-13(4-11(10)2)35(24-18(32-12)25(42)34-27(43)33-24)5-14(37)19(39)15(38)6-48-52(44,45)51-53(46,47)49-7-16-20(40)21(41)26(50-16)36-9-31-17-22(28)29-8-30-23(17)36/h3-4,8-9,14-16,19-21,26,32,37-41H,5-7H2,1-2H3,(H,44,45)(H,46,47)(H2,28,29,30)(H2,33,34,42,43)/t14-,15+,16+,19-,20+,21+,26+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01352 FADH2 C27H35N9O15P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C27H35N9O15P2/c1-10-3-12-13(4-11(10)2)35(24-18(32-12)25(42)34-27(43)33-24)5-14(37)19(39)15(38)6-48-52(44,45)51-53(46,47)49-7-16-20(40)21(41)26(50-16)36-9-31-17-22(28)29-8-30-23(17)36/h3-4,8-9,14-16,19-21,26,32,37-41H,5-7H2,1-2H3,(H,44,45)(H,46,47)(H2,28,29,30)(H2,33,34,42,43)/t14-,15+,16+,19-,20+,21+,26+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28976 KEGG:C01353 compound CH2O3 InChI=1S/CH2O3/c2-1(3)4/h(H2,2,3,4) UPa:UPC01353 carbonic acid CH2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/CH2O3/c2-1(3)4/h(H2,2,3,4) UPa: CHEBI:18356 KEGG:C01359 PQQH2 compound C14H8N2O8 InChI=1S/C14H8N2O8/c17-10-4-2-6(14(23)24)15-8(4)7-3(12(19)20)1-5(13(21)22)16-9(7)11(10)18/h1-2,15,17-18H,(H,19,20)(H,21,22)(H,23,24) UPa:UPC01359 pyrroloquinoline quinol PQQH2 KEGG:KEGG C14H8N2O8 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H8N2O8/c17-10-4-2-6(14(23)24)15-8(4)7-3(12(19)20)1-5(13(21)22)16-9(7)11(10)18/h1-2,15,17-18H,(H,19,20)(H,21,22)(H,23,24) UPa: CHEBI:18310 KEGG:C01371 compound UPa:UPC01371 alkane CHEBI:16449 KEGG:C01401 compound C3H7NO2 InChI=1S/C3H7NO2/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2H,4H2,1H3,(H,5,6) UPa:UPC01401 alanine C3H7NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H7NO2/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2H,4H2,1H3,(H,5,6) UPa: CHEBI:16716 KEGG:C01407 compound C6H6 InChI=1S/C6H6/c1-2-4-6-5-3-1/h1-6H UPa:UPC01407 benzene C6H6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H6/c1-2-4-6-5-3-1/h1-6H UPa: CHEBI:27958 KEGG:C01416 compound C17H21NO4 InChI=1S/C17H21NO4/c1-18-12-8-9-13(18)15(17(20)21-2)14(10-12)22-16(19)11-6-4-3-5-7-11/h3-7,12-15H,8-10H2,1-2H3/t12-,13+,14-,15+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01416 cocaine C17H21NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C17H21NO4/c1-18-12-8-9-13(18)15(17(20)21-2)14(10-12)22-16(19)11-6-4-3-5-7-11/h3-7,12-15H,8-10H2,1-2H3/t12-,13+,14-,15+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:24996 CHEBI:28358 CHEBI:78320 KEGG:C01432 compound C3H6O3 InChI=1S/C3H6O3/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2,4H,1H3,(H,5,6) UPa:UPC01432 lactate C3H6O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H6O3/c1-2(4)3(5)6/h2,4H,1H3,(H,5,6) UPa: CHEBI:16183 KEGG:C01438 compound CH4 InChI=1S/CH4/h1H4 UPa:UPC01438 methane CH4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/CH4/h1H4 UPa: CHEBI:17433 KEGG:C01449 7-aminomethyl-7-deazaguanine preQ1 compound C12H15N5O3 InChI=1S/C12H15N5O3/c13-12-16-10-8(11(20)17-12)5(4-15-10)3-14-6-1-2-7(18)9(6)19/h1-2,4,6-7,9,14,18-19H,3H2,(H4,13,15,16,17,20)/t6-,7-,9+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01449 queuine 7-aminomethyl-7-deazaguanine KEGG:KEGG preQ1 KEGG:KEGG C12H15N5O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H15N5O3/c13-12-16-10-8(11(20)17-12)5(4-15-10)3-14-6-1-2-7(18)9(6)19/h1-2,4,6-7,9,14,18-19H,3H2,(H4,13,15,16,17,20)/t6-,7-,9+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17087 KEGG:C01450 compound UPa:UPC01450 ketone CHEBI:17578 KEGG:C01455 compound C7H8 InChI=1S/C7H8/c1-7-5-3-2-4-6-7/h2-6H,1H3 UPa:UPC01455 toluene C7H8 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H8/c1-7-5-3-2-4-6-7/h2-6H,1H3 UPa: CHEBI:17658 KEGG:C01457 compound C46H77NO17 InChI=1S/C46H77NO17/c1-13-33-30(22-58-45-42(57-12)41(56-11)37(52)26(5)60-45)18-23(2)14-15-31(49)24(3)19-29(16-17-48)39(25(4)32(50)20-34(51)62-33)64-44-38(53)36(47(9)10)40(27(6)61-44)63-35-21-46(8,55)43(54)28(7)59-35/h14-15,17-18,24-30,32-33,35-45,50,52-55H,13,16,19-22H2,1-12H3/b15-14+,23-18+/t24-,25+,26-,27-,28+,29+,30-,32-,33-,35+,36-,37-,38-,39-,40-,41-,42-,43+,44+,45-,46-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01457 tylosin C46H77NO17 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C46H77NO17/c1-13-33-30(22-58-45-42(57-12)41(56-11)37(52)26(5)60-45)18-23(2)14-15-31(49)24(3)19-29(16-17-48)39(25(4)32(50)20-34(51)62-33)64-44-38(53)36(47(9)10)40(27(6)61-44)63-35-21-46(8,55)43(54)28(7)59-35/h14-15,17-18,24-30,32-33,35-45,50,52-55H,13,16,19-22H2,1-12H3/b15-14+,23-18+/t24-,25+,26-,27-,28+,29+,30-,32-,33-,35+,36-,37-,38-,39-,40-,41-,42-,43+,44+,45-,46-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:47916 KEGG:C01579 compound UPa:UPC01579 flavonoid CHEBI:28061 CHEBI:28260 KEGG:C01582 compound C6H12O6 InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-3(9)5(11)6(12)4(10)2-8/h1,3-6,8-12H,2H2/t3-,4+,5+,6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01582 galactose C6H12O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-3(9)5(11)6(12)4(10)2-8/h1,3-6,8-12H,2H2/t3-,4+,5+,6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16796 KEGG:C01598 compound C13H16N2O2 InChI=1S/C13H16N2O2/c1-9(16)14-6-5-10-8-15-13-4-3-11(17-2)7-12(10)13/h3-4,7-8,15H,5-6H2,1-2H3,(H,14,16) UPa:UPC01598 melatonin C13H16N2O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C13H16N2O2/c1-9(16)14-6-5-10-8-15-13-4-3-11(17-2)7-12(10)13/h3-4,7-8,15H,5-6H2,1-2H3,(H,14,16) UPa: CHEBI:17563 CHEBI:29069 KEGG:C01606 phtalic acid compound C8H6O4 InChI=1S/C8H6O4/c9-7(10)5-3-1-2-4-6(5)8(11)12/h1-4H,(H,9,10)(H,11,12) UPa:UPC01606 phthalate phtalic acid KEGG:KEGG C8H6O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H6O4/c9-7(10)5-3-1-2-4-6(5)8(11)12/h1-4H,(H,9,10)(H,11,12) UPa: CHEBI:17164 KEGG:C01613 compound C24H42O21 InChI=1S/C24H42O21/c25-1-6-10(28)14(32)17(35)21(41-6)39-3-8-11(29)15(33)18(36)22(42-8)40-4-9-12(30)16(34)19(37)23(43-9)45-24(5-27)20(38)13(31)7(2-26)44-24/h6-23,25-38H,1-5H2/t6-,7-,8-,9-,10+,11+,12-,13-,14+,15+,16+,17-,18-,19-,20+,21+,22+,23-,24+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01613 stachyose C24H42O21 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C24H42O21/c25-1-6-10(28)14(32)17(35)21(41-6)39-3-8-11(29)15(33)18(36)22(42-8)40-4-9-12(30)16(34)19(37)23(43-9)45-24(5-27)20(38)13(31)7(2-26)44-24/h6-23,25-38H,1-5H2/t6-,7-,8-,9-,10+,11+,12-,13-,14+,15+,16+,17-,18-,19-,20+,21+,22+,23-,24+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16380 KEGG:C01626 compound C25H32N2O6 InChI=1S/C25H32N2O6/c1-6-23-10-7-12-27-13-11-24(19(23)27)17-9-8-16(31-4)14-18(17)26(3)20(24)25(30,22(29)32-5)21(23)33-15(2)28/h7-10,14,19-21,30H,6,11-13H2,1-5H3/t19-,20+,21+,23+,24+,25-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01626 vindoline C25H32N2O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C25H32N2O6/c1-6-23-10-7-12-27-13-11-24(19(23)27)17-9-8-16(31-4)14-18(17)26(3)20(24)25(30,22(29)32-5)21(23)33-15(2)28/h7-10,14,19-21,30H,6,11-13H2,1-5H3/t19-,20+,21+,23+,24+,25-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:29175 KEGG:C01641 compound UPa:UPC01641 tRNA(Glu) CHEBI:28669 KEGG:C01667 compound UPa:UPC01667 bacitracin CHEBI:17141 KEGG:C01678 compound C2H7NS InChI=1S/C2H7NS/c3-1-2-4/h4H,1-3H2 UPa:UPC01678 2-aminoethanethiol C2H7NS KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H7NS/c3-1-2-4/h4H,1-3H2 UPa: CHEBI:17249 KEGG:C01682 compound C11H20N4O6 InChI=1S/C11H20N4O6/c12-11(13)14-5-1-2-6(9(18)19)15-7(10(20)21)3-4-8(16)17/h6-7,15H,1-5H2,(H,16,17)(H,18,19)(H,20,21)(H4,12,13,14)/t6-,7+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01682 nopaline C11H20N4O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H20N4O6/c12-11(13)14-5-1-2-6(9(18)19)15-7(10(20)21)3-4-8(16)17/h6-7,15H,1-5H2,(H,16,17)(H,18,19)(H,20,21)(H4,12,13,14)/t6-,7+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16933 KEGG:C01694 compound C28H44O InChI=1S/C28H44O/c1-18(2)19(3)7-8-20(4)24-11-12-25-23-10-9-21-17-22(29)13-15-27(21,5)26(23)14-16-28(24,25)6/h7-10,18-20,22,24-26,29H,11-17H2,1-6H3/b8-7+/t19-,20+,22-,24+,25-,26-,27-,28+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01694 ergosterol C28H44O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C28H44O/c1-18(2)19(3)7-8-20(4)24-11-12-25-23-10-9-21-17-22(29)13-15-27(21,5)26(23)14-16-28(24,25)6/h7-10,18-20,22,24-26,29H,11-17H2,1-6H3/b8-7+/t19-,20+,22-,24+,25-,26-,27-,28+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18344 KEGG:C01717 kynurenic acid compound C10H7NO3 InChI=1S/C10H7NO3/c12-9-5-8(10(13)14)11-7-4-2-1-3-6(7)9/h1-5H,(H,11,12)(H,13,14) UPa:UPC01717 kynurenate kynurenic acid KEGG:KEGG C10H7NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H7NO3/c12-9-5-8(10(13)14)11-7-4-2-1-3-6(7)9/h1-5H,(H,11,12)(H,13,14) UPa: CHEBI:17617 KEGG:C01721 compound C6H12O5 InChI=1S/C6H12O5/c1-3(8)5(10)6(11)4(9)2-7/h3,5-8,10-11H,2H2,1H3/t3-,5+,6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01721 L-fuculose C6H12O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12O5/c1-3(8)5(10)6(11)4(9)2-7/h3,5-8,10-11H,2H2,1H3/t3-,5+,6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16521 KEGG:C01724 compound C30H50O InChI=1S/C30H50O/c1-20(2)10-9-11-21(3)22-14-18-30(8)24-12-13-25-27(4,5)26(31)16-17-28(25,6)23(24)15-19-29(22,30)7/h10,21-22,25-26,31H,9,11-19H2,1-8H3/t21-,22-,25+,26+,28-,29-,30+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01724 lanosterol C30H50O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C30H50O/c1-20(2)10-9-11-21(3)22-14-18-30(8)24-12-13-25-27(4,5)26(31)16-17-28(25,6)23(24)15-19-29(22,30)7/h10,21-22,25-26,31H,9,11-19H2,1-8H3/t21-,22-,25+,26+,28-,29-,30+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16600 CHEBI:36986 KEGG:C01732 mesaconic acid compound C5H6O4 InChI=1S/C5H6O4/c1-3(5(8)9)2-4(6)7/h2H,1H3,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/b3-2+ UPa:UPC01732 mesaconate mesaconic acid KEGG:KEGG C5H6O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H6O4/c1-3(5(8)9)2-4(6)7/h2H,1H3,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/b3-2+ UPa: CHEBI:18394 KEGG:C01742 compound C12H22O11 InChI=1S/C12H22O11/c13-1-4-6(15)8(17)9(18)11(22-4)21-2-5-7(16)10(19)12(20,3-14)23-5/h4-11,13-20H,1-3H2/t4-,5-,6-,7-,8+,9-,10+,11+,12?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01742 palatinose C12H22O11 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H22O11/c13-1-4-6(15)8(17)9(18)11(22-4)21-2-5-7(16)10(19)12(20,3-14)23-5/h4-11,13-20H,1-3H2/t4-,5-,6-,7-,8+,9-,10+,11+,12?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:8653 KEGG:C01748 compound C13H12N2O InChI=1S/C13H12N2O/c1-15-10-6-3-2-5-9(10)14-13-11(15)7-4-8-12(13)16/h2-8,14,16H,1H3 UPa:UPC01748 pyocyanine C13H12N2O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C13H12N2O/c1-15-10-6-3-2-5-9(10)14-13-11(15)7-4-8-12(13)16/h2-8,14,16H,1H3 UPa: CHEBI:18107 KEGG:C01762 compound C10H12N4O6 InChI=1S/C10H12N4O6/c15-1-3-5(16)6(17)9(20-3)14-2-11-4-7(14)12-10(19)13-8(4)18/h2-3,5-6,9,15-17H,1H2,(H2,12,13,18,19)/t3-,5-,6-,9-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01762 xanthosine C10H12N4O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H12N4O6/c15-1-3-5(16)6(17)9(20-3)14-2-11-4-7(14)12-10(19)13-8(4)18/h2-3,5-6,9,15-17H,1H2,(H2,12,13,18,19)/t3-,5-,6-,9-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17548 KEGG:C01768 compound UPa:UPC01768 alginate CHEBI:15920 KEGG:C01795 compound C20H20NO4 InChI=1S/C20H19NO4/c1-23-18-5-4-12-8-16-14-10-17(22)19(24-2)9-13(14)6-7-21(16)11-15(12)20(18)25-3/h4-5,8-11H,6-7H2,1-3H3/p+1 UPa:UPC01795 columbamine C20H20NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C20H19NO4/c1-23-18-5-4-12-8-16-14-10-17(22)19(24-2)9-13(14)6-7-21(16)11-15(12)20(18)25-3/h4-5,8-11H,6-7H2,1-3H3/p+1 UPa: CHEBI:42905 KEGG:C01825 L-galactose compound C6H12O6 InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12-2/h2-11H,1H2/t2-,3+,4+,5-,6?/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01825 alpha-L-galactose L-galactose KEGG:KEGG C6H12O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12-2/h2-11H,1H2/t2-,3+,4+,5-,6?/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17251 KEGG:C01841 compound C15H24 InChI=1S/C15H24/c1-10-7-12-8-14(3,4)9-15(12)11(2)5-6-13(10)15/h7,11-13H,5-6,8-9H2,1-4H3/t11-,12-,13+,15?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01841 pentalenene C15H24 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H24/c1-10-7-12-8-14(3,4)9-15(12)11(2)5-6-13(10)15/h7,11-13H,5-6,8-9H2,1-4H3/t11-,12-,13+,15?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16048 KEGG:C01847 FMNH2 compound C17H23N4O9P InChI=1S/C17H23N4O9P/c1-7-3-9-10(4-8(7)2)21(15-13(18-9)16(25)20-17(26)19-15)5-11(22)14(24)12(23)6-30-31(27,28)29/h3-4,11-12,14,18,22-24H,5-6H2,1-2H3,(H2,27,28,29)(H2,19,20,25,26)/t11-,12+,14-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01847 FMNH(2) FMNH2 KEGG:KEGG C17H23N4O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C17H23N4O9P/c1-7-3-9-10(4-8(7)2)21(15-13(18-9)16(25)20-17(26)19-15)5-11(22)14(24)12(23)6-30-31(27,28)29/h3-4,11-12,14,18,22-24H,5-6H2,1-2H3,(H2,27,28,29)(H2,19,20,25,26)/t11-,12+,14-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17876 KEGG:C01848 compound C39H49NO14 InChI=1S/C39H49NO14/c1-17-11-10-12-18(2)38(49)40-24-15-26(51-16-27(42)43)28-29(34(24)47)33(46)22(6)36-30(28)37(48)39(8,54-36)52-14-13-25(50-9)19(3)35(53-23(7)41)21(5)32(45)20(4)31(17)44/h10-15,17,19-21,25,31-32,35,44-47H,16H2,1-9H3,(H,40,49)(H,42,43)/b11-10+,14-13+,18-12-/t17-,19+,20+,21+,25-,31-,32+,35+,39-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01848 rifamycin B C39H49NO14 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C39H49NO14/c1-17-11-10-12-18(2)38(49)40-24-15-26(51-16-27(42)43)28-29(34(24)47)33(46)22(6)36-30(28)37(48)39(8,54-36)52-14-13-25(50-9)19(3)35(53-23(7)41)21(5)32(45)20(4)31(17)44/h10-15,17,19-21,25,31-32,35,44-47H,16H2,1-9H3,(H,40,49)(H,42,43)/b11-10+,14-13+,18-12-/t17-,19+,20+,21+,25-,31-,32+,35+,39-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18002 KEGG:C01852 compound C17H24O10 InChI=1S/C17H24O10/c1-3-8-9(4-5-18)10(15(23)24-2)7-25-16(8)27-17-14(22)13(21)12(20)11(6-19)26-17/h3,5,7-9,11-14,16-17,19-22H,1,4,6H2,2H3/t8-,9+,11-,12-,13+,14-,16+,17+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01852 secologanin C17H24O10 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C17H24O10/c1-3-8-9(4-5-18)10(15(23)24-2)7-25-16(8)27-17-14(22)13(21)12(20)11(6-19)26-17/h3,5,7-9,11-14,16-17,19-22H,1,4,6H2,2H3/t8-,9+,11-,12-,13+,14-,16+,17+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16691 KEGG:C01909 compound C10H18N2O3 InChI=1S/C10H18N2O3/c1-7-8(12-10(15)11-7)5-3-2-4-6-9(13)14/h7-8H,2-6H2,1H3,(H,13,14)(H2,11,12,15) UPa:UPC01909 dethiobiotin C10H18N2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H18N2O3/c1-7-8(12-10(15)11-7)5-3-2-4-6-9(13)14/h7-8H,2-6H2,1H3,(H,13,14)(H2,11,12,15) UPa: CHEBI:17022 KEGG:C01977 compound UPa:UPC01977 tRNA-guanine CHEBI:16969 KEGG:C01978 compound UPa:UPC01978 tRNA-queuine CHEBI:17656 CHEBI:32382 KEGG:C01983 (R)-mandelic acid compound C8H8O3 InChI=1S/C8H8O3/c9-7(8(10)11)6-4-2-1-3-5-6/h1-5,7,9H,(H,10,11)/t7-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC01983 (R)-mandelate (R)-mandelic acid KEGG:KEGG C8H8O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H8O3/c9-7(8(10)11)6-4-2-1-3-5-6/h1-5,7,9H,(H,10,11)/t7-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17756 CHEBI:32800 KEGG:C01984 compound C8H8O3 InChI=1S/C8H8O3/c9-7(8(10)11)6-4-2-1-3-5-6/h1-5,7,9H,(H,10,11)/t7-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC01984 (S)-mandelate C8H8O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H8O3/c9-7(8(10)11)6-4-2-1-3-5-6/h1-5,7,9H,(H,10,11)/t7-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18027 CHEBI:43445 KEGG:C02004 compound C15H24 InChI=1S/C15H24/c1-11(2)13-8-9-14-7-5-6-12(3)15(14,4)10-13/h9,12-13H,1,5-8,10H2,2-4H3/t12-,13-,15+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC02004 aristolochene C15H24 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H24/c1-11(2)13-8-9-14-7-5-6-12(3)15(14,4)10-13/h9,12-13H,1,5-8,10H2,2-4H3/t12-,13-,15+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16133 KEGG:C02020 compound C5H10O InChI=1S/C5H10O/c6-5-3-1-2-4-5/h5-6H,1-4H2 UPa:UPC02020 cyclopentanol C5H10O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H10O/c6-5-3-1-2-4-5/h5-6H,1-4H2 UPa: CHEBI:18067 KEGG:C02059 compound C31H46O2 InChI=1S/C31H46O2/c1-22(2)12-9-13-23(3)14-10-15-24(4)16-11-17-25(5)20-21-27-26(6)30(32)28-18-7-8-19-29(28)31(27)33/h7-8,18-20,22-24H,9-17,21H2,1-6H3/b25-20+ UPa:UPC02059 phylloquinone C31H46O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C31H46O2/c1-22(2)12-9-13-23(3)14-10-15-24(4)16-11-17-25(5)20-21-27-26(6)30(32)28-18-7-8-19-29(28)31(27)33/h7-8,18-20,22-24H,9-17,21H2,1-6H3/b25-20+ UPa: CHEBI:16282 CHEBI:59945 KEGG:C02091 ureidoglycine compound C3H7N3O3 InChI=1S/C3H7N3O3/c4-1(2(7)8)6-3(5)9/h1H,4H2,(H,7,8)(H3,5,6,9)/t1-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC02091 2-ureidoglycine ureidoglycine KEGG:KEGG C3H7N3O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H7N3O3/c4-1(2(7)8)6-3(5)9/h1H,4H2,(H,7,8)(H3,5,6,9)/t1-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16718 KEGG:C02105 compound C19H23NO4 InChI=1S/C19H23NO4/c1-20-7-6-13-10-19(24-3)17(22)11-14(13)15(20)8-12-4-5-18(23-2)16(21)9-12/h4-5,9-11,15,21-22H,6-8H2,1-3H3/t15-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC02105 (S)-reticuline C19H23NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C19H23NO4/c1-20-7-6-13-10-19(24-3)17(22)11-14(13)15(20)8-12-4-5-18(23-2)16(21)9-12/h4-5,9-11,15,21-22H,6-8H2,1-3H3/t15-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17129 KEGG:C02106 compound C19H21NO4 InChI=1S/C19H21NO4/c1-23-17-4-3-11-7-15-13-9-16(21)18(24-2)8-12(13)5-6-20(15)10-14(11)19(17)22/h3-4,8-9,15,21-22H,5-7,10H2,1-2H3/t15-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC02106 (S)-scoulerine C19H21NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C19H21NO4/c1-23-17-4-3-11-7-15-13-9-16(21)18(24-2)8-12(13)5-6-20(15)10-14(11)19(17)22/h3-4,8-9,15,21-22H,5-7,10H2,1-2H3/t15-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17389 KEGG:C02112 compound UPa:UPC02112 2-acylglycerol CHEBI:18280 KEGG:C02137 phenylglyoxylic acid compound C8H6O3 InChI=1S/C8H6O3/c9-7(8(10)11)6-4-2-1-3-5-6/h1-5H,(H,10,11) UPa:UPC02137 phenylglyoxylate phenylglyoxylic acid KEGG:KEGG C8H6O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H6O3/c9-7(8(10)11)6-4-2-1-3-5-6/h1-5H,(H,10,11) UPa: CHEBI:15430 KEGG:C02191 compound C34H34N4O4 InChI=1S/C34H34N4O4/c1-7-21-17(3)25-13-26-19(5)23(9-11-33(39)40)31(37-26)16-32-24(10-12-34(41)42)20(6)28(38-32)15-30-22(8-2)18(4)27(36-30)14-29(21)35-25/h7-8,13-16,35,38H,1-2,9-12H2,3-6H3,(H,39,40)(H,41,42)/b25-13-,26-13-,27-14-,28-15-,29-14-,30-15-,31-16-,32-16- UPa:UPC02191 protoporphyrin-IX C34H34N4O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C34H34N4O4/c1-7-21-17(3)25-13-26-19(5)23(9-11-33(39)40)31(37-26)16-32-24(10-12-34(41)42)20(6)28(38-32)15-30-22(8-2)18(4)27(36-30)14-29(21)35-25/h7-8,13-16,35,38H,1-2,9-12H2,3-6H3,(H,39,40)(H,41,42)/b25-13-,26-13-,27-14-,28-15-,29-14-,30-15-,31-16-,32-16- UPa: CHEBI:1184 CHEBI:16468 KEGG:C02222 2-maleylacetate compound C6H6O5 InChI=1S/C6H6O5/c7-4(3-6(10)11)1-2-5(8)9/h1-2H,3H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/b2-1- UPa:UPC02222 maleylacetate 2-maleylacetate KEGG:KEGG C6H6O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H6O5/c7-4(3-6(10)11)1-2-5(8)9/h1-2H,3H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/b2-1- UPa: CHEBI:17626 CHEBI:30719 KEGG:C02226 compound C5H6O4 InChI=1S/C5H6O4/c1-3(5(8)9)2-4(6)7/h2H,1H3,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/b3-2- UPa:UPC02226 2-methylmaleate C5H6O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H6O4/c1-3(5(8)9)2-4(6)7/h2H,1H3,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/b3-2- UPa: CHEBI:15490 KEGG:C02232 compound C27H42N7O20P3S InChI=1S/C27H42N7O20P3S/c1-27(2,22(41)25(42)30-6-5-16(36)29-7-8-58-18(39)9-14(35)3-4-17(37)38)11-51-57(48,49)54-56(46,47)50-10-15-21(53-55(43,44)45)20(40)26(52-15)34-13-33-19-23(28)31-12-32-24(19)34/h12-13,15,20-22,26,40-41H,3-11H2,1-2H3,(H,29,36)(H,30,42)(H,37,38)(H,46,47)(H,48,49)(H2,28,31,32)(H2,43,44,45)/t15-,20-,21-,22+,26-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC02232 3-oxoadipyl-CoA C27H42N7O20P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C27H42N7O20P3S/c1-27(2,22(41)25(42)30-6-5-16(36)29-7-8-58-18(39)9-14(35)3-4-17(37)38)11-51-57(48,49)54-56(46,47)50-10-15-21(53-55(43,44)45)20(40)26(52-15)34-13-33-19-23(28)31-12-32-24(19)34/h12-13,15,20-22,26,40-41H,3-11H2,1-2H3,(H,29,36)(H,30,42)(H,37,38)(H,46,47)(H,48,49)(H2,28,31,32)(H2,43,44,45)/t15-,20-,21-,22+,26-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16545 KEGG:C02240 compound C5H8O2 InChI=1S/C5H8O2/c6-5-3-1-2-4-7-5/h1-4H2 UPa:UPC02240 5-valerolactone C5H8O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H8O2/c6-5-3-1-2-4-7-5/h1-4H2 UPa: CHEBI:18038 CHEBI:42660 KEGG:C02280 compound C16H25N5O16P2 InChI=1S/C16H25N5O16P2/c17-16-19-12-6(13(28)20-16)18-3-21(12)14-10(26)8(24)5(34-14)2-33-38(29,30)37-39(31,32)36-15-11(27)9(25)7(23)4(1-22)35-15/h3-5,7-11,14-15,22-27H,1-2H2,(H,29,30)(H,31,32)(H3,17,19,20,28)/t4-,5+,7+,8+,9+,10+,11-,14+,15+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC02280 GDP-L-galactose C16H25N5O16P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C16H25N5O16P2/c17-16-19-12-6(13(28)20-16)18-3-21(12)14-10(26)8(24)5(34-14)2-33-38(29,30)37-39(31,32)36-15-11(27)9(25)7(23)4(1-22)35-15/h3-5,7-11,14-15,22-27H,1-2H2,(H,29,30)(H,31,32)(H3,17,19,20,28)/t4-,5+,7+,8+,9+,10+,11-,14+,15+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17482 KEGG:C02291 compound C7H14N2O4S InChI=1S/C7H14N2O4S/c8-4(6(10)11)1-2-14-3-5(9)7(12)13/h4-5H,1-3,8-9H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/t4-,5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC02291 L-cystathionine C7H14N2O4S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H14N2O4S/c8-4(6(10)11)1-2-14-3-5(9)7(12)13/h4-5H,1-3,8-9H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/t4-,5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16093 KEGG:C02295 compound C6H8O4 InChI=1S/C6H8O4/c1-3(5(7)8)4(2)6(9)10/h4H,1H2,2H3,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) UPa:UPC02295 2-methylene-3-methylsuccinate C6H8O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H8O4/c1-3(5(7)8)4(2)6(9)10/h4H,1H2,2H3,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:17999 KEGG:C02315 compound UPa:UPC02315 protein dithiol CHEBI:15678 KEGG:C02350 compound C4H6N4O3 InChI=1S/C4H6N4O3/c5-3(10)6-1-2(9)8-4(11)7-1/h1H,(H3,5,6,10)(H2,7,8,9,11)/t1-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC02350 (S)-allantoin C4H6N4O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H6N4O3/c5-3(10)6-1-2(9)8-4(11)7-1/h1H,(H3,5,6,10)(H2,7,8,9,11)/t1-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17861 CHEBI:30747 KEGG:C02370 compound C7H5ClO2 InChI=1S/C7H5ClO2/c8-6-3-1-5(2-4-6)7(9)10/h1-4H,(H,9,10) UPa:UPC02370 4-chlorobenzoate C7H5ClO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H5ClO2/c8-6-3-1-5(2-4-6)7(9)10/h1-4H,(H,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:29016 KEGG:C02385 compound C6H14N4O2 InChI=1S/C6H14N4O2/c7-4(5(11)12)2-1-3-10-6(8)9/h4H,1-3,7H2,(H,11,12)(H4,8,9,10) UPa:UPC02385 arginine C6H14N4O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H14N4O2/c7-4(5(11)12)2-1-3-10-6(8)9/h4H,1-3,7H2,(H,11,12)(H4,8,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:15497 KEGG:C02411 compound C26H40N7O19P3S InChI=1S/C26H40N7O19P3S/c1-26(2,21(39)24(40)29-7-6-15(34)28-8-9-56-17(37)5-3-4-16(35)36)11-49-55(46,47)52-54(44,45)48-10-14-20(51-53(41,42)43)19(38)25(50-14)33-13-32-18-22(27)30-12-31-23(18)33/h3,5,12-14,19-21,25,38-39H,4,6-11H2,1-2H3,(H,28,34)(H,29,40)(H,35,36)(H,44,45)(H,46,47)(H2,27,30,31)(H2,41,42,43)/b5-3+/t14-,19-,20-,21+,25-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC02411 glutaconyl-1-CoA C26H40N7O19P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C26H40N7O19P3S/c1-26(2,21(39)24(40)29-7-6-15(34)28-8-9-56-17(37)5-3-4-16(35)36)11-49-55(46,47)52-54(44,45)48-10-14-20(51-53(41,42)43)19(38)25(50-14)33-13-32-18-22(27)30-12-31-23(18)33/h3,5,12-14,19-21,25,38-39H,4,6-11H2,1-2H3,(H,28,34)(H,29,40)(H,35,36)(H,44,45)(H,46,47)(H2,27,30,31)(H2,41,42,43)/b5-3+/t14-,19-,20-,21+,25-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16109 KEGG:C02457 compound C3H8O2 InChI=1S/C3H8O2/c4-2-1-3-5/h4-5H,1-3H2 UPa:UPC02457 propane-1,3-diol C3H8O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H8O2/c4-2-1-3-5/h4-5H,1-3H2 UPa: CHEBI:50602 KEGG:C02463 compound C42H48N4O16 InChI=1S/C42H48N4O16/c1-41(17-39(59)60)23(5-9-35(51)52)29-14-27-21(11-37(55)56)19(3-7-33(47)48)25(43-27)13-26-20(4-8-34(49)50)22(12-38(57)58)28(44-26)15-31-42(2,18-40(61)62)24(6-10-36(53)54)30(46-31)16-32(41)45-29/h14-16,23-24,43-44,46H,3-13,17-18H2,1-2H3,(H,47,48)(H,49,50)(H,51,52)(H,53,54)(H,55,56)(H,57,58)(H,59,60)(H,61,62)/b29-14-,30-16-,31-15-/t23-,24-,41+,42+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC02463 precorrin-2 C42H48N4O16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C42H48N4O16/c1-41(17-39(59)60)23(5-9-35(51)52)29-14-27-21(11-37(55)56)19(3-7-33(47)48)25(43-27)13-26-20(4-8-34(49)50)22(12-38(57)58)28(44-26)15-31-42(2,18-40(61)62)24(6-10-36(53)54)30(46-31)16-32(41)45-29/h14-16,23-24,43-44,46H,3-13,17-18H2,1-2H3,(H,47,48)(H,49,50)(H,51,52)(H,53,54)(H,55,56)(H,57,58)(H,59,60)(H,61,62)/b29-14-,30-16-,31-15-/t23-,24-,41+,42+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18145 KEGG:C02477 compound C29H50O2 InChI=1S/C29H50O2/c1-20(2)12-9-13-21(3)14-10-15-22(4)16-11-18-29(8)19-17-26-25(7)27(30)23(5)24(6)28(26)31-29/h20-22,30H,9-19H2,1-8H3/t21-,22-,29-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC02477 tocopherol C29H50O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C29H50O2/c1-20(2)12-9-13-21(3)14-10-15-22(4)16-11-18-29(8)19-17-26-25(7)27(30)23(5)24(6)28(26)31-29/h20-22,30H,9-19H2,1-8H3/t21-,22-,29-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16508 KEGG:C02480 cis,cis-hexanedioate compound C6H6O4 InChI=1S/C6H6O4/c7-5(8)3-1-2-4-6(9)10/h1-4H,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/b3-1-,4-2- UPa:UPC02480 cis,cis-muconate cis,cis-hexanedioate KEGG:KEGG C6H6O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H6O4/c7-5(8)3-1-2-4-6(9)10/h1-4H,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/b3-1-,4-2- UPa: CHEBI:64016 CHEBI:64037 KEGG:C02501 2-hydroxymuconic acid compound C6H6O5 InChI=1S/C6H6O5/c7-4(6(10)11)2-1-3-5(8)9/h1-3,7H,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/b3-1-,4-2+ UPa:UPC02501 2-hydroxymuconate 2-hydroxymuconic acid KEGG:KEGG C6H6O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H6O5/c7-4(6(10)11)2-1-3-5(8)9/h1-3,7H,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/b3-1-,4-2+ UPa: CHEBI:1178 CHEBI:35128 KEGG:C02504 2-isopropylmalate compound C7H12O5 InChI=1S/C7H12O5/c1-4(2)7(12,6(10)11)3-5(8)9/h4,12H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/t7-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC02504 (2S)-2-isopropylmalate 2-isopropylmalate KEGG:KEGG C7H12O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H12O5/c1-4(2)7(12,6(10)11)3-5(8)9/h4,12H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/t7-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16205 KEGG:C02526 compound C12H10O2 InChI=1S/C12H10O2/c13-11-8-4-7-10(12(11)14)9-5-2-1-3-6-9/h1-8,13-14H UPa:UPC02526 biphenyl-2,3-diol C12H10O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H10O2/c13-11-8-4-7-10(12(11)14)9-5-2-1-3-6-9/h1-8,13-14H UPa: CHEBI:16354 KEGG:C02565 compound C4H6N2O2 InChI=1S/C4H6N2O2/c1-6-2-3(7)5-4(6)8/h2H2,1H3,(H,5,7,8) UPa:UPC02565 N-methylhydantoin C4H6N2O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H6N2O2/c1-6-2-3(7)5-4(6)8/h2H2,1H3,(H,5,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:16249 KEGG:C02582 compound UPa:UPC02582 protein disulfide CHEBI:16308 KEGG:C02591 compound C12H23O14P InChI=1S/C12H23O14P/c13-1-4-6(15)8(17)9(18)11(24-4)26-12(3-14)10(19)7(16)5(25-12)2-23-27(20,21)22/h4-11,13-19H,1-3H2,(H2,20,21,22)/t4-,5-,6-,7-,8+,9-,10+,11-,12+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC02591 sucrose 6-phosphate C12H23O14P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H23O14P/c13-1-4-6(15)8(17)9(18)11(24-4)26-12(3-14)10(19)7(16)5(25-12)2-23-27(20,21)22/h4-11,13-19H,1-3H2,(H2,20,21,22)/t4-,5-,6-,7-,8+,9-,10+,11-,12+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15586 CHEBI:30934 KEGG:C02612 D-citramalate compound C5H8O5 InChI=1S/C5H8O5/c1-5(10,4(8)9)2-3(6)7/h10H,2H2,1H3,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/t5-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC02612 (R)-citramalate D-citramalate KEGG:KEGG C5H8O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H8O5/c1-5(10,4(8)9)2-3(6)7/h10H,2H2,1H3,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/t5-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:29003 CHEBI:30936 KEGG:C02614 L-citramalic acid compound C5H8O5 InChI=1S/C5H8O5/c1-5(10,4(8)9)2-3(6)7/h10H,2H2,1H3,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC02614 L-citramalate L-citramalic acid KEGG:KEGG C5H8O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H8O5/c1-5(10,4(8)9)2-3(6)7/h10H,2H2,1H3,(H,6,7)(H,8,9)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28295 KEGG:C02627 compound C6H14N2O3 InChI=1S/C6H14N2O3/c7-2-1-3(8)5(10)6(11)4(2)9/h2-6,9-11H,1,7-8H2/t2-,3+,4+,5-,6- UPa:UPC02627 2-deoxystreptamine C6H14N2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H14N2O3/c7-2-1-3(8)5(10)6(11)4(2)9/h2-6,9-11H,1,7-8H2/t2-,3+,4+,5-,6- UPa: CHEBI:17084 KEGG:C02630 2-hydroxyglutaric acid compound C5H8O5 InChI=1S/C5H8O5/c6-3(5(9)10)1-2-4(7)8/h3,6H,1-2H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) UPa:UPC02630 2-hydroxyglutarate 2-hydroxyglutaric acid KEGG:KEGG C5H8O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H8O5/c6-3(5(9)10)1-2-4(7)8/h3,6H,1-2H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:17275 KEGG:C02631 compound C7H10O4 InChI=1S/C7H10O4/c1-4(2)5(7(10)11)3-6(8)9/h3-4H,1-2H3,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/b5-3- UPa:UPC02631 2-isopropylmaleate C7H10O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H10O4/c1-4(2)5(7(10)11)3-6(8)9/h3-4H,1-2H3,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/b5-3- UPa: CHEBI:16135 KEGG:C02632 isobutyric acid compound C4H8O2 InChI=1S/C4H8O2/c1-3(2)4(5)6/h3H,1-2H3,(H,5,6) UPa:UPC02632 2-methylpropanoate isobutyric acid KEGG:KEGG C4H8O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H8O2/c1-3(2)4(5)6/h3H,1-2H3,(H,5,6) UPa: CHEBI:16630 CHEBI:30918 KEGG:C02637 compound C7H8O5 InChI=1S/C7H8O5/c8-4-1-3(7(11)12)2-5(9)6(4)10/h1,5-6,9-10H,2H2,(H,11,12)/t5-,6-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC02637 3-dehydroshikimate C7H8O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H8O5/c8-4-1-3(7(11)12)2-5(9)6(4)10/h1,5-6,9-10H,2H2,(H,11,12)/t5-,6-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:30531 KEGG:C02656 6-carboxyhexanoate compound C7H12O4 InChI=1S/C7H12O4/c8-6(9)4-2-1-3-5-7(10)11/h1-5H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11) UPa:UPC02656 pimelate 6-carboxyhexanoate KEGG:KEGG C7H12O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H12O4/c8-6(9)4-2-1-3-5-7(10)11/h1-5H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11) UPa: CHEBI:16957 KEGG:C02673 compound C23H30N2O4 InChI=1S/C23H30N2O4/c1-5-21-9-6-11-25-12-10-22(18(21)25)16-8-7-15(28-3)13-17(16)24(2)19(22)23(27,14-21)20(26)29-4/h6-9,13,18-19,27H,5,10-12,14H2,1-4H3/t18-,19+,21-,22+,23+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC02673 desacetoxyvindoline C23H30N2O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C23H30N2O4/c1-5-21-9-6-11-25-12-10-22(18(21)25)16-8-7-15(28-3)13-17(16)24(2)19(22)23(27,14-21)20(26)29-4/h6-9,13,18-19,27H,5,10-12,14H2,1-4H3/t18-,19+,21-,22+,23+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:30249 KEGG:C02700 N-formyl-L-kynurenine compound C11H12N2O4 InChI=1S/C11H12N2O4/c12-8(11(16)17)5-10(15)7-3-1-2-4-9(7)13-6-14/h1-4,6,8H,5,12H2,(H,13,14)(H,16,17)/t8-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC02700 N-formyl-N-kynurenine N-formyl-L-kynurenine KEGG:KEGG C11H12N2O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H12N2O4/c12-8(11(16)17)5-10(15)7-3-1-2-4-9(7)13-6-14/h1-4,6,8H,5,12H2,(H,13,14)(H,16,17)/t8-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:21615 CHEBI:28881 KEGG:C02713 N-acetylmuramic acid compound C11H19NO8 InChI=1S/C11H19NO8/c1-4(10(16)17)19-9-7(12-5(2)14)11(18)20-6(3-13)8(9)15/h4,6-9,11,13,15,18H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,12,14)(H,16,17)/t4-,6-,7-,8-,9-,11?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC02713 N-acetylmuramate N-acetylmuramic acid KEGG:KEGG C11H19NO8 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H19NO8/c1-4(10(16)17)19-9-7(12-5(2)14)11(18)20-6(3-13)8(9)15/h4,6-9,11,13,15,18H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,12,14)(H,16,17)/t4-,6-,7-,8-,9-,11?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17768 KEGG:C02714 compound C6H14N2O InChI=1S/C6H14N2O/c1-6(9)8-5-3-2-4-7/h2-5,7H2,1H3,(H,8,9) UPa:UPC02714 N-acetylputrescine C6H14N2O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H14N2O/c1-6(9)8-5-3-2-4-7/h2-5,7H2,1H3,(H,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:17752 KEGG:C02727 N6-acetyl-L-lysine compound C8H16N2O3 InChI=1S/C8H16N2O3/c1-6(11)10-5-3-2-4-7(9)8(12)13/h7H,2-5,9H2,1H3,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/t7-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC02727 N(6)-acetyl-L-lysine N6-acetyl-L-lysine KEGG:KEGG C8H16N2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H16N2O3/c1-6(11)10-5-3-2-4-7(9)8(12)13/h7H,2-5,9H2,1H3,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/t7-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18325 CHEBI:44788 KEGG:C02730 o-succinylbenzoate compound C11H10O5 InChI=1S/C11H10O5/c12-9(5-6-10(13)14)7-3-1-2-4-8(7)11(15)16/h1-4H,5-6H2,(H,13,14)(H,15,16) UPa:UPC02730 2-succinylbenzoate o-succinylbenzoate KEGG:KEGG C11H10O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H10O5/c12-9(5-6-10(13)14)7-3-1-2-4-8(7)11(15)16/h1-4H,5-6H2,(H,13,14)(H,15,16) UPa: CHEBI:11750 CHEBI:18303 KEGG:C02737 compound UPa:UPC02737 phosphatidylserine CHEBI:73200 KEGG:C02739 phosphoribosyl-ATP compound C15H25N5O20P4 InChI=1S/C15H25N5O20P4/c16-12-7-13(18-4-19(12)14-10(23)8(21)5(37-14)1-35-41(25,26)27)20(3-17-7)15-11(24)9(22)6(38-15)2-36-43(31,32)40-44(33,34)39-42(28,29)30/h3-6,8-11,14-16,21-24H,1-2H2,(H,31,32)(H,33,34)(H2,25,26,27)(H2,28,29,30)/t5-,6-,8-,9-,10-,11-,14-,15-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC02739 1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)-ATP phosphoribosyl-ATP KEGG:KEGG C15H25N5O20P4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H25N5O20P4/c16-12-7-13(18-4-19(12)14-10(23)8(21)5(37-14)1-35-41(25,26)27)20(3-17-7)15-11(24)9(22)6(38-15)2-36-43(31,32)40-44(33,34)39-42(28,29)30/h3-6,8-11,14-16,21-24H,1-2H2,(H,31,32)(H,33,34)(H2,25,26,27)(H2,28,29,30)/t5-,6-,8-,9-,10-,11-,14-,15-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18374 KEGG:C02741 phosphoribosyl-AMP compound C15H23N5O14P2 InChI=1S/C15H23N5O14P2/c16-12-7-13(18-4-19(12)14-10(23)8(21)5(33-14)1-31-35(25,26)27)20(3-17-7)15-11(24)9(22)6(34-15)2-32-36(28,29)30/h3-6,8-11,14-16,21-24H,1-2H2,(H2,25,26,27)(H2,28,29,30)/t5-,6-,8-,9-,10-,11-,14-,15-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC02741 1-(5-phosphoribosyl)-5'-AMP phosphoribosyl-AMP KEGG:KEGG C15H23N5O14P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H23N5O14P2/c16-12-7-13(18-4-19(12)14-10(23)8(21)5(33-14)1-31-35(25,26)27)20(3-17-7)15-11(24)9(22)6(34-15)2-32-36(28,29)30/h3-6,8-11,14-16,21-24H,1-2H2,(H2,25,26,27)(H2,28,29,30)/t5-,6-,8-,9-,10-,11-,14-,15-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16971 KEGG:C02814 compound C6H6O3 InChI=1S/C6H6O3/c7-4-1-2-5(8)6(9)3-4/h1-3,7-9H UPa:UPC02814 benzene-1,2,4-triol C6H6O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H6O3/c7-4-1-2-5(8)6(9)3-4/h1-3,7-9H UPa: CHEBI:8478 KEGG:C02876 compound C3H7O5P InChI=1S/C3H7O5P/c1-2-3(4)8-9(5,6)7/h2H2,1H3,(H2,5,6,7) UPa:UPC02876 propanoyl phosphate C3H7O5P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H7O5P/c1-2-3(4)8-9(5,6)7/h2H2,1H3,(H2,5,6,7) UPa: CHEBI:29188 KEGG:C02905 compound UPa:UPC02905 tRNA-queuosine CHEBI:18404 KEGG:C02923 compound C7H8O2 InChI=1S/C7H8O2/c1-5-3-2-4-6(8)7(5)9/h2-4,8-9H,1H3 UPa:UPC02923 3-methylcatechol C7H8O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H8O2/c1-5-3-2-4-6(8)7(5)9/h2-4,8-9H,1H3 UPa: CHEBI:17207 KEGG:C02930 compound C6H8O4 InChI=1S/C6H8O4/c1-4(6(9)10)2-3-5(7)8/h1-3H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) UPa:UPC02930 2-methyleneglutarate C6H8O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H8O4/c1-4(6(9)10)2-3-5(7)8/h1-3H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:15487 KEGG:C02939 compound C26H44N7O17P3S InChI=1S/C26H44N7O17P3S/c1-14(2)9-17(35)54-8-7-28-16(34)5-6-29-24(38)21(37)26(3,4)11-47-53(44,45)50-52(42,43)46-10-15-20(49-51(39,40)41)19(36)25(48-15)33-13-32-18-22(27)30-12-31-23(18)33/h12-15,19-21,25,36-37H,5-11H2,1-4H3,(H,28,34)(H,29,38)(H,42,43)(H,44,45)(H2,27,30,31)(H2,39,40,41)/t15-,19-,20-,21+,25-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC02939 3-isovaleryl-CoA C26H44N7O17P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C26H44N7O17P3S/c1-14(2)9-17(35)54-8-7-28-16(34)5-6-29-24(38)21(37)26(3,4)11-47-53(44,45)50-52(42,43)46-10-15-20(49-51(39,40)41)19(36)25(48-15)33-13-32-18-22(27)30-12-31-23(18)33/h12-15,19-21,25,36-37H,5-11H2,1-4H3,(H,28,34)(H,29,38)(H,42,43)(H,44,45)(H2,27,30,31)(H2,39,40,41)/t15-,19-,20-,21+,25-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15500 KEGG:C02949 compound C28H40N7O18P3S InChI=1S/C28H40N7O18P3S/c1-28(2,22(39)25(40)31-8-7-18(37)30-9-10-57-27(41)15-3-5-16(36)6-4-15)12-50-56(47,48)53-55(45,46)49-11-17-21(52-54(42,43)44)20(38)26(51-17)35-14-34-19-23(29)32-13-33-24(19)35/h3-6,13-14,17,20-22,26,36,38-39H,7-12H2,1-2H3,(H,30,37)(H,31,40)(H,45,46)(H,47,48)(H2,29,32,33)(H2,42,43,44)/t17-,20-,21-,22+,26-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC02949 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA C28H40N7O18P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C28H40N7O18P3S/c1-28(2,22(39)25(40)31-8-7-18(37)30-9-10-57-27(41)15-3-5-16(36)6-4-15)12-50-56(47,48)53-55(45,46)49-11-17-21(52-54(42,43)44)20(38)26(51-17)35-14-34-19-23(29)32-13-33-24(19)35/h3-6,13-14,17,20-22,26,36,38-39H,7-12H2,1-2H3,(H,30,37)(H,31,40)(H,45,46)(H,47,48)(H2,29,32,33)(H2,42,43,44)/t17-,20-,21-,22+,26-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:29157 KEGG:C02987 compound UPa:UPC02987 L-glutamyl-tRNA(Glu) CHEBI:28089 KEGG:C03004 compound C9H11NO4 InChI=1S/C9H11NO4/c11-7-3-1-6(2-4-7)5-8(10-14)9(12)13/h1-4,8,10-11,14H,5H2,(H,12,13)/t8-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC03004 N-hydroxy-L-tyrosine C9H11NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H11NO4/c11-7-3-1-6(2-4-7)5-8(10-14)9(12)13/h1-4,8,10-11,14H,5H2,(H,12,13)/t8-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18226 KEGG:C03043 compound C10H14N2O InChI=1S/C10H14N2O/c1-12-6-2-3-9(12)8-4-5-10(13)11-7-8/h4-5,7,9H,2-3,6H2,1H3,(H,11,13)/t9-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03043 (R)-6-hydroxynicotine C10H14N2O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H14N2O/c1-12-6-2-3-9(12)8-4-5-10(13)11-7-8/h4-5,7,9H,2-3,6H2,1H3,(H,11,13)/t9-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16982 KEGG:C03044 (R,R)-2,3-butanediol compound C4H10O2 InChI=1S/C4H10O2/c1-3(5)4(2)6/h3-6H,1-2H3/t3-,4-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03044 (R,R)-butane-2,3-diol (R,R)-2,3-butanediol KEGG:KEGG C4H10O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H10O2/c1-3(5)4(2)6/h3-6H,1-2H3/t3-,4-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17681 KEGG:C03056 compound C5H5NO2 InChI=1S/C5H5NO2/c7-4-2-1-3-5(8)6-4/h1-3H,(H2,6,7,8) UPa:UPC03056 2,6-dihydroxypyridine C5H5NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H5NO2/c7-4-2-1-3-5(8)6-4/h1-3H,(H2,6,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:28578 KEGG:C03058 compound C26H42N7O20P3S InChI=1S/C26H42N7O20P3S/c1-26(2,20(39)23(40)29-6-5-15(35)28-7-8-57-25(41)13(34)3-4-16(36)37)10-50-56(47,48)53-55(45,46)49-9-14-19(52-54(42,43)44)18(38)24(51-14)33-12-32-17-21(27)30-11-31-22(17)33/h11-14,18-20,24,34,38-39H,3-10H2,1-2H3,(H,28,35)(H,29,40)(H,36,37)(H,45,46)(H,47,48)(H2,27,30,31)(H2,42,43,44)/t13?,14-,18-,19-,20+,24-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03058 2-hydroxyglutaryl-CoA C26H42N7O20P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C26H42N7O20P3S/c1-26(2,20(39)23(40)29-6-5-15(35)28-7-8-57-25(41)13(34)3-4-16(36)37)10-50-56(47,48)53-55(45,46)49-9-14-19(52-54(42,43)44)18(38)24(51-14)33-12-32-17-21(27)30-11-31-22(17)33/h11-14,18-20,24,34,38-39H,3-10H2,1-2H3,(H,28,35)(H,29,40)(H,36,37)(H,45,46)(H,47,48)(H2,27,30,31)(H2,42,43,44)/t13?,14-,18-,19-,20+,24-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15486 KEGG:C03069 compound C26H42N7O17P3S InChI=1S/C26H42N7O17P3S/c1-14(2)9-17(35)54-8-7-28-16(34)5-6-29-24(38)21(37)26(3,4)11-47-53(44,45)50-52(42,43)46-10-15-20(49-51(39,40)41)19(36)25(48-15)33-13-32-18-22(27)30-12-31-23(18)33/h9,12-13,15,19-21,25,36-37H,5-8,10-11H2,1-4H3,(H,28,34)(H,29,38)(H,42,43)(H,44,45)(H2,27,30,31)(H2,39,40,41)/t15-,19-,20-,21+,25-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03069 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA C26H42N7O17P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C26H42N7O17P3S/c1-14(2)9-17(35)54-8-7-28-16(34)5-6-29-24(38)21(37)26(3,4)11-47-53(44,45)50-52(42,43)46-10-15-20(49-51(39,40)41)19(36)25(48-15)33-13-32-18-22(27)30-12-31-23(18)33/h9,12-13,15,19-21,25,36-37H,5-8,10-11H2,1-4H3,(H,28,34)(H,29,38)(H,42,43)(H,44,45)(H2,27,30,31)(H2,39,40,41)/t15-,19-,20-,21+,25-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15836 KEGG:C03082 compound C4H8NO7P InChI=1S/C4H8NO7P/c5-2(4(7)8)1-3(6)12-13(9,10)11/h2H,1,5H2,(H,7,8)(H2,9,10,11)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC03082 4-phospho-L-aspartate C4H8NO7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H8NO7P/c5-2(4(7)8)1-3(6)12-13(9,10)11/h2H,1,5H2,(H,7,8)(H2,9,10,11)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:2024 KEGG:C03087 compound C7H13NO3 InChI=1S/C7H13NO3/c1-6(9)8-5-3-2-4-7(10)11/h2-5H2,1H3,(H,8,9)(H,10,11) UPa:UPC03087 5-acetamidopentanoate C7H13NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H13NO3/c1-6(9)8-5-3-2-4-7(10)11/h2-5H2,1H3,(H,8,9)(H,10,11) UPa: CHEBI:78440 KEGG:C03089 5-methylthio-D-ribose compound C6H12O4S InChI=1S/C6H12O4S/c1-11-2-3-4(7)5(8)6(9)10-3/h3-9H,2H2,1H3/t3-,4-,5-,6?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03089 5-methylthio-alpha-D-ribose 5-methylthio-D-ribose KEGG:KEGG C6H12O4S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12O4S/c1-11-2-3-4(7)5(8)6(9)10-3/h3-9H,2H2,1H3/t3-,4-,5-,6?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:37737 KEGG:C03090 compound C5H12NO7P InChI=1S/C5H12NO7P/c6-5-4(8)3(7)2(13-5)1-12-14(9,10)11/h2-5,7-8H,1,6H2,(H2,9,10,11)/t2-,3-,4-,5-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03090 5-phospho-beta-D-ribosylamine C5H12NO7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H12NO7P/c6-5-4(8)3(7)2(13-5)1-12-14(9,10)11/h2-5,7-8H,1,6H2,(H2,9,10,11)/t2-,3-,4-,5-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15890 KEGG:C03114 compound C9H10N2 InChI=1S/C9H10N2/c1-6-3-8-9(4-7(6)2)11-5-10-8/h3-5H,1-2H3,(H,10,11) UPa:UPC03114 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole C9H10N2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H10N2/c1-6-3-8-9(4-7(6)2)11-5-10-8/h3-5H,1-2H3,(H,10,11) UPa: CHEBI:15509 KEGG:C03160 o-succinylbenzoyl-CoA compound C32H44N7O20P3S InChI=1S/C32H44N7O20P3S/c1-32(2,26(44)29(45)35-10-9-21(41)34-11-12-63-22(42)8-7-19(40)17-5-3-4-6-18(17)31(46)47)14-56-62(53,54)59-61(51,52)55-13-20-25(58-60(48,49)50)24(43)30(57-20)39-16-38-23-27(33)36-15-37-28(23)39/h3-6,15-16,20,24-26,30,43-44H,7-14H2,1-2H3,(H,34,41)(H,35,45)(H,46,47)(H,51,52)(H,53,54)(H2,33,36,37)(H2,48,49,50)/t20-,24-,25-,26+,30-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03160 2-succinylbenzoyl-CoA o-succinylbenzoyl-CoA KEGG:KEGG C32H44N7O20P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C32H44N7O20P3S/c1-32(2,26(44)29(45)35-10-9-21(41)34-11-12-63-22(42)8-7-19(40)17-5-3-4-6-18(17)31(46)47)14-56-62(53,54)59-61(51,52)55-13-20-25(58-60(48,49)50)24(43)30(57-20)39-16-38-23-27(33)36-15-37-28(23)39/h3-6,15-16,20,24-26,30,43-44H,7-14H2,1-2H3,(H,34,41)(H,35,45)(H,46,47)(H,51,52)(H,53,54)(H2,33,36,37)(H2,48,49,50)/t20-,24-,25-,26+,30-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17052 KEGG:C03175 compound C7H11O8P InChI=1S/C7H11O8P/c8-4-1-3(7(10)11)2-5(6(4)9)15-16(12,13)14/h2,4-6,8-9H,1H2,(H,10,11)(H2,12,13,14)/t4-,5-,6+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03175 3-phosphoshikimate C7H11O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H11O8P/c8-4-1-3(7(10)11)2-5(6(4)9)15-16(12,13)14/h2,4-6,8-9H,1H2,(H,10,11)(H2,12,13,14)/t4-,5-,6+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15675 KEGG:C03194 compound C3H9NO InChI=1S/C3H9NO/c1-3(5)2-4/h3,5H,2,4H2,1H3/t3-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03194 (R)-1-aminopropan-2-ol C3H9NO KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H9NO/c1-3(5)2-4/h3,5H,2,4H2,1H3/t3-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17380 KEGG:C03227 compound C10H12N2O4 InChI=1S/C10H12N2O4/c11-6(10(15)16)4-8(14)5-2-1-3-7(13)9(5)12/h1-3,6,13H,4,11-12H2,(H,15,16)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC03227 3-hydroxy-L-kynurenine C10H12N2O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H12N2O4/c11-6(10(15)16)4-8(14)5-2-1-3-7(13)9(5)12/h1-3,6,13H,4,11-12H2,(H,15,16)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15488 KEGG:C03231 compound C27H42N7O19P3S InChI=1S/C27H42N7O19P3S/c1-14(8-17(36)37)9-18(38)57-7-6-29-16(35)4-5-30-25(41)22(40)27(2,3)11-50-56(47,48)53-55(45,46)49-10-15-21(52-54(42,43)44)20(39)26(51-15)34-13-33-19-23(28)31-12-32-24(19)34/h9,12-13,15,20-22,26,39-40H,4-8,10-11H2,1-3H3,(H,29,35)(H,30,41)(H,36,37)(H,45,46)(H,47,48)(H2,28,31,32)(H2,42,43,44)/b14-9+/t15-,20-,21-,22+,26-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03231 3-methylglutaconyl-CoA C27H42N7O19P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C27H42N7O19P3S/c1-14(8-17(36)37)9-18(38)57-7-6-29-16(35)4-5-30-25(41)22(40)27(2,3)11-50-56(47,48)53-55(45,46)49-10-15-21(52-54(42,43)44)20(39)26(51-15)34-13-33-19-23(28)31-12-32-24(19)34/h9,12-13,15,20-22,26,39-40H,4-8,10-11H2,1-3H3,(H,29,35)(H,30,41)(H,36,37)(H,45,46)(H,47,48)(H2,28,31,32)(H2,42,43,44)/b14-9+/t15-,20-,21-,22+,26-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18110 CHEBI:30933 KEGG:C03232 compound C3H5O7P InChI=1S/C3H5O7P/c4-2(3(5)6)1-10-11(7,8)9/h1H2,(H,5,6)(H2,7,8,9) UPa:UPC03232 3-phosphohydroxypyruvate C3H5O7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H5O7P/c4-2(3(5)6)1-10-11(7,8)9/h1H2,(H,5,6)(H2,7,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:17199 KEGG:C03233 4,5-dihydroxyphthalic acid compound C8H6O6 InChI=1S/C8H6O6/c9-5-1-3(7(11)12)4(8(13)14)2-6(5)10/h1-2,9-10H,(H,11,12)(H,13,14) UPa:UPC03233 4,5-dihydroxyphthalate 4,5-dihydroxyphthalic acid KEGG:KEGG C8H6O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H6O6/c9-5-1-3(7(11)12)4(8(13)14)2-6(5)10/h1-2,9-10H,(H,11,12)(H,13,14) UPa: CHEBI:15439 KEGG:C03263 compound C36H44N4O8 InChI=1S/C36H44N4O8/c1-17-21(5-9-33(41)42)29-14-27-19(3)22(6-10-34(43)44)30(39-27)15-28-20(4)24(8-12-36(47)48)32(40-28)16-31-23(7-11-35(45)46)18(2)26(38-31)13-25(17)37-29/h37-40H,5-16H2,1-4H3,(H,41,42)(H,43,44)(H,45,46)(H,47,48) UPa:UPC03263 coproporphyrinogen-III C36H44N4O8 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C36H44N4O8/c1-17-21(5-9-33(41)42)29-14-27-19(3)22(6-10-34(43)44)30(39-27)15-28-20(4)24(8-12-36(47)48)32(40-28)16-31-23(7-11-35(45)46)18(2)26(38-31)13-25(17)37-29/h37-40H,5-16H2,1-4H3,(H,41,42)(H,43,44)(H,45,46)(H,47,48) UPa: CHEBI:16120 CHEBI:39153 KEGG:C03273 compound C5H8O3 InChI=1S/C5H8O3/c6-4-2-1-3-5(7)8/h4H,1-3H2,(H,7,8) UPa:UPC03273 5-oxopentanoate C5H8O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H8O3/c6-4-2-1-3-5(7)8/h4H,1-3H2,(H,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:48950 KEGG:C03283 L-2,4-diaminobutyrate compound C4H10N2O2 InChI=1S/C4H10N2O2/c5-2-1-3(6)4(7)8/h3H,1-2,5-6H2,(H,7,8)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC03283 L-2,4-diaminobutanoate L-2,4-diaminobutyrate KEGG:KEGG C4H10N2O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H10N2O2/c5-2-1-3(6)4(7)8/h3H,1-2,5-6H2,(H,7,8)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17798 KEGG:C03287 L-glutamate 5-phosphate compound C5H10NO7P InChI=1S/C5H10NO7P/c6-3(5(8)9)1-2-4(7)13-14(10,11)12/h3H,1-2,6H2,(H,8,9)(H2,10,11,12)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC03287 L-glutamyl 5-phosphate L-glutamate 5-phosphate KEGG:KEGG C5H10NO7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H10NO7P/c6-3(5(8)9)1-2-4(7)13-14(10,11)12/h3H,1-2,6H2,(H,8,9)(H2,10,11,12)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:73681 KEGG:C03289 compound C6H8O6 InChI=1S/C6H8O6/c7-1-2(8)5-3(9)4(10)6(11)12-5/h2-3,5,7-9H,1H2/t2-,3+,5+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC03289 L-xylo-hexulonolactone C6H8O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H8O6/c7-1-2(8)5-3(9)4(10)6(11)12-5/h2-3,5,7-9H,1H2/t2-,3+,5+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16593 KEGG:C03291 compound C5H11O8P InChI=1S/C5H11O8P/c6-1-3(7)5(9)4(8)2-13-14(10,11)12/h4-6,8-9H,1-2H2,(H2,10,11,12)/t4-,5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC03291 L-xylulose 5-phosphate C5H11O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H11O8P/c6-1-3(7)5(9)4(8)2-13-14(10,11)12/h4-6,8-9H,1-2H2,(H2,10,11,12)/t4-,5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17705 KEGG:C03296 compound C10H18N4O5 InChI=1S/C10H18N4O5/c11-10(12)13-5-1-2-6(9(18)19)14-7(15)3-4-8(16)17/h6H,1-5H2,(H,14,15)(H,16,17)(H,18,19)(H4,11,12,13)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC03296 N(2)-succinyl-L-arginine C10H18N4O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H18N4O5/c11-10(12)13-5-1-2-6(9(18)19)14-7(15)3-4-8(16)17/h6H,1-5H2,(H,14,15)(H,16,17)(H,18,19)(H4,11,12,13)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15774 KEGG:C03319 compound C16H26N2O15P2 InChI=1S/C16H26N2O15P2/c1-6-4-18(16(24)17-14(6)23)10-3-8(19)9(31-10)5-29-34(25,26)33-35(27,28)32-15-13(22)12(21)11(20)7(2)30-15/h4,7-13,15,19-22H,3,5H2,1-2H3,(H,25,26)(H,27,28)(H,17,23,24)/t7-,8-,9+,10+,11-,12+,13+,15+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC03319 dTDP-L-rhamnose C16H26N2O15P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C16H26N2O15P2/c1-6-4-18(16(24)17-14(6)23)10-3-8(19)9(31-10)5-29-34(25,26)33-35(27,28)32-15-13(22)12(21)11(20)7(2)30-15/h4,7-13,15,19-22H,3,5H2,1-2H3,(H,25,26)(H,27,28)(H,17,23,24)/t7-,8-,9+,10+,11-,12+,13+,15+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18042 CHEBI:30620 KEGG:C03340 2,3-dihydrodipicolinate compound C7H7NO4 InChI=1S/C7H7NO4/c9-6(10)4-2-1-3-5(8-4)7(11)12/h1-2,5H,3H2,(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC03340 (S)-2,3-dihydrodipicolinate 2,3-dihydrodipicolinate KEGG:KEGG C7H7NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H7NO4/c9-6(10)4-2-1-3-5(8-4)7(11)12/h1-2,5H,3H2,(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28843 KEGG:C03373 compound C8H14N3O7P InChI=1S/C8H14N3O7P/c9-5-1-10-3-11(5)8-7(13)6(12)4(18-8)2-17-19(14,15)16/h1,3-4,6-8,12-13H,2,9H2,(H2,14,15,16)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03373 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole C8H14N3O7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H14N3O7P/c9-5-1-10-3-11(5)8-7(13)6(12)4(18-8)2-17-19(14,15)16/h1,3-4,6-8,12-13H,2,9H2,(H2,14,15,16)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:49003 KEGG:C03393 compound C4H9O8P InChI=1S/C4H9O8P/c5-2(3(6)4(7)8)1-12-13(9,10)11/h2-3,5-6H,1H2,(H,7,8)(H2,9,10,11)/t2-,3-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03393 4-phospho-D-erythronate C4H9O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H9O8P/c5-2(3(6)4(7)8)1-12-13(9,10)11/h2-3,5-6H,1H2,(H,7,8)(H2,9,10,11)/t2-,3-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15682 KEGG:C03406 N(omega)-(L-arginino)succinic acid compound C10H18N4O6 InChI=1S/C10H18N4O6/c11-5(8(17)18)2-1-3-13-10(12)14-6(9(19)20)4-7(15)16/h5-6H,1-4,11H2,(H,15,16)(H,17,18)(H,19,20)(H3,12,13,14)/t5-,6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC03406 (N(omega)-L-arginino)succinate N(omega)-(L-arginino)succinic acid KEGG:KEGG C10H18N4O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H18N4O6/c11-5(8(17)18)2-1-3-13-10(12)14-6(9(19)20)4-7(15)16/h5-6H,1-4,11H2,(H,15,16)(H,17,18)(H,19,20)(H3,12,13,14)/t5-,6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27574 KEGG:C03415 compound C9H16N2O5 InChI=1S/C9H16N2O5/c10-5-1-2-6(9(15)16)11-7(12)3-4-8(13)14/h6H,1-5,10H2,(H,11,12)(H,13,14)(H,15,16)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC03415 N(2)-succinyl-L-ornithine C9H16N2O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H16N2O5/c10-5-1-2-6(9(15)16)11-7(12)3-4-8(13)14/h6H,1-5,10H2,(H,11,12)(H,13,14)(H,15,16)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17090 KEGG:C03427 compound C40H68O7P2 InChI=1S/C40H68O7P2/c1-31(2)17-11-19-33(5)21-13-23-35(7)25-15-26-37(9)29-38-39(30-46-49(44,45)47-48(41,42)43)40(38,10)28-16-27-36(8)24-14-22-34(6)20-12-18-32(3)4/h17-18,21-22,25,27,29,38-39H,11-16,19-20,23-24,26,28,30H2,1-10H3,(H,44,45)(H2,41,42,43)/b33-21+,34-22+,35-25+,36-27+,37-29+/t38-,39-,40-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03427 prephytoene diphosphate C40H68O7P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C40H68O7P2/c1-31(2)17-11-19-33(5)21-13-23-35(7)25-15-26-37(9)29-38-39(30-46-49(44,45)47-48(41,42)43)40(38,10)28-16-27-36(8)24-14-22-34(6)20-12-18-32(3)4/h17-18,21-22,25,27,29,38-39H,11-16,19-20,23-24,26,28,30H2,1-10H3,(H,44,45)(H2,41,42,43)/b33-21+,34-22+,35-25+,36-27+,37-29+/t38-,39-,40-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15442 KEGG:C03428 compound C30H52O7P2 InChI=1S/C30H52O7P2/c1-23(2)13-9-15-25(5)17-11-18-27(7)21-28-29(22-36-39(34,35)37-38(31,32)33)30(28,8)20-12-19-26(6)16-10-14-24(3)4/h13-14,17,19,21,28-29H,9-12,15-16,18,20,22H2,1-8H3,(H,34,35)(H2,31,32,33)/b25-17+,26-19+,27-21+/t28-,29-,30-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03428 presqualene diphosphate C30H52O7P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C30H52O7P2/c1-23(2)13-9-15-25(5)17-11-18-27(7)21-28-29(22-36-39(34,35)37-38(31,32)33)30(28,8)20-12-19-26(6)16-10-14-24(3)4/h13-14,17,19,21,28-29H,9-12,15-16,18,20,22H2,1-8H3,(H,34,35)(H2,31,32,33)/b25-17+,26-19+,27-21+/t28-,29-,30-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27933 KEGG:C03438 compound UPa:UPC03438 beta-lactam CHEBI:15694 KEGG:C03451 compound C13H21N3O8S InChI=1S/C13H21N3O8S/c1-6(17)13(24)25-5-8(11(21)15-4-10(19)20)16-9(18)3-2-7(14)12(22)23/h6-8,17H,2-5,14H2,1H3,(H,15,21)(H,16,18)(H,19,20)(H,22,23)/t6-,7+,8+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03451 (R)-S-lactoylglutathione C13H21N3O8S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C13H21N3O8S/c1-6(17)13(24)25-5-8(11(21)15-4-10(19)20)16-9(18)3-2-7(14)12(22)23/h6-8,17H,2-5,14H2,1H3,(H,15,21)(H,16,18)(H,19,20)(H,22,23)/t6-,7+,8+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17778 KEGG:C03459 2-hydroxy-3-oxosuccinic acid compound C4H4O6 InChI=1S/C4H4O6/c5-1(3(7)8)2(6)4(9)10/h1,5H,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) UPa:UPC03459 2-hydroxy-3-oxosuccinate 2-hydroxy-3-oxosuccinic acid KEGG:KEGG C4H4O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H4O6/c5-1(3(7)8)2(6)4(9)10/h1,5H,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:17559 KEGG:C03470 3-alpha-(S)-strictosidine compound C27H34N2O9 InChI=1S/C27H34N2O9/c1-3-13-16(10-19-21-15(8-9-28-19)14-6-4-5-7-18(14)29-21)17(25(34)35-2)12-36-26(13)38-27-24(33)23(32)22(31)20(11-30)37-27/h3-7,12-13,16,19-20,22-24,26-33H,1,8-11H2,2H3/t13-,16+,19+,20-,22-,23+,24-,26+,27+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03470 3alpha(S)-strictosidine 3-alpha-(S)-strictosidine KEGG:KEGG C27H34N2O9 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C27H34N2O9/c1-3-13-16(10-19-21-15(8-9-28-19)14-6-4-5-7-18(14)29-21)17(25(34)35-2)12-36-26(13)38-27-24(33)23(32)22(31)20(11-30)37-27/h3-7,12-13,16,19-20,22-24,26-33H,1,8-11H2,2H3/t13-,16+,19+,20-,22-,23+,24-,26+,27+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15905 KEGG:C03492 compound C9H18NO8P InChI=1S/C9H18NO8P/c1-9(2,5-18-19(15,16)17)7(13)8(14)10-4-3-6(11)12/h7,13H,3-5H2,1-2H3,(H,10,14)(H,11,12)(H2,15,16,17)/t7-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC03492 (R)-4'-phosphopantothenate C9H18NO8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H18NO8P/c1-9(2,5-18-19(15,16)17)7(13)8(14)10-4-3-6(11)12/h7,13H,3-5H2,1-2H3,(H,10,14)(H,11,12)(H2,15,16,17)/t7-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18299 CHEBI:51793 KEGG:C03506 compound C11H14NO6P InChI=1S/C11H14NO6P/c13-10(6-18-19(15,16)17)11(14)8-5-12-9-4-2-1-3-7(8)9/h1-5,10-14H,6H2,(H2,15,16,17)/t10-,11+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03506 indoleglycerol phosphate C11H14NO6P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H14NO6P/c13-10(6-18-19(15,16)17)11(14)8-5-12-9-4-2-1-3-7(8)9/h1-5,10-14H,6H2,(H2,15,16,17)/t10-,11+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16944 CHEBI:40673 KEGG:C03508 compound C4H7NO3 InChI=1S/C4H7NO3/c1-2(6)3(5)4(7)8/h3H,5H2,1H3,(H,7,8)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC03508 L-2-amino-3-oxobutanoic acid C4H7NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H7NO3/c1-2(6)3(5)4(7)8/h3H,5H2,1H3,(H,7,8)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28517 KEGG:C03569 2,2',3-trihydroxybiphenyl compound C12H10O3 InChI=1S/C12H10O3/c13-10-6-2-1-4-8(10)9-5-3-7-11(14)12(9)15/h1-7,13-15H UPa:UPC03569 biphenyl-2,2',3-triol 2,2',3-trihydroxybiphenyl KEGG:KEGG C12H10O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H10O3/c13-10-6-2-1-4-8(10)9-5-3-7-11(14)12(9)15/h1-7,13-15H UPa: CHEBI:17905 KEGG:C03576 HS-CoM compound C2H6O3S2 InChI=1S/C2H6O3S2/c3-7(4,5)2-1-6/h6H,1-2H2,(H,3,4,5) UPa:UPC03576 coenzyme M HS-CoM KEGG:KEGG C2H6O3S2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H6O3S2/c3-7(4,5)2-1-6/h6H,1-2H2,(H,3,4,5) UPa: CHEBI:27881 CHEBI:45713 KEGG:C03582 compound C14H12O3 InChI=1S/C14H12O3/c15-12-5-3-10(4-6-12)1-2-11-7-13(16)9-14(17)8-11/h1-9,15-17H/b2-1+ UPa:UPC03582 3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene C14H12O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H12O3/c15-12-5-3-10(4-6-12)1-2-11-7-13(16)9-14(17)8-11/h1-9,15-17H/b2-1+ UPa: CHEBI:18267 KEGG:C03586 5-oxo-4,5-dihydrofuran-2-acetate compound C6H6O4 InChI=1S/C6H6O4/c7-5(8)3-4-1-2-6(9)10-4/h1H,2-3H2,(H,7,8) UPa:UPC03586 5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-2-furylacetate 5-oxo-4,5-dihydrofuran-2-acetate KEGG:KEGG C6H6O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H6O4/c7-5(8)3-4-1-2-6(9)10-4/h1H,2-3H2,(H,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:17655 KEGG:C03589 4-hydroxy-2-oxopentanoic acid compound C5H8O4 InChI=1S/C5H8O4/c1-3(6)2-4(7)5(8)9/h3,6H,2H2,1H3,(H,8,9) UPa:UPC03589 4-hydroxy-2-oxopentanoate 4-hydroxy-2-oxopentanoic acid KEGG:KEGG C5H8O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H8O4/c1-3(6)2-4(7)5(8)9/h3,6H,2H2,1H3,(H,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:70802 KEGG:C03598 compound C15H25N3O14P2 InChI=1S/C15H25N3O14P2/c1-6-7(19)4-8(20)14(29-6)31-34(26,27)32-33(24,25)28-5-9-11(21)12(22)13(30-9)18-3-2-10(16)17-15(18)23/h2-3,6-9,11-14,19-22H,4-5H2,1H3,(H,24,25)(H,26,27)(H2,16,17,23)/t6-,7+,8-,9-,11-,12-,13-,14-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03598 CDP-3,6-dideoxy-D-glucose C15H25N3O14P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H25N3O14P2/c1-6-7(19)4-8(20)14(29-6)31-34(26,27)32-33(24,25)28-5-9-11(21)12(22)13(30-9)18-3-2-10(16)17-15(18)23/h2-3,6-9,11-14,19-22H,4-5H2,1H3,(H,24,25)(H,26,27)(H2,16,17,23)/t6-,7+,8-,9-,11-,12-,13-,14-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17259 KEGG:C03599 compound C15H25N3O14P2 InChI=1S/C15H25N3O14P2/c1-6-7(19)4-8(20)14(29-6)31-34(26,27)32-33(24,25)28-5-9-11(21)12(22)13(30-9)18-3-2-10(16)17-15(18)23/h2-3,6-9,11-14,19-22H,4-5H2,1H3,(H,24,25)(H,26,27)(H2,16,17,23)/t6-,7+,8+,9-,11-,12-,13-,14-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03599 CDP-3,6-dideoxy-D-mannose C15H25N3O14P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H25N3O14P2/c1-6-7(19)4-8(20)14(29-6)31-34(26,27)32-33(24,25)28-5-9-11(21)12(22)13(30-9)18-3-2-10(16)17-15(18)23/h2-3,6-9,11-14,19-22H,4-5H2,1H3,(H,24,25)(H,26,27)(H2,16,17,23)/t6-,7+,8+,9-,11-,12-,13-,14-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:47980 KEGG:C03618 threo-3-methyl-L-aspartic acid compound C5H9NO4 InChI=1S/C5H9NO4/c1-2(4(7)8)3(6)5(9)10/h2-3H,6H2,1H3,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/t2-,3-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC03618 (2S,3S)-3-methyl-L-aspartate threo-3-methyl-L-aspartic acid KEGG:KEGG C5H9NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H9NO4/c1-2(4(7)8)3(6)5(9)10/h2-3H,6H2,1H3,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/t2-,3-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15582 KEGG:C03652 compound C6H10O5 InChI=1S/C6H10O5/c1-3(4(7)8)6(2,11)5(9)10/h3,11H,1-2H3,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/t3-,6-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03652 (2R,3S)-2,3-dimethylmalate C6H10O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O5/c1-3(4(7)8)6(2,11)5(9)10/h3,11H,1-2H3,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/t3-,6-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18094 KEGG:C03657 compound C11H8O4 InChI=1S/C11H8O4/c12-9-5-8(11(14)15)10(13)7-4-2-1-3-6(7)9/h1-5,12-13H,(H,14,15) UPa:UPC03657 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate C11H8O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H8O4/c12-9-5-8(11(14)15)10(13)7-4-2-1-3-6(7)9/h1-5,12-13H,(H,14,15) UPa: CHEBI:28854 KEGG:C03664 compound C8H6Cl2O3 InChI=1S/C8H6Cl2O3/c9-5-1-2-7(6(10)3-5)13-4-8(11)12/h1-3H,4H2,(H,11,12) UPa:UPC03664 (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetate C8H6Cl2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H6Cl2O3/c9-5-1-2-7(6(10)3-5)13-4-8(11)12/h1-3H,4H2,(H,11,12) UPa: CHEBI:17419 KEGG:C03676 compound C6H6O5 InChI=1S/C6H6O5/c7-4(3-6(10)11)1-2-5(8)9/h1-3,7H,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/b2-1-,4-3+ UPa:UPC03676 3-hydroxy-cis,cis-muconate C6H6O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H6O5/c7-4(3-6(10)11)1-2-5(8)9/h1-3,7H,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/b2-1-,4-3+ UPa: CHEBI:27384 KEGG:C03680 4-imidazolone-5-acetic acid compound C6H8N2O3 InChI=1S/C6H8N2O3/c9-5(10)2-1-4-6(11)8-3-7-4/h3-4H,1-2H2,(H,9,10)(H,7,8,11) UPa:UPC03680 4-imidazolone-5-propanoate 4-imidazolone-5-acetic acid KEGG:KEGG C6H8N2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H8N2O3/c9-5(10)2-1-4-6(11)8-3-7-4/h3-4H,1-2H2,(H,9,10)(H,7,8,11) UPa: CHEBI:17804 KEGG:C03684 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin compound C9H11N5O3 InChI=1S/C9H11N5O3/c1-3(15)6(16)4-2-11-7-5(12-4)8(17)14-9(10)13-7/h4,12H,2H2,1H3,(H4,10,11,13,14,17) UPa:UPC03684 6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin KEGG:KEGG C9H11N5O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H11N5O3/c1-3(15)6(16)4-2-11-7-5(12-4)8(17)14-9(10)13-7/h4,12H,2H2,1H3,(H4,10,11,13,14,17) UPa: CHEBI:16675 KEGG:C03722 pyridine-2,3-dicarboxylate compound C7H5NO4 InChI=1S/C7H5NO4/c9-6(10)4-2-1-3-8-5(4)7(11)12/h1-3H,(H,9,10)(H,11,12) UPa:UPC03722 quinolinate pyridine-2,3-dicarboxylate KEGG:KEGG C7H5NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H5NO4/c9-6(10)4-2-1-3-8-5(4)7(11)12/h1-3H,(H,9,10)(H,11,12) UPa: CHEBI:15757 KEGG:C03741 L-glutamate 1-semialdehyde compound C5H9NO3 InChI=1S/C5H9NO3/c6-4(3-7)1-2-5(8)9/h3-4H,1-2,6H2,(H,8,9)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC03741 (S)-4-amino-5-oxopentanoic acid L-glutamate 1-semialdehyde KEGG:KEGG C5H9NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H9NO3/c6-4(3-7)1-2-5(8)9/h3-4H,1-2,6H2,(H,8,9)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16660 KEGG:C03742 compound C8H7NO2 InChI=1S/C8H7NO2/c9-5-8(11)6-1-3-7(10)4-2-6/h1-4,8,10-11H/t8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03742 (S)-4-hydroxymandelonitrile C8H7NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H7NO2/c9-5-8(11)6-1-3-7(10)4-2-6/h1-4,8,10-11H/t8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18243 KEGG:C03758 compound C8H11NO2 InChI=1S/C8H11NO2/c9-4-3-6-1-2-7(10)8(11)5-6/h1-2,5,10-11H,3-4,9H2 UPa:UPC03758 dopamine C8H11NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H11NO2/c9-4-3-6-1-2-7(10)8(11)5-6/h1-2,5,10-11H,3-4,9H2 UPa: CHEBI:4250 KEGG:C03785 compound C6H14O12P2 InChI=1S/C6H14O12P2/c7-4-3(1-16-19(10,11)12)18-6(9,5(4)8)2-17-20(13,14)15/h3-5,7-9H,1-2H2,(H2,10,11,12)(H2,13,14,15)/t3-,4+,5+,6?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03785 D-tagatose 1,6-bisphosphate C6H14O12P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H14O12P2/c7-4-3(1-16-19(10,11)12)18-6(9,5(4)8)2-17-20(13,14)15/h3-5,7-9H,1-2H2,(H2,10,11,12)(H2,13,14,15)/t3-,4+,5+,6?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15919 KEGG:C03794 N(6)-(1,2-dicarboxyethyl)AMP compound C14H18N5O11P InChI=1S/C14H18N5O11P/c20-7(21)1-5(14(24)25)18-11-8-12(16-3-15-11)19(4-17-8)13-10(23)9(22)6(30-13)2-29-31(26,27)28/h3-6,9-10,13,22-23H,1-2H2,(H,20,21)(H,24,25)(H,15,16,18)(H2,26,27,28)/t5-,6+,9+,10+,13+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC03794 N(6)-(1,2-dicarboxyethyl)-AMP N(6)-(1,2-dicarboxyethyl)AMP KEGG:KEGG C14H18N5O11P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H18N5O11P/c20-7(21)1-5(14(24)25)18-11-8-12(16-3-15-11)19(4-17-8)13-10(23)9(22)6(30-13)2-29-31(26,27)28/h3-6,9-10,13,22-23H,1-2H2,(H,20,21)(H,24,25)(H,15,16,18)(H2,26,27,28)/t5-,6+,9+,10+,13+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18349 KEGG:C03838 compound C7H15N2O8P InChI=1S/C7H15N2O8P/c8-1-4(10)9-7-6(12)5(11)3(17-7)2-16-18(13,14)15/h3,5-7,11-12H,1-2,8H2,(H,9,10)(H2,13,14,15)/t3-,5-,6-,7-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC03838 N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide C7H15N2O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H15N2O8P/c8-1-4(10)9-7-6(12)5(11)3(17-7)2-16-18(13,14)15/h3,5-7,11-12H,1-2,8H2,(H,9,10)(H2,13,14,15)/t3-,5-,6-,7-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28245 KEGG:C03871 2-amino-6-oxopimelate compound C7H11NO5 InChI=1S/C7H11NO5/c8-4(6(10)11)2-1-3-5(9)7(12)13/h4H,1-3,8H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC03871 (S)-2-amino-6-oxopimelate 2-amino-6-oxopimelate KEGG:KEGG C7H11NO5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H11NO5/c8-4(6(10)11)2-1-3-5(9)7(12)13/h4H,1-3,8H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:37393 KEGG:C03892 compound UPa:UPC03892 phosphatidylglycerophosphate CHEBI:17388 CHEBI:371 KEGG:C03912 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate compound C5H7NO2 InChI=1S/C5H7NO2/c7-5(8)4-2-1-3-6-4/h3-4H,1-2H2,(H,7,8)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC03912 (S)-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate KEGG:KEGG C5H7NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H7NO2/c7-5(8)4-2-1-3-6-4/h3-4H,1-2H2,(H,7,8)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17827 KEGG:C03920 methyl-CoM compound C3H8O3S2 InChI=1S/C3H8O3S2/c1-7-2-3-8(4,5)6/h2-3H2,1H3,(H,4,5,6) UPa:UPC03920 methyl-coenzyme M methyl-CoM KEGG:KEGG C3H8O3S2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H8O3S2/c1-7-2-3-8(4,5)6/h2-3H2,1H3,(H,4,5,6) UPa: CHEBI:16845 CHEBI:864 KEGG:C03972 tetrahydrodipicolinate compound C7H9NO4 InChI=1S/C7H9NO4/c9-6(10)4-2-1-3-5(8-4)7(11)12/h4H,1-3H2,(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC03972 (S)-tetrahydrodipicolinate tetrahydrodipicolinate KEGG:KEGG C7H9NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H9NO4/c9-6(10)4-2-1-3-5(8-4)7(11)12/h4H,1-3H2,(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17516 KEGG:C04002 compound C7H8O6 InChI=1S/C7H8O6/c8-5(9)2-1-4(7(12)13)3-6(10)11/h3H,1-2H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/b4-3- UPa:UPC04002 homo-cis-aconitate C7H8O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H8O6/c8-5(9)2-1-4(7(12)13)3-6(10)11/h3H,1-2H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/b4-3- UPa: CHEBI:18169 KEGG:C04006 compound C6H13O9P InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-1-2(8)4(10)6(5(11)3(1)9)15-16(12,13)14/h1-11H,(H2,12,13,14)/t1-,2-,3+,4-,5-,6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04006 1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate C6H13O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-1-2(8)4(10)6(5(11)3(1)9)15-16(12,13)14/h1-11H,(H2,12,13,14)/t1-,2-,3+,4-,5-,6-/m0/s1 UPa: KEGG:C04021 compound UPa:UPC04021 phosphatidylinositol phosphate CHEBI:18136 CHEBI:46951 KEGG:C04044 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propionic acid compound C9H10O4 InChI=1S/C9H10O4/c10-7-3-1-2-6(9(7)13)4-5-8(11)12/h1-3,10,13H,4-5H2,(H,11,12) UPa:UPC04044 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propanoate 3-(2,3-dihydroxyphenyl)propionic acid KEGG:KEGG C9H10O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H10O4/c10-7-3-1-2-6(9(7)13)4-5-8(11)12/h1-3,10,13H,4-5H2,(H,11,12) UPa: CHEBI:15924 KEGG:C04052 5-carboxy-2-oxohept-3-enedioate compound C8H8O7 InChI=1S/C8H8O7/c9-5(8(14)15)2-1-4(7(12)13)3-6(10)11/h1-2,4H,3H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)(H,14,15)/b2-1- UPa:UPC04052 5-oxopent-3-ene-1,2,5-tricarboxylic acid 5-carboxy-2-oxohept-3-enedioate KEGG:KEGG C8H8O7 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H8O7/c9-5(8(14)15)2-1-4(7(12)13)3-6(10)11/h1-2,4H,3H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)(H,14,15)/b2-1- UPa: CHEBI:17117 CHEBI:17782 KEGG:C04053 5-dehydro-4-deoxy-D-glucuronate compound C6H8O6 InChI=1S/C6H8O6/c7-2-5(10)3(8)1-4(9)6(11)12/h2-3,5,8,10H,1H2,(H,11,12)/t3-,5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04053 5-dehydro-4-deoxy-D-glucuronic acid 5-dehydro-4-deoxy-D-glucuronate KEGG:KEGG C6H8O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H8O6/c7-2-5(10)3(8)1-4(9)6(11)12/h2-3,5,8,10H,1H2,(H,11,12)/t3-,5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17917 KEGG:C04076 alpha-aminoadipate 6-semialdehyde compound C6H11NO3 InChI=1S/C6H11NO3/c7-5(6(9)10)3-1-2-4-8/h4-5H,1-3,7H2,(H,9,10)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04076 L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdahyde alpha-aminoadipate 6-semialdehyde KEGG:KEGG C6H11NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H11NO3/c7-5(6(9)10)3-1-2-4-8/h4-5H,1-3,7H2,(H,9,10)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16190 KEGG:C04091 compound C6H8O2 InChI=1S/C6H8O2/c7-5-3-1-2-4-6(5)8/h1-8H/t5-,6+ UPa:UPC04091 cis-1,2-dihydrobenzene-1,2-diol C6H8O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H8O2/c7-5-3-1-2-4-6(5)8/h1-8H/t5-,6+ UPa: CHEBI:18014 KEGG:C04121 compound C17H26N3O15P InChI=1S/C17H26N3O15P/c18-9-1-2-20(16(29)19-9)14-12(26)11(25)8(33-14)5-32-36(30,31)35-17(15(27)28)3-6(22)10(24)13(34-17)7(23)4-21/h1-2,6-8,10-14,21-26H,3-5H2,(H,27,28)(H,30,31)(H2,18,19,29)/t6-,7-,8-,10-,11-,12-,13-,14-,17-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04121 CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate C17H26N3O15P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C17H26N3O15P/c18-9-1-2-20(16(29)19-9)14-12(26)11(25)8(33-14)5-32-36(30,31)35-17(15(27)28)3-6(22)10(24)13(34-17)7(23)4-21/h1-2,6-8,10-14,21-26H,3-5H2,(H,27,28)(H,30,31)(H2,18,19,29)/t6-,7-,8-,10-,11-,12-,13-,14-,17-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16878 KEGG:C04133 N-acetyl-L-glutamate 5-phosphate compound C7H12NO8P InChI=1S/C7H12NO8P/c1-4(9)8-5(7(11)12)2-3-6(10)16-17(13,14)15/h5H,2-3H2,1H3,(H,8,9)(H,11,12)(H2,13,14,15)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04133 N-acetyl-L-glutamyl 5-phosphate N-acetyl-L-glutamate 5-phosphate KEGG:KEGG C7H12NO8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H12NO8P/c1-4(9)8-5(7(11)12)2-3-6(10)16-17(13,14)15/h5H,2-3H2,1H3,(H,8,9)(H,11,12)(H2,13,14,15)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17420 KEGG:C04144 compound C29H37N9O12 InChI=1S/C29H37N9O12/c30-29-37-23-22(25(44)38-29)33-15(12-32-23)11-31-14-3-1-13(2-4-14)24(43)36-18(28(49)50)6-9-20(40)34-16(26(45)46)5-8-19(39)35-17(27(47)48)7-10-21(41)42/h1-4,15-18,31,33H,5-12H2,(H,34,40)(H,35,39)(H,36,43)(H,41,42)(H,45,46)(H,47,48)(H,49,50)(H4,30,32,37,38,44)/t15-,16-,17-,18-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04144 tetrahydropteroyltri-L-glutamate C29H37N9O12 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C29H37N9O12/c30-29-37-23-22(25(44)38-29)33-15(12-32-23)11-31-14-3-1-13(2-4-14)24(43)36-18(28(49)50)6-9-20(40)34-16(26(45)46)5-8-19(39)35-17(27(47)48)7-10-21(41)42/h1-4,15-18,31,33H,5-12H2,(H,34,40)(H,35,39)(H,36,43)(H,41,42)(H,45,46)(H,47,48)(H,49,50)(H4,30,32,37,38,44)/t15-,16-,17-,18-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16275 KEGG:C04146 compound C40H68O7P2 InChI=1S/C40H68O7P2/c1-33(2)17-10-18-34(3)19-11-20-35(4)21-12-22-36(5)23-13-24-37(6)25-14-26-38(7)27-15-28-39(8)29-16-30-40(9)31-32-46-49(44,45)47-48(41,42)43/h17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31H,10-16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32H2,1-9H3,(H,44,45)(H2,41,42,43)/b34-19+,35-21+,36-23+,37-25+,38-27+,39-29+,40-31+ UPa:UPC04146 all-trans-octaprenyl diphosphate C40H68O7P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C40H68O7P2/c1-33(2)17-10-18-34(3)19-11-20-35(4)21-12-22-36(5)23-13-24-37(6)25-14-26-38(7)27-15-28-39(8)29-16-30-40(9)31-32-46-49(44,45)47-48(41,42)43/h17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31H,10-16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32H2,1-9H3,(H,44,45)(H2,41,42,43)/b34-19+,35-21+,36-23+,37-25+,38-27+,39-29+,40-31+ UPa: CHEBI:11812 CHEBI:17667 KEGG:C04181 compound C5H8O4 InChI=1S/C5H8O4/c1-5(2,9)3(6)4(7)8/h9H,1-2H3,(H,7,8) UPa:UPC04181 2-oxo-3-hydroxyisovalerate C5H8O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H8O4/c1-5(2,9)3(6)4(7)8/h9H,1-2H3,(H,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:2040 KEGG:C04186 5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconate compound C8H8O7 InChI=1S/C8H8O7/c9-5(8(14)15)2-1-4(7(12)13)3-6(10)11/h1-2,9H,3H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)(H,14,15)/b4-1-,5-2+ UPa:UPC04186 5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconic acid 5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconate KEGG:KEGG C8H8O7 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H8O7/c9-5(8(14)15)2-1-4(7(12)13)3-6(10)11/h1-2,9H,3H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)(H,14,15)/b4-1-,5-2+ UPa: CHEBI:27859 KEGG:C04188 (S)-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate compound C6H13O7PS InChI=1S/C6H13O7PS/c1-15-2-3-4(7)5(8)6(12-3)13-14(9,10)11/h3-8H,2H2,1H3,(H2,9,10,11)/t3-,4-,5-,6-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04188 S-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate (S)-methyl-5-thio-alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate KEGG:KEGG C6H13O7PS KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13O7PS/c1-15-2-3-4(7)5(8)6(12-3)13-14(9,10)11/h3-8H,2H2,1H3,(H2,9,10,11)/t3-,4-,5-,6-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16453 KEGG:C04226 compound C6H7NO3 InChI=1S/C6H7NO3/c8-5-2-1-4(3-7-5)6(9)10/h3H,1-2H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) UPa:UPC04226 6-hydroxynicotinate C6H7NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H7NO3/c8-5-2-1-4(3-7-5)6(9)10/h3H,1-2H2,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:1467 KEGG:C04236 compound C7H10O5 InChI=1S/C7H10O5/c1-3(2)4(6(9)10)5(8)7(11)12/h3-4H,1-2H3,(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04236 3-carboxy-4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate C7H10O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H10O5/c1-3(2)4(6(9)10)5(8)7(11)12/h3-4H,1-2H3,(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/t4-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17248 KEGG:C04244 compound C9H13N5O3 InChI=1S/C9H13N5O3/c1-3(15)6(16)4-2-11-7-5(12-4)8(17)14-9(10)13-7/h3-4,12,15H,2H2,1H3,(H4,10,11,13,14,17) UPa:UPC04244 6-lactoyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterin C9H13N5O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H13N5O3/c1-3(15)6(16)4-2-11-7-5(12-4)8(17)14-9(10)13-7/h3-4,12,15H,2H2,1H3,(H4,10,11,13,14,17) UPa: KEGG:C04253 compound UPa:UPC04253 electron-transferring flavoprotein CHEBI:7125 KEGG:C04256 compound C8H16NO9P InChI=1S/C8H16NO9P/c1-3(11)9-5-7(13)6(12)4(2-10)17-8(5)18-19(14,15)16/h4-8,10,12-13H,2H2,1H3,(H,9,11)(H2,14,15,16)/t4-,5-,6-,7-,8?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04256 N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate C8H16NO9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H16NO9P/c1-3(11)9-5-7(13)6(12)4(2-10)17-8(5)18-19(14,15)16/h4-8,10,12-13H,2H2,1H3,(H,9,11)(H2,14,15,16)/t4-,5-,6-,7-,8?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28273 CHEBI:62168 KEGG:C04257 compound C8H16NO9P InChI=1S/C8H16NO9P/c1-3(10)9-5-7(12)6(11)4(18-8(5)13)2-17-19(14,15)16/h4-8,11-13H,2H2,1H3,(H,9,10)(H2,14,15,16)/t4-,5+,6-,7-,8?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04257 N-acetyl-D-mannosamine 6-phosphate C8H16NO9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H16NO9P/c1-3(10)9-5-7(12)6(11)4(18-8(5)13)2-17-19(14,15)16/h4-8,11-13H,2H2,1H3,(H,9,10)(H2,14,15,16)/t4-,5+,6-,7-,8?/m1/s1 UPa: KEGG:C04261 compound UPa:UPC04261 protein N(pi)-phospho-L-histidine CHEBI:15684 CHEBI:49072 KEGG:C04272 (R)-2,3-Dihydroxy-3-methylbutanoate (R)-2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylbutanoic acid compound C5H10O4 InChI=1S/C5H10O4/c1-5(2,9)3(6)4(7)8/h3,6,9H,1-2H3,(H,7,8)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04272 (R)-2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylbutanoate (R)-2,3-Dihydroxy-3-methylbutanoate KEGG:KEGG (R)-2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylbutanoic acid KEGG:KEGG C5H10O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H10O4/c1-5(2,9)3(6)4(7)8/h3,6,9H,1-2H3,(H,7,8)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16145 CHEBI:28446 KEGG:C04287 compound C6H8O5 InChI=1S/C6H8O5/c7-2-1-3(8)5(10)6(11)4(2)9/h2,4,6-7,9,11H,1H2/t2-,4+,6-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04287 3D-3,5/4-trihydroxycyclohexane-1,2-dione C6H8O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H8O5/c7-2-1-3(8)5(10)6(11)4(2)9/h2,4,6-7,9,11H,1H2/t2-,4+,6-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17957 KEGG:C04294 4-methyl-5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-thiazole compound C6H9NOS InChI=1S/C6H9NOS/c1-5-6(2-3-8)9-4-7-5/h4,8H,2-3H2,1H3 UPa:UPC04294 5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazole 4-methyl-5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-thiazole KEGG:KEGG C6H9NOS KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H9NOS/c1-5-6(2-3-8)9-4-7-5/h4,8H,2-3H2,1H3 UPa: CHEBI:70800 KEGG:C04297 compound C15H23N3O14P2 InChI=1S/C15H23N3O14P2/c1-6-7(19)4-8(20)14(29-6)31-34(26,27)32-33(24,25)28-5-9-11(21)12(22)13(30-9)18-3-2-10(16)17-15(18)23/h2-3,6,8-9,11-14,20-22H,4-5H2,1H3,(H,24,25)(H,26,27)(H2,16,17,23)/t6-,8-,9-,11-,12-,13-,14-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04297 CDP-4-dehydro-3,6-dideoxy-D-glucose C15H23N3O14P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H23N3O14P2/c1-6-7(19)4-8(20)14(29-6)31-34(26,27)32-33(24,25)28-5-9-11(21)12(22)13(30-9)18-3-2-10(16)17-15(18)23/h2-3,6,8-9,11-14,20-22H,4-5H2,1H3,(H,24,25)(H,26,27)(H2,16,17,23)/t6-,8-,9-,11-,12-,13-,14-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18277 CHEBI:7091 KEGG:C04302 N-(5-phospho-ribosyl) anthranilate compound C12H16NO9P InChI=1S/C12H16NO9P/c14-9-8(5-21-23(18,19)20)22-11(10(9)15)13-7-4-2-1-3-6(7)12(16)17/h1-4,8-11,13-15H,5H2,(H,16,17)(H2,18,19,20)/t8-,9-,10-,11-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04302 N-(5-phospho-beta-D-ribosyl)anthranilic acid N-(5-phospho-ribosyl) anthranilate KEGG:KEGG C12H16NO9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H16NO9P/c14-9-8(5-21-23(18,19)20)22-11(10(9)15)13-7-4-2-1-3-6(7)12(16)17/h1-4,8-11,13-15H,5H2,(H,16,17)(H2,18,19,20)/t8-,9-,10-,11-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17857 KEGG:C04327 compound C6H10NO4PS InChI=1S/C6H10NO4PS/c1-5-6(13-4-7-5)2-3-11-12(8,9)10/h4H,2-3H2,1H3,(H2,8,9,10) UPa:UPC04327 4-methyl-5-(2-phosphoethyl)-thiazole C6H10NO4PS KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10NO4PS/c1-5-6(13-4-7-5)2-3-11-12(8,9)10/h4H,2-3H2,1H3,(H2,8,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:17975 KEGG:C04330 5,10-methenyl-H(4)MPT 5,10-methenyl-THMPT compound C31H44N6O16P InChI=1S/C31H43N6O16P/c1-13-22-14(2)36(12-37(22)23-27(33-13)34-31(32)35-28(23)45)16-5-3-15(4-6-16)9-17(38)24(42)18(39)10-50-30-26(44)25(43)20(52-30)11-51-54(48,49)53-19(29(46)47)7-8-21(40)41/h3-6,12-14,17-20,22,24-26,30,38-39,42-44H,7-11H2,1-2H3,(H6-,32,33,34,35,40,41,45,46,47,48,49)/p+1/t13-,14+,17-,18+,19-,20+,22+,24-,25+,26+,30-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04330 5,10-methenyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin 5,10-methenyl-H(4)MPT KEGG:KEGG 5,10-methenyl-THMPT KEGG:KEGG C31H44N6O16P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C31H43N6O16P/c1-13-22-14(2)36(12-37(22)23-27(33-13)34-31(32)35-28(23)45)16-5-3-15(4-6-16)9-17(38)24(42)18(39)10-50-30-26(44)25(43)20(52-30)11-51-54(48,49)53-19(29(46)47)7-8-21(40)41/h3-6,12-14,17-20,22,24-26,30,38-39,42-44H,7-11H2,1-2H3,(H6-,32,33,34,35,40,41,45,46,47,48,49)/p+1/t13-,14+,17-,18+,19-,20+,22+,24-,25+,26+,30-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17601 KEGG:C04332 4-(1-D-ribitylamino)-5-amino-2,6-dihydroxypyrimidine compound C13H18N4O6 InChI=1S/C13H18N4O6/c1-5-6(2)17(3-7(19)10(21)8(20)4-18)11-9(14-5)12(22)16-13(23)15-11/h7-8,10,18-21H,3-4H2,1-2H3,(H,16,22,23)/t7-,8+,10-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04332 6,7-dimethyl-8-(1-D-ribityl)lumazine 4-(1-D-ribitylamino)-5-amino-2,6-dihydroxypyrimidine KEGG:KEGG C13H18N4O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C13H18N4O6/c1-5-6(2)17(3-7(19)10(21)8(20)4-18)11-9(14-5)12(22)16-13(23)15-11/h7-8,10,18-21H,3-4H2,1-2H3,(H,16,22,23)/t7-,8+,10-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15623 KEGG:C04349 (4S)-4,6-dihydroxy-2,5-dioxohexanoate compound C6H8O6 InChI=1S/C6H8O6/c7-2-5(10)3(8)1-4(9)6(11)12/h3,7-8H,1-2H2,(H,11,12)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04349 3-deoxy-D-glycero-hexo-2,5-diulosonate (4S)-4,6-dihydroxy-2,5-dioxohexanoate KEGG:KEGG C6H8O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H8O6/c7-2-5(10)3(8)1-4(9)6(11)12/h3,7-8H,1-2H2,(H,11,12)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15769 KEGG:C04352 N-((R)-4'-phosphopantothenoyl)-L-cysteine compound C12H23N2O9PS InChI=1S/C12H23N2O9PS/c1-12(2,6-23-24(20,21)22)9(16)10(17)13-4-3-8(15)14-7(5-25)11(18)19/h7,9,16,25H,3-6H2,1-2H3,(H,13,17)(H,14,15)(H,18,19)(H2,20,21,22)/t7-,9-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04352 N-[(R)-4-phosphonopantothenoyl]-L-cysteine N-((R)-4'-phosphopantothenoyl)-L-cysteine KEGG:KEGG C12H23N2O9PS KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H23N2O9PS/c1-12(2,6-23-24(20,21)22)9(16)10(17)13-4-3-8(15)14-7(5-25)11(18)19/h7,9,16,25H,3-6H2,1-2H3,(H,13,17)(H,14,15)(H,18,19)(H2,20,21,22)/t7-,9-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15667 KEGG:C04353 compound C8H9NO2 InChI=1S/C8H9NO2/c10-8-3-1-7(2-4-8)5-6-9-11/h1-4,6,10-11H,5H2/b9-6- UPa:UPC04353 (Z)-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetaldehyde oxime C8H9NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H9NO2/c10-8-3-1-7(2-4-8)5-6-9-11/h1-4,6,10-11H,5H2/b9-6- UPa: CHEBI:18272 CHEBI:42411 KEGG:C04376 compound C8H15N2O9P InChI=1S/C8H15N2O9P/c11-3-9-1-5(12)10-8-7(14)6(13)4(19-8)2-18-20(15,16)17/h3-4,6-8,13-14H,1-2H2,(H,9,11)(H,10,12)(H2,15,16,17)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04376 N(2)-formyl-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide C8H15N2O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H15N2O9P/c11-3-9-1-5(12)10-8-7(14)6(13)4(19-8)2-18-20(15,16)17/h3-4,6-8,13-14H,1-2H2,(H,9,11)(H,10,12)(H2,15,16,17)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16568 KEGG:C04377 5,10-methylene-H(4)MPT 5,10-methylene-THMPT compound C31H45N6O16P InChI=1S/C31H45N6O16P/c1-13-22-14(2)36(12-37(22)23-27(33-13)34-31(32)35-28(23)45)16-5-3-15(4-6-16)9-17(38)24(42)18(39)10-50-30-26(44)25(43)20(52-30)11-51-54(48,49)53-19(29(46)47)7-8-21(40)41/h3-6,13-14,17-20,22,24-26,30,38-39,42-44H,7-12H2,1-2H3,(H,40,41)(H,46,47)(H,48,49)(H4,32,33,34,35,45)/t13-,14+,17-,18+,19-,20+,22+,24-,25+,26+,30-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04377 5,10-methylene-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin 5,10-methylene-H(4)MPT KEGG:KEGG 5,10-methylene-THMPT KEGG:KEGG C31H45N6O16P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C31H45N6O16P/c1-13-22-14(2)36(12-37(22)23-27(33-13)34-31(32)35-28(23)45)16-5-3-15(4-6-16)9-17(38)24(42)18(39)10-50-30-26(44)25(43)20(52-30)11-51-54(48,49)53-19(29(46)47)7-8-21(40)41/h3-6,13-14,17-20,22,24-26,30,38-39,42-44H,7-12H2,1-2H3,(H,40,41)(H,46,47)(H,48,49)(H4,32,33,34,35,45)/t13-,14+,17-,18+,19-,20+,22+,24-,25+,26+,30-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18317 CHEBI:49004 KEGG:C04390 N-acetyl 2,6-diaminopimelate compound C9H16N2O5 InChI=1S/C9H16N2O5/c1-5(12)11-7(9(15)16)4-2-3-6(10)8(13)14/h6-7H,2-4,10H2,1H3,(H,11,12)(H,13,14)(H,15,16)/t6-,7-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04390 N-acetyl-LL-2,6-diaminopimelate N-acetyl 2,6-diaminopimelate KEGG:KEGG C9H16N2O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H16N2O5/c1-5(12)11-7(9(15)16)4-2-3-6(10)8(13)14/h6-7H,2-4,10H2,1H3,(H,11,12)(H,13,14)(H,15,16)/t6-,7-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:995 KEGG:C04409 compound C7H7NO5 InChI=1S/C7H7NO5/c8-5(7(12)13)4(6(10)11)2-1-3-9/h1-3H,8H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/b2-1-,5-4- UPa:UPC04409 2-amino-3-carboxymuconate semialdehyde C7H7NO5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H7NO5/c8-5(7(12)13)4(6(10)11)2-1-3-9/h1-3H,8H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/b2-1-,5-4- UPa: CHEBI:35121 CHEBI:43468 KEGG:C04411 3-isopropylmalate compound C7H12O5 InChI=1S/C7H12O5/c1-3(2)4(6(9)10)5(8)7(11)12/h3-5,8H,1-2H3,(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/t4-,5+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04411 (2R,3S)-3-isopropylmalate 3-isopropylmalate KEGG:KEGG C7H12O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H12O5/c1-3(2)4(6(9)10)5(8)7(11)12/h3-5,8H,1-2H3,(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/t4-,5+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17279 KEGG:C04421 N-succinyl 2,6-diaminopimelate compound C11H18N2O7 InChI=1S/C11H18N2O7/c12-6(10(17)18)2-1-3-7(11(19)20)13-8(14)4-5-9(15)16/h6-7H,1-5,12H2,(H,13,14)(H,15,16)(H,17,18)(H,19,20)/t6-,7-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04421 N-succinyl-LL-2,6-diaminopimelate N-succinyl 2,6-diaminopimelate KEGG:KEGG C11H18N2O7 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H18N2O7/c12-6(10(17)18)2-1-3-7(11(19)20)13-8(14)4-5-9(15)16/h6-7H,1-5,12H2,(H,13,14)(H,15,16)(H,17,18)(H,19,20)/t6-,7-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:8944 KEGG:C04425 compound C15H20N5O6S InChI=1S/C15H19N5O6S/c1-27(3-2-7(21)15(24)25)4-8-10(22)11(23)14(26-8)20-6-19-9-12(16)17-5-18-13(9)20/h5-6,8,10-11,14,22-23H,2-4H2,1H3,(H2-,16,17,18,24,25)/p+1/t8-,10-,11-,14-,27?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04425 S-adenosyl-4-methylthio-2-oxobutanoic acid C15H20N5O6S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H19N5O6S/c1-27(3-2-7(21)15(24)25)4-8-10(22)11(23)14(26-8)20-6-19-9-12(16)17-5-18-13(9)20/h5-6,8,10-11,14,22-23H,2-4H2,1H3,(H2-,16,17,18,24,25)/p+1/t8-,10-,11-,14-,27?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15925 KEGG:C04442 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-6-phospho-D-gluconate compound C6H11O9P InChI=1S/C6H11O9P/c7-3(1-4(8)6(10)11)5(9)2-15-16(12,13)14/h3,5,7,9H,1-2H2,(H,10,11)(H2,12,13,14)/t3-,5+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04442 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-6-phospho-D-gluconic acid 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-6-phospho-D-gluconate KEGG:KEGG C6H11O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H11O9P/c7-3(1-4(8)6(10)11)5(9)2-15-16(12,13)14/h3,5,7,9H,1-2H2,(H,10,11)(H2,12,13,14)/t3-,5+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18247 KEGG:C04454 4-(1-D-ribitylamino)-5-aminouracil compound C9H17N4O9P InChI=1S/C9H17N4O9P/c10-5-7(12-9(18)13-8(5)17)11-1-3(14)6(16)4(15)2-22-23(19,20)21/h3-4,6,14-16H,1-2,10H2,(H2,19,20,21)(H3,11,12,13,17,18)/t3-,4+,6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04454 5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribitylamino)uracil 4-(1-D-ribitylamino)-5-aminouracil KEGG:KEGG C9H17N4O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H17N4O9P/c10-5-7(12-9(18)13-8(5)17)11-1-3(14)6(16)4(15)2-22-23(19,20)21/h3-4,6,14-16H,1-2,10H2,(H2,19,20,21)(H3,11,12,13,17,18)/t3-,4+,6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15685 CHEBI:35266 KEGG:C04462 N-succinyl amino-6-oxopimelate compound C11H15NO8 InChI=1S/C11H15NO8/c13-7(11(19)20)3-1-2-6(10(17)18)12-8(14)4-5-9(15)16/h6H,1-5H2,(H,12,14)(H,15,16)(H,17,18)(H,19,20)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04462 L-2-succinylamino-6-oxopimelate N-succinyl amino-6-oxopimelate KEGG:KEGG C11H15NO8 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H15NO8/c13-7(11(19)20)3-1-2-6(10(17)18)12-8(14)4-5-9(15)16/h6H,1-5H2,(H,12,14)(H,15,16)(H,17,18)(H,19,20)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18069 KEGG:C04478 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate 8-phosphate compound C8H15O11P InChI=1S/C8H15O11P/c9-3(1-4(10)8(14)15)6(12)7(13)5(11)2-19-20(16,17)18/h3,5-7,9,11-13H,1-2H2,(H,14,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t3-,5-,6-,7-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04478 8-phospho-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate 8-phosphate KEGG:KEGG C8H15O11P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H15O11P/c9-3(1-4(10)8(14)15)6(12)7(13)5(11)2-19-20(16,17)18/h3,5-7,9,11-13H,1-2H2,(H,14,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t3-,5-,6-,7-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17367 CHEBI:61470 KEGG:C04479 2-hydroxy-6-oxonona-2,4-dienedioic acid compound C9H10O6 InChI=1S/C9H10O6/c10-6(4-5-8(12)13)2-1-3-7(11)9(14)15/h1-3,11H,4-5H2,(H,12,13)(H,14,15)/b2-1-,7-3+ UPa:UPC04479 2-hydroxy-6-oxonona-2,4-diene-1,9-dioate 2-hydroxy-6-oxonona-2,4-dienedioic acid KEGG:KEGG C9H10O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H10O6/c10-6(4-5-8(12)13)2-1-3-7(11)9(14)15/h1-3,11H,4-5H2,(H,12,13)(H,14,15)/b2-1-,7-3+ UPa: CHEBI:17349 KEGG:C04488 compound C31H47N6O16P InChI=1S/C31H47N6O16P/c1-13(22-14(2)34-27-23(37(22)3)28(45)36-31(32)35-27)33-16-6-4-15(5-7-16)10-17(38)24(42)18(39)11-50-30-26(44)25(43)20(52-30)12-51-54(48,49)53-19(29(46)47)8-9-21(40)41/h4-7,13-14,17-20,22,24-26,30,33,38-39,42-44H,8-12H2,1-3H3,(H,40,41)(H,46,47)(H,48,49)(H4,32,34,35,36,45)/t13-,14+,17+,18-,19+,20-,22+,24+,25-,26-,30+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04488 5-methyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin C31H47N6O16P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C31H47N6O16P/c1-13(22-14(2)34-27-23(37(22)3)28(45)36-31(32)35-27)33-16-6-4-15(5-7-16)10-17(38)24(42)18(39)11-50-30-26(44)25(43)20(52-30)12-51-54(48,49)53-19(29(46)47)8-9-21(40)41/h4-7,13-14,17-20,22,24-26,30,33,38-39,42-44H,8-12H2,1-3H3,(H,40,41)(H,46,47)(H,48,49)(H4,32,34,35,36,45)/t13-,14+,17+,18-,19+,20-,22+,24+,25-,26-,30+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17614 KEGG:C04489 compound C30H39N9O12 InChI=1S/C30H39N9O12/c1-39-16(13-33-24-23(39)26(45)38-30(31)37-24)12-32-15-4-2-14(3-5-15)25(44)36-19(29(50)51)7-10-21(41)34-17(27(46)47)6-9-20(40)35-18(28(48)49)8-11-22(42)43/h2-5,16-19,32H,6-13H2,1H3,(H,34,41)(H,35,40)(H,36,44)(H,42,43)(H,46,47)(H,48,49)(H,50,51)(H4,31,33,37,38,45)/t16-,17-,18-,19-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04489 5-methyltetrahydropteroyltri-L-glutamate C30H39N9O12 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C30H39N9O12/c1-39-16(13-33-24-23(39)26(45)38-30(31)37-24)12-32-15-4-2-14(3-5-15)25(44)36-19(29(50)51)7-10-21(41)34-17(27(46)47)6-9-20(40)35-18(28(48)49)8-11-22(42)43/h2-5,16-19,32H,6-13H2,1H3,(H,34,41)(H,35,40)(H,36,44)(H,42,43)(H,46,47)(H,48,49)(H,50,51)(H4,31,33,37,38,45)/t16-,17-,18-,19-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16690 KEGG:C04494 pppGpp compound C10H18N5O20P5 InChI=1S/C10H18N5O20P5/c11-10-13-7-4(8(17)14-10)12-2-15(7)9-5(16)6(32-39(26,27)33-36(18,19)20)3(31-9)1-30-38(24,25)35-40(28,29)34-37(21,22)23/h2-3,5-6,9,16H,1H2,(H,24,25)(H,26,27)(H,28,29)(H2,18,19,20)(H2,21,22,23)(H3,11,13,14,17)/t3-,5-,6-,9-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04494 guanosine 3'-diphosphate 5'-triphosphate pppGpp KEGG:KEGG C10H18N5O20P5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H18N5O20P5/c11-10-13-7-4(8(17)14-10)12-2-15(7)9-5(16)6(32-39(26,27)33-36(18,19)20)3(31-9)1-30-38(24,25)35-40(28,29)34-37(21,22)23/h2-3,5-6,9,16H,1H2,(H,24,25)(H,26,27)(H,28,29)(H2,18,19,20)(H2,21,22,23)(H3,11,13,14,17)/t3-,5-,6-,9-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16446 KEGG:C04501 compound C8H16NO9P InChI=1S/C8H16NO9P/c1-3(11)9-5-7(13)6(12)4(2-10)17-8(5)18-19(14,15)16/h4-8,10,12-13H,2H2,1H3,(H,9,11)(H2,14,15,16)/t4-,5-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04501 N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate C8H16NO9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H16NO9P/c1-3(11)9-5-7(13)6(12)4(2-10)17-8(5)18-19(14,15)16/h4-8,10,12-13H,2H2,1H3,(H,9,11)(H2,14,15,16)/t4-,5-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17038 KEGG:C04525 compound C28H46O InChI=1S/C28H46O/c1-18(2)19(3)7-8-20(4)24-11-12-25-23-10-9-21-17-22(29)13-15-27(21,5)26(23)14-16-28(24,25)6/h18,20-22,24-25,29H,3,7-17H2,1-2,4-6H3/t20-,21+,22+,24-,25+,27+,28-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04525 fecosterol C28H46O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C28H46O/c1-18(2)19(3)7-8-20(4)24-11-12-25-23-10-9-21-17-22(29)13-15-27(21,5)26(23)14-16-28(24,25)6/h18,20-22,24-25,29H,3,7-17H2,1-2,4-6H3/t20-,21+,22+,24-,25+,27+,28-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16989 KEGG:C04553 compound C7H6O6 InChI=1S/C7H6O6/c8-5(9)2-4-3(7(11)12)1-6(10)13-4/h1,4H,2H2,(H,8,9)(H,11,12) UPa:UPC04553 3-carboxy-2,5-dihydro-5-oxofuran-2-acetate C7H6O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H6O6/c8-5(9)2-4-3(7(11)12)1-6(10)13-4/h1,4H,2H2,(H,8,9)(H,11,12) UPa: CHEBI:18032 KEGG:C04556 4-amino-5-phosphomethyl-2-methylpyrimidine HMP-P compound C6H10N3O4P InChI=1S/C6H10N3O4P/c1-4-8-2-5(6(7)9-4)3-13-14(10,11)12/h2H,3H2,1H3,(H2,7,8,9)(H2,10,11,12) UPa:UPC04556 4-amino-2-methyl-5-phosphomethylpyrimidine 4-amino-5-phosphomethyl-2-methylpyrimidine KEGG:KEGG HMP-P KEGG:KEGG C6H10N3O4P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10N3O4P/c1-4-8-2-5(6(7)9-4)3-13-14(10,11)12/h2H,3H2,1H3,(H2,7,8,9)(H2,10,11,12) UPa: KEGG:C04570 compound UPa:UPC04570 reduced electron-transferring flavoprotein CHEBI:18430 KEGG:C04578 16-methoxy-2,3-dihydro-3-hydroxytabersonine compound C22H28N2O4 InChI=1S/C22H28N2O4/c1-4-20-8-5-10-24-11-9-21(18(20)24)15-7-6-14(27-2)12-16(15)23-17(21)22(26,13-20)19(25)28-3/h5-8,12,17-18,23,26H,4,9-11,13H2,1-3H3/t17-,18+,20+,21+,22-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04578 3-hydroxy-16-methoxy-2,3-dihydrotabersonine 16-methoxy-2,3-dihydro-3-hydroxytabersonine KEGG:KEGG C22H28N2O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C22H28N2O4/c1-4-20-8-5-10-24-11-9-21(18(20)24)15-7-6-14(27-2)12-16(15)23-17(21)22(26,13-20)19(25)28-3/h5-8,12,17-18,23,26H,4,9-11,13H2,1-3H3/t17-,18+,20+,21+,22-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28096 KEGG:C04582 compound C6H13O7PS InChI=1S/C6H13O7PS/c1-15-3-5(8)6(9)4(7)2-13-14(10,11)12/h5-6,8-9H,2-3H2,1H3,(H2,10,11,12)/t5-,6+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04582 S-methyl-5-thio-D-ribulose 1-phosphate C6H13O7PS KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13O7PS/c1-15-3-5(8)6(9)4(7)2-13-14(10,11)12/h5-6,8-9H,2-3H2,1H3,(H2,10,11,12)/t5-,6+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15565 KEGG:C04592 compound C7H10O2 InChI=1S/C7H10O2/c1-5-3-2-4-6(8)7(5)9/h2-4,6-9H,1H3/t6-,7+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04592 (1S,2R)-3-methylcyclohexa-3,5-diene-1,2-diol C7H10O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H10O2/c1-5-3-2-4-6(8)7(5)9/h2-4,6-9H,1H3/t6-,7+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28890 KEGG:C04628 compound C11H22NO6PS InChI=1S/C11H22NO7PS/c1-8(19-20(16,17)18)10(11(14)15)12-9(13)6-4-2-3-5-7-21/h8,10,21H,2-7H2,1H3,(H,12,13)(H,14,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t8-,10+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04628 coenzyme B C11H22NO6PS KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H22NO7PS/c1-8(19-20(16,17)18)10(11(14)15)12-9(13)6-4-2-3-5-7-21/h8,10,21H,2-7H2,1H3,(H,12,13)(H,14,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t8-,10+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18413 KEGG:C04640 2-(formamido)-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)acetamidine compound C8H16N3O8P InChI=1S/C8H16N3O8P/c9-5(1-10-3-12)11-8-7(14)6(13)4(19-8)2-18-20(15,16)17/h3-4,6-8,13-14H,1-2H2,(H2,9,11)(H,10,12)(H2,15,16,17)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04640 2-formamido-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)acetamidine 2-(formamido)-N(1)-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)acetamidine KEGG:KEGG C8H16N3O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H16N3O8P/c9-5(1-10-3-12)11-8-7(14)6(13)4(19-8)2-18-20(15,16)17/h3-4,6-8,13-14H,1-2H2,(H2,9,11)(H,10,12)(H2,15,16,17)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17142 KEGG:C04642 compound C8H8O6 InChI=1S/C8H8O6/c9-4-5(3-7(11)12)1-2-6(10)8(13)14/h1-2,4,10H,3H2,(H,11,12)(H,13,14)/b5-1-,6-2+ UPa:UPC04642 5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconate semialdehyde C8H8O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H8O6/c9-4-5(3-7(11)12)1-2-6(10)8(13)14/h1-2,4,10H,3H2,(H,11,12)(H,13,14)/b5-1-,6-2+ UPa: CHEBI:17787 KEGG:C04652 UDP-2,3-bis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)glucosamine compound C43H77N3O20P2 InChI=1S/C43H77N3O20P2/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19-21-29(48)25-34(51)44-36-40(64-35(52)26-30(49)22-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2)38(54)31(27-47)63-42(36)65-68(59,60)66-67(57,58)61-28-32-37(53)39(55)41(62-32)46-24-23-33(50)45-43(46)56/h23-24,29-32,36-42,47-49,53-55H,3-22,25-28H2,1-2H3,(H,44,51)(H,57,58)(H,59,60)(H,45,50,56)/t29-,30-,31-,32-,36-,37-,38-,39-,40-,41-,42-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04652 UDP-2,3-bis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-D-glucosamine UDP-2,3-bis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)glucosamine KEGG:KEGG C43H77N3O20P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C43H77N3O20P2/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19-21-29(48)25-34(51)44-36-40(64-35(52)26-30(49)22-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2)38(54)31(27-47)63-42(36)65-68(59,60)66-67(57,58)61-28-32-37(53)39(55)41(62-32)46-24-23-33(50)45-43(46)56/h23-24,29-32,36-42,47-49,53-55H,3-22,25-28H2,1-2H3,(H,44,51)(H,57,58)(H,59,60)(H,45,50,56)/t29-,30-,31-,32-,36-,37-,38-,39-,40-,41-,42-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17805 KEGG:C04666 ImPG compound C6H11N2O6P InChI=1S/C6H11N2O6P/c9-5(2-14-15(11,12)13)6(10)4-1-7-3-8-4/h1,3,5-6,9-10H,2H2,(H,7,8)(H2,11,12,13)/t5-,6+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04666 D-erythro-1-(imidazol-4-yl)glycerol 3-phosphate ImPG KEGG:KEGG C6H11N2O6P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H11N2O6P/c9-5(2-14-15(11,12)13)6(10)4-1-7-3-8-4/h1,3,5-6,9-10H,2H2,(H,7,8)(H2,11,12,13)/t5-,6+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18406 KEGG:C04677 compound C9H15N4O8P InChI=1S/C9H15N4O8P/c10-7-4(8(11)16)12-2-13(7)9-6(15)5(14)3(21-9)1-20-22(17,18)19/h2-3,5-6,9,14-15H,1,10H2,(H2,11,16)(H2,17,18,19)/t3-,5-,6-,9-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04677 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide C9H15N4O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H15N4O8P/c10-7-4(8(11)16)12-2-13(7)9-6(15)5(14)3(21-9)1-20-22(17,18)19/h2-3,5-6,9,14-15H,1,10H2,(H2,11,16)(H2,17,18,19)/t3-,5-,6-,9-/m1/s1 UPa: KEGG:C04688 compound UPa:UPC04688 (3R)-3-hydroxytetradecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] CHEBI:18150 KEGG:C04691 DAHP compound C7H13O10P InChI=1S/C7H13O10P/c8-3(1-4(9)7(12)13)6(11)5(10)2-17-18(14,15)16/h3,5-6,8,10-11H,1-2H2,(H,12,13)(H2,14,15,16)/t3-,5-,6+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04691 7-phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptonate DAHP KEGG:KEGG C7H13O10P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H13O10P/c8-3(1-4(9)7(12)13)6(11)5(10)2-17-18(14,15)16/h3,5-6,8,10-11H,1-2H2,(H,12,13)(H2,14,15,16)/t3-,5-,6+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15934 KEGG:C04732 6,7-dimethyl-8-(1-D-ribityl)lumazine compound C9H16N4O6 InChI=1S/C9H16N4O6/c10-5-7(12-9(19)13-8(5)18)11-1-3(15)6(17)4(16)2-14/h3-4,6,14-17H,1-2,10H2,(H3,11,12,13,18,19)/t3-,4+,6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04732 5-amino-6-(D-ribitylamino)uracil 6,7-dimethyl-8-(1-D-ribityl)lumazine KEGG:KEGG C9H16N4O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H16N4O6/c10-5-7(12-9(19)13-8(5)18)11-1-3(15)6(17)4(16)2-14/h3-4,6,14-17H,1-2,10H2,(H3,11,12,13,18,19)/t3-,4+,6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18381 KEGG:C04734 compound C10H15N4O9P InChI=1S/C10H15N4O9P/c11-8(18)5-9(13-3-15)14(2-12-5)10-7(17)6(16)4(23-10)1-22-24(19,20)21/h2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H2,11,18)(H,13,15)(H2,19,20,21)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04734 5-formamido-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide C10H15N4O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H15N4O9P/c11-8(18)5-9(13-3-15)14(2-12-5)10-7(17)6(16)4(23-10)1-22-24(19,20)21/h2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H2,11,18)(H,13,15)(H2,19,20,21)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:61537 KEGG:C04738 compound C31H53N3O19P2 InChI=1S/C31H53N3O19P2/c1-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-19(37)15-23(39)51-28-24(32-18(2)36)30(50-20(16-35)26(28)41)52-55(46,47)53-54(44,45)48-17-21-25(40)27(42)29(49-21)34-14-13-22(38)33-31(34)43/h13-14,19-21,24-30,35,37,40-42H,3-12,15-17H2,1-2H3,(H,32,36)(H,44,45)(H,46,47)(H,33,38,43)/t19-,20-,21-,24-,25-,26-,27-,28-,29-,30-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04738 UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-N-acetylglucosamine C31H53N3O19P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C31H53N3O19P2/c1-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-19(37)15-23(39)51-28-24(32-18(2)36)30(50-20(16-35)26(28)41)52-55(46,47)53-54(44,45)48-17-21-25(40)27(42)29(49-21)34-14-13-22(38)33-31(34)43/h13-14,19-21,24-30,35,37,40-42H,3-12,15-17H2,1-2H3,(H,32,36)(H,44,45)(H,46,47)(H,33,38,43)/t19-,20-,21-,24-,25-,26-,27-,28-,29-,30-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28413 KEGG:C04751 compound C9H14N3O9P InChI=1S/C9H14N3O9P/c10-7-4(9(15)16)11-2-12(7)8-6(14)5(13)3(21-8)1-20-22(17,18)19/h2-3,5-6,8,13-14H,1,10H2,(H,15,16)(H2,17,18,19)/t3-,5-,6-,8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04751 5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxylate C9H14N3O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H14N3O9P/c10-7-4(9(15)16)11-2-12(7)8-6(14)5(13)3(21-8)1-20-22(17,18)19/h2-3,5-6,8,13-14H,1,10H2,(H,15,16)(H2,17,18,19)/t3-,5-,6-,8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16629 KEGG:C04752 HMP-PP compound C6H11N3O7P2 InChI=1S/C6H11N3O7P2/c1-4-8-2-5(6(7)9-4)3-15-18(13,14)16-17(10,11)12/h2H,3H2,1H3,(H,13,14)(H2,7,8,9)(H2,10,11,12) UPa:UPC04752 4-amino-2-methyl-5-diphosphomethylpyrimidine HMP-PP KEGG:KEGG C6H11N3O7P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H11N3O7P2/c1-4-8-2-5(6(7)9-4)3-15-18(13,14)16-17(10,11)12/h2H,3H2,1H3,(H,13,14)(H2,7,8,9)(H2,10,11,12) UPa: CHEBI:16837 KEGG:C04778 N1-(5-phospho-alpha-D-ribosyl)-5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole compound C14H19N2O7P InChI=1S/C14H19N2O7P/c1-7-3-9-10(4-8(7)2)16(6-15-9)14-13(18)12(17)11(23-14)5-22-24(19,20)21/h3-4,6,11-14,17-18H,5H2,1-2H3,(H2,19,20,21)/t11-,12-,13-,14+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04778 alpha-ribazole 5'-phosphate N1-(5-phospho-alpha-D-ribosyl)-5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole KEGG:KEGG C14H19N2O7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H19N2O7P/c1-7-3-9-10(4-8(7)2)16(6-15-9)14-13(18)12(17)11(23-14)5-22-24(19,20)21/h3-4,6,11-14,17-18H,5H2,1-2H3,(H2,19,20,21)/t11-,12-,13-,14+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17692 KEGG:C04783 compound C8H8O6 InChI=1S/C8H8O6/c9-5-1-3(7(11)12)4(8(13)14)2-6(5)10/h1-2,5-6,9-10H,(H,11,12)(H,13,14)/t5-,6+ UPa:UPC04783 cis-4,5-dihydroxycyclohexa-2,6-diene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid C8H8O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H8O6/c9-5-1-3(7(11)12)4(8(13)14)2-6(5)10/h1-2,5-6,9-10H,(H,11,12)(H,13,14)/t5-,6+ UPa: CHEBI:15998 CHEBI:73083 KEGG:C04807 compound C7H11N5O8P2 InChI=1S/C7H11N5O8P2/c8-7-11-5-4(6(13)12-7)10-3(1-9-5)2-19-22(17,18)20-21(14,15)16/h1-2H2,(H,17,18)(H2,14,15,16)(H4,8,9,11,12,13) UPa:UPC04807 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine diphosphate C7H11N5O8P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H11N5O8P2/c8-7-11-5-4(6(13)12-7)10-3(1-9-5)2-19-22(17,18)20-21(14,15)16/h1-2H2,(H,17,18)(H2,14,15,16)(H4,8,9,11,12,13) UPa: CHEBI:18319 KEGG:C04823 (S)-2-[5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamido]succinate compound C13H19N4O12P InChI=1S/C13H19N4O12P/c14-10-7(11(22)16-4(13(23)24)1-6(18)19)15-3-17(10)12-9(21)8(20)5(29-12)2-28-30(25,26)27/h3-5,8-9,12,20-21H,1-2,14H2,(H,16,22)(H,18,19)(H,23,24)(H2,25,26,27)/t4-,5+,8+,9+,12+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC04823 (2S)-2-[5-amino-1-(5-phospho-beta-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamido]succinic acid (S)-2-[5-amino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamido]succinate KEGG:KEGG C13H19N4O12P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C13H19N4O12P/c14-10-7(11(22)16-4(13(23)24)1-6(18)19)15-3-17(10)12-9(21)8(20)5(29-12)2-28-30(25,26)27/h3-5,8-9,12,20-21H,1-2,14H2,(H,16,22)(H,18,19)(H,23,24)(H2,25,26,27)/t4-,5+,8+,9+,12+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16942 KEGG:C04824 2,3-bis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-beta-D-glucosaminyl 1-phosphate compound C34H66NO12P InChI=1S/C34H66NO12P/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19-21-26(37)23-29(39)35-31-33(32(41)28(25-36)45-34(31)47-48(42,43)44)46-30(40)24-27(38)22-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2/h26-28,31-34,36-38,41H,3-25H2,1-2H3,(H,35,39)(H2,42,43,44)/t26-,27-,28-,31-,32-,33-,34-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04824 lipid X 2,3-bis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-beta-D-glucosaminyl 1-phosphate KEGG:KEGG C34H66NO12P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C34H66NO12P/c1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19-21-26(37)23-29(39)35-31-33(32(41)28(25-36)45-34(31)47-48(42,43)44)46-30(40)24-27(38)22-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2/h26-28,31-34,36-38,41H,3-25H2,1-2H3,(H,35,39)(H2,42,43,44)/t26-,27-,28-,31-,32-,33-,34-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18209 KEGG:C04832 CoB-CoM heterodisulfide compound C13H26NO10PS3 InChI=1S/C13H26NO10PS3/c1-10(24-25(18,19)20)12(13(16)17)14-11(15)6-4-2-3-5-7-26-27-8-9-28(21,22)23/h10,12H,2-9H2,1H3,(H,14,15)(H,16,17)(H2,18,19,20)(H,21,22,23)/t10-,12+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04832 coenzyme M-coenzyme B heterodisulfide CoB-CoM heterodisulfide KEGG:KEGG C13H26NO10PS3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C13H26NO10PS3/c1-10(24-25(18,19)20)12(13(16)17)14-11(15)6-4-2-3-5-7-26-27-8-9-28(21,22)23/h10,12H,2-9H2,1H3,(H,14,15)(H,16,17)(H2,18,19,20)(H,21,22,23)/t10-,12+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17001 KEGG:C04874 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-(D-erythro-1,2,3-trihydroxypropyl)-7,8-dihydropteridine compound C9H13N5O4 InChI=1S/C9H13N5O4/c10-9-13-7-5(8(18)14-9)12-3(1-11-7)6(17)4(16)2-15/h4,6,15-17H,1-2H2,(H4,10,11,13,14,18)/t4-,6+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04874 7,8-dihydroneopterin 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-(D-erythro-1,2,3-trihydroxypropyl)-7,8-dihydropteridine KEGG:KEGG C9H13N5O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H13N5O4/c10-9-13-7-5(8(18)14-9)12-3(1-11-7)6(17)4(16)2-15/h4,6,15-17H,1-2H2,(H4,10,11,13,14,18)/t4-,6+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18372 KEGG:C04895 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-(erythro-1,2,3-trihydroxypropyl)-dihydropteridine triphosphate compound C9H16N5O13P3 InChI=1S/C9H16N5O13P3/c10-9-13-7-5(8(17)14-9)12-3(1-11-7)6(16)4(15)2-25-29(21,22)27-30(23,24)26-28(18,19)20/h4,6,15-16H,1-2H2,(H,21,22)(H,23,24)(H2,18,19,20)(H4,10,11,13,14,17)/t4-,6+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04895 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-(erythro-1,2,3-trihydroxypropyl)-dihydropteridine triphosphate KEGG:KEGG C9H16N5O13P3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H16N5O13P3/c10-9-13-7-5(8(17)14-9)12-3(1-11-7)6(16)4(15)2-25-29(21,22)27-30(23,24)26-28(18,19)20/h4,6,15-16H,1-2H2,(H,21,22)(H,23,24)(H2,18,19,20)(H4,10,11,13,14,17)/t4-,6+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18302 KEGG:C04896 phosphoribosyl-formimino-AICAR-phosphate compound C15H25N5O15P2 InChI=1S/C15H25N5O15P2/c16-12(25)7-13(17-3-18-14-10(23)8(21)5(34-14)1-32-36(26,27)28)20(4-19-7)15-11(24)9(22)6(35-15)2-33-37(29,30)31/h3-6,8-11,14-15,21-24H,1-2H2,(H2,16,25)(H,17,18)(H2,26,27,28)(H2,29,30,31)/t5-,6-,8-,9-,10-,11-,14-,15-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04896 5-(5-phospho-D-ribosylaminoformimino)-1-(5-phosphoribosyl)-imidazole-4-carboxamide phosphoribosyl-formimino-AICAR-phosphate KEGG:KEGG C15H25N5O15P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H25N5O15P2/c16-12(25)7-13(17-3-18-14-10(23)8(21)5(34-14)1-32-36(26,27)28)20(4-19-7)15-11(24)9(22)6(35-15)2-33-37(29,30)31/h3-6,8-11,14-15,21-24H,1-2H2,(H2,16,25)(H,17,18)(H2,26,27,28)(H2,29,30,31)/t5-,6-,8-,9-,10-,11-,14-,15-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27735 KEGG:C04916 phosphoribulosyl-formimino-AICAR-phosphate compound C15H25N5O15P2 InChI=1S/C15H25N5O15P2/c16-13(26)9-14(18-4-17-1-6(21)10(23)7(22)2-33-36(27,28)29)20(5-19-9)15-12(25)11(24)8(35-15)3-34-37(30,31)32/h4-5,7-8,10-12,15,22-25H,1-3H2,(H2,16,26)(H,17,18)(H2,27,28,29)(H2,30,31,32)/t7-,8-,10+,11-,12-,15-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04916 5-[(5-phospho-1-deoxyribulos-1-ylamino)methylideneamino]-1-(5-phosphoribosyl)imidazole-4-carboxamide phosphoribulosyl-formimino-AICAR-phosphate KEGG:KEGG C15H25N5O15P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H25N5O15P2/c16-13(26)9-14(18-4-17-1-6(21)10(23)7(22)2-33-36(27,28)29)20(5-19-9)15-12(25)11(24)8(35-15)3-34-37(30,31)32/h4-5,7-8,10-12,15,22-25H,1-3H2,(H2,16,26)(H,17,18)(H2,27,28,29)(H2,30,31,32)/t7-,8-,10+,11-,12-,15-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:29056 KEGG:C04919 compound C68H130N2O23P2 InChI=1S/C68H130N2O23P2/c1-5-9-13-17-21-25-29-33-37-41-51(72)45-57(76)69-61-65(90-59(78)47-53(74)43-39-35-31-27-23-19-15-11-7-3)63(80)56(89-68(61)93-95(84,85)86)50-87-67-62(70-58(77)46-52(73)42-38-34-30-26-22-18-14-10-6-2)66(64(55(49-71)88-67)92-94(81,82)83)91-60(79)48-54(75)44-40-36-32-28-24-20-16-12-8-4/h51-56,61-68,71-75,80H,5-50H2,1-4H3,(H,69,76)(H,70,77)(H2,81,82,83)(H2,84,85,86)/t51-,52-,53-,54-,55-,56-,61-,62-,63-,64-,65-,66-,67-,68-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04919 lipid IV(A) C68H130N2O23P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C68H130N2O23P2/c1-5-9-13-17-21-25-29-33-37-41-51(72)45-57(76)69-61-65(90-59(78)47-53(74)43-39-35-31-27-23-19-15-11-7-3)63(80)56(89-68(61)93-95(84,85)86)50-87-67-62(70-58(77)46-52(73)42-38-34-30-26-22-18-14-10-6-2)66(64(55(49-71)88-67)92-94(81,82)83)91-60(79)48-54(75)44-40-36-32-28-24-20-16-12-8-4/h51-56,61-68,71-75,80H,5-50H2,1-4H3,(H,69,76)(H,70,77)(H2,81,82,83)(H2,84,85,86)/t51-,52-,53-,54-,55-,56-,61-,62-,63-,64-,65-,66-,67-,68-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18380 KEGG:C04932 2,3,2',3'-tetrakis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-D-glucosaminyl-1,6-beta-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate compound C68H129N2O20P InChI=1S/C68H129N2O20P/c1-5-9-13-17-21-25-29-33-37-41-51(72)45-57(76)69-61-65(88-59(78)47-53(74)43-39-35-31-27-23-19-15-11-7-3)63(80)55(49-71)86-67(61)85-50-56-64(81)66(89-60(79)48-54(75)44-40-36-32-28-24-20-16-12-8-4)62(68(87-56)90-91(82,83)84)70-58(77)46-52(73)42-38-34-30-26-22-18-14-10-6-2/h51-56,61-68,71-75,80-81H,5-50H2,1-4H3,(H,69,76)(H,70,77)(H2,82,83,84)/t51-,52-,53-,54-,55-,56-,61-,62-,63-,64-,65-,66-,67-,68-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC04932 2,3,2',3'-tetrakis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-alpha-D-glucosaminyl-1,6-beta-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate 2,3,2',3'-tetrakis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-D-glucosaminyl-1,6-beta-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate KEGG:KEGG C68H129N2O20P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C68H129N2O20P/c1-5-9-13-17-21-25-29-33-37-41-51(72)45-57(76)69-61-65(88-59(78)47-53(74)43-39-35-31-27-23-19-15-11-7-3)63(80)55(49-71)86-67(61)85-50-56-64(81)66(89-60(79)48-54(75)44-40-36-32-28-24-20-16-12-8-4)62(68(87-56)90-91(82,83)84)70-58(77)46-52(73)42-38-34-30-26-22-18-14-10-6-2/h51-56,61-68,71-75,80-81H,5-50H2,1-4H3,(H,69,76)(H,70,77)(H2,82,83,84)/t51-,52-,53-,54-,55-,56-,61-,62-,63-,64-,65-,66-,67-,68-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:52136 KEGG:C05042 compound C5H12NO4P InChI=1S/C5H12NO4P/c1-11(9,10)3-2-4(6)5(7)8/h4H,2-3,6H2,1H3,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) UPa:UPC05042 phosphinothricin C5H12NO4P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H12NO4P/c1-11(9,10)3-2-4(6)5(7)8/h4H,2-3,6H2,1H3,(H,7,8)(H,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:28368 KEGG:C05080 compound C31H36N2O11 InChI=1S/C31H36N2O11/c1-14(2)7-8-16-13-17(9-11-19(16)34)27(37)33-21-22(35)18-10-12-20(15(3)24(18)42-28(21)38)41-29-23(36)25(43-30(32)39)26(40-6)31(4,5)44-29/h7,9-13,23,25-26,29,34-36H,8H2,1-6H3,(H2,32,39)(H,33,37)/t23-,25+,26-,29-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC05080 novobiocin C31H36N2O11 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C31H36N2O11/c1-14(2)7-8-16-13-17(9-11-19(16)34)27(37)33-21-22(35)18-10-12-20(15(3)24(18)42-28(21)38)41-29-23(36)25(43-30(32)39)26(40-6)31(4,5)44-29/h7,9-13,23,25-26,29,34-36H,8H2,1-6H3,(H2,32,39)(H,33,37)/t23-,25+,26-,29-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:1949 KEGG:C05103 4alpha-methylzymosterol compound C28H46O InChI=1S/C28H46O/c1-18(2)8-7-9-19(3)22-12-13-24-21-10-11-23-20(4)26(29)15-17-28(23,6)25(21)14-16-27(22,24)5/h8,19-20,22-24,26,29H,7,9-17H2,1-6H3/t19-,20?,22?,23+,24?,26+,27-,28+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC05103 4-alpha-methylzymosterol 4alpha-methylzymosterol KEGG:KEGG C28H46O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C28H46O/c1-18(2)8-7-9-19(3)22-12-13-24-21-10-11-23-20(4)26(29)15-17-28(23,6)25(21)14-16-27(22,24)5/h8,19-20,22-24,26,29H,7,9-17H2,1-6H3/t19-,20?,22?,23+,24?,26+,27-,28+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18364 KEGG:C05108 compound C29H48O InChI=1S/C29H48O/c1-19(2)9-8-10-20(3)22-12-13-23-21-11-14-25-27(4,5)26(30)16-18-29(25,7)24(21)15-17-28(22,23)6/h9,20,22-23,25-26,30H,8,10-18H2,1-7H3/t20-,22-,23?,25+,26+,28-,29-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC05108 14-demethyllanosterol C29H48O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C29H48O/c1-19(2)9-8-10-20(3)22-12-13-23-21-11-14-25-27(4,5)26(30)16-18-29(25,7)24(21)15-17-28(22,23)6/h9,20,22-23,25-26,30H,8,10-18H2,1-7H3/t20-,22-,23?,25+,26+,28-,29-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:978 KEGG:C05125 compound C14H23N4O8P2S InChI=1S/C14H22N4O8P2S/c1-8-12(4-5-25-28(23,24)26-27(20,21)22)29-14(9(2)19)18(8)7-11-6-16-10(3)17-13(11)15/h6,9,19H,4-5,7H2,1-3H3,(H4-,15,16,17,20,21,22,23,24)/p+1 UPa:UPC05125 2-hydroxyethyl-ThPP C14H23N4O8P2S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H22N4O8P2S/c1-8-12(4-5-25-28(23,24)26-27(20,21)22)29-14(9(2)19)18(8)7-11-6-16-10(3)17-13(11)15/h6,9,19H,4-5,7H2,1-3H3,(H4-,15,16,17,20,21,22,23,24)/p+1 UPa: CHEBI:27826 KEGG:C05143 compound C14H17NO7 InChI=1S/C14H17NO7/c15-5-9(7-1-3-8(17)4-2-7)21-14-13(20)12(19)11(18)10(6-16)22-14/h1-4,9-14,16-20H,6H2/t9-,10-,11-,12+,13-,14-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC05143 dhurrin C14H17NO7 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H17NO7/c15-5-9(7-1-3-8(17)4-2-7)21-14-13(20)12(19)11(18)10(6-16)22-14/h1-4,9-14,16-20H,6H2/t9-,10-,11-,12+,13-,14-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:26641 CHEBI:29269 CHEBI:64331 KEGG:C05172 compound H3O3PSe InChI=1S/H3O3PSe/c1-4(2,3)5/h(H3,1,2,3,5) UPa:UPC05172 selenophosphate H3O3PSe KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/H3O3PSe/c1-4(2,3)5/h(H3,1,2,3,5) UPa: CHEBI:17041 KEGG:C05176 compound C18H21NO3 InChI=1S/C18H21NO3/c1-19-8-7-13-10-18(22-2)17(21)11-15(13)16(19)9-12-3-5-14(20)6-4-12/h3-6,10-11,16,20-21H,7-9H2,1-2H3/t16-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC05176 (S)-N-methylcoclaurine C18H21NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C18H21NO3/c1-19-8-7-13-10-18(22-2)17(21)11-15(13)16(19)9-12-3-5-14(20)6-4-12/h3-6,10-11,16,20-21H,7-9H2,1-2H3/t16-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16777 KEGG:C05177 compound C36H40N2O6 InChI=1S/C36H40N2O6/c1-37-13-11-24-18-34(42-3)32(40)20-27(24)29(37)15-22-5-8-26(9-6-22)44-36-17-23(7-10-31(36)39)16-30-28-21-33(41)35(43-4)19-25(28)12-14-38(30)2/h5-10,17-21,29-30,39-41H,11-16H2,1-4H3/t29-,30+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC05177 berbamunine C36H40N2O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C36H40N2O6/c1-37-13-11-24-18-34(42-3)32(40)20-27(24)29(37)15-22-5-8-26(9-6-22)44-36-17-23(7-10-31(36)39)16-30-28-21-33(41)35(43-4)19-25(28)12-14-38(30)2/h5-10,17-21,29-30,39-41H,11-16H2,1-4H3/t29-,30+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17319 KEGG:C05198 compound C10H13N5O3 InChI=1S/C10H13N5O3/c1-4-6(16)7(17)10(18-4)15-3-14-5-8(11)12-2-13-9(5)15/h2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H3,(H2,11,12,13)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC05198 5'-deoxyadenosine C10H13N5O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H13N5O3/c1-4-6(16)7(17)10(18-4)15-3-14-5-8(11)12-2-13-9(5)15/h2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H3,(H2,11,12,13)/t4-,6-,7-,10-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17079 KEGG:C05202 3'-hydroxy-N-methyl-(S)-coclaurine compound C18H21NO4 InChI=1S/C18H21NO4/c1-19-6-5-12-9-18(23-2)17(22)10-13(12)14(19)7-11-3-4-15(20)16(21)8-11/h3-4,8-10,14,20-22H,5-7H2,1-2H3/t14-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC05202 (S)-3'-hydroxy-N-methylcoclaurine 3'-hydroxy-N-methyl-(S)-coclaurine KEGG:KEGG C18H21NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C18H21NO4/c1-19-6-5-12-9-18(23-2)17(22)10-13(12)14(19)7-11-3-4-15(20)16(21)8-11/h3-4,8-10,14,20-22H,5-7H2,1-2H3/t14-/m0/s1 UPa: KEGG:C05223 compound UPa:UPC05223 dodecanoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] CHEBI:16387 KEGG:C05243 compound C18H21NO3 InChI=1S/C18H21NO3/c1-19-8-7-13-10-18(22-2)17(21)11-15(13)16(19)9-12-3-5-14(20)6-4-12/h3-6,10-11,16,20-21H,7-9H2,1-2H3/t16-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC05243 (R)-N-methylcoclaurine C18H21NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C18H21NO3/c1-19-8-7-13-10-18(22-2)17(21)11-15(13)16(19)9-12-3-5-14(20)6-4-12/h3-6,10-11,16,20-21H,7-9H2,1-2H3/t16-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16096 KEGG:C05315 compound C21H22NO4 InChI=1S/C21H22NO4/c1-23-18-6-5-13-9-17-15-11-20(25-3)19(24-2)10-14(15)7-8-22(17)12-16(13)21(18)26-4/h5-6,9-12H,7-8H2,1-4H3/q+1 UPa:UPC05315 palmatine C21H22NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C21H22NO4/c1-23-18-6-5-13-9-17-15-11-20(25-3)19(24-2)10-14(15)7-8-22(17)12-16(13)21(18)26-4/h5-6,9-12H,7-8H2,1-4H3/q+1 UPa: CHEBI:45262 KEGG:C05325 compound C10H13N4O7P InChI=1S/C10H13N4O7P/c15-7-6(2-20-22(17,18)19)21-10(8(7)16)14-4-13-5-1-11-3-12-9(5)14/h1,3-4,6-8,10,15-16H,2H2,(H2,17,18,19)/t6-,7-,8-,10-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC05325 purine nucleotide C10H13N4O7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H13N4O7P/c15-7-6(2-20-22(17,18)19)21-10(8(7)16)14-4-13-5-1-11-3-12-9(5)14/h1,3-4,6-8,10,15-16H,2H2,(H2,17,18,19)/t6-,7-,8-,10-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18397 KEGG:C05332 phenethylamine compound C8H11N InChI=1S/C8H11N/c9-7-6-8-4-2-1-3-5-8/h1-5H,6-7,9H2 UPa:UPC05332 2-phenylethylamine phenethylamine KEGG:KEGG C8H11N KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H11N/c9-7-6-8-4-2-1-3-5-8/h1-5H,6-7,9H2 UPa: CHEBI:16084 KEGG:C05345 compound C6H13O9P InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-2-6(10)5(9)4(8)3(15-6)1-14-16(11,12)13/h3-5,7-10H,1-2H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t3-,4-,5+,6-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC05345 beta-D-fructose 6-phosphate C6H13O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-2-6(10)5(9)4(8)3(15-6)1-14-16(11,12)13/h3-5,7-10H,1-2H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t3-,4-,5+,6-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:10545 KEGG:C05359 compound UPa:UPC05359 e- CHEBI:1463 KEGG:C05381 compound C16H25N4O10P2S InChI=1S/C16H24N4O10P2S/c1-9-13(5-6-29-32(27,28)30-31(24,25)26)33-16(12(21)3-4-14(22)23)20(9)8-11-7-18-10(2)19-15(11)17/h7,12,21H,3-6,8H2,1-2H3,(H5-,17,18,19,22,23,24,25,26,27,28)/p+1 UPa:UPC05381 3-carboxy-1-hydroxypropylthiamine diphosphate C16H25N4O10P2S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C16H24N4O10P2S/c1-9-13(5-6-29-32(27,28)30-31(24,25)26)33-16(12(21)3-4-14(22)23)20(9)8-11-7-18-10(2)19-15(11)17/h7,12,21H,3-6,8H2,1-2H3,(H5-,17,18,19,22,23,24,25,26,27,28)/p+1 UPa: CHEBI:15721 KEGG:C05382 compound C7H15O10P InChI=1S/C7H15O10P/c8-1-3(9)5(11)7(13)6(12)4(10)2-17-18(14,15)16/h4-8,10-13H,1-2H2,(H2,14,15,16)/t4-,5-,6-,7+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC05382 sedoheptulose 7-phosphate C7H15O10P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H15O10P/c8-1-3(9)5(11)7(13)6(12)4(10)2-17-18(14,15)16/h4-8,10-13H,1-2H2,(H2,14,15,16)/t4-,5-,6-,7+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28339 KEGG:C05396 compound C12H23O14P InChI=1S/C12H23O14P/c13-1-3-10(7(16)8(17)11(19)24-3)26-12-9(18)6(15)5(14)4(25-12)2-23-27(20,21)22/h3-19H,1-2H2,(H2,20,21,22)/t3-,4-,5+,6+,7-,8-,9-,10-,11?,12+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC05396 lactose 6-phosphate C12H23O14P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H23O14P/c13-1-3-10(7(16)8(17)11(19)24-3)26-12-9(18)6(15)5(14)4(25-12)2-23-27(20,21)22/h3-19H,1-2H2,(H2,20,21,22)/t3-,4-,5+,6+,7-,8-,9-,10-,11?,12+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:26119 CHEBI:8191 KEGG:C05413 phytoene compound C40H64 InChI=1S/C40H64/c1-33(2)19-13-23-37(7)27-17-31-39(9)29-15-25-35(5)21-11-12-22-36(6)26-16-30-40(10)32-18-28-38(8)24-14-20-34(3)4/h11-12,19-22,27-30H,13-18,23-26,31-32H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,35-21+,36-22+,37-27+,38-28+,39-29+,40-30+ UPa:UPC05413 all-trans-phytoene phytoene KEGG:KEGG C40H64 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C40H64/c1-33(2)19-13-23-37(7)27-17-31-39(9)29-15-25-35(5)21-11-12-22-36(6)26-16-30-40(10)32-18-28-38(8)24-14-20-34(3)4/h11-12,19-22,27-30H,13-18,23-26,31-32H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,35-21+,36-22+,37-27+,38-28+,39-29+,40-30+ UPa: CHEBI:27787 KEGG:C05421 compound C40H64 InChI=1S/C40H64/c1-33(2)19-13-23-37(7)27-17-31-39(9)29-15-25-35(5)21-11-12-22-36(6)26-16-30-40(10)32-18-28-38(8)24-14-20-34(3)4/h11-12,19-22,27-30H,13-18,23-26,31-32H2,1-10H3/b12-11-,35-21+,36-22+,37-27+,38-28+,39-29+,40-30+ UPa:UPC05421 15-cis-phytoene C40H64 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C40H64/c1-33(2)19-13-23-37(7)27-17-31-39(9)29-15-25-35(5)21-11-12-22-36(6)26-16-30-40(10)32-18-28-38(8)24-14-20-34(3)4/h11-12,19-22,27-30H,13-18,23-26,31-32H2,1-10H3/b12-11-,35-21+,36-22+,37-27+,38-28+,39-29+,40-30+ UPa: CHEBI:27956 KEGG:C05422 L-dehydroascorbic acid compound C6H6O6 InChI=1S/C6H6O6/c7-1-2(8)5-3(9)4(10)6(11)12-5/h2,5,7-8H,1H2/t2-,5+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC05422 L-dehydroascorbate L-dehydroascorbic acid KEGG:KEGG C6H6O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H6O6/c7-1-2(8)5-3(9)4(10)6(11)12-5/h2,5,7-8H,1H2/t2-,5+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16833 KEGG:C05431 compound C40H58 InChI=1S/C40H58/c1-33(2)19-13-23-37(7)27-17-31-39(9)29-15-25-35(5)21-11-12-22-36(6)26-16-30-40(10)32-18-28-38(8)24-14-20-34(3)4/h11-12,15-17,19-22,25-31H,13-14,18,23-24,32H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,25-15+,26-16+,31-17+,35-21+,36-22+,37-27+,38-28+,39-29+,40-30+ UPa:UPC05431 neurosporene C40H58 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C40H58/c1-33(2)19-13-23-37(7)27-17-31-39(9)29-15-25-35(5)21-11-12-22-36(6)26-16-30-40(10)32-18-28-38(8)24-14-20-34(3)4/h11-12,15-17,19-22,25-31H,13-14,18,23-24,32H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,25-15+,26-16+,31-17+,35-21+,36-22+,37-27+,38-28+,39-29+,40-30+ UPa: CHEBI:18252 KEGG:C05437 compound C27H44O InChI=1S/C27H44O/c1-18(2)7-6-8-19(3)23-11-12-24-22-10-9-20-17-21(28)13-15-26(20,4)25(22)14-16-27(23,24)5/h7,19-21,23-24,28H,6,8-17H2,1-5H3/t19-,20+,21+,23-,24+,26+,27-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC05437 zymosterol C27H44O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C27H44O/c1-18(2)7-6-8-19(3)23-11-12-24-22-10-9-20-17-21(28)13-15-26(20,4)25(22)14-16-27(23,24)5/h7,19-21,23-24,28H,6,8-17H2,1-5H3/t19-,20+,21+,23-,24+,26+,27-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18249 KEGG:C05440 compound C28H42O InChI=1S/C28H42O/c1-18(2)19(3)7-8-20(4)24-11-12-25-23-10-9-21-17-22(29)13-15-27(21,5)26(23)14-16-28(24,25)6/h7-10,18,20,22,24-26,29H,3,11-17H2,1-2,4-6H3/b8-7+/t20-,22+,24?,25?,26?,27+,28-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC05440 ergosta-5,7,22,24(28)-tetraen-3beta-ol C28H42O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C28H42O/c1-18(2)19(3)7-8-20(4)24-11-12-25-23-10-9-21-17-22(29)13-15-27(21,5)26(23)14-16-28(24,25)6/h7-10,18,20,22,24-26,29H,3,11-17H2,1-2,4-6H3/b8-7+/t20-,22+,24?,25?,26?,27+,28-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28718 KEGG:C05519 compound C4H9NO3 InChI=1S/C4H9NO3/c1-2(6)3(5)4(7)8/h2-3,6H,5H2,1H3,(H,7,8)/t2-,3-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC05519 L-allo-threonine C4H9NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H9NO3/c1-2(6)3(5)4(7)8/h2-3,6H,5H2,1H3,(H,7,8)/t2-,3-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16894 KEGG:C05528 compound C3H4O6S InChI=1S/C3H4O6S/c4-2(3(5)6)1-10(7,8)9/h1H2,(H,5,6)(H,7,8,9) UPa:UPC05528 3-sulfopyruvate C3H4O6S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H4O6S/c4-2(3(5)6)1-10(7,8)9/h1H2,(H,5,6)(H,7,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:7814 KEGG:C05533 compound C7H8O7 InChI=1S/C7H8O7/c8-4(9)2-1-3(6(11)12)5(10)7(13)14/h3H,1-2H2,(H,8,9)(H,11,12)(H,13,14) UPa:UPC05533 2-oxaloglutaric acid C7H8O7 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H8O7/c8-4(9)2-1-3(6(11)12)5(10)7(13)14/h3H,1-2H2,(H,8,9)(H,11,12)(H,13,14) UPa: CHEBI:10211 CHEBI:20537 KEGG:C05535 compound UPa:UPC05535 alpha-aminoadipoyl-S-acyl enzyme CHEBI:17355 KEGG:C05539 N-acetyl 2-amino-6-oxopimelate compound C9H13NO6 InChI=1S/C9H13NO6/c1-5(11)10-6(8(13)14)3-2-4-7(12)9(15)16/h6H,2-4H2,1H3,(H,10,11)(H,13,14)(H,15,16)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC05539 (S)-2-acetamido-6-oxopimelate N-acetyl 2-amino-6-oxopimelate KEGG:KEGG C9H13NO6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H13NO6/c1-5(11)10-6(8(13)14)3-2-4-7(12)9(15)16/h6H,2-4H2,1H3,(H,10,11)(H,13,14)(H,15,16)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28376 KEGG:C05548 compound C8H13NO4 InChI=1S/C8H13NO4/c1-6(10)9-5-3-2-4-7(11)8(12)13/h2-5H2,1H3,(H,9,10)(H,12,13) UPa:UPC05548 6-acetamido-2-oxohexanoate C8H13NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H13NO4/c1-6(10)9-5-3-2-4-7(11)8(12)13/h2-5H2,1H3,(H,9,10)(H,12,13) UPa: CHEBI:18208 KEGG:C05551 compound C16H18N2O4S InChI=1S/C16H18N2O4S/c1-16(2)12(15(21)22)18-13(20)11(14(18)23-16)17-10(19)8-9-6-4-3-5-7-9/h3-7,11-12,14H,8H2,1-2H3,(H,17,19)(H,21,22)/t11-,12+,14-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC05551 penicillin G C16H18N2O4S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C16H18N2O4S/c1-16(2)12(15(21)22)18-13(20)11(14(18)23-16)17-10(19)8-9-6-4-3-5-7-9/h3-7,11-12,14H,8H2,1-2H3,(H,17,19)(H,21,22)/t11-,12+,14-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18157 KEGG:C05554 compound C22H36N4O13 InChI=1S/C22H36N4O13/c1-13(27)25(38)9-5-3-7-15(19(31)32)23-17(29)11-22(37,21(35)36)12-18(30)24-16(20(33)34)8-4-6-10-26(39)14(2)28/h15-16,37-39H,3-12H2,1-2H3,(H,23,29)(H,24,30)(H,31,32)(H,33,34)(H,35,36)/t15-,16-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC05554 aerobactin C22H36N4O13 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C22H36N4O13/c1-13(27)25(38)9-5-3-7-15(19(31)32)23-17(29)11-22(37,21(35)36)12-18(30)24-16(20(33)34)8-4-6-10-26(39)14(2)28/h15-16,37-39H,3-12H2,1-2H3,(H,23,29)(H,24,30)(H,31,32)(H,33,34)(H,35,36)/t15-,16-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28496 KEGG:C05556 N-(L-5-amino-5-carboxypentanoyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-valine compound C14H25N3O6S InChI=1S/C14H25N3O6S/c1-7(2)11(14(22)23)17-12(19)9(6-24)16-10(18)5-3-4-8(15)13(20)21/h7-9,11,24H,3-6,15H2,1-2H3,(H,16,18)(H,17,19)(H,20,21)(H,22,23)/t8-,9?,11+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC05556 N-[L-5-amino-5-carboxypentanoyl]-L-cysteinyl-D-valine N-(L-5-amino-5-carboxypentanoyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-valine KEGG:KEGG C14H25N3O6S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H25N3O6S/c1-7(2)11(14(22)23)17-12(19)9(6-24)16-10(18)5-3-4-8(15)13(20)21/h7-9,11,24H,3-6,15H2,1-2H3,(H,16,18)(H,17,19)(H,20,21)(H,22,23)/t8-,9?,11+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18165 KEGG:C05557 compound C14H21N3O6S InChI=1S/C14H21N3O6S/c1-14(2)9(13(22)23)17-10(19)8(11(17)24-14)16-7(18)5-3-4-6(15)12(20)21/h6,8-9,11H,3-5,15H2,1-2H3,(H,16,18)(H,20,21)(H,22,23)/t6-,8+,9-,11+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC05557 isopenicillin N C14H21N3O6S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H21N3O6S/c1-14(2)9(13(22)23)17-10(19)8(11(17)24-14)16-7(18)5-3-4-6(15)12(20)21/h6,8-9,11H,3-5,15H2,1-2H3,(H,16,18)(H,20,21)(H,22,23)/t6-,8+,9-,11+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:20536 CHEBI:6163 KEGG:C05560 compound C16H23N6O10P InChI=1S/C16H23N6O10P/c17-7(16(26)27)2-1-3-9(23)32-33(28,29)30-4-8-11(24)12(25)15(31-8)22-6-21-10-13(18)19-5-20-14(10)22/h5-8,11-12,15,24-25H,1-4,17H2,(H,26,27)(H,28,29)(H2,18,19,20)/t7-,8+,11+,12+,15+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC05560 alpha-aminoadipoyl-C6-AMP C16H23N6O10P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C16H23N6O10P/c17-7(16(26)27)2-1-3-9(23)32-33(28,29)30-4-8-11(24)12(25)15(31-8)22-6-21-10-13(18)19-5-20-14(10)22/h5-8,11-12,15,24-25H,1-4,17H2,(H,26,27)(H,28,29)(H2,18,19,20)/t7-,8+,11+,12+,15+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:4828 CHEBI:82707 KEGG:C05570 compound C9H16N3O2S InChI=1S/C9H15N3O2S/c1-12(2,3)7(8(13)14)4-6-5-10-9(15)11-6/h5,7H,4H2,1-3H3,(H2-,10,11,13,14,15)/p+1/t7-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC05570 ergothioneine C9H16N3O2S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H15N3O2S/c1-12(2,3)7(8(13)14)4-6-5-10-9(15)11-6/h5,7H,4H2,1-3H3,(H2-,10,11,13,14,15)/p+1/t7-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:1162 KEGG:C05600 2-hydroxy-hept-2,4-diene-1,7-dioate compound C7H8O5 InChI=1S/C7H8O5/c8-5(7(11)12)3-1-2-4-6(9)10/h1-3,8H,4H2,(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/b2-1+,5-3- UPa:UPC05600 2-hydroxy-hept-2,4-diene-1,7-dioic acid 2-hydroxy-hept-2,4-diene-1,7-dioate KEGG:KEGG C7H8O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H8O5/c8-5(7(11)12)3-1-2-4-6(9)10/h1-3,8H,4H2,(H,9,10)(H,11,12)/b2-1+,5-3- UPa: CHEBI:27715 KEGG:C05618 compound C6H5ClO2 InChI=1S/C6H5ClO2/c7-4-2-1-3-5(8)6(4)9/h1-3,8-9H UPa:UPC05618 3-chlorocatechol C6H5ClO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H5ClO2/c7-4-2-1-3-5(8)6(4)9/h1-3,8-9H UPa: CHEBI:28631 KEGG:C05629 3-phenylpropionic acid compound C9H10O2 InChI=1S/C9H10O2/c10-9(11)7-6-8-4-2-1-3-5-8/h1-5H,6-7H2,(H,10,11) UPa:UPC05629 3-phenylpropanoate 3-phenylpropionic acid KEGG:KEGG C9H10O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H10O2/c10-9(11)7-6-8-4-2-1-3-5-8/h1-5H,6-7H2,(H,10,11) UPa: CHEBI:15404 CHEBI:30903 CHEBI:30904 KEGG:C05662 homoisocitric acid compound C7H10O7 InChI=1S/C7H10O7/c8-4(9)2-1-3(6(11)12)5(10)7(13)14/h3,5,10H,1-2H2,(H,8,9)(H,11,12)(H,13,14)/t3-,5+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC05662 homoisocitrate homoisocitric acid KEGG:KEGG C7H10O7 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H10O7/c8-4(9)2-1-3(6(11)12)5(10)7(13)14/h3,5,10H,1-2H2,(H,8,9)(H,11,12)(H,13,14)/t3-,5+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:7725 KEGG:C05752 compound UPa:UPC05752 octanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] CHEBI:50651 KEGG:C05761 compound UPa:UPC05761 tetradecanoyl-[acp] CHEBI:28307 KEGG:C05772 compound C43H50N4O16 InChI=1S/C43H50N4O16/c1-19-40-23(13-37(58)59)21(5-9-33(50)51)27(46-40)14-26-20(4-8-32(48)49)22(12-36(56)57)28(44-26)15-29-24(6-10-34(52)53)42(2,17-38(60)61)31(45-29)16-30-25(7-11-35(54)55)43(3,18-39(62)63)41(19)47-30/h15-16,24-25,44,46-47H,4-14,17-18H2,1-3H3,(H,48,49)(H,50,51)(H,52,53)(H,54,55)(H,56,57)(H,58,59)(H,60,61)(H,62,63)/b29-15-,30-16-,41-19-/t24-,25-,42+,43+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC05772 precorrin-3A C43H50N4O16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C43H50N4O16/c1-19-40-23(13-37(58)59)21(5-9-33(50)51)27(46-40)14-26-20(4-8-32(48)49)22(12-36(56)57)28(44-26)15-29-24(6-10-34(52)53)42(2,17-38(60)61)31(45-29)16-30-25(7-11-35(54)55)43(3,18-39(62)63)41(19)47-30/h15-16,24-25,44,46-47H,4-14,17-18H2,1-3H3,(H,48,49)(H,50,51)(H,52,53)(H,54,55)(H,56,57)(H,58,59)(H,60,61)(H,62,63)/b29-15-,30-16-,41-19-/t24-,25-,42+,43+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:33907 KEGG:C05773 cobyrinate compound C45H59CoN4O14 InChI=1S/C45H60N4O14.Co/c1-21-36-24(10-13-30(52)53)41(3,4)28(47-36)18-27-23(9-12-29(50)51)43(6,19-34(60)61)39(46-27)22(2)37-25(11-14-31(54)55)44(7,20-35(62)63)45(8,49-37)40-26(17-33(58)59)42(5,38(21)48-40)16-15-32(56)57;/h18,23-26,40H,9-17,19-20H2,1-8H3,(H8,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);/q;+2/p-1/t23-,24-,25-,26+,40-,42-,43+,44+,45+;/m1./s1 UPa:UPC05773 cob(III)yrinic acid cobyrinate KEGG:KEGG C45H59CoN4O14 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C45H60N4O14.Co/c1-21-36-24(10-13-30(52)53)41(3,4)28(47-36)18-27-23(9-12-29(50)51)43(6,19-34(60)61)39(46-27)22(2)37-25(11-14-31(54)55)44(7,20-35(62)63)45(8,49-37)40-26(17-33(58)59)42(5,38(21)48-40)16-15-32(56)57;/h18,23-26,40H,9-17,19-20H2,1-8H3,(H8,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);/q;+2/p-1/t23-,24-,25-,26+,40-,42-,43+,44+,45+;/m1./s1 UPa: CHEBI:10329 KEGG:C05775 compound C14H18N2O4 InChI=1S/C14H18N2O4/c1-7-3-9-10(4-8(7)2)16(6-15-9)14-13(19)12(18)11(5-17)20-14/h3-4,6,11-14,17-19H,5H2,1-2H3/t11-,12-,13-,14+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC05775 alpha-ribazole C14H18N2O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H18N2O4/c1-7-3-9-10(4-8(7)2)16(6-15-9)14-13(19)12(18)11(5-17)20-14/h3-4,6,11-14,17-19H,5H2,1-2H3/t11-,12-,13-,14+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18023 KEGG:C05778 compound C42H46N4O16 InChI=1S/C42H46N4O16/c1-41(17-39(59)60)23(5-9-35(51)52)29-14-27-21(11-37(55)56)19(3-7-33(47)48)25(43-27)13-26-20(4-8-34(49)50)22(12-38(57)58)28(44-26)15-31-42(2,18-40(61)62)24(6-10-36(53)54)30(46-31)16-32(41)45-29/h13-16,23-24,44-45H,3-12,17-18H2,1-2H3,(H,47,48)(H,49,50)(H,51,52)(H,53,54)(H,55,56)(H,57,58)(H,59,60)(H,61,62)/b25-13-,29-14-,31-15-,32-16-/t23-,24-,41+,42+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC05778 sirohydrochlorin C42H46N4O16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C42H46N4O16/c1-41(17-39(59)60)23(5-9-35(51)52)29-14-27-21(11-37(55)56)19(3-7-33(47)48)25(43-27)13-26-20(4-8-34(49)50)22(12-38(57)58)28(44-26)15-31-42(2,18-40(61)62)24(6-10-36(53)54)30(46-31)16-32(41)45-29/h13-16,23-24,44-45H,3-12,17-18H2,1-2H3,(H,47,48)(H,49,50)(H,51,52)(H,53,54)(H,55,56)(H,57,58)(H,59,60)(H,61,62)/b25-13-,29-14-,31-15-,32-16-/t23-,24-,41+,42+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:39564 KEGG:C05817 (1S,6R)-6-hydroxy-2-succinylcyclohexa-2,4-diene-1-carboxylate compound C11H12O6 InChI=1S/C11H12O6/c12-7(4-5-9(14)15)6-2-1-3-8(13)10(6)11(16)17/h1-3,8,10,13H,4-5H2,(H,14,15)(H,16,17)/t8-,10-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC05817 (1R,6R)-2-succinyl-6-hydroxycyclohexa-2,4-diene-1-carboxylic acid (1S,6R)-6-hydroxy-2-succinylcyclohexa-2,4-diene-1-carboxylate KEGG:KEGG C11H12O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H12O6/c12-7(4-5-9(14)15)6-2-1-3-8(13)10(6)11(16)17/h1-3,8,10,13H,4-5H2,(H,14,15)(H,16,17)/t8-,10-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28192 KEGG:C05818 compound C20H22O2 InChI=1S/C20H22O2/c1-14(2)7-6-8-15(3)11-12-16-13-19(21)17-9-4-5-10-18(17)20(16)22/h4-5,7,9-11,13H,6,8,12H2,1-3H3/b15-11+ UPa:UPC05818 2-demethylmenaquinone C20H22O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C20H22O2/c1-14(2)7-6-8-15(3)11-12-16-13-19(21)17-9-4-5-10-18(17)20(16)22/h4-5,7,9-11,13H,6,8,12H2,1-3H3/b15-11+ UPa: CHEBI:18151 KEGG:C05819 compound C21H26O2 InChI=1S/C21H26O2/c1-14(2)8-7-9-15(3)12-13-17-16(4)20(22)18-10-5-6-11-19(18)21(17)23/h5-6,8,10-12,22-23H,7,9,13H2,1-4H3/b15-12+ UPa:UPC05819 menaquinol C21H26O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C21H26O2/c1-14(2)8-7-9-15(3)12-13-17-16(4)20(22)18-10-5-6-11-19(18)21(17)23/h5-6,8,10-12,22-23H,7,9,13H2,1-4H3/b15-12+ UPa: CHEBI:28855 KEGG:C05821 compound C30H27N3O15 InChI=1S/C30H27N3O15/c34-19-7-1-4-13(22(19)37)25(40)31-16-10-46-29(44)18(33-27(42)15-6-3-9-21(36)24(15)39)12-48-30(45)17(11-47-28(16)43)32-26(41)14-5-2-8-20(35)23(14)38/h1-9,16-18,34-39H,10-12H2,(H,31,40)(H,32,41)(H,33,42)/t16-,17-,18-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC05821 enterochelin C30H27N3O15 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C30H27N3O15/c34-19-7-1-4-13(22(19)37)25(40)31-16-10-46-29(44)18(33-27(42)15-6-3-9-21(36)24(15)39)12-48-30(45)17(11-47-28(16)43)32-26(41)14-5-2-8-20(35)23(14)38/h1-9,16-18,34-39H,10-12H2,(H,31,40)(H,32,41)(H,33,42)/t16-,17-,18-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:50616 KEGG:C05840 compound C4H5NO4 InChI=1S/C4H5NO4/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h5H,1H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9) UPa:UPC05840 iminoaspartate C4H5NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H5NO4/c5-2(4(8)9)1-3(6)7/h5H,1H2,(H,6,7)(H,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:37531 CHEBI:55337 KEGG:C05847 compound C10H20O7P2 InChI=1S/C10H20O7P2/c1-9(2)5-4-6-10(3)7-8-16-19(14,15)17-18(11,12)13/h5,7H,4,6,8H2,1-3H3,(H,14,15)(H2,11,12,13)/b10-7+ UPa:UPC05847 all-trans-polyprenyl diphosphate C10H20O7P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H20O7P2/c1-9(2)5-4-6-10(3)7-8-16-19(14,15)17-18(11,12)13/h5,7H,4,6,8H2,1-3H3,(H,14,15)(H2,11,12,13)/b10-7+ UPa: CHEBI:27985 KEGG:C05922 compound C10H18N5O15P3 InChI=1S/C10H18N5O15P3/c11-10-14-7(4(12-2-16)8(19)15-10)13-9-6(18)5(17)3(28-9)1-27-32(23,24)30-33(25,26)29-31(20,21)22/h2-3,5-6,9,17-18H,1H2,(H,12,16)(H,23,24)(H,25,26)(H2,20,21,22)(H4,11,13,14,15,19)/t3-,5-,6-,9-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC05922 formamidopyrimidine nucleoside triphosphate C10H18N5O15P3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H18N5O15P3/c11-10-14-7(4(12-2-16)8(19)15-10)13-9-6(18)5(17)3(28-9)1-27-32(23,24)30-33(25,26)29-31(20,21)22/h2-3,5-6,9,17-18H,1H2,(H,12,16)(H,23,24)(H,25,26)(H2,20,21,22)(H4,11,13,14,15,19)/t3-,5-,6-,9-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:929 KEGG:C05923 compound C9H18N5O14P3 InChI=1S/C9H18N5O14P3/c10-3-6(13-9(11)14-7(3)17)12-8-5(16)4(15)2(26-8)1-25-30(21,22)28-31(23,24)27-29(18,19)20/h2,4-5,8,15-16H,1,10H2,(H,21,22)(H,23,24)(H2,18,19,20)(H4,11,12,13,14,17)/t2-,4-,5-,8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC05923 2,5-diaminopyrimidine nucleoside triphosphate C9H18N5O14P3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H18N5O14P3/c10-3-6(13-9(11)14-7(3)17)12-8-5(16)4(15)2(26-8)1-25-30(21,22)28-31(23,24)27-29(18,19)20/h2,4-5,8,15-16H,1,10H2,(H,21,22)(H,23,24)(H2,18,19,20)(H4,11,12,13,14,17)/t2-,4-,5-,8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:48954 KEGG:C05925 2-Amino-4-hydroxy-6-(erythro-1,2,3-trihydroxypropyl)dihydropteridine phosphate compound C9H14N5O7P InChI=1S/C9H14N5O7P/c10-9-13-7-5(8(17)14-9)12-3(1-11-7)6(16)4(15)2-21-22(18,19)20/h4,6,15-16H,1-2H2,(H2,18,19,20)(H4,10,11,13,14,17)/t4-,6+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC05925 7,8-dihydroneopterin 3'-phosphate 2-Amino-4-hydroxy-6-(erythro-1,2,3-trihydroxypropyl)dihydropteridine phosphate KEGG:KEGG C9H14N5O7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H14N5O7P/c10-9-13-7-5(8(17)14-9)12-3(1-11-7)6(16)4(15)2-21-22(18,19)20/h4,6,15-16H,1-2H2,(H2,18,19,20)(H4,10,11,13,14,17)/t4-,6+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:48957 KEGG:C05931 N-succinyl-L-glutamate compound C9H13NO7 InChI=1S/C9H13NO7/c11-6(2-4-8(14)15)10-5(9(16)17)1-3-7(12)13/h5H,1-4H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)(H,14,15)(H,16,17)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC05931 N(2)-succinyl-L-glutamic acid N-succinyl-L-glutamate KEGG:KEGG C9H13NO7 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H13NO7/c11-6(2-4-8(14)15)10-5(9(16)17)1-3-7(12)13/h5H,1-4H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)(H,14,15)(H,16,17)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27657 KEGG:C05932 compound C9H13NO6 InChI=1S/C9H13NO6/c11-5-1-2-6(9(15)16)10-7(12)3-4-8(13)14/h5-6H,1-4H2,(H,10,12)(H,13,14)(H,15,16)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC05932 N-succinyl-L-glutamate 5-semialdehyde C9H13NO6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H13NO6/c11-5-1-2-6(9(15)16)10-7(12)3-4-8(13)14/h5-6H,1-4H2,(H,10,12)(H,13,14)(H,15,16)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27681 CHEBI:49256 KEGG:C06006 (S)-2-aceto-2-hydroxybutanoate compound C6H10O4 InChI=1S/C6H10O4/c1-3-6(10,4(2)7)5(8)9/h10H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06006 (S)-2-acetyl-2-hydroxybutanoic acid (S)-2-aceto-2-hydroxybutanoate KEGG:KEGG C6H10O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O4/c1-3-6(10,4(2)7)5(8)9/h10H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27512 CHEBI:49258 KEGG:C06007 (R)-2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylpentanoate compound C6H12O4 InChI=1S/C6H12O4/c1-3-6(2,10)4(7)5(8)9/h4,7,10H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9)/t4-,6+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06007 (2R,3R)-2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylpentanoic acid (R)-2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylpentanoate KEGG:KEGG C6H12O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12O4/c1-3-6(2,10)4(7)5(8)9/h4,7,10H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9)/t4-,6+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28379 KEGG:C06008 compound C6H10O3 InChI=1S/C6H10O3/c1-3-4(2)5(7)6(8)9/h4H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9)/t4-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06008 (R)-2-oxo-3-methylpentanoate C6H10O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O3/c1-3-4(2)5(7)6(8)9/h4H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9)/t4-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18409 KEGG:C06010 (S)-2-acetolactic acid compound C5H8O4 InChI=1S/C5H8O4/c1-3(6)5(2,9)4(7)8/h9H,1-2H3,(H,7,8)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06010 (S)-2-acetolactate (S)-2-acetolactic acid KEGG:KEGG C5H8O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H8O4/c1-3(6)5(2,9)4(7)8/h9H,1-2H3,(H,7,8)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27973 KEGG:C06019 compound C6H13O9P InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-1-3(8)5(10)6(11)4(9)2-15-16(12,13)14/h3-4,6-9,11H,1-2H2,(H2,12,13,14)/t3-,4-,6-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06019 D-arabino-3-hexulose 6-phosphate C6H13O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-1-3(8)5(10)6(11)4(9)2-15-16(12,13)14/h3-4,6-9,11H,1-2H2,(H2,12,13,14)/t3-,4-,6-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:71619 KEGG:C06022 compound C29H51N3O18P2 InChI=1S/C29H51N3O18P2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-17(34)14-21(36)48-26-22(30)28(47-18(15-33)24(26)38)49-52(43,44)50-51(41,42)45-16-19-23(37)25(39)27(46-19)32-13-12-20(35)31-29(32)40/h12-13,17-19,22-28,33-34,37-39H,2-11,14-16,30H2,1H3,(H,41,42)(H,43,44)(H,31,35,40)/t17-,18-,19-,22-,23-,24-,25-,26-,27-,28-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06022 UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-D-glucosamine C29H51N3O18P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C29H51N3O18P2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-17(34)14-21(36)48-26-22(30)28(47-18(15-33)24(26)38)49-52(43,44)50-51(41,42)45-16-19-23(37)25(39)27(46-19)32-13-12-20(35)31-29(32)40/h12-13,17-19,22-28,33-34,37-39H,2-11,14-16,30H2,1H3,(H,41,42)(H,43,44)(H,31,35,40)/t17-,18-,19-,22-,23-,24-,25-,26-,27-,28-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27439 KEGG:C06024 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonyl-lipid IV(A) compound C76H142N2O30P2 InChI=1S/C76H142N2O30P2/c1-5-9-13-17-21-25-29-33-37-41-53(80)45-61(86)77-65-71(104-63(88)47-55(82)43-39-35-31-27-23-19-15-11-7-3)68(91)59(102-74(65)108-110(97,98)99)51-100-73-66(78-62(87)46-54(81)42-38-34-30-26-22-18-14-10-6-2)72(105-64(89)48-56(83)44-40-36-32-28-24-20-16-12-8-4)70(107-109(94,95)96)60(103-73)52-101-76(75(92)93)49-57(84)67(90)69(106-76)58(85)50-79/h53-60,65-74,79-85,90-91H,5-52H2,1-4H3,(H,77,86)(H,78,87)(H,92,93)(H2,94,95,96)(H2,97,98,99)/t53-,54-,55-,56-,57-,58-,59-,60-,65-,66-,67-,68-,69-,70-,71-,72-,73-,74-,76-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06024 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonyl-lipid IV((A)) 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonyl-lipid IV(A) KEGG:KEGG C76H142N2O30P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C76H142N2O30P2/c1-5-9-13-17-21-25-29-33-37-41-53(80)45-61(86)77-65-71(104-63(88)47-55(82)43-39-35-31-27-23-19-15-11-7-3)68(91)59(102-74(65)108-110(97,98)99)51-100-73-66(78-62(87)46-54(81)42-38-34-30-26-22-18-14-10-6-2)72(105-64(89)48-56(83)44-40-36-32-28-24-20-16-12-8-4)70(107-109(94,95)96)60(103-73)52-101-76(75(92)93)49-57(84)67(90)69(106-76)58(85)50-79/h53-60,65-74,79-85,90-91H,5-52H2,1-4H3,(H,77,86)(H,78,87)(H,92,93)(H2,94,95,96)(H2,97,98,99)/t53-,54-,55-,56-,57-,58-,59-,60-,65-,66-,67-,68-,69-,70-,71-,72-,73-,74-,76-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28526 KEGG:C06025 compound C84H154N2O37P2 InChI=1S/C84H154N2O37P2/c1-5-9-13-17-21-25-29-33-37-41-55(89)45-65(96)85-69-77(117-67(98)47-57(91)43-39-35-31-27-23-19-15-11-7-3)73(102)63(115-80(69)123-125(110,111)112)53-113-79-70(86-66(97)46-56(90)42-38-34-30-26-22-18-14-10-6-2)78(118-68(99)48-58(92)44-40-36-32-28-24-20-16-12-8-4)76(122-124(107,108)109)64(116-79)54-114-83(81(103)104)50-62(72(101)75(120-83)61(95)52-88)119-84(82(105)106)49-59(93)71(100)74(121-84)60(94)51-87/h55-64,69-80,87-95,100-102H,5-54H2,1-4H3,(H,85,96)(H,86,97)(H,103,104)(H,105,106)(H2,107,108,109)(H2,110,111,112)/t55-,56-,57-,58-,59-,60-,61-,62-,63-,64-,69-,70-,71-,72-,73-,74-,75-,76-,77-,78-,79-,80-,83-,84-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06025 di[3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonyl]-lipid IV(A) C84H154N2O37P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C84H154N2O37P2/c1-5-9-13-17-21-25-29-33-37-41-55(89)45-65(96)85-69-77(117-67(98)47-57(91)43-39-35-31-27-23-19-15-11-7-3)73(102)63(115-80(69)123-125(110,111)112)53-113-79-70(86-66(97)46-56(90)42-38-34-30-26-22-18-14-10-6-2)78(118-68(99)48-58(92)44-40-36-32-28-24-20-16-12-8-4)76(122-124(107,108)109)64(116-79)54-114-83(81(103)104)50-62(72(101)75(120-83)61(95)52-88)119-84(82(105)106)49-59(93)71(100)74(121-84)60(94)51-87/h55-64,69-80,87-95,100-102H,5-54H2,1-4H3,(H,85,96)(H,86,97)(H,103,104)(H,105,106)(H2,107,108,109)(H2,110,111,112)/t55-,56-,57-,58-,59-,60-,61-,62-,63-,64-,69-,70-,71-,72-,73-,74-,75-,76-,77-,78-,79-,80-,83-,84-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27963 KEGG:C06026 compound C110H202N2O39P2 InChI=1S/C110H202N2O39P2/c1-7-13-19-25-31-37-38-44-50-56-62-68-92(123)142-82(66-60-54-48-42-35-29-23-17-11-5)72-94(125)146-104-96(112-90(121)71-81(65-59-53-47-41-34-28-22-16-10-4)141-91(122)67-61-55-49-43-36-30-24-18-12-6)105(144-88(102(104)150-152(133,134)135)78-140-109(107(129)130)74-86(98(127)101(148-109)85(119)76-114)147-110(108(131)132)73-83(117)97(126)100(149-110)84(118)75-113)139-77-87-99(128)103(145-93(124)70-80(116)64-58-52-46-40-33-27-21-15-9-3)95(106(143-87)151-153(136,137)138)111-89(120)69-79(115)63-57-51-45-39-32-26-20-14-8-2/h79-88,95-106,113-119,126-128H,7-78H2,1-6H3,(H,111,120)(H,112,121)(H,129,130)(H,131,132)(H2,133,134,135)(H2,136,137,138)/t79-,80-,81-,82-,83-,84-,85-,86-,87-,88-,95-,96-,97-,98-,99-,100-,101-,102-,103-,104-,105-,106-,109-,110-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06026 KDO(2)-lipid A C110H202N2O39P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C110H202N2O39P2/c1-7-13-19-25-31-37-38-44-50-56-62-68-92(123)142-82(66-60-54-48-42-35-29-23-17-11-5)72-94(125)146-104-96(112-90(121)71-81(65-59-53-47-41-34-28-22-16-10-4)141-91(122)67-61-55-49-43-36-30-24-18-12-6)105(144-88(102(104)150-152(133,134)135)78-140-109(107(129)130)74-86(98(127)101(148-109)85(119)76-114)147-110(108(131)132)73-83(117)97(126)100(149-110)84(118)75-113)139-77-87-99(128)103(145-93(124)70-80(116)64-58-52-46-40-33-27-21-15-9-3)95(106(143-87)151-153(136,137)138)111-89(120)69-79(115)63-57-51-45-39-32-26-20-14-8-2/h79-88,95-106,113-119,126-128H,7-78H2,1-6H3,(H,111,120)(H,112,121)(H,129,130)(H,131,132)(H2,133,134,135)(H2,136,137,138)/t79-,80-,81-,82-,83-,84-,85-,86-,87-,88-,95-,96-,97-,98-,99-,100-,101-,102-,103-,104-,105-,106-,109-,110-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27394 KEGG:C06032 D-erythro-3-methylmalate compound C5H8O5 InChI=1S/C5H8O5/c1-2(4(7)8)3(6)5(9)10/h2-3,6H,1H3,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/t2-,3+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06032 D-erythro-3-methylmalic acid D-erythro-3-methylmalate KEGG:KEGG C5H8O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H8O5/c1-2(4(7)8)3(6)5(9)10/h2-3,6H,1H3,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/t2-,3+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27951 KEGG:C06054 (3R)-3-hydroxy-2-oxo-4-phosphonooxybutanoate compound C4H7O8P InChI=1S/C4H7O8P/c5-2(3(6)4(7)8)1-12-13(9,10)11/h2,5H,1H2,(H,7,8)(H2,9,10,11)/t2-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06054 (R)-3-hydroxy-2-oxo-4-phosphonooxybutanoic acid (3R)-3-hydroxy-2-oxo-4-phosphonooxybutanoate KEGG:KEGG C4H7O8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H7O8P/c5-2(3(6)4(7)8)1-12-13(9,10)11/h2,5H,1H2,(H,7,8)(H2,9,10,11)/t2-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18336 KEGG:C06055 compound C4H10NO7P InChI=1S/C4H10NO7P/c5-3(4(7)8)2(6)1-12-13(9,10)11/h2-3,6H,1,5H2,(H,7,8)(H2,9,10,11)/t2-,3+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06055 4-(phosphonooxy)-L-threonine C4H10NO7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H10NO7P/c5-3(4(7)8)2(6)1-12-13(9,10)11/h2-3,6H,1,5H2,(H,7,8)(H2,9,10,11)/t2-,3+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15384 KEGG:C06078 compound C10H16 InChI=1S/C10H16/c1-8(2)10-6-4-9(3)5-7-10/h4,10H,1,5-7H2,2-3H3 UPa:UPC06078 limonene C10H16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H16/c1-8(2)10-6-4-9(3)5-7-10/h4,10H,1,5-7H2,2-3H3 UPa: CHEBI:15382 KEGG:C06099 compound C10H16 InChI=1S/C10H16/c1-8(2)10-6-4-9(3)5-7-10/h4,10H,1,5-7H2,2-3H3/t10-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06099 (4R)-limonene C10H16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H16/c1-8(2)10-6-4-9(3)5-7-10/h4,10H,1,5-7H2,2-3H3/t10-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27450 KEGG:C06118 4-(4-deoxy-alpha-D-gluc-4-enuronosyl)-D-galacturonate compound C12H16O12 InChI=1S/C12H16O12/c13-2-1-3(9(17)18)22-12(4(2)14)24-7-5(15)6(16)11(21)23-8(7)10(19)20/h1-2,4-8,11-16,21H,(H,17,18)(H,19,20)/t2-,4+,5+,6+,7+,8-,11+,12+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06118 4-(4-deoxy-alpha-D-gluc-4-enosyluronic acid)-D-galacturonic acid 4-(4-deoxy-alpha-D-gluc-4-enuronosyl)-D-galacturonate KEGG:KEGG C12H16O12 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H16O12/c13-2-1-3(9(17)18)22-12(4(2)14)24-7-5(15)6(16)11(21)23-8(7)10(19)20/h1-2,4-8,11-16,21H,(H,17,18)(H,19,20)/t2-,4+,5+,6+,7+,8-,11+,12+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28003 KEGG:C06148 compound C9H18N5O14P3 InChI=1S/C9H18N5O14P3/c10-5-7(13-9(11)14-8(5)18)12-1-3(15)6(17)4(16)2-26-30(22,23)28-31(24,25)27-29(19,20)21/h4,6,16-17H,1-2,10H2,(H,22,23)(H,24,25)(H2,19,20,21)(H4,11,12,13,14,18) UPa:UPC06148 2,5-diamino-6-(5'-triphosphoryl-3',4'-trihydroxy-2'-oxopentyl)-amino-4-oxopyrimidine C9H18N5O14P3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H18N5O14P3/c10-5-7(13-9(11)14-8(5)18)12-1-3(15)6(17)4(16)2-26-30(22,23)28-31(24,25)27-29(19,20)21/h4,6,16-17H,1-2,10H2,(H,22,23)(H,24,25)(H2,19,20,21)(H4,11,12,13,14,18) UPa: CHEBI:27625 KEGG:C06156 compound C6H14NO8P InChI=1S/C6H14NO8P/c7-3-5(10)4(9)2(1-8)14-6(3)15-16(11,12)13/h2-6,8-10H,1,7H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3-,4-,5-,6-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06156 alpha-D-glucosamine 1-phosphate C6H14NO8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H14NO8P/c7-3-5(10)4(9)2(1-8)14-6(3)15-16(11,12)13/h2-6,8-10H,1,7H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3-,4-,5-,6-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28391 KEGG:C06157 S-glutaryldihydrolipoamide compound UPa:UPC06157 S(8)-glutaryldihydrolipoamide S-glutaryldihydrolipoamide KEGG:KEGG CHEBI:17729 KEGG:C06160 compound C16H17NO3 InChI=1S/C16H17NO3/c18-12-3-1-10(2-4-12)7-14-13-9-16(20)15(19)8-11(13)5-6-17-14/h1-4,8-9,14,17-20H,5-7H2/t14-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06160 (S)-norcoclaurine C16H17NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C16H17NO3/c18-12-3-1-10(2-4-12)7-14-13-9-16(20)15(19)8-11(13)5-6-17-14/h1-4,8-9,14,17-20H,5-7H2/t14-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15950 KEGG:C06161 compound C17H19NO3 InChI=1S/C17H19NO3/c1-21-17-9-12-6-7-18-15(14(12)10-16(17)20)8-11-2-4-13(19)5-3-11/h2-5,9-10,15,18-20H,6-8H2,1H3/t15-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06161 (S)-coclaurine C17H19NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C17H19NO3/c1-21-17-9-12-6-7-18-15(14(12)10-16(17)20)8-11-2-4-13(19)5-3-11/h2-5,9-10,15,18-20H,6-8H2,1H3/t15-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28699 KEGG:C06189 compound C3H6O9P2 InChI=1S/C3H6O9P2/c4-3(5)2-1-10-13(6,7)12-14(8,9)11-2/h2H,1H2,(H,4,5)(H,6,7)(H,8,9) UPa:UPC06189 cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate C3H6O9P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H6O9P2/c4-3(5)2-1-10-13(6,7)12-14(8,9)11-2/h2H,1H2,(H,4,5)(H,6,7)(H,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:58936 CHEBI:915 KEGG:C06201 2,4-dihydoxy-hept-2-ene-1,7-dioate compound C7H10O6 InChI=1S/C7H10O6/c8-4(1-2-6(10)11)3-5(9)7(12)13/h3-4,8-9H,1-2H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/b5-3- UPa:UPC06201 2,4-dihydroxyhept-2-enedioic acid 2,4-dihydoxy-hept-2-ene-1,7-dioate KEGG:KEGG C7H10O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H10O6/c8-4(1-2-6(10)11)3-5(9)7(12)13/h3-4,8-9H,1-2H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/b5-3- UPa: CHEBI:27592 KEGG:C06231 1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2-methyl-4-pyrimidinecarboxylic acid compound C6H10N2O2 InChI=1S/C6H10N2O2/c1-4-7-3-2-5(8-4)6(9)10/h5H,2-3H2,1H3,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06231 L-ectoine 1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2-methyl-4-pyrimidinecarboxylic acid KEGG:KEGG C6H10N2O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10N2O2/c1-4-7-3-2-5(8-4)6(9)10/h5H,2-3H2,1H3,(H,7,8)(H,9,10)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27422 KEGG:C06251 lauroyl-KDO2-lipid IV(A) compound C96H176N2O38P2 InChI=1S/C96H176N2O38P2/c1-6-11-16-21-26-31-36-41-46-51-66(101)56-76(107)97-81-89(130-79(110)57-67(102)52-47-42-37-32-27-22-17-12-7-2)85(114)74(128-92(81)136-138(122,123)124)64-125-91-82(98-77(108)59-69(54-49-44-39-34-29-24-19-14-9-4)127-78(109)55-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5)90(131-80(111)58-68(103)53-48-43-38-33-28-23-18-13-8-3)88(135-137(119,120)121)75(129-91)65-126-95(93(115)116)61-73(84(113)87(133-95)72(106)63-100)132-96(94(117)118)60-70(104)83(112)86(134-96)71(105)62-99/h66-75,81-92,99-106,112-114H,6-65H2,1-5H3,(H,97,107)(H,98,108)(H,115,116)(H,117,118)(H2,119,120,121)(H2,122,123,124)/t66-,67-,68-,69-,70-,71-,72-,73-,74-,75-,81-,82-,83-,84-,85-,86-,87-,88-,89-,90-,91-,92-,95-,96-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06251 lauroyl-KDO(2)-lipid IV(A) lauroyl-KDO2-lipid IV(A) KEGG:KEGG C96H176N2O38P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C96H176N2O38P2/c1-6-11-16-21-26-31-36-41-46-51-66(101)56-76(107)97-81-89(130-79(110)57-67(102)52-47-42-37-32-27-22-17-12-7-2)85(114)74(128-92(81)136-138(122,123)124)64-125-91-82(98-77(108)59-69(54-49-44-39-34-29-24-19-14-9-4)127-78(109)55-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5)90(131-80(111)58-68(103)53-48-43-38-33-28-23-18-13-8-3)88(135-137(119,120)121)75(129-91)65-126-95(93(115)116)61-73(84(113)87(133-95)72(106)63-100)132-96(94(117)118)60-70(104)83(112)86(134-96)71(105)62-99/h66-75,81-92,99-106,112-114H,6-65H2,1-5H3,(H,97,107)(H,98,108)(H,115,116)(H,117,118)(H2,119,120,121)(H2,122,123,124)/t66-,67-,68-,69-,70-,71-,72-,73-,74-,75-,81-,82-,83-,84-,85-,86-,87-,88-,89-,90-,91-,92-,95-,96-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28359 KEGG:C06307 beta-pinene compound C10H16 InChI=1S/C10H16/c1-7-4-5-8-6-9(7)10(8,2)3/h8-9H,1,4-6H2,2-3H3/t8-,9-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06307 (-)-beta-pinene beta-pinene KEGG:KEGG C10H16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H16/c1-7-4-5-8-6-9(7)10(8,2)3/h8-9H,1,4-6H2,2-3H3/t8-,9-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28660 KEGG:C06308 alpha-pinene compound C10H16 InChI=1S/C10H16/c1-7-4-5-8-6-9(7)10(8,2)3/h4,8-9H,5-6H2,1-3H3/t8-,9-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06308 (-)-alpha-pinene alpha-pinene KEGG:KEGG C10H16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H16/c1-7-4-5-8-6-9(7)10(8,2)3/h4,8-9H,5-6H2,1-3H3/t8-,9-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15373 KEGG:C06313 compound C9H11N5O3 InChI=1S/C9H11N5O3/c1-3(15)6(16)4-2-11-7-5(12-4)8(17)14-9(10)13-7/h2-3,6,15-16H,1H3,(H3,10,11,13,14,17) UPa:UPC06313 biopterin C9H11N5O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H11N5O3/c1-3(15)6(16)4-2-11-7-5(12-4)8(17)14-9(10)13-7/h2-3,6,15-16H,1H3,(H3,10,11,13,14,17) UPa: CHEBI:17803 KEGG:C06316 D-erythro-ascorbic acid compound C5H6O5 InChI=1S/C5H6O5/c6-1-2-3(7)4(8)5(9)10-2/h2,6-8H,1H2/t2-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06316 dehydro-D-arabinono-1,4-lactone D-erythro-ascorbic acid KEGG:KEGG C5H6O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H6O5/c6-1-2-3(7)4(8)5(9)10-2/h2,6-8H,1H2/t2-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18353 KEGG:C06317 compound C8H10O3 InChI=1S/C8H10O3/c1-11-8-4-6(5-9)2-3-7(8)10/h2-4,9-10H,5H2,1H3 UPa:UPC06317 vanillyl-alcohol C8H10O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H10O3/c1-11-8-4-6(5-9)2-3-7(8)10/h2-4,9-10H,5H2,1H3 UPa: CHEBI:27858 KEGG:C06319 compound C44H56N4O16 InChI=1S/C44H56N4O16/c1-40(13-12-34(55)56)25(15-36(59)60)39-44(5)42(3,20-38(63)64)23(8-11-33(53)54)27(48-44)17-30-41(2,19-37(61)62)22(7-10-32(51)52)28(45-30)18-43(4)24(14-35(57)58)21(6-9-31(49)50)26(47-43)16-29(40)46-39/h17,23,25,39,48H,6-16,18-20H2,1-5H3,(H,49,50)(H,51,52)(H,53,54)(H,55,56)(H,57,58)(H,59,60)(H,61,62)(H,63,64)/b27-17-/t23-,25+,39?,40-,41+,42+,43+,44+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06319 precorrin-6B C44H56N4O16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C44H56N4O16/c1-40(13-12-34(55)56)25(15-36(59)60)39-44(5)42(3,20-38(63)64)23(8-11-33(53)54)27(48-44)17-30-41(2,19-37(61)62)22(7-10-32(51)52)28(45-30)18-43(4)24(14-35(57)58)21(6-9-31(49)50)26(47-43)16-29(40)46-39/h17,23,25,39,48H,6-16,18-20H2,1-5H3,(H,49,50)(H,51,52)(H,53,54)(H,55,56)(H,57,58)(H,59,60)(H,61,62)(H,63,64)/b27-17-/t23-,25+,39?,40-,41+,42+,43+,44+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27513 KEGG:C06320 compound C44H54N4O16 InChI=1S/C44H54N4O16/c1-40(13-12-34(55)56)25(15-36(59)60)39-44(5)42(3,20-38(63)64)23(8-11-33(53)54)27(48-44)17-30-41(2,19-37(61)62)22(7-10-32(51)52)28(45-30)18-43(4)24(14-35(57)58)21(6-9-31(49)50)26(47-43)16-29(40)46-39/h17,23,48H,6-16,18-20H2,1-5H3,(H,49,50)(H,51,52)(H,53,54)(H,55,56)(H,57,58)(H,59,60)(H,61,62)(H,63,64)/b27-17-/t23-,40-,41+,42+,43+,44+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06320 precorrin-6A C44H54N4O16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C44H54N4O16/c1-40(13-12-34(55)56)25(15-36(59)60)39-44(5)42(3,20-38(63)64)23(8-11-33(53)54)27(48-44)17-30-41(2,19-37(61)62)22(7-10-32(51)52)28(45-30)18-43(4)24(14-35(57)58)21(6-9-31(49)50)26(47-43)16-29(40)46-39/h17,23,48H,6-16,18-20H2,1-5H3,(H,49,50)(H,51,52)(H,53,54)(H,55,56)(H,57,58)(H,59,60)(H,61,62)(H,63,64)/b27-17-/t23-,40-,41+,42+,43+,44+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18340 CHEBI:37888 KEGG:C06321 1,2-dihydroxycyclohexa-3,5-diene-1-carboxylate compound C7H8O4 InChI=1S/C7H8O4/c8-5-3-1-2-4-7(5,11)6(9)10/h1-5,8,11H,(H,9,10)/t5-,7+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06321 (1R,6S)-1,6-dihydroxycyclohexa-2,4-dienecarboxylic acid 1,2-dihydroxycyclohexa-3,5-diene-1-carboxylate KEGG:KEGG C7H8O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H8O4/c8-5-3-1-2-4-7(5,11)6(9)10/h1-5,8,11H,(H,9,10)/t5-,7+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15498 KEGG:C06387 compound C28H39ClN7O17P3S InChI=1S/C28H39ClN7O17P3S/c1-28(2,22(39)25(40)32-8-7-18(37)31-9-10-57-27(41)15-3-5-16(29)6-4-15)12-50-56(47,48)53-55(45,46)49-11-17-21(52-54(42,43)44)20(38)26(51-17)36-14-35-19-23(30)33-13-34-24(19)36/h3-6,13-14,17,20-22,26,38-39H,7-12H2,1-2H3,(H,31,37)(H,32,40)(H,45,46)(H,47,48)(H2,30,33,34)(H2,42,43,44)/t17-,20-,21-,22+,26-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06387 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA C28H39ClN7O17P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C28H39ClN7O17P3S/c1-28(2,22(39)25(40)32-8-7-18(37)31-9-10-57-27(41)15-3-5-16(29)6-4-15)12-50-56(47,48)53-55(45,46)49-11-17-21(52-54(42,43)44)20(38)26(51-17)36-14-35-19-23(30)33-13-34-24(19)36/h3-6,13-14,17,20-22,26,38-39H,7-12H2,1-2H3,(H,31,37)(H,32,40)(H,45,46)(H,47,48)(H2,30,33,34)(H2,42,43,44)/t17-,20-,21-,22+,26-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16693 KEGG:C06397 compound C17H27N5O16P2 InChI=1S/C17H27N5O16P2/c18-14-7-15(20-3-19-14)22(4-21-7)16-11(28)8(25)6(35-16)2-34-39(30,31)38-40(32,33)37-17-12(29)9(26)10(27)13(36-17)5(24)1-23/h3-6,8-13,16-17,23-29H,1-2H2,(H,30,31)(H,32,33)(H2,18,19,20)/t5-,6-,8-,9+,10+,11-,12+,13-,16-,17+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06397 ADP-D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose C17H27N5O16P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C17H27N5O16P2/c18-14-7-15(20-3-19-14)22(4-21-7)16-11(28)8(25)6(35-16)2-34-39(30,31)38-40(32,33)37-17-12(29)9(26)10(27)13(36-17)5(24)1-23/h3-6,8-13,16-17,23-29H,1-2H2,(H,30,31)(H,32,33)(H2,18,19,20)/t5-,6-,8-,9+,10+,11-,12+,13-,16-,17+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15915 KEGG:C06398 compound C17H27N5O16P2 InChI=1S/C17H27N5O16P2/c18-14-7-15(20-3-19-14)22(4-21-7)16-11(28)8(25)6(35-16)2-34-39(30,31)38-40(32,33)37-17-12(29)9(26)10(27)13(36-17)5(24)1-23/h3-6,8-13,16-17,23-29H,1-2H2,(H,30,31)(H,32,33)(H2,18,19,20)/t5-,6+,8+,9-,10-,11+,12-,13+,16+,17-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06398 ADP-L-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose C17H27N5O16P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C17H27N5O16P2/c18-14-7-15(20-3-19-14)22(4-21-7)16-11(28)8(25)6(35-16)2-34-39(30,31)38-40(32,33)37-17-12(29)9(26)10(27)13(36-17)5(24)1-23/h3-6,8-13,16-17,23-29H,1-2H2,(H,30,31)(H,32,33)(H2,18,19,20)/t5-,6+,8+,9-,10-,11+,12-,13+,16+,17-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17926 KEGG:C06399 hydrogenobyrinate compound C45H60N4O14 InChI=1S/C45H60N4O14/c1-21-36-24(10-13-30(52)53)41(3,4)28(47-36)18-27-23(9-12-29(50)51)43(6,19-34(60)61)39(46-27)22(2)37-25(11-14-31(54)55)44(7,20-35(62)63)45(8,49-37)40-26(17-33(58)59)42(5,38(21)48-40)16-15-32(56)57/h18,23-26,40,48H,9-17,19-20H2,1-8H3,(H,50,51)(H,52,53)(H,54,55)(H,56,57)(H,58,59)(H,60,61)(H,62,63)/b28-18-,38-21-,39-22-/t23-,24-,25-,26+,40?,42-,43+,44+,45+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06399 hydrogenobyrinic acid hydrogenobyrinate KEGG:KEGG C45H60N4O14 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C45H60N4O14/c1-21-36-24(10-13-30(52)53)41(3,4)28(47-36)18-27-23(9-12-29(50)51)43(6,19-34(60)61)39(46-27)22(2)37-25(11-14-31(54)55)44(7,20-35(62)63)45(8,49-37)40-26(17-33(58)59)42(5,38(21)48-40)16-15-32(56)57/h18,23-26,40,48H,9-17,19-20H2,1-8H3,(H,50,51)(H,52,53)(H,54,55)(H,56,57)(H,58,59)(H,60,61)(H,62,63)/b28-18-,38-21-,39-22-/t23-,24-,25-,26+,40?,42-,43+,44+,45+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27711 KEGG:C06406 compound C43H50N4O17 InChI=1S/C43H50N4O17/c1-40(17-37(60)61)23(6-10-33(52)53)28-15-27-21(12-35(56)57)19(4-8-31(48)49)25(44-27)14-26-20(5-9-32(50)51)22(13-36(58)59)39(46-26)42(3,63)43-41(2,18-38(62)64-43)24(7-11-34(54)55)29(47-43)16-30(40)45-28/h15-16,23-24,44,46-47,63H,4-14,17-18H2,1-3H3,(H,48,49)(H,50,51)(H,52,53)(H,54,55)(H,56,57)(H,58,59)(H,60,61)/b28-15-,29-16-/t23-,24-,40+,41+,42+,43-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06406 precorrin-3B C43H50N4O17 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C43H50N4O17/c1-40(17-37(60)61)23(6-10-33(52)53)28-15-27-21(12-35(56)57)19(4-8-31(48)49)25(44-27)14-26-20(5-9-32(50)51)22(13-36(58)59)39(46-26)42(3,63)43-41(2,18-38(62)64-43)24(7-11-34(54)55)29(47-43)16-30(40)45-28/h15-16,23-24,44,46-47,63H,4-14,17-18H2,1-3H3,(H,48,49)(H,50,51)(H,52,53)(H,54,55)(H,56,57)(H,58,59)(H,60,61)/b28-15-,29-16-/t23-,24-,40+,41+,42+,43-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16430 KEGG:C06407 compound C44H52N4O17 InChI=1S/C44H52N4O17/c1-20(49)44-40-25(14-37(60)61)41(2,12-11-35(56)57)30(47-40)16-27-21(5-8-32(50)51)22(13-36(58)59)26(45-27)15-28-23(6-9-33(52)53)42(3,18-38(62)63)31(46-28)17-29(48-44)24(7-10-34(54)55)43(44,4)19-39(64)65/h17,24,45,48H,5-16,18-19H2,1-4H3,(H,50,51)(H,52,53)(H,54,55)(H,56,57)(H,58,59)(H,60,61)(H,62,63)(H,64,65)/b29-17-/t24-,41-,42+,43+,44?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06407 precorrin-4 C44H52N4O17 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C44H52N4O17/c1-20(49)44-40-25(14-37(60)61)41(2,12-11-35(56)57)30(47-40)16-27-21(5-8-32(50)51)22(13-36(58)59)26(45-27)15-28-23(6-9-33(52)53)42(3,18-38(62)63)31(46-28)17-29(48-44)24(7-10-34(54)55)43(44,4)19-39(64)65/h17,24,45,48H,5-16,18-19H2,1-4H3,(H,50,51)(H,52,53)(H,54,55)(H,56,57)(H,58,59)(H,60,61)(H,62,63)(H,64,65)/b29-17-/t24-,41-,42+,43+,44?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28629 KEGG:C06408 compound C45H60N4O14 InChI=1S/C45H60N4O14/c1-21-36-24(9-12-29(50)51)23(3)44(7,48-36)18-28-25(10-13-30(52)53)42(5,19-34(60)61)39(46-28)22(2)37-26(11-14-31(54)55)43(6,20-35(62)63)45(8,49-37)40-27(17-33(58)59)41(4,38(21)47-40)16-15-32(56)57/h21,25-27,40H,9-20H2,1-8H3,(H,50,51)(H,52,53)(H,54,55)(H,56,57)(H,58,59)(H,60,61)(H,62,63)/b39-22-/t21-,25+,26+,27-,40?,41+,42-,43-,44-,45-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06408 precorrin-8X C45H60N4O14 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C45H60N4O14/c1-21-36-24(9-12-29(50)51)23(3)44(7,48-36)18-28-25(10-13-30(52)53)42(5,19-34(60)61)39(46-28)22(2)37-26(11-14-31(54)55)43(6,20-35(62)63)45(8,49-37)40-27(17-33(58)59)41(4,38(21)47-40)16-15-32(56)57/h21,25-27,40H,9-20H2,1-8H3,(H,50,51)(H,52,53)(H,54,55)(H,56,57)(H,58,59)(H,60,61)(H,62,63)/b39-22-/t21-,25+,26+,27-,40?,41+,42-,43-,44-,45-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27630 KEGG:C06416 compound C45H54N4O17 InChI=1S/C45H54N4O17/c1-21(50)45-40-26(15-37(61)62)41(2,13-12-35(57)58)30(47-40)16-27-22(6-9-32(51)52)25(14-36(59)60)44(5,48-27)18-29-23(7-10-33(53)54)42(3,19-38(63)64)31(46-29)17-28(49-45)24(8-11-34(55)56)43(45,4)20-39(65)66/h17,24,49H,6-16,18-20H2,1-5H3,(H,51,52)(H,53,54)(H,55,56)(H,57,58)(H,59,60)(H,61,62)(H,63,64)(H,65,66)/b28-17-/t24-,41-,42+,43+,44+,45?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06416 precorrin-5 C45H54N4O17 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C45H54N4O17/c1-21(50)45-40-26(15-37(61)62)41(2,13-12-35(57)58)30(47-40)16-27-22(6-9-32(51)52)25(14-36(59)60)44(5,48-27)18-29-23(7-10-33(53)54)42(3,19-38(63)64)31(46-29)17-28(49-45)24(8-11-34(55)56)43(45,4)20-39(65)66/h17,24,49H,6-16,18-20H2,1-5H3,(H,51,52)(H,53,54)(H,55,56)(H,57,58)(H,59,60)(H,61,62)(H,63,64)(H,65,66)/b28-17-/t24-,41-,42+,43+,44+,45?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:7351 KEGG:C06442 N-acetyl-L-2,4-diaminobutyrate N-gamma-Acetyldiaminobutyrate compound C6H12N2O3 InChI=1S/C6H12N2O3/c1-4(9)8-3-2-5(7)6(10)11/h5H,2-3,7H2,1H3,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06442 N(4)-acetyl-L-2,4-diaminobutyric acid N-acetyl-L-2,4-diaminobutyrate KEGG:KEGG N-gamma-Acetyldiaminobutyrate KEGG:KEGG C6H12N2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H12N2O3/c1-4(9)8-3-2-5(7)6(10)11/h5H,2-3,7H2,1H3,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/t5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:3088 KEGG:C06457 compound C11H22N3O6P InChI=1S/C11H22N3O6P/c1-6(9(15)14-7(2)11(17)18)13-10(16)8(12)4-5-21(3,19)20/h6-8H,4-5,12H2,1-3H3,(H,13,16)(H,14,15)(H,17,18)(H,19,20)/t6-,7-,8-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06457 bialaphos C11H22N3O6P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H22N3O6P/c1-6(9(15)14-7(2)11(17)18)13-10(16)8(12)4-5-21(3,19)20/h6-8H,4-5,12H2,1-3H3,(H,13,16)(H,14,15)(H,17,18)(H,19,20)/t6-,7-,8-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:13170 CHEBI:74589 KEGG:C06481 compound UPa:UPC06481 L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) CHEBI:13166 KEGG:C06482 compound UPa:UPC06482 selenocysteinyl-tRNA(Sec) CHEBI:27914 KEGG:C06503 compound C45H62N6O12 InChI=1S/C45H62N6O12/c1-21-36-24(10-13-32(56)57)41(3,4)28(49-36)18-27-23(9-12-31(54)55)43(6,19-29(46)52)39(48-27)22(2)37-25(11-14-33(58)59)44(7,20-30(47)53)45(8,51-37)40-26(17-35(62)63)42(5,38(21)50-40)16-15-34(60)61/h18,23-26,40,50H,9-17,19-20H2,1-8H3,(H2,46,52)(H2,47,53)(H,54,55)(H,56,57)(H,58,59)(H,60,61)(H,62,63)/b28-18-,38-21-,39-22-/t23-,24-,25-,26+,40?,42-,43+,44+,45+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06503 hydrogenobyrinic acid a,c-diamide C45H62N6O12 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C45H62N6O12/c1-21-36-24(10-13-32(56)57)41(3,4)28(49-36)18-27-23(9-12-31(54)55)43(6,19-29(46)52)39(48-27)22(2)37-25(11-14-33(58)59)44(7,20-30(47)53)45(8,51-37)40-26(17-35(62)63)42(5,38(21)50-40)16-15-34(60)61/h18,23-26,40,50H,9-17,19-20H2,1-8H3,(H2,46,52)(H2,47,53)(H,54,55)(H,56,57)(H,58,59)(H,60,61)(H,62,63)/b28-18-,38-21-,39-22-/t23-,24-,25-,26+,40?,42-,43+,44+,45+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27937 KEGG:C06504 cob(II)yrinic acid a,c-diamide compound C45H61CoN6O12 InChI=1S/C45H62N6O12.Co/c1-21-36-24(10-13-32(56)57)41(3,4)28(49-36)18-27-23(9-12-31(54)55)43(6,19-29(46)52)39(48-27)22(2)37-25(11-14-33(58)59)44(7,20-30(47)53)45(8,51-37)40-26(17-35(62)63)42(5,38(21)50-40)16-15-34(60)61;/h18,23-26,40H,9-17,19-20H2,1-8H3,(H10,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);/q;+2/p-1/t23-,24-,25-,26+,40-,42-,43+,44+,45+;/m1./s1 UPa:UPC06504 cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide cob(II)yrinic acid a,c-diamide KEGG:KEGG C45H61CoN6O12 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C45H62N6O12.Co/c1-21-36-24(10-13-32(56)57)41(3,4)28(49-36)18-27-23(9-12-31(54)55)43(6,19-29(46)52)39(48-27)22(2)37-25(11-14-33(58)59)44(7,20-30(47)53)45(8,51-37)40-26(17-35(62)63)42(5,38(21)50-40)16-15-34(60)61;/h18,23-26,40H,9-17,19-20H2,1-8H3,(H10,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);/q;+2/p-1/t23-,24-,25-,26+,40-,42-,43+,44+,45+;/m1./s1 UPa: CHEBI:28531 KEGG:C06505 compound C45H61CoN6O12 InChI=1S/C45H62N6O12.Co/c1-21-36-24(10-13-32(56)57)41(3,4)28(49-36)18-27-23(9-12-31(54)55)43(6,19-29(46)52)39(48-27)22(2)37-25(11-14-33(58)59)44(7,20-30(47)53)45(8,51-37)40-26(17-35(62)63)42(5,38(21)50-40)16-15-34(60)61;/h18,23-26,40H,9-17,19-20H2,1-8H3,(H10,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);/q;+1/p-1/t23-,24-,25-,26+,40?,42-,43+,44+,45+;/m1./s1 UPa:UPC06505 cob(I)yrinic acid a,c-diamide C45H61CoN6O12 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C45H62N6O12.Co/c1-21-36-24(10-13-32(56)57)41(3,4)28(49-36)18-27-23(9-12-31(54)55)43(6,19-29(46)52)39(48-27)22(2)37-25(11-14-33(58)59)44(7,20-30(47)53)45(8,51-37)40-26(17-35(62)63)42(5,38(21)50-40)16-15-34(60)61;/h18,23-26,40H,9-17,19-20H2,1-8H3,(H10,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);/q;+1/p-1/t23-,24-,25-,26+,40?,42-,43+,44+,45+;/m1./s1 UPa: CHEBI:2482 KEGG:C06506 adenosyl cobyrinate a,c diamide compound C55H73CoN11O15 InChI=1S/C45H62N6O12.C10H12N5O3.Co/c1-21-36-24(10-13-32(56)57)41(3,4)28(49-36)18-27-23(9-12-31(54)55)43(6,19-29(46)52)39(48-27)22(2)37-25(11-14-33(58)59)44(7,20-30(47)53)45(8,51-37)40-26(17-35(62)63)42(5,38(21)50-40)16-15-34(60)61;1-4-6(16)7(17)10(18-4)15-3-14-5-8(11)12-2-13-9(5)15;/h18,23-26,40H,9-17,19-20H2,1-8H3,(H10,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13);/q;;+2/p-1/t23-,24-,25-,26+,40?,42-,43+,44+,45+;4-,6-,7-,10-;/m11./s1 UPa:UPC06506 adenosylcob(III)yrinic acid a,c-diamide adenosyl cobyrinate a,c diamide KEGG:KEGG C55H73CoN11O15 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C45H62N6O12.C10H12N5O3.Co/c1-21-36-24(10-13-32(56)57)41(3,4)28(49-36)18-27-23(9-12-31(54)55)43(6,19-29(46)52)39(48-27)22(2)37-25(11-14-33(58)59)44(7,20-30(47)53)45(8,51-37)40-26(17-35(62)63)42(5,38(21)50-40)16-15-34(60)61;1-4-6(16)7(17)10(18-4)15-3-14-5-8(11)12-2-13-9(5)15;/h18,23-26,40H,9-17,19-20H2,1-8H3,(H10,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13);/q;;+2/p-1/t23-,24-,25-,26+,40?,42-,43+,44+,45+;4-,6-,7-,10-;/m11./s1 UPa: CHEBI:2483 KEGG:C06507 compound C55H77CoN15O11 InChI=1S/C45H66N10O8.C10H12N5O3.Co/c1-21-36-24(10-13-30(47)57)41(3,4)28(53-36)18-27-23(9-12-29(46)56)43(6,19-33(50)60)39(52-27)22(2)37-25(11-14-31(48)58)44(7,20-34(51)61)45(8,55-37)40-26(17-32(49)59)42(5,38(21)54-40)16-15-35(62)63;1-4-6(16)7(17)10(18-4)15-3-14-5-8(11)12-2-13-9(5)15;/h18,23-26,40H,9-17,19-20H2,1-8H3,(H14,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13);/q;;+2/p-1/t23-,24-,25-,26+,40?,42-,43+,44+,45+;4-,6-,7-,10-;/m11./s1 UPa:UPC06507 adenosylcobyrinic acid a,c-diamide C55H77CoN15O11 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C45H66N10O8.C10H12N5O3.Co/c1-21-36-24(10-13-30(47)57)41(3,4)28(53-36)18-27-23(9-12-29(46)56)43(6,19-33(50)60)39(52-27)22(2)37-25(11-14-31(48)58)44(7,20-34(51)61)45(8,55-37)40-26(17-32(49)59)42(5,38(21)54-40)16-15-35(62)63;1-4-6(16)7(17)10(18-4)15-3-14-5-8(11)12-2-13-9(5)15;/h18,23-26,40H,9-17,19-20H2,1-8H3,(H14,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13);/q;;+2/p-1/t23-,24-,25-,26+,40?,42-,43+,44+,45+;4-,6-,7-,10-;/m11./s1 UPa: CHEBI:2480 KEGG:C06508 compound C58H84CoN16O11 InChI=1S/C48H73N11O8.C10H12N5O3.Co/c1-23(60)22-55-38(67)16-17-45(6)29(18-35(52)64)43-48(9)47(8,21-37(54)66)28(12-15-34(51)63)40(59-48)25(3)42-46(7,20-36(53)65)26(10-13-32(49)61)30(56-42)19-31-44(4,5)27(11-14-33(50)62)39(57-31)24(2)41(45)58-43;1-4-6(16)7(17)10(18-4)15-3-14-5-8(11)12-2-13-9(5)15;/h19,23,26-29,43,60H,10-18,20-22H2,1-9H3,(H14,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,61,62,63,64,65,66,67);2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13);/q;;+2/p-1/t23-,26-,27-,28-,29+,43?,45-,46+,47+,48+;4-,6-,7-,10-;/m11./s1 UPa:UPC06508 adenosylcobinamide C58H84CoN16O11 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C48H73N11O8.C10H12N5O3.Co/c1-23(60)22-55-38(67)16-17-45(6)29(18-35(52)64)43-48(9)47(8,21-37(54)66)28(12-15-34(51)63)40(59-48)25(3)42-46(7,20-36(53)65)26(10-13-32(49)61)30(56-42)19-31-44(4,5)27(11-14-33(50)62)39(57-31)24(2)41(45)58-43;1-4-6(16)7(17)10(18-4)15-3-14-5-8(11)12-2-13-9(5)15;/h19,23,26-29,43,60H,10-18,20-22H2,1-9H3,(H14,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,61,62,63,64,65,66,67);2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13);/q;;+2/p-1/t23-,26-,27-,28-,29+,43?,45-,46+,47+,48+;4-,6-,7-,10-;/m11./s1 UPa: CHEBI:2481 KEGG:C06509 compound C58H85CoN16O14P InChI=1S/C48H74N11O11P.C10H12N5O3.Co/c1-23(70-71(67,68)69)22-55-38(66)16-17-45(6)29(18-35(52)63)43-48(9)47(8,21-37(54)65)28(12-15-34(51)62)40(59-48)25(3)42-46(7,20-36(53)64)26(10-13-32(49)60)30(56-42)19-31-44(4,5)27(11-14-33(50)61)39(57-31)24(2)41(45)58-43;1-4-6(16)7(17)10(18-4)15-3-14-5-8(11)12-2-13-9(5)15;/h19,23,26-29,43H,10-18,20-22H2,1-9H3,(H16,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69);2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13);/q;;+2/p-1/t23-,26-,27-,28-,29+,43?,45-,46+,47+,48+;4-,6-,7-,10-;/m11./s1 UPa:UPC06509 adenosylcobinamide phosphate C58H85CoN16O14P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C48H74N11O11P.C10H12N5O3.Co/c1-23(70-71(67,68)69)22-55-38(66)16-17-45(6)29(18-35(52)63)43-48(9)47(8,21-37(54)65)28(12-15-34(51)62)40(59-48)25(3)42-46(7,20-36(53)64)26(10-13-32(49)60)30(56-42)19-31-44(4,5)27(11-14-33(50)61)39(57-31)24(2)41(45)58-43;1-4-6(16)7(17)10(18-4)15-3-14-5-8(11)12-2-13-9(5)15;/h19,23,26-29,43H,10-18,20-22H2,1-9H3,(H16,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69);2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13);/q;;+2/p-1/t23-,26-,27-,28-,29+,43?,45-,46+,47+,48+;4-,6-,7-,10-;/m11./s1 UPa: CHEBI:2479 KEGG:C06510 compound C68H97CoN21O21P2 InChI=1S/C58H86N16O18P2.C10H12N5O3.Co/c1-25(91-94(87,88)92-93(85,86)89-23-33-45(82)46(83)52(90-33)74-24-67-44-50(74)71-53(65)72-51(44)84)22-66-41(81)16-17-55(6)31(18-38(62)78)49-58(9)57(8,21-40(64)80)30(12-15-37(61)77)43(73-58)27(3)48-56(7,20-39(63)79)28(10-13-35(59)75)32(68-48)19-34-54(4,5)29(11-14-36(60)76)42(69-34)26(2)47(55)70-49;1-4-6(16)7(17)10(18-4)15-3-14-5-8(11)12-2-13-9(5)15;/h19,24-25,28-31,33,45-46,49,52,82-83H,10-18,20-23H2,1-9H3,(H19,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,68,69,70,71,72,73,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,84,85,86,87,88);2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13);/q;;+2/p-1/t25-,28-,29-,30-,31+,33-,45-,46-,49?,52-,55-,56+,57+,58+;4-,6-,7-,10-;/m11./s1 UPa:UPC06510 adenosylcobinamide-GDP C68H97CoN21O21P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C58H86N16O18P2.C10H12N5O3.Co/c1-25(91-94(87,88)92-93(85,86)89-23-33-45(82)46(83)52(90-33)74-24-67-44-50(74)71-53(65)72-51(44)84)22-66-41(81)16-17-55(6)31(18-38(62)78)49-58(9)57(8,21-40(64)80)30(12-15-37(61)77)43(73-58)27(3)48-56(7,20-39(63)79)28(10-13-35(59)75)32(68-48)19-34-54(4,5)29(11-14-36(60)76)42(69-34)26(2)47(55)70-49;1-4-6(16)7(17)10(18-4)15-3-14-5-8(11)12-2-13-9(5)15;/h19,24-25,28-31,33,45-46,49,52,82-83H,10-18,20-23H2,1-9H3,(H19,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,68,69,70,71,72,73,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,84,85,86,87,88);2-4,6-7,10,16-17H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13);/q;;+2/p-1/t25-,28-,29-,30-,31+,33-,45-,46-,49?,52-,55-,56+,57+,58+;4-,6-,7-,10-;/m11./s1 UPa: CHEBI:28462 KEGG:C06542 compound C20H26N2O2 InChI=1S/C20H26N2O2/c1-3-10-11-8-14-17-20(12-6-4-5-7-13(12)21(17)2)9-15(16(11)18(20)23)22(14)19(10)24/h4-7,10-11,14-19,23-24H,3,8-9H2,1-2H3/t10-,11-,14?,15-,16?,17-,18+,19+,20+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06542 ajmaline C20H26N2O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C20H26N2O2/c1-3-10-11-8-14-17-20(12-6-4-5-7-13(12)21(17)2)9-15(16(11)18(20)23)22(14)19(10)24/h4-7,10-11,14-19,23-24H,3,8-9H2,1-2H3/t10-,11-,14?,15-,16?,17-,18+,19+,20+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18153 KEGG:C06547 compound C2H4 InChI=1S/C2H4/c1-2/h1-2H2 UPa:UPC06547 ethylene C2H4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H4/c1-2/h1-2H2 UPa: CHEBI:15930 KEGG:C06551 compound C8H14ClN5 InChI=1S/C8H14ClN5/c1-4-10-7-12-6(9)13-8(14-7)11-5(2)3/h5H,4H2,1-3H3,(H2,10,11,12,13,14) UPa:UPC06551 atrazine C8H14ClN5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H14ClN5/c1-4-10-7-12-6(9)13-8(14-7)11-5(2)3/h5H,4H2,1-3H3,(H2,10,11,12,13,14) UPa: CHEBI:18316 KEGG:C06552 compound C8H15N5O InChI=1S/C8H15N5O/c1-4-9-6-11-7(10-5(2)3)13-8(14)12-6/h5H,4H2,1-3H3,(H3,9,10,11,12,13,14) UPa:UPC06552 hydroxyatrazine C8H15N5O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H15N5O/c1-4-9-6-11-7(10-5(2)3)13-8(14)12-6/h5H,4H2,1-3H3,(H3,9,10,11,12,13,14) UPa: CHEBI:17247 KEGG:C06553 compound C6H10N4O2 InChI=1S/C6H10N4O2/c1-3(2)7-4-8-5(11)10-6(12)9-4/h3H,1-2H3,(H3,7,8,9,10,11,12) UPa:UPC06553 N-isopropylammelide C6H10N4O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10N4O2/c1-3(2)7-4-8-5(11)10-6(12)9-4/h3H,1-2H3,(H3,7,8,9,10,11,12) UPa: CHEBI:38028 KEGG:C06554 cyanuric acid compound C3H3N3O3 InChI=1S/C3H3N3O3/c7-1-4-2(8)6-3(9)5-1/h(H3,4,5,6,7,8,9) UPa:UPC06554 cyanurate cyanuric acid KEGG:KEGG C3H3N3O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H3N3O3/c7-1-4-2(8)6-3(9)5-1/h(H3,4,5,6,7,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:18138 KEGG:C06555 compound C2H5N3O2 InChI=1S/C2H5N3O2/c3-1(6)5-2(4)7/h(H5,3,4,5,6,7) UPa:UPC06555 biuret C2H5N3O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H5N3O2/c3-1(6)5-2(4)7/h(H5,3,4,5,6,7) UPa: CHEBI:3543 KEGG:C06566 compound C16H22N4O9S InChI=1S/C16H22N4O9S/c1-28-16(19-9(21)4-2-3-8(17)11(22)23)13(26)20-10(12(24)25)7(5-29-15(18)27)6-30-14(16)20/h8,14H,2-6,17H2,1H3,(H2,18,27)(H,19,21)(H,22,23)(H,24,25)/t8-,14-,16+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06566 cephamycin C C16H22N4O9S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C16H22N4O9S/c1-28-16(19-9(21)4-2-3-8(17)11(22)23)13(26)20-10(12(24)25)7(5-29-15(18)27)6-30-14(16)20/h8,14H,2-6,17H2,1H3,(H2,18,27)(H,19,21)(H,22,23)(H,24,25)/t8-,14-,16+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:25822 CHEBI:28122 KEGG:C06578 p-cumic acid compound C10H12O2 InChI=1S/C10H12O2/c1-7(2)8-3-5-9(6-4-8)10(11)12/h3-7H,1-2H3,(H,11,12) UPa:UPC06578 p-cumate p-cumic acid KEGG:KEGG C10H12O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H12O2/c1-7(2)8-3-5-9(6-4-8)10(11)12/h3-7H,1-2H3,(H,11,12) UPa: CHEBI:18242 KEGG:C06579 cis-2,3-dihydroxy-2,3-dihydro-p-cumate compound C10H14O4 InChI=1S/C10H14O4/c1-5(2)6-3-4-7(10(13)14)9(12)8(6)11/h3-5,8-9,11-12H,1-2H3,(H,13,14)/t8-,9+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06579 cis-2,3-dihydroxy-2,3-dihydro-p-cumic acid cis-2,3-dihydroxy-2,3-dihydro-p-cumate KEGG:KEGG C10H14O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H14O4/c1-5(2)6-3-4-7(10(13)14)9(12)8(6)11/h3-5,8-9,11-12H,1-2H3,(H,13,14)/t8-,9+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16725 CHEBI:36647 KEGG:C06580 2,3-dihydroxy-p-cumate compound C10H12O4 InChI=1S/C10H12O4/c1-5(2)6-3-4-7(10(13)14)9(12)8(6)11/h3-5,11-12H,1-2H3,(H,13,14) UPa:UPC06580 2,3-dihydroxy-p-cumic acid 2,3-dihydroxy-p-cumate KEGG:KEGG C10H12O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H12O4/c1-5(2)6-3-4-7(10(13)14)9(12)8(6)11/h3-5,11-12H,1-2H3,(H,13,14) UPa: CHEBI:79383 KEGG:C06581 2-hydroxy-3-carboxy-6-oxo-7-methylocta-2,4-dienoate compound C10H12O6 InChI=1S/C10H12O6/c1-5(2)7(11)4-3-6(9(13)14)8(12)10(15)16/h3-5,12H,1-2H3,(H,13,14)(H,15,16)/b4-3-,8-6- UPa:UPC06581 2-hydroxy-3-carboxy-6-oxo-7-methylocta-2,4-dienoic acid 2-hydroxy-3-carboxy-6-oxo-7-methylocta-2,4-dienoate KEGG:KEGG C10H12O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H12O6/c1-5(2)7(11)4-3-6(9(13)14)8(12)10(15)16/h3-5,12H,1-2H3,(H,13,14)(H,15,16)/b4-3-,8-6- UPa: CHEBI:28961 KEGG:C06582 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-7-methylocta-2,4-dienoate compound C9H12O4 InChI=1S/C9H12O4/c1-6(2)7(10)4-3-5-8(11)9(12)13/h3-6,11H,1-2H3,(H,12,13)/b4-3-,8-5+ UPa:UPC06582 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-7-methylocta-2,4-dienoic acid 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-7-methylocta-2,4-dienoate KEGG:KEGG C9H12O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H12O4/c1-6(2)7(10)4-3-5-8(11)9(12)13/h3-6,11H,1-2H3,(H,12,13)/b4-3-,8-5+ UPa: CHEBI:17097 KEGG:C06588 compound C12H10 InChI=1S/C12H10/c1-3-7-11(8-4-1)12-9-5-2-6-10-12/h1-10H UPa:UPC06588 biphenyl C12H10 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H10/c1-3-7-11(8-4-1)12-9-5-2-6-10-12/h1-10H UPa: CHEBI:15599 CHEBI:32922 KEGG:C06589 (1S,2R)-3-phenylcyclohexa-3,5-diene-1,2-diol compound C12H12O2 InChI=1S/C12H12O2/c13-11-8-4-7-10(12(11)14)9-5-2-1-3-6-9/h1-8,11-14H/t11-,12+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06589 cis-3-phenylcyclohexa-3,5-diene-1,2-diol (1S,2R)-3-phenylcyclohexa-3,5-diene-1,2-diol KEGG:KEGG C12H12O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H12O2/c13-11-8-4-7-10(12(11)14)9-5-2-1-3-6-9/h1-8,11-14H/t11-,12+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18624 KEGG:C06609 compound C3H4Cl2 InChI=1S/C3H4Cl2/c4-2-1-3-5/h1-2H,3H2/b2-1+ UPa:UPC06609 trans-1,3-dichloropropene C3H4Cl2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H4Cl2/c4-2-1-3-5/h1-2H,3H2/b2-1+ UPa: CHEBI:18809 KEGG:C06610 compound C3H4Cl2 InChI=1S/C3H4Cl2/c4-2-1-3-5/h1-2H,3H2/b2-1- UPa:UPC06610 cis-1,3-dichloropropene C3H4Cl2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H4Cl2/c4-2-1-3-5/h1-2H,3H2/b2-1- UPa: CHEBI:28960 KEGG:C06611 compound C3H5ClO InChI=1S/C3H5ClO/c4-2-1-3-5/h1-2,5H,3H2/b2-1+ UPa:UPC06611 trans-3-chloro-2-propene-1-ol C3H5ClO KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H5ClO/c4-2-1-3-5/h1-2,5H,3H2/b2-1+ UPa: CHEBI:28967 KEGG:C06612 compound C3H5ClO InChI=1S/C3H5ClO/c4-2-1-3-5/h1-2,5H,3H2/b2-1- UPa:UPC06612 cis-3-Chloro-2-propene-1-ol C3H5ClO KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H5ClO/c4-2-1-3-5/h1-2,5H,3H2/b2-1- UPa: CHEBI:28452 KEGG:C06613 compound C3H3ClO InChI=1S/C3H3ClO/c4-2-1-3-5/h1-3H/b2-1+ UPa:UPC06613 3-chloroallyl aldehyde C3H3ClO KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H3ClO/c4-2-1-3-5/h1-3H/b2-1+ UPa: CHEBI:19982 CHEBI:28404 KEGG:C06614 compound C3H3ClO2 InChI=1S/C3H3ClO2/c4-2-1-3(5)6/h1-2H,(H,5,6)/b2-1+ UPa:UPC06614 trans-3-chloroacrylic acid C3H3ClO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H3ClO2/c4-2-1-3(5)6/h1-2H,(H,5,6)/b2-1+ UPa: CHEBI:27397 KEGG:C06615 compound C3H3ClO2 InChI=1S/C3H3ClO2/c4-2-1-3(5)6/h1-2H,(H,5,6)/b2-1- UPa:UPC06615 cis-3-chloroacrylic acid C3H3ClO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H3ClO2/c4-2-1-3(5)6/h1-2H,(H,5,6)/b2-1- UPa: CHEBI:15427 KEGG:C06655 compound C9H18N4O4 InChI=1S/C9H18N4O4/c10-9(11)13-4-1-2-6(8(16)17)12-5-3-7(14)15/h6,12H,1-5H2,(H,14,15)(H,16,17)(H4,10,11,13)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06655 N(2)-(2-carboxyethyl)-L-arginine C9H18N4O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H18N4O4/c10-9(11)13-4-1-2-6(8(16)17)12-5-3-7(14)15/h6,12H,1-5H2,(H,14,15)(H,16,17)(H4,10,11,13)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15426 KEGG:C06656 deoxyamidinoproclavaminate compound C9H16N4O3 InChI=1S/C9H16N4O3/c10-9(11)12-4-1-2-6(8(15)16)13-5-3-7(13)14/h6H,1-5H2,(H,15,16)(H4,10,11,12)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06656 deoxyamidinoproclavaminic acid deoxyamidinoproclavaminate KEGG:KEGG C9H16N4O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H16N4O3/c10-9(11)12-4-1-2-6(8(15)16)13-5-3-7(13)14/h6H,1-5H2,(H,15,16)(H4,10,11,12)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:32963 KEGG:C06657 amidinoproclavaminate compound C9H16N4O4 InChI=1S/C9H16N4O4/c10-9(11)12-3-1-5(14)7(8(16)17)13-4-2-6(13)15/h5,7,14H,1-4H2,(H,16,17)(H4,10,11,12)/t5-,7+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06657 amidinoproclavaminic acid amidinoproclavaminate KEGG:KEGG C9H16N4O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H16N4O4/c10-9(11)12-3-1-5(14)7(8(16)17)13-4-2-6(13)15/h5,7,14H,1-4H2,(H,16,17)(H4,10,11,12)/t5-,7+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15425 KEGG:C06658 proclavaminate compound C8H14N2O4 InChI=1S/C8H14N2O4/c9-3-1-5(11)7(8(13)14)10-4-2-6(10)12/h5,7,11H,1-4,9H2,(H,13,14)/t5-,7+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06658 proclavaminic acid proclavaminate KEGG:KEGG C8H14N2O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H14N2O4/c9-3-1-5(11)7(8(13)14)10-4-2-6(10)12/h5,7,11H,1-4,9H2,(H,13,14)/t5-,7+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15424 KEGG:C06659 dihydroclavaminate compound C8H12N2O4 InChI=1S/C8H12N2O4/c9-2-1-4-7(8(12)13)10-5(11)3-6(10)14-4/h4,6-7H,1-3,9H2,(H,12,13)/t4-,6+,7+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06659 dihydroclavaminic acid dihydroclavaminate KEGG:KEGG C8H12N2O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H12N2O4/c9-2-1-4-7(8(12)13)10-5(11)3-6(10)14-4/h4,6-7H,1-3,9H2,(H,12,13)/t4-,6+,7+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15423 KEGG:C06660 compound C8H10N2O4 InChI=1S/C8H10N2O4/c9-2-1-4-7(8(12)13)10-5(11)3-6(10)14-4/h1,6-7H,2-3,9H2,(H,12,13)/b4-1-/t6-,7-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06660 clavaminate C8H10N2O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H10N2O4/c9-2-1-4-7(8(12)13)10-5(11)3-6(10)14-4/h1,6-7H,2-3,9H2,(H,12,13)/b4-1-/t6-,7-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27819 KEGG:C06661 compound C8H7NO5 InChI=1S/C8H7NO5/c10-2-1-4-7(8(12)13)9-5(11)3-6(9)14-4/h1-2,6-7H,3H2,(H,12,13)/b4-1-/t6-,7-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06661 clavulanate-9-aldehyde C8H7NO5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H7NO5/c10-2-1-4-7(8(12)13)9-5(11)3-6(9)14-4/h1-2,6-7H,3H2,(H,12,13)/b4-1-/t6-,7-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:48947 KEGG:C06662 clavulanic acid compound C8H9NO5 InChI=1S/C8H9NO5/c10-2-1-4-7(8(12)13)9-5(11)3-6(9)14-4/h1,6-7,10H,2-3H2,(H,12,13)/b4-1-/t6-,7-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06662 clavulanate clavulanic acid KEGG:KEGG C8H9NO5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H9NO5/c10-2-1-4-7(8(12)13)9-5(11)3-6(9)14-4/h1,6-7,10H,2-3H2,(H,12,13)/b4-1-/t6-,7-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:615 KEGG:C06669 compound C7H7NO3 InChI=1S/C7H7NO3/c9-6-3-4-1-2-5(7(10)11)8(4)6/h2,4H,1,3H2,(H,10,11)/t4-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06669 carbapenem C7H7NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H7NO3/c9-6-3-4-1-2-5(7(10)11)8(4)6/h2,4H,1,3H2,(H,10,11)/t4-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28001 KEGG:C06689 compound C66H75Cl2N9O24 InChI=1S/C66H75Cl2N9O24/c1-23(2)12-34(71-5)58(88)76-49-51(83)26-7-10-38(32(67)14-26)97-40-16-28-17-41(55(40)101-65-56(54(86)53(85)42(22-78)99-65)100-44-21-66(4,70)57(87)24(3)96-44)98-39-11-8-27(15-33(39)68)52(84)50-63(93)75-48(64(94)95)31-18-29(79)19-37(81)45(31)30-13-25(6-9-36(30)80)46(60(90)77-50)74-61(91)47(28)73-59(89)35(20-43(69)82)72-62(49)92/h6-11,13-19,23-24,34-35,42,44,46-54,56-57,65,71,78-81,83-87H,12,20-22,70H2,1-5H3,(H2,69,82)(H,72,92)(H,73,89)(H,74,91)(H,75,93)(H,76,88)(H,77,90)(H,94,95)/t24-,34+,35-,42+,44-,46+,47+,48-,49+,50-,51+,52+,53+,54-,56+,57+,65-,66-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06689 vancomycin C66H75Cl2N9O24 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C66H75Cl2N9O24/c1-23(2)12-34(71-5)58(88)76-49-51(83)26-7-10-38(32(67)14-26)97-40-16-28-17-41(55(40)101-65-56(54(86)53(85)42(22-78)99-65)100-44-21-66(4,70)57(87)24(3)96-44)98-39-11-8-27(15-33(39)68)52(84)50-63(93)75-48(64(94)95)31-18-29(79)19-37(81)45(31)30-13-25(6-9-36(30)80)46(60(90)77-50)74-61(91)47(28)73-59(89)35(20-43(69)82)72-62(49)92/h6-11,13-19,23-24,34-35,42,44,46-54,56-57,65,71,78-81,83-87H,12,20-22,70H2,1-5H3,(H2,69,82)(H,72,92)(H,73,89)(H,74,91)(H,75,93)(H,76,88)(H,77,90)(H,94,95)/t24-,34+,35-,42+,44-,46+,47+,48-,49+,50-,51+,52+,53+,54-,56+,57+,65-,66-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:3349 KEGG:C06690 compound C59H84N2O18 InChI=1S/C59H84N2O18/c1-35-18-15-13-11-9-7-5-6-8-10-12-14-16-21-46(77-58-55(72)53(61)54(71)38(4)76-58)31-50-52(57(73)74)49(69)34-59(75,79-50)33-45(66)29-44(65)28-43(64)27-41(62)19-17-20-42(63)30-51(70)78-56(35)37(3)26-36(2)47(67)32-48(68)39-22-24-40(60)25-23-39/h5-16,18,21-25,35-38,43-47,49-50,52-56,58,64-67,69,71-72,75H,17,19-20,26-34,60-61H2,1-4H3,(H,73,74)/b6-5+,9-7+,10-8+,13-11+,14-12+,18-15+,21-16+/t35?,36?,37?,38-,43?,44?,45?,46?,47?,49?,50?,52?,53+,54-,55+,56?,58?,59?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06690 candicidin C59H84N2O18 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C59H84N2O18/c1-35-18-15-13-11-9-7-5-6-8-10-12-14-16-21-46(77-58-55(72)53(61)54(71)38(4)76-58)31-50-52(57(73)74)49(69)34-59(75,79-50)33-45(66)29-44(65)28-43(64)27-41(62)19-17-20-42(63)30-51(70)78-56(35)37(3)26-36(2)47(67)32-48(68)39-22-24-40(60)25-23-39/h5-16,18,21-25,35-38,43-47,49-50,52-56,58,64-67,69,71-72,75H,17,19-20,26-34,60-61H2,1-4H3,(H,73,74)/b6-5+,9-7+,10-8+,13-11+,14-12+,18-15+,21-16+/t35?,36?,37?,38-,43?,44?,45?,46?,47?,49?,50?,52?,53+,54-,55+,56?,58?,59?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:2448 KEGG:C06691 compound C32H26O14 InChI=1S/C32H26O14/c1-9-21-15(3-11(45-9)5-19(35)36)29(41)23-17(33)7-13(27(39)25(23)31(21)43)14-8-18(34)24-26(28(14)40)32(44)22-10(2)46-12(6-20(37)38)4-16(22)30(24)42/h7-12,33-34,39-40H,3-6H2,1-2H3,(H,35,36)(H,37,38)/t9-,10-,11+,12+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06691 actinorhodin C32H26O14 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C32H26O14/c1-9-21-15(3-11(45-9)5-19(35)36)29(41)23-17(33)7-13(27(39)25(23)31(21)43)14-8-18(34)24-26(28(14)40)32(44)22-10(2)46-12(6-20(37)38)4-16(22)30(24)42/h7-12,33-34,39-40H,3-6H2,1-2H3,(H,35,36)(H,37,38)/t9-,10-,11+,12+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27617 KEGG:C06693 compound C36H62O11 InChI=1S/C36H62O11/c1-10-34(31-20(3)16-26(43-31)28-19(2)15-21(4)36(41,18-37)46-28)12-11-27(44-34)33(8)13-14-35(47-33)17-25(38)22(5)30(45-35)23(6)29(42-9)24(7)32(39)40/h19-31,37-38,41H,10-18H2,1-9H3,(H,39,40)/t19-,20-,21+,22+,23-,24-,25-,26+,27+,28-,29+,30-,31+,33-,34-,35+,36-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06693 monensin C36H62O11 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C36H62O11/c1-10-34(31-20(3)16-26(43-31)28-19(2)15-21(4)36(41,18-37)46-28)12-11-27(44-34)33(8)13-14-35(47-33)17-25(38)22(5)30(45-35)23(6)29(42-9)24(7)32(39)40/h19-31,37-38,41H,10-18H2,1-9H3,(H,39,40)/t19-,20-,21+,22+,23-,24-,25-,26+,27+,28-,29+,30-,31+,33-,34-,35+,36-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17628 KEGG:C06735 compound C2H5NO InChI=1S/C2H5NO/c3-1-2-4/h2H,1,3H2 UPa:UPC06735 aminoacetaldehyde C2H5NO KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H5NO/c3-1-2-4/h2H,1,3H2 UPa: CHEBI:15739 KEGG:C06748 compound C3H9N InChI=1S/C3H9N/c1-3(2)4/h3H,4H2,1-2H3 UPa:UPC06748 isopropylamine C3H9N KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H9N/c1-3(2)4/h3H,4H2,1-2H3 UPa: CHEBI:27789 KEGG:C06752 compound C2H4Cl2 InChI=1S/C2H4Cl2/c3-1-2-4/h1-2H2 UPa:UPC06752 1,2-dichloroethane C2H4Cl2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H4Cl2/c3-1-2-4/h1-2H2 UPa: CHEBI:28200 KEGG:C06753 compound C2H5ClO InChI=1S/C2H5ClO/c3-1-2-4/h4H,1-2H2 UPa:UPC06753 2-chloroethanol C2H5ClO KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H5ClO/c3-1-2-4/h4H,1-2H2 UPa: CHEBI:27871 KEGG:C06754 compound C2H3ClO InChI=1S/C2H3ClO/c3-1-2-4/h2H,1H2 UPa:UPC06754 chloroacetaldehyde C2H3ClO KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H3ClO/c3-1-2-4/h2H,1H2 UPa: CHEBI:27869 KEGG:C06755 chloroacetate compound C2H3ClO2 InChI=1S/C2H3ClO2/c3-1-2(4)5/h1H2,(H,4,5) UPa:UPC06755 chloroacetic acid chloroacetate KEGG:KEGG C2H3ClO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H3ClO2/c3-1-2(4)5/h1H2,(H,4,5) UPa: CHEBI:9973 KEGG:C06769 compound C35H39N5O11 InChI=1S/C35H39N5O11/c1-18-26(38-33(50-18)21-9-4-12-24(42)29(21)45)32(48)37-15-7-17-40(16-6-14-36-31(47)20-8-3-11-23(41)28(20)44)35(49)27-19(2)51-34(39-27)22-10-5-13-25(43)30(22)46/h3-5,8-13,18-19,26-27,41-46H,6-7,14-17H2,1-2H3,(H,36,47)(H,37,48)/t18-,19+,26+,27-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06769 vibriobactin C35H39N5O11 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C35H39N5O11/c1-18-26(38-33(50-18)21-9-4-12-24(42)29(21)45)32(48)37-15-7-17-40(16-6-14-36-31(47)20-8-3-11-23(41)28(20)44)35(49)27-19(2)51-34(39-27)22-10-5-13-25(43)30(22)46/h3-5,8-13,18-19,26-27,41-46H,6-7,14-17H2,1-2H3,(H,36,47)(H,37,48)/t18-,19+,26+,27-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:5533 KEGG:C06799 compound C22H20O10 InChI=1S/C22H20O10/c1-5-11-15(21-8(30-5)4-10(24)32-21)19(27)13-14(17(11)25)20(28)16-12(18(13)26)7-3-9(23)22(16,29)6(2)31-7/h5-9,21,23,26,28-29H,3-4H2,1-2H3/t5-,6+,7+,8-,9+,21+,22+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC06799 granaticin C22H20O10 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C22H20O10/c1-5-11-15(21-8(30-5)4-10(24)32-21)19(27)13-14(17(11)25)20(28)16-12(18(13)26)7-3-9(23)22(16,29)6(2)31-7/h5-9,21,23,26,28-29H,3-4H2,1-2H3/t5-,6+,7+,8-,9+,21+,22+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:9470 KEGG:C06801 compound C23H20O11 InChI=1S/C23H20O11/c1-8-14-9(6-11(32-2)15(8)21(29)34-4)5-10-16(17(14)25)20(28)22(30)13(24)7-12(33-3)19(27)23(22,31)18(10)26/h5-7,19,25,27,30-31H,1-4H3/t19-,22-,23-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06801 tetracenomycin C C23H20O11 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C23H20O11/c1-8-14-9(6-11(32-2)15(8)21(29)34-4)5-10-16(17(14)25)20(28)22(30)13(24)7-12(33-3)19(27)23(22,31)18(10)26/h5-7,19,25,27,30-31H,1-4H3/t19-,22-,23-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:6472 KEGG:C06812 compound C18H34N2O6S InChI=1S/C18H34N2O6S/c1-5-6-10-7-11(20(3)8-10)17(25)19-12(9(2)21)16-14(23)13(22)15(24)18(26-16)27-4/h9-16,18,21-24H,5-8H2,1-4H3,(H,19,25)/t9-,10-,11+,12-,13+,14-,15-,16-,18-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06812 lincomycin C18H34N2O6S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C18H34N2O6S/c1-5-6-10-7-11(20(3)8-10)17(25)19-12(9(2)21)16-14(23)13(22)15(24)18(26-16)27-4/h9-16,18,21-24H,5-8H2,1-4H3,(H,19,25)/t9-,10-,11+,12-,13+,14-,15-,16-,18-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:4077 KEGG:C06891 D-2,3-diketo 4-deoxy-epi-inositol compound C6H8O5 InChI=1S/C6H8O5/c7-2-1-3(8)5(10)6(11)4(2)9/h1-2,4,6-9,11H/t2-,4+,6-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06891 D-2,3-dioxo-4-deoxy-epi-inositol D-2,3-diketo 4-deoxy-epi-inositol KEGG:KEGG C6H8O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H8O5/c7-2-1-3(8)5(10)6(11)4(2)9/h1-2,4,6-9,11H/t2-,4+,6-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27972 KEGG:C06892 compound C6H10O6 InChI=1S/C6H10O6/c7-2-4(9)6(12)3(8)1-5(10)11/h3,6-8,12H,1-2H2,(H,10,11)/t3-,6+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06892 2-deoxy-5-keto-D-gluconic acid C6H10O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O6/c7-2-4(9)6(12)3(8)1-5(10)11/h3,6-8,12H,1-2H2,(H,10,11)/t3-,6+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16925 KEGG:C06893 2-deoxy-5-keto-D-gluconic acid 6-phosphate compound C6H11O9P InChI=1S/C6H11O9P/c7-3(1-5(9)10)6(11)4(8)2-15-16(12,13)14/h3,6-7,11H,1-2H2,(H,9,10)(H2,12,13,14)/t3-,6+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC06893 6-phospho-5-dehydro-2-deoxy-D-gluconic acid 2-deoxy-5-keto-D-gluconic acid 6-phosphate KEGG:KEGG C6H11O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H11O9P/c7-3(1-5(9)10)6(11)4(8)2-15-16(12,13)14/h3,6-7,11H,1-2H2,(H,9,10)(H2,12,13,14)/t3-,6+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:30745 KEGG:C07086 compound C8H8O2 InChI=1S/C8H8O2/c9-8(10)6-7-4-2-1-3-5-7/h1-5H,6H2,(H,9,10) UPa:UPC07086 phenylacetate C8H8O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H8O2/c9-8(10)6-7-4-2-1-3-5-7/h1-5H,6H2,(H,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:27903 KEGG:C07100 compound C8H5Cl3O3 InChI=1S/C8H5Cl3O3/c9-4-1-6(11)7(2-5(4)10)14-3-8(12)13/h1-2H,3H2,(H,12,13) UPa:UPC07100 (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)acetate C8H5Cl3O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H5Cl3O3/c9-4-1-6(11)7(2-5(4)10)14-3-8(12)13/h1-2H,3H2,(H,12,13) UPa: CHEBI:35672 KEGG:C07271 compound C10H16O InChI=1S/C10H16O/c1-7(2)8-4-5-10(3)9(6-8)11-10/h8-9H,1,4-6H2,2-3H3/t8-,9?,10?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC07271 (4R)-limonene 1,2-epoxide C10H16O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H16O/c1-7(2)8-4-5-10(3)9(6-8)11-10/h8-9H,1,4-6H2,2-3H3/t8-,9?,10?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17219 CHEBI:18515 KEGG:C07276 compound C10H18O2 InChI=1S/C10H18O2/c1-7(2)8-4-5-10(3,12)9(11)6-8/h8-9,11-12H,1,4-6H2,2-3H3/t8-,9+,10+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC07276 (1S,2S,4R)-limonene-1,2-diol C10H18O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H18O2/c1-7(2)8-4-5-10(3,12)9(11)6-8/h8-9,11-12H,1,4-6H2,2-3H3/t8-,9+,10+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:64186 KEGG:C07335 compound C4H8NO7P InChI=1S/C4H8NO7P/c5-3(4(7)8)2(6)1-12-13(9,10)11/h3H,1,5H2,(H,7,8)(H2,9,10,11)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC07335 2-amino-3-oxo-4-phosphonooxybutyrate C4H8NO7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H8NO7P/c5-3(4(7)8)2(6)1-12-13(9,10)11/h3H,1,5H2,(H,7,8)(H2,9,10,11)/t3-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:45863 KEGG:C07394 compound C47H51NO14 InChI=1S/C47H51NO14/c1-25-31(60-43(56)36(52)35(28-16-10-7-11-17-28)48-41(54)29-18-12-8-13-19-29)23-47(57)40(61-42(55)30-20-14-9-15-21-30)38-45(6,32(51)22-33-46(38,24-58-33)62-27(3)50)39(53)37(59-26(2)49)34(25)44(47,4)5/h7-21,31-33,35-38,40,51-52,57H,22-24H2,1-6H3,(H,48,54)/t31-,32-,33+,35-,36+,37+,38?,40-,45+,46-,47+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC07394 taxol C47H51NO14 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C47H51NO14/c1-25-31(60-43(56)36(52)35(28-16-10-7-11-17-28)48-41(54)29-18-12-8-13-19-29)23-47(57)40(61-42(55)30-20-14-9-15-21-30)38-45(6,32(51)22-33-46(38,24-58-33)62-27(3)50)39(53)37(59-26(2)49)34(25)44(47,4)5/h7-21,31-33,35-38,40,51-52,57H,22-24H2,1-6H3,(H,48,54)/t31-,32-,33+,35-,36+,37+,38?,40-,45+,46-,47+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28145 KEGG:C07729 compound C12H8O InChI=1S/C12H8O/c1-3-7-11-9(5-1)10-6-2-4-8-12(10)13-11/h1-8H UPa:UPC07729 dibenzofuran C12H8O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H8O/c1-3-7-11-9(5-1)10-6-2-4-8-12(10)13-11/h1-8H UPa: CHEBI:1135 CHEBI:36538 KEGG:C07731 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-hexa-2,4-dienoic acid compound C12H10O5 InChI=1S/C12H10O5/c13-9-5-2-1-4-8(9)10(14)6-3-7-11(15)12(16)17/h1-7,13,15H,(H,16,17)/b6-3-,11-7+ UPa:UPC07731 2-hydroxy-6-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-6-oxo-cis,cis-hexa-2,4-dienoic acid 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-hexa-2,4-dienoic acid KEGG:KEGG C12H10O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H10O5/c13-9-5-2-1-4-8(9)10(14)6-3-7-11(15)12(16)17/h1-7,13,15H,(H,16,17)/b6-3-,11-7+ UPa: CHEBI:28891 KEGG:C07732 compound C12H8O2 InChI=1S/C12H8O2/c1-2-6-10-9(5-1)13-11-7-3-4-8-12(11)14-10/h1-8H UPa:UPC07732 dibenzo-p-dioxin C12H8O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H8O2/c1-2-6-10-9(5-1)13-11-7-3-4-8-12(11)14-10/h1-8H UPa: CHEBI:27381 KEGG:C07733 2,2',3-trihydroxydiphenylether compound C12H10O4 InChI=1S/C12H10O4/c13-8-4-1-2-6-10(8)16-11-7-3-5-9(14)12(11)15/h1-7,13-15H UPa:UPC07733 2,2',3-trihydroxy-diphenyl ether 2,2',3-trihydroxydiphenylether KEGG:KEGG C12H10O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H10O4/c13-8-4-1-2-6-10(8)16-11-7-3-5-9(14)12(11)15/h1-7,13-15H UPa: CHEBI:19327 CHEBI:28990 KEGG:C07734 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-(2-hydroxyphenoxy)-hexa-2,4-dienoic acid compound C12H10O6 InChI=1S/C12H10O6/c13-8-4-1-2-6-10(8)18-11(15)7-3-5-9(14)12(16)17/h1-7,13-14H,(H,16,17)/b7-3-,9-5+ UPa:UPC07734 2-hydroxy-6-(2-hydroxyphenoxy)-6-oxo-cis,cis-hexa-2,4-dienoic acid 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-(2-hydroxyphenoxy)-hexa-2,4-dienoic acid KEGG:KEGG C12H10O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H10O6/c13-8-4-1-2-6-10(8)18-11(15)7-3-5-9(14)12(16)17/h1-7,13-14H,(H,16,17)/b7-3-,9-5+ UPa: CHEBI:28723 KEGG:C07836 compound C7H15O10P InChI=1S/C7H15O10P/c8-2(1-16-18(13,14)15)6-4(10)3(9)5(11)7(12)17-6/h2-12H,1H2,(H2,13,14,15)/t2-,3+,4+,5+,6-,7-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC07836 D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate C7H15O10P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H15O10P/c8-2(1-16-18(13,14)15)6-4(10)3(9)5(11)7(12)17-6/h2-12H,1H2,(H2,13,14,15)/t2-,3+,4+,5+,6-,7-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:28137 KEGG:C07838 compound C7H15O10P InChI=1S/C7H15O10P/c8-1-2(9)6-4(11)3(10)5(12)7(16-6)17-18(13,14)15/h2-12H,1H2,(H2,13,14,15)/t2-,3+,4+,5+,6-,7+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC07838 D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1-phosphate C7H15O10P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H15O10P/c8-1-2(9)6-4(11)3(10)5(12)7(16-6)17-18(13,14)15/h2-12H,1H2,(H2,13,14,15)/t2-,3+,4+,5+,6-,7+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27543 CHEBI:3391 KEGG:C08060 compound C12H9N InChI=1S/C12H9N/c1-3-7-11-9(5-1)10-6-2-4-8-12(10)13-11/h1-8,13H UPa:UPC08060 carbazole C12H9N KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H9N/c1-3-7-11-9(5-1)10-6-2-4-8-12(10)13-11/h1-8,13H UPa: CHEBI:9584 KEGG:C08215 compound UPa:UPC08215 thyroid hormone CHEBI:27476 KEGG:C08353 compound C5H10O5 InChI=1S/C5H10O5/c6-2-1-10-5(9)4(8)3(2)7/h2-9H,1H2/t2-,3-,4-,5-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC08353 beta-D-ribopyranose C5H10O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H10O5/c6-2-1-10-5(9)4(8)3(2)7/h2-9H,1H2/t2-,3-,4-,5-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27867 KEGG:C08579 compound C40H56O3 InChI=1S/C40H56O3/c1-29(17-13-19-31(3)21-22-36-33(5)25-34(41)26-37(36,6)7)15-11-12-16-30(2)18-14-20-32(4)23-24-40-38(8,9)27-35(42)28-39(40,10)43-40/h11-24,34-35,41-42H,25-28H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,17-13+,18-14+,22-21+,24-23+,29-15+,30-16+,31-19+,32-20+/t34-,35+,39-,40+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC08579 antheraxanthin C40H56O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C40H56O3/c1-29(17-13-19-31(3)21-22-36-33(5)25-34(41)26-37(36,6)7)15-11-12-16-30(2)18-14-20-32(4)23-24-40-38(8,9)27-35(42)28-39(40,10)43-40/h11-24,34-35,41-42H,25-28H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,17-13+,18-14+,22-21+,24-23+,29-15+,30-16+,31-19+,32-20+/t34-,35+,39-,40+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:40968 KEGG:C08580 compound C40H52O4 InChI=1S/C40H52O4/c1-27(17-13-19-29(3)21-23-33-31(5)37(43)35(41)25-39(33,7)8)15-11-12-16-28(2)18-14-20-30(4)22-24-34-32(6)38(44)36(42)26-40(34,9)10/h11-24,35-36,41-42H,25-26H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,17-13+,18-14+,23-21+,24-22+,27-15+,28-16+,29-19+,30-20+/t35-,36-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC08580 astaxanthin C40H52O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C40H52O4/c1-27(17-13-19-29(3)21-23-33-31(5)37(43)35(41)25-39(33,7)8)15-11-12-16-28(2)18-14-20-30(4)22-24-34-32(6)38(44)36(42)26-40(34,9)10/h11-24,35-36,41-42H,25-26H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,17-13+,18-14+,23-21+,24-22+,27-15+,28-16+,29-19+,30-20+/t35-,36-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:3375 KEGG:C08584 compound C40H56O3 InChI=1S/C40H56O3/c1-29(17-13-19-31(3)21-23-36-33(5)25-34(41)26-38(36,6)7)15-11-12-16-30(2)18-14-20-32(4)22-24-37(43)40(10)28-35(42)27-39(40,8)9/h11-24,34-35,41-42H,25-28H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,17-13+,18-14+,23-21+,24-22+,29-15+,30-16+,31-19+,32-20+/t34-,35+,40+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC08584 capsanthin C40H56O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C40H56O3/c1-29(17-13-19-31(3)21-23-36-33(5)25-34(41)26-38(36,6)7)15-11-12-16-30(2)18-14-20-32(4)22-24-37(43)40(10)28-35(42)27-39(40,8)9/h11-24,34-35,41-42H,25-28H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,17-13+,18-14+,23-21+,24-22+,29-15+,30-16+,31-19+,32-20+/t34-,35+,40+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:3378 KEGG:C08585 compound C40H56O4 InChI=1S/C40H56O4/c1-29(17-13-19-31(3)21-23-35(43)39(9)27-33(41)25-37(39,5)6)15-11-12-16-30(2)18-14-20-32(4)22-24-36(44)40(10)28-34(42)26-38(40,7)8/h11-24,33-34,41-42H,25-28H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,17-13+,18-14+,23-21+,24-22+,29-15+,30-16+,31-19+,32-20+/t33-,34-,39-,40-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC08585 capsorubin C40H56O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C40H56O4/c1-29(17-13-19-31(3)21-23-35(43)39(9)27-33(41)25-37(39,5)6)15-11-12-16-30(2)18-14-20-32(4)22-24-36(44)40(10)28-34(42)26-38(40,7)8/h11-24,33-34,41-42H,25-28H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,17-13+,18-14+,23-21+,24-22+,29-15+,30-16+,31-19+,32-20+/t33-,34-,39-,40-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:25501 CHEBI:32446 KEGG:C08606 compound C40H56O4 InChI=1S/C40H56O4/c1-29(17-13-19-31(3)21-22-35-36(5,6)25-33(41)27-38(35,9)43)15-11-12-16-30(2)18-14-20-32(4)23-24-40-37(7,8)26-34(42)28-39(40,10)44-40/h11-21,23-24,33-34,41-43H,25-28H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,17-13+,18-14+,24-23+,29-15+,30-16+,31-19+,32-20+/t22?,33-,34-,38+,39+,40-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC08606 neoxanthin C40H56O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C40H56O4/c1-29(17-13-19-31(3)21-22-35-36(5,6)25-33(41)27-38(35,9)43)15-11-12-16-30(2)18-14-20-32(4)23-24-40-37(7,8)26-34(42)28-39(40,10)44-40/h11-21,23-24,33-34,41-43H,25-28H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,17-13+,18-14+,24-23+,29-15+,30-16+,31-19+,32-20+/t22?,33-,34-,38+,39+,40-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:35288 KEGG:C08614 compound C40H56O4 InChI=1S/C40H56O4/c1-29(17-13-19-31(3)21-23-39-35(5,6)25-33(41)27-37(39,9)43-39)15-11-12-16-30(2)18-14-20-32(4)22-24-40-36(7,8)26-34(42)28-38(40,10)44-40/h11-24,33-34,41-42H,25-28H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,17-13+,18-14+,23-21+,24-22+,29-15+,30-16+,31-19+,32-20+/t33-,34-,37+,38+,39-,40-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC08614 violaxanthin C40H56O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C40H56O4/c1-29(17-13-19-31(3)21-23-39-35(5,6)25-33(41)27-37(39,9)43-39)15-11-12-16-30(2)18-14-20-32(4)22-24-40-36(7,8)26-34(42)28-38(40,10)44-40/h11-24,33-34,41-42H,25-28H2,1-10H3/b12-11+,17-13+,18-14+,23-21+,24-22+,29-15+,30-16+,31-19+,32-20+/t33-,34-,37+,38+,39-,40-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27915 KEGG:C08737 compound C3H6N6 InChI=1S/C3H6N6/c4-1-7-2(5)9-3(6)8-1/h(H6,4,5,6,7,8,9) UPa:UPC08737 melamine C3H6N6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H6N6/c4-1-7-2(5)9-3(6)8-1/h(H6,4,5,6,7,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:16776 KEGG:C09244 compound C21H24N2O2 InChI=1S/C21H24N2O2/c1-3-20-9-6-11-23-12-10-21(19(20)23)15-7-4-5-8-16(15)22-17(21)14(13-20)18(24)25-2/h4-9,19,22H,3,10-13H2,1-2H3/t19-,20-,21-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC09244 tabersonine C21H24N2O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C21H24N2O2/c1-3-20-9-6-11-23-12-10-21(19(20)23)15-7-4-5-8-16(15)22-17(21)14(13-20)18(24)25-2/h4-9,19,22H,3,10-13H2,1-2H3/t19-,20-,21-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:27961 KEGG:C09844 compound C10H18O InChI=1S/C10H18O/c1-9(2)8-4-6-10(3,11-9)7-5-8/h8H,4-7H2,1-3H3 UPa:UPC09844 1,8-cineole C10H18O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H18O/c1-9(2)8-4-6-10(3,11-9)7-5-8/h8H,4-7H2,1-3H3 UPa: CHEBI:35280 KEGG:C10172 compound C7H13NO2 InChI=1S/C7H13NO2/c1-8(2)5-3-4-6(8)7(9)10/h6H,3-5H2,1-2H3/t6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC10172 stachydrine C7H13NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H13NO2/c1-8(2)5-3-4-6(8)7(9)10/h6H,3-5H2,1-2H3/t6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:75370 CHEBI:75375 KEGG:C11020 (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)propanoate compound C9H8Cl2O3 InChI=1S/C9H8Cl2O3/c1-5(9(12)13)14-8-3-2-6(10)4-7(8)11/h2-5H,1H3,(H,12,13) UPa:UPC11020 2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)propanoate (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)propanoate KEGG:KEGG C9H8Cl2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H8Cl2O3/c1-5(9(12)13)14-8-3-2-6(10)4-7(8)11/h2-5H,1H3,(H,12,13) UPa: CHEBI:28534 KEGG:C11088 compound C2H4Br2 InChI=1S/C2H4Br2/c3-1-2-4/h1-2H2 UPa:UPC11088 1,2-dibromoethane C2H4Br2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C2H4Br2/c3-1-2-4/h1-2H2 UPa: CHEBI:28536 KEGG:C11130 compound C8H7NO2 InChI=1S/C8H7NO2/c10-7-5-3-1-2-4-6(5)9-8(7)11/h1-4,7,10H,(H,9,11) UPa:UPC11130 3-hydroxyindolin-2-one C8H7NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H7NO2/c10-7-5-3-1-2-4-6(5)9-8(7)11/h1-4,7,10H,(H,9,11) UPa: CHEBI:5530 KEGG:C11218 compound C60H92N12O10 InChI=1S/C60H92N12O10/c1-35(2)31-43-53(75)67-45(33-39-19-11-9-12-20-39)59(81)71-29-17-25-47(71)55(77)70-50(38(7)8)58(80)64-42(24-16-28-62)52(74)66-44(32-36(3)4)54(76)68-46(34-40-21-13-10-14-22-40)60(82)72-30-18-26-48(72)56(78)69-49(37(5)6)57(79)63-41(23-15-27-61)51(73)65-43/h9-14,19-22,35-38,41-50H,15-18,23-34,61-62H2,1-8H3,(H,63,79)(H,64,80)(H,65,73)(H,66,74)(H,67,75)(H,68,76)(H,69,78)(H,70,77)/t41-,42-,43-,44-,45+,46+,47-,48-,49-,50-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC11218 gramicidin S C60H92N12O10 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C60H92N12O10/c1-35(2)31-43-53(75)67-45(33-39-19-11-9-12-20-39)59(81)71-29-17-25-47(71)55(77)70-50(38(7)8)58(80)64-42(24-16-28-62)52(74)66-44(32-36(3)4)54(76)68-46(34-40-21-13-10-14-22-40)60(82)72-30-18-26-48(72)56(78)69-49(37(5)6)57(79)63-41(23-15-27-61)51(73)65-43/h9-14,19-22,35-38,41-50H,15-18,23-34,61-62H2,1-8H3,(H,63,79)(H,64,80)(H,65,73)(H,66,74)(H,67,75)(H,68,76)(H,69,78)(H,70,77)/t41-,42-,43-,44-,45+,46+,47-,48-,49-,50-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18198 CHEBI:35181 KEGG:C11355 compound C10H11NO5 InChI=1S/C10H11NO5/c1-5(9(12)13)16-8-4-6(10(14)15)2-3-7(8)11/h2-4,7-8H,1,11H2,(H,12,13)(H,14,15)/t7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC11355 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate C10H11NO5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H11NO5/c1-5(9(12)13)16-8-4-6(10(14)15)2-3-7(8)11/h2-4,7-8H,1,11H2,(H,12,13)(H,14,15)/t7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15399 KEGG:C11383 compound C10H14O InChI=1S/C10H14O/c1-7(2)9-5-4-8(3)10(11)6-9/h4,9H,1,5-6H2,2-3H3/t9-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC11383 (S)-carvone C10H14O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H14O/c1-7(2)9-5-4-8(3)10(11)6-9/h4,9H,1,5-6H2,2-3H3/t9-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15388 KEGG:C11409 compound C10H16O InChI=1S/C10H16O/c1-7(2)9-5-4-8(3)10(11)6-9/h4,9-11H,1,5-6H2,2-3H3/t9-,10+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC11409 (4S,6R)-trans-carveol C10H16O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H16O/c1-7(2)9-5-4-8(3)10(11)6-9/h4,9-11H,1,5-6H2,2-3H3/t9-,10+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:155 KEGG:C11412 (1R,4S)-iso-dihydrocarvone compound C10H16O InChI=1S/C10H16O/c1-7(2)9-5-4-8(3)10(11)6-9/h8-9H,1,4-6H2,2-3H3/t8-,9+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC11412 (1R,4S)-isodihydrocarvone (1R,4S)-iso-dihydrocarvone KEGG:KEGG C10H16O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H16O/c1-7(2)9-5-4-8(3)10(11)6-9/h8-9H,1,4-6H2,2-3H3/t8-,9+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17764 KEGG:C11434 compound C5H13O7P InChI=1S/C5H13O7P/c1-5(8,3-6)4(7)2-12-13(9,10)11/h4,6-8H,2-3H2,1H3,(H2,9,10,11)/t4-,5+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC11434 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate C5H13O7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H13O7P/c1-5(8,3-6)4(7)2-12-13(9,10)11/h4,6-8H,2-3H2,1H3,(H2,9,10,11)/t4-,5+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16578 KEGG:C11435 4-(cytidine 5'-diphospho)-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol compound C14H25N3O14P2 InChI=1S/C14H25N3O14P2/c1-14(23,6-18)8(19)5-29-33(26,27)31-32(24,25)28-4-7-10(20)11(21)12(30-7)17-3-2-9(15)16-13(17)22/h2-3,7-8,10-12,18-21,23H,4-6H2,1H3,(H,24,25)(H,26,27)(H2,15,16,22)/t7-,8-,10-,11-,12-,14+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC11435 4-CDP-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-(cytidine 5'-diphospho)-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol KEGG:KEGG C14H25N3O14P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H25N3O14P2/c1-14(23,6-18)8(19)5-29-33(26,27)31-32(24,25)28-4-7-10(20)11(21)12(30-7)17-3-2-9(15)16-13(17)22/h2-3,7-8,10-12,18-21,23H,4-6H2,1H3,(H,24,25)(H,26,27)(H2,15,16,22)/t7-,8-,10-,11-,12-,14+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16840 KEGG:C11436 2-phospho-4-(cytidine 5'-diphospho)-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol compound C14H26N3O17P3 InChI=1S/C14H26N3O17P3/c1-14(6-18,33-35(23,24)25)8(19)5-31-37(28,29)34-36(26,27)30-4-7-10(20)11(21)12(32-7)17-3-2-9(15)16-13(17)22/h2-3,7-8,10-12,18-21H,4-6H2,1H3,(H,26,27)(H,28,29)(H2,15,16,22)(H2,23,24,25)/t7-,8-,10-,11-,12-,14+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC11436 4-CDP-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2-phosphate 2-phospho-4-(cytidine 5'-diphospho)-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol KEGG:KEGG C14H26N3O17P3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H26N3O17P3/c1-14(6-18,33-35(23,24)25)8(19)5-31-37(28,29)34-36(26,27)30-4-7-10(20)11(21)12(32-7)17-3-2-9(15)16-13(17)22/h2-3,7-8,10-12,18-21H,4-6H2,1H3,(H,26,27)(H,28,29)(H2,15,16,22)(H2,23,24,25)/t7-,8-,10-,11-,12-,14+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:16493 KEGG:C11437 compound C5H11O7P InChI=1S/C5H11O7P/c1-3(6)5(8)4(7)2-12-13(9,10)11/h4-5,7-8H,2H2,1H3,(H2,9,10,11)/t4-,5-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC11437 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate C5H11O7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H11O7P/c1-3(6)5(8)4(7)2-12-13(9,10)11/h4-5,7-8H,2H2,1H3,(H2,9,10,11)/t4-,5-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18425 KEGG:C11453 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphophate compound C5H12O9P2 InChI=1S/C5H12O9P2/c1-5(3-6)4(7)2-12-15(8,9)14-16(10,11)13-5/h4,6-7H,2-3H2,1H3,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/t4-,5+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC11453 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclic diphosphate 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphophate KEGG:KEGG C5H12O9P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H12O9P2/c1-5(3-6)4(7)2-12-15(8,9)14-16(10,11)13-5/h4,6-7H,2-3H2,1H3,(H,8,9)(H,10,11)/t4-,5+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:17813 KEGG:C11455 compound C29H46O InChI=1S/C29H46O/c1-19(2)9-8-10-20(3)22-12-13-23-21-11-14-25-27(4,5)26(30)16-18-29(25,7)24(21)15-17-28(22,23)6/h9,13,20,22,25-26,30H,8,10-12,14-18H2,1-7H3/t20-,22-,25+,26+,28-,29-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC11455 4,4-dimethyl-5alpha-cholesta-8,14,24-trien-3beta-ol C29H46O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C29H46O/c1-19(2)9-8-10-20(3)22-12-13-23-21-11-14-25-27(4,5)26(30)16-18-29(25,7)24(21)15-17-28(22,23)6/h9,13,20,22,25-26,30H,8,10-12,14-18H2,1-7H3/t20-,22-,25+,26+,28-,29-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:1427 KEGG:C11457 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid compound C9H10O3 InChI=1S/C9H10O3/c10-8-3-1-2-7(6-8)4-5-9(11)12/h1-3,6,10H,4-5H2,(H,11,12) UPa:UPC11457 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propanoate 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid KEGG:KEGG C9H10O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H10O3/c10-8-3-1-2-7(6-8)4-5-9(11)12/h1-3,6,10H,4-5H2,(H,11,12) UPa: CHEBI:4188 KEGG:C11472 D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1,7-bisphosphate compound C7H16O13P2 InChI=1S/C7H16O13P2/c8-2(1-18-21(12,13)14)6-4(10)3(9)5(11)7(19-6)20-22(15,16)17/h2-11H,1H2,(H2,12,13,14)(H2,15,16,17)/t2-,3+,4+,5+,6-,7+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC11472 D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1,7-diphosphate D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1,7-bisphosphate KEGG:KEGG C7H16O13P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H16O13P2/c8-2(1-18-21(12,13)14)6-4(10)3(9)5(11)7(19-6)20-22(15,16)17/h2-11H,1H2,(H2,12,13,14)(H2,15,16,17)/t2-,3+,4+,5+,6-,7+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:5743 KEGG:C11482 compound UPa:UPC11482 holo-Lys2 CHEBI:16351 KEGG:C11516 2-(alpha-D-mannosyl)-3-phosphoglycerate compound C9H17O12P InChI=1S/C9H17O12P/c10-1-3-5(11)6(12)7(13)9(20-3)21-4(8(14)15)2-19-22(16,17)18/h3-7,9-13H,1-2H2,(H,14,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t3-,4?,5-,6+,7+,9-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC11516 2-(alpha-D-mannosyl)-3-phosphoglyceric acid 2-(alpha-D-mannosyl)-3-phosphoglycerate KEGG:KEGG C9H17O12P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H17O12P/c10-1-3-5(11)6(12)7(13)9(20-3)21-4(8(14)15)2-19-22(16,17)18/h3-7,9-13H,1-2H2,(H,14,15)(H2,16,17,18)/t3-,4?,5-,6+,7+,9-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:32896 KEGG:C11536 (2R)-2-phospho-3-sulfolactate compound C3H7O9PS InChI=1S/C3H7O9PS/c4-3(5)2(1-14(9,10)11)12-13(6,7)8/h2H,1H2,(H,4,5)(H2,6,7,8)(H,9,10,11)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC11536 (2R)-O-phospho-3-sulfolactic acid (2R)-2-phospho-3-sulfolactate KEGG:KEGG C3H7O9PS KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H7O9PS/c4-3(5)2(1-14(9,10)11)12-13(6,7)8/h2H,1H2,(H,4,5)(H2,6,7,8)(H,9,10,11)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:48291 KEGG:C11537 (2R)-3-sulfolactate compound C3H6O6S InChI=1S/C3H6O6S/c4-2(3(5)6)1-10(7,8)9/h2,4H,1H2,(H,5,6)(H,7,8,9)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC11537 (R)-3-sulfolactate (2R)-3-sulfolactate KEGG:KEGG C3H6O6S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H6O6S/c4-2(3(5)6)1-10(7,8)9/h2,4H,1H2,(H,5,6)(H,7,8,9)/t2-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:3790 CHEBI:52491 KEGG:C11538 co-precorrin 2 cobalt-precorrin 2 compound C42H44CoN4O16 InChI=1S/C42H46N4O16.Co/c1-41(17-39(59)60)23(5-9-35(51)52)29-14-27-21(11-37(55)56)19(3-7-33(47)48)25(43-27)13-26-20(4-8-34(49)50)22(12-38(57)58)28(44-26)15-31-42(2,18-40(61)62)24(6-10-36(53)54)30(46-31)16-32(41)45-29;/h13-16,23-24H,3-12,17-18H2,1-2H3,(H10,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62);/q;+2/p-2/t23-,24-,41+,42+;/m1./s1 UPa:UPC11538 cobalt-precorrin-2 co-precorrin 2 KEGG:KEGG cobalt-precorrin 2 KEGG:KEGG C42H44CoN4O16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C42H46N4O16.Co/c1-41(17-39(59)60)23(5-9-35(51)52)29-14-27-21(11-37(55)56)19(3-7-33(47)48)25(43-27)13-26-20(4-8-34(49)50)22(12-38(57)58)28(44-26)15-31-42(2,18-40(61)62)24(6-10-36(53)54)30(46-31)16-32(41)45-29;/h13-16,23-24H,3-12,17-18H2,1-2H3,(H10,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62);/q;+2/p-2/t23-,24-,41+,42+;/m1./s1 UPa: CHEBI:3791 KEGG:C11539 co-precorrin 3 compound C43H48CoN4O16 InChI=1S/C43H49N4O16.Co/c1-19-40-23(13-37(58)59)21(5-9-33(50)51)27(46-40)14-26-20(4-8-32(48)49)22(12-36(56)57)28(44-26)15-29-24(6-10-34(52)53)42(2,17-38(60)61)31(45-29)16-30-25(7-11-35(54)55)43(3,18-39(62)63)41(19)47-30;/h15-16,22,24-25H,4-14,17-18H2,1-3H3,(H9,44,45,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);/q-1;+2/p-1/b41-19-;/t22?,24-,25-,42+,43+;/m1./s1 UPa:UPC11539 cobalt-precorrin 3 co-precorrin 3 KEGG:KEGG C43H48CoN4O16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C43H49N4O16.Co/c1-19-40-23(13-37(58)59)21(5-9-33(50)51)27(46-40)14-26-20(4-8-32(48)49)22(12-36(56)57)28(44-26)15-29-24(6-10-34(52)53)42(2,17-38(60)61)31(45-29)16-30-25(7-11-35(54)55)43(3,18-39(62)63)41(19)47-30;/h15-16,22,24-25H,4-14,17-18H2,1-3H3,(H9,44,45,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);/q-1;+2/p-1/b41-19-;/t22?,24-,25-,42+,43+;/m1./s1 UPa: CHEBI:3792 KEGG:C11540 co-precorrin 4 compound C44H50CoN4O16 InChI=1S/C44H51N4O16.Co/c1-20-44-40-25(14-37(59)60)41(2,12-11-35(55)56)30(47-40)16-27-21(5-8-32(49)50)22(13-36(57)58)26(45-27)15-28-23(6-9-33(51)52)42(3,18-38(61)62)31(46-28)17-29(48-44)24(7-10-34(53)54)43(44,4)19-39(63)64-20;/h15,17,20,23-24H,5-14,16,18-19H2,1-4H3,(H8,46,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62);/q-1;+2/p-1/b28-15-;/t20?,23-,24-,41-,42+,43+,44?;/m1./s1 UPa:UPC11540 cobalt-precorrin 4 co-precorrin 4 KEGG:KEGG C44H50CoN4O16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C44H51N4O16.Co/c1-20-44-40-25(14-37(59)60)41(2,12-11-35(55)56)30(47-40)16-27-21(5-8-32(49)50)22(13-36(57)58)26(45-27)15-28-23(6-9-33(51)52)42(3,18-38(61)62)31(46-28)17-29(48-44)24(7-10-34(53)54)43(44,4)19-39(63)64-20;/h15,17,20,23-24H,5-14,16,18-19H2,1-4H3,(H8,46,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62);/q-1;+2/p-1/b28-15-;/t20?,23-,24-,41-,42+,43+,44?;/m1./s1 UPa: CHEBI:3793 KEGG:C11541 co-precorrin 5 compound C45H53CoN4O16 InChI=1S/C45H54N4O16.Co/c1-21-45-40-26(15-37(60)61)41(2,13-12-35(56)57)30(47-40)16-27-22(6-9-32(50)51)25(14-36(58)59)44(5,48-27)18-29-23(7-10-33(52)53)42(3,19-38(62)63)31(46-29)17-28(49-45)24(8-11-34(54)55)43(45,4)20-39(64)65-21;/h16-17,21,24,26H,6-15,18-20H2,1-5H3,(H8,46,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);/q;+2/p-1/b30-16-;/t21?,24-,26?,41-,42+,43+,44+,45?;/m1./s1 UPa:UPC11541 cobalt-precorrin 5 co-precorrin 5 KEGG:KEGG C45H53CoN4O16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C45H54N4O16.Co/c1-21-45-40-26(15-37(60)61)41(2,13-12-35(56)57)30(47-40)16-27-22(6-9-32(50)51)25(14-36(58)59)44(5,48-27)18-29-23(7-10-33(52)53)42(3,19-38(62)63)31(46-29)17-28(49-45)24(8-11-34(54)55)43(45,4)20-39(64)65-21;/h16-17,21,24,26H,6-15,18-20H2,1-5H3,(H8,46,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);/q;+2/p-1/b30-16-;/t21?,24-,26?,41-,42+,43+,44+,45?;/m1./s1 UPa: CHEBI:3794 KEGG:C11542 co-precorrin 6A cobalt-precorrin 6 compound C44H53CoN4O16 InChI=1S/C44H54N4O16.Co/c1-40(13-12-34(55)56)25(15-36(59)60)39-44(5)42(3,20-38(63)64)23(8-11-33(53)54)27(48-44)17-30-41(2,19-37(61)62)22(7-10-32(51)52)28(45-30)18-43(4)24(14-35(57)58)21(6-9-31(49)50)26(47-43)16-29(40)46-39;/h17,23H,6-16,18-20H2,1-5H3,(H9,45,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64);/q;+2/p-1/t23-,40-,41+,42+,43+,44+;/m1./s1 UPa:UPC11542 cobalt-precorrin-6A co-precorrin 6A KEGG:KEGG cobalt-precorrin 6 KEGG:KEGG C44H53CoN4O16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C44H54N4O16.Co/c1-40(13-12-34(55)56)25(15-36(59)60)39-44(5)42(3,20-38(63)64)23(8-11-33(53)54)27(48-44)17-30-41(2,19-37(61)62)22(7-10-32(51)52)28(45-30)18-43(4)24(14-35(57)58)21(6-9-31(49)50)26(47-43)16-29(40)46-39;/h17,23H,6-16,18-20H2,1-5H3,(H9,45,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64);/q;+2/p-1/t23-,40-,41+,42+,43+,44+;/m1./s1 UPa: CHEBI:3789 KEGG:C11543 co-precorrin 6B cobalt-dihydro-precorrin 6 compound C44H55CoN4O16 InChI=1S/C44H56N4O16.Co/c1-40(13-12-34(55)56)25(15-36(59)60)39-44(5)42(3,20-38(63)64)23(8-11-33(53)54)27(48-44)17-30-41(2,19-37(61)62)22(7-10-32(51)52)28(45-30)18-43(4)24(14-35(57)58)21(6-9-31(49)50)26(47-43)16-29(40)46-39;/h17,23,25,39H,6-16,18-20H2,1-5H3,(H9,45,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64);/q;+2/p-1/t23-,25+,39-,40-,41+,42+,43+,44+;/m1./s1 UPa:UPC11543 cobalt-precorrin-6B co-precorrin 6B KEGG:KEGG cobalt-dihydro-precorrin 6 KEGG:KEGG C44H55CoN4O16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C44H56N4O16.Co/c1-40(13-12-34(55)56)25(15-36(59)60)39-44(5)42(3,20-38(63)64)23(8-11-33(53)54)27(48-44)17-30-41(2,19-37(61)62)22(7-10-32(51)52)28(45-30)18-43(4)24(14-35(57)58)21(6-9-31(49)50)26(47-43)16-29(40)46-39;/h17,23,25,39H,6-16,18-20H2,1-5H3,(H9,45,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64);/q;+2/p-1/t23-,25+,39-,40-,41+,42+,43+,44+;/m1./s1 UPa: CHEBI:15847 KEGG:C11544 2(alpha-D-mannosyl)-D-glycerate compound C9H16O9 InChI=1S/C9H16O9/c10-1-3-5(12)6(13)7(14)9(17-3)18-4(2-11)8(15)16/h3-7,9-14H,1-2H2,(H,15,16)/t3-,4-,5-,6+,7+,9-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC11544 2-(alpha-D-mannosyl)-D-glycerate 2(alpha-D-mannosyl)-D-glycerate KEGG:KEGG C9H16O9 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H16O9/c10-1-3-5(12)6(13)7(14)9(17-3)18-4(2-11)8(15)16/h3-7,9-14H,1-2H2,(H,15,16)/t3-,4-,5-,6+,7+,9-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:3795 KEGG:C11545 co-precorrin 8 compound C45H59CoN4O14 InChI=1S/C45H60N4O14.Co/c1-21-36-24(9-12-29(50)51)23(3)44(7,48-36)18-28-25(10-13-30(52)53)42(5,19-34(60)61)39(46-28)22(2)37-26(11-14-31(54)55)43(6,20-35(62)63)45(8,49-37)40-27(17-33(58)59)41(4,38(21)47-40)16-15-32(56)57;/h21,26-27,40H,9-20H2,1-8H3,(H8,46,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);/q;+2/p-1/t21?,26-,27+,40-,41-,42+,43+,44+,45+;/m1./s1 UPa:UPC11545 cobalt-precorrin 8 co-precorrin 8 KEGG:KEGG C45H59CoN4O14 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C45H60N4O14.Co/c1-21-36-24(9-12-29(50)51)23(3)44(7,48-36)18-28-25(10-13-30(52)53)42(5,19-34(60)61)39(46-28)22(2)37-26(11-14-31(54)55)43(6,20-35(62)63)45(8,49-37)40-27(17-33(58)59)41(4,38(21)47-40)16-15-32(56)57;/h21,26-27,40H,9-20H2,1-8H3,(H8,46,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);/q;+2/p-1/t21?,26-,27+,40-,41-,42+,43+,44+,45+;/m1./s1 UPa: CHEBI:10472 KEGG:C11588 cis-3-(carboxy-ethyl)-3,5-cyclo-hexadiene-1,2-diol compound C9H12O4 InChI=1S/C9H12O4/c10-7-3-1-2-6(9(7)13)4-5-8(11)12/h1-3,7,9-10,13H,4-5H2,(H,11,12)/t7-,9+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC11588 cis-3-(2-carboxyethyl)-3,5-cyclohexadiene-1,2-diol cis-3-(carboxy-ethyl)-3,5-cyclo-hexadiene-1,2-diol KEGG:KEGG C9H12O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H12O4/c10-7-3-1-2-6(9(7)13)4-5-8(11)12/h1-3,7,9-10,13H,4-5H2,(H,11,12)/t7-,9+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:1449 KEGG:C11638 compound C3H8NO5P InChI=1S/C3H8NO5P/c4-1-3(5)2-9-10(6,7)8/h1-2,4H2,(H2,6,7,8) UPa:UPC11638 3-amino-2-oxopropyl phosphate C3H8NO5P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H8NO5P/c4-1-3(5)2-9-10(6,7)8/h1-2,4H2,(H2,6,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:17699 KEGG:C11643 compound C21H24N2O3 InChI=1S/C21H24N2O3/c1-3-20-7-4-9-23-10-8-21(19(20)23)15-6-5-13(24)11-16(15)22-17(21)14(12-20)18(25)26-2/h4-7,11,19,22,24H,3,8-10,12H2,1-2H3/t19-,20-,21-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC11643 16-hydroxytabersonine C21H24N2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C21H24N2O3/c1-3-20-7-4-9-23-10-8-21(19(20)23)15-6-5-13(24)11-16(15)22-17(21)14(12-20)18(25)26-2/h4-7,11,19,22,24H,3,8-10,12H2,1-2H3/t19-,20-,21-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:769 KEGG:C11675 compound C22H26N2O3 InChI=1S/C22H26N2O3/c1-4-21-8-5-10-24-11-9-22(20(21)24)16-7-6-14(26-2)12-17(16)23-18(22)15(13-21)19(25)27-3/h5-8,12,20,23H,4,9-11,13H2,1-3H3/t20-,21-,22-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC11675 16-methoxytabersonine C22H26N2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C22H26N2O3/c1-4-21-8-5-10-24-11-9-22(20(21)24)16-7-6-14(26-2)12-17(16)23-18(22)15(13-21)19(25)27-3/h5-8,12,20,23H,4,9-11,13H2,1-3H3/t20-,21-,22-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18193 KEGG:C11700 compound C29H36O10 InChI=1S/C29H36O10/c1-14-17(31)12-29(36)24(38-25(35)16-9-7-6-8-10-16)22-27(5,23(34)21(33)20(14)26(29,3)4)18(32)11-19-28(22,13-37-19)39-15(2)30/h6-10,17-19,21-22,24,31-33,36H,11-13H2,1-5H3/t17-,18-,19+,21+,22-,24-,27+,28-,29+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC11700 10-deacetylbaccatin III C29H36O10 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C29H36O10/c1-14-17(31)12-29(36)24(38-25(35)16-9-7-6-8-10-16)22-27(5,23(34)21(33)20(14)26(29,3)4)18(32)11-19-28(22,13-37-19)39-15(2)30/h6-10,17-19,21-22,24,31-33,36H,11-13H2,1-5H3/t17-,18-,19+,21+,22-,24-,27+,28-,29+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15664 KEGG:C11811 1-hydroxy-2-methyl-2-butenyl 4-diphosphate compound C5H12O8P2 InChI=1S/C5H12O8P2/c1-5(4-6)2-3-12-15(10,11)13-14(7,8)9/h2,6H,3-4H2,1H3,(H,10,11)(H2,7,8,9)/b5-2+ UPa:UPC11811 (2E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbutenyl diphosphate 1-hydroxy-2-methyl-2-butenyl 4-diphosphate KEGG:KEGG C5H12O8P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H12O8P2/c1-5(4-6)2-3-12-15(10,11)13-14(7,8)9/h2,6H,3-4H2,1H3,(H,10,11)(H2,7,8,9)/b5-2+ UPa: CHEBI:18072 KEGG:C11821 compound C5H4N4O4 InChI=1S/C5H4N4O4/c10-2-5(13)1(6-3(11)8-2)7-4(12)9-5/h13H,(H3,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) UPa:UPC11821 5-hydroxyisouric acid C5H4N4O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H4N4O4/c10-2-5(13)1(6-3(11)8-2)7-4(12)9-5/h13H,(H3,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) UPa: CHEBI:30037 KEGG:C11894 taxa-4(5),11(12)-diene compound C20H32 InChI=1S/C20H32/c1-14-7-6-11-20(5)12-10-17-15(2)8-9-16(13-18(14)20)19(17,3)4/h7,16,18H,6,8-13H2,1-5H3/t16-,18+,20-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC11894 taxa-4,11-diene taxa-4(5),11(12)-diene KEGG:KEGG C20H32 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C20H32/c1-14-7-6-11-20(5)12-10-17-15(2)8-9-16(13-18(14)20)19(17,3)4/h7,16,18H,6,8-13H2,1-5H3/t16-,18+,20-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:30038 KEGG:C11895 compound C20H32O InChI=1S/C20H32O/c1-13-6-7-15-12-17-14(2)18(21)9-11-20(17,5)10-8-16(13)19(15,3)4/h15,17-18,21H,2,6-12H2,1,3-5H3/t15-,17+,18-,20+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC11895 taxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-ol C20H32O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C20H32O/c1-13-6-7-15-12-17-14(2)18(21)9-11-20(17,5)10-8-16(13)19(15,3)4/h15,17-18,21H,2,6-12H2,1,3-5H3/t15-,17+,18-,20+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:30042 KEGG:C11896 compound C22H34O2 InChI=1S/C22H34O2/c1-14-7-8-17-13-19-15(2)20(24-16(3)23)10-12-22(19,6)11-9-18(14)21(17,4)5/h17,19-20H,2,7-13H2,1,3-6H3/t17-,19+,20-,22+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC11896 taxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-yl acetate C22H34O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C22H34O2/c1-14-7-8-17-13-19-15(2)20(24-16(3)23)10-12-22(19,6)11-9-18(14)21(17,4)5/h17,19-20H,2,7-13H2,1,3-6H3/t17-,19+,20-,22+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:50436 KEGG:C11898 taxa-4(20),11(12)-dien-5alpha-acetoxy-10beta-ol compound C22H34O3 InChI=1S/C22H34O3/c1-13-7-8-16-11-17-14(2)19(25-15(3)23)9-10-22(17,6)12-18(24)20(13)21(16,4)5/h16-19,24H,2,7-12H2,1,3-6H3/t16-,17+,18-,19-,22-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC11898 10beta-hydroxytaxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-yl acetate taxa-4(20),11(12)-dien-5alpha-acetoxy-10beta-ol KEGG:KEGG C22H34O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C22H34O3/c1-13-7-8-16-11-17-14(2)19(25-15(3)23)9-10-22(17,6)12-18(24)20(13)21(16,4)5/h16-19,24H,2,7-12H2,1,3-6H3/t16-,17+,18-,19-,22-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:32897 KEGG:C11899 compound C22H32O9 InChI=1S/C22H32O9/c1-9-11(24)7-22(29)18(28)16-20(5,17(27)15(26)14(9)19(22,3)4)12(25)6-13-21(16,8-30-13)31-10(2)23/h11-13,15-16,18,24-26,28-29H,6-8H2,1-5H3/t11-,12-,13+,15+,16-,18-,20+,21-,22+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC11899 10-deacetyl-2-debenzoylbaccatin III C22H32O9 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C22H32O9/c1-9-11(24)7-22(29)18(28)16-20(5,17(27)15(26)14(9)19(22,3)4)12(25)6-13-21(16,8-30-13)31-10(2)23/h11-13,15-16,18,24-26,28-29H,6-8H2,1-5H3/t11-,12-,13+,15+,16-,18-,20+,21-,22+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:32898 KEGG:C11900 compound C31H38O11 InChI=1S/C31H38O11/c1-15-19(34)13-31(38)26(41-27(37)18-10-8-7-9-11-18)24-29(6,20(35)12-21-30(24,14-39-21)42-17(3)33)25(36)23(40-16(2)32)22(15)28(31,4)5/h7-11,19-21,23-24,26,34-35,38H,12-14H2,1-6H3/t19-,20-,21+,23+,24-,26-,29+,30-,31+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC11900 baccatin III C31H38O11 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C31H38O11/c1-15-19(34)13-31(38)26(41-27(37)18-10-8-7-9-11-18)24-29(6,20(35)12-21-30(24,14-39-21)42-17(3)33)25(36)23(40-16(2)32)22(15)28(31,4)5/h7-11,19-21,23-24,26,34-35,38H,12-14H2,1-6H3/t19-,20-,21+,23+,24-,26-,29+,30-,31+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:29118 KEGG:C11903 compound C37H50N2O InChI=1S/C37H50N2O/c1-28(2)13-9-14-29(3)15-10-16-30(4)17-11-18-31(5)19-12-20-32(6)25-26-40-33-23-24-36-37(27-33)39-35-22-8-7-21-34(35)38-36/h7-8,13,15,17,19,21-24,27,32H,9-12,14,16,18,20,25-26H2,1-6H3/b29-15+,30-17+,31-19+ UPa:UPC11903 methanophenazine C37H50N2O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C37H50N2O/c1-28(2)13-9-14-29(3)15-10-16-30(4)17-11-18-31(5)19-12-20-32(6)25-26-40-33-23-24-36-37(27-33)39-35-22-8-7-21-34(35)38-36/h7-8,13,15,17,19,21-24,27,32H,9-12,14,16,18,20,25-26H2,1-6H3/b29-15+,30-17+,31-19+ UPa: CHEBI:50375 KEGG:C11904 compound C37H52N2O InChI=1S/C37H52N2O/c1-28(2)13-9-14-29(3)15-10-16-30(4)17-11-18-31(5)19-12-20-32(6)25-26-40-33-23-24-36-37(27-33)39-35-22-8-7-21-34(35)38-36/h7-8,13,15,17,19,21-24,27,32,38-39H,9-12,14,16,18,20,25-26H2,1-6H3/b29-15+,30-17+,31-19+ UPa:UPC11904 dihydromethanophenazine C37H52N2O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C37H52N2O/c1-28(2)13-9-14-29(3)15-10-16-30(4)17-11-18-31(5)19-12-20-32(6)25-26-40-33-23-24-36-37(27-33)39-35-22-8-7-21-34(35)38-36/h7-8,13,15,17,19,21-24,27,32,38-39H,9-12,14,16,18,20,25-26H2,1-6H3/b29-15+,30-17+,31-19+ UPa: CHEBI:38249 KEGG:C11937 (1S,4R)-1-hydroxy-2-oxolimonene compound C10H16O2 InChI=1S/C10H16O2/c1-7(2)8-4-5-10(3,12)9(11)6-8/h8,12H,1,4-6H2,2-3H3/t8-,10+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC11937 (1S,4R)-1-hydroxylimonen-2-one (1S,4R)-1-hydroxy-2-oxolimonene KEGG:KEGG C10H16O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H16O2/c1-7(2)8-4-5-10(3,12)9(11)6-8/h8,12H,1,4-6H2,2-3H3/t8-,10+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:29701 CHEBI:71947 KEGG:C12041 compound C66H87N13O13 InChI=1S/C66H87N13O13/c1-38(2)32-47-59(85)77-52(36-42-20-12-7-13-21-42)66(92)79-31-15-23-53(79)64(90)76-49(34-41-18-10-6-11-19-41)61(87)74-48(33-40-16-8-5-9-17-40)60(86)75-51(37-55(69)82)62(88)70-46(28-29-54(68)81)58(84)73-50(35-43-24-26-44(80)27-25-43)63(89)78-56(39(3)4)65(91)71-45(22-14-30-67)57(83)72-47/h5-13,16-21,24-27,38-39,45-53,56,80H,14-15,22-23,28-37,67H2,1-4H3,(H2,68,81)(H2,69,82)(H,70,88)(H,71,91)(H,72,83)(H,73,84)(H,74,87)(H,75,86)(H,76,90)(H,77,85)(H,78,89)/t45-,46-,47-,48+,49-,50-,51-,52+,53-,56-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC12041 tyrocidine C66H87N13O13 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C66H87N13O13/c1-38(2)32-47-59(85)77-52(36-42-20-12-7-13-21-42)66(92)79-31-15-23-53(79)64(90)76-49(34-41-18-10-6-11-19-41)61(87)74-48(33-40-16-8-5-9-17-40)60(86)75-51(37-55(69)82)62(88)70-46(28-29-54(68)81)58(84)73-50(35-43-24-26-44(80)27-25-43)63(89)78-56(39(3)4)65(91)71-45(22-14-30-67)57(83)72-47/h5-13,16-21,24-27,38-39,45-53,56,80H,14-15,22-23,28-37,67H2,1-4H3,(H2,68,81)(H2,69,82)(H,70,88)(H,71,91)(H,72,83)(H,73,84)(H,74,87)(H,75,86)(H,76,90)(H,77,85)(H,78,89)/t45-,46-,47-,48+,49-,50-,51-,52+,53-,56-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:29681 CHEBI:71978 KEGG:C12043 compound C53H93N7O13 InChI=1S/C53H93N7O13/c1-30(2)20-18-16-14-13-15-17-19-21-36-28-43(61)54-37(22-23-44(62)63)47(66)55-38(24-31(3)4)48(67)57-40(26-33(7)8)51(70)60-46(35(11)12)52(71)58-41(29-45(64)65)50(69)56-39(25-32(5)6)49(68)59-42(27-34(9)10)53(72)73-36/h30-42,46H,13-29H2,1-12H3,(H,54,61)(H,55,66)(H,56,69)(H,57,67)(H,58,71)(H,59,68)(H,60,70)(H,62,63)(H,64,65)/t36-,37+,38+,39-,40-,41+,42+,46+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC12043 surfactin C53H93N7O13 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C53H93N7O13/c1-30(2)20-18-16-14-13-15-17-19-21-36-28-43(61)54-37(22-23-44(62)63)47(66)55-38(24-31(3)4)48(67)57-40(26-33(7)8)51(70)60-46(35(11)12)52(71)58-41(29-45(64)65)50(69)56-39(25-32(5)6)49(68)59-42(27-34(9)10)53(72)73-36/h30-42,46H,13-29H2,1-12H3,(H,54,61)(H,55,66)(H,56,69)(H,57,67)(H,58,71)(H,59,68)(H,60,70)(H,62,63)(H,64,65)/t36-,37+,38+,39-,40-,41+,42+,46+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:72725 KEGG:C12212 compound C6H13NO5 InChI=1S/C6H13NO5/c7-3-4(9)2(1-8)12-6(11)5(3)10/h2-6,8-11H,1,7H2/t2-,3+,4-,5-,6?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC12212 kanosamine C6H13NO5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13NO5/c7-3-4(9)2(1-8)12-6(11)5(3)10/h2-6,8-11H,1,7H2/t2-,3+,4-,5-,6?/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:31870 KEGG:C12216 compound C44H69N5O10 InChI=1S/C44H69N5O10/c1-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-28-40(52)48(56)29-22-21-26-36(46-41(53)37-32-58-42(47-37)34-24-18-19-27-38(34)50)44(55)59-33(2)31-39(51)45-35-25-20-23-30-49(57)43(35)54/h17-19,24,27-28,33,35-37,50,56-57H,3-16,20-23,25-26,29-32H2,1-2H3,(H,45,51)(H,46,53)/b28-17+ UPa:UPC12216 mycobactin C44H69N5O10 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C44H69N5O10/c1-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-28-40(52)48(56)29-22-21-26-36(46-41(53)37-32-58-42(47-37)34-24-18-19-27-38(34)50)44(55)59-33(2)31-39(51)45-35-25-20-23-30-49(57)43(35)54/h17-19,24,27-28,33,35-37,50,56-57H,3-16,20-23,25-26,29-32H2,1-2H3,(H,45,51)(H,46,53)/b28-17+ UPa: CHEBI:31432 KEGG:C12219 compound C39H42N6O18 InChI=1S/C39H42N6O18/c1-16-28(43-25(49)13-40-34(55)19-7-4-10-22(46)31(19)52)37(58)62-18(3)30(45-27(51)15-42-36(57)21-9-6-12-24(48)33(21)54)39(60)63-17(2)29(38(59)61-16)44-26(50)14-41-35(56)20-8-5-11-23(47)32(20)53/h4-12,16-18,28-30,46-48,52-54H,13-15H2,1-3H3,(H,40,55)(H,41,56)(H,42,57)(H,43,49)(H,44,50)(H,45,51)/t16-,17-,18-,28+,29+,30+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC12219 bacillibactin C39H42N6O18 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C39H42N6O18/c1-16-28(43-25(49)13-40-34(55)19-7-4-10-22(46)31(19)52)37(58)62-18(3)30(45-27(51)15-42-36(57)21-9-6-12-24(48)33(21)54)39(60)63-17(2)29(38(59)61-16)44-26(50)14-41-35(56)20-8-5-11-23(47)32(20)53/h4-12,16-18,28-30,46-48,52-54H,13-15H2,1-3H3,(H,40,55)(H,41,56)(H,42,57)(H,43,49)(H,44,50)(H,45,51)/t16-,17-,18-,28+,29+,30+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:31132 KEGG:C12248 compound C5H6N4O5 InChI=1S/C5H6N4O5/c6-3(12)7-1-5(14,2(10)11)9-4(13)8-1/h14H,(H,10,11)(H4,6,7,8,9,12,13) UPa:UPC12248 5-hydroxy-2-oxo-4-ureido-2,5-dihydro-1H-imidazole-5-carboxylic acid C5H6N4O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H6N4O5/c6-3(12)7-1-5(14,2(10)11)9-4(13)8-1/h14H,(H,10,11)(H4,6,7,8,9,12,13) UPa: CHEBI:31697 KEGG:C12312 compound C8H7NO InChI=1S/C8H7NO/c10-8-5-6-3-1-2-4-7(6)9-8/h1-4H,5H2,(H,9,10) UPa:UPC12312 indolin-2-one C8H7NO KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H7NO/c10-8-5-6-3-1-2-4-7(6)9-8/h1-4H,5H2,(H,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:31885 CHEBI:61509 KEGG:C12986 N-acetyl-L-2-aminoadipic acid N-acetyl-L-aminoadipate compound C8H13NO5 InChI=1S/C8H13NO5/c1-5(10)9-6(8(13)14)3-2-4-7(11)12/h6H,2-4H2,1H3,(H,9,10)(H,11,12)(H,13,14)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC12986 N-acetyl-L-2-aminoadipate N-acetyl-L-2-aminoadipic acid KEGG:KEGG N-acetyl-L-aminoadipate KEGG:KEGG C8H13NO5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H13NO5/c1-5(10)9-6(8(13)14)3-2-4-7(11)12/h6H,2-4H2,1H3,(H,9,10)(H,11,12)(H,13,14)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:31887 KEGG:C12987 N-acetyl-L-aminoadipic 5-phosphate compound C8H14NO8P InChI=1S/C8H14NO8P/c1-5(10)9-6(8(12)13)3-2-4-7(11)17-18(14,15)16/h6H,2-4H2,1H3,(H,9,10)(H,12,13)(H2,14,15,16)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC12987 N-acetyl-L-2-aminoadipate 5-phosphate N-acetyl-L-aminoadipic 5-phosphate KEGG:KEGG C8H14NO8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H14NO8P/c1-5(10)9-6(8(12)13)3-2-4-7(11)17-18(14,15)16/h6H,2-4H2,1H3,(H,9,10)(H,12,13)(H2,14,15,16)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:61515 KEGG:C12988 N-acetyl-L-aminoadipate-semialdehyde compound C8H13NO4 InChI=1S/C8H13NO4/c1-6(11)9-7(8(12)13)4-2-3-5-10/h5,7H,2-4H2,1H3,(H,9,11)(H,12,13)/t7-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC12988 N-acetyl-L-2-aminoadipate semialdehyde N-acetyl-L-aminoadipate-semialdehyde KEGG:KEGG C8H13NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H13NO4/c1-6(11)9-7(8(12)13)4-2-3-5-10/h5,7H,2-4H2,1H3,(H,9,11)(H,12,13)/t7-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:35704 KEGG:C12989 compound C8H16N2O3 InChI=1S/C8H16N2O3/c1-6(11)10-7(8(12)13)4-2-3-5-9/h7H,2-5,9H2,1H3,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/t7-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC12989 N-acetyl-L-lysine C8H16N2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H16N2O3/c1-6(11)10-7(8(12)13)4-2-3-5-9/h7H,2-5,9H2,1H3,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/t7-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:31997 KEGG:C13482 compound C4H12NO4P InChI=1S/C4H12NO4P/c1-5(2)3-4-9-10(6,7)8/h3-4H2,1-2H3,(H2,6,7,8) UPa:UPC13482 phosphodimethylethanolamine C4H12NO4P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H12NO4P/c1-5(2)3-4-9-10(6,7)8/h3-4H2,1-2H3,(H2,6,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:52392 KEGG:C13856 compound C23H38O4 InChI=1S/C23H38O4/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-23(26)27-22(20-24)21-25/h6-7,9-10,12-13,15-16,22,24-25H,2-5,8,11,14,17-21H2,1H3/b7-6-,10-9-,13-12-,16-15- UPa:UPC13856 2-arachidonoylglycerol C23H38O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C23H38O4/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-23(26)27-22(20-24)21-25/h6-7,9-10,12-13,15-16,22,24-25H,2-5,8,11,14,17-21H2,1H3/b7-6-,10-9-,13-12-,16-15- UPa: CHEBI:48926 KEGG:C14180 compound C11H19N3O7S InChI=1S/C11H19N3O7S/c12-6(11(20)21)1-2-8(16)14-7(4-22-5-15)10(19)13-3-9(17)18/h6-7,15H,1-5,12H2,(H,13,19)(H,14,16)(H,17,18)(H,20,21)/t6-,7-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC14180 S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione C11H19N3O7S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C11H19N3O7S/c12-6(11(20)21)1-2-8(16)14-7(4-22-5-15)10(19)13-3-9(17)18/h6-7,15H,1-5,12H2,(H,13,19)(H,14,16)(H,17,18)(H,20,21)/t6-,7-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:34399 KEGG:C14456 compound C6H4ClNO2 InChI=1S/C6H4ClNO2/c7-5-1-3-6(4-2-5)8(9)10/h1-4H UPa:UPC14456 4-chloronitrobenzene C6H4ClNO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H4ClNO2/c7-5-1-3-6(4-2-5)8(9)10/h1-4H UPa: CHEBI:34008 CHEBI:49257 KEGG:C14463 compound C6H10O4 InChI=1S/C6H10O4/c1-3-6(2,10)4(7)5(8)9/h10H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9)/t6-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC14463 (R)-3-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-oxopentanoate C6H10O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O4/c1-3-6(2,10)4(7)5(8)9/h10H,3H2,1-2H3,(H,8,9)/t6-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:48068 KEGG:C14610 2,5-dihydro-5-oxofuran-2-acetate compound C6H6O4 InChI=1S/C6H6O4/c7-5(8)3-4-1-2-6(9)10-4/h1-2,4H,3H2,(H,7,8)/t4-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC14610 (S)-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-2-furylacetic acid 2,5-dihydro-5-oxofuran-2-acetate KEGG:KEGG C6H6O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H6O4/c7-5(8)3-4-1-2-6(9)10-4/h1-2,4H,3H2,(H,7,8)/t4-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:29033 KEGG:C14818 compound Fe InChI=1S/Fe/q+2 UPa:UPC14818 Fe2+ Fe KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/Fe/q+2 UPa: CHEBI:49039 KEGG:C14899 compound C6H11O10P InChI=1S/C6H11O10P/c7-2(1-16-17(13,14)15)3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12/h2-3,5,7-8,10H,1H2,(H,11,12)(H2,13,14,15)/t2-,3+,5-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC14899 3-dehydro-L-gulonate 6-phosphate C6H11O10P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H11O10P/c7-2(1-16-17(13,14)15)3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12/h2-3,5,7-8,10H,1H2,(H,11,12)(H2,13,14,15)/t2-,3+,5-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:12532 KEGG:C15503 compound C9H11NO5 InChI=1S/C9H11NO5/c11-7-3-1-6(2-4-7)5-8(9(12)13)10(14)15/h1-4,8,11,14-15H,5H2,(H,12,13)/t8-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC15503 N,N-dihydroxy-L-tyrosine C9H11NO5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H11NO5/c11-7-3-1-6(2-4-7)5-8(9(12)13)10(14)15/h1-4,8,11,14-15H,5H2,(H,12,13)/t8-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:15374 KEGG:C15522 compound C9H15N5O4 InChI=1S/C9H15N5O4/c1-3(15)5(16)4-2-11-6-9(18,14-4)7(17)13-8(10)12-6/h3-5,14-16,18H,2H2,1H3,(H3,10,11,12,13,17)/t3-,4+,5-,9-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC15522 4a-hydroxytetrahydrobiopterin C9H15N5O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H15N5O4/c1-3(15)5(16)4-2-11-6-9(18,14-4)7(17)13-8(10)12-6/h3-5,14-16,18H,2H2,1H3,(H3,10,11,12,13,17)/t3-,4+,5-,9-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:52668 KEGG:C15547 compound C32H42N7O19P3S InChI=1S/C32H42N7O19P3S/c1-32(2,26(44)29(45)35-8-7-21(41)34-9-10-62-31(46)18-11-19(40)16-5-3-4-6-17(16)23(18)42)13-55-61(52,53)58-60(50,51)54-12-20-25(57-59(47,48)49)24(43)30(56-20)39-15-38-22-27(33)36-14-37-28(22)39/h3-6,11,14-15,20,24-26,30,40,42-44H,7-10,12-13H2,1-2H3,(H,34,41)(H,35,45)(H,50,51)(H,52,53)(H2,33,36,37)(H2,47,48,49)/t20-,24-,25-,26+,30-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC15547 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoyl-CoA C32H42N7O19P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C32H42N7O19P3S/c1-32(2,26(44)29(45)35-8-7-21(41)34-9-10-62-31(46)18-11-19(40)16-5-3-4-6-17(16)23(18)42)13-55-61(52,53)58-60(50,51)54-12-20-25(57-59(47,48)49)24(43)30(56-20)39-15-38-22-27(33)36-14-37-28(22)39/h3-6,11,14-15,20,24-26,30,40,42-44H,7-10,12-13H2,1-2H3,(H,34,41)(H,35,45)(H,50,51)(H,52,53)(H2,33,36,37)(H2,47,48,49)/t20-,24-,25-,26+,30-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:36121 KEGG:C15549 compound C15H11O InChI=1S/C15H11O/c1-2-6-12(7-3-1)15-11-10-13-8-4-5-9-14(13)16-15/h1-11H/q+1 UPa:UPC15549 anthocyanin C15H11O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H11O/c1-2-6-12(7-3-1)15-11-10-13-8-4-5-9-14(13)16-15/h1-11H/q+1 UPa: CHEBI:50606 KEGG:C15556 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate compound C4H9O6P InChI=1S/C4H9O6P/c1-3(5)4(6)2-10-11(7,8)9/h4,6H,2H2,1H3,(H2,7,8,9) UPa:UPC15556 2-hydroxy-3-oxobutyl phosphate 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate KEGG:KEGG C4H9O6P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H9O6P/c1-3(5)4(6)2-10-11(7,8)9/h4,6H,2H2,1H3,(H2,7,8,9) UPa: CHEBI:16509 KEGG:C15602 compound UPa:UPC15602 Quinone CHEBI:17594 KEGG:C15603 compound UPa:UPC15603 Hydroquinone CHEBI:49252 KEGG:C15606 compound C6H10O3S InChI=1S/C6H10O3S/c1-10-3-2-5(8)6(9)4-7/h4,7,9H,2-3H2,1H3/b6-4- UPa:UPC15606 1,2-dihydroxy-5-(methylthio)pent-1-en-3-one C6H10O3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O3S/c1-10-3-2-5(8)6(9)4-7/h4,7,9H,2-3H2,1H3/b6-4- UPa: CHEBI:49049 KEGG:C15607 compound C4H6N2O4 InChI=1S/C4H6N2O4/c5-4(10)6-2(7)1-3(8)9/h1H2,(H,8,9)(H3,5,6,7,10) UPa:UPC15607 3-oxo-3-ureidopropanoic acid C4H6N2O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C4H6N2O4/c5-4(10)6-2(7)1-3(8)9/h1H2,(H,8,9)(H3,5,6,7,10) UPa: CHEBI:50604 KEGG:C15650 2,3-diketo-5-methylthiopentyl-1-phosphate compound C6H11O6PS InChI=1S/C6H11O6PS/c1-14-3-2-5(7)6(8)4-12-13(9,10)11/h2-4H2,1H3,(H2,9,10,11) UPa:UPC15650 5-(methylthio)-2,3-dioxopentyl phosphate 2,3-diketo-5-methylthiopentyl-1-phosphate KEGG:KEGG C6H11O6PS KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H11O6PS/c1-14-3-2-5(7)6(8)4-12-13(9,10)11/h2-4H2,1H3,(H2,9,10,11) UPa: CHEBI:50605 KEGG:C15651 2-hydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentenyl-1-phosphate compound C6H11O6PS InChI=1S/C6H11O6PS/c1-14-3-2-5(7)6(8)4-12-13(9,10)11/h4,8H,2-3H2,1H3,(H2,9,10,11)/b6-4- UPa:UPC15651 2-hydroxy-5-(methylsulfanyl)-3-oxopent-1-enyl phosphate 2-hydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentenyl-1-phosphate KEGG:KEGG C6H11O6PS KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H11O6PS/c1-14-3-2-5(7)6(8)4-12-13(9,10)11/h4,8H,2-3H2,1H3,(H2,9,10,11)/b6-4- UPa: CHEBI:48000 KEGG:C15667 compound C9H14N3O9P InChI=1S/C9H14N3O9P/c13-6-4(2-20-22(17,18)19)21-8(7(6)14)12-3-10-1-5(12)11-9(15)16/h1,3-4,6-8,11,13-14H,2H2,(H,15,16)(H2,17,18,19)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC15667 5-carboxyamino-1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)imidazole C9H14N3O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H14N3O9P/c13-6-4(2-20-22(17,18)19)21-8(7(6)14)12-3-10-1-5(12)11-9(15)16/h1,3-4,6-8,11,13-14H,2H2,(H,15,16)(H2,17,18,19)/t4-,6-,7-,8-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:36163 KEGG:C15670 compound C49H56FeN4O6 InChI=1S/C49H58N4O6.Fe/c1-9-34-31(6)39-25-45-49(46(55)18-12-17-30(5)16-11-15-29(4)14-10-13-28(2)3)33(8)40(52-45)24-44-37(27-54)36(20-22-48(58)59)43(53-44)26-42-35(19-21-47(56)57)32(7)38(51-42)23-41(34)50-39;/h9,13,15,17,23-27,46,55H,1,10-12,14,16,18-22H2,2-8H3,(H4,50,51,52,53,54,56,57,58,59);/q;+2/p-2/b29-15+,30-17+,38-23-,39-25-,40-24-,41-23-,42-26-,43-26-,44-24-,45-25-; UPa:UPC15670 heme A C49H56FeN4O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C49H58N4O6.Fe/c1-9-34-31(6)39-25-45-49(46(55)18-12-17-30(5)16-11-15-29(4)14-10-13-28(2)3)33(8)40(52-45)24-44-37(27-54)36(20-22-48(58)59)43(53-44)26-42-35(19-21-47(56)57)32(7)38(51-42)23-41(34)50-39;/h9,13,15,17,23-27,46,55H,1,10-12,14,16,18-22H2,2-8H3,(H4,50,51,52,53,54,56,57,58,59);/q;+2/p-2/b29-15+,30-17+,38-23-,39-25-,40-24-,41-23-,42-26-,43-26-,44-24-,45-25-; UPa: CHEBI:24480 KEGG:C15672 compound C49H58FeN4O5 InChI=1S/C49H60N4O5.Fe/c1-10-35-31(6)40-26-45-49(46(54)19-13-18-30(5)17-12-16-29(4)15-11-14-28(2)3)34(9)41(53-45)24-38-32(7)36(20-22-47(55)56)43(51-38)27-44-37(21-23-48(57)58)33(8)39(52-44)25-42(35)50-40;/h10,14,16,18,24-27,46,54H,1,11-13,15,17,19-23H2,2-9H3,(H4,50,51,52,53,55,56,57,58);/q;+2/p-2/b29-16+,30-18+,38-24-,39-25-,40-26-,41-24-,42-25-,43-27-,44-27-,45-26-; UPa:UPC15672 heme O C49H58FeN4O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C49H60N4O5.Fe/c1-10-35-31(6)40-26-45-49(46(54)19-13-18-30(5)17-12-16-29(4)15-11-14-28(2)3)34(9)41(53-45)24-38-32(7)36(20-22-47(55)56)43(51-38)27-44-37(21-23-48(57)58)33(8)39(52-44)25-42(35)50-40;/h10,14,16,18,24-27,46,54H,1,11-13,15,17,19-23H2,2-9H3,(H4,50,51,52,53,55,56,57,58);/q;+2/p-2/b29-16+,30-18+,38-24-,39-25-,40-26-,41-24-,42-25-,43-27-,44-27-,45-26-; UPa: CHEBI:48005 KEGG:C15699 compound C9H19N3O3 InChI=1S/C9H19N3O3/c10-5-1-2-6-12-8(13)4-3-7(11)9(14)15/h7H,1-6,10-11H2,(H,12,13)(H,14,15)/t7-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC15699 gamma-L-glutamylputrescine C9H19N3O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H19N3O3/c10-5-1-2-6-12-8(13)4-3-7(11)9(14)15/h7H,1-6,10-11H2,(H,12,13)(H,14,15)/t7-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:61521 KEGG:C15700 gamma-glutamyl-gamma-aminobutyraldehyde compound C9H16N2O4 InChI=1S/C9H16N2O4/c10-7(9(14)15)3-4-8(13)11-5-1-2-6-12/h6-7H,1-5,10H2,(H,11,13)(H,14,15)/t7-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC15700 gamma-glutamyl-4-aminobutanal gamma-glutamyl-gamma-aminobutyraldehyde KEGG:KEGG C9H16N2O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H16N2O4/c10-7(9(14)15)3-4-8(13)11-5-1-2-6-12/h6-7H,1-5,10H2,(H,11,13)(H,14,15)/t7-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:49260 KEGG:C15767 4-(glutamylamino)butanoate compound C9H16N2O5 InChI=1S/C9H16N2O5/c10-6(9(15)16)3-4-7(12)11-5-1-2-8(13)14/h6H,1-5,10H2,(H,11,12)(H,13,14)(H,15,16)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC15767 4-(L-gamma-glutamylamino)butanoic acid 4-(glutamylamino)butanoate KEGG:KEGG C9H16N2O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C9H16N2O5/c10-6(9(15)16)3-4-7(12)11-5-1-2-8(13)14/h6H,1-5,10H2,(H,11,12)(H,13,14)(H,15,16)/t6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:63559 KEGG:C15769 HBOA compound C8H7NO3 InChI=1S/C8H7NO3/c10-7-8(11)12-6-4-2-1-3-5(6)9-7/h1-4,8,11H,(H,9,10) UPa:UPC15769 2-hydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one HBOA KEGG:KEGG C8H7NO3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H7NO3/c10-7-8(11)12-6-4-2-1-3-5(6)9-7/h1-4,8,11H,(H,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:63558 KEGG:C15770 compound C8H7NO4 InChI=1S/C8H7NO4/c10-7-8(11)13-6-4-2-1-3-5(6)9(7)12/h1-4,8,11-12H UPa:UPC15770 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one C8H7NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H7NO4/c10-7-8(11)13-6-4-2-1-3-5(6)9(7)12/h1-4,8,11-12H UPa: CHEBI:50586 KEGG:C15777 compound C28H46O InChI=1S/C28H46O/c1-18(2)19(3)7-8-20(4)24-11-12-25-23-10-9-21-17-22(29)13-15-27(21,5)26(23)14-16-28(24,25)6/h10,18,20-22,24-26,29H,3,7-9,11-17H2,1-2,4-6H3/t20-,21+,22+,24-,25+,26?,27+,28-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC15777 episterol C28H46O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C28H46O/c1-18(2)19(3)7-8-20(4)24-11-12-25-23-10-9-21-17-22(29)13-15-27(21,5)26(23)14-16-28(24,25)6/h10,18,20-22,24-26,29H,3,7-9,11-17H2,1-2,4-6H3/t20-,21+,22+,24-,25+,26?,27+,28-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:80095 KEGG:C15778 compound C28H44O InChI=1S/C28H44O/c1-18(2)19(3)7-8-20(4)24-11-12-25-23-10-9-21-17-22(29)13-15-27(21,5)26(23)14-16-28(24,25)6/h9-10,18,20,22,24-26,29H,3,7-8,11-17H2,1-2,4-6H3/t20-,22+,24-,25+,26?,27+,28-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC15778 5,7,24(28)-ergostatrienol C28H44O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C28H44O/c1-18(2)19(3)7-8-20(4)24-11-12-25-23-10-9-21-17-22(29)13-15-27(21,5)26(23)14-16-28(24,25)6/h9-10,18,20,22,24-26,29H,3,7-8,11-17H2,1-2,4-6H3/t20-,22+,24-,25+,26?,27+,28-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:50591 KEGG:C15808 compound C29H46O3 InChI=1S/C29H46O3/c1-18(2)8-7-9-19(3)21-11-12-22-20-10-13-24-28(5,23(20)14-16-27(21,22)4)17-15-25(30)29(24,6)26(31)32/h8,19,21-22,24-25,30H,7,9-17H2,1-6H3,(H,31,32)/t19-,21?,22?,24-,25+,27-,28-,29+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC15808 4alpha-methylzymosterol-4-carboxylic acid C29H46O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C29H46O3/c1-18(2)8-7-9-19(3)21-11-12-22-20-10-13-24-28(5,23(20)14-16-27(21,22)4)17-15-25(30)29(24,6)26(31)32/h8,19,21-22,24-25,30H,7,9-17H2,1-6H3,(H,31,32)/t19-,21?,22?,24-,25+,27-,28-,29+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:50593 KEGG:C15816 3-keto-4-methylzymosterol compound C28H44O InChI=1S/C28H44O/c1-18(2)8-7-9-19(3)22-12-13-24-21-10-11-23-20(4)26(29)15-17-28(23,6)25(21)14-16-27(22,24)5/h8,19-20,22-24H,7,9-17H2,1-6H3/t19-,20?,22?,23+,24?,27-,28+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC15816 3-dehydro-4-methylzymosterol 3-keto-4-methylzymosterol KEGG:KEGG C28H44O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C28H44O/c1-18(2)8-7-9-19(3)22-12-13-24-21-10-11-23-20(4)26(29)15-17-28(23,6)25(21)14-16-27(22,24)5/h8,19-20,22-24H,7,9-17H2,1-6H3/t19-,20?,22?,23+,24?,27-,28+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:35330 KEGG:C15900 compound C41H60O InChI=1S/C41H60O/c1-34(2)20-14-23-37(5)26-17-29-38(6)27-15-24-35(3)21-12-13-22-36(4)25-16-28-39(7)30-18-31-40(8)32-19-33-41(9,10)42-11/h12-13,15-16,18-22,24-28,30-32H,14,17,23,29,33H2,1-11H3/b13-12+,24-15+,25-16+,30-18+,32-19+,35-21+,36-22+,37-26+,38-27+,39-28+,40-31+ UPa:UPC15900 spheroidene C41H60O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C41H60O/c1-34(2)20-14-23-37(5)26-17-29-38(6)27-15-24-35(3)21-12-13-22-36(4)25-16-28-39(7)30-18-31-40(8)32-19-33-41(9,10)42-11/h12-13,15-16,18-22,24-28,30-32H,14,17,23,29,33H2,1-11H3/b13-12+,24-15+,25-16+,30-18+,32-19+,35-21+,36-22+,37-26+,38-27+,39-28+,40-31+ UPa: CHEBI:80182 KEGG:C15925 compound C16H25N5O16P2 InChI=1S/C16H25N5O16P2/c17-16-19-12-6(13(28)20-16)18-3-21(12)14-10(26)8(24)5(34-14)2-33-38(29,30)37-39(31,32)36-15-11(27)9(25)7(23)4(1-22)35-15/h3-5,7-11,14-15,22-27H,1-2H2,(H,29,30)(H,31,32)(H3,17,19,20,28)/t4-,5+,7+,8+,9-,10+,11-,14?,15+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC15925 GDP-L-gulose C16H25N5O16P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C16H25N5O16P2/c17-16-19-12-6(13(28)20-16)18-3-21(12)14-10(26)8(24)5(34-14)2-33-38(29,30)37-39(31,32)36-15-11(27)9(25)7(23)4(1-22)35-15/h3-5,7-11,14-15,22-27H,1-2H2,(H,29,30)(H,31,32)(H3,17,19,20,28)/t4-,5+,7+,8+,9-,10+,11-,14?,15+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:53072 KEGG:C15926 L-galactose 1-phosphate compound C6H13O9P InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(14-2)15-16(11,12)13/h2-10H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3+,4+,5-,6+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC15926 beta-L-galactose 1-phosphate L-galactose 1-phosphate KEGG:KEGG C6H13O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13O9P/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(14-2)15-16(11,12)13/h2-10H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t2-,3+,4+,5-,6+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:80218 KEGG:C15972 compound UPa:UPC15972 Enzyme N6-(lipoyl)lysine CHEBI:80219 KEGG:C15973 compound UPa:UPC15973 Enzyme N6-(dihydrolipoyl)lysine CHEBI:28220 KEGG:C15986 compound C10H14N2O3 InChI=1S/C10H14N2O3/c1-11-6-2-3-8(13)7-4-5-9(14)12-10(7)15/h4-5,11H,2-3,6H2,1H3,(H2,12,14,15) UPa:UPC15986 2,6-dihydroxypseudooxynicotine C10H14N2O3 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H14N2O3/c1-11-6-2-3-8(13)7-4-5-9(14)12-10(7)15/h4-5,11H,2-3,6H2,1H3,(H2,12,14,15) UPa: CHEBI:37755 KEGG:C15987 4-(methylamino)butyric acid compound C5H11NO2 InChI=1S/C5H11NO2/c1-6-4-2-3-5(7)8/h6H,2-4H2,1H3,(H,7,8) UPa:UPC15987 4-(methylamino)butanoate 4-(methylamino)butyric acid KEGG:KEGG C5H11NO2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H11NO2/c1-6-4-2-3-5(7)8/h6H,2-4H2,1H3,(H,7,8) UPa: CHEBI:45075 KEGG:C15996 7-cyano-7-carbaguanine preQ0 compound C7H5N5O InChI=1S/C7H5N5O/c8-1-3-2-10-5-4(3)6(13)12-7(9)11-5/h2H,(H4,9,10,11,12,13) UPa:UPC15996 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine 7-cyano-7-carbaguanine KEGG:KEGG preQ0 KEGG:KEGG C7H5N5O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H5N5O/c8-1-3-2-10-5-4(3)6(13)12-7(9)11-5/h2H,(H4,9,10,11,12,13) UPa: CHEBI:49044 KEGG:C16142 compound C15H24 InChI=1S/C15H24/c1-12(2)15-10-8-13(3)6-5-7-14(4)9-11-15/h7-8,10,12,15H,3,5-6,9,11H2,1-2,4H3/b10-8+,14-7+/t15-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC16142 germacrene D C15H24 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H24/c1-12(2)15-10-8-13(3)6-5-7-14(4)9-11-15/h7-8,10,12,15H,3,5-6,9,11H2,1-2,4H3/b10-8+,14-7+/t15-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:80351 KEGG:C16143 compound C15H26O InChI=1S/C15H26O/c1-12-6-5-7-13(2)9-11-14(10-8-12)15(3,4)16/h6,9,11,13-14,16H,5,7-8,10H2,1-4H3/b11-9+,12-6-/t13-,14+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC16143 germacradienol C15H26O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H26O/c1-12-6-5-7-13(2)9-11-14(10-8-12)15(3,4)16/h6,9,11,13-14,16H,5,7-8,10H2,1-4H3/b11-9+,12-6-/t13-,14+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:62738 KEGG:C16144 compound C30H48 InChI=1S/C30H48/c1-25(2)15-11-19-29(7)23-13-21-27(5)17-9-10-18-28(6)22-14-24-30(8)20-12-16-26(3)4/h9-10,15-18,23-24H,11-14,19-22H2,1-8H3/b10-9-,27-17+,28-18+,29-23+,30-24+ UPa:UPC16144 dehydrosqualene C30H48 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C30H48/c1-25(2)15-11-19-29(7)23-13-21-27(5)17-9-10-18-28(6)22-14-24-30(8)20-12-16-26(3)4/h9-10,15-18,23-24H,11-14,19-22H2,1-8H3/b10-9-,27-17+,28-18+,29-23+,30-24+ UPa: CHEBI:62743 KEGG:C16145 compound C30H42 InChI=1S/C30H42/c1-25(2)15-11-19-29(7)23-13-21-27(5)17-9-10-18-28(6)22-14-24-30(8)20-12-16-26(3)4/h9-11,13-19,21-24H,12,20H2,1-8H3/b10-9+,19-11+,21-13+,22-14+,27-17+,28-18+,29-23+,30-24+ UPa:UPC16145 4,4'-diaponeurosporene C30H42 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C30H42/c1-25(2)15-11-19-29(7)23-13-21-27(5)17-9-10-18-28(6)22-14-24-30(8)20-12-16-26(3)4/h9-11,13-19,21-24H,12,20H2,1-8H3/b10-9+,19-11+,21-13+,22-14+,27-17+,28-18+,29-23+,30-24+ UPa: CHEBI:80352 CHEBI:83048 KEGG:C16146 compound C30H40O2 InChI=1S/C30H40O2/c1-24(2)14-10-17-27(5)20-11-18-25(3)15-8-9-16-26(4)19-12-21-28(6)22-13-23-29(7)30(31)32/h8-9,11-16,18-23H,10,17H2,1-7H3,(H,31,32)/b9-8+,18-11+,19-12+,22-13+,25-15+,26-16+,27-20+,28-21+,29-23+ UPa:UPC16146 4,4'-diaponeurosporenic acid C30H40O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C30H40O2/c1-24(2)14-10-17-27(5)20-11-18-25(3)15-8-9-16-26(4)19-12-21-28(6)22-13-23-29(7)30(31)32/h8-9,11-16,18-23H,10,17H2,1-7H3,(H,31,32)/b9-8+,18-11+,19-12+,22-13+,25-15+,26-16+,27-20+,28-21+,29-23+ UPa: CHEBI:80353 KEGG:C16147 glycosyl-4,4'-diaponeurosporenoate compound C36H50O7 InChI=1S/C36H50O7/c1-25(2)14-10-17-28(5)20-11-18-26(3)15-8-9-16-27(4)19-12-21-29(6)22-13-23-30(7)35(41)43-36-34(40)33(39)32(38)31(24-37)42-36/h8-9,11-16,18-23,31-34,36-40H,10,17,24H2,1-7H3/b9-8+,18-11+,19-12+,22-13+,26-15+,27-16+,28-20+,29-21+,30-23+/t31-,32-,33+,34-,36+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC16147 glycosyl-4,4'-diaponeurosporenic acid glycosyl-4,4'-diaponeurosporenoate KEGG:KEGG C36H50O7 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C36H50O7/c1-25(2)14-10-17-28(5)20-11-18-26(3)15-8-9-16-27(4)19-12-21-29(6)22-13-23-30(7)35(41)43-36-34(40)33(39)32(38)31(24-37)42-36/h8-9,11-16,18-23,31-34,36-40H,10,17,24H2,1-7H3/b9-8+,18-11+,19-12+,22-13+,26-15+,27-16+,28-20+,29-21+,30-23+/t31-,32-,33+,34-,36+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:71690 KEGG:C16148 compound C51H78O8 InChI=1S/C51H78O8/c1-10-39(4)26-17-15-13-11-12-14-16-18-36-46(52)57-37-45-47(53)48(54)49(55)51(58-45)59-50(56)44(9)35-24-34-43(8)33-23-31-41(6)28-20-19-27-40(5)30-22-32-42(7)29-21-25-38(2)3/h19-20,22-25,27-28,30-35,39,45,47-49,51,53-55H,10-18,21,26,29,36-37H2,1-9H3/b20-19+,30-22+,31-23+,34-24+,40-27+,41-28+,42-32+,43-33+,44-35+/t39?,45-,47-,48+,49-,51+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC16148 staphyloxanthin C51H78O8 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C51H78O8/c1-10-39(4)26-17-15-13-11-12-14-16-18-36-46(52)57-37-45-47(53)48(54)49(55)51(58-45)59-50(56)44(9)35-24-34-43(8)33-23-31-41(6)28-20-19-27-40(5)30-22-32-42(7)29-21-25-38(2)3/h19-20,22-25,27-28,30-35,39,45,47-49,51,53-55H,10-18,21,26,29,36-37H2,1-9H3/b20-19+,30-22+,31-23+,34-24+,40-27+,41-28+,42-32+,43-33+,44-35+/t39?,45-,47-,48+,49-,51+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:18723 KEGG:C16150 compound C10H14N2 InChI=1S/C10H14N2/c1-12-7-3-5-10(12)9-4-2-6-11-8-9/h2,4,6,8,10H,3,5,7H2,1H3 UPa:UPC16150 nicotine C10H14N2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H14N2/c1-12-7-3-5-10(12)9-4-2-6-11-8-9/h2,4,6,8,10H,3,5,7H2,1H3 UPa: CHEBI:47025 KEGG:C16153 UDP-L-Ara4N compound C14H23N3O15P2 InChI=1S/C14H23N3O15P2/c15-5-3-28-13(11(22)8(5)19)31-34(26,27)32-33(24,25)29-4-6-9(20)10(21)12(30-6)17-2-1-7(18)16-14(17)23/h1-2,5-6,8-13,19-22H,3-4,15H2,(H,24,25)(H,26,27)(H,16,18,23)/t5-,6+,8-,9+,10+,11+,12+,13+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC16153 UDP-4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose UDP-L-Ara4N KEGG:KEGG C14H23N3O15P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H23N3O15P2/c15-5-3-28-13(11(22)8(5)19)31-34(26,27)32-33(24,25)29-4-6-9(20)10(21)12(30-6)17-2-1-7(18)16-14(17)23/h1-2,5-6,8-13,19-22H,3-4,15H2,(H,24,25)(H,26,27)(H,16,18,23)/t5-,6+,8-,9+,10+,11+,12+,13+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:47027 KEGG:C16154 UDP-beta-(4-deoxy-4-formamido-L-arabinose) compound C15H23N3O16P2 InChI=1S/C15H23N3O16P2/c19-5-16-6-3-30-14(12(24)9(6)21)33-36(28,29)34-35(26,27)31-4-7-10(22)11(23)13(32-7)18-2-1-8(20)17-15(18)25/h1-2,5-7,9-14,21-24H,3-4H2,(H,16,19)(H,26,27)(H,28,29)(H,17,20,25)/t6-,7+,9-,10+,11+,12+,13+,14+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC16154 UDP-4-deoxy-4-formamido-beta-L-arabinose UDP-beta-(4-deoxy-4-formamido-L-arabinose) KEGG:KEGG C15H23N3O16P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H23N3O16P2/c19-5-16-6-3-30-14(12(24)9(6)21)33-36(28,29)34-35(26,27)31-4-7-10(22)11(23)13(32-7)18-2-1-8(20)17-15(18)25/h1-2,5-7,9-14,21-24H,3-4H2,(H,16,19)(H,26,27)(H,28,29)(H,17,20,25)/t6-,7+,9-,10+,11+,12+,13+,14+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:47028 KEGG:C16155 UDP-beta-(L-threo-pentapyranosyl-4''-ulose) compound C14H20N2O16P2 InChI=1S/C14H20N2O16P2/c17-5-3-28-13(11(22)8(5)19)31-34(26,27)32-33(24,25)29-4-6-9(20)10(21)12(30-6)16-2-1-7(18)15-14(16)23/h1-2,6,8-13,19-22H,3-4H2,(H,24,25)(H,26,27)(H,15,18,23)/t6-,8+,9-,10-,11-,12-,13-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC16155 UDP-beta-L-threo-pentopyranos-4-ulose UDP-beta-(L-threo-pentapyranosyl-4''-ulose) KEGG:KEGG C14H20N2O16P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H20N2O16P2/c17-5-3-28-13(11(22)8(5)19)31-34(26,27)32-33(24,25)29-4-6-9(20)10(21)12(30-6)16-2-1-7(18)15-14(16)23/h1-2,6,8-13,19-22H,3-4H2,(H,24,25)(H,26,27)(H,15,18,23)/t6-,8+,9-,10-,11-,12-,13-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:53028 KEGG:C16156 4-deoxy-4-formamido-alpha-L-arabinose undecaprenyl phosphate L-Ara4FN-phosphoundecaprenol compound C61H100NO8P InChI=1S/C61H100NO8P/c1-47(2)23-13-24-48(3)25-14-26-49(4)27-15-28-50(5)29-16-30-51(6)31-17-32-52(7)33-18-34-53(8)35-19-36-54(9)37-20-38-55(10)39-21-40-56(11)41-22-42-57(12)43-44-69-71(66,67)70-61-60(65)59(64)58(45-68-61)62-46-63/h23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39,41,43,46,58-61,64-65H,13-22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44-45H2,1-12H3,(H,62,63)(H,66,67)/b48-25+,49-27+,50-29-,51-31-,52-33-,53-35-,54-37-,55-39-,56-41-,57-43-/t58-,59-,60+,61-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC16156 4-deoxy-4-formamido-alphaL-arabinose undecaprenyl phosphate 4-deoxy-4-formamido-alpha-L-arabinose undecaprenyl phosphate KEGG:KEGG L-Ara4FN-phosphoundecaprenol KEGG:KEGG C61H100NO8P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C61H100NO8P/c1-47(2)23-13-24-48(3)25-14-26-49(4)27-15-28-50(5)29-16-30-51(6)31-17-32-52(7)33-18-34-53(8)35-19-36-54(9)37-20-38-55(10)39-21-40-56(11)41-22-42-57(12)43-44-69-71(66,67)70-61-60(65)59(64)58(45-68-61)62-46-63/h23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39,41,43,46,58-61,64-65H,13-22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44-45H2,1-12H3,(H,62,63)(H,66,67)/b48-25+,49-27+,50-29-,51-31-,52-33-,53-35-,54-37-,55-39-,56-41-,57-43-/t58-,59-,60+,61-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:47039 KEGG:C16157 L-Ara4N-phosphoundecaprenol compound C60H100NO7P InChI=1S/C60H100NO7P/c1-46(2)23-13-24-47(3)25-14-26-48(4)27-15-28-49(5)29-16-30-50(6)31-17-32-51(7)33-18-34-52(8)35-19-36-53(9)37-20-38-54(10)39-21-40-55(11)41-22-42-56(12)43-44-67-69(64,65)68-60-59(63)58(62)57(61)45-66-60/h23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39,41,43,57-60,62-63H,13-22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44-45,61H2,1-12H3,(H,64,65)/b47-25+,48-27+,49-29-,50-31-,51-33-,52-35-,53-37-,54-39-,55-41-,56-43-/t57-,58-,59+,60-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC16157 4-amino-4-deoxy-alpha-L-arabinose undecaprenyl phosphate L-Ara4N-phosphoundecaprenol KEGG:KEGG C60H100NO7P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C60H100NO7P/c1-46(2)23-13-24-47(3)25-14-26-48(4)27-15-28-49(5)29-16-30-50(6)31-17-32-51(7)33-18-34-52(8)35-19-36-53(9)37-20-38-54(10)39-21-40-55(11)41-22-42-56(12)43-44-67-69(64,65)68-60-59(63)58(62)57(61)45-66-60/h23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39,41,43,57-60,62-63H,13-22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44-45,61H2,1-12H3,(H,64,65)/b47-25+,48-27+,49-29-,50-31-,51-33-,52-35-,53-37-,54-39-,55-41-,56-43-/t57-,58-,59+,60-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:49075 KEGG:C16159 compound C6H8O5 InChI=1S/C6H8O5/c7-3-4(6(10)11)1-2-5(8)9/h3-4H,1-2H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11) UPa:UPC16159 2-formylglutarate C6H8O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H8O5/c7-3-4(6(10)11)1-2-5(8)9/h3-4H,1-2H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11) UPa: CHEBI:80368 KEGG:C16186 compound C6H9O9P InChI=1S/C6H9O9P/c7-2(1-14-16(11,12)13)5-3(8)4(9)6(10)15-5/h2,5,7-9H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t2?,5-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC16186 L-ascorbate 6-phosphate C6H9O9P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H9O9P/c7-2(1-14-16(11,12)13)5-3(8)4(9)6(10)15-5/h2,5,7-9H,1H2,(H2,11,12,13)/t2?,5-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:80398 KEGG:C16236 compound UPa:UPC16236 protein N(6)-(octanoyl)lysine CHEBI:80399 KEGG:C16237 compound UPa:UPC16237 protein N(6)-(lipoyl)lysine CHEBI:55451 KEGG:C16238 compound C18H26N5O8PS2 InChI=1S/C18H26N5O8PS2/c19-16-13-17(21-8-20-16)23(9-22-13)18-15(26)14(25)11(30-18)7-29-32(27,28)31-12(24)4-2-1-3-10-5-6-33-34-10/h8-11,14-15,18,25-26H,1-7H2,(H,27,28)(H2,19,20,21)/t10?,11-,14-,15-,18-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC16238 lipoyl-AMP C18H26N5O8PS2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C18H26N5O8PS2/c19-16-13-17(21-8-20-16)23(9-22-13)18-15(26)14(25)11(30-18)7-29-32(27,28)31-12(24)4-2-1-3-10-5-6-33-34-10/h8-11,14-15,18,25-26H,1-7H2,(H,27,28)(H2,19,20,21)/t10?,11-,14-,15-,18-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:13850 KEGG:C16240 compound UPa:UPC16240 apoprotein CHEBI:52488 KEGG:C16242 compound C45H52CoN4O16 InChI=1S/C45H54N4O16.Co/c1-21-45-40-26(15-37(60)61)41(2,13-12-35(56)57)30(47-40)16-27-22(6-9-32(50)51)25(14-36(58)59)44(5,48-27)18-29-23(7-10-33(52)53)42(3,19-38(62)63)31(46-29)17-28(49-45)24(8-11-34(54)55)43(45,4)20-39(64)65-21;/h16-17,21,24H,6-15,18-20H2,1-5H3,(H9,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);/q;+2/p-2/t21?,24-,41-,42+,43+,44+,45?;/m1./s1 UPa:UPC16242 cobalt-precorrin 5A C45H52CoN4O16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C45H54N4O16.Co/c1-21-45-40-26(15-37(60)61)41(2,13-12-35(56)57)30(47-40)16-27-22(6-9-32(50)51)25(14-36(58)59)44(5,48-27)18-29-23(7-10-33(52)53)42(3,19-38(62)63)31(46-29)17-28(49-45)24(8-11-34(54)55)43(45,4)20-39(64)65-21;/h16-17,21,24H,6-15,18-20H2,1-5H3,(H9,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);/q;+2/p-2/t21?,24-,41-,42+,43+,44+,45?;/m1./s1 UPa: CHEBI:52489 KEGG:C16243 compound C43H50CoN4O16 InChI=1S/C43H52N4O16.Co/c1-40(12-11-33(54)55)24(14-35(58)59)38-39-42(3,19-37(62)63)21(6-9-31(50)51)26(45-39)16-29-41(2,18-36(60)61)22(7-10-32(52)53)27(44-29)17-43(4)23(13-34(56)57)20(5-8-30(48)49)25(47-43)15-28(40)46-38;/h15-16,21,24H,5-14,17-19H2,1-4H3,(H10,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);/q;+2/p-2/b39-38-;/t21-,24+,40-,41+,42+,43+;/m1./s1 UPa:UPC16243 cobalt-precorrin 5B C43H50CoN4O16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C43H52N4O16.Co/c1-40(12-11-33(54)55)24(14-35(58)59)38-39-42(3,19-37(62)63)21(6-9-31(50)51)26(45-39)16-29-41(2,18-36(60)61)22(7-10-32(52)53)27(44-29)17-43(4)23(13-34(56)57)20(5-8-30(48)49)25(47-43)15-28(40)46-38;/h15-16,21,24H,5-14,17-19H2,1-4H3,(H10,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);/q;+2/p-2/b39-38-;/t21-,24+,40-,41+,42+,43+;/m1./s1 UPa: CHEBI:51458 KEGG:C16269 compound C15H24 InChI=1S/C15H24/c1-10-5-6-13-11(2)14(3,4)12-7-8-15(10,13)9-12/h10,12H,5-9H2,1-4H3/t10-,12-,15+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC16269 epi-isozizaene C15H24 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H24/c1-10-5-6-13-11(2)14(3,4)12-7-8-15(10,13)9-12/h10,12H,5-9H2,1-4H3/t10-,12-,15+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:46702 KEGG:C16286 compound C12H22O InChI=1S/C12H22O/c1-10-6-5-8-11(2)7-3-4-9-12(10,11)13/h10,13H,3-9H2,1-2H3/t10-,11+,12-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC16286 geosmin C12H22O KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H22O/c1-10-6-5-8-11(2)7-3-4-9-12(10,11)13/h10,13H,3-9H2,1-2H3/t10-,11+,12-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:80465 KEGG:C16348 compound C3H3ClO InChI=1S/C3H3ClO/c4-2-1-3-5/h1-3H/b2-1- UPa:UPC16348 cis-3-chloroallyl aldehyde C3H3ClO KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C3H3ClO/c4-2-1-3-5/h1-3H/b2-1- UPa: CHEBI:39162 KEGG:C16386 D-nicotine compound C10H14N2 InChI=1S/C10H14N2/c1-12-7-3-5-10(12)9-4-2-6-11-8-9/h2,4,6,8,10H,3,5,7H2,1H3/t10-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC16386 (R)-nicotine D-nicotine KEGG:KEGG C10H14N2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C10H14N2/c1-12-7-3-5-10(12)9-4-2-6-11-8-9/h2,4,6,8,10H,3,5,7H2,1H3/t10-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:49076 CHEBI:49077 KEGG:C16390 compound C6H10O5 InChI=1S/C6H10O5/c7-3-4(6(10)11)1-2-5(8)9/h4,7H,1-3H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11) UPa:UPC16390 2-hydroxymethylglutarate C6H10O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O5/c7-3-4(6(10)11)1-2-5(8)9/h4,7H,1-3H2,(H,8,9)(H,10,11) UPa: CHEBI:25094 KEGG:C16440 compound C6H14N2O2 InChI=1S/C6H14N2O2/c7-4-2-1-3-5(8)6(9)10/h5H,1-4,7-8H2,(H,9,10) UPa:UPC16440 lysine C6H14N2O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H14N2O2/c7-4-2-1-3-5(8)6(9)10/h5H,1-4,7-8H2,(H,9,10) UPa: CHEBI:49537 KEGG:C16463 compound C20H24N10O14P2 InChI=1S/C20H24N10O14P2/c21-19-25-13-7(15(33)27-19)23-3-29(13)17-9(31)11-5(41-17)1-39-45(35,36)44-12-6(2-40-46(37,38)43-11)42-18(10(12)32)30-4-24-8-14(30)26-20(22)28-16(8)34/h3-6,9-12,17-18,31-32H,1-2H2,(H,35,36)(H,37,38)(H3,21,25,27,33)(H3,22,26,28,34)/t5-,6-,9-,10-,11-,12-,17-,18-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC16463 3',5'-cyclic di-GMP C20H24N10O14P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C20H24N10O14P2/c21-19-25-13-7(15(33)27-19)23-3-29(13)17-9(31)11-5(41-17)1-39-45(35,36)44-12-6(2-40-46(37,38)43-11)42-18(10(12)32)30-4-24-8-14(30)26-20(22)28-16(8)34/h3-6,9-12,17-18,31-32H,1-2H2,(H,35,36)(H,37,38)(H3,21,25,27,33)(H3,22,26,28,34)/t5-,6-,9-,10-,11-,12-,17-,18-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:24109 KEGG:C16488 compound C12H24N2O7 InChI=1S/C12H24N2O7/c13-7(12(20)21)3-1-2-4-14-5-8(16)10(18)11(19)9(17)6-15/h7,9-11,14-15,17-19H,1-6,13H2,(H,20,21)/t7-,9+,10+,11+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC16488 fructoselysine C12H24N2O7 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H24N2O7/c13-7(12(20)21)3-1-2-4-14-5-8(16)10(18)11(19)9(17)6-15/h7,9-11,14-15,17-19H,1-6,13H2,(H,20,21)/t7-,9+,10+,11+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:61437 KEGG:C16489 compound C12H25N2O10P InChI=1S/C12H25N2O10P/c13-7(12(19)20)3-1-2-4-14-5-8(15)10(17)11(18)9(16)6-24-25(21,22)23/h7,9-11,14,16-18H,1-6,13H2,(H,19,20)(H2,21,22,23)/t7-,9+,10+,11+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC16489 fructoselysine 6-phosphate C12H25N2O10P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H25N2O10P/c13-7(12(19)20)3-1-2-4-14-5-8(15)10(17)11(18)9(16)6-24-25(21,22)23/h7,9-11,14,16-18H,1-6,13H2,(H,19,20)(H2,21,22,23)/t7-,9+,10+,11+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:50271 KEGG:C16519 2-succinyl-5-enolpyruvyl-6-hydroxy-3-cyclohexene-1-carboxylate compound C14H16O9 InChI=1S/C14H16O9/c1-6(13(19)20)23-9-4-2-7(8(15)3-5-10(16)17)11(12(9)18)14(21)22/h2,4,7,9,11-12,18H,1,3,5H2,(H,16,17)(H,19,20)(H,21,22)/t7-,9+,11-,12-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC16519 2-succinyl-5-enolpyruvyl-6-hydroxy-3-cyclohexene-1-carboxylic acid 2-succinyl-5-enolpyruvyl-6-hydroxy-3-cyclohexene-1-carboxylate KEGG:KEGG C14H16O9 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C14H16O9/c1-6(13(19)20)23-9-4-2-7(8(15)3-5-10(16)17)11(12(9)18)14(21)22/h2,4,7,9,11-12,18H,1,3,5H2,(H,16,17)(H,19,20)(H,21,22)/t7-,9+,11-,12-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:74030 KEGG:C16523 compound C40H47NO12 InChI=1S/C40H47NO12/c1-21-27(51-30(45)17-26(41)24-13-9-7-10-14-24)19-40(48)35(52-36(47)25-15-11-8-12-16-25)33-38(6,28(44)18-29-39(33,20-49-29)53-23(3)43)34(46)32(50-22(2)42)31(21)37(40,4)5/h7-16,26-29,32-33,35,44,48H,17-20,41H2,1-6H3/t26-,27+,28+,29-,32-,33?,35+,38-,39+,40-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC16523 N-(3'R)-debenzoyl-2'-deoxytaxol C40H47NO12 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C40H47NO12/c1-21-27(51-30(45)17-26(41)24-13-9-7-10-14-24)19-40(48)35(52-36(47)25-15-11-8-12-16-25)33-38(6,28(44)18-29-39(33,20-49-29)53-23(3)43)34(46)32(50-22(2)42)31(21)37(40,4)5/h7-16,26-29,32-33,35,44,48H,17-20,41H2,1-6H3/t26-,27+,28+,29-,32-,33?,35+,38-,39+,40-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:63862 KEGG:C16524 compound C40H47NO13 InChI=1S/C40H47NO13/c1-20-25(52-36(48)30(45)29(41)23-13-9-7-10-14-23)18-40(49)34(53-35(47)24-15-11-8-12-16-24)32-38(6,26(44)17-27-39(32,19-50-27)54-22(3)43)33(46)31(51-21(2)42)28(20)37(40,4)5/h7-16,25-27,29-32,34,44-45,49H,17-19,41H2,1-6H3/t25-,26-,27+,29-,30+,31+,32?,34-,38+,39-,40+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC16524 N-(3'R)-debenzoyltaxol C40H47NO13 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C40H47NO13/c1-20-25(52-36(48)30(45)29(41)23-13-9-7-10-14-23)18-40(49)34(53-35(47)24-15-11-8-12-16-24)32-38(6,26(44)17-27-39(32,19-50-27)54-22(3)43)33(46)31(51-21(2)42)28(20)37(40,4)5/h7-16,25-27,29-32,34,44-45,49H,17-19,41H2,1-6H3/t25-,26-,27+,29-,30+,31+,32?,34-,38+,39-,40+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:80587 KEGG:C16589 compound C8H12O5 InChI=1S/C8H12O5/c9-6(8(12)13)4-2-1-3-5-7(10)11/h1-5H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13) UPa:UPC16589 2-oxosuberate C8H12O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C8H12O5/c9-6(8(12)13)4-2-1-3-5-7(10)11/h1-5H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13) UPa: KEGG:C16636 compound UPa:UPC16636 tRNA(Sec) CHEBI:80628 KEGG:C16638 compound UPa:UPC16638 O-phosphoseryl-tRNA(Sec) CHEBI:47002 KEGG:C16639 compound C5H10O5 InChI=1S/C5H10O5/c6-1-2-3(7)4(8)5(9)10-2/h2-9H,1H2/t2-,3-,4-,5-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC16639 beta-D-ribofuranose C5H10O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C5H10O5/c6-1-2-3(7)4(8)5(9)10-2/h2-9H,1H2/t2-,3-,4-,5-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:39251 KEGG:C16665 compound C15H30O2 InChI=1S/C15H30O2/c1-3-14(2)12-10-8-6-4-5-7-9-11-13-15(16)17/h14H,3-13H2,1-2H3,(H,16,17) UPa:UPC16665 12-methyltetradecanoic acid C15H30O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C15H30O2/c1-3-14(2)12-10-8-6-4-5-7-9-11-13-15(16)17/h14H,3-13H2,1-2H3,(H,16,17) UPa: CHEBI:50923 KEGG:C16737 5-deoxy glucuronic acid compound C6H10O6 InChI=1S/C6H10O6/c7-2-4(9)6(12)3(8)1-5(10)11/h2-4,6,8-9,12H,1H2,(H,10,11)/t3-,4+,6+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC16737 5-deoxy-D-glucuronic acid 5-deoxy glucuronic acid KEGG:KEGG C6H10O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O6/c7-2-4(9)6(12)3(8)1-5(10)11/h2-4,6,8-9,12H,1H2,(H,10,11)/t3-,4+,6+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:80761 CHEBI:83170 KEGG:C16833 compound C30H45N8O17P3S InChI=1S/C30H45N8O17P3S/c1-30(2,25(42)28(43)34-9-8-20(39)33-10-11-59-21(40)12-18(31)17-6-4-3-5-7-17)14-52-58(49,50)55-57(47,48)51-13-19-24(54-56(44,45)46)23(41)29(53-19)38-16-37-22-26(32)35-15-36-27(22)38/h3-7,15-16,18-19,23-25,29,41-42H,8-14,31H2,1-2H3,(H,33,39)(H,34,43)(H,47,48)(H,49,50)(H2,32,35,36)(H2,44,45,46)/t18-,19-,23-,24-,25+,29-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC16833 beta-phenylalanoyl-CoA C30H45N8O17P3S KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C30H45N8O17P3S/c1-30(2,25(42)28(43)34-9-8-20(39)33-10-11-59-21(40)12-18(31)17-6-4-3-5-7-17)14-52-58(49,50)55-57(47,48)51-13-19-24(54-56(44,45)46)23(41)29(53-19)38-16-37-22-26(32)35-15-36-27(22)38/h3-7,15-16,18-19,23-25,29,41-42H,8-14,31H2,1-2H3,(H,33,39)(H,34,43)(H,47,48)(H,49,50)(H2,32,35,36)(H2,44,45,46)/t18-,19-,23-,24-,25+,29-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:80867 KEGG:C17023 compound UPa:UPC17023 sulfur donor CHEBI:64796 KEGG:C17209 2,3,4,5-tetrahydroxycyclohexanone compound C6H10O5 InChI=1S/C6H10O5/c7-2-1-3(8)5(10)6(11)4(2)9/h2,4-7,9-11H,1H2/t2-,4+,5-,6-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC17209 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosose 2,3,4,5-tetrahydroxycyclohexanone KEGG:KEGG C6H10O5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H10O5/c7-2-1-3(8)5(10)6(11)4(2)9/h2,4-7,9-11H,1H2/t2-,4+,5-,6-/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:73373 KEGG:C17401 compound C43H46CoN4O16 InChI=1S/C43H48N4O16.Co/c1-19-40-23(13-37(58)59)21(5-9-33(50)51)27(46-40)14-26-20(4-8-32(48)49)22(12-36(56)57)28(44-26)15-29-24(6-10-34(52)53)42(2,17-38(60)61)31(45-29)16-30-25(7-11-35(54)55)43(3,18-39(62)63)41(19)47-30;/h14-16,24-25H,4-13,17-18H2,1-3H3,(H10,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);/q;+2/p-2/t24-,25-,42+,43+;/m1./s1 UPa:UPC17401 cobalt-factor III C43H46CoN4O16 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C43H48N4O16.Co/c1-19-40-23(13-37(58)59)21(5-9-33(50)51)27(46-40)14-26-20(4-8-32(48)49)22(12-36(56)57)28(44-26)15-29-24(6-10-34(52)53)42(2,17-38(60)61)31(45-29)16-30-25(7-11-35(54)55)43(3,18-39(62)63)41(19)47-30;/h14-16,24-25H,4-13,17-18H2,1-3H3,(H10,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63);/q;+2/p-2/t24-,25-,42+,43+;/m1./s1 UPa: CHEBI:60468 KEGG:C17556 compound C55H91O4P InChI=1S/C55H91O4P/c1-45(2)23-13-24-46(3)25-14-26-47(4)27-15-28-48(5)29-16-30-49(6)31-17-32-50(7)33-18-34-51(8)35-19-36-52(9)37-20-38-53(10)39-21-40-54(11)41-22-42-55(12)43-44-59-60(56,57)58/h23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39,41,43H,13-22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44H2,1-12H3,(H2,56,57,58)/b46-25+,47-27+,48-29-,49-31-,50-33-,51-35-,52-37-,53-39-,54-41-,55-43- UPa:UPC17556 di-trans,poly-cis-undecaprenyl phosphate C55H91O4P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C55H91O4P/c1-45(2)23-13-24-46(3)25-14-26-47(4)27-15-28-48(5)29-16-30-49(6)31-17-32-50(7)33-18-34-51(8)35-19-36-52(9)37-20-38-53(10)39-21-40-54(11)41-22-42-55(12)43-44-59-60(56,57)58/h23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39,41,43H,13-22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44H2,1-12H3,(H2,56,57,58)/b46-25+,47-27+,48-29-,49-31-,50-33-,51-35-,52-37-,53-39-,54-41-,55-43- UPa: CHEBI:65046 KEGG:C17580 compound C6H13NO4 InChI=1S/C6H13NO4/c7-2-1-3(8)5(10)6(11)4(2)9/h2-6,8-11H,1,7H2/t2-,3+,4+,5-,6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC17580 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosamine C6H13NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H13NO4/c7-2-1-3(8)5(10)6(11)4(2)9/h2-6,8-11H,1,7H2/t2-,3+,4+,5-,6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:65027 KEGG:C17581 compound C6H11NO4 InChI=1S/C6H11NO4/c7-2-1-3(8)5(10)6(11)4(2)9/h2,4-6,9-11H,1,7H2/t2-,4+,5-,6-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC17581 3-amino-2,3-dideoxy-scyllo-inosose C6H11NO4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C6H11NO4/c7-2-1-3(8)5(10)6(11)4(2)9/h2,4-6,9-11H,1,7H2/t2-,4+,5-,6-/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:37923 KEGG:C17708 compound C17H35N5O6 InChI=1S/C17H35N5O6/c1-7(19)9-5-4-8(20)17(27-9)28-15-11(21)13(24)16(26-3)12(14(15)25)22(2)10(23)6-18/h7-9,11-17,24-25H,4-6,18-21H2,1-3H3/t7-,8+,9-,11-,12-,13-,14+,15+,16+,17+/m0/s1 UPa:UPC17708 fortimicin C17H35N5O6 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C17H35N5O6/c1-7(19)9-5-4-8(20)17(27-9)28-15-11(21)13(24)16(26-3)12(14(15)25)22(2)10(23)6-18/h7-9,11-17,24-25H,4-6,18-21H2,1-3H3/t7-,8+,9-,11-,12-,13-,14+,15+,16+,17+/m0/s1 UPa: CHEBI:51834 KEGG:C18050 beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside 6(F)-phosphate mannosylfructose-phosphate compound C12H23O14P InChI=1S/C12H23O14P/c13-1-4-6(15)8(17)9(18)11(24-4)26-12(3-14)10(19)7(16)5(25-12)2-23-27(20,21)22/h4-11,13-19H,1-3H2,(H2,20,21,22)/t4-,5-,6-,7-,8+,9+,10+,11-,12+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC18050 beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside 6-phosphate beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside 6(F)-phosphate KEGG:KEGG mannosylfructose-phosphate KEGG:KEGG C12H23O14P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H23O14P/c13-1-4-6(15)8(17)9(18)11(24-4)26-12(3-14)10(19)7(16)5(25-12)2-23-27(20,21)22/h4-11,13-19H,1-3H2,(H2,20,21,22)/t4-,5-,6-,7-,8+,9+,10+,11-,12+/m1/s1 UPa: CHEBI:51833 KEGG:C18068 beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside compound C12H22O11 InChI=1S/C12H22O11/c13-1-4-6(16)8(18)9(19)11(21-4)23-12(3-15)10(20)7(17)5(2-14)22-12/h4-11,13-20H,1-3H2/t4-,5-,6-,7-,8+,9+,10+,11-,12+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC18068 beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside beta-D-fructofuranosyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside KEGG:KEGG C12H22O11 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C12H22O11/c13-1-4-6(16)8(18)9(19)11(21-4)23-12(3-15)10(20)7(17)5(2-14)22-12/h4-11,13-20H,1-3H2/t4-,5-,6-,7-,8+,9+,10+,11-,12+/m1/s1 UPa: KEGG:C19671 compound UPa:UPC19671 amicyanin KEGG:C19672 compound UPa:UPC19672 reduced amicyanin CHEBI:55437 KEGG:C19847 compound C20H24O2 InChI=1S/C20H24O2/c1-14(2)7-6-8-15(3)11-12-16-13-19(21)17-9-4-5-10-18(17)20(16)22/h4-5,7,9-11,13,21-22H,6,8,12H2,1-3H3/b15-11+ UPa:UPC19847 demethylmenaquinol C20H24O2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C20H24O2/c1-14(2)7-6-8-15(3)11-12-16-13-19(21)17-9-4-5-10-18(17)20(16)22/h4-5,7,9-11,13,21-22H,6,8,12H2,1-3H3/b15-11+ UPa: KEGG:C19878 compound C7H15O10P InChI=1S/C7H15O10P/c8-2(1-16-18(13,14)15)6-4(10)3(9)5(11)7(12)17-6/h2-12H,1H2,(H2,13,14,15)/t2-,3+,4+,5+,6-,7+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC19878 D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate C7H15O10P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H15O10P/c8-2(1-16-18(13,14)15)6-4(10)3(9)5(11)7(12)17-6/h2-12H,1H2,(H2,13,14,15)/t2-,3+,4+,5+,6-,7+/m1/s1 UPa: KEGG:C19879 compound C7H16O13P2 InChI=1S/C7H16O13P2/c8-2(1-18-21(12,13)14)6-4(10)3(9)5(11)7(19-6)20-22(15,16)17/h2-11H,1H2,(H2,12,13,14)(H2,15,16,17)/t2-,3+,4+,5+,6-,7-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC19879 D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 1,7-diphosphate C7H16O13P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H16O13P2/c8-2(1-18-21(12,13)14)6-4(10)3(9)5(11)7(19-6)20-22(15,16)17/h2-11H,1H2,(H2,12,13,14)(H2,15,16,17)/t2-,3+,4+,5+,6-,7-/m1/s1 UPa: KEGG:C19880 compound C7H15O10P InChI=1S/C7H15O10P/c8-1-2(9)6-4(11)3(10)5(12)7(16-6)17-18(13,14)15/h2-12H,1H2,(H2,13,14,15)/t2-,3+,4+,5+,6-,7-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC19880 D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 1-phosphate C7H15O10P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H15O10P/c8-1-2(9)6-4(11)3(10)5(12)7(16-6)17-18(13,14)15/h2-12H,1H2,(H2,13,14,15)/t2-,3+,4+,5+,6-,7-/m1/s1 UPa: KEGG:C19881 compound C17H27N5O17P2 InChI=1S/C17H27N5O17P2/c18-17-20-13-6(14(30)21-17)19-3-22(13)15-10(28)7(25)5(36-15)2-35-40(31,32)39-41(33,34)38-16-11(29)8(26)9(27)12(37-16)4(24)1-23/h3-5,7-12,15-16,23-29H,1-2H2,(H,31,32)(H,33,34)(H3,18,20,21,30)/t4-,5-,7-,8+,9+,10-,11+,12-,15-,16-/m1/s1 UPa:UPC19881 GDP-D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose C17H27N5O17P2 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C17H27N5O17P2/c18-17-20-13-6(14(30)21-17)19-3-22(13)15-10(28)7(25)5(36-15)2-35-40(31,32)39-41(33,34)38-16-11(29)8(26)9(27)12(37-16)4(24)1-23/h3-5,7-12,15-16,23-29H,1-2H2,(H,31,32)(H,33,34)(H3,18,20,21,30)/t4-,5-,7-,8+,9+,10-,11+,12-,15-,16-/m1/s1 UPa: KEGG:C19882 compound C7H15O10P InChI=1S/C7H15O10P/c8-2(1-16-18(13,14)15)6-4(10)3(9)5(11)7(12)17-6/h2-12H,1H2,(H2,13,14,15)/t2-,3+,4+,5+,6-,7?/m1/s1 UPa:UPC19882 D-glycero-D-manno-heptose 7-phosphate C7H15O10P KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H15O10P/c8-2(1-16-18(13,14)15)6-4(10)3(9)5(11)7(12)17-6/h2-12H,1H2,(H2,13,14,15)/t2-,3+,4+,5+,6-,7?/m1/s1 UPa: KEGG:C19885 compound UPa:UPC19885 [LysW] KEGG:C19886 compound UPa:UPC19886 [LysW]-L-2-aminoadipate KEGG:C19887 compound UPa:UPC19887 [LysW]-L-2-aminoadipyl 6-phosphate KEGG:C19888 compound UPa:UPC19888 [LysW]-L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdehyde KEGG:C19889 compound UPa:UPC19889 [LysW]-L-lysine KEGG:C20151 compound C22H34O4 InChI=1S/C22H34O4/c1-12-9-17(24)16-10-15-13(2)19(26-14(3)23)7-8-22(15,6)11-18(25)20(12)21(16,4)5/h15-19,24-25H,2,7-11H2,1,3-6H3/t15-,16-,17+,18+,19+,22+/m1/s1 UPa:UPC20151 10beta,14beta-dihydroxytaxa-4(20),11-dien-5alpha-yl acetate C22H34O4 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C22H34O4/c1-12-9-17(24)16-10-15-13(2)19(26-14(3)23)7-8-22(15,6)11-18(25)20(12)21(16,4)5/h15-19,24-25H,2,7-11H2,1,3-6H3/t15-,16-,17+,18+,19+,22+/m1/s1 UPa: KEGG:C20258 compound C7H9NO5 InChI=1S/C7H9NO5/c9-3-1-4(6(10)11)8-5(2-3)7(12)13/h3-4,9H,1-2H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/t3-,4-/m0/s1 UPa:UPC20258 (2S,4S)-4-hydroxy-2,3,4,5-tetrahydrodipicolinate C7H9NO5 KEGG:COMPOUND InChI=1S/C7H9NO5/c9-3-1-4(6(10)11)8-5(2-3)7(12)13/h3-4,9H,1-2H2,(H,10,11)(H,12,13)/t3-,4-/m0/s1 UPa: compound UPa:UPX00024 pectate(n-2) compound UPa:UPX00029 trisporate compound UPa:UPX00030 fructose compound UPa:UPX00031 methylnaphthalene compound UPa:UPX00033 polyhydroxyalkanoate compound UPa:UPX00034 terpenoid compound UPa:UPX00035 nucleotide-sugar compound UPa:UPX00036 amino-sugar compound UPa:UPX00037 bile acid compound UPa:UPX00038 sphingolipid compound UPa:UPX00039 xylene compound UPa:UPX00040 C21-steroid hormone compound UPa:UPX00041 glycerolipid compound UPa:UPX00042 1,6-anhydro-N-acetylmuramate compound UPa:UPX00043 aldonic acid compound UPa:UPX00044 aldaric acid compound UPa:UPX00045 tartrate compound UPa:UPX00046 mycolic acid compound UPa:UPX00047 poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutanoate compound UPa:UPX00048 colanic acid compound UPa:UPX00049 lactose compound UPa:UPX00050 2-deoxy-D-ribose 1-phosphate compound UPa:UPX00051 4-amino-4-deoxy-beta-L-arabinose compound UPa:UPX00052 4-amino-4-deoxy-beta-L-arabinose-lipid A compound UPa:UPX00053 lipid A compound UPa:UPX00054 tetrahydrofolate compound UPa:UPX00055 ectoine compound UPa:UPX00056 trehalose true MF(X)-directly_regulates->MF(Y)-enabled_by->GP(Z) => MF(Y)-has_input->GP(Y) e.g. if 'protein kinase activity'(X) directly_regulates 'protein binding activity (Y)and this is enabled by GP(Z) then X has_input Z infer input from direct reg GP(X)-enables->MF(Y)-has_part->MF(Z) => GP(X) enables MF(Z), e.g. if GP X enables ATPase coupled transporter activity' and 'ATPase coupled transporter activity' has_part 'ATPase activity' then GP(X) enables 'ATPase activity' enabling an MF enables its parts true GP(X)-enables->MF(Y)-part_of->BP(Z) => GP(X) involved_in BP(Z) e.g. if X enables 'protein kinase activity' and Y 'part of' 'signal tranduction' then X involved in 'signal transduction' involved in BP From ligand activity to has_ligand This rule is dubious: added as a quick fix for expected inference in GO-CAM. The problem is most acute for transmembrane proteins, such as receptors or cell adhesion molecules, which have some subfunctions inside the cell (e.g. kinase activity) and some subfunctions outside (e.g. ligand binding). Correct annotation of where these functions occurs leads to incorrect inference about the location of the whole protein. This should probably be weakened to "... -> overlaps" If a molecular function (X) has a regulatory subfunction, then any gene product which is an input to that subfunction has an activity that directly_regulates X. Note: this is intended for cases where the regaultory subfunction is protein binding, so it could be tightened with an additional clause to specify this. inferring direct reg edge from input to regulatory subfunction inferring direct neg reg edge from input to regulatory subfunction inferring direct positive reg edge from input to regulatory subfunction From has_ligand to ligand activity effector input is compound function input Input of effector is input of its parent MF if effector directly regulates X, its parent MF directly regulates X if effector directly positively regulates X, its parent MF directly positively regulates X if effector directly negatively regulates X, its parent MF directly negatively regulates X