-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record layout for data file zctanyccovid.csv -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All demographic data were downloaded from the 2014-18 American Community Survey COVID-19 case counts were downloaded from New York City Health Department https://github.com/nychealth/coronavirus-data/ Units of observations: New York City Zip codes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Dictionary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEOID: Census Tract ID totp: Total population medincome: Median household income pmale: Percent male pwhite: Percent white pblk: Percent black pasn: Percent Asian phisp: Percent Hispanic poor: Percent of residents living in poverty punemp: Percent of the civilian labor force that is unemployed pcol: Percent of 25+ year olds with a bachelors degree p65old: Percent 65+ year olds cases: COVID-19 cases covidrate: COVID-19 cases per 1,000 residents borough: NYC borough