# -*- coding: ISO-8859-15 -*- # ============================================================================= # Copyright (c) 2004, 2006 Sean C. Gillies # Copyright (c) 2007 STFC # # Authors: # Oliver Clements # # Contact email: olcl@pml.ac.uk # ============================================================================= # !!! NOTE: Does not conform to new interfaces yet ################# import os from datetime import timedelta import errno import logging from urllib.parse import urlencode import dateutil.parser as parser from owslib.coverage.wcsBase import WCSBase, WCSCapabilitiesReader, ServiceException from owslib.etree import etree from owslib.crs import Crs from owslib.ows import ( OwsCommon, ServiceIdentification, ServiceProvider, OperationsMetadata ) from owslib.util import datetime_from_ansi, datetime_from_iso, openURL, param_list_to_url_string, testXMLValue # function to save writing out WCS namespace in full each time def ns(tag): return "{http://www.opengis.net/ows/2.0}" + tag def nsWCS2(tag): return "{http://www.opengis.net/wcs/2.0}" + tag class WebCoverageService_2_0_1(WCSBase): """Abstraction for OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS), version 2.0.1 Implements IWebCoverageService. """ def __getitem__(self, name): """ check contents dictionary to allow dict like access to service layers""" if name in list(self.__getattribute__("contents").keys()): return self.__getattribute__("contents")[name] else: raise KeyError("No content named %s" % name) def __init__(self, url, xml, cookies, auth=None, timeout=30, headers=None): super(WebCoverageService_2_0_1, self).__init__(auth=auth, timeout=timeout, headers=headers) self.version = "2.0.1" self.url = url self.cookies = cookies self.timeout = timeout self.ows_common = OwsCommon(version="2.0.1") # initialize from saved capability document or access the server reader = WCSCapabilitiesReader(self.version, self.cookies, self.auth, headers=self.headers) if xml: self._capabilities = reader.readString(xml) else: self._capabilities = reader.read(self.url, self.timeout) # check for exceptions se = self._capabilities.find("ServiceException") if se is not None: err_message = str(se.text).strip() raise ServiceException(err_message, xml) # serviceIdentification metadata subelem = self._capabilities.find(ns("ServiceIdentification")) self.identification = ServiceIdentification( subelem, namespace=self.ows_common.namespace ) # serviceProvider metadata serviceproviderelem = self._capabilities.find(ns("ServiceProvider")) self.provider = ServiceProvider( serviceproviderelem, namespace=self.ows_common.namespace ) # serviceOperations metadata self.operations = [] for elem in self._capabilities.find(ns("OperationsMetadata"))[:]: if elem.tag != ns("ExtendedCapabilities"): self.operations.append( OperationsMetadata(elem, namespace=self.ows_common.namespace) ) # serviceContents metadata self.contents = {} for elem in self._capabilities.findall( nsWCS2("Contents/") + nsWCS2("CoverageSummary") ): cm = ContentMetadata(elem, self) self.contents[cm.id] = cm # exceptions self.exceptions = [ f.text for f in self._capabilities.findall("Capability/Exception/Format") ] def items(self): """supports dict-like items() access""" items = [] for item in self.contents: items.append((item, self.contents[item])) return items def getCoverage( self, identifier=None, bbox=None, time=None, format=None, subsets=None, resolutions=None, sizes=None, crs=None, width=None, height=None, resx=None, resy=None, resz=None, parameter=None, method="Get", timeout=30, **kwargs ): """Request and return a coverage from the WCS as a file-like object note: additional **kwargs helps with multi-version implementation core keyword arguments should be supported cross version example: cvg=wcs.getCoverage(identifier=['TuMYrRQ4'], timeSequence=['2792-06-01T00:00:00.0'], bbox=(-112,36,-106,41), format='cf-netcdf') is equivalent to: http://myhost/mywcs?SERVICE=WCS&REQUEST=GetCoverage&IDENTIFIER=TuMYrRQ4&VERSION=1.1.0&BOUNDINGBOX=-180,-90,180,90&TIME=2792-06-01T00:00:00.0&FORMAT=cf-netcdf example 2.0.1 URL http://earthserver.pml.ac.uk/rasdaman/ows?&SERVICE=WCS&VERSION=2.0.1&REQUEST=GetCoverage &COVERAGEID=V2_monthly_CCI_chlor_a_insitu_test&SUBSET=Lat(40,50)&SUBSET=Long(-10,0)&SUBSET=ansi(144883,145000)&FORMAT=application/netcdf cvg=wcs.getCoverage(identifier=['myID'], format='application/netcdf', subsets=[('axisName',min,max), ('axisName',min,max),('axisName',min,max)]) """ LOGGER.debug( "WCS 2.0.1 DEBUG: Parameters passed to GetCoverage: identifier=%s, bbox=%s, time=%s, format=%s, crs=%s, width=%s, height=%s, resx=%s, resy=%s, resz=%s, parameter=%s, method=%s, other_arguments=%s" # noqa % ( identifier, bbox, time, format, crs, width, height, resx, resy, resz, parameter, method, str(kwargs), ) ) try: base_url = next( ( m.get("url") for m in self.getOperationByName("GetCoverage").methods if m.get("type").lower() == method.lower() ) ) except StopIteration: base_url = self.url LOGGER.debug("WCS 2.0.1 DEBUG: base url of server: %s" % base_url) request = {"version": self.version, "request": "GetCoverage", "service": "WCS"} assert len(identifier) > 0 request["CoverageID"] = identifier[0] if crs: request["crs"] = crs request["format"] = format if width: request["width"] = width if height: request["height"] = height # anything else e.g. vendor specific parameters must go through kwargs if kwargs: for kw in kwargs: request[kw] = kwargs[kw] # encode and request data = urlencode(request) if subsets: data += param_list_to_url_string(subsets, 'subset') if resolutions: LOGGER.debug('Adding vendor-specific RESOLUTION parameter.') data += param_list_to_url_string(resolutions, 'resolution') if sizes: LOGGER.debug('Adding vendor-specific SIZE parameter.') data += param_list_to_url_string(sizes, 'size') LOGGER.debug("WCS 2.0.1 DEBUG: Second part of URL: %s" % data) u = openURL(base_url, data, method, self.cookies, auth=self.auth, timeout=timeout, headers=self.headers) return u def getOperationByName(self, name): """Return a named operation item.""" for item in self.operations: if item.name == name: return item raise KeyError("No operation named %s" % name) class ContentMetadata(object): """ Implements IContentMetadata """ def __init__(self, elem, service): """Initialize. service is required so that describeCoverage requests may be made""" # TODO - examine the parent for bounding box info. self._elem = elem self._service = service self.id = elem.find(nsWCS2("CoverageId")).text self.title = testXMLValue(elem.find(ns("label"))) self.abstract = testXMLValue(elem.find(ns("description"))) self.keywords = [ f.text for f in elem.findall(ns("keywords") + "/" + ns("keyword")) ] self.boundingBox = None # needed for iContentMetadata harmonisation self.boundingBoxWGS84 = None b = elem.find(ns("lonLatEnvelope")) if b is not None: gmlpositions = b.findall("{http://www.opengis.net/gml}pos") lc = gmlpositions[0].text uc = gmlpositions[1].text self.boundingBoxWGS84 = ( float(lc.split()[0]), float(lc.split()[1]), float(uc.split()[0]), float(uc.split()[1]), ) # others not used but needed for iContentMetadata harmonisation self.styles = None self.crsOptions = None self.defaulttimeposition = None # grid is either a gml:Grid or a gml:RectifiedGrid if supplied as part of the DescribeCoverage response. def _getGrid(self): if not hasattr(self, "descCov"): self.descCov = self._service.getDescribeCoverage(self.id) gridelem = self.descCov.find( nsWCS2("CoverageDescription/") + "{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}domainSet/" + "{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.3/rgrid}ReferenceableGridByVectors" # noqa ) if gridelem is not None: grid = ReferenceableGridByVectors(gridelem) else: # HERE I LOOK FOR RECTIFIEDGRID gridelem = self.descCov.find( nsWCS2("CoverageDescription/") + "{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}domainSet/" + "{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}RectifiedGrid" # noqa ) grid = RectifiedGrid(gridelem) return grid grid = property(_getGrid, None) # timelimits are the start/end times, timepositions are all timepoints. WCS servers can declare one # or both or neither of these. # in wcs 2.0 this can be gathered from the Envelope tag def _getTimeLimits(self): # timepoints, timelimits=[],[] # b=self._elem.find(ns('lonLatEnvelope')) # if b is not None: # timepoints=b.findall('{http://www.opengis.net/gml}timePosition') # else: # #have to make a describeCoverage request... # if not hasattr(self, 'descCov'): # self.descCov=self._service.getDescribeCoverage(self.id) # for pos in self.descCov.findall( # ns('CoverageOffering/')+ns('domainSet/')+ns('temporalDomain/')+'{http://www.opengis.net/gml}timePosition'): # timepoints.append(pos) # if timepoints: # timelimits=[timepoints[0].text,timepoints[1].text] return [self.timepositions[0], self.timepositions[-1]] timelimits = property(_getTimeLimits, None) def _getTimePositions(self): timepositions = [] if not hasattr(self, "descCov"): self.descCov = self._service.getDescribeCoverage(self.id) gridelem = self.descCov.find( nsWCS2("CoverageDescription/") + "{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}domainSet/" + "{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.3/rgrid}ReferenceableGridByVectors" # noqa ) if gridelem is not None: # irregular time axis cooeficients = [] grid_axes = gridelem.findall( "{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.3/rgrid}generalGridAxis" ) for elem in grid_axes: if elem.find( "{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.3/rgrid}GeneralGridAxis/{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.3/rgrid}gridAxesSpanned" # noqa ).text in ["ansi", "unix"]: cooeficients = elem.find( "{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.3/rgrid}GeneralGridAxis/{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.3/rgrid}coefficients" # noqa ).text.split(" ") for x in cooeficients: x = x.replace('"', "") t_date = datetime_from_iso(x) timepositions.append(t_date) else: # regular time if len(self.grid.origin) > 2: t_grid = self.grid t_date = t_grid.origin[2] start_pos = parser.parse(t_date, fuzzy=True) step = float(t_grid.offsetvectors[2][2]) start_pos = start_pos + timedelta(days=(step / 2)) no_steps = int(t_grid.highlimits[2]) for x in range(no_steps): t_pos = start_pos + timedelta(days=(step * x)) # t_date = datetime_from_ansi(t_pos) # t_date = t_pos.isoformat() timepositions.append(t_pos) else: # no time axis timepositions = None return timepositions timepositions = property(_getTimePositions, None) def _getOtherBoundingBoxes(self): """ incomplete, should return other bounding boxes not in WGS84 #TODO: find any other bounding boxes. Need to check for gml:EnvelopeWithTimePeriod.""" bboxes = [] if not hasattr(self, "descCov"): self.descCov = self._service.getDescribeCoverage(self.id) for envelope in self.descCov.findall( nsWCS2("CoverageDescription/") + "{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}boundedBy/" + "{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}Envelope" # noqa ): bbox = {} bbox["nativeSrs"] = envelope.attrib["srsName"] lc = envelope.find("{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}lowerCorner") lc = lc.text.split() uc = envelope.find("{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}upperCorner") uc = uc.text.split() bbox["bbox"] = (float(lc[0]), float(lc[1]), float(uc[0]), float(uc[1])) bboxes.append(bbox) return bboxes boundingboxes = property(_getOtherBoundingBoxes, None) def _getSupportedCRSProperty(self): # gets supported crs info crss = [] for elem in self._service.getDescribeCoverage(self.id).findall( ns("CoverageOffering/") + ns("supportedCRSs/") + ns("responseCRSs") ): for crs in elem.text.split(" "): crss.append(Crs(crs)) for elem in self._service.getDescribeCoverage(self.id).findall( ns("CoverageOffering/") + ns("supportedCRSs/") + ns("requestResponseCRSs") ): for crs in elem.text.split(" "): crss.append(Crs(crs)) for elem in self._service.getDescribeCoverage(self.id).findall( ns("CoverageOffering/") + ns("supportedCRSs/") + ns("nativeCRSs") ): for crs in elem.text.split(" "): crss.append(Crs(crs)) return crss supportedCRS = property(_getSupportedCRSProperty, None) def _getSupportedFormatsProperty(self): # gets supported formats info frmts = [] for elem in self._service._capabilities.findall( nsWCS2("ServiceMetadata/") + nsWCS2("formatSupported") ): frmts.append(elem.text) return frmts supportedFormats = property(_getSupportedFormatsProperty, None) def _getAxisDescriptionsProperty(self): # gets any axis descriptions contained in the rangeset (requires a DescribeCoverage call to server). axisDescs = [] for elem in self._service.getDescribeCoverage(self.id).findall( ns("CoverageOffering/") + ns("rangeSet/") + ns("RangeSet/") + ns("axisDescription/") + ns("AxisDescription") ): axisDescs.append( AxisDescription(elem) ) # create a 'AxisDescription' object. return axisDescs axisDescriptions = property(_getAxisDescriptionsProperty, None) # Adding classes to represent gml:grid and gml:rectifiedgrid. One of these is used for the cvg.grid property # (where cvg is a member of the contents dictionary) # There is no simple way to convert the offset values in a rectifiedgrid grid to real values without CRS understanding, # therefore this is beyond the current scope of owslib, so the representation here is purely to provide # access to the information in the GML. class Grid(object): """ Simple grid class to provide axis and value information for a gml grid """ def __init__(self, grid): self.axislabels = [] self.dimension = None self.lowlimits = [] self.highlimits = [] if grid is not None: self.dimension = int(grid.get("dimension")) self.lowlimits = grid.find( "{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}limits/{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}GridEnvelope/{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}low" # noqa ).text.split(" ") self.highlimits = grid.find( "{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}limits/{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}GridEnvelope/{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}high" # noqa ).text.split(" ") for axis in grid.findall("{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}axisLabels")[ 0 ].text.split(" "): self.axislabels.append(axis) class RectifiedGrid(Grid): """ RectifiedGrid class, extends Grid with additional offset vector information """ def __init__(self, rectifiedgrid): super(RectifiedGrid, self).__init__(rectifiedgrid) self.origin = rectifiedgrid.find( "{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}origin/{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}Point/{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}pos" # noqa ).text.split() self.offsetvectors = [] for offset in rectifiedgrid.findall( "{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}offsetVector" ): self.offsetvectors.append(offset.text.split()) class ReferenceableGridByVectors(Grid): """ ReferenceableGridByVectors class, extends Grid with additional vector information """ def __init__(self, refereceablegridbyvectors): super(ReferenceableGridByVectors, self).__init__(refereceablegridbyvectors) self.origin = refereceablegridbyvectors.find( "{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.3/rgrid}origin/{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}Point/{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2}pos" # noqa ).text.split() self.offsetvectors = [] for offset in refereceablegridbyvectors.findall( "{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.3/rgrid}generalGridAxis/{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.3/rgrid}GeneralGridAxis/{http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.3/rgrid}offsetVector" # noqa ): self.offsetvectors.append(offset.text.split()) class AxisDescription(object): """ Class to represent the AxisDescription element optionally found as part of the RangeSet and used to define ordinates of additional dimensions such as wavelength bands or pressure levels""" def __init__(self, axisdescElem): self.name = self.label = None self.values = [] for elem in axisdescElem.getchildren(): if elem.tag == ns("name"): self.name = elem.text elif elem.tag == ns("label"): self.label = elem.text elif elem.tag == ns("values"): for child in elem.getchildren(): self.values.append(child.text)