1.1 use openMP to do parallel execution 1.0 = 0.98 (just because of API changes the version number was bumped 0.98... small measurement fields added that only scan around mean diagnostics in show=1 and show=2 use lines now. fix zoom detection/treatment zoomspeed param for optzoom gaussian filter for cam path optimization 0.97 optzoom = 2: adaptive zooming added border bluring for interpolation>=bilinear spurious black pixels bug fixed 0.96 libavfilter plugins work flexible support of pixel formats, ala ffmpeg 0.95 virtual tripod mode 0.94 local motions are now stored in the file (file format changed, old one still supported) BUGFIX for zero-transforms 0.93 single pass version filter_deshake made stabilize part print the transforms to the file right away 0.92 boxblur added and unsharp filter removed for motiondetection 0.91 spiral search for matches in compareSubImg 0.90 complete restructuring into own library Fixed point arithmetic used for transform code motiondetection optimized with ORC: speedup by factor 4 ORC 0.4.14 is now required added tests for speed and functional tests removed biquadratic interpolation routine 0.80 keep borders with stabilized last frame (as it should be). Pointed out by Guido Torelli. 0.79 speed optimizations using SSE by Alexey Osipov search tree cut, spiral search and sse: together speedup factor ~8 of stabilize run stepsize is increased stepwise keep border at transform plugin improved 0.77 interpolation routines improved a lot, thanks to hints on ffmpeg list added bicubic interpolation that uses 4x4 pixel (useful for large zoom values) bilinear interpolation is now the default transform plugin uses last transform for the remaining frames -> this enables to use the transform plugin for constant transformations 0.76 BUGFIX in calcFieldTransYUV caused SEGFAULT 0.75 two meta parameter introduces: shakiness and accuracy and removal of fieldnum, fielsize, maxshift, maxfieldnum field placement changed: Now they fill the frame perfectly added bluring such that stepsize can be much larger: much faster now! linear interpolation is now the default uncertain angles are set to 0 (more robustness) 0.70 selects a maximal number of fields according to their contrast nicely distributed over the frame Todo: remove fieldnum, allowmax (now false), and compressed parameter Todo: add accuracy parameter instead of maxfields Bugfix of contrast routine (error in the calculation of maxi) 0.62 different interpolation functions. No interpolation is default and seems fine in most applications. field placement changed. Now they fill the frame better. "compress" option moves them more to the center (vertically) fields and their areas and transforms can be drawn on the frame. 0.6 new field placement allows for any number of fields and respects aspect ratio fields with low contrast are ignored non-symmetric field setups are possible 0.5 global and per-frame zooming supported optimal zoom value is calculated to avoid moving border effect add filter unsharp to sharpen the frames write parameters to transforms file 0.44 bugfixing finished RGB #support transforms file format supports comments 0.42 input filename and tc_list stuff used 0.41 code style from transcode used 0.4 moved to CVS version we use a cleaned median to select the right transform from the fields 0.3 Support RGB (untestet) maxshift default 50 allowmax added scan only every second shift and then make a second small scan around the best match removed black rectangle around transformed frame