Logical Or

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Basic rules to logical OR (Symbol: |):

  • For boolean values the logical OR operator is applied.
  • For parameter sets, the union of equal elements will be identified.
  • All other data types wll be rejected

Logical Or

  echo("On boolean values:");

  a[0] = false | false;
  a[1] = true | false;
  a[2] = true | true;

  for all variables( a[], x[] ) echo( x[] );

  echo("On parameter sets:");

  b[0] = { a, b, 1 } | { 1, b, a }; // {a, b, 1}
  b[1] = { a, b, 1 } | { 1, b, c }; // {a, b, 1, c}
  b[2] = { a, b, b } | { b, b, c }; // {a, b, b, c}

  for all variables( b[], x[] ) echo( x[] );
On boolean values:
On parameter sets:
Try it yourself: Open LAN_Features_logical_or.b4p in B4P_Examples.zip. Decompress before use.