## Katz Centrality The plugin was developed under the initiative of the [Open University Of Israel](https://www.openu.ac.il/en/pages/default.aspx). ### The Algorithm Description For a network with `n` nodes, the `n x n` adjacency matrix `A` is the matrix in which `a_ij = 1` when the network has an edge from node `i` to node `j`; and `a_ij = 0` otherwise. In the particular case in which the network is undirected we have `a_ij = a_ji`; i.e. the adjacency matrix is symmetric `A = A^T`. More generally, if the edges are weighted, then `a_ij` is the weight of the edge from node `i` to node `j`: The Katz (sometimes also called Katz-Bonacich) centrality measures with the parameter of the network nodes are defined by the `n x 1` vector: ![Katz Centrality Formula](https://github.com/gephi/gephi-plugins/raw/katz-centrality-plugin/modules/KatzCentrality/KatzCentralityFormula.png) ### Installation Open Gephi application, in the menu go to `Tools->Plugins->Available Plugins`. Click `Check for Newest` and search for `Katz Centrality` in the search text box. Select the checkbox and click `Install` and restart Gephi. The plugin should appear under `Node Overview` tab. The plugin can also be installed manually: - [Download](https://gephi.org/plugins/#/plugin/katz-centrality) the plugin. - Open Gephi application. - Go to Tools->Plugins menu, click on `Downloaded` tab, `Add Plugins` and select the plugin file, finally click `Install`. Restart the application. After Gephi application re-opens the plugin will be available under Node Overview plugins: ![Katz Centrality Plugin Location](https://github.com/gephi/gephi-plugins/raw/katz-centrality-plugin/modules/KatzCentrality/gephi_with_katz.png) ### Contributions Any contributions to the plugin are welcome! Please note that currently there's an [issue](https://github.com/gephi/gephi/issues/1059) with Gephi development on Mac.