# Sesame - Projects Command Palette [Sesame](https://github.com/gerardroche/sublime-sesame) is a Projects Command Palette. It provides commands to open, add, remove, and switch projects. For example, when you organise your projects like this: ``` ❯ ~/projects ├── laravel │ ├── fortify │ ├── framework │ ├── jetstream │ ├── passport │ └── vite-plugin ├── sublimelsp │ └── LSP └── wbond ├── package_control └── packagecontrol.io ``` Sesame will prompt you with this: ``` laravel/fortify laravel/framework laravel/jetstream laravel/passport laravel/vite-plugin sublimelsp/LSP wbond/package_control wbond/packagecontrol.io ``` If there is sublime project file in the root of the directory, it will be used by Sesame, otherwise the folder is the project.


## Documentation To check out docs, visit [docs](https://blog.gerardroche.com/projects/sublime-sesame). ## Changelog See [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md). ## License Released under the [GPL-3.0-or-later License](LICENSE).