# PHP COMPLETIONS KIT CHANGELOG All notable changes are documented in this file using the [Keep a CHANGELOG](http://keepachangelog.com/) principles. ## 1.15.1 - 2023-08-09 * Upgrade PHP 8.2.9 ## 1.15.0 - 2023-04-01 * Added: Update to PHP 8.2 ## 1.14.0 - 2022-12-16 * Added: Enriched annotations and details ## 1.13.1 - 2022-09-25 * Fixed: Parse errors when details contains unescaped ampersand character ## 1.13.0 - 2022-09-15 * Added: Argument and return type details in autocomplete popup ## 1.12.0 - 2022-09-12 * Added: Update to PHP 8.1.0 * Fixed: Various fixes ## 1.11.0 - 2020-12-16 * Added: Update to PHP 8.0.9 ## 1.10.0 - 2020-11-03 * Added: Update to latest PHP 8.0-dev * Fixed [#15](https://github.com/gerardroche/sublime-phpck/issues/15): Some completions failed. ## 1.9.0 - 2020-04-29 * Added: Support for ST4 completions ## 1.8.0 - 2020-04-28 * Added: Argument type hints * Added: Update to PHP 8.0-dev ## 1.7.0 - 2020-01-24 * Added: Update to PHP 7.4.1 ## 1.6.0 * Added: Update to support ST4 ## 1.5.0 * Added: Update to 7.3.0 ## 1.4.0 * Added: Update to 7.2.6 ## 1.3.0 * Added: Return type hints * Fixed [#11](https://github.com/gerardroche/sublime-phpck/issues/11): bool is auto-completed to boolval() in return typ ## 1.2.0 - 2017-12-08 * Added: Updated to 7.2.0 ## 1.1.0 - 2017-08-09 * Added: `xmlrpc` and `xsl` extensions ## 1.0.1 - 2017-08-09 * Update to PHP 7.1.8 ## 1.0.0 - 2017-05-31 Version 1.0.0 release :) ## 0.18.0 * Update to PHP 7.1.1 ## 0.17.0 * Update to PHP 7.0.9 * Fixed: #10 several issues with scopes in newer builds of ST ## 0.16.0 * Update to PHP 7.0.8 ## 0.15.0 * Update to PHP 7.0.5 ## 0.14.0 * Update to PHP 5.6.20 ## 0.13.0 ### Removed * Removed: package control messages; the changelog is good enough ### Fixed * Fixed: Work around ST issues when triggers contain certain characters. Completions are broken in a various ways when completion triggers contain characters not in range [a-zA-Z0-9_-]. See https://github.com/SublimeTextIssues/Core/issues/1061, and https://github.com/SublimeTextIssues/Core/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+completions. ## 0.12.0 ### Added * Added: Auto disable native PHP package completions * Added: Package Settings Menu with README, CHANGELOG, and LICENSE links * Added: Update to PHP 5.6.14 ## 0.11.0 ### Added * Added: Update to PHP 5.6.9 ## 0.10.0 ### Fixed * Fixed: Forgot to add package control changelog messages ## 0.9.0 ### Fixed * Fixed: `true`, `false`, and `null` core constants should be lowercase in-line with PSR ## 0.8.0 ### Added * Added: PHP 5.6 `__debugInfo` magic method ### Changed * Changed: "Compile-Time Constant" description changed to "Magic Constant" as per PHP documentation: http://php.net/manual/language.constants.predefined.php ## 0.7.0 ### Added * Added: Type hints are now available in multi line comments, not just phpdocs's e.g. begin typing at `/* @var |` * Added: Annotations are now available in multi line comments, not just phpdoc's e.g. `/* @annotation ` * Added: Minimise auto-complete noise: Functions and language constructs no longer activate in a "meta" scope e.g. typing at `class a extends |` ### Changed * Changed: Scopes blacklists are now pretty printed * Changed: Scopes are now sorted ASC ## 0.6.0 ### Fixed * Fixed: #8 Show messages when installing and updating * Fixed: Some completions like functions and language constructs shouldn't be activated in a class constant scope e.g. `self::|` ## 0.5.2 ### Added * Added: Simplified magic method `__construct` and `__invoke` argument fields c29906a ### Fixed * Fixed: Functions and language constructs should not trigger in a comment context fd0346e ## 0.5.1 ### Fixed * Fixed: Completions should not trigger in a string context Merge pull request #6 from MattDMo/master ## 0.5.0 ### Added * Added: Updated to PHP version 5.6.0 ee77ec4 ## 0.4.0 ### Added * Added: Updated to PHP version 5.5.13 1619f28 ## 0.3.8 ### Fixed * Fixed: `use |` was not triggering type hints fc1791e 76666a0 ## 0.3.7 ### Fixed * Fixed: Functions should not trigger in a ckass instantiation context f3c334e ## 0.3.6 ### Fixed * Fixed: Forgot to bump version in versioning file, again ## 0.3.5 ### Fixed * Fixed: Should not trigger type hints, functions, or language constructs in a variable context 1374388 ## 0.3.4 ### Fixed * Fixed: Forgot to bump version in versioning file ## 0.3.3 ### Fixed * Fixed: functions and language constructs should not be triggered in PHPDoc or inheritance contexts bd0bc3c 699fd2c e5dd12d * Fixed: Exception type hints were not triggering in an inheritance context bac45cc * Fixed: Exception type hints were not trigging in a PHPDoc context b4d0365 * Fixed: Interfaces were not triggering in function argument type hint context 2ca2696 * Fixed: Class, interface, and exception completions were missing descriptions 3c0c8cb * Fixed: Magic method completions were missing descriptions 10e9451 * Fixed: Extension name to descriptions fbe93f1 ## 0.3.2 ### Fixed * Fixed: Magic method completions were not working in some contexts 6c299d1 * Fixed: Keyword completions were not working in some contexts c6ef3d2 * Fixed: Compile-time constant missing descriptions 3d9b8fc ## 0.3.1 ### Fixed * Fixed: #2 missing some language construct functions e.g. isset 6b93329 * Fixed: Language construct functions now have labels/descriptions 68602ac ## 0.3.0 ### Added * Added: Updated to PHP version 5.5.11 b0fa88a ### Fixed * Fixed: Missing license: Added BSD (3-Clause) http://choosealicense.com/licenses/#bsd-3 59ec139 ## 0.2.0 ### Added * Added: CURL extension completions 71d848a * Added: Tidy extension completions e2abbee * Added: SQLite version 3 databases extension completions 4cddf83 ### Fixed * Fixed: Type hint completions should trigger in PHPDoc context eeb454e ## 0.1.1 ### Fixed * Fixed: Type hint completions should trigger in function argument context c1d9d19 * Fixed: Deprecated function descriptions should be right-aligned de7346e * Fixed: #1 Error Loading Completions; Only affects Sublime Text 2 * Fixed: instantiable class completions should not trigger in exception catch blocks 27b885f ## 0.1.0 * Initial import: PHP 5.4 completions