Welcome to PHPUnit Kit

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Enhance your coding experience with seamless PHPUnit integration for [Sublime Text](https://sublimetext.com). PHPUnitKit in Action ## Features * Run a test method * Run a test file * Run the test suite * Run the nearest test * Run the last test * Run multiple test methods using multiple cursors * Run tests on a remote server via SSH * Run tests via Docker * Run tests via the sidebar menu * Run tests via the context menu * Auto-run tests on save * Color output * Quickly jump to the next and previous failures * Quickly switch between the test and the file-under-test * Toggle options from the command palette * Toggle running tests on save * Fully customized CLI options configuration * Support for: - [Artisan] - Artisan is the command-line interface included with Laravel. - [Composer] - Composer is a Dependency Manager for PHP. - [iTerm2] - iTerm2 brings the terminal into the modern age. - [Kitty] - Kitty is a fast, feature-rich, cross-platform, GPU-based terminal. - [ParaTest] - ParaTest adds parallel testing support in PHPUnit. - [Pest] - Pest is a testing framework with a focus on simplicity. - [xterm] - A terminal emulator for the X Window System. - [cmd] - A command-line interpreter for Windows. - [PowerShell] - A cross-platform command-line shell. - [Tmux] - A terminal multiplexer. :new: * Zero configuration required Read [Running PHPUnit Tests from Sublime Text](https://blog.gerardroche.com/2023/05/05/running-phpunit-tests-within-sublime-text/) for a quick introduction.
Table of Contents (click to expand) - [Installation](#installation) - [Setup](#setup) - [Commands](#commands) - [Key Bindings](#key-bindings) - [Strategies](#strategies) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [CLI Options](#cli-options) - [PHPUnit Executable](#phpunit-executable) - [PHP Executable](#php-executable) - [SSH](#ssh) - [Docker](#docker) - [Tmux](#tmux) - [Auto Commands](#auto-commands) - [Toggle Commands](#toggle-commands) - [Custom Toggle Commands](#custom-toggle-commands) - [NeoVintageous mappings](#neovintageous-mappings) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Changelog](#changelog) - [Credits](#credits) - [License](#license)
## Installation **Method 1: Using Package Control** 1. Open Sublime Text. 2. Press `Ctrl+Shift+P` (Windows/Linux) or `Cmd+Shift+P` (macOS) to open the Command Palette. 3. Type "Package Control: Install Package" and press `Enter`. 4. In the input field, type "PHPUnitKit" and select it from the list of available packages. **Method 2: Manual Installation** 1. Visit the [PHPUnitKit GitHub repository](https://github.com/gerardroche/sublime-phpunit). 2. Click on the "Code" button and select "Download ZIP." 3. Extract the downloaded ZIP file. 4. Open Sublime Text and go to `Preferences -> Browse Packages...` to open the Packages folder. 5. Copy the "PHPUnitKit" folder from the extracted ZIP and paste it into the Packages folder. **Method 3: Manual Git Repository Installation** 1. Open a terminal or command prompt. 2. Navigate to the Sublime Text Packages directory: - On Windows: `%APPDATA%\Sublime Text\Packages` - On macOS: `~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages` - On Linux: `~/.config/sublime-text/Packages` 3. Clone the plugin repository directly into the Packages directory using Git: ``` git clone https://github.com/gerardroche/sublime-phpunit.git PHPUnitKit ``` ## Setup (Optional: Zero configuration required.) To add your preferred keybindings, follow these steps: 1. Open the Sublime Text menu: `Command Palette → Preferences: Key Bindings`. 2. Add the following keybindings to the configuration file: ```json [ { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+a"], "command": "phpunit_test_suite" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+c"], "command": "phpunit_test_cancel" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+f"], "command": "phpunit_test_file" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+l"], "command": "phpunit_test_last" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+n"], "command": "phpunit_test_nearest" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+r"], "command": "phpunit_test_results" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+s"], "command": "phpunit_test_switch" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+v"], "command": "phpunit_test_visit" } ] ``` ## Commands | Command | Description | :----------------------------------------------- | :---------- | **PHPUnit: Test Nearest** | Executes the test closest to the cursor. If the current file isn't a designated test file, it runs tests for the current file. | **PHPUnit: Test File** | Runs tests for the currently open file. If it's not a test file, it runs tests for the current file. | **PHPUnit: Test Suite** | Runs the test suite associated with the current file. | **PHPUnit: Test Last** | Runs the most recently executed test. | **PHPUnit: Test Switch** | In a test file, opens the file under test; otherwise, opens the corresponding test file. | **PHPUnit: Test Visit** | Quickly accesses the last run test. | **PHPUnit: Test Results** | Opens the test output panel (applies to "sublime" strategy). | **PHPUnit: Test Cancel** | Halts any ongoing test executions. | **PHPUnit: Test Coverage** | Views code coverage using your default browser. | **PHPUnit: Toggle Run Test On Save** | Toggles the Test File auto-command on/off. | **PHPUnit: Toggle...** | Toggles options such as PHPUnit CLI settings. | **Preferences: PHPUnit Settings** | Opens the settings editor. Enhance your testing workflow with these commands for efficient testing directly from Sublime Text. ## Key Bindings | Key | Description | :--------- | :---------- | `F4` | Jump to the next failure | `Shift+F4` | Jump to the previous failure ## Strategies PHPUnitKit can run tests using different execution environments known as "strategies". **Example:** Using the Tmux Strategy 1. Open the Command Palette: `Preferences: PHPUnit Settings` 2. Add the following to your settings: ``` "phpunit.strategy": "tmux" ``` Available strategies and their identifiers: | Strategy | Identifier | Description | :------: | :--------: | :---------- | **Sublime** (default) | `sublime` | Sends test commands to Sublime Text's exec output panel. | **iTerm2.app** | `iterm` | Sends test commands to `iTerm2 >= 2.9` (useful in MacVim GUI). | **[Kitty]** | `kitty` | Sends test commands to the Kitty terminal. | **[xterm]** | `xterm` | Sends test commands to the xterm terminal. | **[cmd]** | `cmd` | Sends test commands to the cmd.exe terminal. | **[PowerShell]** | `powershell` | Sends test commands to the PowerShell command shell. | **[Tmux]** | `tmux` | Sends test commands to the Tmux terminal multiplexer. :new: ## Configuration To configure PHPUnitKit, follow these steps: 1. Open the Command Palette: `Preferences: PHPUnit Settings` Available settings and their details: | Setting | Type | Default | Description | :------------------------ | :----------------- | :------------------- | :---------- | `phpunit.executable` | `string` or `list` | Auto-discovery | Path to the PHPUnit executable for running tests. Environment variables and user home directory ~ placeholder are expanded. The executable can be a string or a list of parameters. Example: `vendor/bin/phpunit` | `phpunit.options` | `dict` | `{}` | Command-line options to pass to PHPUnit. Example: `{"no-coverage": true}` | `phpunit.php_executable` | `string` | Auto-discovery | Path to the PHP executable for running tests. Environment variables and user home directory ~ placeholder are expanded. Example: `~/.phpenv/versions/8.2/bin/php` | `phpunit.save_all_on_run` | `boolean` | `true` | Automatically saves all unsaved buffers before running tests. | `phpunit.on_post_save` | `list` | `[]` | Auto commands to execute when views are saved. Example: `["phpunit_test_file"]` | `phpunit.debug` | `boolean` | `false` | Prints debug information about the test runner. | `phpunit.prepend_cmd` | `list` | `[]` | Prepends custom commands to the test runner. | `phpunit.strategy` | `string` | `sublime` | The execution environment used for running tests. | `phpunit.font_size` | `integer` | Editor default | Font size of PHPUnit's output. | `phpunit.composer` | `boolean` | `true` | Uses Composer-installed executables. | `phpunit.artisan` | `boolean` | `false` | Uses Artisan to run tests. | `phpunit.paratest` | `boolean` | `false` | Uses ParaTest to run tests. | `phpunit.pest` | `boolean` | `false` | Uses Pest to run tests. **SSH Settings** Configure SSH settings for running tests remotely: | Setting | Type | Default | Description | :-------------------- | :------------ | :-------- | :---------- | `phpunit.ssh` | `boolean` | `false` | Enable SSH for remote testing. | `phpunit.ssh_options` | `dict` | `{}` | Options for running tests via SSH. Example: `{"-p": "22", "-tt": true}`. | `phpunit.ssh_user` | `string` | `null` | User for running tests via SSH. Example: `vagrant` | `phpunit.ssh_host` | `string` | `null` | Host for running tests via SSH. Example: `homestead.test` | `phpunit.ssh_paths` | `dict` | `{}` | Path mapping for running tests via SSH. Keys: local paths, Values: corresponding remote paths. Environment variables and user home directory ~ placeholder are expanded. Example: `{"~/code/project1": "~/project1"}` **Docker Settings** Configure Docker settings for running tests within containers: | Setting | Type | Default | Description | :-------------------- | :------------ | :-------- | :---------- | `phpunit.docker` | `boolean` | `false` | Enable Docker for testing. | `phpunit.docker_command` | `list` | `[]` | Command to use when running tests via Docker. Example: `["docker", "exec", "-it", "my-container"]` | `phpunit.docker_paths` | `dict` | `{}` | Path mapping for running tests via Docker. Keys: local paths, Values: corresponding remote paths. Environment variables and user home directory ~ placeholder are expanded. Example: `{"~/code/project1": "~/project1"}` **Tmux Settings** :new: Configure Tmux settings for running tests in a tmux pane: | Setting | Type | Default | Description | :-------------------------------- | :------------ | :-------- | :---------- | `phpunit.tmux_clear` | `bool` | `true` | Clear the terminal screen before running tests. | `phpunit.tmux_clear_scrollback` | `bool` | `true` | Clear the terminal's scrollback buffer or do not attempt to clear it using the extended "E3" capability. | `phpunit.tmux_target` | `string` | `:.` | Specify the session, window, and pane which should be used to run tests.

Format: `{session}:{window}.{pane}`

The default means the current pane.

For example, `:{start}.{top}` would mean the current session, lowest-numbered window, top pane.

See [Tmux documentation](http://man.openbsd.org/OpenBSD-current/man1/tmux.1#COMMANDS) for target usage. ### CLI Options If you want some CLI options to stick around, you can configure them in your settings. Command Palette → Preferences: PHPUnit Settings ```json { "phpunit.options": { "no-coverage": true, "no-progress": true, "colors=never": true, "order-by=": "defects", "coverage-html": "build/coverage", "d": ["display_errors=1", "xdebug.scream=0"], } } ``` The above options will be passed to PHPUnit as CLI options: ```shell -d "display_errors=1" \ -d "xdebug.scream=0" \ --no-coverage \ --no-progress \ --colors=never \ --order-by=defects \ --coverage-html build/coverage ``` **Example:** Ignore code coverage reporting configured in the XML configuration file This can help keep your tests fast. You can toggle no-coverage from the command palette when you need it. Command Palette → Preferences: PHPUnit Settings ```json { "phpunit.options": { "no-coverage": true, } } ``` **Example:** Stop after first error, failure, warning, or risky test Command Palette → Preferences: PHPUnit Settings ```json { "phpunit.options": { "stop-on-defect": true } } ``` **Example:** Disable progress and output This is useful if you are migrating from PHPUnit to Pest and want to hide superfluous output. Command Palette → Preferences: PHPUnit Settings ```json { "phpunit.options": { "no-progress": true, "no-output": true, } } ``` ### PHPUnit Executable The path to the PHPUnit executable to use when running tests. Environment variables and user home directory ~ placeholder are expanded. The executable can be a string or a list of parameters. Default: Auto discovery. **Examples** Command Palette → Preferences: PHPUnit Settings ```json { "phpunit.executable": "vendor/bin/phpunit", "phpunit.executable": "~/path/to/phpunit", "phpunit.executable": ["artisan", "test"] } ``` ### PHP Executable The path to the PHP executable to use when running tests. Environment variables and user home directory ~ placeholder are expanded. Default: Auto discovery. **Examples** Command Palette → Preferences: PHPUnit Settings ```json { "phpunit.php_executable": "~/.phpenv/versions/8.2/bin/php" } ``` ### SSH **Example:** Run tests via SSH using [Laravel Homestead](https://laravel.com/docs/homestead) ```json { "phpunit.ssh": true, "phpunit.ssh_options": { "-p": "22", "-tt": true }, "phpunit.ssh_user": "vagrant", "phpunit.ssh_host": "homestead.test", "phpunit.ssh_paths": { "~/code/project1": "~/project1", "/home/code/project2": "/home/vagrant/project2", } } ``` ### Docker **Example:** Run tests via [Docker](https://www.docker.com) ```json { "phpunit.docker": true, "phpunit.docker_command": ["docker", "exec", "-it", "my-container"], "phpunit.docker_paths": { "~/code/project1": "~/project1", "/home/code/project2": "/home/vagrant/project2", } } ``` ### Tmux :new: **Example:** Run tests in a Tmux pane. ```json { "phpunit.strategy": "tmux", "phpunit.options": { "colors": true, "no-coverage": true } } ``` Tip: Use the **`no-coverage`** option with the Command Palette **PHPUnit: Toggle --no-coverage** to turn code coverage on and off for quicker test runs when you just don't need the code coverage report. **Example:** Run tests in current session, lowest-numbered window, and top pane ```json { "phpunit.strategy": "tmux", "phpunit.tmux_target": ":{start}.{top}" } ``` The target accepts the format `{target-session}:{target-window}.{target-pane}`. The default is `:.`, which means the current pane. See [Tmux documentation](http://man.openbsd.org/OpenBSD-current/man1/tmux.1#COMMANDS) for more details on the target usage. ### Auto Commands You can configure the `on_post_save` event to run the "Test File" command when views are saved. This will instruct the runner to automatically run a test every time it is saved. **Example:** Run Test File on Save Command Palette → Preferences: PHPUnit Settings ```json { "phpunit.on_post_save": [ "phpunit_test_file" ] } ``` ### Toggle Commands You can toggle many PHPUnit CLI options from the command palette by prefixing the command with "PHPUnit: Toggle." **Example** - PHPUnit: Toggle --display-deprecations: Display details for deprecations triggered by tests. - PHPUnit: Toggle --fail-on-risky: Signal failure using the shell exit code when a test was considered risky. - PHPUnit: Toggle --no-coverage: Ignore code coverage reporting configured in the XML configuration file. - PHPUnit: Toggle --stop-on-defect: Stop after the first error, failure, warning, or risky test. - PHPUnit: Toggle --testdox: Replace default result output with TestDox format. ### Custom Toggle Commands You can create your own toggle commands. The `phpunit_toggle_option` command accepts the following arguments: Argument | Type :------- | :----- `option` | String `value` | Boolean (default) or String **Example:** Custom toggle commands 1. Open Sublime Text and go to `Preferences -> Browse Packages...` to open the Packages folder. 2. Create a file named "User/Default.sublime-commands" 3. Add the following commands to the configuration file: ```json [ { "caption": "PHPUnit: Toggle --no-coverage", "command": "phpunit_toggle_option", "args": { "option": "no-coverage" } }, { "caption": "PHPUnit: Toggle --order-by=depends,defects", "command": "phpunit_toggle_option", "args": { "option": "order-by=", "value": "depends,defects" } } ] ``` **Example:** Custom key binding to toggle coverage reporting generation 1. Open the Command Palette: `Command Palette → Preferences: Key Bindings`. 2. Add the following key binding to the configuration file: ```json [ { "keys": ["ctrl+n"], "command": "phpunit_toggle_option", "args": { "option": "no-coverage" } }, ] ``` ## NeoVintageous mappings [NeoVintageous](https://github.com/NeoVintageous/NeoVintageous) is a Vim emulator for Sublime Text. 1. Open the Command Palette: `Command Palette → NeoVintageous: Open neovintageous file`. 2. Add your preferred mappings. **Example** ```vim nnoremap t :TestNearest nnoremap T :TestFile nnoremap a :TestSuite nnoremap l :TestLast nnoremap g :TestVisit ``` 3. To apply the changes, reload the neovintageousrc from the Command Palette: `Command Palette → NeoVintageous: Reload neovintageous file`. ## Contributing See [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Changelog See [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md). ## Credits Based initially on, and inspired by the awesome work of [maltize/sublime-text-2-ruby-tests](https://github.com/maltize/sublime-text-2-ruby-tests), [stuartherbert/sublime-phpunit](https://github.com/stuartherbert/sublime-phpunit), [janko-m/vim-test](https://github.com/janko-m/vim-test), and many others. ## License Released under the [GPL-3.0-or-later License](LICENSE). [Artisan]: https://laravel.com/docs/artisan [Composer]: https://getcomposer.org [Kitty]: https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty [ParaTest]: https://github.com/paratestphp/paratest [Pest]: https://pestphp.com [PowerShell]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/ [Tmux]: https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki [cmd]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/cmd [iTerm2]: https://iterm2.com [xterm]: https://invisible-island.net/xterm/