# Gerbus for [Sublime Text](http://sublimetext.com) > A stimulating but fulfilling psychedelic-come-down theme for [Sublime Text](http://sublimetext.com). ## Description Based on the ***Pastel On Dark*** color scheme from *codeanywhere.com* . Tested primarily using React. ### Features * sets a cool and soothing general visual context * visually pulls out function names and class names * visually separates `js` (purple/orange) from `jsx` (blue/green) ![Screenshot](https://github.com/gerbus/sublime-color-scheme/raw/master/sample.png) ## Compatibility It is recommended you install the [Naomi package](https://github.com/borela/naomi#installing-using-package-control) for proper JS ES7 syntax highlighting. At the time of writing, the Babel Package does not correctly highlight class property ES7 arrow functions. ## Installation via Package Control 1. Search for "Color Scheme - Gerbus" in Package Manager and install 2. Preferences > Color Scheme > Gerbus ## Manual Installation 1. Download [Gerbus.sublime-color-scheme](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gerbus/sublime-color-scheme/master/Gerbus.sublime-color-scheme) to ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/Themes (select Preferences > Browse Packages... in Sublime and then add Themes folder if none exists) 2. In Sublime, go Preferences > Color Scheme > Gerbus