cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3) project(myproject) # Build an executable that uses an existing ROS msg: find_package() the ROS # package that contains the message, then use its reported include directories. find_package(sensor_msgs REQUIRED) include_directories(${sensor_msgs_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_executable(use_existing_msg use_existing_msg.cpp) # Generate code from our own custom messages # find_package catkin and genmsg, required for message generation macros find_package(catkin REQUIRED) find_package(genmsg REQUIRED) # find_package the other message packages that our custom messages use find_package(geometry_msgs REQUIRED) find_package(map_msgs REQUIRED) # Enumerate our custom messages files add_message_files(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} FILES Foo.msg Bar.msg) # Do code generation, specifying which other message packages we depend on. generate_messages(DEPENDENCIES geometry_msgs map_msgs) # Build an executable that uses our messages, making it depend on the # message-generation step. add_executable(use_custom_msg use_custom_msg.cpp) add_dependencies(use_custom_msg ${PROJECT_NAME}_generate_messages) # (optional) Install the executables. The generated code will also # automatically be installed. install(TARGETS use_existing_msg use_custom_msg DESTINATION bin) install(PROGRAMS DESTINATION bin)