{ "actionView": "View", "asyncJobStatusCancelled": "Cancelled", "asyncJobStatusCompleted": "Completed", "asyncJobStatusFailed": "Failed", "asyncJobStatusRunning": "Running", "asyncJobStatusWaiting": "Waiting", "buttonAccept": "Accept", "buttonAddMarkedItems": "Add marked items", "buttonAddDataset" :"Add dataset", "buttonAll": "All", "buttonAddNews": "Add news item", "buttonAddPublication": "Add publication", "buttonAddProject": "Add project", "buttonBack": "Back", "buttonBinData": "Bin data", "buttonCancel": "Cancel", "buttonChangeChartColors": "Change colors", "buttonCheckDetails": "Check details", "buttonClose": "Close", "buttonCompare": "Compare", "buttonCreate": "Create", "buttonDecline": "Decline", "buttonDelete": "Delete", "buttonDeleteType": "Delete type", "buttonDeleteSelected": "Delete selected", "buttonDownload": "Download", "buttonDownloadFile": "Download data file", "buttonDownloadForHelium": "Download in Helium format", "buttonDownloadImages": "Download images", "buttonDownloadPng": "Download PNG", "buttonDownloadSvg": "Download SVG", "buttonEdit": "Edit", "buttonEditCarousel": "Edit image carousel", "buttonExport": "Export", "buttonHtml": "HTML", "buttonMerge": "Merge", "buttonNext": "Next", "buttonOk": "OK", "buttonPlot": "Plot", "buttonPrint": "Print", "buttonReadLess": "Read less", "buttonReadMore": "Read more", "buttonRegister": "Register", "buttonReload": "Reload", "buttonRemoveMarkedItems": "Remove marked items", "buttonResetColorsToDefault": "Reset to defaults", "buttonSendToHelium": "Send to Helium", "buttonSelect": "Select", "buttonSelectAll": "Select all", "buttonShow": "Show", "buttonShowExif": "Show EXIF data", "buttonDeselectAll": "Deselect all", "buttonSignIn": "Sign in", "buttonSubmit": "Submit", "buttonToggle": "Toggle", "buttonUpdate": "Update", "buttonUpload": "Upload", "buttonStop": "Stop", "buttonPlay": "Play", "buttonMarkAsRead": "Mark as read", "buttonHasBeenRead": "Has been read", "buttonHighlightReps": "Reps ({count})", "buttonHighlightTreatments": "Treatment ({count})", "buttonHighlightRemove": "Remove highlight", "buttonStart": "Start", "buttonCloseStory": "End story", "buttonAddStepHere": "Add here", "buttonAddStepAfter": "Add after", "buttonEditStory": "Edit story details", "buttonEditStorySteps": "Edit story steps", "buttonCreateTrial": "Create trial", "buttonReadColumns": "Extract columns", "buttonLoadData": "Read field book", "buttonChange": "Change", "buttonCreateDataset": "Create dataset", "buttonVisit": "Visit", "chartLegendAverage": "Average", "chartLegendAverageLong": "Average across all data", "chartLegendValueRange": "Value range", "chartAxisTitleTime": "Time", "chartAxisTitleValue": "Value", "chartTooltipMatrixTour": "Show help information", "chartTooltipMarkedItemsClear": "Clear marked items", "chartTooltipMarkedItemsCount": "Number of currently marked items", "chartTooltipOptions": "Additional options", "chartTooltipSelectedProjectsClear": "Clear active projects", "comparatorsBetween": "Between", "comparatorsContains": "Contains", "comparatorsEqual": "Equal", "comparatorsGreaterThan": "Greater than", "comparatorsGreaterThanOrEquals": "Greater than or equals", "comparatorsInSet": "In set", "comparatorsIsNull": "Is null/missing", "comparatorsLessThan": "Less than", "comparatorsLessThanOrEquals": "Less than or equals", "comparatorsJsonSearch": "JSON contains", "comparatorsArrayContains ": "Array contains", "dashboardBannerCompounds": "Compounds", "dashboardBannerDatasets": "Datasets", "dashboardBannerFileResources": "File resources", "dashboardBannerGermplasm": "Germplasm", "dashboardBannerGroups": "Groups", "dashboardBannerImages": "Images", "dashboardBannerLocations": "Locations", "dashboardBannerMarkers": "Markers", "dashboardBannerTraits": "Traits", "dashboardBannerMaps": "Maps", "dashboardBannerExperiments": "Experiments", "dashboardBannerDatasetsAllelefreq": "Allele Frequency Datasets", "dashboardBannerDatasetsGenotype": "Genotypic Datasets", "dashboardBannerDatasetsTrials": "Trait Datasets", "dashboardBannerDatasetsClimate": "Climate Datasets", "dashboardBannerDatasetsCompound": "Compound Datasets", "dashboardBannerDatasetsPedigree": "Pedigree Datasets", "dashboardBannerClimates": "Climates", "dashboardSectionDataStories": "Data Stories", "dashboardSectionDataUpdates": "Data Updates", "dashboardSectionNews": "News", "dashboardSectionProjects": "Projects", "dashboardSectionPublications": "Publications", "datasetExternal": "External datasets are not held inside of Germinate.", "datasetInternal": "Internal datasets can be browsed and exported through Germinate.", "datasetStateHidden": "Hidden", "datasetStatePrivate": "Private", "datasetStatePublic": "Public", "datasetTypeAllelefreq": "Allele Frequency", "datasetTypeClimate": "Climate", "datasetTypeCompound": "Chemical compound", "datasetTypeGenotype": "Genotypes", "datasetTypePedigree": "Pedigree", "datasetTypeTrials": "Trials", "datasetTypeUnknown": "Unknown", "dataTypeCategorical": "Categorical", "dataTypeDate": "Date", "dataTypeNumeric": "Numeric", "dataTypeText": "Text", "dataTypeImages": "Images", "dropdownMarkedGermplasm": "Germplasm", "dropdownMarkedItems": "Marked items", "dropdownMarkedLocations": "Locations", "dropdownMarkedMarkers": "Markers", "dropdownLocales": "Locale", "dropdownUserSettings": "User settings", "dropdownUserSettingsSettings": "Settings", "dropdownUserSettingsLogout": "Logout", "dropdownUserSettingsLogin": "Login", "dropdownUserSettingsAdvancedSettings": "Advanced settings", "dropdownUserSettingsAdminSettings": "Admin settings", "dropdownUserSettingsUserFeedback": "User feedback", "dropdownUserSettingsUserPermissions": "User permissions", "dropdownUserSettingsDataUpload": "Data uploader", "dropdownUserSettingsGermplasmUnifier": "Germplasm unifier", "dropdownUserSettingsGerminateSettings": "Germinate settings", "dropdownUserSettingsGetToken": "Get access token", "dropdownLabelGermplasmSearch": "{germplasm}, Rep: {rep}, Block: {block}, Row: {row}, Column: {column}", "dublinCoreContributor": "Contributor", "dublinCoreCoverage": "Coverage", "dublinCoreCreator": "Creator", "dublinCoreDate": "Date", "dublinCoreDescription": "Description", "dublinCoreFormat": "Format", "dublinCoreIdentifier": "Identifier", "dublinCoreLanguage": "Language", "dublinCorePublisher": "Publisher", "dublinCoreRelation": "Relation", "dublinCoreRights": "Rights", "dublinCoreSource": "Source", "dublinCoreSubject": "Subject", "dublinCoreTitle": "Title", "dublinCoreType": "Type", "entityTypeAccession": "Accession", "entityTypePlantPlot": "Plant/Plot", "entityTypeSample": "Sample", "errorMessageActivationInvalidKey": "Invalid activation key. This can happen if the account has already been activated.", "errorMessageEmailUnavailable": "Email service unavailable.", "errorMessageInvalidEmailUsername": "Invalid username or email.", "errorMessageInvalidUsernamePassword": "Invalid username or password", "errorMessageNoActivationKey": "No activation key provided.", "errorMessageServerUnavailable": "Server appears to be unavailable.", "errorMessageUnknownServerError": "An unknown server error occured.", "exportFormatDataTypeAll": "All", "exportFormatDataTypeGenotype": "Genotype", "exportFormatDataTypePca": "PCA", "exportFormatDataTypePedigree": "Pedigree", "exportFormatDataTypePhenotype": "Phenotype", "formErrorUserFeedbackIncorrectForm": "All fields have to be completed to submit the feedback form. Please check the form for any missing entries.", "formErrorUserFeedbackIncorrectCaptcha": "The text you entered does not match the image. Please try again or generate a new image using the icon next to the heading.", "formatDate": "DD/MM/YYYY", "formatDateTime": "DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm a", "formDescriptionGroupDescription": "An optional description of the group.", "formDescriptionGroupName": "The name of the group.", "formDescriptionGroupType": "Select the type of this group.", "formDescriptionGroupTypeDisabled": "The group type cannot be changed.", "formDescriptionFileResourceDatasets": "File resources can be linked to existing datasets. Select the button to select the datasets from a table.", "formDescriptionToken": "This is your session token. It can be used to access Germinate's API and BrAPI implementation. Do not share this token with anyone.", "formSelectOptionLicenseNone": "No license", "formSelectOptionDataOrientationGermplasmAsRows": "Germplasm in rows", "formSelectOptionDataOrientationMarkersAsRows": "Markers in rows", "formLabelExperimentName": "Experiment name", "formLabelExperimentDescription": "Experiment description", "formLabelEmail": "Email", "formLabelFullName": "Full name", "formLabelGeotiffMapHighlight": "Map highlight", "formLabelGeotiffMapOpacity": "Data color opacity", "formLabelGermplasmUnifierSgoneInput": "SGONE output", "formLabelGermplasmTableFilterIdentifier": "Germplasm identifier", "formLabelGroupDescription": "Group description", "formLabelGroupName": "Group name", "formLabelGroupType": "Group type", "formLabelInstitution": "Institution", "formLabelInstitutionAcronym": "Institution acronym", "formLabelInstitutionAddress": "Institution address", "formLabelInstitutionName": "Institution name", "formLabelMapExportChromosomeSelection": "Select chromosomes to include in the export. Only markers on the selected chromosomes will be included in the output.", "formLabelMapExportDownloadText": "Would you like to subset the map before downloading it?", "formLabelMapExportIntervalFirstMarker": "First marker", "formLabelMapExportIntervalSecondMarker": "Second marker", "formLabelMapExportRadiusMarker": "Marker", "formLabelMapExportRadiusOffsetLeft": "Offset left", "formLabelMapExportRadiusOffsetRight": "Offset right", "formLabelPassword": "Password", "formLabelPasswordConfirm": "Confirm password", "formLabelPublicationDOI": "Enter DOI", "formLabelReferenceTemplate": "Reference style", "formLabelSearchTerm": "Enter a search term", "formLabelSearchType": "Select the type of data to search for", "formLabelSetupDatabaseHost": "Host", "formLabelSetupDatabaseName": "Name", "formLabelSetupDatabasePort": "Port", "formLabelSetupDatabaseUsername": "Username", "formLabelSetupDatabasePassword": "Password", "formLabelUserGroupDescription": "User group description", "formLabelUserGroupName": "User group name", "formLabelUsername": "Username", "formLabelAllelefreqNrOfBins": "Number of bins", "formLabelAllelefreqNrOfBinsLeft": "Bins to the left", "formLabelAllelefreqNrOfBinsRight": "Bins to the right", "formLabelAllelefreqSplitPoint": "Split point", "formLabelNewsType": "News type", "formLabelNewsTitle": "News title", "formLabelNewsContent": "News content", "formLabelNewsUrl": "URL", "formLabelNewsImage": "Image", "formLabelNewsImageFit": "Image fit", "formLabelNewsDate": "News date", "formLabelFileResourceTypeName": "Name", "formLabelFileResourceTypeDescription": "Description", "formLabelFileResourceType": "Type", "formLabelFileResourceName": "Name", "formLabelFileResourceDescription": "Description", "formLabelFileResourceFile": "File", "formLabelFileResourceDatasets": "Linked datasets", "formLabelCarouselImageAdd": "Add new image", "formLabelCarouselImageLocale": "Add image to locale", "formLabelChartColorsCurrent": "Current colors", "formLabelChartColorsNew": "Add new color", "formLabelLicenseName": "License name", "formLabelLicenseDescription": "License description", "formLabelLicenseContent": "License content", "formPlaceholderLicenseHtml": "Please enter the license content as HTML here...", "formPlaceholderLicenseHtmlPreview": "A rendered view of your HTML content will appear here.", "formLabelLocationCountrySelectionSiteName": "Site name", "formLabelLocationCountrySelectionCountry": "Country", "formLabelLocationCountrySelectionElevation": "Elevation", "formLabelPedigreeChartDatasetSelect": "Please select a dataset", "formLabelTraitTimelineCalendar": "Calendar", "formLabelTraitTimelineTimepoint": "Time points", "formLabelTraitTimelineShapefile": "Trial shape file", "formLabelTraitTimelineGermplasm": "Germplasm search", "formLabelTraitChartGrouping": "Group box plots by", "formLabelTraitRadarChartAverage": "Average across germplasm", "formDescriptionTraitRadarChartAverage": "When selected, numeric traits will be averaged across all measurements of a germplasm in the selected datasets. When not selected, data will be plotted for individual measurements.", "formLabelToken": "Token", "formLabelDataUploadFile": "Template file", "formLabelDataUploadDataset": "Associated trials dataset", "formLabelDataUploadDataOrientation": "Data orientation", "formLabelFeedbackType": "Feedback type", "formLabelFeedbackSeverity": "Feedback severity", "formLabelFeedbackEmail": "Contact email address", "formLabelFeedbackContent": "Feedback content", "formLabelFeedbackCaptcha": "Captcha result", "formLabelStoryName": "Name", "formLabelStoryDescription": "Description", "formLabelStoryDate": "Date", "formLabelStoryImage": "Cover image", "formLabelStoryPublication": "Related publication", "formLabelStoryVisibility": "Visible to others", "formLabelStoryFeatured": "Featured on home page", "formLabelStoryStepName": "Name", "formLabelStoryStepDescription": "Description", "formLabelStoryStepImage": "Step image", "formLabelProjectName": "Name", "formLabelProjectDescription": "Description", "formLabelProjectPageContent": "Project page markdown content", "formLabelProjectPageContentPreview": "Project page rendered markdown preview", "formLabelProjectStartDate": "Start date", "formLabelProjectEndDate": "End date", "formLabelProjectImage": "Image/logo", "formLabelProjectExternalUrl": "External project URL", "formDescriptionFeedbackCaptcha": "Please help us verify you're a genuine user by entering the text you see in the image into this text box.", "formDescriptionTraitTimelineTimepoint": "Current time point: {timepoint}", "formLabelTrialCreationFieldbookFile": "Fieldbook file input", "formLabelFielDBookRow": "Row", "formDescriptionFielDBookRow": "The column header in the fieldbook containing information about the field row.", "formLabelFielDBookColumn": "Column", "formDescriptionFielDBookColumn": "The column header in the fieldbook containing information about the field column.", "formLabelFielDBookGermplasm": "Germplasm", "formDescriptionFielDBookGermplasm": "The column header in the fieldbook containing information about the plot germplasm.", "formLabelFielDBookRep": "Rep", "formDescriptionFielDBookRep": "The column header in the fieldbook containing information about the plot rep.", "formFeedbackFielDBookMissingData": "No data has been provided. Please paste the data into the text box or load it using the file selector.", "formSelectOptionUnmapped": "Unmapped", "formFeedbackFielDBookMissingGermplasm": "A germplasm in line {line} of your input is missing. If you want to leave that plot empty, please remove it altogether from the file.", "formFeedbackFielDBookMissingInvalidRow": "The provided row index in line {line} of your input is either missing or not a numeric value.", "formFeedbackFielDBookMissingInvalidColumn": "The provided column index in line {line} of your input is either missing or not a numeric value.", "formCheckboxShowIndividualCharts": "Show individual charts", "formCheckboxShowAverage": "Show average across data", "formCheckboxShowTraitFullName": "Show full trait name", "gatekeeperErrorBadRequestMissingField": "Please fill in all fields", "gatekeeperErrorConflictUserAlreadyHasAccess": "User already has access to this Germinate", "gatekeeperErrorConflictUserAlreadyRequestedAccess": "User has already requested access", "gatekeeperErrorConflictUsernameEmailAlreadyInUse": "Username or email address already in use", "gatekeeperErrorForbiddenAccessToOtherUser": "Access forbidden to other user's details", "gatekeeperErrorForbiddenInsufficientPermissions": "Insufficient permissions to complete this request", "gatekeeperErrorForbiddenInvalidCredentials": "Invalid credentials", "gatekeeperErrorNotFoundActivationKey": "Activation key not found", "gatekeeperErrorNotFoundActivationRequest": "Activation request not found", "gatekeeperErrorNotFoundId": "Id not found", "gatekeeperErrorNotFoundIdOrPayload": "Id or payload not found", "gatekeeperErrorNotFoundInstitution": "Institution not found", "gatekeeperErrorNotFoundPayload": "Payload not found", "gatekeeperErrorNotFoundToken": "Token not found", "gatekeeperErrorNotFoundUser": "User not found", "gatekeeperErrorUnavailableEmail": "Email system currently unavailable", "genericActive": "Active", "genericAdd": "Add", "genericCancel": "Cancel", "genericCount": "Count", "genericError": "Error", "genericFalse": "False", "genericNo": "No", "genericNone": "None", "genericOk": "OK", "genericRemove": "Remove", "genericRetry": "Retry", "genericSend": "Send", "genericSuccess": "Success", "genericSynonyms": "Synonyms", "genericTrue": "True", "genericYes": "Yes", "germplasmInstitutionTypesMaintenance": "Maintenance", "germplasmInstitutionTypesBreeding": "Breeding", "germplasmInstitutionTypesCollection": "Collection", "germplasmInstitutionTypesDuplicate": "Duplicate", "germplasmInstitutionTypesDonor": "Donor", "germinateTitle": "Germinate Template Database", "groupTypeGerminatebase": "Germplasm", "groupTypeLocation": "Location", "groupTypeMarker": "Marker", "headingNoData": "No data found for your query", "helpGermplasm": "

The core data of Germinate evolves around germplasm and its passport data. Passport data can be described as the sum of all meta-data that relates to the germplasm.

The main feature is the table that shows all germplasm held in this instance of Germinate in a central location. The table supports column sorting and filtering as well as adding germplasm of interest to the marked items list by marking the checkbox in the last column. The table itself shows the most valuable information about each of the germplasm, which is a subset of the Multi-Crop Passport Descriptors (MCPD).

The download section located below the table can be used to download the whole set of passport data including germplasm attributes for either the whole dataset, a group or a custom marked item list of germplasm. Additionally, the pedigree information for the same constellation of germplasm can be downloaded.

Selecting a germplasm in the table redirects you to the passport data page.

", "helpPassport": "This page shows all the information related to a single germplasm. This includes the MCPD information, holding institute, synonyms, pedigree data, collecting site location, images, groups, datasets, additional attributes and finally there is a section where users can add annotations to this germplasm (if this feature is enabled available).", "httpErrorFiveOO": "Internal Server Error. Something went wrong...", "httpErrorFiveOOne": "Not implemented. This resource is not implemented yet.", "httpErrorFiveOThree": "Service unavailable. Failed to contact Gatekeeper or send email.", "httpErrorFourOEight": "Timeout. The request timed out.", "httpErrorFourOFive": "Method not allowed.", "httpErrorFourOFour": "Not found. Request returned no data.", "httpErrorFourONine": "Conflict. The request conflicts with existing data.", "httpErrorFourOO": "Bad request. Server refused to respond.", "httpErrorFourOOne": "Unauthorized. Authentication failed.", "httpErrorFourOThree": "Forbidden. You cannot access this resource.", "httpErrorFourTen": "Gone. The resource is no longer available at this address.", "imageTypeCompounds": "Chemical compounds", "imageTypeGerminatebase": "Germplasm", "imageTypePhenotypes": "Traits", "importStatusGenericDuplicateColumn": "A duplicate column has been found. Please delete any duplicate columns as there is no way to know which one to use.", "importStatusGenericIOError": "IO error occured.", "importStatusGenericInvalidDataType": "An invalid data type has been specified. Please check the documentation for valid data types.", "importStatusGenericMissingColumn": "A required column hasn't been found. Please make sure not to remove default columns found in the templates.", "importStatusGenericMissingCountry": "A location has been specified without a country code. Please either remove the location information or add a country code.", "importStatusGenericMissingExcelSheet": "Missing Excel spreadsheet. Make sure to not rename the predefined sheet names.", "importStatusMcpdDuplicateAccenumb": "You've specified a duplicate ACCENUMB in your sheet. This may be a duplicate of another row in the same file or a duplicate of an existing entry in the database.", "importStatusMcpdInvalidCollsrc": "Invalid COLLSRC (Collecting/acquisition source) found. Please check the MCPD 2.1 documentation for all valid codes.", "importStatusMcpdInvalidCountryCode": "An invalid country code has been found. Please make sure to use the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes.", "importStatusMcpdInvalidDate": "An invalid date was found. Dates are recorded as YYYYMMDD. If the month or day are missing, this should be indicated with hyphens or '00' [double zero]. If both (month and day) are missing, two double zeros are needed (e.g. 1975----, 19750000; 197506--, 19750600).", "importStatusMcpdInvalidDMS": "An invalid latitude or longitude was found. If provided in degrees, minutes and seconds, these should be formatted as follows: Degrees (2 digits), minutes (2 digits), second (2 digits) format, followed by North (N) or South (S), e.g. 103020S. Every missing digit (minutes or seconds) should be indicated with hyphen, e.g. 10----S; 011530N).", "importStatusMcpdInvalidEntityParentAccenumb": "A referenced entity parent ACCENUMB could not be found. Please make sure to only reference ACCENUMBs that are either part of the template or already in the database.", "importStatusMcpdInvalidEntityType": "Invalid entity type specified. Please check the original template for al valid types.", "importStatusMcpdInvalidMlsStatus": "Invalid MLSSTAT (Multilateral System status) found. Please check the MCPD 2.1 documentation for all valid codes.", "importStatusMcpdInvalidNumber": "The value specified in a number column isn't a valid number.", "importStatusMcpdInvalidSampstat": "Invalid SAMPSTAT (Biological status of accession) found. Please check the MCPD 2.1 documentation for all valid codes.", "importStatusMcpdInvalidStorage": "Invalid STORAGE (Type of germplasm storage) found. Please check the MCPD 2.1 documentation for all valid codes.", "importStatusMcpdMissingField": "A required field is not set. Please specify a value for this field.", "importStatusMcpdMissingAccenumb": "A specified ACCENUMB under the 'ADDITIONAL_ATTRIBUTES' tab was not found in the database or the 'DATA' sheet.", "importStatusMissingDbItemUpdate": "An item marked for update has not been found in the database and can therefore not be updated. Please make sure to only update existing items.", "importStatusGenericMissingValue": "A required value is missing. Please make sure to complete all required fields.", "importStatusValueTooLong": "A specified value exceeds the data length restrictions. Please shorten it to the specifed length.", "importStatusTrialsInvalidDataType": "A trait is missing its data type. Please specify one of the predefined data types.", "importStatusTrialsMissingTraitDeclaration": "A trait used in the 'DATA' or 'RECORDING_DATES' spreadsheet is not defined in the 'PHENOTYPES' sheet. Please add the missing declaration.", "importStatusTrialsMissingClimateDeclaration": "A climate used in the 'DATA' spreadsheet is not defined in the 'CLIMATES' sheet. Please add the missing declaration.", "importStatusTrialsMissingClimateLocationDeclaration": "A location referenced in 'DATA' is not defined in 'LOCATION' sheet. Please add the missing declaration.", "importStatusGenericInvalidGermplasm": "A germplasm has been referenced in the data that is not available in the database. Please only reference existing germplasm or upload an MCPD template containing this germplasm.", "importStatusTrialsSheetHeaderMismatch": "A mismatch between column headers in the 'DATA' and 'RECORDING_DATES' spreadsheet has been found. Please use the same column order.", "importStatusTrialsIdentifierMismatch": "A mismatch between the number of columns and/or rows in the 'DATA' and 'RECORDING_DATES' spreadsheet has been found. Please make sure to use the same identifiers for traits and germplasm.", "importStatusTrialsRestrictionViolation": "A trait restriction has not been met. Please make sure that all your data meets the defined trait restrictions like minimum and maximum.", "importStatusTrialsDataRepMissing": "The rep is missing for one of the data rows. Please ensure to provide a value. If you are not using reps, please just specify '1'.", "importStatusTrialsRowColMismatch": "A 'Row' and 'Column' combination appears more than once with a different germplasm. Please only specify one 'Row', 'Column', germplasm combination.", "importStatusInvalidDataType": "The type of data provided for a field is of the wrong type. Please use the correct data type.", "importStatusOk": "Import successful.", "importStatusCompoundMissingCompoundDeclaration": "A compound used in the 'DATA' or 'RECORDING_DATES' spreadsheet is not defined in the 'COMPOUNDS' sheet. Please add the missing declaration.", "importStatusCompoundSheetHeaderMismatch": "A mismatch between column headers in the 'DATA' and 'RECORDING_DATES' spreadsheet has been found. Please use the same column order.", "importStatusCompoundIdentifierMismatch": "A mismatch between the number of columns and/or rows in the 'DATA' and 'RECORDING_DATES' spreadsheet has been found. Please make sure to use the same identifiers for traits and germplasm.", "importStatusGenotypeHeaderLenghtMismatch": "There is a mismatch in the header length. When providing map information, make sure each marker has a chromosome and position assigned to it.", "importStatusGenotypeMissingRow": "A required header row is missing. This can either be the chromosome or position row or no markers have been defined.", "importStatusGroupHeaderMismatch": "The is a mismatch between the row length of group names and group visibilities. Please make sure to provide each for every group.", "importStatusGroupInvalidCellValue": "Please use an 'x' to define group membership. All other values are invalid.", "importStatusGroupInvalidGroupVisibility": "Please use 'private' or 'public' to describe the group visibility. All other values are invalid.", "importStatusGenericInvalidLocation": "A location name has been referenced in the data that is not available in the database. Please only reference existing location names.", "importStatusGenericInvalidMarker": "A marker name has been referenced in the data that is not available in the database. Please only reference existing marker names.", "importStatusGenericDuplicateValue": "A duplicate value has been found. Please make sure not to define duplicates in your input data.", "importStatusGenericInvalidReference": "An invalid item reference has been found. Please make sure any item you reference already exists in the database.", "importStatusMcpdInvalidDms": "Invalid DMS (degree minute second) latitude/longitude has been found. Please check the MCPD 2.1 documentation for the correct format.", "importStatusGenotypeHapmapIncorrectHeader": "An incorrect header has been found. Please double-check your column headers and correct this.", "importStatusGenotypeHapmapIncorrectRowLength": "A row has been found with an incorrect number of values. Please make sure all rows have the same length.", "importStatusImageTemplateMissing": "The image .zip file does not contain the Germinate Excel template file or the file isn't called 'images.xlsx'. Please ensure the file is included and name accordingly.", "importStatusImageImageMissing": "An image has been referenced in the Excel template, but could not be found in the .zip file. Please add the missing image file or remove the definition from the template.", "importStatusImageDefinitionMissing": "An image file has been found that hasn't been defined in the Excel template. Please only include images that are actually referenced. Either add the reference to the template or remove the image file.", "importStatusShapefileMissingShp": "The uploaded .zip container does not contain a .shp file. Please make sure to upload a shape file in the correct format with the correct file extension.", "importStatusShapefileMissingField": "A required attribute is missing from one of the plots. Make sure to include the fields: `row`, `column` and `germplasm`.", "importStatusShapefileInvalidAccenumb": "A specified `germplasm` field is not a valid reference to a germplasm (ACCENUMB) in Germinate. Please only reference existing germplasm.", "importStatusShapefileRowColGermplasmConflict": "There is a conflicting pair of (row, column, germplasm) tuples, i.e. for a single plot (row, column combination), multiple germplasm entries have been specified.", "importStatusShapefileDuplicateRowCol": "A duplicate (row, column) combination has been found. Please specify each plot only once.", "importStatusShapefileWarningMissingAccenumb": "WARNING: A plot shape is missing a `germplasm` field. While this is not an error, this plot will not be displayed in Germinate as it has no associated germplasm. Either import the data as is or correct this issue.", "inputPlaceholderMarkerNameAutocomplete": "Type in marker name (At least 3 chars)", "inputPlaceholderGermplasmNameAutocomplete": "Type in germplasm name (At least 3 chars)", "inputPlaceholderSearch": "Search", "locationTypeCollectingsite": "Collecting site", "locationTypeDataset": "Dataset site", "locationTypeTrialsite": "Trial site", "menuAbout": "About", "menuAboutExportFormat": "Export formats", "menuAboutGerminate": "About Germinate", "menuAboutProject": "About project", "menuAlleleFrequencyDataExport": "Allele frequency export", "menuClimateClimates": "Climates", "menuClimateData": "Climate data", "menuClimateDataExport": "Climate export", "menuCompoundDataExport": "Compound export", "menuCompoundsCompounds": "Compounds", "menuCompoundsData": "Compound data", "menuCrossDataTypeComparison": "Cross-data comparison", "menuData": "Data", "menuDataResources": "Data resources", "menuDatasets": "Datasets", "menuDataStatistics": "Data statistics", "menuDataStories": "Data stories", "menuEnvironment": "Environment", "menuExperiments": "Experiments", "menuGenotypicData": "Genotypic data", "menuGenotypicDataExport": "Genotypic export", "menuGenotypicMaps": "Maps", "menuGenotypicMarkers": "Markers", "menuGeographicSearch": "Geographic search", "menuGeography": "Geographic data", "menuGermplasm": "Germplasm", "menuGroups": "Groups", "menuHome": "Home", "menuImages": "Images", "menuLocations": "Locations", "menuPedigreeData": "Pedigree data", "menuProjects": "Projects", "menuPublications": "Publications", "menuSearch": "Search", "menuTrialsData": "Trials data", "menuTrialsDataExport": "Trials export", "menuTrialsTraits": "Traits", "menuTrialsCreate": "Trial creation", "menuTopDarkModeToggle": "Toggle dark mode", "modalMessageJumpToPage": "Page number (1 - {maxPage})", "modalTitleChangelog": "What's new?", "modalTextChangelog": "Below is a list of recent versions of Germinate including the major changes and new features they introduced.", "modalTextDatasetAttributes": "Dataset attributes are any additional information that has been defined for this dataset.", "modalTextDatasetDublinCore": "The Dublin Core is a set of vocabulary terms that can be used to describe digital resources.", "modalTextDatasetDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete this dataset? All associated data will be completely removed from the database.", "modalTextDeleteAsyncJob": "Removing a running job will cancel it. Removing a finished job will remove it from your list. You will not be able to get it back. Are you sure?", "modalTextJumpToPage": "Specify the page number to jump to.", "modalTextLocationInformation": "Enter the location name and select a country.", "modalTextSelectLocation": "Select a location from the table by using the checkbox in the first column.", "modalTextTableFilter": "Select the column you want to filter in the first dropdown box and then the comparison operation in the second. Use the input fields to specify what you are searching for.", "modalTextWarningLargeAmountOfData": "You are about to download {size} rows. This is likely to take some time. Would you like to continue?", "modalTitleAddComment": "Add comment", "modalTitleAddDataset": "Add dataset", "modalTitleAddNews": "Add news item", "modalTitleAddUserGroup": "Add new user group", "modalTitleAddProject": "Add/edit project", "modalTitleAttributes": "Attributes", "modalTitleChartColors": "Change chart colors", "modalTitleChartFilename": "Filename", "modalTitleCollaborators": "Collaborators", "modalTitleDatasetAttributes": "Dataset attributes", "modalTitleDatasetDublinCore": "Dublin core", "modalTitleDatasetLocations": "Dataset locations", "modalTitleDatasetState": "Dataset state", "modalTitleEditGroup": "Add/edit group", "modalTitleEditCarousel": "Edit image carousel", "modalTitleExperimentCreation": "Edit/add experiment", "modalTitleGroupUpload": "Group upload", "modalTitleInstitution": "Institution", "modalTitleInstitutions": "Institutions", "modalTitleJumpToPage": "Jump to page", "modalTitleLicense": "License", "modalTitleLicenseCreation": "Create/edit license", "modalTitleLoading": "Loading", "modalTitleLocationInformation": "Location information", "modalTitleRegistration": "Registration", "modalTitleScreenshot": "Take a screenshot", "modalTitleSelectLocation": "Select location", "modalTitleSure": "Are you sure?", "modalTitleTableFilter": "Filter", "modalTitleWarning": "Warning", "modalTitleEditTags": "Edit tags", "modalTitleFileResource": "Upload file resource", "modalTitleFileResourceType": "Add file resource type", "modalTitleFileResourceDataset": "Select linked datasets", "modalTitleImageUpload": "Image upload", "modalTitleGenotypeExport": "Additional export formats", "modalTitleGetToken": "Session token", "modalTitlePublications": "Publications", "modalTitlePublicationAddNew": "Add new publication", "modalTitleTraitBarcodeIncludeValues": "Include trait values", "modalTitleImageExif": "Image EXIF data", "modalTextTraitBarcodeIncludeValues": "Do you want to include all possible trait values currently found in Germinate for this trait?", "modalTextGenotypeExport": "Please select any additional data formats you would like to receive this data in.", "modalTextImageUpload": "Select images to upload below. They will be associated with the current database item.", "modalTextEditTags": "Start typing a tag name and either select an existing tag or create a new one. Tags can also be removed.", "modalTitleSelectGermplasmLocation": "Change germplasm location", "modalTitleSetupServiceUnavailable": "Setup unavailable", "modalTitleStoryDatasets": "Story datasets", "modalTextStoryDatasets": "This story uses datasets shown in the table below. These datasets have licenses associated with them that need to be accepted before the story can be shown. Please accept the license by clicking on it and then accepting it.", "modalTitleStoryEditSteps": "Edit story steps", "modalTextStoryEditSteps": "To add a step to the story, navigate to the corresponding page on Germinate, make selections, plot charts, filter tables - anything you want the viewer of the story to see. Then use the button in the navigation bar at the top to add the current view as a new step.", "modalTitleUserFeedback": "User feedback", "modalTextUserFeedback": "Please provide your feedback below. The information you provide (screenshot, content and contact email address) will be stored on our system until it has been reviewed and for 30 days after. You may be contacted for further information.", "modalTitleEditStory": "Edit story", "modalTitleAddStory": "Add story", "modalTitleAddStoryStep": "Add story step", "modalMessageSetupServiceUnavailable": "The setup process is unavailable, since Germinate has already been successfully configured.", "modalButtonSelectGermplasmLocationSelectFromTable": "Select existing", "modalButtonSelectGermplasmLocationSelectOnMap": "Select on map", "modalTextFielDBookColumnMapping": "Use this section to map the columns in the input file with their corresponding purpose, i.e. select the column containing the germplasm identifier information in the 'Germplasm' dropdown.", "operatorsAnd": "And", "operatorsOr": "Or", "page404Text": "It might be best to start over or go back.", "page404Title": "This isn't the page you're looking for...", "page403Text": "You don't have sufficient permissions to see what's going on here.", "page403Title": "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't do that...", "pageAboutGerminateCardDocumentationText": "Read the Germinate documentation", "pageAboutGerminateCardGithubText": "View Germinate's source code on GitHub", "pageAboutGerminateCardHomepageText": "Visit the Germinate homepage", "pageAboutGerminateCardPublicationText": "View or cite the Germinate publication", "pageAboutGerminateFundersSubtitle": "Organisations supporting Germinate - past and present", "pageAboutGerminateFundersText": "We are very grateful for the funding Germinate has received over the years. Below is a list of our main funders who we have worked with closely during the development of Germinate.", "pageAboutGerminateFundersTitle": "Funders", "pageAboutGerminateSubtitle": "The generic plant genetic resources database", "pageAboutGerminateTeamSubtitle": "The people behind Germinate", "pageAboutGerminateTeamTitle": "Team", "pageAboutGerminateTeamOthersTitle": "Additional people", "pageAboutGerminateTeamOthersSubtitle": "Everyone else who contributed to Germinate", "pageAboutGerminateTeamOthersText": "

Previous Members of the Germinate Team have included: Gordon Stephen, Jennifer Lee, Jacek Grzebyta, Toby Philp and Nelo Onyiah.

In addition the following people have been instrumental in the development of Germinate (in no particular order): Bill Thomas, Luke Ramsay, Joanne Russell, Robbie Waugh, David Marshall, Gaynor McKenzie, Pauline Smith, Julie Graham, Dorota Jaret, Susan McCallum, Nicola McCallum, Malcolm Coull, Derek Stuart, Alex Foito, Jordi Comadran, Andy Flavell, Darren Cullerne, Kate Dreher, Sarah Hearne, Peter Wenzl, Benjamin Kilian and Peter Werner.

We would like to thank all those who have been generous with their time and helping us with Germinate user evaluations - your enthusiasm and feedback has made Germinate a better tool.

", "pageAboutGerminateText": "

Germinate is an open source plant database platform on which complex data from genetic resources collections can be stored, queried and visualized using common, reusable, programming components. Germinate uses current web and database standards to provide a both a standard data storage architecture and high-performance web-based user interface. Germinate provides storage for genotypic, phenotypic and plant passport type data as well as pedigree and image data. Germinate not only allows the efficient storage and visualization of data but also provides tools to export data in an expanding number of data formats including pedigree data in Helium format, genotypic data which can be exported natively to Flapjack format and standard text format.

Germinate has been developed as an extensible platform, with an aim of offering an off-the-shelf solution for the storage of genetic resources data. We actively encourage the community to contribute towards its development and talk to us about what features and tools they think would bring value to the platform. All new Germinate features and components are made immediately available to the community so that everyone can benefit from them.

For additional information please visit our GitHub page and thanks from all the team for using and contributing to this resource.

", "pageAboutGerminateTitle": "Germinate", "pageAboutGerminateChangelog": "View Changelog Information", "pageAboutProjectText": "This is the template version of Germinate. It is not associated with any project in particular. This text should be replaced with information about the project that this version of Germinate supports.", "pageAboutProjectTitle": "About this project", "pageAboutProjectPartnersTitle": "Partners", "pageAboutProjectPartnersText": "Below is a list of all partners involved in this project including links to their website and information about each partner.", "pageAlleleFrequencyExportTitle": "Allele frequency data export", "pageAlleleFrequencyBinningTitle": "Binning", "pageAlleleFrequencyBinningText": "In order to visualize the data in a meaningful way, Germinate will bin the data first. Please select a binning method below and click the 'Update' button to see the new binning result.", "pageAlleleFrequencyBinningEqualTitle": "Equal-width binning", "pageAlleleFrequencyBinningEqualText": "The data will be binned into a set number of equal-width bins.", "pageAlleleFrequencyBinningSplitTitle": "Split point binning", "pageAlleleFrequencyBinningSplitText": "The data will be binned into a number of equal-width bins to the left of the split, and a number of equal-width bins to the right of the split.", "pageAlleleFrequencyBinningAutoTitle": "Automatic binning", "pageAlleleFrequencyBinningAutoText": "The data will be binned automatically, with each (variable-width) bin containing an equal amount of the distribution.", "pageAlleleFrequencyBinningChartTitle": "Resulting binning chart", "pageAlleleFrequencyBinningChartText": "The chart shows the distribution of data from 0 to 1. The colored bars below the chart represent the binning based on the selected method.", "pageAlleleFrequencyBinningChartColors": "The colors used in the chart are the default Flapjack colors. If you modified the color scale in your copy of Flapjack, these colors may me different to the ones you can see here.", "pageAlleleFrequencyBinningExportTitle": "Export", "pageAlleleFrequencyBinningExportText": "Once you are happy with your selection of the binning mechanism, the data can be exported by clicking on the button below.", "pageClimateDetailsDataText": "The table below shows all data points for the selected climate across all datasets available to you. Use the table filtering to, e.g., search for specific value ranges. Table marking using the last column will add the corresponding germplasm to your list.", "pageClimateDetailsDataTitle": "Climate data across datasets", "pageClimateDetailsStatsText": "This diagram shows statistics for the selected climate across all datasets available to you. Hovering over the chart will highlight points of interest.", "pageClimateDetailsStatsTitle": "Climate statistics per dataset", "pageClimateExportChartText": "The following chart plots the selected climates against each other in a scatter plot/matrix. Data points within the chart can be selected to add/remove them to/from the marked item list by using the options in the dropdown menu in the top-right corner.", "pageClimateExportChartTitle": "Chart", "pageClimateExportClimateBoxplotText": "The chart below shows all climates within the selected datasets and their respective box plots per dataset. The box plots represent the climate through its minimum, maximum and quartiles.", "pageClimateExportClimateBoxplotTitle": "Climate box plots", "pageClimateExportColorByText": "Data points in the chart will be colored according to this selection.", "pageClimateExportColorByTitle": "Color by", "pageClimateExportSelectClimateChartText": "The chart will show the selected climates as dimensions.", "pageClimateExportSelectClimateExportText": "The export will contain the selected climates as columns.", "pageClimateExportSelectClimateTitle": "Select climates", "pageClimateExportSelectGroupChartText": "The chart will show the selected locations as data points.", "pageClimateExportSelectGroupExportText": "The export will contain the selected locations as rows.", "pageClimateExportSelectGroupTitle": "Select groups", "pageClimateExportTitle": "Climate data export", "pageClimatesTitle": "Climates", "pageCookiesTitle": "Cookies", "pageCookiesTitleGerminate": "Germinate's Cookies", "pageCookiesTextGerminate": "Germinate uses cookies (or more specifically local-storage) to maintain state across user sessions. Below is a list of cookies Germinate uses.", "pageCookiesTextExplanationGerminate": "Cookies make these functions smooth and hassle-free to the user. We do not use cookies to track individual users based on any login details they may provide.", "pageCookiesTitleThirdParty": "Third-Party Cookies", "pageCookiesTextThirdParty": "Germinate websites also use Google Analytics to gather non-personal information about our visitors, such as how they navigate around it or how many visitors we're receiving at any given time.", "pageCookiesDescriptionTitleSession": "User session", "pageCookiesDescriptionDataSession": "Used to facilitate user login and authentication.", "pageCookiesDescriptionTitleMarkedItems": "Marked item lists", "pageCookiesDescriptionDataMarkedItems": "Used to remember items that users have marked as being of interest. This includes germplasm, markers and locations. These marked items are then used in data export.", "pageCookiesDescriptionTitleLocale": "User locale", "pageCookiesDescriptionDataLocale": "Used to remember the user locale between sessions.", "pageCookiesDescriptionTitleTableColumns": "Visible table columns", "pageCookiesDescriptionDataTableColumns": "Used to remember which columns a user hid in which table.", "pageCookiesDescriptionTitleAsync": "Asynchronous import/export job ids", "pageCookiesDescriptionDataAsync": "Used to remember which data import/export jobs a user started between sessions.", "pageCookiesDescriptionTitleOther": "Other site preferences", "pageCookiesDescriptionDataOther": "Used to remember other user preferences like rows per page in tables, sidebar collapse status, etc.", "pageCompoundDetailsDataText": "The table below shows all data points for the selected compound across all datasets available to you. Use the table filtering to, e.g., search for specific value ranges. Table marking using the last column will add the corresponding germplasm to your list.", "pageCompoundDetailsDataTitle": "Compound data across datasets", "pageCompoundDetailsStatsText": "This diagram shows statistics for the selected compound across all datasets available to you. Hovering over the chart will highlight points of interest.", "pageCompoundDetailsStatsTitle": "Compound statistics per dataset", "pageCompoundExportChartText": "The following chart plots the selected traits against each other in a scatter plot/matrix. Data points within the chart can be clicked to show their passport page or selected to add/remove them to/from the marked item list by using the options in the dropdown menu in the top-right corner.", "pageCompoundExportChartTitle": "Chart", "pageCompoundExportColorByText": "Data points in the chart will be colored according to this selection.", "pageCompoundExportColorByTitle": "Color by", "pageCompoundExportCompoundBoxplotText": "The chart below shows all chemical compounds within the selected datasets and their respective box plots per dataset. The box plots represent the chemical compound through its minimum, maximum and quartiles.", "pageCompoundExportCompoundBoxplotTitle": "Compound box plots", "pageCompoundExportSelectCompoundChartText": "The chart will show the selected compounds as dimensions.", "pageCompoundExportSelectCompoundExportText": "The export will contain the selected compounds as columns.", "pageCompoundExportSelectCompoundLimit": "Please select at most 7 compounds.", "pageCompoundExportSelectCompoundMinimum": "Please select at least 2 compounds.", "pageCompoundExportSelectCompoundTitle": "Select compounds", "pageCompoundExportSelectGroupChartText": "The chart will show the selected germplasm as data points.", "pageCompoundExportSelectGroupExportText": "The export will contain the selected germplasm as rows.", "pageCompoundExportSelectGroupTitle": "Select groups", "pageCompoundExportTitle": "Compound data export", "pageCompoundsTitle": "Compounds", "pageDatasetCrossTypeComparisonText": "On this page you can compare data across different types. If you want to know how a specific trait is affected by a climate condition or if there is any correlation between a trait and a chemical compound, then this is where you get your answers. Select the type of each dimensions or component. Then you can choose which datasets to use in the comparison as well as which groups to include. Finally you need to choose which trait/compound/climate/etc. you want to use for each dimension.", "pageDatasetCrossTypeComparisonTitle": "Cross-data comparison", "pageDatasetCrossTypeComparisonFirstSubtitle": "First dimension/component", "pageDatasetCrossTypeComparisonSecondSubtitle": "Second dimension/component", "pageDashboardText": "Welcome to Germinate. This is the template text for the Germinate home page. Replace me with text about this project.", "pageDashboardTitle": "Home", "pageDashboardPublicationsTitle": "Publications relating to this work", "pageDashboardPublicationsText": "Below is a list of publications referencing this Germinate database.", "pageDataResourcesTitle": "Data resources", "pageDataResourcesText": "This page shows all additional data files that are available for download through Germinate. These files are grouped into categories/types and can be explored below.", "pageDataExportTabComparison": "Comparison", "pageDataExportTabDataExport": "Data export", "pageDataExportTabDataMatrix": "Data matrix", "pageDataExportTabDataStatistics": "Data statistics", "pageDataExportTabDataTable": "Data table", "pageDataExportTabDataRadar": "Radar/spider", "pageDataExportTabHelpDataRadar": "Plot numeric and categorical traits on a radar/spider chart and select individual germplasm to plot against each other.", "pageDataExportTabClimateOverlays": "Map overlays", "pageDataExportTabLocations": "Locations", "pageDataExportTabTimeseries": "Time series", "pageDataExportTabHelpDataStatistics": "Overview statistics across the selected datasets in form of box plots.", "pageDataExportTabHelpDataMatrix": "Scatter plots and scatter matrix plots to compare variables and color by characteristics.", "pageDataExportTabHelpComparison": "Side-by-side box plots for direct comparison of items across variables.", "pageDataExportTabHelpDataTable": "Sortable and filterable table view directly onto the data.", "pageDataExportTabHelpDataExport": "Export options and sub-selections of datasets.", "pageDataExportTabHelpClimateOverlays": "Climate data map overlays.", "pageDataExportTabHelpLocations": "Location information displayed on a map with data visualizations.", "pageDataExportTabHelpTimeseries": "Visualizations for data measured over time.", "pageDataUploadCheckFileButton": "Upload and check", "pageDataUploadDatasetStateTitle": "Dataset state", "pageDataUploadTitle": "Data upload", "pageDataUploadText": "

Germinate supports data upload via specific Excel data templates. These templates, as well as detailed information about how to complete them successfully, is available on GitHub. Any file uploaded here will first be checked for errors. If errors are found, you'll be able to see a detailed report with information on how to fix the issues. Only when the error check does not find any errors, can you start the actual data import.

Please select the data type you wish to import below.

", "pageDataUploadFilePlaceholder": "Choose a file or drop it here...", "pageDataUploadSelectedFile": "Selected file: {file}", "pageDataUploadUpdateOptionInsert": "Insert", "pageDataUploadUpdateOptionUpdate": "Update", "pageDataUploadUpdateExplanationInsert": "All entries in the file will be inserted as new data into the database. If they already exist, the data verification will fail.", "pageDataUploadUpdateExplanationUpdate": "Data updates will update existing data in the database based on the identifier of the item. The database item has to exist before it can be updated.", "pageDatasetsTitle": "Datasets", "pageDatasetsInternalTitle": "Internal datasets", "pageDatasetsInternalText": "Internal datasets are stored completely in Germinate. All their data can be explored, visualized and exported via Germinate.", "pageDatasetsExternalTitle": "External datasets", "pageDatasetsExternalText": "External datasets are hosted somewhere else. They cannot be explored through Germinate and will have to be downloaded from a different source.", "pageDatasetSelectorInvalidTypeTitle": "Invalid dataset type", "pageDatasetSelectorInvalidTypeText": "Are you looking for any of these?", "pageExperimentsTitle": "Experiments", "pageExperimentsText": "This page shows all the experiments stored in Germinate. An experiment is a meaningful grouping of datasets. These datasets can be of different types, e.g., an experiment can contain genotypic and phenotypic datasets. The table shows information about each experiment as well as how many datasets of each type are contained. The links take you to the corresponding dataset pages.", "pageExperimentDetailsTitle": "Experiment details", "pageExportFormatsCurlyWhirlyText": "CurlyWhirly is designed for the visualization of 3D data provided as Cartesian coordinate data and is particularly well suited for visualizing the outputs of analyses such as Multidimensional Scaling and Principal Coordinates Analysis.", "pageExportFormatsExcelText": "Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft for Windows, macOS, Android and iOS. It can be used to explore genotypic and phenotypic data.", "pageExportFormatsFlapjackText": "Flapjack is a free multi-platform tool for interactive visualization of high-throughput genotype data, allowing for rapid navigation and comparisons between lines, markers and chromosomes and visualization around QTL features and characterization data.", "pageExportFormatsGenotypeText": "Genotypic data maps can be visualized and loaded by various tools. Germinate supports a selection of export formats.", "pageExportFormatsHeliumText": "Helium is a free multi-platform tool for interactive visualization of plant pedigree data. It provides users with the ability to overlay varying data types onto a pedigree framework and provides data exploration tools to allow users to explore and interrogate their data.", "pageExportFormatsStrudelText": "Strudel is a graphical tool for visualizing genetic and physical maps of genomes for comparative purposes. The application aims to let the user examine their data at a variety of different levels of resolution, from entire maps to individual markers, and explore syntenic relationships between genomes.", "pageExportFormatsTasselText": "TASSEL is a software package used to evaluate traits associations, evolutionary patterns, and linkage disequilibrium.", "pageExportFormatsText": "Data from Germinate can be exported into various formats. Below is a list of tools that can be used to open, explore and visualize these data types.", "pageExportFormatsTitle": "Export formats", "pageExportGroupSelectModeAll": "All items", "pageExportGroupSelectModeSelect": "Group selection", "pageExportSelectGroupTooltip": "Enable group selection mode below to make a selection", "pageExportSelectItemMaximum": "Please select at most one item. | Please select at most {count} items.", "pageExportSelectItemMinimum": "Please select at least one item. | Please select at least {count} items.", "pageExportSelectMarkedItems": "Marked items", "pageFooterVersion": "Version {version}", "pageGenotypesExportEnableFlapjackText": "By enabling this, Germinate will generate a Flapjack project file in addition to the flat text files.", "pageGenotypesExportEnableFlapjackTitle": "Generate Flapjack project?", "pageGenotypesExportEnableFlatFileText": "By enabling this, Germinate will generate a flat tab-delimited file containing the genotypic data.", "pageGenotypesExportEnableFlatFileTitle": "Generate flat text file?", "pageGenotypesExportEnableHapmapText": "By enabling this, Germinate will generate a HapMap file in addition to the flat text files.", "pageGenotypesExportEnableHapmapTitle": "Generate HapMap file?", "pageGenotypesExportMultipleSubselectText": "This table shows you how many of the germplasm and markers you selected are in each of the datasets you want to export. If there are datasets that you no longer want to export based on this information, please untick them in the table.", "pageGenotypesExportMultipleSubselectTitle": "Germplasm and markers per dataset", "pageGenotypesExportSelectGermplasmGroupText": "The exported files will contain the germplasm from the selected groups only.", "pageGenotypesExportSelectGermplasmGroupTitle": "Select germplasm groups", "pageGenotypesExportSelectMapText": "Only markers on the map will be exported.", "pageGenotypesExportSelectMapTitle": "Select map", "pageGenotypesExportSelectMarkerGroupText": "The exported files will contain the markers from the selected groups only.", "pageGenotypesExportSelectMarkerGroupTitle": "Select marker groups", "pageGenotypesExportTitle": "Genotype data export", "pageGeographicSearchPointGermplasmResultTitle": "Germplasm ordered by distance", "pageGeographicSearchPointLocationResultTitle": "Locations ordered by distance", "pageGeographicSearchPointSearchText": "To search for locations and germplasm collected close to a specific point, click on the map where you want to search and then select on the button in the top right to start the search. Results will be shown below the map.", "pageGeographicSearchPointSearchTitle": "Point search", "pageGeographicSearchPolygonGermplasmResultTitle": "Germplasm within the polygons", "pageGeographicSearchPolygonLocationResultTitle": "Locations within the polygons", "pageGeographicSearchPolygonSearchText": "To define an area of interest, create a polygon by clicking on the map. Multiple polygons can be defined using the polygon icon at the right hand side of the map. Select the button in the top right to start the search. Results will be shown below the table.", "pageGeographicSearchPolygonSearchTitle": "Polygon search", "pageGeographicSearchTitle": "Geographic search", "pageGeographicSearchButtonRun": "Run query", "pageGerminateSettingsTitle": "Germinate Settings", "pageGerminateSettingsText": "This page let's admins change global Germinate settings. These settings will affect the whole database and all its users. Be careful when changing these settings.", "pageGerminateSettingsCardColors": "Colors", "formFeedbackInvalidForm": "Some fields in the form are invalid. Please check again.", "formLabelAdminSettingsColorPrimary": "Primary template color", "formLabelAdminSettingsColorChart": "Chart colors", "formLabelAdminSettingsColorTemplate": "Other template colors", "pageGerminateSettingsCardToggles": "Features", "formLabelAdminSettingsToggleBrapi": "BrAPI", "formLabelAdminSettingsToggleComments": "Comments", "formLabelAdminSettingsToggleGdpr": "GDPR banner", "formLabelAdminSettingsTogglePdci": "PDCI calculation", "pageGerminateSettingsCardGatekeeper": "Gatekeeper", "formLabelAdminSettingsGatekeeperUrl" :"Gatekeeper URL", "formLabelAdminSettingsGatekeeperUsername": "Username", "formLabelAdminSettingsGatekeeperPassword": "Password", "formLabelAdminSettingsGatekeeperRegistrationEnabled": "Enable user registration", "formLabelAdminSettingsGatekeeperRegistrationRequiresApproval": "User registration requires approval", "pageGerminateSettingsCardTemplate": "Template", "formLabelAdminSettingsTemplateDashboardCategories": "Visible dashboard categories", "formLabelAdminSettingsTemplateDashboardSections": "Visible dashboard sections", "pageGerminateSettingsCardAdvanced": "Advanced Settings", "pageGerminateSettingsCardAdvancedWarning": "Be very careful when changing the settings below. Changing them can have a significant effect on how (and if) Germinate works.", "formLabelAdminSettingsAuthMode": "Authentication mode", "formLabelAdminSettingsDataImportMode": "Data import mode", "formLabelAdminSettingsGoogleAnalytics": "Google Analytics key", "formLabelAdminSettingsExternalLinkId": "External link ID", "formLabelAdminSettingsExternalLinkTemplate": "External link template", "formLabelAdminSettingsFilesDeletedAfterAsync": "Delete async files after hours", "formLabelAdminSettingsFilesDeletedAfterTemp": "Delete temp files after hours", "formLabelAdminSettingsPlausibleDomain": "Plausible Domain", "formLabelAdminSettingsPlausibleApiHost": "Plausible API Host", "formLabelAdminSettingsHiddenPagesAutodiscover": "Auto-discover hidden pages", "modalTitleAddAboutPartner": "Add partner", "formLabelAboutPartnerName": "Name", "formLabelAboutPartnerDescription": "Description", "formLabelAboutPartnerGroup": "Group", "formLabelAboutPartnerUrl": "URL", "formLabelAboutPartnerImage": "Image", "pageGerminateSettingsCardImportModeNoneExplanation": "No data import is allowed.", "pageGerminateSettingsCardImportModeVerifyExplanation": "Data can be verified but not imported.", "pageGerminateSettingsCardImportModeImportExplanation": "Data can be verified and imported.", "pageGerminateSettingsCardAuthModeNoneExplanation": "No authentication required. Everyone can see everything.", "pageGerminateSettingsCardAuthModeSelectiveExplanation": "User login is possible but not required.", "pageGerminateSettingsCardAuthModeFullExplanation": "User login is required to see any data.", "pageGermplasmDownloadSelectAll": "All germplasm", "pageGermplasmDownloadSelectGroup": "Group", "pageGermplasmDownloadSelectMarked": "Marked items ({count})", "pageGermplasmDownloadTabGermplasmSubtitle": "Export passport data for germplasm selections", "pageGermplasmDownloadTabGermplasmText": "Please select which data to export. This can either be the whole collection, your marked items or a group of germplasm.", "pageGermplasmDownloadTabGermplasmTitle": "Passport data", "pageGermplasmDownloadTabIncludeAttributes": "Include attributes?", "pageGermplasmDownloadTabPedigreeSubtitle": "Export pedigree data for germplasm selections", "pageGermplasmDownloadTabPedigreeText": "Please select which data to export. This can either be the whole collection, your marked items or a group of germplasm.", "pageGermplasmDownloadTabPedigreeTitle": "Pedigree data", "pageGermplasmDownloadTabPedigreeIncludeAttributes": "Include attributes?", "pageGermplasmDownloadTitle": "Advanced download", "pageGermplasmText": "

Select a germplasm name below to view further information for that germplasm. This database contains data such as geographical collection site data, breeders data and general passport data although this may not be available for all germplasm.

Column sorting applies across the entire dataset and can be enabled by clicking on a column title. You can also jump through the data by using the forward and back arrows at the bottom of the table. The table can be filtered down by using the column filtering system.

Tools to export data can be found at the foot of the germplasm table.

", "pageGermplasmTitle": "Germplasm", "pageGermplasmUnifierTitle": "Germplasm unifier", "pageGermplasmUnifierText": "

As data is imported into Germinate, it's checked thoroughly. However, there is little to be done about germplasm that is basically the same, but someone has used a different identifier for it. You could obviously start over again with the data import, but sometimes, all that's necessary is to 'join' the two duplicates into one and keep both names as synonyms.

On this page you can do exactly that. Find the germplasm that needs to be unified and select them using the checkboxes on the left. Then you can choose which of them to keep as the 'preferred' germplasm and all others will be merged into this one.

", "pageGermplasmUnifierSelectPreferedTitle": "Select preferred name", "pageGermplasmUnifierSelectPreferedText": "Select the germplasm to keep as the preferred germplasm. All others in the list will be merged into the preferred germplasm so that only one remains after the process.", "pageGermplasmUnifierExplanationTitle": "Add a comment", "pageGermplasmUnifierExplanationText": "Add an explanation for merging these germplasm. This will be added to the preferred germplasm to provide a record of this merging event.", "pageGermplasmUnifierSgoneImportTitle": "SGONE import", "pageGermplasmUnifierSgoneImportText": "SGONE is a tool for identifying potential duplicates in your data. The output from SGONE can be directly imported into Germinate to automate the germplasm unification. Just load the SGONE output below and hit 'merge'.", "pageGermplasmUnifierSgoneLink": "SGONE is available at: https://cropgeeks.github.io/sgone.", "pageGroupsDescriptionTitle": "Group description", "pageGroupsMembersTitle": "Group members", "pageGroupsPublicationsText": "This is a list of all publications referencing this group.", "pageGroupsPublicationsTitle": "Publications", "pageGroupsText": "Groups are subsets of either germplasm, markers or locations. These groups are either defined by the database manager or (depending on the Germinate configuration) can be created by any user. The table below shows all groups that are visible to you. Select a group to see all items within the group.", "pageGroupsTitle": "Groups", "pageGroupsVisibilityText": "Should this group be visible to all Germinate users?", "pageGroupsVisibilityTitle": "Group visibility", "pageGroupUploadTitle": "Group upload", "pageGroupUploadText": "This is the list of germplasm you selected in the external tool. You can either look at their passport data by clicking on them or you can add them to your marked item list by selecting their checkboxes in the last column. This then allows you to create a group based on your selection.", "pageImagesText": "All images recorded in Germinate are shown on this page. There is a thumbnail gallery and a table showing all images. The table can be searched and filtered.", "pageImagesTitle": "Images", "pageLocationsMapsClimateOverlaysSelectText": "Select a climate", "pageLocationsMapsClimateOverlaysText": "The climates in the box below have map overlays associated with them. Select one to show these overlays on the maps.", "pageLocationsMapsClimateOverlaysTitle": "Climate map overlays", "pageLocationsMapsClimateOverlaysOpacity": "Overlay opacity", "pageLocationsMapsClusteredText": "This map shows the locations clustered into groups. The numbers on the cluster nodes as well as their size and color represent the number of clustered locations. Clicking on a cluster node will expand this cluster and zoom in.", "pageLocationsMapsClusteredTitle": "Clustered locations", "pageLocationsMapsHeatmappedText": "The map below represents the density of locations with colors on a gradient. The gradient ranges from a low density (represented by the color white) to a high density (represented by the color blue). Zooming in will cause the density to dissipate.", "pageLocationsMapsHeatmappedTitle": "Heatmapped locations", "pageLocationsMapsText": "Filtering the table will adjust the maps below. You can use this to, e.g., only look at trial sites or only locations from a specific country.", "pageLocationsMapsTitle": "Maps", "pageLocationsText": "This page shows all locations in the table below.", "pageLocationsTitle": "Locations", "pageMapExportDownloadCloseAdvancedOptions": "Disable the advanced options above to export the complete map.", "pageMapExportDownloadFlapjackFormat": "Download in Flapjack format", "pageMapExportDownloadFormatTitle": "Formats", "pageMapExportDownloadStrudelFormat": "Download in Strudel format", "pageMapExportDownloadTitle": "Download map", "pageMapExportMarkerIntervalDescription": "Define two markers and the export will include all Markers between those two markers. Make sure both markers are on the same chromosome, otherwise the export will be empty.", "pageMapExportMarkerRadiusDescription": "Define a marker of interest and an offset to either side to export Markers in that area.", "pageMapExportOptionChromosomes": "Chromosome selection", "pageMapExportOptionDescription": "These export options allow you to subset the map based on specific criteria. You can choose one option by selecting the respective tab and specifying the subset options. If you do not want to subset the map, use the switch above to disable the advanced options.", "pageMapExportOptionMarkerInterval": "Marker interval", "pageMapExportOptionMarkerRadius": "Radius around marker", "pageMapExportOptionRegions": "Map regions", "pageMapExportRegionDescription": "You can define regions of interest. A region consists of a start and end position on a specific chromosome. Define as many regions as you like.", "pageMapsDetailsText": "The table below contains further information about markers contained on your selected map. Clicking the marker name will take you to further information about that particular marker.", "pageMapsDetailsTitle": "Map details for:", "pageMapsHistogramText": "The diagram below shows the density of markers on each chromosome. Selecting in the diagram by dragging will add the selection to the export options.", "pageMapsHistogramTitle": "Histogram", "pageMapsHistogramInfo": "Very small chromosomes/linkage groups are excluded from this chart.", "pageMapsText": "The following maps were found in this version of Germinate. To view markers contained on a map choose a map from the table below and click on its name.", "pageMapsTitle": "Maps", "pageMarkedItemsUnknownType": "Unknown item type", "pageMarkedGermplasmExportTitle": "Export marked germplasm", "pageMarkedGermplasmExportText": "Send germplasm information to external resource", "pageMarkedItemsTitle": "Marked items", "pageMarkedItemsText": "This page shows the items currently on your marked item list. You can switch between different item types below.", "pageMarkerDetailsTitle": "Marker details", "pageMarkerDetailsText": "This page shows information about a specific marker.", "pageMarkerDetailsDatasetsTitle": "Datasets", "pageMarkerDetailsDatasetsText": "The selected marker is part of the following datasets.", "pageMarkerDetailsSynonymsTitle": "Synonyms", "pageMarkerDetailsNoMarkerWithIdFound": "No marker found with id: {markerId}", "pageMarkerDetailsMapsTitle": "Maps", "pageMarkerDetailsMapsText": "The selected marker is found on the following maps.", "pageMarkerDetailsGroupsTitle": "Groups", "pageMarkerDetailsGroupsText": "The selected marker is part of the following groups.", "pageMarkersText": "The table below shows all markers within Germinate. Click on the marker to see more information about it.", "pageMarkersTitle": "Markers", "pageNewsLatestDataUploadsTitle": "Latest data uploads/updates", "pageNewsLatestNewsTitle": "Latest news", "pageNewsReadMore": "Read more", "pageNewsRelatedProjectsTitle": "Related projects", "pagePassportAttributeText": "Additional attributes can be any kind of information that has been defined for this germplasm in addition to the core data attributes.", "pagePassportAttributeTitle": "Additional attributes", "pagePassportCommentText": "Users that are logged in can submit comments and annotations to this item. These will be tagged with their name and visible to everyone.", "pagePassportCommentTitle": "User comments", "pagePassportDatasetText": "A germplasm can have many types of data associated with it. This table shows datasets of all types that contain this germplasm.", "pagePassportDatasetTitle": "Datasets", "pagePassportEntityText": "Germinate supports different levels of entities. These are 'Accessions', 'Plant/Plot' and 'Sample' and they form a hierarchy. The table below shows you the entity data for the given germplasm. This can either be germplasm from a higher or lower layer of the hierarchy. Clicking on any of the links will take you to the passport page of this gerplasm.", "pagePassportEntityTitle": "Entity data", "pagePassportGenerateBarcode": "Generate barcode using Humbug", "pagePassportGroupText": "Groups are subsets of the whole database. Germplasm groups contain a portion of the overall set of all germplasm within this database. The table below shows all groups this germplasm is part of.", "pagePassportGroupTitle": "Groups", "pagePassportImageText": "This section shows all the images associated with this germplasm.", "pagePassportImageTitle": "Images", "pagePassportInstitutionTitle": "Institution", "pagePassportLinksTitle": "External links", "pagePassportLinksText": "Further resources with information about this germplasm are available below.", "pagePassportLocationText": "This map shows the location where this material has been collected.", "pagePassportLocationTitle": "Location data", "pagePassportMcpdTitle": "MCPD", "pagePassportPdciModal": "

This passport data completeness index (PDCI) uses the presence or absence of data points in the documentation of a genebank accession, taking into account the presence or value of other data points. For example, a wild accession should have a well-defined collection site but no variety name. Any type of accession, wild, landrace, breeding material or modern variety, can attain a maximal score of ten for this index.

Theo van Hintum, Frank Menting and Elisabeth van Strien (2011). Quality indicators for passport data in ex situ genebanks. Plant Genetic Resources, 9, pp 478-485. doi: 10.1017/S1479262111000682

", "pagePassportPdciText": "The score of this item is: {pdci}/10", "pagePassportPdciTitle": "Passport Data Completeness Index", "pagePassportPedigreeChartTitle": "Pedigree chart", "pagePassportPedigreeText": "This section shows information about the pedigree of the selected germplasm. This includes the direct parents/ancestors and children/progeny in the table and also the grandparents in the graph structure.", "pagePassportPedigreeTitle": "Pedigree data", "pagePassportPublicationsText": "This is a list of all publications referencing this germplasm.", "pagePassportPublicationsTitle": "Publications", "pagePassportSynonymsTitle": "Synonyms", "pagePassportText": "This page displays information that we have stored for a particular germplasm. Passport data tends to be quite fragmented so it's perfectly possible that we have limited data for some lines while others have a full complement.", "pagePassportTitle": "Passport", "pagePassportTraitStatsTitle": "Germplasm trait performance", "pagePassportTraitStatsText": "This section shows the performance of the selected germplasm compared to all other germplasm in the database per trait. For this, the average value for this germplasm per trait is shown against the minimum and maximum across all the data.", "pagePublicationsTitle": "Publications", "pagePublicationDetailsTitle": "Publication details", "pageSearchResultSectionAll": "All data", "pageSearchResultSectionCompoundData": "Compound data", "pageSearchResultSectionDatasetAttributes": "Dataset attribute data", "pageSearchResultSectionDatasets": "Datasets", "pageSearchResultSectionGermplasm": "Germplasm data", "pageSearchResultSectionGermplasmAttributes": "Germplasm attribute data", "pageSearchResultSectionLocationData": "Location data", "pageSearchResultSectionMapDefinitionData": "Map definition data", "pageSearchResultSectionPedigreeData": "Pedigree data", "pageSearchResultSectionTrialsData": "Trials data", "pageSearchResultTitle": "Results for", "pageSearchResultText": "Click on a section to expand it and see the results for that category.", "pageSearchTitle": "Search", "pageSetupHeader": "Germinate Setup", "pageSetupLead": "This page is used to set Germinate up. Please complete all of the sections below and use the 'check' button within each section to make sure the information you entered is correct.", "pageSetupDatabaseTitle": "Germinate Database Configuration", "pageSetupDatabaseSubtitle": "Please provide connection information for the database that Germinate should use. Note that the Germinate server (not this client) needs to be able to connect to the database.", "pageSetupGatekeeperTitle": "Gatekeeper Connection Configuration", "pageSetupGatekeeperSubtitle": "Please decide whether you are using Gatekeeper for user authentication. If enabled, please provide connection information to your Gatekeeper instance. Note that the Germinate server (not this client) needs to be able to connect to Gatekeeper. Disable if you are not using Gatekeeper, but keep in mind that you will not be able to upload Germinate data templates without Gatekeeper.", "pageSetupFinishTitle": "Complete Setup", "pageSetupFinishSubtitle": "The configurations you have provided are valid, click the button below to submit them to Germinate and complete the Germinate setup.", "pageStatisticsTitle": "Data statistics", "pageStatisticsSubtitle": "A summary of all the data in Germinate", "pageStatisticsBiologicalStatusText": "Below you can see the number of germplasm for each biological status (SAMPSTAT) defined in the Multi-Crop Passport Descriptors (MCPD v2.1). Hovering over a bar will show the number of germplasm. Clicking on a bar will take you to the germplasm overview page which will then show the germplasm with this biological status.", "pageStatisticsBiologicalStatusTitle": "Germplasm grouped by biological status", "pageStatisticsBiologicalStatusXAxis": "Germplasm grouped by biological status", "pageStatisticsDatasetText": "This bar chart shows the number of data points per year for each of the experiment types. Each individual bar per group represent a year. Clicking on a bar will take you to the respective data export page.", "pageStatisticsDatasetTitle": "Data points per experiment type", "pageStatisticsLocationsText": "This chart shows the distribution of germplasm. For each country the number of germplasm collected in this country is color-coded. Clicking on a country will take you to the germplasm overview page which will then show the germplasm from this country.", "pageStatisticsLocationsTitle": "Germplasm per country", "pageStatisticsPdciTitle": "Passport Data Completeness Index", "pageStatisticsTaxonomyText": "These charts visualize the percentage of germplasm for each taxonomy. Each section represents a taxonomy. Hovering over a section will show the actual number of germplasm. Clicking on a section will take you to the germplasm overview page which will then show the germplasm with this taxonomy.", "pageStatisticsTaxonomyTitle": "Germplasm grouped by taxonomy", "pageStatisticsInstitutionDatasetTitle": "Datasets per institution", "pageStatisticsInstitutionDatasetText": "The table below shows institutions and datasets associated with collaborators working for those institutions.", "pageStoriesTitle": "Data stories", "pageStoriesText": "This page contains data stories which are a way of showcasing pre-selected pages, filtering and charts that tell a story about a subset of the data in this database. Data stories may be linked to publications to easily highlight the datasets and visualizations used in this publication or they may be standalone stories focussing on a particular flow of data through Germinate.", "pageTraitAttributesTitle": "Additional Attributes", "pageTraitDetailsDataText": "The table below shows all data points for the selected trait across all datasets available to you. Use the table filtering to, e.g., search for specific value ranges. Table marking using the last column will add the corresponding germplasm to your list.", "pageTraitDetailsDataTitle": "Trait data across datasets", "pageTraitDetailsGenerateBarcodes": "Generate barcodes using Humbug", "pageTraitDetailsRestrictionsTitle": "Trait restrictions", "pageTraitDetailsStatsText": "This diagram shows statistics for the selected trait across all datasets available to you. Hovering over the chart will highlight points of interest.", "pageTraitDetailsStatsTitle": "Trait statistics per dataset", "pageTraitsTitle": "Traits", "pageTraitsUnifierTitle": "Trait unification", "pageTraitsUnifierText": "Sometimes when trials data is imported the same trait has been scored, but there were slight differences in the spelling or descriptions. To fix this, you can select multiple traits and merge them into one. Find and select the traits you want to merge using the table and the checkboxes on the left. Then you can choose which of them to keep as the 'prefered' trait and all others will be merged into this one.", "pageTraitsUnifierSelectPreferedTitle": "Select preferred name", "pageTraitsUnifierSelectPreferedText": "Select the trait to keep as the preferred trait. All others in the list will be merged into the preferred trait so that only one remains after the process.", "pageTraitTimelinePlotTitle": "Timeline plot", "pageTraitTimelinePlotText": "The plot below shows the recorded values for the selected trait over time. Use the time range slider to move the vertical highlight. If a shape file is available, it'll be shown below the chart. Click on individual plots to highlight them in the chart.", "pageTraitTimelineTimesliderTitle": "Time range slider", "pageTraitTimelineTimesliderText": "Use the time range slider to update the vertical highlight bar in the chart as well as the data visualized on the trial layout map (if available).", "pageTraitTimelineMapTitle": "Trial layout map", "pageTraitTimelineMapText": "This map shows the trial layout. Each plot is represented as a shape. Click on individual plots to highlight their data in the chart.", "pageTrialsExportChartText": "The following chart plots the selected traits against each other in a scatter plot/matrix. Data points within the chart can be clicked to show their passport page or selected to add/remove them to/from the marked item list by using the options in the dropdown menu in the top-right corner.", "pageTrialsExportChartTitle": "Chart", "pageTrialsExportComparisonChartTitle": "Charts", "pageTrialsExportComparisonChartText": "These charts compare the performance of individual germplasm per trait. Each section on the x-axis represents a different germplasm. Groupings are based on the chosen coloring option.", "pageTrialsExportComparisonLargeGroupWarning": "You have selected a large group. Please be aware that it may take a long time to get the data and that the charts may not be well suited for this many germplasm.", "pageTrialsExportColorByText": "Data points in the chart will be colored according to this selection.", "pageTrialsExportColorByTitle": "Color by", "pageTrialsExportSelectGroupChartText": "The chart will show the selected germplasm as data points.", "pageTrialsExportSelectGroupExportText": "The export will contain the selected germplasm as rows.", "pageTrialsExportSelectGroupTitle": "Select groups", "pageTrialsExportSelectTraitChartText": "The chart will show the selected traits as dimensions.", "pageTrialsExportSelectTraitExportText": "The export will contain the selected traits as columns.", "pageTrialsExportSelectTraitLimit": "Please select at most 7 traits.", "pageTrialsExportSelectTraitMinimum": "Please select at least 2 traits.", "pageTrialsExportSelectTraitTitle": "Select traits", "pageTrialsExportSelectGermplasmTitle": "Select germplasm", "pageTrialsExportSelectGermplasmText": "The chart will show the selected germplasm as traces.", "pageTrialsExportTitle": "Trials data export", "pageTrialsExportTraitBoxplotText": "The chart below shows all numerical traits within the selected datasets and their respective box plots per dataset. The box plots represent the trait through its minimum, maximum and quartiles.", "pageTrialsExportTraitBoxplotTitle": "Trait box plots", "pageUserFeedbackTitle": "Submitted user feedback", "pageUserFeedbackText": "This page shows user feedback that has been submitted through Germinate's feedback mechanism. Please remember to mark feedback as read so that the contact email address can automatically be removed after 30 days.", "pageUserPermissionsDatasetsText": "The table below shows all the datasets within Germinate. Select a dataset to define which groups of users and which individual users should be able to see these datasets.", "pageUserPermissionsGroupMembersCurrentText": "These users are part of the selected group. Remove them by selecting their checkbox and then clicking on the delete button below the table.", "pageUserPermissionsGroupMembersCurrentTitle": "Current group members", "pageUserPermissionsGroupMembersNewText": "These are all the currently defined users.", "pageUserPermissionsGroupMembersNewTitle": "Search for users", "pageUserPermissionsGroupMembersTitle": "Group members", "pageUserPermissionsGroupPermissionsCurrentText": "These groups currently have access to the selected dataset. Remove them by selecting their checkbox and then clicking on the delete button below the table.", "pageUserPermissionsGroupPermissionsCurrentTitle": "Current group permissions", "pageUserPermissionsGroupPermissionsNewText": "These are all the currently defined groups.", "pageUserPermissionsGroupPermissionsNewTitle": "Search for groups", "pageUserPermissionsGroupPermissionsText": "Group permissions are permissions set for groups of users. All users within this group will have the same permissions for the selected dataset. Add and remove groups by using the tables below.", "pageUserPermissionsGroupPermissionsTitle": "Group permissions", "pageUserPermissionsTabDatasetPermissions": "Dataset permissions", "pageUserPermissionsTableSearchHint": "Use the table filter or just browse the table", "pageUserPermissionsTabUserGroups": "User groups", "pageUserPermissionsText": "This page can be used to define groups of users and consequently assign access permissions to datasets. This can be done on a user group or individual user level.", "pageUserPermissionsTitle": "User permissions", "pageUserPermissionsUserGroupsText": "The table below shows the groups of users that are currently defined. You can add new groups, delete existing groups and add users to or remove users from groups.", "pageUserPermissionsUserPermissionsCurrentText": "These users currently have access to the selected dataset. Remove them by selecting their checkbox and then clicking on the delete button below the table.", "pageUserPermissionsUserPermissionsCurrentTitle": "Current user permissions", "pageUserPermissionsUserPermissionsNewText": "These are all the currently defined users.", "pageUserPermissionsUserPermissionsNewTitle": "Search for users", "pageUserPermissionsUserPermissionsText": "User permissions are permissions set for individual users. The selected user will have access to the current dataset. Add and remove users by using the tables below.", "pageUserPermissionsUserPermissionsTitle": "User permissions", "pageTrialCreationTitle": "Trial creation", "pageTrialCreationText": "You can use this page to prepare a trial using information from Germinate combined with FielDHub to create a trial design and finally using GridScore to collect the data.", "pageTrialCreationGermplasmListCardTitle": "Germplasm selection", "pageTrialCreationGermplasmListCardText": "Select the germplasm you want to use in the trial. Use Germinate's item marking mechanism to select them and then download their information for the next step.", "pageTrialCreationFieldhubListCardTitle": "Trial design", "pageTrialCreationFieldhubListCardText": "Use FielDHub to load the germplasm list and create a field trial design/layout which can then be used for the next step.", "pageTrialCreationFieldHubTitle": "Create layout in FielDHub", "pageTrialCreationFieldHubText": "

In this section, we will use FielDHub and Germinate to create a new trial.