"""Tutorial 1 code. This sample should print: Hello: John battery ok battery dbl check GripperInterface Open approach_object: house GripperInterface Close """ import curio import async_btree as bt async def approach_object(name: str): print(f"approach_object: {name}") def check_battery(): print("battery ok") # you should return a success return bt.SUCCESS def check_again_battery(): print("battery dbl check") # you should return a success return bt.SUCCESS async def say_hello(name: str): # This method should be used with bt.always_success decorator # no return as q falsy meaning print(f"Hello: {name}") class GripperInterface: def __init__(self): self._open = False def open(self): print("GripperInterface Open") self._open = True def close(self): print("GripperInterface Close") self._open = False gripper = GripperInterface() b_tree = bt.sequence( children=[ bt.always_success(child=bt.action(target=say_hello, name="John")), bt.action(target=check_battery), check_again_battery, # this will be encapsulated at runtime bt.always_success(child=bt.action(target=gripper.open)), bt.always_success(child=bt.action(target=approach_object, name="house")), bt.always_success(child=bt.action(target=gripper.close)), ] ) if __name__ == '__main__': curio.run(b_tree)