# Change Log ## 2.0.1 Security fix (dev tools) - Removal of e-Tugra root certificate ## 2.0.0 - add support for networkx 3.x: By default, poetry will try to install the newest version of networkx (`networkx = "*"`). - add test pipeline for python 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11 ## 1.0.3 - implements `search_relationships` ## 1.0.2 - technical feat: - use ruff as sucessor of flake8 - update dev dependencies - use mkdocs ## 1.0.1 - fix documentation syntax - add search_direct_relationships function - rewrote search_edges and search_nodes (avoid extra filter step) ## 1.0.0 (2020-05-02) - complete documentation - add little example - add search_edges, search_nodes for quick and eazy usage - complete coverage ## 0.1.0 (2020-05-01) - initial project structure based on [geronimo-iia/template-python](https://github.com/geronimo-iia/template-python) - add operator definition, compiler, and parser on node