# Tech Confs in AU

Below is an alphabetically sorted list of Tech conferences that take place in Australia:


## A - C

* [Container Camp](https://2019.container.camp/au/) | Sydney NSW | Explore container technology with world leading experts | Jul

## D - F

* [DDD Sydney](https://www.dddsydney.com.au/) | Sydney NSW | DDD Sydney is an inclusive non-profit conference for the Developer, Data and Design community. | Sep

## G - I

## J - L

* [Laracon AU](https://laracon.com.au/) | Sydney NSQ | Two amazing days of learning, growing, and mingling with the Laravel community. Official Laravel Conference in Australia | Oct/Nov

## M - O

## P - R
* [PyCon AU](https://pycon-au.org) | Sydney NSW, Hobart TAS, Brisbane QLD, Melbourne VIC | PyCon AU is the national Python programming language conference. | Aug
* [RubyConf AU](https://www.rubyconf.org.au) | Sydney NSW, Melbourne VIC, Gold Coast, QLD | A conference to share Ruby knowledge amongst like-minded Rubyists | Feb

## S - U

* [ServerlessDays Melbourne](https://www.serverlessdays.me) | Melbourne VIC | A community based conference focusing on Serverless based platforms and technologies. |  Aug
* [ServerlessDays Sydney](https://sydney.serverlessdays.io/) | Sydney NSW | ServerlessDays Sydney brings us a broad array of speakers and topics. The Serverless developer and engineer skillset needs to be wider than ever. | Aug

## V - X
* [WordCamp Sydney 2019](https://sydney.wordcamp.org/) | Sydney NSW | WordCamp Sydney is a volunteer-run and not-for-profit conference for designers, developers, marketers, business owners, and everyone in between that use WordPress or even any website. | Nov

## Y - \#
* [YOW Sydney](https://yowconference.com/sydney/) | Sydney NSW | Leading software industry experts from all over the world, handpicked by our program committee, come together for two days to provide amazing networking and learning opportunities. | Dec

## Inspired from

Format inspired from [Hiring without whiteboards](https://github.com/poteto/hiring-without-whiteboards)

## PRs welcome

If you orgnaize a tech conference or have attened one in Australia, please open a PR to add it. 

Starring the repo is highly recommended :) Thanks!