#!/bin/bash # Prompt the user for confirmation echo "This will update Namingo Registry from v1.0.11 to v1.0.12." echo "Make sure you have a backup of the database, /var/www/cp, and /opt/registry." read -p "Are you sure you want to proceed? (y/n): " confirm # Check user input if [[ "$confirm" != "y" ]]; then echo "Upgrade aborted." exit 0 fi # Create backup directory backup_dir="/opt/backup" mkdir -p "$backup_dir" # Backup directories echo "Creating backups..." tar -czf "$backup_dir/cp_backup_$(date +%F).tar.gz" -C / var/www/cp tar -czf "$backup_dir/whois_backup_$(date +%F).tar.gz" -C / var/www/whois tar -czf "$backup_dir/registry_backup_$(date +%F).tar.gz" -C / opt/registry # Database credentials config_file="/opt/registry/whois/port43/config.php" db_user=$(grep "'db_username'" "$config_file" | awk -F "=> '" '{print $2}' | sed "s/',//") db_pass=$(grep "'db_password'" "$config_file" | awk -F "=> '" '{print $2}' | sed "s/',//") db_host=$(grep "'db_host'" "$config_file" | awk -F "=> '" '{print $2}' | sed "s/',//") # List of databases to back up databases=("registry" "registryAudit" "registryTransaction") # Backup specific databases for db_name in "${databases[@]}"; do echo "Backing up database $db_name..." sql_backup_file="$backup_dir/db_${db_name}_backup_$(date +%F).sql" mysqldump -u"$db_user" -p"$db_pass" -h"$db_host" "$db_name" > "$sql_backup_file" # Compress the SQL backup file echo "Compressing database backup $db_name..." tar -czf "${sql_backup_file}.tar.gz" -C "$backup_dir" "$(basename "$sql_backup_file")" # Remove the uncompressed SQL file rm "$sql_backup_file" done # Stop services echo "Stopping services..." systemctl stop caddy systemctl stop epp systemctl stop whois systemctl stop rdap systemctl stop das # Clear cache echo "Clearing cache..." php /var/www/cp/bin/clear_cache.php # Clone the new version of the repository echo "Cloning v1.0.12 from the repository..." git clone --branch v1.0.12 --single-branch https://github.com/getnamingo/registry /opt/registry1012 # Copy files from the new version to the appropriate directories echo "Copying files..." # Function to copy files and maintain directory structure copy_files() { src_dir=$1 dest_dir=$2 if [[ -d "$src_dir" ]]; then echo "Copying from $src_dir to $dest_dir..." cp -R "$src_dir/." "$dest_dir/" else echo "Source directory $src_dir does not exist. Skipping..." fi } # Copy specific directories copy_files "/opt/registry1012/automation" "/opt/registry/automation" copy_files "/opt/registry1012/cp" "/var/www/cp" copy_files "/opt/registry1012/whois/web" "/var/www/whois" copy_files "/opt/registry1012/das" "/opt/registry/das" copy_files "/opt/registry1012/whois/port43" "/opt/registry/whois/port43" copy_files "/opt/registry1012/rdap" "/opt/registry/rdap" copy_files "/opt/registry1012/epp" "/opt/registry/epp" copy_files "/opt/registry1012/docs" "/opt/registry/docs" # Run composer update in copied directories (excluding docs) echo "Running composer update..." composer_update() { dir=$1 if [[ -d "$dir" ]]; then echo "Updating composer in $dir..." cd "$dir" && composer update else echo "Directory $dir does not exist. Skipping composer update..." fi } # Update composer in relevant directories composer_update "/opt/registry/automation" composer_update "/var/www/cp" composer_update "/opt/registry/das" composer_update "/opt/registry/whois/port43" composer_update "/opt/registry/rdap" composer_update "/opt/registry/epp" # File to be edited CONFIG_FILE="/opt/registry/automation/config.php" # Check if the file exists if [ ! -f "$CONFIG_FILE" ]; then echo "Error: Configuration file $CONFIG_FILE does not exist." exit 1 fi # Define the new configuration to be added NEW_SETTING="\n // IANA Email for Submission Logs\n 'iana_email' => 'admin@example.com', // Email address to be used for IANA submission\n" # Insert the new configuration before the closing bracket '];' sed -i "/^];/i $NEW_SETTING" "$CONFIG_FILE" # Confirm the change if grep -q "'iana_email'" "$CONFIG_FILE"; then echo "Successfully added the 'iana_email' setting to $CONFIG_FILE." else echo "Error: Failed to add the 'iana_email' setting to $CONFIG_FILE." fi # Start services echo "Starting services..." systemctl start epp systemctl start whois systemctl start rdap systemctl start das systemctl start caddy # Check if services started successfully if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Services started successfully. Deleting /opt/registry1012..." rm -rf /opt/registry1012 else echo "There was an issue starting the services. /opt/registry1012 will not be deleted." fi echo "Upgrade to v1.0.12 completed successfully."