[ { "name": "arm", "author": "Porter Authors", "description": "A mixin for deploying ARM templates on Azure", "URL": "https://cdn.porter.sh/mixins/atom.xml" }, { "name": "aws", "author": "Porter Authors", "description": "A mixin for using the aws cli", "URL": "https://cdn.porter.sh/mixins/atom.xml" }, { "name": "az", "author": "Porter Authors", "description": "A mixin for using the az cli", "URL": "https://cdn.porter.sh/mixins/atom.xml" }, { "name": "brig", "author": "Vaughn Dice", "description": "A mixin for using the brig cli", "URL": "https://vdice.github.io/porter-brig-mixin/atom.xml" }, { "name": "cowsay", "author": "Porter Authors", "description": "A mixin for using the cowsay cli", "URL": "https://github.com/carolynvs/porter-cowsay/releases/download" }, { "name": "docker-compose", "author": "Porter Authors", "description": "A mixin for using the docker-compose cli", "URL": "https://cdn.porter.sh/mixins/atom.xml" }, { "name": "exec", "author": "Porter Authors", "description": "A mixin for executing shell commands", "URL": "https://cdn.porter.sh/mixins/atom.xml" }, { "name": "gcloud", "author": "Porter Authors", "description": "A mixin for using the gcloud cli", "URL": "https://cdn.porter.sh/mixins/atom.xml" }, { "name": "helm2", "author": "Porter Authors", "description": "Deprecated, use Mohamed Chorfa's helm3 mixin instead. A mixin for using the helm v2 cli", "URL": "https://cdn.porter.sh/mixins/atom.xml" }, { "name": "helm3", "author": "Mohamed Chorfa", "description": "A mixin for using the helm v3 cli", "URL": "https://mchorfa.github.io/porter-helm3/atom.xml" }, { "name": "packer", "author": "Vaughn Dice", "description": "A mixin for using the packer cli", "URL": "https://vdice.github.io/porter-packer/atom.xml" }, { "name": "kubernetes", "author": "Porter Authors", "description": "A mixin for using the kubectl cli", "URL": "https://cdn.porter.sh/mixins/atom.xml" }, { "name": "kustomize", "author": "Don Stewart", "description": "A mixin for using the kustomize cli", "URL": "https://github.com/donmstewart/porter-kustomize/releases/download" }, { "name": "terraform", "author": "Porter Authors", "description": "A mixin for using the terraform cli", "URL": "https://cdn.porter.sh/mixins/atom.xml" }, { "name": "docker", "author": "Porter Authors", "description": "A mixin for using the docker cli", "URL": "https://cdn.porter.sh/mixins/atom.xml" }, { "name": "ansible", "author": "LvffY", "description": "A mixin for using the ansible cli", "URL": "https://github.com/LvffY/ansible-mixin/releases/download" }, { "name": "powershell", "author": "Kim Christensen", "description": "A mixin for using Powershell Core", "URL": "https://github.com/kichristensen/pwsh-mixin/releases/download" } ]