name : packagekit version : 1.3.0 release : 31 source : - git| : e24e41dd33e4d047e954b8c560be2ce5b4122b84 license : GPL-2.0-or-later component : programming.library homepage : summary : A D-BUS abstraction layer that allows the user to manage packages in a secure way using a cross-distro, cross-architecture API. (NOT SUPPORTED) description: | This package is experimental and not supported! Help will not currently be provided. PackageKit is a DBUS abstraction layer that allows the session user to manage packages in a secure way using a cross-distro, cross-architecture API. builddeps : - pkgconfig(appstream) - pkgconfig(appstream-glib) - pkgconfig(bash-completion) - pkgconfig(gio-2.0) - pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0) - pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0) - pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) - pkgconfig(libsystemd) - pkgconfig(polkit-gobject-1) - pkgconfig(python3) - pkgconfig(sqlite3) - docbook-xml - vala setup : | %patch -p1 -i $pkgfiles/0001-policy-Change-group-to-sudo-and-allow-package-remove.patch %patch -p1 -i $pkgfiles/0001-backends-eopkg-Use-python2.patch # GTask causes a segfault when progress bars are involved... # still investigating root cause %patch -p1 -i $pkgfiles/Revert-PkClient-Replace-the-GSimpleAsyncResult-with-the-GTask-API.patch %meson_configure \ -Dpackaging_backend=eopkg \ -Dpythonpackagedir=/usr/lib/python%python3_version%/site-packages/ \ -Dbash_command_not_found=false build : | %ninja_build install : | %ninja_install # Reproducibility /var/lib/PackageKit/transactions.db rm -rv $installdir/var/ # temporary python 2 + 3 interoperablity install -D -d $installdir/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages ln -sv /usr/lib/python%python3_version%/site-packages/packagekit $installdir/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/