name : signond version : '8.61' release : 11 source : - git| : c8ad98249af541514ff7a81634d3295e712f1a39 extract : no homepage : license : LGPL-2.1-only component : programming summary : Qt SignOn Daemon description: |- Framework to provide credential storage and authentication service for SSO builddeps : - pkgconfig(Qt5Designer) - pkgconfig(Qt6Designer) - doxygen clang : yes optimize : - speed - thin-lto setup : | mkdir qt5 qt6 cp -ra $sources/signond.git/* qt5 cp -ra $sources/signond.git/* qt6 pushd qt5 %patch -p1 -i $pkgfiles/0001-Disable-static-libs.patch %qmake PREFIX=%PREFIX% LIBDIR=%libdir% popd pushd qt6 %patch -p1 -i $pkgfiles/0001-Disable-static-libs.patch qmake6 PREFIX=%PREFIX% LIBDIR=%libdir% popd build : | %make -C qt5 %make -C qt6 install : | %make_install -C qt5 INSTALL_ROOT="$installdir" %make_install -C qt6 INSTALL_ROOT="$installdir" # Remove HTML docs rm -rf $installdir/usr/share/doc/ # Stateless rm -v $installdir/etc/signond.conf rmdir -v $installdir/etc/