# Chromeless Sublime A Sublime Text plugin to allow removing the titlebar of the window. Note: Since version 2.0.2 linux support has been dropped. If you still need linux support, you can install version 1.5.0 manually. ## Requirements: * Sublime Text v3+ * Dependencies: * * enum * * typing * * screeninfo ## Features: * Allows to make the titlebar toggleable * By default binds to **`CTRL+F11`**. If **`"replace_default_fs_shortcut"`** is enabled, re-binds the original **`F11`** Fullscreen keyboard shortcut to **`Ctrl+F11`** and sets Chromeless to **`F11`**. * Enable chromeless (titlebar-less) mode on new window (with **go_chromeless_on_new_window**) (works perferctly with the 'Hide Menu' plugin) ## Caveats/Known issues: * Window is not movable/draggable ## Installation ### Sublime Text [Package Control][] package manager 1. Open "Package Control: Install Package" from the Command Palette (**`Ctrl/Super`** + **`Shift`** + **`P`**). 2. Select the "Chromeless" option to install. [Package Control]: https://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control ### Manual installation via Git ```bash git clone https://github.com/ggets/Sublime_Chromeless.git "Chromeless" ``` ### Manual installation via HTTPS Download the package from **Releases** and extract it to your **Data/Packages** folder. ## **Ideas and pull requests are welcome**