# PastePlus A Sublime Text plugin to allow copying paths from file(s) in Windows Explorer. ## Requirements: * Sublime Text v3+ * Dependencies: * * python-pywin32 ## Features: * Paste paths of local files from by copying a file in Windows Explorer. * By default binds to **`CTRL+ALT+V`**. When pasting, if the contents of the clipboard are not a 'file' copied in Windows Explorer, the original **Paste** command is executed. This behaviour is to enable better experience if you replace the default pasting shorcut **`CTRL+V`**. ## Installation ### Sublime Text [Package Control][] package manager 1. Open "Package Control: Install Package" from the Command Palette (**`Ctrl/Super`** + **`Shift`** + **`P`**). 2. Select the "Paste Plus" option to install. [Package Control]: http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control ### Manual installation via Git ```bash git clone https://github.com/ggets/Sublime_PastePlus.git "Paste Plus" ``` **Ideas and pull requests are welcome**