rem *********************************************************** rem rem File: ash_locks.sql rem Description: Show lock wait information from Active Session History (ASH) rem rem From 'Oracle Performance Survival Guide' by Guy Harrison rem Chapter 15 Page 468 rem ISBN: 978-0137011957 rem See for further information rem rem This work is in the public domain NSA rem rem rem ********************************************************* column program format a10 column username format a8 column module format a12 column object_name format a12 column time_ms format 999,999,999 column pct_of_time format 99.99 column sql_text format a70 column lock_type format a4 set pages 1000 set lines 100 set echo on WITH ash_query AS ( SELECT substr(event,6,2) lock_type,program, h.module, h.action, object_name, SUM(time_waited)/1000 time_ms, COUNT( * ) waits, username, sql_text, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(time_waited) DESC) AS time_rank, ROUND(SUM(time_waited) * 100 / SUM(SUM(time_waited)) OVER (), 2) pct_of_time FROM v$active_session_history h JOIN dba_users u USING (user_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN dba_objects o ON (o.object_id = h.current_obj#) LEFT OUTER JOIN v$sql s USING (sql_id) WHERE event LIKE 'enq: %' GROUP BY substr(event,6,2) ,program, h.module, h.action, object_name, sql_text, username) SELECT lock_type,module, username, object_name, time_ms,pct_of_time, sql_text FROM ash_query WHERE time_rank < 11 ORDER BY time_rank;