rem *********************************************************** rem rem File: io_waits.sql rem Description: IO wait breakdown rem rem From 'Oracle Performance Survival Guide' by Guy Harrison rem Chapter 20 Page 578 rem ISBN: 978-0137011957 rem See for further information rem rem This work is in the public domain NSA rem rem rem ********************************************************* column wait_type format a35 column lock_name format a12 column total_waits format 999,999,999 column time_waited_seconds format 999,999.99 column pct format 99.99 set pagesize 10000 set lines 100 set echo on WITH system_event AS (SELECT CASE WHEN event LIKE 'direct path%temp' THEN 'direct path read/write temp' WHEN event LIKE 'direct path%' THEN 'direct path read/write non-temp' WHEN wait_class = 'User I/O' THEN event ELSE wait_class END AS wait_type, e.* FROM v$system_event e) SELECT wait_type, SUM(total_waits) total_waits, ROUND(SUM(time_waited_micro) / 1000000, 2) time_waited_seconds, ROUND( SUM(time_waited_micro) * 100 / SUM(SUM(time_waited_micro)) OVER (), 2) pct FROM (SELECT wait_type, event, total_waits, time_waited_micro FROM system_event e UNION SELECT 'CPU', stat_name, NULL, VALUE FROM v$sys_time_model WHERE stat_name IN ('background cpu time', 'DB CPU')) l WHERE wait_type <> 'Idle' GROUP BY wait_type ORDER BY 4 DESC /