rem *********************************************************** rem rem File: sql_cache_stats.sql rem Description: Result set cache statistics for SQL statements rem rem From 'Oracle Performance Survival Guide' by Guy Harrison rem Chapter 20 Page 600 rem ISBN: 978-0137011957 rem See for further information rem rem This work is in the public domain NSA rem rem rem ********************************************************* set pages 1000 set lines 75 col sql_id noprint format a13 col executions format 99,999,999 heading "Execs" col cached_result_sets format 99,999 heading "Cached|Results" col cache_hits format 99,999,999 heading "Cache|Hits" col avg_rows noprint format 99,999.99 heading "Query|Avg Rows" col avg_gets_nocache format 9,999,999 heading "Avg Gets|w/o Cache" col estd_saved_gets format 9,999,999,999 heading "Estd. Saved|Buffer gets|/1000" col buffer_gets format 99,999,999,999 heading "Buffer |Gets" col sql_text format a70 heading "Sql Text" set echo on WITH result_cache AS (SELECT cache_id, COUNT( * ) cached_result_sets, SUM(scan_count) hits FROM v$result_cache_objects GROUP BY cache_id) SELECT /*+ ordered */ s.sql_id, s.executions, o.cached_result_sets, o.hits cache_hits, ROUND(s.rows_processed / executions) avg_rows, buffer_gets, ROUND(buffer_gets / (executions - o.hits)) avg_gets_nocache, round((buffer_gets / (executions - o.hits)) *o.hits) estd_saved_gets, s.sql_text FROM v$sql_plan p JOIN result_cache o ON (p.object_name = o.cache_id) JOIN v$sql s ON (s.sql_id = p.sql_id AND s.child_number = p.child_number) WHERE operation = 'RESULT CACHE' order by 7 desc ;