# Per Actor Roll Mode [![Checks](https://github.com/ghost-fvtt/per-actor-roll-mode/workflows/Checks/badge.svg)](https://github.com/ghost-fvtt/per-actor-roll-mode/actions) ![Supported Foundry Versions](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://foundryshields.com/version?url=https://github.com/ghost-fvtt/per-actor-roll-mode/releases/latest/download/module.json) ![Latest Release Download Count](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/ghost-fvtt/per-actor-roll-mode/latest/module.zip) [![Forge Installs](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?label=Forge%20Installs&query=package.installs&suffix=%25&url=https%3A%2F%2Fforge-vtt.com%2Fapi%2Fbazaar%2Fpackage%2Fper-actor-roll-mode&colorB=4aa94a)](https://forge-vtt.com/bazaar#package=per-actor-roll-mode) [![Foundry Hub Endorsements](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?logoColor=white&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.foundryvtt-hub.com%2Fwp-json%2Fhubapi%2Fv1%2Fpackage%2Fper-actor-roll-mode%2Fshield%2Fendorsements)](https://www.foundryvtt-hub.com/package/per-actor-roll-mode/) [![REUSE status](https://api.reuse.software/badge/github.com/ghost-fvtt/per-actor-roll-mode)](https://api.reuse.software/info/github.com/ghost-fvtt/per-actor-roll-mode) [![Ko-fi](https://img.shields.io/badge/Ko--fi-ghostfvtt-00B9FE?logo=kofi)](https://ko-fi.com/ghostfvtt) A module for [Foundry Virtual Tabletop] that allows overriding the selected roll mode on a per-actor basis. ## Installation To install and use Per Actor Roll Mode, simply paste the following URL into the **Install Module** dialog on the Setup menu of Foundry Virtual Tabletop. https://github.com/ghost-fvtt/per-actor-roll-mode/releases/latest/download/module.json ## Development ### Prerequisites In order to build this module, recent versions of `node` and `npm` are required. Most likely using `yarn` also works but only `npm` is officially supported. We recommend using the latest lts version of `node`. If you use `nvm` to manage your `node` versions, you can simply run ``` nvm install ``` in the project's root directory. You also need to install the project's dependencies. To do so, run ``` npm install ``` ### Building You can build the project by running ``` npm run build ``` Alternatively, you can run ``` npm run watch ``` to watch for changes and automatically build as necessary. ### Linking the built project to Foundry VTT In order to provide a fluent development experience, it is recommended to link the built module to your local Foundry VTT installation's data folder. In order to do so, first add a file called `foundryconfig.json` to the project root with the following content: ``` { "dataPath": "/absolute/path/to/your/FoundryVTT" } ``` (if you are using Windows, make sure to use `\` as a path separator instead of `/`) Then run ``` npm run link-package ``` On Windows, creating symlinks requires administrator privileges, so unfortunately you need to run the above command in an administrator terminal for it to work. ## Licensing This project is being developed under the terms of the [LIMITED LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR MODULE DEVELOPMENT] for Foundry Virtual Tabletop. The project itself uses [REUSE] to specify the used licenses. Currently, everything is licensed under the [MIT] license. More information (including the copyright holders) can be found in the individual files. [Foundry Virtual Tabletop]: https://foundryvtt.com/ [LIMITED LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR MODULE DEVELOPMENT]: https://foundryvtt.com/article/license/ [REUSE]: https://reuse.software/ [MIT]: LICENSES/MIT.txt