#!/bin/bash # Make sure we fail in case of errors set -e # Process options INSTALL_XSPEC="no" INSTALL_ROOT="no" INSTALL_FERMI="no" BATCH="yes" PYTHON_VERSION="3.9" ENV_NAME="threeML" DEV="no" while [ "${1:-}" != "" ]; do case "$1" in "--with-xspec") INSTALL_XSPEC="yes" ;; "--with-root") INSTALL_ROOT="yes" ;; "--with-fermi") INSTALL_FERMI="yes" ;; "--no-batch") BATCH="no" ;; "--python") PYTHON_VERSION="$2" ;; "--env-name") ENV_NAME="$2" ;; "--dev") DEV="yes" ;; "-h" | "--help") echo "install_3ML.sh [--with-xspec] [--with-root] [--with-fermi] [--python {2.7 or 3.7 or 3.9}] [--env-name NAME] [-h] [--help] [--no-batch] [--dev]" && exit 0 ;; esac shift done if [[ ${PYTHON_VERSION} != "2.7" ]] && [[ ${PYTHON_VERSION} != "3.7" ]] && [[ ${PYTHON_VERSION} != "3.9" ]]; then echo "WARNING: python version should 2.7, 3.7 or 3.9. Setting to 3.9..." export PYTHON_VERSION="3.9" fi echo "" echo "Options:" echo "--------" echo "Installing xspec: "${INSTALL_XSPEC} echo "Installing root: "${INSTALL_ROOT} echo "Installing fermi: "${INSTALL_FERMI} echo "Batch execution (assume yes to all questions): "${BATCH} echo "Python version: "${PYTHON_VERSION} echo "Conda environment name: "${ENV_NAME} echo "" # Make a small download script in Python to avoid dependencies on # utilities such as wget #rm __download.py >& /dev/null cat > __download.py <<- EOM import sys try: # Python 2 from urllib import urlretrieve except AttributeError: # Python 3 from urllib.request import urlretrieve urlretrieve(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) EOM # Guess OS os_guessed="unknown" if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu" ]]; then # Linux os_guessed="linux" elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == darwin* ]]; then # Mac OSX os_guessed="osx" elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "cygwin" ]]; then # POSIX compatibility layer and Linux environment emulation for Windows os_guessed="linux" else # Unknown. echo "Could not guess your OS. Exiting." exit 1 fi echo "Running on ${os_guessed}" # Function to install conda if needed install_conda() { line echo "Installing conda" line # Make sure bunzip2 is installed (it's needed by the conda installer) if which bunzip2 >& /dev/null ; then echo "bunzip2 found" else echo "You need to install bzip2 first. Use your package manager." exit 3 fi if [[ "$os_guessed" == "linux" ]]; then # Linux python __download.py https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh Miniconda3-latest.sh elif [[ "$os_guessed" == "osx" ]]; then # Mac OSX python __download.py https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-MacOSX-x86_64.sh Miniconda3-latest.sh else # Unknown. echo "Should never get here. This is a bug." exit 100 fi if bash Miniconda3-latest.sh -p ~/miniconda3 -b -u ; then echo "Installation of Conda successful" else echo "Could not install Conda. Please check errors above" exit 2 fi rm -rf Miniconda3-latest.sh } # Function to generate the setup scripts generate_init_script() { # NOTE: the ${PATH} env variable when this function is called already contains # the right path settings. It is substituted in the following expressions so # the script will explicitly contains the paths cat > threeML_init.sh <<- EOM export PATH=${PATH} export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 export MKL_NUM_THREADS=1 export NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS=1 source activate ${ENV_NAME} EOM cat > threeML_init.csh <<- EOM setenv OMP_NUM_THREADS 1 setenv MKL_NUM_THREADS 1 setenv NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS 1 setenv CONDA_ENVS_PATH $(conda info | grep "envs directories" | cut -f2 -d":" ) source ${CONDA_PREFIX}/bin/deactivate.csh >& /dev/null source ${CONDA_PREFIX}/bin/activate.csh ${ENV_NAME} EOM } line() { echo "" echo "###############################################" echo "" } line echo "Installing/checking Conda installation" line # Guess whether we need to install Miniconda or not if conda --version >& /dev/null ; then # Gather conda default environment path conda_path=$(conda info | grep "base environment" | cut -f2 -d":" | cut -f2 -d" ") echo "Found an already existing installation of conda in ${conda_path}" else echo "I did not find a conda installation." if [[ "${BATCH}" == "no" ]]; then echo "If you do have an installation of conda and you want to use that, answer 'no' to the next question (the script will exit), make sure the 'conda' executable is in your PATH and then re-run the script." echo "If you do not have conda, then answer yes to the following question and I'll download it for you (it's free)" while true; do read -p "Do you wish to install Conda ? (yes/no) " yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) break;; [Nn]* ) exit;; * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";; esac done fi # If we are here, we need to install conda conda_path=${HOME}/miniconda3 install_conda fi line echo "Installing 3ML" line export PATH=${conda_path}/bin:${PATH} source $conda_path/etc/profile.d/conda.sh conda deactivate if [[ "${BATCH}" == "yes" ]]; then # Answer yes to all questions (non-interactive) conda config --set always_yes true fi conda config --add channels defaults conda config --add channels conda-forge conda config --add channels threeml if [[ "${DEV}" == "yes" ]]; then conda config --add channels threeml/label/dev fi PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL="astromodels>=2 threeml>=2" if [[ "${INSTALL_XSPEC}" == "yes" ]]; then PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL="${PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL} xspec-modelsonly" conda config --add channels xspecmodels fi if [[ "${INSTALL_ROOT}" == "yes" ]]; then PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL="${PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL} root" fi INSTALL_FERMIPY_WITH_PIP="no" if [[ "${INSTALL_FERMI}" == "yes" ]]; then if [[ $PYTHON_VERSION == "2.7" ]]; then conda config --add channels fermi/label/master PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL="${PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL} fermitools=1.4 clhep=" elif [[ $PYTHON_VERSION == "3.7" ]]; then conda config --add channels fermi PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL="${PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL} fermitools>=2 root=6.22.2 astropy=3.2.3 fermipy==1.0.1 clhep= astroquery==0.4.3" else INSTALL_FERMIPY_WITH_PIP="yes" conda config --add channels fermi PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL="${PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL} fermitools" fi fi # Now we have conda installed, let's install 3ML conda install mamba -n base -c conda-forge mamba create --name ${ENV_NAME} python=$PYTHON_VERSION ${PACKAGES_TO_INSTALL} line echo "Generating setup scripts" line generate_init_script ${conda_path} if [ -n "${PYTHONPATH+set}" ]; then echo "" echo 'WARNING: it looks like you have a PYTHONPATH variable set. This could interfere with the working of Conda and 3ML.' echo "" fi if [ -n "${LD_LIBRARY_PATH+set}" ]; then echo "" echo '\nWARNING: it looks like you have a LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable set. This could interfere with the working of Conda and 3ML.\n' echo "" fi if [ -n "${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH+set}" ]; then echo "" echo '\nWARNING: it looks like you have a DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH variable set. This could interfere with the working of Conda and 3ML.\n' echo "" fi # Cleanup rm -rf __download.py # Finally dump the .csh scripts to activate/deactivate in csh/tcsh and copy them to the miniconda installation cat > activate.csh <<- "EOM" #!/bin/csh # Get the name of this script set script_name = `basename $0` # Get arguments if ( $#argv < 1 ) then echo "" echo "Usage: source $script_name " exit 2 endif set conda_env = $1 # Make sure the $CONDA_ENVS_PATH env var is defined if ( ! $?CONDA_ENVS_PATH ) then echo "" echo 'You must set the environment variable $CONDA_ENVS_PATH to point to the parent directory containing your conda environments\n' echo "Usage: source $script_name " exit 2 endif # Make sure the $CONDA_ENVS_PATH env var isn't empty if ( "$CONDA_ENVS_PATH" == "" ) then echo "" echo "You must set the environment variable \$CONDA_ENVS_PATH to point to the parent directory containing your conda environments\n\n" echo "Usage: source $script_name " exit 2 endif # See if the given Anaconda environment exists under $CONDA_ENVS_PATH if ( ! -d "$CONDA_ENVS_PATH/$conda_env" ) then echo "" echo "The '$conda_env' conda environment was not found in $CONDA_ENVS_PATH" echo "" echo "Did you create one with 'conda create -n python'?" exit 2 endif # Remove duplicates from $PATH set new_path = `echo $PATH | sed -e 's/$/:/;s/^/:/;s/:/::/g;:a;s#\(:[^:]\{1,\}:\)\(.*\)\1#\1\2#g;ta;s/::*/:/g;s/^://;s/:$//;'` # Determine the active python environment set active_python=`which python` # If the active python environment is the production environment set python_bin_dir=`which python | sed 's|/python$||'` set test=`echo $active_python | awk -v test="$CONDA_ENVS_PATH" '$0 ~ test { print "MATCH" }'` if ( $test != "MATCH" ) then setenv CONDA_PROD_ENV_BIN $python_bin_dir setenv PATH `echo $PATH | sed -e 's|^'$python_bin_dir':||' -e 's|:'$python_bin_dir':|:|' -e 's|:'$python_bin_dir'$||'` # Prepend the name of the conda environment to the prompt set prompt="($conda_env) $prompt" # If the active python environment is a conda environment else # See if this conda environment is already active set prev_conda_env=`which python | sed -e 's|^'$CONDA_ENVS_PATH'/||' -e 's|/bin/python$||'` if ( $prev_conda_env == $conda_env ) then echo "" echo "The '$conda_env' conda environment is already active" exit 0 endif # Change the name of the conda environment in the prompt set prompt=`echo $prompt | sed 's|^('$prev_conda_env')|\('$conda_env'\)|'` # Remove the current conda environment from $PATH setenv PATH `echo $PATH | sed -e 's|^'$python_bin_dir':||' -e 's|:'$python_bin_dir':|:|' -e 's|:'$python_bin_dir'$||'` endif # Prepend $CONDA_ENVS_PATH/$conda_env/bin to the $PATH variable setenv PATH $CONDA_ENVS_PATH/$conda_env/bin:$PATH # set the CONDA_PREFIX path setenv CONDA_PREFIX $CONDA_ENVS_PATH/$conda_env # Print help info echo "Your Python environment has been changed to the '$conda_env' conda environment. Here's the active version of Python:" which python python --version echo "To switch back to your default Python environment, type 'source deactivate.csh'" EOM cat > deactivate.csh <<- "EOM" #!/bin/csh # Make sure the $CONDA_ENVS_PATH env var is defined if ( ! $?CONDA_ENVS_PATH ) then echo "" echo 'You must set the environment variable $CONDA_ENVS_PATH to point to the parent directory containing your Anaconda environments\n' exit 2 endif # Make sure the $CONDA_ENVS_PATH env var isn't empty if ( "$CONDA_ENVS_PATH" == "" ) then echo "" echo "You must set the environment variable \$CONDA_ENVS_PATH to point to the parent directory containing your Anaconda environments\n\n" exit 2 endif # Make sure the $CONDA_PROD_ENV_BIN env var is defined if ( ! $?CONDA_PROD_ENV_BIN ) then echo "" echo 'Something went wrong with your Python environment. Try opening a new terminal to start with a fresh environment.\n' exit 2 endif # Make sure the $CONDA_PROD_ENV_BIN env var isn't empty if ( "$CONDA_PROD_ENV_BIN" == "" ) then echo "" echo "Something went wrong with your Python environment. Try opening a new terminal to start with a fresh environment.\n\n" exit 2 endif # Get the current python binary set python_path=`which python` # See if the current python binary is found under $CONDA_ENVS_PATH, exit if not set test=`echo $python_path | awk -v test="$CONDA_ENVS_PATH" '$0 ~ test { print "MATCH" }'` if ( $test != "MATCH" ) then echo "You're not currently using a conda environment" exit 0 endif # Remove all occurrences of this python binary path from the $PATH if ( $test == "MATCH" ) then set python_bin_dir=`echo $python_path | sed 's|/python$||'` setenv PATH `echo $PATH | sed -e 's|^'$python_bin_dir':||' -e 's|:'$python_bin_dir':|:|' -e 's|:'$python_bin_dir'$||'` endif # Add the production conda environment to the $PATH setenv PATH ${CONDA_PROD_ENV_BIN}:${PATH} # Get the name of the current conda environment set conda_env=`echo $python_path | sed -e 's|^'$CONDA_ENVS_PATH'/||' -e 's|/bin/python$||'` # Remove the name of the conda environment from the prompt set prompt=`echo $prompt | sed 's|^('$conda_env')||'` # Print help info echo "Your Python environment has been reset. Here's the active version of Python:" which python python --version EOM conda activate ${ENV_NAME} if [[ "${INSTALL_FERMIPY_WITH_PIP}" == "yes" ]]; then pip install "fermipy>=1.2" fi # Fix needed to solve the "readinto" AttributeError due to older future package #conda install --yes -c conda-forge future mv activate.csh $CONDA_PREFIX/bin mv deactivate.csh $CONDA_PREFIX/bin conda deactivate line echo "Done" line