{ "homepage": "https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift", "promos": { "1.15.2-latest": "2.2.4", "1.15.2-recommended": "2.2.5", "1.14.4-latest": "2.2.4", "1.14.4-recommended": "2.2.5", "1.12.2-latest": "2.1.10", "1.12.2-recommended": "2.1.10", "1.12.1-latest": "2.1.9", "1.12.1-recommended": "2.1.9", "1.12-latest": "2.1.5", "1.12-recommended": "2.1.5", "1.11.2-latest": "2.1.8", "1.11.2-recommended": "2.1.8", "1.11-latest": "2.1.3", "1.11-recommended": "2.1.3", "1.10.2-latest": "", "1.10.2-recommended": "", "1.10-latest": "1.1.0", "1.10-recommended": "1.1.0", "1.9.4-latest": "1.1.0", "1.9.4-recommended": "1.1.0", "1.9-latest": "0.16.3", "1.9-recommended": "0.16.3", "1.8.9-latest": "0.16.3", "1.8.9-recommended": "0.16.3" }, "1.15.2": { "2.2.6": "Fix version checker support.", "2.2.5": "Fix generator not returning bucket when consuming lava.", "2.2.4": "Fix crash on dedicated servers.", "2.2.3": "Reintroduce The One Probe integration.", "2.2.2": "Fix broken searchbox, and crash when clearing the crafting grid.", "2.2.1": "Fix missing library code.", "2.2.0": "Ported to 1.15." }, "1.14.4": { "2.2.6": "Fix version checker support.", "2.2.5": "Fix generator not returning bucket when consuming lava.", "2.2.4": "Fix crash on dedicated servers.", "2.2.3": "Reintroduce The One Probe integration.", "2.2.2": "Fix broken searchbox, and crash when clearing the crafting grid.", "2.2.1": "Fix missing library code.", "2.2.0": "Ported to 1.14." }, "1.12.2": { "2.1.10": "Fix generator not returning bucket when consuming lava.", "2.1.9": "Bugfix" }, "1.12.1": { "2.1.9": "Bigfux" }, "1.12": { "2.1.5": "Ported to 1.12.", "2.1.7": "Bugfix" }, "1.11.2": { "2.1.3": "Reenabled Tesla support. I forgot.", "2.1.4": "Added missing recipe for Automation Driver.", "2.1.8": "Bugfix" }, "1.11": { "2.0.2": "Ported to 1.11.", "2.1.0": "Compatibility with 'The One Probe' and other fixes.", "2.1.2": "Fix a few huge bugs that somehow slipped through my testing.", "2.1.3": "Reenabled Tesla support. I forgot." }, "1.10.2": { "1.1.0": "EXPERIMENTAL: New GraphLib-based interface/browser network.", "1.5.0": "SHINY NEW: A whole lot of refactorings and new features. See the website for more information.", "2.0.0": "Big revamp of the energy cost.", "2.1.3": "Backport most of the functional changes from 1.11.", "2.1.4": "Added missing recipe for Automation Driver.", "": "Bugfix" }, "1.10": { "1.0.0": "Tesla API compatibility. Fix generators consuming buckets.", "1.0.1": "Support pushing energy to Tesla receivers.", "1.0.2": "Config option", "1.1.0": "EXPERIMENTAL: New GraphLib-based interface/browser network." }, "1.9.4": { "0.16.3": "Fix crashes.", "1.0.0": "Tesla API compatibility. Fix generators consuming buckets.", "1.0.1": "Support pushing energy to Tesla receivers.", "1.0.2": "Config option", "1.1.0": "EXPERIMENTAL: New GraphLib-based interface/browser network." }, "1.9": { "0.11.3": "Update Checker support", "0.12.0": "Rework the structure assembly process to allow having blocks in the \"holes\". Fix dismantling structures when a structure block breaks. Fix structure block bounding boxes.", "0.12.1": "Protect TileEntities from calls to worldObj.getBlockState returning \"air\", during the tick when the block has been broken, but the TE is still being used by something else.", "0.12.2": "Fixed interacting with the rift browser in complex situations such as with the Storage Drawers.", "0.13.0": "Removed remaining IInventory uses. Fixed interface/browser scanning directions.", "0.14.0": "Change the browser gui interaction logic to be more like a chest (AE2-style).", "0.14.1": "Make browser search case-insensitive.", "0.14.2": "Added logic to first try to fill existing inventories with the blocks they already contain, rather than always using the closest one.", "0.15.0": "Implemented a crafting browser. It works, but I haven't decided on the final recipe yet. Gave the rift blocks a better hardness value.", "0.16.0": "Rework the Browser GUI to perform sorting and searching on the client. This allows the feature to work with dedicated servers.", "0.16.1": "Avoid crashing if the inventory aggregator scans a half-loaded block.", "0.16.3": "Fix crashes." }, "1.8.9": { "0.12.2": "Update checker support backported along with other improvements", "0.13.0": "Removed remaining IInventory uses. Fixed interface/browser scanning directions.", "0.14.0": "Change the browser gui interaction logic to be more like a chest (AE2-style).", "0.14.1": "Make browser search case-insensitive.", "0.14.2": "Added logic to first try to fill existing inventories with the blocks they already contain, rather than always using the closest one.", "0.15.0": "Implemented a crafting browser. It works, but I haven't decided on the final recipe yet. Gave the rift blocks a better hardness value.", "0.16.0": "Rework the Browser GUI to perform sorting and searching on the client. This allows the feature to work with dedicated servers.", "0.16.1": "Avoid crashing if the inventory aggregator scans a half-loaded block.", "0.16.3": "Fix crashes." } }