#!/bin/bash # ========================= ## Basic Desktop Setup # ========================= # This script sets up all the apps and basic configs for my Desktop. # # Backing up present working directory hdir=$(pwd) # Updates/Upgrades ./apt-gets.sh # Personal apt-get upgrades ./personal.sh # Git config git config --global user.email "gilbertoamarcon@gmail.com" git config --global user.name "Gilberto Marcon" # Terminator ./terminator.sh # Sublime ./sublime.sh # Color Terminal sed -i '/force_color_prompt=yes/s/^#//g' ${HOME}/.bashrc # Calc ./calc.sh # Box Sync ./box-sync.sh # Website git clone git@github.com:gilbertoamarcon/gilbertoamarcon.github.io.git ${HOME}/dev/gilbertoamarcon.github.io # Cleaning up sudo apt-get -y autoremove # Removing Examples folder rm -Rf ${HOME}/examples.desktop # Move sidebar to the bottom # gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Bottom # SSH to robots sudo ufw allow 22 # Nvidia drivers ./nvidia-setup.sh # Aliases ./aliases.sh # JS-fix ./js-mouse.sh # Restarting the machine sudo reboot # Manual stuff: # Config power sleep and screen # Config files icon list view # Config grub # Config proprietary video drivers