#!/bin/bash ## ROS Tutorial: Workspaces # Workspaces, packages, and Worlds # # Download the workspace creation script: https://gilbertoamarcon.github.io/content/create-ws.html # Create a workspace called "ws": ./create-ws.sh ws # Source the bashrc to update environment variables: source ${HOME}/.bashrc # Use roscd to go to your workspace root directory. # That's a good way to check if your worspace was created correctly. roscd # If it all works, you will be taken to the following directory: ~/ros-ws/ws/devel # Download the package creation script: https://gilbertoamarcon.github.io/content/create-package.html # Create a package named my_package inside your workspace: ./create-package.sh ws my_package # Go to your package root directory: roscd my_package # This is where all the files related to your package will reside. # Now, go to your workspace root: roscd # And go to the the src dirctory of your workspace: cd ../src/ # Take a look at the contants of the src dir: ls -l # Your package is there. # Now, let's put there a package from a git repository: git clone git@github.com:gilbertoamarcon/testbed.git # Now we have two packages there: ls -l # Source the bashrc to update environment variables: source ${HOME}/.bashrc # Go to your package root directory: roscd testbed/ # This is an example package that I made a while back. We wil not use most of its contents, but it servers as an example of a custom made package. ls -l # Type the following, and tap TAB a few times to see all the available executable code in this package: rosrun testbed # Go to the models' directory of the testbed package: roscd testbed/models # Run the following script to automatically create some object models: ./create-models.sh # The models are used in our arena world. # Go to the worlds' directory of the package: roscd testbed/worlds/ # Take a look at the arena.world: cat arena.world # Now we have the arena.world configured. # See how the following command points to the arena.world: echo $(rospack find testbed)/worlds/arena.world # Now, use the following guide to map and navifgate the arena world: https://gilbertoamarcon.github.io/content/ros-jackal.html