## ROS Launch
# A quick tutorial into ROS launch.
# Please see an example launch file below:
# Launch files can make your life easier when developing large projects in ROS.
# You can use launch files to launch multiple nodes at once and define global parameters.
# Note the rosparam tag:
# The rosparam tag loads an entire configuration YAML file and makes the YAML parameters available to the nodes you launch.
# Note the param tag:
# The param tag allows you to manually specify parameter values.
# The include file tag, below, includes an entire launch file, and allows you to establish a hierarchy of launch files and sub-launch files.
# The node tag, below, launches a specific ROS node, a python script.
# Inside the code of each ROS node, you can access the parameter values using rospy.get_param, as in the examples below:
max_turn = rospy.get_param("/kayak_max_turn", 0.10)
max_abs_vel = rospy.get_param("/kayak_max_abs_vel", 0.01)
wpt_tol = rospy.get_param("/kayak_wpt_tol", 0.01)
control_const = rospy.get_param("/kayak_control_const", 4.00)
# Note how the second argument of rospy.get_param is the default value, used in case the parameter is not defined.