#!/bin/bash ## SSH Login # Here are some basic SSH commands that save me up a lot of time. # # SSH login to remote server ssh -l marcondg shell.onid.oregonstate.edu ssh -l marcondg access.engr.oregonstate.edu # SSH login to remote server with graphics ssh -X -l marcondg access.engr.oregonstate.edu ## File Copy # Copying a file from local to host scp ~/Dropbox/Apps/Pancake.io/index.html marcondg@shell.onid.oregonstate.edu:public_html/ scp ~/Dropbox/Apps/Pancake.io/index.html marcondg@access.engr.oregonstate.edu:public_html/ # Copying a file from host to local scp marcondg@access.engr.oregonstate.edu:public_html/index.html ~/Dropbox/Apps/Pancake.io/ # Copying an entire folder scp -r ~/Dropbox/Apps/Pancake.io/* marcondg@shell.onid.oregonstate.edu:public_html/ scp -r ~/Dropbox/Apps/Pancake.io/* marcondg@access.engr.oregonstate.edu:public_html/ # Set up execute and read permissions on all files on all folders recursivelly chmod -R +xr * ## Remote folder Mount # Remote server mkdir ~/eng/ sshfs marcondg@access.engr.oregonstate.edu: ~/eng/ # Raspberry Pi mkdir ~/pi/ sshfs pi@rasp: ~/pi/ ## SSH login without password # Use this to create your key. Hit ENTER for every prompt. ssh-keygen -t rsa # Create a .ssh directory on the remote server user home folder ssh marcondg@shell.onid.oregonstate.edu mkdir -p ~/.ssh # Copy your key to the remote server .ssh folder cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh marcondg@shell.onid.oregonstate.edu 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys' cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh aadi1@aadi1 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys' # Now you can SSH login without typing the password. ## TEACH class path cd /nfs/farm/classes/eecs/spring2017/cs325/handin # Sending terminal commands over SSH withough actual login examples: ssh pi@rasp '~/mobile/bin/driver' ssh pi@rasp '~/mobile/cam_server.sh' ssh pi@rasp '~/mobile/teleop.sh'