Release Notes ============= ## 5.1.0-rc-2 - Updated `Giraffe` dependency to `5.0.0-rc-6` and changed from `TaskBuilder.fs` to `Ply` for `task` CEs. ## 5.1.0-rc-1 - Upgraded to .NET 5 - Added an overload to the `AddRazorEngine` extension method to set if existing file providers should be kept or cleared via the `persistFileProviders` flag. ## 5.0.0 - Dropped support for all .NET framework monikers except .NET Core 3.1 (in preparation for the .NET 5 release) - Added support for `IModelMetadataProvider` ## 4.0.0 #### Breaking changes & Bug fixes - Fixed a bug around the `TempData` implementation to ensure that all previously stored data in the `TempData` dictionary is accessible as well as newly made changes are persisted going forward. #### New features - Added an additional overload of `AddRazorEngine` which does not take any arguments, which supports Razor views from a class library. ## 3.0.0 #### New features/Breaking changes - Added a new parameter to the `razorView`, `razorHtmlView`, and `RazorEngine.renderView` functions to support a `ModelStateDictionary`. ## 2.0.0 #### New features/Breaking changes - Added support for view data in the `razorView` and `razorHtmlView` http handlers #### Improvements - Upgraded to Giraffe 3.2.* - Upgraded to latest TaskBuilder.fs - Added `charset=utf-8` to the `Content-Type` header when calling `razorHtmlView` ## 1.3.0 Upgraded to Giraffe `2.0.0` and the latest ASP.NET Core `2.1.*` NuGet packages. ## 1.2.0 Added support for view folders (see [#1](, [#3]( ## 1.1.0 Upgraded to Giraffe `1.1.0`. ## 1.0.1 Changed copyright notice in NuGet package. ## 1.0.0 Upgraded to latest Giraffe `1.0.0` release. ## 0.1.0-beta-310 Upgraded to latest Giraffe `0.1.0-beta-6**` release. ## 0.1.0-beta-300 Upgraded to latest Giraffe `0.1.0-beta-5**`, which has a new dependency on `Giraffe.Tasks` from NuGet. #### New features - Added `validateAntiforgeryToken` http handler for verifying anti forgery tokens. ## 0.1.0-beta-200 #### Breaking changes - Renamed the `Giraffe.Razor.Engine` module to `RazorEngine` and moved it under the namespace `Giraffe.Razor`. If you were using the `renderRazorView` function to render individual razor views then you have to change the function call to `RazorEngine.renderView` now. (Most Giraffe users will probably not bet affected if they were using the `razorView` or `razorHtmlView` http handlers.) ## 0.1.0-beta-110 and before Previous releases of this library were documented in [Giraffe's release notes](