Release Notes ============= ## 2.0.0-alpha-1 - Updated to .NET 6 and Giraffe 6.0.0-alpha-* - Improved performance by removing redundant `ToArray` functions and making `XmlElement` a struct ## 1.4.0 - Added `slot` and `template` elements - Added .NET Standard 2.0 support for full framework support ## 1.3.0 Upgraded to `net5.0` target framework. `Giraffe.ViewEngine` version `1.2.0` and version `1.3.0` are identical in functionality. The only difference is that `1.2.0` targets `netcoreapp3.1` and `1.3.0` targets `net5.0`. If you cannot upgrade your .NET Core project to `net5.0` yet then stay on version `1.2.0`. New features and bug fixes will continue off the `1.3.0` version and therefore only target `net5.0` going forward. The upgrade path from `netcoreapp3.1` to `net5.0` is so minimal that it is a reasonable expectation and not worth the effort to support both target frameworks. ## 1.2.0 - Added missing `iframe` element ([#9]( ## 1.1.1 - Fixed the `strf` function (see [#6]( ## 1.1.0 - Added `strf` which is a shortcut for the commonly used `sprintf fmt |> encodedText` function. - Added a few missing HTML elements and attributes: - Elements: `picture` - Attributes: `_color`, `_property`, `_srcset` ## 1.0.0 Original port from Giraffe with additional improvements/changes: - Zero dependency library - One can create a separate project for Giraffe views in their solution (`.sln`) with zero dependencies. This significantly speeds up compilation time and therefore improves an active development experience via `dotnet watch`. - Dropped support for all target frameworks except `netcoreapp3.1` in preparation for the upcoming .NET 5 release - Renamed the namespace from `GiraffeViewEngine` to `Giraffe.ViewEngine` - Made the `ViewBuilder` module private and exposed public render functions via three new modules: - `RenderView.IntoStringBuilder` replaces the old `ViewBuilder` functions - `RenderView.AsString` replaces all old `render...` functions - `RenderView.AsBytes` new module to efficiently output views as byte arrays