--- - name: Deploy Girder hosts: all vars: ansible_python_interpreter: auto roles: - role: girder.mongodb - role: girder.girder - role: girder.nginx vars: # Modify below to reference the public DNS hostname of the server nginx_hostname: "data.girder.test" # Modify below to provide the email address of the system administrator nginx_registration_email: "admin@girder.test" tasks: - name: Install Girder plugins notify: - Build Girder web client - Restart Girder pip: virtualenv: "{{ girder_virtualenv }}" state: latest name: # If no plugins are desired, remove everything below and set "name: []" above # Otherwise, modify the list below to add any number of desired Girder plugins - girder-user-quota # Unpublished plugins may be specified as Git repositories, as below # - git+https://github.com/girder/girder-api-key-control.git