{ "id": "b984ea695a7ddde9f0955c84efbd267d", "key": "b984ea695a7ddde9f0955c84efbd267d", "value": { "_id": "b984ea695a7ddde9f0955c84efbd267d", "_rev": "7-54a93a5e2a48d11026af5b8b66fa7fce", "properties": { "title": "Vanderbilt Law School", "series": "Plastic", "tour": "Recycling", "marker-size": "small", "marker-color": "#0000FF", "marker-symbol": "star-stroked", "images": [ [ "images/plastic blue slim.jpg", "By entrance close to room 151" ], [ "images/vandy recycle sign.jpg", "Inside cafeteria" ], [ "images/plastic blue slim.jpg", "Outside of room 144" ], [ "images/plastic blue slim.jpg", "Vanderbilt Legal Clinic" ], [ "images/plastic blue slim.jpg", "Room 105" ], [ "images/plastic blue slim.jpg", "Across from room 275" ], [ "images/plastic blue slim.jpg", "Inside library" ], [ "images/plastic blue slim.jpg", "Inside library" ], [ "images/vandy recycle sign.jpg", "Left of room 218" ], [ "images/plastic blue slim.jpg", "Outside of room 293" ], [ "images/plastic blue slim.jpg", "Room 200" ], [ "images/plastic blue slim.jpg", "Room 267A" ], [ "images/vandy recycle sign.jpg", "To the left of room 263" ], [ "images/plastic blue slim.jpg", "To the right of room 200" ], [ "images/plastic blue slim.jpg", "To the right of room 312" ] ] }, "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ "-86.800453", "36.147914" ] } } }