{ "type":"FeatureCollection", "features":[ { "type":"Feature", "geometry":{ "type":"Point", "coordinates":[ -118.3267, 37.3605 ] }, "properties":{ "title":"Owens Valley Station", "marker-size":"large", "marker-symbol":"marker", "marker-color":"#048f37", "description": "The Owens Valley Station is the White Mountain Research Center headquarters and is open year round.", "url": "https://www.wmrc.edu/owens-valley-station/" } }, { "type":"Feature", "geometry":{ "type":"Point", "coordinates":[ -118.1707, 37.4993 ] }, "properties":{ "title":"Crooked Creek Station", "marker-size":"large", "marker-symbol":"marker", "marker-color":"#048f37", "description":"Crooked Creek station is located at an elevation of 3090 m (10,150') in the White Mountains.", "url":"https://www.wmrc.edu/crooked-creek-station/" } }, { "type":"Feature", "geometry":{ "type":"Point", "coordinates":[ -118.2365, 37.5832 ] }, "properties":{ "title":"Barcroft Station", "marker-size":"large", "marker-symbol":"marker", "marker-color":"#048f37", "description":"Barcroft Station is located at an elevation of 3800 m (12,470') in the White Mountains.", "url": "https://www.wmrc.edu/barcroft-station/" } }, { "type":"Feature", "geometry":{ "type":"Point", "coordinates":[ -118.25555, 37.63416 ] }, "properties":{ "title":"Summit Hut", "marker-size":"large", "marker-symbol":"marker", "marker-color":"#048f37", "description":"Barcroft Station is located at an elevation of 3800 m (12,470') in the White Mountains.", "url": "https://www.wmrc.edu/barcroft-station/" } } ] }