{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "title": "Eastern Shore", "description": "Drive to Chicoteague in afternoon on Aug 16, stay one night, then drive up to Assateague Island and see if there are camping spots. ", "layer": "tristen.map-ixqro653", "location": { "lon": "-75.39352283", "lat": "38.02950280", "zoom": "11" }, "features": [ { "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -75.13864330881111, 38.23776182094718 ] }, "properties": { "id": "id-oe4x73tbj4i", "marker-color": "#f63a39", "title": "Camp sites", "description": "Check out if campsites are open and stay extra night if available. ", "marker-zoom": 15 } }, { "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -75.32708285749594, 37.9137027421337 ] }, "properties": { "id": "id-e14tyvw8kt9", "marker-color": "#f63a39", "title": "Explore island", "description": "Explore the south part of the island, then drive up to the north ", "marker-zoom": 12 } }, { "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -75.3720893119533, 37.93612636632665 ] }, "properties": { "id": "id-spzptd42t9", "marker-color": "#f63a39", "title": "Watson House", "description": "Drive here the first night and stay. http://www.watsonhouse.com/", "marker-zoom": 17 } } ] }