import * as React from "react" import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom" import {List, Map, Set} from "immutable" import * as Immutable from "immutable" import * as Moment from 'moment' import * as Models from '../generated_models' import * as Api from '../generated_api' import {UrlTemplate, application, get_context, Route, Url, make_url, fallback_url, link_to_route, Option, C, Mode, unit, bind, string, number, bool, button, selector, multi_selector, label, h1, h2, div, form, image, link, file, overlay, custom, repeat, all, any, lift_promise, retract, delay, simple_menu, mk_menu_entry, mk_submenu_entry, MenuEntry, MenuEntryValue, MenuEntrySubMenu, rich_text, paginate, Page, list, editable_list, simple_form_with_autosave, simple_form_with_save_button, should_component_update} from '../../../src/monadic_react' // Utils: these will be scaffolded at a later time //let download_course_with_logo : (_:number) => C = c_id => lift_promise(x => Api.get_Course_with_pictures(c_id).then(c => c.Item), "semi exponential", `course_downloader_lift_${c_id}`)(null) //let upload_course_with_logo : (_:Models.Course) => C = c => // lift_promise(c => Api.update_Course_with_pictures(c).then(_ => c), // "semi exponential", `course_uploader_lift_${c.Id}`)(c) let download_course : (_:number) => C = c_id => lift_promise(x => Api.get_Course(c_id).then(c => c.Item), "semi exponential", `course_downloader_lift_${c_id}`)(null) let upload_course : (_:Models.Course) => C = c => lift_promise(c => Api.update_Course(c).then(_ => c), "semi exponential", `course_uploader_lift_${c.Id}`)(c) export let course_form_with_autosave_sample : C = simple_form_with_autosave("edit", c => `course_${c.Id}`, [ { kind:"string", field_name:"Name", in:c => c.Name || "", out:c => (n:string) => ({...c, Name:n}), get_errors:c=>c.Name.length < 3 ? ["The name cannot be shorter than three characters."] : [] }, { kind:"number", field_name:"Points", in:c => c.Points || 0, out:c => (p:number) => ({...c, Points:p}), get_errors:c=>c.Points < 1 ? ["The course must be worth at least one point."] : [] }, //{ kind:"lazy image", field_name:"Logo", download:download_logo, upload:upload_logo }, //{ kind:"lazy file", field_name:"Attachment", filename:filename, out:c => (f:File) => ({...c,}), url:attachment_url, upload:upload_attachment }, // { kind:"datetime", field_name:"StartDate", in:c => c.StartDate, out:c => (n:Moment.Moment) => ({...c, StartDate:n}), get_errors:c=> 1 < 3 ? ["The name cannot be shorter than three characters."] : [] }, ], download_course(1), upload_course) export let course_form_sample : C = simple_form_with_save_button("edit", c => `course_${c.Id}`, [ { kind:"string", field_name:"Name", in:c => c.Name || "", out:c => (n:string) => ({...c, Name:n}), get_errors:c=>c.Name.length < 3 ? ["The name cannot be shorter than three characters."] : [] }, { kind:"number", field_name:"Points", in:c => c.Points || 0, out:c => (p:number) => ({...c, Points:p}), get_errors:c=>c.Points < 1 ? ["The course must be worth at least one point."] : [] }, ], download_course(1), upload_course) type ShouldComponentUpdateSampleSubState = { string2:string, string3:string, last_update:"string2" | "string3" | "none" } type ShouldComponentUpdateSampleState = { string1:string, sub_state:ShouldComponentUpdateSampleSubState, last_update:"string1" | "sub_state" | "none" } export let should_component_update_sample : C = repeat("should component update sample")( any("should component update any")([ // should_component_update("string 1 should component update", () => "string1")( // s => s.last_update == "string1")( retract("string 1 retract")( s => s.string1, s => s1 => ({...s, string1:s1, last_update:"string1"}), s => console.log("updating string 1") || string("edit", "text", "string 1")(s)) // ) , // should_component_update("strings 2/3 should component update", () => "strings 2/3")( // s => s.last_update == "sub_state")( retract("string 2 retract")( s => s.sub_state, s => sub_state => ({...s, sub_state:sub_state, last_update:"sub_state"}), s => console.log("updating sub-state") || any("sub state any")([ // should_component_update("string 2 should component update", () => "string2")( // s => s.last_update == "string2")( retract("string 2 retract")( s => s.string2, s => s2 => ({...s, string2:s2, last_update:"string2"}), s => console.log("updating string 2") || string("edit", "text", "string 2")(s)) //) , retract("string 3 retract")( s => ({s:s.string3, last_update:s.last_update}), s => s3 => ({...s, string3:s3.s, last_update:"string3"}), should_component_update<{ s:string, last_update:"string2" | "string3" | "none"},{ s:string, last_update:"string2" | "string3" | "none"}>("string 3 should component update", () => "string3")( s => s.last_update == "string3")( retract<{ s:string, last_update:"string2" | "string3" | "none"},string>("string 3 inner retract")( s => s.s, s => s1 => ({...s, s:s1}), string("edit", "text", "string 3") ) ) ) ]) (s)) // ) ]) )({ string1:"string 1", sub_state:{ string2:"string 2", string3:"string 3", last_update:"none" }, last_update:"none" }) .map(s => console.log("done with", [s.string1, s.sub_state.string2, s.sub_state.string3]) || unit(s)).ignore()