{{ printf "" | safeHTML }} {{ $css := resources.Get "css/rss.css"}}{{ if hugo.IsProduction }}{{ $css = $css | minify | resources.Fingerprint site.Params.digest }}{{end}} {{ safeHTML " {{- /* Verify minimum required version. */}} {{- $minHugoVersion := "0.124.0" }} {{- if lt hugo.Version $minHugoVersion }} {{- errorf "The %s shortcode requires Hugo v%s or later." .Name $minHugoVersion }} {{- end }} {{ site.Title }} RSS {{ site.BaseURL }} {{ $logo := resources.Get "img/zz512.png" }}{{$logo = $logo.Resize "96x96" }} {{ $logo.Permalink }} {{ site.Title }} RSS {{ site.BaseURL }} {{ $logo.Width }} {{ $logo.Height }} {{ with site.Home.OutputFormats.Get "FEED"}}{{end}} {{ with site.Home.OutputFormats.Get "ATOM"}}{{end}} {{ with site.Home.OutputFormats.Get "JSON"}}{{end}} {{with site.Params.description}}{{ site.Params.description }}{{end}} >Hugo {{hugo.Version}} {{ with site.Params.author.name }}{{ . }}{{end}} {{ with site.LanguageCode }}{{.}}{{end}} {{ with site.Params.Copyright }}@ {{ site.Params.CopyrightYear }} {{.}}{{end}} {{site.Lastmod.UTC.Format site.Params.dateFormatRFC822Z | html }} {{ $feedsize := site.Params.feedSize | default 25 }} {{ range first $feedsize (where site.RegularPages.ByDate.Reverse "Section" "not in" site.Params.invisibleSections)}} {{ .Title }} {{ .Permalink }}{{ $date := .PublishDate.UTC }} {{ $date.Format site.Params.dateFormatRFC822Z | html }} {{ .Section}} {{ range (.GetTerms "tags") }} {{ .LinkTitle }}{{end}} {{ md5 .Permalink }} {{ plainify .Summary }} {{ range first 1 (.Resources.ByType "image") }}{{ $original := . }}{{ $.Scratch.Set "image" ($original.Fit "480x480 #ffffff q75 jpeg") }}{{ $image := $.Scratch.Get "image" }} {{ end }} {{ end }}