[SearchHeadLevel - Accelerated DataModels with All Time Searching Enabled] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 4 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 7 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. Having an accelerated data model running searches every 5 minutes over all time can cause serious issues. Search Head specific? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = -1h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/models `splunkadmins_restmacro` search=acceleration=1 search=acceleration.earliest_time=0 search=disabled=0 f=eai:data f=eai:acl* \ | fields eai:acl.app, eai:acl.owner, eai:acl.sharing, title, updated \ | rename eai:acl.app AS app, eai:acl.owner AS owner, eai:acl.sharing AS sharing disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - Email Sending Failures] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 3 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. Ideally this action shouldn't be using email but this should fire when the email server is throwing errors dispatch.earliest_time = -1h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Find any failures to send emails due to either the size of the email or the email server not working or similar")`\ index=_internal `splunkenterprisehosts` "stderr from " python* sendemail.py sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`)\ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | dedup message \ | rex "ssname=(?P[^\"]+)"\ | rex "stderr from '[^']+':\s+(?P.*)"\ | rex field=results_file ".*/dispatch/[^_]+__(?P[^_]+)"\ | eval time=strftime(_time, "%+")\ | stats count, values(time) AS time by error, savedsearch, user\ | table time, count, error, savedsearch, user disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - Splunk Servers throwing runScript errors] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 57 10 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. Splunk Enterprise servers are throwing an error related to running a script, this may or may not be an issue... dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("runScript errors are an indicator of a potential issue with an application")`\ index=_internal `splunkenterprisehosts` sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) \ ("ERROR ScriptRunner" "stderr from '*python* *runScript.py execute'") OR ("ERROR ExecProcessor" "message from \"python* *ERROR*")\ `comment("Do not include INFO level messages from standard error/out")`\ NOT " INFO " `splunkadmins_runscript` \ | cluster showcount=true \ | fields host, _raw, cluster_count disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - Splunkd Crash Logs Have Appeared in Production] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 4 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 47 3 * * 1 description = Chance the alert requires action? High. Production crashes are usually a problem dispatch.earliest_time = -7d@d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype","title","severity"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.mode = fast display.page.search.patterns.sensitivity = 0.3 display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("crash logs on the Splunk enterprise servers are usually an issue, this may require a support ticket")`\ index=_internal `splunkenterprisehosts` sourcetype=splunkd_crash_log\ | top source, host, sourcetype disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - ulimit on Splunk enterprise servers is below 8192] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 4 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 17 3 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. ulimit should be 64000 or above as per the http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Installation/Systemrequirements. Note this is replaced by MonitoringConsole - Check OS ulimits via REST if you want to use REST instead... dispatch.earliest_time = -24h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["source","sourcetype","host"] display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Any Splunk enterprise servers running less than 64000 file descriptors can result in a crash, therefore we watch the ulimit numbers on startup")` \ `comment("You could do | rest /services/server/sysinfo | table ulimit* or similar but that will not cover all Splunk enterprise servers that are in the _internal index...")`\ index=_internal ("ulimit" "open files:") OR ("fd limit" "lower") ( `splunkenterprisehosts` sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) ) \ | rex "(?P\d+) files" \ | where nooffiles<64000 OR searchmatch("fd limit")\ | fields _time, _raw, host disabled = 1 [AllSplunkLevel - Application Installation Failures From Deployment Manager] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 9 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. Applications have failed to install from the deployment server and this may require investigation dispatch.earliest_time = -1d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Deployment clients can pull applications down but they may not install the application so we watch for this error to see if an application failed to install")` \ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) OR (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`) action=Install OR action=download log_level=WARN OR log_level=ERROR\ | cluster t=0.9 showcount=true \ | where cluster_count>1 \ | lookup dnslookup clientip as ip \ | eval message=coalesce(message, event_message) \ | table cluster_count, clienthost, app, ip, component, message disabled = 1 [AllSplunkLevel - Time skew on Splunk Servers] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 1 alert.suppress = 1 alert.suppress.period = 3d counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 53 2,6,10,14,18,22 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. A time skew should not exist, if we see this alert then something is not working in NTP... dispatch.earliest_time = -4h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.mode = fast display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("A time skew issue likely shows an issue on the endpoint forwarder rather than a Splunk server but it is useful to watch for")`\ index=_internal "A time skew of approximately" (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) OR (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`) sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_timeskew`\ | rex "Peer:https?://(?P[^:]+).*A time skew of approximately (?P-?\d+)"\ | eval negativeSeconds=if(substr(seconds,0,1)="-","true", "false"), seconds=abs(seconds)\ | stats values(negativeSeconds) AS negativeSeconds, first(_raw) AS _raw, values(host) AS reportingHost, max(_time) AS lastSeen, min(_time) AS firstSeen, avg(seconds) AS avgSkew, max(seconds) AS maxSkew by hostname \ | eval avgSkew=if(negativeSeconds="true","-" . avgSkew,avgSkew), maxSkew=if(negativeSeconds="true","-" . maxSkew,maxSkew) \ | eval lastSeen = strftime(lastSeen, "%+"), firstSeen = strftime(firstSeen, "%+") \ | table hostname, reportingHost, _raw, lastSeen, firstSeen, avgSkew, maxSkew disabled = 1 [DeploymentServer - Application Not Found On Deployment Server] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 14 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. The application was not found on the deployment server or another deployment server error occurred dispatch.earliest_time = -1h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("This usually indicates a misconfigured serverclass.conf or a missing application from the deployment-apps directory")` \ index=_internal `deploymentserverhosts` "ERROR Serverclass" "Failed to load app." sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) \ | bin _time span=20m \ | top Application, path, _time disabled = 1 [DeploymentServer - Forwarder has changed properties on phone home] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 37 6 * * 3 description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. Only detect when a forwarder has switched IP's or something strange has happened, ignore multiple DNS names for the same IP dispatch.earliest_time = -7d@d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("This looks for unusual changes on the phone home to the deployment server, this alert can also be completely harmless")` \ index=_internal `deploymentserverhosts` "has changed some of its properties on the latest phone home.Old properties are" (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_changedprops`\ | rex "Client with Id '(?P[^']+)" \ | sort clientid \ | eventstats count by clientid \ | where count>`splunkadmins_changedprops_count` \ | stats values(ip) AS "IP List", values(dns) AS "DNS names", values(hostname) AS "Hostname List", values(uts) AS uts by name \ | eval numberOfIPs=mvcount("IP List"), numberOfHostnames=mvcount("Hostname List") \ | search `comment("Having multiple DNS names for an IP address is almost normal here, however multiple IPs or hostnames might be a real issue. Ignoring multiple DNS names only")` numberOfIPs>1 OR numberOfHostnames>1 disabled = 1 [DeploymentServer - btool validation failures occurring on deployment server] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 28 11 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. Email about any btool validation errors on the deployment server dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("This alert detects when the deployment server is throwing some kind of warning about an application it is going to deploy. The exclusion list includes lines that are not really relevant as they appear later in the log entries")` \ index=_internal `deploymentserverhosts` "WARN Application" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`)\ NOT "There were the following errors in btool check:" \ `splunkadmins_btoolvalidation_ds` \ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | dedup message | fields _time _raw host disabled = 1 [ForwarderLevel - Bandwidth Throttling Occurring] action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0 action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.suppress.period = 12h alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 1 auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 37 02 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. Cases where the Splunk forwarder is delayed from sending the data to Splunk due to the maxKbps limit dispatch.earliest_time = -1d dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.patterns.sensitivity = 0.3 display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("This alert detects universal or heavy forwarders that have hit the maxKbps setting in the limits.conf and might need to be investigated")` \ index=_internal "has reached maxKBps. As a result, data forwarding may be throttled" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) OR (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`) `splunkadmins_bandwidth`\ | bin _time span=1h\ | stats count as countPerHost by host, _time\ | where countPerHost > 1 disabled = 1 [ForwarderLevel - File Too Small to checkCRC occurring multiple times] action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0 action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 1 alert.suppress.period = 12h alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0,15,30,45 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. CRC checksum errors multiple times in may indicate a problem with the crc checksum on the particular file, it's also possible we are seeing a zero sized file or a rolled file... dispatch.earliest_time = -15m dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.patterns.sensitivity = 0.3 display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("An experimental alert to detect the seekcrc too small errors in the splunkd.log file occurring a bit too regularly")` \ index=_internal "File too small to check seekcrc, probably truncated" \ sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) OR (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`) `splunkadmins_toosmall_checkcrc`\ `comment("Older universal forwarders have a variety of logs that will never be more than zero sized, therefore this error is legitimate for them")`\ NOT (file="'/*/splunkforwarder/var/log/splunk/license_usage.log'" OR file="'/*/splunkforwarder/var/log/splunk/license_usage_summary.log'" OR file="'/*/splunkforwarder/var/log/splunk/mongod.log'" OR file="'/*/splunkforwarder/var/log/splunk/remote_searches.log'" OR file="'/*/splunkforwarder/var/log/splunk/scheduler.log'" OR file="'/*/splunkforwarder/var/log/splunk/searchhistory.log'" OR file="'/*/splunkforwarder/var/log/splunk/splunkd_ui_access.log'" OR file="'/*/splunkforwarder/var/log/splunk/crash-*'" OR file="'/*/splunkforwarder/var/log/splunk/btool.log'" OR file="'/*/splunkforwarder/var/log/splunk/license_audit.log'")\ `comment("Older windows based universal forwarders can also have these same zero sized log files, therefore this error is legitimate for them")`\ NOT (file="'\\*\\SplunkUniversalForwarder\\var\\log\\splunk\\license_usage.log'" OR file="'\\*\\SplunkUniversalForwarder\\var\\log\\splunk\\license_usage_summary.log'" OR file="'\\*\\SplunkUniversalForwarder\\var\\log\\splunk\\mongod.log'" OR file="'\\*\\SplunkUniversalForwarder\\var\\log\\splunk\\remote_searches.log'" OR file="'\\*\\SplunkUniversalForwarder\\var\\log\\splunk\\scheduler.log'" OR file="'\\*\\SplunkUniversalForwarder\\var\\log\\splunk\\searchhistory.log'" OR file="'\\*\\SplunkUniversalForwarder\\var\\log\\splunk\\splunkd_ui_access.log'" OR file="'\\*\\SplunkUniversalForwarder\\var\\log\\splunk\\crash-*'" OR file="'\\*\\SplunkUniversalForwarder\\var\\log\\splunk\\btool.log'" OR file="'\\*\\SplunkUniversalForwarder\\var\\log\\splunk\\license_audit.log'")\ `comment("Splunk enterprise instances running on non-official hostnames")`\ NOT (file="'/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/license_usage.log'" OR file="'/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/license_usage_summary.log'" OR file="'/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/mongod.log'" OR file="'/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/remote_searches.log'" OR file="'/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/scheduler.log'" OR file="'/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/searchhistory.log'" OR file="'/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/splunkd_ui_access.log'" OR file="'/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/crash-*'" OR file="'/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/btool.log'" OR file="'/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/license_audit.log'")\ `comment("Regex for filename now replaces the default field extraction due to Windows based filenames containing spaces..")`\ | rex "file=(?P.+)\)\."\ | stats sum(linecount) as numberOfEntries by host, file\ | where numberOfEntries > 10 disabled = 1 [ForwarderLevel - Forwarders in restart loop] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 1 alert.suppress.period = 60m alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0,15,30,45 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. Attempt to detect universal forwarders that are restarting too often dispatch.earliest_time = -15m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.patterns.sensitivity = 0.3 display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("If a forwarder restarts more than 5 times in 15 minutes there might be a problematic script that is restarting it too often")` \ index=_internal "Received shutdown signal." sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`)\ | stats count as restartCount by host \ | where restartCount > 5 disabled = 1 [ForwarderLevel - SSL Errors In Logs (Potential Universal Forwarder and License Issue)] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 53 22 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. SSL errors from Windows forwarder sin the past have resulted in duplication and excessive license usage, this alert exists to detect this scenario. dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["source","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Excessive SSL errors may relate to a bug in the universal forwarder, if the SSL errors relate to duplication this could cause a license usage issue")` \ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`) NOT (`splunkenterprisehosts`)\ "sock_error = 10054. SSL Error = error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)"\ | top limit=500 host disabled = 1 [ForwarderLevel - Splunk Forwarder Down] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 1 auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. Splunk Forwarders Down (excluding timeshift servers and AWS cloud forwarders) dispatch.earliest_time = -4h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.mode = verbose display.page.search.tab = statistics display.statistics.drilldown = row display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | metadata type=hosts index=_internal \ | search `comment("Find forwarders that have recently stopped talking to the indexers / appear to be down")`\ NOT (`splunkenterprisehosts`) `splunkadmins_forwarderdown`\ | eval age=now()-recentTime | eval status=if(age<1200,"UP","DOWN") \ | eval "Last Active On"=strftime(recentTime, "%+") \ | rename age as Age \ | eval Hour=round(Age/3600,0)\ | eval Minute=round((Age%3600)/60,0)\ | eval Age="-".Hour."h"." : ".Minute."m" \ | table host, status, "Last Active On", Age \ | search status=DOWN \ | lookup dnslookup clienthost AS host disabled = 1 [ForwarderLevel - Splunk HTTP Listener Overwhelmed] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 53 3 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. HTTP listeners should not be overwhelmed with incoming connections, the thread/socket limits may have been reached dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["source","sourcetype","host"] display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Find if the HTTP listener cannot cope with the incoming load of data. Refer to https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Troubleshooting/HTTPthreadlimitissues for more information")` \ index=_internal HttpListener "Can't handle request for" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) `splunkenterprisehosts` disabled = 1 [ForwarderLevel - Splunk Heavy logging sources] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 1 auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 4,34 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. Sources that are sending a large amount of log data... dispatch.earliest_time = -30m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Find splunk sources sending excessive amounts of logs in and then conditionally email the right team members")` \ index=_internal `splunkadmins_license_usage_source` type=Usage `licensemasterhost` sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_heavylogging`\ | stats sum(b) as totalBytes by s, h, idx, st \ | eval totalMBInPast30Mins=round(totalBytes/1024/1024) \ | where totalMBInPast30Mins>500\ | table s, h, idx, st, totalMBInPast30Mins disabled = 1 [ForwarderLevel - Splunk Universal Forwarders Exceeding the File Descriptor Cache] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 11 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. These forwarders may need an increase in their file descriptor cache limits dispatch.earliest_time = -1d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype","title","severity"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.patterns.sensitivity = 0.3 display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("The file descriptor cache full message is a potential indicator that we are monitoring directories with many files and this might cause the forwarder to utilize extra CPU")`\ index=_internal TailReader "File descriptor cache is full" (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) OR (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`) sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_exceeding_filedescriptor`\ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | stats values(message), count by host disabled = 1 [ForwarderLevel - Splunk forwarders are having issues with sending data to indexers] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 28 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. A level of these alerts just mean the indexer is busy / not receiving data fast enough, many alerts indicate the indexer is having serious issues. dispatch.earliest_time = -1h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["source","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("A could not send data to output queue from the indexers or heavy forwarders often indicates a performance issue")` \ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) "Could not send data to output queue" (`indexerhosts`) OR (`heavyforwarderhosts`) `splunkadmins_sending_data`\ | search `comment("Exclude shutdown times")` AND NOT [`splunkadmins_shutdown_time(indexerhosts,0,0)`]\ | bin _time span=20m\ | stats count by host, _time\ | search (count>`splunkadmins_sending_data_nonhf_count` NOT `heavyforwarderhosts`) OR (count>`splunkadmins_sending_data_hf_count` `heavyforwarderhosts`) disabled = 1 [ForwarderLevel - Splunk forwarders failing due to disk space issues] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 4 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 45 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. A universal forwarder has run out of disk space dispatch.earliest_time = -1h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Detect universal forwarders that do not have any disk space left and therefore cannot work as expected")` \ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) OR (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`) "No space left on device" \ | top host disabled = 1 [ForwarderLevel - Splunk universal forwarders with ulimit issues] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 4 auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 10 * * 1 description = Chance the alert requires action? High. Universal forwarder with ulimit issues dispatch.earliest_time = -1w dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.patterns.sensitivity = 0.3 display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search schedule_window = 50 search = `comment("Detect universal forwarders that have the ulimit set too low for the number of file descriptors (ulimit -n)")` \ index=_internal log_level=WARN sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) OR (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`) (component=ulimit "Splunk may not work due to low file size limit") OR ("fd limit" "lower") \ | dedup host \ | fields host _raw disabled = 1 [ForwarderLevel - Unusual number of duplication alerts] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 07 22 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. An unusual number of duplication alerts has appeared from these universal forwarders dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["source","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("The number of warnings about duplication seems unusually high and may require investigation")` \ `comment("The duplication warnings will occur with indexer acknowledgement enabled and indexer shutdowns. Other circumstances likely require some kind of investigation, the issue may also appear if the forwarder is having trouble getting CPU time...")`\ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`) NOT (`splunkenterprisehosts`) "duplication" `splunkadmins_unusual_duplication`\ | search `comment("Exclude shutdown times")` AND NOT [`splunkadmins_shutdown_time(indexerhosts,60,60)`]\ | stats count by host \ | where count > `splunkadmins_unusual_duplication_count` disabled = 1 [ForwarderLevel - crcSalt or initCrcLength change may be required] action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0 action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 1 alert.suppress.period = 12h alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 53 2 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. The forwarder is advising the crcSalt = or an initCrcLength change may be required on these files therefore these should be investigated. dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.patterns.sensitivity = 0.3 display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Look for issues relating to CRC salt on any files...the universal forwarder settings may need tweaking to ensure the file is read as expected, or it may be a rolled file")` \ index=_internal "You may wish to use larger initCrcLen for this sourcetype" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) OR (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`) `splunkadmins_crcsalt_initcrc`\ `comment("Attempt to exclude rolled files from the check by looking for the most common pattern (.1, .2, .10 or similar)")` \ `comment("This alert aims to find files where crcSalt = might be required in the inputs.conf file or a tweak to the initCrcLen...")`\ `comment("Regex for filename now replaces the default field extraction due to Windows based filenames containing spaces..")`\ | rex "file=(?P.+)\)\."\ | regex file!="\.\d+$" \ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | top limit=500 file, host, message disabled = 1 [ForwarderLevel - Splunk Universal Forwarders that are time shifting] action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0 action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 0 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. The clock has changed many times on this server and may indicate a timeshfiting test environment dispatch.earliest_time = -1d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.patterns.sensitivity = 0.3 display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Detect universal forwarders that appear to be moving their clocks backwards/into the past or forwards, into the future. Timeshifting servers may need to be excluded from Splunk")` \ `comment("The string \"WARN TimeoutHeap - Either time adjusted forwards by, or event loop was descheduled for\" looks similar but tends to relate to a poorly performing server rather than a time shift...")`\ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) OR (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`) "Detected system time adjusted" OR "System time went " `splunkadmins_uf_timeshifting`\ | rex "by (?P\d+)ms\.$"\ | rex "by (?P[\d\.]+) seconds$"\ | eval timePeriod=if(isnotnull(timePeriodInSecs),timePeriodInSecs*1000,timePeriod)\ | where timePeriod > 100000 \ | dedup host\ | fields host, _raw disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - ClusterMaster Advising SearchOrRep Factor Not Met] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 1 alert.suppress.period = 3h alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 4 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = */10 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. The cluster master shows that either not all data is searchable or rep/search factors are not met dispatch.earliest_time = -1h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /services/cluster/searchhead/generation `splunkadmins_clustermaster_host` | where is_searchable!=1 OR replication_factor_met!=1 OR search_factor_met!=1 | table is_searchable replication_factor_met, search_factor_met\ | search `comment("If the cluster master advises there is an issue, you probably want to check why")` disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Future Dated Events that appeared in the last week] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 0 * * 2 description = Chance the alert requires action? High. Search for any data that has future based time-stamping, this likely shows a date parsing issue or a server sending logs with a date in the future dispatch.earliest_time = -1w dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Data should not appear from the future...this alert finds that data so it can be investigated")` `comment("This query could be | tstats count, max(_time), min(_time) where index=* earliest=+5m latest=+10y groupby index, sourcetype, _time, _indextime span=1d, and then drop the field named 'ahead', but in 8.2.5 this is slower than the index= version")` \ index=* earliest=+5m latest=+10y `splunkadmins_future_dated`\ | eval ahead=abs(now() - _time)\ | eval indextime=_indextime\ | bin span=1d indextime \ | eval timeToLookBack=now()-(60*60*24*7)\ | stats avg(ahead) as averageahead, max(_time) AS maxTime, min(_time) as minTime, count, first(timeToLookBack) AS timeToLookBack by host, sourcetype, index, indextime\ | where indextime>timeToLookBack AND averageahead > 1000\ | eval averageahead =tostring(averageahead, "duration")\ | eval invesMaxTime=if(minTime=maxTime,maxTime+1,maxTime)\ | eval investigationQuery="index=" . index . " host=" . host . " sourcetype=\"" . sourcetype . "\" earliest=" . minTime . " latest=" . invesMaxTime . " _index_earliest=" . timeToLookBack . " | eval indextime=strftime(_indextime, \"%+\")"\ | eval indextime=strftime(indextime, "%+"), maxTime = strftime(maxTime, "%+"), minTime = strftime(minTime, "%+")\ | table host, sourcetype, index, averageahead, indextime, minTime, maxTime, count, investigationQuery disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Failures To Parse Timestamp Correctly (excluding breaking issues)] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 3 * * 5 description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. Failures to parse incoming log file timestamps, this excludes a timestamp failure due to the event been broken (there is a separate alert for breaking issues) dispatch.earliest_time = -1w dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Timestamp parsing has failed, and it doesn't appear to be related to the event been broken due to having too many lines, that is a separate alert that may trigger a timestamp parsing issue (excluded from this alert as that issue needs to be resolved first)")` \ `comment("Please note that you may see this particular warning on data that is sent to the nullQueue using a transforms.conf. Obviously you won't see this in the index but you will see the warning because the time parsing occurs before the transforms.conf occurs")`\ `comment("This alert now checks for at least 2 failures, and header entries can often trigger 2 entries in the log files about timestamp parsing failures...")`\ `comment("Finally one strange edge case is a newline inserted into the log file (by itself with no content before/afterward) can trigger the warning but nothing will get indexed, multiline_event_extra_waittime, time_before_close and EVENT_BREAKER can resolve this edge case")`\ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd ("Failed to parse timestamp" "Defaulting to timestamp of previous event") OR "Breaking event because limit of " OR "outside of the acceptable time window" (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) (`indexerhosts`) OR (`heavyforwarderhosts`) `splunkadmins_failuretoparse_timestamp`\ | bin _time span=`splunkadmins_failuretoparse_timestamp_binperiod` \ | eval host=data_host, source=data_source, sourcetype=data_sourcetype\ | rex "source::(?P[^|]+)\|host::(?P[^|]+)\|(?P[^|]+)" \ | eventstats count(eval(isnotnull(data_host))) AS hasBrokenEventOrTuncatedLine, count(eval(searchmatch("outside of the acceptable time window"))) AS outsideTimewindow by _time, host, source, sourcetype\ | where hasBrokenEventOrTuncatedLine=0 AND isnull(data_host) AND NOT searchmatch("outside of the acceptable time window")\ | search `comment("To investigate further we want the previous timestamp that Splunk used for the event in question, that way we can see what it looks like in raw format...")`\ | rex "Defaulting to timestamp of previous event \((?P[^)]+)"\ | eval previousTimeStamp=strptime(previousTimeStamp, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")\ | stats count, min(_time) AS firstSeen, max(_time) AS mostRecent, first(previousTimeStamp) AS recentExample, sum(outsideTimewindow) AS outsideTimewindow by host, sourcetype, source\ | where count>`splunkadmins_failuretoparse_timestamp_count`\ | stats sum(count) AS count, min(firstSeen) AS firstSeen, max(mostRecent) AS mostRecent, first(recentExample) AS recentExample, values(source) AS sourceList, sum(outsideTimewindow) AS outsideTimewindow by host, sourcetype\ | search `comment("Allow exclusions based on count or similar...")` `splunkadmins_failuretoparse_timestamp2`\ | eval invesEnd=recentExample+1\ | eval invesDataSource=sourceList\ | eval invesDataSource=if(mvcount(invesDataSource)>1,mvjoin(invesDataSource,"\" OR source=\""),invesDataSource)\ | eval invesDataSource = "source=\"" + invesDataSource + "\""\ | eval invesDataSource = replace(invesDataSource, "\\\\", "\\\\\\\\")\ | eval investigationQuery="`comment(\"The investigation query may find zero data if the data was sent to the null queue by a transforms.conf as the time parsing occurs before the transforms occur. If this source/sourcetype has a null queue you may need to exclude it from this alert\")` `comment(\"Note that the host= can be inaccurate if host overrides are in use in transforms.conf, if this query finds no results remove host=...\")` index=* host=" . host . " sourcetype=\"" . sourcetype . "\" " . invesDataSource . " earliest=" . recentExample . " latest=" . invesEnd . " | eval indextime=strftime(_indextime, \"%+\")" \ | eval mostRecent=strftime(mostRecent, "%+"), firstSeen=strftime(firstSeen, "%+")\ | eval outsideAcceptableTimeWindow=if(outsideTimewindow!=0,"Timestamp parsing failed due to been outside the acceptable time window","No")\ | fields - recentExample, invesEnd, invesDataSource, outsideTimewindow\ | sort - count disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - IndexConfig Warnings from Splunk indexers] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 57 2 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. IndexConfig warnings are usually a problem so should be investigated... dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["source","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("IndexConfig warnings are generally a problem")` \ index=_internal "WARN IndexConfig" OR "ERROR IndexConfig" OR (ClusterMasterControlHandler " ERROR " OR " WARN " NOT "*No new dry run will be performed" `comment("This appears to occur when CM is not aware of a hot->warm roll, self-recovers in most cases as the .bucketManifest/directory is fine according to support")` NOT "The cluster manager already has committed size for this bucket") (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) `indexerhosts` OR `cluster_masters` `splunkadmins_indexconfig_warn` \ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message) \ | stats count by message, host \ | eval why="Bundle validation failure on indexing tier, please investigate" \ | table why, message, count, host disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Indexer Queues May Have Issues] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 1 alert.suppress.period = 1h alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = */11 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. One or more indexer queues have been filled for a period of time and may require investigation. dispatch.earliest_time = -11m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("This alert is borrowed from the monitoring console. When the queues are filled there is an issue in the indexer cluster!")`\ index=_internal `indexerhosts` `splunkadmins_metrics_source` sourcetype=splunkd group=queue \ | eval ingest_pipe = if(isnotnull(ingest_pipe), ingest_pipe, "none") | search ingest_pipe=*\ | eval name=case(name=="aggqueue","2 - Aggregation Queue",\ name=="indexqueue", "4 - Indexing Queue",\ name=="parsingqueue", "1 - Parsing Queue",\ name=="typingqueue", "3 - Typing Queue",\ name=="splunktcpin", "0 - TCP In Queue",\ name=="tcpin_cooked_pqueue", "0 - TCP In Queue") \ | eval max=if(isnotnull(max_size_kb),max_size_kb,max_size) \ | eval curr=if(isnotnull(current_size_kb),current_size_kb,current_size) \ | eval fill_perc=round((curr/max)*100,2) \ | eval combined = host . "_pipe_" . ingest_pipe\ | bin _time span=1m\ | stats Median(fill_perc) AS "fill_percentage" by combined, _time, name \ | where (fill_percentage>`splunkadmins_indexerqueue_fillperc_nonindexqueue` AND name!="4 - Indexing Queue") OR (fill_percentage>`splunkadmins_indexerqueue_fillperc_indexqueue` AND name="4 - Indexing Queue") \ | eventstats dc(combined) AS servercount \ | eventstats count AS totalcount by combined, name \ | where totalcount>`splunkadmins_indexerqueue_count` disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Indexer replication queue issues to some peers] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 1 alert.suppress.period = 90m alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = */11 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. Indexer replication queue issues to some peers may prevent indexing of data and result in a large index queue dispatch.earliest_time = -1h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.mode = fast display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("If the replication queue is full, then depending on the replication factor this can stop / slow indexing. Note this alert has been set to find many results to remove false alarms...")` \ `comment("Unfortunately this setting is not tunable, at the time of writing (7.0.0) the queue size is 20. If the \"has room now\" appears shortly afterward this is not an issue.")`\ index=_internal `indexerhosts` "replication queue for " "full" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`)\ | rename peer AS guid \ | join guid [| rest /services/search/distributed/peers `splunkadmins_restmacro` | fields guid peerName]\ | bin _time span=10m \ | stats count by peerName, _time \ | where count>`splunkadmins_indexer_replication_queue_count` disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Rolling Hot Bucket Failure] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 5 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0,15,30,45 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. Hot buckets are throwing errors while trying to roll dispatch.earliest_time = -15m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("If this alert fires, we are potentially out of disk in the hot section or something else has gone wrong")` \ index=_internal `indexerhosts` "Not rolling hot buckets on further errors to this target" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - Losing Contact With Master Node] action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0 action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 11 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. One or more splunk indexers have lost contact with the splunk cluster master server. This may require additional investigation. dispatch.earliest_time = -1h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.statistics.drilldown = row display.visualizations.charting.chart = line display.visualizations.show = 0 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Either the master is down or the indexers are having issues contacting the master or search head to master is having issues")` \ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) (`splunkenterprisehosts` CMSearchHead OR GenerationGrabber OR (CMMasterProxy down)) OR (`indexerhosts` cluster master CMSlave WARN OR ERROR)\ NOT [`splunkadmins_shutdown_time(splunkadmins_clustermaster_oshost,30,60)`]\ | fillnull master value="N/A"\ | rex "(?s)^(\S+\s+){3}(?P.*)"\ | stats count, latest(_time) AS mostrecent, earliest(_time) AS firstseen, values(host) AS hosts by error, master\ | eval mostrecent=strftime(mostrecent, "%+"), firstseen=strftime(firstseen, "%+")\ | table hosts, count, master, firstseen, mostrecent, error\ | where (match(error,"GenerationGrabber") AND count>10) OR (match(error, "(CMSearchHead|CMMasterProxy|CMSlave)") AND count>1) disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Uneven Indexed Data Across The Indexers] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 56 1,5,9,13,17,21 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. The data is not been spread across the indexers correctly during this last 4 hour block dispatch.earliest_time = -4h@h dispatch.latest_time = @h display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area display.visualizations.charting.chart.stackMode = stacked100 enableSched = 1 quantity = 10 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | tstats summariesonly=t count WHERE index="*" by splunk_server _time span=10m\ | search `comment("If the balance of data between indexer cluster members becomes very unbalanced then the searches tend to spend more CPU on a particular indexer / search peer and this eventually creates issues")`\ | sort _time \ | eventstats sum(count) AS totalCountForTime, dc(splunk_server) AS indexers by _time \ | eval perc=round((count/totalCountForTime)*100,2) \ | eval expectedShare = 100 / indexers\ | eval perc = 100 - (expectedShare / perc)*100\ | where perc>`splunkadmins_uneven_indexed_perc` disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Weekly Broken Events Report] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 5 * * 4 description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. These events are been broken due to reaching the maximum number of lines limit...in Splunk 7 and above the Monitoring Console, Indexing -> Inputs -> Data Quality will help here... dispatch.earliest_time = -1w dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("The event that came in was greater than the maximum number of lines that were configured, therefore it was broken into multiple events...")` \ `comment("If running Splunk 7 or newer than refer to the monitoring console Indexing -> Inputs -> Data Quality")`\ index=_internal AggregatorMiningProcessor "Breaking event because limit of" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) `splunkadmins_weekly_brokenevents`\ | rex "Breaking event because limit of (?P\d+)" \ | stats max(_time) AS mostRecent, min(_time) AS firstSeen, count by data_sourcetype, data_host, curlimit\ | eval longerThan=curlimit-1\ | eval invesLatest = if(mostRecent==firstSeen,mostRecent+1,mostRecent)\ | rename data_sourcetype AS sourcetype, data_host AS host\ | eval investigationQuery="`comment(\"If no results are found prepend the earliest=/latest= with _index_ (eg _index_earliest=...) and expand the timeframe searched over, as the parsed timestamps from the data does not have to exactly match the time the warnings appeared...\")` index=* host=" . host . " sourcetype=\"" . sourcetype . "\" linecount>" . longerThan . " earliest=" . firstSeen . " latest=" . invesLatest\ | fields - firstSeen, longerThan, invesLatest\ | eval mostRecent=strftime(mostRecent, "%+")\ | sort - count disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Weekly Truncated Logs Report] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 5 * * 2 description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. These events are been truncated due to hitting the truncation limit, in Splunk 7 and above the Monitoring Console, Indexing -> Inputs -> Data Quality will help here... dispatch.earliest_time = -1w dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("The line was truncated due to length, the TRUNCATE setting may need tweaking (or it may be just bad data coming in)")`\ `comment("If running Splunk 7 or newer than refer to the Monitoring Console, Indexing -> Inputs -> Data Quality")`\ `comment("If you are in a (very) performance sensitive environment you might want to remove the rex/eval lines for the data_host field and let the admin update the inves query manually")`\ index=_internal "Truncating line because limit of" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) (`heavyforwarderhosts`) OR (`indexerhosts`) `splunkadmins_weekly_truncated`\ | rex "Truncating line because limit of (?P\d+) bytes.*with a line length >= (?P\S+)" \ | rex field=data_host "(?P[^\.]+)"\ | eval data_host=data_host . "*"\ | stats min(_time) AS firstSeen, max(_time) AS lastSeen, count, avg(approxlinelength) AS avgApproxLineLength, max(approxlinelength) AS maxApproxLineLength, values(data_host) AS hosts by data_sourcetype, curlimit\ | rename data_sourcetype AS sourcetype\ | eval hostList=if(mvcount(hosts)>1,mvjoin(hosts," OR host="),hosts)\ | eval hostList="host=" . hostList\ | eval avgApproxLineLength = round(avgApproxLineLength)\ | eval invesLastSeen=if(firstSeen==lastSeen,lastSeen+1,lastSeen)\ | eval firstSeen=firstSeen-10\ | eval invesLastSeen=invesLastSeen+10\ | eval investigationQuery="`comment(\"Find examples where the truncation limit has been reached\")` `comment(\"The earliest/latest time is based on the warning messages in the Splunk logs, they may need customisation!\")` index=* sourcetype=" . sourcetype . " " . hostList . " earliest=" . firstSeen . " latest=" . invesLastSeen . " | where len(_raw)=" . curlimit\ | sort - count\ | eval lastSeen=strftime(lastSeen, "%+")\ | table sourcetype, curlimit, count, avgApproxLineLength, maxApproxLineLength, lastSeen, investigationQuery\ | where count>`splunkadmins_weekly_truncated_count` disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Valid Timestamp Invalid Parsed Time] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 1 auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 2 * * 3 description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. The timestamp was parsed but an error was thrown to advise that the timestamp does not appear to be correct dispatch.earliest_time = -1w dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("The timestamp parsing did run but the timestamp found did not match previous events so the time parsing may need a review")`\ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) (`indexerhosts`) OR (`heavyforwarderhosts`) \ "outside of the acceptable time window. If this timestamp is correct, consider adjusting" \ OR "is too far away from the previous event's time" \ OR "is suspiciously far away from the previous event's time" `splunkadmins_valid_timestamp_invalidparsed`\ | rex "source::(?P[^|]+)\|host::(?P[^|]+)\|(?P[^|]+)"\ | search `comment("The goal of this part of the search was to obtain the messages that are relating to this particular host/source/sourcetype, however since the message includes a time we cannot uses values(message) without getting a huge number of values, therefore we use cluster to obtain the unique values. Since we want the original start/end times we use labelonly=true")`\ | cluster labelonly=true \ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | stats count, min(_time) AS firstSeen, max(_time) AS lastSeen, first(message) AS message by host, source, sourcetype, cluster_label\ | search `comment("While 'A possible timestamp match (...) is outside of the acceptable time window' and 'Time parsed (...) is too far away from the previous event's time', result in the current indexing time been used, the 'Accepted time (...) is suspiciously far away from the previous event's time' is accepted and therefore we need to expand the investigation query time to include this time range as well!")` \ | rex field=message "Accepted time \((?P[^\)]+)"\ | eval acceptedTime=strptime(acceptedTime, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")\ | eval firstSeen=if(acceptedTime300\ `splunkadmins_longrunning_searches`\ `comment("At this point we have a list of searches minus the various exclusions, we now filter out the real time searches as they will always run for a long period of time...")`\ | regex search_id!="rt.*" | table savedsearch_name, search_id, total_run_time, search_et, search_lt, api_et, api_lt, scan_count, _time, user, info, host | eval search_et=strftime(search_et, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"), search_lt=strftime(search_lt, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"), api_et=strftime(api_et, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"), api_lt=strftime(api_lt, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"), _time=strftime(_time, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M") disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Realtime Scheduled Searches are in use] action.email.message.report = The scheduled report '$name$' has run. Please fix the searches listed action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0 action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 1 auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 8 0,4,8,12,16,20 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. Realtime searches should not be scheduled, please only enable this alert if it relevant for your environment. Fields such as relation or alert_condition can be used if you want to look for realtime alerts only. Search Head specific? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches `splunkadmins_restmacro` timeout=900 \ | search `comment("Find realtime scheduled searches, they should not be enabled")` `splunkadmins_realtime_scheduledsearches`\ | table title author, realtime_schedule, cron_schedule, description, disabled, dispatch.earliest_time, dispatch.index_earliest, dispatch.index_latest, dispatch.latest_time, dispatchAs, eai:acl.app, eai:acl.owner, eai:acl.owner, updated, qualifiedSearch, is_scheduled, next_scheduled_time, alert_type, schedule_priority\ | search dispatch.earliest_time=rt* next_scheduled_time!="" disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Scheduled Searches That Cannot Run] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 16 6,10,18 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. As found in the DMC console, moving it into an alert so we can get alerted to the problem rather than checking a dashboard/log about this. Can be fixed by the end user? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = -8h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("These searches are scheduled but for some reason cannot run (eg. invalid search syntax)")`\ index=_internal `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=scheduler NOT "The 'require' command received zero" `splunkadmins_scheduledsearches_cannot_run`\ `comment("Additional rex due to someone using app= inside their saved search name...")`\ | rex "app=\"(?P[^\"]+)\""\ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | fillnull message\ | search `comment("The below 3 lines will catch map/lookup errors or similar that look like message=\"Error in 'map': Did not find value for required attribute 'attr'.\". No actions executed. This may or may not be a good thing...")` \ | rex "- savedsearch_id=\"(?P[^;]+);(?P[^;]+);(?P[^\"]+)" \ | eval savedsearch_name=coalesce(savedsearch_name,savedsearch_name_2), app=coalesce(app,app2), user=coalesce(user,user2) \ | fillnull status value="error" \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | eventstats values(user) AS user by savedsearch_name, app, search_head_cluster \ | eval user=if(mvcount(user)>1,mvfilter(!(match(user, "nobody"))),user) \ | stats max(_time) AS mostRecentlySeen, values(success) AS success by message, savedsearch_name, app, log_level, user, status, search_head_cluster \ | stats count(eval(status="success")) AS successCount, count(eval(success==0)) AS reportFailureCount, count(eval(searchmatch("log_level=WARN OR log_level=ERROR OR status=delegated_remote_error"))) AS warnerrorcount, max(mostRecentlySeen) AS mostRecentlySeen, values(status) AS status, values(message) AS message by savedsearch_name, app, user, search_head_cluster\ | where warnerrorcount>0\ | append \ [ search index=_internal `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=scheduler status=delegated_remote_error \ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | stats max(_time) AS mostRecentlySeen, first(message) AS message by savedsearch_name, app, log_level, user, status, search_head_cluster] \ | selfjoin overwrite=true keepsingle=true savedsearch_name, app, user, search_head_cluster \ | append \ [ search `comment("macro failures in the search syntax result in the log only appearing in splunkd, and the absence of delegated_remote_completion in scheduler.log")` \ index=_internal `searchheadhosts` ERROR "failed job" sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` saved_search=* \ | search `comment("Exclude time periods where shutdowns were occurring")` AND NOT \ [ `splunkadmins_shutdown_time(searchheadhosts,0,0)`] \ | rex "saved_search=([^;]+);(?P[^;]+);(?P.*?) err=" \ | rex "(?Psaved_search=.*uri=)http(s)?://[^/]+(?P.*)" \ | eval messagewithoutheader=messagewithoutheader . messagewithoutheader2 \ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | stats max(_time) AS mostRecentlySeen, first(message) AS message by messagewithoutheader, savedsearch_name, app, search_head_cluster \ | eval log_level="ERROR" \ | fields - messagewithoutheader \ | sort - mostRecentlySeen] \ | selfjoin overwrite=true keepsingle=true savedsearch_name, app, search_head_cluster \ | where successCount<1 \ | sort - warnerrorcount, savedsearch_name \ | rename message as Message, count as runCount \ | eval mostRecentlySeen = strftime(mostRecentlySeen, "%+") \ | fields - cluster_label, status, savedsearch_id, host, status disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Scheduled Searches without a configured earliest and latest time] action.email.message.report = The scheduled report '$name$' has run. Please fix the searches listed action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0 action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 1 alert.suppress.period = 8h alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 8 0,4,8,12,16,20 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. A scheduled search without time limits could kill the Splunk indexers with CPU / IO issues depending on the criteria of the search. Can be fixed by the end user? Yes. Search Head specific? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches `splunkadmins_restmacro` \ | search `comment("Find scheduled searches where they are searching over all time, this is generally not good practice and can cause performance issues")`\ dispatch.earliest_time="" OR dispatch.earliest_time="0" next_scheduled_time!="" `splunkadmins_scheduledsearches_without_earliestlatest`\ | table title author, realtime_schedule, cron_schedule, description, disabled, dispatch.earliest_time, dispatch.latest_time, eai:acl.app, eai:acl.owner, updated, qualifiedSearch, is_scheduled, is_visible, next_scheduled_time, splunk_server \ | regex qualifiedSearch="^\s*(search|tstats) " \ | rex field=qualifiedSearch "earliest=(?P\S+)"\ | where isnull(earliestTime) \ | fields - earliestTime\ | rename eai:acl.owner AS owner, eai:appName AS Application disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Scheduled searches not specifying an index] action.analyzeioc.param.verbose = 0 action.email.message.report = The scheduled report '$name$' has run. Please fix the searches listed action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0 action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 14 6 * * 1-5 description = Chance the alert requires action? High. These searches are either using index=* or not specifying an index at all and relying on the default set of indexes. Can be fixed by the end user? Yes. Search Head specific? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches `splunkadmins_restmacro`\ | search `comment("Look over all scheduled searches and find those not specifying/narrowing down to an index, or using the index=* trick")`\ | table title, eai:acl.owner, description, eai:acl.app, qualifiedSearch, next_scheduled_time\ | search next_scheduled_time!="" `splunkadmins_scheduledsearches_without_index` \ | regex qualifiedSearch!=".*index\s*(!?)=\s*([^*]|\*\S+)" \ | regex qualifiedSearch="^\s*search "\ | regex qualifiedSearch!="^\s*search\s*\[\s*\|\s*inputlookup"\ | rex field=qualifiedSearch "(?s)^(?P[^\|]+)"\ | regex exampleQueryToDetermineIndexes!="\`"\ | eval exampleQueryToDetermineIndexes=exampleQueryToDetermineIndexes . "| stats values(index) AS index | format | fields search | eval search=replace(search,\"\\)\",\"\"), search=replace(search,\"\\(\",\"\"), search=if(search==\"NOT \",\"No indexes found\",search)"\ | rename eai:acl.owner AS owner, eai:acl.app AS Application disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Script failures in the last day] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 22 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. Scripts or webhooks are throwing errors which may indicate an issue, requires "SearchHeadLevel - RMD5 to savedsearch_name lookupgen report" to translate the search name accurately. dispatch.earliest_time = -1d dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Shell scripts running from Splunk are failing to run or throwing errors, or another sendmodalert failure has occurred")` \ index=_internal `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=splunkd log_level="ERROR" OR log_level="WARN" `splunkadmins_scriptfailures` command="runshellscript" OR ScriptRunner OR "Alert script returned error code" OR "ERROR sendmodalert" OR "WARN sendmodalert" OR "Killing script" OR ("ERROR SearchScheduler" "sendalert") NOT sendemail.py NOT "InsecureRequestWarning" \ | bin _time span=30s \ | eval search_head=host\ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster`\ | rex "^[^\[]+\[\S+\s+(?P[^\]]+)" \ | fillnull threadid value="N/A" \ | stats values(_raw) AS _raw, values(search_head) AS search_head, values(search_head_cluster) AS search_head_cluster by _time, threadid \ | search _raw!="*404: Not Found" _raw!="*Connection refused>" _raw!="*HTTP Error 403: Forbidden" _raw!="*Name or service not known>" NOT (_raw="*Connection reset by peer" _raw="*sendalert' command*") \ | rex field=_raw "[/\\\]dispatch[/\\\](?P[^/]+)" \ | rex "sid:(?P\S+)" \ | eval sid=coalesce(sid2,sid_from_dispatch) \ | eval sid=mvdedup(sid) \ | append \ [ search index=_internal `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=scheduler WARN SavedSplunker maximum time allowed \ | eval search_head=host \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | stats count, last(event_message) AS event_message, last(component) AS component, latest(_time) AS _time, values(search_head) AS search_head, values(search_head_cluster) AS search_head_cluster by savedsearch_id \ | rex field=savedsearch_id "^(?P[^;]+);(?P[^;]+);(?P.*)" \ | eval _raw = "count=" . count . " " . component . " " . event_message \ | rex field=_raw "sid=\"(?P[^\"]+)" ] \ | `search_type_from_sid(sid)` \ | lookup splunkadmins_rmd5_to_savedsearchname RMDvalue AS report OUTPUT savedsearch_name\ | eval searchname=coalesce(savedsearch_name, searchname) \ | `base64decode(base64appname)` \ | eval app4="N/A" \ | eval app=coalesce(app,base64appname,app3,app4) \ | eval _raw=mvindex(_raw,0,20), searchname=mvindex(searchname,0,20) \ | `base64decode(base64username)` \ | eval username=coalesce(username,base64username,username3) \ | fillnull value="N/A" app, searchname, username, search_head_cluster \ | stats count, values(_raw) AS _raw by app, searchname, username, search_head_cluster, _time \ | table _time, username, app, searchname, search_head_cluster, _raw disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Splunk Max Historic Search Limits Reached] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 11 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. Splunk Max Historic Search Limits Reached dispatch.earliest_time = -1d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Once the max historic search limit has been reached the search jobs will be queued, this can be an issue if the limit is set too low (or too high)")` \ index=_internal `splunkenterprisehosts` "The maximum number of historical concurrent system-wide searches has been reached" OR "The system is approaching the maximum number of historical searches that can be run concurrently" (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) \ | fields _time, host disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - Splunk Scheduler skipped searches and the reason] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 57 2,6,10,14,18,22 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. Provides the skipped searches and a list of reasons why they were skipped. To remove false alarms this alert now checks if any shutdown messages appear, this may require tweaking in your environment as it checks for *any* Splunk enterprise instance shutdown... dispatch.earliest_time = -4h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("For some reason this search had to be skipped, this might be due to over scheduling the search or an inefficient search or similar")` index=_internal sourcetype=scheduler status=skipped source=*scheduler.log `splunkenterprisehosts` \ | search `comment("Exclude unable to distribute to peer messages where we sent the shutdown signal to the peer")` AND NOT [`splunkadmins_shutdown_list(splunkenterprisehosts,0,0)`]\ | search `comment("Skipped searches can be expected for up-to 10 minutes after an indexer(s) has been shutdown...")` AND NOT [`splunkadmins_shutdown_time(indexerhosts,0,600)`]\ | fillnull concurrency_category concurrency_context concurrency_limit\ | stats count, earliest(_time) AS firstSeen, latest(_time) AS lastSeen by savedsearch_id, reason, app, concurrency_category, concurrency_context, concurrency_limit, search_type, user, host \ | eval firstSeen = strftime(firstSeen, "%+"), lastSeen=strftime(lastSeen, "%+") disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Splunk Users Violating the Search Quota] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 3 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. These users have reached the search quota but may not be aware of this issue. dispatch.earliest_time = -1d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["source","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("The listed users have reached the search quota and may need to be informed of this, or they may need to be added to the macro for this alert")`\ index=_internal `searchheadhosts` (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) "was previously reported to be hung but has completed" OR "The maximum number of concurrent " `splunkadmins_users_violating_searchquota`\ | rex "Queued job id\s+=\s+(rt_)?(?P[^_]+)"\ | eval username=coalesce(username, username2)\ | bin span=24h _time\ | top showperc=false limit=200 username, reason, host, _time, provenance\ | where count>10 disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Users exceeding the disk quota] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 21 */2 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. One or more users have reached the disk quota limit and may not be aware of this... Can be fixed by the end user? Yes. You may wish to use sendresults with the output of this command...Search Head specific? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = -2h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["source","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("The listed users have reached the maximum disk quota, they may be unaware so it is best to let them know about this issue...")` \ `comment("Note that the REST API call accesses the jobs list which can expire for ad-hoc jobs in 10 minutes, so this may find zero results. The status.csv inside the dispatch directory records the size per job but it is not indexed by Splunk so either this alert needs to run very often or it will sometimes run after the issue has occurred and send an empty top 10 jobs list...")`\ `comment("The introspection index version is called SearchHeadLevel - Users exceeding the disk quota introspection, it is not search head specific but it is also less accurate for disk space used")`\ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd `splunkenterprisehosts` (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) "maximum disk usage quota" `splunkadmins_users_exceeding_diskquota`\ | stats max(_time) AS mostRecent by username, reason, host\ | eval mostRecent = strftime(mostRecent, "%+")\ | search `comment("We use this bizarre field naming so when we append the actual search results we don't have 20 columns of data to read, also it looks nicer in an email. However since we want this over multiple lines and we only want to run the map command once we use a temporary field which we later expand to a multi-line field. Furthermore mvexpand on the search field can result in multiple rows per search which is why a temporary field is used")`\ | eval renameToSearch="Why am I, " + username + ", receiving this? |" + reason + " (from) " + host + "|_|Last seen? |" + mostRecent + "|_|Your top 10 largest jobs are listed below"\ | fields - reason, mostRecent, host\ | search `comment("The below is the complex attempt to include the largest jobs by querying the REST API. If we use map without the appendpipe we lose the original reason why we are sending this email. The initial workaround of makeresults and eval commands did work but this seemed slightly cleaner. Although there would be other ways to do this...")`\ | append [ | makeresults | eval username="workaround for map errors", body="to pass appinspect" ]\ | appendpipe\ [\ | map \ [| rest /services/search/jobs `splunkadmins_restmacro` \ | search `comment("Attempt to show the customer the top 10 jobs using disk and the related search commands/search names, also if it relates to their scheduled searches or not...")` author=$username$ diskUsage>0 \ | fields diskUsage, eai:acl.app, latestTime, label, provenance, runDuration, searchEarliestTime, searchLatestTime, title, updated, ttl \ | rename title AS search, eai:acl.app AS app, label AS searchName \ | sort - diskUsage \ | eval diskUsage=round(diskUsage/1024/1024,2), searchEarliestTime=strftime(searchEarliestTime, "%+"), searchLatestTime=strftime(searchLatestTime, "%+") \ | eval expiry=strftime(strptime(updated, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N%z")+ttl, "%+")\ | eval runDuration=substr(tostring(runDuration,"duration"),0,8) \ | eval search=substr(search,0,300) \ | fields - provenance, ttl, updated \ | eval searchName=if(searchName=="","ad-hoc search",searchName)\ | eval renameToSearch="X"\ | table searchName, app, diskUsage, expiry, runDuration, searchEarliestTime, searchLatestTime, search, renameToSearch\ | head 10 ] \ ]\ | where username!="workaround for map errors"\ | makemv delim="|" renameToSearch\ | mvexpand renameToSearch\ | eval search=if(renameToSearch!="X",renameToSearch,search)\ | table username, searchName, app, diskUsage, expiry, runDuration, searchEarliestTime, searchLatestTime, search disabled = 1 [AllSplunkLevel execprocessor errors] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 28 5 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. This alert can be very noisy, this will return any execprocessor errors from any script on any Splunk server! dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("An attempt to find the execprocessor errors these are often scripts or application which are having some kind of issue...")`\ index=_internal "ERROR ExecProcessor" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) OR (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`) NOT "Ignoring: \"" `splunkadmins_execprocessor`\ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | dedup message, host | fields host _raw disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Time format has changed multiple log types in one sourcetype] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 2 * * 1 description = Chance the alert requires action? High. A changing time format is likely due to multiple log types using the same sourcetype or a date time parsing issue dispatch.earliest_time = -1w dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("This search detects when the time format has changed within the files 1 or more times, the time format per sourcetype should be consistent")`\ index=_internal DateParserVerbose "Accepted time format has changed" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) (`indexerhosts`) OR (`heavyforwarderhosts`) `splunkadmins_timeformat_change`\ | rex "source(?:=|::)(?[^\|]+)\|host(?:=|::)(?[^\|]+)\|(?[^\|]+)"\ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | stats count, min(_time) AS firstSeen, max(_time) AS lastSeen by host, source, sourcetype, message\ | eval invesMaxTime=if(firstSeen=lastSeen,lastSeen+1,lastSeen)\ | eval invesDataSource = replace(source, "\\\\", "\\\\\\\\")\ | eval potentialInvestigationQuery="`comment(\"If no results are found, prepend the earliest=/latest= with _index_ (eg _index_earliest=...) and expand the timeframe searched over, as the parsed timestamps from the data does not have to exactly match the time the warnings appeared...\")` sourcetype=\"" . sourcetype . "\" source=\"" . invesDataSource . "\" host=" . host . " earliest=" . firstSeen . " latest=" . invesMaxTime . " | eval start=substr(_raw, 0, 30) | cluster field=start"\ | eval firstSeen=strftime(firstSeen, "%+"), lastSeen=strftime(lastSeen, "%+")\ | fields - invesMaxTime, invesDataSource\ | sort - count disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Volume (Cold) Has Been Exceeded] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 54 1,5,9,13,17,21 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. The non-hot volume has been exceeded therefore we are deleting data before the time limit is hit... dispatch.earliest_time = -5h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("The cold volume is causing indexes to be trimmed, this may or may not be an issue...")` \ index=_internal `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) "Size exceeds max, will have to trim " volume!="hot"\ | fields host, _raw disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - Splunk Scheduler excessive delays in executing search] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 57 6 * * 2 description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. Long latency delays in scheduled searches may indicate an issue, however the scheduled time of the search is what determine the search window. Therefore this only shows when it has taken a long period of time to execute an actual search (there is another alert for skipped searches) dispatch.earliest_time = -1w dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("These searches were scheduled to run at a particular time but the actual run time was more than X seconds later, which might indicate a search head performance issue")` \ `comment("In the environment this search was created on restarts are not overly common so we assume any restart might relate to a scheduling delay to prevent false alarms from the alert. This may need further tuning or you may wish to remove the where clause in this if you want more alerting.")`\ index=_internal `splunkenterprisehosts` sourcetype=scheduler app=* scheduled_time=* source=*scheduler.log\ | search `comment("Exclude time periods where shutdowns were occurring")` AND NOT [`splunkadmins_shutdown_list(splunkenterprisehosts,600,600)`]\ | eval time=strftime(_time,"%+") \ | eval delay_in_start = (dispatch_time - scheduled_time) \ | where delay_in_start>100\ | eval scheduled_time=strftime(scheduled_time,"%+") \ | eval dispatch_time=strftime(dispatch_time,"%+") \ | rename time AS endTime \ | table host,savedsearch_name,delay_in_start, scheduled_time, dispatch_time, endTime, run_time, status, user, app \ | sort -delay_in_start \ | dedup host,savedsearch_name,delay_in_start disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Splunk login attempts from users that do not have any LDAP roles] action.analyzeioc.param.verbose = 0 action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 8 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. These usernames have appeared in the logs but they have no mapped roles. Can be fixed by the end user? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = -1d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("The listed users have attempted to login but were unable to, it is likely they do not have any LDAP role yet and should be informed of this")` \ index=_internal `searchheadhosts` "Couldn't find matching groups for user" OR "but none are mapped to Splunk roles" OR "SSO failed - User does not exist" (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) `splunkadmins_loginattempts`\ | join user [search index=_internal `searchheadhosts` action=login status=failure reason=user-initiated OR reason=sso-failed] \ | dedup user \ | table _time, user, host disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Buckets have being frozen due to index sizing] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 4 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 33 3,7,11,15,19,23 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. One or more indexes have hit the index size limit and are now been frozen due to this. Note this won't work for SmartStore based indexers, refer to the alert IndexerLevel - Buckets have being frozen due to index sizing SmartStore dispatch.earliest_time = -5h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("The indexer is freezing buckets due to disk space pressure before the frozenTimePeriodInSecs limit has been reached, this could be a problem if it is not expected...")`\ `comment("_introspection defaults to size based so exclude it")` \ index=_internal `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) BucketMover "will attempt to freeze" NOT "because frozenTimePeriodInSecs=" \ `splunkadmins_bucketfrozen`\ | rex field=bkt "(rb_|db_)(?P\d+)_(?P\d+)"\ | eval newestDataInBucket=strftime(newestDataInBucket, "%+"), oldestDataInBucket = strftime(oldestDataInBucket, "%+") \ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | table message, oldestDataInBucket, newestDataInBucket disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Indexer Out Of Disk Space] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 5 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 4,19,34,49 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. The indexer has run out of disk space while attempting to write to the filesystem dispatch.earliest_time = -15m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("The indexer has run out of disk space, this requires immediate investigation...")` \ index=_internal "event=onFileWritten err=\"disk out of space\"" OR "event=replicationData status=failed err=\"onFileWritten failed\"" `indexerhosts` (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) sourcetype=splunkd \ | top host disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - Core Dumps Disabled] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 27 7 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. Core Dumps are disabled and this may make support cases more difficult as sometimes the core dump is required for troubleshooting purposes. This is replaced by MonitoringConsole - Check OS ulimits via REST if you would like to use REST instead... dispatch.earliest_time = -24h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Core dumps are disabled, if a crash occurs the Splunk Support team might not be able to assist without the core dump")`\ `comment("https://answers.splunk.com/answers/223838/why-are-my-ulimits-settings-not-being-respected-on.html applies to core limits so if the server has been rebooted the init.d may need a ulimit -Hc/Sc setting for this as well...")`\ index=_internal "WARN ulimit" "Core file generation disabled" `splunkenterprisehosts` sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) \ | stats max(_time) AS mostRecentlySeen by host\ | eval mostRecentlySeen = strftime(mostRecentlySeen, "%+") disabled = 1 [ForwarderLevel - Splunk Insufficient Permissions to Read Files] action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0 action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 51 6 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. An insufficient permissions to read files error was thrown... dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@d dispatch.latest_time = @d display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.mode = fast display.page.search.patterns.sensitivity = 0.3 display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar display.visualizations.show = 0 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | tstats count groupby host, source\ | append \ [ search\ `comment("This search looks for insufficient permissions errors, the problem here is that we might have insufficient permissions to read a file but we might later obtain the correct permissions and then read the file (as permissions changes can happen *after* the file creation...this is why there is both a tstats listing all files (only done because I cannot find a nicer way to do this, map is possibly more compute intensive), and then a search for files")`\ index=_internal "Insufficient permissions to read file" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) OR (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`)\ | rex "\(hint: (?P[^\)]+)"\ | stats min(_time) AS firstSeen, max(_time) AS mostRecent, values(hint) AS hint by file, host \ | rex field=file "'(?P[^']+)'" \ | eval insufficientpermissions="true" \ | fields firstSeen, mostRecent, source, host, insufficientpermissions, hint] \ | search `comment("Ignore any files requested by the macro, i.e. source!= or host!= or similar...")` `splunkadmins_permissions`\ | stats sum(count) AS count, min(firstSeen) AS firstSeen, max(mostRecent) AS mostRecent, values(insufficientpermissions) AS insufficientpermissions, values(hint) AS hint by host, source \ | search `comment("If we have an insufficient permissions error, did we see no data from our tstats command?")` insufficientpermissions="true" NOT count=* `splunkadmins_insufficient_permissions`\ `comment("At this point if we see an insufficient permissions line, and we cannot see a result from the tstats showing indexed data from that file, then we have an issue, if not there is no issue with permisisons!")` \ `comment("Insufficient permissions to read file + hint: No such file or directory when the file exists on a Splunk enterprise instance might require TAILING_SKIP_READ_CHECK = 1 in the splunk-launch.conf refer to splunk support for more info")` \ | eval invesSource=replace(source, "\\\\", "\\\\\\\\") \ | addinfo \ | eval investigationQuery="index=_internal \"Insufficient permissions to read file\" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) OR (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`) earliest=" . info_min_time . " latest=" . info_max_time . " host=" . host . " file=\"'" . invesSource . "'\""\ | eval firstSeen=strftime(firstSeen, "%+"), mostRecent=strftime(mostRecent, "%+") \ | fields host, source, firstSeen, mostRecent, hint, investigationQuery disabled = 1 [AllSplunkLevel - TCP Output Processor has paused the data flow] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 44 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. A potential indicator of poor index performance or an overloaded forwarder dispatch.earliest_time = -1h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("A paused TCP output processor is a potential indicator of an index performance issue, you may wish to ignore the shorter pause times such as 10 seconds if this is creating too many alerts...")`\ `comment("On the indexer side you may see 'WARN TcpInputProc - Stopping all listening ports. Queues blocked for more than...' OR 'WARN TcpInputProc - Started listening on tcp ports. Queues unblocked', if there are indexer performance issues...")`\ index=_internal "paused" "data flow" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) OR (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`) `splunkadmins_tcpoutput_paused`\ | search `comment("Exclude shutdown times")` AND NOT [`splunkadmins_shutdown_time(indexerhosts,60,60)`]\ | rex "has been blocked for (blocked_seconds=)?(?P\d+)"\ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | stats count, min(_time) AS firstSeen, max(_time) AS lastSeen, first(message) AS message, max(timeperiod) AS maxInSeconds, avg(timeperiod) AS avgTimePeriod by host\ | eval firstSeen=strftime(firstSeen, "%+"), lastSeen=strftime(lastSeen, "%+"), avgTimePeriod=round(avgTimePeriod) disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - These Indexes Are Approaching The warmDBCount limit] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 48 6 * * 1 description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. Buckets are either now rolling or will roll to cold due to the bucket count limit in warm been reached, this may need ajustment dispatch.earliest_time = -90d@d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["source","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | dbinspect index=* state=warm\ | search `comment("Once the warmdb bucket count is reached then the buckets are moved to cold, this may be an issue if incorrectly configured, this alert warns in advance if we get close to the limit")`\ `comment("This might be a bug in 6.5.2 but the buckets are printed twice by dbinspect in some cases...")` `splunkadmins_warmdbcount`\ | dedup bucketId, splunk_server\ | stats count AS theCount by index, splunk_server\ | stats avg(theCount) AS averageCount, max(theCount) AS maxCount, min(theCount) AS minCount, values(splunk_server) by index\ | eval averageCount = round(averageCount)\ | join index [| rest /services/data/indexes \ | dedup title \ | rename title AS index \ | table index, maxWarmDBCount]\ | eval percUsed = (100/maxWarmDBCount)*averageCount\ | where percUsed > `splunkadmins_warmdbcount_perc` disabled = 1 [ForwarderLevel - SplunkStream Errors] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 9 11 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. Errors from the Splunk stream forwarders will normally require an action. Note that this search assumes your search heads are the ones hosting the stream application...you may need to customise this. dispatch.earliest_time = -24h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal source="*streamfwd.log" ERROR OR FATAL `splunkadmins_streamerrors`\ | search `comment("Exclude time periods where shutdowns were occurring")` AND NOT [`splunkadmins_shutdown_time(searchheadhosts,0,0)`]\ | cluster showcount=true\ | fields host, _raw disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - LDAP users have been disabled or left the company cleanup required] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 33 11 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. These users have been disabled or left the company but their users files are on the filesystem and this is therefore triggering warning or errors in the Splunk logs, please cleanup the old user files for these users.\ A separate alert should exist for orphaned searches... dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("If we see a failed to get LDAP user 'username' from any configured servers then that is a sign the user is no longer in the company. However if there is also a message of Couldn't find matching groups for that same user it is more likely that they exist but just do not have access to Splunk")`\ `comment("If you see this alert fire, than you probably need to cleanup the (for example) /opt/splunk/etc/users/... directory on each search head due to a user leaving/becoming disabled in LDAP. Alternatively they have a savedsearch/dashboard that you can find in the .meta files on the search head(s)")`\ index=_internal `searchheadhosts` "Failed to get LDAP user=\"" OR "Couldn't find matching groups for user=" OR (HTTPAuthManager "SSO failed - User does not exist") sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`)\ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | dedup message \ | rex "SSO failed - User does not exist: (?P\S+)"\ | stats count, values(message) AS messages, values(component), AS components values(log_level), max(_time) AS lastSeen by user, host\ | search `comment("count=1 eliminates users who are failing to login...if a user is active in LDAP but fails to login we should not not get a 'Couldn't find matching groups for user' line in the logs")`\ `comment("If we are using a single sign on system and a user without any groups attempts sign on we should see the SSO failed - User does not exist: message")`\ | where user!="undefined" AND user!="nobody" AND like(messages,"Failed to get LDAP user%") AND NOT like(messages,"SSO failed - User does not exist%")\ | table user, messages, lastSeen, host\ | eval lastSeen=strftime(lastSeen, "%+") disabled = 1 [AllSplunkLevel - DeploymentServer Application Installation Error] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 11 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. The deployment server sent out a new application but for some reason it has failed to install dispatch.earliest_time = -1h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Failed to install app can appear *if* the application is installed to a particular targetRepositoryLocation (for example /opt/splunk/etc/deployment-apps or similar) and stateOnClient=noop is not added to the application within serverclass.conf")`\ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) OR (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`) ("ERROR DeployedServerclass" "name=* Failed to install") OR (DeployedApplication "Installing app=")\ | eventstats count(eval(log_level="ERROR")) AS errorCount, count(eval(log_level="INFO")) AS successCount by host, app \ | where errorCount>0 AND successCount<1 disabled = 1 [AllSplunkLevel - Unable To Distribute to Peer] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 9,24,39,54 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. A Splunk instance is advising that it cannot distribute to a peer node (indexer, another search head in the cluster or similar) dispatch.earliest_time = -15m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Unable to distribute to peer messages often indicate downtime or serious performance issues. The Unable to distribute to peer named status=Down scenario can also result from having many indexers and this may require an increase to the timeouts in distsearch.conf")`\ index=_internal "Unable to distribute to peer named" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) `splunkenterprisehosts` `splunkadmins_unable_distribute_to_peer`\ | rex "(?PUnable to distribute to peer named (?P[^: ]+))"\ | bin _time span=1m\ | join type=outer peer\ [ rest /services/search/distributed/peers \ | fields peerName, title\ | rex field=title "(?P[^:]+)"\ | rename title AS peer ]\ | eval targetHost=if(isnotnull(peerName),peerName,peer)\ | search `comment("Exclude unable to distribute to peer messages where we sent the shutdown signal to the peer")` AND NOT [`splunkadmins_shutdown_list(splunkenterprisehosts,0,0)`]\ | stats count, values(message) AS message, values(host) AS reportingHostList by _time, targetHost \ | eval reportingHostList=mvindex(reportingHostList,0,9)\ | sort - _time\ | where count>1 disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Alerts that have not fired an action in X days] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This report can be run to determine which alerts have not sent an alert based on the time period / amount of internal logs available...Search Head specific? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = -30d@d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = line display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Attempt to find alerts that are scheduled but not firing any actions, the alerts may need further review or may no longer be required. The app regex is in here because of some creative alert naming, X:app=Y is a real alert name in my environment!")`\ index=_internal source="*scheduler.log" sourcetype=scheduler `searchheadhosts` alert_actions!="" \ | rex ", app=\"(?P<app>[^\"]+)\","\ | stats count by savedsearch_name, app \ | append \ [| rest `splunkadmins_restmacro` /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches \ | search actions!="summary_index" actions!="" next_scheduled_time!="" search!="| noop" \ | table eai:acl.app, title \ | eval fromRESTQuery=""\ | rename title as savedsearch_name, eai:acl.app as app ]\ | eventstats count(eval(isnotnull(fromRESTQuery))) AS restCount, count by savedsearch_name, app\ | where restCount=1 AND count=1\ | table savedsearch_name, app [SearchHeadLevel - Data Model Acceleration Completion Status] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. The % complete of the data model which is stored on the indexer level but run from the search head level...refer to the data model dashboards for more detailed information. Search Head specific? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = @d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.timeRangePicker.show = 0 display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /services/admin/summarization by_tstats=t `splunkadmins_restmacro` count=0 \ | search `comment("Found on https://answers.splunk.com/answers/555005/how-to-check-the-percent-of-the-dm-acceleration-co.html ")`\ | eval datamodel=replace('summary.id',"DM_".'eai:acl.app'."_","") \ | join type=left datamodel \ [| rest /services/data/models `splunkadmins_restmacro` count=0 \ | table title acceleration.cron_schedule eai:digest \ | rename title as datamodel \ | rename acceleration.cron_schedule AS cron] \ | table datamodel eai:acl.app summary.access_time summary.is_inprogress summary.size summary.latest_time summary.complete summary.buckets_size summary.buckets cron summary.last_error summary.time_range summary.id summary.mod_time eai:digest summary.earliest_time summary.last_sid summary.access_count \ | rename summary.id AS summary_id, summary.time_range AS retention, summary.earliest_time as earliest, summary.latest_time as latest, eai:digest as digest \ | rename summary.* AS *, eai:acl.* AS * \ | sort datamodel [SearchHeadLevel - User - Dashboards searching all indexes] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 30 5 * * 1-5 description = Chance the alert requires action? High. All dashboard panels that do not have an index= setting or use index=* are highlighted by this alert. Can be fixed by the end user? Yes. Search Head specific? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = -24h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views `splunkadmins_restmacro`\ | search `comment("A dashboard searching all indexes is an issue just like a scheduled search querying all indexes or using the index=* trick")`\ eai:data=*query* `splunkadmins_dashboards_allindexes`\ | regex eai:data="<search.*" \ | rex field=eai:data "(?s)(?P<theSearch><search(?!String)[^>]*>[^<]*<query>.*?)<\/query>" max_match=200 \ | mvexpand theSearch \ | rex field=theSearch "(?s)<search(?P<searchInfo>[^>]*)>[^<]*<query>(?P<theQuery>.*)" \ | search `comment("If we are seeing post process search then we don't want to check if it has index= because that is likely only in the base query. These are also various exclusions for legitimate searches that will not involve scanning all indexes, such as rest or a savedsearch or similar")` searchInfo!="*base*"\ | rename eai:appName AS application, eai:acl.sharing AS sharing, eai:acl.owner AS owner, label AS name\ | table theQuery, application, owner, sharing, name, splunk_server, title\ | regex theQuery!="index\s*=(?!\s*\*)" \ | regex theQuery!="^(\()?\s*(\`|\$[^|]+\$|eventtype=|<!\[CDATA\[\s*\|\s*((acl)?inputlookup|rest) |\|)"\ | rex field=theQuery "(?s)^(?P<exampleQueryToDetermineIndexes>[^\|]+)"\ | eval exampleQueryToDetermineIndexes=exampleQueryToDetermineIndexes . "| stats values(index) AS index | format | fields search | eval search=replace(search,\"\\)\",\"\"), search=replace(search,\"\\(\",\"\"), search=if(search==\"NOT \",\"No indexes found\",search)" disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Scheduled Searches Configured with incorrect sharing] action.email.message.report = The scheduled report '$name$' has run. Please fix the searches listed action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0 action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 5 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. These searches are triggering scripts or alerts which will provide a results link to Splunk. But the sharing is not app or global and therefore the link is unusable to anyone who is not the owner...Can be fixed by the end user? Yes. Search Head specific? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches `splunkadmins_restmacro`\ | search `comment("The problem with alerts that are configured privately is that no one beyond the author can use the results link and non-admins cannot even see the alert in Splunk!")`\ `comment("Therefore we find anything that emails that is not shared correctly *and* anything that uses a script as often the script will include a results link.")`\ `comment("The idea here is to let the end user know so they can share it appropriately, the noop search is excluded to remove scheduled views from this list")`\ is_scheduled=1 disabled=0 eai:acl.sharing!="global" eai:acl.sharing!="app" search!="| noop" actions!="" `splunkadmins_scheduled_incorrectsharing`\ | eval numberOfEmailed = mvcount(split('action.email.to',"@"))-1\ | table title, eai:acl.app, author, eai:acl.sharing, actions, action.email.to, numberOfEmailed\ | where numberOfEmailed>1 OR isnull(numberOfEmailed)\ | sort author disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Realtime Search Queries in dashboards] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 0 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 11 4 * * 1 description = Chance the alert requires action? High. Just a summary of all dashboards that use realtime searching...Search Head specific? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = -48h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest/servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views `splunkadmins_restmacro` | regex eai:data="<(earliest|latest)(Time)?>rt"\ | search `comment("Shows realtime search usage within dashboards")` eai:data=*query* `splunkadmins_realtime_dashboard`\ | regex eai:data="<search.*"\ | rex field=eai:data "(?s)(?P<theSearch><search(?!String)[^>]*>[^<]*<query>.*?)<\/query>" max_match=200 \ | mvexpand theSearch \ | rex field=theSearch "(?s)<search(?P<searchInfo>[^>]*)>[^<]*<query>(?P<theQuery>.*)" \ | search searchInfo!="*base*" `comment("Exclude queries which have a base, in general they will not have a earliest/latesttime so this gets confusing")`\ `comment("It might be possible to use mvzip / mvexpand or mvindex to match the correct earliesttime/latesttime with each search query but it proved extremely difficult. So just keeping this as-is as the dashboard needs to be reviewed if it has too many realtime searches anyway")`\ | rex field=eai:data "(?s)<earliest(Time)?>(?P<earliesttime>[^<]+)" max_match=200 \ | rex field=eai:data "(?s)<latest(Time)?>(?P<latesttime>[^<]+)" max_match=200 \ | table title, eai:appName, searchInfo, theQuery,eai:acl.owner, eai:acl.sharing, label, earliesttime, latesttime, splunk_server disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - Transparent Huge Pages is enabled and should not be] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 4 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 14 2 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. Transparent huge pages should never be enabled on a Splunk enterprise server as per the http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Installation/Systemrequirements dispatch.earliest_time = -24h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["source","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Detect when transparent huge pages is enabled on a Linux server, it should be disabled.")`\ `comment("Redhat Linux has an issue where the transparent huge pages setting changes after Splunk starts if the server was rebooted, check /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage to confirm...")`\ `comment("| rest /services/server/sysinfo is an alternative if you want the current search head + indexers, but this will ignore other search heads...")`\ index=_internal "Linux transparent hugepage support, enabled=" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) `splunkenterprisehosts` enabled!="never"\ | eval error="This configuration of transparent hugepages is known to cause serious runtime problems with Splunk. Typical symptoms include generally reduced performance and catastrophic breakdown in system resp\ onsiveness under high memory pressure. Please fix by setting the values for transparent huge pages to \"madvise\" or preferably \"never\" via sysctl, kernel boot parameters, or other method recommended by your Linux distribution."\ | table _time, host, _raw, error disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Old data appearing in Splunk indexes] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 4 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 33 7 * * 0 description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. A slightly more complex alert that attempts to find recently indexed data that is been indexed with older timestamps, an attempt to find invalid date parsing for Splunk inputs dispatch.earliest_time = -10y dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | tstats max(_time) AS mostRecentlySeen, max(_indextime) AS mostRecentlyIndexed, min(_time) AS earliestSeen, min(_indextime) AS earliestIndexTime , count \ where _index_earliest=`splunkadmins_olddata_lookback`, earliest=`splunkadmins_olddata_earliest`, latest=`splunkadmins_olddata_latest` \ groupby source, sourcetype, index, host\ | search `comment("Find data that appears to be logged in the past, this may indicate poor timestamp parsing (or we're just ingesting really old data")` `splunkadmins_olddata`\ | eval invesDataSource = replace(source, "\\\\", "\\\\\\\\"), invesLatestTime=mostRecentlySeen+1, invesLatestIndexTime=mostRecentlyIndexed+1\ | eval investigationQuery="`comment(\"Narrow down to the older part of the timeline after this query runs to see the potential issue...\")` index=" . index . " source=\"" . invesDataSource . "\" sourcetype=\"" . sourcetype . "\" host=" . host . " earliest=" . earliestSeen . " latest=" . invesLatestTime . " _index_earliest=" . earliestIndexTime . " _index_latest=" . invesLatestIndexTime . " | eval indextime=strftime(_indextime, \"%+\")" \ | eval mostRecentlySeen=strftime(mostRecentlySeen, "%+"), mostRecentlyIndexed=strftime(mostRecentlyIndexed, "%+")\ | sort index, host, sourcetype\ | table index, source, sourcetype, host, mostRecentlySeen, mostRecentlyIndexed, count, investigationQuery disabled = 1 [AllSplunkLevel - Splunk forwarders that are not talking to the deployment server] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 8 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. All forwarders should talk to the deployment server unless they have a special reason for an exclusion... dispatch.earliest_time = -24h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | tstats count where index=_internal groupby host \ | fields host \ | search `comment("This is an attempt to find any universal forwarders that send data into the indexers but do not phone home to the expected deployment server")` `splunkadmins_forwarders_nottalking_ds`\ | eval shortname=mvindex(split(host, "."), 0) \ | eval talking=0 \ | table shortname, host, talking \ | append \ [ search index=_internal `deploymentserverhosts` source="*splunkd_access.log" sourcetype=splunkd_access \ | rex field=uri "/services/broker/phonehome/connection_[^_]+_[89][0-9]{3}_[^_]+(_[0-9][^_]+)?_(?P<hostname>[^_]+)_" \ | eval host=hostname \ | eval shortname=mvindex(split(host, "."), 0) \ | eval talking=1 \ | dedup shortname, host, talking \ | table shortname, host, talking]\ | append\ [ search index=_internal `deploymentserverhosts` source="*splunkd_access.log" sourcetype=splunkd_access\ | rex field=uri "/services/broker/phonehome/connection_(?P<ipaddr>[^_]+)_[89][0-9]{3}_[^_]+(_[0-9][^_]+)?_[^_]+_"\ | rename ipaddr AS host\ | eval shortname=host\ | eval talking=1\ | dedup shortname, host, talking\ | table shortname, host, talking]\ | reverse | dedup shortname, host \ | search NOT (`splunkenterprisehosts`) \ | search talking=0 \ | fields - talking \ | lookup dnslookup clienthost AS host \ | search clientip!='' disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - sendmodalert errors] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 1 alert_condition = search savedsearch_name=* counttype = custom cron_schedule = */15 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. sendmodalert errors from Splunk might advise of a failure in an alert action, also see SearchHeadLevel - Script failures in the last day dispatch.earliest_time = -15m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("sendmodalert or sendalert errors and warnings may be an issue relating to the creation of alerts via a script")`\ index=_internal `splunkenterprisehosts` ("ERROR sendmodalert" action) OR ("WARN sendmodalert" action) OR "Error in 'sendalert' command" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`)\ `comment("If you need more context on the above errors add this snippet into the above search (remove the \\):\ OR \"sendmodalert - Invoking modular alert action\"\ ")`\ `splunkadmins_sendmodalert_errors`\ | rex field=results_file "[/\\\]dispatch[/\\\](?P<sid>[^/]+)"\ | eval sid=if(isnull(sid),"NOMATCH",sid)\ | join sid type=outer [search index=_internal source="*scheduler.log" sourcetype=scheduler `splunkenterprisehosts` | table sid, savedsearch_name, app, user]\ | cluster showcount=true\ | table host, savedsearch_name, app, user, _raw, _time, cluster_count\ | eval mostRecent = strftime(mostRecent, "%+")\ | sort - _time disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Indexer not accepting TCP Connections] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 3,18,33,48 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. The indexer is either overloaded or down and not accepting TCP connections... dispatch.earliest_time = -15m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("The indexer not accepting TCP connections is either a serious performance issue or downtime")` \ index=_internal TcpOutputFd "connection refused" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) OR (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`) \ | rex "Connect to (?P<clientip>[^:]+)" \ | top clientip \ | lookup dnslookup clientip \ | where count>10 disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Buckets rolling more frequently than expected] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 8 8 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. Indexer level issues - Buckets are moving out of the warm state quicker than expected and this may (or may not) be an issue, this could indicate that hot is undersized or there are too many buckets in the warm area. In Splunk 7.2 the monitoring console has introduced Health warning - The percentage of small of buckets created (x) over the last hour is very high, this new warning will likely replace this alert dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Buckets are moving from warm to cold very quickly and this could be an issue related to the sizing not been valid for the indexes...")` \ `indexerhosts` index=_internal "Will chill bucket" (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) sourcetype=splunkd "/db/db" \ | rex "=/.*?(?P<indexname>[^/]+)(/[^/]+){2} " \ | stats count by indexname \ | sort - count \ | where (count>`splunkadmins_bucketrolling_count`) disabled = 1 [ForwarderLevel - Read operation timed out expecting ACK] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 47 */2 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. Acknowledgement from the indexers should ideally never timeout, the time out may cause duplication issues dispatch.earliest_time = -2h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("This read operation timed out expecting ACK will likely result in the forwarder re-sending at least some data to the indexer. This can be caused by lack of CPU on the forwarder and potentially other issues...")`\ index=_internal "Read operation timed out expecting ACK from" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) OR (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`)\ | rex "from (?P<indexer>\S+)"\ | stats count, max(_time) AS mostRecent by host, indexer\ | eval mostRecent=strftime(mostRecent, "%+")\ | search `comment("Allow exclusions such as ignoring a count per host or similar...")` `splunkadmins_readop_expectingack` disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - Replication Failures] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 4 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = */15 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. Replication failures often show a search head that is having issues after an indexer restart, the search head might require a restart to resolve this or investigation. dispatch.earliest_time = -15m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype","splunk_server"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Replication status failure on a search head, the search head may require a restart or investigation...")`\ index=_internal "because replication was unsuccessful. replicationStatus Failed failure info:" OR "replicateDelta: failed for" OR (ERROR DistributedBundleReplicationManager) OR (WARN DistributedBundleReplicationManager NOT "however it took too long") `comment("These are deprecated in Splunk 9, NOT \"replicationWhitelist in distsearch.conf is deprecated\" NOT \"replicationBlacklist in distsearch.conf is deprecated\"")` `comment("This is confirmed as an invalid warning message in Splunk 9")` NOT "Failed to touch bundle=, checksum=0 (manual preparation): No such file or directory" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) `splunkenterprisehosts` `splunkadmins_repfailures`\ | search `comment("Exclude shutdown times")` AND NOT [`splunkadmins_shutdown_keyword(indexerhosts,180,180)`]\ | eval event_message=coalesce(event_message,message) \ | stats count, max(_time) AS mostRecent by host, event_message \ | sort - mostRecent \ | eval mostRecent=strftime(mostRecent, "%+") \ | where (match(event_message, "No auth token for peer") AND count>1) OR NOT (match(event_message, "No auth token for peer")) \ | eval search_head=host \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | fields - search_head disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - Low disk space] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 4 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = */5 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. Low disk space on one or more partitions of the Splunk enterprise servers... dispatch.earliest_time = -5m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype","splunk_server"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Use introspection data to monitor Splunk mount points, if you want to monitor non-Splunk directories use nmon or another monitoring system")`\ index=_introspection host=* component=Partitions `splunkadmins_lowdisk`\ | eval available='data.available', capacity='data.capacity', mount_point='data.mount_point'\ | eval percfree = round((available/capacity)*100,2)\ | stats min(percfree) AS percfree, min(available) AS minMBAvailable by mount_point, host\ | search `comment("Below 10% (default only, can be changed in the macro) is an issue unless it's an indexer, as 10% of the indexer is actually a very large amount of data...")`\ (percfree<`splunkadmins_lowdisk_perc` NOT (`indexerhosts`)) OR (minMBAvailable<`splunkadmins_lowdisk_mb` (`indexerhosts`)) disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - KVStore Process Terminated] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 5 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = */15 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. Ideally you shouldn't see this error... dispatch.earliest_time = -15m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype","splunk_server"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("This ideally should never happen during normal runtime...")`\ index=_internal `searchheadhosts` "KV Store process terminated" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) `splunkadmins_kvstore_terminated`\ | fields _time, host, _raw disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - File integrity check failure] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 33 9 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. File integrity check failure would generally mean a change has been made to parts of Splunk that will be wiped out next upgrade dispatch.earliest_time = -24h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype","splunk_server"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("One or more files did not pass the startup hash-check against the Splunk provided manifest, you can tune the limits.conf to control how the warning is logged or not logged")`\ index=_internal `splunkenterprisehosts` "An installed * did not pass hash-checking due to" (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_fileintegritycheck`\ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | stats count, latest(_time) AS lastSeen by message, host\ | eval lastSeen=strftime(lastSeen, "%+") disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - WARN iniFile Configuration Issues] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 4 * * 1 description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. Detect configuration errors in the files that the indexer cluster or enterprise servers are throwing warnings about dispatch.earliest_time = -1w dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype","splunk_server"] display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Find potentially invalid configuration within the Splunk applications on search heads/indexers and warn about this...")` \ index=_internal WARN IniFile `splunkenterprisehosts` sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) `splunkadmins_warninifile`\ | cluster showcount=true\ | fields _time, host, cluster_count, _raw disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Long filenames may be causing issues] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 56 5 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. There are one or more dashboards or alerts with a filename long enough to cause errors in the archive processor, the exact implications are unknown but the alert/dashboard may need to be removed. dispatch.earliest_time = -24h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Detect the issue where someone has created a file longer than 100 characters and the cluster is having issues with replication. The 100 character issue was confirmed in Splunk 6.5.2 during a support case")`\ index=_internal `searchheadhosts` (ArchiveFile "Failed to write archive header for" "Pathname too long") OR ("ERROR Archiver" "Unable to add entry") (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) sourcetype=splunkd \ | cluster showcount=true\ | fields _time, _raw, cluster_count disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Large multiline events using SHOULD_LINEMERGE setting] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 42 7 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. This alert advises that a multi-line event is appearing in Splunk that is large enough that the default SHOULD_LINEMERGE = true setting may cause blocking in the indexer aggregation queue, it's much more efficient to configure the SHOULD_LINEMERGE = false and LINE_BREAKER = ... if possible, note the TRUNCATE settings will likely need to be much larger to deal with the LINE_BREAKER change.\ Please update the props.conf for this sourcetype to LINE_BREAKER if applicable (and the TRUNCATE setting). dispatch.earliest_time = -24h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype","splunk_server"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | tstats max(linecount) AS maxLineCount, min(_time) AS firstSeen, max(_time) AS mostRecent, values(host) AS hosts, count AS occurrenceCount where index=*, linecount>250 groupby sourcetype\ | search `comment("This search detects sourcetypes with greater than 250 lines which have SHOULD_LINEMERGE set to true, this might cause blocking in the indexer aggregation queue if there are a large number")`\ `comment("of events with hundreds of lines or very large events such as >5000 lines of data. This alert is designed to give hints about where SHOULD_LINEMERGE=false / LINE_BREAKER=... might be more appropriate")`\ `comment("Note that the REST API will return every instance of sourcetype, it's not quite as accurate a btool so this can generate false alarms if there are multiple props.conf definitions of a sourcetype")`\ `splunkadmins_multiline_linemerge`\ | join [| rest `splunkindexerhostsvalue` /servicesNS/-/-/configs/conf-props\ | fields title SHOULD_LINEMERGE\ | search SHOULD_LINEMERGE = 1\ | dedup title | rename title AS sourcetype]\ | where maxLineCount > 260 AND occurrenceCount>30\ | eval hostList=if(mvcount(hosts)>1,mvjoin(hosts," OR host="),hosts)\ | eval hostList="host=" . hostList\ | eval investigationQuery="index=* sourcetype=" . sourcetype . " " . hostList . " linecount>250 earliest=" . firstSeen . " latest=" . mostRecent\ | sort - occurrenceCount, maxLineCount\ | table sourcetype, maxLineCount, occurrenceCount, investigationQuery disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Data parsing error] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 4 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = */10 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. This alert advises there is an error with the LINE_BREAKER or Aggregator, this generally relates to a misconfiguration that requires a fix... dispatch.earliest_time = -10m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype","splunk_server"] display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("LineBreakingProcessor ERROR's are usually related to misconfiguration/errors in the LINE_BREAKER= setup in props.conf and are therefore an issue. This version of the Aggregator error often relates to date time config files")`\ index=_internal (WARN CsvLineBreaker) OR ("ERROR" ("JsonLineBreaker" OR "LineBreakingProcessor" OR "AggregatorMiningProcessor") NOT "WARN AggregatorMiningProcessor") sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) (`indexerhosts`) OR (`heavyforwarderhosts`) `splunkadmins_dataparsing_error` \ | rex "(?s)^(\S+\s+){3}(?P<error>.*)"\ | stats count, latest(_time) AS mostrecent, earliest(_time) AS firstseen, values(host) AS hosts by error\ | eval mostrecent=strftime(mostrecent, "%+"), firstseen=strftime(firstseen, "%+")\ | table count, mostrecent, firstseen, hosts, error disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - KVStore Or Conf Replication Issues Are Occurring] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 4 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 12,22,32,42,52,02 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. If the KVStore is out of sync or the search head is out of sync it will likely require a manual resync/clean to get it working as expected\ If it relates to a conf replication issue it is likely a problematic search head requiring a restart or it may require a force sync...(the logs will advise on this)\ To remove false alarms this alert now checks if any shutdown messages appear, this may require tweaking in your environment as it checks for *any* search head shutdown... dispatch.earliest_time = -10m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Detect search head issues related to extended search head downtime, in particular ConfReplication issues or KV store replication issues")`\ `comment("KVStore - http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Admin/ResyncKVstore , ConfReplication - http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/DistSearch/HowconfrepoworksinSHC#Replication_synchronization_issues")`\ `comment("The search head cluster captain is disconnected can relate to a SH cluster restart *or* if outside a rolling restart this may require a restart of the problematic search head...")`\ `comment("In addition to this you could also look for \"Error pushing configurations to captain\" consecutiveErrors>1 , this would also hint at a potential issue although a small number of consecutive errors appears to be normal...")`\ `comment("If you see the message \"Consider performing a destructive configuration resync on this search head cluster member\", then it's a real issue and often requires manual intervention...")` \ index=_internal `searchheadhosts` "Local KV Store has replication issues" OR ("ConfReplicationThread" "captain") OR ("SHCMasterHTTPProxy" "Low Level http request" NOT "did not satisfy regex" NOT "does not exist" NOT "peer already has artifact" NOT "has inflight replications" NOT ("failed on report target request" "not found")) sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) \ | regex "\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(ERROR|WARN)" \ | eval search_head=host \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | search `comment("Exclude time periods where shutdowns were occurring")` AND NOT [`splunkadmins_shutdown_time(searchheadhosts,0,0)`]\ | cluster showcount=true t=0.93 labelonly=t \ | fillnull value=0 consecutiveErrors \ | stats min(_time) AS firstSeen, max(_time) AS mostRecent, values(_raw) AS _raw, max(cluster_count) AS cluster_count, max(consecutiveErrors) AS consecutiveErrors by host, cluster_label, search_head_cluster \ | eval firstSeen=strftime(firstSeen, "%+"), mostRecent=strftime(mostRecent, "%+") \ | where (match(_raw, "Error pushing configurations") AND consecutiveErrors>4) OR (match(_raw, "Error pulling configurations") AND consecutiveErrors>2) OR NOT match(_raw, "Error (pushing|pulling) configurations") \ | fields - cluster_label, consecutiveErrors disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - SHCluster Artifact Replication Issues] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 4 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 54 * * * * description = In this scenario either something has changed or one or more search heads are not syncing the artifacts as expected, a restart of the SH cluster usually resolves this. dispatch.earliest_time = -1h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("When this issue occurs it is likely related to some kind of issue post-restart of the indexer/search head cluster. Restarting the search head cluster appears to resolve the issue in 6.5.2")`\ index=_internal "ERROR SHCArtifactId" "This GUID does not match the member's current GUID" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) `searchheadhosts` \ | eventstats max(_time) AS lasterror, min(_time) AS firsterror\ | cluster showcount=true \ | table host, cluster_count, _raw, lasterror, firsterror\ | eval lasterror = strftime(lasterror, "%+"), firsterror = strftime(firsterror, "%+") disabled = 1 [LicenseMaster - Duplicated License Situation] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.severity = 5 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 27 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. A duplicated licensing situation will normally require intervention to fix, this scenario can happen when a forwarder is not using the forwarder license or license master but is sending data into the indexers... dispatch.earliest_time = -1h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype","splunk_server"] display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("This warning will appear in the messages console of the license master, considering you have 72 hours to fix the issue you might want to be alerted about this so it can be fixed promptly! The scenario is likely to occur when a heavy forwarder is sending data into the indexers without using the forwarder license or talking to the cluster master.")`\ index=_internal `licensemasterhost` "Duplicated License situation happen" (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) \ | cluster showcount=true \ | fields _time, host, source, _raw, cluster_count disabled = 1 [DeploymentServer - Unsupported attribute within DS config] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.severity = 4 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 48 */4 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. A syntax error from manually editing the serverclass.conf will normally need to be fixed. Note that this alert is only useful if you are manually editing your serverclass.conf, if you only use the GUI then it is unlikely that this alert will ever be triggered. dispatch.earliest_time = -4h@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("A DS_DC_Common warning normally relates to a typo within the serverclass.conf, most likely due to manual editing, this will prevent the GUI from been used for the forwarder management configuration...")`\ index=_internal "WARN" "DS_DC_Common" `deploymentserverhosts` sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`)\ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | stats first(_time) AS lastSeen by message, host\ | eval lastSeen=strftime(lastSeen, "%+")\ | table lastSeen, message, host disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - TCP or SSL Config Issue] alert.severity = 4 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 53 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. Since the TCP listener port may not be working as expected you likely wish to run the appropriate checks on the forwarder/indexer dispatch.earliest_time = -60m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("A TcpInputConfig or SSLCommon error likely indicates a misconfiguration of a heavy forwarder or indexer, this may prevent the listening port from working as expected")`\ index=_internal ERROR "TcpInputConfig" OR "SSLCommon" OR "Could not bind" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) (`indexerhosts`) OR (`heavyforwarderhosts`) \ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | stats first(_time) AS mostRecent by host, source, sourcetype, message\ | table host, message, mostRecent\ | eval mostRecent=strftime(mostRecent, "%+") disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Peer will not return results due to outdated generation] alert.severity = 4 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = */15 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. In general this error should not appear for a long period of time, so if it does there is likely an issue. Note this can be replaced by "AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - Losing Contact With Master Node" dispatch.earliest_time = -15m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("If the error Peer ... will not return any results for this search, because the search head is using an outdated generation then either the peer requires a restart or there is another issue here. Assuming the issue does not resolve itself quickly...")`\ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` `indexerhosts` "because the search head is using an outdated generation"\ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | stats count, min(_time) AS firstSeen, max(_time) AS lastSeen, values(host) AS host by message\ | eval diff=lastSeen-firstSeen\ | where diff>60\ | eval firstSeen = strftime(firstSeen, "%+"), lastSeen=strftime(lastSeen, "%+") \ | table host, message, firstSeen, lastSeen, count disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Scheduled searches failing in cluster with 404 error] alert.severity = 4 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 23 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. If 404's are occurring within the search head cluster then it is possible there is a member out of sync... dispatch.earliest_time = -60m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("A 404 error appearing on some search head peers but not others might imply a synchronisation issue within the search head cluster has occurred, this might require correction potentially through a re-sync http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/DistSearch/HowconfrepoworksinSHC#Replication_synchronization_issues ")`\ index=_internal `searchheadhosts` "find saved search with name" sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source`\ | rex field=err "/servicesNS/(?P<username>[^/]+)/(?P<appName>[^/]+)"\ | rex "'(?P<searchname>[^']+)'.$"\ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | stats count, min(_time) AS firstSeen, max(_time) AS lastSeen, values(username) AS username, values(appName) AS appName, values(searchname) AS searchName by message, peer\ | eval firstSeen = strftime(firstSeen, "%+"), lastSeen=strftime(lastSeen, "%+")\ | table username, appName, searchName, firstSeen, lastSeen, count, peer, message disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Too many events with the same timestamp] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 44 4 * * * description = Find excessive numbers of events with the same timestamp so they can be reviewed to see if the data is valid or not dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Too many events with the same timestamp have been found. This may be a sign of poor quality data, or a problematic log file")`\ index=_internal "Too many events" (`indexerhosts`) OR (`heavyforwarderhosts`) `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` `splunkadmins_toomany_sametimestamp`\ | cluster showcount=true \ | rex "Too many events \((?P<number>[0-9]+.)"\ | rename data_host AS host, data_sourcetype AS sourcetype, data_source AS source\ | eval invesDataSource = replace(source, "\\\\", "\\\\\\\\"), invesStartTime=floor(_time)\ | eval investigationQuery="`comment(\"You will need to set the time settings manually as the log does not provide the parsed time, only the indexed time the issue occurred at...\")` index=* host=" . host . " sourcetype=\"" . sourcetype . "\" source=\"" . invesDataSource . "\" _index_earliest=" . invesStartTime\ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | table host, sourcetype, source, number, cluster_count, message, _time, investigationQuery disabled = 1 #Updated as per issue #3, tstats may return the "host" field if host:: is in the raw data where the tstats searches #the workaround provided by support is to make : and :: major segmenters, or do add a where clause (search clause used) [SearchHeadLevel - Detect MongoDB errors] alert.severity = 4 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 53 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. If there are errors in the mongo log files on a search head cluster (unrelated to restarts) then this might indicate a kvstore issue which needs attention dispatch.earliest_time = -60m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("The main goal of this alert errors which might not appear in splunkd.log but are critical to keeping the kvstore running on the search heads. Please check the mongod.log file for further information, the additional count field is simply determining that mongo is still logging...")`\ `comment("Attempt to find errors in the mongod log and make sure the errors do not relate to shutdown events in the search head cluster. Since this does will ignore any events when either cluster shutsdown it might not be sensitive enough for some use cases...")`\ index=_internal `searchheadhosts` `splunkadmins_mongo_source` (" E " OR " F " OR " W ") `comment("https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-42078 advises this is harmless")` NOT "update of non-mod failed" `splunkadmins_mongodb_errors`\ | regex _raw="^\s+?\S+\s+[EF]" \ | search `comment("Exclude time periods where shutdowns were occurring")` AND NOT [`splunkadmins_shutdown_time(searchheadhosts,60,60)`]\ | eventstats max(_time) AS mostRecent, min(_time) AS firstSeen by host\ | bin _time span=10m \ | stats values(_raw) AS logMessages, max(mostRecent) AS mostRecent, min(firstSeen) AS firstSeen by _time, host \ | search `comment("One final symptom that appears when mongodb is dead is the logging just stops, zero data, however this proved to be tricky in Splunk so the below query uses a few tricks to ensure the data will show zero values even if the server stops reporting. timechart was recommended by splunkanswers as it creates a timebucket with null values if no data is found...")`\ | append \ [ | tstats prestats=t count where index=_internal `searchheadhosts` `splunkadmins_mongo_source` by host, _time span=5m \ | search `searchheadhosts`\ | timechart limit=0 partial=f span=5m count by host \ | fillnull \ | untable _time, host, count \ | stats max(_time) AS mostRecent, min(_time) AS firstSeen, last(count) AS lastCount by host \ | where lastCount=0 \ | eval logMessages="Zero log entries found at this time, mongod might not be running, please investigate" \ | fields - lastCount \ | eval _time=now() ] \ | eval mostRecent = strftime(mostRecent, "%+"), firstSeen=strftime(firstSeen, "%+")\ | fields _time, host, firstSeen, mostRecent, logMessages\ | search `comment("Just in case...")` `splunkadmins_mongodb_errors2` disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Cold data location approaching size limits] alert.severity = 4 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 13 7 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. One or more indexes are approaching the disk limits on their cold data, therefore the buckets will roll to frozen once this limit is reached... dispatch.earliest_time = -24h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest `splunkindexerhostsvalue` /services/data/indexes/ \ | search\ `comment("This search attempts to find indexes which are about to start rolling buckets to frozen due to disk space issues by checking how much percentage of the allocated cold section of disk is used. It does not take into account any volume sizing...")`\ `comment("This is the more proactive form of IndexerLevel - Buckets are been frozen due to index sizing")` \ | join title splunk_server type=outer \ [| rest `splunkindexerhostsvalue` /services/data/indexes-extended/] \ | stats values(bucket_dirs.cold.bucket_size) AS currentColdSizeMB, values(bucket_dirs.home.warm_bucket_size) AS currentWarmSizeMB, max(bucket_dirs.home.event_max_time) AS latestTime, min(bucket_dirs.cold.event_min_time) AS earliestTime, min(bucket_dirs.home.event_min_time) AS earliestTimeHot, values(coldPath.maxDataSizeMB) AS coldPathSizeLimitMB, values(currentDBSizeMB) AS hotSizeMB, values(maxTotalDataSizeMB) AS maxTotalDataSizeMB, values(frozenTimePeriodInSecs) AS frozenTimePeriodInSecs, values(maxDataSize) AS maxDataSize, values(homePath.maxDataSizeMB) AS hotPathMaxDataSizeMB, values(bucket_dirs.home.warm_bucket_count) AS currentWarmCount, values(maxWarmDBCount) AS maxWarmDBCount by name, splunk_server \ | eval currentColdSizeMB=coalesce(currentColdSizeMB,currentWarmSizeMB), earliestTime=coalesce(earliestTime,earliestTimeHot)\ | eval "Days of data based on epoch values"=round((latestTime-earliestTime)/3600/24) \ | rename name AS index, splunk_server AS indexer\ | search `comment("Things do get a little bit messy here, if the cold path size is unlimited, the remaining data is the maxTotalSizeMB minus what we have already used in the hot section (not a perfect calculation but close enough for our purposes")` \ | eval warm_bucket_percent = (100 / maxWarmDBCount) * currentWarmCount \ | eval coldPathSizeLimitMB=case(warm_bucket_percent>95 AND coldPathSizeLimitMB==0,maxTotalDataSizeMB-currentWarmSizeMB,coldPathSizeLimitMB==0 AND hotPathMaxDataSizeMB==0,maxTotalDataSizeMB,coldPathSizeLimitMB==0 AND hotPathMaxDataSizeMB!=0,maxTotalDataSizeMB-hotPathMaxDataSizeMB,1=1,coldPathSizeLimitMB) \ | eval percUsed=round((currentColdSizeMB/coldPathSizeLimitMB)*100,2) \ | eval frozenTimeInDays=frozenTimePeriodInSecs/60/60/24 \ | eval maxDataSize=case(maxDataSize="auto","750",maxDataSize="auto_high_volume","10240",true(),maxDataSize)\ | eval worstCaseBucketCountLeft=floor((coldPathSizeLimitMB-currentColdSizeMB)/maxDataSize)\ | where percUsed>`splunkadmins_colddata_percused` \ | search `splunkadmins_colddata`\ | table index, indexer, currentColdSizeMB, coldPathSizeLimitMB, percUsed, frozenTimeInDays, "Days of data based on epoch values", worstCaseBucketCountLeft disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - Unable to dispatch searches due to disk space] alert.severity = 4 alert.suppress = 1 alert.suppress.period = 4h alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 32 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. Unless the disk space issue clears itself some action will be required either now or to prevent future failures. dispatch.earliest_time = -60m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Detect when the scheduler is unable to run search commands due to a lack of disk space on the filesystem")`\ index=_internal `splunkenterprisehosts` (sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` "Search not executed: Dispatch Command: The minimum free disk space") OR (sourcetype=scheduler "The minimum free disk space * reached")\ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | stats count, min(_time) AS firstSeen, max(_time) AS mostRecent, max(_raw) AS lastExample by host, message\ | eval firstSeen=strftime(firstSeen, "%+"), mostRecent=strftime(mostRecent, "%+")\ | table host, count, firstSeen, mostRecent, lastExample disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Unclean Shutdown - Fsck] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert_condition = search host=* counttype = custom cron_schedule = 4,19,34,49 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. One or more indexes are mentioned as corrupt in the log files, this should auto-repair but it may cause errors in the search interface until the repair is complete, you may also wish to try IndexerLevel - Corrupt buckets via DBInspect dispatch.earliest_time = -15m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Attempt to detect if an indexer crash resulted in corrupt buckets, if so alert the admin so they are aware...")`\ `comment("The indexer is likely going to print the line \"WARN IndexerService - Indexer was started dirty: splunkd startup may take longer than usual; searches may not be accurate until background fsck completes.\", however we also want to know if buckets were corrupted. In a clustered environment the corrupt buckets should be added to the cluster master fixup list and repaired online, if a non-clustered environment refer to the Splunk fsck documentation. Note that I'm unable to find a log message to advise when the OnlineFsck completes in splunkd.log. You may also wish to refer to alert IndexerLevel - Corrupt buckets via DBInspect")`\ `comment("FYI fixup lines in the splunkd log file may look like \"06-12-2018 07:31:47.160 +0000 INFO ProcessTracker - (child_407__Fsck) Fsck - (entire bucket) Rebuild for bucket='/opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/indexname/db/db_1528466340_1520517600_38_A25ECA32-B33E-4469-8C76-22190FDCC8CB' took 86.26 seconds.\"")`\ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` `indexerhosts` "At restart after an unclean shutdown found bucket path" OR ("finished moving hot to warm" caller=init_roll) OR (OnlineFsck "Scheduled repair fsck* kind='entire bucket'")\ | rex field=path "(?P<pathWithoutHot>.*)(/|\\\\)\S+"\ | join type=outer pathWithoutHot \ [| rest /services/data/indexes `splunkindexerhostsvalue` \ | fields homePath_expanded, title \ | rename homePath_expanded AS pathWithoutHot, title AS idxFromREST]\ | eventstats max(_time) AS mostRecent by idx, host\ | bin _time span=5m\ | eval idx=coalesce(idxFromREST, idx)\ | stats count(eval(searchmatch("unclean shutdown"))) AS uncleanCount, count(eval(searchmatch("Scheduled repair fsck"))) AS scheduledRepairCount, count(eval(searchmatch("finished moving hot to warm"))) AS hotToWarmCount, max(mostRecent) AS mostRecent by idx, host, _time\ | where uncleanCount>0\ | append\ [makeresults 1\ | eval idx="#The message \"At restart after an unclean shutdown found bucket path...\" results in buckets being rolled/repaired. Users may see errors when running searches, such as \"Failed to read size=2 event(s) from rawdata in bucket=...Rawdata may be corrupt, see search.log/splunk_search_messages sourcetype. Results may be incomplete!\" (OR) \"idx=_internal Could not read event: cd=(n/a). Results may be incomplete ! (logging only the first such error; enable DEBUG to see the rest).\" This appears to resolve itself in Splunk 7+ when the fsck's complete. I have not determined how to find a completion time..."]\ | fields - _time, uncleanCount\ | sort idx\ | eval mostRecent=strftime(mostRecent, "%+")\ | addcoltotals labelfield=host label="Total Count" disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - Detect LDAP groups that no longer exist] alert.severity = 2 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 57 6 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. An LDAP group is configured in Splunk that does not exist in LDAP, this is a minor issue but it can be fixed by removing it from authentication.conf dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Find any LDAP groups that are reporting that they do not exist so can therefore be removed from the Splunk configuration")`\ `comment("This appears to occur only after restarts of the Splunk server, however it is useful to know about as the authentication.conf can be cleaned up once found")`\ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd `splunkenterprisehosts` `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` "was not found on the LDAP server"\ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | stats max(_time) AS mostRecentlySeen, min(_time) AS firstSeen by message, host\ | eval mostRecentlySeen=strftime(mostRecentlySeen, "%+"), firstSeen=strftime(firstSeen, "%+")\ | fields host, mostRecentlySeen, firstSeen, message disabled = 1 [ClusterMasterLevel - Per index status] alert.severity = 4 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = */5 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. Note this alert is a candidate for removal as of 2023-11-23, the goal when I wrote it was to determine on a per-index basis *which* index or indexes were missing a "searchable" bucket copy, however it's rarely a case where you need to alert on this per-index. Check if the is_searchable flag is set to false *or* detect when an index is not matching the search factor of at least 1 copy between the sites. Changed to 5 min intervals to pass certification you may want to run this more regularly. Cluster master specific? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /services/cluster/master/indexes `splunkadmins_clustermaster_host`\ | foreach searchable_copies_tracker.*.actual_copies_per_slot \ [ eval expectedMatchesActual_<<MATCHSTR>>=if('searchable_copies_tracker.<<MATCHSTR>>.expected_total_per_slot'=='searchable_copies_tracker.<<MATCHSTR>>.actual_copies_per_slot',"true","false") ]\ | fields is_searchable, expectedMatchesActual_*, num_buckets, searchable*, title\ | eval failureCount=0\ | foreach expectedMatchesActual_*\ [ eval failureCount=if('expectedMatchesActual_<<MATCHSTR>>'=="false",failureCount+1,failureCount) ]\ | where failureCount > `splunkadmins_clustermaster_failurecount` OR is_searchable=0 disabled = 1 [ClusterMasterLevel - Primary bucket count per peer] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. Graph the number of primary buckets for site0 on each peer. Note in an environment with a large number of peers/buckets this query will be very expensive (memory wise) and should be used with caution dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.timeRangePicker.show = 0 display.general.type = visualizations display.page.search.tab = visualizations display.statistics.show = 0 display.visualizations.trellis.splitBy = PeerName request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /services/cluster/master/buckets `splunkadmins_clustermaster_host` \ | search `comment("Note in larger environments this can cause an issue due to the number of peers returning data, so use with caution. The idea for this query comes from Splunk support & https://answers.splunk.com/answers/234717/how-to-get-list-of-buckets-which-are-having-issues.html , attempt to determine the count of primary buckets per peer for site0. This report is designed to provide 1 example of a useful REST endpoint")` standalone=0 frozen=0\ | rename primaries_by_site.site0 AS peerGUID\ | join type=outer peerGUID [ rest /services/cluster/master/peers `splunkadmins_clustermaster_host` \ | fields active_* host* label title status site\ | eval PeerName= site + ":" + label + ":" + host_port_pair\ | rename title AS peerGUID\ | rename site AS peerSite\ | table peerGUID PeerName peerSite]\ | stats count by PeerName\ | chart sum(count) AS count by PeerName #An overly complex alert due to the difficulty in expanding macros within Splunk programatically [SearchHeadLevel - Scheduled searches not specifying an index macro version] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 37 6 * * 1-5 description = Chance the alert requires action? High. These searches are either using index=* or not specifying an index at all and relying on the default set of indexes. Can be fixed by the end user? Yes. Search Head specific? Yes. Please ensure the SearchHeadLevel - Macro report is also enabled for this to work as expected dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches\ | search `comment("Look over all scheduled searches and find those not specifying/narrowing down to an index, or using the index=* trick. This version is dealing with those using macros. Please ensure the SearchHeadLevel - Macro report is also enabled for this to work as expected. Attempted to use https://answers.splunk.com/answers/186698/how-can-i-expand-a-macro-definition-in-the-search.html but the intentionsparser does not work via a REST call within Splunk, only by an external call in Splunk 7...")` `splunkadmins_scheduledsearches_without_index_macro`\ | table title , description, eai:acl.app, eai:acl.owner, qualifiedSearch, next_scheduled_time \ | search next_scheduled_time!="" \ | regex qualifiedSearch!=".*index\s*(!?)=\s*([^*]|\*\S+)" \ | regex qualifiedSearch="^\s*search " \ | rex field=qualifiedSearch "(?s)^(?P<exampleQueryToDetermineIndexes>[^\|]+)"\ | regex exampleQueryToDetermineIndexes="`" \ | rename eai:acl.owner AS owner, eai:acl.app AS Application \ | fields title, owner, description, Application, qualifiedSearch, next_scheduled_time \ | eval search=qualifiedSearch \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | eval exampleQueryToDetermineIndexes=exampleQueryToDetermineIndexes . "| stats values(index) AS index | format | fields search | eval search=replace(search,\"\\)\",\"\"), search=replace(search,\"\\(\",\"\"), search=if(search==\"NOT \",\"No indexes found\",search)"\ | stats values(search) AS search, first(exampleQueryToDetermineIndexes) AS exampleQueryToDetermineIndexes by title, owner, description, Application, next_scheduled_time \ | nomv search \ | regex search!=".*index\s*(!?)=\s*([^*]|\*\S+)" disabled = 1 #Enable scheduling on this report if you use SearchHeadLevel - Scheduled searches not specifying an index macro version or SearchHeadLevel - User - Dashboards searching all indexes macro version or the other reports that rely on this [SearchHeadLevel - Macro report] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 50 5 * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report is required to support SearchHeadLevel - Scheduled searches not specifying an index macro version AND SearchHeadLevel - User - Dashboards searching all indexes macro version. Search Head specific? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = @d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.timeRangePicker.show = 0 display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = line display.visualizations.show = 0 enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search schedule_window = 30 search = | rest "/servicesNS/-/-/configs/conf-macros?count=-1" `splunkadmins_restmacro` \ | search eai:acl.sharing!="user"\ | rename eai:acl.sharing AS sharing\ | search `comment("Potentially having an additional field for server group would add another level of accuracy to the lookup however in this env the chance of macros with the seame name but different definitions is low enough that this might be a waste of time...")`\ | rename eai:acl.app AS app\ | fields title, app, definition, sharing\ | eval splunk_server=`splunkadmins_splunk_server_name` \ | search `comment("At this point you can add in remote search heads for macros by using the macro (with backticks) | append [ <backtick>AuditLogsMacroReport_Helper(\"<your remote host>\", \"remote_user\", \"remote_password\")<backtick> | splunk_server=... ]")`\ | search `comment("The lookup is going to use the first value it sees, so just dedup on app/title")`\ | eval app=if(sharing=="global","global",'app')\ | stats first(definition) AS definition, values(sharing) AS sharing by title, app, splunk_server\ | outputlookup splunkadmins_macros [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - Non-existent roles are assigned to users] alert.severity = 4 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 57 6 * * 1-5 description = Chance the alert requires action? High. This particular alert is harmless but can cause some very strange results if not resolved, the fix is documented within the alert. Note this does not seem to work with SAML users. dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Attempt to find where there are deleted roles assigned to users, this should only happen when the user was created with the Splunk authentication system. The fix is to open the user in the settings menu and find any user with the mentioned role, and then to save the user with no changes, this will wipe the non-existent roles from the user")`\ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd `splunkenterprisehosts` `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` AuthorizationManager "Unknown role"\ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | stats max(_time) AS lastSeen, first(_raw) AS rawMessage by message\ | eval actionToTake="Find any users in the settings menu with the mentioned role and save them without changes to remove the role. Does not seem to work with SAML users."\ | eval lastSeen = strftime(lastSeen, "%+")\ | rex field=message "'(?<role>[^']+)'"\ | eventstats values(role) as unknown_roles\ | nomv unknown_roles\ | eval commandForFindingUsers = "| rest `searchheadsplunkservers` /services/authentication/users f=roles f=title | search roles IN (".unknown_roles.") | stats values(roles) as roles by title"\ | table lastSeen, message, rawMessage, actionToTake, commandForFindingUsers disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Index not defined] alert.severity = 4 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 33 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. Either the remote forwarder is sending to the wrong index name or the index has not been defined, either way the data will be rejected by the indexer dispatch.earliest_time = -60m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Detect if data is been sent to the indexers to an index which is not yet configured")`\ index=_internal "Received event for unconfigured" sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` IndexerService "Received event for unconfigured" `indexerhosts`\ | rex "index=(?P<index>[^ ]+).*source=\"source::(?P<source>[^\"]+)\" host=\"host::(?P<host>[^\"]+)"\ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | stats min(_time) AS firstSeen, max(_time) AS lastSeen, values(source) AS sourceList, values(host) AS hostsSendingToThisIndex, first(_raw) AS message by index\ | eval sources=mvjoin(sources, ", "), firstSeen=strftime(firstSeen, "%+"), lastSeen=strftime(lastSeen, "%+") disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Saved Searches with privileged owners and excessive write perms] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 56 5 * * * description = This is a rudimentary way of detecting scheduled searches or reports that could be used by a non-privileged user to run the alert/report as a privileged user through search scheduling functionality. Search Head specific? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches `splunkadmins_restmacro` \ | fields title, eai:acl.sharing, eai:acl.perms.read, eai:acl.perms.write, description, disabled, eai:acl.owner, dispatchAs, eai:acl.app \ | search `comment("Find alerts that the owner is set to a user (not nobody), and the sharing is non-private, and finally the owner has an admin or power role")` eai:acl.owner!="nobody" eai:acl.sharing!="user" dispatchAs=owner \ [| rest /services/authentication/users `searchheadsplunkservers` \ | search roles=admin OR roles=power \ | fields title \ | rename title AS eai:acl.owner] \ | eval writeCount=mvcount('eai:acl.perms.write') \ | eval writePerms=mvjoin('eai:acl.perms.write', ",") \ | search `comment("Exclude by macro")` `splunkadmins_privilegedowners` \ | search `comment("If only the admin or power role can write to the alert then it's no problem...")` NOT (writeCount=1 (eai:acl.perms.write="admin" OR eai:acl.perms.write="power")) \ | search `comment("power users have admin-like abilities, these users have a similar level of read access so less of a security concern...")` writePerms!="admin,power" \ | search `comment("If the alert is coming from an application that only admins can see to I'm not concerned as the user should not be able to access the app to edit the search...(in theory). We also ignore if there are no read permissions at all...")` \ NOT ( \ [| rest /services/apps/local `splunkadmins_restmacro` \ | fields title, visible, eai:acl.perms.read \ | search `comment("If we cannot access the application then I'm assuming making it visible does not matter...")` visible=1 \ | eval readCount=mvcount('eai:acl.perms.read') \ | search `comment("If the application can only be written to by admin or power users, then we can safely ignore the alerts within it...")` (readCount=1 (eai:acl.perms.read="admin" OR eai:acl.perms.read="power") ) \ | fields title \ | rename title AS eai:acl.app]) \ | where isnotnull('eai:acl.perms.write') \ | rename title AS "Alert Name", eai:acl.perms.read AS "read perms", eai:acl.perms.write AS "write perms", eai:acl.app AS app, eai:acl.owner AS owner \ | sort app, "Alert Name" \ | table app, "Alert Name", description, disabled, "read perms", "write perms", owner disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Search Failures] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 48 6 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. One or more search jobs are failing to run for some reason, this may require investigation. The only issue so far has been around search factory/unknown search command but this search is generic just in case a new issue appears. Note that if you are running a modern Splunk version you may wish to use "SearchHeadLevel - Search Messages admins only" and "SearchHeadLevel - Search Messages user level" instead as they will detect issues at SH level dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Attempt to detect search failures of interest, such as Search Factory: Unknown search command 'base64' so they can be fixed before it becomes an issue for multiple users. The search is generic to attempt to detect any new errors. Note that if you are running a modern Splunk version you may wish to use \"SearchHeadLevel - Search Messages admins only\" and \"SearchHeadLevel - Search Messages user level\" instead as they detect the issues at SH level")`\ index=_internal `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunkd_remote_searches "ERROR" OR "WARN" NOT "remote_metrics.json does not exist before reading" NOT ", Broken pipe" NOT ", Connection closed by peer" NOT ", Connection reset by peer" NOT "is already running" NOT "Local side shutting down" NOT ("ERROR StreamedSearch" "Success") \ | regex "\+0000 (ERROR|WARN)" \ | search `comment("Allow exclusions via macro...")` `splunkadmins_searchfailures`\ | cluster field=sid showcount=true \ | table host, cluster_count, _raw \ | eval indexer_cluster=`indexer_cluster_name(host)` disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - User - Dashboards searching all indexes macro version] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 32 6 * * 1-5 description = Chance the alert requires action? High. All dashboard panels that are using a macro and do not have an index= setting or use index=* are highlighted by this alert. Can be fixed by the end user? Yes. Search Head specific? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views `splunkadmins_restmacro`\ | search `comment("A dashboard searching all indexes is an issue just like a scheduled search querying all indexes or using the index=* trick. This version is dealing with those using macros. Please ensure the SearchHeadLevel - Macro report is also enabled for this to work as expected.")` \ eai:data=*query* NOT (eai:appName=simple_xml_examples eai:acl.sharing=app) NOT (eai:appName=nmon eai:acl.sharing=app) NOT (eai:appName=splunk_app_aws eai:acl.sharing=app) \ | regex eai:data="<search.*" \ | mvexpand theSearch \ | rex field=eai:data "(?s)(?P<theSearch><search(?!String)[^>]*>[^<]*<query>.*?)<\/query>" max_match=200 \ | mvexpand theSearch \ | rex field=theSearch "(?s)<search(?P<searchInfo>[^>]*)>[^<]*<query>(?P<theQuery>.*)" \ | search `comment("If we are seeing post process search then we don't want to check if it has index= because that is likely only in the base query. These are also various exclusions for legitimate searches that will not involve scanning all indexes, such as rest or a savedsearch or similar")` searchInfo!="*base*" \ | rename eai:appName AS application, eai:acl.sharing AS sharing, eai:acl.owner AS identity, label AS name \ | table theQuery, application, identity, sharing, name, splunk_server, title \ | regex theQuery!="index\s*=(?!\s*\*)" \ | regex theQuery!="^(\()?\s*(\`|\$[^|]+\$|eventtype=|rest |<!\[CDATA\[\s*\|\s*((acl)?inputlookup|rest) |\|)" \ | rex field=theQuery "(?s)^(?P<exampleQueryToDetermineIndexes>[^\|]+)" \ | regex exampleQueryToDetermineIndexes="\`"\ | eval exampleQueryToDetermineIndexes=exampleQueryToDetermineIndexes . "| stats values(index) AS index | format | fields search | eval search=replace(search,\"\\)\",\"\"), search=replace(search,\"\\(\",\"\"), search=if(search==\"NOT \",\"No indexes found\",search)" \ | eval search=theQuery\ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | stats values(search) AS search, first(exampleQueryToDetermineIndexes) AS exampleQueryToDetermineIndexes by theQuery, application, identity, sharing, name, title, splunk_server\ | table search, application, identity, sharing, name, splunk_server, title, exampleQueryToDetermineIndexes\ | nomv search\ | regex search!="index\s*=(?!\s*\*)" disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Captain Switchover Occurring] alert.suppress = 1 alert.suppress.period = 120m alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 37 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. If the captain has been changed then scheduled searches and alerts will be paused during the switchover, if this is not part of a restart then something is likely wrong...ironically this alert will not run if the issue is actually occurring so that's why the time range window is thee times the runtime of the alert in case it is missed once or twice... dispatch.earliest_time = -180m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` "SHCRaftConsensus" NOT "failed appendEntriesRequest err" NOT (SHCRaftConsensus "NOT_LEADER") `splunkadmins_captain_switchover`\ | search `comment("Exclude the search head shutdown times")` NOT [`splunkadmins_shutdown_time(searchheadhosts,20,120)`] `comment("Exclude manual transfer")` NOT [`splunkadmins_transfer_captain_times(searchheadhosts,20,120)`]\ | cluster showcount=true\ | fields _time, cluster_count, _raw\ | sort - _time disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - Splunk Servers with resource starvation] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 13 */2 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. Detect when a Splunk enterprise host is reporting that it is seeing excessive response times while running operations dispatch.earliest_time = -120m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Attempt to find entries in the splunkd logs that indiciate that Splunk is resource constrained and requires more CPU or similar")`\ index=_internal `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` "Might indicate hardware or splunk limitations" OR "took longer than" `comment("This is useful for reporting but not so useful for alerting... OR \"WARN PeriodicReapingTimeout\"")` NOT "Might indicate slow ldap server." `comment("Add in OR (WARN ConfMetrics) ?)")` \ | rex "^[\d-]+ [\d:\.]+( )+[\+-]?\d+( )+[^ ]+( )+(?P<componentAndArea>([^ ]+( )+){3}).*\((?P<number>\d+) milliseconds" \ | rex "^[\d-]+ [\d:\.]+( )+[\+-]?\d+( )+[^ ]+( )+(?P<componentAndArea2>DispatchManager\s+([^ ]+( )+){3}).*elapsed_ms=(?P<number3>\d+)" \ | rex "Spent (?P<number2>\d+)"\ | rex "reaping (?P<area>([^ ]+ ){2})"\ | eval componentAndArea=case(isnotnull(componentAndArea2),componentAndArea2,isnull(componentAndArea),component . "_" . area,1=1,componentAndArea), number=coalesce(number,number2,number3)\ | stats count, avg(number) AS avgTimeInSeconds, max(number) AS maxTimeInSeconds, max(_time) AS mostRecent, min(_time) AS firstSeen by componentAndArea, host\ | search `comment("Allow custom exclusions")` `splunkadmins_resource_starvation`\ | sort - mostRecent\ | eval firstSeen=strftime(firstSeen, "%+"), mostRecent=strftime(mostRecent, "%+"), avgTimeInSeconds=round(avgTimeInSeconds/1000,2), maxTimeInSeconds=round(maxTimeInSeconds/1000,2) disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - S2SFileReceiver Error] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 36 */3 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. One or more indexing peers are having issues with receiving file replications and may require investigation dispatch.earliest_time = -3h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = line enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("An attempt to detect excessive numbers of S2SFileReceiver / TcpInputProc failures on the indexing tier, these may indicate an issue. We are only looking for errors about replication data")`\ `comment("An indexer peer that was constantly logging \"S2SFileReceiver...type=data_model already exists!\" / \"S2SFileReceiver...type=report_acceleration already exists!\" has been fixed by restart (once so far)")`\ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` ("ERROR TcpInputProc" "event=replicationData") OR ("ERROR S2SFileReceiver" "error alerting slave about") OR ("ERROR S2SFileReceiver" "error adding new summary replica to slave")\ | rex "(?P<error>ERROR [^-]+- [^=]+=)(?P<postEquals>[^ ]+) (?P<postEquals2>[^=]+=[^ ]+)"\ | rex field=err "(?P<type>type=.*)"\ | eval error=if(postEquals=="onFileAborted" OR postEquals=="replicationData",error . " " . postEquals . " " . postEquals2,error . " " . type)\ | stats count, max(_time) AS mostRecent by host, error\ | search `comment("Allow exclusion via macro")` `splunkadmins_s2sfilereceiver`\ | eval mostRecent=strftime(mostRecent, "%+") disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Disabled modular inputs are running] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 action.makestreams.param.verbose = 0 action.nbtstat.param.verbose = 0 action.notable.param.verbose = 0 action.nslookup.param.verbose = 0 action.ping.param.verbose = 0 action.risk.param.verbose = 0 action.threat_add.param.verbose = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 39 5 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. While the modular input is disabled it appears to be running according to the introspection logs. The solution is to remove the inputs.conf and inputs.conf.spec from the relevant app, or at least remove the non-used modular inputs. Note this alert is only relevant to the search head/cluster it is running on and this is *not* an issue as such from the Splunk support point of view, however the python scripts can impact server performance... Search Head specific? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.mode = fast display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar display.visualizations.type = mapping enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Attempt to detect when a Splunk scripted_input appears to be running at OS level even though disabled=1 is set")`\ `comment("Splunk support have advised that the modular input scripts run by design, in fact disabled=1 means the inheriting input stanzas should be disabled, not that the modular input is disabled")`\ `comment("As per the updated documentation on https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/AddOns/released/Overview/Distributedinstall best practice is now to remove the inputs.conf and inputs.conf.spec on SH clusters...")`\ index=_introspection `localsearchheadhosts` sourcetype=splunk_resource_usage \ | spath component \ | search component=PerProcess data.process!=splunkd \ | spath data.args \ | rex field=data.args "[/\\\\](?P<title>[^/\\\\\.]+)\.[^\.]+" \ | join title overwrite=false\ [| rest `splunkadmins_restmacro` /servicesNS/-/-/configs/conf-inputs \ | search title!="*://*" disabled=1 \ | table eai:acl.app, disabled, interval, title] \ | rename eai:acl.app AS app \ | stats max(_time) AS mostRecent, min(_time) AS firstSeen, values(host) AS hostList, values(data.status) AS status by app, interval, title, data.args, data.process, data.process_type \ | eval mostRecent=strftime(mostRecent, "%+"), firstSeen=strftime(firstSeen, "%+") \ | table title, app, firstSeen, mostRecent, hostList, interval, data.args, data.process, data.process_type, status disabled = 1 [ForwarderLevel - Forwarders connecting to a single endpoint for extended periods] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Experimental alert (report for now). This detects when a forwarder spent an extended period of time connecting to a single endpoint, this suggests that the EVENT_BREAKER (on a HF or a LINE_BREAKER on a HF) may assist in forcing the connection to switch between endpoints more regularly.\ Note this there are multiple variables that change this query depending on your environment setup. dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Detect forwarders stuck connecting to a single indexer or heavy forwarder for an extended period of time...Assuming more than 60 seconds of continuous traffic is a problem...this may need to be customised for your environment")`\ `comment("Note that the number of metrics defaults to the top 10 measured every 30 seconds, so if this is customised you will need to change this alert")`\ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_metrics_source` sourcetype=splunkd group=tcpin_connections Metrics `indexerhosts` OR `heavyforwarderhosts`\ | eval ingest_pipe = if(isnotnull(ingest_pipe), ingest_pipe, "none")\ | streamstats time_window=60s count by hostname, host, ingest_pipe\ | where count>4\ | eval combined=hostname . " host:" . host . " pipe:" . ingest_pipe\ | timechart span=10m useother=false max(count) by combined [ForwarderLevel - Forwarders connecting to a single endpoint for extended periods UF level] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Experimental alert (report for now). This detects when a forwarder spent an extended period of time connecting to a single endpoint, this suggests that the EVENT_BREAKER may assist in forcing the connection to switch between endpoints more regularly.\ Note this there are multiple variables that change this query depending on your environment setup. dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Detect forwarders stuck connecting to a single indexer or heavy forwarder for an extended period of time...Assuming more than 60 seconds of continuous traffic is a problem...this may need to be customised for your environment")`\ `comment("Note that the number of metrics defaults to the top 10 measured every 30 seconds, so if this is customised you will need to change this alert")`\ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_metrics_source` sourcetype=splunkd group=tcpin_connections Metrics `indexerhosts` OR `heavyforwarderhosts`\ | eval ingest_pipe = if(isnotnull(ingest_pipe), ingest_pipe, "none")\ | streamstats time_window=60s count by name, host, ingest_pipe\ | where count>4\ | eval combined=name . " host:" . host . " pipe:" . ingest_pipe\ | timechart span=10m useother=false max(count) by combined [SearchHeadLevel - Determine query scan density] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This query measures the approx density of a search to determine if it's considered rare or dense.\ This version provides an example query which can then be used to drill down into further details as required dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Determine the query scan density of queries per-index. Excludes replicated search jobs (rsa)")` index=_audit `searchheadhosts` action=search sourcetype=audittrail search_id!="rsa_*"\ | eval sname=if(isnull(savedsearch_name) OR savedsearch_name=="", search, savedsearch_name)\ | stats list(search_type) as search_type, list(api_et) as api_et, list(api_lt) as api_lt, list(apiStartTime) as apiStartTime, list(apiEndTime) as apiEndTime,list(search_et) as search_et, list(search_lt) as search_lt, list(info) as status, list(total_run_time) as total_run_time list(event_count) as event_count,list(considered_events) as considered_events, list(result_count) as result_count, list(scan_count) as scan_count, list(ttl) as ttl, list(is_realtime) as search_realtime_check, list(_time) as TimeAudited, list(sname) as sname by search_id\ | where isnotnull(scan_count) AND NOT event_count="N/A" AND LIKE(sname, "%index%=%")\ | search sname!="'typeahead prefix=*"\ | rex field=sname "(?s)index(\s*=\s*|::)(?P<indexname>[^ \t]+)"\ | eval indexname=replace(indexname, "'", ""), indexname=replace(indexname, "\"", "")\ | stats avg(event_count) AS avgEventCount, avg(scan_count) AS avgScanCount, avg(result_count) AS avgResultCount by indexname\ | eval scanDensity=(avgResultCount/avgScanCount)*100 [IndexerLevel - Report on bucket corruption] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. Refer to IndexerLevel - Unclean Shutdown - Fsck for an alert for this issue, this just lists out all corrupt buckets.Bucket corruption is rare and in a clustered environment this should self-repair via the cluster master fixup list over time. If non-clustered refer to the documentation for splunk fsck in a non-clustered environment, you may also wish to try IndexerLevel - Corrupt buckets via DBInspect dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("For the alert version of this report refer to IndexerLevel - Unclean Shutdown - Fsck, you may also wish to try IndexerLevel - Corrupt buckets via DBInspect")`\ `comment("Attempt to find bucket corruption errors in the splunkd logs. this can also be found at search head level via the info.csv (not indexed by default). In a clustered environment a message such as \"06-12-2018 07:31:47.160 +0000 INFO ProcessTracker - (child_407__Fsck) Fsck - (entire bucket) Rebuild for bucket='/opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/indexname/db/db_1528466340_1520517600_38_A25ECA32-B33E-4469-8C76-22190FDCC8CB' took 86.26 seconds\" may appear once the auto-repair has occurred. Finally it may appear if log_search_messages is set in limits.conf (enabled by default in 9.1 and above), the sourcetype will be splunk_search_messages")`\ index=_internal `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` IndexerService OR HotBucketRoller "corrupt" newly `comment("newly appears to show corruption, previously may be the term for when it is fixed...")`\ | stats values(Bucket) AS bucketList by idx \ | eval bucketCount=mvcount(bucketList)\ | addcoltotals display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = line [SearchHeadLevel - Indexer Peer Connection Failures] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 53 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. For some reason one or more peers are failing to respond to the search heads, which may impact search results. Any failure will be reporting an error either to the end user or to a scheduled search. Note this alert requires the splunk_search_messages sourcetype (or search.log) and the [search]\ log_search_messages = true\ In the limits.conf file and then use the search_messages.log file. Note this is enabled in 9.1 by default dispatch.earliest_time = -60m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Further testing required. Detect failures from the search.log advising that the peer was unable to send a response, for example This can be caused by the peer unexpectedly closing or resetting the connection. Search results might be incomplete!...This requires the search.log messages (see description of this alert) to obtain the splunk_search_messages sourcetype. The Unable to distribute to peer named status=Down scenario can also result from having many indexers and may require an increase to the timeouts in distsearch.conf")`\ `comment("info.csv often reports failures as well but sometimes these are not in search.log and vice-versa. Unable to distribute to peer/Connection failed/Unable to determine response all appear to be some kind of failure. Attempting to use the [search] log_search_messages = true in the limits.conf file and then use the search_messages.log file to find what would normally appear in info.csv in the dispatch directory per-search...Note this is enabled by default in 9.1 and above")`\ index=_internal sourcetype=splunk_server_messages source!="*rsa_scheduler_*" `searchheadhosts` ("error" "for peer") OR "Error connecting" OR "Got status" `comment("Ignoring \"HTTP error status message from\" OR \"HTTP client error\" as they tend to appear when one of the previous examples is there...")`\ | rex "for peer (?P<peer>[^\.]+)"\ | rex "ERROR\s+\S+\s+-\s+(sid:[^ ]+)?(?P<message>.*)"\ | bin _time span=1m\ | eval msgpeer = host + source + peer + _time\ | rex field=host "(?P<host>[^\.]+)"\ | stats dc(msgpeer) AS count, dc(eval(searchmatch("source=*scheduler_*"))) AS schedulerCount, values(host) AS reportingHost, values(message) AS message by peer, _time\ | eval errorFrom="splunk_search_messages"\ | append\ [ search index=_internal sourcetype=splunk_search_messages orig_component="DispatchThread" `searchheadhosts` "Connection failed" OR "Unable to determine response" OR "Unable to distribute to peer"\ | rex ",\"(\[[^\]]+\]\[[^\]]+\]: )?\[(?P<peer>[^\.\]]+).*?\] (?P<message>[^\"]+)"\ | rex "Unable to distribute to peer named .* (?P<message>because.*?)\","\ | rex field=uri "(?P<IP>[^:]+)"\ | lookup dnslookup clientip as IP OUTPUT clienthost AS peer\ | rex field=peer "(?P<peer>[^\.]+)"\ | bin _time span=1m\ | eval msgpeer = host + source + peer + _time\ | rex field=host "(?P<host>[^\.]+)"\ | stats dc(msgpeer) AS count, dc(eval(searchmatch("source=*scheduler_*"))) AS schedulerCount, values(host) AS reportingHost, values(message) AS message by peer, _time\ | eval errorFrom="splunk_search_messages"\ ]\ | stats sum(count) AS count, sum(schedulerCount) AS schedulerCount, values(reportingHost) AS reportingHost, values(message) AS message, values(errorFrom) AS errorFrom by peer, _time\ | eval countAndSchedulerCount = count . " / " . schedulerCount\ | table _time, peer, reportingHost, countAndSchedulerCount, message, errorFrom\ | sort - _time disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Detect searches hitting corrupt buckets] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This query checks for searches that have found a corrupt bucket in the environment, this does require the limits.conf setting log_search_messages=true if below version 9.1 dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Note this requires further testing due to switch to splunk_search_messages")`\ `comment("Attempt to find corrupt buckets appearing in the search heads dispatch/info.csv files, this will show that a user is seeing the \"data may be corrupt\" messages")`\ `comment("In a clustered environment this should auto-repair via the cluster master fixup list, messages such as \"06-12-2018 07:31:47.160 +0000 INFO ProcessTracker - (child_407__Fsck) Fsck - (entire bucket) Rebuild for bucket='/opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/indexname/db/db_1528466340_1520517600_38_A25ECA32-B33E-4469-8C76-22190FDCC8CB' took 86.26 seconds.\" should appear in the splunkd logs. In a non-clustered environment refer to the Splunk fsck documentation. You may also wish to try IndexerLevel - Corrupt buckets via DBInspect")`\ index=_internal sourcetype=splunk_search_messages "corrupt" OR "corrupted" OR "Consider running fsck" `searchheadhosts` \ | rex ",\"(\[[^\]]+\]\[[^\]]+\]: )?\[(?P<peer>[^\]]+)"\ | rex "message=\[(?P<peer>[^\]]+)" \ | rex "path='(?P<diskloc>[^']+)" \ | rex "files in '(?P<diskloc>[^']+)" \ | rex field=diskloc ".*/(?P<bucket>[^/]+)$" \ | fillnull value="Unknown" diskloc peer bucket \ | stats values(host) AS reportingHost, max(_time) AS mostRecent, first(_raw) AS raw by bucket, diskloc, peer\ | sort - mostRecent\ | eval mostRecent=strftime(mostRecent, "%+")\ | table mostRecent, diskloc, peer, reportingHost, bucket, raw [SearchHeadLevel - Users exceeding the disk quota introspection] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 11 6,10,14,18,22,2 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. One or more users have reached the disk quota limit and may not be aware of this... Can be fixed by the end user? Yes. This version requires sendresults and customisation to work as expected.\ Also refer to SearchHeadLevel - Users exceeding the disk quota introspection cleanup for the lookup cleaner. For testing you may wish to hardcode the email_to field and remove all lines after the line starting with table app... dispatch.earliest_time = -4h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search schedule_window = 30 search = `comment("The listed users have reached the maximum disk quota, they may be unaware so it is best to let them know about this issue...")`\ `comment("Note that the REST API call accesses the jobs list which can expire for ad-hoc jobs in 10 minutes, the introspection index has data for a longer period of time however it's not as accurate as the rest version. This alert also outputs the emailed users to a lookup so they don't continue to receive this same email without some kind of throttle per-user")`\ `comment("The REST version is called SearchHeadLevel - Users exceeding the disk quota and is search head specific")`\ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd `splunkenterprisehosts` (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) "maximum disk usage quota" `splunkadmins_users_exceeding_diskquota` NOT [| inputlookup splunkusersexceedingdiskquota.csv | fields username ]\ | stats max(_time) AS mostRecent by username, reason, host\ | rename username AS username_from_search\ | eval mostRecent = strftime(mostRecent, "%+")\ | search `comment("For each result we find we're going to run the map command to send an email to each individual user who has had the issue, if they have been emailed before the inputlookup will exclude them. Username renamed due to issues with username variable in a scheduled search")`\ | eval body="Why am I receiving this? <br />" + reason + "<br /><br /> This occurred on host " + host + "<br /><br />The issue was last noticed on " + mostRecent + "<br /><br />" + "Your top 20 searches are listed below" + "<br /><br />"\ | search `comment("The below is the attempt to include the largest jobs by querying the introspection index. If we use map without the appendpipe we lose parts of the original search we need. The initial workaround of makeresults and eval commands did work but this seemed slightly cleaner. Although there would be other ways to do this...")`\ | head 30\ | append [ | makeresults | eval username_from_search="workaround for map errors", body="to pass appinspect" ]\ | appendpipe\ [| map\ [ search `comment("The intropsection data provides a written_mb field which is not going to advise an accurate real-disk usage for a job, but it does provide an estimate and provides data for longer than a 10 minute time period for ad-hoc jobs...the | rest version is the alternative available which is more accurate but may return zero results if this is not run at least every 10 minutes, it also must run on the same search head cluster as the disk usage quota, unlike this introspection version. max(data.written_mb) was used instead of last() as sometimes the quota kicks in before the temporary files are removed.")`\ index=_introspection "data.search_props.role"=head data.written_mb>1 sourcetype=splunk_resource_usage "data.search_props.user"=$username_from_search$\ | stats max(data.written_mb) AS MBwritten, last(data.elapsed) AS approxDuration, max(_time) AS searchLatestTime, min(_time) AS searchEarliestTime by "data.search_props.app", "data.search_props.provenance", "data.search_props.type", "data.search_props.sid"\ | stats count, sum(MBwritten) AS MBwritten, max(approxDuration) AS approxDuration, max(searchLatestTime) AS searchLatestTime, min(searchEarliestTime) AS searchEarliestTime by "data.search_props.app", "data.search_props.provenance", "data.search_props.type"\ | eval searchLatestTime=strftime(searchLatestTime, "%+"), searchEarliestTime=strftime(searchEarliestTime, "%+")\ | rename data.search_props.app AS app, data.search_props.provenance AS dashboardURLorSearchName, data.search_props.type AS type\ | sort - MBwritten\ | eval approxDuration=substr(tostring(approxDuration,"duration"),0,8)\ | appendcols\ [ search `comment("At this point you need to either lookup the username to email translation, here's an example using ldapsearch: ldapsearch search=\"(&(CN=$username_from_search$)(objectClass=organizationalPerson))\" attrs=mail | fields mail")` ]\ | eval email_to=mail\ | fields - mail\ | search `comment('Remove search/comment and replace <EQ> with equals to use sendresults to make this fully automated. AppInspect badge does not allow dependencies. sendresults subject<EQ>"Splunk Disk Quota Exceeded" body<EQ>$body$ msgstyle<EQ>"table {font-family:Arial;font-size:12px;border: 1px solid black;padding:3px}th {background-color:#AAAAAA;color:#fff;border-left: solid 1px #e9e9e9} td {border:solid 1px #e9e9e9}" showemail<EQ>f')`\ | head 20 ] maxsearches=30\ ]\ | where username_from_search!="workaround for map errors"\ | table app, MBwritten, dashboardURLorSearchName, approxDuration, searchEarliestTime, searchLatestTime, username_from_search, type, count, email_to\ | fields username_from_search \ | rename username_from_search AS username\ | eval currtime=now()\ | fields currtime, username\ | where isnotnull(username)\ | outputlookup splunkusersexceedingdiskquota.csv append=true [SearchHeadLevel - Users exceeding the disk quota introspection cleanup] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 53 4,10,16,22 * * * description = Relates to the alert SearchHeadLevel - Users exceeding the disk quota introspection\ This report cleans up the lookup file created by the disk quota alert so that users will re-receive the alert after a period of time. Hardcoded to 1 week for now dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search schedule_window = 30 search = | inputlookup splunkusersexceedingdiskquota.csv \ | where currtime > now() - (7*60*60*24) \ | outputlookup splunkusersexceedingdiskquota.csv [IndexerLevel - Timestamp parsing issues combined alert] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 44 4 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. Find timestamp parsing issues and provide a report on the issues. Also refer to Mark Runal's blog for the original query or his app via https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/1848/ dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("As found on https://runals.blogspot.com/2014/05/splunk-dateparserverbose-logs-part-2.html with minor modifications. Further queries available in the app https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/1848/")`\ index=_internal DateParserVerbose `heavyforwarderhosts` OR `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source`\ | rex "source(?:=|::)(?<Source>[^\|]+)\|host(?:=|::)(?<Host>[^\|]+)\|(?<Sourcetype>[^\|]+)"\ | rex "(?<msgs_suppressed>\d+) similar messages suppressed."\ | eval Issue = case(like(_raw, "%too far away from the previous event's time%"), "Variability in date/event timestamp", like(_raw, "%suspiciously far away from the previous event's time%"), "Variability in date/event timestamp", like(_raw, "%outside of the acceptable time window%"), "Timestamp is too far outside acceptable time window", like(_raw, "%Failed to parse timestamp%"), "Reverting to last known good timestamp", like(_raw, "%Accepted time format has changed%"), "Attempting to learn new timestamp format", like(_raw, "%The same timestamp has been used%"), "More than 100k+ events have the same timestamp", 1=1, "fixme")\ | stats count sum(msgs_suppressed) as "Duplicate Messages Suppressed" by Sourcetype Issue Host Source\ | stats sum(count) as count dc(Host) as Host_count, dc(Source) as Sources, sum("Duplicate Messages Suppressed") as "Duplicate Messages Suppressed", values(Host) AS Hosts by Sourcetype Issue \ | eval "Total Count"='Duplicate Messages Suppressed' + count\ | stats sum("Total Count") as "Total Count", list(Issue) as Issues, values(Hosts) as Hosts, list(Host_count) AS Host_count list(Sources) as Sources, list("Duplicate Messages Suppressed") as "Duplicate Messages Suppressed" by Sourcetype \ | sort - "Total Count" disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Audit log search example only] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This is just an example for querying the audit logs provided for reference only dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Query the audit logs for information about earliest/latest time and the search used. However the issue appears to be that apiStart/EndTime can be overriden by earliest/latest keywords *and* the auto-extracted search field isn't accurate and savedsearch_name of search<number> is actually a dashboards (which can be seen through introspection but not through audit searches!")`\ index=_audit `searchheadhosts` action=search info=granted search=* NOT "search='typeahead prefix"\ | rex "(?m)search='(?P<thesearch>[\S\s]+)',\s+autojoin="\ | table _time, ttl, user, apiStartTime, apiEndTime, earliest, latest, savedsearch_name, thesearch\ | sort - _time [IndexerLevel - Buckets changes per day] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. Attempt to count the number of buckets added/removed within an indexer cluster in order to forecast potential capacity issues with the cluster master dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("May not be 100% accurate, still under testing. deleteBucket frozen=false is usually excess bucket removal")`\ index=_internal "Creating hot bucket" OR ((CMSlave deleteBucket) AND "frozen=false") OR "freeze succeeded" sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` `indexerhosts`\ `comment("Multiplying by replication factor as each hot bucket is duplicated")`\ `comment("To split by index\ | rex "(/[^/]+){2}/(?P<idx2>[^/]+)"\ | eval idx=if(isnull(idx),idx2,idx)\ ")`\ | timechart span=1d count(eval(searchmatch("Creating hot bucket"))) AS created, count(eval(searchmatch("((CMSlave deleteBucket) AND \"frozen=false\") OR \"freeze succeeded\""))) AS frozenCount\ | eval change=(created*`splunkadmins_replicationfactor`)-frozenCount\ | fields - created, frozenCount [What Access Do I Have Without REST?] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. Determine the access of the currently logged in user assuming they cannot run REST queries against the indexers. Search Head specific? Yes. Please open in search and re-execute to make this work... dispatch.earliest_time = @d dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.timeRangePicker.show = 0 display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = Global request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | `whataccessdoihave` [SearchHeadLevel - Users with auto-finalized searches] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. Determine who has had a search auto-finalized due to time or disk quota. This does require the limits.conf setting log_search_messages=true if below version 9.1 dispatch.earliest_time = @d dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.timeRangePicker.show = 0 display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = Global request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Find searches which have been auto-finalized and the search contents which was running when the search was auto-finalized. Very similar to Users Exceeding the disk quota however this covers both disk quota and srchMaxTime. Note this alert requires further testing")`\ `comment("This does require the limits.conf log_search_messages=true setting to be enabled to work, if below version 9.1")`\ index=_internal `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=splunk_search_messages auto-finalized\ `comment("for even more info...OR canceled OR auto-canceled OR cancelled")` \ | rex field=source "[/\\\]dispatch[/\\\](?P<sid>[^/\\\]+)"\ | rex "(?P<message>auto-finalized[^\"]+)"\ | fillnull message value="Unknown"\ | append [ | makeresults | eval sid="workaround for map errors", message="to pass appinspect" ]\ | map\ [ search index=_audit `searchheadhosts` "info=granted" "search_id='$sid$'"\ | rex "(?s), search='(?P<search>.*)\]$" \ | eval search=substr(search,0,100)\ | eval message=$message$ ] maxsearches=50\ | stats values(timestamp) AS time, values(message) AS message, values(search) AS search, values(apiStartTime) AS startTime, values(apiEndTime) AS endTime, values(savedsearch_name) AS savedsearch_name by user [SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries Per Day Audit Logs] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. A query to list the number of searches per/day by type of search (dashboard/saved search/ad-hoc) dispatch.earliest_time = -2d@d dispatch.latest_time = @d display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.events.list.drilldown = none display.events.list.wrap = 0 display.events.maxLines = 100 display.events.raw.drilldown = none display.events.rowNumbers = 1 display.events.table.drilldown = 0 display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.statistics.drilldown = none display.statistics.wrap = 0 display.visualizations.charting.chart = line display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Count the number of non-system Splunk queries that use a search command, excludes rest/metrics/data model acceleration et cetera")`\ index=_audit `searchheadhosts` ", info=granted " "search='search " search_id!="'SummaryDirector_*" search_id!="'rsa_*" user!=admin user!=splunk-system-user \ | bin _time span=1d \ | rex "info=granted , search_id='(?P<search_id>[^']+)"\ | rex "', savedsearch_name=\"(?P<savedsearch_name>[^\"]*)"\ | `search_type_from_sid(search_id)` \ | stats dc(user) AS activeUserCount, count AS totalSearchCount, count(eval(type=="scheduled")) AS savedsearchCount, count(eval(type=="dashboard")) AS searchesFromDashboards, count(eval(type=="ad-hoc")) AS adhocSearches by _time [SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries By Type Audit Logs] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. A pie graph to show statistics on the number of searches by type of search (index specified, index wildcard used) et cetera, "SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries By Type Audit Logs macro version" includes macro substitution but is otherwise the same report. Refer to "SearchHeadLevel - Searches by search type" for a simplified version dispatch.earliest_time = -60m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.events.list.drilldown = none display.events.list.wrap = 0 display.events.maxLines = 100 display.events.raw.drilldown = none display.events.rowNumbers = 1 display.events.table.drilldown = 0 display.general.type = visualizations display.page.search.tab = visualizations display.statistics.drilldown = none display.statistics.wrap = 0 display.visualizations.charting.chart = pie display.visualizations.show = 0 display.visualizations.trellis.splitBy = _aggregation request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Based on the audit logs attempt to determine which types of searches are running and provide a rough % for each one")`\ index=_audit ", info=granted " `searchheadhosts` "search='" search_id!="'rsa_*"\ | rex "(?s), search='(?P<search>.*)\]$" \ | rex field=search "^(\s*\|)?(?P<searchbeforepipe>[^|]+)" \ | rex mode=sed field=searchbeforepipe "s/search \(index=\* OR index=_\*\) index=/search index=/"\ | rex mode=sed field=searchbeforepipe "s/search index=\s*\S+\s+index=/search index=/"\ | eval indexNotSpecified = if(NOT match(searchbeforepipe,"(index(::|\s*=))|(index\s*IN)") AND match(searchbeforepipe,"^\s*search "),"1","0")\ | eval macroWithIndexClause = if(isnotnull(searchbeforepipe) AND (match(searchbeforepipe,"(?s)^\s*search\s.*(index(\s*=|::)|(index\s*IN))") AND match(searchbeforepipe,"`")),"1","0")\ | stats count, count(eval(match(searchbeforepipe,"(index(\s*=|::))|(index\s*IN)"))) AS indexClause, count(eval(match(searchbeforepipe,"(index(\s*=|::)\s*\S*\*)|(index\s+IN\s*\([^\)]*\*)"))) AS indexWildcard, count(eval(match(searchbeforepipe,"\`[^\`]+\`"))) AS macroNoIndex, count(eval(match(search,"^\s*\|\s*summarize"))) AS summarize, count(eval(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*savedsearch"))) AS savedsearch, count(eval(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(from\s*)?datamodel"))) AS datamodel, count(eval(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*loadjob"))) AS loadjob, count(eval(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(multisearch|union)"))) AS multisearch, count(eval(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(pivot)"))) AS pivot, count(eval(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(metadata)"))) AS metadata, count(eval(indexNotSpecified==1)) AS indexNotSpecified, count(eval(macroWithIndexClause==1)) AS macroWithIndexClause, count(eval(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(tstats)"))) AS tstats, count(eval(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(rest)"))) AS rest, count(eval(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(mcatalog|mstats)"))) AS metrics, count(eval(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(from\s+)?inputlookup"))) AS inputlookup, count(eval(match(search_id,"^'ta_"))) AS typeahead\ | eval macroNoIndex = macroNoIndex-macroWithIndexClause, indexClause = indexClause - indexWildcard\ | eval unknown = count - (indexClause + macroNoIndex + summarize + savedsearch + datamodel + loadjob + multisearch + pivot + metadata + indexNotSpecified + tstats + rest + metrics + inputlookup + typeahead)\ | fields - macroWithIndexClause, count\ | transpose column_name="xaxis" header_field="perc" [SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries By Type Audit Logs macro version] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. A pie graph to show statistics on the number of searches by type of search (index specified, index wildcard used) et cetera this version attempts to substitute macros, "SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries By Type Audit Logs" does not include macro substitution but is otherwise the same report. Requires "SearchHeadLevel - Macro report". Refer to "SearchHeadLevel - Searches by search type" for a simplified version dispatch.earliest_time = -60m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.events.list.drilldown = none display.events.list.wrap = 0 display.events.maxLines = 100 display.events.raw.drilldown = none display.events.rowNumbers = 1 display.events.table.drilldown = 0 display.general.type = visualizations display.page.search.tab = visualizations display.statistics.drilldown = none display.statistics.show = 0 display.statistics.wrap = 0 display.visualizations.charting.chart = pie display.visualizations.trellis.splitBy = _aggregation request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Based on the audit logs attempt to determine which types of searches are running and provide a rough % for each one")`\ index=_audit `searchheadhosts` ", info=granted " "search='" search_id!="'rsa_*"\ | rex "(?s), search='(?P<search>.*)\]$" \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | rex field=search "(?s)^(\s*\|)?(?P<searchbeforepipe>[^|]+)" \ | rex mode=sed field=searchbeforepipe "s/search \(index=\* OR index=_\*\) index=/search index=/" \ | rex mode=sed field=searchbeforepipe "s/search index=\s*\S+\s+index=/search index=/" \ | eval indexNotSpecified = if(NOT match(searchbeforepipe,"(index(\s*=|::))|(index\s*IN)") AND match(searchbeforepipe,"^\s*search "),"1","0")\ | eval macroWithIndexClause = if(isnotnull(searchbeforepipe) AND (match(searchbeforepipe,"(?s)^\s*search\s.*(index(\s*=|::))|(index\s*IN)") AND hasMacro=="1"),"1","0")\ | stats count, count(eval(match(searchbeforepipe,"(index(\s*=|::))|(index\s*IN)"))) AS indexClause, count(eval(match(searchbeforepipe,"(index(\s*=\s*|::)\S*\*)|(index\s+IN\s*\([^\)]*\*)"))) AS indexWildcard, count(eval(hasMacro=="1")) AS macroNoIndex, count(eval(match(search,"^\s*\|\s*summarize"))) AS summarize, count(eval(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*savedsearch"))) AS savedsearch, count(eval(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(from\s*)?datamodel"))) AS datamodel, count(eval(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*loadjob"))) AS loadjob, count(eval(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(multisearch|union)"))) AS multisearch, count(eval(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(pivot)"))) AS pivot, count(eval(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(metadata)"))) AS metadata, count(eval(indexNotSpecified==1)) AS indexNotSpecified, count(eval(macroWithIndexClause==1)) AS macroWithIndexClause, count(eval(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(tstats)"))) AS tstats, count(eval(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(rest)"))) AS rest, count(eval(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(mcatalog|mstats)"))) AS metrics, count(eval(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(from\s+)?inputlookup"))) AS inputlookup, count(eval(match(search_id,"^'ta_"))) AS typeahead\ | eval indexClause = indexClause-indexWildcard, macroNoIndex = macroNoIndex-macroWithIndexClause\ | eval total = indexClause + indexWildcard + macroNoIndex + summarize + savedsearch + datamodel + loadjob + multisearch + pivot + metadata + indexNotSpecified + tstats + rest + metrics + typeahead\ | eval unknown = count - total\ | fields - total, searchcommandcount, macroWithIndexClause, count\ | transpose column_name="xaxis" header_field="perc" [SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries By Type Audit Logs macro version other] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This report relates to the "SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries By Type Audit Logs" and equivalent macro version but exists to print out the entries that did not fit into any of the categories. Requires "SearchHeadLevel - Macro report". dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.events.list.drilldown = none display.events.list.wrap = 0 display.events.maxLines = 100 display.events.raw.drilldown = none display.events.rowNumbers = 1 display.events.table.drilldown = 0 display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.statistics.drilldown = none display.statistics.wrap = 0 display.visualizations.charting.chart = pie display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Based on the audit logs attempt to determine which types of searches are running and provide a rough % for each one")`\ index=_audit `searchheadhosts` ", info=granted " "search='" search_id!="'rsa_*"\ | rex "(?s), search='(?P<search>.*)\]$" \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | rex field=search "(?s)^(\s*\|)?(?P<searchbeforepipe>[^|]+)"\ | rex mode=sed field=searchbeforepipe "s/search \(index=\* OR index=_\*\) index=/search index=/"\ | rex mode=sed field=searchbeforepipe "s/search index=\s*\S+\s+index=/search index=/"\ | eval indexNotSpecified = if(NOT match(searchbeforepipe,"(index(\s*=|::))|(index\s*IN)") AND match(searchbeforepipe,"^\s*search "),"1","0")\ | eval macroWithIndexClause = if(isnotnull(searchbeforepipe) AND (match(searchbeforepipe,"(?s)^\s*search\s.*(index(\s*=|::))|(index\s*IN)") AND hasMacro=="1"),"1","0")\ | eval indexClause = if(match(searchbeforepipe,"(index(\s*=|::))|(index\s*IN)"),"1","0")\ | eval indexWildcard = if(match(searchbeforepipe,"(index(\s*=\s*|::)\S*\*)|(index\s+IN\s*\([^\)]*\*)"),"1","0")\ | eval macroNoIndex = if(hasMacro=="1","1","0")\ | eval summarize = if(match(search,"^\s*\|\s*summarize"),"1","0")\ | eval savedsearch = if(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(from\s+)?savedsearch"),"1","0")\ | eval datamodel = if(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(from\s+)?datamodel"),"1","0")\ | eval loadjob = if(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*loadjob"),"1","0")\ | eval multisearch = if(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(multisearch|union)"),"1","0")\ | eval pivot = if(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(pivot)"),"1","0")\ | eval metadata = if(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(metadata)"),"1","0")\ | eval tstats = if(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(tstats)"),"1","0")\ | eval rest = if(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(rest)"),"1","0")\ | eval inputlookup = if(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(from\s+)?inputlookup"),"1","0")\ | eval metrics = if(match(search,"(?i)^\s*\|\s*(mcatalog|mstats)"),"1","0")\ | eval typeahead = if(match(search_id,"^'ta_"),"1","0")\ | search indexClause=0 AND indexWildcard=0 AND macroNoIndex=0 AND summarize=0 AND savedsearch=0 AND datamodel=0 AND loadjob=0 AND pivot=0 AND multisearch=0 AND metadata=0 AND indexNotSpecified=0 AND macroWithIndexClause=0 AND tstats=0 AND rest=0 AND inputlookup=0 AND metrics=0 AND typeahead=0\ | cluster field=search t=0.01 showcount=true\ | table search, cluster_count [SearchHeadLevel - Role access list by user] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This report outputs a list of users and which role they are in, and what the srchIndexesDefault and srchIndexesAvailable exist for that particular user, this does not list individual index names, the report "SearchHeadLevel - Index access list by user" exists to list index names... dispatch.earliest_time = -5m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.events.list.drilldown = none display.events.list.wrap = 0 display.events.maxLines = 100 display.events.raw.drilldown = none display.events.rowNumbers = 1 display.events.table.drilldown = 0 display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.statistics.drilldown = none display.statistics.wrap = 0 display.visualizations.charting.chart = area display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /services/authentication/users splunk_server="local" \ | eval comment="This search aims to provide a giant list of users and a list of wildcards (or index names if specified in the Splunk config) for srchIndexesAllowed/srchIndexesDefault" \ | table title roles\ | append [ | makeresults | eval title="splunk-system-user", roles="admin" ]\ | rename title as user \ | mvexpand roles \ | join type=left roles \ [ rest /services/authorization/roles splunk_server="local" \ | table title, srchIndexesAllowed, srchIndexesDefault, imported_srchIndexesAllowed, imported_srchIndexesDefault\ | rename title as roles] \ | makemv srchIndexesAllowed tokenizer=(\S+) \ | makemv srchIndexesDefault tokenizer=(\S+)\ | makemv imported_srchIndexesAllowed tokenizer=(\S+)\ | makemv imported_srchIndexesDefault tokenizer=(\S+)\ | eval srchIndexesAllowed = mvappend(srchIndexesAllowed, imported_srchIndexesAllowed)\ | eval srchIndexesDefault = mvappend(srchIndexesDefault, imported_srchIndexesDefault)\ | fillnull srchIndexesDefault, srchIndexesAllowed value="removeme"\ | mvexpand srchIndexesAllowed\ | eval srchIndexesAllowed=if(srchIndexesAllowed=="removeme",null(),srchIndexesAllowed)\ | fields srchIndexesAllowed, srchIndexesDefault, user\ | stats values(*) as * by user\ | mvexpand srchIndexesDefault\ | eval srchIndexesDefault=if(srchIndexesDefault=="removeme",null(),srchIndexesDefault)\ | stats values(*) as * by user [SearchHeadLevel - Index access list by user] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This report outputs a list of indexes available on a per-user basis which is used by another report, "SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries summary non-exact match", requires report "SearchHeadLevel - Index list report" dispatch.earliest_time = -5m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.events.list.drilldown = none display.events.list.wrap = 0 display.events.maxLines = 100 display.events.raw.drilldown = none display.events.rowNumbers = 1 display.events.table.drilldown = 0 display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.mode = fast display.page.search.tab = statistics display.statistics.drilldown = none display.statistics.wrap = 0 display.visualizations.charting.chart = area display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /services/authorization/roles splunk_server="local" \ | eval comment="This search aims to provide a giant list of users and what indexes they have access to (as in a list of index names, not a list of wildcards). Due to mvexpand hitting memory limits in the environment this alternative version runs many subsearches that do not hit the memory limits" \ | table title, srchIndexesAllowed, srchIndexesDefault, imported_srchIndexesAllowed, imported_srchIndexesDefault \ | rename title as roles \ | makemv srchIndexesAllowed tokenizer=(\S+) \ | makemv srchIndexesDefault tokenizer=(\S+) \ | makemv imported_srchIndexesAllowed tokenizer=(\S+) \ | makemv imported_srchIndexesDefault tokenizer=(\S+) \ | eval srchIndexesAllowed = mvappend(srchIndexesAllowed, imported_srchIndexesAllowed) \ | eval srchIndexesDefault = mvappend(srchIndexesDefault, imported_srchIndexesDefault) \ | fillnull srchIndexesDefault, srchIndexesAllowed value="requiredformvexpand" \ | mvexpand srchIndexesAllowed \ | eval srchIndexesAllowed=if(srchIndexesAllowed=="requiredformvexpand",null(),srchIndexesAllowed) \ | eval srchIndexesAllowed=lower(srchIndexesAllowed) \ | fields srchIndexesAllowed, srchIndexesDefault, roles \ | map \ [| inputlookup splunkadmins_indexlist where index="$srchIndexesAllowed$" AND index!="requiredformvexpand"\ | eval regex="^" . "$srchIndexesAllowed$" . "$" \ | eval regex=replace(regex,"\*",".*") \ | eval regex=if(substr(regex,1,3)=="^.*","^[^_].*" . substr(regex,4),regex) \ | where match(index,regex) \ | eval srchIndexesAllowed="$srchIndexesAllowed$", srchIndexesDefault="$srchIndexesDefault$", roles="$roles$" \ | fields index, roles, srchIndexesAllowed, srchIndexesDefault ] maxsearches=5000 \ | stats values(index) AS srchIndexesAllowed, values(srchIndexesDefault) AS srchIndexesDefault by roles \ | makemv srchIndexesDefault tokenizer=(\S+) \ | mvexpand srchIndexesDefault \ | append [ | makeresults | eval srchIndexesAllowed="workaround for map errors", srchIndexesDefault="to pass appinspect", roles="N/A" ]\ | map \ [| inputlookup splunkadmins_indexlist where index="$srchIndexesDefault$" \ | eval regex="^" . "$srchIndexesDefault$" . "$" \ | eval regex=replace(lower(regex),"\*",".*") \ | eval regex=if(substr(regex,1,3)=="^.*","^[^_].*" . substr(regex,4),regex) \ | where match(index,regex) \ | eval srchIndexesAllowed="$srchIndexesAllowed$", srchIndexesDefault="$srchIndexesDefault$", roles="$roles$" \ | fields index, roles, srchIndexesAllowed, srchIndexesDefault ] maxsearches=5000 \ | where srchIndexesAllowed!="workaround for map errors"\ | stats values(srchIndexesAllowed) AS srchIndexesAllowed, values(index) AS srchIndexesDefault by roles \ | makemv srchIndexesAllowed tokenizer=(\S+) \ | append \ [| rest /services/admin/LDAP-groups `splunkadmins_restmacro` \ | where isnotnull(roles) \ | mvexpand users \ | rex field=users "CN=(?P<user>[^,]+)" \ | stats values(user) AS user by roles ] \ | append \ [| rest /services/authentication/users `splunkadmins_restmacro` \ | search type=Splunk \ | table title, roles \ | rename title AS user \ | mvexpand roles ] \ | append \ [| makeresults \ | eval user="splunk-system-user", roles="admin" ]\ | eval srchIndexesDefault = if(srchIndexesDefault=="requiredformvexpand",null(),srchIndexesDefault) \ | eventstats values(srchIndexesAllowed) AS srchIndexesAllowed, values(srchIndexesDefault) AS srchIndexesDefault by roles \ | stats values(srchIndexesAllowed) AS srchIndexesAllowed, values(srchIndexesDefault) AS srchIndexesDefault by user\ | outputlookup splunkadmins_userlist_indexinfo [SearchHeadLevel - Index list report] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This report outputs a list of indexes available and an additional "requiredformvexpand" value, which is used by the report "SearchHeadLevel - Index access list by user" dispatch.earliest_time = -30d@d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.events.list.drilldown = none display.events.list.wrap = 0 display.events.maxLines = 100 display.events.raw.drilldown = none display.events.rowNumbers = 1 display.events.table.drilldown = 0 display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.mode = fast display.page.search.tab = statistics display.statistics.drilldown = none display.statistics.wrap = 0 display.visualizations.charting.chart = area display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | eventcount summarize=false index=* OR index=_* \ | fields index \ | dedup index\ | append [ | makeresults | eval index="requiredformvexpand" ]\ | table index\ | outputlookup splunkadmins_indexlist [SearchHeadLevel - Scheduled Search Efficiency] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This report was orginally found on answers or a Splunk conf talk, it lists the scheduled searches, how often they run and how long they have taken to run dispatch.earliest_time = -30d@d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.events.list.drilldown = none display.events.list.wrap = 0 display.events.maxLines = 100 display.events.raw.drilldown = none display.events.rowNumbers = 1 display.events.table.drilldown = 0 display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.mode = fast display.page.search.tab = statistics display.statistics.drilldown = none display.statistics.wrap = 0 display.visualizations.charting.chart = area display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("This likely came from a Splunk conf presentation but I cannot remember which one so cannot attribute the original author!")`\ `comment("Determine the length of time a scheduled search takes to run compared to how often it is configured to run, excluding acceleration jobs")`\ index=_internal `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=scheduler source=*scheduler.log (user=*) savedsearch_name!="_ACCELERATE_DM*"\ | stats avg(run_time) as average_runtime_in_sec count(savedsearch_name) as num_times_per_week sum(run_time) as total_runtime_sec by savedsearch_name user app host\ | eval ran_every_x_mins=round(60/(num_times_per_week/168))\ | eval average_runtime_duration=tostring(round(average_runtime_in_sec/60,2), "duration")\ | eval average_runtime_in_sec=round(average_runtime_in_sec, 2)\ | eval efficiency=round(((60/(num_times_per_week/168))/(average_runtime_in_sec/60)), 2)\ | sort efficiency\ | table savedsearch_name, app, average_runtime_duration, num_times_per_week, ran_every_x_mins, efficiency, user, host [AllSplunkLevel - Data Loss on shutdown] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 auto_summarize.dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 14 7 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. This alert usually indicates that at least some data was lost during the shutdown of the forwarder (universal or heavy), while nothing can be done about the lost data the queues may be tweaked to improve this scenario if the servers were up dispatch.earliest_time = -24h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Waiting for TcpOutputGroups to shutdown followed by the message 'Forcing TcpOutputGroups to shutdown after timeout' is not something that can be controlled as of 7.2.1. It also generally correlates with data loss as the forwarder in question could not get the data through the queues and out of the forwarder/indexer before shutdown. Increasing parsingQueue/aggQueue or similar may help in this scenario")`\ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) OR (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`) "Forcing TcpOutputGroups to shutdown after timeout"\ | stats count, earliest(_time) AS firstSeen, latest(_time) AS lastSeen by host \ | eval firstSeen = strftime(firstSeen, "%+"), lastSeen=strftime(lastSeen, "%+") disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Dashboard load times] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This report was created to roughly find dashboard load times, if the timepicker for the dashboard is changed then this report will produce different results so this should either be run on a dashboard with consistent time periods or used to roughly measure load times... dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.events.list.drilldown = none display.events.list.wrap = 0 display.events.maxLines = 100 display.events.raw.drilldown = none display.events.rowNumbers = 1 display.events.table.drilldown = 0 display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.mode = fast display.page.search.tab = statistics display.statistics.drilldown = none display.statistics.wrap = 0 display.visualizations.charting.chart = area display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Determine dashboard load times by using the introspection index, note that changes in the timepicker or similar will change your dashboard load times so this is provided as an example query only")`\ index=_introspection `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=splunk_resource_usage data.search_props.sid::* "UI:Dashboard"\ | eval app = 'data.search_props.app'\ | eval elapsed = 'data.elapsed'\ | eval label = 'data.search_props.label'\ | eval type = 'data.search_props.type'\ | eval mode = 'data.search_props.mode'\ | eval user = 'data.search_props.user'\ | eval provenance='data.search_props.provenance'\ | eval label=coalesce(label, provenance)\ | eval search_head = 'data.search_props.search_head'\ | stats max(elapsed) as runtime earliest(_time) as Started by type, mode, app, user, label, data.pid, search_head, host\ | stats max(runtime) AS totalRuntime by Started, app, user, label\ | sort - Started\ | eval Started=strftime(Started,"%+")\ | eval duration = tostring(totalRuntime, "duration") [SearchHeadLevel - Scheduled searches status] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. Based on the discussion with Burch on https://answers.splunk.com/answers/702075/what-is-the-best-way-to-find-searches-without-sour.html just a simple way of reporting if sourcetype/index fields are used in saved searches dispatch.earliest_time = -30d@d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.events.list.drilldown = none display.events.list.wrap = 0 display.events.maxLines = 100 display.events.raw.drilldown = none display.events.rowNumbers = 1 display.events.table.drilldown = 0 display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.mode = fast display.page.search.tab = statistics display.statistics.drilldown = none display.statistics.wrap = 0 display.visualizations.charting.chart = area display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches `splunkadmins_restmacro`\ | fields qualifiedSearch, next_scheduled_time, title, eai:acl.owner, eai:acl.app\ | search `comment("Based on the discussion with Burch on https://answers.splunk.com/answers/702075/what-is-the-best-way-to-find-searches-without-sour.html just a simple way of reporting if sourcetype/index fields are used in saved searches")`\ | where match( qualifiedSearch , "^\s*search\s*" )\ | rex field=qualifiedSearch "(?s)^(?<base_search>search[^\|\[]+)"\ | eval\ check-sourcetype = if( match( base_search , "\s+sourcetype\s*=" ) , "defined" , "missing" ) ,\ check-index = if( match( base_search , "\s+index\s*(=|IN)" ) , "defined" , "missing" ) ,\ check-index-contains-wildcard = if( match( base_search , "\s+index\s*(=\s*[^\*]+(\s|$)|IN\s*\([^\)\*]+\s*\))" ) , "missing" , "defined" ) ,\ check-index-starts-wildcard = if( match( base_search , "\s+index\s*(=\s*\*|IN\s*\(\s*\*)" ) , "defined" , "missing" ) ,\ check-hidden = if( match( base_search , "\s+((tag|eventtype)\s*=)" ) , "defined" , "missing" ) ,\ check-macro = if( match( base_search , "\`[^\`]+\`" ) , "defined" , "missing" ) ,\ check-scheduled = if( match( next_scheduled_time , ".+" ) , "defined" , "missing" )\ | rename eai:acl.* AS namespace-*\ | search ( check-sourcetype="missing" OR check-index="missing" ) check-hidden="missing" check-scheduled="defined"\ | table title, check-index, check-sourcetype, base_search, namespace-*, check-index-contains-wildcard, check-index-starts-wildcard, check-macro [SearchHeadLevel - Detect changes to knowledge objects] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 dispatch.earliest_time = -7d@d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search description = Report only? Yes. Attempt to determine what times knowledge object config was changed by using splunk access logs (information not available in audit logs at the time of testing). Also refer to SearchHeadLevel - Detect changes to knowledge objects directory/non-directory search = `comment("Attempt to determine what changes to knowledge or creation of new knowledge objects on a per-application/type basis. Using splunkd*access logs due to lack of information in other logs in non-clustered search heads. Everything works fine unless the /services/ endpoint is used in which case we have no idea which app owned the updated item and we have to just assume it could be any app. Also the query is super-complicated because Splunk often provides 3 endpoints to edit the same config, it also allows // or similar in the URL. Also refer to the alternative queries for SearchHeadLevel - Detect changes to knowledge objects directory, and SearchHeadLevel - Detect changes to knowledge objects non-directory")`\ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_access OR sourcetype=splunkd_ui_access method=POST status=200 OR status=201 NOT "/manager/" NOT "/dispatch HTTP"\ | rex field=uri "/servicesNS/[^/]+/(?P<app>[^/]+)" \ | eval type=case(match(uri,"/data/+props/+calcfields($|/)"),"calcfields",match(uri,"/saved/+searches($|/)"),"savedsearch",match(uri,"/admin/+savedsearch($|/)"),"savedsearch",match(uri,"/configs/+conf-savedsearches"),"savedsearch",match(uri,"/data/+ui/+views($|/)"),"dashboards",match(uri,"/+admin/+views($|/)"),"dashboards",match(uri,"/data/+props/+fieldaliases($|/)"),"fieldaliases",match(uri,"/+admin/+fieldaliases(/|$)"),"fieldaliases",match(uri,"data/+props/+extractions"),"fieldextractions",match(uri,"/+admin/+props-extract($|/)"),"fieldextractions",match(uri,"/data/+transforms/+extractions($|/)"),"fieldtransformations",match(uri,"/+admin/+transforms-extract($|/)"),"fieldtransformations",match(uri,"data/+ui/+workflow-actions($|/)"),"workflow-actions",match(uri,"/+admin/+workflow-actions($|/)"),"workflow-actions",match(uri,"/+configs/+conf-workflow_actions($|/)"),"workflow-actions",match(uri,"/+configs/+conf-props($|/)"),"props*",match(uri,"/+configs/+conf-transforms($|/)"),"transforms*",match(uri,"/+data/+props/+sourcetype-rename($|/)"),"sourcetype-renaming",match(uri,"/+admin/+sourcetype-rename($|/)"),"sourcetype-renaming",match(uri,"/+admin/+tags($|/)"),"tags",match(uri,"/+saved/+(n|fv)tags($|/)"),"tags",match(uri,"/+configs/+conf-tags($|/)"),"tags",match(uri,"/+saved/+eventtypes($|/)"),"eventtypes",match(uri,"/+admin/+eventtypes($|/)"),"eventtypes",match(uri,"/+configs/+conf-eventtypes($|/)"),"eventtypes_conf",match(uri,"/+data/+ui/+nav($|/)"),"navMenu",match(uri,"/+admin/*nav($|/)"),"navMenu",match(uri,"/+datamodel/+model($|/)"),"datamodel",match(uri,"/+configs/+conf-datamodels($|/)"),"datamodel",match(uri,"/+admin/+datamodel-files($|/)"),"datamodel",match(uri,"/+admin/+datamodeledit($|/)"),"datamodel",match(uri,"/+storage/+collections/+config($|/)"),"kvstore",match(uri,"/+configs/+conf-collections($|/)"),"kvstore",match(uri,"/+admin/+collections-conf($|/)"),"kvstore",match(uri,"/+data/+ui/+times($|/)"),"times",match(uri,"/+configs/+conf-times($|/)"),"times",match(uri,"/+admin/+conf-times($|/)"),"times",match(uri,"/+data/+ui/+panels($|/)"),"panels",match(uri,"/+configs/+conf-panels($|/)"),"panels",match(uri,"/+data/+props/+lookups($|/)"),"lookup-definition",match(uri,"/+admin/+props-lookup($|/)"),"lookup-definition",match(uri,"/+data/+transforms/+lookups($|/)"),"automaticlookup",match(uri,"/+admin/+transforms-lookup($|/)"),"automaticlookup",match(uri,"/+admin/+macros($|/)"),"macros",match(uri,"/+configs/+conf-macros($|/)"),"macros",match(uri,"/+data/+macros($|/)"),"macros",1==1,"unknown")\ | where type!="unknown"\ | eval app=if(isnull(app),"*",app)\ | eval type2 = if(type=="eventtypes","tags",null())\ | search `comment("note that eventtypes can have tags created so assume eventtype == tag creation, eventtypes_conf doesn't appear to work")`\ | stats values(_time) AS times, values(user) AS userList, values(type2) AS type2 by type, app [SearchHeadLevel - Detect changes to knowledge objects directory] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 dispatch.earliest_time = -7d@d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 description = Report only? Yes. Attempt to determine what times knowledge object config was changed by using the directory REST API endpoint, note this does not cover all knowledge objects, also refer to SearchHeadLevel - Detect changes to knowledge objects non-directory request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest "/services/directory" count=0 `splunkadmins_restmacro`\ | table updated, eai:type, eai:acl.app, eai:location\ | eval updatedEpoch=strptime(updated,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z")\ | rename eai:type AS type, eai:acl.app AS app, eai:location AS location\ | stats count by type, app\ | fields - count [SearchHeadLevel - Detect changes to knowledge objects non-directory] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 dispatch.earliest_time = -7d@d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 description = Report only? Yes. Attempt to determine what times knowledge object config was changed by using the directory REST API endpoint, note this does not cover all knowledge objects, also refer to SearchHeadLevel - Detect changes to knowledge objects directory request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest `splunkadmins_restmacro` /servicesNS/-/-/storage/collections/config count=0 f=updated f=eai:appName\ | eval type="kvstore"\ | append [ | rest `splunkadmins_restmacro` /servicesNS/-/-/datamodel/model count=0 f=updated f=eai:appName | eval type="datamodel" ]\ | append [ | rest `splunkadmins_restmacro` /servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/panels count=0 f=updated f=eai:appName | eval type="panels" ]\ | append [ | rest `splunkadmins_restmacro` /servicesNS/-/-/data/props/calcfields count=0 | table updated, eai:acl.app | rename eai:acl.app AS eai:appName | eval type="calcfields" ]\ | eval updatedEpoch=strptime(updated,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z")\ | rename eai:appName AS app\ | stats count by type, app [IndexerLevel - Corrupt buckets via DBInspect] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 dispatch.earliest_time = -7d@d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 description = Report only? Yes. Run the dbinspect command to determine which buckets appear to be corrupt, the search ignores hot/streaming hot buckets as they appear to be corrupt when tested in 7.0.5, note that this appears to check metadata not journal files so splunk fsck may still be required request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | dbinspect corruptonly=true index=*\ | regex path!="[\\\\/](\d+_|hot_)[^ ]+$"\ | table bucketId, corruptReason, index, modTime, path, splunk_server, state\ | eval command="splunk fsck repair --one-bucket --bucket-path=" + path + " &" [SearchHeadLevel - Maximum memory utilisation per search] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 description = Report only? Yes. As found on SplunkAnswers check the maximum memory usage per-search ( https://answers.splunk.com/answers/500973/how-to-improve-my-search-to-identify-queries-which.html ) request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("As originally found on https://answers.splunk.com/answers/500973/how-to-improve-my-search-to-identify-queries-which.html / DalJeanis with minor modifications. Max memory used per search process at search head level")`\ index=_introspection `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=splunk_resource_usage component=PerProcess data.search_props.sid=*\ | stats max(data.mem_used) AS peak_mem_usage,\ latest(data.search_props.mode) AS mode,\ latest(data.search_props.type) AS type,\ latest(data.search_props.role) AS role,\ latest(data.search_props.app) AS app,\ latest(data.search_props.user) AS user,\ latest(data.search_props.provenance) AS provenance,\ latest(data.search_props.label) AS label,\ latest(host) AS splunk_server,\ min(_time) AS min_time,\ max(_time) AS max_time\ by data.search_props.sid, host\ | sort - peak_mem_usage\ | head 50\ | table provenance, peak_mem_usage, label, mode, type, role, app, user, min_time, max_time, data.search_props.sid splunk_server\ | eval min_time=strftime(min_time, "%+"), max_time=strftime(max_time, "%+")\ | rename data.search_props.sid AS sid,\ peak_mem_usage AS "Peak Physical Memory Usage (MB)",\ min_time AS "First time seen",\ max_time AS "Last time seen" [IndexerLevel - Maximum memory utilisation per search] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 description = Report only? Yes. As found on SplunkAnswers check the maximum memory usage per-search ( https://answers.splunk.com/answers/500973/how-to-improve-my-search-to-identify-queries-which.html ) request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("As originally found on https://answers.splunk.com/answers/500973/how-to-improve-my-search-to-identify-queries-which.html / DalJeanis with minor modifications. Max memory used per search process at search head level")`\ index=_introspection `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunk_resource_usage component=PerProcess data.search_props.sid=*\ | stats max(data.mem_used) AS peak_mem_usage,\ latest(data.search_props.mode) AS mode,\ latest(data.search_props.type) AS type,\ latest(data.search_props.role) AS role,\ latest(data.search_props.app) AS app,\ latest(data.search_props.user) AS user,\ latest(data.search_props.provenance) AS provenance,\ latest(data.search_props.label) AS label,\ latest(host) AS splunk_server,\ min(_time) AS min_time,\ max(_time) AS max_time\ by data.search_props.sid, host\ | sort - peak_mem_usage\ | head 50\ | table provenance, peak_mem_usage, label, mode, type, role, app, user, min_time, max_time, data.search_props.sid splunk_server\ | eval min_time=strftime(min_time, "%+"), max_time=strftime(max_time, "%+")\ | rename data.search_props.sid AS sid,\ peak_mem_usage AS "Peak Physical Memory Usage (MB)",\ min_time AS "First time seen",\ max_time AS "Last time seen" [SearchHeadLevel - Detect Excessive Search Use - Dashboard - Automated] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 description = Report only? Yes. Based on the Detect Excessive Search Use dashboard, attempt to automate detection of dashboards loaded by multiple users request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Based on contents of Detect Excessive Search Use, with the addition of narrowing down to dashboard loads with more than 1 user. From there, attempt to auto-run the introspection index query to determine which dashboards may be involved and which apps. Finally this finishes with a sendresults email to the customer to advise them to consider changing their dashboard to use scheduled saved searches")`\ index=_audit info=granted "search='" NOT "savedsearch_name=\"Threat - Correlation Searches - Lookup Gen\"" NOT "savedsearch_name=\"Bucket Copy Trigger\"" NOT "search='| copybuckets" NOT "search='search index=_telemetry sourcetype=splunk_telemetry | spath" NOT "savedsearch_name=\"_ACCELERATE_*"\ | rex "(?s), search='(?P<search>.*)\]$" \ | regex search!="\|\s+(rest|inputlookup|makeresults|tstats count AS \"Count of [^\"]+\"\s+ from sid=)"\ | rex "apiEndTime='[^,]+, savedsearch_name=\"(?P<savedsearch_name>[^\"]+)"\ | eval apiEndTime=strptime(apiEndTime, "'%a %B %d %H:%M:%S %Y'"), apiStartTime=strptime(apiStartTime, "'%a %B %d %H:%M:%S %Y'")\ | eval timePeriod=apiEndTime-apiStartTime\ | bin _time span=10m\ | eval search_id=substr(search_id,2,len(search_id)-2)\ | stats count, values(host) AS hostList, values(savedsearch_name) AS savedSearchName, values(ttl) AS ttl by search, user, _time, timePeriod\ | eval frequency = ceil((10*60)/timePeriod)\ | fillnull frequency\ | where count>4 AND count>frequency\ | eval timePeriod=tostring(timePeriod,"duration")\ | stats sum(count) AS count, max(count) AS "maxCountPerSpan", values(user) AS userList, values(hostList) AS hostList, values(savedSearchName) AS savedSearchName, earliest(_time) AS firstSeen, latest(_time) AS mostRecent by search\ | where mvcount(userList) > 2 AND match(savedSearchName, "^search\d+")\ | stats values(sids) AS sids, max(count) AS count, max(maxCountPerSpan) AS maxCountPerSpan by firstSeen, mostRecent, userList, hostList\ | stats values(userList) AS userList, values(hostList) AS hostList by firstSeen, mostRecent, count, maxCountPerSpan\ | addinfo\ | eval searchDuration = tostring(info_max_time - info_min_time, "duration")\ | sort - count\ | head 20\ | append [ | makeresults | eval userList="nonexistentuser", loadCount=0, searchDuration="10", count="0" | fields - _time ]\ | map\ [ search index=_introspection `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunk_resource_usage\ [| makeresults\ | eval data.search_props.user=$userList$\ | makemv data.search_props.user\ | mvexpand data.search_props.user\ | return 20 data.search_props.user ]\ | eval users=$userList$, loadCount=$count$, searchDuration=$searchDuration$\ | stats count, values(users) AS userList, values(loadCount) AS loadCount, values(searchDuration) AS searchDuration by data.search_props.provenance, data.search_props.app\ | search data.search_props.provenance=UI:Dashboard*\ | rename data.search_props.provenance AS provenance, data.search_props.app AS app ] maxsearches=20\ | search `comment("Exclusions lists apply at this point as we have app/dashboard context")` NOT [ | inputlookup dashboard_automated_app_exclusion.csv ] NOT [ | inputlookup dashboard_automated_app_history.csv | makemv searchInfo tokenizer=(\S+) | mvexpand searchInfo | rename searchInfo AS provenance | fields - currtime ]\ | makemv userList\ | eval userCount = mvcount(userList)\ | mvexpand userList\ | search `comment("Beyond this point this search will likely need customisation to work in a particular environment, remove the comments and \ symbols to make this work...\ | ldapfilter search=\"(&(CN=$userList$)(objectClass=organizationalPerson))\" attrs=\"mail\"\ | where isnotnull(mail)\ ")`\ | stats values(provenance) AS searchInfo, values(searchDuration) AS searchDuration, values(loadCount) AS loadCount, values(mail) AS email_to, max(userCount) AS maxUsersPerDashboard by app\ | nomv email_to\ | rex mode=sed field=email_to "s/ /;/g"\ | search `comment("\ | sendresults subject=\"Shared dashboards not using saved searches\" msgstyle=\"table {font-family:Arial;font-size:12px;border: 1px solid black;padding:3px}th {background-color:#AAAAAA;color:#fff;border-left: solid 1px #e9e9e9} td {border:solid 1px #e9e9e9}\" showemail=f showsubj=f\ | fields app, searchInfo\ | eval currtime=now()\ | outputlookup dashboard_automated_app_history.csv append=true\ ")` [ForwarderLevel - Splunk HEC issues] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 57 3 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. HEC failures mean that the client is expected to handle the failure, this may occur when queues on the forwarder are full. Note that the lookup splunkadmins_hec_reply_code_lookup is based on https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.2.3/Data/TroubleshootHTTPEventCollector and this may change over time dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["source","sourcetype","host"] display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Find if the HEC is throwing errors. Refer to https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Data/TroubleshootHTTPEventCollector for more information")` \ index=_internal "ERROR HttpInputDataHandler" sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) `splunkenterprisehosts` \ | eval event_message=coalesce(event_message,message) \ | rex field=event_message mode=sed "s/(http_input_body_size=)\d+|(totalRequestSize=)\d+/\1/" \ | rex field=event_message mode=sed "s/(channel=)[^,]+/channel=/" \ | bin _time span=4h \ | fillnull reply \ | stats count by host, event_message, _time, reply \ | cluster t=0.999 field=event_message showcount=true \ | lookup splunkadmins_hec_reply_code_lookup status_code AS reply \ | eval count=count+cluster_count \ | fields - cluster_* \ | sort _time disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Lookup updates within SHC] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 description = Report only? Yes. Excessive CSV lookup updates can trigger extra bundle replication issues to the indexer cluster(s), this report identifies the lookups with the largest number of updates request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Excessive CSV lookup updates can trigger extra bundle replication issues to the indexer cluster(s), this report identifies the lookups with the largest number of updates")`\ index=_internal `searchheadhosts` source=*conf.log sourcetype=splunkd_conf lookups "data.asset_uri{}"=lookups "data.optype_desc"=NOTIFY_UPDATE_LOOKUP `comment("data.task=acceptPush also appears to work...")` data.task=addCommit \ | rename "data.asset_uri{}" AS asset\ | eval lookup_user=mvindex(asset, 0), lookup_app=mvindex(asset, 1), lookup_file=mvindex(asset, 3)\ | stats min(_time) AS firstSeen, max(_time) AS lastSeen, count by lookup_file\ | eval frequencyOfUpdatesInMins = round(((lastSeen-firstSeen)/60)/count)\ | eval firstSeen=strftime(firstSeen, "%+"), lastSeen=strftime(lastSeen, "%+")\ | sort - count [IndexerLevel - Knowledge bundle upload stats] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.show = 0 description = Report only? Yes. Attempt to query the indexing tier to determine how often they are receiving new knowledge bundles from the various search tiers. From here calculate the time period between uploads, how long it takes and how many bundles during the time period request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Query the indexing tier to determine how often they are receiving new knowledge bundles from the various search tiers. From here calculate the time period between uploads, how long it takes and how many bundles during the time period")`\ `comment("Alternatives would be to check the bundle uploads via: 'index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd source=*metrics.log* group=bundles_uploads' or the bundle downloads with group=bundles_downloads, in particular the baseline_count/delta_count appear to show the different methods used but it appears to be more accurate to check the splunkd access logs on the indexing tier itself in 7.0.x. In 8.0.x the cascading bundle adds various complications, if no cascading bundle is in use you can drop the appends completely")`\ index=_internal `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunkd_access source=*splunkd_access.log (/services/receivers/bundle OR /services/replication/cascading/upload/payload) method=POST \ | rex field=uri "/services/receivers/(?P<type>[^/]+)/(?P<guid>[^/]+)" \ | rex field=uri "/cascading/upload/payload/(?P<planid>[^/]+)$" \ | append \ [ search index=_internal `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_metrics_source` TERM("group=cascading") TERM("name=per_peer_replication") OR TERM("name=plan_metadata") \ | rex "https://(?P<indexer_ip>[^:]+)" \ | lookup dnslookup clientip AS indexer_ip OUTPUT clienthost AS indexer \ | eventstats values(endpoint) AS type, values(init_server) AS guid by planid \ | stats count, values(guid) AS guid, values(type) AS type, latest(_time) AS _time by planid, indexer \ | eval replication_mode="cascading" \ | rename indexer AS host ] \ | eval planid=upper(planid)\ | eventstats values(guid) AS guid, values(type) AS type by planid\ | sort 0 _time\ | eval type=case(type=="delta_bundle","delta-bundle",type=="full_bundle","full-bundle",type=="bundle-delta","delta-bundle",type=="bundle","full-bundle",1=1,type)\ | eval guid=if(match(guid,"\."),guid,upper(guid)) \ | streamstats global=false window=1 current=f last(_time) AS lastBundle by host, guid, type \ | eval delta = if(isnotnull(lastBundle), _time - lastBundle,null()) \ | fillnull delta value="N/A" \ | eventstats count AS bundleUploadCount by host, guid, type \ | append \ [ search index=_internal `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_metrics_source` TERM("group=bundle_replication") \ | rex field=bundle_id "^(?P<guid>.*?)-\d+$" \ | stats earliest(_time) AS earliesttime, latest(_time) AS mostrecenttime, values(guid) AS guid, max(apply_time_msec) AS max_apply_time_msec, avg(apply_time_msec) AS avg_apply_time_msec by bundle_id, bundle_type \ | eval deploy_time=mostrecenttime-earliesttime \ | rename bundle_type AS type \ | fields guid, type, deploy_time, max_apply_time_msec, avg_apply_time_msec, replication_mode ] \ | search `comment("The metrics.log uses delta_bundle, the other logs use bundle-delta or a variation of it")` \ | eval type=case(type=="delta_bundle","delta-bundle",type=="full_bundle","full-bundle",type=="bundle-delta","delta-bundle",type=="bundle","full-bundle",1=1,type) \ | eval guid=if(match(guid,"\."),guid,upper(guid)) \ | stats latest(_time) AS mostRecent, max(bundleUploadCount) AS bundleUploadsInTimePeriod, max(delta) AS largestTimeDeltaInSeconds, min(delta) AS minTimeDeltaInSeconds, avg(avg_apply_time_msec) AS avgApplySeconds, max(max_apply_time_msec) AS maxApplySeconds, min(deploy_time) AS min_deploy_time, max(deploy_time) AS max_deploy_time, avg(deploy_time) AS avg_deploy_time, values(replication_mode) AS replication_mode by guid, type \ | fillnull replication_mode value="classic" \ | eval mostRecent=strftime(mostRecent, "%+"), avgSeconds = round(avgSeconds,3), avgApplySeconds=round(avgApplySeconds/1000,3), maxApplySeconds=round(maxApplySeconds/1000,3) \ | addinfo \ | eval minsBetweenUploads=round(((info_max_time-info_min_time)/60) / bundleUploadsInTimePeriod) \ | table guid, type, mostRecent, bundleUploadsInTimePeriod, minsBetweenUploads, minTimeDeltaInSeconds, largestTimeDeltaInSeconds, min_deploy_time, max_deploy_time, avg_deploy_time, avgApplySeconds, maxApplySeconds, replication_mode [SearchHeadLevel - IndexesPerRole Remote Report] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. Attempt to query a remote Splunk instance to find a list of accessible indexes per role within Splunk, relies on 2 other reports for the map commands, requires the "SearchHeadLevel - Index list report" report to be run to populate the lookup file splunkadmins_indexlist dispatch.earliest_time = -5m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","index","linecount","source","sourcetype","splunk_server"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.patterns.sensitivity = 0.866 display.page.search.tab = statistics request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = search `comment("remove the comments once you have Webtools Add-on, https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4146 installed to use the curl command...<begin> | curl ")` method=get uri="$url$/services/authorization/roles?output_mode=json&count=0&f=srchIndexesAllowed&f=srchIndexesDefault&f=imported_srchIndexesAllowed&f=imported_srchIndexesDefault" user="$user$" pass="$pass$" \ | rex field=curl_message max_match=10000 "{\"name\":\"(?P<role>[^\"]+)\".*?\"imported_srchIndexesAllowed\":(?P<imported_srchIndexesAllowed>\[[^\]]*\]),\"imported_srchIndexesDefault\":(?P<imported_srchIndexesDefault>\[[^\]]*\]),\"srchIndexesAllowed\":(?P<srchIndexesAllowed>\[[^\]]*\]),\"srchIndexesDefault\":(?P<srchIndexesDefault>\[[^\]]*\])" \ | fields - curl_* \ | eval srchIndexesAllowed=mvzip(srchIndexesAllowed,imported_srchIndexesAllowed) \ | eval srchIndexesDefault=mvzip(srchIndexesDefault,imported_srchIndexesDefault) \ | eval data=mvzip(role,mvzip(srchIndexesDefault,srchIndexesAllowed,"%%%%"),"%%%%") \ | fields data \ | mvexpand data \ | makemv delim="%%%%" data \ | eval roles=mvindex(data,0), srchIndexesDefault=mvindex(data,1), srchIndexesAllowed=mvindex(data,2) \ | fields - data \ | eval srchIndexesDefault=replace(srchIndexesDefault,"(\[\],|,\[\]|\"|\[|\])","") \ | eval srchIndexesAllowed=replace(srchIndexesAllowed,"(\[\],|,\[\]|\"|\[|\])","") \ | makemv srchIndexesAllowed delim="," \ | makemv srchIndexesDefault delim="," \ | eval srchIndexesAllowed=if(mvcount(srchIndexesAllowed)==0 OR isnull(srchIndexesAllowed),"requiredformvexpand",srchIndexesAllowed), srchIndexesDefault=if(mvcount(srchIndexesDefault)==0 OR isnull(srchIndexesDefault),"requiredformvexpand",srchIndexesDefault) \ | mvexpand srchIndexesAllowed \ | eval srchIndexesAllowed=if(srchIndexesAllowed=="requiredformvexpand",null(),srchIndexesAllowed) \ | eval srchIndexesAllowed=lower(srchIndexesAllowed) \ | fields srchIndexesAllowed, srchIndexesDefault, roles \ | append [ | makeresults | eval srchIndexesAllowed="NA", srchIndexesDefault="NA", roles="novalidroles", splunk_server="default" | fields - _time ]\ | map \ "SearchHeadLevel - IndexesPerRole srchIndexesallowed Report" maxsearches=15000 \ | stats values(index) AS srchIndexesAllowed, values(srchIndexesDefault) AS srchIndexesDefault by roles, splunk_server \ | eval srchIndexesDefault=replace(srchIndexesDefault,","," ") \ | makemv srchIndexesDefault tokenizer=(\S+) \ | mvexpand srchIndexesDefault \ | append [ | makeresults | eval srchIndexesAllowed="NA", srchIndexesDefault="NA", roles="novalidroles", splunk_server="default" | fields - _time ]\ | map \ "SearchHeadLevel - IndexesPerRole srchIndexesdefault Report" maxsearches=15000 \ | stats values(srchIndexesAllowed) AS srchIndexesAllowed, values(index) AS srchIndexesDefault by roles \ | where roles!="novalidroles"\ | makemv srchIndexesAllowed tokenizer=(\S+) \ | eval srchIndexesDefault = if(srchIndexesDefault=="requiredformvexpand",null(),srchIndexesDefault) [SearchHeadLevel - IndexesPerRole srchIndexesallowed Report] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. Designed to be run by a map / 1 event, run a lookup against the srchIndexesAllowed and a regex match to see if the index name in the event matches the srchIndexesAllowed..., requires the splunkadmins_indexlist lookup file dispatch.earliest_time = -5m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","index","linecount","source","sourcetype","splunk_server"] display.general.type = statistics request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | inputlookup splunkadmins_indexlist where index="$srchIndexesAllowed$" AND index!="requiredformvexpand"\ | eval regex="^" . "$srchIndexesAllowed$" . "$" \ | eval regex=replace(regex,"\*",".*") \ | eval regex=if(substr(regex,1,3)=="^.*","^[^_].*" . substr(regex,4),regex) \ | where match(index,regex) \ | eval srchIndexesAllowed="$srchIndexesAllowed$", srchIndexesDefault="$srchIndexesDefault$", roles="$roles$", splunk_server="$splunk_server$"\ | fields index, roles, srchIndexesAllowed, srchIndexesDefault, splunk_server [SearchHeadLevel - IndexesPerRole srchIndexesdefault Report] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. Designed to be run by a map / 1 event, run a lookup against the srchIndexesDefault and a regex match to see if the index name in the event matches the srchIndexesDefault..., requires the splunkadmins_indexlist lookup file dispatch.earliest_time = -5m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","index","linecount","source","sourcetype","splunk_server"] display.general.type = statistics request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | inputlookup splunkadmins_indexlist where index="$srchIndexesDefault$"\ | eval regex="^" . "$srchIndexesDefault$" . "$" \ | eval regex=replace(regex,"\*",".*") \ | eval regex=if(substr(regex,1,3)=="^.*","^[^_].*" . substr(regex,4),regex) \ | where match(index,regex) \ | eval srchIndexesAllowed="$srchIndexesAllowed$", srchIndexesDefault="$srchIndexesDefault$", roles="$roles$", splunk_server="$splunk_server$"\ | fields index, roles, srchIndexesAllowed, srchIndexesDefault, splunk_server [SearchHeadLevel - IndexesPerRole Report] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. Query the local Splunk instance to determine the indexes available per role, requires the splunkadmins_indexlist lookup file dispatch.earliest_time = -5m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","index","linecount","source","sourcetype","splunk_server"] display.general.type = statistics request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /services/authorization/roles splunk_server="local" \ | eval comment="This search aims to provide a giant list of users and what indexes they have access to (as in a list of index names, not a list of wildcards). Due to mvexpand hitting memory limits in the environment this alternative version runs many subsearches that do not hit the memory limits" \ | table title, srchIndexesAllowed, srchIndexesDefault, imported_srchIndexesAllowed, imported_srchIndexesDefault \ | rename title as roles \ | makemv srchIndexesAllowed tokenizer=(\S+) \ | makemv srchIndexesDefault tokenizer=(\S+) \ | makemv imported_srchIndexesAllowed tokenizer=(\S+) \ | makemv imported_srchIndexesDefault tokenizer=(\S+) \ | eval srchIndexesAllowed = mvappend(srchIndexesAllowed, imported_srchIndexesAllowed) \ | eval srchIndexesDefault = mvappend(srchIndexesDefault, imported_srchIndexesDefault) \ | eval splunk_server="default"\ | eval srchIndexesAllowed=if(mvcount(srchIndexesAllowed)==0 OR isnull(srchIndexesAllowed),"requiredformvexpand",srchIndexesAllowed), srchIndexesDefault=if(mvcount(srchIndexesDefault)==0 OR isnull(srchIndexesDefault),"requiredformvexpand",srchIndexesDefault)\ | mvexpand srchIndexesAllowed \ | eval srchIndexesAllowed=if(srchIndexesAllowed=="requiredformvexpand",null(),srchIndexesAllowed) \ | eval srchIndexesAllowed=lower(srchIndexesAllowed) \ | fields srchIndexesAllowed, srchIndexesDefault, roles, splunk_server\ | map \ "SearchHeadLevel - IndexesPerRole srchIndexesallowed Report" maxsearches=15000 \ | stats values(index) AS srchIndexesAllowed, values(srchIndexesDefault) AS srchIndexesDefault by roles, splunk_server\ | eval srchIndexesDefault=replace(srchIndexesDefault,","," ")\ | makemv srchIndexesDefault tokenizer=(\S+)\ | mvexpand srchIndexesDefault \ | map \ "SearchHeadLevel - IndexesPerRole srchIndexesdefault Report" maxsearches=15000 \ | stats values(srchIndexesAllowed) AS srchIndexesAllowed, values(index) AS srchIndexesDefault by roles, splunk_server \ | makemv srchIndexesAllowed tokenizer=(\S+) \ | eval srchIndexesDefault = if(srchIndexesDefault=="requiredformvexpand",null(),srchIndexesDefault)\ | search `comment("You can add this in if you have mutiple search head clusters or search heads after removing the backspaces...| append [ savedsearch \"SearchHeadLevel - IndexesPerRole Remote Report\" url=\"...\" user=\"...\" pass=\"...\" | eval splunk_server="..." ]")`\ | outputlookup splunkadmins_indexes_per_role [SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries summary exact match] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This report is an attempt to use the Splunk audit logs to generate summary statistics on what indexes were accessed and the period of time they were accessed over. There is a lot of complexity here as the audit logs make this task very challenging. This version relates to entries where index=<indexname> where used without wildcards, an additional report "SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries summary non-exact match" also exists to perform this same function without an index specified or when wildcards are used. This report requires "SearchHeadLevel - Index access list by user" and "SearchHeadLevel - Macro report". Also note that you need to remove the comment around the lookup command within the search...this report works in Splunk 8.0 or newer (or 7.3 with some changes). Requires the splunkadmins_macros lookup file to exist, the datamodels, eventtypes and tags lookup files should also exit for this to be accurate. Finally, you may wish to try the report "IndexerLevel - RemoteSearches Indexes Stats" this uses the remote_searches.log and doesn't need to work with macros or similar as it runs on the indexing tier...Note pre Splunk 8.0 you will need to replace splunkadmins_audit_logs_macro_sub_v8 with splunkadmins_audit_logs_macro_sub dispatch.earliest_time = -1h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host","source"] display.general.type = statistics request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | multisearch \ [ search `comment("Last modified 2022-02-14 Attempt to extract out which indexes are accessed per search query by any search and compute statistics on them. The multisearch is only required if you want to capture sub-searches from join, append or similar, these require a bit more work so that's why the multisearch is there, in fact anything containing one of those keywords is dealt with in the second search, not this one...")` \ `comment("Note that the regexes need more work, for now, limits.conf [rex] match_limit = 1000000 is my workaround (main issue is the union/set/multisearch rex)")` \ index=_audit "info=completed" search_id!="'SummaryDirector_*" search_id!="'rsa_*" search_id!="'RemoteStorageRetrieveBuckets_*" scan_count>0 \ | rex "(?s), search='(?P<search>.*)\]$" \ | search `comment("Removed due to excess matching, modern splunk versions appear to match search= more accurately | rex \"(?s)^(?:[^'\n]*'){4},\s+\w+='(?P<search>[\s\S]+)'\]($|\[[^\]]+\]$)\"")` \ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/\n/ /g" \ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/```.*?```/ /g" \ | eval search=if(substr(search,len(search),len(search)-1)=="'",substr(search,0,len(search)-1),search) \ | eval search_id=replace(search_id,"'","") \ | `search_type_from_sid(search_id)` \ | `base64decode(base64appname)` \ | eval app3="N/A" \ | eval app_name=coalesce(app,base64appname,app3) \ | fillnull app_name value="*" \ | eval splunk_server = `splunkadmins_splunk_server_name` \ | search `comment("Replace macros, but then replace datamodels, then tags, then eventtypes, but what if the eventtype refers to an eventtype? Or tag? Or more macros? This isn't perfect so just substitute a hope for the best. IndexerLevel - RemoteSearches Indexes Stats doesn't have all these issues so it may be safer to see what happens at indexing tier...Note pre Splunk 8.0 you will need to replace splunkadmins_audit_logs_macro_sub_v8 with splunkadmins_audit_logs_macro_sub")` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | regex search="^\s*(\|?)\s*(search|tstats|mstats|mcatalog|mutlisearch|union|set|summarize|datamodel|from\s*:?\s*datamodel|datamodelsimple)\s+" \ | regex search!="\|\s*(append|union|multisearch|set|appendcols|appendpipe|join|map)" \ | `splunkadmins_audit_logs_datamodel_sub` \ | `splunkadmins_audit_logs_tags_sub` \ | `splunkadmins_audit_logs_eventtypes_sub` \ | `splunkadmins_audit_logs_eventtypes_sub` \ | `splunkadmins_audit_logs_tags_sub` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/\n/ /g"\ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/```.*?```/ /g" \ | rex field=search "(?s)^(?P<prepipe>\s*\|?([^\|]+))" ] \ [ search `comment("Attempt to extract out which indexes are accessed per search query by any search and compute statistics on them. This search works on searches with an append/multisearch or other command that has a slightly different regex requirement. Note had to nomv the multivalued field before concatenation or it sliently disappeared!")` \ index=_audit "info=completed" search_id!="'SummaryDirector_*" search_id!="'rsa_*" search_id!="'RemoteStorageRetrieveBuckets_*" scan_count>0 \ | rex "(?s), search='(?P<search>.*)\]$" \ | search `comment("Removed due to excess matching, modern splunk versions appear to match search= more accurately | rex \"(?s)^(?:[^'\n]*'){4},\s+\w+='(?P<search>[\s\S]+)'\]($|\[[^\]]+\]$)\"")` \ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/\n/ /g"\ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/```.*?```/ /g" \ | eval search=if(substr(search,len(search),len(search)-1)=="'",substr(search,0,len(search)-1),search) \ | eval search_id=replace(search_id,"'","") \ | `search_type_from_sid(search_id)` \ | `base64decode(base64appname)` \ | eval app3="N/A" \ | eval app_name=coalesce(app,base64appname,app3) \ | fillnull app_name value="*" \ | eval splunk_server = `splunkadmins_splunk_server_name` \ | search `comment("Replace macros, but then replace datamodels, then tags, then eventtypes, but what if the eventtype refers to an eventtype? Or tag? Or more macros? This isn't perfect so just substitute a hope for the best. IndexerLevel - RemoteSearches Indexes Stats doesn't have all these issues so it may be safer to see what happens at indexing tier...")` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | regex search="\|\s*(append|union|multisearch|set|appendcols|appendpipe|join|map)" \ | `splunkadmins_audit_logs_datamodel_sub` \ | `splunkadmins_audit_logs_tags_sub` \ | `splunkadmins_audit_logs_eventtypes_sub` \ | `splunkadmins_audit_logs_eventtypes_sub` \ | `splunkadmins_audit_logs_tags_sub` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/\n/ /g"\ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/```.*?```/ /g" \ | rex field=search max_match=50 "(?s)\|?\s*(append|appendcols|appendpipe|map|union)\s+\[(?P<subsearch>.*?)\]\s*(\||$)" \ | rex field=search max_match=50 "(?s)\|?\s*(join)\s+.*?\[(?P<subsearch>.*?)\]\s*(\||$)" \ | rex field=search max_match=50 "(?s)\|?\s*(union|set|multisearch)\s+(?P<part1>\[.*?\](\s*\[.*?\])+\s*(`[^`]+`\s*)*(\||$|',\s+))" \ | rex field=part1 max_match=50 "(?s).*?\[(?P<subsearch>.*?)\]\s*(\||$|)" \ | rex field=search max_match=50 "(?s)\|?\s*(map)\s+(maxsearches\s*=\s*\d+)?\s*search\s*=\s*\"(?P<subsearch>.*?)\"\s*(\||$)" \ | rex field=search "^(?P<prepipe>\s*\|?([^\|]+))" \ | rex field=subsearch "(?s)^\s*\|?(?P<prepipe_subsearch>([^\|]+))" \ | nomv prepipe_subsearch \ | eval prepipe = prepipe . " " . prepipe_subsearch \ ] \ | eval search=prepipe \ | search `comment("The (index=* OR index=_*) index=<specific index> is a common use case for enterprise security, also some individuals like doing a similar trick so remove the index=*... as this is not a wildcard index search")` \ | rex field=search "(?P<esstylewildcard>\(\s*index=\*\s+OR\s+index=_\*\s*\))" \ | rex mode=sed field=search "s/search index=\s*\S+\s+index\s*=/search index=/g" \ | eval search_head=host \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | rex ", savedsearch_name=\"(?P<savedsearch_name>[^\"]+)\","\ | stats values(total_run_time) AS total_run_time, values(event_count) AS event_count, values(scan_count) AS scan_count, values(search) AS search, values(search_et) AS search_et, values(search_lt) AS search_lt, values(savedsearch_name) AS savedsearch_name, min(_time) AS timestamp, values(search_head_cluster) AS search_head_cluster, max(duration_command_search_index) AS duration_index, max(duration_command_search_rawdata) AS duration_rawdata, max(invocations_command_search_index_bucketcache_hit) AS cache_index_hits, max(invocations_command_search_index_bucketcache_miss) AS cache_index_miss, max(duration_command_search_index_bucketcache_hit) AS cache_index_hit_duration, max(duration_command_search_index_bucketcache_miss) AS cache_index_miss_duration, max(invocations_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_hit) AS cache_rawdata_hits, max(invocations_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss) AS cache_rawdata_miss, max(duration_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_hit) AS cache_rawdata_hit_duration, max(duration_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss) AS cache_rawdata_miss_duration, values(esstylewildcard) AS esstylewildcard, values(provenance) AS provenance by user, type, search_id, app_name \ | search `comment("We now deal with cases where search earliest/latest times were not specified, assume all time is about 1 year in the past and latest time was the search run time")` \ | eval search_lt=if(search_lt=="N/A",timestamp,search_lt), search_et=if(search_et=="N/A",now()-(365*24*60*60),search_et) \ | search `comment("Extract out index= or index IN (a,b,c) but avoid NOT index in (...) and NOT index=... and also NOT (...anything) statements")` \ | rex field=search "(?s)(NOT\s+index(\s*=\s*|::)[^ ]+)|(NOT\s+\([^\)]+\))|(index(\s*=\s*|::)\"?(?P<indexregex>[\*A-Za-z0-9-_]+))" max_match=50 \ | rex field=search "(?s)(NOT\s+index\s+[iI][nN]\s*\([^\)]+)|(index\s+[iI][nN]\s*\((?P<indexin>([^\)\"]+)|\"[^\)\"]+\"))" max_match=50 \ | makemv delim="," indexin \ | eval indexes=mvappend(indexregex,indexin) \ | eval indexes=if(isnotnull(esstylewildcard),mvfilter(NOT match(indexes,"^_?\*$")),indexes) \ | eval wildcard=mvfilter(match(indexes,"\*")) \ | where isnull(wildcard) \ | eval indexes=mvmap(indexes, replace(lower(indexes), "\"", "")) \ | eval indexes=mvmap(indexes, trim(replace(indexes, "'", ""))) \ | eval indexes=mvdedup(indexes) \ | eval multi=if(mvcount(indexes)>1,"true","false") \ | stats values(timestamp) AS _time, values(total_run_time) AS total_run_time, values(event_count) AS event_count, values(scan_count) AS scan_count, values(search_et) AS search_et, values(search_lt) AS search_lt, values(savedsearch_name) AS savedsearch_name, values(multi) AS multi, max(duration_index) AS duration_index, max(duration_rawdata) AS duration_rawdata, max(cache_index_hits) AS cache_index_hits, max(cache_index_miss) AS cache_index_miss, max(cache_index_hit_duration) AS cache_index_hit_duration, max(cache_index_miss_duration) AS cache_index_miss_duration, max(cache_rawdata_hits) AS cache_rawdata_hits, max(cache_rawdata_miss) AS cache_rawdata_miss, max(cache_rawdata_hit_duration) AS cache_rawdata_hit_duration, max(cache_rawdata_miss_duration) AS cache_rawdata_miss_duration, values(provenance) AS provenance by user, type, indexes, search_head_cluster, search_id, app_name \ | eval period=search_lt-search_et \ | fields - indexin, indexregex \ | search `comment("Commands like multikv result in giant event count numbers compared to scan count, lower the lispy back down to normal to prevent the stats from been broken. lispy efficiency as per Martin Muller's conf presentations")` \ | eval lispy_efficiency = if(event_count>scan_count,scan_count,event_count) / scan_count [SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries summary non-exact match] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This report is an attempt to use the Splunk audit logs to generate summary statistics on what indexes were accessed and the period of time they were accessed over. There is a lot of complexity here as the audit logs make this task very challenging. This version relates to entries where either index names are specified with wildcards or no index is specified, an additional report "SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries summary exact match" also exists to perform this same function where an index=<indexname> is specified. This report requires "SearchHeadLevel - Index access list by user" and "SearchHeadLevel - Macro report". Also note that you need to remove the comment around the lookup within the search...this report works on Splunk 8.0 or newer or 7.3 with some modification. Requires the splunkadmins_macros and splunkadmins_indexes_per_role lookup files to exist. Note pre Splunk 8.0 you will need to replace splunkadmins_audit_logs_macro_sub_v8 with splunkadmins_audit_logs_macro_sub. Note that this search utilises the streamfilterwildcard custom search command included in the TA-Alerts for SplunkAdmins application on SplunkBase (or github) dispatch.earliest_time = -1h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host","source","indextime","count"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | multisearch \ [ search `comment("Last modified 2022-02-14 Attempt to extract out which indexes are accessed per search query by any search and compute statistics on them. The multisearch is only required if you want to capture sub-searches from join, append or similar, these require a bit more work so that's why the multisearch is there, in fact anything containing one of those keywords is dealt with in the second search, not this one...")` \ `comment("Note that the regexes need more work, for now, limits.conf [rex] match_limit = 1000000 is my workaround (main issue is the union/set/multisearch rex)")` \ index=_audit "info=completed" search_id!="'SummaryDirector_*" search_id!="'rsa_*" search_id!="'RemoteStorageRetrieveBuckets_*" scan_count>0 \ | rex "(?s), search='(?P<search>.*)\]$" \ | search `comment("Removed due to excess matching, modern splunk versions appear to match search= more accurately | rex \"(?s)^(?:[^'\n]*'){4},\s+\w+='(?P<search>[\s\S]+)'\]($|\[[^\]]+\]$)\"")` \ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/\n/ /g"\ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/```.*?```/ /g" \ | eval search=if(substr(search,len(search),len(search)-1)=="'",substr(search,0,len(search)-1),search) \ | eval search_id=replace(search_id,"'","") \ | `search_type_from_sid(search_id)` \ | `base64decode(base64appname)` \ | eval app3="N/A" \ | eval app_name=coalesce(app,base64appname,app3) \ | fillnull app_name value="*" \ | eval splunk_server = `splunkadmins_splunk_server_name` \ | search `comment("Replace macros, but then replace datamodels, then tags, then eventtypes, but what if the eventtype refers to an eventtype? Or tag? Or more macros? This isn't perfect so just substitute a hope for the best. IndexerLevel - RemoteSearches Indexes Stats doesn't have all these issues so it may be safer to see what happens at indexing tier...")` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | regex search="^\s*(\|?)\s*(search|tstats|mstats|mcatalog|mutlisearch|union|set|summarize|datamodel|from\s*:?\s*datamodel|datamodelsimple)\s+" \ | regex search!="\|\s*(append|union|multisearch|set|appendcols|appendpipe|join|map)" \ | `splunkadmins_audit_logs_datamodel_sub` \ | `splunkadmins_audit_logs_tags_sub` \ | `splunkadmins_audit_logs_eventtypes_sub` \ | `splunkadmins_audit_logs_eventtypes_sub` \ | `splunkadmins_audit_logs_tags_sub` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/\n/ /g"\ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/```.*?```/ /g" \ | rex field=search "(?s)^(?P<prepipe>\s*\|?([^\|]+))" ] \ [ search `comment("Attempt to extract out which indexes are accessed per search query by any search and compute statistics on them. This search works on searches with an append/multisearch or other command that has a slightly different regex requirement. Note had to nomv the multivalued field before concatenation or it sliently disappeared!")` \ index=_audit "info=completed" search_id!="'SummaryDirector_*" search_id!="'rsa_*" search_id!="'RemoteStorageRetrieveBuckets_*" scan_count>0 \ | rex "(?s), search='(?P<search>.*)\]$" \ | search `comment("Removed due to excess matching, modern splunk versions appear to match search= more accurately | rex \"(?s)^(?:[^'\n]*'){4},\s+\w+='(?P<search>[\s\S]+)'\]($|\[[^\]]+\]$)\"")` \ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/\n/ /g"\ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/```.*?```/ /g" \ | eval search=if(substr(search,len(search),len(search)-1)=="'",substr(search,0,len(search)-1),search) \ | eval search_id=replace(search_id,"'","") \ | `search_type_from_sid(search_id)` \ | `base64decode(base64appname)` \ | eval app3="N/A" \ | eval app_name=coalesce(app,base64appname,app3) \ | eval splunk_server = `splunkadmins_splunk_server_name` \ | fillnull app_name value="*" \ | search `comment("Replace macros, but then replace datamodels, then tags, then eventtypes, but what if the eventtype refers to an eventtype? Or tag? Or more macros? This isn't perfect so just substitute a hope for the best. IndexerLevel - RemoteSearches Indexes Stats doesn't have all these issues so it may be safer to see what happens at indexing tier...")` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | regex search="\|\s*(append|union|multisearch|set|appendcols|appendpipe|join|map)" \ | `splunkadmins_audit_logs_datamodel_sub` \ | `splunkadmins_audit_logs_tags_sub` \ | `splunkadmins_audit_logs_eventtypes_sub` \ | `splunkadmins_audit_logs_eventtypes_sub` \ | `splunkadmins_audit_logs_tags_sub` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/\n/ /g"\ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/```.*?```/ /g" \ | rex field=search max_match=50 "(?s)\|?\s*(append|appendcols|appendpipe|map|union)\s+\[(?P<subsearch>.*?)\]\s*(\||$)" \ | rex field=search max_match=50 "(?s)\|?\s*(join)\s+.*?\[(?P<subsearch>.*?)\]\s*(\||$)" \ | rex field=search max_match=50 "(?s)\|?\s*(union|set|multisearch)\s+(?P<part1>\[.*?\](\s*\[.*?\])+\s*(`[^`]+`\s*)*(\||$|',\s+))" \ | rex field=part1 max_match=50 "(?s).*?\[(?P<subsearch>.*?)\]\s*(\||$|)" \ | rex field=search max_match=50 "(?s)\|?\s*(map)\s+(maxsearches\s*=\s*\d+)?\s*search\s*=\s*\"(?P<subsearch>.*?)\"\s*(\||$)" \ | rex field=search "^(?P<prepipe>\s*\|?([^\|]+))" \ | rex field=subsearch "(?s)^\s*\|?(?P<prepipe_subsearch>([^\|]+))" \ | nomv prepipe_subsearch \ | eval prepipe = prepipe . " " . prepipe_subsearch ] \ | eval search=prepipe \ | search `comment("The (index=* OR index=_*) index=<specific index> is a common use case for enterprise security, also some individuals like doing a similar trick so remove the index=*... as this is not a wildcard index search")` \ | rex field=search "(?P<esstylewildcard>\(\s*index=\*\s+OR\s+index=_\*\s*\))" \ | rex mode=sed field=search "s/search index=\s*\S+\s+index\s*=/search index=/g" \ | search `comment("Extract out index= or index IN (a,b,c) but avoid NOT index in (...) and NOT index=... and also NOT (...anything) statements")` \ | rex field=search "(?s)(NOT\s+index(\s*=\s*|::)[^ ]+)|(NOT\s+\([^\)]+\))|(index(\s*=\s*|::)\"?(?P<indexregex>[\*A-Za-z0-9-_]+))" max_match=50 \ | rex field=search "(?s)(NOT\s+index\s+[iI][nN]\s*\([^\)]+)|(index\s+[iI][nN]\s*\((?P<indexin>([^\)\"]+)|\"[^\)\"]+\"))" max_match=50 \ | makemv delim="," indexin \ | eval indexes=mvappend(indexregex,indexin) \ | eval indexes=if(isnotnull(esstylewildcard),mvfilter(NOT match(indexes,"^_?\*$")),indexes) \ | eval wildcard=mvfilter(match(indexes,"\*")) \ | where isnotnull(wildcard) OR isnull(indexes) \ | eval short=mvmap(indexes,if(len(indexes)<=3,"True",null())) \ | eval short=if(isnull(short),"False","True") \ | search `comment("We now deal with cases where search earliest/latest times were not specified, assume all time is about 1 year in the past and latest time was the search run time")` \ | eval search_lt=if(search_lt=="N/A",_time,search_lt), search_et=if(search_et=="N/A",now()-(365*24*60*60),search_et) \ | eval period=search_lt-search_et \ | search `comment("Now that we have a giant list of indexes, we want to strip any quote characters and lowercase them in case we use a kvstore for lookups or similar.")` \ | search `comment("Run a lookup to find the default indexes and the allowed indexes per user")` \ | eval roles=replace(roles,"'","") \ | makemv roles delim="+" \ | lookup splunkadmins_indexes_per_role roles, splunk_server \ | rex ", savedsearch_name=\"(?P<savedsearch_name>[^\"]+)\","\ | fields indexes, user, period, total_run_time, event_count, scan_count, srchIndexesAllowed, srchIndexesDefault, search_id, search_et, search_lt, host, app_name, savedsearch_name, type, duration_command_search_index, duration_command_search_rawdata, invocations_command_search_index_bucketcache_hit, invocations_command_search_index_bucketcache_miss, duration_command_search_index_bucketcache_hit, duration_command_search_index_bucketcache_miss, invocations_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_hit, invocations_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss, duration_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_hit, duration_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss, short, _time, provenance \ | makemv srchIndexesAllowed tokenizer=(\S+) \ | streamfilterwildcard pattern=indexes fieldname=indexes srchIndexesAllowed \ | eval indexes=if(isnull(indexes),srchIndexesDefault,indexes) \ | eval indexes=mvmap(indexes, replace(lower(indexes), "\"", "")) \ | eval indexes=mvmap(indexes, trim(replace(indexes, "'", ""))) \ | makemv indexes tokenizer=(\S+) \ | eval search_head=host \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | eval indexes=mvdedup(indexes) \ | eval multi=if(mvcount(indexes)>1,"true","false") \ | stats values(_time) AS _time, values(total_run_time) AS total_run_time, values(event_count) AS event_count, values(scan_count) AS scan_count, values(search_et) AS search_et, values(search_lt) AS search_lt, values(savedsearch_name) AS savedsearch_name, values(multi) AS multi, max(duration_command_search_index) AS duration_index, max(duration_command_search_rawdata) AS duration_rawdata, max(invocations_command_search_index_bucketcache_hit) AS cache_index_hits, max(invocations_command_search_index_bucketcache_miss) AS cache_index_miss, max(duration_command_search_index_bucketcache_hit) AS cache_index_hit_duration, max(duration_command_search_index_bucketcache_miss) AS cache_index_miss_duration, max(invocations_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_hit) AS cache_rawdata_hits, max(invocations_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss) AS cache_rawdata_miss, max(duration_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_hit) AS cache_rawdata_hit_duration, max(duration_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss) AS cache_rawdata_miss_duration, values(provenance) AS provenance by user, type, search_id, indexes, search_head_cluster, app_name, short \ | eval period=search_lt-search_et \ | search `comment("Commands like multikv result in giant event count numbers compared to scan count, lower the lispy back down to normal to prevent the stats from been broken. lispy efficiency as per Martin Muller's conf presentations")` \ | eval lispy_efficiency = if(event_count>scan_count,scan_count,event_count) / scan_count [SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries summary exact match by user] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This report uses the "SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries summary exact match" report and then reports per user dispatch.earliest_time = -4h@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host","source"] display.general.type = statistics request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | savedsearch "SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries summary exact match"\ | search `comment("TODO breakdown the counts into time periods, perhaps 1hour, 4 hours, 8 hours, 24 hours, 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, 21 days, 30 days, 2 months, 3 months, 6months, > 60 months? or similar. Do a count for each one as that would be useful for a dashboard...")` \ | stats count, dc(indexes) AS indexes, max(period) AS maxPeriod, avg(period) AS avgPeriod, median(period) AS medianPeriod, \ avg(total_run_time) AS avg_total_run_time, max(total_run_time) AS max_total_run_time, median(total_run_time) AS median_total_run_time, avg(lispy_efficiency) AS avg_lispy_efficiency, max(lispy_efficiency) AS max_lispy_efficiency, min(lispy_efficiency) AS min_lispy_efficiency, median(lispy_efficiency) AS median_lispy_efficiency by user\ | fillnull max_lispy_efficiency, min_lispy_efficiency, median_lispy_efficiency \ | eval maxPeriod=tostring(maxPeriod,"duration"), avgPeriod=tostring(avgPeriod,"duration"), medianPeriod=tostring(medianPeriod,"duration") [SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries summary exact match by index] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This report uses the "SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries summary exact match" report and then reports per index dispatch.earliest_time = -4h@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host","source"] display.general.type = statistics request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | savedsearch "SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries summary exact match"\ | eval period=case(period<900,"a<=15 minutes",period<3600,"b<=1hour",period<=14400,"c<=4hours",period<=86400,"d<=24hours",period<=604800,"e<=7days",period<=1209600,"f<=14days",period<=2592000,"g<=30days",period<=5184000,"h<=60days",period<=7776000,"i<=90days",period<=15552000,"j<=180days",period>15552000,"k>180days")\ | stats count by indexes, period\ | rename indexes AS index\ | search `comment("Temporary hack to make this visualize without errors below...")`\ | eval indexfirstletter=substr(index,0,1)\ | stats sum(count) AS count by indexfirstletter, period\ | xyseries period indexfirstletter count [SearchHeadLevel - IndexesPerUser Report] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This report requires the splunkadmins_indexlist lookup, it lists indexes accessible per-user from a local server. Requires the "SearchHeadLevel - Index list report" report to be run to populate the lookup file splunkadmins_indexlist dispatch.earliest_time = -5m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host","source"] display.general.type = statistics request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /services/authorization/roles splunk_server="local" \ | eval comment="This search aims to provide a giant list of users and what indexes they have access to (as in a list of index names, not a list of wildcards). Due to mvexpand hitting memory limits in the environment this alternative version runs many subsearches that do not hit the memory limits" \ | table title, srchIndexesAllowed, srchIndexesDefault, imported_srchIndexesAllowed, imported_srchIndexesDefault \ | rename title as roles \ | makemv srchIndexesAllowed tokenizer=(\S+) \ | makemv srchIndexesDefault tokenizer=(\S+) \ | makemv imported_srchIndexesAllowed tokenizer=(\S+) \ | makemv imported_srchIndexesDefault tokenizer=(\S+) \ | eval srchIndexesAllowed = mvappend(srchIndexesAllowed, imported_srchIndexesAllowed) \ | eval srchIndexesDefault = mvappend(srchIndexesDefault, imported_srchIndexesDefault) \ | fillnull srchIndexesDefault, srchIndexesAllowed value="requiredformvexpand" \ | mvexpand srchIndexesAllowed \ | eval srchIndexesAllowed=if(srchIndexesAllowed=="requiredformvexpand",null(),srchIndexesAllowed) \ | eval srchIndexesAllowed=lower(srchIndexesAllowed) \ | fields srchIndexesAllowed, srchIndexesDefault, roles \ | eval splunk_server="default" \ | append [ | makeresults | eval srchIndexesAllowed="", srchIndexesDefault="", roles="novalidroles", splunk_server="default" | fields - _time ]\ | map \ "SearchHeadLevel - IndexesPerRole srchIndexesallowed Report" maxsearches=5000 \ | stats values(index) AS srchIndexesAllowed, values(srchIndexesDefault) AS srchIndexesDefault by roles, splunk_server \ | makemv srchIndexesDefault tokenizer=(\S+) \ | mvexpand srchIndexesDefault \ | map \ "SearchHeadLevel - IndexesPerRole srchIndexesdefault Report" maxsearches=5000 \ | stats values(srchIndexesAllowed) AS srchIndexesAllowed, values(index) AS srchIndexesDefault by roles, splunk_server \ | where roles!="novalidroles" \ | makemv srchIndexesAllowed tokenizer=(\S+) \ | append \ [| rest /services/authentication/users f=type f=roles `splunkadmins_restmacro` \ | table title, roles \ | rename title AS user \ | mvexpand roles ] \ | append \ [| makeresults \ | eval user="splunk-system-user", roles="admin" ]\ | eval srchIndexesDefault = if(srchIndexesDefault=="requiredformvexpand",null(),srchIndexesDefault) \ | eventstats values(srchIndexesAllowed) AS srchIndexesAllowed, values(srchIndexesDefault) AS srchIndexesDefault by roles \ | stats values(srchIndexesAllowed) AS srchIndexesAllowed, values(srchIndexesDefault) AS srchIndexesDefault by user [SearchHeadLevel - SHC Captain unable to establish common bundle] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 57 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. Failures to establish a common search bundle result in delayed searches, this can occur per-member if distsearch.conf is changed dispatch.earliest_time = -1h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["source","sourcetype","host"] display.visualizations.charting.chart = bar enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Attempt to detect bundle issues on any member of the search head cluster for an extended period of time. It can fail per-member if distsearch is customised")` index=_internal `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` "Gave up waiting for the captain to establish a common bundle version" OR "Cannot determine a latest common bundle" OR (log_level=WARN AND component=DistributedBundleReplicationManager `comment("This is confirmed as an invalid warning message in Splunk 9")` NOT "Failed to touch bundle=, checksum=0 (manual preparation): No such file or directory") \ | search `comment("Exclude shutdown times")` AND NOT [`splunkadmins_shutdown_time(indexerhosts,0,0)`]\ | timechart span=5m count by host\ | fillnull\ | untable _time, host, count\ | stats max(_time) AS mostRecent, min(_time) AS firstSeen, last(count) AS lastCount by host\ | eval mostRecent=strftime(mostRecent, "%+"), firstSeen=strftime(firstSeen, "%+")\ | where lastCount>0 disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - SHC conf log summary] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This report attempts to summarise replication activity within the search head cluster via the conf.log file, the report 'SearchHeadLevel - Lookup updates within SHC' is designed more specifically for lookup updates only dispatch.earliest_time = -60m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host","source"] display.general.type = statistics request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Measure search head clustering writes to particular config objects via the conf.log file")` index=_internal source=*conf.log data.task=addCommit sourcetype=splunkd_conf `searchheadhosts`\ | spath output=username path=data.asset_uri{0}\ | spath output=app path=data.asset_uri{1}\ | spath output=type path=data.asset_uri{2}\ | spath output=objname path=data.asset_uri{3}\ | fields objname, type, username, app, data.asset_id, host\ | stats count by data.asset_id, objname, type, username, app, host\ | fields - data.asset_id\ | sort 0 - count\ | table count, objname, type, app, username, host [IndexerLevel - platform_stats.counters hosts] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 45 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. Metrics? Yes. This summary (mcollect) search attempts to provide a count of number of unique hostnames sending data to Splunk (note realtime_schedule = 0) dispatch.earliest_time = -5m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 realtime_schedule = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | tstats dc(host) AS unique_hosts where index=* earliest=-24h, latest=+5y _index_earliest=-1h \ | eval indexer_cluster=`indexer_cluster_name`\ | eval prefix="platform_stats.counters."\ | addinfo \ | rename info_max_time AS _time \ | fields - info_* \ | search `comment("mcollect index=a_metrics_index split=true prefix_field=prefix indexer_cluster")` [IndexerLevel - platform_stats.counters hosts 24hour] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 0 1 * * * description = Report only? Yes. Metrics? Yes. This summary (mcollect) search attempts to provide a daily count of number of unique hostnames sending data to Splunk over a 24 hour period (note realtime_schedule = 0) dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics realtime_schedule = 0 enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | tstats dc(host) AS unique_hosts_24hr where index=*, earliest=-48h, latest=+5y _index_earliest=-24h\ | eval indexer_cluster=`indexer_cluster_name`\ | eval prefix="platform_stats.counters."\ | addinfo \ | rename info_max_time AS _time \ | fields - info_* \ | search `comment("mcollect index=a_metrics_index split=true prefix_field=prefix indexer_cluster")` [IndexerLevel - platform_stats.indexers totalgb measurement] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = */10 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. Metrics? Yes. This summary (mcollect) search attempts to measure the amount of data going through the platform, (note realtime_schedule = 0) dispatch.earliest_time = -15m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics realtime_schedule = 0 enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal `licensemasterhost` type=usage sourcetype=splunkd source=*license_usage.log*\ `comment("Alternative query IndexerLevel - platform_stats.indexers totalgb_thruput measurement if you want the _internal indexes among others. This query uses license usage instead as we are measuring what non-internal data we are indexing")`\ | stats sum(b) AS totalbytes by i \ | append \ [| rest /services/search/distributed/peers \ | fields guid peerName | rename guid AS i ] \ | eval totalgb=totalbytes/1024/1024/1024\ | eventstats values(peerName) AS indexer by i\ | where totalgb>0\ | stats sum(totalgb) AS totalgb by indexer\ | eval prefix="platform_stats.indexers."\ | eval indexer_cluster=`indexer_cluster_name(indexer)` \ | addinfo \ | rename info_max_time AS _time \ | fields - info_* \ | search `comment("mcollect index=a_metrics_index split=true prefix_field=prefix indexer indexer_cluster")` [IndexerLevel - platform_stats.indexers totalgb_thruput measurement] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = */10 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. Metrics? Yes. This summary (mcollect) search attempts to measure the amount of data going through the platform, (note realtime_schedule = 0) dispatch.earliest_time = -15m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics realtime_schedule = 0 enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal `indexerhosts` TERM(group=thruput) TERM(name=index_thruput) `splunkadmins_metrics_source` sourcetype=splunkd \ | stats sum(kb) as totalkb by host \ | eval totalgb_thruput = totalkb/1024/1024 \ | where totalgb_thruput>0 \ | eval prefix="platform_stats.indexers." \ | eval indexer_cluster=`indexer_cluster_name(host)` \ | addinfo \ | rename info_max_time AS _time \ | fields - info_*, totalkb \ | rename host AS indexer \ | search `comment("mcollect index=a_metrics_index split=true prefix_field=prefix indexer indexer_cluster")` [IndexerLevel - platform_stats.indexers stddev measurement] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = */10 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. Metrics? Yes. This summary (mcollect) search attempts to measure the variance between indexer peers, (note realtime_schedule = 0), span based on https://github.com/silkyrich/cluster_health_tools/tree/master/default/data/ui/views/indexer_performance.xml dispatch.earliest_time = -15m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics realtime_schedule = 0 enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_metrics_source` TERM(group=thruput) TERM(name=thruput) \ | bin span=62sec _time \ | eval indexer_cluster=`indexer_cluster_name(host)` \ | stats sum(instantaneous_kbps) as instantaneous_kbps by host _time indexer_cluster \ | stats stdev(instantaneous_kbps) AS stdev_kbps by indexer_cluster, _time \ | eval prefix="platform_stats.indexers." \ | search `comment("mcollect index=a_metrics_index split=true prefix_field=prefix indexer_cluster")` [IndexerLevel - platform_stats.indexers stddev incoming measurement] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = */10 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. Metrics? Yes. This summary (mcollect) search attempts to measure the variance between indexer peers, (note realtime_schedule = 0), from an incoming forwarder point of view by forwarder group dispatch.earliest_time = -15m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics realtime_schedule = 0 enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_metrics_source` TERM(group=tcpin_connections) \ | eval name=`forwarder_name(hostname)` \ | eval indexer_cluster=`indexer_cluster_name(host)` \ | bin _time span=1m \ | stats sum(kb) AS kb by host, indexer_cluster, name, _time \ | eval kb=kb/60 \ | stats stdev(kb) AS platform_stats.indexers.deviation_incoming by _time, indexer_cluster, name \ `comment("| eval prefix=\"platform_stats.indexers." | mcollect index=a_metrics_index split=true prefix_field=prefix indexer_cluster, name")` [SearchHeadLevel - platform_stats.audit metrics searches] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = */10 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. Metrics? Yes. This summary (mcollect) search attempts to measure queries per day from _audit logs (note realtime_schedule = 0). Note: tested on 7.3 only, may not work on earlier versions dispatch.earliest_time = -15m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host","source"] display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 0 realtime_schedule = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Count the number of of Splunk queries that use a search command, excludes rest/data model acceleration et cetera")` \ index=_audit ", info=granted " search_id!="'rsa_*" \ | rex "(?s), search='(?P<search>.*)\]$" \ | regex search!="^(\| (copy|archive)buckets|typeahead|\s*archivebuckets)" \ | search `comment("Unsure what this search does but it appears to be running when no reports are accelerated...")` \ | regex search!="^summarize (tstats=t maintain=\"\" summaryprefix=\"[^\"]+\"|maintain=\"%22SUMMARY_ID%22%2C%22EARLIEST_TIME%22%2C%22REMOTE_SEARCH%22%2C%22NORM_SUMMARY_ID%22%2C%22NORM_REMOTE_SEARCH%22%0A\" summaryprefix=\"[^\"]+\")$" \ | rex "info=granted , search_id='(?P<search_id>[^']+)" \ | rex "', savedsearch_name=\"(?P<savedsearch_name>[^\"]*)" \ | `search_type_from_sid(search_id)` \ | search `comment("Split out the information by system vs non-system users. Adhoc/scheduled/dashboards split (as accurately as possible), furthermore you can trigger ad-hoc searches via scripted inputs which is similar to a scheduled search (but not via the scheduler)")` \ | eval user=if(user=="admin" OR user=="splunk-system-user","system","other") \ | stats count AS search_count by host, type, user \ | eval prefix="platform_stats.audit." \ | rename host AS search_head \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | addinfo \ | rename info_max_time AS _time \ | fields - info_* \ | search `comment("mcollect index=a_metrics_index split=true prefix_field=prefix search_head search_head_cluster type user")` [SearchHeadLevel - platform_stats.audit metrics users] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = */10 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. Metrics? Yes. This summary (mcollect) search attempts to measure counts of active REST/UI users via audit and internal indexes (note realtime_schedule = 0). Note: tested on 7.3 only, may not work on earlier versions dispatch.earliest_time = -15m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host","source"] display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 0 realtime_schedule = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | multisearch \ [ search `comment("Count the number of of Splunk queries that use a search command")` \ index=_audit ", info=granted " search_id!="'rsa_*" \ | rex "(?s), search='(?P<search>.*)\]$" \ ] \ [ search `comment("Attempt to find all API calls into Splunk but do not include the API calls triggered by the local system (ignore localhost")` \ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_access source="*splunkd_access.log" "/search/jobs/export" OR ("/search/jobs" OR "/search/v1/jobs" OR "/search/v2/jobs" method=POST) NOT control clientip!= status=200 OR status=201 ] \ | search `comment("Split out the information by users vs api users")` \ | eval from=if(index=="_audit","ui","rest") \ | stats dc(user) AS active_users by host, from \ | eval prefix="platform_stats.audit." \ | rename host AS search_head \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | addinfo \ | rename info_max_time AS _time \ | fields - info_* \ | search `comment("mcollect index=a_metrics_index split=true prefix_field=prefix search_head search_head_cluster from")` [SearchHeadLevel - platform_stats.audit metrics api] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = */10 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. Metrics? Yes. This summary (mcollect) search attempts to measure search requests using the REST API via access logs (note realtime_schedule = 0). Note: tested on 7.3 only, may not work on earlier versions dispatch.earliest_time = -15m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host","source"] display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 0 realtime_schedule = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Attempt to find all API calls into Splunk but do not include the API calls triggered by the local system (ignore localhost")` \ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_access source="*splunkd_access.log" "/search/jobs/export" OR ("/search/jobs" OR "/search/v1/jobs" OR "/search/v2/jobs" method=POST) NOT control clientip!= status=200 OR status=201 \ | stats count AS api_search_count by host \ | eval prefix="platform_stats.audit." \ | rename host AS search_head \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | addinfo \ | rename info_max_time AS _time \ | fields - info_* \ | search `comment("mcollect index=a_metrics_index split=true prefix_field=prefix search_head search_head_cluster")` [SearchHeadLevel - platform_stats.audit metrics users 24hour] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 10 6 * * * description = Report only? Yes. Metrics? Yes. This summary (mcollect) search attempts to measure search requests using the REST API via access logs (note realtime_schedule = 0). Note: tested on 7.3 only, may not work on earlier versions dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = @h display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host","source"] display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 0 realtime_schedule = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | multisearch \ [ search `comment("Count the number of of Splunk queries that use a search command")` \ index=_audit ", info=granted " search_id!="'rsa_*" \ | rex "(?s), search='(?P<search>.*)\]$" \ ] \ [ search `comment("Attempt to find all API calls into Splunk but do not include the API calls triggered by the local system (ignore localhost")` \ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_access source="*splunkd_access.log" "/search/jobs/export" OR ("/search/jobs" OR "/search/v1/jobs" OR "/search/v2/jobs" method=POST) NOT control clientip!= status=200 OR status=201 ] \ | search `comment("Split out the information by users vs api users")` \ | eval from=if(index=="_audit","ui","rest")\ | eval search_head=host\ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster`\ | stats dc(user) AS active_users_24hour, dc(host) AS host_count by search_head_cluster, from\ | eval prefix="platform_stats.audit." \ | addinfo\ | rename info_max_time AS _time\ | fields - info_*\ | search `comment("mcollect index=a_metrics_index split=true prefix_field=prefix search_head search_head_cluster from")` [SearchHeadLevel - platform_stats.user_stats.introspection metrics populating search] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 33 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. Metrics? Yes. This summary (mcollect) search attempts to find user metrics around CPU usage, indexer impact et cetera from the introspection index (note realtime_schedule = 0). Note: tested on 7.3 only, may not work on earlier versions dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 realtime_schedule = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_introspection `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunk_resource_usage data.search_props.sid::* data.search_props.type!=other\ | eval mem_used = 'data.mem_used' \ | eval app = 'data.search_props.app' \ | eval elapsed = 'data.elapsed' \ | eval label = 'data.search_props.label' \ | eval intro_type = 'data.search_props.type' \ | eval mode = 'data.search_props.mode' \ | eval user = 'data.search_props.user' \ | eval cpuperc = 'data.pct_cpu' \ | eval search_head = 'data.search_props.search_head' \ | eval read_mb = 'data.read_mb' \ | eval provenance='data.search_props.provenance' \ | eval label=coalesce(label, provenance) \ | eval sid='data.search_props.sid' \ | rex field=sid "^remote_(?P<search_id_local>.*)" \ | eval server_with_underscore = search_head . "_" \ | eval search_id_local=replace(search_id_local, server_with_underscore, "") \ | eval sid = "'" . sid . "'" \ | `search_type_from_sid(search_id_local)` \ | eval type=case(intro_type=="ad-hoc",if(type=="dashboard","dashboard",intro_type),1=1,intro_type) \ | stats max(elapsed) as runtime max(mem_used) as mem_used, sum(cpuperc) AS totalCPU, avg(cpuperc) AS avgCPU, max(read_mb) AS read_mb, values(sid) AS sids by type, mode, app, user, label, host, search_head, data.pid\ | eval type=replace(type," ","-")\ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster`\ | eval indexer_cluster=`indexer_cluster_name(host)` \ | stats dc(sids) AS search_count, sum(totalCPU) AS total_cpu, sum(mem_used) AS total_mem_used, max(runtime) AS max_runtime, avg(runtime) AS avg_runtime, avg(avgCPU) AS avgcpu_per_indexer, sum(read_mb) AS read_mb, values(app) AS app by type, user, search_head_cluster\ | eval prefix="user_stats.introspection."\ | addinfo \ | rename info_max_time AS _time \ | fields - info_* \ | foreach user_stats.introspection.* [eval <<FIELD>>=round('<<FIELD>>',2)] \ | fillnull \ | search `comment("mcollect index=a_metrics_index split=true prefix_field=prefix search_head_cluster, type, user, indexer_cluster, app")` [SearchHeadLevel - platform_stats access summary] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 15 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report provides information around the Splunk access UI logs such as dashboard, report or loads of various Splunk pages, perfect for summary indexing... dispatch.earliest_time = -60m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host","source"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | multisearch \ [ search index=_internal `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=splunk_web_access GET "/app/" status=200 \ | regex _raw="^[^\]]+\] \"GET /[^/]+/app/" \ | regex _raw!="^[^\]]+\] \"GET /[^/]+/app/([^/ ]+/?)? HTTP" \ | rex "GET /[^/]+/app/(?<app>[^/ ?]+)/(?P<view>[^/ ?]+)" \ | eval decoded_uri_query=urldecode(uri_query) \ | rex field=decoded_uri_query "/saved/searches/(?P<report>[^&]+)" \ | eval report=urldecode(report) ] \ [ search index=_internal `searchheadhosts` method=GET sourcetype=splunkd_ui_access \ | regex uri="^(/([^/]+/){2}__raw/services/search/jobs\?output_mode=json&id=)|(/([^/]+/){2}__raw/servicesNS/([^/]+/){2}search/jobs/[^\?/]+\?output)" \ | rex field=uri "id=(?P<sid>[^&]+)" max_match=20 \ | eval app=null(), report=null(), view=null() \ | rex field=uri "^/([^/]+/){2}__raw/servicesNS/([^/]+/)(?P<app>[^/]+)/search/jobs/(?P<sid_2>[^\?]+)\?output" \ | eval sid=coalesce(sid,sid_2) \ | eval prebintime=_time \ | bin _time span=2m] \ [ search index=_internal `searchheadhosts` method=POST status=201 sourcetype=splunkd_ui_access \ | regex uri="/saved/searches/[^/]+/dispatch$" \ | rex field=uri "(/[^/]+){5}/(?P<app>[^/]+)(/saved/searches/(?P<report>[^/]+))?" \ | eval view="N/A", report=report . "_dispatch" \ | eval report=urldecode(report) ] \ | fillnull sid, view value="N/A" \ | eval prebintime=coalesce(prebintime,_time) \ | stats earliest(prebintime) AS prebintime, max(spent) AS spent, values(app) AS app, values(report) AS report by sid, _time, user, useragent, host, view \ | rex field=sid "(rt_)?(subsearch_)*(?P<from>[^_]+)((_(?P<base64username>[^_]+))|(__(?P<username>[^_]+)))((__(?P<app2>[^_]+)__(?P<report2>[^_]+))|(_(?P<base64appname>[^_]+)__(?P<report3>[^_]+)))" \ | `base64decode(base64appname)` \ | eval app3="N/A" \ | eval report=coalesce(report,report2,report3), app=coalesce(app,app2,base64appname,app3) \ | eval _time=prebintime \ | eval comment="RMD appears to be an encoded report name that only appears in audit.log, scheduler.log and sometimes remote_searches.log. Not creating yet another lookup for this..." \ | eval report=if(match(report,"^RMD"),"N/A",report) \ | eval report=case(from=="scheduler",report . "_scheduler",isnotnull(report3) OR isnotnull(report2),report . "_dashboard",match(sid,"^\d+\."),"N/A_adhoc",1=1,report) \ | fillnull value="N/A" view, report \ | stats count by _time, app, view, report, spent, user, useragent, host \ | table _time, app, view, report, spent, user, useragent, sourceHost, env, count [SearchHeadLevel - platform_stats.remote_searches metrics populating search] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. Metrics? Yes. This summary (mcollect) search attempts to find stats via the remote_searches.log on the indexing tier (useful if you do not have audit logs for all search heads) (note realtime_schedule = 0). Note: tested on 7.3 only, may not work on earlier versions dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 realtime_schedule = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Attempt to gather stats from the remote_searches log on the indexing tier relating to the searches from various search heads. These may include search heads where we do not see the _audit index. Added regex to ignore the strange presummarize that comes in from search heads that do not have accelerated reports...")` \ index=_internal `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunkd_remote_searches source="/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/remote_searches.log" terminated: OR closed: `comment("Note that TERM(starting) has the apiStartTime, apiEndTime stats, but lacks the useful stats from a search that is complete. Also note that on indexers scan_count=events_count (in my testing). Finally various fields failed to auto-extract so regexes are used now, perhaps due to the length of some searches...")` \ | rex "(?s) elapsedTime=(?P<elapsedTime>[0-9\.]+), search='(?P<search>.*?)(', savedsearch_name|\", drop_count=\d+)" \ | regex search!="^(pretypeahead|copybuckets)" \ | regex search!="^presummarize (tstats=t maintain=\"\" summaryprefix=\"[^\"]+\"|maintain=\"%22SUMMARY_ID%22%2C%22EARLIEST_TIME%22%2C%22REMOTE_SEARCH%22%2C%22NORM_SUMMARY_ID%22%2C%22NORM_REMOTE_SEARCH%22%0A\" summaryprefix=\"[^\"]+\")\s*$" \ | rex "drop_count=[0-9]+, scan_count=(?P<scan_count>[0-9]+)" \ | rex "(,|}\.\.\.) savedsearch_name=\"(?P<savedsearch_name>[^\"]*)\"," \ | rex "(terminated|closed): search_id=(?P<search_id>[^,]+)" \ | eval indexer_cluster=`indexer_cluster_name(host)` \ | rex "search_id=[^,]+,\s+server=(?P<server>[^,]+)" \ | rename server AS search_head \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | fillnull savedsearch_name value="" \ | rex field=search_id "^remote_(?P<sid>.*)" \ | eval server_with_underscore = search_head. "_" \ | eval sid=replace(sid, server_with_underscore, "") \ | `search_type_from_sid(sid)` \ | eval type=if(match(search,"^presummarize"),"acceleration",type) \ | eval user=if(username=="nobody" OR username=="admin" OR (type=="acceleration" AND isnull(username)),"system","other") \ | stats dc(search_id) AS search_count, max(elapsedTime) AS max_elapsed_time, avg(elapsedTime) AS avg_elapsed_time, sum(scan_count) AS total_scan_count by search_head, indexer_cluster, search_head_cluster, type, user \ | eval prefix="platform_stats.remote_searches." \ | addinfo \ | rename info_max_time AS _time \ | fields - info_* \ | search `comment("mcollect index=a_metrics_index split=true prefix_field=prefix search_head, search_head_cluster, indexer_cluster, type, user")` [IndexerLevel - RemoteSearches Indexes Stats] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This is an example of using the remote_searches.log on the indexers to determine which indexes are in use dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Attempt to determine index access via the remote_searches.log file, useful for when you cannot see the audit logs of all incoming search heads")`\ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_remote_searches source="/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/remote_searches.log" terminated: OR closed: `comment("Note that TERM(starting) has the apiStartTime, apiEndTime stats, but lacks the useful stats from a search that is complete. Also note that on indexers scan_count=events_count (in my testing). Finally the elapsedTime sometimes failed to auto-extract, perhaps due to length...")` \ | rex "(?s) elapsedTime=(?P<elapsedTime>[0-9\.]+), search='(?P<search>.*?)(', savedsearch_name|\", drop_count=\d+)" \ | regex search!="^(pretypeahead|copybuckets)" \ | rex "drop_count=[0-9]+, scan_count=(?P<scan_count>[0-9]+)" \ | rex "total_slices=[0-9]+, considered_buckets=(?P<considered_count>[0-9]+)" \ | rex "(,|}\.\.\.) savedsearch_name=\"(?P<savedsearch_name>[^\"]*)\"," \ | rex "(terminated|closed): search_id=(?P<search_id>[^,]+)" \ | regex search="^(litsearch|mcatalog|mstats|mlitsearch|litmstats|tstats|presummarize)" \ | rex field=search max_match=50 "(?s)\|?\s*(mlitsearch)\s+.*?\[(?P<subsearch>.*?)\]\s*(\||$)" \ | rex field=search "(?s)(?P<prepipe>\s*\|?([^\|]+))" \ | nomv subsearch \ | eval subsearch=if(isnull(subsearch),"",subsearch) \ | eval prepipe = prepipe . " " . subsearch \ | eval search=prepipe \ | search `comment("The (index=* OR index=_*) index=<specific index> is a common use case for enterprise security, also some individuals like doing a similar trick so remove the index=*... as this is not a wildcard index search")` \ | rex field=search "(?P<esstylewildcard>\(\s*index=\*\s+OR\s+index=_\*\s*\))" \ | rex mode=sed field=search "s/search index=\s*\S+\s+index\s*=/search index=/" \ | search `comment("Extract out index= or index IN (a,b,c) but avoid NOT index in (...) and NOT index=... and also NOT (...anything) statements")` \ | rex field=search "(?s)(NOT\s+index(\s*=\s*|::)[^ ]+)|(NOT\s+\([^\)]+\))|(index(\s*=\s*|::)(?P<indexregex>[\*A-Za-z0-9-_]+))" max_match=50 \ | rex field=search "(?s)(NOT\s+index(\s*=\s*|::)[^ ]+)|(NOT\s+\([^\)]+\))|(index(\s*=\s*|::)\"?(?P<indexregex2>[\*A-Za-z0-9-_]+))" max_match=50 \ | rex field=search "\s+(?P<skipping>\.\.\.\{skipping \d+ bytes\}\.\.\.)" \ | search `comment("If skipping is in the logs as in index=abc- ...{skipping 46464 bytes}..., then drop the last index found in the regex as it is likely invalid")` \ | eval indexregex=if(isnotnull(skipping),mvindex(indexregex,0,-2),indexregex) \ | eval indexregex2=if(isnotnull(skipping),mvindex(indexregex2,0,-2),indexregex2) \ | eval indexes=mvappend(indexregex,indexregex2) \ | eval indexes=if(isnotnull(esstylewildcard),mvfilter(NOT match(indexes,"^_?\*$")),indexes) \ | eval multi=if(mvcount(mvdedup(indexes))>1,"true","false") \ | rex field=search_id "^remote_(?P<sid>.*)" \ | rex "search_id=[^,]+,\s+server=(?P<server>[^,]+)" \ | eval server_with_underscore = server. "_" \ | eval sid=replace(sid, server_with_underscore, "") \ | eval search_head=server \ | `search_type_from_sid(sid)` \ | `base64decode(base64username)` \ | eval username3="unknown" \ | eval user=coalesce(username, base64username, username3) \ | rex field=search "^(?P<presummarize>presummarize)\s+" \ | eval type=if(isnotnull(presummarize),"acceleration",type) \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | eval indexer_cluster=`indexer_cluster_name(host)` \ | search `comment("If you use the TERM(starting) you get the apiStartTime/apiEndTime, or you could join them in stats or similar...however this works to obtain which indexes are used. Note that you would need to build something similar to 'SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries summary non-exact match' to be able to translate the wildcards into something more useful, but there would be a lot of guesswork involved if you do not have usernames+server names+roles...(which is why audit logs work better for this)")`\ | rex "search_rawdata_bucketcache_error=[^,]+, search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss=(?P<cache_rawdata_miss>[^,]+), search_index_bucketcache_error=[^,]+, search_index_bucketcache_hit=(?P<cache_index_hit>[^,]+), search_index_bucketcache_miss=(?P<cache_index_miss>[^,]+), search_rawdata_bucketcache_hit=(?P<cache_rawdata_hit>[^,]+), search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss_wait=(?P<cache_rawdata_miss_wait>[^,]+), search_index_bucketcache_miss_wait=(?P<cache_index_miss_wait>[^,]+)" \ | `base64decode(base64appname)` \ | eval app3="N/A" \ | eval app=coalesce(app,base64appname,app3) \ | stats dc(search_id) AS count, avg(elapsedTime) AS avg_total_run_time, max(elapsedTime) AS max_total_run_time, median(elapsedTime) AS median_total_run_time, avg(scan_count) AS avg_scan_count, max(scan_count) AS max_scan_count, min(scan_count) AS min_scan_count, median(scan_count) AS median_scan_count, sum(cache_rawdata_miss) AS cache_rawdata_miss, sum(cache_index_hit) AS cache_index_hit, sum(cache_index_miss) AS cache_index_miss, sum(cache_rawdata_hit) AS cache_rawdata_hit, sum(cache_rawdata_miss_wait) AS cache_rawdata_miss_wait, sum(cache_index_miss_wait) AS cache_index_miss_wait by user, search_head_cluster, indexes, indexer_cluster, type, multi, app \ | eval indexes=lower(indexes) \ | regex indexes!="\*" \ | stats sum(count) AS count, avg(avg_total_run_time) AS avg_total_run_time, max(max_total_run_time) AS max_total_run_time, median(median_total_run_time) AS median_total_run_time, avg(avg_scan_count) AS avg_scan_count, max(max_scan_count) AS max_scan_count, min(min_scan_count) AS min_scan_count, median(median_scan_count) AS median_scan_count, sum(cache_rawdata_miss) AS cache_rawdata_miss, sum(cache_index_hit) AS cache_index_hit, sum(cache_index_miss) AS cache_index_miss, sum(cache_rawdata_hit) AS cache_rawdata_hit, sum(cache_rawdata_miss_wait) AS cache_rawdata_miss_wait, sum(cache_index_miss_wait) AS cache_index_miss_wait by indexes, indexer_cluster, user, search_head_cluster, type, multi, app \ | eval prefix="platform_stats.remote_searches.per_index.exact." \ | addinfo \ | rename info_max_time AS _time \ | fields - info_* \ | eval short="False" \ | search `comment("| mcollect index=a_metrics_index split=true prefix_field=prefix search_head_cluster, indexer_cluster, type, user, indexes, multi, app, short. If using Splunk 8.0.x delete the below lines and use mcollect, if not you can use summary indexing with metrics")` \ | rename * AS platform_stats.remote_searches.per_index.exact.* \ | rename platform_stats.remote_searches.per_index.exact.search_head_cluster AS search_head_cluster platform_stats.remote_searches.per_index.exact.indexer_cluster AS indexer_cluster, platform_stats.remote_searches.per_index.exact.type AS type, platform_stats.remote_searches.per_index.exact.user AS user, platform_stats.remote_searches.per_index.exact.indexes AS indexes, platform_stats.remote_searches.per_index.exact.multi AS multi, platform_stats.remote_searches.per_index.exact.short AS short, platform_stats.remote_searches.per_index.exact.app AS app \ | fields - prefix [SearchHeadLevel - Summary searches using realtime search scheduling] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. Searches using collect commands should likely use realtime_schedule=0, there are also issues in the UI of some Splunk versions not seting this version automatically dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest "/servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches" count=0 `splunkadmins_restmacro` f=search f=realtime_schedule f=eai:* f=action.summary_index \ | search `comment("Find reports running summary indexing that are not scheduled using continuous scheduling (realtime_schedule=0)")`\ | where realtime_schedule=1 \ | rex field=search "(?s)\|\s*(?P<command>mcollect|meventcollect|collect)\s+" \ | where isnotnull(command) OR 'action.summary_index'==1 \ | rename eai:acl.app AS app, eai:acl.owner AS owner \ | table title, app, owner, search, action.summary_index, id, updated [SearchHeadLevel - Searches dispatched as owner by other users] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report only advises which reports are been used via dispatch and running as the owner (not as the user), this is standard functionality in Splunk... dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_audit info=granted search_id!="'rsa_*" `comment("Report on searches dispatched with owner (not user) setting and the search involved")` \ | rex "info=granted , search_id='(?P<search_id>[^']+)" \ | search `comment("A regex that includes what a userid looks like within your company will likely be faster than trying to exclude all alternatives like the below...")` \ | regex search_id!="^((subsearch_)?\d|rt_|(subsearch_)?scheduler|SummaryDirector_|ta_|RemoteStorageRetrieveIndexes_|md_|subsearch_searchparsetmp| alertsmanager_|subsearch_AlertActionsRequredFields|alertsmanager_|sd_)" \ | rex field=search_id "(?P<from>[^_]+)((_(?P<base64owner>[^_]+))|(__(?P<owner>[^_]+)))" \ | `base64decode(base64owner)` \ | eval owner=coalesce(owner,base64owner) \ | where from!=owner AND user!=from \ | rex "(?s), search='(?P<search>.*)\]$" \ | rex "', savedsearch_name=\"(?P<savedsearch_name>[^\"]*)" \ | table from, owner, savedsearch_name, search [SearchHeadLevel - DataModel Fields] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This report prints out datamodel fields, found on slack thanks to Dave Shpritz (@automine) dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/models `splunkadmins_restmacro` | table title \ | map maxsearches=30 search=" \ |datamodel \"$title$\" \ | spath output=model_name path=modelName \ | spath output=foo path=objects{} \ | mvexpand foo \ | spath input=foo output=object_name path=objectName \ | spath input=foo output=bar path=calculations{} \ | spath input=foo output=foo path=fields{} \ | table model_name,object_name,bar,foo \ | eval foobar = mvappend(foo,bar) \ | table model_name, object_name,foobar \ | mvexpand foobar \ | spath input=foobar output=field_name path=fieldName \ | spath input=foobar output=field_type path=type \ | spath input=foobar output=calc_type path=outputFields{}.type \ | spath input=foobar output=calc_name path=outputFields{}.fieldName \ | spath input=foobar output=field_desc path=comment{}.description \ | spath input=foobar output=calc_desc path=outputFields{}.comment{}.description \ | spath input=foobar output=field_recommended path=comment{}.recommended \ | spath input=foobar output=calc_recommended path=outputFields{}.comment{}.recommended \ | eval method=if(isnotnull(field_name),\"field\",\"eval\"), name=coalesce(field_name,calc_name), type=coalesce(field_type,calc_type), desc=coalesce(field_desc, calc_desc), recommended=coalesce(field_recommended, calc_recommended) \ | fillnull value="false" recommended \ | fields model_name, object_name, name, recommended, method, type, desc" [SearchHeadLevel - Dashboard refresh intervals] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. Credit to Niket Nilay (@niketnilay) with modifications, report on dashboard refresh intervals/realtime refresh intervals dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest `splunkadmins_restmacro` servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views timeout=600 \ | regex eai:data="(<earliest>rt-\d+[^\<]+|<refresh>\d+|refresh=\"[^\"]+)" \ | rex field="eai:data" "(?s)<refresh>(?<refresh_time>\d+[^\<]+)<\/refresh>" max_match=30 \ | rex field="eai:data" "(?s)refresh=\"(?<refresh_time>[^\"]+)\"" max_match=30 \ | rex field="eai:data" "(?s)<earliest>rt-(?<refresh_time>\d+[^\<]+)" max_match=30 \ | stats values(refresh_type) AS refresh_type by eai:appName, eai:acl.app, eai:acl.sharing, label, title, refresh_time \ | rex field=refresh_time "^\d+(?P<refresh_unit>.*)" \ | eval refresh_type=case(isnotnull(refresh_unit) AND match('eai:data',"<earliest>rt-\d+[^\<]+"),"RealTime",isnotnull(refresh_unit),"Search",1=1,"Form") \ | addinfo \ | eval refresh_time_seconds=if(isnotnull(refresh_unit),relative_time(info_search_time, "-" . refresh_time),refresh_time) \ | eval refresh_time_seconds=if(isnotnull(refresh_unit),floor((refresh_time_seconds-info_search_time)*-1),refresh_time) \ | fields - info_*, refresh_unit [SearchHeadLevel - Dashboards using depends and running searches in the background] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. For any depends= attributes in a dashboard, check if the searches below this level also depend on the token (in case they are background loading/searching even when not visible). Note that this search utilises the streamfilterwildcard custom search command included in the TA-Alerts for SplunkAdmins application on SplunkBase (or github) dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views `splunkadmins_restmacro` \ | search eai:acl.app!=splunk_monitoring_console `dashboard_depends_filter1`\ | regex eai:data="depends\s*=\"" \ | fields eai:data, label, title, eai:acl.app \ | rex field=eai:data max_match=20 "(?s)<row\s*(depends\s*=\"(?P<rowtokens>[^\"]+)|[^>]+depends\s*=\"(?P<rowtokens2>[^\"]+))(?P<row>.*?)</row>" \ | rex field=eai:data max_match=20 "(?s)<panel\s*(depends\s*=\"(?P<paneltokens>[^\"]+)|[^>]+depends\s*=\"(?P<paneltokens2>[^\"]+))(?P<panel>.*?)</panel>" \ | rex field=eai:data max_match=20 "(?s)<chart\s*(depends\s*=\"(?P<charttokens>[^\"]+)|[^>]+depends\s*=\"(?P<charttokens2>[^\"]+))(?P<chart>.*?)</chart>" \ | rex field=eai:data max_match=20 "(?s)<event\s*(depends\s*=\"(?P<eventtokens>[^\"]+)|[^>]+depends\s*=\"(?P<eventtokens2>[^\"]+))(?P<event>.*?)</event>" \ | rex field=eai:data max_match=20 "(?s)<map\s*(depends\s*=\"(?P<maptokens>[^\"]+)|[^>]+depends\s*=\"(?P<maptokens2>[^\"]+))(?P<map>.*?)</map>" \ | rex field=eai:data max_match=20 "(?s)<single\s*(depends\s*=\"(?P<singletokens>[^\"]+)|[^>]+depends\s*=\"(?P<singletokens2>[^\"]+))(?P<single>.*?)</single>" \ | rex field=eai:data max_match=20 "(?s)<table\s*(depends\s*=\"(?P<tabletokens>[^\"]+)|[^>]+depends\s*=\"(?P<tabletokens2>[^\"]+))(?P<table>.*?)</table>" \ | rex field=eai:data max_match=20 "(?s)<viz\s*(depends\s*=\"(?P<viztokens>[^\"]+)|[^>]+depends\s*=\"(?P<viztokens2>[^\"]+))(?P<viz>.*?)</viz>" \ | rex field=row "(?s)(?P<rowsearch><search[^>]*>.*?</search>)" \ | rex field=panel "(?s)(?P<panelsearch><search[^>]*>.*?</search>)" \ | rex field=chart "(?s)(?P<chartsearch><search[^>]*>.*?</search>)" \ | rex field=event "(?s)(?P<eventsearch><search[^>]*>.*?</search>)" \ | rex field=map "(?s)(?P<mapsearch><search[^>]*>.*?</search>)" \ | rex field=single "(?s)(?P<singlesearch><search[^>]*>.*?</search>)" \ | rex field=table "(?s)(?P<tablesearch><search[^>]*>.*?</search>)" \ | rex field=viz "(?s)(?P<vizsearch><search[^>]*>.*?</search>)" \ | eval rowsearchfiltered=mvfilter(match(rowsearch,"<search.*?\s+depends\s*=")) \ | eval panelsearchfiltered=mvfilter(match(panelsearch,"<search.*?\s+depends\s*=")) \ | eval chartsearchfiltered=mvfilter(match(chartsearch,"<search.*?\s+depends\s*=")) \ | eval eventsearchfiltered=mvfilter(match(eventsearch,"<search.*?\s+depends\s*=")) \ | eval mapsearchfiltered=mvfilter(match(mapsearch,"<search.*?\s+depends\s*=")) \ | eval singlesearchfiltered=mvfilter(match(singlesearch,"<search.*?\s+depends\s*=")) \ | eval tablesearchfiltered=mvfilter(match(tablesearch,"<search.*?\s+depends\s*=")) \ | eval vizsearchfiltered=mvfilter(match(vizsearch,"<search.*?\s+depends\s*=")) \ | where (isnotnull(rowsearch) AND (isnotnull(rowsearchfiltered) AND mvcount(rowsearch)!=mvcount(rowsearchfiltered)) OR (isnull(rowsearchfiltered))) \ OR (isnotnull(panelsearch) AND (isnotnull(panelsearchfiltered) AND mvcount(panelsearch)!=mvcount(panelsearchfiltered)) OR (isnull(panelsearchfiltered)))\ OR (isnotnull(chartsearch) AND (isnotnull(chartsearchfiltered) AND mvcount(chartsearch)!=mvcount(chartsearchfiltered)) OR (isnull(chartsearchfiltered)))\ OR (isnotnull(eventsearch) AND (isnotnull(eventsearchfiltered) AND mvcount(eventsearch)!=mvcount(eventsearchfiltered)) OR (isnull(eventsearchfiltered))) \ OR (isnotnull(mapsearch) AND (isnotnull(mapsearchfiltered) AND mvcount(mapsearch)!=mvcount(mapsearchfiltered)) OR (isnull(mapsearchfiltered)))\ OR (isnotnull(singlesearch) AND (isnotnull(singlesearchfiltered) AND mvcount(singlesearch)!=mvcount(singlesearchfiltered)) OR (isnull(singlesearchfiltered)))\ OR (isnotnull(tablesearch) AND (isnotnull(tablesearchfiltered) AND mvcount(tablesearch)!=mvcount(tablesearchfiltered)) OR (isnull(tablesearchfiltered)))\ OR (isnotnull(vizsearch) AND (isnotnull(vizsearchfiltered) AND mvcount(vizsearch)!=mvcount(vizsearchfiltered)) OR (isnull(vizsearchfiltered))) \ | eval rowtokens=coalesce(rowtokens,rowtokens2)\ | nomv rowtokens\ | eval rowtokens=replace(rowtokens,"\$","\\$")\ | makemv tokenizer=(\S+) rowtokens\ | eval rowtokens=split(rowtokens,",") \ | eval paneltokens=coalesce(paneltokens,paneltokens2) \ | nomv paneltokens\ | eval paneltokens=replace(paneltokens,"\$","\\$")\ | makemv tokenizer=(\S+) paneltokens\ | eval charttokens=coalesce(charttokens,charttokens2)\ | nomv charttokens\ | eval charttokens=replace(charttokens,"\$","\\$")\ | makemv tokenizer=(\S+) charttokens\ | eval charttokens=split(charttokens,",") \ | eval eventtokens=coalesce(eventtokens,eventtokens2)\ | nomv eventtokens\ | eval eventtokens=replace(eventtokens,"\$","\\$")\ | makemv tokenizer=(\S+) eventtokens\ | eval eventtokens=split(eventtokens,",") \ | eval maptokens=coalesce(maptokens,maptokens2)\ | nomv maptokens\ | eval maptokens=replace(maptokens,"\$","\\$")\ | makemv tokenizer=(\S+) maptokens\ | eval maptokens=split(maptokens,",") \ | eval singletokens=coalesce(single,single2)\ | nomv singletokens\ | eval singletokens=replace(singletokens,"\$","\\$")\ | makemv tokenizer=(\S+) singletokens\ | eval singletokens=split(singletokens,",") \ | eval tabletokens=coalesce(tabletokens,tabletokens2)\ | nomv tabletokens\ | eval tabletokens=replace(tabletokens,"\$","\\$")\ | makemv tokenizer=(\S+) tabletokens\ | eval tabletokens=split(tabletokens,",") \ | eval viztokens=coalesce(viztokens,viztokens2)\ | nomv viztokens\ | eval viztokens=replace(viztokens,"\$","\\$")\ | makemv tokenizer=(\S+) viztokens\ | eval viztokens=split(viztokens,",") \ | search `comment("This would be more accurate as such but make the search really, really slow...so combining into 1 large value...\ | streamfilter fieldname=rowtoken_matches pattern=rowtokens rowsearch\ | streamfilter fieldname=paneltoken_matches pattern=paneltokens panelsearch\ | streamfilter fieldname=chartoken_matches pattern=charttokens chartsearch\ | streamfilter fieldname=eventtoken_matches pattern=eventtokens eventsearch\ | streamfilter fieldname=maptoken_matches pattern=maptokens mapsearch\ | streamfilter fieldname=singletoken_matches pattern=singletokens singlesearch\ | streamfilter fieldname=tabletoken_matches pattern=tabletokens tablesearch\ | streamfilter fieldname=viztoken_matches pattern=viztokens vizsearch\ ")`\ | eval combined=mvappend(rowsearch, panelsearch, chartsearch, eventsearch, mapsearch, singlesearch, tablesearch, vizsearch)\ | eval combinedtokens=mvappend(rowtokens, paneltokens, charttokens, eventtokens, maptokens, singletokens, tabletokens, viztokens)\ | eval counter=mvcount(combinedtokens) \ | where counter>0 \ | `dashboard_depends_filter2` \ | streamfilter fieldname=combinedtoken_matches pattern=combinedtokens combined\ | makemv tokenizer=(\S+) combinedtoken_matches\ | eval counter2=mvcount(combinedtoken_matches)\ | where (isnotnull(combinedtoken_matches) AND mvcount(combinedtokens)!=mvcount(combinedtoken_matches)) OR isnull(combinedtoken_matches)\ | rename eai:acl.app AS app\ | `dashboard_depends_filter3` \ | table title, label, app, eai:data, combinedtokens, combinedtoken_matches [SearchHeadLevel - SavedSearches using special characters] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. Find special characters in saved searches, they are often copy & pasted in from another application and break searches dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest "/servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches" `splunkadmins_restmacro` \ | regex search!="(?s)^[\\\d\s\w\|`\"\*\(\)\[\]\+=\-;:!,\./%\?<>{}^#$@'&~]+$" \ | rex field=search "(?s)(?P<before_special_character>^[\\\d\s\w\|`\"\*\(\)\[\]\+=\-;:!,\./%\?<>{}^#$@'&~]*)(?P<special_character>.)" \ | rex field=before_special_character "\|\s*(?P<command_before>\S+)[^\|]+$" \ | fillnull command_before \ | where command_before!="eval" \ | rename eai:acl.owner AS owner, eai:acl.sharing AS sharing, eai:acl.app AS app \ | table title, owner, app, sharing, special_character, before_special_character [SearchHeadLevel - Dashboards using special characters] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. Find special characters in dashboard searches, they are often copy & pasted in from another application and break searches dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views `splunkadmins_restmacro` f=eai:data f=label f=title f=eai:* timeout=600 count=0\ | fields eai:data, label, title, eai:acl.app, eai:acl.owner, eai:acl.sharing \ | search NOT (eai:acl.app=trackme AND title=TrackMe) NOT (title=available_icons AND eai:acl.app=network-diagram-viz)\ | spath input=eai:data \ | fields *search*.query, title, eai:*\ | foreach *search*.query [ eval combined = mvappend(combined,'<<FIELD>>') ]\ | regex combined!="(?s)^[\\\d\s\w\|`\"\*\(\)\[\]\+=\-;:!,\./%\?<>{}^#$@'&~°]+$"\ | where isnotnull(combined)\ | rex field=combined "(?s)(?P<before_special_character>^[\\\d\s\w\|`\"\*\(\)\[\]\+=\-;:!,\./%\?<>{}^#$@'&~]*)(?P<special_character>.)" max_match=0\ | eval combined_fields=mvzip(combined, before_special_character,"%%%%")\ | eval combined_fields=mvzip(combined_fields, special_character,"%%%%")\ | eval combined_fields=mvfilter(!match(combined_fields, "(?s)^[\\\d\s\w\|`\"\*\(\)\[\]\+=\-;:!,\./%\?<>{}^#$@'&~]+$"))\ | mvexpand combined_fields\ | makemv delim="%%%%" combined_fields\ | eval query=mvindex(combined_fields,0)\ | eval before_special_character=mvindex(combined_fields,1)\ | eval special_character=mvindex(combined_fields,2)\ | rex field=before_special_character "\|\s*(?P<command_before>\S+)[^\|]+$"\ | fillnull command_before\ | where command_before!="eval" ``` eval is normally pretty safe to use with special characters and less likely to be a mistake ```\ | decrypt field=special_character hex() emit('hex_special_character')\ | stats list(query) AS queries, list(special_character) AS special_characters, list(before_special_character) AS before_special_character, list(hex_special_character) AS hex_special_character by title, eai:acl.app, eai:acl.owner, eai:acl.sharing\ | rename eai:acl.app AS app, eai:acl.sharing AS sharing, eai:acl.owner AS owner [ClusterMasterLevel - excess buckets on master] alert.severity = 4 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = */20 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. Cluster master specific? Yes. As of 7.3.4/8.0.1 excess buckets do not clear themselves, Excess buckets have appeared it is recommended to clear them after some period of time \ Since the clear all excess buckets button can cause performance issues you may like to run: \ splunk list excess-buckets | grep "index" | cut -d "=" -f2 > tmp.txt \ for z in `cat tmp.txt `; do echo $z; /opt/splunk/bin/splunk remove excess-buckets ${z}; sleep 10; done ; \ Also adjust the sleep time as appropriate for the number of buckets/cluster size... \ Or more a human readable version splunk list excess-buckets | egrep "index|Total number of excess replication"| cut -d= -f2 | tac | paste -d" " - - dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 2000 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /services/cluster/master/indexes `splunkadmins_clustermaster_host` f=total_excess* | table title, total_excess_bucket_copies, total_excess_searchable_copies \ | addcoltotals disabled = 1 [AllSplunkLevel - Unexpected termination of a Splunk process windows] alert.severity = 5 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 9 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. A Splunk process on Windows was terminated multiple times (this is a retrospective alert) contributed by Chris Bell dispatch.earliest_time = -60m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("A retrospective alert to advise that the Splunk process was terminated and restarted multiple times and this likely requires further investigation")` \ index=`splunkadmins_wineventlog_index` sourcetype=WinEventLog:Application OR sourcetype=XmlWinEventLog:Application SourceName="Application Error" splunk \ | stats count, earliest(_time) AS firstSeen, latest(_time) AS lastSeen by host, Faulting_application_path \ | where count > `splunkadmins_unexpected_term_count` \ | eval firstSeen = strftime(firstSeen, "%+"), lastSeen=strftime(lastSeen, "%+") disabled = 1 [AllSplunkLevel - Unexpected termination of a Splunk process unix] alert.severity = 5 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = */20 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. A Splunk process on Unix was terminated (this alert is after restart/retrospective only) dispatch.earliest_time = -20m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("A retrospective alert to advise that the Splunk process was terminated and this likely requires further investigation")` \ index=_internal index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) OR (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`) \ `comment("Expecting 'FATAL ProcessRunner - Unexpected EOF from process runner child!' OR 'ProcessRunner - helper process seems to have died (child killed by signal 9: Killed)!' which can occur by the OOM killer for example")` \ "Unexpected EOF from process runner" OR "helper process seems to have died" \ | eval event_message=coalesce(event_message,message) \ | stats count, earliest(_time) AS firstSeen, latest(_time) AS lastSeen, values(event_message) AS event_message by host\ | eval firstSeen = strftime(firstSeen, "%+"), lastSeen=strftime(lastSeen, "%+") disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - strings_metadata triggering bucket rolling] alert.severity = 2 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 47 4 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. This relates to premature bucket rolling so it may or may not be a high priority issue... dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("The caller=strings_metadata relates to maxMetaEntries in the indexes.conf.spec file, at the time of writing it is the maximum number of unique lines in .data files in a bucket, once exceeded it is rolled so this may cause premature bucket rolling")` \ index=_internal `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` caller=strings_metadata \ | cluster showcount=true \ | stats sum(entries) AS count, values(host) AS hosts, values(event_message) AS event_messages by idx disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Lookup CSV size] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report will work in Splunk 7.3.3 and above as the getsize=true option is available on the REST endpoint, prior to this version the file-explorer endpoint can be used (see dashboard ... ?). Contributed by an anonymous source dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest `splunkadmins_restmacro` /servicesNS/-/-/admin/transforms-lookup getsize=true \ | eval name = 'eai:acl.app' + "." + title \ | rename "eai:acl.sharing" AS sharing | eval is_temporal = if(isnull(time_field),0,1) \ | table name type is_temporal size sharing \ | join type=left name \ [ rest `splunkadmins_restmacro` /servicesNS/-/-/admin/kvstore-collectionstats \ | table data \ | mvexpand data \ | spath input=data \ | table ns size \ | rename ns as name ] \ | sort - size \ | eval size=round(size/1024/1024) [ForwarderLevel - Data dropping duration] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report will measure if an output queue has dropped data and for the duration of the data drop. This is normally relevant when you are cloning data to more than 1 output location in outputs.conf. Note that as of 8.0.3 the pipeline dropping the data is not recorded but the drop is per-pipeline, per-output queue, frequent "dropping" results in pausing of the TCP output queue which can cause issues for all upstream queues... dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` "Queue for group" "has begun dropping" OR "has stopped dropping events" `heavyforwarderhosts` OR `indexerhosts` \ | rex "group\s+(?P<group>\S+).*?(?P<state>(stopped|begun))" \ | search `comment("instead of sort 0 _time, | reverse may work in some scenarios...")` \ | sort 0 _time\ | streamstats current=f global=f window=1 values(state) AS prev_state, min(_time) AS start by host, group\ | search state="stopped" AND prev_state="begun"\ | eval duration=_time-start\ | eval shorthost=replace(host, "^([^\.]+).*", "\1")\ | eval combined = shorthost. "_" . group\ | timechart limit=50 max(duration) AS duration by combined [ForwarderLevel - Channel churn issues] alert.severity = 2 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 47 4 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. This relates to channel churn issues, and is likely no longer required after 8.0.6 and above, https://answers.splunk.com/answers/825663/why-did-ingestion-slow-way-down-after-i-added-thou.html has more details on this... dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal `splunkadmins_metrics_source` TERM(name=pipelineinputchannel) new_channels sourcetype=splunkd `comment("As per https://answers.splunk.com/answers/825663/why-did-ingestion-slow-way-down-after-i-added-thou.html , having too many channels created/removed can cause issues")`\ | bin _time span=1m\ | stats avg(new_channels) AS avg_new_channels avg(removed_channels) AS avg_removed_channels by host, _time\ | where avg_new_channels>5000 AND avg_removed_channels>1000 \ | stats count, max(avg_new_channels) AS max_avg_new_channels, max(avg_removed_channels) AS max_avg_removed_channels, max(_time) AS _time by host disabled = 1 [AllSplunkLevel - TailReader Ignoring Path] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 7 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. In this alert the TailReader is ignoring files, therefore it you need them to be indexed you will likely need to create a props.conf entry for the required sourcetype dispatch.earliest_time = -60m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Ignoring path is quite literal, the TailReader process will ignore the said log file and never index it. If you want the said file indexed then you will need to create a sourcetype for it...")` \ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) OR (`splunkadmins_splunkuf_source`) "Ignoring path" earliest=-24h `splunkadmins_tailreader_ignorepath` \ | regex path!="\.\d$" \ | stats latest(_time) AS lastSeen, earliest(_time) AS firstSeen, last(_raw) AS lastmessage by host, path \ | eval firstSeen=strftime(firstSeen, "%+"), lastSeen=strftime(lastSeen, "%+") disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Dashboards with all time searches set] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 7 3 * * 1 description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. This alert is designed to highlight dashboards that have no earliest/latest within a <search> element, and no global time picker defined, therefore it is likely that using this dashboard would result in all time searches running. The more accurate search is "SearchHeadLevel - audit logs showing all time searches". For macro substitution to work the splunkadmins_macros lookup file needs to exist. Note this is likely to generate some false alarms, I have attempted to cater for earliest= within tokens dispatch.earliest_time = -60m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest `splunkadmins_restmacro` /servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views timeout=600 \ | search `comment("While it will be more accurate to look at the audit logs to see who is using all time in the earliest/latest fields, this is an attempt to identify dashboards that do not have a <earliest> field *or* an earliest= within the search query. There is likely room for improvement in this query but it appears to work so far...")` \ | search NOT ((eai:acl.app="splunk_simple_xml_examples" OR eai:acl.app=splunk_app_windows_infrastructure) AND eai:acl.owner="nobody") \ | rex field=eai:data "(?s)<input\s*(?P<time_input>[^>]*type\s*=\s*\"time[^>]+)>" \ | eval has_global_time_picker=if(match(time_input, "token\s*="),null(),if(isnotnull(time_input),true(),null())) \ | where isnull(has_global_time_picker) \ | rex field=eai:data max_match=500 "(?s)<searc(?P<base>h[^>]*)>(?P<search>.*?)</search>" \ | eval combined = mvzip(base, search, "%%%%%%%%%%") \ | search `comment("From the data, find tokens, if the token includes an earliest= value, find it and store it into token_name2")` \ | multireport \ [| xpath field=eai:data "//input" outfield=input \ | eval input=mvfilter(match(input,"token\s*=\s*")) \ | xpath field=input "//@token" outfield=token \ | xpath field=input "//input" outfield=tokenremainder \ | makemv token tokenizer=(\S+) \ | eval token_combined=mvzip(token, tokenremainder, "%%%%%%%%%%") \ | eval token_combined=mvfilter(match(token_combined,"earliest\s*=\s*"))\ | eval token_name2=mvindex(split(token_combined, "%%%%%%%%%%"),0)\ | stats count, values(token_name2) AS time_tokens by eai:acl.app, eai:acl.sharing, eai:appName, combined, label, title, eai:acl.owner, updated ] \ [| stats count, values(token_name2) AS time_tokens by eai:acl.app, eai:acl.sharing, eai:appName, combined, label, title, eai:acl.owner, updated ] \ | stats count, values(time_tokens) AS time_tokens by eai:acl.app, eai:acl.sharing, eai:appName, combined, label, title, eai:acl.owner, updated\ | eventstats values(time_tokens) AS time_tokens by eai:acl.app, eai:acl.sharing, eai:appName, label, title, eai:acl.owner, updated\ | eval split=split(combined,"%%%%%%%%%%") \ | eval base=mvindex(split,0) \ | eval search=mvindex(split,1) \ | fields eai:acl.app, eai:acl.sharing, eai:appName, search, base, label, title, updated, eai:acl.owner, time_tokens\ | where NOT match(base,"(base=|ref=)") AND match(search, "<query>") \ | eval splunk_server = `splunkadmins_splunk_server_name`\ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub("search")` \ | rex field=search "(?s)<query>(?P<query>.*?)</query>" \ | rex field=query "earliest\s*=\s*(?P<earliest>\s*\S+\s)" \ | where isnull(earliest)\ | eval hassearch=if(match(query, "(?s)^\s*\|\s*search\s+"),1,0) \ | where hassearch==0 AND NOT match(query, "(?s)^\s*\||^\s*<!\[CDATA\[\s*\|") \ | regex search!="(?s)<earliest>.*?</earliest>"\ | rex field=query "\$(?P<token>[^\$]+)\$" max_match=50\ | nomv time_tokens\ | search `comment("If you run pre-Splunk 8.0.x then you will need to mvexpand at this point instead, then perhaps a stats values(*) AS * by eai:acl.app, eai:acl.sharing, label, title, updated, eai:acl.owner or similar...")` \ | eval matches=mvmap(token,if(match(time_tokens,"(^|\s+)" . token . "(\s+|$)"),"true",null()))\ | where isnull(matches)\ | stats count, values(search) AS search_examples by eai:acl.app, eai:acl.sharing, label, title, updated, eai:acl.owner\ | rename eai:acl.app AS app, eai:acl.sharing AS sharing, eai:acl.owner AS owner, title AS label\ | table label, app, sharing, updated, owner, search_examples disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - audit logs showing all time searches] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 6 * * 1 description = Report only? Yes. This report will attempt to find all-time searches that have been run and provide information about the context in which they were run. There are various other alerts/reports that can assist in identifying them more proactively, this one reports that they have happened...Note that this is not 100% accurate as via API you can set _index_earliest without setting an earliest= as per the comments on https://ideas.splunk.com/ideas/E-I-49 dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Search the audit logs for any search that does not have a earliest time set. Note search_et is not set for canceled/failed status so deal with this later...As per the comments on https://ideas.splunk.com/ideas/E-I-49 this can miss the _index_earliest flag passed in via API but it works for most cases")` \ index=_audit sourcetype=audittrail search_id!="rsa_*" `searchheadhosts` info="failed" OR info="completed" OR info="canceled" search=* search_et="N/A" `splunkadmins_audit_alltime` \ | regex search="(?s)^'\s*\|?search\s+" \ | regex search_id!="^'subsearch_" \ | eval has_earliest=if((info="failed" OR info="canceled") AND api_et!="N/A",true(),null()) \ | where isnull(has_earliest) \ | eval search_id=substr(search_id,1) \ | `search_type_from_sid(search_id)` \ | eval total_run_time=round(total_run_time) \ | where total_run_time>0 \ | sort - total_run_time \ | `base64decode(base64appname)` \ | eval app_name=coalesce(app,base64appname) \ | fillnull app_name, savedsearch_name value="" \ | stats count, latest(_time) AS most_recent, values(info) AS info, list(total_run_time) AS total_run_time, values(search) AS search_example by user, type, savedsearch_name, app_name \ | eval total_run_time=mvdedup(total_run_time), most_recent=strftime(most_recent, "%+") \ | sort - total_run_time [SearchHeadLevel - DataModels report] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 50 5 * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report is required to support the audit log summary searches. Search Head specific? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = @d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.timeRangePicker.show = 0 display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = line display.visualizations.show = 0 enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search schedule_window = 30 search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/datamodel/model `splunkadmins_restmacro` search=eai:type=datamodel \ | table title, description, eai:acl.sharing, eai:acl.app \ | spath input=description path=objects{}.objectSearch output=objectSearch \ | fields - description \ | eval objectSearch=mvindex(objectSearch,0) \ | rex field=objectSearch "^\s*\|?(?P<definition>[^\|]+)" \ | rename title AS datamodel, eai:acl.sharing AS sharing, eai:acl.app AS app \ | table datamodel, sharing, app, definition \ | eval splunk_server="default" \ | outputlookup splunkadmins_datamodels [SearchHeadLevel - Tags report] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 50 5 * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report is required to support the audit log summary searches. Search Head specific? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = @d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.timeRangePicker.show = 0 display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = line display.visualizations.show = 0 enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search schedule_window = 30 search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/configs/conf-tags `splunkadmins_restmacro` \ | search eai:acl.sharing!="user" \ | eval _raw="" \ | foreach "*" \ [| eval field=if(match("<<FIELD>>","^(title|eai:|splunk_server|author|id|updated|published)"),"","<<FIELD>> = ".'<<FIELD>>') \ | eval _raw=mvappend(_raw,field) ] \ | rex max_match=0 field=_raw "(?P<tag>\S+)\s+=\s+enabled" \ | table tag, title, eai:acl.app, eai:acl.sharing \ | rename title AS definition, eai:acl.app AS app, eai:acl.sharing AS sharing \ | mvexpand tag \ | eval splunk_server="default" \ | outputlookup splunkadmins_tags [SearchHeadLevel - EventTypes report] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 50 5 * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report is required to support the audit log summary searches. Search Head specific? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = @d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.timeRangePicker.show = 0 display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = line display.visualizations.show = 0 enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search schedule_window = 30 search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/eventtypes `splunkadmins_restmacro` search=index search=disabled=0 \ | search eai:acl.sharing!="user" \ | rename eai:acl.app AS app, eai:acl.sharing AS sharing \ | eval sharing=if(sharing=="system","global",sharing) \ | table title, search, app, sharing \ | rename search as definition, title AS eventtype \ | eval splunk_server="default" \ | outputlookup splunkadmins_eventtypes [SearchHeadLevel - splunk_search_messages dispatch] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 7 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. Search error messages are generally visible to users and often an issue in the environment. Note this alert requires the splunk_search_messages sourcetype and the [search]\ log_search_messages = true\ In the limits.conf file and then use the search_messages.log file. If below version 9.1 dispatch.earliest_time = -60m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Look for dispatch problems in the splunk_search_messages sourcetype")` \ `comment("This does require the limits.conf log_search_messages=true setting to be enabled to work, if below version 9.1")`\ index=_internal `searchheadhosts` orig_component="DispatchThread" sourcetype=splunk_search_messages \ | cluster t=0.4 showcount=true \ | table _time, cluster_count, _raw \ | sort - cluster_count disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - WLM aborted searches] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 7 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. This alert exists to use sendresults or similar to email the users about their search termination, as the current WLM notification system is limited as of version 8.0.5 dispatch.earliest_time = -60m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Detect searches aborted by WLM rules and using the sid find the details of the search, provide the details so this could be used with an application like sendresults for automated user notification of rule violation")` \ index=_internal "The search" "was aborted" `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` \ | rex "WorkloadManager (?:\[\d+ \w+] )?- The search (?P<search_id>[^ ]+)" \ | eval search_id="'" . search_id . "'" \ | appendpipe \ [| map [ search index=_audit info=completed OR info=failed host=$host$ search_id="$search_id$" | eval search_lt=if(search_lt=="N/A",_time,search_lt), search_et=if(search_et=="N/A",now()-(365*24*60*60),search_et) | eval period=tostring(search_lt-search_et,"duration") | table user, total_run_time, search, search_id, period, savedsearch_name ] maxsearches=20 ] \ | table user, total_run_time, search, search_id, period, savedsearch_name \ | eval savedsearch_name=if(isnull(savedsearch_name),"ad-hoc",savedsearch_name) \ | stats values(*) AS * by search_id disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - dispatch metadata files may need removal] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 4 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 57 */4 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. When this particular warning occurs repetitively it usually reuqires manual intervention from the Splunk admin to remove the dispatch directory. dispatch.earliest_time = -4h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("This warning when occurring repetitively tends to indicate some kind of issue that will require the file to be manually removed. For example a zero sized metadata file that cannot be reaped by the dispatch reaper")` \ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` WARN DispatchSearchMetadata \ | stats count by event_message, host \ | where count>100 \ | rex field=event_message "file: (?P<filename>.*)" \ | table filename, host, event_message disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Slow peer from remote searches] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 4 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = */30 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. This alert is an example of how to find if a single (or a few) search/indexing peers are returning results more slowly than other peers resulting in slow searches dispatch.earliest_time = -30m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("This warning when occurring repetitively tends to indicate some kind of issue that will require the file to be manually removed. For example a zero sized metadata file that cannot be reaped by the dispatch reaper")` \ index=_internal `indexerhosts` source=*remote_searches.log terminated: OR closed: \ | regex search!="^(pretypeahead|copybuckets)" \ | rex "(?s) elapsedTime=(?P<elapsedTime>[0-9\.]+), search='(?P<search>.*?)(', savedsearch_name|\", drop_count=\d+)" \ | rex "(terminated|closed): search_id=(?P<search_id>[^,]+)" \ | regex search="^(litsearch|mcatalog|mstats|mlitsearch|litmstats|tstats|presummarize)" \ | regex search_id="^remote" \ | stats last(_time) AS _time, avg(elapsedTime) AS avgelapsedtime, max(elapsedTime) AS maxelapsedtime by search_id, host \ | eventstats max(maxelapsedtime) AS slowest, avg(avgelapsedtime) AS average by search_id \ | eval slow=average+`splunkadmins_slowpeer_time`, comment="Tested stddev() but what if the search is smaller than normal and some indexers take 5X longer, if the search was 3 seconds who cares" \ | where maxelapsedtime>slow AND maxelapsedtime==slowest \ | bin _time span=5m \ | stats count by host, _time \ | where count>`splunkadmins_slowpeer_threshold` disabled = 1 #Enable scheduling on this report if you need to translate the RMD5 values in searches back into real search names (used in various searches) [SearchHeadLevel - RMD5 to savedsearch_name lookupgen report] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 50 5 * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report is required to support various other searches that translate the RMD5 values back into real savedsearch names. Search Head specific? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.timeRangePicker.show = 0 display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = line display.visualizations.show = 0 enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search schedule_window = 30 search = `comment("Search the audit logs to find the RMD5 entries and record them into a lookup file")` index=_audit info=completed RMD5* search_id!="'rsa_*"\ | regex search_id!="^'subsearch_"\ | rex field=search_id "(?P<RMDvalue>RMD5[^_]+)"\ | stats values(savedsearch_name) AS savedsearch_name by RMDvalue\ | lookup splunkadmins_rmd5_to_savedsearchname RMDvalue OUTPUT savedsearch_name AS savedsearch_name_currrent\ | where isnull(savedsearch_name_currrent)\ | outputlookup splunkadmins_rmd5_to_savedsearchname append=true [SearchHeadLevel - Dashboards invalid character in splunkd] action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0 action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 11 4 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. One or more invalid character messages appeared in the Splunkd logs. This may require additional investigation. dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.statistics.drilldown = row display.visualizations.charting.chart = line display.visualizations.show = 0 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` "AdminManager" "invalid"\ | rex "<label>(?P<dashboard_label>[^<]+)"\ | rex "(?s)^(\S+\s+){3}(?P<error>.*)"\ | stats count, latest(_time) AS mostrecent, earliest(_time) AS firstseen, values(host) AS hosts, values(dashboard_label) AS dashboard_label by error\ | eval mostrecent=strftime(mostrecent, "%+"), firstseen=strftime(firstseen, "%+")\ | table count, dashboard_label, error, mostrecent, firstseen disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - savedsearches invalid character in splunkd] action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0 action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 17 4 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. One or more invalid character messages appeared in the Splunkd logs. This may require additional investigation. dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.statistics.drilldown = row display.visualizations.charting.chart = line display.visualizations.show = 0 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` "invalid" "toAtom"\ | rex "(?s)^(\S+\s+){3}(?P<error>.*)"\ | stats count, latest(_time) AS mostrecent, earliest(_time) AS firstseen, values(host) AS hosts by error\ | eval mostrecent=strftime(mostrecent, "%+"), firstseen=strftime(firstseen, "%+") disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - datamodel errors in splunkd] action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0 action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 23 4 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. One or more datamodel errors exist in the splunkd logs. This may require additional investigation. dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.statistics.drilldown = row display.visualizations.charting.chart = line display.visualizations.show = 0 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` "ERROR DataModelObject" OR "ERROR DataModel" NOT "because KV Store initialization has not completed yet" NOT "KV Store is shutting down"\ | rex "(?s)^(\S+\s+){3}(?P<error>.*)"\ | stats count, latest(_time) AS mostrecent, earliest(_time) AS firstseen, values(host) AS hosts by error\ | eval mostrecent=strftime(mostrecent, "%+"), firstseen=strftime(firstseen, "%+")\ | table count, mostrecent, firstseen, hosts, error disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Search Messages field extractor slow] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 52 5 * * * description = Report only? Yes. Splunk search messages are showing slow field extractor messages, this does require the limits.conf setting log_search_messages=true, if below version 9.1 dispatch.earliest_time = -24h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.timeRangePicker.show = 0 display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 display.visualizations.charting.chart = line display.visualizations.show = 0 enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search schedule_window = 30 search = index=_internal `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=splunk_search_messages "extractor" "slow"\ | `search_type_from_sid(sid)`\ | eval type=case(from=="scheduler","scheduled",from=="SummaryDirector","acceleration",isnotnull(searchname),"dashboard",1=1,"ad-hoc")\ | multireport [ | `base64decode(base64username)` ] [ | eval keepme="yes"]\ | `base64decode(base64appname)` \ | eval app3="N/A" \ | eval report=coalesce(searchname,searchname2), app=coalesce(app,base64appname,app3)\ | rex field=message "^(\[subsearch\])?\s*\[[^\]]+\]\s+(?P<sub_message>.*?\()"\ | fillnull app, username, report, sub_message value="N/A"\ | stats count, latest(_time) AS mostrecent, earliest(_time) AS firstseen, values(message) AS message, values(host) AS hosts by app, username, type, report, sub_message\ | lookup splunkadmins_rmd5_to_savedsearchname RMDvalue AS report OUTPUT savedsearch_name\ | eval report=case(match(report,"^RMD") AND isnotnull(savedsearch_name),savedsearch_name,match(report,"^RMD"),"N/A",1=1,report) \ | table username, app, report, message, mostrecent, firstseen, type, count, hosts\ | sort - mostrecent\ | eval mostrecent=strftime(mostrecent, "%+"), firstseen=strftime(firstseen, "%+") [SearchHeadLevel - Search Messages user level] action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0 action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 28 4 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. This is designed for use with something like sendresults to send the failures to the owner of the mentioned search, this does require the limits.conf setting log_search_messages=true, if below version 9.1. This alert relies on "SearchHeadLevel - RMD5 to savedsearch_name lookupgen report" to obtain accurate results for the savedsearch name dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.statistics.drilldown = row display.visualizations.charting.chart = line display.visualizations.show = 0 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Attempt to find various messages in the splunk_search_messages which are related to scheduled searches or dashboards which may require correcting, ignore ad-hoc searches")`\ `comment("This does require the limits.conf log_search_messages=true setting to be enabled to work, if below version 9.1")`\ index=_internal `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=splunk_search_messages "MultiValueProcessor" OR "SearchStatusEnforcer" OR "SearchOperator" OR "SQL" OR "truncated" OR "script" OR "KV" OR "External" OR "outputcsv" OR "reset" OR "match_limit" OR authorized OR terminated OR depth_limit OR driver OR dbx OR command OR java OR reading OR training OR DensityFunction OR (TERM(in-memory) limit) OR terminated OR invalid OR (missing NOT orig_component="SummaryIndexProcessor") OR Unable OR reset OR AutoLookupDriver OR ImportError OR jdbc OR SSLError OR TERM(code=) OR REST OR SearchParser \ OR (missing NOT orig_component="SummaryIndexProcessor") OR Unable OR ("Can't" "parse") OR "field(s) do not exist" OR ("setting" "deprecated") OR ("ignored" "missing") OR "Dropping field(s) with too many distinct values" OR "does not exist" OR orig_component="TsidxStats" OR orig_component="SearchOrchestrator" OR orig_component="ForeachProcessor" OR orig_component="SearchPhaseGenerator" OR orig_component="SearchProcessor"\ `comment("Potential issues that are not included SearchEvaluatorBasedExpander, shows if eventtypes/tags are disabled/do not exist or similar")` `splunkadmins_searchmessages_user_1` \ NOT "KV Store lookup table is empty" NOT "message=Restricting results of the \"rest\" operator to the local instance because you do not have the" NOT "Failed to fetch REST endpoint uri=" NOT "Unexpected status for to fetch REST endpoint uri=" NOT "Failed to fetch REST endpoint uri=" NOT "The REST request on the endpoint URI /services/data/indexes" NOT "message=Could not locate the time (_time) field on some results returned from the external search command 'curl'" NOT "message=Found no results to append to collection" NOT "The search you ran returned a number of fields that exceeded the current indexed field extraction limit" NOT "message=Found no results to append to collection" NOT "The search you ran returned a number of fields that exceeded the current indexed field extraction limit" NOT "Connection failed with Read Timeout" NOT "message=Search was canceled" NOT "message=Search auto-canceled" NOT "The timewrap command is designed to work on the output of timechart" NOT ("Field" "does not exist") NOT "Connection reset by peer" NOT "Reading error while waiting for peer" NOT "Restricting results of the \"rest\" operator to the local instance" NOT "occur when processing chunks in running lookup command" NOT "because KV Store initialization has not completed yet" NOT "The following options were specified but have no effect" NOT "" NOT "because KV Store status is currently unknown" NOT ("" OR "" ("exists in the REST API" OR "Forbidden")) NOT ("" OR "" ("Not Found" OR "exists in the REST API")) NOT "Only the last one will appear, and previous" NOT ("Field extractor" "unusually slow") \ NOT "Unable to distribute to peer" NOT (Eventtype "does not exist or is disabled") NOT "Unable to find tag" NOT "reference cycle in the lookup configuration" NOT "Search cancellation requested." NOT "because KV Store is shutting down" NOT "The 'require' command received zero events or results" \ `comment("OR TERM(filters) was originally in the query, but the error \"Search filters specified using splunk_server/splunk_server_group do not match any search peer.\" can occur anytime there are zero results, even if the splunk_server=/splunk_server_group= was not the cause of the issue, therefore this particular warning is not useful in it's current form...")` \ | regex sid!="^(rt_)?(ta_)?(subsearch_)*(nested_[^_]+_)?\d+" \ | `search_type_from_sid(sid)`\ | eval type=case(from=="scheduler","scheduled",from=="SummaryDirector","acceleration",isnotnull(searchname),"dashboard",1=1,"ad-hoc") \ | search `comment("Depending on how noisy this alert is you may wish to add type!=dashboard using the macro splunkadmins_searchmessages_user_2")` NOT ("command=\"predict\", Too few data points" AND type="dashboard") NOT (type="dashboard" "") NOT (type="dashboard" "" OR "The specified span would result in too many") NOT (type="ad-hoc" "DAG Execution Exception: Search has been cancelled") `splunkadmins_searchmessages_user_2` \ | `base64decode(base64username)` \ | `base64decode(base64appname)` \ | eval app3="N/A" \ | eval report=coalesce(searchname,searchname2), app=coalesce(app,base64appname,app3), username=coalesce(username,base64username) \ | fillnull app, username, report value="N/A" \ | eval search_head=host \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | stats count, latest(_time) AS mostrecent, earliest(_time) AS firstseen, values(message) AS message, values(search_head_cluster) AS search_head_cluster, values(orig_component) AS orig_component, values(sid) AS search_ids by app, report, username, type \ | eval search_ids=mvindex(search_ids,0,10) \ | lookup splunkadmins_rmd5_to_savedsearchname RMDvalue AS report OUTPUT savedsearch_name \ | eval report=case(match(report,"^RMD") AND isnotnull(savedsearch_name),savedsearch_name,match(report,"^RMD"),"N/A",1=1,report) \ | eval reason=case(type=="dashboard","Errors from viewing one or more dashboards, the dashboard owner can likely fix this if you can determine which dashboard is an issue, or contact the Splunk admin team",type=="scheduled","Please review and correct this error or contact the Splunk admin team for assistance",type=="acceleration","Broken acceleration/summary search, admin investigation required via audit index",1=1,"Unknown type") \ | eval message=mvindex(message,0,30) \ | table username, reason, app, report, message, mostrecent, firstseen, type, count, search_head_cluster, orig_component, search_ids \ | eval mostrecent=strftime(mostrecent, "%+"), firstseen=strftime(firstseen, "%+") disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Search Messages admins only] action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0 action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 28 4 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. This is designed for use with something like sendresults to send the failures to the owner of the mentioned search, this does require the limits.conf setting log_search_messages=true, if below version 9.1. dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.statistics.drilldown = row display.visualizations.charting.chart = line display.visualizations.show = 0 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Attempt to find various messages in the splunk_search_messages which are related to scheduled searches or dashboards which may require correcting, ignore ad-hoc searches")`\ `comment("This does require the limits.conf log_search_messages=true setting to be enabled to work. If below version 9.1")`\ index=_internal `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=splunk_search_messages (Unable peer) OR bundles OR "bundle replication" OR corrupt OR connecting OR ReadWrite OR Socket OR Timed OR incomplete OR cleanly OR Timeout OR Timed OR process OR insufficient OR (bucket failed) OR "occur when processing chunks in running lookup command" OR "because KV Store status is currently unknown" OR (File line) OR (SearchPipelineExecutor NOT "exceeded configured match_limit") OR S2BucketCache OR DistributedSearchResultCollectionManager OR ("Field extractor" "unusually slow") OR "line *:" OR GeoIPProvider OR "restricting search to" OR ExternalProvider NOT "Unable to find tag" NOT "Unable to parse the search" NOT ("Eventtype" "does not exist") NOT "Error in 'outputlookup' command: You have insufficient privileges" NOT "insufficient data in ITSI summary index for policies" \ NOT ("Failed to fetch REST endpoint" "/services/data/indexes-extended" "Check that the URI path provided exists in the REST API" OR "Not Found")\ `splunkadmins_searchmessages_admin_1`\ `comment("Potential issues that are not included SearchEvaluatorBasedExpander, shows if eventtypes/tags are disabled/do not exist or similar")` \ NOT ("Failed to fetch REST endpoint" "/services/data/indexes-extended" "Check that the URI path provided exists in the REST API" OR "Not Found") NOT "Found no results to append to collection"\ `splunkadmins_searchmessages_admin_1`\ | `search_type_from_sid(sid)`\ | eval type=case(from=="scheduler","scheduled",from=="SummaryDirector","acceleration",isnotnull(searchname),"dashboard",1=1,"ad-hoc")\ | search `splunkadmins_searchmessages_admin_2`\ | `base64decode(base64username)` \ | `base64decode(base64appname)` \ | eval app3="N/A" \ | eval report=coalesce(searchname,searchname2), app=coalesce(app,base64appname,app3), username=coalesce(username,base64username) \ | fillnull app, username, report, message, orig_component value="N/A"\ | eval search_head=host\ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster`\ | eval combined=message . type . orig_component . search_head_cluster\ | cluster showcount=true field=combined t=0.90\ | stats sum(cluster_count) AS count, latest(_time) AS _time, values(search_head_cluster) AS search_head_cluster, values(orig_component) AS orig_component, values(sid) AS search_ids by app, message, type\ | eval search_ids=mvindex(search_ids,0,10)\ | table count, app, message, _time, type, count, search_head_cluster, orig_component, search_ids\ | append [ | makeresults | eval count=99999, app="N/A", message="cluster command in use, all apps/type/search head cluster may not be accurate. The type messages is the important point" | fields - _time ]\ | sort - count, mostrecent disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - Splunkd Log Messages Admins Only] action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0 action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 43 4 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. This is an attempt to alert on almost any splunkd related log message which might be of interest to the admin team. Note that some items were excluded such as "SearchOperator:savedsplunk", while this exists in the splunkd log https://ideas.splunk.com/ideas/EID-I-796 advises why it is not useful as an error (vote if interested) dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.statistics.drilldown = row display.visualizations.charting.chart = line display.visualizations.show = 0 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal `splunkenterprisehosts` `splunkadmins_splunkd_log_messages` \ `comment("OR (TERM(DateParserVerbose) TERM(consecutive)) was previously included in the splunkd.log section but the message about unretrievable data does not appear to be accurate, Splunk auto-increments the timestamp by 1s every 200K events so this is not an issue as such...")` \ (sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) WARN OR ERROR MongoModificationsTracker OR TERM(SearchOperator:kv) OR AuditTrailManager OR IniFile OR GetBundleListTransaction OR GenericConfigKeyHandler OR AuthorizationManager OR GetRemoteAuthToken OR DistributedPeer OR (Archiver Permission) OR GetIndexListTransaction OR (DistributedPeerManager Timeout OR TERM(status=Down)) OR CalcFieldProcessor OR FieldAliaser OR (SearchScheduler OR DispatchManager "minimum free disk space") OR ApplicationUpdater OR (ScopedLDAPConnection NOT "Might indicate slow ldap server" NOT "Converting non-UTF-8 value to") OR regexExtractionProcessor OR (ProcessTracker NOT ConfMetrics) OR ConfReplication OR TailingProcessor OR "Invalid cron_schedule" OR "Persistent file" OR "Too many indexes" OR (UserManagerPro Strategy) OR SearchProcessMemoryTracker OR SSLOptions OR (SHCRepJob misspelled) OR PivotEvaluator OR PropertiesMap OR HTTPAuthManager OR X509Verify OR FilesystemChangeWatcher OR PropsKeyHandler OR IndexProcessor OR BundleArchiver OR (ApplicationManager NOT "Skipping update check for app id" NOT "This is expected if you push an app from the cluster master") OR ISplunkDispatch OR TcpInputConfig OR (CollectionConfHandler Bad OR reload) OR SLConstants OR TERM(AdminHandler:AuthenticationHandler) OR (DispatchManager NOT (failedtostart OR quota OR QUEUED OR concurrency OR concurrently)) OR KVStoreBulletinBoardManager OR CMRestIndexerDiscoveryHandler\ OR KVStoreConfigurationProvider OR LMMasterRestHandler OR LMHttpUtil OR (DatabaseDirectoryManager Detecting) OR (No space NOT SHCRepJob NOT DispatchManager) OR (baseline configuration replicating) OR LMTracker OR IndexerDiscoveryHeartbeatThread OR ModularUtility OR ScriptRestHandler OR (S3Client httpStatusCode) \ OR WorkloadConfig OR "WARN loader" OR "ERROR loader" OR (TERM(AdminHandler:AuthenticationHandler) reasonable)\ OR (KVStoreLookup OR KVStoreProvider OR SingleLookupDriver OR outputcsv OR TERM(SearchOperator:inputcsv) NOT "You have insufficient privileges" NOT "KV Store initialization" NOT "KV Store is shutting down" NOT "Found no results" NOT "lookup context" NOT "searchparsetmp" NOT "Invalid argument" NOT "must be followed by a search clause") OR ConfigEncryptor OR AesGcm\ OR GenerationGrabber OR CMSearchHead OR DistHealthFetcher OR SpecFiles OR DeploymentServer OR DistributedPeerManagerHeartbeat OR MongodRunner OR (TERM(DS_DC_Common) NOT "attributes cannot be handled by WebUI" NOT "Attribute unsupported by UI") OR STMgr OR (heartbeat SHCSlave OR SHCMasterHTTPProxy OR failure) OR ServerInfoHandler OR BucketReplicator OR (TcpInputProc Stopping) OR StreamGroup \ OR (ScriptRunner Killing OR stderr) OR LMStackMgr OR (DatabaseDirectoryManager corrupt) OR (BucketMover exited) OR ("KVStorageProvider" NOT "Result size too large" NOT "Too many rows in result") OR DistributedPeerManager OR (HttpClientRequest NOT "Broken pipe") OR (UserManagerPro NOT "Login failed" NOT "Failed to find ldapuser" NOT "Failed to get ldapuser") OR (AutoLoadBalancedConnectionStrategy NOT "Possible duplication" NOT "timed out" NOT "Applying quarantine" NOT "no raw data") OR AppsDeployHandler OR SHCConfig OR (ClusterMasterControlHandler NOT "No new dry run will be performed") OR RaftSimpleFileStorage \ OR IConfCache OR (WorkloadManager NOT "Failed to select user provided workload_pool" NOT "trans") OR WorkloadClass OR AdminManagerExternal OR (SavedSearchAdminHandler NOT ("Unbalanced quotes", "Invalid cron_schedule", "Invalid search id, dispatch directory does not exist", "specifies a macro 'nix_app_index' that cannot be found", "Empty string is not a valid search string", "Cannot change user and/or app context of a report that is embedded")) OR JournalSlice OR PipelineComponent OR IndexConfig OR RawdataHashMarkReader OR ArchiveContext OR DateParser OR TimeoutHeap OR LMStackMgr OR AutoLookupDriver OR (TERM(spatial:PointInPolygonIndex) corruption) OR TERM(IntrospectionGenerator:resource_usage) OR PasswordHandler OR ConfigEncryptor OR AesGcm OR AutoLoadBalancedConnectionStrategy OR ModularInputs OR component IN (IndexerService,RetireOldS2S,UserManager,regexExtractionProcessor,Regex) OR (IndexingBundleLookupThread `comment("IndexingBundleLookupThread can occur when the transforms.conf has a kvstore but not the collection= so [kvdef] external_type = kvstore fields_list= ... is valid, but without collection= it can throw this error on 8.2.5, if updating via REST to /data/transforms/lookups include external_type/fields_list and collection= in the POST")`) \ OR (ChunkedExternProcessor `comment("Note ChunkedExternProcessor introduces noise as well as legitimate errors")`) OR (SHCRepJob OR SHCMasterArtifactHandler Reason) OR (ExecProcessor message from NOT InsecureRequestWarning) OR (Crypto Decryption) OR (CacheManagerHandler failure) OR (component=ExecProcessor Errno OR Unexpected OR Expected OR Ignoring NOT InsecureRequestWarning) OR (ConfMetrics NOT "single_action=BASE_INITIALIZE" `comment("more research required on how of if these require tuning, but they likely relate to SHC issues")` ) \ `comment("included in others alerts: CMMasterProxy, AutoLoadBalancedConnectionStrategy (data duplication/timeouts), ExecProcessor?")` OR (DistributedBundleReplicationManager `comment("This is confirmed as an invalid warning message in Splunk 9")` NOT "Failed to touch bundle=, checksum=0 (manual preparation): No such file or directory") OR (SearchScheduler SearchProcessorException capability) OR (DispatchManager sufficient) OR (SearchScheduler sufficient) OR BundlesUtil OR AwsCredentials OR CMBundleStreamHandler OR (CMMaster Cannot) OR "fd limit" \ OR (component=SearchProcessRunner NOT "RequireProcessor" NOT "hung up" NOT (log_level=WARN code=111 OR exit=111) NOT (log_level=ERROR "caught exception") `comment("the following are not considered an issue WARN SearchProcessRunner [37354 PreforkedSearchesManager-0] - preforked process=0/1607321 with search=0/2039381 exited with code=111, ERROR SearchProcessRunner [37354 PreforkedSearchesManager-0] - preforked search=0/2039381 on process=0/1607321 caught exception. completed_searches=2, process_started_ago=15.511, search_started_ago=6.788, search_ended_ago=0.000, total_usage_time=10.580, ERROR SearchProcessRunner [37354 PreforkedSearchesManager-0] - preforked process=0/1607321 died on exception (exit code=111): Error in 'RequireProcessor': The 'require' command received zero events or results; the search will be intentionally stopped")` )\ OR component=Saml OR component=FileClassifierManager OR component=HttpPubSubConnection OR component=KVStoreBackupRestore OR component=TelemetryHandler OR component=AdminManagerValidation OR component IN (RfsDestination, RfsOutputProcessor) OR component IN (AuthenticationManagerSplunk, RetireOldS2S, JsonWebTokenHandle, AwsSDK, IndexerIf, Application) OR "exited with status code" OR "Error in 'script'" OR "Script execution failed" \ ``` this is covered by "SearchHeadLevel - KVStore Or Conf Replication Issues Are Occurring" as well ``` OR component=ConfReplicationThread OR (component=DiskMon AND log_level=ERROR) ``` this can be a little bit noisy, if related to the indexers perhaps more eviction padding will help? ``` OR (component=SHCMasterHTTPProxy "captain as down") OR component=ServerInfoHandler OR component=SHCConfig OR "active replication count >= max_peer_rep_load" OR (component=SearchScheduler NOT "maximum disk usage quota" NOT "based on their role quota" NOT "Alert script execution failed" NOT "Alert script returned error code" ``` these last two should be covered by other alerts```) OR "Application does not exist" OR "account has expired" OR "You do not have a role" OR component=JsonWebTokenHandler OR component=SearchLogCopier OR component=BulletinBoard OR component=RfsOutputProcessor* ``` note this can be missed with the shutdown macro ``` OR setManualDetention OR component=InstalledFilesHashChecker OR component=PropertiesMap\ NOT ("Configuration from app" "does not support reload") `comment("This is a harmless error message, tsidx is optimized after this error appears")` `comment("txn close did not succeed completely while flushing and closing a tsidx file rc=-8. Can be self-repaired in some cases but not all, so you may need to check on the bucket to see if it's an issue. It can relate to large >20MB+ events with slower IO for example")` \ NOT "Rounded off to 100% to handle the interval drift" ) NOT ("CacheManager Cannot determine amount of free space for partition of dir" "No such file or directory") NOT ("S2SFileReceiver" "No such file or directory") NOT ("KVStorageProvider" "Insert data failed" "already exists") NOT ("SearchOperator:inputcsv" "might contain invalid operators") NOT ("INFO" "BucketReplicator" "successful" OR "Starting replication of bucket" OR "event=finishBucketReplication" OR "event=localReplicationFinished" OR "event=replicationFinished" OR "event=startBucketReplication") NOT ("INFO" "SpecFiles" "Found external scheme definition for stanza") \ NOT ("INFO" "IndexProcessor" "removing replication target temp") NOT ("INFO" "ModularInputs" "Endpoint argument settings for") \ `comment("these may require more investigation. Ignoring for now Aug 2022")` NOT ("ERROR CacheManager" "No such file or directory") NOT ("ERROR BucketReplicator" "The bucket may have frozen") NOT ("BucketReplicator" "Failed to check the hotness of bucketId") \ OR (sourcetype=scheduler source=*scheduler.log AlertNotifier WARN) \ OR (sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) INFO (IndexWriter paused `comment("May relate to maxConcurrentOptimizes in indexes.conf or perhaps maxRunningProcessGroups or spikes in data-per indexer")`) OR (TERM(event=reclaimMemory) IndexProcessor OR StreamingBucketBuilder `comment("May relate to memPoolMB / maxMemMB setting in indexes.conf or the IndexWriter getting paused. However data balance (too much MB/s of ingestion on a single indexer/uneven balance appears to cause this too)")`)) \ | search `comment("ignore shutdown times to remove errors that relate to shutdowns, note this may remove some legitimate alerts as well")` AND NOT [ `splunkadmins_shutdown_time_by_period(splunkenterprisehosts,60,60,10)` ] \ | eval search_head=host \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | search `comment("Exclude time periods where shutdowns were occurring. While this makes the alert less nosiy it removes some legitimate errors too")` AND NOT \ [ `splunkadmins_shutdown_time_by_shc(searchheadhosts,60,60)`] \ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message) \ | rex mode=sed field=message "s/^\([^\)]+\)\s+(ProcessTracker\s+-\s+)?(\([^\)]+\)\s+)?IndexConfig/IndexConfig/g" \ | rex mode=sed field=message "s/^sid:[^ ]+//g" \ | rex mode=sed field=message "s/snapshot:\s+[^;]+;\s+Configurations changed while generating snapshot, original_latest_change=[^,]+, new_latest_change=[^,]+/snapshot: <bundledir> Configurations changed while generating snapshot original_latest_change=<removed>, new_latest_change=<removed>/" \ | rex mode=sed field=message "s/Error getting modtime:\s+[^:]+/Error getting modtime: <dir>/g" \ | rex field=message mode=sed "s/uri=(https?:\/\/([^\/]+\/){4})\S+/uri=\1/" \ | rex field=message mode=sed "s/(<Resource>(\/[^\/]+){3}\/)[^<]+/\1/" \ | rex field=message mode=sed "s/<RequestId>[^<]+<\/RequestId>/<RequestId>removed<\/RequestId>/" \ | rex field=message mode=sed "s/transactionId=\S+\s+rTxnId=\S+/transactionId=removed rTxnId=removed/" \ | rex field=message mode=sed "s/snapshot exists at op_id=\S+/snapshot exists at op_id=removed/" \ | rex field=message mode=sed "s/(search_id=\"[^_]+_+[^_]+)[^\"]+/\1/" \ | rex field=message mode=sed "s/bid=\S+/bid=?/" \ | rex field=message mode=sed "s/JSON parse error at offset \d+ of file \".*? Unexpected/JSON parse error at offset <x> of file: Unexpected/" \ | rex field=message mode=sed "s/Possible duplication of events with channel=.*?,\s+.*?host=/Possible duplication of events with channel=removed_by_sed host=/" \ | eval search_head=host \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | stats count, latest(_time) AS mostrecent, earliest(_time) AS firstseen, values(component) AS component, values(log_level) AS log_level by message, search_head_cluster \ | eval comb_message = log_level . " " . component . " " . message \ | eval mostrecent=strftime(mostrecent, "%+"), firstseen=strftime(firstseen, "%+") \ | table comb_message, search_head_cluster, count, mostrecent, firstseen \ | cluster field=comb_message showcount=true t=0.9 \ | fields - cluster_label \ | sort comb_message, cluster_count disabled = 1 [DeploymentServer - Error Found On Deployment Server] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 14 */4 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. An application was not found or another deployment server error has occurred, this is more generic than the specific DeploymentServer - alerts dispatch.earliest_time = -4h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("This usually indicates a misconfigured serverclass.conf or a missing application from the deployment-apps directory")` \ index=_internal `deploymentserverhosts` "ERROR Serverclass" OR "ERROR DSManager" OR ("WARN DeploymentServer") OR CASE(" FATAL ") OR (TERM(DS_DC_Common) NOT "attributes cannot be handled by WebUI") sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) \ | cluster showcount=true \ | table _time, _raw, cluster_count disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Splunk alert actions exceeding the max_action_results limit] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 14 */4 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. One or more alerts exceeeded the max_action_results set in limits.conf, if the max_action_results is exceeded the alert action receives only part of the results to work with, this can be a problem with the lookup alert action or others...Note that there is no log entry for this in splunkd as of 8.1.1, refer to https://ideas.splunk.com/ideas/EID-I-781 to vote on having log messages for this issue dispatch.earliest_time = -4h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("If the max_action_results is exceeded the alert action receives only part of the results to work with, this can be a problem with the lookup alert action or others...")` index=_internal `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=scheduler alert_actions!="" `splunkadmins_alertactions_max_action_results`\ [| rest /services/configs/conf-limits `splunkadmins_restmacro` f=title f=max_action_results\ | search title=scheduler\ | eval search="result_count>" . max_action_results\ | fields search]\ | stats count, values(alert_actions) AS alert_actions, earliest(_time) AS firstSeen, latest(_time) AS lastSeen, max(result_count) AS result_count by user, app, savedsearch_name \ | append \ [| rest /services/configs/conf-limits `splunkadmins_restmacro` f=title f=max_action_results \ | search title=scheduler \ | fields max_action_results ] \ | eventstats max(max_action_results) AS max_action_results \ | eval firstSeen = strftime(firstSeen, "%+"), lastSeen=strftime(lastSeen, "%+") \ | where isnotnull(count) \ | appendpipe \ [| map search="| rest /servicesNS/$user$/$app$/saved/searches `splunkadmins_restmacro` | search title=\"$savedsearch_name$\" \ | eval savedsearch_name=\"$savedsearch_name$\", app=\"$app$\", user=\"$user$\"\ | table actions, action.*, savedsearch_name, app, user" maxsearches=20\ ]\ | stats values(*) AS * by savedsearch_name, app, user\ | eval remove=case('action.email'="1" AND isnull(action.email.sendresults),"remove",1=1,null())\ | where isnull(remove)\ | eval message="One or more of your alerts are attempting to use an alert action with a number of events/results that exceeds the max_action_results limit, Splunk will truncate results beyond the max_action_results limit listed in the table when running the alert action..." \ | table message, user, app, savedsearch_name, alert_actions, result_count, max_action_results, count, firstSeen, lastSeen disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - authorize.conf settings will prevent some users from appearing in the UI] action.email.reportServerEnabled = 0 action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 43 4 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. this alert attempts to find a list of roles that have capabilities the admin (or roles inheriting) the admin role do not have. The issue with this is that the Settings -> Users UI page, or in the /services/authentication/users REST endpoint will not show users *if* the grantableRoles setting is used on that particular role. Since this setting can be set by the UI itself it an issue can occur that some users do not appear in Settings -> Users but are cached by Splunk correctly, you just cannot see them. \ The page https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Admin/authorizeconf descrbies the grantableRoles setting in more detail, this is definitely an edge case but it may be worth detecting... dispatch.earliest_time = -1d@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.statistics.drilldown = row display.visualizations.charting.chart = line display.visualizations.show = 0 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/authorization/roles `splunkadmins_restmacro` \ | eval comb_capabilities=mvappend(imported_capabilities,capabilities) \ | where (title="admin" OR imported_roles="admin") AND isnotnull(grantable_roles) \ | eval isadminrole="true" \ | stats count by comb_capabilities, title, isadminrole \ | rename count AS admin_count \ | rename comb_capabilities AS capabilities \ | append \ [| rest /servicesNS/-/-/authorization/roles `splunkadmins_restmacro` \ | where (title!="admin" AND imported_roles!="admin") OR isnull(grantable_roles) \ | stats count by capabilities, title ] \ | fillnull isadminrole value="false" \ | stats count, values(isadminrole) AS isadminrole, values(title) AS title, max(admin_count) AS admin_count by capabilities \ | eventstats max(admin_count) AS admin_count \ | where isadminrole="false" AND NOT isadminrole="true" AND admin_count>0 \ | stats values(capabilities) AS capabilities by title \ | rename title AS role \ | eval comment="If the mentioned roles are granted to zero or more users, then the users will no longer be visible in the Settings -> Users UI page, or in the /services/authentication/users REST endpoint due to the grantableRoles setting as per https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Admin/authorizeconf. Therefore you may wish to either remove the grantableRoles setting from the mentioned admin role(s) or alternatively add additional inherited roles/capabilities into the mentioned admin role(s) to ensure the users are visible in the mentioned REST endpoint / UI page. If no users have this role ignore this message..." \ | table comment, role, capabilities \ | search `splunkadmins_authorize_conf_prevent_users` disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - RemoteSearches Indexes Stats Wilcard] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This is an example of using the remote_searches.log on the indexers to determine which indexes are in use, this version matches wildcards and will be inaccurate due to the lack of role information per user (the audit logs SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries summary non-exact match will work better for that purpose. This example search was to check if an index is ever accessed via wildcards. Note this report requires SearchHeadLevel - Index list by cluster report, to run / output a lookup. Note that this search utilises the streamfilterwildcard custom search command included in the TA-Alerts for SplunkAdmins application on SplunkBase (or github) dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("Attempt to determine index access via the remote_searches.log file, useful for when you cannot see the audit logs of all incoming search heads. This version looks for wildcards and it is not expected to be super-accurate, as while we can determine the incoming server, and sometimes the incoming user from the search id we cannot accurately determine the roles of the user without building yet more lookups and complexity. Therefore this search exists only to roughly summarize if an index was ever accessed via wildcards or not at the indexing tier")` \ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_remote_searches source="/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/remote_searches.log" terminated: OR closed: `comment("Note that TERM(starting) has the apiStartTime, apiEndTime stats, but lacks the useful stats from a search that is complete. Also note that on indexers scan_count=events_count (in my testing). Finally the elapsedTime sometimes failed to auto-extract, perhaps due to length...")` \ | rex "(?s) elapsedTime=(?P<elapsedTime>[0-9\.]+), search='(?P<search>.*?)(', savedsearch_name|\", drop_count=\d+)" \ | regex search!="^(pretypeahead|copybuckets)" \ | rex "drop_count=[0-9]+, scan_count=(?P<scan_count>[0-9]+)" \ | rex "total_slices=[0-9]+, considered_buckets=(?P<considered_count>[0-9]+)" \ | rex "(,|}\.\.\.) savedsearch_name=\"(?P<savedsearch_name>[^\"]*)\"," \ | rex "(terminated|closed): search_id=(?P<search_id>[^,]+)" \ | regex search="^(litsearch|mcatalog|mstats|mlitsearch|litmstats|tstats|presummarize)" \ | rex field=search max_match=50 "(?s)\|?\s*(mlitsearch)\s+.*?\[(?P<subsearch>.*?)\]\s*(\||$)" \ | rex field=search "(?s)(?P<prepipe>\s*\|?([^\|]+))" \ | nomv subsearch \ | eval subsearch=if(isnull(subsearch),"",subsearch) \ | eval prepipe = prepipe . " " . subsearch \ | eval search=prepipe \ | rex mode=sed field=search "s/search index=\s*\S+\s+index\s*=/search index=/g" \ | search `comment("Extract out index= or index IN (a,b,c) but avoid NOT index in (...) and NOT index=... and also NOT (...anything) statements")` \ | search `comment("The (index=* OR index=_*) index=<specific index> is a common use case for enterprise security, also some individuals like doing a similar trick so remove the index=*... as this is not a wildcard index search")` \ | rex field=search "(?P<esstylewildcard>\(\s*index=_\*\s+OR\s+index=\*\s+\))" \ | search `comment("Extract out index= or index IN (a,b,c) but avoid NOT index in (...) and NOT index=... and also NOT (...anything) statements")` \ | rex field=search "(?s)(NOT\s+index(\s*=\s*|::)[^ ]+)|(NOT\s+\([^\)]+\))|(index(\s*=\s*|::)(?P<indexregex>[\*A-Za-z0-9-_]+))" max_match=50 \ | rex field=search "(?s)(NOT\s+index(\s*=\s*|::)[^ ]+)|(NOT\s+\([^\)]+\))|(index(\s*=\s*|::)\"?(?P<indexregex2>[\*A-Za-z0-9-_]+))" max_match=50 \ | rex field=search "\s+(?P<skipping>\.\.\.\{skipping \d+ bytes\}\.\.\.)" \ | search `comment("If skipping is in the logs as in index=abc- ...{skipping 46464 bytes}..., then drop the last index found in the regex as it is likely invalid")` \ | eval indexregex=if(isnotnull(skipping),mvindex(indexregex,0,-2),indexregex) \ | eval indexregex2=if(isnotnull(skipping),mvindex(indexregex2,0,-2),indexregex2) \ | eval indexes=mvappend(indexregex,indexregex2) \ | eval indexes=if(isnotnull(esstylewildcard),mvfilter(NOT match(indexes,"^_?\*$")),indexes) \ | eval multi=if(mvcount(mvdedup(indexes))>1,"true","false") \ | eval short=mvmap(indexes,if(len(indexes)<=3,"True",null())) \ | eval short=if(isnull(short),"False","True") \ | rex field=search_id "^remote_(?P<sid>.*)" \ | rex "search_id=[^,]+,\s+server=(?P<server>[^,]+)" \ | eval server_with_underscore = server. "_" \ | eval sid=replace(sid, server_with_underscore, "") \ | eval search_head=server \ | `search_type_from_sid(sid)` \ | `base64decode(base64username)` \ | eval username3="unknown" \ | eval user=coalesce(username, base64username, username3) \ | rex field=search "^(?P<presummarize>presummarize)\s+" \ | eval type=if(isnotnull(presummarize),"acceleration",type) \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | eval indexer_cluster=`indexer_cluster_name(host)` \ | search `comment("If you use the TERM(starting) you get the apiStartTime/apiEndTime, or you could join them in stats or similar...however this works to obtain which indexes are used. Note that you would need to build something similar to 'SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries summary non-exact match' to be able to translate the wildcards into something more useful, but there would be a lot of guesswork involved if you do not have usernames+server names+roles...(which is why audit logs work better for this)")` \ | rex "search_rawdata_bucketcache_error=[^,]+, search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss=(?P<cache_rawdata_miss>[^,]+), search_index_bucketcache_error=[^,]+, search_index_bucketcache_hit=(?P<cache_index_hit>[^,]+), search_index_bucketcache_miss=(?P<cache_index_miss>[^,]+), search_rawdata_bucketcache_hit=(?P<cache_rawdata_hit>[^,]+), search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss_wait=(?P<cache_rawdata_miss_wait>[^,]+), search_index_bucketcache_miss_wait=(?P<cache_index_miss_wait>[^,]+)" \ | `base64decode(base64appname)` \ | eval app3="N/A" \ | eval app=coalesce(app,base64appname,app3) \ | stats dc(search_id) AS count, avg(elapsedTime) AS avg_total_run_time, max(elapsedTime) AS max_total_run_time, median(elapsedTime) AS median_total_run_time, avg(scan_count) AS avg_scan_count, max(scan_count) AS max_scan_count, min(scan_count) AS min_scan_count, median(scan_count) AS median_scan_count, sum(cache_rawdata_miss) AS cache_rawdata_miss, sum(cache_index_hit) AS cache_index_hit, sum(cache_index_miss) AS cache_index_miss, sum(cache_rawdata_hit) AS cache_rawdata_hit, sum(cache_rawdata_miss_wait) AS cache_rawdata_miss_wait, sum(cache_index_miss_wait) AS cache_index_miss_wait by user, search_head_cluster, indexes, indexer_cluster, type, multi, short, app \ | regex indexes="\*" \ | eval indexes=lower(indexes) \ | lookup splunkadmins_indexlist_by_cluster indexer_cluster \ | makemv index tokenizer=(\S+) \ | streamfilterwildcard pattern=indexes fieldname=indexes index \ | makemv indexes tokenizer=(\S+) \ | stats sum(count) AS count, avg(avg_total_run_time) AS avg_total_run_time, max(max_total_run_time) AS max_total_run_time, median(median_total_run_time) AS median_total_run_time, avg(avg_scan_count) AS avg_scan_count, max(max_scan_count) AS max_scan_count, min(min_scan_count) AS min_scan_count, median(median_scan_count) AS median_scan_count, sum(cache_rawdata_miss) AS cache_rawdata_miss, sum(cache_index_hit) AS cache_index_hit, sum(cache_index_miss) AS cache_index_miss, sum(cache_rawdata_hit) AS cache_rawdata_hit, sum(cache_rawdata_miss_wait) AS cache_rawdata_miss_wait, sum(cache_index_miss_wait) AS cache_index_miss_wait by indexes, indexer_cluster, user, search_head_cluster, type, multi, short, app \ | eval prefix="platform_stats.remote_searches.per_index.nonexact." \ | addinfo \ | rename info_max_time AS _time \ | fields - info_* \ | search `comment("| mcollect index=a_metrics_index split=true prefix_field=prefix search_head_cluster, indexer_cluster, type, user, indexes, multi, short, app. Below is useful if you instead use summary indexing for metrics in newer Splunk versions...in Splunk 8.0.x delete the below lines")` \ | rename * AS platform_stats.remote_searches.per_index.nonexact.* \ | rename platform_stats.remote_searches.per_index.nonexact.search_head_cluster AS search_head_cluster platform_stats.remote_searches.per_index.nonexact.indexer_cluster AS indexer_cluster, platform_stats.remote_searches.per_index.nonexact.type AS type, platform_stats.remote_searches.per_index.nonexact.user AS user, platform_stats.remote_searches.per_index.nonexact.indexes AS indexes, platform_stats.remote_searches.per_index.nonexact.multi AS multi, platform_stats.remote_searches.per_index.nonexact.short AS short, platform_stats.remote_searches.per_index.nonexact.app AS app \ | fields - prefix [SearchHeadLevel - Index list by cluster report] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This report outputs a list of indexes available per indexer cluster. Used by other reports such as IndexerLevel - RemoteSearches Indexes Stats Wilcard dispatch.earliest_time = -30d@d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.events.list.drilldown = none display.events.list.wrap = 0 display.events.maxLines = 100 display.events.raw.drilldown = none display.events.rowNumbers = 1 display.events.table.drilldown = 0 display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.mode = fast display.page.search.tab = statistics display.statistics.drilldown = none display.statistics.wrap = 0 display.visualizations.charting.chart = area display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | eventcount summarize=false index=* OR index=_* \ | eval indexer_cluster=`indexer_cluster_name(server)` \ | stats count by index, indexer_cluster \ | fields - count \ | outputlookup splunkadmins_indexlist_by_cluster [IndexerLevel - SmartStore - Bucket cache errors audit logs] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 1 alert.suppress.period = 3h alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 18 */4 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. The audit logs from the search tier are advising of 1 or more bucket cache errors dispatch.earliest_time = -4h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_audit "info=completed" search_id!="'SummaryDirector_*" search_id!="'rsa_*" invocations_command_search_index_bucketcache_error>0 OR invocations_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_error>0 \ | eval invocations_command_search_hit=invocations_command_search_index_bucketcache_hit + invocations_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_hit, invocations_command_search_miss = invocations_command_search_index_bucketcache_miss + invocations_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss \ | table _time, invocations_command_search_index_bucketcache_error, invocations_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_error, total_run_time, user, has_error_msg, invocations_command_search_hit, invocations_command_search_miss, duration_command_*_miss, search_id disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - RemoteSearches find all time searches] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. The remote_searches.log is showing that there may be an all time search running on the indexing tier, this may or may not be an issue. Note this can also be detected via the audit.log should you have access to the audit.log of all search heads. This log does miss the scenario where _index_earliest is passed via API as per the comments on https://ideas.splunk.com/ideas/E-I-49 . Note that you probably want to run this on a single indexer... dispatch.earliest_time = -4h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.events.list.drilldown = none display.events.list.wrap = 0 display.events.maxLines = 100 display.events.raw.drilldown = none display.events.rowNumbers = 1 display.events.table.drilldown = 0 display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.mode = fast display.page.search.tab = statistics display.statistics.drilldown = none display.statistics.wrap = 0 display.visualizations.charting.chart = area display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal `splunkadmins_indexer_remotesearches_alltime` source=*remote_searches.log sourcetype=splunkd_remote_searches StreamedSearch TERM(starting:) NOT TERM(terminated:) "search='litsearch" OR "search='mlitsearch" OR "search='mcatalog" OR "search='mstats" OR "search='mlitsearch" OR "search='litmstats" OR "search='tstats" OR "search='presummarize" NOT "litsearch index=mobieos | fields" \ | regex search!="^presummarize (tstats=t )?maintain=\"" \ | eval start_time=strptime(apiStartTime, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y") \ | eval start_time=if(apiStartTime="ZERO_TIME","ZERO_TIME",start_time) \ | eval now=now() \ | where start_time<(now-31622400) OR start_time="ZERO_TIME" \ | rex field=search "earliest=(?P<earliest_time_field>\S+)" \ | eval earliest_time2=if(isnotnull(earliest_time_field),earliest_time_field,"-1s") \ | eval start_time_relative=relative_time(now(), earliest_time2) \ | eval diff=now() - start_time_relative \ | where diff>31622400 OR isnull(earliest_time_field) \ | eval start_time=if(isnotnull(earliest_time_field),strftime(start_time_relative, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"),apiStartTime) \ | stats latest(_time) AS _time, values(search) AS search, values(savedsearch_name) AS savedsearch_name, values(start_time) AS start_time values(apiStartTime) AS apiStartTime, values(apiEndTime) AS apiEndTime by search_id, server \ | table _time, server, search_id, apiStartTime, start_time, savedsearch_name, search, apiEndTime [SearchHeadLevel - Accelerated DataModels with wildcard or no index specified] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 4 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 0 7 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. An accelerated data model searching over all indexes or many indexes can be a a minor issue for the Splunk indexing tier, or a major issue if using smartstore on the indexers in combination with a large number of indexes...the receipt files are stored per-index and each indexer will query for them on deletion (a request flood). Search Head specific? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = -1h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/datamodel/model `splunkadmins_restmacro` search=eai:type=datamodel f=description f=acceleration f=eai:acl* \ | spath input=description path=objects{}.objectSearch output=objectSearch \ | spath input=acceleration path=enabled output=accelerationEnabled \ | where accelerationEnabled!="false" \ | rename eai:acl.app AS app, eai:acl.sharing AS sharing \ | table splunk_server, title, app, sharing, objectSearch, accelerationEnabled, updated \ | mvexpand objectSearch \ | rex field=objectSearch mode=sed "s/\(index=\* OR index=_\*\)/indexwildcard/g" \ | rex field=objectSearch "(?P<index>index(\s*=\s*\S+|\s+IN\s+\([^\)]+))" \ | where isnull(index) OR match(index, "\*") \ | stats values(objectSearch) AS objectSearch by splunk_server, title, index, app, sharing, accelerationEnabled, updated disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - RemoteSearches find datamodel acceleration with wildcards] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. The remote_searches.log is showing that an accelerated datamodel appears to be using an index=* wildcard, when using SmartStore this can cause serious issues with object store request numbers https://ideas.splunk.com/ideas/EID-I-677 dispatch.earliest_time = -4h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.events.list.drilldown = none display.events.list.wrap = 0 display.events.maxLines = 100 display.events.raw.drilldown = none display.events.rowNumbers = 1 display.events.table.drilldown = 0 display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.mode = fast display.page.search.tab = statistics display.statistics.drilldown = none display.statistics.wrap = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal `indexerhosts` source=*remote_searches.log sourcetype=splunkd_remote_searches source="/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/remote_searches.log" StreamedSearch TERM(starting:) NOT TERM(terminated:) search_id=*SummaryDirector* \ | regex "index=\"?\*" \ | rex mode=sed field=search "s/\(\s*index=\*\s+OR\s+index=_\*\s*\).*?index(=|\s+IN\s+\()/ESstylewildcard index=/g" \ | regex search="index=\"?\*" \ | rex "search_id=[^,]+,\s+server=(?P<search_head>[^,]+)" \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | eval indexer_cluster=`indexer_cluster_name(host)` \ | stats count, values(search) AS search by search_head_cluster, indexer_cluster [IndexerLevel - IndexWriter pause duration] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report will measure the period of time that is mentioned as "paused" by the IndexWriter and then "Released" from the throttle dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` `indexerhosts` INFO (IndexWriter paused) OR Released \ | eval state=if(searchmatch("Released indexing throttle"),"stopped","started") \ | sort 0 _time \ | streamstats current=f global=f window=1 values(state) AS prev_state, latest(_time) AS start by host \ | streamstats current=f global=f window=1 values(bucket) AS bucket by host, idx \ | search state="stopped" AND prev_state="started" \ | eval duration=_time-start \ | table host, idx, duration, _time, start, bucket \ | eval start=strftime(start, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N") [SearchHeadLevel - platform_stats.users savedsearches] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 33 */4 * * * description = Report only? Yes. Metrics? Yes. This summary (mcollect) search attempts to measure ... dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = @h display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host","source"] display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 0 realtime_schedule = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches timeout=900 `splunkadmins_restmacro` f=title f=is_scheduled f=eai:acl* f=disabled \ | eval app='eai:acl.app', user='eai:acl.owner', search_head=splunk_server \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | eval scheduled=case(disabled==1,0,disabled==0 AND is_scheduled==1,1,1=1,0) \ | stats count by search_head_cluster, user, scheduled, app\ | eval prefix="user_stats.savedsearches." \ | eval _time=now() \ | fields - info_*\ | search `comment("mcollect index=a_metrics_index split=true prefix_field=prefix search_head_cluster, user, scheduled, app")` [SearchHeadLevel - platform_stats.users dashboards] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 33 */4 * * * description = Report only? Yes. Metrics? Yes. This summary (mcollect) search attempts to measure ... dispatch.earliest_time = -24h@h dispatch.latest_time = @h display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host","source"] display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 0 realtime_schedule = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views timeout=900 `splunkadmins_restmacro` f=title f=eai:acl*\ | eval app='eai:acl.app', user='eai:acl.owner', search_head=splunk_server \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | stats count by search_head_cluster, user, app\ | eval prefix="user_stats.dashboards." \ | eval _time=now() \ | fields - info_* \ | search `comment("mcollect index=a_metrics_index split=true prefix_field=prefix search_head_cluster, user, app")` [AllSplunkLevel - No recent metrics.log data] alert.severity = 4 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 53 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. If the metrics.log disappears for a period of time either the indexing tier is very busy or the forwarder in question has failed and stopped sending metrics.log files dispatch.earliest_time = -60m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | tstats prestats=t count where index=_internal `splunkenterprisehosts` `splunkadmins_metrics_source` by host, _time span=5m \ `comment("This alert attempts to detect when a forwarder or Splunk server stops sending logs for an extended period of time outside a shutdown...")`\ | search `comment("Exclude the shutdown times")` NOT \ [ `splunkadmins_shutdown_list(splunkenterprisehosts,30,30)`] \ | timechart limit=0 aligntime=latest span=5m count by host \ | fillnull \ | untable _time, host, count \ | stats max(_time) AS mostRecent, min(_time) AS firstSeen, last(count) AS lastCount by host \ | where lastCount=0 \ | eval logMessages="Zero log entries found at this time, check that the Splunk server is still running/working as expected" \ | fields - lastCount \ | eval mostRecent = strftime(mostRecent, "%+"), firstSeen=strftime(firstSeen, "%+") disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - SmartStore cache misses - dashboards] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 33 */4 * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report is designed to find the number of cache misses by dashboards, originally created by Nico Van Der Walt dispatch.earliest_time = -4h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host","source"] display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 0 realtime_schedule = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `searchheadhosts` (index=_audit action=search search_id NOT typeahead NOT "search_id='rsa_*") `comment("Original version by Nico Van Der Walt, modified by Gareth Anderson")` \ invocations_command_search_index_bucketcache_miss>0 OR invocations_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss>0 TERM(info=*) TERM(UI:Dashboard:*) \ | eval total_days_searched=(search_lt-search_et)/86400 \ | eval total_hours_searched=total_days_searched*24 \ | eval total_hours_searched=round(total_hours_searched,1) \ | eval total_days_searched=round(total_days_searched,0) \ | eval search_id=trim(search_id,"\'") \ | eval search_id=coalesce(search_id,sid) \ | eval origSid=search_id \ | rex field=search_id "subsearch_(?<search_id>.*)_\d+\.\d+" \ | eval api_et=if(api_et="N/A", search_et, api_et) \ | eval total_hours_searched=if(api_et="N/A", "AllTime",total_hours_searched) \ | eval total_days_searched=if(api_et="N/A", "AllTime",total_days_searched) \ | eval provenance=if(provenance="N/A",NULL,provenance) \ | eval provenance=if(provenance="UI:LocateData",NULL,provenance) \ | rex "(?s), search='(?P<search>.*)\]$" \ | eval search=if(match(search,"^'"),mvindex(search,1),search) \ | stats latest(_time) AS mostRecent, values(host) as host sum(duration_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss) AS duration__raw_cache_miss sum(invocations_command_search_index_bucketcache_miss) as count_index_cache_miss sum(invocations_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss) as count_rawdata_cache_miss values(total_hours_searched) AS total_hours_searched values(total_days_searched) AS total_days_searched values(user) AS users last(search) AS search values(savedsearch_name) AS savedsearch_name max(total_run_time) AS run_time values(result_count) AS result_count values(event_count) AS event_count values(searched_buckets) AS searched_buckets values(info) AS info values(provenance) AS provenance dc(origSid) AS numofsearchesinquery by search_id \ | `search_type_from_sid(search_id)` \ | `base64decode(base64appname)` \ | eval app3="N/A", app=coalesce(app,app2,base64appname,app3) \ | eval total_cache_miss=count_index_cache_miss+count_rawdata_cache_miss \ | search total_cache_miss>0 \ | search provenance=*Dashboard* \ | eval total_hours_searched=round(total_hours_searched,1) \ | rex field=search "(?s)(NOT\s+index(\s*=\s*|::)[^ ]+)|(NOT\s+\([^\)]+\))|(index(\s*=\s*|::)\"?(?P<indexregex>[\*A-Za-z0-9-_]+))" max_match=50 \ | rex field=search "(?s)(NOT\s+index\s+[iI][nN]\s*\([^\)]+)|(index\s+[iI][nN]\s*\((?P<indexin>([^\)\"]+)|\"[^\)\"]+\"))" max_match=50 \ | makemv delim="," indexin \ | eval indexes=mvappend(indexregex,indexin) \ | eval indexes=mvmap(indexes, replace(lower(indexes), "\"", "")) \ | eval indexes=mvmap(indexes, trim(replace(indexes, "'", ""))) \ | eval indexes=mvdedup(indexes) \ | eval has_pipe=if(match(search,"\|"),"true",null()) \ | rex field=search "(?P<search>[^\|]+\|)" \ | eval search = if(isnotnull(has_pipe),search . " ... (trimmed)",search)\ | stats latest(mostRecent) AS mostRecent count as number_of_searches_run dc(savedsearch_name) as num_panels values(host) as host max(run_time) AS max_run_time avg(run_time) AS avg_run_time sum(run_time) AS sum_run_time sum(total_cache_miss) as total_cache_miss sum(result_count) AS result_count sum(event_count) AS event_count sum(searched_buckets) AS searched_buckets values(users) as users, values(indexes) AS indexes, values(search) AS search, values(info) AS info by provenance \ | eval avg_run_time=round(avg_run_time,1) \ | eval provenance=replace(provenance, "(?i)UI:Dashboard:", ""), mostRecent=strftime(mostRecent,"%+") \ | rename provenance as dashboard \ | sort - total_cache_miss [SearchHeadLevel - SmartStore cache misses - savedsearches] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 33 */4 * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report is designed to find the number of cache misses by saved searches, originally created by Nico Van Der Walt dispatch.earliest_time = -4h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host","source"] display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 0 realtime_schedule = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `searchheadhosts` (index=_audit action=search search_id NOT typeahead NOT "search_id='rsa_*") `comment("Original version by Nico Van Der Walt, modified by Gareth Anderson")`\ invocations_command_search_index_bucketcache_miss>0 OR invocations_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss>0 TERM(info=*) TERM(UI:Search) \ | eval total_days_searched=(search_lt-search_et)/86400 \ | eval total_hours_searched=total_days_searched*24 \ | eval total_hours_searched=round(total_hours_searched,1) \ | eval total_days_searched=round(total_days_searched,0) \ | eval search_id=trim(search_id,"\'") \ | eval search_id=coalesce(search_id,sid) \ | eval origSid=search_id \ | rex field=search_id "subsearch_(?<search_id>.*)_\d+\.\d+" \ | eval api_et=if(api_et="N/A", search_et, api_et) \ | eval total_hours_searched=if(api_et="N/A", "AllTime",total_hours_searched) \ | eval total_days_searched=if(api_et="N/A", "AllTime",total_days_searched) \ | eval provenance=if(provenance="N/A",NULL,provenance) \ | eval provenance=if(provenance="UI:LocateData",NULL,provenance) \ | rex "(?s), search='(?P<search>.*)\]$" \ | eval search=if(match(search,"^'"),mvindex(search,1),search) \ | stats latest(_time) AS mostRecent, values(host) as host sum(duration_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss) AS duration__raw_cache_miss sum(invocations_command_search_index_bucketcache_miss) as count_index_cache_miss sum(invocations_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss) as count_rawdata_cache_miss values(total_hours_searched) AS total_hours_searched values(total_days_searched) AS total_days_searched values(user) AS users last(search) AS search values(savedsearch_name) AS savedsearch_name max(total_run_time) AS run_time values(result_count) AS result_count values(event_count) AS event_count values(searched_buckets) AS searched_buckets values(info) AS info values(provenance) AS provenance dc(origSid) AS numofsearchesinquery by search_id \ | eval total_cache_miss=count_index_cache_miss+count_rawdata_cache_miss \ | search total_cache_miss>0 \ | search provenance=UI:Search \ | eval total_hours_searched=round(total_hours_searched,1) \ | `search_type_from_sid(search_id)` \ | `base64decode(base64appname)` \ | eval app3="N/A", app=coalesce(app,app2,base64appname,app3) \ | stats latest(mostRecent) AS mostRecent, count as number_of_runs values(host) as host values(total_hours_searched) AS total_hours_searched values(total_days_searched) AS total_days_searched max(run_time) AS max_run_time avg(run_time) AS avg_run_time sum(run_time) AS sum_run_time sum(total_cache_miss) as total_cache_miss max(result_count) AS result_count max(event_count) AS event_count max(searched_buckets) AS searched_buckets values(info) AS info values(numofsearchesinquery) AS numofsearchesinquery, values(app) AS app by users search \ | rex field=search "(?s)(NOT\s+index(\s*=\s*|::[^ ]+)|(NOT\s+\([^\)]+\))|(index(\s*=\s*|::)\"?(?P<indexregex>[\*A-Za-z0-9-_]+))" max_match=50 \ | rex field=search "(?s)(NOT\s+index\s+[iI][nN]\s*\([^\)]+)|(index\s+[iI][nN]\s*\((?P<indexin>([^\)\"]+)|\"[^\)\"]+\"))" max_match=50 \ | makemv delim="," indexin \ | eval indexes=mvappend(indexregex,indexin) \ | eval indexes=mvmap(indexes, replace(lower(indexes), "\"", "")) \ | eval indexes=mvmap(indexes, trim(replace(indexes, "'", ""))) \ | eval indexes=mvdedup(indexes) \ | rex max_match=100 field=search "tag=(?<tags>[^\s+\||\)]+)" \ | rex max_match=100 field=search "eventtype=(?<eventtypes>[^\s+\||\)]+)" \ | rex max_match=100 field=search "(?<macros>\`[^\s]+\`)" \ | eval has_pipe=if(match(search,"\|"),"true",null()) \ | rex field=search "(?P<search>[^\|]+\|)" \ | eval search = if(isnotnull(has_pipe),search . " ... (trimmed)",search), mostRecent=strftime(mostRecent,"%+") \ | fields - has_pipe, indexin, indexregex \ | eval avg_run_time=round(avg_run_time,1) \ | sort - total_cache_miss [SearchHeadLevel - SmartStore cache misses - combined] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 33 */4 * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report is designed to find the number of cache misses by saved searches or dashboards, originally created by Nico Van Der Walt dispatch.earliest_time = -4h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host","source"] display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 0 realtime_schedule = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `searchheadhosts` (index=_audit action=search search_id NOT typeahead NOT "search_id='rsa_*") `comment("Original version by Nico Van Der Walt, modified by Gareth Anderson")`\ invocations_command_search_index_bucketcache_miss>0 OR invocations_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss>0 TERM(info=*) TERM(UI:Dashboard:*) OR TERM(UI:Search) \ | eval total_days_searched=(search_lt-search_et)/86400 \ | eval total_hours_searched=total_days_searched*24 \ | eval total_hours_searched=round(total_hours_searched,1) \ | eval total_days_searched=round(total_days_searched,0) \ | eval search_id=trim(search_id,"\'") \ | eval search_id=coalesce(search_id,sid) \ | eval origSid=search_id \ | rex field=search_id "subsearch_(?<search_id>.*)_\d+\.\d+" \ | eval api_et=if(api_et="N/A", search_et, api_et) \ | eval total_hours_searched=if(api_et="N/A", "AllTime",total_hours_searched) \ | eval total_days_searched=if(api_et="N/A", "AllTime",total_days_searched) \ | eval provenance=if(provenance="N/A",NULL,provenance) \ | eval provenance=if(provenance="UI:LocateData",NULL,provenance) \ | rex "(?s), search='(?P<search>.*)\]$" \ | eval search=if(match(search,"^'"),mvindex(search,1),search) \ | stats latest(_time) AS mostRecent, values(host) as host sum(duration_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss) AS duration__raw_cache_miss sum(invocations_command_search_index_bucketcache_miss) as count_index_cache_miss sum(invocations_command_search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss) as count_rawdata_cache_miss values(total_hours_searched) AS total_hours_searched values(total_days_searched) AS total_days_searched values(user) AS users last(search) AS search values(savedsearch_name) AS savedsearch_name max(total_run_time) AS run_time values(result_count) AS result_count values(event_count) AS event_count values(searched_buckets) AS searched_buckets values(info) AS info values(provenance) AS provenance dc(origSid) AS numofsearchesinquery by search_id \ | `search_type_from_sid(search_id)` \ | `base64decode(base64appname)` \ | eval app3="N/A", app=coalesce(app,app2,base64appname,app3) \ | eval total_cache_miss=count_index_cache_miss+count_rawdata_cache_miss \ | search total_cache_miss>0 \ | eval total_hours_searched=round(total_hours_searched,1) \ | stats latest(mostRecent) AS mostRecent, count as number_of_runs, values(host) as host values(total_hours_searched) AS total_hours_searched values(total_days_searched) AS total_days_searched max(run_time) AS max_run_time avg(run_time) AS avg_run_time sum(run_time) AS sum_run_time sum(total_cache_miss) as total_cache_miss max(result_count) AS result_count max(event_count) AS event_count max(searched_buckets) AS searched_buckets values(info) AS info values(numofsearchesinquery) AS numofsearchesinquery, values(provenance) AS provenance, values(app) AS app by users search \ | rex field=search "(?s)(NOT\s+index(\s*=\s*|::)[^ ]+)|(NOT\s+\([^\)]+\))|(index(\s*=\s*|::)\"?(?P<indexregex>[\*A-Za-z0-9-_]+))" max_match=50 \ | rex field=search "(?s)(NOT\s+index\s+[iI][nN]\s*\([^\)]+)|(index\s+[iI][nN]\s*\((?P<indexin>([^\)\"]+)|\"[^\)\"]+\"))" max_match=50 \ | makemv delim="," indexin \ | eval indexes=mvappend(indexregex,indexin) \ | eval indexes=mvmap(indexes, replace(lower(indexes), "\"", "")) \ | eval indexes=mvmap(indexes, trim(replace(indexes, "'", ""))) \ | eval indexes=mvdedup(indexes) \ | eval has_pipe=if(match(search,"\|"),"true",null())\ | rex max_match=100 field=search "tag=(?<tags>[^\s+\||\)]+)" \ | rex max_match=100 field=search "eventtype=(?<eventtypes>[^\s+\||\)]+)" \ | rex max_match=100 field=search "(?<macros>\`[^\s]+\`)" \ | rex field=search "(?P<search>[^\|]+\|)" \ | eval search = if(isnotnull(has_pipe),search . " ... (trimmed)",search)\ | fields - has_pipe, indexin, indexregex \ | eval avg_run_time=round(avg_run_time,1) \ | eval provenance=replace(provenance, "(?i)UI:Dashboard:", ""), mostRecent=strftime(mostRecent,"%+") \ | rename provenance as dashboard\ | sort - total_cache_miss\ | table total_cache_miss, total_hours_searched, total_days_searched, mostRecent, users, number_of_runs, max_run_time, avg_run_time, sum_run_time, indexes, result_count, event_count, searched_buckets, info, numofsearchesinquery, dashboard, app, eventtypes, macros, tags, search [IndexerLevel - SmartStore cache misses - remote_searches] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 33 */4 * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report is designed to find the number of cache misses at the indexing tier, based on a search from Richard Morgan's dashboard, https://github.com/silkyrich/cluster_health_tools/blob/master/default/data/ui/views/debug_cache_manager_misses.xml dispatch.earliest_time = -4h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host","source"] display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 0 realtime_schedule = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunkd_remote_searches StreamedSearch Streamed search connection terminated: OR closed: search_id=* `indexerhosts` rawdata_bucketcache_miss>0 OR index_bucketcache_miss>0 `comment("based on a search from Richard Morgan's dashboard, https://github.com/silkyrich/cluster_health_tools/blob/master/default/data/ui/views/debug_cache_manager_misses.xml")` \ | rex field=_raw "search_rawdata_bucketcache_error=(?<rawdata_bucketcache_error>[\d.]+)" \ | rex field=_raw "search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss=(?<rawdata_bucketcache_miss>[\d.]+)" \ | rex field=_raw "search_index_bucketcache_error=(?<index_bucketcache_error>[\d.]+)" \ | rex field=_raw "search_index_bucketcache_hit=(?<index_bucketcache_hit>[\d.]+)" \ | rex field=_raw "search_index_bucketcache_miss=(?<index_bucketcache_miss>[\d.]+)" \ | rex field=_raw "search_rawdata_bucketcache_hit=(?<rawdata_bucketcache_hit>[\d.]+)" \ | rex field=_raw "search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss_wait=(?<rawdata_bucketcache_miss_wait>[\d.]+)" \ | rex field=_raw "search_index_bucketcache_miss_wait=(?<index_bucketcache_miss_wait>[\d.]+)" \ | rex field=_raw "drop_count=(?<drop_count>[\d.]+)" \ | rex field=_raw "scan_count=(?<scan_count>[\d.]+)" \ | rex field=_raw "eliminated_buckets=(?<eliminated_buckets>[\d.]+)" \ | rex field=_raw "considered_events=(?<considered_events>[\d.]+)" \ | rex field=_raw "decompressed_slices=(?<decompressed_slices>[\d.]+)" \ | rex field=_raw "events_count=(?<events_count>[\d.]+)" \ | rex field=_raw "total_slices=(?<total_slices>[\d.]+)" \ | rex field=_raw "considered_buckets=(?<considered_buckets>[\d.]+)" \ | stats \ sum(rawdata_bucketcache_error) as search_rawdata_bucketcache_error_sum\ sum(rawdata_bucketcache_miss) as search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss_sum\ sum(index_bucketcache_error) as search_index_bucketcache_error_sum\ sum(index_bucketcache_hit) as search_index_bucketcache_hit_sum\ sum(index_bucketcache_miss) as search_index_bucketcache_miss_sum\ sum(rawdata_bucketcache_hit) as search_rawdata_bucketcache_hit_sum\ sum(rawdata_bucketcache_miss_wait) as search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss_wait_sum.\ sum(index_bucketcache_miss_wait) as search_index_bucketcache_miss_wait_sum.\ min(_time) as time_min \ max(_time) as time_max\ sum(drop_count) as drop_count_sum\ sum(scan_count) as scan_count_sum14746\ sum(eliminated_buckets) as eliminated_buckets_sum\ sum(considered_events) as considered_events_sum\ sum(decompressed_slices) as decompressed_slices_sum\ sum(events_count) as events_count_sum14746\ sum(total_slices) as total_slices_sum\ sum(considered_buckets) as considered_buckets_sum, values(search) AS search\ by search_id server \ | search search_id=remote_* \ | eval cache_misses=search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss_sum + search_index_bucketcache_miss_sum \ | sort - search_rawdata_bucketcache_miss_sum \ | table search_id cache_misses * \ | sort 0 - cache_misses [ForwarderLevel - Stopping all listening ports] alert.severity = 4 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 42 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. If the TCP listener ports stop temporarily it might be an issue with the downstream indexers (on a forwarder) if they stop for a long period or often enough than this is likely to cause issues with upstream forwarders dispatch.earliest_time = -60m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal `heavyforwarderhosts` OR `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` TERM(WARN) TERM(Stopping) \ | bin _time span=1m \ | stats count by host, _time \ | sort - _time disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Buckets in cache] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 33 */4 * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report is an example search, note that since cacheman is a /admin/ endpoint it is undocumented and this may not work in all versions of Splunk (tested on dispatch.earliest_time = -4h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host","source"] display.page.search.tab = statistics enableSched = 0 realtime_schedule = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest `splunkindexerhostsvalue` /services/admin/cacheman f=cm:bucket* count=0\ | rex field=title "bid\|(?P<index>[^~]+)" \ | stats min(cm:bucket.earliest_time) AS mintime by index\ | eval days=round((now()-mintime)/60/60/24) [SearchHeadLevel - Excessive REST API usage] alert.severity = 4 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 42 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. Excessive usage of the REST API by, for example, querying the jobs endpoint continuously without sleeping can result in the Splunk search head crashing due to excessive thread usage dispatch.earliest_time = -60m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.chartHeight = 628 enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("attempt to detect overuse of the REST API by non-system users")` index=_internal `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=splunkd_access useragent!="Splunk/*" useragent!="Splunkd/*" user!=splunk-system-user user!=admin user!=- NOT "/results_preview" "/search/jobs/" clientip!="" `comment("this is the splunk internal httplib version proxying requests on behalf of clients this will likely change on upgrade, current as of")` NOT (`splunkadmins_excessive_rest_api_httplib` "isProxyRequest=true")\ | regex uri!="/control$" \ | bin _time span=2m \ | stats count by user, _time \ | where count>`splunkadmins_excessive_rest_api_threshold` \ | eval earliest=_time-120, latest=_time+120 \ | eval query="index=_internal `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=splunkd_access useragent!=\"Splunk/*\" useragent!=\"Splunkd/*\" user!=splunk-system-user user!=admin user!=- NOT \"/results_preview\" \"/search/jobs/\" clientip!=\"\" NOT (\"Python-httplib2/0.13.1 (gzip)\" \"isProxyRequest=true\") user=" . user . " earliest=" . earliest . " latest=" . latest . " | regex uri!=\"/control$\" | rex field=uri \"/(?P<last_of_url>[^/]+$)\" | streamstats current=false last(_time) AS prev_time by last_of_url | eventstats count AS count_by_last_of_url by last_of_url | eval time_diff=if(isnull(prev_time),null(),prev_time-_time)" \ | fields - earliest, latest\ | sort - count disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Splunk Scheduler logs have not appeared in the last] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 57 2,6,10,14,18,22 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. If the scheduler logs have stopped on a search head then there is likely an issue dispatch.earliest_time = -4h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("this works except in 8.2.5 it's slower than stats... | tstats count where index=_internal `searchheadhosts` source=*scheduler.log sourcetype=scheduler by host, _time span=1m")` \ index=_internal `searchheadhosts` source=*scheduler.log sourcetype=scheduler \ | bin _time span=1m \ | stats count by host, _time \ | timechart limit=0 span=5m aligntime=latest sum(count) AS count by host \ | fillnull \ | untable _time, host, count \ | stats max(_time) AS mostRecent, min(_time) AS firstSeen, last(count) AS lastCount by host \ | search `comment("Exclude time periods where shutdowns were occurring")` AND NOT [`splunkadmins_shutdown_time(searchheadhosts,60,60)`] \ | where lastCount=0 \ | eval logMessages="Zero log entries found at this time, this might be a Splunkd issue, please investigate" \ | fields - lastCount \ | eval mostRecent = strftime(mostRecent, "%+"), firstSeen=strftime(firstSeen, "%+") \ | eval search_head=host \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | table host, firstSeen, mostRecent, logMessages, search_head_cluster disabled = 1 [MonitoringConsole - Core dumps have appeared on the filesystem] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 57 2,6,10,14,18,22 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. core dumps are normally an issue that should be investigated with Splunk support if they are not a known issue, or dmesg or the journal shows no OS level issues at the time...Note that this can run from any search head, but the monitoring console may make more sense as it has connectivity to all instances dispatch.earliest_time = -4h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /services/admin/file-explorer/%2Fopt%2Fsplunk count=0 f=name f=lastModifiedTime splunk_server=* \ | search name=*core* \ | eval recent=now()-(7200) \ | where lastModifiedTime>recent \ | sort - lastModifiedTime \ | eval lastModifiedTime=strftime(lastModifiedTime, "%+") \ | eval indexer_cluster=`indexer_cluster_name(splunk_server)` \ | eval search_head=splunk_server \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | eval env=if(indexer_cluster==splunk_server,search_head_cluster,indexer_cluster) \ | table env, splunk_server, name, title, lastModifiedTime disabled = 1 [MonitoringConsole - Crash logs have appeared on the filesystem] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 57 2,6,10,14,18,22 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. Crash logs are normally an issue that should be investigated with Splunk support if they are not a known issue, or dmesg or the journal shows no OS level issues at the time...Note that this can run from any search head, but the monitoring console may make more sense as it has connectivity to all instances dispatch.earliest_time = -4h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal source=*crash.log \ | stats count by source, host, sourcetype \ | eval indexer_cluster=`indexer_cluster_name(host)` \ | eval search_head=host \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | eval env=if(indexer_cluster==host,search_head_cluster,indexer_cluster) \ | table source, host, sourcetype, env disabled = 1 [AllSplunkEnterpriseLevel - error in stdout.log] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 57 2,6,10,14,18,22 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. Key errors just advise of invalid syntax/configuration on startup so these can be a useful warning of items requiring attention dispatch.earliest_time = -4h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal source="*/splunkd_stdout.log" key `splunkenterprisehosts` \ | cluster t=0.9 \ | table _raw disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Knowledge bundle status on indexers] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This report advises of the current bundle version/status on the indexing tier from a search head dispatch.earliest_time = -1h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = line display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest `splunkadmins_restmacro` /services/search/distributed/peers `comment("Note that the replicationStatus is only valid when run from the SHC captain node")` \ | rex field=bundle_isIndexing "\w\s-\s(?<isindexing>\w+)" \ | eval latest_bundle=mvindex(bundle_versions,0), isindexing=mvindex(isindexing,0) \ | table splunk_server host status version guid replicationStatus latest_bundle isindexing [DeploymentServer - Count by application] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. Contributed by @trex (radler) on community slack. This report can be run to determine which applications are used by deployment clients. You can run this on the DeploymentServer or the monitoring console server? Yes dispatch.earliest_time = -30d@d dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = line display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /services/deployment/server/clients `splunkadmins_deploymentserver_splunkserver` \ | table hostname applications.*.stateOnClient \ | untable hostname applications, value \ | rex max_match=0 mode=sed field=applications "s/(application\.|\.stateOnClient)//g" \ | stats count by applications \ | appendcols [ | rest /services/deployment/server/applications `splunkadmins_deploymentserver_splunkserver` \ | fields title \ | rename titel as applications \ | eval count=0 ] \ | stats sum(count) as count by applications [SearchHeadLevel - Knowledge bundle replication times metrics.log] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This report advises the bundle replication times recorded in metrics.log dispatch.earliest_time = -12h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = line display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal `searchheadhosts` sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_metrics_source` TERM(group=bundles_uploads) TERM(status=success) \ | `splunkadmins_sh_knowledgebundle_metrics_filter` \ | eval rep_time=replication_time_msec/1000/60 \ | bin _time span=`splunkadmins_sh_knowledgebundle_metrics_timespan` \ | stats max(rep_time) AS slowest_rep_time, avg(rep_time) AS avg_rep_time by host, peer_name, _time, bundle_type \ | eval slowest_rep_time=round(slowest_rep_time,2), avg_rep_time=round(avg_rep_time, 2) \ | sort - slowest_rep_time [IndexerLevel - DataModel Acceleration - Indexes in use] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.track = 0 description = Report only? Yes. This report advises the indexes in use per datamodel (at least for models with acceleration) dispatch.earliest_time = -12h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = line display.visualizations.show = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest "/services/admin/introspection--disk-objects--summaries?count=-1" `splunkindexerhostsvalue` \ | search `comment("If you want just a single datamodel you can do | tstats summariesonly=t count from datamodel=<datamodel> by index, remove the summariesonly=t to search non-accelerated. Finally | datamodel <datamodel> acceleration_search will show the accelerated search")` \ | stats sum(total_size) AS total_size, sum(total_bucket_count) AS total_bucket_count, values(related_indexes) AS related_indexes by title, search_head_guid, type [SearchHeadLevel - Detect bundle pushes no longer occurring] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 13 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. Once correctly tuned this alert detects if the bundle has stopped getting pushed by the SHC which can result in outdated knowledge objects and lookups on the indexing tier. Note that should the bundle exceeed maxBundleSize it can auto-delete the bundle after candidate creation, this is logged as DEBUG in 8.2.x and WARN or ERROR in 9.x. Finally, cascading bundle replication pre-9.0 without setting cascade_plan_replication_retry_fast=true in distsearch.conf can cause this dispatch.earliest_time = -1h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal `searcheadhosts` sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_metrics_source` TERM(group=bundles_uploads) TERM(status=success) \ | eval search_head=host \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | eval number=1 \ | timechart aligntime=latest span=`splunkadmins_bundlepush_span` dc(number) AS count by search_head_cluster \ | filldown \ | untable _time, search_head_cluster, count \ | stats max(_time) AS mostRecent, min(_time) AS firstSeen, last(count) AS lastCount by search_head_cluster \ | eval mostRecent=strftime(mostRecent,"%+"), firstSeen=strftime(firstSeen,"%+") \ | where lastCount=0 \ | eval logMessages="No bundles were pushed in the last `splunkadmins_bundlepush_span` minutes, is something broken?! Or does the alert need tweaking? Action required...Note that should the bundle exceeed maxBundleSize it can auto-delete the bundle after candidate creation. Finally, cascading bundle replication pre-9.0 without setting cascade_plan_replication_retry_fast=true in distsearch.conf can cause this" \ | table search_head_cluster, firstSeen, mostRecent, logMessages disabled = 1 [MonitoringConsole - Check OS ulimits via REST] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 13 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. This is based on a professional services example for checking ulimits. This alert just advises if you are below the recommended minimum specs or cannot create core dumps (note that you may need to set /etc/sysctl.conf kernel.core_pattern=/opt/splunk/%e-%s.core or similar to allow Splunk core dumps dispatch.earliest_time = -1h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest splunk_server_group=* /services/server/sysinfo f=ulimits* f=transparent_hugepages* f=numberOfVirtualCores f=physicalMemoryMB f=ulimits.core_file_size\ | fields splunk_server ulimits.data_segment_size ulimits.open_files ulimits.user_processes transparent_hugepages.* numberOfVirtualCores physicalMemoryMB ulimits.core_file_size\ | eval cpu_core_count = if(isnotnull(numberOfVirtualCores), numberOfVirtualCores, numberOfCores)\ | eval physical_memory_GB = round(physicalMemoryMB / 1024)\ | eval cpu_sev = case(cpu_core_count <= 4 OR physical_memory_GB <= 4, 2, cpu_core_count < 12 OR\ physical_memory_GB < 12, 1, cpu_core_count >= 12 AND physical_memory_GB >= 12, 0, true(), -1)\ | eval cpu_core_count = cpu_core_count . " / 12 (current/recommended)"\ | eval physical_memory_GB = physical_memory_GB . " / 12 (current/recommended)"\ | eval core_sev = case('ulimits.core_file_size' == -1,0,true(),2)\ | eval transparent_hugepages.enabled = case(len('transparent_hugepages.enabled') > 0,'transparent_hugepages.enabled', 'transparent_hugepages.effective_state' == "ok" AND\ (isnull('transparent_hugepages.enabled') OR len('transparent_hugepages.enabled') = 0), "feature not available",'transparent_hugepages.effective_state' == "unknown" AND isnull('transparent_hugepages.enabled'), "unknown",\ true(), "unknown")\ | eval transparent_hugepages.defrag = case(len('transparent_hugepages.defrag') > 0, 'transparent_hugepages.defrag',\ 'transparent_hugepages.effective_state' == "ok" AND (isnull('transparent_hugepages.defrag') OR\ len('transparent_hugepages.defrag') = 0), "feature not available", 'transparent_hugepages.effective_state' ==\ "unknown" AND isnull('transparent_hugepages.defrag'), "unknown", true(), "unknown") \ | eval transparent_sev = case('transparent_hugepages.effective_state' == "unavailable", -1,\ 'transparent_hugepages.effective_state' == "ok", 0, 'transparent_hugepages.effective_state' == "unknown", 1,\ 'transparent_hugepages.effective_state' == "bad", 2)\ | eval ulimits.data_segment_size = if(isnotnull('ulimits.data_segment_size'), 'ulimits.data_segment_size',"unavailable") \ | eval ulimits.open_files = if(isnotnull('ulimits.open_files'), 'ulimits.open_files', "unavailable") \ | eval ulimits.user_processes = if(isnotnull('ulimits.user_processes'), 'ulimits.user_processes', "unavailable") \ | eval sev_segment_size = case('ulimits.data_segment_size' == -1 OR 'ulimits.data_segment_size' >= 1073741824, 0, 'ulimits.data_segment_size' == "unavailable", -1, true(), 2)\ | eval sev_open_files = case('ulimits.open_files' == -1 OR 'ulimits.open_files' >= 64000, 0, 'ulimits.open_files' == "unavailable", -1, true(), 2)\ | eval sev_user_processes = case('ulimits.user_processes' == -1 OR 'ulimits.user_processes' >= 16000, 0,'ulimits.user_processes' == "unavailable", -1, true(), 2) \ | eval max_severity_level = max(cpu_sev, transparent_sev,sev_segment_size, sev_open_files, sev_user_processes, core_sev) \ | fields splunk_server cpu_core_count, physical_memory_GB, ulimits.data_segment_size ulimits.open_files ulimits.user_processes transparent_hugepages.enabled transparent_hugepages.defrag transparent_hugepages.effective_state *sev* ulimits.core_file_size\ | rename splunk_server AS instance \ | eval 'ulimits.data_segment_size' = (if('ulimits.data_segment_size' >= 0, 'ulimits.data_segment_size', 'ulimits.data_segment_size'))." / 1073741824 (current / recommended)" \ | eval 'ulimits.open_files' = (if('ulimits.open_files' >= 0,'ulimits.open_files', 'ulimits.open_files'))." / 64000 (current / recommended)" \ | eval 'ulimits.user_processes' = (if('ulimits.user_processes'>= 0, 'ulimits.user_processes', 'ulimits.user_processes'))." / 16000 (current / recommended)" \ | eval ulimits.core_file_size = 'ulimits.core_file_size' . " (current / -1 is unlimited) "\ | fields - _timediff\ | search max_severity_level!=0 disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - replicationdatareceiverthread close to 100% utilisation] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 3 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = */20 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. This has in some environments correlated to degraded ingestion performance across the indexing cluster dispatch.earliest_time = -20m dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_metrics_source` group=dutycycle `indexerhosts` thread=replicationdatareceiverthread `comment("if the replication data receiver thread is using close to 100% for longer than a short period of time it results in other indexers slowing down, and often the entire ingestion tier slowing down")` \ | eval dutycycle_ratio_perc=(ratio * 100) \ | bin _time span=5m \ | stats avg(dutycycle_ratio_perc) AS avg_dutycycle_ratio_perc by host, _time \ | where avg_dutycycle_ratio_perc>90 \ | sort 0 - _time \ | streamstats time_window=6m count by host \ | eventstats count(eval(count>1)) AS continuous_count by host\ | where continuous_count>3\ | fields - count\ | eval indexer_cluster=`indexer_cluster_name(host)` disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Accelerated DataModels Access Info] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. As found on Clara-Fication: Finding and Improving Expensive Searches, https://conf.splunk.com/files/2022/slides/PLA1162B.pdf / https://conf.splunk.com/files/2022/recordings/PLA1162B_1080.mp4. Run on the search head with the DMA dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest `splunkadmins_restmacro` /services/admin/summarization by_tstats=1 \ | eval summary.access_time = strftime('summary.access_time', "%F %T") \ | table title summary.access_count summary.access_time summary.size [SearchHeadLevel - Dashboards resulting in concurrency issues] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. As found on Clara-Fication: Finding and Improving Expensive Searches, https://conf.splunk.com/files/2022/slides/PLA1162B.pdf / https://conf.splunk.com/files/2022/recordings/PLA1162B_1080.mp4. Finds dashboards that result in the concurrency warnings in splunkd or scheduler log files dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal (sourcetype=splunkd `splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) OR sourcetype=scheduler "The maximum number of concurrent" `searchheadhosts` \ | rex field=id "(?<ssuser>[^_]+)__" \ | eval user = coalesce(user, username, ssuser), search_id = coalesce(savedsearch_id, id, "null") \ | stats count as total_occurrences values(reason) as reason values(search_type) as search_type values(provenance) as provenance by host user search_id \ | where isnotnull(provenance) \ | stats values(search_id) as search_ids sum(total_occurrences) as total_occurrences values(reason) as reason by host user provenance [SearchHeadLevel - Dashboards that may benefit from base or post-process searches] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. As found on Clara-Fication: Finding and Improving Expensive Searches, https://conf.splunk.com/files/2022/slides/PLA1162B.pdf / https://conf.splunk.com/files/2022/recordings/PLA1162B_1080.mp4. Finds dashboards that may benefit if a post-process or base search was used within the dashboard dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest `splunkadmins_restmacro` /servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views f=eai:data f=title f=eai:appName timeout=900 \ | fields title eai:appName eai:data splunk_server author \ | search eai:data="*<search>*" \ | xpath outfield=base_id "//search/@id" field=eai:data \ | xpath outfield=query "//query" field=eai:data \ | rex field=query "\|?(?<generating_spl>[^\|]+)(\||.*)" \ | eval total_query=mvcount(generating_spl) \ | eval dc_query=mvdedup(generating_spl) \ | eval distinct_query=mvcount(dc_query) \ | stats values(total_query) as total_query values(distinct_query) as query_count values(base_id) as base_id list(generating_spl) as generating_spl by title eai:appName author splunk_server \ | where total_query!=query_count [SearchHeadLevel - Searches by search type] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. As found on Clara-Fication: Finding and Improving Expensive Searches, https://conf.splunk.com/files/2022/slides/PLA1162B.pdf / https://conf.splunk.com/files/2022/recordings/PLA1162B_1080.mp4. Count searches by search type dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_audit `searchheadhosts` action=search info=completed \ | rex field=provenance "^(?<provenance_group>[^:]+(:[^:]+)?)" \ | stats dc(app) as apps dc(user) as users count as searches sum(total_run_time) as seconds by provenance_group \ | addinfo \ | eval concurrency_factor = round(seconds / (info_max_time - info_min_time), 2) \ | fields - info_* \ | sort - seconds [IndexerLevel - Buckets have being frozen due to index sizing SmartStore] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 4 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 33 3,7,11,15,19,23 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. One or more indexes have hit the index size limit and are now been frozen due to this. Note this won't work for non-SmartStore based indexers, refer to the alert IndexerLevel - Buckets have being frozen due to index sizing dispatch.earliest_time = -5h dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("The indexer is freezing buckets due to disk space pressure before the frozenTimePeriodInSecs limit has been reached, this could be a problem if it is not expected...")`\ `comment("_introspection defaults to size based so exclude it")` \ index=_internal `cluster_masters` sourcetype=splunkd (`splunkadmins_splunkd_source`) freezing reason NOT "exceeded frozenTimePeriodInSecs" \ `splunkadmins_bucketfrozen`\ | eval newestDataInBucket=strftime(bucket_latest , "%+"), oldestDataInBucket = strftime(bucket_earliest, "%+") \ | eval message=coalesce(message,event_message)\ | table message, oldestDataInBucket, newestDataInBucket disabled = 1 [IndexerLevel - Connection errors to SmartStore] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 4 alert_condition = where statusCode>500 AND count>5 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 4 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. If you are seeing errors from SmartStore it's often a sign of an issue, this is more useful outside the AWS environment where issues are less common. Note defaults to fire on >5 events with 5xx status codes or higher. dispatch.earliest_time = -60m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("This alert is created to check for any 500 or 503 error from the Smart Store/S3")`\ index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd `indexerhosts` `splunkadmins_splunkd_source` ( log_level=ERROR OR log_level=WARN ) S3Client \ | cluster labelonly=true t=0.5\ | stats earliest(_time) as FirstSeen, latest(_time) as LastSeen count, first(_raw) AS _raw by statusCode, cluster_label\ | convert ctime(FirstSeen) ctime(LastSeen)\ | fields - cluster_label disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Sourcetypes usage from search telemetry data] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. Use introspection data to find sourcetypes in use (note there is a lot of useful information in here beyond sourcetypes). Note that this appears to capture all searches excluding sub-searches and excluding cancelled searches. \ I believe it relates to the search summarize tstats=t maintain=""... search which is then ingested via /opt/splunk/var/run/splunk/search_telemetry \ Note that in my testing if a scheduled search exceeds the limits.conf [search] max_count= setting, then information such as phase0 and sourcetypes do not get recorded for the savedsearch. This happened in 9.0.3/9.1.2 and did not effect ad-hoc searches at all, limit was 500K. dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_introspection sourcetype=search_telemetry `searchheadhosts` \ | eval first_search_command = mvindex('search_commands{}.name', 0) \ | eval all_sourcetypes="" \ | foreach desc.sourcetypes.* [| eval all_sourcetypes=coalesce("<<MATCHSTR>>".",","").all_sourcetypes] \ | makemv all_sourcetypes delim="," \ | table search_id, status, timestamp, type, desc.app, desc.earliest_time, desc.latest_time, desc.batch_mode_search, desc.provenance, all_sourcetypes [syslog-ng - cache statistics summary] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This uses the syslog-ng internal log files which is the d_local_internal destination of syslog-ng. Assuming you are reading this into Splunk the statistics can be useful to help determine where an issue might be.\ Marc Andersen, company: NIL815 ApS provided this example on community slack dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal `sysloghosts` statistics\ | rex mode=sed "s/',/';/g"\ | rex mode=sed "s/([^ =]*(?=='[^']*'))(=)'([^']*)'/\1_\3/g"\ | extract pairdelim=";" kvdelim="="\ | sort 0 + host, _time\ | streamstats current=true global=true window=2 first(processed_*) AS prev_processed_* by host\ | foreach processed_*\ [ eval <<FIELD>>diff='<<FIELD>>'-'prev_<<FIELD>>' ]\ | fields - processed_center_received_diff\ | timechart avg(*_diff) AS "*_diff" span=10m by host\ | search `comment("At this point you probably want to do a | fields *d_syslog_output* or similar")` [SearchHeadLevel - Knowledge Bundle contents] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report relies on an external app, Admins Little Helper for Splunk, https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/6368\ This tool helps you see inside the contents of a search head's knowledge bundle. This is very useful with the computed option when you are seeing warning messages in splunkd.log such as\ WARN DistributedBundleReplicationManager [92649 BundleReplicatorThread] - Discard the candidate bundle as its size exceeds maxBundleSize= and\ WARN DistributedBundleReplicationManager [92649 BundleReplicatorThread] - Bundle Replication is blocked, distributed searches continue to run against preserved bundle /opt/splunk/var/run/<file>.bundle dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = `comment("This is an example of what the search looks like, remove the comment for this to work. Note that you can remove the bundle=computed so that you see the current bundle, computed is more useful if you cannot distribute the bundle due to size. | bundlefiles bundle=computed")` \ | sort 0 - bytes \ | eval MB=round(bytes/1024/1024) \ | eventstats sum(bytes) AS total_kv_mb by kvstore_collection, kvstore_app \ | eval total_kv_mb=round(total_kv_mb/1024/1024) \ | table path, app, bytes, MB, source, bundle_epoch, kvstore_app, kvstore_collection, total_kv_mb [SearchHeadLevel - audit.log - lookup usage] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report attempts to determine which lookups are in active use by querying the audit.log files. Note that automatic lookups do not appear in audit.log files from my testing dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_audit `searchheadhosts` search=* lookup OR outputlookup OR inputlookup OR apply TERM(info=completed) NOT "search_type=\"typeahead\"" \ | regex search="((input|output)?lookup)|(\|\s+apply\s+)" \ ``` remove any fields called lookup_file ```\ | eval lookup_file=null()\ | eval search_head = host \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/\n/ /g"\ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/```.*?```/ /g" \ ``` remove append= local= update= key_field= as that will confuse the regexes to extract the lookup file name ```\ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/(append|local|update|key_field)\s*=\s*\S+\s+/ /g"\ ``` deal with standard | inputlookup, | outputlookup or | lookup ``` \ | rex max_match=20 field=search "(?ms)\|\s*(?P<operation>((input|output)?lookup|apply))\s+\"?(?P<lookup_file>[^\"\s'\|\]]+)" \ ``` deal with | from:inputlookup: "lookupfile.csv" ``` \ | rex max_match=20 field=search "(?ms)\|\s*from\s+(?P<operation>inputlookup):\s*\"?(?P<lookup_file2>[^\"\s'\|\]]+)"\ ``` deal with subsearches with [ inputlookup ] or [ outputlookup ] ``` \ | rex max_match=20 field=search "(?ms)\s*\[\s*(?P<operation>((input|output)?lookup)|apply)\s+\"?(?P<lookup_file3>[^\"\s'\|\]]+)" \ | rex max_match=20 field=search "(?ms)\s*\[\s*from\s+(?P<operation>inputlookup):\s*\"?(?P<lookup_file4>[^\"\s'\|\]]+)"\ ``` this one occurs in sub-searches for example search=' inputlookup filename.csv' could work in a pure-subsearch only, otherwise it's missing the | symbol at the start ``` \ | rex max_match=20 field=search "(?ms)(^\s*|\s*\|\s*)(?P<operation2>((input|output)?lookup|apply))\s+\"?(?P<lookup_file5>[^\"\s'\|\]]+)" \ | rex max_match=20 field=search "(?ms)(^\s*|\s*\|\s*)from\s+(?P<operation2>inputlookup):\s*\"?(?P<lookup_file6>[^\"\s\|\]]+)" \ ``` these is a case here where someone could use multiple techniques in 1 search e.g. | from:inputlookup and | lookup and this search will miss them but that seems unlikely ``` \ | eval lookup_file=coalesce(lookup_file,lookup_file2,lookup_file3,lookup_file4) \ | eval lookup_file_subsearch=if(match(search_id, "^'subsearch_") AND (isnotnull(lookup_file5) OR isnotnull(lookup_file6)),coalesce(lookup_file5,lookup_file6),null()) \ | eval lookup_file=coalesce(lookup_file,lookup_file_subsearch)\ | eval operation=if(isnotnull(lookup_file_subsearch),coalesce(operation,operation2),operation)\ ``` unsure why this occurs but some apps use a app: syntax on the apply command which appears to result in __mlspl_ working as normal...they also do not use the extension .mlmodel ``` \ | rex mode=sed "s/app://" field=lookup_file\ | eval combined=mvzip(operation,lookup_file,"|")\ | rex field=combined mode=sed "s/^apply\|/apply|__mlspl_/"\ | rex field=combined mode=sed "s/^(apply\|.*)/\1.mlmodel/"\ | eval lookup_file=mvmap(combined,mvindex(split(combined,"|"),1))\ ``` splunk sometimes extracts this correctly and sometimes auto-extraction fails ```\ | rex ", savedsearch_name=\"(?P<savedsearch_name>[^\"]+)\","\ | eval savedsearch_name=if(savedsearch_name=="",null(),savedsearch_name)\ | stats max(_time) AS _time, count, values(savedsearch_name) AS savedsearch_name, values(provenance) AS provenance by lookup_file, user, app, search_head_cluster, operation \ | eval savedsearch_name=mvjoin(savedsearch_name,",") [IndexerLevel - RemoteSearches - lookup usage] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report attempts to determine which lookups are in active use by querying the remote_searches.log file on indexers. Note that automatic lookups do not appear in remote searches log files from my testing dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunkd_remote_searches source=*remote_searches.log* lookup TERM(StreamedSearch) TERM(starting:) NOT TERM(terminated:)\ | rex "(?s) active_searches=[^,]+, search='(?P<search>.*?)', remote_ttl" \ | rex max_match=20 field=search "(?ms)\|\s*(?P<operation>lookup)\s+\"?(?P<lookup_file>[^\"\s'\|]+)"\ | where isnotnull(lookup_file)\ | rex "starting: search_id=(?P<search_id>[^,]+)"\ | rex field=search_id "^remote_(?P<sid>.*)"\ | rex "search_id=[^,]+,\s+server=(?P<server>[^,]+)"\ | eval server_with_underscore = server. "_"\ | eval sid=replace(sid, server_with_underscore, "")\ | eval search_head = server\ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | `search_type_from_sid(sid)` \ | `base64decode(base64username)` \ | eval username3="unknown" \ | eval user=coalesce(username, base64username, username3)\ | `base64decode(base64appname)`\ | eval app3="N/A" \ | eval app=coalesce(app,base64appname,app3)\ | fillnull value="N/A" app, user\ | rex ", apiEndTime='[^,]+,\s+savedsearch_name=\"(?P<savedsearch_name>[^\"]+)" \ | lookup rmd5_to_savedsearchname RMDvalue AS searchname OUTPUTNEW savedsearch_name \ | eval type=if(match(savedsearch_name, "^_ACCELERATE"),"acceleration",type) \ | stats max(_time) AS _time, count, values(savedsearch_name) AS savedsearch_name, values(type) AS type by search_head_cluster, app, lookup_file, user, operation \ | eval savedsearch_name=mvjoin(savedsearch_name,",") [SearchHeadLevel - summary indexing searches not using durable search] action.keyindicator.invert = 0 alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 4 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 4 8 * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. This alert simply advises that durable search should be used https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Report/Durablesearch to prevent any loss in summary indexing dispatch.earliest_time = -60m@m dispatch.latest_time = now display.events.fields = ["host","source","sourcetype"] display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 0 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest `splunkadmins_restmacro` timeout=600 /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches f=search count=0 f=durable.track_time_type f="action.summary_index" search="disabled=0" search="is_scheduled=1" f=eai:acl* f=next_scheduled_time\ | search `splunkadmins_summaryindex_durablesearch` \ | rex field=search "(?ms)\|\s*(?P<match>(collect|mcollect))"\ | where (action.summary_index=="1" OR isnotnull(match)) AND len('durable.track_time_type')<1\ | rename eai:acl.app AS app, author as owner, eai:acl.sharing AS sharing\ | table title, app, owner, sharing, updated [SearchHeadLevel - license usage per sourcetype per index] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report attempts to determine the usage per index per sourcetype, which is a useful way to indirectly answer the question of if an index and sourcetype combination have received data recently. Alternatives include tstats, metasearch or apps like TrackMe. This is just a very lightweight and fast way to track data, however it only reports as often as indexers send in license usage dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal `licensemasterhost` source=*license_usage.log* sourcetype=splunkd\ | stats sum(b) AS bytes, latest(_time) AS _time by st, idx, i\ | join type=outer [ | rest /services/server/info f=guid | rename guid as i, splunk_server AS source_host | table i, source_host ]\ | fillnull source_host value="Unknown"\ | eval indexer_cluster_name=`indexer_cluster_name(source_host)`\ | rename st as sourcetype, idx AS index\ | stats latest(_time) AS _time, sum(bytes) AS bytes by sourcetype, index, indexer_cluster_name [SearchHeadLevel - Lookup file owners] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report attempts to determine the owner of every lookup file on the search head in question, useful for summary indexing or storing into a lookup dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/lookup-table-files `splunkadmins_restmacro` timeout=900 count=0 \ ``` converting to epochtime fails if the last updated time is 1970/doesn't have an entry in metadata, so this will exclude most application default lookup files ``` \ | eval lastupdated=strptime(updated, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z") \ | where isnotnull(lastupdated) \ | table "title" "eai:appName" "eai:acl.owner" "eai:acl.sharing" \ | rename "title" as "lookup_file" "eai:appName" as "app" "eai:acl.owner" as "owner" "eai:acl.sharing" as sharing \ | join type=outer lookup_file, app, sharing \ [| rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/transforms/lookups `splunkadmins_restmacro` search=type=file f=filename f=eai:acl* timeout=900 count=0 \ | table "eai:acl.owner" "eai:acl.app" filename "eai:acl.sharing" "lastupdated" title \ | rename "filename" as "lookup_file" "eai:acl.app" as "app" "eai:acl.owner" as "owner_from_definition" "eai:acl.sharing" AS sharing title AS lookup_name\ ``` unfortunately it's challenging to tell if a lookup came with an app or was uploaded later, however a lookup definition cannot be deleted if it's not from the local directory, so we can use this to eliminate\ lookup files that should not be deleted ``` \ | eval can_delete="false" ] \ | join type=outer lookup_name app owner_from_definition \ [ | makeresults ``` Remove the make results and uncomment once you have Webtools Add-on, https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4146, installed otherwise this search may attempt to delete lookup files that relate to default/ config. | curl uri="https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/-/-/data/transforms/lookups?count=0&output_mode=json&search=type=file&f=eai:acl*" splunkauth=true ``` \ | rex field=curl_message "\"remove\":\"(?P<lookup_location>[^\"]+)\".*?\"author\":\"(?P<owner_from_definition>[^\"]+)" max_match=0 \ | fields lookup_location, owner_from_definition \ | eval combined=mvzip(lookup_location, owner_from_definition) \ | fields combined \ | mvexpand combined \ | eval combined=split(combined,",") \ | eval lookup_location=mvindex(combined,0), owner_from_definition=mvindex(combined,1) \ | table lookup_location, owner_from_definition \ | rex field=lookup_location "/servicesNS/[^/]+/(?P<app>[^/]+)/data/transforms/lookups/(?P<lookup_name>[^/]+)" \ | eval lookup_name=urldecode(lookup_name) \ | eval can_delete="true" ]\ | where (isnotnull(can_delete) AND can_delete=="true") OR isnull(can_delete)\ | fields - lookup_location, can_delete [SearchHeadLevel - REST API usage via audit.log] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report may not be 100% accurate but the goal is to attempt to list search data through audit.log run by REST API searches dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_audit `searchheadhosts` "provenance=\"N/A\"" OR provenance="rest" info=granted OR info=completed action=search \ | regex search_id!="^'(sub|ta)" \ | table search_id, total_run_time, search_et, search_lt, api_et, api_lt, scan_count, _time, user, info, host \ | eval search_et=strftime(search_et, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"), search_lt=strftime(search_lt, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"), api_et=strftime(api_et, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"), api_lt=strftime(api_lt, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"), _time=strftime(_time, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M") [SearchHeadLevel - Lookup Editor lookup updates] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report just determine who has recently used the looup editor to edit a lookup file dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal "Lookup edited successfully" sourcetype=lookup_editor_rest_handler `searchheadhosts` \ | eval search_head=host \ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster` \ | stats max(_time) AS _time, count by lookup_file, namespace, search_head_cluster, user \ | rename namespace AS app [SearchHeadLevel - Detect lookups that have not being accessed for a period of time] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report attempts to determine which lookups have not being used during a period of time, potentially allowing them to be deleted. This requires the summary reports "IndexerLevel - RemoteSearches - lookup usage", "SearchHeadLevel - audit.log - lookup usage", "SearchHeadLevel - Lookup Editor lookup updates" \ Additionally it relies on the lookup populated by "SearchHeadLevel - Lookup file owners" dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=summary source IN ("IndexerLevel - RemoteSearches - lookup usage", "SearchHeadLevel - audit.log - lookup usage", "SearchHeadLevel - Lookup Editor lookup updates") \ | stats latest(_time) as lastUsedTime values(user) as user by lookup_file app search_head_cluster \ | append \ [| inputlookup splunkadmins_lookupfile_owners \ | rename "lastupdated" as "lastUsedTime"] \ | fillnull search_head_cluster value=`search_head_cluster`\ | stats values(*) AS * by lookup_file app search_head_cluster\ ``` at this point we have the latest use by lookup_file but it's possible a lookup file definition name was used, not the lookup file name. So we lookup the lookup_file from the search and if it's matching a lookup_name we output the file name ```\ | lookup splunkadmins_lookupfile_owners lookup_name AS lookup_file, app OUTPUT lookup_file AS lookup_file2\ | lookup splunkadmins_lookupfile_owners lookup_name AS lookup_file OUTPUT lookup_file AS lookup_file_global\ ``` if the lookup file is globally shared we cannot use an app level match, only the lookup file name. However only the lookup names from searches will mention the lookup_file_gobal field and the definition only has a lookup_file ```\ | eval lookups_combined=coalesce(lookup_file_global,lookup_file)\ | eventstats values(sharing) AS sharing_global by lookups_combined, search_head_cluster\ | eval lookup_file=if(sharing_global=="global" AND isnotnull(lookup_file_global),lookup_file_global,lookup_file)\ | eval lookup_file=if(isnotnull(lookup_file2),lookup_file2,lookup_file)\ ``` now we can find the latest by the filename even if a lookup definition was used ```\ | eventstats max(lastUsedTime) AS lastUsedTime by lookup_file, app, search_head_cluster\ | eventstats max(lastUsedTime) AS lastUsedTime_Global, values(user) AS user_global by lookup_file search_head_cluster\ ``` if the lookup is globally shared the last used time in any app is counted as the last used time of the lookup ```\ | eval lastUsedTime=if(sharing=="global",lastUsedTime_Global,lastUsedTime)\ | eval user=if(sharing=="global",user_global,user) \ | eval lastUsedTime=strftime(lastUsedTime, "%+")\ | stats values(*) AS * by lookup_file app search_head_cluster\ ``` if the owner is null the lookup doesn't exist (a potential false match by the summary searches) ```\ | where isnotnull(owner)\ | eval user=mvdedup(mvappend(mvappend(user,owner),owner_from_definition)) [SearchHeadLevel - Lookups within dashboards] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report attempts to find all lookups that exist within all dashboards, it relies on the lookup populated by "SearchHeadLevel - Lookup file owners" dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest `splunkadmins_restmacro` timeout=900 /servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views f=eai:data f=eai:acl* \ | regex eai:data="((input|output)?lookup)|(\|\s+apply\s+)" \ | spath input=eai:data \ | foreach *search*.query [ eval combined = mvappend(combined,'<<FIELD>>') ] \ | rename combined AS search \ | fields sharing, title, app, search eai:acl.app eai:acl.sharing \ | rename eai:acl.app AS app, eai:acl.sharing AS sharing \ | regex search="((input|output)?lookup)|(\|\s+apply\s+)" \ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/\n/ /g" \ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/```.*?```/ /g" \ ``` remove append= local= update= key_field= as that will confuse the regexes to extract the lookup file name ``` \ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/(append|local|update|key_field)\s*=\s*\S+\s+/ /g" \ ``` deal with standard | inputlookup, | outputlookup or | lookup ``` \ | rex max_match=20 field=search "(?ms)\|\s*(?P<operation>((input|output)?lookup|apply))\s+\"?(?P<lookup_file>[^\"\s'\|\]]+)" \ ``` deal with | from:inputlookup: "lookupfile.csv" ``` \ | rex max_match=20 field=search "(?ms)\|\s*from\s+(?P<operation>inputlookup):\s*\"?(?P<lookup_file2>[^\"\s'\|\]]+)" \ ``` deal with subsearches with [ inputlookup ] or [ outputlookup ] ``` \ | rex max_match=20 field=search "(?ms)\s*\[\s*(?P<operation>((input|output)?lookup)|apply)\s+\"?(?P<lookup_file3>[^\"\s'\|\]]+)" \ | rex max_match=20 field=search "(?ms)\s*\[\s*from\s+(?P<operation>inputlookup):\s*\"?(?P<lookup_file4>[^\"\s'\|\]]+)" \ ``` this one occurs in sub-searches for example search=' inputlookup filename.csv' could work in a pure-subsearch only, otherwise it's missing the | symbol at the start ``` \ | rex max_match=20 field=search "(?ms)(^\s*|\s*\|\s*)(?P<operation2>((input|output)?lookup|apply))\s+\"?(?P<lookup_file5>[^\"\s'\|\]]+)" \ | rex max_match=20 field=search "(?ms)(^\s*|\s*\|\s*)from\s+(?P<operation2>inputlookup):\s*\"?(?P<lookup_file6>[^\"\s\|\]]+)" \ ``` these is a case here where someone could use multiple techniques in 1 search e.g. | from:inputlookup and | lookup and this search will miss them but that seems unlikely ``` \ | eval lookup_file=mvdedup(mvappend(lookup_file,lookup_file2,lookup_file3,lookup_file4,lookup_file5)) \ | lookup splunkadmins_lookupfile_owners lookup_name AS lookup_file, app OUTPUT lookup_file AS lookup_file2 \ | lookup splunkadmins_lookupfile_owners lookup_name AS lookup_file OUTPUT lookup_file AS lookup_file_global \ ``` if the lookup file is globally shared we cannot use an app level match, only the lookup file name. However only the lookup names from searches will mention the lookup_file_gobal field and the definition only has a lookup_file ``` \ | eval lookups_combined=coalesce(lookup_file_global,lookup_file) \ | eventstats values(sharing) AS sharing_global by lookups_combined \ | eval lookup_file=if(sharing_global=="global" AND isnotnull(lookup_file_global),lookup_file_global,lookup_file) \ | eval lookup_file=if(isnotnull(lookup_file2),lookup_file2,lookup_file) \ ``` this line checks if the lookup exists as such so we don't include kvstore lookups. Additionally we want the sharing of the lookup, not the dashboard ``` \ | lookup splunkadmins_lookupfile_owners lookup_file OUTPUT lookup_file AS lookup_file, sharing \ | where isnotnull(lookup_file) \ | stats count by app, sharing, lookup_file [SearchHeadLevel - Lookups within savedsearches] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report attempts to find all lookups that exist within all savedsearches, it relies on the lookup populated by "SearchHeadLevel - Lookup file owners" dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest `splunkadmins_restmacro` timeout=900 /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches f=search f=eai:acl* \ | regex search="((input|output)?lookup)|(\|\s+apply\s+)" \ | fields title, search eai:acl.app eai:acl.sharing \ | rename eai:acl.app AS app, eai:acl.sharing AS sharing \ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/\n/ /g" \ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/```.*?```/ /g" \ ``` remove append= local= update= key_field= as that will confuse the regexes to extract the lookup file name ``` \ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/(append|local|update|key_field)\s*=\s*\S+\s+/ /g" \ ``` deal with standard | inputlookup, | outputlookup or | lookup ``` \ | rex max_match=20 field=search "(?ms)\|\s*(?P<operation>((input|output)?lookup|apply))\s+\"?(?P<lookup_file>[^\"\s'\|\]]+)" \ ``` deal with | from:inputlookup: "lookupfile.csv" ``` \ | rex max_match=20 field=search "(?ms)\|\s*from\s+(?P<operation>inputlookup):\s*\"?(?P<lookup_file2>[^\"\s'\|\]]+)" \ ``` deal with subsearches with [ inputlookup ] or [ outputlookup ] ``` \ | rex max_match=20 field=search "(?ms)\s*\[\s*(?P<operation>((input|output)?lookup)|apply)\s+\"?(?P<lookup_file3>[^\"\s'\|\]]+)" \ | rex max_match=20 field=search "(?ms)\s*\[\s*from\s+(?P<operation>inputlookup):\s*\"?(?P<lookup_file4>[^\"\s'\|\]]+)" \ ``` this one occurs in sub-searches for example search=' inputlookup filename.csv' could work in a pure-subsearch only, otherwise it's missing the | symbol at the start ``` \ | rex max_match=20 field=search "(?ms)(^\s*|\s*\|\s*)(?P<operation2>((input|output)?lookup|apply))\s+\"?(?P<lookup_file5>[^\"\s'\|\]]+)" \ | rex max_match=20 field=search "(?ms)(^\s*|\s*\|\s*)from\s+(?P<operation2>inputlookup):\s*\"?(?P<lookup_file6>[^\"\s\|\]]+)" \ ``` these is a case here where someone could use multiple techniques in 1 search e.g. | from:inputlookup and | lookup and this search will miss them but that seems unlikely ``` \ | eval lookup_file=mvdedup(mvappend(lookup_file,lookup_file2,lookup_file3,lookup_file4,lookup_file5)) \ | lookup splunkadmins_lookupfile_owners lookup_name AS lookup_file, app OUTPUT lookup_file AS lookup_file2 \ | lookup splunkadmins_lookupfile_owners lookup_name AS lookup_file OUTPUT lookup_file AS lookup_file_global \ ``` if the lookup file is globally shared we cannot use an app level match, only the lookup file name. However only the lookup names from searches will mention the lookup_file_gobal field and the definition only has a lookup_file ``` \ | eval lookups_combined=coalesce(lookup_file_global,lookup_file) \ | eventstats values(sharing) AS sharing_global by lookups_combined \ | eval lookup_file=if(sharing_global=="global" AND isnotnull(lookup_file_global),lookup_file_global,lookup_file) \ | eval lookup_file=if(isnotnull(lookup_file2),lookup_file2,lookup_file) \ ``` this line checks if the lookup exists as such so we don't include kvstore lookups. Additionally we want the sharing of the lookup not the savedsearch ``` \ | lookup splunkadmins_lookupfile_owners lookup_file OUTPUT lookup_file AS lookup_file, sharing \ | where isnotnull(lookup_file) \ | stats count by app, sharing, lookup_file [MonitoringConsole - one or more servers require configuration] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 57 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? High. Note uses a lookup in the monitoring console app, so you will either need to share the lookup globally or move the alert into the required app. This alert is designed to find a situation where the monitoring console has new servers in the "New" state and not "Configured", until the Apply changes button is pressed in Settings -> General Setup the said servers will not be part of the searches (and therefore your search results will not see all indexers if you added new indexers into the cluster) dispatch.earliest_time = -4h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest splunk_server=local "/services/search/distributed/peers?output_mode=json&search=disabled%3D0&search=status%3DUp" f=name f=cluster_label f=host f=status* f=search_groups f=server_roles f=peerType\ | join name type=outer \ [ | makeresults ``` remove the comments once you have Webtools Add-on, https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4146 installed to use the curl command and makeresults placeholder | curl splunkauth=true uri="https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/splunk_monitoring_console/configs/conf-splunk_monitoring_console_assets/settings?output_mode=json" ```\ ``` Partially based on the examples on https://gist.github.com/nmattam/bcfbc8a4ebd9a520c2ac50ab0137e58f ``` \ | spath input=curl_message path="entry{}[0].content.configuredPeers" output=configuredPeers\ ``` add the new peers and assume that the assumed configuration is accurate, but first dedup in case we have added duplicates through this process ``` \ | makemv configuredPeers delim="," \ | table configuredPeers \ | mvexpand configuredPeers \ | eval fromjoin="true" \ | rename configuredPeers AS name ]\ | where isnull(fromjoin)\ | table host, name, cluster_label, status, status_details, search_groups, server_roles, peerType disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Peer timeouts or authentication issues] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 57 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Moderate. A connect timeout may be an issue with timeouts or a slow responding peer. An unable to get authentication token may require manual intervention dispatch.earliest_time = -1h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd source=*splunkd.log* `searchheadhosts` "Connect Timeout" OR "Unable to get authentication token" component IN (DistributedPeer, GetRemoteAuthToken) \ | search `comment("Exclude time periods where shutdowns were occurring including 10 minutes after shutdown to handle any reboot time")` AND NOT \ [ `splunkadmins_shutdown_time(indexerhosts,60,600)`] \ | bin _time span=5m \ | rex "(?P<peerinfo>peer:\s|Peer:.*)" \ | rex "from peer:\s+https://(?P<peerinfo>.*)" \ | rex "peeruri=\"(?P<peerinfo>[^\"]+)" \ | rex "https://(?P<clientip>[^:]+)" \ | lookup dnslookup clientip \ | stats count, last(_raw) AS raw, values(peerinfo) AS peerinfo, values(clienthost) AS clienthost by host, _time \ | sort - _time \ | eval _time=strftime(_time,"%+") disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - Datamodel REST endpoint indexes in use] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report attempts to find indexes in use by a datamodel via REST endpoint (| tstats count from datamodel=... groupby index ) can work as well. Note that for accurate macro substituition the splunkadmins_macros will need to be up-to-date dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest `splunkadmins_restmacro` timeout=900 /servicesNS/-/-/data/models f=eai:data f=eai:acl* \ | eval splunk_server = `splunkadmins_splunk_server_name` \ | `splunkadmins_macro_sub('eai:data')` \ | regex eai:data="index\s*(=|[iI][nN])" \ | rex field=eai:data "(?P<esstylewildcard>\(\s*index=\*\s+OR\s+index=_\*\s*\))" \ | rex field=eai:data "(?sm)(NOT\s+index\s*(=|::)\s*[^ ]+)|(NOT\s+\([^\)]+\))|(index\s*(=|::)\s*(\\\)?\"?(?P<indexregex>[\*A-Za-z0-9-_]+))" max_match=50 \ | rex field=eai:data "(?sm)(NOT\s+index\s+[iI][nN]\s*\([^\)]+)|(index\s+[iI][nN]\s*\((?P<indexin>([^\)\"]+)|\"[^\)\"]+\"))" max_match=50 \ | makemv delim="," indexin \ | eval indexes=mvappend(indexregex,indexin) \ | eval indexes=if(isnotnull(esstylewildcard),mvfilter(NOT match(indexes,"^_?\*$")),indexes) \ | eval indexes=mvmap(indexes, replace(lower(indexes), "\"", "")) \ | eval indexes=mvmap(indexes, trim(replace(indexes, "'", ""))) \ | eval indexes=mvdedup(indexes) \ | table title, indexes, eai:data, eai:acl.app [SearchHeadLevel - Job performance data per indexer] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report attempts to report the job performance per indexer of any particular SID. You will need to change this to the correct sid dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest `splunkadmins_restmacro` /services/search/jobs/1702011904.5983330_C87A3145-95EE-4558-B4F7-FE19CB3D7557 \ | fields performance.dispatch.stream.remote.*.duration_secs performance.dispatch.stream.remote.*.output_count performance.dispatch.stream.remote.*.invocations \ | untable perf field value \ | rex field=field "performance\.dispatch\.stream\.remote\.(?<indexer>.*)\.(?P<type>.*)" \ | eval combined=type . "!" . value \ | stats values(combined) AS combined by indexer \ | eval combined_count=mvcount(combined) \ | where combined_count==3 \ | eval duration_secs=mvindex(split(mvindex(combined,0),"!"),1) \ | eval output_count=mvindex(split(mvindex(combined,2),"!"),1) ``` this appears to be bytes rather than event counts ``` \ ```| eval invocations=mvindex(split(mvindex(combined,1),"!"),1)``` \ | eval output_per_duration=output_count/duration_secs \ | fields - combined, combined_count [SearchHeadLevel - Jobs endpoint example] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. This report provides fields returned by the jobs REST endpoint. Some of this data is captured by index=_introspection sourcetype=search_telemetry which is easier to use...(and indexed, except for some edge cases around scheduled searches and hitting the limits.conf [search] max_count limit) dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest `splunkadmins_restmacro` /servicesNS/-/-/search/jobs \ | eval publishedEpoch=strptime(published, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N%:z") \ | where publishedEpoch > relative_time(now(),"-10m") \ | table published, ttl, title, splunk_server, statusBuckets, sid, searchTotalBucketsCount, searchEarliestTime, searchLatestTime, scanCount, runDuration, resultCount, provenance, priority, pid, optimizedSearch, earliestTime, latestTime, label, isBatchModeSearch, isDone, eventCount, eai:acl.app, doneProgress, dispatchState, diskUsage, delegate, author [SearchHeadLevel - configtracker index example] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. As seen on community slack, yuanliu. This query provides a summary of changes using the _configtracker index. This example uses the ui-prefs.conf file dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_configtracker data.path=*/ui-prefs.conf sourcetype=splunk_configuration_change \ | spath path=data.changes{} \ | fields - data.changes{}.* \ | mvexpand data.changes{} \ | spath input=data.changes{} \ | spath input=data.changes{} path=properties{} \ | mvexpand properties{} \ | fields - properties{}.* \ | spath input=properties{} \ | table data.action data.path name *_value stanza [MonitoringConsole - one or more servers require configuration automated] alert.suppress = 0 alert.track = 1 alert.digest_mode = 1 alert.severity = 2 counttype = number of events cron_schedule = 57 * * * * description = Chance the alert requires action? Low. This alert relies on the Webtools Add-on, https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4146. Note this alert uses a lookup in the monitoring console app, so you will either need to share the lookup globally or move the alert into the required app. This alert is designed to find a situation where the monitoring console has new servers in the "New" state and not "Configured", until the Apply changes button is pressed in Settings -> General Setup the said servers will not be part of the searches (and therefore your search results will not see all indexers if you added new indexers into the cluster). The automated part of this alert attempts to apply the settings for new indexers only. The alert MonitoringConsole - one or more servers require configuration can be used to alert if manual intervention is required. dispatch.earliest_time = -4h@h dispatch.latest_time = now display.general.type = statistics display.page.search.tab = statistics display.visualizations.charting.chart = area enableSched = 1 quantity = 0 relation = greater than request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest splunk_server=local "/services/search/distributed/peers?output_mode=json&search=disabled%3D0&search=status%3DUp" f=name \ | join name type=outer \ [ | makeresults ``` remove the comments once you have Webtools Add-on, https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4146 installed to use the curl command, and the | makeresults ``` \ | curl splunkauth=true uri="https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/splunk_monitoring_console/configs/conf-splunk_monitoring_console_assets/settings?output_mode=json"\ ``` Partially based on the examples on https://gist.github.com/nmattam/bcfbc8a4ebd9a520c2ac50ab0137e58f ``` \ | spath input=curl_message path="entry{}[0].content.configuredPeers" output=configuredPeers\ ``` add the new peers and assume that the assumed configuration is accurate, but first dedup in case we have added duplicates through this process ``` \ | makemv configuredPeers delim="," \ | table configuredPeers \ | mvexpand configuredPeers \ | eval fromjoin="true" \ | rename configuredPeers AS name ]\ | where isnull(fromjoin)\ | table peerType, name, cluster_label, search_groups, status, status_details \ | require \ | stats values(name) AS names \ | eval names=mvjoin(names,",")\ ``` remove the comments once you have Webtools Add-on, https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4146 installed to use the curl command \ | curl splunkauth=true uri="https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/splunk_monitoring_console/configs/conf-splunk_monitoring_console_assets/settings?output_mode=json"\ ``` \ ``` Partially based on the examples on https://gist.github.com/nmattam/bcfbc8a4ebd9a520c2ac50ab0137e58f ``` \ | spath input=curl_message path="entry{}[0].content.configuredPeers" output=configuredPeers\ ``` add the new peers and assume that the assumed configuration is accurate, but first dedup in case we have added duplicates through this process ``` \ | makemv configuredPeers delim="," \ | table configuredPeers, names\ | mvexpand configuredPeers\ ``` handle a case where we have IP's of servers that have chnaged in the configuredPeers settings ```\ | search NOT ([ | rest splunk_server=local "/services/search/distributed/peers?output_mode=json&search=disabled%3D0&search=status%3DUp" \ | lookup dmc_assets peerURI AS name OUTPUT serverName\ | lookup dmc_assets serverName AS host OUTPUT peerURI \ | where isnull(serverName)\ | eval peerURI=mvdedup(peerURI)\ | rename peerURI AS configuredPeers\ | return 999 configuredPeers ])\ | stats values(configuredPeers) AS configuredPeers, values(names) AS names\ | eval count=mvcount(configuredPeers) \ | eval configuredPeers=mvdedup(configuredPeers) \ | eval configuredPeers=mvjoin(configuredPeers,",")\ | eval names=mvjoin(names,",")\ | eval data="configuredPeers=" . configuredPeers . "," . names\ ``` remove the comments once you have Webtools Add-on, https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4146 installed to use the curl command \ | curl splunkauth=true method=post uri="https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/splunk_monitoring_console/configs/conf-splunk_monitoring_console_assets/settings" datafield=data \ ``` \ ``` we have updated the console assets settings, however we also must update the distributed groups... ``` \ | appendpipe\ [| rest splunk_server=local "/services/search/distributed/peers?output_mode=json&search=disabled%3D0&search=status%3DUp" \ | lookup dmc_assets host OUTPUT serverName \ ``` in some cases the serverName can be the short/non-FQDN name ``` \ | lookup dmc_assets serverName AS host OUTPUTNEW serverName \ ``` if the IP doesn't match it may not be configured as expected ``` \ | lookup dmc_assets peerURI AS name OUTPUT serverName AS serverName2\ | where isnull(serverName) OR isnull(serverName2) \ | table cluster_label, name \ | where isnotnull(cluster_label)\ ``` | require```\ | stats list(name) AS names by cluster_label\ | eval uri="https://localhost:8089/services/search/distributed/groups/dmc_indexerclustergroup_" . cluster_label . "?output_mode=json" \ ``` remove the comments once you have Webtools Add-on, https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4146 installed to use the curl command \ | curl urifield=uri splunkauth=true \ ``` \ | spath input=curl_message path="entry{}[0].content.member{}" output=member \ | makemv names delim=" " \ | eval member=mvappend(member,names) \ | rex field=member mode=sed "s/(.*)/\"\1\"/g" \ | eval member_comb = mvjoin(member, ", ") \ | eval data="{\"member\": [" . member_comb . "] }" \ | eval uri="https://localhost:8089/services/search/distributed/groups/dmc_indexerclustergroup_" . cluster_label . "/edit" \ ``` remove the comments once you have Webtools Add-on, https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4146 installed to use the curl command \ | curl urifield=uri splunkauth=true datafield=data method=POST\ ``` \ ``` after updating the indexer cluster group for the required label we must additionally update the dmc group for indexers ``` \ | eval uri="https://localhost:8089/services/search/distributed/groups/dmc_group_indexer?output_mode=json" \ ``` remove the comments once you have Webtools Add-on, https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4146 installed to use the curl command \ | curl urifield=uri splunkauth=true \ ``` \ | spath input=curl_message path="entry{}[0].content.member{}" output=member \ | makemv names delim=" " \ | eval member=mvappend(member,names) \ | rex field=member mode=sed "s/(.*)/\"\1\"/g" \ | eval member_comb = mvjoin(member, ", ") \ | eval data="{\"member\": [" . member_comb . "] }" \ | eval uri="https://localhost:8089/services/search/distributed/groups/dmc_group_indexer/edit" \ ``` remove the comments once you have Webtools Add-on, https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4146 installed to use the curl command \ | curl urifield=uri splunkauth=true datafield=data method=POST\ ``` \ ] \ | eval data="trigger_actions=1" \ ``` 2023-12-12 , I've submitted docs feedback that this endpoint is undocumented but used by the MC, it appears to trigger the actions related to the savedsearch to populate a lookup ``` \ ``` remove the comments once you have Webtools Add-on, https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4146 installed to use the curl command | curl splunkauth=true method=post uri="https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/splunk_monitoring_console/saved/searches/DMC+Asset+-+Build+Full/dispatch" datafield=data \ ``` disabled = 1 [SearchHeadLevel - macros in use] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. Determine the macros in use per search head cluster dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_audit `searchheadhosts` TERM(info=completed) search_id!="'rsa_*" search_id!="'RemoteStorageRetrieveBuckets_*" \ | rex "(?s), search='(?P<search>.*)\]$" \ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/\n/ /g" \ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/```.*?```/ /g" \ | eval search=if(substr(search,len(search),len(search)-1)=="'",substr(search,0,len(search)-1),search)\ | rex field=search "`\s*(?P<macro>.*?)\s*`" max_match=0\ | eval search_head=host\ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster`\ | stats count by macro, search_head_cluster\ | rex field=macro "(?P<commas>,)" max_match=0\ ``` for those who like to do () on the end of a macro call ```\ | rex mode=sed field=macro "s/\(\)$//g"\ | eval comma_count=mvcount(commas)\ | eval args=if(match(macro, "\("),"true",null())\ | eval comma_count=if(isnotnull(args),comma_count + 1,comma_count)\ ``` remove the arguments after the macro if they exist ```\ | rex field=macro mode=sed "s/\(.*?\)$//"\ | eval macro_name=if(isnull(comma_count),macro,macro . "(" . comma_count . ")")\ ``` filter any macros that are include the " symbol or | symbol, as these are unlikely to be a macro ```\ | regex macro!="(\"|\||^$|\[|\?)"\ | stats count by macro_name, search_head_cluster\ ``` filter out empty macros ```\ | search macro_name!="" [SearchHeadLevel - indexes per savedsearch] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 * * * * description = Report only? Yes. Determine the indexes in savedsearches, you could use macro substitution to find more accurate results (as per the "SearchHeadLevel - Search Queries summary exact match" search, but this one is just a simple example) dispatch.earliest_time = -65m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = | rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches f=next_scheduled_time f=search f=qualifiedSearch `splunkadmins_restmacro` timeout=900 \ | search next_scheduled_time!="" \ | eval updatedepoch=strptime(updated, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z") \ | eval no_updates_after=relative_time(now(),"-90d") \ | where updatedepoch < no_updates_after \ | rex field=qualifiedSearch mode=sed "s/```.*?```/ /g" \ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/```.*?```/ /g" \ | regex qualifiedSearch="^\s*(\|?)\s*(search|tstats|mstats|mcatalog|mutlisearch|union|set|summarize|datamodel|from\s*:?\s*datamodel|datamodelsimple)\s+" \ | regex qualifiedSearch!="(\||^)\s*(append|union|multisearch|set|appendcols|appendpipe|join|map)" \ | rex field=search "(?s)^(?P<prepipe>\s*\|?([^\|]+))" \ | rex field=prepipe "(?s)(NOT\s+index(\s*=\s*|::)[^ ]+)|(NOT\s+\([^\)]+\))|(index(\s*=\s*|::)\"?(?P<indexregex>[\*A-Za-z0-9-_]+))" max_match=50 \ | rex field=prepipe "(?s)(NOT\s+index\s+[iI][nN]\s*\([^\)]+)|(index\s+[iI][nN]\s*\((?P<indexin>([^\)\"]+)|\"[^\)\"]+\"))" max_match=50 \ | makemv delim="," indexin \ | eval indexes=mvappend(indexregex,indexin) \ | eval indexes=if(isnotnull(esstylewildcard),mvfilter(NOT match(indexes,"^_?\*$")),indexes) \ | eval wildcard=mvfilter(match(indexes,"\*")) \ ``` | where isnull(wildcard) ``` \ | eval indexes=mvmap(indexes, replace(lower(indexes), "\"", "")) \ | eval indexes=mvmap(indexes, trim(replace(indexes, "'", ""))) \ | eval indexes=mvdedup(indexes) \ | eval count=mvcount(indexes) [SearchHeadLevel - platform_stats.remote_searches metrics populating search 24 hour] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 5 * * * description = Report only? Yes. Metrics? Yes. This summary (mcollect) search attempts to find stats via the remote_searches.log on the indexing tier (useful if you do not have audit logs for all search heads) (note realtime_schedule = 0). Note: tested on 7.3 only, may not work on earlier versions dispatch.earliest_time = -24h-5m@m dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 realtime_schedule = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_internal `indexerhosts` sourcetype=splunkd_remote_searches source="/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/remote_searches.log" terminated: OR closed: `comment("Note that keyword starting has the apiStartTime, apiEndTime stats, but lacks the useful stats from a search that is complete. Also note that on indexers scan_count=events_count (in my testing). Finally the elapsedTime sometimes failed to auto-extract, perhaps due to length...")`\ | regex search!="^(pretypeahead|copybuckets)"\ | regex search!="^presummarize (tstats=t maintain=\"\" summaryprefix=\"[^\"]+\"|maintain=\"%22SUMMARY_ID%22%2C%22EARLIEST_TIME%22%2C%22REMOTE_SEARCH%22%2C%22NORM_SUMMARY_ID%22%2C%22NORM_REMOTE_SEARCH%22%0A\" summaryprefix=\"[^\"]+\")\s*$"\ | rex "(terminated|closed): search_id=(?P<search_id>[^,]+)"\ | eval indexer_cluster=`indexer_cluster_name(host)`\ | stats dc(search_id) AS platform_stats.remote_searches.search_count_24hour by indexer_cluster\ | addinfo\ | rename info_max_time AS _time\ | fields - info_* [IndexerLevel - events per second benchmark] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 5 * * * description = Report only? Yes. This is an example search for using the search_telemetry to attempt to measure (very roughly) the events/second returned by the indexing tier. This appears to be the best mesaurement I can find so far...Note you would need a list of savedsearches instead of example dispatch.earliest_time = -24h-5m@ dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 realtime_schedule = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_introspection sourcetype=search_telemetry `searchheadhosts` `splunkadmins_events_per_second`\ | table _time, perf.scan_count, phases.phase_0.elapsed_time_aggregations.avg, perf.search_runtime_secs, desc.savedsearch_name\ | rename perf.scan_count AS scan_count, phases.phase_0.elapsed_time_aggregations.avg AS indexer_avg, perf.search_runtime_secs AS search_runtime, desc.savedsearch_name AS savedsearch_name\ ``` note that if scan_count exceeds 500K the stats disappear in 9.0.3/9.1.2, which is frustrating. Ad-hoc searches do not have this issue ```\ | eval events_per_second=round(scan_count/indexer_avg,2)\ | eval indexer_avg=round(indexer_avg,2), search_runtime=round(search_runtime,2)\ | fillnull indexer_avg events_per_second [IndexerLevel - savedsearches by indexer execution time] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 5 * * * description = Report only? Yes. This search helps find savedsearches that are running for a certain period of time at the indexing tier dispatch.earliest_time = -24h-5m@ dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 realtime_schedule = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_introspection sourcetype=search_telemetry `searchheadhosts`\ | eval search_head=host\ | eval search_head_cluster=`search_head_cluster`\ | stats perc95(phases.phase_0.elapsed_time_aggregations.avg) AS indexer_runtime, values(host) AS hosts by desc.savedsearch_name, search_head_cluster\ | where indexer_runtime>10 AND NOT match('desc.savedsearch_name', "^_ACCELERATE")\ | sort indexer_runtime\ | streamstats count by search_head_cluster\ | where count<50\ | sort - indexer_runtime \ | eval hosts=mvjoin(hosts,",")\ | eval example_search="| savedsearch \"SearchHeadLevel - Indexes for savedsearch without subsearches\" savedsearch_name=\"" . 'desc.savedsearch_name' . "\" host=\"" . hosts . "\"" [SearchHeadLevel - Indexes for savedsearch without subsearches] action.email.useNSSubject = 1 alert.track = 0 cron_schedule = 38 5 * * * description = Report only? Yes. This search provides a list of indexes if there are no subsearches in use...which can be useful for benchmarking/comparing performance over time. Note this does not do macro substituation (or eventtypes/tags but that is possible with the other examples) dispatch.earliest_time = -24h-5m@ dispatch.latest_time = -5m@m display.events.fields = ["index","sourcetype","host"] display.general.type = statistics enableSched = 0 realtime_schedule = 0 request.ui_dispatch_app = SplunkAdmins request.ui_dispatch_view = search search = index=_audit savedsearch_name="$savedsearch_name$" host IN ($host$) \ | rex "(?s), search='(?P<search>.*)\]$" \ | rex field=search mode=sed "s/```.*?```/ /g" \ | regex search="^\s*(\|?)\s*(search|tstats|mstats|mcatalog|mutlisearch|union|set|summarize|datamodel|from\s*:?\s*datamodel|datamodelsimple)\s+" \ | regex search!="(\||^)\s*(append|union|multisearch|set|appendcols|appendpipe|join|map)" \ | rex field=search "(?s)^(?P<prepipe>\s*\|?([^\|]+))" \ | rex field=prepipe "(?s)(NOT\s+index(\s*=\s*|::)[^ ]+)|(NOT\s+\([^\)]+\))|(index(\s*=\s*|::)\"?(?P<indexregex>[\*A-Za-z0-9-_]+))" max_match=50 \ | rex field=prepipe "(?s)(NOT\s+index\s+[iI][nN]\s*\([^\)]+)|(index\s+[iI][nN]\s*\((?P<indexin>([^\)\"]+)|\"[^\)\"]+\"))" max_match=50 \ | makemv delim="," indexin \ | eval indexes=mvappend(indexregex,indexin) \ | eval indexes=if(isnotnull(esstylewildcard),mvfilter(NOT match(indexes,"^_?\*$")),indexes) \ | eval wildcard=mvfilter(match(indexes,"\*")) \ | where isnull(wildcard) \ | eval indexes=mvmap(indexes, replace(lower(indexes), "\"", "")) \ | eval indexes=mvmap(indexes, trim(replace(indexes, "'", ""))) \ | eval indexes=mvdedup(indexes) \ | eval count=mvcount(indexes) \ ```| where count==1 \ | search indexes!=_* ```\ | stats count by indexes