#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ gw1000.py A WeeWX driver for devices using Ecowitt LAN/Wi-Fi Gateway API. The WeeWX Ecowitt Gateway driver (known historically as the 'WeeWX GW1000 driver') utilises the Ecowitt LAN/Wi-Fi Gateway API and device HTTP requests to pull data from the gateway device. This is in contrast to the push methodology used by drivers that obtain data from the gateway device via Ecowitt or WeatherUnderground format uploads emitted by the device. The pull approach has the advantage of giving the user more control over when the data is obtained from the device plus also giving access to a greater range of metrics. As of the time of release this driver supports the GW1000, GW1100 and GW2000 gateway devices as well as the WH2650, WH2680 and WN1900 Wi-Fi weather stations. The Ecowitt Gateway driver can be operated as a traditional WeeWX driver where it is the source of loop data or it can be operated as a WeeWX service where it is used to augment loop data produced by another driver. Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Gary Roderick gjroderickgmail.com This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/. Version: 0.6.2 Date: 23 February 2024 Revision History 23 February 2024 v0.6.2 - fixed bug that caused the driver to crash if IP address discovery is used 21 February 2024 v0.6.1 - fixed bug in construct_field_map() signature that resulted in field map and field map extensions being ignored 7 February 2024 v0.6.0 - significant re-structuring of classes used to better delineate responsibilities and prepare for the implementation of the GatewayHttp class - implement device HTTP requests to obtain additional device/sensor status data not available via API - fixed issue that prevented use of the driver as both a driver and a service under a single WeeWX instance - fixes error in multi-channel temperature calibration data decode - updated IAW Gateway API documentation v1.6.9 - added support for free heap memory field - rename a number of calibration/offset related command line options to better align with the labels/names now used in the WSView Plus app v2.0.32 - --firmware command line option now displays gateway device and (where available) sensor firmware versions along with a short message if a device firmware update is available - implement gateway device firmware update check and logging - gateway device temperature compensation setting can be displayed using the --system-params command line option (for firmware versions GW2000 all, GW1100 > v2.1.2 and GW1000 > v1.6.9) - added wee_device/weectl device support - rationalised driver direct and wee_device/weectl device actions - the discarding of non-timestamped and stale packets is now logged by the GatewayService when debug_loop is set or debug >= 2 - unit groups are now assigned to all WeeWX fields in the default field map that are not included in the default WeeWX wview_extended schema - 'kilobyte' and 'megabyte' are added to unit group 'group_data' on driver/service startup 13 June 2022 v0.5.0b5 - renamed as the Ecowitt Gateway driver/service rather than the former GW1000 or GW1000/GW1100 driver/service - added support for GW2000 - added support for WS90 sensor platform - WH40 and WH51 battery state now decoded as tenths of a Volt rather than as binary - redesignated WH35 as WN35 and WH34 as WN34, these changes are essentially sensor name change only and do not change any decoding/calculations - added mappings for WN34 battery and signal state to the default mapping meaning this data will now appear in WeeWX loop packets - refactored GatewayDriver, GatewayService and Gateway class initialisations to facilitate running the GatewayDriver and GatewayService simultaneously - GatewayService now defaults to using a [GW1000Service] stanza but if not found will drop back to the legacy [GW1000] stanza - the source of GatewayDriver and GatewayService log output is now clearly identified - moved all parsing and decoding of API responses to class Parser - assigned WeeWX fields extraTemp9 to extraTemp17 inclusive to group_temperature - implemented --driver-map and --service-map command line options to display the actual field map that would be used when running as a driver and service respectively - default field map is now only logged at startup when debug>=1 - internal non-piezo rainfall related fields renamed with a 't_' prefix, eg: 't_rainrate', 't_rainday' - default field map now maps 't_' rainfall fields to the standard WeeWX rainfall related fields - added config option log_unknown_fields to log unknown fields found in a CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA or CMD_READ_RAIN API response at the info (True) or the default debug (False) level - added support for (likely) rain source selection field (0x7A) appearing in CMD_READ_RAIN response - fix issue where day rain and week rain use a different format in CMD_READ_RAIN to that in CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA - fix issue where sensor ID is incorrectly displayed for sensors with an ID ending in one or more zeros (issue 48) - device field 't_rainhour' removed from the default field map IAW API v1.6.6 change of 0x0F rain hour (ITEM_RAINHOUR) to rain gain (ITEM_RAIN_Gain) - --live-data output now indicates the unit group being used - battery state data received from WH40 devices that do not emit battery state is now ignored by default and the value None returned 20 March 2022 v0.4.2 - fix bug in Station.rediscover() 14 October 2021 v0.4.1 - no change, version increment only 27 September 2021 v0.4.0 - the device model is now identified via the API so many former references to 'GW1000' in console and log output should now be replaced with the correct device model - when used as a driver the driver hardware_name property now returns the device model instead of the driver name (GW1000) - reworked processing of queued data by class GatewayService() to fix a bug resulting is intermittent missing GW1000 data - implemented debug_wind reporting - re-factored debug_rain reporting to report both 'WeeWX' and 'GW1000' rain related fields - battery state data is now set to None for sensors with signal level == 0, can be disabled by setting option show_all_batt = True under [GW1000] in weewx.conf or by use of the --show-all-batt command line option - implemented the --units command line option to control the units used when displaying --live-data output, available options are US customary (--units=us), Metric (--units=metric) and MetricWx (--units=metricwx) - --live-data now formatted and labelled using WeeWX default formats and labels - fixed some incorrect command line option descriptions - simplified binary battery state calculation - socket objects are now managed via the 'with' context manager - fixed bug when operated with GW1100 using firmware v2.0.4 - implemented limited debug_sensors reporting - implemented a separate broadcast_timeout config option to allow an increased socket timeout when broadcasting for gateway devices, default value is five seconds - a device is now considered unique if it has a unique MAC address (was formerly unique if IP address and port combination were unique) - minor reformatting of --discover console output - WH24 battery and signal state fields are now included in the default field map 28 March 2021 v0.3.1 - fixed error when broadcast port or socket timeout is specified in weewx.conf - fixed bug when decoding firmware version string that gives a truncated result 20 March 2021 v0.3.0 - added the --units command line option to allow the output of --live-data to be displayed in specified units (US customary or Metric) - added support for WH35 sensor - when run directly the driver now distinguishes between no sensor ID response and an empty sensor ID response - reworked battery state, signal level and sensor ID processing to cater for changes to battery state reporting introduced in GW1000 API v1.6.0 (GW1000 v1.6.5 firmware) - The GW1000 cumulative daily lightning count field is now included in driver loop packets as field 'lightningcount' (the default field name). Previously this field was used to derive the WeeWX extended schema field 'lightning_strike_count' and was not included in loop packets. - fixed incomplete --default-map output - fixes loss of battery state data for some sensors that occurred under GW1000 firmware release v1.6.5 and later 9 January 2021 v0.2.0 - added support for WH45 sensor - improved comments in installer/wee_config inserted config stanzas/entries - added basic test suite - sensor signal levels added to loop packet - added --get-services command line option to display GW1000 supported weather services settings - added --get-pm25-offset command line option to display GW1000 PM2.5 sensor offset settings - added --get-mulch-offset command line option to display GW1000 multi-channel TH sensor calibration settings - added --get-soil-calibration command line option to display GW1000 soil moisture sensor calibration settings - added --get-calibration command line option to display GW1000 sensor calibration settings - renamed --rain-data command line option to --get-rain-data - renamed various 24 hour average particulate concentration fields - added a check for unknown field addresses when processing sensor data 1 September 2020 v0.1.0 (b1-b12) - initial release This driver is based on the Ecowitt LAN/Wi-Fi Gateway API documentation v1.6.9. However, the following deviations from the Ecowitt LAN/Wi-Fi Gateway API documentation v1.6.9 have been made in this driver: 1. CMD_READ_SSSS documentation states that 'UTC time' is part of the data returned by the CMD_READ_SSSS API command. The UTC time field is described as 'UTC time' and is an unsigned long. No other details are provided in the API documentation. Rather than being a Unix epoch timestamp, the UTC time data appears to be a Unix epoch timestamp that is offset from UTC time by the gateway device timezone. In other words, two gateway devices in different timezones that have their system time correctly set will return different values for UTC time via the CMD_READ_SSSS command. The Ecowitt Gateway driver subtracts the system UTC offset in seconds from the UTC time returned by the CMD_READ_SSSS command in order to obtain the correct UTC time. 2. WH40 battery state data contained in the CMD_READ_SENSOR_ID_NEW response is documented as a single byte representing 10x the battery voltage. However, Ecowitt has confirmed that early WH40 hardware does not send any battery state data. Whilst no battery state data is transmitted by early WH40 hardware, the API reports a value of 0x10 (decodes to 1.6V) for these devices. Ecowitt has also confirmed that later revisions of the WH40 do in fact report battery state data. However, anecdotal evidence shows that the battery state is reported as 100x the battery voltage not 10x as stated in the API documentation. Consequently, the Ecowitt Gateway driver now discards the bogus 0x10 battery data (1.6V) reported by early WH40 hardware and WH40 battery voltage is reported as None for these devices. Battery state data for later WH40 hardware that does report battery voltage is decoded and passed through to WeeWX. 3. Yet to released/named API command code 0x59 provides WN34 temperature calibration data. This API command is referred to as 'CMD_GET_MulCH_T_OFFSET' within the driver and has been implemented as of v0.6.0. Calibration data is provided in standardised Ecowitt gateway device API response packet format. The API response uses two bytes for packet size. Header, command code and checksum are standard values/formats. Data structure is two bytes per sensor, first byte is sensor address (0x63 to 0x6A) and second byte is tenths C calibration value (or calibration value x 10). Calibration value may be from +10C to -10C. Data is included only for connected sensors. This support should be considered experimental. 4. API documentation v1.6.9 lists field 7B as 'Radiation compensation', though in the WSView Plus app the field 7B data is displayed against a label 'Temperature Compensation' for devices WH65/WH69/WS80/WS90. Field 7B is more correctly referred to as 'Temperature Compensation' as the setting controls whether the outdoor temperature for the listed devices is compensated by an Ecowitt formula based on the radiation level (perhaps other fields as well). Field 7B is located amidst various rain related fields and bizarrely field 7B data is only available through the recent CMD_READ_RAIN API command. As the CMD_READ_RAIN command was only recently introduced, some gateway devices using old firmware cannot use the CMD_READ_RAIN API command meaning field 7B cannot be read from some gateway devices using the API. Field 7B can be read once the gateway device firmware is updated to a version that supports the CMD_READ_RAIN command. The field 7B data/'Temperature Compensation' setting can be displayed via the --system-params command line option. Before using this driver: Before running WeeWX with the Ecowitt Gateway driver you may wish to run the driver directly from the command line to ensure correct operation/assist in configuration. Running the driver directly will not interrupt a running WeeWX instance other than perhaps placing a few extra lines in the WeeWX log. To run the driver directly from the command line: 1. Install WeeWX (https://weewx.com/docs/usersguide.htm#installing) and make sure WeeWX is operating correctly (perhaps with the simulator driver). Whilst the Ecowitt Gateway driver may be run independently of WeeWX the driver still requires WeeWX and it's dependencies be installed. 2. Run the driver directly and display the driver help: for a WeeWX setup.py install: $ PYTHONPATH=/home/weewx/bin python -m user.gw1000 --help or for a WeeWX package install use: $ PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python -m user.gw1000 --help Note: Depending on your system/installation the above command may need to be prefixed with sudo. Note: The driver must be run under the same Python version as WeeWX uses. For WeeWX 3.x this is Python 2. If WeeWX 4.0.0 or later is installed this may be Python 2 or Python 3. This means that on some systems 'python' in the above api_commands may need to be changed to 'python2' or 'python3'. 3. The --discover command line option is useful for discovering any gateway devices on the local network. The IP address and port details returned by --discover can be useful for configuring the driver IP address and port config options in weewx.conf. Note: The recommended approach when using the Ecowitt Gateway driver in a live environment is to specify the IP address and port number to be used for each gateway device. Discovery has been unreliable at time and to date has not worked on a WiFi only connected GW2000 (ethernet connected GW200 discover fine). 4. The --live-data command line option is useful for seeing what data is available from a particular gateway device. Note the fields available will depend on the sensors connected to the device. As the field names returned by --live-data are internal gateway device field names before they have been mapped to WeeWX fields names, the --live-data output is useful for configuring the field map to be used by the Ecowitt Gateway driver. 5. Once you believe the Ecowitt Gateway driver is configured the --test-driver or --test-service command line options can be used to confirm correct operation of the Ecowitt Gateway driver as a driver or as a service respectively. Installing and Configuring the Ecowitt Gateway Driver Refer to the included readme.txt for basic installation instructions. Refer to the Ecowitt Gateway driver wiki (https://github.com/gjr80/weewx-gw1000/wiki) for more in-depth installation and configuration information. """ # Outstanding TODOs: # TODO. Confirm WH26/WH32 sensor ID # TODO. Confirm WH26/WH32 battery status # TODO. Confirm WH68 battery status # TODO. Confirm WS80 battery status # TODO. Confirm WH24 battery status # TODO. Confirm WH25 battery status # TODO. Need to know date-time data format for decode date_time() # TODO. Need to re-order sensor output for --sensors to better match app # TODO. windSpeed, windGust, lightning_distance have an excessive number of decimal places in --test-service # TODO. Revisit debug_wind and debug_rain to see what more debugging output is required # Refactor TODOS: # TODO. self.sensor_ids vs Sensors.sensor_ids # TODO. Where should IP address, port and MAC be properties # Python imports from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import calendar import configobj import json import re import socket import struct import threading import time from operator import itemgetter # Python 2/3 compatibility shims import six from six.moves import StringIO from six.moves import urllib from six.moves.urllib.error import URLError from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode # WeeWX imports import weecfg import weeutil.weeutil import weewx.drivers import weewx.engine import weewx.units import weewx.wxformulas from weeutil.weeutil import timestamp_to_string # import/setup logging, WeeWX v3 is syslog based but WeeWX v4 is logging based, # try v4 logging and if it fails use v3 logging try: # WeeWX4 logging import logging from weeutil.logger import log_traceback log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def logdbg(msg): log.debug(msg) def loginf(msg): log.info(msg) def logerr(msg): log.error(msg) # log_traceback() generates the same output but the signature and code is # different between v3 and v4. We only need log_traceback at the log.error # level so define a suitable wrapper function. def log_traceback_critical(prefix=''): log_traceback(log.critical, prefix=prefix) def log_traceback_error(prefix=''): log_traceback(log.error, prefix=prefix) def log_traceback_debug(prefix=''): log_traceback(log.debug, prefix=prefix) except ImportError: # WeeWX legacy (v3) logging via syslog import syslog from weeutil.weeutil import log_traceback def logmsg(level, msg): syslog.syslog(level, 'gw1000: %s' % msg) def logdbg(msg): logmsg(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, msg) def loginf(msg): logmsg(syslog.LOG_INFO, msg) def logerr(msg): logmsg(syslog.LOG_ERR, msg) # log_traceback() generates the same output but the signature and code is # different between v3 and v4. We only need log_traceback at the log.error # level so define a suitable wrapper function. def log_traceback_critical(prefix=''): log_traceback(prefix=prefix, loglevel=syslog.LOG_CRIT) def log_traceback_error(prefix=''): log_traceback(prefix=prefix, loglevel=syslog.LOG_ERR) def log_traceback_debug(prefix=''): log_traceback(prefix=prefix, loglevel=syslog.LOG_DEBUG) DRIVER_NAME = 'GW1000' DRIVER_VERSION = '0.6.2' # various defaults used throughout # default port used by device default_port = 45000 # default network broadcast address - the address that network broadcasts are # sent to default_broadcast_address = '' # default network broadcast port - the port that network broadcasts are sent to default_broadcast_port = 46000 # default socket timeout default_socket_timeout = 2 # default broadcast timeout default_broadcast_timeout = 5 # default retry/wait time default_retry_wait = 10 # default max tries when polling the API default_max_tries = 3 # When run as a service the default age in seconds after which API data is # considered stale and will not be used to augment loop packets default_max_age = 60 # default device poll interval default_poll_interval = 20 # default period between lost contact log entries during an extended period of # lost contact when run as a Service default_lost_contact_log_period = 21600 # default battery state filtering default_show_battery = False # default firmware update check interval default_fw_check_interval = 86400 # For packet unit conversion to work correctly each possible WeeWX field needs # to be assigned to a unit group. This is normally already taken care of for # WeeWX fields that are part of the in-use database schema; however, an Ecowitt # Gateway based system may include additional fields not included in the # schema. We cannot know what unit group the user may intend for each WeeWX # field in a custom field map, but we can take care of the default field map. # define the default groups to use for WeeWX fields in the default field map # but not in the (WeeWX default) wview_extended schema default_groups = { 'relbarometer': 'group_pressure', 'luminosity': 'group_illuminance', 'uvradiation': 'group_radiation', 'extraHumid17': 'group_percent', 'extraTemp9': 'group_temperature', 'extraTemp10': 'group_temperature', 'extraTemp11': 'group_temperature', 'extraTemp12': 'group_temperature', 'extraTemp13': 'group_temperature', 'extraTemp14': 'group_temperature', 'extraTemp15': 'group_temperature', 'extraTemp16': 'group_temperature', 'extraTemp17': 'group_temperature', 'pm2_52': 'group_concentration', 'pm2_53': 'group_concentration', 'pm2_54': 'group_concentration', 'pm2_55': 'group_concentration', 'pm10': 'group_concentration', 'soilTemp5': 'group_temperature', 'soilMoist5': 'group_percent', 'soilTemp6': 'group_temperature', 'soilMoist6': 'group_percent', 'soilTemp7': 'group_temperature', 'soilMoist7': 'group_percent', 'soilTemp8': 'group_temperature', 'soilMoist8': 'group_percent', 'soilTemp9': 'group_temperature', 'soilMoist9': 'group_percent', 'soilTemp10': 'group_temperature', 'soilMoist10': 'group_percent', 'soilTemp11': 'group_temperature', 'soilMoist11': 'group_percent', 'soilTemp12': 'group_temperature', 'soilMoist12': 'group_percent', 'soilTemp13': 'group_temperature', 'soilMoist13': 'group_percent', 'soilTemp14': 'group_temperature', 'soilMoist14': 'group_percent', 'soilTemp15': 'group_temperature', 'soilMoist15': 'group_percent', 'soilTemp16': 'group_temperature', 'soilMoist16': 'group_percent', 'pm2_51_24h_avg': 'group_concentration', 'pm2_52_24h_avg': 'group_concentration', 'pm2_53_24h_avg': 'group_concentration', 'pm2_54_24h_avg': 'group_concentration', 'pm2_55_24h_avg': 'group_concentration', 'pm10_24h_avg': 'group_concentration', 'co2_24h_avg': 'group_fraction', 'leak1': 'group_count', 'leak2': 'group_count', 'leak3': 'group_count', 'leak4': 'group_count', 'lightning_last_det_time': 'group_time', 'lightningcount': 'group_count', 't_raingain': 'group_rain', 'totalRain': 'group_rain', 'weekRain': 'group_rain', 'p_rain': 'group_rain', 'p_rainRate': 'group_rainrate', 'p_stormRain': 'group_rain', 'p_dayRain': 'group_rain', 'p_weekRain': 'group_rain', 'p_monthRain': 'group_rain', 'p_yearRain': 'group_rain', 'daymaxwind': 'group_speed', 'leafWet3': 'group_percent', 'leafWet4': 'group_percent', 'leafWet5': 'group_percent', 'leafWet6': 'group_percent', 'leafWet7': 'group_percent', 'leafWet8': 'group_percent', 'heap_free': 'group_data', 'wh40_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh26_batt': 'group_count', 'wh25_batt': 'group_count', 'wh24_batt': 'group_count', 'wh65_batt': 'group_count', 'wh32_batt': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch1_batt': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch2_batt': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch3_batt': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch4_batt': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch5_batt': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch6_batt': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch7_batt': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch8_batt': 'group_count', 'wn34_ch1_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn34_ch2_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn34_ch3_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn34_ch4_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn34_ch5_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn34_ch6_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn34_ch7_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn34_ch8_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn35_ch1_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn35_ch2_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn35_ch3_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn35_ch4_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn35_ch5_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn35_ch6_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn35_ch7_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn35_ch8_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh41_ch1_batt': 'group_count', 'wh41_ch2_batt': 'group_count', 'wh41_ch3_batt': 'group_count', 'wh41_ch4_batt': 'group_count', 'wh45_batt': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch1_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch2_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch3_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch4_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch5_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch6_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch7_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch8_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch9_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch10_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch11_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch12_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch13_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch14_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch15_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch16_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh55_ch1_batt': 'group_count', 'wh55_ch2_batt': 'group_count', 'wh55_ch3_batt': 'group_count', 'wh55_ch4_batt': 'group_count', 'wh57_batt': 'group_count', 'wh68_batt': 'group_volt', 'ws80_batt': 'group_volt', 'ws90_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh40_sig': 'group_count', 'wh26_sig': 'group_count', 'wh25_sig': 'group_count', 'wh24_sig': 'group_count', 'wh65_sig': 'group_count', 'wh32_sig': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch1_sig': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch2_sig': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch3_sig': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch4_sig': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch5_sig': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch6_sig': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch7_sig': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch8_sig': 'group_count', 'wn34_ch1_sig': 'group_count', 'wn34_ch2_sig': 'group_count', 'wn34_ch3_sig': 'group_count', 'wn34_ch4_sig': 'group_count', 'wn34_ch5_sig': 'group_count', 'wn34_ch6_sig': 'group_count', 'wn34_ch7_sig': 'group_count', 'wn34_ch8_sig': 'group_count', 'wn35_ch1_sig': 'group_count', 'wn35_ch2_sig': 'group_count', 'wn35_ch3_sig': 'group_count', 'wn35_ch4_sig': 'group_count', 'wn35_ch5_sig': 'group_count', 'wn35_ch6_sig': 'group_count', 'wn35_ch7_sig': 'group_count', 'wn35_ch8_sig': 'group_count', 'wh41_ch1_sig': 'group_count', 'wh41_ch2_sig': 'group_count', 'wh41_ch3_sig': 'group_count', 'wh41_ch4_sig': 'group_count', 'wh45_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch1_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch2_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch3_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch4_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch5_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch6_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch7_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch8_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch9_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch10_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch11_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch12_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch13_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch14_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch15_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch16_sig': 'group_count', 'wh55_ch1_sig': 'group_count', 'wh55_ch2_sig': 'group_count', 'wh55_ch3_sig': 'group_count', 'wh55_ch4_sig': 'group_count', 'wh57_sig': 'group_count', 'wh68_sig': 'group_count', 'ws80_sig': 'group_count', 'ws90_sig': 'group_count' } # ============================================================================ # Gateway API error classes # ============================================================================ class UnknownApiCommand(Exception): """Exception raised when an unknown API command was selected or an otherwise valid API response has an unexpected command code.""" class UnknownHttpCommand(Exception): """Exception raised when an unknown HTTP command was selected.""" class InvalidChecksum(Exception): """Exception raised when an API call response contains an invalid checksum.""" class GWIOError(Exception): """Exception raised when an input/output error with the device is encountered.""" class DebugOptions(object): """Class to simplify use and handling of device debug options.""" debug_groups = ('rain', 'wind', 'loop', 'sensors') def __init__(self, gw_config_dict): # get any specific debug settings # rain self.debug_rain = weeutil.weeutil.tobool(gw_config_dict.get('debug_rain', False)) # wind self.debug_wind = weeutil.weeutil.tobool(gw_config_dict.get('debug_wind', False)) # loop data self.debug_loop = weeutil.weeutil.tobool(gw_config_dict.get('debug_loop', False)) # sensors self.debug_sensors = weeutil.weeutil.tobool(gw_config_dict.get('debug_sensors', False)) @property def rain(self): """Are we debugging rain data processing.""" return self.debug_rain @property def wind(self): """Are we debugging wind data processing.""" return self.debug_wind @property def loop(self): """Are we debugging loop data processing.""" return self.debug_loop @property def sensors(self): """Are we debugging sensor processing.""" return self.debug_sensors @property def any(self): """Are we performing any debugging.""" for debug_group in self.debug_groups: if getattr(self, debug_group): return True else: return False # ============================================================================ # class Gateway # ============================================================================ class Gateway(object): """Base class for interacting with an Ecowitt Gateway device. There are a number of common properties and methods (eg IP address, field map, rain calculation etc) when dealing with a gateway device either as a driver or service. This class captures those common features. """ # Default field map to map device sensor data to WeeWX fields. Field names # in the WeeWX wview_extended schema are used where there is a direct # correlation to the WeeWX wview_extended schema or # weewx.units.obs_group_dict. If there is a related but different field in # the wview_extended schema then a WeeWX field name with a similar format # is used. Otherwise, fields are passed through as is. # Field map format is: # WeeWX field name: Gateway device field name default_field_map = { 'inTemp': 'intemp', 'outTemp': 'outtemp', 'dewpoint': 'dewpoint', 'windchill': 'windchill', 'heatindex': 'heatindex', 'inHumidity': 'inhumid', 'outHumidity': 'outhumid', 'pressure': 'absbarometer', 'relbarometer': 'relbarometer', 'luminosity': 'light', # we can't pass through 'uv'; it's too much like 'UV', so use the # Ecowitt term 'uvradiation' 'uvradiation': 'uv', 'UV': 'uvi', 'dateTime': 'datetime', 'extraTemp1': 'temp1', 'extraTemp2': 'temp2', 'extraTemp3': 'temp3', 'extraTemp4': 'temp4', 'extraTemp5': 'temp5', 'extraTemp6': 'temp6', 'extraTemp7': 'temp7', 'extraTemp8': 'temp8', 'extraTemp9': 'temp9', 'extraTemp10': 'temp10', 'extraTemp11': 'temp11', 'extraTemp12': 'temp12', 'extraTemp13': 'temp13', 'extraTemp14': 'temp14', 'extraTemp15': 'temp15', 'extraTemp16': 'temp16', 'extraTemp17': 'temp17', 'extraHumid1': 'humid1', 'extraHumid2': 'humid2', 'extraHumid3': 'humid3', 'extraHumid4': 'humid4', 'extraHumid5': 'humid5', 'extraHumid6': 'humid6', 'extraHumid7': 'humid7', 'extraHumid8': 'humid8', 'extraHumid17': 'humid17', 'leafWet1': 'leafwet1', 'leafWet2': 'leafwet2', 'leafWet3': 'leafwet3', 'leafWet4': 'leafwet4', 'leafWet5': 'leafwet5', 'leafWet6': 'leafwet6', 'leafWet7': 'leafwet7', 'leafWet8': 'leafwet8', 'pm2_5': 'pm251', 'pm2_52': 'pm252', 'pm2_53': 'pm253', 'pm2_54': 'pm254', 'pm2_55': 'pm255', 'pm10': 'pm10', 'co2': 'co2', 'soilTemp1': 'soiltemp1', 'soilMoist1': 'soilmoist1', 'soilTemp2': 'soiltemp2', 'soilMoist2': 'soilmoist2', 'soilTemp3': 'soiltemp3', 'soilMoist3': 'soilmoist3', 'soilTemp4': 'soiltemp4', 'soilMoist4': 'soilmoist4', 'soilTemp5': 'soiltemp5', 'soilMoist5': 'soilmoist5', 'soilTemp6': 'soiltemp6', 'soilMoist6': 'soilmoist6', 'soilTemp7': 'soiltemp7', 'soilMoist7': 'soilmoist7', 'soilTemp8': 'soiltemp8', 'soilMoist8': 'soilmoist8', 'soilTemp9': 'soiltemp9', 'soilMoist9': 'soilmoist9', 'soilTemp10': 'soiltemp10', 'soilMoist10': 'soilmoist10', 'soilTemp11': 'soiltemp11', 'soilMoist11': 'soilmoist11', 'soilTemp12': 'soiltemp12', 'soilMoist12': 'soilmoist12', 'soilTemp13': 'soiltemp13', 'soilMoist13': 'soilmoist13', 'soilTemp14': 'soiltemp14', 'soilMoist14': 'soilmoist14', 'soilTemp15': 'soiltemp15', 'soilMoist15': 'soilmoist15', 'soilTemp16': 'soiltemp16', 'soilMoist16': 'soilmoist16', 'pm2_51_24h_avg': 'pm251_24h_avg', 'pm2_52_24h_avg': 'pm252_24h_avg', 'pm2_53_24h_avg': 'pm253_24h_avg', 'pm2_54_24h_avg': 'pm254_24h_avg', 'pm2_55_24h_avg': 'pm255_24h_avg', 'pm10_24h_avg': 'pm10_24h_avg', 'co2_24h_avg': 'co2_24h_avg', 'leak1': 'leak1', 'leak2': 'leak2', 'leak3': 'leak3', 'leak4': 'leak4', 'lightning_distance': 'lightningdist', 'lightning_last_det_time': 'lightningdettime', # 'lightningcount' is the device lightning count field obtained via the # API. It is safe for the user to change this mapping as # 'lightning_strike_count' is derived before the user mapping is # applied. 'lightningcount': 'lightningcount', # 'lightning_strike_count' is the WeeWX extended schema per period # lightning count field that is derived from the device cumulative # 'lightningcount' field 'lightning_strike_count': 'lightning_strike_count', 'heap_free': 'heap_free' } # Rain related fields default field map, merged into default_field_map to # give the overall default field map. Kept separate to make it easier to # iterate over only rain related fields. rain_field_map = { 'rain': 't_rain', 'stormRain': 't_rainevent', 'rainRate': 't_rainrate', 'dayRain': 't_rainday', 'weekRain': 't_rainweek', 'monthRain': 't_rainmonth', 'yearRain': 't_rainyear', 'totalRain': 't_raintotals', 'p_rain': 'p_rain', 'p_stormRain': 'p_rainevent', 'p_rainRate': 'p_rainrate', 'p_dayRain': 'p_rainday', 'p_weekRain': 'p_rainweek', 'p_monthRain': 'p_rainmonth', 'p_yearRain': 'p_rainyear' } # wind related fields default field map, merged into default_field_map to # give the overall default field map. Kept separate to make it easier to # iterate over only wind related fields. wind_field_map = { 'windDir': 'winddir', 'windSpeed': 'windspeed', 'windGust': 'gustspeed', 'daymaxwind': 'daymaxwind', } # battery state default field map, merged into default_field_map to give # the overall default field map battery_field_map = { 'wh40_batt': 'wh40_batt', 'wh26_batt': 'wh26_batt', 'wh25_batt': 'wh25_batt', 'wh24_batt': 'wh24_batt', 'wh65_batt': 'wh65_batt', 'wh32_batt': 'wh32_batt', 'wh31_ch1_batt': 'wh31_ch1_batt', 'wh31_ch2_batt': 'wh31_ch2_batt', 'wh31_ch3_batt': 'wh31_ch3_batt', 'wh31_ch4_batt': 'wh31_ch4_batt', 'wh31_ch5_batt': 'wh31_ch5_batt', 'wh31_ch6_batt': 'wh31_ch6_batt', 'wh31_ch7_batt': 'wh31_ch7_batt', 'wh31_ch8_batt': 'wh31_ch8_batt', 'wn34_ch1_batt': 'wn34_ch1_batt', 'wn34_ch2_batt': 'wn34_ch2_batt', 'wn34_ch3_batt': 'wn34_ch3_batt', 'wn34_ch4_batt': 'wn34_ch4_batt', 'wn34_ch5_batt': 'wn34_ch5_batt', 'wn34_ch6_batt': 'wn34_ch6_batt', 'wn34_ch7_batt': 'wn34_ch7_batt', 'wn34_ch8_batt': 'wn34_ch8_batt', 'wn35_ch1_batt': 'wn35_ch1_batt', 'wn35_ch2_batt': 'wn35_ch2_batt', 'wn35_ch3_batt': 'wn35_ch3_batt', 'wn35_ch4_batt': 'wn35_ch4_batt', 'wn35_ch5_batt': 'wn35_ch5_batt', 'wn35_ch6_batt': 'wn35_ch6_batt', 'wn35_ch7_batt': 'wn35_ch7_batt', 'wn35_ch8_batt': 'wn35_ch8_batt', 'wh41_ch1_batt': 'wh41_ch1_batt', 'wh41_ch2_batt': 'wh41_ch2_batt', 'wh41_ch3_batt': 'wh41_ch3_batt', 'wh41_ch4_batt': 'wh41_ch4_batt', 'wh45_batt': 'wh45_batt', 'wh51_ch1_batt': 'wh51_ch1_batt', 'wh51_ch2_batt': 'wh51_ch2_batt', 'wh51_ch3_batt': 'wh51_ch3_batt', 'wh51_ch4_batt': 'wh51_ch4_batt', 'wh51_ch5_batt': 'wh51_ch5_batt', 'wh51_ch6_batt': 'wh51_ch6_batt', 'wh51_ch7_batt': 'wh51_ch7_batt', 'wh51_ch8_batt': 'wh51_ch8_batt', 'wh51_ch9_batt': 'wh51_ch9_batt', 'wh51_ch10_batt': 'wh51_ch10_batt', 'wh51_ch11_batt': 'wh51_ch11_batt', 'wh51_ch12_batt': 'wh51_ch12_batt', 'wh51_ch13_batt': 'wh51_ch13_batt', 'wh51_ch14_batt': 'wh51_ch14_batt', 'wh51_ch15_batt': 'wh51_ch15_batt', 'wh51_ch16_batt': 'wh51_ch16_batt', 'wh55_ch1_batt': 'wh55_ch1_batt', 'wh55_ch2_batt': 'wh55_ch2_batt', 'wh55_ch3_batt': 'wh55_ch3_batt', 'wh55_ch4_batt': 'wh55_ch4_batt', 'wh57_batt': 'wh57_batt', 'wh68_batt': 'wh68_batt', 'ws80_batt': 'ws80_batt', 'ws90_batt': 'ws90_batt' } # sensor signal level default field map, merged into default_field_map to # give the overall default field map sensor_signal_field_map = { 'wh40_sig': 'wh40_sig', 'wh26_sig': 'wh26_sig', 'wh25_sig': 'wh25_sig', 'wh24_sig': 'wh24_sig', 'wh65_sig': 'wh65_sig', 'wh32_sig': 'wh32_sig', 'wh31_ch1_sig': 'wh31_ch1_sig', 'wh31_ch2_sig': 'wh31_ch2_sig', 'wh31_ch3_sig': 'wh31_ch3_sig', 'wh31_ch4_sig': 'wh31_ch4_sig', 'wh31_ch5_sig': 'wh31_ch5_sig', 'wh31_ch6_sig': 'wh31_ch6_sig', 'wh31_ch7_sig': 'wh31_ch7_sig', 'wh31_ch8_sig': 'wh31_ch8_sig', 'wn34_ch1_sig': 'wn34_ch1_sig', 'wn34_ch2_sig': 'wn34_ch2_sig', 'wn34_ch3_sig': 'wn34_ch3_sig', 'wn34_ch4_sig': 'wn34_ch4_sig', 'wn34_ch5_sig': 'wn34_ch5_sig', 'wn34_ch6_sig': 'wn34_ch6_sig', 'wn34_ch7_sig': 'wn34_ch7_sig', 'wn34_ch8_sig': 'wn34_ch8_sig', 'wn35_ch1_sig': 'wn35_ch1_sig', 'wn35_ch2_sig': 'wn35_ch2_sig', 'wn35_ch3_sig': 'wn35_ch3_sig', 'wn35_ch4_sig': 'wn35_ch4_sig', 'wn35_ch5_sig': 'wn35_ch5_sig', 'wn35_ch6_sig': 'wn35_ch6_sig', 'wn35_ch7_sig': 'wn35_ch7_sig', 'wn35_ch8_sig': 'wn35_ch8_sig', 'wh41_ch1_sig': 'wh41_ch1_sig', 'wh41_ch2_sig': 'wh41_ch2_sig', 'wh41_ch3_sig': 'wh41_ch3_sig', 'wh41_ch4_sig': 'wh41_ch4_sig', 'wh45_sig': 'wh45_sig', 'wh51_ch1_sig': 'wh51_ch1_sig', 'wh51_ch2_sig': 'wh51_ch2_sig', 'wh51_ch3_sig': 'wh51_ch3_sig', 'wh51_ch4_sig': 'wh51_ch4_sig', 'wh51_ch5_sig': 'wh51_ch5_sig', 'wh51_ch6_sig': 'wh51_ch6_sig', 'wh51_ch7_sig': 'wh51_ch7_sig', 'wh51_ch8_sig': 'wh51_ch8_sig', 'wh51_ch9_sig': 'wh51_ch9_sig', 'wh51_ch10_sig': 'wh51_ch10_sig', 'wh51_ch11_sig': 'wh51_ch11_sig', 'wh51_ch12_sig': 'wh51_ch12_sig', 'wh51_ch13_sig': 'wh51_ch13_sig', 'wh51_ch14_sig': 'wh51_ch14_sig', 'wh51_ch15_sig': 'wh51_ch15_sig', 'wh51_ch16_sig': 'wh51_ch16_sig', 'wh55_ch1_sig': 'wh55_ch1_sig', 'wh55_ch2_sig': 'wh55_ch2_sig', 'wh55_ch3_sig': 'wh55_ch3_sig', 'wh55_ch4_sig': 'wh55_ch4_sig', 'wh57_sig': 'wh57_sig', 'wh68_sig': 'wh68_sig', 'ws80_sig': 'ws80_sig', 'ws90_sig': 'ws90_sig' } def __init__(self, **gw_config): """Initialise a Gateway object.""" # obtain the field map to be used self.field_map = self.construct_field_map(gw_config) # network broadcast address and port self.broadcast_address = str.encode(gw_config.get('broadcast_address', default_broadcast_address)) self.broadcast_port = weeutil.weeutil.to_int(gw_config.get('broadcast_port', default_broadcast_port)) self.socket_timeout = weeutil.weeutil.to_int(gw_config.get('socket_timeout', default_socket_timeout)) self.broadcast_timeout = weeutil.weeutil.to_int(gw_config.get('broadcast_timeout', default_broadcast_timeout)) # obtain the device IP address _ip_address = gw_config.get('ip_address') # if the user has specified some variation of 'auto' then we are to # automatically detect the device IP address, to do that we set the # ip_address property to None if _ip_address is not None and _ip_address.lower() == 'auto': # we need to autodetect IP address so set to None _ip_address = None # set the IP address property self.ip_address = _ip_address # obtain the device port from the config dict # for port number we have a default value we can use, so if port is not # specified use the default _port = gw_config.get('port', default_port) # if a port number was specified it needs to be an integer not a string # so try to do the conversion try: _port = int(_port) except TypeError: # most likely port somehow ended up being None, in any case force # auto-detection by setting port to None _port = None except ValueError: # We couldn't convert the port number to an integer. Maybe it was # because it was 'auto' (or some variation) or perhaps it was # invalid. Either way we need to set port to None to force # auto-detection. If there was an invalid port specified then log # it. if _port.lower() != 'auto': loginf("Invalid device port '%s' specified, " "port will be auto detected" % (_port,)) _port = None # set the port property self.port = _port # how many times to poll the API before giving up, default is # default_max_tries self.max_tries = int(gw_config.get('max_tries', default_max_tries)) # wait time in seconds between retries, default is default_retry_wait # seconds self.retry_wait = int(gw_config.get('retry_wait', default_retry_wait)) # how often (in seconds) we should poll the API, use a default self.poll_interval = int(gw_config.get('poll_interval', default_poll_interval)) # Is a WH32 in use. WH32 TH sensor can override/provide outdoor TH data # to the gateway device. In terms of TH data the process is transparent # and we do not need to know if a WH32 or other sensor is providing # outdoor TH data. But in terms of battery state we need to know so the # battery state data can be reported against the correct sensor. use_wh32 = weeutil.weeutil.tobool(gw_config.get('wh32', True)) # do we ignore battery state data from legacy WH40 sensors that do not # provide valid battery state data ignore_wh40_batt = weeutil.weeutil.tobool(gw_config.get('ignore_legacy_wh40_battery', True)) # do we show all battery state data including nonsense data or do we # filter those sensors with signal state == 0 show_battery = weeutil.weeutil.tobool(gw_config.get('show_all_batt', False)) # whether to log unknown API fields, unknown fields are logged at the # debug level, this will log them at the info level log_unknown_fields = weeutil.weeutil.tobool(gw_config.get('log_unknown_fields', False)) # define unit labels, formats and assign unit groups define_units() # how to handle firmware update checks # how often to check for a gateway device firmware update fw_update_check_interval = int(gw_config.get('firmware_update_check_interval', default_fw_check_interval)) # whether to log an available firmware update log_fw_update_avail = weeutil.weeutil.tobool(gw_config.get('log_firmware_update_avail', False)) # log our config/settings that are not being pushed further down before # we obtain a GatewayCollector object, obtaining a gatewayCollector # object may fail due to connectivity issues, this way we at least log # our config which may aid debugging if self.ip_address is not None and self.port is not None: loginf(' device address is %s:%d' % (self.ip_address, self.port)) elif self.ip_address is None and self.port is not None: loginf(' device IP address not specified, IP address will be obtained by discovery') loginf(' device port is %d' % self.port) elif self.ip_address is not None and self.port is None: loginf(' device IP address is %s' % self.ip_address) loginf(' device port not specified, port will be obtained by discovery') elif self.ip_address is None and self.port is None: loginf(' device IP address and port not specified, address and port will be obtained by discovery') loginf(' poll interval is %d seconds' % self.poll_interval) if self.debug.any or weewx.debug > 0: loginf(' max tries is %d, retry wait time is %d seconds' % (self.max_tries, self.retry_wait)) loginf(' broadcast address is %s:%d, broadcast timeout is %d seconds' % (self.broadcast_address.decode(), self.broadcast_port, self.broadcast_timeout)) loginf(' socket timeout is %d seconds' % self.socket_timeout) # The field map. Field map dict output will be in unsorted key order. # It is easier to read if sorted alphanumerically, but we have keys # such as xxxxx16 that do not sort well. Use a custom natural sort of # the keys in a manually produced formatted dict representation. loginf(' field map is %s' % natural_sort_dict(self.field_map)) # Log specific debug output but only if set ie. True debug_list = [] if self.debug.rain: debug_list.append("debug_rain is %s" % (self.debug.rain,)) if self.debug.wind: debug_list.append("debug_wind is %s" % (self.debug.wind,)) if self.debug.loop: debug_list.append("debug_loop is %s" % (self.debug.loop,)) if len(debug_list) > 0: loginf(" ".join(debug_list)) # create an GatewayCollector object to interact with the gateway device # API self.collector = GatewayCollector(ip_address=self.ip_address, port=self.port, broadcast_address=self.broadcast_address, broadcast_port=self.broadcast_port, socket_timeout=self.socket_timeout, broadcast_timeout=self.broadcast_timeout, poll_interval=self.poll_interval, max_tries=self.max_tries, retry_wait=self.retry_wait, use_wh32=use_wh32, ignore_wh40_batt=ignore_wh40_batt, show_battery=show_battery, log_unknown_fields=log_unknown_fields, fw_update_check_interval=fw_update_check_interval, log_fw_update_avail=log_fw_update_avail, debug=self.debug) # initialise last lightning count and last rain properties self.last_lightning = None self.last_rain = None self.piezo_last_rain = None self.rain_mapping_confirmed = False self.rain_total_field = None self.piezo_rain_mapping_confirmed = False self.piezo_rain_total_field = None @staticmethod def construct_field_map(gw_config): """Given a gateway device config construct the field map.""" # first obtain the field map from our config field_map = gw_config.get('field_map') # obtain any field map extensions from our config extensions = gw_config.get('field_map_extensions', {}) # if we have no field map then use the default if field_map is None: # obtain the default field map field_map = dict(Gateway.default_field_map) # now add in the rain field map field_map.update(Gateway.rain_field_map) # now add in the wind field map field_map.update(Gateway.wind_field_map) # now add in the battery state field map field_map.update(Gateway.battery_field_map) # now add in the sensor signal field map field_map.update(Gateway.sensor_signal_field_map) # If a user wishes to map a device field differently to that in the # default map they can include an entry in field_map_extensions, but if # we just update the field map dict with the field map extensions that # will leave two entries for that device field in the field map; the # original field map entry as well as the entry from the extended map. # So if we have field_map_extensions we need to first go through the # field map and delete any entries that map device fields that are # included in the field_map_extensions. # we only need process the field_map_extensions if we have any if len(extensions) > 0: # first make a copy of the field map because we will be iterating # over it and changing it field_map_copy = dict(field_map) # iterate over each key, value pair in the copy of the field map for k, v in six.iteritems(field_map_copy): # if the 'value' (ie the device field) is in the field map # extensions we will be mapping that device field elsewhere so # pop that field map entry out of the field map so we don't end # up with multiple mappings for a device field if v in extensions.values(): # pop the field map entry _dummy = field_map.pop(k) # now we can update the field map with the extensions field_map.update(extensions) # We must have a mapping from gateway field 'datetime' to the WeeWX # packet field 'dateTime', too many parts of the driver depend on this. # So check to ensure this mapping is in place, the user could have # removed or altered it. If the mapping is not there add it in. # initialise the key that maps 'datetime' d_key = None # iterate over the field map entries for k, v in six.iteritems(field_map): # if the mapping is for 'datetime' save the key and break if v == 'datetime': d_key = k break # if we have a mapping for 'datetime' delete that field map entry if d_key: field_map.pop(d_key) # add the required mapping field_map['dateTime'] = 'datetime' # we now have our final field map return field_map def map_data(self, data): """Map parsed device data to a WeeWX loop packet. Maps parsed device data to WeeWX loop packet fields using the field map. Result includes usUnits field set to METRICWX. data: Dict of parsed device API data """ # parsed device API data uses the METRICWX unit system _result = {'usUnits': weewx.METRICWX} # iterate over each of the key, value pairs in the field map for weewx_field, data_field in six.iteritems(self.field_map): # if the field to be mapped exists in the data obtain it's # value and map it to the packet if data_field in data: _result[weewx_field] = data.get(data_field) return _result @staticmethod def log_rain_data(data, preamble=None): """Log rain related data from the collector. General routine to obtain and log rain related data from a packet. The packet could be unmapped device data using 'device' field names, or it may be mapped data or a WeeWX loop packet that uses 'WeeWX' field names. So we iterate over the keys ('WeeWX' field names) and values ('device' field names) of the rain field map. """ msg_list = [] # iterate over our rain_field_map keys (the 'WeeWX' fields) and values # (the 'device' fields) we are interested in for weewx_field, gw_field in six.iteritems(Gateway.rain_field_map): # do we have a 'WeeWX' field of interest if weewx_field in data: # we do so add some formatted output to our list msg_list.append("%s=%s" % (weewx_field, data[weewx_field])) # do we have a 'device' field of interest if gw_field in data and weewx_field != gw_field: # we do so add some formatted output to our list msg_list.append("%s=%s" % (gw_field, data[gw_field])) # pre-format the log line label label = "%s: " % preamble if preamble is not None else "" # if we have some entries log them otherwise provide suitable text if len(msg_list) > 0: loginf("%s%s" % (label, " ".join(msg_list))) else: loginf("%sno rain data found" % (label,)) @staticmethod def log_wind_data(data, preamble=None): """Log wind related data from the collector. General routine to obtain and log wind related data from a packet. The packet could be unmapped device data using 'device' field names, or it may be mapped data or a WeeWX loop packet that uses 'WeeWX' field names. So we iterate over the keys ('WeeWX' field names) and values ('device' field names) of the rain field map. """ msg_list = [] # iterate over our wind_field_map keys (the 'WeeWX' fields) and values # (the 'device' fields) we are interested in for weewx_field, gw_field in six.iteritems(Gateway.wind_field_map): # do we have a 'WeeWX' field of interest if weewx_field in data: # we do so add some formatted output to our list msg_list.append("%s=%s" % (weewx_field, data[weewx_field])) # do we have a 'device' field of interest if gw_field in data: # we do so add some formatted output to our list msg_list.append("%s=%s" % (gw_field, data[gw_field])) # pre-format the log line label label = "%s: " % preamble if preamble is not None else "" # if we have some entries log them otherwise provide suitable text if len(msg_list) > 0: loginf("%s%s" % (label, " ".join(msg_list))) else: loginf("%sno wind data found" % (label,)) def get_cumulative_rain_field(self, data): """Determine the cumulative rain field used to derive field 'rain'. Ecowitt gateway devices emit various rain totals but WeeWX needs a per period value for field rain. Try the 'big' (four byte) counters starting at the longest period and working our way down. This should only need be done once. This is further complicated by the introduction of 'piezo' rain with the WS90. Do a second round of checks on the piezo rain equivalents and create piezo equivalent properties. data: dic of parsed device API data """ # Do we have a confirmed field to use for calculating rain? If we do we # can skip this otherwise we need to look for one. if not self.rain_mapping_confirmed: # We have no field for calculating rain so look for one, if device # field 't_raintotals' is present used that as our first choice. # Otherwise, work down the list in order of descending period. if 't_raintotals' in data: self.rain_total_field = 't_raintotals' self.rain_mapping_confirmed = True # t_raintotals is not present so now try rainyear elif 't_rainyear' in data: self.rain_total_field = 't_rainyear' self.rain_mapping_confirmed = True # t_rainyear is not present so now try rainmonth elif 't_rainmonth' in data: self.rain_total_field = 't_rainmonth' self.rain_mapping_confirmed = True # do nothing, we can try again next packet else: self.rain_total_field = None # if we found a field log what we are using if self.rain_mapping_confirmed: loginf("Using '%s' for rain total" % self.rain_total_field) elif self.debug.rain: # if debug_rain is set log that we had nothing loginf("No suitable field found for rain") # now do the same for piezo rain # Do we have a confirmed field to use for calculating piezo rain? If we # do we can skip this otherwise we need to look for one. if not self.piezo_rain_mapping_confirmed: # We have no field for calculating piezo rain so look for one, if # device field 'p_rainyear' is present used that as our first # choice. Otherwise, work down the list in order of descending # period. if 'p_rainyear' in data: self.piezo_rain_total_field = 'p_rainyear' self.piezo_rain_mapping_confirmed = True # rainyear is not present so now try rainmonth elif 'p_rainmonth' in data: self.piezo_rain_total_field = 'p_rainmonth' self.piezo_rain_mapping_confirmed = True # do nothing, we can try again next packet else: self.piezo_rain_total_field = None # if we found a field log what we are using if self.piezo_rain_mapping_confirmed: loginf("Using '%s' for piezo rain total" % self.piezo_rain_total_field) elif self.debug.rain: # if debug_rain is set log that we had nothing loginf("No suitable field found for piezo rain") def calculate_rain(self, data): """Calculate total rainfall for a period. 'rain' is calculated as the change in a user designated cumulative rain field between successive periods. 'rain' is only calculated if the field to be used has been selected and the designated field exists. This is further complicated by the introduction of 'piezo' rain with the WS90. Do a second round of calculations on the piezo rain equivalents and calculate the piezo rain field. data: dict of parsed device API data """ # have we decided on a field to use and is the field present if self.rain_mapping_confirmed and self.rain_total_field in data: # yes on both counts, so get the new total new_total = data[self.rain_total_field] # now calculate field rain as the difference between the new and # old totals data['t_rain'] = self.delta_rain(new_total, self.last_rain) # if debug_rain is set log some pertinent values if self.debug.rain: loginf("calculate_rain: last_rain=%s new_total=%s calculated rain=%s" % (self.last_rain, new_total, data['t_rain'])) # save the new total as the old total for next time self.last_rain = new_total # now do the same for piezo rain # have we decided on a field to use for piezo rain and is the field # present if self.piezo_rain_mapping_confirmed and self.piezo_rain_total_field in data: # yes on both counts, so get the new total piezo_new_total = data[self.piezo_rain_total_field] # now calculate field p_rain as the difference between the new and # old totals data['p_rain'] = self.delta_rain(piezo_new_total, self.piezo_last_rain, descriptor='piezo rain') # if debug_rain is set log some pertinent values if self.debug.rain: loginf("calculate_rain: piezo_last_rain=%s piezo_new_total=%s " "calculated p_rain=%s" % (self.piezo_last_rain, piezo_new_total, data['p_rain'])) # save the new total as the old total for next time self.piezo_last_rain = piezo_new_total def calculate_lightning_count(self, data): """Calculate total lightning strike count for a period. 'lightning_strike_count' is calculated as the change in field 'lightningcount' between successive periods. 'lightning_strike_count' is only calculated if 'lightningcount' exists. data: dict of parsed device API data """ # is the lightningcount field present if 'lightningcount' in data: # yes, so get the new total new_total = data['lightningcount'] # now calculate field lightning_strike_count as the difference # between the new and old totals data['lightning_strike_count'] = self.delta_lightning(new_total, self.last_lightning) # save the new total as the old total for next time self.last_lightning = new_total @staticmethod def delta_rain(rain, last_rain, descriptor='rain'): """Calculate rainfall from successive cumulative values. Rainfall is calculated as the difference between two cumulative values. If either value is None the value None is returned. If the previous value is greater than the latest value a counter wrap around is assumed and the latest value is returned. rain: current cumulative rain value last_rain: last cumulative rain value descriptor: string to indicate what rain data we are working with """ # do we have a last rain value if last_rain is None: # no, log it and return None loginf("skipping %s measurement of %s: no last rain" % (descriptor, rain)) return None # do we have a non-None current rain value if rain is None: # no, log it and return None loginf("skipping %s measurement: no current rain data" % descriptor) return None # is the last rain value greater than the current rain value if rain < last_rain: # it is, assume a counter wrap around/reset, log it and return the # latest rain value loginf("%s counter wraparound detected: new=%s last=%s" % (descriptor, rain, last_rain)) return rain # return the difference between the counts return rain - last_rain @staticmethod def delta_lightning(count, last_count): """Calculate lightning strike count from successive cumulative values. Lightning strike count is calculated as the difference between two cumulative values. If either value is None the value None is returned. If the previous value is greater than the latest value a counter wrap around is assumed and the latest value is returned. count: current cumulative lightning count last_count: last cumulative lightning count """ # do we have a last count if last_count is None: # no, log it and return None loginf("Skipping lightning count of %s: no last count" % count) return None # do we have a non-None current count if count is None: # no, log it and return None loginf("Skipping lightning count: no current count") return None # is the last count greater than the current count if count < last_count: # it is, assume a counter wrap around/reset, log it and return the # latest count loginf("Lightning counter wraparound detected: new=%s last=%s" % (count, last_count)) return count # otherwise return the difference between the counts return count - last_count # ============================================================================ # GW1000 Service class # ============================================================================ class GatewayService(weewx.engine.StdService, Gateway): """Gateway device service class. A WeeWX service to augment loop packets with observational data obtained from a gateway device via the Ecowitt LAN/Wi-Fi Gateway API. The GatewayService is useful when data is required from more than one source; for example, WeeWX is using another driver and the GatewayDriver cannot be used. Data is obtained via the Ecowitt LAN/Wi-Fi Gateway API. The data is parsed and mapped to WeeWX fields and if the device data is not stale the loop packet is augmented with the mapped device data. Class GatewayCollector collects and parses data from the API. The GatewayCollector runs in a separate thread, so it does not block the main WeeWX processing loop. The GatewayCollector is turn uses child classes Station and Parser to interact directly with the API and parse the API responses respectively. """ def __init__(self, engine, config_dict): """Initialise a GatewayService object.""" # first extract the gateway service config dictionary, try looking for # [Gw1000Service] if 'GW1000Service' in config_dict: # we have a [GW1000Service] config stanza so use it gw_config_dict = config_dict['GW1000Service'] else: # we don't have a [GW1000Service] stana so use [GW1000] if it # exists otherwise use an empty config gw_config_dict = config_dict.get('GW1000', {}) # Log our driver version first. Normally we would call our superclass # initialisation method first; however, that involves establishing a # network connection to the gateway device and it may fail. Doing our # logging first will aid in remote debugging. # log our version number loginf('GatewayService: version is %s' % DRIVER_VERSION) # age (in seconds) before API data is considered too old to use, use a # default self.max_age = int(gw_config_dict.get('max_age', default_max_age)) # minimum period in seconds between 'lost contact' log entries during # an extended lost contact period self.lost_contact_log_period = int(gw_config_dict.get('lost_contact_log_period', default_lost_contact_log_period)) # get device specific debug settings self.debug = DebugOptions(gw_config_dict) if self.debug.any or weewx.debug > 0: loginf(" max age of API data to be used is %d seconds" % self.max_age) loginf(' lost contact will be logged every %d seconds' % self.lost_contact_log_period) # initialize my superclasses super(GatewayService, self).__init__(engine, config_dict) super(weewx.engine.StdService, self).__init__(**gw_config_dict) # set failure logging on self.log_failures = True # reset the lost contact timestamp self.lost_con_ts = None # create a placeholder for our most recent, non-stale queued device # sensor data packet self.latest_sensor_data = None # start the Gw1000Collector in its own thread self.collector.startup() # bind our self to the relevant WeeWX events self.bind(weewx.NEW_LOOP_PACKET, self.new_loop_packet) def new_loop_packet(self, event): """Augment a loop packet with device data. When a new loop packet arrives process the queue looking for any device sensor data packets. If there are sensor data packets keep the most recent, non-stale packet and use it to augment the loop packet. If there are no sensor data packets, or they are all stale, then the loop packet is not augmented. The queue may also contain other control data, eg exception reporting from the GatewayCollector thread. This control data needs to be processed as well. """ # log the loop packet received if necessary, there are several debug # settings that may require this if self.debug.loop or self.debug.rain or self.debug.wind: loginf('GatewayService: Processing loop packet: %s %s' % (timestamp_to_string(event.packet['dateTime']), natural_sort_dict(event.packet))) # we are about to process the queue so reset our latest sensor data # packet property self.latest_sensor_data = None # now process the queue until it is empty while True: # Get the next item from the queue. Wrap in a try to catch any # instances where the queue is empty as that is our signal to break # out of the while loop. try: # get the next item from the collector queue, but don't dwell # very long queue_data = self.collector.queue.get(True, 0.5) except six.moves.queue.Empty: # the queue is now empty, but that may be because we have # already processed any queued data, log if necessary and break # out of the while loop if self.latest_sensor_data is None and (self.debug.loop or self.debug.rain or self.debug.wind): loginf('GatewayService: No queued items to process') if self.lost_con_ts is not None and time.time() > self.lost_con_ts + self.lost_contact_log_period: self.lost_con_ts = time.time() self.set_failure_logging(True) # now break out of the while loop break else: # We received something in the queue, it will be one of three # things: # 1. a dict containing sensor data # 2. an exception # 3. the value None signalling a serious error that means the # Collector needs to shut down # if the data has a 'keys' attribute it is a dict so must be # data if hasattr(queue_data, 'keys'): # we have a dict so assume it is data self.lost_con_ts = None self.set_failure_logging(True) # log the received data if necessary, there are several # debug settings that may require this, start from the # highest (most encompassing) and work to the lowest (least # encompassing) if self.debug.loop: if 'datetime' in queue_data: # if we have a 'datetime' field it is almost # certainly a sensor data packet loginf('GatewayService: Received queued sensor ' 'data: %s %s' % (timestamp_to_string(queue_data['datetime']), natural_sort_dict(queue_data))) else: # There is no 'datetime' field, this should not # happen. Log it in any case. loginf('GatewayService: Received queued data: %s' % (natural_sort_dict(queue_data),)) else: # perhaps we have individual debugs such as rain or wind if self.debug.rain: # debug_rain is set so log the 'rain' field in the # mapped data, if it does not exist say so self.log_rain_data(queue_data, 'GatewayService: Received %s data' % self.collector.device.model) if self.debug.wind: # debug_wind is set so log the 'wind' fields in the # received data, if they do not exist say so self.log_wind_data(queue_data, 'GatewayService: Received %s data' % self.collector.device.model) # now process the just received sensor data packet self.process_queued_sensor_data(queue_data, event.packet['dateTime']) # if it's a tuple then it's a tuple with an exception and # exception text elif isinstance(queue_data, BaseException): # We have an exception. The collector did not deem it # serious enough to want to shut down, or it would have # sent None instead. The action we take depends on the type # of exception it is. If it's a GWIOError we can ignore it # as appropriate action will have been taken by the # GatewayCollector. If it is anything else we log it. # process the exception self.process_queued_exception(queue_data) # if it's None then it's a signal the Collector needs to shut down elif queue_data is None: # if debug_loop log what we received if self.debug.loop: loginf('GatewayService: Received collector shutdown signal') # we received the signal that the GatewayCollector needs to # shut down, that means we cannot continue so call our shutdown # method which will also shut down the GatewayCollector thread self.shutDown() # the GatewayCollector has been shut down, so we will not see # anything more in the queue. We are still bound to # NEW_LOOP_PACKET but since the queue is always empty we # will just wait for the empty queue timeout before exiting # if it's none of the above (which it should never be) we don't # know what to do with it so pass and wait for the next item in # the queue else: pass # we have now finished processing the queue, do we have a sensor data # packet to add to the loop packet if self.latest_sensor_data is not None: # we have a sensor data packet # if not already done so determine which cumulative rain field will # be used to determine the per period rain field if not self.rain_mapping_confirmed or not self.piezo_rain_mapping_confirmed: self.get_cumulative_rain_field(self.latest_sensor_data) # get the rainfall this period from total self.calculate_rain(self.latest_sensor_data) # get the lightning strike count this period from total self.calculate_lightning_count(self.latest_sensor_data) # map the raw data to WeeWX loop packet fields mapped_data = self.map_data(self.latest_sensor_data) # log the mapped data if necessary if self.debug.loop: loginf('GatewayService: Mapped %s data: %s' % (self.collector.device.model, natural_sort_dict(mapped_data))) else: # perhaps we have individual debugs such as rain or wind if self.debug.rain: # debug_rain is set so log the 'rain' field in the # mapped data, if it does not exist say so self.log_rain_data(mapped_data, 'GatewayService: Mapped %s data' % self.collector.device.model) if self.debug.wind: # debug_wind is set so log the 'wind' fields in the # mapped data, if they do not exist say so self.log_wind_data(mapped_data, 'GatewayService: Mapped %s data' % self.collector.device.model) # and finally augment the loop packet with the mapped data self.augment_packet(event.packet, mapped_data) # log the augmented packet if necessary, there are several debug # settings that may require this, start from the highest (most # encompassing) and work to the lowest (least encompassing) if self.debug.loop or weewx.debug >= 2: loginf('GatewayService: Augmented packet: %s %s' % (timestamp_to_string(event.packet['dateTime']), natural_sort_dict(event.packet))) else: # perhaps we have individual debugs such as rain or wind if self.debug.rain: # debug_rain is set so log the 'rain' field in the # augmented loop packet, if it does not exist say # so self.log_rain_data(event.packet, 'GatewayService: Augmented packet') if self.debug.wind: # debug_wind is set so log the 'wind' fields in the # loop packet being emitted, if they do not exist # say so self.log_wind_data(event.packet, 'GatewayService: Augmented packet') def process_queued_sensor_data(self, sensor_data, date_time): """Process a sensor data packet received in the collector queue. When the queue is processed there may be multiple sensor data packets in the queue, but we only want the most recent, non-stale packet. Check the received sensor packet is timestamped and not stale, if it is not stale and is newer than the previously saved sensor data packet then replace the saved packet with this packet. Non-timestamped sensor data packets are discarded. sensor_data: the sensor data packet obtained from the queue date_time: the timestamp of the current loop packet """ # first up check we have a field 'datetime' and that it is not None if 'datetime' in sensor_data and sensor_data['datetime'] is not None: # now check it is not stale if sensor_data['datetime'] > date_time - self.max_age: # the sensor data is not stale, but is it more recent than our # current saved packet if self.latest_sensor_data is None or sensor_data['datetime'] > self.latest_sensor_data['datetime']: # this packet is newer, so keep it self.latest_sensor_data = dict(sensor_data) elif self.debug.loop or weewx.debug >= 2: # the sensor data is stale and we have debug settings that # dictate we log the discard loginf('GatewayService: Discarded packet with ' 'timestamp %s' % timestamp_to_string(sensor_data['datetime'])) elif self.debug.loop or weewx.debug >= 2: # the sensor data is not timestamped so it will be discarded and we # have debug settings that dictate we log the discard loginf('GatewayService: Discarded non-timestamped packet') def process_queued_exception(self, e): """Process an exception received in the collector queue.""" # is it a GWIOError if isinstance(e, GWIOError): # set our failure logging appropriately if self.lost_con_ts is None: # we have previously been in contact with the device so set our # lost contact timestamp self.lost_con_ts = time.time() # any failure logging for this failure will already have # occurred in our GatewayCollector object and its Station, so # turn off failure logging self.set_failure_logging(False) elif self.log_failures: # we are already in a lost contact state, but failure logging # may have been turned on for a 'once in a while' log entry so # we need to turn it off again self.set_failure_logging(False) else: # it's not so log it logerr('GatewayService: Caught unexpected exception %s: %s' % (e.__class__.__name__, e)) def augment_packet(self, packet, data): """Augment a loop packet with data from another packet. The data to be used for augmentation (the new data) may not be in the same unit system as the loop data being augmented so the new data is converted to the same unit system as used in the loop packet before augmentation occurs. Only fields that exist in the new data but not in the loop packet are added to the loop packet. packet: dict containing the loop packet data: dict containing the data to be used to augment the loop packet """ if self.debug.loop: _stem = 'GatewayService: Mapped data will be used to augment loop packet(%s)' loginf(_stem % timestamp_to_string(packet['dateTime'])) # But the mapped data must be converted to the same unit system as # the packet being augmented. First get a converter. converter = weewx.units.StdUnitConverters[packet['usUnits']] # convert the mapped data to the same unit system as the packet to # be augmented converted_data = converter.convertDict(data) # if required log the converted data if self.debug.loop: loginf("GatewayService: Converted %s data: %s" % (self.collector.device.model, natural_sort_dict(converted_data))) # now we can freely augment the packet with any of our mapped obs for field, data in six.iteritems(converted_data): # Any existing packet fields, whether they contain data or are # None, are respected and left alone. Only fields from the # converted data that do not already exist in the packet are # used to augment the packet. if field not in packet: packet[field] = data # TODO. Why have this, isn't failure_logging passed through each instantiation def set_failure_logging(self, log_failures): """Turn failure logging on or off. When operating as a service lost contact or other non-fatal errors should only be logged every so often so as not to flood the logs. Failure logging occurs at three levels: 1. in myself (the service) 2. in the GatewayCollector object 3. in the GatewayCollector object's Station object Failure logging is turned on or off by setting the log_failures property True or False for each of the above 3 objects. """ self.log_failures = log_failures self.collector.log_failures = log_failures self.collector.device.log_failures = log_failures def shutDown(self): """Shut down the service.""" # the collector will likely be running in a thread so call its # shutdown() method so that any thread shut down/tidy up can occur self.collector.shutdown() # for backwards compatibility Gw1000Service = GatewayService # ============================================================================ # GW1000 Loader/Configurator/Editor methods # ============================================================================ def loader(config_dict, engine): return GatewayDriver(**config_dict[DRIVER_NAME]) def configurator_loader(config_dict): # @UnusedVariable return GatewayConfigurator() def confeditor_loader(): return Gw1000ConfEditor() # ============================================================================ # class Gw1000ConfEditor # ============================================================================ class Gw1000ConfEditor(weewx.drivers.AbstractConfEditor): # define our config as a multiline string so we can preserve comments accum_config = """ [Accumulator] # Start GW1000 driver extractors [[daymaxwind]] extractor = last [[lightning_distance]] extractor = last [[lightning_strike_count]] extractor = sum [[lightning_last_det_time]] extractor = last [[stormRain]] extractor = last [[dayRain]] extractor = last [[weekRain]] extractor = last [[monthRain]] extractor = last [[yearRain]] extractor = last [[totalRain]] extractor = last [[t_rain]] extractor = sum [[t_stormRain]] extractor = last [[t_dayRain]] extractor = last [[t_weekRain]] extractor = last [[t_monthRain]] extractor = last [[t_yearRain]] extractor = last [[p_rain]] extractor = sum [[p_stormRain]] extractor = last [[p_dayRain]] extractor = last [[p_weekRain]] extractor = last [[p_monthRain]] extractor = last [[p_yearRain]] extractor = last [[pm2_51_24h_avg]] extractor = last [[pm2_52_24h_avg]] extractor = last [[pm2_53_24h_avg]] extractor = last [[pm2_54_24h_avg]] extractor = last [[pm2_55_24h_avg]] extractor = last [[pm10_24h_avg]] extractor = last [[co2_24h_avg]] extractor = last [[heap_free]] extractor = last [[wh40_batt]] extractor = last [[wh26_batt]] extractor = last [[wh25_batt]] extractor = last [[wh65_batt]] extractor = last [[wh32_batt]] extractor = last [[wh31_ch1_batt]] extractor = last [[wh31_ch2_batt]] extractor = last [[wh31_ch3_batt]] extractor = last [[wh31_ch4_batt]] extractor = last [[wh31_ch5_batt]] extractor = last [[wh31_ch6_batt]] extractor = last [[wh31_ch7_batt]] extractor = last [[wh31_ch8_batt]] extractor = last [[wn34_ch1_batt]] extractor = last [[wn34_ch2_batt]] extractor = last [[wn34_ch3_batt]] extractor = last [[wn34_ch4_batt]] extractor = last [[wn34_ch5_batt]] extractor = last [[wn34_ch6_batt]] extractor = last [[wn34_ch7_batt]] extractor = last [[wn34_ch8_batt]] extractor = last [[wn35_ch1_batt]] extractor = last [[wn35_ch2_batt]] extractor = last [[wn35_ch3_batt]] extractor = last [[wn35_ch4_batt]] extractor = last [[wn35_ch5_batt]] extractor = last [[wn35_ch6_batt]] extractor = last [[wn35_ch7_batt]] extractor = last [[wn35_ch8_batt]] extractor = last [[wh41_ch1_batt]] extractor = last [[wh41_ch2_batt]] extractor = last [[wh41_ch3_batt]] extractor = last [[wh41_ch4_batt]] extractor = last [[wh45_batt]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch1_batt]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch2_batt]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch3_batt]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch4_batt]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch5_batt]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch6_batt]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch7_batt]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch8_batt]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch9_batt]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch10_batt]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch11_batt]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch12_batt]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch13_batt]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch14_batt]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch15_batt]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch16_batt]] extractor = last [[wh55_ch1_batt]] extractor = last [[wh55_ch2_batt]] extractor = last [[wh55_ch3_batt]] extractor = last [[wh55_ch4_batt]] extractor = last [[wh57_batt]] extractor = last [[wh68_batt]] extractor = last [[ws80_batt]] extractor = last [[wh40_sig]] extractor = last [[wh26_sig]] extractor = last [[wh25_sig]] extractor = last [[wh65_sig]] extractor = last [[wh32_sig]] extractor = last [[wh31_ch1_sig]] extractor = last [[wh31_ch2_sig]] extractor = last [[wh31_ch3_sig]] extractor = last [[wh31_ch4_sig]] extractor = last [[wh31_ch5_sig]] extractor = last [[wh31_ch6_sig]] extractor = last [[wh31_ch7_sig]] extractor = last [[wh31_ch8_sig]] extractor = last [[wn34_ch1_sig]] extractor = last [[wn34_ch2_sig]] extractor = last [[wn34_ch3_sig]] extractor = last [[wn34_ch4_sig]] extractor = last [[wn34_ch5_sig]] extractor = last [[wn34_ch6_sig]] extractor = last [[wn34_ch7_sig]] extractor = last [[wn34_ch8_sig]] extractor = last [[wn35_ch1_sig]] extractor = last [[wn35_ch2_sig]] extractor = last [[wn35_ch3_sig]] extractor = last [[wn35_ch4_sig]] extractor = last [[wn35_ch5_sig]] extractor = last [[wn35_ch6_sig]] extractor = last [[wn35_ch7_sig]] extractor = last [[wn35_ch8_sig]] extractor = last [[wh41_ch1_sig]] extractor = last [[wh41_ch2_sig]] extractor = last [[wh41_ch3_sig]] extractor = last [[wh41_ch4_sig]] extractor = last [[wh45_sig]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch1_sig]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch2_sig]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch3_sig]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch4_sig]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch5_sig]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch6_sig]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch7_sig]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch8_sig]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch9_sig]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch10_sig]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch11_sig]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch12_sig]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch13_sig]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch14_sig]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch15_sig]] extractor = last [[wh51_ch16_sig]] extractor = last [[wh55_ch1_sig]] extractor = last [[wh55_ch2_sig]] extractor = last [[wh55_ch3_sig]] extractor = last [[wh55_ch4_sig]] extractor = last [[wh57_sig]] extractor = last [[wh68_sig]] extractor = last [[ws80_sig]] extractor = last # End GW1000 driver extractors """ @property def default_stanza(self): return """ [GW1000] # This section is for the GW1000 API driver. # The driver to use: driver = user.gw1000 # How often to poll the GW1000 API: poll_interval = %d """ % (default_poll_interval,) def get_conf(self, orig_stanza=None): """Given a configuration stanza, return a possibly modified copy that will work with the current version of the device driver. The default behavior is to return the original stanza, unmodified. Derived classes should override this if they need to modify previous configuration options or warn about deprecated or harmful options. The return value should be a long string. See default_stanza above for an example string stanza. """ return self.default_stanza if orig_stanza is None else orig_stanza def prompt_for_settings(self): """Prompt for settings required for proper operation of this driver. Returns a dict of setting, value key pairs for settings to be included in the driver stanza. The _prompt() method may be used to prompt the user for input with a default. """ # obtain IP address print() print("Specify the gateway device IP address, for example:") print("Set to 'auto' to autodiscover the gateway device IP address (not") print("recommended for systems with more than one gateway device)") ip_address = self._prompt('IP address', dflt=self.existing_options.get('ip_address')) # obtain port number print() print("Specify gateway device network port, for example: 45000") port = self._prompt('port', dflt=self.existing_options.get('port', default_port)) # obtain poll interval print() print("Specify how often to poll the gateway API in seconds") poll_interval = self._prompt('Poll interval', dflt=self.existing_options.get('poll_interval', default_poll_interval)) return {'ip_address': ip_address, 'port': port, 'poll_interval': poll_interval } @staticmethod def modify_config(config_dict): import weecfg # set loop_on_init loop_on_init_config = """loop_on_init = %d""" dflt = config_dict.get('loop_on_init', '1') label = """The GW1000 driver requires a network connection to the gateway device. Consequently, the absence of a network connection when WeeWX starts will cause WeeWX to exit and such a situation can occur on system startup. The 'loop_on_init' setting can be used to mitigate such problems by having WeeWX retry startup indefinitely. Set to '0' to attempt startup once only or '1' to attempt startup indefinitely.""" print() loop_on_init = int(weecfg.prompt_with_options(label, dflt, ['0', '1'])) loop_on_init_dict = configobj.ConfigObj(StringIO(loop_on_init_config % (loop_on_init,))) config_dict.merge(loop_on_init_dict) if len(config_dict.comments['loop_on_init']) == 0: config_dict.comments['loop_on_init'] = ['', '# Whether to try indefinitely to load the driver'] print() # set record generation to software print("""Setting record_generation to software.""") config_dict['StdArchive']['record_generation'] = 'software' print() # set the accumulator extractor functions print("""Setting accumulator extractor functions.""") # construct our default accumulator config dict accum_config_dict = configobj.ConfigObj(StringIO(Gw1000ConfEditor.accum_config)) # merge the existing config dict into our default accumulator config # dict so that we keep any changes made to [Accumulator] by the user accum_config_dict.merge(config_dict) # now make our updated accumulator config the config dict config_dict = configobj.ConfigObj(accum_config_dict) # we don't need weecfg anymore so remove it from memory del weecfg print() # ============================================================================ # GatewayConfigurator class # ============================================================================ class GatewayConfigurator(weewx.drivers.AbstractConfigurator): """Configures the Ecowitt gateway weather station. This class is used by wee_device when interrogating a supported Ecowitt gateway device. The Ecowitt gateway device API supports both reading and setting various gateway device parameters; however, at this time the Ecowitt gateway device driver only supports the reading these parameters. The Ecowitt gateway device driver does not support setting these parameters, rather this should be done via the Ecowitt WSView Plus app. When used with wee_device this configurator allows station hardware parameters to be displayed. The Ecowitt gateway device driver may also be run directly to test the Ecowitt gateway device driver operation as well as display various driver configuration options (as distinct from gateway device hardware parameters). """ @property def description(self): """Description displayed as part of wee_device help information.""" return "Read data and configuration from an Ecowitt gateway weather station." @property def usage(self): """wee_device usage information.""" return """%prog --help %prog --live-data [CONFIG_FILE|--config=CONFIG_FILE] [--units=us|metric|metricwx] [--ip-address=IP_ADDRESS] [--port=PORT] [--show-all-batt] [--debug=0|1|2|3] %prog --sensors [CONFIG_FILE|--config=CONFIG_FILE] [--ip-address=IP_ADDRESS] [--port=PORT] [--show-all-batt] [--debug=0|1|2|3] %prog --firmware-version|--mac-address| --system-params|--get-rain-data|--get-all-rain_data [CONFIG_FILE|--config=CONFIG_FILE] [--ip-address=IP_ADDRESS] [--port=PORT] [--debug=0|1|2|3] %prog --get-calibration|--get-mulch-th-cal| --get-mulch-soil-cal|--get-pm25-cal| --get-co2-cal [CONFIG_FILE|--config=CONFIG_FILE] [--ip-address=IP_ADDRESS] [--port=PORT] [--debug=0|1|2|3] %prog --get-services [CONFIG_FILE|--config=CONFIG_FILE] [--ip-address=IP_ADDRESS] [--port=PORT] [--unmask] [--debug=0|1|2|3]""" @property def epilog(self): """Epilog displayed as part of wee_device help information.""" return "" # return "Mutating actions will request confirmation before proceeding.\n" def add_options(self, parser): """Define wee_device option parser options.""" parser.add_option('--live-data', dest='live', action='store_true', help='display device live sensor data') parser.add_option('--sensors', dest='sensors', action='store_true', help='display device sensor information') parser.add_option('--firmware', dest='firmware', action='store_true', help='display device firmware information') parser.add_option('--mac-address', dest='mac', action='store_true', help='display device station MAC address') parser.add_option('--system-params', dest='sys_params', action='store_true', help='display device system parameters') parser.add_option('--get-rain-data', dest='get_rain', action='store_true', help='display device traditional rain data only') parser.add_option('--get-all-rain-data', dest='get_all_rain', action='store_true', help='display device traditional, piezo and rain reset ' 'time data') parser.add_option('--get-calibration', dest='get_calibration', action='store_true', help='display device calibration data') parser.add_option('--get-mulch-th-cal', dest='get_mulch_offset', action='store_true', help='display device multi-channel temperature and ' 'humidity calibration data') parser.add_option('--get-mulch-soil-cal', dest='get_soil_calibration', action='store_true', help='display device soil moisture calibration data') parser.add_option('--get-mulch-t-cal', dest='get_temp_calibration', action='store_true', help='display device temperature (WN34) calibration data') parser.add_option('--get-pm25-cal', dest='get_pm25_offset', action='store_true', help='display device PM2.5 calibration data') parser.add_option('--get-co2-cal', dest='get_co2_offset', action='store_true', help='display device CO2 (WH45) calibration data') parser.add_option('--get-services', dest='get_services', action='store_true', help='display device weather services configuration data') parser.add_option('--ip-address', dest='ip_address', help='device IP address to use') parser.add_option('--port', dest='port', type=int, help='device port to use') parser.add_option('--max-tries', dest='max_tries', type=int, help='max number of attempts to contact the device') parser.add_option('--retry-wait', dest='retry_wait', type=int, help='how long to wait between attempts to contact the device') parser.add_option('--show-all-batt', dest='show_battery', action='store_true', help='show all available battery state data regardless of ' 'sensor state') parser.add_option('--unmask', dest='unmask', action='store_true', help='unmask sensitive settings') parser.add_option('--units', dest='units', metavar='UNITS', default='metric', help='unit system to use when displaying live data') parser.add_option('--config', dest='config_path', metavar='CONFIG_FILE', help="use configuration file CONFIG_FILE.") parser.add_option('--debug', dest='debug', type=int, help='how much status to display, 0-3') parser.add_option('--yes', '-y', dest="noprompt", action="store_true", help="answer yes to every prompt") def do_options(self, options, parser, config_dict, prompt): """Process wee_device option parser options.""" # get station config dict to use stn_dict = config_dict.get('GW1000', {}) # set weewx.debug as necessary if options.debug is not None: _debug = weeutil.weeutil.to_int(options.debug) else: _debug = weeutil.weeutil.to_int(config_dict.get('debug', 0)) weewx.debug = _debug # inform the user if the debug level is 'higher' than 0 if _debug > 0: print("debug level is '%d'" % _debug) # Now we can set up the user customized logging, but we need to handle both # v3 and v4 logging. V4 logging is very easy but v3 logging requires us to # set up syslog and raise our log level based on weewx.debug try: # assume v 4 logging weeutil.logger.setup('weewx', config_dict) except AttributeError: # must be v3 logging, so first set the defaults for the system logger syslog.openlog('weewx', syslog.LOG_PID | syslog.LOG_CONS) # now raise the log level if required if weewx.debug > 0: syslog.setlogmask(syslog.LOG_UPTO(syslog.LOG_DEBUG)) # define custom unit settings used by the gateway driver define_units() # get a DirectGateway object direct_gw = DirectGateway(options, parser, stn_dict) # now let the DirectGateway object process the options direct_gw.process_options() # ============================================================================ # GatewayDriver class # ============================================================================ class GatewayDriver(weewx.drivers.AbstractDevice, Gateway): """Ecowitt gateway device driver class. A WeeWX driver to emit loop packets based on observational data obtained from the Ecowitt LAN/Wi-Fi Gateway API. The GatewayDriver should be used when there is no other data source or other sources data can be ingested via one or more WeeWX services. Data is obtained from the Ecowitt LAN/Wi-Fi Gateway API. The data is parsed and mapped to WeeWX fields and emitted as a WeeWX loop packet. Class GatewayCollector collects and parses data from the API. The GatewayCollector runs in a separate thread, so it does not block the main WeeWX processing loop. The GatewayCollector is turn uses child classes Station and Parser to interact directly with the API and parse the API responses respectively.""" def __init__(self, **stn_dict): """Initialise a gateway device driver object.""" # Log our driver version first. Normally we would call our superclass # initialisation method first; however, that involves establishing a # network connection to the gateway device and it may fail. Doing our # logging first will aid in remote debugging. # log our version number loginf('GatewayDriver: version is %s' % DRIVER_VERSION) # get device specific debug settings self.debug = DebugOptions(stn_dict) # now initialize my superclasses super(GatewayDriver, self).__init__(**stn_dict) # start the Gw1000Collector in its own thread self.collector.startup() def genLoopPackets(self): """Generator function that returns loop packets. Run a continuous loop checking the GatewayCollector queue for data. When data arrives map the raw data to a WeeWX loop packet and yield the packet. """ # generate loop packets forever while True: # wrap in a try to catch any instances where the queue is empty try: # get any data from the collector queue queue_data = self.collector.queue.get(True, 10) except six.moves.queue.Empty: # there was nothing in the queue so continue pass else: # We received something in the queue, it will be one of three # things: # 1. a dict containing sensor data # 2. an exception # 3. the value None signalling a serious error that means the # Collector needs to shut down # if the data has a 'keys' attribute it is a dict so must be # data if hasattr(queue_data, 'keys'): # we have a dict so assume it is data # log the received data if necessary if self.debug.loop: if 'datetime' in queue_data: loginf('GatewayDriver: Received %s data: %s %s' % (self.collector.device.model, timestamp_to_string( queue_data['datetime']), natural_sort_dict(queue_data))) else: loginf('GatewayDriver: Received %s data: %s' % (self.collector.device.model, natural_sort_dict(queue_data))) else: # perhaps we have individual debugs such as rain or # wind if self.debug.rain: # debug.rain is set so log the 'rain' field in the # received data, if it does not exist say so self.log_rain_data(queue_data, 'GatewayDriver: Received %s data' % self.collector.device.model) if self.debug.wind: # debug.wind is set so log the 'wind' fields in the # received data, if they do not exist say so self.log_wind_data(queue_data, 'GatewayDriver: Received %s data' % self.collector.device.model) # Now start to create a loop packet. A loop packet must # have a timestamp, if we have one (key 'datetime') in the # received data use it otherwise allocate one. if 'datetime' in queue_data: packet = {'dateTime': queue_data['datetime']} else: # we don't have a timestamp so create one packet = {'dateTime': int(time.time() + 0.5)} # if not already determined, determine which cumulative rain # field will be used to determine the per period rain field if not self.rain_mapping_confirmed or not self.piezo_rain_mapping_confirmed: self.get_cumulative_rain_field(queue_data) # get the rainfall this period from total self.calculate_rain(queue_data) # get the lightning strike count this period from total self.calculate_lightning_count(queue_data) # map the raw data to WeeWX loop packet fields mapped_data = self.map_data(queue_data) # log the mapped data if necessary if self.debug.loop: if 'datetime' in mapped_data: loginf('GatewayDriver: Mapped %s data: %s %s' % (self.collector.device.model, timestamp_to_string( mapped_data['datetime']), natural_sort_dict(mapped_data))) else: loginf('GatewayDriver: Mapped %s data: %s' % (self.collector.device.model, natural_sort_dict(mapped_data))) else: # perhaps we have individual debugs such as rain or wind if self.debug.rain: # debug.rain is set so log the 'rain' field in the # mapped data, if it does not exist say so self.log_rain_data(mapped_data, 'GatewayDriver: Mapped %s data' % self.collector.device.model) if self.debug.wind: # debug.wind is set so log the 'wind' fields in the # mapped data, if they do not exist say so self.log_wind_data(mapped_data, 'GatewayDriver: Mapped %s data' % self.collector.device.model) # add the mapped data to the empty packet packet.update(mapped_data) # log the packet if necessary, there are several debug # settings that may require this, start from the highest # (most encompassing) and work to the lowest (least # encompassing) if self.debug.loop or weewx.debug >= 2: loginf('GatewayDriver: Packet %s: %s' % (timestamp_to_string(packet['dateTime']), natural_sort_dict(packet))) else: # perhaps we have individual debugs such as rain or wind if self.debug.rain: # debug.rain is set so log the 'rain' field in the # loop packet being emitted, if it does not exist # say so self.log_rain_data(mapped_data, 'GatewayDriver: Packet %s' % timestamp_to_string(packet['dateTime'])) if self.debug.wind: # debug.wind is set so log the 'wind' fields in the # loop packet being emitted, if they do not exist # say so self.log_wind_data(mapped_data, 'GatewayDriver: Packets %s' % timestamp_to_string(packet['dateTime'])) # yield the loop packet yield packet # if it's a tuple then it's a tuple with an exception and # exception text elif isinstance(queue_data, BaseException): # We have an exception. The collector did not deem it # serious enough to want to shut down or it would have sent # None instead. The action we take depends on the type of # exception it is. If it's a GWIOError we need to force # the WeeWX engine to restart by raining a WeewxIOError. If # it is anything else we log it and then raise it. # first extract our exception e = queue_data # and process it if we have something if e: # is it a GWIOError if isinstance(e, GWIOError): # it is so we raise a WeewxIOError, ideally would # use raise .. from .. but raise.. from .. is not # available under Python 2 raise weewx.WeeWxIOError(e) else: # it's not so log it logerr('GatewayDriver: Caught unexpected exception %s: %s' % (e.__class__.__name__, e)) # then raise it, WeeWX will decide what to do raise e # if it's None then its a signal the Collector needs to shut # down elif queue_data is None: # if debug.loop log what we received if self.debug.loop: loginf('GatewayDriver: Received shutdown signal') # we received the signal to shut down, so call closePort() self.closePort() # and raise an exception to cause the engine to shut down raise GWIOError("GatewayCollector needs to shutdown") # if it's none of the above (which it should never be) we don't # know what to do with it so pass and wait for the next item in # the queue else: pass @property def hardware_name(self): """Return the hardware name. Use the device model from our Collector's Station object, but if this is None use the driver name. """ if self.collector.device.model is not None: return self.collector.device.model else: return DRIVER_NAME @property def mac_address(self): """Return the device MAC address.""" return self.collector.device.api.get_mac_address() @property def firmware_version(self): """Return the device firmware version string.""" return self.collector.device.api.get_firmware_version() # @property # def sensor_id_data(self): # """Return the device sensor identification data. # # The sensor ID data is available via the data property of the Collector # objects' sensors property. # """ # # return self.collector.sensors.data # def closePort(self): """Close down the driver port.""" # in this case there is no port to close, just shutdown the collector self.collector.shutdown() # for backwards compatibility Gw1000Driver = GatewayDriver # ============================================================================ # class Collector # ============================================================================ class Collector(object): """Base class for a client that polls an API.""" def __init__(self): # creat a queue object for passing data back to the driver/service self.queue = six.moves.queue.Queue() def startup(self): pass def shutdown(self): pass # ============================================================================ # class GatewayCollector # ============================================================================ class GatewayCollector(Collector): """Class to collect data from an Ecowitt LAN/Wi-Fi Gateway device. A GatewayCollector object is responsible for obtaining data from an Ecowitt LAN/Wi-Fi Gateway device and passing relevant data to its parent driver/service. A GatewayCollector object uses subordinate classes to obtain data from the gateway device via the Ecowitt LAN/Wi-Fi Gateway device API and direct HTTP requests suitable for passing to its parent driver/service. A GatewayCollector can also be used to obtain device data when the driver is operated in direct mode. A GatewayCollector object uses a GatewayDevice object to handle all interaction with the device. """ def __init__(self, ip_address=None, port=None, broadcast_address=None, broadcast_port=None, socket_timeout=None, broadcast_timeout=None, poll_interval=default_poll_interval, max_tries=default_max_tries, retry_wait=default_retry_wait, use_wh32=True, ignore_wh40_batt=True, show_battery=False, log_unknown_fields=False, fw_update_check_interval=86400, log_fw_update_avail=False, debug=DebugOptions({})): """Initialise our class.""" # initialize my base class: super(GatewayCollector, self).__init__() # interval between polls of the API, use a default self.poll_interval = poll_interval # how many times to poll the API before giving up, default is # default_max_tries self.max_tries = max_tries # period in seconds to wait before polling again, default is # default_retry_wait seconds self.retry_wait = retry_wait # how to handle checks for a gateway device firmware update # how often to check for a firmware update self.fw_update_check_interval = fw_update_check_interval # whether to log when a firmware update is available self.log_fw_update_avail = log_fw_update_avail # log our config options before obtaining a GatewayDevice object, this # will help in remote debugging should the device be uncontactable if self.log_fw_update_avail: logdbg(' firmware update checks will occur and will be logged') logdbg(' firmware update check interval is %d' % self.fw_update_check_interval) else: logdbg(' firmware update checks will not occur') if use_wh32: logdbg(" sensor ID decoding will use 'WH32'") else: logdbg(" sensor ID decoding will use 'WH26'") if ignore_wh40_batt: logdbg(' battery state data will be ignored for legacy WH40') else: logdbg(' battery state data will be reported for legacy WH40') if show_battery: logdbg(" battery state will be reported for all sensors") else: logdbg(" battery state will not be reported for sensors with no signal data") if log_unknown_fields: logdbg(' unknown fields will be reported') else: logdbg(' unknown fields will be ignored') # get a GatewayDevice to handle interaction with the gateway device self.device = GatewayDevice(ip_address=ip_address, port=port, broadcast_address=broadcast_address, broadcast_port=broadcast_port, socket_timeout=socket_timeout, broadcast_timeout=broadcast_timeout, max_tries=max_tries, retry_wait=retry_wait, use_wh32=use_wh32, ignore_wh40_batt=ignore_wh40_batt, show_battery=show_battery, log_unknown_fields=log_unknown_fields, debug=debug) # start off logging failures self.log_failures = True # do we have a legacy WH40 and how are we handling its battery state # data if b'\x03' in self.device.api.sensors.connected_addresses and self.device.api.sensors.legacy_wh40: # we have a connected legacy WH40 if ignore_wh40_batt: _msg = 'Legacy WH40 detected, WH40 battery state data will be ignored' else: _msg = 'Legacy WH40 detected, WH40 battery state data will be reported' loginf(_msg) # create a thread property self.thread = None # we start off not collecting data, it will be turned on later when we # are threaded self.collect_data = False def collect(self): """Collect and queue sensor data. Loop forever waking periodically to see if it is time to quit or collect more data. A dictionary of data is placed in the queue on each successful poll of the device. If an exception is raised when interacting with the device the exception is placed in the queue as a signal to our parent that there is a problem. """ # initialise ts of last time API was polled last_poll = 0 # initialise ts of last firmware check last_fw_check = 0 # collect data continuously while we are told to collect data while self.collect_data: # store the current time now = time.time() # is it time to poll? if now - last_poll > self.poll_interval: # it is time to poll, wrap in a try..except in case we get a # GWIOError exception try: queue_data = self.get_current_data() except GWIOError as e: # a GWIOError occurred, most likely because the Station # object could not contact the device # first up log the event, but only if we are logging # failures if self.log_failures: logerr('Unable to obtain live sensor data') # assign the GWIOError exception, so it will be sent in # the queue to our controlling object queue_data = e # put the queue data in the queue self.queue.put(queue_data) # debug log when we will next poll the API logdbg('Next update in %d seconds' % self.poll_interval) # reset the last poll ts last_poll = now # do a firmware update check if required if now - last_fw_check > self.fw_update_check_interval and self.log_fw_update_avail: if self.device.firmware_update_avail: _msg = "A firmware is available, "\ "current %s firmware version is %s" % (self.device.model, self.device.firmware_version) loginf(_msg) _msg = " update at http://%s or via "\ "the WSView Plus app" % (self.device.ip_address.decode(), ) loginf(_msg) curr_msg = self.device.firmware_update_message if curr_msg is not None: loginf(" firmware update message: '%s'" % curr_msg) else: loginf(" no firmware update message found") last_fw_check = now # sleep for a second and then see if it's time to poll again time.sleep(1) def get_current_data(self): """Get all current sensor data. Return current sensor data, battery state data and signal state data for each sensor. The current sensor data consists of sensor data available through multiple API api_commands. Each API command response is parsed and the results accumulated in a dictionary. Battery and signal state for each sensor is added to this dictionary. The dictionary is timestamped and the timestamped accumulated data is returned. If the API does not return any data a suitable exception will have been raised. """ # get a timestamp to use in case our data does not come with one _timestamp = int(time.time()) # Now obtain the bulk of the current sensor data via the API. If the # data cannot be obtained we will see a GWIOError exception which we # just let bubble up. Otherwise, we are returned the parsed live data. parsed_data = self.device.livedata # add the timestamp to the data dict parsed_data['datetime'] = _timestamp # Now get the parsed rain data via the API. If the data cannot be # obtained we may see an GWIOError exception or an UnknownApiCommand # exception. If we get the UnknownApiCommand exception it is likely due # to an old device that cannot handle CMD_READ_RAIN in which case our # only available rain data will already be in our livedata response. So # just set the raindata response to None. If we get a GWIOError then # let it bubble up. try: parsed_rain_data = self.device.rain except UnknownApiCommand: parsed_rain_data = None except GWIOError: raise # now update our parsed data with the parsed rain data if we have any if parsed_rain_data is not None: parsed_data.update(parsed_rain_data) # log the parsed data but only if debug>=3 if weewx.debug >= 3: logdbg("Parsed data: %s" % parsed_data) # The parsed data does not currently contain any sensor battery state # or signal level data so obtain the parsed sensor battery state # and signal level data from our GatewayDevice. try: parsed_sensor_state_data = self.device.sensor_state except GWIOError: raise # now update our parsed data with the parsed sensor state data if we # have any if parsed_sensor_state_data is not None: parsed_data.update(parsed_sensor_state_data) # log the processed parsed data but only if debug>=3 if weewx.debug >= 3: logdbg("Processed parsed data: %s" % parsed_data) return parsed_data def startup(self): """Start a thread that collects data from the API.""" try: self.thread = GatewayCollector.CollectorThread(self) self.collect_data = True self.thread.setDaemon(True) self.thread.setName('GatewayCollectorThread') self.thread.start() except threading.ThreadError: logerr("Unable to launch GatewayCollector thread") self.thread = None def shutdown(self): """Shut down the thread that collects data from the API. Tell the thread to stop, then wait for it to finish. """ # we only need do something if a thread exists if self.thread: # tell the thread to stop collecting data self.collect_data = False # terminate the thread self.thread.join(10.0) # log the outcome if self.thread.is_alive(): logerr("Unable to shut down GatewayCollector thread") else: loginf("GatewayCollector thread has been terminated") self.thread = None class CollectorThread(threading.Thread): """Class using a thread to collect data via the Ecowitt LAN/Wi-Fi Gateway API.""" def __init__(self, client): # initialise our parent threading.Thread.__init__(self) # keep reference to the client we are supporting self.client = client self.name = 'gateway-collector' def run(self): # rather than letting the thread silently fail if an exception # occurs within the thread, wrap in a try..except so the exception # can be caught and available exception information displayed try: # kick the collection off self.client.collect() except: # we have an exception so log what we can log_traceback_critical(' **** ') class ApiParser(object): """Class to parse and decode device API response payload data. The main function of class Parser is to parse and decode the payloads of the device response to the following API calls: - CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA - CMD_READ_RAIN By virtue of its ability to decode fields in the above API responses the decode methods of class Parser are also used individually elsewhere in the driver to decode simple responses received from the device, eg when reading device configuration settings. """ # Dictionary of 'address' based data. Dictionary is keyed by device # data field 'address' containing various parameters for each # 'address'. Dictionary tuple format is: # (decode fn, size, field name) # where: # decode fn: the decode function name to be used for the field # size: the size of field data in bytes # field name: the name of the device field to be used for the decoded # data live_data_struct = { b'\x01': ('decode_temp', 2, 'intemp'), b'\x02': ('decode_temp', 2, 'outtemp'), b'\x03': ('decode_temp', 2, 'dewpoint'), b'\x04': ('decode_temp', 2, 'windchill'), b'\x05': ('decode_temp', 2, 'heatindex'), b'\x06': ('decode_humid', 1, 'inhumid'), b'\x07': ('decode_humid', 1, 'outhumid'), b'\x08': ('decode_press', 2, 'absbarometer'), b'\x09': ('decode_press', 2, 'relbarometer'), b'\x0A': ('decode_dir', 2, 'winddir'), b'\x0B': ('decode_speed', 2, 'windspeed'), b'\x0C': ('decode_speed', 2, 'gustspeed'), b'\x0D': ('decode_rain', 2, 't_rainevent'), b'\x0E': ('decode_rainrate', 2, 't_rainrate'), b'\x0F': ('decode_gain_100', 2, 't_raingain'), b'\x10': ('decode_rain', 2, 't_rainday'), b'\x11': ('decode_rain', 2, 't_rainweek'), b'\x12': ('decode_big_rain', 4, 't_rainmonth'), b'\x13': ('decode_big_rain', 4, 't_rainyear'), b'\x14': ('decode_big_rain', 4, 't_raintotals'), b'\x15': ('decode_light', 4, 'light'), b'\x16': ('decode_uv', 2, 'uv'), b'\x17': ('decode_uvi', 1, 'uvi'), b'\x18': ('decode_datetime', 6, 'datetime'), b'\x19': ('decode_speed', 2, 'daymaxwind'), b'\x1A': ('decode_temp', 2, 'temp1'), b'\x1B': ('decode_temp', 2, 'temp2'), b'\x1C': ('decode_temp', 2, 'temp3'), b'\x1D': ('decode_temp', 2, 'temp4'), b'\x1E': ('decode_temp', 2, 'temp5'), b'\x1F': ('decode_temp', 2, 'temp6'), b'\x20': ('decode_temp', 2, 'temp7'), b'\x21': ('decode_temp', 2, 'temp8'), b'\x22': ('decode_humid', 1, 'humid1'), b'\x23': ('decode_humid', 1, 'humid2'), b'\x24': ('decode_humid', 1, 'humid3'), b'\x25': ('decode_humid', 1, 'humid4'), b'\x26': ('decode_humid', 1, 'humid5'), b'\x27': ('decode_humid', 1, 'humid6'), b'\x28': ('decode_humid', 1, 'humid7'), b'\x29': ('decode_humid', 1, 'humid8'), b'\x2A': ('decode_pm25', 2, 'pm251'), b'\x2B': ('decode_temp', 2, 'soiltemp1'), b'\x2C': ('decode_moist', 1, 'soilmoist1'), b'\x2D': ('decode_temp', 2, 'soiltemp2'), b'\x2E': ('decode_moist', 1, 'soilmoist2'), b'\x2F': ('decode_temp', 2, 'soiltemp3'), b'\x30': ('decode_moist', 1, 'soilmoist3'), b'\x31': ('decode_temp', 2, 'soiltemp4'), b'\x32': ('decode_moist', 1, 'soilmoist4'), b'\x33': ('decode_temp', 2, 'soiltemp5'), b'\x34': ('decode_moist', 1, 'soilmoist5'), b'\x35': ('decode_temp', 2, 'soiltemp6'), b'\x36': ('decode_moist', 1, 'soilmoist6'), b'\x37': ('decode_temp', 2, 'soiltemp7'), b'\x38': ('decode_moist', 1, 'soilmoist7'), b'\x39': ('decode_temp', 2, 'soiltemp8'), b'\x3A': ('decode_moist', 1, 'soilmoist8'), b'\x3B': ('decode_temp', 2, 'soiltemp9'), b'\x3C': ('decode_moist', 1, 'soilmoist9'), b'\x3D': ('decode_temp', 2, 'soiltemp10'), b'\x3E': ('decode_moist', 1, 'soilmoist10'), b'\x3F': ('decode_temp', 2, 'soiltemp11'), b'\x40': ('decode_moist', 1, 'soilmoist11'), b'\x41': ('decode_temp', 2, 'soiltemp12'), b'\x42': ('decode_moist', 1, 'soilmoist12'), b'\x43': ('decode_temp', 2, 'soiltemp13'), b'\x44': ('decode_moist', 1, 'soilmoist13'), b'\x45': ('decode_temp', 2, 'soiltemp14'), b'\x46': ('decode_moist', 1, 'soilmoist14'), b'\x47': ('decode_temp', 2, 'soiltemp15'), b'\x48': ('decode_moist', 1, 'soilmoist15'), b'\x49': ('decode_temp', 2, 'soiltemp16'), b'\x4A': ('decode_moist', 1, 'soilmoist16'), b'\x4C': ('decode_batt', 16, 'lowbatt'), b'\x4D': ('decode_pm25', 2, 'pm251_24h_avg'), b'\x4E': ('decode_pm25', 2, 'pm252_24h_avg'), b'\x4F': ('decode_pm25', 2, 'pm253_24h_avg'), b'\x50': ('decode_pm25', 2, 'pm254_24h_avg'), b'\x51': ('decode_pm25', 2, 'pm252'), b'\x52': ('decode_pm25', 2, 'pm253'), b'\x53': ('decode_pm25', 2, 'pm254'), b'\x58': ('decode_leak', 1, 'leak1'), b'\x59': ('decode_leak', 1, 'leak2'), b'\x5A': ('decode_leak', 1, 'leak3'), b'\x5B': ('decode_leak', 1, 'leak4'), b'\x60': ('decode_distance', 1, 'lightningdist'), b'\x61': ('decode_utc', 4, 'lightningdettime'), b'\x62': ('decode_count', 4, 'lightningcount'), # WN34 battery data is not obtained from live data rather it is # obtained from sensor ID data b'\x63': ('decode_wn34', 3, 'temp9'), b'\x64': ('decode_wn34', 3, 'temp10'), b'\x65': ('decode_wn34', 3, 'temp11'), b'\x66': ('decode_wn34', 3, 'temp12'), b'\x67': ('decode_wn34', 3, 'temp13'), b'\x68': ('decode_wn34', 3, 'temp14'), b'\x69': ('decode_wn34', 3, 'temp15'), b'\x6A': ('decode_wn34', 3, 'temp16'), b'\x6C': ('decode_memory', 4, 'heap_free'), # WH45 battery data is not obtained from live data rather it is # obtained from sensor ID data b'\x70': ('decode_wh45', 16, ('temp17', 'humid17', 'pm10', 'pm10_24h_avg', 'pm255', 'pm255_24h_avg', 'co2', 'co2_24h_avg')), # placeholder for unknown field 0x71 # b'\x71': (None, None, None), b'\x72': ('decode_wet', 1, 'leafwet1'), b'\x73': ('decode_wet', 1, 'leafwet2'), b'\x74': ('decode_wet', 1, 'leafwet3'), b'\x75': ('decode_wet', 1, 'leafwet4'), b'\x76': ('decode_wet', 1, 'leafwet5'), b'\x77': ('decode_wet', 1, 'leafwet6'), b'\x78': ('decode_wet', 1, 'leafwet7'), b'\x79': ('decode_wet', 1, 'leafwet8') } rain_data_struct = { b'\x0D': ('decode_rain', 2, 't_rainevent'), b'\x0E': ('decode_rainrate', 2, 't_rainrate'), b'\x0F': ('decode_gain_100', 2, 't_raingain'), b'\x10': ('decode_big_rain', 4, 't_rainday'), b'\x11': ('decode_big_rain', 4, 't_rainweek'), b'\x12': ('decode_big_rain', 4, 't_rainmonth'), b'\x13': ('decode_big_rain', 4, 't_rainyear'), b'\x7A': ('decode_int', 1, 'rain_priority'), b'\x7B': ('decode_int', 1, 'temperature_comp'), b'\x80': ('decode_rainrate', 2, 'p_rainrate'), b'\x81': ('decode_rain', 2, 'p_rainevent'), b'\x82': ('decode_reserved', 2, 'p_rainhour'), b'\x83': ('decode_big_rain', 4, 'p_rainday'), b'\x84': ('decode_big_rain', 4, 'p_rainweek'), b'\x85': ('decode_big_rain', 4, 'p_rainmonth'), b'\x86': ('decode_big_rain', 4, 'p_rainyear'), # field 0x87 and 0x88 hold device parameter data that is not # included in the loop packets, hence the device field is not # used (None). b'\x87': ('decode_rain_gain', 20, None), b'\x88': ('decode_rain_reset', 3, None) } # tuple of field codes for device rain related fields in the live data # so we can isolate these fields rain_field_codes = (b'\x0D', b'\x0E', b'\x0F', b'\x10', b'\x11', b'\x12', b'\x13', b'\x14', b'\x80', b'\x81', b'\x83', b'\x84', b'\x85', b'\x86') # tuple of field codes for wind related fields in the device live data # so we can isolate these fields wind_field_codes = (b'\x0A', b'\x0B', b'\x0C', b'\x19') def __init__(self, log_unknown_fields=True): # do we log unknown fields at info or leave at debug self.log_unknown_fields = log_unknown_fields def parse_addressed_data(self, payload, structure): """Parse an address structure API response payload. Parses the data payload of an API response that uses an addressed data structure, ie each data element is in the format
Data elements may be in any order and the data portion of each data element may consist of one or mor bytes. payload: API response payload to be parsed, bytestring structure: dict keyed by data element address and containing the decode function, field size and the field name to be used as the key against which the decoded data is to be stored in the result dict Returns a dict of decoded data keyed by destination field name """ # initialise a dict to hold our parsed data data = dict() # do we have any payload data to operate on if len(payload) > 0: # we have payload data # set a counter to keep track of where we are in the payload index = 0 # work through the payload until we reach the end while index < len(payload) - 1: # obtain the decode function, field size and field name for # the current field, wrap in a try..except in case we # encounter a field address we do not know about try: decode_fn_str, field_size, field = structure[payload[index:index + 1]] except KeyError: # We struck a field 'address' we do not know how to # process. We can't skip to the next field so all we # can really do is accept the data we have so far, log # the issue and ignore the remaining data. # are we logging as info or debug, get an appropriate log function if self.log_unknown_fields: log_fn = loginf else: log_fn = logdbg # now call it log_fn("Unknown field address '%s' detected. " "Remaining data '%s' ignored." % (bytes_to_hex(payload[index:index + 1]), bytes_to_hex(payload[index + 1:]))) # and break, there is nothing more we can with this # data break else: _field_data = getattr(self, decode_fn_str)(payload[index + 1:index + 1 + field_size], field) # do we have any decoded data? if _field_data is not None: # we have decoded data so add the decoded data to # our data dict data.update(_field_data) else: # we received None from the decode function, this # usually indicates a field marked as 'reserved' in # the API documentation pass # we are finished with this field, move onto the next index += field_size + 1 return data def parse_livedata(self, response): """Parse data from a CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA API response. Parse the raw sensor data obtained from the CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA API command and create a dict of sensor observations/status data. Returns a dict of observations/status data. Response consists of a variable number of bytes determined by the number of connected sensors. Decode as follows: Byte(s) Data Format Comments 1-2 header - fixed header 0xFFFF 3 command code byte 0x27 4-5 size unsigned short .... 6-2nd last byte data structure follows the structure of Parser.live_data_struct in the format: address (byte) data length: as per second element of tuple decode: Parser method as per first element of tuple .... last byte checksum byte LSB of the sum of the command, size and data bytes """ # obtain the payload size, it's a big endian short (two byte) integer payload_size = struct.unpack(">H", response[3:5])[0] # obtain the payload payload = response[5:5 + payload_size - 4] # this is addressed data, so we can call parse_addressed_data() and # return the result return self.parse_addressed_data(payload, self.live_data_struct) def parse_read_rain(self, response): """Parse data from a CMD_READ_RAIN API response. Parse the raw sensor data obtained from the CMD_READ_RAIN API command and create a dict of sensor observations/status data. Returns a dict of observations/status data. Response consists of a variable number of bytes determined by the connected sensors. Decode as follows: Byte(s) Data Format Comments 1-2 header - fixed header 0xFFFF 3 command code byte 0x57 4-5 size unsigned short .... 6-2nd last byte data structure follows the structure of Parser.rain_data_struct in the format: address (byte) data length: as per second element of tuple decode: Parser method as per first element of tuple .... last byte checksum byte LSB of the sum of the command, size and data bytes """ # obtain the payload size, it's a big endian short (two byte) integer payload_size = struct.unpack(">H", response[3:5])[0] # obtain the payload payload = response[5:5 + payload_size - 4] # this is addressed data, so we can call parse_addressed_data() and # return the result return self.parse_addressed_data(payload, self.rain_data_struct) def parse_read_raindata(self, response): """Parse data from a CMD_READ_RAINDATA API response. Response consists of 25 bytes as follows: Byte(s) Data Format Comments 1-2 header - fixed header 0xFFFF 3 command code byte 0x2C 4 size byte 5-8 rainrate unsigned long 0 to 60000 in tenths mm/hr 0 to 6000.0 9-12 rainday unsigned long 0 to 99999 in tenths mm 0 to 9999.9 13-16 rainweek unsigned long 0 to 99999 in tenths mm 0 to 9999.9 17-20 rainmonth unsigned long 0 to 99999 in tenths mm 0 to 9999.9 21-24 rainyear unsigned long 0 to 99999 in tenths mm 0 to 9999.9 25 checksum byte LSB of the sum of the command, size and data bytes """ # determine the size of the rain data size = six.indexbytes(response, 3) # extract the actual data data = response[4:4 + size - 3] # initialise a dict to hold our parsed data data_dict = dict() data_dict['t_rainrate'] = self.decode_big_rain(data[0:4]) data_dict['t_rainday'] = self.decode_big_rain(data[4:8]) data_dict['t_rainweek'] = self.decode_big_rain(data[8:12]) data_dict['t_rainmonth'] = self.decode_big_rain(data[12:16]) data_dict['t_rainyear'] = self.decode_big_rain(data[16:20]) return data_dict @staticmethod def parse_get_mulch_offset(response): """Parse data from a CMD_GET_MulCH_OFFSET API response. Response consists of 29 bytes as follows: Byte(s) Data Format Comments 1-2 header - fixed header 0xFFFF 3 command code byte 0x2C 4 size byte 5 channel 1 byte fixed 00 6 hum offset signed byte -10 to +10 7 temp offset signed byte -100 to +100 in tenths C (-10.0 to +10.0) 8 channel 2 byte fixed 01 9 hum offset signed byte -10 to +10 10 temp offset signed byte -100 to +100 in tenths C (-10.0 to +10.0) .... 26 channel 8 byte fixed 07 27 hum offset signed byte -10 to +10 28 temp offset signed byte -100 to +100 in tenths C (-10.0 to +10.0) 29 checksum byte LSB of the sum of the command, size and data bytes """ # determine the size of the mulch offset data size = six.indexbytes(response, 3) # extract the actual data data = response[4:4 + size - 3] # initialise a counter index = 0 # initialise a dict to hold our parsed data offset_dict = {} # iterate over the data while index < len(data): try: channel = six.byte2int(data[index]) except TypeError: channel = data[index] offset_dict[channel] = {} try: offset_dict[channel]['hum'] = struct.unpack("b", data[index + 1])[0] except TypeError: offset_dict[channel]['hum'] = struct.unpack("b", six.int2byte(data[index + 1]))[0] try: offset_dict[channel]['temp'] = struct.unpack("b", data[index + 2])[0] / 10.0 except TypeError: offset_dict[channel]['temp'] = struct.unpack("b", six.int2byte(data[index + 2]))[0] / 10.0 index += 3 return offset_dict @staticmethod def parse_get_mulch_t_offset(response): """Parse data from a CMD_GET_MulCH_T_OFFSET API response. Response consists of a variable number of bytes determined by the connected sensors. Decode as follows: Byte(s) Data Format Comments 1-2 header - fixed header 0xFFFF 3 command code byte 0x59 4-5 size unsigned big endian short .... 6-2nd last byte three bytes per connected WN34 sensor: address byte sensor address, 0x63 to 0x6A incl temp offset signed big -100 to +100 in tenths C endian short (-10.0 to +10.0) .... last byte checksum byte LSB of the sum of the command, size and data bytes """ # obtain the payload size, it's a big endian short (two byte) integer size = struct.unpack(">H", response[3:5])[0] # extract the actual data data = response[5:5 + size - 4] # initialise a counter index = 0 # initialise a dict to hold our parsed data offset_dict = {} # iterate over the data while index < len(data): try: channel = six.byte2int(data[index]) except TypeError: channel = data[index] try: offset_dict[channel] = struct.unpack(">h", data[index + 1:index + 3])[0] / 10.0 except TypeError: offset_dict[channel] = struct.unpack(">h", six.int2byte(data[index + 1:index + 3]))[0] / 10.0 index += 3 return offset_dict @staticmethod def parse_get_pm25_offset(response): """Parse data from a CMD_GET_PM25_OFFSET API response. Response consists of 17 bytes as follows: Byte(s) Data Format Comments 1-2 header - fixed header 0xFFFF 3 command code byte 0x2E 4 size byte 5 channel 1 byte fixed 00 6-7 pm25 offset signed short -200 to +200 in tenths µg/m³ (-20.0 to +20.0) .... 14 channel 1 byte fixed 00 15-16 pm25 offset signed short -200 to +200 in tenths µg/m³ (-20.0 to +20.0) 17 checksum byte LSB of the sum of the command, size and data bytes """ # determine the size of the PM2.5 offset data size = six.indexbytes(response, 3) # extract the actual data data = response[4:4 + size - 3] # initialise a counter index = 0 # initialise a dict to hold our parsed data offset_dict = {} # iterate over the data while index < len(data): try: channel = six.byte2int(data[index]) except TypeError: channel = data[index] offset_dict[channel] = struct.unpack(">h", data[index + 1:index + 3])[0] / 10.0 index += 3 return offset_dict @staticmethod def parse_get_co2_offset(response): """Parse data from a CMD_GET_CO2_OFFSET API response. Response consists of 11 bytes as follows: Byte(s) Data Format Comments 1-2 header - fixed header 0xFFFF 3 command code byte 0x53 4 size byte 5-6 co2 offset signed short -600 to +10000 in tenths µg/m³ 7-8 pm25 offset signed short -200 to +200 in tenths µg/m³ (-20.0 to +20.0) 9-10 pm10 offset signed short -200 to +200 in tenths µg/m³ (-20.0 to +20.0) 17 checksum byte LSB of the sum of the command, size and data bytes """ # determine the size of the WH45 offset data size = six.indexbytes(response, 3) # extract the actual data data = response[4:4 + size - 3] # initialise a dict to hold our parsed data offset_dict = dict() # and decode/store the offset data # bytes 0 and 1 hold the CO2 offset offset_dict['co2'] = struct.unpack(">h", data[0:2])[0] # bytes 2 and 3 hold the PM2.5 offset offset_dict['pm25'] = struct.unpack(">h", data[2:4])[0] / 10.0 # bytes 4 and 5 hold the PM10 offset offset_dict['pm10'] = struct.unpack(">h", data[4:6])[0] / 10.0 return offset_dict @staticmethod def parse_read_gain(response): """Parse a CMD_READ_GAIN API response. Response consists of 17 bytes as follows: Byte(s) Data Format Comments 1-2 header - fixed header 0xFFFF 3 command code byte 0x36 4 size byte 5-6 fixed short fixed value 1267 7-8 uvGain unsigned short 10 to 500 in hundredths (0.10 to 5.00) 9-10 solarRadGain unsigned short 10 to 500 in hundredths (0.10 to 5.00) 11-12 windGain unsigned short 10 to 500 in hundredths (0.10 to 5.00) 13-14 rainGain unsigned short 10 to 500 in hundredths (0.10 to 5.00) 15-16 reserved reserved 17 checksum byte LSB of the sum of the command, size and data bytes """ # determine the size of the calibration data size = six.indexbytes(response, 3) # extract the actual data data = response[4:4 + size - 3] # initialise a dict to hold our parsed data gain_dict = dict() # and decode/store the calibration data # bytes 0 and 1 are reserved (lux to solar radiation conversion # gain (126.7)) gain_dict['uv'] = struct.unpack(">H", data[2:4])[0] / 100.0 gain_dict['solar'] = struct.unpack(">H", data[4:6])[0] / 100.0 gain_dict['wind'] = struct.unpack(">H", data[6:8])[0] / 100.0 gain_dict['rain'] = struct.unpack(">H", data[8:10])[0] / 100.0 # return the parsed response return gain_dict @staticmethod def parse_read_calibration(response): """Parse a CMD_READ_CALIBRATION API response. Response consists of 21 bytes as follows: Byte(s) Data Format Comments 1-2 header - fixed header 0xFFFF 3 command code byte 0x38 4 size byte 5-6 intemp offset signed short -100 to +100 in tenths C (-10.0 to +10.0) 7 inhum offset signed byte -10 to +10 % 8-11 abs offset signed long -800 to +800 in tenths hPa (-80.0 to +80.0) 12-15 rel offset signed long -800 to +800 in tenths hPa (-80.0 to +80.0) 16-17 outtemp offset signed short -100 to +100 in tenths C (-10.0 to +10.0) 18 outhum offset signed byte -10 to +10 % 19-20 wind dir offset signed short -180 to +180 degrees 21 checksum byte LSB of the sum of the command, size and data bytes """ # determine the size of the calibration data size = six.indexbytes(response, 3) # extract the actual data data = response[4:4 + size - 3] # initialise a dict to hold our parsed data cal_dict = dict() # and decode/store the offset calibration data cal_dict['intemp'] = struct.unpack(">h", data[0:2])[0] / 10.0 try: cal_dict['inhum'] = struct.unpack("b", data[2])[0] except TypeError: cal_dict['inhum'] = struct.unpack("b", six.int2byte(data[2]))[0] cal_dict['abs'] = struct.unpack(">l", data[3:7])[0] / 10.0 cal_dict['rel'] = struct.unpack(">l", data[7:11])[0] / 10.0 cal_dict['outtemp'] = struct.unpack(">h", data[11:13])[0] / 10.0 try: cal_dict['outhum'] = struct.unpack("b", data[13])[0] except TypeError: cal_dict['outhum'] = struct.unpack("b", six.int2byte(data[13]))[0] cal_dict['dir'] = struct.unpack(">h", data[14:16])[0] # return the parsed response return cal_dict @staticmethod def parse_get_soilhumiad(response): """Parse a CMD_GET_SOILHUMIAD API response. Response consists of a variable number of bytes determined by the number of WH51 soil moisture sensors. Number of bytes = 5 + (n x 9) where n is the number of connected WH51 sensors. Decode as follows: Byte(s) Data Format Comments 1-2 header - fixed header 0xFFFF 3 command code byte 0x29 4 size byte 5 channel byte channel number (0 to 8) 6 current hum byte from sensor 7-8 current ad unsigned short from sensor 9 custom cal byte 0 = sensor, 1 = enabled 10 min ad unsigned byte 0% ad setting (70 to 200) 11-12 max ad unsigned short 100% ad setting (80 to 1000) .... structure of bytes 5 to 12 incl repeated for each WH51 sensor .... 21 checksum byte LSB of the sum of the command, size and data bytes """ # determine the size of the calibration data size = six.indexbytes(response, 3) # extract the actual data data = response[4:4 + size - 3] # initialise a dict to hold our final data cal_dict = {} # initialise a counter index = 0 # iterate over the data while index < len(data): try: channel = six.byte2int(data[index]) except TypeError: channel = data[index] cal_dict[channel] = {} try: humidity = six.byte2int(data[index + 1]) except TypeError: humidity = data[index + 1] cal_dict[channel]['humidity'] = humidity cal_dict[channel]['ad'] = struct.unpack(">h", data[index + 2:index + 4])[0] try: ad_select = six.byte2int(data[index + 4]) except TypeError: ad_select = data[index + 4] # get 'Customize' setting 1 = enable, 0 = customised cal_dict[channel]['ad_select'] = ad_select try: min_ad = six.byte2int(data[index + 5]) except TypeError: min_ad = data[index + 5] cal_dict[channel]['adj_min'] = min_ad cal_dict[channel]['adj_max'] = struct.unpack(">h", data[index + 6:index + 8])[0] index += 8 # return the parsed response return cal_dict def parse_read_ssss(self, response): """Parse a CMD_READ_SSSS API response. Response consists of 13 bytes as follows: Byte(s) Data Format Comments 1-2 header - fixed header 0xFFFF 3 command code byte 0x30 4 size byte 5 frequency byte 0=433, 1=868, 2=915, 3=920 6 sensor type byte 0=WH24, 1=WH65 7-10 utc time unsigned long 11 timezone index byte 12 dst status byte 0=False, 1=True 13 checksum byte LSB of the sum of the command, size and data bytes """ # determine the size of the system parameters data size = six.indexbytes(response, 3) # extract the actual system parameters data data = response[4:4 + size - 3] # initialise a dict to hold our final data data_dict = dict() data_dict['frequency'] = six.indexbytes(data, 0) data_dict['sensor_type'] = six.indexbytes(data, 1) data_dict['utc'] = self.decode_utc(data[2:6]) data_dict['timezone_index'] = six.indexbytes(data, 6) data_dict['dst_status'] = six.indexbytes(data, 7) != 0 # return the parsed response return data_dict @staticmethod def parse_read_ecowitt(response): """Parse a CMD_READ_ECOWITT API response. Response consists of six bytes as follows: Byte(s) Data Format Comments 1-2 header - fixed header 0xFFFF 3 command code byte 0x1E 4 size byte 5 upload interval byte 1-5 minutes, 0=off 6 checksum byte LSB of the sum of the command, size and data bytes """ # determine the size of the system parameters data size = six.indexbytes(response, 3) # extract the actual system parameters data data = response[4:4 + size - 3] # initialise a dict to hold our final data data_dict = dict() data_dict['interval'] = six.indexbytes(data, 0) # return the parsed response return data_dict @staticmethod def parse_read_wunderground(response): """Parse a CMD_READ_WUNDERGROUND API response. Response consists of a variable number of bytes. Number of bytes = 8 + i + p where i = length of the Wunderground ID in characters and p is the length of the Wunderground password in characters. Decode as follows: Byte(s) Data Format Comments 1-2 header - fixed header 0xFFFF 3 command code byte 0x20 4 size byte 5 ID size unsigned byte length of Wunderground ID in characters 6-6+i ID i x bytes ASCII, max 32 characters 7+i password size unsigned byte length of Wunderground password in characters 8+i- password p x bytes ASCII, max 32 characters 8+i+p 9+i+p fixed 1 fixed value 1 10+i+p checksum byte LSB of the sum of the command, size and data bytes """ # determine the size of the system parameters data size = six.indexbytes(response, 3) # extract the actual system parameters data data = response[4:4 + size - 3] # initialise a dict to hold our final data data_dict = dict() # obtain the required data from the response decoding any bytestrings id_size = six.indexbytes(data, 0) data_dict['id'] = data[1:1 + id_size].decode() password_size = six.indexbytes(data, 1 + id_size) data_dict['password'] = data[2 + id_size:2 + id_size + password_size].decode() # return the parsed response return data_dict @staticmethod def parse_read_wow(response): """Parse a CMD_READ_WOW API response. Response consists of a variable number of bytes. Number of bytes = 9 + i + p + s where i = length of the WOW ID in characters, p is the length of the WOW password in characters and s is the length of the WOW station number in characters. Decode as follows: Byte(s) Data Format Comments 1-2 header - fixed header 0xFFFF 3 command code byte 0x22 4 size byte 5 ID size unsigned byte length of WOW ID in characters 6-6+i ID i x bytes ASCII, max 39 characters 7+i password size unsigned byte length of WOW password in characters 8+i- password p x bytes ASCII, max 32 characters 8+i+p 9+i+p station num unsigned byte length of WOW station num size (unused) 10+i+p- station num s x bytes ASCII, max 32 characters 10+i+p+s (unused) 11+i+p+s fixed 1 fixed value 1 12+i+p+s checksum byte LSB of the sum of the command, size and data bytes """ # determine the size of the system parameters data size = six.indexbytes(response, 3) # extract the actual system parameters data data = response[4:4 + size - 3] # initialise a dict to hold our final data data_dict = dict() # obtain the required data from the response decoding any bytestrings id_size = six.indexbytes(data, 0) data_dict['id'] = data[1:1 + id_size].decode() pw_size = six.indexbytes(data, 1 + id_size) data_dict['password'] = data[2 + id_size:2 + id_size + pw_size].decode() stn_num_size = six.indexbytes(data, 1 + id_size) data_dict['station_num'] = data[3 + id_size + pw_size:3 + id_size + pw_size + stn_num_size].decode() # return the parsed response return data_dict @staticmethod def parse_read_weathercloud(response): """Parse a CMD_READ_WEATHERCLOUD API response. Response consists of a variable number of bytes. Number of bytes = 8 + i + k where i = length of the Weathercloud ID in characters and p is the length of the Weathercloud key in characters. Decode as follows: Byte(s) Data Format Comments 1-2 header - fixed header 0xFFFF 3 command code byte 0x24 4 size byte 5 ID size unsigned byte length of Weathercloud ID in characters 6-6+i ID i x bytes ASCII, max 32 characters 7+i key size unsigned byte length of Weathercloud key in characters 8+i- key k x bytes ASCII, max 32 characters 8+i+k 9+i+k fixed 1 fixed value 1 10+i+k checksum byte LSB of the sum of the command, size and data bytes """ # determine the size of the system parameters data size = six.indexbytes(response, 3) # extract the actual system parameters data data = response[4:4 + size - 3] # initialise a dict to hold our final data data_dict = dict() # obtain the required data from the response decoding any bytestrings id_size = six.indexbytes(data, 0) data_dict['id'] = data[1:1 + id_size].decode() key_size = six.indexbytes(data, 1 + id_size) data_dict['key'] = data[2 + id_size:2 + id_size + key_size].decode() # return the parsed response return data_dict @staticmethod def parse_read_customized(response): """Parse a CMD_READ_CUSTOMIZED API response. Response consists of a variable number of bytes. Number of bytes = 14 + i + p + s where i = length of the ID in characters, p is the length of the password in characters and s is the length of the server address in characters. Decode as follows: Byte(s) Data Format Comments 1-2 header - fixed header 0xFFFF 3 command code byte 0x2A 4 size byte 5 ID size unsigned byte length of ID in characters 6-5+i ID i x bytes ASCII, max 40 characters 6+i password size unsigned byte length of password in characters 7+i- password p x bytes ASCII, max 40 characters 6+i+p 7+i+p server address unsigned byte length of server address in size characters 8+i+p- server address s x bytes ASCII, max 64 characters 7+i+p+s 8+i+p+s- port number unsigned short 0 to 65535 9+i+p+s 10+i+p+s- interval unsigned short 16 to 600 seconds 11+i+p+s 12+i+p+s type byte 0 = Ecowitt, 1 = WU 13+i+p+s active byte 0 = disable, 1 = enable 14+i+p+s checksum byte LSB of the sum of the command, size and data bytes """ # determine the size of the system parameters data size = six.indexbytes(response, 3) # extract the actual system parameters data data = response[4:4 + size - 3] # initialise a dict to hold our final data data_dict = dict() # obtain the required data from the response decoding any bytestrings index = 0 id_size = six.indexbytes(data, index) index += 1 data_dict['id'] = data[index:index + id_size].decode() index += id_size password_size = six.indexbytes(data, index) index += 1 data_dict['password'] = data[index:index + password_size].decode() index += password_size server_size = six.indexbytes(data, index) index += 1 data_dict['server'] = data[index:index + server_size].decode() index += server_size data_dict['port'] = struct.unpack(">h", data[index:index + 2])[0] index += 2 data_dict['interval'] = struct.unpack(">h", data[index:index + 2])[0] index += 2 data_dict['type'] = six.indexbytes(data, index) index += 1 data_dict['active'] = six.indexbytes(data, index) # return the parsed response return data_dict @staticmethod def parse_read_usr_path(response): """Parse a CMD_READ_USR_PATH API response. Response consists of a variable number of bytes. Number of bytes = 7 + e + w where e = length of the 'Ecowitt path' in characters and w is the length of the 'Weather Underground path'. Decode as follows: Byte(s) Data Format Comments 1-2 header - fixed header 0xFFFF 3 command code byte 0x51 4 size byte 5 Ecowitt size unsigned byte length of Ecowitt path in characters 6-5+e Ecowitt path e x bytes ASCII, max 64 characters 6+e WU size unsigned byte length of WU path in characters 7+e-6+e+w WU path w x bytes ASCII, max 64 characters 7+e+w checksum byte LSB of the sum of the command, size and data bytes """ # determine the size of the user path data size = six.indexbytes(response, 3) # extract the actual system parameters data data = response[4:4 + size - 3] # initialise a dict to hold our final data data_dict = dict() index = 0 ecowitt_size = six.indexbytes(data, index) index += 1 data_dict['ecowitt_path'] = data[index:index + ecowitt_size].decode() index += ecowitt_size wu_size = six.indexbytes(data, index) index += 1 data_dict['wu_path'] = data[index:index + wu_size].decode() # return the parsed response return data_dict @staticmethod def parse_read_station_mac(response): """Parse a CMD_READ_STATION_MAC API response. Response consists of 11 bytes as follows: Byte(s) Data Format Comments 1-2 header - fixed header 0xFFFF 3 command code byte 0x26 4 size byte 5-12 station MAC 6 x byte 13 checksum byte LSB of the sum of the command, size and data bytes """ # return the parsed response, in this case we simply return the # bytes as a semicolon separated hex string return bytes_to_hex(response[4:10], separator=":") @staticmethod def parse_read_firmware_version(response): """Parse a CMD_READ_FIRMWARE_VERSION API response. Response consists of a variable number of bytes. Number of bytes = 6 + f where f = length of the firmware version string in characters. Decode as follows: Byte(s) Data Format Comments 1-2 header - fixed header 0xFFFF 3 command code byte 0x50 4 size byte 5 fw size byte length of firmware version string in characters 6-5+f fw string f x byte firmware version string (ASCII ?) 6+f checksum byte LSB of the sum of the command, size and data bytes Returns a unicode string """ # create a format string so the firmware string can be unpacked into # its bytes firmware_format = "B" * len(response) # unpack the firmware response bytestring, we now have a tuple of # integers representing each of the bytes firmware_t = struct.unpack(firmware_format, response) # get the length of the firmware string, it is in byte 4 str_length = firmware_t[4] # the firmware string starts at byte 5 and is str_length bytes long, # convert the sequence of bytes to unicode characters and assemble as a # string and return the result return ''.join([chr(x) for x in firmware_t[5:5 + str_length]]) @staticmethod def decode_reserved(data, field='reserved'): """Decode data that is marked 'reserved'. Occasionally some fields are marked as 'reserved' in the API documentation. In such cases the decode routine should return the value None which will cause the data to be ignored. """ return None @staticmethod def decode_temp(data, field=None): """Decode temperature data. Data is contained in a two byte big endian signed integer and represents tenths of a degree. If field is not None return the result as a dict in the format {field: decoded value} otherwise return just the decoded value. """ if len(data) == 2: value = struct.unpack(">h", data)[0] / 10.0 else: value = None if field is not None: return {field: value} else: return value @staticmethod def decode_humid(data, field=None): """Decode humidity data. Data is contained in a single unsigned byte and represents whole units. If field is not None return the result as a dict in the format {field: decoded value} otherwise return just the decoded value. """ if len(data) == 1: value = struct.unpack("B", data)[0] else: value = None if field is not None: return {field: value} else: return value @staticmethod def decode_press(data, field=None): """Decode pressure data. Data is contained in a two byte big endian integer and represents tenths of a unit. If data contains more than two bytes take the last two bytes. If field is not None return the result as a dict in the format {field: decoded value} otherwise return just the decoded value. Also used to decode other two byte big endian integer fields. """ if len(data) == 2: value = struct.unpack(">H", data)[0] / 10.0 elif len(data) > 2: value = struct.unpack(">H", data[-2:])[0] / 10.0 else: value = None if field is not None: return {field: value} else: return value @staticmethod def decode_dir(data, field=None): """Decode direction data. Data is contained in a two byte big endian integer and represents whole degrees. If field is not None return the result as a dict in the format {field: decoded value} otherwise return just the decoded value. """ if len(data) == 2: value = struct.unpack(">H", data)[0] else: value = None if field is not None: return {field: value} else: return value @staticmethod def decode_big_rain(data, field=None): """Decode 4 byte rain data. Data is contained in a four byte big endian integer and represents tenths of a unit. If field is not None return the result as a dict in the format {field: decoded value} otherwise return just the decoded value. """ if len(data) == 4: value = struct.unpack(">L", data)[0] / 10.0 else: value = None if field is not None: return {field: value} else: return value @staticmethod def decode_datetime(data, field=None): """Decode date-time data. Unknown format but length is six bytes. If field is not None return the result as a dict in the format {field: decoded value} otherwise return just the decoded value. """ if len(data) == 6: value = struct.unpack("BBBBBB", data) else: value = None if field is not None: return {field: value} else: return value @staticmethod def decode_distance(data, field=None): """Decode lightning distance. Data is contained in a single byte integer and represents a value from 0 to 40km. If field is not None return the result as a dict in the format {field: decoded value} otherwise return just the decoded value. """ if len(data) == 1: value = struct.unpack("B", data)[0] value = value if value <= 40 else None else: value = None if field is not None: return {field: value} else: return value @staticmethod def decode_utc(data, field=None): """Decode UTC time. The API documentation claims to provide 'UTC time' as a 4 byte big endian integer. The 4 byte integer is a unix epoch timestamp; however, the timestamp is offset by the station's timezone. So for a station in the +10 hour timezone, the timestamp returned is the present epoch timestamp plus 10 * 3600 seconds. When decoded in localtime the decoded date-time is off by the station time zone, when decoded as GMT the date and time figures are correct but the timezone is incorrect. In any case decode the 4 byte big endian integer as is and any further use of this timestamp needs to take the above time zone offset into account when using the timestamp. If field is not None return the result as a dict in the format {field: decoded value} otherwise return just the decoded value. """ if len(data) == 4: # unpack the 4 byte int value = struct.unpack(">L", data)[0] # when processing the last lightning strike time if the value # is 0xFFFFFFFF it means we have never seen a strike so return # None value = value if value != 0xFFFFFFFF else None else: value = None if field is not None: return {field: value} else: return value @staticmethod def decode_count(data, field=None): """Decode lightning count. Count is an integer stored in a four byte big endian integer. If field is not None return the result as a dict in the format {field: decoded value} otherwise return just the decoded value. """ if len(data) == 4: value = struct.unpack(">L", data)[0] else: value = None if field is not None: return {field: value} else: return value @staticmethod def decode_gain_100(data, field=None): """Decode a sensor gain expressed in hundredths. Gain is stored in a four byte big endian integer and represents hundredths of a unit. """ if len(data) == 2: value = struct.unpack(">H", data)[0] / 100.0 else: value = None if field is not None: return {field: value} else: return value # alias' for other decodes decode_speed = decode_press decode_rain = decode_press decode_rainrate = decode_press decode_light = decode_big_rain decode_uv = decode_press decode_uvi = decode_humid decode_moist = decode_humid decode_pm25 = decode_press decode_leak = decode_humid decode_pm10 = decode_press decode_co2 = decode_dir decode_wet = decode_humid decode_int = decode_humid decode_memory = decode_count def decode_wn34(self, data, field=None): """Decode WN34 sensor data. Data consists of three bytes: Byte Field Comments 1-2 temperature standard Ecowitt temperature data, two byte big endian signed integer representing tenths of a degree 3 battery voltage 0.02 * value Volts WN34 battery state data is included in the WN34 sensor data (along with temperature) as well as in the complete sensor ID data. In keeping with other sensors we do not use the sensor data battery state, rather we obtain it from the sensor ID data. If field is not None return the result as a dict in the format {field: decoded value} otherwise return just the decoded value. """ if len(data) == 3 and field is not None: results = dict() results[field] = self.decode_temp(data[0:2]) # we could decode the battery voltage but we will be obtaining # battery voltage data from the sensor IDs in a later step so # we can skip it here return results return {} def decode_wh45(self, data, fields=None): """Decode WH45 sensor data. WH45 sensor data includes TH sensor values, CO2/PM2.5/PM10 sensor values and 24 hour aggregates and battery state data in 16 bytes. The 16 bytes of WH45 sensor data is allocated as follows: Byte(s) # Data Format Comments bytes 1-2 temperature short C x10 3 humidity unsigned byte percent 4-5 PM10 unsigned short ug/m3 x10 6-7 PM10 24-hour avg unsigned short ug/m3 x10 8-9 PM2.5 unsigned short ug/m3 x10 10-11 PM2.5 24-hour avg unsigned short ug/m3 x10 12-13 CO2 unsigned short ppm 14-15 CO2 24-hour avg unsigned short ppm 16 battery state unsigned byte 0-5 <=1 is low WH45 battery state data is included in the WH45 sensor data (along with temperature) as well as in the complete sensor ID data. In keeping with other sensors we do not use the sensor data battery state, rather we obtain it from the sensor ID data. """ if len(data) == 16 and fields is not None: results = dict() results[fields[0]] = self.decode_temp(data[0:2]) results[fields[1]] = self.decode_humid(data[2:3]) results[fields[2]] = self.decode_pm10(data[3:5]) results[fields[3]] = self.decode_pm10(data[5:7]) results[fields[4]] = self.decode_pm25(data[7:9]) results[fields[5]] = self.decode_pm25(data[9:11]) results[fields[6]] = self.decode_co2(data[11:13]) results[fields[7]] = self.decode_co2(data[13:15]) # we could decode the battery state but we will be obtaining # battery state data from the sensor IDs in a later step so # we can skip it here return results return {} def decode_rain_gain(self, data, fields=None): """Decode piezo rain gain data. Piezo rain gain data is 20 bytes of data comprising 10 two byte big endian fields with each field representing a value in hundredths of a unit. The 20 bytes of piezo rain gain data is allocated as follows: Byte(s) # Data Format Comments bytes 1-2 gain1 unsigned short gain x 100 3-4 gain2 unsigned short gain x 100 5-6 gain3 unsigned short gain x 100 7-8 gain4 unsigned short gain x 100 9-10 gain5 unsigned short gain x 100 11-12 gain6 unsigned short gain x 100, reserved 13-14 gain7 unsigned short gain x 100, reserved 15-16 gain8 unsigned short gain x 100, reserved 17-18 gain9 unsigned short gain x 100, reserved 19-20 gain10 unsigned short gain x 100, reserved As of device firmware v2.1.3 gain6-gain10 inclusive are unused and reserved for future use. """ if len(data) == 20: results = dict() for gain in range(10): results['gain%d' % gain] = self.decode_gain_100(data[gain * 2:gain * 2 + 2]) return results return {} @staticmethod def decode_rain_reset(data, fields=None): """Decode rain reset data. Rain reset data is three bytes of data comprising three unsigned byte fields with each field representing an integer. The three bytes of rain reset data is allocated as follows: Byte # Data Format Comments byte 1 day reset time unsigned byte hour of the day to reset day rain, eg 7 = 07:00 2 week reset time unsigned byte day of week to reset week rain, allowed values are 0 or 1. 0=Sunday, 1=Monday 3 annual reset time unsigned byte month of year to reset annual rain, allowed values are 0-11, eg 2 = March """ if len(data) == 3: results = dict() results['day_reset'] = struct.unpack("B", data[0:1])[0] results['week_reset'] = struct.unpack("B", data[1:2])[0] results['annual_reset'] = struct.unpack("B", data[2:3])[0] return results return {} @staticmethod def decode_batt(data, field=None): """Decode battery status data. GW1000 firmware version 1.6.4 and earlier supported 16 bytes of battery state data at response field x4C for the following sensors: WH24, WH25, WH26(WH32), WH31 ch1-8, WH40, WH41/WH43 ch1-4, WH51 ch1-8, WH55 ch1-4, WH57, WH68 and WS80 As of GW1000 firmware version 1.6.5 the 16 bytes of battery state data is no longer returned at all (GW1100, GW2000 and later devices never provided this battery state data in this format). CMD_READ_SENSOR_ID_NEW or CMD_READ_SENSOR_ID must be used to obtain battery state information for connected sensors. The decode_batt() method has been retained to support devices using firmware version 1.6.4 and earlier. Since the gateway driver now obtains battery state information via CMD_READ_SENSOR_ID_NEW or CMD_READ_SENSOR_ID only the decode_batt() method now returns None so that firmware versions before 1.6.5 continue to be supported. """ return None class Sensors(object): """Class to manage device sensor ID data. Class Sensors allows access to various elements of sensor ID data via a number of properties and methods when the class is initialised with the device response to a CMD_READ_SENSOR_ID_NEW or CMD_READ_SENSOR_ID API command. A Sensors object can be initialised with sensor ID data on instantiation or an existing Sensors object can be updated by calling the set_sensor_id_data() method and passing the sensor ID data to be used as the only parameter. """ # map of sensor ids to short name, long name and battery byte decode # function sensor_ids = { b'\x00': {'name': 'wh65', 'long_name': 'WH65', 'batt_fn': 'batt_binary'}, b'\x01': {'name': 'wh68', 'long_name': 'WH68', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt'}, b'\x02': {'name': 'ws80', 'long_name': 'WS80', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt'}, b'\x03': {'name': 'wh40', 'long_name': 'WH40', 'batt_fn': 'wh40_batt_volt'}, b'\x04': {'name': 'wh25', 'long_name': 'WH25', 'batt_fn': 'batt_binary'}, b'\x05': {'name': 'wh26', 'long_name': 'WH26', 'batt_fn': 'batt_binary'}, b'\x06': {'name': 'wh31_ch1', 'long_name': 'WH31 ch1', 'batt_fn': 'batt_binary'}, b'\x07': {'name': 'wh31_ch2', 'long_name': 'WH31 ch2', 'batt_fn': 'batt_binary'}, b'\x08': {'name': 'wh31_ch3', 'long_name': 'WH31 ch3', 'batt_fn': 'batt_binary'}, b'\x09': {'name': 'wh31_ch4', 'long_name': 'WH31 ch4', 'batt_fn': 'batt_binary'}, b'\x0a': {'name': 'wh31_ch5', 'long_name': 'WH31 ch5', 'batt_fn': 'batt_binary'}, b'\x0b': {'name': 'wh31_ch6', 'long_name': 'WH31 ch6', 'batt_fn': 'batt_binary'}, b'\x0c': {'name': 'wh31_ch7', 'long_name': 'WH31 ch7', 'batt_fn': 'batt_binary'}, b'\x0d': {'name': 'wh31_ch8', 'long_name': 'WH31 ch8', 'batt_fn': 'batt_binary'}, b'\x0e': {'name': 'wh51_ch1', 'long_name': 'WH51 ch1', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt_tenth'}, b'\x0f': {'name': 'wh51_ch2', 'long_name': 'WH51 ch2', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt_tenth'}, b'\x10': {'name': 'wh51_ch3', 'long_name': 'WH51 ch3', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt_tenth'}, b'\x11': {'name': 'wh51_ch4', 'long_name': 'WH51 ch4', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt_tenth'}, b'\x12': {'name': 'wh51_ch5', 'long_name': 'WH51 ch5', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt_tenth'}, b'\x13': {'name': 'wh51_ch6', 'long_name': 'WH51 ch6', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt_tenth'}, b'\x14': {'name': 'wh51_ch7', 'long_name': 'WH51 ch7', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt_tenth'}, b'\x15': {'name': 'wh51_ch8', 'long_name': 'WH51 ch8', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt_tenth'}, b'\x16': {'name': 'wh41_ch1', 'long_name': 'WH41 ch1', 'batt_fn': 'batt_int'}, b'\x17': {'name': 'wh41_ch2', 'long_name': 'WH41 ch2', 'batt_fn': 'batt_int'}, b'\x18': {'name': 'wh41_ch3', 'long_name': 'WH41 ch3', 'batt_fn': 'batt_int'}, b'\x19': {'name': 'wh41_ch4', 'long_name': 'WH41 ch4', 'batt_fn': 'batt_int'}, b'\x1a': {'name': 'wh57', 'long_name': 'WH57', 'batt_fn': 'batt_int'}, b'\x1b': {'name': 'wh55_ch1', 'long_name': 'WH55 ch1', 'batt_fn': 'batt_int'}, b'\x1c': {'name': 'wh55_ch2', 'long_name': 'WH55 ch2', 'batt_fn': 'batt_int'}, b'\x1d': {'name': 'wh55_ch3', 'long_name': 'WH55 ch3', 'batt_fn': 'batt_int'}, b'\x1e': {'name': 'wh55_ch4', 'long_name': 'WH55 ch4', 'batt_fn': 'batt_int'}, b'\x1f': {'name': 'wn34_ch1', 'long_name': 'WN34 ch1', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt'}, b'\x20': {'name': 'wn34_ch2', 'long_name': 'WN34 ch2', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt'}, b'\x21': {'name': 'wn34_ch3', 'long_name': 'WN34 ch3', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt'}, b'\x22': {'name': 'wn34_ch4', 'long_name': 'WN34 ch4', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt'}, b'\x23': {'name': 'wn34_ch5', 'long_name': 'WN34 ch5', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt'}, b'\x24': {'name': 'wn34_ch6', 'long_name': 'WN34 ch6', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt'}, b'\x25': {'name': 'wn34_ch7', 'long_name': 'WN34 ch7', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt'}, b'\x26': {'name': 'wn34_ch8', 'long_name': 'WN34 ch8', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt'}, b'\x27': {'name': 'wh45', 'long_name': 'WH45', 'batt_fn': 'batt_int'}, b'\x28': {'name': 'wn35_ch1', 'long_name': 'WN35 ch1', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt'}, b'\x29': {'name': 'wn35_ch2', 'long_name': 'WN35 ch2', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt'}, b'\x2a': {'name': 'wn35_ch3', 'long_name': 'WN35 ch3', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt'}, b'\x2b': {'name': 'wn35_ch4', 'long_name': 'WN35 ch4', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt'}, b'\x2c': {'name': 'wn35_ch5', 'long_name': 'WN35 ch5', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt'}, b'\x2d': {'name': 'wn35_ch6', 'long_name': 'WN35 ch6', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt'}, b'\x2e': {'name': 'wn35_ch7', 'long_name': 'WN35 ch7', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt'}, b'\x2f': {'name': 'wn35_ch8', 'long_name': 'WN35 ch8', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt'}, b'\x30': {'name': 'ws90', 'long_name': 'WS90', 'batt_fn': 'batt_volt', 'low_batt': 3} } # sensors for which there is no low battery state no_low = ['ws80', 'ws90'] # Tuple of sensor ID values for sensors that are not registered with # the device. 'fffffffe' means the sensor is disabled, 'ffffffff' means # the sensor is registering. not_registered = ('fffffffe', 'ffffffff') def __init__(self, sensor_id_data=None, ignore_wh40_batt=True, show_battery=False, debug=DebugOptions({}), use_wh32=True, is_wh24=False): """Initialise myself""" # are we using a WH32 sensor, if so tell our sensor id decoding we have # a WH32, otherwise it will default to WH26. if use_wh32: # set the WH24 sensor id decode dict entry self.sensor_ids[b'\x05']['name'] = 'wh32' self.sensor_ids[b'\x05']['long_name'] = 'WH32' # Tell our sensor id decoding whether we have a WH24 or a WH65. By # default, we are coded to use a WH65. Is there a WH24 connected? if is_wh24: # set the WH24 sensor id decode dict entry self.sensor_ids[b'\x00']['name'] = 'wh24' self.sensor_ids[b'\x00']['long_name'] = 'WH24' # do we ignore battery state data from legacy WH40 sensors that do # not provide valid battery state data self.ignore_wh40_batt = ignore_wh40_batt # set the show_battery property self.show_battery = show_battery # initialise legacy WH40 flag self.legacy_wh40 = None # initialise a dict to hold the parsed sensor data self.sensor_data = dict() # parse the raw sensor ID data and store the results in my parsed # sensor data dict self.set_sensor_id_data(sensor_id_data) # debug sensors self.debug = debug def set_sensor_id_data(self, id_data): """Parse the raw sensor ID data and store the results. id_data: bytestring of sensor ID data Tested by SensorsTestCase.test_set_sensor_id_data """ # initialise our parsed sensor ID data dict self.sensor_data = {} # do we have any raw sensor ID data if id_data is not None and len(id_data) > 0: # determine the size of the sensor id data, it's a big endian # short (two byte) integer at bytes 4 and 5 data_size = struct.unpack(">H", id_data[3:5])[0] # extract the actual sensor id data data = id_data[5:5 + data_size - 4] # initialise a counter index = 0 # iterate over the data while index < len(data): # get the sensor address address = data[index:index + 1] # do we know how to decode this address if address in Sensors.sensor_ids.keys(): # get the sensor ID sensor_id = bytes_to_hex(data[index + 1: index + 5], separator='', caps=False) # get the method to be used to decode the battery state # data batt_fn = Sensors.sensor_ids[data[index:index + 1]]['batt_fn'] # get the raw battery state data batt = six.indexbytes(data, index + 5) # if we are not showing all battery state data then the # battery state for any sensor with signal == 0 must be set # to None, otherwise parse the raw battery state data as # applicable if not self.show_battery and six.indexbytes(data, index + 6) == 0: batt_state = None else: # parse the raw battery state data batt_state = getattr(self, batt_fn)(batt) # now add the sensor to our sensor data dict self.sensor_data[address] = {'id': sensor_id, 'battery': batt_state, 'signal': six.indexbytes(data, index + 6) } else: if self.debug.sensors: loginf("Unknown sensor ID '%s'" % bytes_to_hex(address)) # each sensor entry is seven bytes in length so skip to the # start of the next sensor index += 7 @property def addresses(self): """Obtain a list of sensor addresses. This includes all sensor addresses reported by the device, this includes: - sensors that are actually connected to the device - sensors that are attempting to connect to the device - device sensor addresses that are searching for a sensor - device sensor addresses that are disabled Tested by SensorsTestCase.test_properties """ # this is simply the list of keys to our sensor data dict return self.sensor_data.keys() @property def connected_addresses(self): """Obtain a list of sensor addresses for connected sensors only. Sometimes we only want a list of addresses for sensors that are actually connected to the gateway device. We can filter out those addresses that do not have connected sensors by looking at the sensor ID. If the sensor ID is 'fffffffe' either the sensor is connecting to the device or the device is searching for a sensor for that address. If the sensor ID is 'ffffffff' the device sensor address is disabled. Tested by SensorsTestCase.test_properties """ # initialise a list to hold our connected sensor addresses connected_list = list() # iterate over all sensors for address, data in six.iteritems(self.sensor_data): # if the sensor ID is neither 'fffffffe' or 'ffffffff' then it # must be connected if data['id'] not in self.not_registered: connected_list.append(address) return connected_list @property def data(self): """Obtain the data dict for all known sensors. Tested by SensorsTestCase.test_properties """ return self.sensor_data def id(self, address): """Obtain the sensor ID for a given sensor address. Tested by SensorsTestCase.test_sensor_data_methods """ return self.sensor_data[address]['id'] def battery_state(self, address): """Obtain the sensor battery state for a given sensor address. Tested by SensorsTestCase.test_sensor_data_methods """ return self.sensor_data[address]['battery'] def signal_level(self, address): """Obtain the sensor signal level for a given sensor address. Tested by SensorsTestCase.test_sensor_data_methods """ return self.sensor_data[address]['signal'] @property def battery_and_signal_data(self): """Obtain a dict of sensor battery state and signal level data. Iterate over the list of connected sensors and obtain a dict of sensor battery state data for each connected sensor. Tested by SensorsTestCase.test_properties """ # initialise a dict to hold the battery state data data = {} # iterate over our connected sensors for sensor in self.connected_addresses: # get the sensor name sensor_name = Sensors.sensor_ids[sensor]['name'] # create the sensor battery state field for this sensor data[''.join([sensor_name, '_batt'])] = self.battery_state(sensor) # create the sensor signal level field for this sensor data[''.join([sensor_name, '_sig'])] = self.signal_level(sensor) # return our data return data @staticmethod def batt_state_desc(address, value): """Determine the battery state description for a given sensor. Given a sensor address and battery state value determine appropriate battery state descriptive text, eg 'low', 'OK' etc. Descriptive text is based on Ecowitt API documentation. None is returned for sensors for which the API documentation provides no suitable battery state data, or for which descriptive battery state text cannot be inferred. A battery state value of None should not occur but if received the descriptive text 'unknown' is returned. Tested by SensorsTestCase.test_battery_methods """ if value is not None: if Sensors.sensor_ids[address].get('name') in Sensors.no_low: # we have a sensor for which no low battery cut-off # data exists return None else: batt_fn = Sensors.sensor_ids[address].get('batt_fn') if batt_fn == 'batt_binary': if value == 0: return "OK" elif value == 1: return "low" else: return 'Unknown' elif batt_fn == 'batt_int': if value <= 1: return "low" elif value == 6: return "DC" elif value <= 5: return "OK" else: return 'Unknown' elif batt_fn in ['batt_volt', 'batt_volt_tenth', 'wh40_batt_volt']: if value <= 1.2: return "low" else: return "OK" else: return 'Unknown' @staticmethod def batt_binary(batt): """Decode a binary battery state. Battery state is stored in bit 0 as either 0 or 1. If 1 the battery is low, if 0 the battery is normal. We need to mask off bits 1 to 7 as they are not guaranteed to be set in any particular way. Tested by SensorsTestCase.test_battery_methods """ return batt & 1 @staticmethod def batt_int(batt): """Decode a integer battery state. According to the API documentation battery state is stored as an integer from 0 to 5 with <=1 being considered low. Experience with WH43 has shown that battery state 6 also exists when the device is run from DC. This does not appear to be documented in the API documentation. Tested by SensorsTestCase.test_battery_methods """ return batt @staticmethod def batt_volt(batt): """Decode a voltage battery state in 2mV increments. Battery state is stored as integer values of battery voltage/0.02 with <=1.2V considered low. Tested by SensorsTestCase.test_battery_methods """ return round(0.02 * batt, 2) def wh40_batt_volt(self, batt): """Decode WH40 battery state. Initial WH40 devices did not provide battery state information. API versions up to and including v.1.6.4 reported WH40 battery state via a single bit. API v1.6.5 and later report WH40 battery state in a single byte in 100mV increments. It appears that API v1.6.5 and later return a fixed value of 0x10 (decodes to 1.6V) for WH40 battery state for WH40 devices that do not report battery state. WH40 devices that do report battery state appear to return a value in a single byte in 10mV increments rather than 100mV increments as documented in the Ecowitt LAN/Wi-Fi Gateway API documentation v1.6.4. There is no known way to identify via the API whether a given WH40 reports battery state information or not. Consequently, decoding of WH40 battery state data is handled as follows: - the WH40 battery state data is decoded as per the API documentation as a value in 100mV increments - if the decoded value is <2.0V the device is assumed to be a non-battery state reporting WH40 and the value None is returned - if the decoded value is >=2.0V the device is assumed to be a battery state reporting WH40 and the value returned is the WH40 battery state data decoded in 10mV increments For WH40 that report battery state data a decoded value of <=1.2V is considered low. Tested by SensorsTestCase.test_battery_methods """ if round(0.1 * batt, 1) < 2.0: # assume we have a non-battery state reporting WH40 # first set the legacy_wh40 flag self.legacy_wh40 = True # then do we ignore the result or pass it on if self.ignore_wh40_batt: # we are ignoring the result so return None return None else: # we are not ignoring the result so return the result return round(0.1 * batt, 1) else: # assume we have a battery state reporting WH40 # first reset the legacy_wh40 flag self.legacy_wh40 = False return round(0.01 * batt, 2) @staticmethod def batt_volt_tenth(batt): """Decode a voltage battery state in 100mV increments. Battery state is stored as integer values of battery voltage/0.1 with <=1.2V considered low. Tested by SensorsTestCase.test_battery_methods """ return round(0.1 * batt, 1) class GatewayApi(object): """Class to interact with a gateway device via the Ecowitt LAN/Wi-Fi Gateway API. A GatewayApi object knows how to: 1. discover a device via UDP broadcast 2. send a command to the API 3. receive a response from the API 4. verify the response as valid A GatewayApi object needs an IP address and port as well as a network broadcast address and port. A GatewayApi object uses the following classes: - class ApiParser. Parses and decodes the validated gateway API response data returning observational and parametric data. - class Sensors. Decodes raw sensor data obtained from validated gateway API response data """ # Ecowitt LAN/Wi-Fi Gateway API api_commands api_commands = { 'CMD_WRITE_SSID': b'\x11', 'CMD_BROADCAST': b'\x12', 'CMD_READ_ECOWITT': b'\x1E', 'CMD_WRITE_ECOWITT': b'\x1F', 'CMD_READ_WUNDERGROUND': b'\x20', 'CMD_WRITE_WUNDERGROUND': b'\x21', 'CMD_READ_WOW': b'\x22', 'CMD_WRITE_WOW': b'\x23', 'CMD_READ_WEATHERCLOUD': b'\x24', 'CMD_WRITE_WEATHERCLOUD': b'\x25', 'CMD_READ_STATION_MAC': b'\x26', 'CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA': b'\x27', 'CMD_GET_SOILHUMIAD': b'\x28', 'CMD_SET_SOILHUMIAD': b'\x29', 'CMD_READ_CUSTOMIZED': b'\x2A', 'CMD_WRITE_CUSTOMIZED': b'\x2B', 'CMD_GET_MulCH_OFFSET': b'\x2C', 'CMD_SET_MulCH_OFFSET': b'\x2D', 'CMD_GET_PM25_OFFSET': b'\x2E', 'CMD_SET_PM25_OFFSET': b'\x2F', 'CMD_READ_SSSS': b'\x30', 'CMD_WRITE_SSSS': b'\x31', 'CMD_READ_RAINDATA': b'\x34', 'CMD_WRITE_RAINDATA': b'\x35', 'CMD_READ_GAIN': b'\x36', 'CMD_WRITE_GAIN': b'\x37', 'CMD_READ_CALIBRATION': b'\x38', 'CMD_WRITE_CALIBRATION': b'\x39', 'CMD_READ_SENSOR_ID': b'\x3A', 'CMD_WRITE_SENSOR_ID': b'\x3B', 'CMD_READ_SENSOR_ID_NEW': b'\x3C', 'CMD_WRITE_REBOOT': b'\x40', 'CMD_WRITE_RESET': b'\x41', 'CMD_WRITE_UPDATE': b'\x43', 'CMD_READ_FIRMWARE_VERSION': b'\x50', 'CMD_READ_USR_PATH': b'\x51', 'CMD_WRITE_USR_PATH': b'\x52', 'CMD_GET_CO2_OFFSET': b'\x53', 'CMD_SET_CO2_OFFSET': b'\x54', 'CMD_READ_RSTRAIN_TIME': b'\x55', 'CMD_WRITE_RSTRAIN_TIME': b'\x56', 'CMD_READ_RAIN': b'\x57', 'CMD_WRITE_RAIN': b'\x58', 'CMD_GET_MulCH_T_OFFSET': b'\x59' } # header used in each API command and response packet header = b'\xff\xff' # known device models known_models = ('GW1000', 'GW1100', 'GW2000', 'WH2650', 'WH2680', 'WN1900') def __init__(self, ip_address=None, port=None, broadcast_address=None, broadcast_port=None, socket_timeout=None, broadcast_timeout=None, max_tries=default_max_tries, retry_wait=default_retry_wait, mac=None, use_wh32=True, ignore_wh40_batt=True, show_battery=False, log_unknown_fields=False, debug=DebugOptions({})): # get a parser object to parse any API data self.parser = ApiParser(log_unknown_fields=log_unknown_fields) # network broadcast address self.broadcast_address = broadcast_address if broadcast_address is not None else default_broadcast_address # network broadcast port self.broadcast_port = broadcast_port if broadcast_port is not None else default_broadcast_port self.socket_timeout = socket_timeout if socket_timeout is not None else default_socket_timeout self.broadcast_timeout = broadcast_timeout if broadcast_timeout is not None else default_broadcast_timeout # initialise flags to indicate if IP address or port were discovered self.ip_discovered = ip_address is None self.port_discovered = port is None # if IP address or port was not specified (None) then attempt to # discover the device with a UDP broadcast if ip_address is None or port is None: for attempt in range(max_tries): try: # discover devices on the local network, the result is # a list of dicts in IP address order with each dict # containing data for a unique discovered device device_list = self.discover() except socket.error as e: _msg = "Unable to detect device IP address and port: %s (%s)" % (e, type(e)) logerr(_msg) # signal that we have a critical error raise else: # did we find any devices if len(device_list) > 0: # we have at least one, arbitrarily choose the first one # found as the one to use disc_ip = device_list[0]['ip_address'] disc_port = device_list[0]['port'] # log the fact as well as what we found gw1000_str = ', '.join([':'.join(['%s:%d' % (d['ip_address'], d['port'])]) for d in device_list]) if len(device_list) == 1: stem = "%s was" % device_list[0]['model'] else: stem = "Multiple devices were" loginf("%s found at %s" % (stem, gw1000_str)) ip_address = disc_ip if ip_address is None else ip_address port = disc_port if port is None else port break else: # did not discover any device so log it logdbg("Failed attempt %d to detect device IP address and/or port" % (attempt + 1,)) # do we try again or raise an exception if attempt < max_tries - 1: # we still have at least one more try left so sleep # and try again time.sleep(retry_wait) else: # we've used all our tries, log it and raise an exception _msg = "Failed to detect device IP address and/or " \ "port after %d attempts" % (attempt + 1,) logerr(_msg) raise GWIOError(_msg) # set our ip_address property but encode it first, it saves doing # it repeatedly later self.ip_address = ip_address.encode() self.port = port # if we discovered our ip address or port log the device address being # used if self.ip_discovered or self.port_discovered: loginf(' Using discovered address %s:%d' % (ip_address, port)) self.max_tries = max_tries self.retry_wait = retry_wait # start off logging failures self.log_failures = True # Get my MAC address to use later if we have to rediscover. Within # class GatewayApi the MAC address is stored as a bytestring. if mac is None: self.mac = self.get_mac_address() else: self.mac = mac # get my device model self.model = self.get_model_from_firmware(self.get_firmware_version()) # Do we have a WH24 attached? First obtain our system parameters. _sys_params = self.get_system_params() # WH24 is indicated by the sensor_type field being 0 is_wh24 = _sys_params.get('sensor_type', 0) == 0 # get a Sensors object to parse any API sensor state data self.sensors = Sensors(use_wh32=use_wh32, ignore_wh40_batt=ignore_wh40_batt, show_battery=show_battery, is_wh24=is_wh24, debug=debug) # update the sensors object self.update_sensor_id_data() def discover(self): """Discover any devices on the local network. Send a UDP broadcast and check for replies. Decode each reply to obtain details of any devices on the local network. Create a dict of details for each device including a derived model name. Construct a list of dicts with details of unique (MAC address) devices that responded. When complete return the list of devices found. """ # create a socket object so we can broadcast to the network via # IPv4 UDP s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # set socket datagram to broadcast s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) # set timeout s.settimeout(self.broadcast_timeout) # set TTL to 1 to so messages do not go past the local network # segment ttl = struct.pack('b', 1) s.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, ttl) # construct the packet to broadcast packet = self.build_cmd_packet('CMD_BROADCAST') if weewx.debug >= 3: logdbg("Sending broadcast packet '%s' to '%s:%d'" % (bytes_to_hex(packet), self.broadcast_address, self.broadcast_port)) # initialise a list for the results as multiple devices may respond result_list = [] # send the Broadcast command s.sendto(packet, (self.broadcast_address, self.broadcast_port)) # obtain any responses while True: try: response = s.recv(1024) # log the response if debug is high enough if weewx.debug >= 3: logdbg("Received broadcast response '%s'" % (bytes_to_hex(response),)) except socket.timeout: # if we time out then we are done break except socket.error: # raise any other socket error raise else: # check the response is valid try: self.check_response(response, self.api_commands['CMD_BROADCAST']) except InvalidChecksum as e: # the response was not valid, log it and attempt again # if we haven't had too many attempts already logdbg("Invalid response to command '%s': %s" % ('CMD_BROADCAST', e)) except UnknownApiCommand: # most likely we have encountered a device that does # not understand the command, possibly due to an old or # outdated firmware version, raise the exception for # our caller to deal with raise except Exception as e: # Some other error occurred in check_response(), # perhaps the response was malformed. Log the stack # trace but continue. logerr("Unexpected exception occurred while checking response " "to command '%s': %s" % ('CMD_BROADCAST', e)) log_traceback_error(' **** ') else: # we have a valid response so decode the response # and obtain a dict of device data device = self.decode_broadcast_response(response) # if we haven't seen this MAC before attempt to obtain # and save the device model then add the device to our # results list if not any((d['mac'] == device['mac']) for d in result_list): # determine the device model based on the device # SSID and add the model to the device dict device['model'] = self.get_model_from_ssid(device.get('ssid')) # append the device to our list result_list.append(device) # close our socket s.close() # now return our results return result_list @staticmethod def decode_broadcast_response(raw_data): """Decode a broadcast response and return the results as a dict. A device response to a CMD_BROADCAST API command consists of a number of control structures around a payload of a data. The API response is structured as follows: bytes 0-1 incl preamble, literal 0xFF 0xFF byte 2 literal value 0x12 bytes 3-4 incl payload size (big endian short integer) bytes 5-5+payload size incl data payload (details below) byte 6+payload size checksum The data payload is structured as follows: bytes 0-5 incl device MAC address bytes 6-9 incl device IP address bytes 10-11 incl device port number bytes 11- device AP SSID Note: The device AP SSID for a given device is fixed in size but this size can vary from device to device and across firmware versions. There also seems to be a peculiarity in the CMD_BROADCAST response data payload whereby the first character of the device AP SSID is a non-printable ASCII character. The WSView app appears to ignore or not display this character nor does it appear to be used elsewhere. Consequently, this character is ignored. raw_data: a bytestring containing a validated (structure and checksum verified) raw data response to the CMD_BROADCAST API command Returns a dict with decoded data keyed as follows: 'mac': device MAC address (string) 'ip_address': device IP address (string) 'port': device port number (integer) 'ssid': device AP SSID (string) """ # obtain the response size, it's a big endian short (two byte) # integer resp_size = struct.unpack('>H', raw_data[3:5])[0] # now extract the actual data payload data = raw_data[5:resp_size + 2] # initialise a dict to hold our result data_dict = dict() # extract and decode the MAC address data_dict['mac'] = bytes_to_hex(data[0:6], separator=":") # extract and decode the IP address data_dict['ip_address'] = '%d.%d.%d.%d' % struct.unpack('>BBBB', data[6:10]) # extract and decode the port number data_dict['port'] = struct.unpack('>H', data[10: 12])[0] # get the SSID as a bytestring ssid_b = data[13:] # create a format string so the SSID string can be unpacked into its # bytes, remember the length can vary ssid_format = "B" * len(ssid_b) # unpack the SSID bytestring, we now have a tuple of integers # representing each of the bytes ssid_t = struct.unpack(ssid_format, ssid_b) # convert the sequence of bytes to unicode characters and assemble # as a string and return the result data_dict['ssid'] = "".join([chr(x) for x in ssid_t]) # return the result dict return data_dict def get_model_from_firmware(self, firmware_string): """Determine the device model from the firmware version. To date device firmware versions have included the device model in the firmware version string returned via the device API. Whilst this is not guaranteed to be the case for future firmware releases, in the absence of any other direct means of obtaining the device model number it is a useful means for determining the device model. The check is a simple check to see if the model name is contained in the firmware version string returned by the device API. If a known model is found in the firmware version string the model is returned as a string. None is returned if (1) the firmware string is None or (2) a known model is not found in the firmware version string. """ # do we have a firmware string if firmware_string is not None: # we have a firmware string so look for a known model in the # string and return the result return self.get_model(firmware_string) else: # for some reason we have no firmware string, so return None return None def get_model_from_ssid(self, ssid_string): """Determine the device model from the device SSID. To date the device SSID has included the device model in the SSID returned via the device API. Whilst this is not guaranteed to be the case for future firmware releases, in the absence of any other direct means of obtaining the device model number it is a useful means for determining the device model. This is particularly the case when using UDP broadcast to discover devices on the local network. Note that it may be possible to alter the SSID used by the device in which case this method may not provide an accurate result. However, as the device SSID is only used during initial device configuration and since altering the device SSID is not a normal part of the initial device configuration, this method of determining the device model is considered adequate for use during discovery by UDP broadcast. The check is a simple check to see if the model name is contained in the SSID returned by the device API. If a known model is found in the SSID the model is returned as a string. None is returned if (1) the SSID is None or (2) a known model is not found in the SSID. """ return self.get_model(ssid_string) def get_model(self, t): """Determine the device model from a string. To date firmware versions have included the device model in the firmware version string or the device SSID. Both the firmware version string and device SSID are available via the device API so checking the firmware version string or SSID provides a de facto method of determining the device model. This method uses a simple check to see if a known model name is contained in the string concerned. Known model strings are contained in a tuple Station.known_models. If a known model is found in the string the model is returned as a string. None is returned if a known model is not found in the string. """ # do we have a string to check if t is not None: # we have a string, now do we have a know model in the string, # if so return the model string for model in self.known_models: if model in t.upper(): return model # we don't have a known model so return None return None else: # we have no string so return None return None def get_livedata(self): """Obtain parsed live data. Sends the API command to the device to obtain live data with retries If the device cannot be contacted re-discovery is attempted. If rediscovery is successful the command is sent again otherwise the lost contact timestamp is set and a GWIOError exception raised. Any code that calls this method should be prepared to handle this exception. If a valid response is received the received data is parsed and the parsed data returned. """ # send the API command to obtain live data from the device, be # prepared to catch the exception raised if the device cannot be # contacted try: # get the validated API response response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA') except GWIOError: # there was a problem contacting the device, it could be it has # changed IP address so attempt to rediscover if not self.rediscover(): # we could not re-discover so raise the exception raise else: # we did rediscover successfully so try again, if it fails # we get another GWIOError exception which will be raised response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_GW1000_LIVEDATA') # if we arrived here we have a non-None response so parse it and return # the parsed data return self.parser.parse_livedata(response) def read_raindata(self): """Get traditional gauge rain data. Sends the API command to obtain traditional gauge rain data from the device with retries. If the device cannot be contacted a GWIOError will have been raised by send_cmd_with_retries() which will be passed through by read_raindata(). Any code calling read_raindata() should be prepared to handle this exception. """ # get the validated API response response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_READ_RAINDATA') # now return the parsed response return self.parser.parse_read_raindata(response) def get_system_params(self): """Read system parameters. Sends the API command to obtain system parameters from the device with retries. If the device cannot be contacted a GWIOError will have been raised by send_cmd_with_retries() which will be passed through by get_system_params(). Any code calling get_system_params() should be prepared to handle this exception. """ # get the validated API response response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_READ_SSSS') # now return the parsed response return self.parser.parse_read_ssss(response) def get_ecowitt_net_params(self): """Get Ecowitt.net parameters. Sends the API command to obtain the device Ecowitt.net parameters with retries. If the device cannot be contacted a GWIOError will have been raised by send_cmd_with_retries() which will be passed through by get_ecowitt_net_params(). Any code calling get_ecowitt_net_params() should be prepared to handle this exception. """ # get the validated API response response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_READ_ECOWITT') # parse the response ecowitt = self.parser.parse_read_ecowitt(response) # add the device MAC address to the parsed data ecowitt['mac'] = self.get_mac_address() return ecowitt def get_wunderground_params(self): """Get Weather Underground parameters. Sends the API command to obtain the device Weather Underground parameters with retries. If the device cannot be contacted a GWIOError will have been raised by send_cmd_with_retries() which will be passed through by get_wunderground_params(). Any code calling get_wunderground_params() should be prepared to handle this exception. """ # get the validated API response response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_READ_WUNDERGROUND') # now return the parsed response return self.parser.parse_read_wunderground(response) def get_weathercloud_params(self): """Get Weathercloud parameters. Sends the API command to obtain the device Weathercloud parameters with retries. If the device cannot be contacted a GWIOError will have been raised by send_cmd_with_retries() which will be passed through by get_weathercloud_params(). Any code calling get_weathercloud_params() should be prepared to handle this exception. """ # get the validated API response response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_READ_WEATHERCLOUD') # now return the parsed response return self.parser.parse_read_weathercloud(response) def get_wow_params(self): """Get Weather Observations Website parameters. Sends the API command to obtain the device Weather Observations Website parameters with retries. If the device cannot be contacted a GWIOError will have been raised by send_cmd_with_retries() which will be passed through by get_wow_params(). Any code calling get_wow_params() should be prepared to handle this exception. """ # get the validated API response response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_READ_WOW') # now return the parsed response return self.parser.parse_read_wow(response) def get_custom_params(self): """Get custom server parameters. Sends the API command to obtain the device custom server parameters with retries. If the device cannot be contacted a GWIOError will have been raised by send_cmd_with_retries() which will be passed through by get_custom_params(). Any code calling get_custom_params() should be prepared to handle this exception. """ # get the validated API response response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_READ_CUSTOMIZED') # obtain the parsed response data_dict = self.parser.parse_read_customized(response) # the user path is obtained separately, get the user path and add it to # our response data_dict.update(self.get_usr_path()) # return the resulting parsed data return data_dict def get_usr_path(self): """Get user defined custom path. Sends the API command to obtain the device user defined custom path with retries. If the device cannot be contacted a GWIOError will have been raised by send_cmd_with_retries() which will be passed through by get_usr_path(). Any code calling get_usr_path() should be prepared to handle this exception. """ # get the validated API response response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_READ_USR_PATH') # now return the parsed response return self.parser.parse_read_usr_path(response) def get_mac_address(self): """Get device MAC address. Sends the API command to obtain the device MAC address with retries. If the device cannot be contacted a GWIOError will have been raised by send_cmd_with_retries() which will be passed through by get_mac_address(). Any code calling get_mac_address() should be prepared to handle this exception. """ # get the validated API response response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_READ_STATION_MAC') # now return the parsed response return self.parser.parse_read_station_mac(response) def get_firmware_version(self): """Get device firmware version. Sends the API command to obtain device firmware version with retries. If the device cannot be contacted a GWIOError will have been raised by send_cmd_with_retries() which will be passed through by get_firmware_version(). Any code calling get_firmware_version() should be prepared to handle this exception. Returns a unicode string """ # get the validated API response response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_READ_FIRMWARE_VERSION') # now return the parsed response return self.parser.parse_read_firmware_version(response) def get_sensor_id(self): """Get sensor ID data. Sends the API command to obtain sensor ID data from the device with retries. If the device cannot be contacted re-discovery is attempted. If rediscovery is successful the command is tried again otherwise the lost contact timestamp is set and the exception raised. Any code that calls this method should be prepared to handle a GWIOError exception. """ # send the API command to obtain sensor ID data from the device, be # prepared to catch the exception raised if the device cannot be # contacted try: # get the validated API response response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_READ_SENSOR_ID_NEW') except GWIOError: # there was a problem contacting the device, it could be it has # changed IP address so attempt to rediscover if not self.rediscover(): # we could not re-discover so raise the exception raise else: # we did rediscover successfully so try again, if it fails # we get another GWIOError exception which will be # raised response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_READ_SENSOR_ID_NEW') # if we made it here we have a validated response so return it return response def get_current_sensor_state(self): """Get parsed current sensor state data.""" # first get the current sensor state data current_sensor_data = self.get_sensor_id() # now update our Sensors object with the current data self.sensors.set_sensor_id_data(current_sensor_data) # and return the parsed return self.sensors.battery_and_signal_data def get_mulch_offset(self): """Get multichannel temperature and humidity offset data. Sends the API command to obtain the multichannel temperature and humidity offset data with retries. If the device cannot be contacted a GWIOError will have been raised by send_cmd_with_retries() which will be passed through by get_mulch_offset(). Any code calling get_mulch_offset() should be prepared to handle this exception. """ # get the validated API response response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_GET_MulCH_OFFSET') # now return the parsed response return self.parser.parse_get_mulch_offset(response) def get_mulch_t_offset(self): """Get multichannel temperature (WN34) offset data. Sends the API command to obtain the multichannel temperature (WN34) offset data with retries. If the device cannot be contacted a GWIOError will have been raised by send_cmd_with_retries() which will be passed through by get_mulch_t_offset(). Any code calling get_mulch_t_offset() should be prepared to handle this exception. """ # get the validated API response response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_GET_MulCH_T_OFFSET') # now return the parsed response return self.parser.parse_get_mulch_t_offset(response) def get_pm25_offset(self): """Get PM2.5 offset data. Sends the API command to obtain the PM2.5 sensor offset data with retries. If the device cannot be contacted a GWIOError will have been raised by send_cmd_with_retries() which will be passed through by get_pm25_offset(). Any code calling get_pm25_offset() should be prepared to handle this exception. """ # get the validated API response response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_GET_PM25_OFFSET') # now return the parsed response return self.parser.parse_get_pm25_offset(response) def get_calibration_coefficient(self): """Get calibration coefficient data. Sends the API command to obtain the calibration coefficient data with retries. If the device cannot be contacted a GWIOError will have been raised by send_cmd_with_retries() which will be passed through by get_calibration_coefficient(). Any code calling get_calibration_coefficient() should be prepared to handle this exception. """ # get the validated API response response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_READ_GAIN') # now return the parsed response return self.parser.parse_read_gain(response) def get_soil_calibration(self): """Get soil moisture sensor calibration data. Sends the API command to obtain the soil moisture sensor calibration data with retries. If the device cannot be contacted a GWIOError will have been raised by send_cmd_with_retries() which will be passed through by get_soil_calibration(). Any code calling get_soil_calibration() should be prepared to handle this exception. """ # get the validated API response response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_GET_SOILHUMIAD') # now return the parsed response return self.parser.parse_get_soilhumiad(response) def get_offset_calibration(self): """Get offset calibration data. Sends the API command to obtain the offset calibration data with retries. If the device cannot be contacted a GWIOError will have been raised by send_cmd_with_retries() which will be passed through by get_offset_calibration(). Any code calling get_offset_calibration() should be prepared to handle this exception. """ # get the validated API response response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_READ_CALIBRATION') # now return the parsed response return self.parser.parse_read_calibration(response) def get_co2_offset(self): """Get WH45 CO2, PM10 and PM2.5 offset data. Sends the API command to obtain the WH45 CO2, PM10 and PM2.5 sensor offset data with retries. If the device cannot be contacted a GWIOError will have been raised by send_cmd_with_retries() which will be passed through by get_co2_offset(). Any code calling get_co2_offset() should be prepared to handle this exception. """ # get the validated API response response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_GET_CO2_OFFSET') # now return the parsed response return self.parser.parse_get_co2_offset(response) def read_rain(self): """Get traditional gauge and piezo gauge rain data. Sends the API command to obtain the traditional gauge and piezo gauge rain data with retries. If the device cannot be contacted a GWIOError will have been raised by send_cmd_with_retries() which will be passed through by get_piezo_rain_(). Any code calling get_piezo_rain_() should be prepared to handle this exception. """ # get the validated API response response = self.send_cmd_with_retries('CMD_READ_RAIN') # now return the parsed response return self.parser.parse_read_rain(response) def send_cmd_with_retries(self, cmd, payload=b''): """Send an API command to the device with retries and return the response. Send a command to the device and obtain the response. If the response is valid return the response. If the response is invalid an appropriate exception is raised and the command resent up to self.max_tries times after which the value None is returned. cmd: A string containing a valid API command, eg: 'CMD_READ_FIRMWARE_VERSION' payload: The data to be sent with the API command, byte string. Returns the response as a byte string or the value None. """ # construct the message packet packet = self.build_cmd_packet(cmd, payload) response = None # attempt to send up to 'self.max_tries' times for attempt in range(self.max_tries): # wrap in try..except so we can catch any errors try: response = self.send_cmd(packet) except socket.timeout as e: # a socket timeout occurred, log it if self.log_failures: logdbg("Failed to obtain response to attempt %d " "to send command '%s': %s" % (attempt + 1, cmd, e)) except Exception as e: # an exception was encountered, log it if self.log_failures: logdbg("Failed attempt %d to send command '%s': %s" % (attempt + 1, cmd, e)) else: # check the response is valid try: self.check_response(response, self.api_commands[cmd]) except InvalidChecksum as e: # the response was not valid, log it and attempt again # if we haven't had too many attempts already logdbg("Invalid response to attempt %d " "to send command '%s': %s" % (attempt + 1, cmd, e)) except UnknownApiCommand: # most likely we have encountered a device that does # not understand the command, possibly due to an old or # outdated firmware version, raise the exception for # our caller to deal with raise except Exception as e: # Some other error occurred in check_response(), # perhaps the response was malformed. Log the stack # trace but continue. logerr("Unexpected exception occurred while checking response " "to attempt %d to send command '%s': %s" % (attempt + 1, cmd, e)) log_traceback_error(' **** ') else: # our response is valid so return it return response # sleep before our next attempt, but skip the sleep if we # have just made our last attempt if attempt < self.max_tries - 1: time.sleep(self.retry_wait) # if we made it here we failed after self.max_tries attempts # first log it _msg = ("Failed to obtain response to command '%s' " "after %d attempts" % (cmd, self.max_tries)) if response is not None or self.log_failures: logerr(_msg) # then finally, raise a GWIOError exception raise GWIOError(_msg) def build_cmd_packet(self, cmd, payload=b''): """Construct an API command packet. An API command packet looks like: fixed header, command, size, data 1, data 2...data n, checksum where: fixed header is 2 bytes = 0xFFFF command is a 1 byte API command code size is 1 byte being the number of bytes of command to checksum data 1, data 2 ... data n is the data being transmitted and is n bytes long checksum is a byte checksum of command + size + data 1 + data 2 ... + data n cmd: A string containing a valid API command, eg: 'CMD_READ_FIRMWARE_VERSION' payload: The data to be sent with the API command, byte string. Returns an API command packet as a bytestring. """ # calculate size try: size = len(self.api_commands[cmd]) + 1 + len(payload) + 1 except KeyError: raise UnknownApiCommand("Unknown API command '%s'" % (cmd,)) # construct the portion of the message for which the checksum is calculated body = b''.join([self.api_commands[cmd], struct.pack('B', size), payload]) # calculate the checksum checksum = self.calc_checksum(body) # return the constructed message packet return b''.join([self.header, body, struct.pack('B', checksum)]) def send_cmd(self, packet): """Send a command to the API and return the response. Send a command to the API and return the response. Socket related errors are trapped and raised, code calling send_cmd should be prepared to handle such exceptions. cmd: A valid API command Returns the response as a byte string. """ # create a socket object for sending api_commands and broadcasting to # the network, would normally do this using a with statement but # with statement support for socket.socket did not appear until # python 3. s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # set the socket timeout s.settimeout(self.socket_timeout) # wrap our connect in a try..except, so we can catch any socket # related exceptions try: # connect to the device s.connect((self.ip_address, self.port)) # if required log the packet we are sending if weewx.debug >= 3: logdbg("Sending packet '%s' to %s:%d" % (bytes_to_hex(packet), self.ip_address.decode(), self.port)) # send the packet s.sendall(packet) # obtain the response, we assume here the response will be less # than 1024 characters response = s.recv(1024) # if required log the response if weewx.debug >= 3: logdbg("Received response '%s'" % (bytes_to_hex(response),)) # return the response return response except socket.error: # we received a socket error, raise it raise finally: # make sure we close our socket s.close() def check_response(self, response, cmd_code): """Check the validity of an API response. Checks the validity of an API response. Two checks are performed: 1. the third byte of the response is the same as the command code used in the API call 2. the calculated checksum of the data in the response matches the checksum byte in the response If any check fails an appropriate exception is raised, if all checks pass the method exits without raising an exception. There are three likely scenarios: 1. all checks pass, in which case the method returns with no value and no exception raised 2. checksum check passes but command code check fails. This is most likely due to the device not understanding the command, possibly due to an old or outdated firmware version. An UnknownApiCommand exception is raised. 3. checksum check fails. An InvalidChecksum exception is raised. response: Response received from the API call. Byte string. cmd_code: Command code sent to the API. Byte string of length one. """ # first check the checksum is valid calc_checksum = self.calc_checksum(response[2:-1]) resp_checksum = six.indexbytes(response, -1) if calc_checksum == resp_checksum: # checksum check passed, now check the response command code by # checkin the 3rd byte of the response matches the command code # that was issued if six.indexbytes(response, 2) == six.byte2int(cmd_code): # we have a valid command code in the response, so the # response is valid and all we need do is return return else: # command code check failed, since we have a valid checksum # this is most likely due to the device not understanding # the command, possibly due to an old or outdated firmware # version. Raise an UnknownApiCommand exception. exp_int = six.byte2int(cmd_code) resp_int = six.indexbytes(response, 2) _msg = "Unknown command code in API response. " \ "Expected '%s' (0x%s), received '%s' (0x%s)." % (exp_int, "{:02X}".format(exp_int), resp_int, "{:02X}".format(resp_int)) raise UnknownApiCommand(_msg) else: # checksum check failed, raise an InvalidChecksum exception _msg = "Invalid checksum in API response. " \ "Expected '%s' (0x%s), received '%s' (0x%s)." % (calc_checksum, "{:02X}".format(calc_checksum), resp_checksum, "{:02X}".format(resp_checksum)) raise InvalidChecksum(_msg) @staticmethod def calc_checksum(data): """Calculate the checksum for an API call or response. The checksum used in an API response is simply the LSB of the sum of the command, size and data bytes. The fixed header and checksum bytes are excluded. data: The data on which the checksum is to be calculated. Byte string. Returns the checksum as an integer. """ # initialise the checksum to 0 checksum = 0 # iterate over each byte in the response for b in six.iterbytes(data): # add the byte to the running total checksum += b # we are only interested in the least significant byte return checksum % 256 def rediscover(self): """Attempt to rediscover a lost device. Use UDP broadcast to discover a device that may have changed to a new IP or contact has otherwise been lost. We should not be re-discovering a device for which the user specified an IP, only for those for which we discovered the IP address on startup. If a device is discovered then change my ip_address and port properties as necessary to use the device in the future. If the rediscovery was successful return True otherwise return False. """ # we will only rediscover if we first discovered if self.ip_discovered: # log that we are attempting re-discovery if self.log_failures: loginf("Attempting to re-discover %s..." % self.model) # attempt to discover up to self.max_tries times for attempt in range(self.max_tries): # sleep before our attempt, but not if it's the first one if attempt > 0: time.sleep(self.retry_wait) try: # discover devices on the local network, the result is # a list of dicts in IP address order with each dict # containing data for a unique discovered device device_list = self.discover() except socket.error as e: # log the error logdbg("Failed attempt %d to detect any devices: %s (%s)" % (attempt + 1, e, type(e))) else: # did we find any devices if len(device_list) > 0: # we have at least one, log the fact as well as what we found gw1000_str = ', '.join([':'.join(['%s:%d' % (d['ip_address'], d['port'])]) for d in device_list]) if len(device_list) == 1: stem = "%s was" % device_list[0]['model'] else: stem = "Multiple devices were" loginf("%s found at %s" % (stem, gw1000_str)) # iterate over each candidate checking their MAC # address against my mac property. This way we know # we will be connecting to the device we were # previously using. for device in device_list: # do the MACs match, if so we have our old # device and we can exit the loop if self.mac == device['mac']: self.ip_address = device['ip_address'].encode() self.port = device['port'] break else: # we have exhausted the device list without a # match so continue the outer loop if we have # any attempts left continue # log the new IP address and port loginf("%s at address %s:%d will be used" % (self.model, self.ip_address.decode(), self.port)) # return True indicating the re-discovery was # successful return True else: # did not discover any devices so log it if self.log_failures: logdbg("Failed attempt %d to detect any devices" % (attempt + 1,)) else: # we exhausted our attempts at re-discovery so log it if self.log_failures: loginf("Failed to detect original %s after %d attempts" % (self.model, self.max_tries)) else: # an IP address was specified, so we cannot go searching, log it if self.log_failures: logdbg("IP address specified in 'weewx.conf', " "re-discovery was not attempted") # if we made it here re-discovery was unsuccessful so return False return False def update_sensor_id_data(self): """Update the Sensors object with current sensor ID data.""" # first get the current sensor ID data # TODO. This should return a value sensor_id_data = self.get_sensor_id() # now use the sensor ID data to re-initialise our sensors object self.sensors.set_sensor_id_data(sensor_id_data) # ============================================================================ # GatewayHttp class # ============================================================================ class GatewayHttp(object): """Class to interact with a gateway device via HTTP requests.""" # HTTP request commands commands = ['get_version', 'get_livedata_info', 'get_ws_settings', 'get_calibration_data', 'get_rain_totals', 'get_device_info', 'get_sensors_info', 'get_network_info', 'get_units_info', 'get_cli_soilad', 'get_cli_multiCh', 'get_cli_pm25', 'get_cli_co2', 'get_piezo_rain'] def __init__(self, ip_address): """Initialise a HttpRequest object.""" # the IP address to be used (stored as a string) self.ip_address = ip_address def request(self, command_str, data={}, headers={}): """Send a HTTP request to the device and return the response. Create a HTTP request with optional data and headers. Send the HTTP request to the device as a GET request and obtain the response. The JSON deserialized response is returned. If the response cannot be deserialized the value None is returned. URL or timeout errors are logged and raised. command_str: a string containing the command to be sent, eg: 'get_livedata_info' data: a dict containing key:value pairs representing the data to be sent headers: a dict containing headers to be included in the HTTP request Returns a deserialized JSON object or None """ # check if we have a command that we know about if command_str in GatewayHttp.commands: # first convert any data to a percent-encoded ASCII text string data_enc = urlencode(data) # construct the scheme and host portions of the URL stem = ''.join(['http://', self.ip_address]) # now add the 'path' url = '/'.join([stem, command_str]) # Finally add the encoded data. We need to add the data in this manner # rather than using the Request object's 'data' parameter so that the # request is sent as a GET request rather than a POST request. full_url = '?'.join([url, data_enc]) # create a Request object req = urllib.request.Request(url=full_url, headers=headers) try: # submit the request and obtain the raw response w = urllib.request.urlopen(req) # Get charset used so we can decode the stream correctly. # Unfortunately, the way to get the charset depends on whether we # are running under python2 or python3. Assume python3, but be # prepared to catch the error if python2. try: char_set = w.headers.get_content_charset() except AttributeError: # must be python2 char_set = w.headers.getparam('charset') # Now get the response and decode it using the headers character # set. Be prepared for charset==None. if char_set is not None: resp = w.read().decode(char_set) else: resp = w.read().decode() # we are finished with the raw response so close it w.close() except (socket.timeout, URLError) as e: # log the error and raise it log.error("Failed to get device data") log.error(" **** %s" % e) raise else: # we have a response but can it be deserialized it to a python # object, wrap in a try..except in case it cannot be deserialized try: resp_json = json.loads(resp) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: # cannot deserialize the response, log it and return None log.error("Cannot deserialize device response") log.error(" **** %s" % e) return None else: # we have a deserialized response, log it as required if weewx.debug >= 3: log.debug("Deserialized HTTP response: %s" % json.dumps(resp_json)) # now return the JSON object return resp_json else: # an invalid command raise UnknownHttpCommand("Unknown HTTP command '%s'" % command_str) def get_version(self): """Get the device firmware related information. Returns a dict or None if no valid data was returned by the device.""" try: return self.request('get_version') except (URLError, socket.timeout) as e: return None def get_livedata_info(self): """Get live sensor data from the device. Returns a dict or None if no valid data was returned by the device.""" try: return self.request('get_livedata_info') except (URLError, socket.timeout) as e: return None def get_ws_settings(self): """Get weather services settings from the device. Returns a dict or None if no valid data was returned by the device.""" try: return self.request('get_ws_settings') except (URLError, socket.timeout) as e: return None def get_calibration_data(self): """Get calibration settings from the device. Returns a dict or None if no valid data was returned by the device.""" try: return self.request('get_calibration_data') except (URLError, socket.timeout) as e: return None def get_rain_totals(self): """Get rainfall totals and settings from the device. Returns a dict or None if no valid data was returned by the device.""" try: return self.request('get_rain_totals') except (URLError, socket.timeout) as e: return None def get_device_info(self): """Get device settings from the device. Returns a dict or None if no valid data was returned by the device.""" try: return self.request('get_device_info') except (URLError, socket.timeout) as e: return None def get_sensors_info(self): """Get sensor ID data from the device. Combines all pages of available data and returns a single dict or None if no valid data was returned by the device.""" try: page_1 = self.request('get_sensors_info', data={'page': 1}) except (URLError, socket.timeout) as e: page_1 = None try: page_2 = self.request('get_sensors_info', data={'page': 2}) except (URLError, socket.timeout) as e: page_2 = None if page_1 is not None and page_2 is not None: return page_1 + page_2 elif page_1 is None: return page_2 else: return page_1 def get_network_info(self): """Get network related data/settings from the device. Returns a dict or None if no valid data was returned by the device.""" try: return self.request('get_network_info') except (URLError, socket.timeout) as e: return None def get_units_info(self): """Get units settings from the device. Returns a dict or None if no valid data was returned by the device.""" try: return self.request('get_units_info') except (URLError, socket.timeout) as e: return None def get_cli_soilad(self): """Get multichannel soil moisture sensor calibration data from the device. Returns a list of dicts or None if no valid data was returned by the device.""" try: return self.request('get_cli_soilad') except (URLError, socket.timeout) as e: return None def get_cli_multiCh(self): """Get multichannel temperature/humidity sensor calibration data from the device. Returns a list of dicts or None if no valid data was returned by the device.""" try: return self.request('get_cli_multiCh') except (URLError, socket.timeout) as e: pass def get_cli_pm25(self): """Get PM2.5 sensor offset data from the device. Returns a list of dicts or None if no valid data was returned by the device.""" try: return self.request('get_cli_pm25') except (URLError, socket.timeout) as e: return None def get_cli_co2(self): """Get CO2 sensor offset data from the device. Returns a list of dicts or None if no valid data was returned by the device.""" try: return self.request('get_cli_co2') except (URLError, socket.timeout) as e: return None def get_piezo_rain(self): """Get piezo rain sensor data/settings from the device. Returns a dict or None if no valid data was returned by the device.""" try: return self.request('get_piezo_rain') except (URLError, socket.timeout) as e: return None class GatewayDevice(object): """Class to directly interact with an Ecowitt gateway device. An Ecowitt gateway device can be interrogated directly in two ways: 1. via the Ecowitt LAN/Wi-Fi Gateway API 2. via a HTTP request The API uses a library of api_commands for reading and setting various parameters in the gateway device. The WeeWX Ecowitt gateway device driver uses a small subset of these api_commands to obtain sensor data which is presented to WeeWX via loop packets emitted by the driver. API communications is socket based and involves exchange of data that must be encoded/decoded at the byte/bit level. The HTTP request approach provides the ability to read various device and sensor data. It does not provide the ability to set and device parameters. HTTP request communications is HTTP GET based and involves the decoding of JSON format message data. A GatewayDevice object uses the following classes for interracting with the gateway device: - class GatewayApi. Communicates directly with the gateway device via the gateway device API and obtains, validates and parses gateway device responses. - class GatewayHttp. Communicates directly with the gateway device via HTTP requests to obtain and validates (as far as possible) gateway device HTTP request responses. """ # list of dicts of weather services that I know about services = [{'name': 'ecowitt_net_params', 'long_name': 'Ecowitt.net' }, {'name': 'wunderground_params', 'long_name': 'Wunderground' }, {'name': 'weathercloud_params', 'long_name': 'Weathercloud' }, {'name': 'wow_params', 'long_name': 'Weather Observations Website' }, {'name': 'custom_params', 'long_name': 'Customized' } ] def __init__(self, ip_address=None, port=None, broadcast_address=None, broadcast_port=None, socket_timeout=None, broadcast_timeout=None, max_tries=default_max_tries, retry_wait=default_retry_wait, use_wh32=True, ignore_wh40_batt=True, show_battery=False, log_unknown_fields=False, debug=DebugOptions({})): """Initialise a GatewayDevice object.""" # get a GatewayApi object to handle the interaction with the API self.api = GatewayApi(ip_address=ip_address, port=port, broadcast_address=broadcast_address, broadcast_port=broadcast_port, socket_timeout=socket_timeout, broadcast_timeout=broadcast_timeout, max_tries=max_tries, retry_wait=retry_wait, use_wh32=use_wh32, ignore_wh40_batt=ignore_wh40_batt, show_battery=show_battery, log_unknown_fields=log_unknown_fields, debug=debug) # get a GatewayHttp object to handle any HTTP requests, we need to use # the same IP address as our GatewayApi object self.http = GatewayHttp(ip_address=self.api.ip_address.decode()) # start off logging failures self.log_failures = True @property def ip_address(self): """The gateway device IP address.""" return self.api.ip_address @property def port(self): """The gateway device port number.""" return self.api.port @property def model(self): """Gateway device model.""" return self.api.model @property def livedata(self): """Gateway device live data.""" return self.api.get_livedata() @property def raindata(self): """Gateway device traditional rain gauge data.""" return self.api.read_raindata() @property def system_params(self): """Gateway device system parameters.""" return self.api.get_system_params() @property def ecowitt_net_params(self): """Gateway device Ecowitt.net parameters.""" return self.api.get_ecowitt_net_params() @property def wunderground_params(self): """Gateway device Weather Underground parameters.""" return self.api.get_wunderground_params() @property def weathercloud_params(self): """Gateway device Weathercloud parameters.""" return self.api.get_weathercloud_params() @property def wow_params(self): """Gateway device Weather Observations Website parameters.""" return self.api.get_wow_params() @property def custom_params(self): """Gateway device custom server parameters.""" return self.api.get_custom_params() @property def usr_path(self): """Gateway device user defined custom path parameters.""" return self.api.get_usr_path() @property def mac_address(self): """Gateway device MAC address.""" return self.api.get_mac_address() @property def firmware_version(self): """Gateway device firmware version.""" return self.api.get_firmware_version() @property def sensor_id(self): """Gateway device sensor ID data.""" return self.api.get_sensor_id() @property def mulch_offset(self): """Gateway device multichannel temperature and humidity offset data.""" return self.api.get_mulch_offset() @property def mulch_t_offset(self): """Gateway device multichannel temperature (WN34) offset data.""" return self.api.get_mulch_t_offset() @property def pm25_offset(self): """Gateway device PM2.5 offset data.""" return self.api.get_pm25_offset() @property def calibration_coefficient(self): """Gateway device calibration coefficient data.""" return self.api.get_calibration_coefficient() @property def soil_calibration(self): """Gateway device soil calibration data.""" return self.api.get_soil_calibration() @property def offset_calibration(self): """Gateway device offset calibration data.""" return self.api.get_offset_calibration() @property def co2_offset(self): """Gateway device CO2 offset data.""" return self.api.get_co2_offset() @property def rain(self): """Gateway device traditional gauge and piezo gauge rain data.""" return self.api.read_rain() @property def sensor_state(self): """Sensor battery state and signal level data.""" return self.api.get_current_sensor_state() @property def discovered_devices(self): """List of discovered gateway devices. Each list element is a dict keyed by 'ip_address', 'port', 'model', 'mac' and 'ssid'.""" return self.api.discover() @property def firmware_update_avail(self): """Whether a device firmware update is available or not. Return True if a device firmware update is available, False if there is no available firmware update or None if firmware update availability cannot be determined. """ # get firmware version info version = self.http.get_version() # do we have current firmware version info and availability of a new # firmware version ? if version is not None and 'newVersion' in version: # we can now determine with certainty whether there is a new # firmware update or not return True if version['newVersion'] == '1' else False # We cannot determine the availability of a firmware update so return # None return None @property def firmware_update_message(self): """The device firmware update message. Returns the 'curr_msg' field in the 'get_device_info' response in the device HTTP API. This field is usually used for firmware update release notes. Returns a string containing the 'curr_msg' field contents of the 'get_device_info' response. Return None if the 'get_device_info' response could not be obtained or the 'curr_msg' field was not included in the 'get_device_info' response. """ # get device info device_info = self.http.get_device_info() # return the 'curr_msg' field contents or None return device_info.get('curr_msg') if device_info is not None else None @property def calibration(self): """Device device calibration data.""" # obtain the calibration data via the API parsed_cal_coeff = self.api.get_calibration_coefficient() # obtain the offset calibration data via the API parsed_offset = self.api.get_offset_calibration() # update our parsed gain data with the parsed offset calibration data parsed_cal_coeff.update(parsed_offset) # return the parsed data return parsed_cal_coeff @property def ws90_firmware_version(self): """Provide the WH90 firmware version. Return the WS90 installed firmware version. If no WS90 is available the value None is returned. """ sensors = self.http.get_sensors_info() if sensors is not None: for sensor in sensors: if sensor.get('img') == 'wh90': return sensor.get('version', 'not available') return None # ============================================================================ # Utility functions # ============================================================================ def define_units(): """Define formats and conversions used by the driver. This could be done in user/extensions.py or the driver. The user/extensions.py approach will make the conversions and formats available for all drivers and services, but requires manual editing of the file by the user. Inclusion in the driver removes the need for the user to edit user/extensions.py, but means the conversions and formats are only defined when the driver is being used. Given the specialised nature of the conversions and formats the latter is an acceptable approach. In any case, there is nothing preventing the user manually adding these entries to user/extensions.py. As of v5.0.0 WeeWX defines the unit group 'group_data' with member units 'byte' and 'bit'. We will define additional group_data member units of 'kilobyte' and 'megabyte'. All additions to the core conversion, label and format dicts are done in a way that do not overwrite and previous customisations the user may have made through another driver or user/extensions.py. """ # add kilobyte and megabyte conversions if 'byte' not in weewx.units.conversionDict: # 'byte' is not a key in the conversion dict, so we add all conversions weewx.units.conversionDict['byte'] = {'bit': lambda x: x * 8, 'kilobyte': lambda x: x / 1024.0, 'megabyte': lambda x: x / 1024.0 ** 2} else: # byte already exists as a key in the conversion dict, so we add all # conversions individually if they do not already exist if 'bit' not in weewx.units.conversionDict['byte'].keys(): weewx.units.conversionDict['byte']['bit'] = lambda x: x * 8 if 'kilobyte' not in weewx.units.conversionDict['byte'].keys(): weewx.units.conversionDict['byte']['kilobyte'] = lambda x: x / 1024.0 if 'megabyte' not in weewx.units.conversionDict['byte'].keys(): weewx.units.conversionDict['byte']['megabyte'] = lambda x: x / 1024.0 ** 2 if 'kilobyte' not in weewx.units.conversionDict: weewx.units.conversionDict['kilobyte'] = {'bit': lambda x: x * 8192, 'byte': lambda x: x * 1024, 'megabyte': lambda x: x / 1024.0} else: # kilobyte already exists as a key in the conversion dict, so we add # all conversions individually if they do not already exist if 'bit' not in weewx.units.conversionDict['kilobyte'].keys(): weewx.units.conversionDict['kilobyte']['bit'] = lambda x: x * 8192 if 'byte' not in weewx.units.conversionDict['kilobyte'].keys(): weewx.units.conversionDict['kilobyte']['byte'] = lambda x: x * 1024 if 'megabyte' not in weewx.units.conversionDict['kilobyte'].keys(): weewx.units.conversionDict['kilobyte']['megabyte'] = lambda x: x / 1024.0 if 'megabyte' not in weewx.units.conversionDict: weewx.units.conversionDict['megabyte'] = {'bit': lambda x: x * 8 * 1024 ** 2, 'byte': lambda x: x * 1024 ** 2, 'kilobyte': lambda x: x * 1024} else: # megabyte already exists as a key in the conversion dict, so we add # all conversions individually if they do not already exist if 'bit' not in weewx.units.conversionDict['megabyte'].keys(): weewx.units.conversionDict['megabyte']['bit'] = lambda x: x * 8 * 1024 ** 2 if 'byte' not in weewx.units.conversionDict['megabyte'].keys(): weewx.units.conversionDict['megabyte']['byte'] = lambda x: x * 1024 ** 2 if 'kilobyte' not in weewx.units.conversionDict['megabyte'].keys(): weewx.units.conversionDict['megabyte']['kilobyte'] = lambda x: x * 1024 # set default formats and labels for byte, kilobyte and megabyte, but only # if they do not already exist weewx.units.default_unit_format_dict['byte'] = weewx.units.default_unit_format_dict.get('byte') or '%.d' weewx.units.default_unit_label_dict['byte'] = weewx.units.default_unit_label_dict.get('byte') or u' B' weewx.units.default_unit_format_dict['kilobyte'] = weewx.units.default_unit_format_dict.get('kilobyte') or '%.3f' weewx.units.default_unit_label_dict['kilobyte'] = weewx.units.default_unit_label_dict.get('kilobyte') or u' kB' weewx.units.default_unit_format_dict['megabyte'] = weewx.units.default_unit_format_dict.get('megabyte') or '%.3f' weewx.units.default_unit_label_dict['megabyte'] = weewx.units.default_unit_label_dict.get('megabyte') or u' MB' # merge the default unit groups into weewx.units.obs_group_dict, but so we # don't undo any user customisation elsewhere only merge those fields that do # not already exits in weewx.units.obs_group_dict for obs, group in six.iteritems(default_groups): if obs not in weewx.units.obs_group_dict.keys(): weewx.units.obs_group_dict[obs] = group def natural_sort_keys(source_dict): """Return a naturally sorted list of keys for a dict.""" def atoi(text): return int(text) if text.isdigit() else text def natural_keys(text): """Natural key sort. Allows use of key=natural_keys to sort a list in human order, eg: alist.sort(key=natural_keys) https://nedbatchelder.com/blog/200712/human_sorting.html (See Toothy's implementation in the comments) """ return [atoi(c) for c in re.split(r'(\d+)', text.lower())] # create a list of keys in the dict keys_list = list(source_dict.keys()) # naturally sort the list of keys where, for example, xxxxx16 appears in the # correct order keys_list.sort(key=natural_keys) # return the sorted list return keys_list def natural_sort_dict(source_dict): """Return a string representation of a dict sorted naturally by key. When represented as a string a dict is displayed in the format: {key a:value a, key b: value b ... key z: value z} but the order of the key:value pairs is unlikely to be alphabetical. Displaying dicts of key:value pairs in logs or on the console in alphabetical order by key assists in the analysis of the dict data. Where keys are strings with leading digits a natural sort is useful. """ # first obtain a list of key:value pairs as string sorted naturally by key sorted_dict_fields = ["'%s': '%s'" % (k, source_dict[k]) for k in natural_sort_keys(source_dict)] # return as a string of comma separated key:value pairs in braces return "{%s}" % ", ".join(sorted_dict_fields) def bytes_to_hex(iterable, separator=' ', caps=True): """Produce a hex string representation of a sequence of bytes.""" # assume 'iterable' can be iterated by iterbytes and the individual # elements can be formatted with {:02X} format_str = "{:02X}" if caps else "{:02x}" try: return separator.join(format_str.format(c) for c in six.iterbytes(iterable)) except ValueError: # most likely we are running python3 and iterable is not a bytestring, # try again coercing iterable to a bytestring return separator.join(format_str.format(c) for c in six.iterbytes(six.b(iterable))) except (TypeError, AttributeError): # TypeError - 'iterable' is not iterable # AttributeError - likely because separator is None # either way we can't represent as a string of hex bytes return "cannot represent '%s' as hexadecimal bytes" % (iterable,) def obfuscate(plain, obf_char='*'): """Obfuscate all but the last x characters in a string. Obfuscate all but (at most) the last four characters of a string. Always reveal no more than 50% of the characters. The obfuscation character defaults to '*' but can be set when the function is called. """ if plain is not None and len(plain) > 0: # obtain the number of the characters to be retained stem = 4 stem = 3 if len(plain) < 8 else stem stem = 2 if len(plain) < 6 else stem stem = 1 if len(plain) < 4 else stem stem = 0 if len(plain) < 3 else stem if stem > 0: # we are retaining some characters so do a little string # manipulation obfuscated = obf_char * (len(plain) - stem) + plain[-stem:] else: # we are obfuscating everything obfuscated = obf_char * len(plain) return obfuscated else: # if we received None or a zero length string then return it return plain # ============================================================================ # class DirectGateway # ============================================================================ class DirectGateway(object): """Class to interact with gateway driver when run directly. Would normally run a driver directly by calling from main() only, but when run directly the gateway driver has many options so pushing the detail into its own class/object makes sense. Also simplifies some test suite routines/calls. A DirectGateway object is created with just an optparse options dict and a standard WeeWX station dict. Once created the DirectGateway() process_options() method is called to process the respective command line options. """ # gateway direct observation group dict, this maps all device 'fields' to a # WeeWX unit group gw_direct_obs_group_dict = { 'intemp': 'group_temperature', 'outtemp': 'group_temperature', 'dewpoint': 'group_temperature', 'windchill': 'group_temperature', 'heatindex': 'group_temperature', 'inhumid': 'group_percent', 'outhumid': 'group_percent', 'absbarometer': 'group_pressure', 'relbarometer': 'group_pressure', 'light': 'group_illuminance', 'uv': 'group_radiation', 'uvi': 'group_uv', 'datetime': 'group_time', 'temp1': 'group_temperature', 'temp2': 'group_temperature', 'temp3': 'group_temperature', 'temp4': 'group_temperature', 'temp5': 'group_temperature', 'temp6': 'group_temperature', 'temp7': 'group_temperature', 'temp8': 'group_temperature', 'temp9': 'group_temperature', 'temp10': 'group_temperature', 'temp11': 'group_temperature', 'temp12': 'group_temperature', 'temp13': 'group_temperature', 'temp14': 'group_temperature', 'temp15': 'group_temperature', 'temp16': 'group_temperature', 'temp17': 'group_temperature', 'humid1': 'group_percent', 'humid2': 'group_percent', 'humid3': 'group_percent', 'humid4': 'group_percent', 'humid5': 'group_percent', 'humid6': 'group_percent', 'humid7': 'group_percent', 'humid8': 'group_percent', 'humid17': 'group_percent', 'pm251': 'group_concentration', 'pm252': 'group_concentration', 'pm253': 'group_concentration', 'pm254': 'group_concentration', 'pm255': 'group_concentration', 'pm10': 'group_concentration', 'co2': 'group_fraction', 'soiltemp1': 'group_temperature', 'soilmoist1': 'group_percent', 'soiltemp2': 'group_temperature', 'soilmoist2': 'group_percent', 'soiltemp3': 'group_temperature', 'soilmoist3': 'group_percent', 'soiltemp4': 'group_temperature', 'soilmoist4': 'group_percent', 'soiltemp5': 'group_temperature', 'soilmoist5': 'group_percent', 'soiltemp6': 'group_temperature', 'soilmoist6': 'group_percent', 'soiltemp7': 'group_temperature', 'soilmoist7': 'group_percent', 'soiltemp8': 'group_temperature', 'soilmoist8': 'group_percent', 'soiltemp9': 'group_temperature', 'soilmoist9': 'group_percent', 'soiltemp10': 'group_temperature', 'soilmoist10': 'group_percent', 'soiltemp11': 'group_temperature', 'soilmoist11': 'group_percent', 'soiltemp12': 'group_temperature', 'soilmoist12': 'group_percent', 'soiltemp13': 'group_temperature', 'soilmoist13': 'group_percent', 'soiltemp14': 'group_temperature', 'soilmoist14': 'group_percent', 'soiltemp15': 'group_temperature', 'soilmoist15': 'group_percent', 'soiltemp16': 'group_temperature', 'soilmoist16': 'group_percent', 'pm251_24h_avg': 'group_concentration', 'pm252_24h_avg': 'group_concentration', 'pm253_24h_avg': 'group_concentration', 'pm254_24h_avg': 'group_concentration', 'pm255_24h_avg': 'group_concentration', 'pm10_24h_avg': 'group_concentration', 'co2_24h_avg': 'group_fraction', 'leak1': 'group_count', 'leak2': 'group_count', 'leak3': 'group_count', 'leak4': 'group_count', 'lightningdist': 'group_distance', 'lightningdettime': 'group_time', 'lightning_strike_count': 'group_count', 'lightningcount': 'group_count', 't_rain': 'group_rain', 't_rainevent': 'group_rain', 't_rainrate': 'group_rainrate', 't_rainday': 'group_rain', 't_rainweek': 'group_rain', 't_rainmonth': 'group_rain', 't_rainyear': 'group_rain', 't_raintotals': 'group_rain', 'p_rain': 'group_rain', 'p_rainevent': 'group_rain', 'p_rainrate': 'group_rainrate', 'p_rainday': 'group_rain', 'p_rainweek': 'group_rain', 'p_rainmonth': 'group_rain', 'p_rainyear': 'group_rain', 'winddir': 'group_direction', 'windspeed': 'group_speed', 'gustspeed': 'group_speed', 'daymaxwind': 'group_speed', 'leafwet1': 'group_percent', 'leafwet2': 'group_percent', 'leafwet3': 'group_percent', 'leafwet4': 'group_percent', 'leafwet5': 'group_percent', 'leafwet6': 'group_percent', 'leafwet7': 'group_percent', 'leafwet8': 'group_percent', 'heap_free': 'group_data', 'wh40_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh26_batt': 'group_count', 'wh25_batt': 'group_count', 'wh24_batt': 'group_count', 'wh65_batt': 'group_count', 'wh32_batt': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch1_batt': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch2_batt': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch3_batt': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch4_batt': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch5_batt': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch6_batt': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch7_batt': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch8_batt': 'group_count', 'wn34_ch1_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn34_ch2_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn34_ch3_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn34_ch4_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn34_ch5_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn34_ch6_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn34_ch7_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn34_ch8_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn35_ch1_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn35_ch2_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn35_ch3_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn35_ch4_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn35_ch5_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn35_ch6_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn35_ch7_batt': 'group_volt', 'wn35_ch8_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh41_ch1_batt': 'group_count', 'wh41_ch2_batt': 'group_count', 'wh41_ch3_batt': 'group_count', 'wh41_ch4_batt': 'group_count', 'wh45_batt': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch1_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch2_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch3_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch4_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch5_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch6_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch7_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch8_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch9_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch10_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch11_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch12_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch13_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch14_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch15_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh51_ch16_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh55_ch1_batt': 'group_count', 'wh55_ch2_batt': 'group_count', 'wh55_ch3_batt': 'group_count', 'wh55_ch4_batt': 'group_count', 'wh57_batt': 'group_count', 'wh68_batt': 'group_volt', 'ws80_batt': 'group_volt', 'ws90_batt': 'group_volt', 'wh40_sig': 'group_count', 'wh26_sig': 'group_count', 'wh25_sig': 'group_count', 'wh24_sig': 'group_count', 'wh65_sig': 'group_count', 'wh32_sig': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch1_sig': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch2_sig': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch3_sig': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch4_sig': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch5_sig': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch6_sig': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch7_sig': 'group_count', 'wh31_ch8_sig': 'group_count', 'wn34_ch1_sig': 'group_count', 'wn34_ch2_sig': 'group_count', 'wn34_ch3_sig': 'group_count', 'wn34_ch4_sig': 'group_count', 'wn34_ch5_sig': 'group_count', 'wn34_ch6_sig': 'group_count', 'wn34_ch7_sig': 'group_count', 'wn34_ch8_sig': 'group_count', 'wn35_ch1_sig': 'group_count', 'wn35_ch2_sig': 'group_count', 'wn35_ch3_sig': 'group_count', 'wn35_ch4_sig': 'group_count', 'wn35_ch5_sig': 'group_count', 'wn35_ch6_sig': 'group_count', 'wn35_ch7_sig': 'group_count', 'wn35_ch8_sig': 'group_count', 'wh41_ch1_sig': 'group_count', 'wh41_ch2_sig': 'group_count', 'wh41_ch3_sig': 'group_count', 'wh41_ch4_sig': 'group_count', 'wh45_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch1_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch2_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch3_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch4_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch5_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch6_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch7_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch8_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch9_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch10_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch11_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch12_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch13_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch14_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch15_sig': 'group_count', 'wh51_ch16_sig': 'group_count', 'wh55_ch1_sig': 'group_count', 'wh55_ch2_sig': 'group_count', 'wh55_ch3_sig': 'group_count', 'wh55_ch4_sig': 'group_count', 'wh57_sig': 'group_count', 'wh68_sig': 'group_count', 'ws80_sig': 'group_count', 'ws90_sig': 'group_count' } # list of sensors to be displayed in the sensor ID output sensors_list = [] def __init__(self, opts, parser, stn_dict): """Initialise a DirectGateway object.""" # save the optparse options and station dict self.opts = opts self.parser = parser self.stn_dict = stn_dict # obtain the IP address and port number to use self.ip_address = self.ip_from_config_opts() self.port = self.port_from_config_opts() # do we filter battery state data self.show_battery = self.show_battery_from_config_opts() def ip_from_config_opts(self): """Obtain the IP address from station config or command line options. Determine the IP address to use given a station config dict and command line options. The IP address is chosen as follows: - if specified use the IP address from the command line - if an IP address was not specified on the command line obtain the IP address from the station config dict - if the station config dict does not specify an IP address, or if it is set to 'auto', return None to force device discovery """ # obtain an IP address from the command line options ip_address = self.opts.ip_address if self.opts.ip_address else None # if we didn't get an IP address check the station config dict if ip_address is None: # obtain the IP address from the station config dict ip_address = self.stn_dict.get('ip_address') # if the station config dict specifies some variation of 'auto' # then we need to return None to force device discovery if ip_address is not None: # do we have a variation of 'auto' if ip_address.lower() == 'auto': # we need to autodetect IP address so set to None ip_address = None if weewx.debug >= 1: print() print("IP address to be obtained by discovery") else: if weewx.debug >= 1: print() print("IP address obtained from station config") else: if weewx.debug >= 1: print() print("IP address to be obtained by discovery") else: if weewx.debug >= 1: print() print("IP address obtained from command line options") return ip_address def port_from_config_opts(self): """Obtain the port from station config or command line options. Determine the port to use given a station config dict and command line options. The port is chosen as follows: - if specified use the port from the command line - if a port was not specified on the command line obtain the port from the station config dict - if the station config dict does not specify a port use the default 45000 """ # obtain a port number from the command line options port = self.opts.port if self.opts.port else None # if we didn't get a port number check the station config dict if port is None: # obtain the port number from the station config dict port = self.stn_dict.get('port') # if a port number was specified it needs to be an integer not a # string so try to do the conversion try: port = int(port) except (TypeError, ValueError): # If a TypeError then most likely port somehow ended up being # None. If a ValueError then we couldn't convert the port # number to an integer, maybe it was because it was 'auto' # (or some variation) or perhaps it was invalid. Regardless of # the error we need to set port to None to force discovery. port = default_port if weewx.debug >= 1: print("Port number set to default port number") else: if weewx.debug >= 1: print("Port number obtained from station config") else: if weewx.debug >= 1: print("Port number obtained from command line options") return port def show_battery_from_config_opts(self): """Determine whether to filter nonsense battery state data. Determine the whether to filter nonsense battery state data given a station config dict and command line options. The decision to filter is made as follows: - if specified use the show_battery option from the command line - if show_battery was not specified on the command line obtain the show_battery option from the station config dict - if the station config dict does not specify show_battery use the default value False """ # obtain the show_battery value from the command line options if it # exists show_battery = self.opts.show_battery if self.opts.show_battery else None # if we didn't get a show_battery value check the station config dict if show_battery is None: # obtain the show_battery value from the station config dict, try # to convert it to a Boolean, if it fails be prepared to catch the # ValueError from tobool() and use the default try: show_battery = weeutil.weeutil.tobool(self.stn_dict.get('show_battery')) except ValueError: # we could not get show_battery from the stn_dict so use the default show_battery = default_show_battery if weewx.debug >= 1: print("Battery state filtering is '%s' (using the default)" % show_battery) else: if weewx.debug >= 1: print("Port number obtained from station config") print("Battery state filtering is '%s' (obtained from station config)" % show_battery) else: if weewx.debug >= 1: print("Battery state filtering is '%s' (obtained from command line options)" % show_battery) return show_battery def process_options(self): """Call the appropriate method based on the optparse options.""" # run the driver if hasattr(self.opts, 'test_driver') and self.opts.test_driver: self.test_driver() # run the service with simulator elif hasattr(self.opts, 'test_service') and self.opts.test_service: self.test_service() elif hasattr(self.opts, 'sys_params') and self.opts.sys_params: self.system_params() elif hasattr(self.opts, 'get_rain') and self.opts.get_rain: self.get_rain_data() elif hasattr(self.opts, 'get_all_rain') and self.opts.get_all_rain: self.get_all_rain_data() elif hasattr(self.opts, 'get_mulch_offset') and self.opts.get_mulch_offset: self.get_mulch_offset() elif hasattr(self.opts, 'get_temp_calibration') and self.opts.get_temp_calibration: self.get_mulch_t_offset() elif hasattr(self.opts, 'get_pm25_offset') and self.opts.get_pm25_offset: self.get_pm25_offset() elif hasattr(self.opts, 'get_co2_offset') and self.opts.get_co2_offset: self.get_co2_offset() elif hasattr(self.opts, 'get_calibration') and self.opts.get_calibration: self.get_calibration() elif hasattr(self.opts, 'get_soil_calibration') and self.opts.get_soil_calibration: self.get_soil_calibration() elif hasattr(self.opts, 'get_services') and self.opts.get_services: self.get_services() elif hasattr(self.opts, 'mac') and self.opts.mac: # TODO. Rename to remove 'station' ? self.station_mac() elif hasattr(self.opts, 'firmware') and self.opts.firmware: self.firmware() elif hasattr(self.opts, 'sensors') and self.opts.sensors: self.sensors() elif hasattr(self.opts, 'live') and self.opts.live: self.live_data() elif hasattr(self.opts, 'discover') and self.opts.discover: self.discover() elif hasattr(self.opts, 'map') and self.opts.map: self.field_map() elif hasattr(self.opts, 'driver_map') and self.opts.driver_map: self.driver_field_map() elif hasattr(self.opts, 'sys_service_mapparams') and self.opts.service_map: self.service_field_map() else: print() print("No option selected, nothing done") print() self.parser.print_help() return def system_params(self): """Display system parameters. Obtain and display the gateway device system parameters. Device IP address and port are derived (in order) as follows: 1. command line --ip-address and --port parameters 2. [GW1000] stanza in the specified config file 3. by discovery """ # dict for decoding system parameters frequency byte, at present all we # know is 0 = 433MHz freq_decode = { 0: '433MHz', 1: '868Mhz', 2: '915MHz', 3: '920MHz' } temperature_comp_decode = { 0: 'off', 1: 'on' } # wrap in a try..except in case there is an error try: # we want a GatewayDevice object but to get such an object we first # need a GatewayCollector object collector = GatewayCollector(ip_address=self.ip_address, port=self.port) # the GatewayDevice object is the collectors device property device = collector.device # identify the device being used print() print("Interrogating %s at %s:%d" % (device.model, device.ip_address.decode(), device.port)) # get the device system_params property sys_params_dict = device.system_params # we need the radiation compensation setting which according to the # v1.6.9 API documentation resides in field 7B, but bizarrely is # only available via the CMD_READ_RAIN API command. CMD_READ_RAIN # is a relatively new command so wrap in a try..except just in # case. try: _rain_data = device.rain except GWIOError: temperature_comp = None else: temperature_comp = _rain_data.get('temperature_comp') except GWIOError as e: print() print("Unable to connect to device at %s: %s" % (self.ip_address, e)) except socket.timeout: print() print("Timeout. Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) else: # create a meaningful string for frequency representation freq_str = freq_decode.get(sys_params_dict['frequency'], 'Unknown') # if sensor_type is 0 there is a WH24 connected, if it's a 1 there # is a WH65 _is_wh24 = sys_params_dict['sensor_type'] == 0 # string to use in sensor type message _sensor_type_str = 'WH24' if _is_wh24 else 'WH65' # print the system parameters print() print("%26s: %s (%s)" % ('sensor type', sys_params_dict['sensor_type'], _sensor_type_str)) print("%26s: %s (%s)" % ('frequency', sys_params_dict['frequency'], freq_str)) if temperature_comp is not None: print("%26s: %s (%s)" % ('Temperature Compensation', temperature_comp, temperature_comp_decode.get(temperature_comp, 'unknown'))) else: print("%26s: unavailable" % 'Temperature Compensation') # The gateway API returns what is labelled "UTC" but is in fact the # current epoch timestamp adjusted by the station timezone offset. # So when the timestamp is converted to a human-readable GMT # date-time string it in fact shows the local date-time. We can # work around this by formatting this offset UTC time stamp as a # UTC date-time but then calling it local time. ideally we would # re-adjust to remove the timezone offset to get the real # (unadjusted) epoch timestamp but since the timezone index is # stored as an arbitrary number rather than an offset in seconds # this is not possible. We can only do what we can. date_time_str = time.strftime("%-d %B %Y %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(sys_params_dict['utc'])) print("%26s: %s" % ('date-time', date_time_str)) print("%26s: %s" % ('timezone index', sys_params_dict['timezone_index'])) print("%26s: %s" % ('DST status', sys_params_dict['dst_status'])) def get_rain_data(self): """Display the device rain data. Obtain and display the device rain data. The device IP address and port are derived (in order) as follows: 1. command line --ip-address and --port parameters 2. [GW1000] stanza in the specified config file 3. by discovery """ # wrap in a try..except in case there is an error try: # we want a GatewayDevice object but to get such an object we first # need a GatewayCollector object collector = GatewayCollector(ip_address=self.ip_address, port=self.port) # the GatewayDevice object is the collectors device property device = collector.device # identify the device being used print() print("Interrogating %s at %s:%d" % (device.model, device.ip_address.decode(), device.port)) # get the device objects raindata property rain_data = device.raindata except GWIOError as e: print() print("Unable to connect to device at %s: %s" % (self.ip_address, e)) except socket.timeout: print() print("Timeout. Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) else: print() print("%10s: %.1f mm/%.1f in" % ('Rain rate', rain_data['t_rainrate'], rain_data['t_rainrate'] / 25.4)) print("%10s: %.1f mm/%.1f in" % ('Day rain', rain_data['t_rainday'], rain_data['t_rainday'] / 25.4)) print("%10s: %.1f mm/%.1f in" % ('Week rain', rain_data['t_rainweek'], rain_data['t_rainweek'] / 25.4)) print("%10s: %.1f mm/%.1f in" % ('Month rain', rain_data['t_rainmonth'], rain_data['t_rainmonth'] / 25.4)) print("%10s: %.1f mm/%.1f in" % ('Year rain', rain_data['t_rainyear'], rain_data['t_rainyear'] / 25.4)) def get_all_rain_data(self): """Display the device rain data including piezo data. Obtain and display the device rain data including piezo data. The CMD_READ_RAIN API command is used to obtain the device data, this command returns rain data from the device for both traditional and piezo rain gauges. The device address and port are derived (in order) as follows: 1. command line --ip-address and --port parameters 2. [GW1000] stanza in the specified config file 3. by discovery Note. Early testing showed the CMD_READ_RAIN command returned data for the piezo gauge only. This may be due to the system under test (it only had a piezo rain gauge) or it may be an issue with the v2.1.3 device firmware. """ traditional = ['t_rainrate', 't_rainevent', 't_rainday', 't_rainweek', 't_rainmonth', 't_rainyear'] piezo = ['p_rainrate', 'p_event', 'p_day', 'p_week', 'p_month', 'p_year', 'gain1', 'gain2', 'gain3', 'gain4', 'gain5'] reset = ['day_reset', 'week_reset', 'annual_reset'] source_lookup = {0: 'No selection', 1: 'Traditional rain gauge', 2: 'Piezoelectric rain gauge' } # wrap in a try..except in case there is an error try: # we want a GatewayDevice object but to get such an object we first # need a GatewayCollector object collector = GatewayCollector(ip_address=self.ip_address, port=self.port) # the GatewayDevice object is the collectors device property device = collector.device # identify the device being used print() print("Interrogating %s at %s:%d" % (device.model, device.ip_address.decode(), device.port)) # get the rain data from the device object. First try to get # all_rain_data but be prepared to catch the exception if our # device does not support CMD_READ_RAIN. In that case fall back to # the rain_data property instead. try: rain_data = device.rain loginf(rain_data) except UnknownApiCommand: # use the rain_data property rain_data = device.raindata except GWIOError as e: print() print("Unable to connect to device at %s: %s" % (self.ip_address, e)) except socket.timeout: print() print("Timeout. Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) else: print() if 'rain_priority' in rain_data: print(" Rainfall data priority: %s" % source_lookup.get(rain_data['rain_priority'], "unknown selection")) print() if any(field in rain_data for field in traditional): print(" Traditional rain data:") _data = rain_data.get('t_rainrate') _data_str = "%.1fmm/hr (%.1fin/hr)" % (_data, _data / 25.4) if _data is not None else "---mm/hr (---in/hr)" print("%30s: %s)" % ('Rain rate', _data_str)) _data = rain_data.get('t_rainevent') _data_str = "%.1fmm (%.1fin)" % (_data, _data / 25.4) if _data is not None else "---mm (---in)" print("%30s: %s" % ('Event rain', _data_str)) _data = rain_data.get('t_rainday') _data_str = "%.1fmm (%.1fin)" % (_data, _data / 25.4) if _data is not None else "---mm (---in)" print("%30s: %s" % ('Daily rain', _data_str)) _data = rain_data.get('t_rainweek') _data_str = "%.1fmm (%.1fin)" % (_data, _data / 25.4) if _data is not None else "---mm (---in)" print("%30s: %s" % ('Weekly rain', _data_str)) _data = rain_data.get('t_rainmonth') _data_str = "%.1fmm (%.1fin)" % (_data, _data / 25.4) if _data is not None else "---mm (---in)" print("%30s: %s" % ('Monthly rain', _data_str)) _data = rain_data.get('t_rainyear') _data_str = "%.1fmm (%.1fin)" % (_data, _data / 25.4) if _data is not None else "---mm (---in)" print("%30s: %s" % ('Yearly rain', _data_str)) _data = rain_data.get('t_raingain') _data_str = "%.2f" % _data / 100.0 if _data is not None else "---" print("%30s: %s" % ('Rain gain', _data_str)) else: print(" No traditional rain data available") print() if any(field in rain_data for field in piezo): print(" Piezo rain data:") _data = rain_data.get('p_rainrate') _data_str = "%.1fmm/hr (%.1fin/hr)" % (_data, _data / 25.4) if _data is not None else "---mm/hr (---in/hr)" print("%30s: %s)" % ('Rain rate', _data_str)) _data = rain_data.get('p_rainevent') _data_str = "%.1fmm (%.1fin)" % (_data, _data / 25.4) if _data is not None else "---mm (---in)" print("%30s: %s" % ('Event rain', _data_str)) _data = rain_data.get('p_rainday') _data_str = "%.1fmm (%.1fin)" % (_data, _data / 25.4) if _data is not None else "---mm (---in)" print("%30s: %s" % ('Daily rain', _data_str)) _data = rain_data.get('p_rainweek') _data_str = "%.1fmm (%.1fin)" % (_data, _data / 25.4) if _data is not None else "---mm (---in)" print("%30s: %s" % ('Weekly rain', _data_str)) _data = rain_data.get('p_rainmonth') _data_str = "%.1fmm (%.1fin)" % (_data, _data / 25.4) if _data is not None else "---mm (---in)" print("%30s: %s" % ('Monthly rain', _data_str)) _data = rain_data.get('p_rainyear') _data_str = "%.1fmm (%.1fin)" % (_data, _data / 25.4) if _data is not None else "---mm (---in)" print("%30s: %s" % ('Yearly rain', _data_str)) print("%30s: %.2f (%s)" % ('Rain1 gain', rain_data.get('gain1', '--'), '< 4mm/h')) print("%30s: %.2f (%s)" % ('Rain2 gain', rain_data.get('gain2', '--'), '< 10mm/h')) print("%30s: %.2f (%s)" % ('Rain3 gain', rain_data.get('gain3', '--'), '< 30mm/h')) print("%30s: %.2f (%s)" % ('Rain4 gain', rain_data.get('gain4', '--'), '< 60mm/h')) print("%30s: %.2f (%s)" % ('Rain5 gain', rain_data.get('gain5', '--'), '> 60mm/h')) else: print(" No piezo rain data available") print() if any(field in rain_data for field in reset): print(" Rainfall reset time data:") print("%30s: 0%d:00" % ('Daily rainfall reset time', rain_data.get('day_reset', '-----'))) _data = rain_data.get('week_reset') _data_str = "%s" % calendar.day_name[(_data + 6) % 7] if _data is not None else "-----" print("%30s: %s" % ('Weekly rainfall reset time', _data_str)) _data = rain_data.get('annual_reset') _data_str = "%s" % calendar.month_name[_data + 1] if _data is not None else "-----" print("%30s: %s" % ('Annual rainfall reset time', calendar.month_name[rain_data['annual_reset'] + 1])) else: print(" No rainfall reset time data available") def get_mulch_offset(self): """Display device multichannel temperature and humidity offset data. Obtain and display the multichannel temperature and humidity offset data from the selected device. The device IP address and port are derived (in order) as follows: 1. command line --ip-address and --port parameters 2. [GW1000] stanza in the specified config file 3. by discovery """ # wrap in a try..except in case there is an error try: # we want a GatewayDevice object but to get such an object we first # need a GatewayCollector object collector = GatewayCollector(ip_address=self.ip_address, port=self.port) # the GatewayDevice object is the collectors device property device = collector.device # identify the device being used print() print("Interrogating %s at %s:%d" % (device.model, device.ip_address.decode(), device.port)) # get the mulch offset data from the API mulch_offset_data = device.api.get_mulch_offset() except GWIOError as e: print() print("Unable to connect to device at %s: %s" % (self.ip_address, e)) except socket.timeout: print() print("Timeout. Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) else: # did we get any mulch offset data if mulch_offset_data is not None: # now format and display the data print() print("Multi-channel Temperature and Humidity Calibration") # iterate over each channel for which we have data for channel in mulch_offset_data: # print the channel and offset data mulch_str = " Channel %d: Temperature offset: %5s Humidity offset: %3s" # the API returns channels starting at 0, but the WS View # app displays channels starting at 1, so add 1 to our # channel number print(mulch_str % (channel + 1, "%2.1f" % mulch_offset_data[channel]['temp'], "%d" % mulch_offset_data[channel]['hum'])) else: print() print("Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) def get_mulch_t_offset(self): """Display device multichannel temperature (WN34) offset data. Obtain and display the multichannel temperature (WN34) offset data from the selected device. The device IP address and port are derived (in order) as follows: 1. command line --ip-address and --port parameters 2. [GW1000] stanza in the specified config file 3. by discovery """ # wrap in a try..except in case there is an error try: # we want a GatewayDevice object but to get such an object we first # need a GatewayCollector object collector = GatewayCollector(ip_address=self.ip_address, port=self.port) # the GatewayDevice object is the collectors device property device = collector.device # identify the device being used print() print("Interrogating %s at %s:%d" % (device.model, device.ip_address.decode(), device.port)) # get the mulch temp offset data via the API mulch_t_offset_data = device.mulch_t_offset except GWIOError as e: print() print("Unable to connect to device at %s: %s" % (self.ip_address, e)) except socket.timeout: print() print("Timeout. Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) else: # did we get any mulch temp offset data if mulch_t_offset_data is not None: print() print("Multi-channel Temperature Calibration") # do we have any results to display? if len(mulch_t_offset_data) > 0: # we have results, now format and display the data # iterate over each channel for which we have data for channel in mulch_t_offset_data: # print the channel and offset data mulch_str = " Channel %d: Temperature offset: %5s" # the API returns channels starting at 0x63, but the WSView # Plus app displays channels starting at 1, so subtract # 0x62 (or 98) from our channel number print(mulch_str % (channel - 98, "%2.1f" % mulch_t_offset_data[channel])) else: # we have no results, so display a suitable message print(" No Multi-channel temperature sensors found") else: print() print("Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) def get_pm25_offset(self): """Display the device PM2.5 offset data. Obtain and display the PM2.5 offset data from the selected device.The device IP address and port are derived (in order) as follows: 1. command line --ip-address and --port parameters 2. [GW1000] stanza in the specified config file 3. by discovery """ # wrap in a try..except in case there is an error try: # we want a GatewayDevice object but to get such an object we first # need a GatewayCollector object collector = GatewayCollector(ip_address=self.ip_address, port=self.port) # the GatewayDevice object is the collectors device property device = collector.device # identify the device being used print() print("Interrogating %s at %s:%d" % (device.model, device.ip_address.decode(), device.port)) # get the PM2.5 offset data from the API pm25_offset_data = device.pm25_offset except GWIOError as e: print() print("Unable to connect to device at %s: %s" % (self.ip_address, e)) except socket.timeout: print() print("Timeout. Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) else: # did we get any PM2.5 offset data if pm25_offset_data is not None: # now format and display the data print() print("PM2.5 Calibration") # iterate over each channel for which we have data for channel in pm25_offset_data: # print the channel and offset data print(" Channel %d PM2.5 offset: %5s" % (channel, "%2.1f" % pm25_offset_data[channel])) else: print() print("Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) def get_co2_offset(self): """Display the device WH45 CO2, PM10 and PM2.5 offset data. Obtain and display the WH45 CO2, PM10 and PM2.5 offset data from the selected device. The device IP address and port are derived (in order) as follows: 1. command line --ip-address and --port parameters 2. [GW1000] stanza in the specified config file 3. by discovery """ # wrap in a try..except in case there is an error try: # we want a GatewayDevice object but to get such an object we first # need a GatewayCollector object collector = GatewayCollector(ip_address=self.ip_address, port=self.port) # the GatewayDevice object is the collectors device property device = collector.device # identify the device being used print() print("Interrogating %s at %s:%d" % (device.model, device.ip_address.decode(), device.port)) # get the offset data from the API co2_offset_data = device.api.get_co2_offset() except GWIOError as e: print() print("Unable to connect to device at %s: %s" % (self.ip_address, e)) except socket.timeout: print() print("Timeout. Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) else: # did we get any offset data if co2_offset_data is not None: # now format and display the data print() print("CO2 Calibration") print("%16s: %5s" % ("CO2 offset", "%2.1f" % co2_offset_data['co2'])) print("%16s: %5s" % ("PM10 offset", "%2.1f" % co2_offset_data['pm10'])) print("%16s: %5s" % ("PM2.5 offset", "%2.1f" % co2_offset_data['pm25'])) else: print() print("Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) def get_calibration(self): """Display the device calibration data. Obtain and display the calibration data from the selected device. The device IP address and port are derived (in order) as follows: 1. command line --ip-address and --port parameters 2. [GW1000] stanza in the specified config file 3. by discovery """ # wrap in a try..except in case there is an error try: # we want a GatewayDevice object but to get such an object we first # need a GatewayCollector object collector = GatewayCollector(ip_address=self.ip_address, port=self.port) # the GatewayDevice object is the collectors device property device = collector.device # identify the device being used print() print("Interrogating %s at %s:%d" % (device.model, device.ip_address.decode(), device.port)) # get the calibration data from the collector object's calibration # property calibration_data = device.calibration except GWIOError as e: print() print("Unable to connect to device at %s: %s" % (self.ip_address, e)) except socket.timeout: print() print("Timeout. Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) else: # did we get any calibration data if calibration_data is not None: # now format and display the data print() print("Calibration") print("%26s: %5.2f" % ("Irradiance gain", calibration_data['solar'])) print("%26s: %4.1f" % ("UV gain", calibration_data['uv'])) print("%26s: %4.1f" % ("Wind gain", calibration_data['wind'])) print("%26s: %4.1f %sC" % ("Inside temperature offset", calibration_data['intemp'], u'\xb0')) print("%26s: %4.1f %%" % ("Inside humidity offset", calibration_data['inhum'])) print("%26s: %4.1f %sC" % ("Outside temperature offset", calibration_data['outtemp'], u'\xb0')) print("%26s: %4.1f %%" % ("Outside humidity offset", calibration_data['outhum'])) print("%26s: %4.1f hPa" % ("Absolute pressure offset", calibration_data['abs'])) print("%26s: %4.1f hPa" % ("Relative pressure offset", calibration_data['rel'])) print("%26s: %4.1f %s" % ("Wind direction offset", calibration_data['dir'], u'\xb0')) else: print() print("Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) def get_soil_calibration(self): """Display the device soil moisture sensor calibration data. Obtain and display the soil moisture sensor calibration data from the selected device. The device IP address and port are derived (in order) as follows: 1. command line --ip-address and --port parameters 2. [GW1000] stanza in the specified config file 3. by discovery """ # wrap in a try..except in case there is an error try: # we want a GatewayDevice object but to get such an object we first # need a GatewayCollector object collector = GatewayCollector(ip_address=self.ip_address, port=self.port) # the GatewayDevice object is the collectors device property device = collector.device # identify the device being used print() print("Interrogating %s at %s:%d" % (device.model, device.ip_address.decode(), device.port)) # get the device soil_calibration property calibration_data = device.soil_calibration except GWIOError as e: print() print("Unable to connect to device at %s: %s" % (self.ip_address, e)) except socket.timeout: print() print("Timeout. Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) else: # did we get any calibration data if calibration_data is not None: # now format and display the data # first get a list of channels for which we have data, since # this is the keys to a dict we need to sort them channels = sorted(calibration_data.keys()) print() print("Soil Calibration") # iterate over each channel printing the channel data for channel in channels: channel_dict = calibration_data[channel] # the API returns channels starting at 0, but the # WSView/WSView Plus apps display channels starting at 1, # so add 1 to our channel number print(" Channel %d (%d%%)" % (channel + 1, channel_dict['humidity'])) print("%16s: %d" % ("Now AD", channel_dict['ad'])) print("%16s: %d" % ("0% AD", channel_dict['adj_min'])) print("%16s: %d" % ("100% AD", channel_dict['adj_max'])) else: print() print("Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) def get_services(self): """Display the device Weather Services settings. Obtain and display the settings for the various weather services supported by the device. the device IP address and port are derived (in order) as follows: 1. command line --ip-address and --port parameters 2. [GW1000] stanza in the specified config file 3. by discovery """ # each weather service uses different parameters so define individual # functions to print each services settings def print_ecowitt_net(data_dict=None): """Print Ecowitt.net settings.""" # do we have any settings? if data_dict is not None: # upload interval, 0 means disabled if data_dict['interval'] == 0: print("%22s: %s" % ("Upload Interval", "Upload to Ecowitt.net is disabled")) elif data_dict['interval'] > 1: print("%22s: %d minutes" % ("Upload Interval", data_dict['interval'])) else: print("%22s: %d minute" % ("Upload Interval", data_dict['interval'])) # device MAC print("%22s: %s" % ("MAC", data_dict['mac'])) def print_wunderground(data_dict=None): """Print Weather Underground settings.""" # do we have any settings? if data_dict is not None: # Station ID wu_id = data_dict['id'] if self.opts.unmask else obfuscate(data_dict['id']) print("%22s: %s" % ("Station ID", wu_id)) # Station key key = data_dict['password'] if self.opts.unmask else obfuscate(data_dict['password']) print("%22s: %s" % ("Station Key", key)) def print_weathercloud(data_dict=None): """Print Weathercloud settings.""" # do we have any settings? if data_dict is not None: # Weathercloud ID wc_id = data_dict['id'] if self.opts.unmask else obfuscate(data_dict['id']) print("%22s: %s" % ("Weathercloud ID", wc_id)) # Weathercloud key key = data_dict['key'] if self.opts.unmask else obfuscate(data_dict['key']) print("%22s: %s" % ("Weathercloud Key", key)) def print_wow(data_dict=None): """Print Weather Observations Website settings.""" # do we have any settings? if data_dict is not None: # Station ID wow_id = data_dict['id'] if self.opts.unmask else obfuscate(data_dict['id']) print("%22s: %s" % ("Station ID", wow_id)) # Station key key = data_dict['password'] if self.opts.unmask else obfuscate(data_dict['password']) print("%22s: %s" % ("Station Key", key)) def print_custom(data_dict=None): """Print Custom server settings.""" # do we have any settings? if data_dict is not None: # Is upload enabled, API specifies 1=enabled and 0=disabled, if # we have anything else use 'Unknown' if data_dict['active'] == 1: print("%22s: %s" % ("Upload", "Enabled")) elif data_dict['active'] == 0: print("%22s: %s" % ("Upload", "Disabled")) else: print("%22s: %s" % ("Upload", "Unknown")) # upload protocol, API specifies 1=wundeground and 0=ecowitt, # if we have anything else use 'Unknown' if data_dict['type'] == 0: print("%22s: %s" % ("Upload Protocol", "Ecowitt")) elif data_dict['type'] == 1: print("%22s: %s" % ("Upload Protocol", "Wunderground")) else: print("%22s: %s" % ("Upload Protocol", "Unknown")) # remote server IP address print("%22s: %s" % ("Server IP/Hostname", data_dict['server'])) # remote server path, if using wunderground protocol we have # Station ID and Station key as well if data_dict['type'] == 0: print("%22s: %s" % ("Path", data_dict['ecowitt_path'])) elif data_dict['type'] == 1: print("%22s: %s" % ("Path", data_dict['wu_path'])) custom_id = data_dict['id'] if self.opts.unmask else obfuscate(data_dict['id']) print("%22s: %s" % ("Station ID", custom_id)) key = data_dict['password'] if self.opts.unmask else obfuscate(data_dict['password']) print("%22s: %s" % ("Station Key", key)) # port print("%22s: %d" % ("Port", data_dict['port'])) # upload interval in seconds print("%22s: %d seconds" % ("Upload Interval", data_dict['interval'])) # look table of functions to use to print weather service settings print_fns = {'ecowitt_net_params': print_ecowitt_net, 'wunderground_params': print_wunderground, 'weathercloud_params': print_weathercloud, 'wow_params': print_wow, 'custom_params': print_custom} # wrap in a try..except in case there is an error try: # we want a GatewayDevice object but to get such an object we first # need a GatewayCollector object collector = GatewayCollector(ip_address=self.ip_address, port=self.port) # the GatewayDevice object is the collectors device property device = collector.device # identify the device being used print() print("Interrogating %s at %s:%d" % (device.model, device.ip_address.decode(), device.port)) # get the settings for each service know to the device, store them # in a dict keyed by the service name services_data = dict() for service in device.services: services_data[service['name']] = getattr(device, service['name']) except GWIOError as e: print() print("Unable to connect to device at %s: %s" % (self.ip_address, e)) except socket.timeout: print() print("Timeout. Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) else: # did we get any service data if len(services_data) > 0: # now format and display the data print() print("Weather Services") # iterate over the weather services we know about and call the # relevant function to print the services settings for service in device.services: print() print(" %s" % (service['long_name'],)) print_fns[service['name']](services_data[service['name']]) else: print() print("Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) def station_mac(self): """Display the device hardware MAC address. Obtain and display the hardware MAC address of the selected device. The device IP address and port are derived (in order) as follows: 1. command line --ip-address and --port parameters 2. [GW1000] stanza in the specified config file 3. by discovery """ # wrap in a try..except in case there is an error try: # we want a GatewayDevice object but to get such an object we first # need a GatewayCollector object collector = GatewayCollector(ip_address=self.ip_address, port=self.port) # the GatewayDevice object is the collectors device property device = collector.device # identify the device being used print() print("Interrogating %s at %s:%d" % (device.model, device.ip_address.decode(), device.port)) print() # get the device MAC address print(" MAC address: %s" % device.mac_address) except GWIOError as e: print() print("Unable to connect to device at %s: %s" % (self.ip_address, e)) except socket.timeout: print() print("Timeout. Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) def firmware(self): """Display device firmware details. Obtain and display the firmware version string from the selected gateway device. User is advised whether a firmware update is available or not. The device IP address and port are derived (in order) as follows: 1. command line --ip-address and --port parameters 2. [GW1000] stanza in the specified config file 3. by discovery """ # wrap in a try..except in case there is an error try: # we want a GatewayDevice object but to get such an object we first # need a GatewayCollector object collector = GatewayCollector(ip_address=self.ip_address, port=self.port) # the GatewayDevice object is the collectors device property device = collector.device # get the device model, we will use this multiple times model = device.model # identify the device being used print() print("Interrogating %s at %s:%d" % (model, device.ip_address.decode(), device.port)) print() # get the firmware version via the API print(" installed %s firmware version is %s" % (model, device.firmware_version)) ws90_fw = device.ws90_firmware_version if ws90_fw is not None: print(" installed WS90 firmware version is %s" % ws90_fw) print() fw_update_avail = device.firmware_update_avail if fw_update_avail: # we have an available firmware update # obtain the 'curr_msg' from the device HTTP API # 'get_device_info' command, this field usually contains the # firmware change details curr_msg = device.firmware_update_message # now print the firmware update details print(" a firmware update is available for this %s," % model) print(" update at http://%s or via the WSView Plus app" % (self.ip_address,)) # if we have firmware update details print them if curr_msg is not None: print() # Ecowitt have not documented the HTTP API calls so we are # not exactly sure what the 'curr_msg' field is used for, # it might be for other things as well print(" likely firmware update message:") # multi-line messages seem to have \r\n at the end of each # line, split the string so we can format it a little better if '\r\n' in curr_msg: for line in curr_msg.split('\r\n'): # print each line print(" %s" % line) else: # print as a single line print(" %s" % curr_msg) else: # we had no 'curr_msg' for one reason or another print(" no firmware update message found") elif fw_update_avail is None: # we don't know if we have an available firmware update print(" could not determine if a firmware update is available for this %s" % model) else: # there must be no available firmware update print(" the firmware is up to date for this %s" % model) except GWIOError as e: print() print("Unable to connect to device at %s: %s" % (self.ip_address, e)) print() self.device_connection_help() except socket.timeout: print() print("Timeout. Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) print() self.device_connection_help() def sensors(self): """Display the device sensor ID information. Obtain and display the sensor ID information from the selected device. The device IP address and port are derived (in order) as follows: 1. command line --ip-address and --port parameters 2. [GW1000] stanza in the specified config file 3. by discovery """ # TODO. Need to think about the object structure here as well as who does what # wrap in a try..except in case there is an error try: # we want a GatewayDevice object but to get such an object we first # need a GatewayCollector object collector = GatewayCollector(ip_address=self.ip_address, port=self.port, show_battery=self.show_battery) # the GatewayDevice object is the collectors device property device = collector.device # identify the device being used print() print("Interrogating %s at %s:%d" % (device.model, device.ip_address.decode(), device.port)) # first update the collector's sensor ID data device.api.update_sensor_id_data() except GWIOError as e: print() print("Unable to connect to device at %s: %s" % (self.ip_address, e)) print() self.device_connection_help() except socket.timeout: print() print("Timeout. Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) print() self.device_connection_help() else: # now get the sensors property from the collector sensors = collector.device.api.sensors # the sensor ID data is in the sensors data property, did # we get any sensor ID data if sensors.data is not None and len(sensors.data) > 0: # now format and display the data print() print("%-10s %s" % ("Sensor", "Status")) # iterate over each sensor for which we have data for address, sensor_data in six.iteritems(sensors.data): # the sensor id indicates whether it is disabled, attempting to # register a sensor or already registered if sensor_data['id'] == 'fffffffe': state = 'sensor is disabled' elif sensor_data['id'] == 'ffffffff': state = 'sensor is registering...' else: # the sensor is registered so we should have signal and battery # data as well battery_desc = sensors.batt_state_desc(address, sensor_data.get('battery')) battery_desc_text = " (%s)" % battery_desc if battery_desc is not None else "" battery_str = "%s%s" % (sensor_data.get('battery'), battery_desc_text) state = "sensor ID: %s signal: %s battery: %s" % (sensor_data.get('id').lstrip('0'), sensor_data.get('signal'), battery_str) # print the formatted data print("%-10s %s" % (Sensors.sensor_ids[address].get('long_name'), state)) elif len(sensors.data) == 0: print() print("Device at %s did not return any sensor data." % (self.ip_address,)) else: print() print("Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) def live_data(self): """Display the device live sensor data. Obtain and display live sensor data from the selected device. Data is presented as read from the device except for conversion to US customary or Metric units. Unit labels are included. The device IP address and port are derived (in order) as follows: 1. command line --ip-address and --port parameters 2. [GW1000] stanza in the specified config file 3. by discovery """ # wrap in a try..except in case there is an error try: # Get a GatewayCollector object, normally we would reach into a # GatewayDevice object for data but in this case the # GatewayCollector get_current_data() method can be used to # assemble all disparate pieces of data for us. collector = GatewayCollector(ip_address=self.ip_address, port=self.port, show_battery=self.show_battery) # identify the device being used print() print("Interrogating %s at %s:%d" % (collector.device.model, collector.device.ip_address.decode(), collector.device.port)) # call the GatewayCollector objects get_current_data() method to # obtain the live sensor data live_sensor_data_dict = collector.get_current_data() except GWIOError as e: print() print("Unable to connect to device at %s: %s" % (self.ip_address, e)) print() self.device_connection_help() except socket.timeout: print() print("Timeout. Device at %s did not respond." % (self.ip_address,)) print() self.device_connection_help() else: # we have a data dict to work with, but we need to format the # values and may need to convert units # the live sensor data dict is a dict of sensor values and a # timestamp only, whilst all sensor values are in MetricWX units # there is no usUnits field present. We need usUnits to do our unit # conversion so add in the usUnits field. live_sensor_data_dict['usUnits'] = weewx.METRICWX # we will use the timestamp separately so pop it from the dict and # save for later datetime = live_sensor_data_dict.pop('datetime') # extend the WeeWX obs_group_dict with our gateway # obs_group_dict, because weewx.units.obs_group_dict.extend is a # ListOfDicts we need to use .prepend since the synthetic python2 # ListOfDicts does not support .update and we want to use the # device entry should there already be an entry of the same name in # weewx.units.obs_group_dict (eg 'rain') weewx.units.obs_group_dict.prepend(DirectGateway.gw_direct_obs_group_dict) # the live data is in MetricWX units, get a suitable converter # based on our output units if self.opts.units.lower() == 'us': _unit_system = weewx.US elif self.opts.units.lower() == 'metricwx': _unit_system = weewx.METRICWX else: _unit_system = weewx.METRIC c = weewx.units.StdUnitConverters[_unit_system] # Now get a formatter, we could use the # weewx.units.default_unit_format_dict, but we need voltages # formatted to two decimal places. So take a copy of the default # unit format dict, change the 'volt' format to suit and use that. gw_unit_format_dict = dict(weewx.units.default_unit_format_dict) gw_unit_format_dict['volt'] = '%.2f' f = weewx.units.Formatter(unit_format_dict=gw_unit_format_dict, unit_label_dict=weewx.units.default_unit_label_dict) # now build a new data dict with our converted and formatted data result = {} # iterate over the fields in our original data dict for key, value in six.iteritems(live_sensor_data_dict): # we don't need usUnits in the result so skip it if key == 'usUnits': continue # get our key as a ValueTuple key_vt = weewx.units.as_value_tuple(live_sensor_data_dict, key) # now get a ValueHelper which will do the conversion and # formatting key_vh = weewx.units.ValueHelper(key_vt, formatter=f, converter=c) # and add the converted and formatted value to our dict result[key] = key_vh.toString(None_string='None') # finally, sort our dict by key and print the data print() print("Displaying data using the WeeWX %s unit group." % weewx.units.unit_nicknames.get(_unit_system)) print() print("%s live sensor data (%s): %s" % (collector.device.model, weeutil.weeutil.timestamp_to_string(datetime), weeutil.weeutil.to_sorted_string(result))) @staticmethod def discover(): """Display details of gateway devices on the local network.""" # this could take a few seconds so warn the user print() print("Discovering devices on the local network. Please wait...") # we want a GatewayDevice object but to get such an object we first # need a GatewayCollector object collector = GatewayCollector() # the GatewayDevice object is the collectors device property device = collector.device # Obtain a list of discovered devices. Would consider wrapping in a # try..except so we can catch any socket timeout exceptions but the # GatewayApi.discover() method should catch any such exceptions for us. device_list = device.discovered_devices print() if len(device_list) > 0: # we have at least one result # first sort our list by IP address sorted_list = sorted(device_list, key=itemgetter('ip_address')) # initialise a counter to count the number of valid devices found num_gw_found = 0 # iterate over the unique devices that were found for device in sorted_list: if device['ip_address'] is not None and device['port'] is not None: print("%s discovered at IP address %s on port %d" % (device['model'], device['ip_address'], device['port'])) num_gw_found += 1 else: if num_gw_found > 1: print() print("Multiple devices were found.") print("If using the gateway driver consider explicitly specifying the ") print("IP address and port of the device to be used under [GW1000] in weewx.conf.") elif num_gw_found == 0: print("No devices were discovered.") else: # we have no results print("No devices were discovered.") @staticmethod def field_map(): """Display the default field map.""" # obtain a copy of the default field map, we need a copy so we can # augment it with the battery state map field_map = dict(Gateway.default_field_map) # now add in the rain field map field_map.update(Gateway.rain_field_map) # now add in the wind field map field_map.update(Gateway.wind_field_map) # now add in the battery state field map field_map.update(Gateway.battery_field_map) # now add in the sensor signal field map field_map.update(Gateway.sensor_signal_field_map) print() print("Gateway driver/service default field map:") print("(format is WeeWX field name: gateway field name)") print() # obtain a list of naturally sorted dict keys so that, for example, # xxxxx16 appears in the correct order keys_list = natural_sort_keys(field_map) # iterate over the sorted keys and print the key and item for key in keys_list: print(" %23s: %s" % (key, field_map[key])) def driver_field_map(self): """Display the driver field map that would be used. By default, the default field map is used by the driver; however, the user may alter the field map used by the driver via the [GW1000] stanza. This method displays the actual field map that would be used by the driver. """ # this may take a moment to set up so inform the user print() print("This may take a moment...") # place an entry in the log so that if we encounter errors that are # logged we can tell they were not caused by a live WeeWX instance loginf("Obtaining a gateway driver...") # wrap in a try..except in case there is an error obtaining and # interacting with the driver try: # get a GatewayDriver object driver = GatewayDriver(**self.stn_dict) # now display the field map defined in the driver's field_map # property print() print("Gateway driver actual field map:") print("(format is WeeWX field name: gateway field name)") print() # obtain a list of naturally sorted dict keys so that, for example, # xxxxx16 appears in the correct order keys_list = natural_sort_keys(driver.field_map) # iterate over the sorted keys and print the key and item for key in keys_list: print(" %23s: %s" % (key, driver.field_map[key])) except GWIOError as e: print() print("Unable to connect to device: %s" % e) print() print("Unable to display actual driver field map") print() self.device_connection_help() except KeyboardInterrupt: # we have a keyboard interrupt so shut down if driver: driver.closePort() loginf("Finished using gateway driver") def service_field_map(self): """Display the service field map that would be used. By default, the default field map is used by the service; however, the user may alter the field map used by the service via the [GW1000] stanza. This method displays the actual field map that would be used by the service. """ # this may take a moment to set up so inform the user print() print("This may take a moment...") # place an entry in the log so that if we encounter errors that are # logged we can tell they were not caused by a live WeeWX instance loginf("Obtaining a gateway service...") # Create a dummy config so we can stand up a dummy engine with a dummy # simulator emitting arbitrary loop packets. Include the gateway # service and StdPrint. StdPrint will take care of printing our loop # packets (no StdArchive so loop packets only, no archive records) config = { 'Station': { 'station_type': 'Simulator', 'altitude': [0, 'meter'], 'latitude': 0, 'longitude': 0}, 'Simulator': { 'driver': 'weewx.drivers.simulator', 'mode': 'simulator'}, 'GW1000': {}, 'Engine': { 'Services': { 'archive_services': 'user.gw1000.GatewayService', 'report_services': 'weewx.engine.StdPrint'}}} # set the IP address and port in the dummy config config['GW1000']['ip_address'] = self.ip_address config['GW1000']['port'] = self.port # wrap in a try..except in case there is an error try: # create a dummy engine engine = weewx.engine.StdEngine(config) # Our gateway service will have been instantiated by the engine # during its startup. Whilst access to the service is not normally # required we require access here, so we can obtain some info about # the station we are using for this test. The engine does not # provide a ready means to access that gateway service, so we can # do a bit of guessing and iterate over all the engine's services # and select the one that has a 'collector' property. Unlikely to # cause a problem since there are only two services in the dummy # engine. gw_svc = None for svc in engine.service_obj: if hasattr(svc, 'collector'): gw_svc = svc if gw_svc is not None: # we have a gateway service, it's not much use, but it has the # field map we need so go ahead and display its field map print() print("Gateway service actual field map:") print("(format is WeeWX field name: gateway field name)") print() # obtain a list of naturally sorted dict keys so that, for example, # xxxxx16 appears in the correct order keys_list = natural_sort_keys(gw_svc.field_map) # iterate over the sorted keys and print the key and item for key in keys_list: print(" %23s: %s" % (key, gw_svc.field_map[key])) except GWIOError as e: print() print("Unable to connect to device: %s" % e) print() print("Unable to display actual driver field map") print() self.device_connection_help() except KeyboardInterrupt: if engine: engine.shutDown() loginf("Finished using gateway service") def test_driver(self): """Exercise the gateway driver as a driver. Exercises the gateway driver only. Loop packets, but no archive records, are emitted to the console continuously until a keyboard interrupt is received. A station config dict is coalesced from any relevant command line parameters and the config file in use with command line parameters overriding those in the config file. """ loginf("Testing gateway driver...") # set the IP address and port in the station config dict self.stn_dict['ip_address'] = self.ip_address self.stn_dict['port'] = self.port if self.opts.poll_interval: self.stn_dict['poll_interval'] = self.opts.poll_interval if self.opts.max_tries: self.stn_dict['max_tries'] = self.opts.max_tries if self.opts.retry_wait: self.stn_dict['retry_wait'] = self.opts.retry_wait # wrap in a try..except in case there is an error try: # get a GatewayDriver object driver = GatewayDriver(**self.stn_dict) # identify the device being used print() print("Interrogating %s at %s:%d" % (driver.collector.device.model, driver.collector.device.ip_address.decode(), driver.collector.device.port)) print() # continuously get loop packets and print them to screen for pkt in driver.genLoopPackets(): print(": ".join([weeutil.weeutil.timestamp_to_string(pkt['dateTime']), weeutil.weeutil.to_sorted_string(pkt)])) except GWIOError as e: print() print("Unable to connect to device: %s" % e) print() self.device_connection_help() except KeyboardInterrupt: # we have a keyboard interrupt so shut down driver.closePort() loginf("Gateway driver testing complete") def test_service(self): """Exercise the gateway driver as a service. Uses a dummy engine/simulator to generate arbitrary loop packets for augmenting. Use a 10-second loop interval so we don't get too many bare packets. """ loginf("Testing gateway service...") # Create a dummy config, so we can stand up a dummy engine with a dummy # simulator emitting arbitrary loop packets. Include the gateway # service and StdPrint. StdPrint will take care of printing our loop # packets (no StdArchive so loop packets only, no archive records) config = { 'Station': { 'station_type': 'Simulator', 'altitude': [0, 'meter'], 'latitude': 0, 'longitude': 0}, 'Simulator': { 'driver': 'weewx.drivers.simulator', 'mode': 'simulator'}, 'GW1000': {}, 'Engine': { 'Services': { 'archive_services': 'user.gw1000.GatewayService', 'report_services': 'weewx.engine.StdPrint'}}} # set the IP address and port in the dummy config config['GW1000']['ip_address'] = self.ip_address config['GW1000']['port'] = self.port # these command line options should only be added if they exist if self.opts.poll_interval: config['GW1000']['poll_interval'] = self.opts.poll_interval if self.opts.max_tries: config['GW1000']['max_tries'] = self.opts.max_tries if self.opts.retry_wait: config['GW1000']['retry_wait'] = self.opts.retry_wait # assign our dummyTemp field to a unit group so unit conversion works # properly weewx.units.obs_group_dict['dummyTemp'] = 'group_temperature' # wrap in a try..except in case there is an error try: # create a dummy engine engine = weewx.engine.StdEngine(config) # Our gateway service will have been instantiated by the engine # during its startup. Whilst access to the service is not normally # required we require access here, so we can obtain some info about # the station we are using for this test. The engine does not # provide a ready means to access that gateway service, so we can # do a bit of guessing and iterate over all the engine's services # and select the one that has a 'collector' property. Unlikely to # cause a problem since there are only two services in the dummy # engine. gw_svc = None for svc in engine.service_obj: if hasattr(svc, 'collector'): gw_svc = svc if gw_svc is not None: # identify the device being used print() print("Interrogating %s at %s:%d" % (gw_svc.collector.device.model, gw_svc.collector.device.ip_address.decode(), gw_svc.collector.device.port)) print() while True: # create an arbitrary loop packet, all it needs is a timestamp, a # defined unit system and a token obs packet = {'dateTime': int(time.time()), 'usUnits': weewx.US, 'dummyTemp': 96.3 } # send out a NEW_LOOP_PACKET event with the dummy loop packet # to trigger the gateway service to augment the loop packet engine.dispatchEvent(weewx.Event(weewx.NEW_LOOP_PACKET, packet=packet, origin='software')) # sleep for a bit to emulate the simulator time.sleep(10) except GWIOError as e: print() print("Unable to connect to device: %s" % e) print() self.device_connection_help() except KeyboardInterrupt: engine.shutDown() loginf("Gateway service testing complete") @staticmethod def device_connection_help(): """Console output help message for device connection problems.""" print(" Things to check include that the correct device IP address is being used,") print(" the device is powered on and the device is not otherwise disconnected from") print(" the local network.") # To use this driver in standalone mode for testing or development, use one of # the following api_commands (depending on your WeeWX install). For setup.py # installs use: # # $ PYTHONPATH=/home/weewx/bin python -m user.gw1000 # # or for package installs use: # # $ PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python -m user.gw1000 # # The above api_commands will display details of available command line options. # # Note. Whilst the driver may be run independently of WeeWX the driver still # requires WeeWX and it's dependencies be installed. Consequently, if # WeeWX 4.0.0 or later is installed the driver must be run under the same # Python version as WeeWX uses. This means that on some systems 'python' in the # above api_commands may need to be changed to 'python2' or 'python3'. def main(): import optparse usage = """Usage: python -m user.gw1000 --help python -m user.gw1000 --version python -m user.gw1000 --test-driver|--test-service [CONFIG_FILE|--config=CONFIG_FILE] [--ip-address=IP_ADDRESS] [--port=PORT] [--poll-interval=INTERVAL] [--max-tries=MAX_TRIES] [--retry-wait=RETRY_WAIT] [--show-all-batt] [--debug=0|1|2|3] python -m user.gw1000 --live-data [CONFIG_FILE|--config=CONFIG_FILE] [--units=us|metric|metricwx] [--ip-address=IP_ADDRESS] [--port=PORT] [--show-all-batt] [--debug=0|1|2|3] python -m user.gw1000 --default-map|--driver-map|--service-map [CONFIG_FILE|--config=CONFIG_FILE] [--debug=0|1|2|3] python -m user.gw1000 --discover [CONFIG_FILE|--config=CONFIG_FILE] [--debug=0|1|2|3]""" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option('--version', dest='version', action='store_true', help='display driver version number') parser.add_option('--discover', dest='discover', action='store_true', help='discover devices and display device IP address ' 'and port') parser.add_option('--live-data', dest='live', action='store_true', help='display device live sensor data') parser.add_option('--test-driver', dest='test_driver', action='store_true', metavar='TEST_DRIVER', help='exercise the gateway driver') parser.add_option('--test-service', dest='test_service', action='store_true', metavar='TEST_SERVICE', help='exercise the gateway service') parser.add_option('--default-map', dest='map', action='store_true', help='display the default field map') parser.add_option('--driver-map', dest='driver_map', action='store_true', help='display the field map that would be used by the gateway ' 'driver') parser.add_option('--service-map', dest='service_map', action='store_true', help='display the field map that would be used by the gateway ' 'service') parser.add_option('--ip-address', dest='ip_address', help='device IP address to use') parser.add_option('--port', dest='port', type=int, help='device port to use') parser.add_option('--poll-interval', dest='poll_interval', type=int, help='how often to poll the device API') parser.add_option('--max-tries', dest='max_tries', type=int, help='max number of attempts to contact the device') parser.add_option('--retry-wait', dest='retry_wait', type=int, help='how long to wait between attempts to contact the device') parser.add_option('--show-all-batt', dest='show_battery', action='store_true', help='show all available battery state data regardless of ' 'sensor state') parser.add_option('--unmask', dest='unmask', action='store_true', help='unmask sensitive settings') parser.add_option('--units', dest='units', metavar='UNITS', default='metric', help='unit system to use when displaying live data') parser.add_option('--config', dest='config_path', metavar='CONFIG_FILE', help="Use configuration file CONFIG_FILE.") parser.add_option('--debug', dest='debug', type=int, help='How much status to display, 0-3') (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() # display driver version number if opts.version: print("%s driver version: %s" % (DRIVER_NAME, DRIVER_VERSION)) exit(0) # get config_dict to use config_path, config_dict = weecfg.read_config(opts.config_path, args) print("Using configuration file %s" % config_path) stn_dict = config_dict.get('GW1000', {}) # set weewx.debug as necessary if opts.debug is not None: _debug = weeutil.weeutil.to_int(opts.debug) else: _debug = weeutil.weeutil.to_int(config_dict.get('debug', 0)) weewx.debug = _debug # inform the user if the debug level is 'higher' than 0 if _debug > 0: print("debug level is '%d'" % _debug) # Now we can set up the user customized logging, but we need to handle both # v3 and v4 logging. V4 logging is very easy but v3 logging requires us to # set up syslog and raise our log level based on weewx.debug try: # assume v 4 logging weeutil.logger.setup('weewx', config_dict) except AttributeError: # must be v3 logging, so first set the defaults for the system logger syslog.openlog('weewx', syslog.LOG_PID | syslog.LOG_CONS) # now raise the log level if required if weewx.debug > 0: syslog.setlogmask(syslog.LOG_UPTO(syslog.LOG_DEBUG)) # define custom unit settings used by the gateway driver define_units() # get a DirectGateway object direct_gw = DirectGateway(opts, parser, stn_dict) # now let the DirectGateway object process the options direct_gw.process_options() if __name__ == '__main__': main()