#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Small utility to detect and correct time skew of the system clock This utility can update your system time based on the Date header of an HTTP response. This is useful in cases where you need to update your time without an NTP daemon. """ import datetime import gc import socket import sys import time addr = ("", 80) """The address of the HTTP server to connect to. This can be any HTTP server as long as the server time is reasonably accurate. """ # The script will display the time skew without any arguments. If the --set # argument is passed, it sets the system time instead. _set = "--set" in sys.argv[1:] def send_request(f): """Send a HEAD request to the server. This function sends a HEAD request to the server. It uses TCP sockets instead of an HTTP library in order to minimize the number of unnecessary data. This helps reduce the data transfer and makes the timing more accurate. Parameters ---------- f : file The file object that is bound to the socket. Returns ------- None """ f.write(b"HEAD /.well-known/time HTTP/1.1\r\n") f.write(f"Host: {addr[0]}\r\n".encode("ascii")) f.write(b"User-Agent: httptime\r\n\r\n") f.flush() def parse_http_date(date): """Parse an HTTP date into a Unix timestamp. Parameters ---------- date : str The date to parse (from the HTTP header) Returns ------- float Unix timestamp of the parsed date """ fmt = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT" dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, fmt) return dt.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp() def get_time(f): """Get the current datetime from the server This function makes an HTTP request to the server, parses the date header and returns it as a timestamp. Parameters ---------- f : file The file object that is bound to the socket Returns ------- transmit : float The timestamp of when the request was sent. receive : float The timestamp of when the response was received. datetime : float The date header returned by the server parsed into a unix timestamp """ tr = time.time() send_request(f) dh = "" for line in f: line = line.strip() if line.startswith(b"Date: "): dh = line[6:].decode("ascii") # An empty line in a HEAD request means the reponse is completed. if not line: rc = time.time() return tr, rc, parse_http_date(dh) def get_skew(f, N): """Determine the time skew by making N requests to the server. Usually 4 iterations is enough for an accurate sync and anything above 8 doesn't provide extra accuracy. Parameters ---------- f : file The file object that is bound to the socket. N : int The number of requests to make. Returns ------- float The time skew in seconds. Notes ----- The `Date` header has a one second granularity, but it is possible to get more sub-second accuracy by making multiple requests and timing them correctly. The data has one-second resolution, but we can get more accuracy out of it if we can determine at which point it is 10:15:12.000 instead of just 10:15:12. The function maintains two values through the iterations, the lower bound of the time skew and the upper bound of the time skew. At the end of each iteration, we determine how much time we need to sleep in order to align ourselves better with the passing of each second on the server. The better aligned we are, the smaller the spread between the upper and lower bounds. Once the spread is small enough, or we do a certain number of iterations, we can get the mean value of the upper and lower bounds, and use that as the skew. """ lower = float("-inf") upper = float("inf") for i in range(N): transmit, receive, ts = get_time(f) _lower = (transmit - 1) - ts _upper = receive - ts rtt = receive - transmit lower = max(_lower, lower) upper = min(_upper, upper) dt = 0.5 * (lower + upper) - 0.5 * rtt if i == N - 1: return (lower + upper) * 0.5 catch_up = frac(dt - frac(time.time())) time.sleep(catch_up) def frac(n): """ Return the fractional part of a time value. Parameters ---------- n : int The time value Returns ------- int Fractional part of the time value """ n = n - int(n) if n < 0: n = 1 + n return n def set_time(skew): """Corrects the time skew by using the settime call. Parameters ---------- skew : float The time skew in seconds Returns ------- None Raises ------ PermissionError If the current user does not have permission to change the system clock. See Also -------- time.clock_settime : Sets the system time """ new_time = time.time() - skew time.clock_settime(time.CLOCK_REALTIME, new_time) if __name__ == "__main__": gc.disable() conn = socket.create_connection(addr) f = conn.makefile("rwb") skew = get_skew(f, 8) conn.close() if _set: set_time(skew) elif skew > 0: print(f"Your time is {skew} seconds ahead") else: print(f"Your time is {abs(skew)} seconds behind")