using System;
using System.Timers;
namespace WinServiceDemo.Console
/// Service manager containing service actions and managing processing.
public class ServiceManager
/// The timer interval
private static readonly double TimerInterval = 10_000; //10 seconds
/// The service timer
private Timer _timer;
/// Starts the service
public void Start()
//Initialize your service related instances here.
//Do not do it at service level otherwise ressources won't be properly disposed on stop/restart of the service.
System.Console.WriteLine("Starting service...");
//Initialize timer:
//Note: First time you have to wait for interval before first tick.
//To start quickly we set a short interval that will be overwritten on next tick.
//You could also call: Process(null, null);
_timer = new Timer(1_000);
//Set action associated to each tick
_timer.Elapsed += Process;
//Start the timer
/// Stops the service
public void Stop()
//Clean your ressources here
System.Console.WriteLine("Stopping service...");
//Stop timer
//Dereference tick action
_timer.Elapsed -= Process;
//Dispose timer
//Note: you can create a while(true) here waiting for you pending process to properly end.
//In that case, you can for example add an IsProcessing property and set while(IsProcessing) { }
//In your Process() method, set "IsProcessing = true;" at the start and "false" at the end.
//If your processes can overlap, you neet to improve this code accordingly.
/// Process action for each tick
/// The sender.
/// The instance containing the event data.
private void Process(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs eventArgs)
//Trick to avoid processes to overlap in case process duration longer than timer tick duration
//If your Process() is slow or you need exact same time between 2 starts you have to do it in another way
_timer.Enabled = false;
//Make sure there is no error thrown from the process method
//Your processing code here...
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1_000); //Simulate a 1 second operation
catch (Exception ex)
System.Console.WriteLine($"Exception: {ex.Message}");
System.Console.WriteLine("Processing... DONE!");
//If interval is different from defined interval we set it to default value.
//This is the case on Start() method, we set a small interval to tick Process() method asap.
//You can also adapt interval depending on charge (e.g. 1sec hight charge, 1min avg charge, 10mins low charge)
if (_timer.Interval != TimerInterval)
_timer.Interval = TimerInterval;
//Unpause timer, it can resume
_timer.Enabled = true;