# Useful Unicode characters for Roguelikes Right now these are just hand-picked examples that I thought others may find useful. Note that some characters look *very* different in different fonts, so you should ideally choose a font and display this file in it, or test the characters you wish to use in your target font before committing to selections. If you are viewing this on Github, check out the [raw version](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/globalcitizen/zomia/master/USEFUL-UNICODE.md) for a copy/pasteable format. [Contributions](https://github.com/globalcitizen/zomia/issues/new) and pull requests welcome. For a complete list of characters, see [the Unicode character charts](http://www.unicode.org/charts/). Note that you will need a font that covers the right characters; some options are [noto-fonts](https://github.com/googlei18n/noto-fonts) (especially unhinted __NotoSansSymbols-*.ttf__), and the [list of unicode fonts at unicode resources](http://unicode.org/resources/fonts.html). ## Items/Tiles * ❤ heart * ✓ tick * ˟/྾/ᚷ/X/x/᛭/ᝣ/ᳵ/╋/╂ /☓ cross * ☀ /☀ sun or light * ☁ cloud / gas * ★/⍟/★/☆ star * ☃ snowman * ☂ /☔ umbrella * ☯ yin-yang * ☭ sickle and hammer * ☢ radiation symbol * ☣ biohazard symbol * ☎/ϐ/☏ telephone * ζ/∞/φ/ϗ/Ҩ/ҩ/Թ/Գ/Ծ/ސ /ߝ/ߒ/ࠈ/ࠊ/ࠋ/ࠌ/ࠎ/ࡘ/ऽ/ঀ/ઽ/૭/ ଃ/ଌ/୭/ୡ/౾/ഗ/ട/ഴ/ྊ/၇/Ⴧ /ჴ/ჾ/ᔓ/ᔐ/ᔑ/ᔕ/ᘐ/ᘓ/ៜ/᪤/⏦/⑀/☡ rope * ❄/⁂/⊛ snowflake or cold * ♫ musical item * ˑ/᛫/᠂/•/․/‧/○/●/◦ pebble * ᚋ/Ϯ/ϯ/ʄ/ʇ/ʈ/ރ/ߪ/ተ/ᛶ /†/⌿/⍀/⍏/⍖/╫/╬/╪ dagger/sword/rapier/burial-marker (cross) * ʭ/ᆅ/ᆙ/ᆖ/ᆂ/ᝐ/≣/⌸/⏩/⏪/⏫/⏬ stairs/ladder * ʚ/ɷ/ώ/ϖ/ϐ/థ/ద/ధ/ౚ/ಥ/ದ/ಧ/ಹ/ ೃ/ ೖ/೨/ര/ඦ/༲/༳/༰/ᅌ/ᆼ/ᇰ/ወ/ዉ/ዐ/ዑ/ዕ/ዩ/ዾ/ፁ/ፆ/Ꭴ/Ꮄ/Ꮕ/Ꮡ/Ꮫ/ᜊ/☙ fruit * ࡔ/ȸ scissors * ࠍ/Ɂ/ʡ/ʢ/ˤ/ट/ॽ/౮/༢/ཌ/ཏ/ད/འ/၄/၃/၎/ა/Ꭾ/ᕈ/ᕋ/ᕊ/ᕍ/ᘢ/ᘣ/ᘨ/⎲/⎳ /␦ ankh/sickle * ˀ/ˁ ear * ˠ/γ wishbone * ˬ/˯/ ̮/ ͜ /ν/ں/ࠈ/ࡖ/ப/౮/པ/ဗ/ၑ/ሀ/ሁ/ህ/ሆ/᎑/ᗜ/ᘢ/ᘨ/ᘮ/ᘴ/ᙀ/ᤙ/⌴/⌵/⍫/⍱/⍽/⎵/⏘/⏷/␣/◡/☕ cup/bowl/plate * ˰/ߘ/౧/೧/೧/ന/റ/ෆ/෴ /ྊ/ၐ/ၑ/ი/ო/ለ/ላ/ጠ/ጦ /᎔/ᗰ/ᗵ/ᗶ/ᘁ/ᙀ/ᙁ/ ᤸ/∇/∆/⊽/⌂/⌓/⌒/⌢/⌣/⌳/⍙/⎖/⏜/⏶ bump/spike/mound/tooth * ̧/ ̨/ ು / ြ / ျ / ှ tails (combining) * ͡/ࠂ/ࡁ/࿄/ᇫ helmet * Ϫ/ϫ/ϔ/ϓ/ϒ/Ͳ/ͳ/փ/ץ/צ/ש/ߠ/ौ /প/শ/ଶ/ൡ/ ൢ/ ൣ/༈/༲/ᆅ /ሦ/ሟ/ም/ቧ/ተ/ቸ/ቿ/ነ/ኑ/ኖ/ኘ/ኯ/ዩ/ደ/ጉ/ግ/ጐ/ጕ/ጘ/ጙ/ጝ/ጞ/ጨ/ጫ/ጬ/ጭ /ጮ /ፑ/ᎁ/ ᎃ /᎙/Ꭸ/ᖗ/ᖘ/ᗐ/ᗯ/ᘃ/ᘉ/ᘝ/ᘞ/ᘟ/ᘠ/ᘡ/ᚠ/ᚡ/ᚴ/ᚵ/ᚶ/ᛉ/ᛘ/ᛠ/⍋/⍒/⍦/⍵/⎛ /|/⎜/⎝ /⎞/⎟/⎠/⎧ /⎫/⏃ /⏅/╭/╮/◜/◝/☘ tree/grass/foliage * π/П/п/ח/۝/۞۞ /ߛ /༓ /Ⴟ /ሰ/ስ/በ /ዘ /ዠ /ᚘ /ᢂ /ᥰ /᪣ t/⊠ a/⌺/⌻/⌼ /⏠ table/door/seat * σ/િ/ ી/ઽ/ଖ/ଟ/ ୗ /ୠ/୭/ண /ഗ/ട/ഴ/ອ/༢/༣/༩/၇/᎕/᎖ whip * Ⴡ/ᖼ/ᖿ/ᝐ flail * ψ/ѱ/Ѱ/ሐ/ሓ/ሖ/ᏹ /ᛉ/ᛘ/ᛣ/ᛦ/⍦ trident or candelebra * φ/Ϙ/ϙ/ቁ/ቂ/ቀ/ቄ/ቃ/ቅ/ቆ/ቇ/ቈ/ቊ/ቋ/ቌ/ቍ /ቘ/ቚ/ቛ/ቜ/ቝ/የ/ᛰ/⌽/⌾/⏀ fan/mirror * ϕ/ф/Փ/߉/ߐ/ࠒ/ࠓ/ཁ/ག/ཤ/ཥ/ཫ/ཀ/ቐ/ቑ/ቕ/ቖ/ቶ/ቸ/ቿ/ዟ/ᛮ/ᛳ/⍕/⎍ sign * ж/Ӂ/ӂ/Ӝ/ӝ/Ӿ/ӿ/ᚘ/ᚕ/ᚸ/ᚼ/ᛡ/ᛤ fire * Ѻ/ѻ/༓/࿃/Ꮎ/᳂/᳃/᳁ /ↀ /⌾/⍾/⎚/⏺ /○/◦/◯ /☉ pill/pressure plate/button * ༿ / ༾ / Ӿ / ӿ / ҂ / ሖ / ሐ /ሓ /ᚘ/ᚸ/ᚼ/ᚾ/ᛀ/ᛅ/ᛝ sticks * ֍/֎ /യ/࿌/࿋/࿊/ ࿆/࿃/ዎ/ዏ /ዖ/የ/ፆ/᪥/᪠ /᯽ flower * ߃/߄/ߔ/ߓ/ߥ/ߧ/ߢ/ࡃ/ࡄ/न/९/ਵ/๛ /༖/ሥ /ሥ /ቂ/ቁ/ቄ/ቃ/ቅ/ቆ/ቇ/ቈ/ቊ/ቋ/ቌ/ቍ/ቜ/ቝ /ቴ/ቶ/ዊ/ዋ/ዌ/ው /᎘/ᖴ/ᖷ/ᖶ/ᖵ/ᚗ key * ࠏ/ߜ/ߡ/ᐁ/ᐃ/മ/ᚖ/ᛜ/៙/⌔/⌬/⍚/⎐/⎒/⎚/⏢ /◆/◇/◈/◊ gem/stone/rock/diamond * ߷ /ஐ/ஜ/ణ/༜/༶/྿/࿏/჻/Ꮬ/᠅/᯽ /⁂/⌘ water foliage/lilypad/rocks * ࠂ/ࠃ/ࠓ/ᖰ/ᖳ/ᖱ/ᖲ/ᚹ hammer/axe/golf club/severed leg * ༨/ᚨ/ᚹ/ᛐ/ᛩ/ᝨ pick * ࠑ/ࠅ/ࠄ/ࠉ /༗/༰/ሥ /ሥ leaf/palm leaf * ࠎ/ࠒ/ঠ/ჹ noose/rope trap * ठ/ਠ/ਨ/ਫ/ਰ/ਲ/૪/ଇ/ଈ/ଋ/କ/ଛ/ଵ/ଲ/ର/ୠ/୪/౪/ತ/ಹ/ඉ/ཅ/ཆ/ར/ཬ/࿈/࿇/࿅/࿄/ဗ/မ/Ⴤ/ბ/გ/ჾ /ᄒ/ᄛ/ᄝ/ᄫ/ᄬ/ᅗ/ᅙ/ᇦ/ᇢ/ᇰ/ᇴ/Ꮘ/Ꮡ/ᘔ/ᘕ/ᘜ/ᚗ/ᛝ/᛭/៵/᥅/⎏/⎑ amulet/pendant * ১ steam * ୯ sling * ୰/⍻/⎳ hockey-stick * ౧ horse-shoe * ൬ /ཇ/ཟ/ᇀ comb * ඏ /ඦ plant * එ/ඒ/࿂/ᳩ /☋ bracelet * ෴ grass * ๛ /៚ shell * ༅/༄ /࿐ /࿑/࿓ /࿔/ᆻ/ᘞ/᠀/ᨐ/ᨓ /᯾/≈/≅/≊/≋/≌/⋍/⌣/⌢ wave or moving air * ༈/།/༏/༐/༑/ ྇ torch * ༕/བ/ར/ཬ/࿈/ᐁ/ᐃ/ᐅ/ᐊ/ᚣ/ᚥ knife/tooth * ༼/༽/᯿/⎬ bow * ྿/࿇/࿃/࿕/࿖/࿗/࿘/፠/።/፣/፤/፥/፦/፧/፨/᎓/᛬/᠃/᠄/᎒/Ꭽ/ᐉ/ᐈ/ᐇ/ᐆ/ᐄ/ᐋ/ᐌ/ᐍ/ᐎ/ᐏ/ᐐ/ᐑ/ᐒ/ᐓ/ᐔ/ᐕ/ᐖ/ᐗ/ᐘ/ᐙ/ᐚ/ᐛ/ᐫ/ᐬ/ᐭ/ᐮ/ᐰ/ᐲ/ᐴ/ᐵ/ᐶ/ᐷ/ᐹ/ᐺ/ᐻ/ᐼ/ᐽ/ᐾ/ᐿ/ᑀ/ᑁ/ᑂ/ᑃ/ᑄ/ᑅ/ᑆ/ᑇ/ᑈ/ᑑ/ᑒ/ᑓ/ᑔ/ᑖ/ᑗ/ᑘ/ᙇ/ᙌ/ᙹ /ᛥ/ᛯ/᠁ /ᢆ /ᨁ/ ᨃ/ ᨋ /᯼ /᳀/᳁ /᳄ /※/⁜/⌯/⎊/⑇ magic markings * ࿉/࿃/࿁/࿀/ဓ/ဗ/ဝ/ၐ/ၑ/ᅌ/ᆼ/ዐ/ፀ/Ꮂ/Ꮻ/ᝪ/៙/០/៰/᠐/ ᤱ/᥆/ᦞ/ ᦲ/᧐/᮰/ ᯪ/ᯣ /ᯆ /᱀ /᱐/ᱛ/᳁/᳂/᳃/⊙/⊚/⌾/⍬/⎊/◉/○/☉ egg/eyeball * ࿅/Ꮖ/‡/⌶/⌷/⍭/⍿/⎎/⎰/⏐/⏦/┋/┊/☍ scepter/scroll * ࿄ bell * ᆷ/ፀ/∎/⊠/⊡/⌧ /⌷/⌸/⌺/⌻/⌼/⎕/⏣/⏹/▀/▁/▂/▃/▄/▅/▆/▇/█/▉/▊/▋/▌/▍/▎/▏/▐/▖/▗/■/□/▢/▣/▥/▧/▨/▩/▪/▫/▬/▭/▮/▯/◘/◻/◽/◾/☐/☒ box/pressure plate/paving stone * ወ/ው/Ꮗ /ᚑ/ↈ /ↀ /ↂ gourd/glasses * ᎘/ᘢ ladel * Ꭳ/ᛍ potion * Ꮸ boxing gloves/button * ᖻ/ᖸ scythe * ᗝ/ᗞ/ᗟ/ᗠ/ᗡ/ᗺ/ᗷ/ᗸ/ᗹ/⌦/⌫ /▪/▫/▮/▯/◖/◗ bullet/shield * ᗢ/ᗣ/ᗤ/ᗥ/ᗦ/ᗧ bomb/bullet/shield * ⌢/⏞/⏜/⏠ shield * ᘲ/ᘱ/ᘰ/ᘳ severed or sleeping heads * ᚏ /┋/┊ fence * ᚙ/≣/⌗/#/░/▒/▓/▤/▦/◍/◎/●/◯ grate/grill/trapdoor/manhole * ᛃ footprints * ᛍ lightbulb * ᛙ/ᛳ pole * ᛪ/⎌ cable / nunchucks * ᝤ corkscrew * ᪭ ring * ⌂/⏏/☖/☗ house * ⌕ magnifying glass * ⌛ /⏳ hourglass * ⌭ barrel/pipe/spinning thing * ⌮ prism * ⌲ paper plane * ⌶ steel beam * ⌸/▤/⌹/⌺/⌻/⌼/◫ filing cabinet/chest of drawers * ⍓/⍔ envelope * ⍲/⏶/∆/⍙/⏶/▲/△/▴/▵/◬ mountain / pyramid-like object / tooth * ⍾ mushroom * ⎅ /⏍ /⏥ /◫ book/notepad * ⎈ ship wheel / spider web * ⎔ hexagonal items / paving stone / trapdoor * ⏅ sailing boat * ⏠ pressure plate/platform/button * ⏢ /☖/☗ obelisk / rock / trapezoidal item * ⏥ /▰/▱ obelisk / rock / box / quadrilateral item * ⏰ /⏱ /⏲ /⏳ clock / stopwatch / hourglass * ␥/⑉/⑊ arrows or other ammunition / mark / sheen * ⑇ deck of cards * ◎ /●/○/◐/◑/◒/◓/◔/◕/◖/◗/◭/◮/◯ /◴/◵/◶/◷ phases of the moon or sun / time of day / dates * ◎ eclipse * ◘ can or tin (vertically elongated in good fonts) * ☊ headphones * ☋ jumper-leads * ☐/☑/☒ user interface checkboxes * ☕ coffee * ☠ grave or place of death ## Monsters * ♞/୩/ዅ/ዀ/ዂ/ዄ/ዃ horse or equine-like creature * ς/§/˷/Ϟ/ϟ/Ϛ/ϛ/ϱ/Ҩ/ҩ/Ԇ/ԇ/Ԅ/ԅ/Լ/Ժ/շ/չ/ջ/ן/פ/ک/ڪ/ګ/ޱ /߆/ࡂ/ࡘ/ऽ/ઽ/૭/ଌ/ୡ/உ/ల/ఽ/౨/౽/౾/ಇ/ಌ/ಒ/ಓ/ಖ/ಬ/೩/೭/ ೢ/೭/ട/ള/ശ/ ൂ / ൄ /ർ/ൽ/ൾ/උ/ඞ/ຂ/ຊ/ທ/ຣ/ວ/ຮ/ໆ/Ⴧ /ჳ/ჴ/ነ/ፄ/ᔓ/ᔐ/ᔑ/ᔕ/ᝐ/ៜ/⑀/☡ snake * ¤ currency sign * ¡/༏/། thin bipedal creature with a head * ¨/̈/࠲/᠃/ ಼ /༞/༟/ᄈ/ᅘ/ᇮ/ᛔ/⑅/⑆ floating eyeballs/invisible person * ʘ/Ο/ο/Ө/ө/॰/ ཾ/ॱ/୦/೦/ဝ/௦/ᛜ/᛫/ɵ/ߋ/៙/θ/Θ/°/̊/̐Ѳ/Ꮻ/ѳ/ఠ/ర/౦/ಂ/ಠ/ರ/೦/ ം/ഠ/ ං/๐/࿁/࿀/ဈ/ჿ /Ꮎ/ᗎ/⍛/⍜/⍬/☉ floating eye * ï/ї/࠸/࠹/⍡/⍨/⍩ thin bipedal creature with two eyes * ö/ӧ/Ӧ/Ӟ/ӟ/Ӫ/ӫ/࠵/⍢/⍣/⍤/⍥ creature with open mouth and two eyes * ŏ/Ǯ/ǯ/Š/š/Ѯ/ѯ/ൠ horned creatures * ീ / ിീ /ഽ/ʃ/ƪ/ʆ/ʅ/൳/ฯ/ๆ/ๅ/ไ/ใ/โ/เ/ຯ/າ/ໃ/ໂ/ໄ/འ/ነ/᎗/ᘃ/ᘉ/⑀ snake-like creature or staff * Ȏ/ȏ/ȋ/Ȋ creature with hat/halo/helmet * Ȫ/ȫ creature with open mouth * Ћ quadrupedal being * ࠺ two people sleeping * ঌ/డ/ఢ/ಎ/ಏ/ െ/൧/൫/๘/๔ squirrel/rodent * ନ/ଳ/ළ monkey/tailed-quadruped * Ꭷ/൭/ര/ശ/ᘒ tadpole * ཽ birds * ོ/ྋ bird * ጁ/ጂ/ጃ/ጄ/ጅ/ጆ/ጰ/ጳ/ጵ/ጶ/ጷ/ጸ/ጻ/ጾ/ጿ bipedal humanoids * ጱ/ጲ/ጴ/ጹ/ጺ/ጼ bipedal humanoids with tails * ᗾ/ᗽ/ᗿ/ᘀ butterfly/sack * ᜈ nintendo-style carnivorous flower * ⌤ frowny monster * ⌭ top-down bipedal creature * ⍾ mushroom or non-armed bipedal creature * ⏇ legless creature * ⏈ headless creature * ⏧ spider or generic bipedal creature * Ⓐ -Ⓩ / ⓐ-ⓩ / ⓪-⑳ / ⑴-⒇ / ⒈-⒛ / ⒜-⒵ / ⓿-⓴ generic markings * ☃ snowman * ☄ squid-like organisms * ☝/☟ severed hand * ☠ death-related spirit * ☣ poisonous creature